#also like. i don't wanna yuck anyone's yum
forcebookish · 5 months
if arkarm were really both supposed to be gay for you then why was arm made admin of a Hot Boy facebook page in the first place? shouldn't he just be gay from the start? sus writing choice tbh
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herlittlel0ve · 1 year
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cat-of-starlight · 4 months
I finally found someone else that feels the same way about Jace that I do! I don't want to yuck on anyone's yum but, like, he deserves better than what so much of the fandom had done and I just... ugh...
It makes me so sad that a LOT of content I've seen so far has either been "welp lmao he's just evil too and has been since the beginning" or "teehee lmao, twink man fell for the bad guy and does whatever he wants him to <3" When like. Deadass there's the threat of Porter going "I killed you once and I'd do it again" + the whole thing about the shatterstar fully meaning that the person it happened to was subjected to the ritual UNWILLINGLY-
And!! He's so nice in Season 1!! He deserved SO MUCH!! I about screamed in my rewatch of Sophomore Year because he was the Bad Kids' (specifically Fig's) FIRST CHOICE on what hireling they should take with them- If that happened, we could have fully avoided him being on the other adventure happening at about the same time/being killed-
His only crime is trying to be friendly to his coworkers (even when they're creepy as fuck), being at the wrong place at the wrong time, and potentially failing a few saving throws as his ass got killed/rezzed against his will
But yea, its nice to see other people who agree! When the episodes first came out, a majority of the posts about him were basically "Part of the group of terrible adults who were abusing children", "lmao look at this stupid loser idiot who can't do anything", or both simultaneously ;;
Which,,, is disheartening considering that his vibes fully brought me out of my artblock, and I've been drawing him constantly like some sort of unhinged maniac- (I deadass haven't drawn at ALL this year until like. last week (because new tablet)- and out of 8 drawings that I've actually finished, he has been the focus of half of them)
Also- idk- he especially vibes hard to me because, despite some people ragging on Sorcerers, as a neurodivergent person who just. learns Differently™️ than other people, I just relate to the vibes of Sorcerers more lmao- also it makes it just. a touch uncomfortable when people word it as "lmao, they're just dumb/lazy, and don't wanna open a book to actually learn REAL spells" because it sounds a LITTLE too similar to shit I've been told irl :,D
So yea- All of those feelings of "Cool Character w/ Untapped Tragic Circumstances" + Feelings I have about that class in particular- combined in a Perfect Storm to create a character who lives in m head Rent Free and probably won't leave my head for a WHILE
He's my perfect blorbo and he deserves SO much more than he got <3 <3 <3
,,,,and you know what,,, maybe seeing more positive posts about him (+ Receiving this ask lmao),,,, may be the motivation I need to make me post the pics of him that's been sitting in my art folder,,,,,,
(PS: The fics slap so hard and you are SO VALID for That Ship™️™️ being shown as a Horrific and Toxic thing because. yea. Send help for he- he needs better partners fr ouuughhhhh(I'd Comment on the actual ones themselves because I know that helps, but the site hates me and refuses to let me have proper accounts/access- I am in shambles))
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Cu alter for the headcanon ask!
sexuality headcanon: as he is cu chulainn, he is inescapably bi
gender headcanon: mostly i just see him as a cis dude who likes to dress in GNC clothing sometimes, but i fuck with trans headcanons for him too
a ship i have with said character: i like him with diarmuid and while i could probably write an entire manifesto about why at this point here and now i am choosing to be normal instead
a BROTP i have with said character: so many but today i'm picking arjuna alter, his drinking buddy who is also doing his best to learn how to be a person again
a NOTP i have with said character: cumedb (sorry i feel really controversial saying that and i don't wanna yuck anyone's yum but i Really Don't Like It)
a random headcanon: he doesn't usually like it if someone touches his tail. if you ask him to play any sort of game with you he'll call it pointless, etc. at first but if you can persuade him to do it anyway he'll take it more seriously than anyone in the room even if it's just like mario kart or whatever. he'll lie to get out of situations but doesn't really care if the lie is actually believable or not. he's a good listener.
general opinion over said character: he's a complete fucking disaster and i love him. i think the way that he's written as a being who is made up half of a role that was imposed on him by someone else and half of his truer self and who exists in a perpetual struggle to reconcile these two contradictory sides is deeply interesting precisely because you do have to pay close attention to everything that he says and does and the contradictions between the two in order to get what's going on with him - which is something incredibly messy and weird, not to mention tragic. and it's unfortunate how few people seem interested in actually reading the things he's appeared in and making a thorough effort to correctly interpret them in favor of taking things he's said and done out of context, misinterpreting those, and reducing him to those interpretations instead. he'd fucking die for you and i think he deserves better than he gets both in-world and on a meta level.
