#also it's their birthday today everyone go wish johnny happy birthday RIGHT now
spadaaces · 1 year
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Revenge attack for @mmm-mohnki!
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a-cupof-jo · 3 years
Parings: Potion Master!Jaehyun X Medicinal Herbalist!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Intended Angst, Magic!au
WC: 4.1K
Warnings: magic inaccuracies, food mentioned, tiny bit suggestive
For @ficscafe fic scenario event! 
Summary:  The candle flickered as Jaehyun’s breath caught the flame. The life you two lived together was simple, but he wouldn’t change anything about it, “Happy birthday, Jaehyun. Make a wish.” The flame flickered out. He hadn’t known it then, but he should have used that wish more wisely.
Prompt: 38. When they test out a love potion on their partner.
It wasn’t fair that so many people get to enjoy this day while he is stuck behind the shuttered windows  dark shadows. He doesn’t hate this day. How could he? It was Valentine's day- and his birthday but that never mattered. Not to the everyday people who slip through his door hours before this day begins. He can’t blame them. For they came in search of something only he can provide. 
Or at least some figment of love. For some it was a way to prove their love. Others used it to try and get their long time crush to like them back. Jaehyun can’t help but laugh every time a young teenager pushes open the door to his shop for the nth time that week saying that they wanted to test this “love potion” on another person. Of course he doesn’t give them a full love potion. Just something diluted down closer to an addictive, like honey. It barely lasts 15 minutes. 
He hears a bell chime from the other room. Whipping his hands on his apron he walks through the separating doorway. “I’m sorry,” he glances toward a cracked window that no longer had sunlight gleaming through it. “I am actually closed.” 
“Oh,” a man just shorter than Jaehyun stood in the middle of the room. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize. I’ll just come back tomorrow.” He bit his lip lightly glancing around the room.
“Nonsense,” Jaehyun waved his hand. “You are already here. Might as well make good of the trip. Besides. I don’t mind.” He grinned at the man, trying to ease the tension that laced through the newcomers face.
The man sighed before stepping closer, “I still feel bad.”
“Don’t,” Jaehyun gave a light laugh. “Gives me something better to do than stir pots,” he watched the man warily as the sentence left his lips. “Magical beings” were still a wary subject for some people even if they had been able to practice in the open for nearly 50 years now. When the man just gave him a small smile Jaehyun stepped behind the counter that held his potions and elixirs. “What can I help you find today Mr…”
“Oh, Lee. But just call me Taeyong,” he waved his hand around peering through the glass at the display. “Well here’s my situation.” He glanced up at Jaehyun. “I have a date coming up and my date said there is this potion that allowed a person to change their hair color just by drinking it,” Taeyong looked amazed as he stared up at Jaehyun. “I wanted to try it out for our next date. That, and I’m not sure how much more bleaching my scalp can go through.” He combed his hand through his hair giving it a light tug at the bangs afterwards. 
Jaehyun grimaced as he watched the straw like strands fall back into place, “Well you’re where you need to be. I have a lot of potions for that.” He moved down the row to where a shelf full of colorful bottles filled every inch. “There’s all of these, plus I can also create other colors if you don’t see one you like here.”
Taeyong peered back through the glass eyes wide with wonder. He glanced around the box a few times. "What about white?" He rested a hand over a bottle he assumed to hold the potion. 
Jaehyun grinned, "One of my best sellers." Reaching for a little black jar Jaehyun scan the man. He would obviously look good with white hair. He probably looks good with any color of hair. "You just want to try the white?" 
Taeyong hummed a second glancing toward the moonlit window, "Yes, just the white." 
Jaehyun set the bottle is a small leather pouch, "2 shillings." The coins clinked as rested on the counter. "Enjoy! Have a good night." He watched the thin man walk through the door and past the window before latching the door shut. Taeyong had been pleasant and kind but Jaehyun couldn't help but be slightly peeved with the man. Unlatching the door he peeked his head out; he glanced to his left and, yes, there was still the sign with hours stating 'Dawn to Dusk' hanging off the building. 
The moon was bright tonight and he couldn’t help but stare at it. How could it be that a ball of rock could bring him such peace. Maybe it was just the ambiance, but a little part of him wants to believe that there's a little man that lives on that moon and watches over the earth. It might seem ridiculous, but he could brew color changing elixirs and make people fall in love, so it couldn’t be that far fetched. 
“Happy birthday, sweetie,” Jaehyun jumped lightly as arms wrapped around him from behind. He sighed as you placed your chin on his shoulder. “Sorry I wasn’t back earlier. I got stuck talking to Johnny at the market.” Your finger traced little patterns on his stomach as you both stood in the dimly lit doorway. “Come on, I’ll make dinner.” You pulled at his arm. Jaehyun closed his eyes taking a deep breath of clear night air before turning and giving you a soft smile. “I may have something for you. You know, considering it is valentines day.” 
“Only because it’s valentines day,” He raised an eyebrow at you as you glided through the small store. 
You were once an enigma to him. Someone he couldn’t reach, couldn’t touch. Your brother, adoptive brother, Johnny was Jaehyun’s best friend growing up. You were the aloof younger sister that Jaehyun hardly knew about until you made it to your apprenticeship. For as long as Jaehyun had known you, you’d have always been enamored by plants and flowers. So, when he found out you were studying herbal medicine, he wasn’t surprised. 
“Of course, what other day would it be,” you gave him a small smile as you stood near the pot Jaehyun had previously been working at.
Jaehyun's relationship with you had been moments of fleeting looks, paths crossing, and unspoken rules. Two lives bending and swaying, following the same path, but never touching. Until you broke the pattern, you veered off course.
He had just finished his apprenticeship with the, now retired, potions master Kim. Mr. Kim had taken Jaehyun in from a young age, raising him when Jaehyun’s parents decided they didn’t want anything to do with someone containing magical properties. Johnny had planned a small party congratulating Jaehyun on his success. He didn’t know you were going to be there. Even if you were Johnny’s sibling you never showed anything but indifference to Jaehyun. Music had played from a small group of boys too loud for the space they were in. 
You had sauntered over, a small flute of champagne dangling from your fingertips. "Can you do it?" Jaehyun had been surprised by your bluntness. "Take over for Kim. There's gonna be a lot of pressure," you noted, not unkindly. 
