#also junnie placed out of his nose for like the majority of this song
juunshua · 6 years
thoughts on junhui and yanan's performance? i do kind of agree with hao when he said that there could be a tendency where yanan could be overpowered by jun and his role. and it did show in the performance... but god the concept of the stage in general? is so galaxy brain to me jkshafkjds its interesting that we see a lot of what goes on in junhui's brain junhui is so much more than a pretty face,,, tho i really do feel that yanan was overshadowed dsajhkjfd but the high note he belted out? legend
ahh did hao say that? i do agree that yanan was overshadowed, it was kind of already obvious from the previews though from their body language: junnie was obviously taking on a more leadership role. i must admit, as a jun stan, that definitely excited me. i dont recall a single moment where junnie has taken the lead in a musical endeavor, he was always passive for whatever reason. this might sound kinda...rough...but i think something about svt holds him back. back to the performance, though...same! i thought the stage was absolutely beautiful. to me this is what id call a ‘performance’. the way he combined acting with the music and singing was great. nothing was overbearing or felt unnecessary or out of place, which is something that i definitely felt with my i (it was ironic to me how a song that is about continuity felt so..discontinuous and truncated through that rearrangement). the composition itself was so bare at points! like not much is happening really its the same four chords more or less and the vocal melody itself is repetitive and predictive. thats how much the performance lied in the hands of the performance to make it interesting and i think junnie definitely pulled through. im not sure what the mission exactly was but two teams had to take one piece of music and incorporate it into another song? something along those lines im not sure about the exact nuances behind it but junnie and yanan did not really ‘weave it into the music’ perse? like i think the idea was to use that simple melody as a motif when u combined it with another song but junnie and yanan only had it playing from the record player. to me, i dont think that was a bad choice, maybe not what the show was expecting, but it wasnt a bad choice at all. it was interesting to see how they would tackle the ‘problem’ of that song and its interesting because the way that the melody was actually put into the song was as a plot point, almost something ud expect from musical theater. junnie is an actor through and through like the way his mind works is to see things as a story which i think is wonderful. if the mission was to incorporate two songs together  and combine it into one, they definitely didnt fulfill that goal, but if it was just to use two songs for one performance then i dont see anything wrong with what they did. one song was used as the main melodic push and the other song was used as a plot point to enhance the performance aspect of it.tl;dr this stage was GORGEOUS and i loved seeing what sort of things are going on inside junnies brain. as u said, hes not just a pretty face, and hes not just a silly person who plays jokes all the time. he is both but hes a lot more than that too and as a jun stan its been a struggle to get anything from him past those two things that he always pushes in svt. i was very very very thankful for this stage. it might be a rare once in a lifetime thing but i hope to god it isnt i need to hear his artistic voice in svt more please its absolutely wonderful.  and although yanans artistic voice could have been overshadowed, i do think theres something to be said about the person who can properly execute the vision of another artist like that is not easy either. must be something magical about the boy ahaha two of my fav stages have involved him (my fav from last weeks was his duet with jc). i cant wait for him to also unlease his magic and show the world what he can do! laksjdf under the cut is my interpretation of the stage and performance because i wanted to note it down somewhere ahaha
i think i read some translation somewhere that junnie meant for the performance to be like yanan as a spectator and jun as someone, i dont know how else to express this , but as someone who is 'losing their mind' per se? but to me it kinda seemed like two halves of a whole. perhaps yanan did start off as a spectator, and thats why the performance starts off with them either separated with a barrier or by space, distance, and direction. its right after junnie touches yanan that the record player starts playing again after yanan had stopped it at the beginning of the performance, and thats when he breaks it too. when yanan unmasks junnie its almost as if hes uncovered the other part of himself? like this mysterious masked figure just turns out to be himself in the end? its also after that part where they start singing to each other and gradually closing the space between them and even musically like did u notice their parts switched? the lines that junnie was singing in the first part of the song, yanan now sings and vice versa. they start becoming more and more unified as the song progresses, performance wise and musically as well. even the calm yanan gets a bit ‘riled up’ by the end of the song, you can see junnies persona seep into his own. but thats how i saw it. the wonderful thing about music is how open to interpretation it is. i think its these kinds of performances that are so open to interpretation that are even more musical imo laksdj idk how to explain,
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stay-mon-army · 4 years
Sleepy Baby- Song Hyeongjun
Warning: None
Word count: 1,518 words
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Lazy days were always your favorite; especially when your boyfriend also had the day off. He worked hard- he never missed a practice and he was always exhausted by the time he got back to the dorm. This meant that you didn’t get to hang out with him often. You wanted him to get the proper amount of rest he needed so you rarely hung out with him after long practice days like the last week had been full of.
