#also like idk. as an autistic person who does not associate their reflection with themself
The mirror test as proof of self awareness is so crazy to me bc like. I don't even think I'D pass the mirror test. Like if I had lived my entire life in the wild and the only time I saw my reflection was in still pools of water maybe sometimes and I suddenly came across a CRYSTAL CLEAR image of myself VERTICALLY FLOATING???????? My first thought would NOT be "oh that chick's got a dot I wonder if I've got a dot"
Fourth dimensional scientists showing humans exact 3D replicas of themselves and sighing sadly when the humans freak out, resigning themselves to the fact that humans cannot recognize themselves and are just mindless automatons.
Like don't get me wrong it is COOL when animals pass the mirror test. But I don't think it's testing self awareness. It's testing "ability to understand mirrors"
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