#also ive been instructed to inform u that jet is part of nestie’s extended killjoyverse
hyperthrust · 4 years
Kobe’s kid isn’t talked about as much in fanon because so many people ship funpoison and people who like danger days because they’re “mature” compared to when they were in middle school and said it was the worst mcr album are also making more jet star content to avoid addressing the internalized racism they have with ray toro
um okay wow i did mean like tell me ur hcs. also can’t you only internalise bigotry if ur part of the group that it’s against? like that’s just regular racism. i dunno if ur right or wrong but just make more kk content dude. lots of characters go in trends and jets had a nice run the past year or so, i can feel it slowly shifting to ghoul, 2017 it was all about kobra and cherri. things come and go in phases and this ain’t killjoysecrets. take a lil seat n simmer down. tis a comic book n series of music videos.
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