#also like patrick dempsey playing that dean guy?? like they might as well already be the same person
enamouredless · 8 months
i for one hate live movie adaptations but if they were to adapt the iron giant im not sure how i would act
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averyonelovesjack · 6 years
cost of friendship ~ daniel seavey
requested: yes
Hey! Could you do an imagine about Daniel and Y/N dating but they keep it a secret because they don't want to ruin Y/N's friendship with the other guys? Thanks love!
summary: y/n goes to hang out at the wdw household during the storm and in the midst of a power outage, daniel and y/n reach a new level of their relationship.
warning(s): cursing, i also changed it a little bit sorry
word count: 2103
taglist: @ijustreallylovethemtattoos @beautybesson @samithepixie @lovableherron @notyotypical  @bessonsgarl @jackaverybabe @jonahmaraismakesmyday @coolerberryfrizzlediz @dailydoseofherron @victoriagrier @w0nderr @heyowdw
Storm clouds flew low above my head and the wind was strong enough to push my hair into my face and make my eyes water. I pushed against it and try my best to make it up the street to the house without looking like a complete disaster. The air wasn’t cool, either, though. The humidity made the day even more miserable and the growling storms didn’t leave me with much time to make it into the house. 
Just as I stepped onto the front porch, the front door opened and quickly I hurried inside, a loud clap of thunder striking and sending me shrieking as I stumble into Daniel’s arms. My friend laughs, helping me stand up straight as it takes more arm strength than normal for him to push the door closed. 
“Made it just in time, I guess,” He commented about my brief introduction to the storm upon my entrance to the house.  
I can’t help but smile at his comments, “Thankfully, you were there to get me in before I was struck by lightning.” 
The rain began to pour down onto the house, causing loud clattering noises that made us all start talking a little bit louder. 
Daniel walked me into the large house shared by the five member band, “The pizza guy came like five minutes ago and I tried to get them to wait for you, but no one listens to me anymore.” 
“You guys didn’t have to wait,” I tell him, throwing my bag down on the countertop in its usual spot, “It’s not like I expect anything less of you. Except for you, Dani. The only person in this house who cares about me.” 
“Does anyone hear a fly?” Corbyn comments, looking away from me as I take the seat next to him. Jack sat to my right, the aforementioned member to my left, and my closest friend, Daniel across from me. The other two boys were scattered around Daniel. 
I gave Corbyn a playful punch, which only fueled them up some more. Jack started to add to the situation, “No, no. Wait it’s too high pitch to be a fly. Maybe it’s a mouse.” 
“A tiny mouse,” Corbyn continues, “With absolutely no arm strength.” 
“Oh wow, fuck you all.” I pull a slice of pizza onto my plate. I make eye contact with Daniel as the other boys continue with their teasing. We both sent each other playful eye rolls and went back to eating our pizza and listening to my close friends torture me. 
“Hey! Maybe we can watch Stuart Little and get the mouse to come out so we can get it outside.” Zach suggests tonight’s first movie option.
“We can’t put the mouse outside; The storm is a lot worse than they suspected. If we put it outside, it might get hurt,” Daniel decided and I’m not sure if this is the more logical answer, or not. 
“I thought you were on my side!!” I looked at Daniel, whose face dropped and then he looked at me, quickly making up for it.
“N-no, of course i am! i’m just saying, if there were a hypothetical mouse, then we couldn’t put outside because it would get hurt.” He responds and I laugh at the hypothetical mouse. 
“Yes, Daniel. I suppose that is true. We couldn’t put the hypothetical mouse outside in the storm. It’d be cruel,” I go along with what he was saying. As long as he isn’t going to mess around with me like I know that all of the other guys will do.
The boys lost their little joke when Jonah asked me a question about school. A loud chorus of ‘jONAH’s came across the room, as well as some frustrated grunts. They could try to come back from it, but as soon as one of them recognizes me, then the whole gig is over. 
“We’re not watching Enchanted again,” Zach looks from across the couch as we all brainstorm movie ideas. 
“that was a fucking cute movie, don’t even with me zachary dean,” I scold, “One of the best movies every created. I’ll say it. Plus, Patrick Dempsey.” 
“It’s a princess movie,” Jack added, “I see enough of those when I go home, I don’t need to see them here too.” 
“Alright, you guys are so picky about your movie choices. It’s literally a perfect movie so stop attacking it,” I retort and Jack laughs. 
“What are we watching, then? Since it’s already 8, and if y/n is getting home safely tonight, she should probably start watching soon,” Daniel states. He is usually the more logical one in situations like these, especially when it comes to safety. He’s always been such a teddy bear and when he gets someone to recognize him for who is really is, that person is going to be the luckiest person in the world. 
“You know what I haven’t seen in a while? Spider-man Homecoming with my man, Tom.” I admit and Zach rolls his eyes at me.
“When was the last time you watched it? This morning?” He played; all of the boys understood my love for the marvel movies, especially the very handsome new spider-man. 
“Last week, but good try,” I look at him, “But I do own it on my amazon account.” 
“Which means it’s a free movie that I haven’t seen,” Daniel adds, “Ok, I’m down to watch it. Everyone agrees?” 
“yeah, whatever,” Jonah agrees. 
