#also just think that pool and darts would be a cute little mini game at the tavern but thats far less important
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theeryn-the-gold · 9 months ago
i started coral island. i only have two complaints.
1 i wish i could play pool and darts at the fishensips
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utautattooedghoul · 7 years ago
San Diego Here I Come! | Chapter 4
Summary: Cosplaying was a dream come true for you and you had made your way to Instagram famous in a span of 3 months. You were so well known that even celebrities followed you and among one was your celebrity crush, Tom Holland. Preparing for San Diego Comic Con you get asked to be on the Avengers Cast Panel meaning you’ll get to meet Tom. Will sparks fly between a famous cosplayer and a famous actor? Will they realize that they are meant for each other?
Teaser Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Warning: Swearing
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The insane pounding in your head was the only thing you could feel as soon as you opened your eyes. It felt like a hammer was banging against your head constantly as the only sound you could muster out of your lips was a painful groan. You slowly sat up in your bed as you rubbed your temples with your fingers as you looked around the room. You were still wearing the same clothes from last night and you saw some men's clothes on the opposite of your bed. All you could see was the backside of the curly haired boy laying on the fold out couch bed. You slowly began to remember the events of last night and remembered that you asked Tom to stay the night so you wouldn't feel alone.
Red and pinks began to fill the color of your cheeks as you stared at his broad naked back, his curly hair was all tossled and messy and just the way he slept was so cute yet also so fucking sexy. You were dragged away from your thoughts when the pounding in your head increased as you slowly got out of your bed and went to your purse. You thankfully stashed a bottle of ibuprofen in there incase you got sore from standing or better yet a hangover. You took out two of the small red pills as you placed them on the TV stand as you grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge and chugged down the pills as you sighed slightly.
The time that read on the alarm clock was 8:45 AM. Your panel didn't start until 2:30 in the afternoon so you decided to quickly change into some pajamas before Tom woke up. You grabbed some Spider-Man Homecoming pj pants, and a Spider-Man tank top as you flopped back down onto your bed as you began to scroll through your phone.
You clicked on the camera roll app as you noticed the amount of selfies and videos you took with Tom and Harrison last night as you scrolled through each picture and carefully watched each video. A smile slowly appeared on your face as you began to let out soft giggles at the pictures and videos you had taken. A lot of the videos were of you chugging your drinks and acting like a drunk dumbass with Tom and Harrison or belting out lyrics to your favorite songs that came over the speakers. You suddenly heard Tom groan as you quickly turned off your phone and placed it on the nightstand next to your bed as you looked over at him.
"Morning, sleepyhead." You rolled over onto your side to face him as you rested your head on one of the pillows as you faced him and gave him a smile that looked like you were still half asleep.
"Morning, darling." His voice was deep and husky and he looked so fucking cute with his bed head. He sat up in the bed as he rubbed his eyes and looked at the time.
"Is it really only 8 in the morning? I swear I thought I slept longer." He looked at the clock then looked down at his deshevled clothes on the floor as he sat on the edge of his bed and looked at you.
"Yeah. To be honest I thought it was 12 but I guess I'm not used to the three hour time difference yet. Thankfully my panel doesn't start until 2 so if you want I can order some room service." You sat up in your bed as you hugged your knees to your chest as you looked at the boy on the other bed. You actually can't believe he stayed all night but you were happy that you got to wake up with him in your room instead of waking up by yourself.
"Yeah that'd be great. I'm fucking starving." Tom let out a small laugh as he rubbed his belly letting you know how hungry he was. You suddenly heard a low growl come from both of your stomachs as you both let out small laughs.
"I'll order some room service. What do you want?" You picked up on the menus they left in the room as you got up from your bed and sat next to the shirtless boy as your heart suddenly began to race. Sure you've seen Tom shirtless in pictures and shit from his Instagram and Twitter account but being next to him shirtless for real was making your knees fucking weak.
"Ummm... I think I'll have some pancakes with some orange juice and a side of fruit." He leaned over your shoulder as he scanned the menu. He was really close to your face and you swear to god he could probably hear your heart beating out of your chest.
"U-Umm ok! I'll get some French toast, some apple juice, and also a side of fruit. I'll call down to the desk real quick. Oh if you want I can lend you a hoodie and some pj pants. I usually buy a lot of guy shit anyways." You quickly got up from the bed as you rummaged through your suitcase and pulled out a grey hoodie and some flannel pajama pants for Tom to wear as you handed them to him as he put them on.