"There will be, but Mr. Kim wouldn't let me take over if he didn't have at least some confidence in my abilities," he swiped the glass from your hand and swallowed down the contents. "Besides, he's still going to be around. He hasn't cut me loose yet." 
You grabbed his hand in yours and tugged him towards the outskirts of dancing people, "A dance?" You didn't wait for a response as you twirled him closer to the center of the floor. 
Jaehyun was not surprised at your fluid movements. Johnny had always bragged about how his sister was a natural dancer and the best in their city, perhaps the world. He smiled at you now sharing Johnny's sentiments. You gave him a small grin in return as the music died, "You're going to be great."
A whoop went up from one of the musicians, Donghyuck, Jaehyun's brain supplied. Your grin grew as you raised your voice in a louder whoop. Jaehyun watched as the sentimental atmosphere changed. You grabbed his hands leading him to a lively dance, "Beside, you can't fail, not when I'm just a few doors down." 
"You mean cause Ms. Joy is a few doors down," Jaehyun teasing corrected. 
You shake your head at him, "I'll be a few doors down." 
You were, and a line that you didn't know existed between you both was crossed. Jaehyun wasn't sure who started the late night rendezvous or the unspoken pact of always standing by each other, but turned into late night talks which turned into early morning coffee, and later, shared lunches. 
You guys fell into a rhythm, a three year rhythm that morphed into passing kisses, soft hugs, mornings of gentle coaxing and nights of soft loving. 
Jaehyun wrapped his arms around you glancing into the pot full of a clear liquid, thicker than water and smelled of sweet syrup, "Busy?" 
You spun to face him shaking your head as you fixed the collar of his shirt, "Everyone was too busy being in love to be worried about visiting me.” 
“Ah, the prettiest healer on the street doesn’t have love on this day,” Jaehyun furrowed his brow. “I knew this would happen. You would leave me because I have given love to everyone but you.”
You gave him a light giggle kissing the corner of his mouth, “I would never leave you.” You spin out of his arms walking further towards the house that sat behind the shop. “You are my soulmate,” you gave Jaehyun a look full of adoration and love.
Jaehyun was sure that his face read the same, “My perfect half.” 
You motioned for him to follow you, “Come, I made something for you.”
“Made something for me,” Jaehyun stepped into the small living areas entryway. “What is the occasion?”
“It’s Valentine's Day,” you had shrugged, pulling a large dutch oven out of the convection oven. You turned and furrowed your brows at him, “and I think there’s something else going on today. Any idea what that is?” 
Jaehyun shrugged, “None that I can think of.” 
“Hmm,” you opened the lid letting more of the aroma fill the room. Your mouth popped open in  mock surprise, “Oh, that’s right. It’s your birthday.” You placed vegetables on the table before scooping up some hot soup. You widen your eyes at him, humor dancing through them, “I can’t believe I forgot about it. Especially because I got you something special.” 
“Something special?” Jaehyun placed cups on the small table as you set down the plates. “Where is it?” 
You grinned and leaned in close to his ear, “That’s for me to know and you to find.” You laughed as Jaehyun let out a choked breath and scanned you up and down. “Now, let’s eat. You’re going to need all of your energy.” 
“You are going to be the death of me,” Jaehyun gave an astonished laugh grinning as you sat across from him placing a small cupcake in front of him. 
The candle flickered as Jaehyun’s breath caught the flame. The life you two lived together was simple but he wouldn’t change anything about it, “Happy birthday, Jaehyun. Make a wish.” The flame flickered out. He hadn’t known it then, but he should have used that wish more wisely.
Jaehyun hummed under his breath as the sun shone through his shop's open windows. Spring was just around the corner and Jaehyun’s happy mood couldn’t be dimmed. Warm bright weather brought in more customers. More customers meant that he was busier, and brought in more revenue, but mostly he was busier. That was one reason Jaehyun loved his job. He was working with his hands all day. There was never a moment where he was bored. 
He watched as a little boy walked between the two aisles the shop held. It wasn’t much, but the little trinkets and common potions that lined the shelves made Jaehyun proud of how far he had come. He could still picture the small store from when he was around the young boy's age. Laughter sounded through the store as the boy tried to escape his mother's hands. "Have a good day!" Jaehyun watched the giggling pair walk out the front door. Turning to the backroom he sighed looking at the pot that sat there.
The weeks he had spent trying to develop a new love potion was wasted as he, once again, failed. Since before Valentines day, now nearly 2 weeks ago, he had been cooped up in that backroom, trying to find a better love concoction. You, while fully willing, were starting to become an annoyed test subject. Jaehyun couldn't help but get testy when you complained about the new love potion. If you were gonna tell him it wasn't good or right then maybe you could give some ideas on how to fix it. Maybe he just needs to find a new test subject. Jaehyun looked through the list of love potions and ingredients that he had already used. Too many, he scowled down at the pages and pages of notes he had made on each variety of potion he had made. 
"Hello," he heard the little bell connected to the front door ring and someone walked around the shop, obviously looking for him. 
Jaehyun sighed, rolled his shoulders back and tried to put on his best smile, "Hi, what can I help you with- Oh Taeyong. Hello." Jaehyun scanned the man in front of him. "The white looks good."
Taeyong reached up and ran a hand through his bright white hair, "Thanks. I love it and so did my date." He tapped his index fingers together as he walked back up to the counter full of the colored potions. "I wanted to try more." 
Jaehyun smiled as the man scanned the rows, "We've plenty to choose from." 
Taeyong narrowed his eyes, concentrating on different colors. He eyes flickered up and met Jaehyun's, "I can't decide. What do you think? What would look good?" 
"He looks great in pink," a hand wrapped around his bicep. "He knows it too, but not many can pull it off well. You might be able to," Jaehyun grinned at you. While you were right about pink being a difficult color to pull off, you knew more than that, the pink dye was the hardest one to make. Which is why when Jaehyun glanced down at the box, he saw only 2 pink vials while the others had at least 10. "What about red? Maybe a green?" 
Taeyong watched the two of you share another quick look. Clearing his throat slightly he looked down in the box again.  "Red and green," he nodded his head. "Yes, I think I'll try those. One of each, please." 
Jaehyun grabbed the two vials and placed them both in a leather patch that you held open, "Okay, 4 shillings." Taeyong placed the coins in Jaehyun's hand. "Have a good day!" 
"You too," Taeyong gave a half hearted wave. 