@otaku-tactician tagging since you asked for him too - thanks!
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moku-youbi · 11 months
Do you do ABO verse? or would that be something your interested in?
So, as a general rule I'm not a big fan of ABO. I find a lot of it really reductive. I don't wanna yuck other people's yum, but I also hate the way it perpetuates a binary and reinforces gender stereotypes that I'm not a fan of.
However, all that being said, I've come across some really great ABO fics that play with all that stuff in a really satisfying way. I tried my hand at one a million years ago, but never got very far in it sadly.
I guess part of the problem at least is that, when we're talking about queer men, it would make more sense for two Alphas or two Omegas to be in love, regardless of their secondary sexual characteristics. So generally, I think that's the route I'd like to explore.
With Klive, specifically, I've had a couple of thoughts, NGL. Primarily an Alpha/Alpha or Omega/Omega situation. But I also thought it could be really interesting to explore what might be the reasons a person presents as an Alpha or an Omega. You know, with such radically different pseudo-science explanations/lore floating around, how some suggest that the body undergoes an actual physical transformation at a certain age, and before then has the potential to be either, and therefore outside influences or stressors could impact which way it goes. While it might not be common, one of the factors could have to do with finding your soulmate before either of you have presented. In which case the dynamic you have might inform which of you presents as which.
So Klaus and Five are childhood sweethearts, and everyone just knows Five's going to turn out to be the alpha, and Klaus the omega, just based on their personalities and preferences and physical attributes. Except then Five disappears. Five still becomes an alpha in the apocalypse, but in his absence, I had this idea that maybe Klaus becomes an alpha, as a way of coping. That without Five, his body just wasn't willing to make itself vulnerable in yet another way. Then, Five comes back in his younger body, and is surprised and maybe a little disappointed that Klaus is an alpha too. Except then when he starts to go through the whole presenting a second time, his body responds to the fact that Klaus is his soulmate, so he presents as an omega.
I think it could be a lot of fun to explore the difference in experience from the first time around. How maybe he's uncertain or even upset about it at first, but eventually comes to find that actually? And how alpha/omega isn't this black and white thing, how many of the traits that are associated with one or the other don't actually have anything to do with the secondary sex. Five is still a crazy, feral little psycho if you threaten his family. Klaus is still all hippie, peace and love. But Klaus will fuck up anyone who hurts the people he loves, and Five gets to be soft and enjoy Klaus taking care of him.
IDK. I don't know if I'll ever get around to it, with the long list of fics I'm already actively working on or thinking about. I will say that Klaus in general gives me gender feels, and in my Danger Days AU he has both sets of parts, male and female. And while I often feel like Always the Opposite Gender fics don't work because of how people are socialised, I do think that the Umbrella kids present a unique opportunity, where the circumstances around their upbringing wouldn't have really changed, and the didn't spend enough time around people outside of the manor to get that socialisation, so AAG!Klaus or AAG!Five are also pretty plausible, and in particular I think it could be really fucking cool to see how AAG!Five might do in the real world, after living in the manor and then the apocalypse, and how being treated at all like she's lesser than or incapable might set her off on a murderous frenzy. Because she'd be the exact same Five we know, just different pronouns.
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vortship · 1 year
🔥 gimme uhhhhh a spicy OC-based take
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion.
I never wanna be the one to stifle anyone's creativity, or yuck anyone's yum, as it were. I think there's always a way to make something work. THAT SAID. Something I see that I don't like is when it seems like an OC is created for the sole purpose of winning fights than from a place of wanting to make an engaging character. This isn't to say it's wrong for a character to be powerful, or even that it's wrong for your character to win most fights.
What I'm saying is making a character from a place of RP being a competition rather than a collaborative effort always irks me. I think it is possible to make an OC from a place of hostility without realizing it. It's a way of RPing you come across a lot from people without a whole lot of experience. It also leads to BRAWLS ooc over who should have won what fight, who's character was in the right in what situation, etc. Especially when you get more than one of those OCs in the same game, it's kind of a nightmare. I almost consider these less characters and more avenues for the writer to feel kinda cool.