Hyeongjun had invited you over last night, knowing that you both had today off and could spend it together. He didn’t want to miss a minute of it.
When you had arrived over last night, you had expected him to already be asleep- he’d had so many late nights and early mornings the past week. However, he was dressed in his most oversized hoodie and a pair of sweats, looking the definition of comfortable. His hair was a mess, black strands sticking at the most odd angles that you would’ve believed someone if they told you he’d been electrocuted. You knew it was actually because he had been rolling around in bed, trying not to fall asleep until you arrived. It was late- almost midnight, and you knew he’d been up since 5. He deserved to sleep.
And the hooded brown eyes of your boyfriend told you that you had max 3 minutes to coerce him into bed before he fell asleep where he stood.
“Bed time, sweetie.” You whisper as you enter the dorm, linking your fingers through Hyeongjun’s as you softly guided back towards his room. A few of the boys were still awake, milling around in the kitchen and common area. You say a quick hello as you pass by them but don’t stop to chat. Hyeongjun’s fingers are soft and loose in your grip, a contrast to the tight grip he usually hold on your hand.
As you enter his room, you say hello to Taeyoung, who is on his bed playing a video game on his phone. You lightly press against Hyeongjun’s chest once he’s next to his bed, urging him to sit down. As he lays back, he moves so you have room and you place down your overnight bag (out of the way of Taeyoung’s ladder, you didn’t want to endanger one of the members) and slid in beside him.
His arms pull you closer as you tug the comforter over the both of you. His head nuzzles into your neck, nose letting off small puffs of air that tickle your skin.
“Goodnight, Junnie.”
He’d fallen asleep almost instantly; you weren’t very far behind him. Taeyoung had turned off his game when you both had come in, and you’d heard him rustling around- presumably getting ready for bed, just as you slid into dreamland.
The next morning, you woke up early. You had gotten so used to your sleep schedule from your busy work weeks that you couldn’t sleep in as late as some of these boys no doubt would. You spent about an hour laying beside Hyeongjun. For a while you laid there with your eyes closed, listening to his steady, soft breathing. You didn’t want to move- it was warm under the blankets with Hyeongjun’s body heat and you could never imagine being anywhere more comfortable than your boyfriends arms. After a while, you knew that you weren’t going to able to go back to sleep, so you opened your eyes. You looked at Hyeongjun, who was somehow even more adorable when he was asleep. His eyelashes dusted his round cheeks, his mouth open a sliver to release huffs of air, and his hair was just as wild as it had been when you arrived last night. His arms held you close, his fingers were wrapped around your shirt, and you knew that getting out of the bed without waking him was going to be a challenge
You decided to attempt it anyway. You had to use the bathroom and you wanted to surprise the boys with breakfast, so you had to sneak out of bed soon. You slowly pried his fingers apart, sliding out from under the blanket and his arms.
You grab your overnight bag and tiptoe into the attached bathroom from the room Hyeongjun shares with Serim and Taeyoung. You quickly use the bathroom, brush your teeth, and change into your clothes for the day- keeping them comfortable and casual because you know that the boys will spend the whole day inside.
Again, you tiptoe your way through the bedroom, shutting the door behind you when you leave. As you turn towards the kitchen, you jump and gasp, startled. Standing in the kitchen in a hoodie, looking like he just rolled out of bed, is Woobin, a collection of breakfast food ingredients on the counter before him.
“Jesus, what are you doing up so early?” You whisper, laughing as you place a hand over your furiously beating heart. You walk over to him, picking up a package of pancake mix and flipping it around in your hands.
“I couldn’t sleep in. I tried, but I couldn’t stay asleep, so I decided to come make breakfast for everyone. What about you? How’d you manage to pull free of Hyeongjun’s death grip? He wouldn’t shut up about you coming over.” Woobin laughs, shooting you a knowing smile before he goes back to quietly collecting pans and ingredients.