You walked over to the phone as you dialed downstairs and placed you and Tom's order for room service. The wait would be approximately 15 minutes so you decided to turn on the TV that was in your hotel room as you watched 'Friends'.
A knock on your door tore you away from the TV as you got up and let one of the employees in who placed all you and Tom's food on the glass kitchen table in the kitchen. You gave the man a smile as he left the room as you and Tom sat down together and ate your meals. You had shut off the TV in your bedroom and turned on the one in the living room as you both ate and watched some more 'Friends' on the TV.
Tom was completely devouring his pancakes and you were doing the same to your French toast. You both weren't kidding when you said you guys were fucking starving. Finishing both your meals Tom offered to take the dirty dishes out on the tray and place it outside your room. You walked over to the big couch in the living room as you relaxed and watched TV as Tom came back and sat next to you as he looked at his phone. He quickly typed back something as he turned his gaze back onto the TV.
Suddenly another knock came to the door as you looked at Tom in confusion. He smiled at you as he got up and opened the door as you saw Harrison walk through it.
"Harrison!" You jumped up and squealed as you made your way over to him and gave him a big hug.
"Hi, love. I hope it's ok that I hang out here for a bit. Tom invited me over." Harrison and you looked at Tom as you gently smacked his chest.
"It's perfectly fine! All we are doing is watching Friends so... yeah." You giggled a bit as you walked back over to the couch and sat back down as the brown haired boys followed. Harrison sat in one of the small chairs as Tom sat next to you again.
"What times your panel at again, Y/N?" Harrison glanced over at you then back at the TV.
"Not until 2:30 thankfully so we have a couple of hours to kill. Why what's up?" You glanced over at Harrison who's gaze was glued to the TV as you saw his brown eyes dart back at you.
"You guys wanna go swimming for a bit? Nobody is at the pool or anything so we would pretty much have it all to ourselves."
"Yeah that sounds like fun!" You smiled at the boys as you quickly got up from your seat. "Why don't you and Tom go change and I'll meet you in the lobby ok?"
They both gave you nods as they got up and left your room as you made your way towards your bedroom and rummaged through your suitcase again grabbing your bikini.
The bikini you had brought with you was a cute small black on with small drawings of stars and the planets on it. You quickly stripped out of your pajamas as you quickly put your bikini on as you put your black flip flops on as well. You decided to pull your hair back into a ponytail so that your hair wouldn't get super messy from the water.
Grabbing your purse and your phone and room key you made your way to the door as you quickly shut off the TV before leaving your room and heading for the lobby. As you made your way to the elevator and waited in it you exited into the lobby as you saw Harrison and Tom waiting for you.
You walked over to them as you saw Tom's eyes immediately land on you. He slowly eyed you up and down as his cheeks began to turn red. This was the first time Tom has ever seen you showing this much skin and it made his entire body grow hot. He tried his best to calm himself down so that he wouldn't get a boner through his swim shorts.
"Hey sorry I took so long. Ready to go?" You smiled at both the boys as they nodded as Tom quickly walked towards the pool area while you and Harrison followed behind him.
You were a little confused as to why Tom was walking ahead of you two until you realized that this was the first time Tom has seen you in a bikini let alone seeing so much skin.
"Is Tom going to be ok?" You slowly moved closer to Harrison as you whispered softly to him.
"Yeah he'll be fine. Just nervous about seeing you in a bikini for the first time so he's just trying to distract himself." Harrison leaned down and whispered back at you as you both could see the pool area come into view.
"Alright. If he gets a boner though I am going to be proud of myself." You smirked to yourself a bit as Harrison nudged you with his shoulder as you laughed. You honestly liked getting Tom sexually frustrated but in turn you were sexually frustrating yourself during this game of cat and mouse and it was honestly starting to become to much to the point where holding yourself back was starting to actually hurt.
As your arrived at the pool you quickly scanned it seeing that literally no one was here. I mean it was 9 in the morning and most of the people were at the con right now but you didn't have to be at your panel until 2:30 so you'd rather relax for as long as possible. You and the boys grabbed yourselves some towels that the hotel offered as you made your way towards some empty lounge chairs. You placed your stuff on the chair as you decided to go into the hot tub first.