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shaanks · 2 years
Zoro and Sanji for the ask game <3
You are a wonder and a dear, thank you for this <3
1: sexuality headcanon
Zoro: I think Zoro is like. THE posterboy for demisexual. demisexual, demiromantic, the whole thing, I don't think gender makes much of a difference to him in terms of attraction but he's gotta know you and trust you, he's gotta be invested first or he just doesn't think of folks that way.
Sanji: the ultimate bisexual disaster case. He and Ace and Shanks all attend the same "gorgeous pitiful bisexual disaster" support group, as a small aside.
2: otp
other than x me...
Zoro: I think probably ZoLu or ZoSan, tho likely leaning more in the direction of Luffy based solely on ration of Fics I Have Chosen to Read lmao. There is just something about the way they met and it took Zoro exactly 24 business hours to be like "my life and my sword for your cause," the way they just. get each other, half the time without even needing to speak, the softness and solidarity of it all. Just gets me, ya know.
Sanji: SanLu or ZoSan (are you sensing a pattern lmfao). In general maaaybe SanLu bc like. I think Sanji is very much inside himself about his own worth and place in the world, and Luffy is like. Relentless (as he is with everyone he loves and cares for) about reaching down into that pit and pulling Sanji out into the sun over and over again and there's just smth really lovely about that. Monster Trio OT3 is lovely soft times I feel.
3: brotp
Zoro: Chopper oh my god. He's the lil dude's big brother, his dad, his bestie, please listen to me every MOMENT of their interactions breathes new life into my rotten dusty soul. Also Nami, they met and were like "ah. my long lost sibling. what if I killed you" and have such a wonderful dynamic.
Sanji: Chopper also, tho not quite to the degree that Zoro is. Also, altho probably a controversial opinion, I really like his relationship with Robin. I don't wanna spoil anything (in case you or anyone reading is watching/gonna watch) but there's a particular arc in which the only person more relentless than he is about bringing her home is Luffy, like. I think he's a wonderful sweet boy all around but smth about his gentleness with Robin really warms my heart.
4: notp
Zoro: Nami, they are just. SO so sibling coded to me like. Perona for the same reason tbph, they're Mihawk's adopted goth siblings and I can't really extricate that from my brain. Mihawk. For that matter. That's basically his dad. (Not yucking anyone's yum idc what other people ship tbph but I don't like these ones personally)
Sanji: I've just sat here staring into space for like five minutes trying to think of smth. I haven't seen much of anything for him that really yucks me out (unless I'm just blanking which like. happens. I have the brain of a 90 year old), but I guess like. Not notp-levels exactly but I don't really get SanUsopp or SanLaw? The latter might just be a "wait til you get to Wano" situation like so many other things, but yeah.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Zoro: saw a post a while back that was someone's headcanon about Zoro lending out his earrings to his crewmates for like. especially dangerous missions, or to give them a lil confidence boost, or as a promise that he would make it back from something scary, and that's stuck in my brain so hard its basically canon for me, so yeah.
Sanji: I think he's basically a nutritionist in everything but paper certification, above and beyond just making sure his crew is fed and goes to bed with full tummies he is SO dialed in to what they like and what their systems are sensitive to and what they need for training/devil fruit powers/etc like. It's not just "here I have made this hearty delicious meal that covers all the food groups" he makes a bunch of different meals catered to everyone's needs, he gets it.
6: favorite line from this character
Zoro: "That's what it means to be Captain, isn't it. Don't lose yourself. If you waver, who can we trust?"
Sanji: "Leave this guy's key to me, I'll do what you cant do; you do what I can't do. Think carefully! Read the situation. If you're here, there's got to be a way Robin-chan can be saved! Usopp!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Zoro: TERMINAL sleepyhead disorder. Tired all the time, sleeping in the background of every scene.
Sanji: I'm capable and competent while simultaneously having no sense of self-worth whatsoever. ya know.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
Zoro: Where!!! Is he ever going??? He gets lost while MAKING EYE CONTACT WITH THE SHIP. MULTIPLE TIMES. Babygirl beloved I'm BEGGING you rn...
Sanji: I mean. I'm just gonna say Fishman Island and leave it at that. (They brought him back from the timeskip a completely different person and I'm STILL waiting for him to return from the war...)
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
They're BOTH cinnamon rolls in my heart, but I am aware like. Sanji technically falls into the problematic fave category for like. myriad reasons.
