#also its very clear what part of mm left an impact on me lmao
echoesofaheart · 4 months
thinking about time loops
time loops where you are fully in control. you decide when you return to the start, you can choose to stop the loops whenever you please (or you could, if the loops weren't the only thing keeping everyone alive). you learn everyone's problems, and you solve them. you find out how to save the world, too. but you can't do both. it is physically impossible for you to save the world and give everyone their perfect ending; there just isn't enough time. you witness a marriage and know you have no choice but to tear it away from them, leaving them no better off than when you met them. you can only save the world and hope its people can figure out the rest
time loops where you have no idea why it's happening, but there has to be a way out, right? (there is a way out, but not for you) you struggle to make it through, trying anything you can think of. but in the end you cannot escape, you can only pass the burden on to someone else
time loops where you can do whatever you want. you have all the power in the world. you aren't the first, you aren't the only one who knows, but only one can hold this power. you try and try and try and figure out how to get your perfect ending, and its great. but you can always rip it away, just to see what happens. and you do. maybe you do so multiple times, destroying the world over and over again. everything is just ones and zeroes, after all. the one who you inherited (stole) the power from talks to you, describing how he learned everything there is to know about anyone, and you look at him and see the apathetic creature in front of you (and you know you're the same). when you get bored, you decide to leave them on a happy note, their best possible ending (to assuage the guilt you feel)
time loops where you can do everything right, and still end up back at the start. doing everything right is part of the loop, reaching the peak of your prosperity and happiness only means the breaking point is looming over your shoulders. why do you still try to save yourselves, if you know you'll always end up back there? (because you all deserve to be happy, even if it isn't permanent)
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