Jaehyun sighed as your arms wrapped fully around him, “What’s up?” Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at his face, your eyes fluted around looking for an answer. 
“I still can’t get this potion right,” he ran his hands up and down your arms. Jaehyun felt you press closer to you, your hands started running up and down his sides. “I want something different, something that shows who you are supposed to love, but how are you supposed to know that.”
“Soulmates.” Jaehyun startled as the voice rang through the shop. He turned to glare at the man who had made him jump, “Sorry.” Taeyong raised his hands. “I didn’t mean to intrude or overstay my welcome, but I can’t help but be fascinated by all of this. And also you can’t really-”
“It’s fine,” your arms dropped away from Jaehyun. You finger tapped your chin as you considered Taeyong words, “Soulmates… that may work, but, how could you put something like a soulmate indicator in a love potion.”
Jaehyun tapped his hands on the counter. Soulmates, while not nonexistent, hadn’t been thought about in decades. In fact, Jaehyun didn't know the first thing about finding soulmates or even if he believed in them. It’s not not very plausible, he can’t just give someone a potion and tell them that it will give them their soulmate. There's more to it than that. More to love and being in love then just having souls destined to be together, "I can't do that." He shakes his head at the two who had continued to excitedly discuss the topic. He watched as their faces morphed to disbelief and disappointment. 
Your hands came up to rest on your hips, "And why not." 
Jaehyun reached into the glass cabinet rearranging vials and avoiding eye contact, "There's no way I can reveal soulmates. Too many indicators and no defiant way to squeeze all of those into one potion. Soulmates and their indicators have been hidden for years and it's rare that people ever find or want to be with their soulmate. Besides, there are too many variables." 
"Too many variables," you gave a light scoff. 
"What if you didn't give them a way to instantly reveal their soulmate," Taeyong cut in. "What if, instead, you revealed soulmate indicators or made them stronger." 
"What do you mean," Jaehyun sighed. He knew they weren't going to give this up. The hope and excitement in their eyes made Jaehyun more hesitant to even consider creating this potion. 
Taeyong walked closer to the counter where Jaehyun and you stood. “Soulmates, they are predestined, we can’t control or decide who they are or how we get paired. Now, many of us don’t meet our soulmates, the bonds aren’t as strong and people can find people they truly love. What if you strengthen the bonds? Revealed them?” Taeyong lifted his hand wiggling his fingers. “Sometimes I think I feel a tug on my hand, especially when I am at home alone. I can’t help but wonder if, hope, it’s my soulmate.”
You watched him, an unfamiliar look in your eyes. Slowly you turned to Jaehyun and grabbed his right hand in both of yours, “Please Jaehyun, you can do this, we can do this. Help others find their soulmate, their perfect half.” Your eyes pleaded with him.
 It really wasn’t fair. You knew that he would do anything for you, and you used that against him. Jaehyun sighed, “Okay, I’ll try. If you think this will work I’m willing to work on it.” Jaehyun couldn’t help the small smile that graced his face as you gave him a hug cheering along with Taeyong. He watched as you danced around the room bidding goodbye as you ran back to work. Taeyong also raced out of the shop, saying something about a ruby and some fish. As he watched the door swing shut the smile dropped his face. He couldn’t help the dread that filled his stomach and the distinct feeling that this would not end well. 
Jaehyun stirred the sweet smelling syrup again. This was his fifth attempt at this potion. By this point he was frustrated. Nothing was working, all he kept making were diluted love potions, potions that made eyes change colors when they saw their loved ones, and a potion that made your heart glow from inside your chest. Both you and Jaehyun had been disturbed by the last potion. He had spent two weeks trying to figure this out. Both Taeyong and you had been helping when and where you could. You would get herbs and plants of magical origins, guiding and helping with the new ones that Jaehyun hadn’t seen before. Whereas, Taeyong would stir the potions or gather, obscure, ingredients- fairy dust, dwarf warts, pegasus hoof shavings. While impressive, Jaehyun was too scared to ask Taeyong how he got all real, authentic these ingredients or knew about all of these ingredients. As far as Jaehyun knew, Taeyong wasn’t a magic user. Though he wouldn’t be surprised if he descended from fairies or mermaids. 
He sighed as the potion bubbled the mugwort he just dropped in hissed as it blended, “Make a potion, they said. It will help people, they said.” He pulled out another vial. He had it simply labeled “love”. A base potion that he used when creating all his love potions, but this wasn’t a love potion, not truly. People don’t fall in love because of it, they may not even be able to find love because of it. With that thought in mind he set the base potion down and pulled out a different potion. It’s more medicinal, healing than anything else. It was the first potion that you and Jaehyun had made together. A potion that could heal a bond. Chi bonds specifically. Maybe it would work. If he broke it down to its core parts and mixed it with the current love potion or maybe the one that made your heart glow just a few nights ago.
Jaehyun jumped from his seat racing around the room grabbing ingredients and writing down ratios and doses. The smell of linens and irises filled the room. Jaehyun could help but feel comfort from the two smells. It smelled like you. Like a warm day under the sun laying in the little meadow sitting on the outskirts of town. 
“It smells so good here,” Jaehyun looked up as you entered the room. You closed your eyes inhaling a deep breath. “Like just after it rains and…” you took another deep breath, “and roses.”
Jaehyun tilted his head. That was interesting. The scent was different to everyone. Maybe it was a comforting scent or the scent of your beloved. It may have worked this time. Jaehyun stirred the pot a few more times before turning off the heat, “I just need to let it cool now.” 
You walked closer to him peering down into the now pale yellow potion, “You think it worked this time?” 
Jaehyun wrapped an arm around your waist. He shrugged, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder, “Maybe. I tried something different this time. It may do the trick.”
You hummed as he swayed you both back and forth, “That’s good. I’m really glad that you decided to make this. Soulmates were intended to be together, to have each other and we’ve moved so far from that.” You reached up and played with his hair twirling it between your fingers a few times, “I know that it doesn’t really matter, but I’d like to know, to confirm what I know, you’re my soulmate.”