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shopcat · 2 years
the whole famous rockstar eddie thing is so exhausting to me now i literally have it filtered. i just cannot buy it. also at least lemonade mouth had them all be ridiculously talented - they show every member sing and play at least one instrument plus they had multiple songwriters i think. i have seen no such proof when it comes to c*rroded coffin and i do not care about the other boys in that band. i do not get the attachment some ppl have those boys are glorified extras.
i re-sent this with a little censor 2 be careful cuz i don't wanna yuck anyone's yums and i know it's all weirdly popular WHICH IS HALF THE PROBLEM...😭😭 also lemonade mouth was so awesome this is quickly becoming a lemonade mouth tangent. anyway LIKE YEAH i get it and it's fun to indulge in eddie being a hot rockstar i suppose and i've seen nice fanart and such.. but why would their highschool band suddenly #make it why would their highschool band go on TOUR.. who would this actually happen to...... also eddie is a loser and that's why i like him -_- i think ppl associate popularity and success with competency or like, passion and think he can't be good at what he does and be largely unacknowledged by the world at large for it but still content + satisfied... i don't think eddie would even enjoy being "famous" especially right after being INFAMOUS but he never even gave the vibe that he WANTED to be some sort of Rockstar to me.. hrm... like no one ~deserves to be famous no one deserves Success in this specific way just because it's like, validating? satisfying? your own love for the character so u want everyone to love him cuz he deserves to be acknowledged for his talents n stuff but everyone can love him and he doesn't have to have his gay little ass on billboards for it to be still true :)
also in a real way and what the #core of this is its so frustrating that people will fixate on these random side characters who each had like one or two lines and usually i'm like all FOR expanding on backstory to give complexity and w/e especially bc w/eddie we don't really have anything else!! but it just doesn't sit right with me that it's FAR more likely in my exp that someone will stan G/ARETH over like... lucas?! max?! any of the actual mile long cast list of main characters who deserve the depth and love you are giving to random extra #19 😭 i don't even think they all have NAMES and they definitely don't have like, last names. i think you need a last name to be a real boy. idk i'm just tired of it i also think eddie's most important relationship should be wayne first and foremost.
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The Fucking Acceptance That Mediocrity Is The Most To Which I Could Ever Aspire - It Was The Highest Level I Could Ever Reach
Nothing ever changes; it's the same every bleeding day. --Leah, "Beautiful Thing," 1996
First of all, that movie, which once gave me so much hope and inspired me, is 26 goddamned years old. I have more years as a reached-the-age-of-majority person than as being minor.
Frankly, that is uncalled for and superbly disrespectful!
This week I turned 40. I spent the day working (translating a clinical assessment tool that is really just a semi-structured interview to help clinicians measure adaptive behavior for peeps with intellectual and developmental disabilities/delays and autism). Yes. I realize I just wrote peeps unironically and as though it is the appropriate language register for the type of document I translated. It isn't. I recognize that fully. Though I have the literal and achievable ability to grasp my wireless mouse, double click, and start writing a more appropriate word like "people" or "individuals," I'm not going to do that. I don't wanna.
Anyway, I got a few text messages on my birthday. One call. The caller has an ulterior motive, and frankly, I don't trust her when she speaks b/c she is very often convinced of the lies that flow from her mouth like sewage flows into the ocean from the City of Angels. Even if an angel shits on you, you still get shit on. I can't imagine that would evoke any feelings of astounding pleasure. Unless, of course, shit is your thing. If it is, then, by all means, swim in shit. Who am I to yuck somebody's yum? I don't have to go swim in the shit. Of course, living with a swimming-in-shit-makes-me-feel-human type might have secondary or tertiary effects of which I cannot claim any awareness or knowledge, nor do I desire to gain either.
I understand people are busy. The last few close relationships I have are but friendships or familial in nature. All platonic (of course, the familial ones are platonic! I am not living a DadCreep or TeamSkeet kind of life). I am not a major priority - or a priority at all - in anyone's life. That has never been a thing. It probably won't ever be a thing. Looking at it rationally and with some logic, this makes complete sense. Barely more than an insufferable faggot with a superiority and righteousness complex, it is amazing that anyone talks to me ever. Coupled with my did-not-even-get-nominated personality, I have the body shape of a cunting Pop-Tart®, and hair has started to grow out of my ears and nose. You could also braid my back, butt, and brow hair, as well. Suffice it to say, no one is getting hard-on or feelings of amour or excitement when it comes to me.
