#also like 20x more stress inducing than just. going to the grocery store. and i felt pressured to buy what i did buy whenever id linger too
narutomaki ยท 4 months
also I want to the local farmers market AND the independent weekend market this week and spent more on produce that I would at a grocery store so I literally have no idea what people mean when they say shits cheaper locally. like I fucking WISH.
edit: I recognize this is likely a by-product of living in a small tourist town but it's still Fucking Annoying to have the answer to "big chains are charging 3x the prices they were in whatever recent year" be "shop local and go the farmers market!"
and when some people are like "that's not an option for me" they get people saying they're not... what ? trying hard enough? like, come on now!!
also like I can't eat red meat. the only options there were beef and pork or eggs. I can eat eggs. but also the eggs cost THE SAME DAMN AMOUNT. AS THEY DO IN STORE???? COME ON GUYS.
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