Jaehyun was so in love with you. So ready to spend the rest of his days with you. He took another deep breath, linens and irises, “My better half.” He kissed under your ear before moving to grab a ladle from beside the pot, “Would you like to ladle or hold the bottles.” You grabbed the ladle from him motioning to move closer to the pot. “Would you like to know what I used this time? What the heart of this potion?” He watched you nod your head urging him to continue, “Our first potion.” Your head shot up surprise lighting up every feature. Jaehyun laughed, “I still remember you rushing in here and demanding I help you. You had never had to make a medicinal potion for a chi before. I hadn’t either, but that didn’t stop us from trying. Maybe we were lucky, or maybe it was fate because that day I feel deeply and madly in love with you. You unlocked my ability to love.” 
You stood still. Face slack jawed but eyes full of love, “You’re such a dork.” Jaehyun couldn’t say anything before you were in his arms, lips on his, and arms wrapped around his shoulders. “I love you.” 
“I love you,” Jaehyun grinned at you, pulling further away from you. He looked over at the now empty pot. “Now, rock, paper, scissors for who has to drink the potion.” He held his hand up in a fist.
“Fine,” You rolled your eyes at him. “Rock, paper, scissors.” You sighed as he held up scissors motioning to cut through your paper. “Fine,” you picked up the small vial tilting it in a small cheers before drinking the liquid inside. 
Jaehyun waited, the air tense around the two of you. A bell rang, but he didn’t pay any attention to it. A small red string pulled at your previously bare pinkie, “Hey guys! What’s going on. It smells so good here, like fresh linen and Irises. Are you guys back he- oh.” The string led past Jaehyun and tugged tight where Taeyong stood, his hand lifted in surprise.
Tag List: @qianinterprises @stayctday @infnteen
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nctsjiho · 4 years
warnings: mentions of the pandemic and about mental health, but we don’t go deep into the topic (I hope you are pulling through loves🤍💚🤍 Stay healthy!)
❀  JiHo opens up about her past and how she’s currently feeling
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JiHo waits a few seconds for the comments to roll in to make sure she’s live before bringing her hand up and waving at the camera. She looks a lot more tired than normal, but that could be because it was currently 3 in the morning.
It looks like she’s sitting on a couch or maybe even her bed with her knees close to her sweater clad chest. The hood of the sweater hiding her hair and ears with the strings tied tightly at the neckline.
“Why are you awake this early?” She hums after reading the question. A smile starting to form on her lips before she answers. “I’ve been up all night playing games with Haechan, Chenle and Jeno.” She chuckles.
“Everyone. My hair has become so long.” JiHo starts to undo the strings of her hoodie and uncovers her head. Her hair is pulled back in a loose ponytail, which she also undoes to show her hair longer than it had ever been (during her time in NCT at least). The strands of hair fall to her chest and she cards her hands trough it. “I would usually cut it by now, but I’m too lazy to go to the salon.” She sheepishly grins. “And I’m actually starting to like it a little, what do you guys think?”
It’s been a while since the fans had seen JiHo’s hair like this. Messy with her natural curls much more visible. “I love your hair unnie!” JiHo laughs at the comment before thanking the fan. “I like your short hair, but the long hair is also really pretty.”
“Did you celebrate Ten’s birthday?” She reads out. “There’s a lot of birthdays in February so I tried to do something for every birthday boy. I’ve already wished Ten a happy birthday and gave him his gift, but this year I could only really celebrate with the boys who I live with.” She nods to herself, hoping the fans would understand.
While reading comments on her phone a creaking noise could be heard, JiHo’s gaze moving to her side. “Is there something?” She asks, followed by footsteps that become gradually louder. “I saw the light from the hallway so I wanted to make sure you didn’t fall asleep with the lights on.” It was Taeyong’s voice. The girl nods and then looks at the screen in front of her. Taeyong moves into frame while asking if she was live on V App. “Yes, I was playing with the dreamies earlier and then wanted to go live for a little.” She explains and the leader hums in reply. “Don’t stay up too late okay? Bye everyone.” Taeyong leaves, but not before patting JiHo on the shoulder, somewhat using the girl’s shoulder as leverage to help him stand up.
“How are you today?” An English comment catches JiHo’s eye and she reads it out loud. A deep sigh leaves her lips and she looks back into the camera. “It’s not that I’m feeling bad, I’m just really tired lately. I got sick before our gimme gimme comeback because I was so exhausted. But don’t worry I’m better now. I just think the situation we’re in right now with the pandemic is taking a toll on my body and mental health. Luckily I have NCT with me and they all try to help each other feel better.” A genuine smile covers the slight frown she sported while talking. “I’m not an expert and I’m pretty bad at giving advice, but if you’re feeling down please reach out to someone. They might not be able to help much either, but just talking about how you feel is so much better than keeping everything to yourself. I also hope that NCT can be a light in your day whenever you feel down. We still have a lot of content going out on YouTube and our music is always there for you to listen to.”
The live stream had really taken a turn. With JiHo reading out a lot of comments and sympathising with the fans, every now and than trying to lighten the mood by cracking a dumb joke. The jokes were never funny, but JiHo was slowly getting sleep-drunk and everything started to seem funny to her. Despite that she couldn’t change the overall mood of the V Live, with comments still as sombre as before.
“I live with my roommates but I still feel lonely, sometimes I just miss my family.” As she reads the comment, something in JiHo’s eyes changes. Her soft expression falls into almost a frown, the word ‘family’ coming out as only a whisper. It’s quiet for the next minute or so, the fans clearly picking up on something as comments flood in about her family or asking if everything was alright.
It’s clear that the girl is trying to hide her true feelings as she forces a smile back on her face.”Don’t worry everyone, I’m fine.” She laughs softly. “I’ve never talked about my family right?” JiHo can’t even keep her eyes on the camera. “I don’t really talk to them a lot.” She realises how people could misinterpret the meaning behind those words and shoots up in her seat. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not on bad terms with my family. I’m just not really close to them either.”
“I moved to Korea on my own when I was almost 14, I spent that birthday here with some of the trainees I used to live with.” She smiles at the fond memory and the fans in the comments seem to be more at ease after seeing her smile so genuinely. “Before that I used to live with my grandparents for most of my life. So I’m closest to them, and I call them at least once a month. It used to be a lot more but now I usually just message them.”
“I have a lot of friends in France though and we video chat a lot.” She laughs and tells a story about a late night video call session where they played Jack Box together. “I do miss them a lot, so I hope I get to see them in real life after the pandemic is over.”
“What about your parents? My parents? It’s a bit complicated.” She takes a deep breath before speaking again. “I lived with them for 4 years before my mother got really sick. She needed special treatment, and my dad got a big job opportunity. The moved together because she’d be closer to a hospital where they could help her even better. That’s when i moved in with my grandparents and I could stay close to my friends and the rest of my family.”
