#also kenjaku is a good mum because they see it
hxhhasmysoul · 1 year
the yuuji is seen stupid talk is so much applying the stereotype that only maths makes you smart. it's done to gon too. even though these characters are very quick learners and smart and knowledgeable in non math related ways. it is done in universe as well, this kind of belief that there’s only a specific way to be smart. if i remember correctly, there are cultural reasons for this, rooted in classism sexism, racism and ableism. but even in the more leftist fandom circles it’s still quite pervasive. i guess it’s one of those transparent biases so ingrained in us that we don’t even think about them.
for example in both these cases they have very high emotional intelligence, when someone like gojou or megumi don’t. killua actually has pretty high emotional intelligence, he’s a more balanced character, like gon.
and i think in both cases, gon and yuuji, it’s because of the surface level comments other characters make.
killua calls gon dumb and gon can’t do maths and it’s like well it’s settled. but also killua admires gon like a lot, he respects gon’s skill implicitly, he relies on gon’s abilities. maybe because killua is there to infodump about the world sometimes and gon’s upbringing was more sheltered, the fandom believes that killua is smarter. which really isn’t the case. and killua is actually quite stupid in some ways, he over relies on his supposed knowledge and loses a lot of their money. sigh.
if one treats intelligence and smarts holistically gon and killua are really well and closely matched.
with yuuji it’s kind of more upsetting. because for example gojou may be a top tier cursed energy user and he can aquire knowledge really fast due to his cursed technique but he’s irresponsible af, he’s a very bad teacher, his plan of changing the jujutsu world is a nothing burger and not like he’d advanced it very far before kenjaku sealed him. and kenjaku outsmarted him with not much pushback from gojou. and his emotional intelligence is in single digits.
megumi is not much better either. his life philosophy is not very smart. it kinda feels like he read one philosophy book and internalised it to repeat it. he’s so enamoured with it that he needs to be shocked into thinking deeply about what he actually believes in. he may have a lot of knowledge but that makes him good at school. he had no idea how to go about his cursed technique, he only started advancing in it once sukuna pushed him and yuuji’s advancement shamed him. and his emotional intelligence is mediocre, i mean he’s better than gojou but that bar is on the floor.
when it comes to intelligence and smarts yuuji is kinda on average evenly matched with someone like gojou because gojou breaks the chart in one category and barely has anything in others.
but compared to megumi? yuuji comes out on top imo. megumi’s development was in the gutter before yuuji showed up and later megumi piggybacked on yuuji’s advancement a lot. and yuuji feels far more adaptive than megumi, he is also more level headed in dangerous situations. megumi still does well in fights and figures out stuff but when you compare the experience and knowledge about jujutsu he has to yuuji’s, things he does kind of lose their wow factor. it’s like, well it’d be embarrassing if couldn’t do it, you know, especially with how highly he thinks of himself.
and megumi uses hard words and jargon, and is eloquent, and also speaks in a decisive way. he projects certain and expertise that imo he shouldn’t feel that entitled to. but it impresses and intimidates yuuji because he’s not bookish. also spewing jargon is kind of cringe, like when it’s no in an insular nerd on nerd situation it kinda signals insecurity more than intelligence.
it’s kinda irritating that in world characters are annoyed at yuuji’s lack of knowledge. it kinda shows that they aren’t very smart themselves because they expect a person with no prior experience or education in jujutsu to have the knowledge they’ve been gathering for years. again, this reflects on them not on yuuji.
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voxofthevoid · 5 months
Hey Vox! Werewolf anon here and glad to hear you're doing good! Or maybe feeling spiteful? I saw your poll and I can't wrap my brain around people who still do top/bottom discourse. Maybe Yuuji needs to go on a marathon and top all three choices?
As for me, I'm glad to see Yuuji kicking ass. And he's definitely giving me the Ichigo vibe with all the convoluted family connections and power legacies lol. He's a human! He's a vessel! He's a cursed painting-ish? What's next???
And that tiny Gojou crumb we got. Seriously it's sad how even those few panels make me happy. Then I see Nanami's weapon being used and ugh my Nanami sadness hits again. Fuck you Gege for killing them. 😭
And ahhhhh you want some updates on my werewolf namesake situation. Well since the last time I mentioned my foray into monsterfucking porn to my non fandom friend, I've also told her about the existence of a/b/o which went as well as you might expect...as in total confusion. She didn't initially understand the link between a/b/o and werewolves but then I had to go full blown fanlore explanations of werewolf fanfics and the whole knotting business and omegaverse and yeahhhhh. I think I might have added to the confusion when I mentioned that it's still mostly a sandbox and each author can kinda pick and choose whatever the fuck parameters they want. Gods...I haven't even mentioned the mpreg yet. Pray for me.
As for the knot dildo...I did briefly look into the inflatable ones but I got a bit intimidated. I decided I didn't want to end up as a Buzzfeed headline by accidentally rupturing an organ or something so instead I researched non-inflatable ones. Because unlike the Bucky in your fics, I do not have a black hole as a body part. I eventually saw a mold I liked and ordered the smallest one JUST IN CASE and uh...
I think you've ruined me, Vox. Because I don't think I can go back to normal dildos anymore. Even this smaller one (Let's call it Steve kun. Pre-serum Steve kun) definitely hit a lot different and better lol. Am I possibly also maybe kinda sorta admitting I re-read your Stucky werewolf fic before I gave the new toy a test run? I mean...I'm certainly not denying it. 😉
I think I'm going to try the next size up. I can name that one Rogers san, like a post serum Steve. Then maybe try the next bigger size and call it Nomad sama? Just keep ranking my knotted dildos based on the Steve Rogers DILF scale but adding Japanese honorifics because I'm unhinged.