You slowly stepped into the hot tub as your entire body began to relax under the warmth of the bubbly hot tub as you sat back against the wall and closed your eyes.
Harrison and Tom were placing their stuff in the chairs next to yours as Tom looked at you in the hot tub as he bit his bottom lip in frustration. He quickly got out of his thoughts as Harrison placed a hand on his shoulder.
"Go get in there with her mate. Might as well make a move instead of frustrating yourself even more." His best mate looked at him and then he looked back at you as he took a deep breath.
"I mean you guys are going to go on a date after her panel so might as well do something." Harrison was right. Tom did ask you out on a date after your panel was over. He really did want to kiss you but he held himself back as much as he could but he couldn't hold himself back any longer. All he wanted to do was grab you and kiss you and he was hoping you were thinking the same thing which you were.
"Alright mate. Wish me luck." Tom patted Harrison's shoulder as Harrison did the same.
As Harrison jumped into the pool and began to swam around for a few Tom made his way towards the hot tub where you were relaxing. You slowly opened your eyes as you heard his footsteps come closer and closer to you as he got into the hot tub and sat next to you.
"Not going to swim with Haz?" You looked over at the empty pool were Harrison was floating on his back as Tom shook his head.
"Nah. Hot tub seemed more relaxing. Plus.. I'd like to spend more time with you." As Tom said that he began to fiddle with his fingers under the water as he avoided eye contact with you.
“R-Really?” You scooted a bit closer to Tom as you tilted your head, your hair sticking to your face due to the steam from the hot tub. You leaned in a bit to peer at his face a bit as he suddenly turned to face you causing a lump to form in your throat. 
“W-Well I.. I-I mean-” Before Tom could finish his sentence your lips were immediately on his. 
His lips felt soft against yours as the heat from the hot tub began to cause forms of sweat droplets to form on your forehead. The kiss was soft and slow at first until Tom suddenly pulled you into his lap as you straddled him. The kiss was becoming heated replacing that sense of passion and love with lust and need. You needed Tom, no you wanted Tom - and he wanted you. Neither of you guys cared that Harrison was literally a few feet away from you in the pool but you both were so lost in each other, in each other's lips, and each other's embrace.
Your hands instinctively went right into Tom's messy curls. His hair felt so soft between your fingers as you began to press yourself into his chest deepening the kiss. You suddenly felt his hands make his way from your hips to the side of your ass which caused you to let out a small squeal in the kiss as Tom slowly pulled away making sure you were ok.
"I-I'm sorry! If you want me to stop I can!" Tom started to become a flustered mess thinking that your squeal meant he did something but he didn't. Oh he didn't do anything wrong at all, you just didn't expect him to touch your ass is all.
You bit your bottom lip as you let out a small laugh that made Tom's heart melt on the spot. You gently rested your forehead against his as you were both trying to catch your breath from the heated kiss you two just shared.
"N-No don't be sorry! I just didn't expect you to touch my ass is all..." These words made a smirk form on Tom's face as he suddenly squeezed your ass as you let out a small aroused giggled as you looked down at his toned chest as you bit your lips.
Instead of continuing the kiss you two just sat like this for a couple minutes as you gently rested your head on his chest just enjoying his presence. He still kept his hands on his ass but he suddenly turned you around so that you were sitting in between his legs with your back now against his chest, his hands finding a new spot on your body. They roamed up and down your sides until they found a permanent spot on your waist as you two just relaxed in each other's embrace as the bubbles from the hot tub made you both melt into each other.
You and Tom were suddenly pulled out of your thoughts when Harrison got out of the pool and yelled both of your names. "Hey! It's like 10:30 now! We should go before people start to show up."
Tom let out an annoyed groan as his slowly slipped you out of his lap causing you to whine at the loss of contact. As you and Tom both stepped out of the pool and walked over to your lounge chairs he gently hugged you from behind as you were drying off your arms.
"Is it... Ok if I come back to your room after I shower and change?" He whispered softly in your ear as you let out a small sigh as you leaned back and kissed his cheek.
"Of course. Just let me shower as well and I'll text you when I'm done ok?" You whispered back to him as a smirk appeared on his face.