“When I was 11, my mother was healthy again and so we all moved back in together close to my grandparent’s home. It was a little awkward at first.” JiHo brings her hand up to scratch her scalp, her head drooping down for a second. “I only lived with them for 2 more years before I got scouted, so we didn’t get really close again. But they were always so supportive of me, so they still feel like my real parents.”
“They even host parties every now and then to celebrate new albums or milestones NCT achieves, and then they’ll send me pictures and tell me that they are proud of me.” The fans who were all listening intently had resorted to spamming the comments with hearts and an occasional ‘aww’. “I sometimes think that if I didn’t get scouted I’d be really close to my parents now and I’d have such an amazing childhood. Not that I haven’t had a great childhood already.”
That last comment had just left her mouth without much thought and people started to fill the comments with questions again. “Don’t say that, otherwise NCT wouldn’t have you in it” JiHo laughs before explaining herself. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I think getting scouted is the best thing that ever happened to me. NCT and Czennie are like my second family. Please forgive me.” She brings her palms together in front of her face and bows, a bright smile clearly visible. JiHo then moves her hands away from each other before twisting her fingers into 2 finger-hearts. “I love you guys.”
Though she didn’t tell the fans everything about her past and her life in France was still a big mystery, everyone seemed pleased to know more about their neo girl. JiHo, herself, even felt a bit relieved like she lifted a big weight off her shoulders by telling her about her past and how she was feeling.
She knew now that she could trust her fans with a few more personal things. What she didn’t know though, was that her roommates had also been watching her live stream and just as she was about to end the stream on a high note, 4 boys barge in her room, with the tallest and the youngest of the four launching themselves on the girl.
“Ack-” She shrieks, surprised by the sudden appearance of her roommates. “What’s going on?” “Hmm, I’m so proud of you!” Haechan had JiHo’s shoulders locked in his arms and he was squeezing her tightly. “We’re all proud of you.” Doyoung had said from behind the camera.
The girl rests her head against Johnny’s chest, acting as if she was trying to get as far as possible from her same-aged-friend who was still holding on to her. “Okay! Okay! I think we’re good now. You guys can leave.” JiHo shoos the boys away and Johnny takes the hint, ruffling the girls hair before leaving with the 2 men who weren’t trying to suffocate the youngest. “Haechan~” She whines and the boy mutters something about letting him do his thing a little longer.
She had managed to wedge her hand out his hold and started to push him by his chest and head. When she realised he wasn’t budging she just gave up, her body going limp and now she was almost leaning into his embrace. “Czennie, see what I have to live with. He only hugs me on camera, otherwise he’s only bullying me.” Haechan gasps letting the girl go. “The audacity! JiHo is a liar.” He places his hands on his chest where his heart would be and feigns being hurt. He gets a shake of JiHo’s head in response before she ends her stream by telling the fans that they should take care of themselves and their loved ones.
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ppangjae · 4 years
made to fall in love | ten
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SUMMARY. Seoul’s finest 30 under 30. The country’s youngest billionaire. 2019’s richest bachelor. But of all the women he could go after, he goes after.. her?
GENRE. fluff and angst + ceo!jaehyun (someone stop me) + nerd!reader + enemies to lovers!au + long lost friend!au
WORD COUNT. 1.8k+ words
warnings. tooth-rotting fluff, swearing, and tons of bickering!
author’s note. this update is just a little bit longer than the previous one just because there wasn’t an update last week. happy reading~
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TEN. never not • from the moment i loved, i knew you were the one
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“Care to explain this?”
Johnny tosses the daily newspaper onto Jaehyun’s desk. Jaehyun quirks an eyebrow at his best friend as he gently grabs the newspaper. Written in large, bold font, he reads the headline with a smirk slowly forming on his lips. Johnny’s eyebrows raise in surprise. 
“The media just loves me, huh?” Jaehyun clicks his tongue. He tosses the newspaper to the side. “Do you really think I have the time to get engaged?”
“So, you’re telling me that—”
“The headlines are fake?” Jaehyun interrupts him. “Yes. They are.”
“But that’s clearly you and Y/N in the picture. You’re clearly kneeling down in front of her with an engagement ring.” Johnny says confusedly.
“The restaurant we both ate at last night had a promotion where a newly-engaged couple’s dinner will be on the house.” He explains while shrugging his shoulders. “I decided to finesse the system. Is there anything wrong with that? Besides, the bill turned out to be bigger than I expected and what’s better than faking a marriage proposal to get the dinner for free?”
“The ring,” Johnny mumbles, “Do you carry an engagement ring everywhere you go?”
Jaehyun snorts. “The ring is for my mother. It’s her birthday today and I had picked up the ring yesterday. It was all perfect timing.”
Johnny squints his eyes at him with suspicion. “Well, you better talk to the press and clear this entire situation up. The public now assume you’re—”
“Off the market?” Jaehyun grins. “Sounds nice. It also looks nice when it’s printed out on paper. Jeong Jaehyun, CEO of Jung Architects is officially off the market—”
“Good morning.”
Jaehyun clamps his mouth shut. You enter the office before stopping in your tracks. You look at the two best friends who are staring at you. You fold your arms and raise an eyebrow. “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Johnny clears his throat. “Good morning. Jaehyun, do you want me to go grab you some coffee?”
Jaehyun fixes his tie and gets back to work. “I’d like that. Thanks. Y/N, do you want some coffee too?”
You watch them with a confused look. “S-Sure, I could get a caffeine boost.”
As Johnny starts making his way to the door, the both of you meet gazes. The both of you communicate through looks until Johnny shrugs his shoulders and sticks his tongue out at you. You let out a sigh. 
“Is there anything wrong, Y/N?”
Your posture straightens. “Nothing, sir.”
As you’re taking a seat at your work table, you notice a bright yellow post-it note on your desk. You place your bag onto your chair to pick at the post-it note. Your eyebrows knit together as you read it.
Cheer up! You look lovely today. -J
You scoff, ready to crumble up the post-it note until you try to sneak a glance at Jaehyun. He’s busy typing away on his computer, looking completely unfazed and unbothered. The more you stare at him, the more you question the post-it note. You shift your gaze back to the post-it note. J? Who the fuck is J? Instead of crumbling up the post-it note, you gently stick it back onto the surface of your work table. You look at Jaehyun with suspicion.