Hopefully this wasn't TMI for you. If it was, you can just delete this ask lol. But I get the feeling you'd be cackling over one of your readers using your fics as sex toy shopping/orgasm inspiration. Thank you for writing and please keep feeding us the good stuff. 🤎
Tbh, I’ve been running on spite in this fandom since I posted the first chapter of little lamb to the slaughter and received a comment within 24 hours bitching about top!Yuuji. The spite levels keep rising because people keep clowning. I, too, would like to know why we have top–bottom discourse in the year of our lord 2024. But it’s fine, spite just makes me more productive! And don’t tempt me—I’d actually scrapped an idea featuring Yuuji topping ten men in a continuous narrative, and shit like this makes me want to revive it.
Yuuji’s family tree continues to fascinate me. I’ve been heart-eyed about the whole thing ever since Kenjaku was revealed to be his mum, but the new reveal about Jin and Sukuna has got me howling. Then they added the part about the finger being sealed in him at birth. No wonder Kenjaku sounded so fascinated with Yuuji at Shibuya—sure wish they lived to see what he’ll become.
I’m with you on licking up the Gojou crumbs 🤝 The Nanami crumbs too—still not over Yuuji thinking of him when Higuruma died.
You’re opening your friend’s third eye with a knotted crowbar. I approve! I’m also laughing my ass off. YOU HAVEN’T EVEN STARTED ON THE MPREG. That’ll be fun, especially on the heels of “here’s a highly flexible alternative universe based on disproved wolf behavioral research.” I salute your commitment 🤣
And first things first, no worries about TMI. This—
But I get the feeling you'd be cackling over one of your readers using your fics as sex toy shopping/orgasm inspiration.
—is 100% accurate. I’d print this ask out and put it on my wall if it wouldn’t lead to some…fascinating questions. (Okay, in all fairness, anyone I’d invite to my place wouldn’t even bat an eye, but the landlord is another story.) Anyway, if I’d like to call anything my life’s work, it’s all the porn I write, and getting people off is itself an achievement. Throw in you finding a sexual revelation or ten via knotted dildos (gleeful that the werewolf fic wormed its way into the equation btw), and I’m over the fucking moon about it. I can die happy now.
“Steve-kun” made me lose it, and the progressive naming scheme you’ve proposed made me put down the phone and just laugh for a good few seconds. Enjoy your shopping and please don’t rupture anything!
Also, thanks to you, I’m considering “Blackhole Asshole” as a tag. God knows a bunch of what I’d write would warrant it. Plus, it rolls off the tongue!
Loved the update 💗
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hxhhasmysoul · 9 months
So, fanfic ideas.... If JJK and HxH characters were in No Power world, what would their job be if not become Jujutsu Sorcerer or Hunter (in your opinion)? Why? Please pick your top 5 fav characters from each.....
I have written several no powers moder AUs for this fandom. There's a lot that can be done with these guys.
I often put Gon in some field researcher shoes, in some biology filed, I did entomology and marine biology. But any specialisation suits him as long as he can go and observe by himself. He could also do some pro sport, team sports are interesting for him because how his personality is kinda both suited for it and clashes with it. I have also pictured Gon as an investigator and an artist, as he's very curious by nature and also creative.
For me Killua always starts off trapped in the plans his parents make for him. He's following his parents clan plans, be it business, law, medicine, competitive sport. And you can either make him try to make it his own or try to break off into something else. He's analytical and good at handling things and planning ahead so administrative work actually suits XD what a horrible thing to say. But also jobs that would lean into his protective side.
She gives me very strong creative vibes, so any art or design related job suits her. She would also be good with people, she lives with Nanika and such cohabitation requires a lot of people skills.
She wants to be around others but also to heal, so I see her as a doctor.
I've written her as an engineer, as a journalist, doctor. She gives off a nerdy vibe but she also has very high integrity. She could also do well as a fixer, considering how well she handled Amane.
Doctor is obvious, it's a normal job. But he could also be any form of activist or idealistic politician. He could work as a community organiser, or someone helping troubled youth. He has this strong drive for serious societal change.
I've never written a modern AU for this fandom.
Gege said that Yuuji would be a firefighter if he wasn't a sorcerer and that's a very good job for him. But any first responder job suits him. He's also good with animals so he could work at a rescue or sanctuary. He could also do well in medical fields because he's kind and strong and listens to what others tell him. He would make a great nurse or physiotherapist. But also a surgeon, that requires a lot of stamina and strength. Though doctor would feel more like mum pushing him into things because he's not very bookish. But we know his mum is capable of steering his life and development.
Model, actress, idol - she's got the drive for it and the interest in being seen, making her mark. But also engineer, mechanic, repair person and obviously a carpenter. Wood has a lot of personality and I think she'd appreciate that. I could see her making furniture.
They are very versatile. They could be a researcher, human reproduction comes to mind first, but to be honest whatever would catch their fancy they would just go for it. They are clearly a jujutsu and barrier nerd, so that could translate to physics or mathematics or maybe psychology? They could also embrace a career in comedy. But I also see Kenjaku as doing spy stuff, running intelligence or counter intelligence operations. They are so good at plotting, putting pieces on the board exactly where they want it.
Any high powered job would suit him, anything that would let him look down on others - business, politics, organised crime. But also teaching, especially university teaching, omg he has the professor vibes. He knows so much and he judges others on not having studied enough. But he also wants his students to excel, it's just that they will excel through tears, cursing his name. He could also be a therapist, some people in jjk already think he is one.
Scientist and engineer suit her. Cybernetics would be good for her, or working exotic materials and states of matter. Entomology too but more as a hobby that informs her studies. But also a wedding planner, she absolutely knows what's up. She'd specialise in theme weddings.
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