"Can't wait, darling." He gently squeezed your waist as he let go of you and grabbed all of his stuff as all of you headed back upstairs.
Your shower took about a good 20 minutes but that was usually how long all your showers took. You changed back into your pajamas as you sent Tom a text telling him he can come over.
You were sitting in the living room as you were brushing out your hair with a towel wrapped around your neck as the second one was underneath you so that the couch wouldn't get wet from the water dripping off your hair.
A knock came to your door as you quickly darted towards the door opening it seeing Tom standing in the doorway. He was wearing a black and blue flannel with a black unedershirt, jeans, black shoes, and his hair was still slightly wet from his recent shower.
He walked right in and took off his shoes as he gave you a long, lingering, yet passionate kiss on your lips as you were holding your hair brush in one hand as your other hand was wrapped around his neck.
Tom slowly pulled away as he gazed into your eyes almost getting lost in them. "I'm never going to get tired of kissing you."
You let out a small laugh as you quickly pecked his lips as you walked back to the couch brushing your hair. "Glad I made the first move, huh?" You giggled a bit as you sat back down where your towel was as he rolled his eyes and sat next to you.
"Hey! I was going to make the first move... I just... Didn't know when to or how." Just the way he got nervous about talking about how he wanted to make the first move made your heart melt. This boy was so pure and so sweet that this world truly did not deserve him.
"You are to cute." You leaned over and kissed his cheek a couple times as you finished brushing out your hair, running your fingers through it making sure there were no knots left.
The time on the cable box was now flashing 12:20 PM. You and Tom had ended up cuddling each other on the couch for a few hours as you groaned looking at the time. You looked back at Tom who was laying down with you holding you from behind as you kissed under his chin.
"I got to get ready soon for the panel." You spoke softly to him as you pressed yourself into his chest a bit not wanting him to go.
"Do you want me to go? Or do you want me to wait here while you change and walk to the panel with you? I mean I am going to be on the panel with you anyways. Might as well just go with you." He placed a gentle kiss on the side of your head as you smiled and sighed contently.
"Yeah. I'd like that a lot." You slowly sat up from your cuddling position as you stretched your arms and legs out as you got up from the couch. You leaned down in front of Tom as you placed a quick kiss to his lips as you smiled at him. "I'll be right back."
He smiled back at you as he stayed in his position as he continued watching TV as you went to go get ready.
The cosplay you had planned for the second day of the con was going to be Spider-Gwen. You gently pulled out the outfit from your suitcase as you gently and neatly laid it out across your bed. You took out the blonde wig and black headband that went with the cosplay as you went to the bathroom and began to apply your cosplay makeup which took you about a good 15 minutes to do this. You braided your hair back up as you put the wig cap on making sure all your hair fit into it. You placed the blonde Gwen Stacey wig on your head as you adjusted it a few times making sure it was on nice and tight as you put the black headband ontop of the blonde wig. Now it was time to put on the entire cosplay. You planned on putting the mask on then taking it off for your panel so that you could ya know — talk and breathe properly and not sweat your ass off under the mask and wig. You stripped off your pajamas again and put on a matching white lace bra and panties to wear under the cosplay. You slipped on the cosplay as you started off by putting your legs in each hole, followed by your arms, then finally adjusting it so it fit properly. You flipped up the hoodie of the Spider-Gwen cosplay as you held the mask in your hands saying to yourself that you'll put it on when you leave.
Taking a deep breath you walked out of your room as you slowly walked over to where Tom was sitting who had to do a double take at how you looked.
"Holy shit..." Were the only words that came out of his mouth as your entire face turned red.
"H-How do I look...?" You did a slow turn for Tom so that he could see you from all angles.
"Y-You look... Holy shit..." His jaw dropped open when you slowly turned around for him. The suit accented your ass and chest extremely well, especially your ass like goddamn BatMan that outfit made your ass friken pop like a cherry.
"Thanks." You smiled at him as you looked at the time on the cable box which now read 1:30PM.
"We should head downstairs for the panel now. I want to get there early before it gets packed." You quickly ran into your room as you grabbed your purse, room key, and phone as you threw them in your purse as Tom shut off the TV for you.
You walked over to him and gave him a deep and loving kiss as his arms made their way to your waist and as yours wrapped around his neck, tangling your fingers in his brown curls.