Johnny comes back to the office with two cups of freshly-made coffee in his hands. First, he places a cup onto Jaehyun’s desk. Jaehyun mumbles a soft ‘thanks’ before his typing returns to an aggressive speed. Johnny strides over to your desk to place your coffee onto your desk.
“A cup of coffee for my favourite human being.” Johnny smiles.
You chuckle. “Am I really your favourite human being?”
“Of course!” He exclaims.
“Johnny, get back to work.” Jaehyun commands him. Johnny’s smile is immediately wiped off of his face. It makes you want to laugh.
“Yes, sir.” Johnny mutters, rolling his eyes. He nods at you. “You look lovely today, by the way! It’s nice to see you all cheered up.”
“I—wait—huh?” You stutter.
“I should get back to work. I’ll see you during lunch break!” Johnny exclaims as he starts heading towards the door without speaking to you any further.
You look lovely today, by the way! 
It’s nice to see you all cheered up.
Cheer up! You look lovely today.
J for Jaehyun? J for Johnny?
You’re instantly troubled with your thoughts. Jaehyun sneaks a glance at you, specifically at the post-it note on your desk. A smile threatens to spread across his lips.
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The company’s year-end party is definitely something that shouldn’t be taken lightly. Every single employee seems to be doing at least something for the party. Johnny’s in charge of the decorations, Winwin from the HR department is in charge of the catering, and even Lucas, the newly-hired intern is in charge of the guest list. There are employees running everywhere, putting in all their effort to make the year-end party the best it could possibly be. 
Meanwhile, you’re in the middle of the chaos, pondering on what you should wear.
Jaehyun clearly has favourites.
You’re probably one of them.
“You should probably go for the off-shoulder dress.” You jump in your seat, letting out a loud yelp. You almost drop your phone. You hear a soft chuckle.
Jaehyun is looking at your phone over your shoulder. You immediately lock your phone, quickly shoving your phone back into your pocket. “I’ve been waiting for half an hour now. Are you done with your work?”
“Oh,” Jaehyun’s eyebrows raise. “Were you expecting me to drive you home?”
“Yes.” You frown. “You always do.”
“But you always decline my offer?” It comes out as a question. 
“Well, after much thought, I figured that I’d save more money if you drove me home.” You purse your lips into a tight line. “My bus money can be lunch money.”
“You have a point.” He hums in agreement. “Well, let’s get going. I know a place to go to.”
“A place?”
Jaehyun doesn’t reply, a grin spread across his lips. You fold your arms, waiting for him to utter a word but his stubborn self seals his lips. 
“It’s a surprise.”
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“Christian Dior?”
Jaehyun opens the door for you. You slowly step out of his car. As he shuts the door behind you, you can’t help but look at the store with bright eyes. He glances at you and smiles. “Surprise.”
You snort. “I think I’ll go to the store next door. I don’t think I can afford anything from Dior.”
“Who said you were paying?”
Your head snaps in his direction and your eyes widen. You shake your head. “Please tell me you’re joking.”
He shrugs his shoulders. “I’m not joking.”
You squint your eyes at him. “It’s moments like these where I wish I took the bus instead.”
“You won’t regret this,” he says as he grabs your hand.
You look down at your interlocked hands as he leads you to the high-end store. There are tailors left and right and retailers flocking to Jaehyun the moment he enters the store. They’re all asking him questions about what he’s interested in looking at but Jaehyun doesn’t budge. Instead, he looks at you.
“I’m not shopping for me,” he says with a sheepish smile. “I’m shopping for her.”
Everyone looks at you. You look at them, just as awkward and confused as they are until one of the retailers lets out a loud gasp. “You’re her! You’re the woman on the front page of the newspaper!”
You furrow your eyebrows in confusion. “What are you talking about—”
“She doesn’t know what she’s talking about.” Jaehyun cuts you off and he fakes a smile at the retailer. “Is it possible to get all the red dresses you sell at this store location?”
“Oh, I thought you were going to look for engagement party dresses—”
“Engagement?” You frown. The retailer just doesn’t know how to clamp her mouth shut and Jaehyun gives her a warning look. You nudge Jaehyun. “Do you know what she’s talking about?”
“Oh! How rude of me!” The retailer gasps. “Congratulations on your engagement—”
“Red dresses!” Jaehyun snaps. “Where are your red dresses? We’re running on a time crunch right now and—”
You shake your head. “No, we’re not. We’re not in a rush—”
“Ah, I wish I was as lucky as her to be engaged with Jeong Jaehyun—”
“We are in a rush. Please get the red dresses prepared, thanks.”
“We’ll get the red dresses prepared.”
You and Jaehyun share a look.
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There’s nothing wrong with having too many red dresses to try on. Well, except for two, it’s tiring and taxing. The tailors that are zipping you up in your last dress for the night can’t help but giggle at your facial expression. You look tired. You look at your reflection with a blank gaze. That is, until you finally feel the dress being zipped up perfectly. Your posture straightens and it sort of snaps you back into reality. Your eyes trail down your reflection in the mirror and your mouth gradually hangs open.
You look… 
“You look beautiful, ma’am.”
You look at the tailor through the mirror. You feel your cheeks heat up. “Thanks.”
“Shall we show Mr. Jeong how you look?”
You nod. “Let’s get going, I’m starving.”
Jaehyun fiddles with his phone as the annoying retailer continues to bug him with questions about his supposed ‘engaged’ life. He can’t help but regret faking a marriage proposal for a free dinner. He can’t help but regret using his mother’s birthday gift that so happens to be a ring, as a fake engagement ring. All for a free dinner. He guesses this was his karma.
“She’s ready, do you want to see her?” He looks up to see the tailor coming out from the dressing room. He slowly nods his head and lets out a yawn. “Sorry for letting you wait a bit longer for this dress, but I’m sure it will be worth it.”
He’s seen at least ten red dresses at this point that he’s not sure what the differences between them are. But that’s all about to change the moment you step out of the dressing room. And indeed, there is a huge difference. You step out of the dressing room in a red dress. But it’s not just any dress. 
You’re slowly turning around in the dress to give Jaehyun a full view of the dress. It’s a long mermaid, off-the-shoulder dress with a high slit down the side of your leg. It flows effortlessly all the way down to your feet. It shows all of your beautiful curves. 
