#also its a quote that can absolutely swing both ways and be used to justify israels counterattack
rawwkfingers · 1 year
One of the quotes that I continually fall back on when thinking about situations like the occupation of Palestine and their inevitable just retaliation is "When it's your people suffering, we'll use your justice."
We do not get to judge Palestinian actions unless we have suffered as they have, and every group that HAS suffered as they have (largely Indiginous populations) is in full support of Palestine's attempts to regain sovereignty
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(1/2)probs not what u intended when in that last ask u said “not really hurt by THEIR standards” but now all I can think about is the trio having a scary high pain tolerance. (Niles does too, but everyone knows WHY). But bc of their childhoods-often too many injuries and too few clerics, the trio just kinda Push through things they shouldn’t? A blow lands awkwardly in sparring but laslow keeps going until Xander notices him favoring his left and, oops, yeah it’s a fractured wrist but no worries
(2/2)When Selena gets sick Camilla practically has to wrestle her into bed (in the unfun way). Odin makes leo tea one night and burns himself on the kettle, and Niles and leo don’t even notice until they catch an glimpse of his hand bc his reaction to it was so nonchalant and casual? I like to think that the trio are (or at least laslow and Odin) overdramatic babies about small things but otherwise theyre like? Pain? What’s that? We are restrained by no such concept. And it stresses everyone out
Anon, that is exactly what I intended, and I’m glad you picked up on that because I’m pretty certain the Trio (and probably the rest of the Awakening kids) consider what is a “bad” injury differently than a lot of the Fates or even other Awakening crew.
This is especially apparent in Inigo’s Support with his father in Awakening, where it becomes explicit that Inigo’s cheery, care-free persona is to keep the whole group afloat and be seen as invincible and strong because there are people depending on him and he can’t afford to look weak. Never showing any weakness and hiding your fears and pains constantly is absolutely unhealthy behavior, and while I’m not entirely sure he learns not to do that after that conversation with his dad, I think as he lives in the non-tarnished Ylisse and is surrounded by more and more people who care about him and are looking out for him and they gain more supplies than there ever were in the destroyed future, Inigo slowly gets better at admitting when he needs help. 
The other kids probably all do this to varying degrees as well, but by the time they get to be adults and solidly in Fates, I’d like to think the Trio have probably broken out of those habits a bit and learn to take better care of themselves now that it’s not life or death every moment of every day (even though it often is in battle still) and they don’t have to look perfect 100% of the time and supplies don’t have to be hoarded.
Now that said, the Trio’s gauge of what is “super bad” and what can wait is a little different than everyone else’s. 
I really do love the examples you picked out. Selena tries really hard and she’s come a long way from where she was in Awakening, but there’s still that drive to be the best, to prove herself, she’s needed, damn it… right? She’d be the type to hesitate, to say, “Oh, I’m sick. Maybe I should rest today?” because she’d tell someone else to rest in a heartbeat. But then duty calls or she sees Beruka doing her work and she’s not going to be the only one sitting around today. And of course Camilla wouldn’t stand for one of her retainers to be running around when they’re not at 100%. Selena protests being forced into bed, but part of her maybe likes being doted on a bit too. She likes the attention, but she doesn’t like being seen as weak. It’s a mixed bag. 
Severa would have worked through the dizziness and the pain and the fever and complained about everything under the sun except the fact she wasn’t feeling well, fighting for her life near tears because everything is awful and bad and she’s sick but she can’t stop. 
Selena can, eventually, lay down and admit Camilla is right and say “thanks for knocking some sense into me” at the end of the day. Sometimes part of growing up is also finding yourself in better circumstances. Sometimes it’s taking care of yourself and learning your limits. This is a bit of both.
Xander purposely swings wide and Laslow lowers his shield to ask what’s wrong, why are we stopping when Xander’s like, “Why didn’t you tell me you were injured?”
Laslow tests his wrist and yeah, he noticed it hurt really bad and ouch, yeah, that’s maybe probably fractured, but they don’t have to stop?
Xander tells their match is over. Go see a cleric.
Laslow takes a moment to blink and remember that oh, yeah. He can do that now. 
It’s embarrassing to go to a cleric over an injury you received while sparring, especially when Laslow is supposed to be the shield that protects Lord Xander from harm, but Xander reminds him injuries happen while sparring all the time and the important thing to do is to take care of them before they become bigger issues on the battlefield later. “And inform me immediately next time you are injured like that, even by myself. You must take care of yourself.”
And something about that reminder and being visibly injured in front of someone he wants to look strong in front of doesn’t burn the way it would have a few years ago.
It’s Odin’s turn to make the tea one late night and while he takes longer than normal, Leo and Niles don’t think very much of it until Odin returns and sets down the tray and one of them sees the bandage wrapped around Odin’s palm.
“What happened to your hand?”
Odin, casually, “Oh, I burned it.”
“Why didn’t you go to a healer?” This is Leo especially.
“It’s not a big deal?”
“It clearly hurts a lot and would be impede your movement on the battlefield. That’s not going to heal on its own by tomorrow. Go see a cleric.” 
It looks painful is a good enough reason on its own, but Leo feels like he has to justify his reasoning anyway.
Odin: “Okay :////”
He doesn’t wield a sword anymore so it just seems kinda wasteful to use a staff over something so small. Meanwhile Leo’s like, “Why did he carry that tray all the way here with an injured hand?? It clearly hurt? Have I ever given him the impression that he shouldn’t heal himself if he’s injured??? I don’t think I did?”
Meanwhile, Niles: “Relatable but dumb.” He had Leo’s insistence of taking care of himself knocked into him long ago.
As a side note, I can absolutely picture the Trio pulling some dumb stunt via this Psych quote:
“How sure are you?”
“Eighty-five, eighty-six percent.”
“We’ve gone on much less.”
Except that “eighty-five” percent is much more likely to be, like, forty percent before they do something brave but stupid.
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