"Ready to go? Spider-Man." You licked your lips as you let a small giggle escape your lips.
"You bet, Gwen Stacey. Or should I say, Spider-Gwen." You both laughed at how dorky you two were being as you both left your room walking hand in hand.
You and Tom had arrived at your panel at exactly 2. Well 2:15 but whatever. You guys got stopped on the way multiple times by fans asking for pictures as well as photographers taking just pictures of you in your full Spider-Gwen cosplay which you gladly did.
Tom had made sure to grab you both some water bottles as well as some fruit snacks for you to munch on before the panel started. As you two sat in your chairs behind your name tags the doors slowly began to open as a crowd of people made there way into the room. After about 5 minutes the entire room was packed to the brim with people. The room was big enough to fit probably over 200-300 people.
You looked around the room as you started to get a bit nervous since this was your first panel ever where people would be asking you a ton of questions but your nerves slowly went away as Tom placed his hand on your thigh as he gently squeezed it assuring you that he was going to be on this panel with you as well. You placed your hand ontop of his as you smiled as you quickly glanced at the time on your phone that was placed in front of you which now read 2:30. The panel was about to be underway and your panel would be lasting for over an hour which you were excited about.
As you took off your Spider-Gwen mask people began to cheer and scream as you and Tom waved at the crowd of people who came here to see you both.
"Hello San Diego Comic Con!" You shouted into the microphone as the crowd erupted again. "Are you guys having fun today?" As if on instinct the crowd answered you in a roar of "Yes!"
You laughed into the microphone as you looked over at Tom then back at the crowd. "As you guys can clearly see I am not alone today. We have the lovely, the handsome, the sexy, and amazing Tom Holland here with me today!" You could literally feel all the girls in the crowd scream as you could sense ovaries exploding and panties dropping.
"Looks like they'd rather see you then me, huh Tom?" You gave Tom a fake offended look as you and the audience laughed.
"They came here to see you, darling. I am just tagging along for the day." He gave you and everyone his adorable crinkled smile as you smiled at him as well.
"You are to friken precious I swear." You adjusted yourself in your chair as the audience swooned at how cute you and Tom were being.
"So. Let's get this panel started shall we?"
A/N: WELL I HOPE YOU GUYS ENJOYED THIS LONG OVERDUE CHAPTER! Chapter 5 is going to be soooooo fucking good! I do eventually plan on throwing some smut in here as well 😉😏 which I am nervous af about since I've never written smut before and I am terrified it's going to SUCK BUT ILL GIVE IT A SHOT! Anyways thank you guys for being so patient with me and I hope you enjoy this chapter ☺️
Taglist:  @h-osterfield @hollandroos @tomhollanduniverse @magic-marvel @kingcamson @urmoonchildisliving @lolthisisntcanon @simplechicwithacrazedheart @underoos-tom @underoosstark @softboy-holland @infamous-webhead @purespidey @bloodysleepy @ultrunning @stevieboyharrington @maryjanewannabee @embrace-themagic @thegirlwhoolived @romanoff-queen @spideysholland @lokiislowkeyhot @babykaykay2000 @madmadmilk @loxbbg @gab-spidey @hollandspeach @peachyhollands @spidey-parker-peter-man @supremetoaster @supernaturallover2002 @oh-dear-tommy @parkerrpeterr @parker-underoos @toms-order @hamiltrin @iaiabear @whereartthouwakanda @supremetoaster
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pinknerdpanda · 7 years ago
Heaven Sent - Part 2
Word Count: 1,607
Characters: Y/n, Castiel, Dean, Sam (Mentioned)
Warnings: Snark, Heaven-Induced Insanity, Language, Angst if you squint
A/N: This is Part 2 of a mini-series I wrote for @ellen-reincarnated1967’s “Andi’s Back in the Game” challenge. Beta’d by @hannahindie and @wheresthekillswitch who also helped me to brainstorm and nail down exactly where I wanted to go. Thank you both so very much!
A/N 2: This takes place roughly midway through Season 4
Tags are at the bottom - please send me an ASK if you would like to be added (or removed).
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Heaven Sent Part 2
“What can I getcha, handsome?” the cute, red-headed bartender winks as she calls from across the wooden bar where I’ve just planted my ass for the the foreseeable future.