“My work sleep schedule is still ingrained in my brain.” You huff, grabbing a bowl and helping Woobin begin cooking. “It wasn’t too hard to get away from him- he’s still asleep so he didn’t put up a fight.”
Woobin laughs hard, catching himself and covers his mouth. Neither of us wanted to wake any of the boys before we needed to. These boys had a tendency to become angry bears if roused from slumber before they were ready.
After that, you both worked in silence, making an array of food for the nine boys in the dorm, as well as yourself. Woobin played some soft tunes to fill the silence- some song you didn’t know the name of, but definitely enjoyed. You liked cooking with Woobin; he was a good cook and allowed you just the right amount of space and trust to let you do your thing, but also was there for tips or suggestions if you needed or wanted them. When you had finally finished all of the food and had then set up on various plates long the kitchen island, you turned to Woobin.
“I think it’s time to bite the bullet and wake up the others.” Woobin groans but nods, realizing that the food would start to get cold and then all that cooking would have been for nothing.
You point Woobin back towards his room and the one across the hall from him. They were his members, he should be forced to wake up the majority of them. You slowly opened the door to Hyeongjun’s bedroom, seeing that all of the boys are still asleep. Unlike Woobin, who would no doubt just yell at the boys to get up, you preferred to take a softer approach. You learned that usually helped sooth their annoyance at being disturbed.
Since Serim was closest, you started with him. You placed a hand on his shoulder, lightly shaking him and whispering his name. He hummed, trying to turn away from you.
“Woobin and I made breakfast.” That was enough to get him up- he rubbed at his eyes and sighed, stretching like a cat before smiling at you. You moved on to Taeyoung, wanting to leave Hyeongjun for last because you knew he’d be the hardest to convince out of bed. You climb the ladder to Taeyoung, again reaching over to shake his shoulder and whisper his name. You could hear Woobin yelling at the other boys, though the door must be closed because it doesn’t travel too well to the room you’re in. Taeyoung listens to you pretty well- he much preferred your method of waking him so he tried his best to wake up for you. You were his favorite of all the members significant others (he himself being single making that choice easier), and he often listened to you, wanting to stay on your good side. He yawns wide, right in your face, and you cough jokingly, lightly whacking his chest. “Go brush your teeth before you eat, you’ve got the worst case of morning breath I’ve ever encountered.”
He giggles softly and flashes you his precious smile before you slip back down the ladder, approaching your boyfriend. You kneel down on the edge of the bed, running a hand through Hyeongjun’s hair to push it out off of his forehead. You lean down, placing a soft kiss to the space between his eyebrows, watching as they crinkle softly. You place a feather light kiss to either eyelid, then his nose, then both cheeks. By the time you reach his lips, they’re slightly pouted and you know he’s awake enough to know that it’s you waking him.
“Junnie, you have to get up now.” Your voice is soft, soothing, and the slight upturn at the edges of Hyeongjun’s tells you that he has a mischievous idea.
Before you can react, he wraps his arms around your waist, yanking you down onto the bed beside him. He nuzzles his head into your shoulder, holding you as close as he can to his body. This adorable display from your boyfriend pulls a deep laugh out of your body. You reach up, stroking his hair again as you subtly try to wiggle out of his grasp. You wanted to eat the food you had helped make, and if you let the boys have free rein for too long, you would surely exit to an empty kitchen.
“Hyeongjun, I want to eat breakfast. Please get up.” You turn to place an awkward kiss against the top of his head.
“No, I’d much rather stay here with you all morning. You’re so comfy.” He pulls you closer, if that’s even possible. His words were adorable and you can’t help the huge grin that spreads across your face. As hard as it sometimes was to handle his clinginess, you couldn’t lie and say you disliked it in any way.
“Well, how about we go eat something and then come right back here to cuddle?” You hoped that would work, but he groans and shakes his head. You lean your head closer to him and whisper cheekily, “I made your favorite.”
He shoots his head up, looking at you with wide brown eyes that make you melt. He really couldn’t get any cuter than his genuine, real expressions of joy and excitement.
“Well, why didn’t you just say so? Let’s go.” He bounds over you, racing out of the room while you still lay across his bed. 
You watch him as he goes, eyes probably dripping with all the love your heart holds for him. Your boyfriend was crazy, but you wouldn’t have it any other way.
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