“How has she forced me to watch it and not you??”Jack looked at Daniel in shock, “You guys are inseparable and yet, i’ve seen the movie?” 
Daniel and I look at each other and he has a slight rosy color on his cheeks, and i know i do too. I turn back to jack after a second, “Daniel wasn’t home when we watched it.” 
The six of us take our seats on the couch. Zach sat on the big chair, while Corbyn and Jonah sat on the first couch. Jack sat on one end of the second couch, and daniel and i sat in the corner of the other one. The lights were already turned off and I set up the movie, excited. 
I practically drooled at the site of Tom Holland throwing his shirt off during the specific part of the movie. My eyes watched as he threw off the spider-man suit and then turned around, following each of the steps that i’d memorized from watching the movie so often. 
Just as he turned around to face Ned, the television turned off, as did any remaining lights in the house. I gripped onto the blanket a little bit harder and Zach let out a screech. 
Everything paused for a second, until Daniel turned on the flashlight on his phone and quickly mumbled, “fuck.. i think we lost power because of the storm.” 
“and we’d just gotten to the good part,” i tease and i could almost see daniel playfully roll his eyes in the dim light. 
“Well is it coming back on?” Zach asked.
“Probably not for a while,” Jonah tells him, “if we lost power, that means most of los angeles has lost power and we’re not gonna get it back until the morning, at least.” 
“Don’t we have a generator?” Jack questions, trying to figure this uncommon situation out. 
“Yes, but unless you want to go into the garage during this storm, it’s not going to work,” Corbyn states before standing up, “I’m going to bed.” 
“It’s only like eight thirty?” Daniel says, staying put next to me. The other boys begin to move like corbyn.
“Is there anything better to do?” 
“we could all hang out, yaknow?” He suggests, but they all start to pick up their shit.
“In the dark?” Zach questions before moving towards the stairs. Just before he steps up, he turns around looking at me, “See you later, y/n. Safe trip home.” 
the others start to leave daniel and i alone and i mumble to myself, “fuck. how am i gonna get home?” 
“Well you’re not going home in the storm,” Dani shares his thoughts and I stare at him through the dark.
“I don’t want to be a nuisance, dani,” i tell him and he shakes his head.
“Y/n, your apartment probably doesn’t have power either and driving home in the storm risks too many things. We have extra blankets and places to sleep, so just wait the storm out, okay?” He told me and I sigh, giving in to my favorite person, “You can stay in my room, since everyone else seems to have wandered off.” 
“Thanks, daniel. I don’t know what I’d do without you,” I admit, sending a friendly smile his way. 
“Of course, y/n. Only the best for you,” There is a moment of sympathetic silence before Daniel stands up, “I’m pretty sure there are some candles around here, do you want to help me look for someone so we can actually see each other?” 
“yea, let’s do it,” The two of stand up and turn the flashlights on our phones on. We begin to wander around the house, searching in different rooms together until we could find a couple candles. It took around ten minutes before we found ourselves back in the living room with three candles and a lighter.
Daniel set them on the table in front of the couch and lit them as I sat back on the cushioned seat. 
“What a great day for a storm,” He says, “But at least you’re here with us, rather than home alone. I don’t know how I’d feel if you were home alone. I mean, what if something happened to you?” 
“Yeah, I guess it’s better to be here than by myself at home,” I tell him, “Thanks for caring about me so much, Daniel. I’ve never had a friend quite as good as you and I don’t know if it’s a connection between us or that I’ve just had really shitty friends my whole life and then you have shown me in every way that you’re not like that, but having you as a friend makes me really happy. You are one of the sweetest guys I know, and you deserve someone who can make you as happy as you make me.” 
“You make me so happy, y/n,” he says, “our friendship, or whatever. i don’t know, but you’re such a fun person to be around and i love you for it.”
there was a brief second where i caught a sparkle in his light blue eyes. until then, i was looking for a sign. any sign. and then the sparkle rolled gently over his eye and within seconds, i pushed my face against his and let our two sets of lips touch. 
he’s predictably surprised by this sudden motion, but takes a second before placing his warm and gentle hand on my cheek and kissing me back. as the seconds go on, i smile into the kiss and the two of us separate. 
“i take it you got the hint,”  he smiles like a child given candy. 
“we’re probably going to regret that after tonight, but i’m glad i did it.”
“why would we regret that?” he looks confused.
“because you’re my best friend and so are the other guys. maybe you won’t regret it, but if something happens between the two of us, i don’t want to affect our friendship or any of my friendships with you all.”
“that’s the last thing i’d want for you y/n. i know how much you mean to the guys and i, i wouldn’t want to do anything to ruin that.” 
“you didn’t do it; i did.” 
“yeah, but at the cost of friendship, y/n. was it worth that?”
“i wish i could say kissing you wasn’t worth losing a few friends, but as much as you guys mean to me, i think that kissing you is something i would do again if put in this situation.”
“i really like you, y/n. a lot. you make me feel alive again, like how music makes me feel, and that means so much to me. but your friendships. that’s something that no guy should be worth risking.”
“and yet you are,” i give him a small smile, “and i think i want to make this work.”
he smiles back, “i do too, y/n. and if we’re gonna do this, we need to set some rules.”
“we can’t tell the guys,” i state, letting out a deep breath and waiting to hear his response. 
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