Jaehyun looks at you in awe. “This is the one.”
You adjust your glasses on the bridge of your nose, tucking a few stray strands of hair behind your ear. You’re too insecure to even notice that Jaehyun even said something about the dress until the tailor is ready to take you back to the dressing room. “Wait, you don’t like this one?”
Jaehyun’s eyebrows knit in confusion. “I love this one.”
You blink. “Really?”
He smiles, nodding his head. “Really. You look lovely.”
You look lovely.
You snap out of it before turning towards the tailor. “I’m getting this dress.”
You look..
It echoes in your mind, over and over again, specifically in his voice.
Yeah, you’re definitely not sleeping tonight.
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tag list: @riverdale-kpop @cupofjae @jae-canikeepyou @crystxlkpop @befikel @justineasian @frankenstein852 @mymonbebecarat127heart @hoshitaro @ilymarkchan @hyluvjk @fantasircle @yourchasingsunsetslove @jae-bam @starryhyun​ @kriselynne @jaeismytamtation​ @etaerealboy​ @irrelevxntstxr @johnnyseosabs​ @jaeveil​ @doublepeace @jaehyunie77 @nshitae​ @ijustwantsummilk @crtznstuff @linnnnduhhhnctlove @airloe @princessaecha @jimjamjaemin @linansey @eileencacai @loviejaehyun @leesalts​ @yourchasingsunsetslove​ @antovsc​ 
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namluve · 4 years
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↳ you never had it like this | mark x reader | 9.7k | two parter | 18+ genre: smut, fluff, college!au, neighbour!au, idiots to lovers, baseball player!mark warnings: switch!mark, switch!y/n, alcohol consumption, handjob, mirror, bodyshots, a little dirty talk, mark and y/n are both whipped for each other
❝ baseball player mark has had a crush on you for a while now. will college change things or will the two of you continue to dance around the inevitable? ❞
note: happy birthday mark and a late happy birthday to my one and only amanda. my best friend who happens to be whipped for mark (no joke) and this might have been written with her in mind as y/n and our squad as the rest of the characters. enjoy! 
part one out of two - next part 
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Today was a rather hot autumn day the first week of school, and Mark was happy to be back in town. Having spent most of his summer at his grandmother’s house, he’d missed his friends a lot. Well… not only his friends. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about the girl next door all summer.
Getting distracted from the conversation he was having with Johnny as he saw you walking down the yard with your best friend. What you were doing to him should be illegal, he thought. His head empty as soon as your name was brought into the conversation or when you walked by.
“Earth to Mark, please close your mouth.” Johnny teased. Putting a hand in front of his junior friend’s face, making Mark snap out of his daydreaming. Shaking his head as he was embarrassed, trying to deny the fact that his mouth had opened a little the moment he saw you.
“I- I wasn’t…”
“I was just messing with you, let’s go or else I’m gonna be late for P.E,” Johnny said as he nudged Mark towards the direction they needed to go.
As they started walking, Mark couldn’t help but turn around one last time, catching you giggling at your best friend’s words. Your thighs incredibly exposed by the shorts you were wearing, making your ass stand out more than it already did. Making your ass look even better somehow. Mark was usually a boob guy but with you he seemed to be an everything type of guy. Appreciating each and every curve on your body.
“You think y/n will be at the party?” Mark asked, without even thinking. Making his obvious crush even more obvious than it already was.
“Sunny will most likely be, and wherever she goes, y/n follows.” True, Mark thought to himself. If he played his cards right, he might be able to convince Johnny to ask her to come. Your best friend had after all, never been able to say no to Johnny. Mark smiled to himself as he thought out his plan on his way of dropping of his friend at his class. Maybe if he got some alcohol in the system he would be brave enough to ask you out or at least talk to you.
He thought his crush would have gone away by now, but it seemed like going away for the whole summer and starting college only made it worse. You weren’t a stranger to him, the two of you had talked on several occasions, your families being quite close. Talking briefly at family dinners, getting paired up on a few school assignments and sharing some classes together.
Your best friend Sunny had always been the one to initiate conversations between the two of you at school. Being charismatic and easy to talk to, she made friends with almost everyone instantly and somehow always managed to drag you and Mark together. Mark honestly thought that was just her way of getting some alone time with Johnny.
Sunny’s and Johnny’s relationship seemed simple from an outsider's perspective. A lot of flirting and waiting for the other one to make a move. Both you and Mark always thought they would end up together, knowing they both liked each other. Your best friends proved you otherwise by refusing to make a move on one and other.
They had it simple while you and Mark… He couldn’t quite place where you guys were. Sometimes, you would talk and have the most interesting conversations while at other times, you couldn’t look each other in the eyes. God how he wished you would just make some kind of move; he would be all yours in a heartbeat without hesitating.
“Stop staring at them!” You hiss as you lightly slap your best friend on the arm. Turning around to face you, she gives you a playful look, as if she was proud of something. A glint of mischief in her eyes.
“Mark totally looked at you, and by that, I mean he starred at you,” rolling your eyes at your friend’s words as she continues, “second of all. I’m pretty sure Johnny must have trained this summer. I can feel that he has abs underneath his shirt now.” Scoffing at her words, you shake your head.
“First of all, ew. Second of all, if you want to feel them you probably could. Just talk to him, y'all have wanted to jump each other since forever. Just get it over with.” Offended, Sunny gasps, placing a hand on her chest just as she usually does when she is about to lie.
“If he had wanted to jump me, he would have had by now. Besides, I think he is into older girls, so I’ll just die alone.”
“You know that’s not true.” Your best friend liked being dramatic, but you knew that most of it came out of her own insecurities. She was pretty good at hiding it but luckily, you were just as good at seeing through the walls she builds.
“Come on, let’s get your dramatic ass to class so you can think about something else than Johnny’s dick.” You say, looking arms with her as you get ready to start walking to class.
“Class doesn’t stop me from thinking about that.” Shameless, your best friend was shameless to say the least.
“I know, I know,” you say, laughing as the two of you begin walking to class. Your eyes catching a glimpse of Mark’s back as he and Johnny head towards the direction of the baseball field. They probably had some training to catch up on, considering their first game was in just three weeks.
It’s not like you didn’t have a crush on Mark or anything, because you did. A big fat crush that had lasted for over two years now ever since your families had their first family dinner together. I was when Mark’s family had moved in into the neighbourhood, inviting your family over as the good Christian family they were. Wanting to get to know their neighbours better.