“Whiskey. Double,” I mumble just over the hum of noise filling the small bar. “And a beer,” I amend my order. “Please.”
“Coming right up!” She grins as she turns and stretches an arm to grab the bottle on the highest shelf. Try as I might, I can’t seem to ignore the golden patch of exposed flesh now peeking at me from above the waistband of her jeans as she strains for the liquor. Just as I’m beginning to make out the bottom half of what looks to be a small, simple flower tattoo, she cheers triumphantly and turns back around, bottle in hand to pour my drink.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” I smile at her and take a swig before glancing back up to lay on the charm, but she’s gone. Figures.
I swallow the rest of my whiskey before palming my beer and heading toward one of the pool tables. Maybe I can at least scrounge up a little cash before we hit the road again. Just as I pass the end of the bar, a man with scraggly, gray hair and who looks like he’s started to take root here slumps backward on his stool in front of me. Before I can react, he lurches forward again. Confused, I look back toward the bar to find a pretty woman, at least 30 years younger than him, perched on the seat next to him. One hand clutching his shoulder, holding him in place and the other wrapped around a tumbler of golden liquid. She freezes, glass in midair, her lips forming a perfect, pretty ‘o’ as our eyes lock.
“Nice catch,” I mumble, shaking my head. I throw one last glance back at the woman before continuing toward the back of the bar. Seeing that she hasn’t moved a fraction of an inch makes me chuckle.
The next few hours are a bit hazy as the beer bottles pile up on the table next to me. This town is too easy; it’s like shooting fish in a barrel. Sometimes I almost feel guilty for taking these poor bastards’ money - almost.
“I call next,” a voice that sounds like velvet and a lifetime of bad decisions carries over the conversations around me. I turn around to find the girl from earlier standing a few feet from me. She’s stroking the tip of the pool cue lightly and her eyes rake me over a time or two. Son of a bitch.
“Table’s all yours. I was just about to head back to my hotel,” I raise an eyebrow and grin at her. “Unless you’d like to join me. I’m sure we could think of some games we could play.”
“So it’s fine for you to cheat those men out of their money, but mine’s no good?” Her eyes are like fire and I am having a hard time interpreting the rage in them.
“No, sweetheart. It’s not that, it’s just…” I study her for a moment. “Do I know you?”
“My name’s y/n, not sweetheart. If you’re just afraid to have your ass handed to you by a girl, well, I mean...I wouldn’t blame you,” she plants her free hand on her hip, her fingers ball into a tight fist, but her eyes have lightened slightly.
“Ok fine, have it your way, y/n,” I quickly reset the table and gestured toward it with a stupid little bow. What the hell is my problem? “Ladies first.”
I don’t miss the eyeroll she gives me, but she says nothing as she steps up and lines up her first shot. It all happens so fast, one minute I’m appreciating the curve of her shoulders and back as she bends over the table and the next I’m watching helplessly as she darts around the table, sinking shot after shot.
“Eight ball, left side pocket,” she winks at me. She can’t...she can’t wink at me! That’s my thing.
The sound of the ball landing in the soft, velvety lining of the left side pocket is drowned out by her loud cheering. I have never been so pissed off and so turned on at the same time. It’s all very confusing. I start to pull the wad of cash I’d accumulated from my evening’s efforts and she laughs.
“How about you show me your hotel room and we can call it even, hotrod?”
I throw a $50 bill down beside the mountain of empty bottles and practically sprint toward y/n’s swaying and rapidly retreating hips.
In my excitement, I hadn’t really considered the possibility that Sam may still be holed up in the hotel room, trying to figure out a way to keep Lilith from breaking the last of the 66 seals. I hold my breath as the door creaks open, but there’s no sign of my enormous little brother.
“Mind if I use your restroom?” She smiles warmly as she enters the room. I nod dumbly but she’s already moving in that direction.
As soon as the door closes behind her I start pacing, trying to give myself a little “You got this, man. It’s ok that she killed you at pool,” pep talk.
“Hello, Dean.”
I practically jump out of my skin and whirl to find no-one’s favorite trenchcoated angel standing awkwardly behind the door of the hotel room. “What the hell, Cas? How long have you been standing there?”
“Since you were trying to convince yourself that your masculinity is not defined by your inability to win a game of billiards against a woman,” he squints at me and I can see him fighting to keep the smile from his mouth. Asshat.