The fact of the matter is I am viciously realizing and simultaneously coming to grips with the fact that all of the self-help-magical-thinking-change-your-perspective-avoidant bullshit I have been trying to make change my life over the past TEN YEARS is never going to do anything but delay the necessary acceptance of the fact that I am not now, was not ever, and never will be anything spectacular. For the past week, this frantic invasion of the facts into my conscience has left me snarling my face into a one of disgust, disdain, and disgraceful judgment the way one might do when their nostrils are assaulted by the odor of ripe genital discharges that have gone unaddressed and been left to mix with the dead skin cells that flake off of the body when they are no longer useful.
I am also bipolar. I might be hypomanic right now.
I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder in 2019. That seemed like a bunch of bullshit. Fast forward to 2020, right before the lockdowns started, I had been awake for about two days working and coming up with a slew of "great ideas" that tend to manifest themselves when I am bipolaring unchecked, and one of them was to drive drunk. That was not a good idea, and I went to jail. After a year of court, I was found guilty, because I was fucking drunk despite the fact I was so manic that I did not feel drunk. You could not have convinced me I was drunk until I got the blood-alcohol levels back. I was, in fact and without a doubt, drunk. Now, I have six weeks left on my year's worth of probation. I haven't had a drink in almost two years.
Being manic is better than being depressed, though. Not drinking really has been a good decision since I cycle much less frequently than before. I do not dream and fantasize about dying as much. Now the depression is just a few days of constant, dull-numb pain that makes my whole body feel like it is throbbing in time with my heartbeat. In those times of depression, I just hope that I go to sleep and never wake up. So, an improvement from what it used to be like.
After the past two years, I cannot rationally (or with any of my liberal senses) fantasize that I could ever be seen as something grand or worthwhile. Once when I apologized to a former friend for being terse with him, his response was Я сам не подарок (I'm not a gift myself). If only I had been committed to that reality about myself all those years ago, I might have been able to accept my common-ass mediocre self and saved some time doing mental gymnastics.
I'm not mad.
I'm not sad.
I am mediocre.
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tunasundays · 6 months
Sunday April 7
hehe hi,
I recently rewatched Mtvs Awkward and remembered how much I loved having a little blog when I was 13. I got lonely tonight and had so many thoughts and I was distraught when I have no one to throw my thoughts at. So here I am typing to the void of the internet. This little blog is just gonna be a collection of thoughts classic diary style! I just wanna be able to post little entries of the different thoughts. I know it must be somewhat of a common experience for us ex Tumblr girlies that miss that random connection with people you don't know that have the same interest as you. I also just have so many fun sexy stories to tell and no one to tell them too.
lets dive in
starting with music
I am listening to The Last Dinner Party and I just am feeling the energy I felt when I watched YellowJackets. Is this a shared experience??? dying to know.I just listened to the Prelude to Ecstasy I really enjoyed it and will have more thoughts once I give it a second listen through. I yearn to have friends who watch and listen to the exact things I listen to. I want to be able to discuss these things! -- Chappell Roan is my everything and I just can not stop listening to her. I adore what she has to offer to the world of pop.-- I just now realized how much Luke Bryan I listened to in my first country phase. Like DAmn this man had a lot of bangers on the Crash My Party Album.
Lets talk tv bitches
the invincible season final had me gagged. I couldn't speak and that is rare for me. I am a chatter box but I did not have words! wow! from what I have been reading on twitter I should read the comic for all the extra context and action. I am very excited for the next season and hope it comes at least in the next year.
The Real shit
Fuck y'all. I finally got out of the two month long hookup drought. y'all I am baffled by the audacity of men. I am aware its not too surprising but god damnit!!!!!!!! This was supposed to be my redemption arc but I am very discouraged. Over the weekend I had two suitors (both from the dating apps) boy #1 had the stamina of a fucking horse on steroids. that being said there was no foreplay! but I was touch starved that I didn't give a fuck! lmao. so we go FOUR rounds. He gets off every time and I got off slightly once.The whole experience was just not uncomfortable in a non consent way but in a way it was just not my cup of tea. I am down to try everything once and this showed me I don't love or hate my toes being sucked on. wtf! I am a socks during sex type of girly and it kinda through me off guard but it wasn't the craziest part of this experience. This man fully used his jizz as a massage oil on my back and I was so taken a back! he asked me "has anyone ever done that before" my befuddled self just said No?!?! lmao! its so silly I wasn't that grossed out by it I was planning on taking a shower after he left but like what? I'm not gonna yuck someones yum but I didn't know that was a thing???? Okay boy #2 we have been talking on the snapchat for a while and went for drinks awhile back. The talks over snap have gotten spicy a couple times and we were both pretty excited to get together in person. I was excited because this man talked up his game in a very believable and respectable way. It was SO awkward and I know I am a silly person but usually I can keep a conversation going. That was not the case. So at a very random point in conversation he kisses me and It was just not good and that's a terrible start! like whaaaaaat where are your lips! You are just giving me your tongue and do not get me wrong I love a good French kiss but let me feel your lips first! so things start and I end up getting this man off two times in 15 minutes at the most. the entire experience from kissing to his double completion was 25 minutes. Which would be fine if he would of taken the time to get me off like he said he would in these past two weeks of snapchat. He is now distant and I have a feeling its because he knows he didn't provide anything exciting for me. Dating is so damn hard. The thing is I don't even want a boyfriend. I could be a perfect FWB for some very lucky attractive sex god but I can't find him!! I stupidly thought moving to the big apple would provide a better pond but damn its just not going well. That being said I'm gonna keep on trying for the plot because although its bad sex its funny stories. one day I will find a sexy person to have fun casual sex with on a regular basis. that's not too much too ask for! this is getting messy lmao its late I'm wine tipsy. haha goodnight whores xox
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coolspacequips · 4 years
Been so long since I've seen some homophobic violently abusive McClain family bullshit and the streak is finally... broken
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outworldgay · 4 years
Kano NSFW headcannons please (I know some people are iffy about him so it's okay if you don't wanna)
I’m not here to yuck anyone’s yum so my own dislike of a character won’t stop me from indulging yall.
cw for sex under the cut
Kano is a busy man, so he can’t exactly afford to be very picky when it comes to sex. He takes what he can get, where he can get it. All that to say sexual encounters with Kano tend to be casual but enjoyable nonetheless.
Sure Kano has got a vulgar way about him, but he’s surprisingly good at sweet talking you during foreplay. He knows all the right things to say to make you blush. It’s when you start to get down and dirty that the real filth starts flying out of him mouth, more on that later.
He loves a bit of a show so he’ll often encourage you to strip tease for him. He won’t shy away from thinking out loud about how sexy you are to him, unabashedly rubbing himself through his pants in the process.
While it’s not a necessity, Kano likes to have a little booze in you both before having sex; not enough for either of you to be debilitated, but just enough of a sensual buzz that has you both in a very giggly, bubbly mood.
Kano and dirty talk basically go hand in hand. That man has the filthiest of mouths and he is not shy about it. If you’re okay with it he’ll call you every name in the book. Now just because he calls you rude names doesn’t mean he thinks less of you. You’re not just any whore, you’re his whore.
Kano will always be in for a good blowjob. If you let him he’ll gladly just face fuck you, holding you firmly by the hair as he thrusts into you. He loves the sound of you gagging on his cock. This is when the dirty talk really comes out.
Kano isn’t exactly the most selfless of lovers, but it’s pretty easy to turn the tides in your favor if you need to. If you’re straightforward about being unsatisfied in a rather dry cut manner, you can basically shame him into doing better job. Speaking of shame…
Putting Kano in his place goes a long way as he has a bit of a humiliation kink. Call him disgusting, desperate, dirty etc and he eats that shit up.  It’s a sure fire way of getting him on his knees to service you. He likes being able to earn his right to cum.
I hope you like sloppy oral because he’s the king of it. He’s not one to hold back and almost immediately will dig his face right in between your legs when the time comes for it. He loves feeling you frantically squirm under him and will be sure to hold you down in place for his own enjoyment.
As a top his favorite position is having you ride his lap. He loves watching you bounce on him and put the work into satisfying him. He also really enjoys doggy style if he’s in a more impatient mood. He’ll just grab a hold your hip, his other hand pushing your head against the mattress, as he just relentlessly pounds into you.
As a bottom Kano prefers a bit of doggy as well. It pairs well with his humiliation kink as just hearing you berate him as you go to town on him from behind never fails to send him into a frenzy.
You tell when he’s close when the dirty talk slowly diminishes and gets replaced with guttural growls as he desperately seeks his end. He prefers to cum on your face or chest. He might even snap a picture of you if you let him. He loves his souvenirs.
Surprisingly into cuddling? He won’t really ask, but when you suddenly find yourself in the warm embrace of a sleepy post-coital Kano, You find yourself not wanting to slip out into the night like you usually would during these kinds of encounters.
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