“Are you just here to cockblock me, or do you actually have a purpose?”
“Where is your brother? I was hoping that I could speak to you both at…” the sound of the bathroom door interrupts him and he glances over my shoulder. The look on his face is one I’m not sure I understand. It’s like he’s relieved, confused and terrified all at the same time. “Y/n?”
I glance between the two of them. The rage I’d seen in her eyes earlier is back, but stronger somehow.
“Of course. Of course it’s you, Castiel,” she crosses her arms over her chest and tilts her head so far to one side it looks like her neck could break. “I should have known you were behind this.”
“I thought you were dead, y/n,” Cas’ voice is barely above a whisper. “They said that your cell was…” his words trail off.
“Oh, is that what they think?!” She laughs and the sound is...I can only describe it as maniacal. “I wondered why no one came to look for me.”
“Will one of you two please tell me what the hell is going on?”
“Shut up, Dean,” she barks as she brushes past me roughly to stand toe-to-toe with Cas. “So this is what all that chatter was about. What did you do, rally the troops and spring ol’ Hound Chow over here,” she throws a thumb over her shoulder in my direction. “From the bounds of Hell?”
Cas stares at her silently as her words sink in.
“Wait are you an ang…”
“Shut up, Dean,” neither of them look at me as they say it unison.
“Why are you here,” Cas studies her, disbelief still marring his face.
She cranes her neck to look into his eyes. “Funny story, I was just enjoying a drink, contemplating my life choices and trying to keep Jasper from falling off his stool and getting hurt again...you know me, old habits die hard. Occupational hazards and all...anyway...when who to my wondering eyes did appear? This asshole in all his leather and flannel glory. I was sure I was dreaming or dead or something, but I’d followed him around for long enough, it was easy to figure out it was the real Dean Winchester. The only question was how?”
“I had my orders, y/n.”
“Right. Of course. Your orders,” she nods. “That’s why you didn’t come to visit.” It’s not a question. Her voice is low and colder than ice. Cas looks away.
“You know I went insane in there, right? Did they tell you that? And this asshole,” she jerks a thumb at me again, “is the reason I was there in the first place. And now he gets to wander the Earth and live life hustling pool and screwing barflies, but I was left to rot in that cell for who knows how long. Tell me again who’s getting their fair share of punishment, Castiel.”
“I am sorry.”
“You’re sorry?” She chuckles. “I doubt that.”
From the corner of my eye I can see her right hand jerk a second before a long, pointed silver blade slides into her palm. Without thinking, I rush toward them, but Cas has already stripped her of her blade and spun, pinning her to the wall. I grab the blade from the floor, gripping it tightly in one hand and appreciating the balance and weight.
“Everyone just calm down, and I swear to Whoever’s calling plays up there, if you tell me to shut up one more time, I will stab you,” I flick the end of it between them. Cas nods and releases y/n, but doesn’t step back. “Now, y/n. Who the hell are you and why do you keep calling me an asshole?”
Read Part 3 HERE
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My forever tags - stay weird - I love ya’ll!: @wheresthekillswitch @arryn-nyxx @emilywritesaboutdean @fandommaniacx @cookie-dough-lova @spnfanficpond @impandagrl @maddieburcham1 @trexrambling @27bmm @beachballsizeladyballs  @hannahindie @rosie-winchester @winchesterprincessbride @that-writer-one @amionthetumbler @abbessolute @deansdirtyduchess  @fandomismyspiritanimal @angelsandwinchesters @cfordwrites @zenia3 @charliebradbury1104 @9769997118 @mogaruke @luulaachops @supernaturaldean67  @barbedwireandbubblegum @karlee-fay-my-wayward-son @muliermalefici @galaxy-jellyfish-queen @canadianjelly @kathaswings @almusanzug @feelmyroarrrr @captainradicalpassion @bethbabybaby @thinkwritexpress-official @akshi8278 @hexparker @emoryhemsworth @boxywrites @justanotherdeangirl @atc74 @anticipate1003 @super100012 @lovesj2m  @easelweasel @masksandtruths  @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @ellen-reincarnated1967 @growningupgeek
Heaven Sent Tags: @peppermint--teas @night-thinker-23 @lavieenlex @mariahoedt 
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