Over these two years Mark has had plenty of opportunities to show any interest in you. Besides looking at you for a little to long at times, Mark didn’t exactly show you in any means that he could be interested.
So, you tried to let that crush go, thinking it would get better over the summer. Which it did. You hooked up with a couple of guys, nothing too serious. Made out, gave your first blowjob, had someone fondle your boobs which frankly, didn’t meet your expectations. Over the summer you had grown confident but all that seemed to be lost the moment you saw Mark again.
His hair a little longer, dirty blond instead of his usual black, glasses that made him look cute and hot at the same time somehow. He told you once that he usually wears his contact lenses and only glasses at home, thinking they made him unattractive. He was so wrong, and you told him that, a light shade of pink on his cheeks as you did. 
In Mark’s defence, it’s not every day your crush calls you hot and he was not ready for it at all. So, he started wearing his glasses, hopping to catch your attention. Which it did, only, he didn’t exactly have any eyes at the back of his head. Missing each time your started at him from afar in class, sitting two rows behind him in English.
You couldn’t deny your best friend’s words either. Johnny had worked out more during the summer. You could see that, but it also seemed like Mark had while he had been away. The white t-shirt he was wearing to school clinging a little bit more to his chest than last semester.
If looking at Mark for ten seconds made you feel all these things, you knew you were in for a hell of a long year. Maybe, this would be the year you would finally make a move. Maybe, starting college would change your life in more ways than you thought. Maybe… just maybe… you could get your crush to like you back.
The first few days of the semester flew by and suddenly, it was Friday. You were at your best friend’s house along with most of your friends, the girl squad drinking and getting ready together. Trying to decide on what outfits all of you should wear.
“If you decide on the black jeans, you should wear them with my white top. It’ll make your boobs and ass pop!” The rest of the gang agreeing with Sunny’s words. Sana, the short pretty blond of the group raising her wine glass to her lips as she speaks.
“And then Mark will totally follow you home and y'all will pop your cherries!” Giving you a wink as she starts sipping on her wine. A faint ‘mhmm’ was heard from Sunny and laughter from the others. The atmosphere at Sana’s apartment playful as your squad had been friends for quite some time now. 
“Or you could just find some else you know?” Maya, the most independent girl of your group spoke up. She had never been a fan of Mark. Found the boy too childish, well, probably because they went to the same class in middle school. But that’s another story.
“They would be so cute though! I really think-“ Sunny said as she was interrupted by her phone ringing. Picking it up, a smile placed upon her lips as she read the caller id. 
“It’s Johnny!” she exclaimed happily. Everyone in your girl group, even you, sighing. Looking at each other, you all had the same thought, when would they finally just get together?
“Yeah totally! We’ll be out in ten!” She said before hanging up on Johnny, frantically seating herself in front of the mirror. Her makeup not even half done. 
“10 minutes?! You do realize how much left I have left on my makeup!” Maya exclaimed at Sunny, earning an eye roll from her before she responded.
“Have you seen how much I have left? You only have your eyebrows.”
“And they take time.” Putting your hands out between your two friends, you stop them from arguing further. Taking the mother role of the group as usual.
“Calm down now, let’s just get ready. We will have even less time if the two of you fight.” You try to reason, seeing their faces soften a bit. Still holding onto their annoyance at each other for a little while, doing their makeup besides each other in silence.
Ten minutes really do go by fast when you are by your friends. Grateful to get a ride over to the party and not having to leave a car behind at campus. The welcoming party would start at campus, doing a few games before going over to one of the sorority houses. Probably the neo 127 house considering Johnny was vice president there and Sunny would probably stay by his side most of the night.
Going down the stairs of Sana’s apartment, you realize you probably shouldn’t have been drinking all that wine. Especially in one go when you found out you only had ten minutes to get ready, and the pre party would be over. Because oh boy was the stairs harder to go down than they were going up somehow.
You realize it was an even greater mistake when you are greeted with Mark leaning against Johnny’s car. The alcohol making him look somehow even better than he usually does. His hair slicked back, showing his forehead. You knew this was Johnny’s doing. A light blue t-shirt, black jeans and white vans was apparently all that was needed to make you hot and bothered. And Mark of course.
He didn’t notice you at first, to busy reading the sign that was nearby but without his glasses he was helpless. He didn’t put in his contact lenses before the party. Knowing what a mess it would be if he forgot to take them out tonight before going to bed. It would hurt like hell and knowing his drunk self, he didn’t trust himself to remember to take them out.
As soon as he heard the girl’s behind you, talking, giggling about something, he finally noticed you. Standing right in front of him, dressed way to hot, showing your boobs slightly because of the top’s cleavage. Your curves on display for him with your tight clothes. A full course meal if Mark could say so himself. Showing just enough for his imagination to start running.
“Johnny!” You were almost showed to the side by your best friend. Sunny ran up to Johnny as he looked confused at her. Even more so when she pulled him into a tight hug.
“Yes?” He asked confused, unsure what he had done to deserve such a warm greeting from her. Meeting his eyes, you shrug, nobody really knew what was going on in your best friend’s mind. The only thing that was certain was that she was way friendlier drunk.
“Thank you so much for driving us. It truly means a lot.” She thanks him and he smiles at her.
“No worries.” Johnny answers as she lets go of her tight grip on him. Your eyes darting back at Mark, meeting his eyes for a second before he looked away. Had Mark been staring at you or did you imagine things just now?
“How are we all going to fit into the car?” Ellen asks, your other best friend. You had been friends with her for the longest of time now, dating back to beginning of high school. To most people, she came across as a very cold and serious person. In reality, she most often just looks out for the people she cares about. She is also a real prankster together with Maya when she wants.
“Jaehyun is coming in a few minutes, he got delayed because Mark gave him the wrong address.” Johnny explained and Mark immediately turned towards his friend. His face slightly red, a shade of embarrassment on his cheeks as he walks a few steps towards Johnny.
“I never said the wrong address, Jaehyun spelled it wrong when tapping it into the gps.” He defended himself as Johnny looked rather amused, a smirk on his face. Happy to tease his a little bit tipsy friend.
Truth being told, Mark had had a drink or three before getting in the car with Johnny. Getting to know that they would on the way stop at Sana’s place to pick you up was to much for him to handle. As soon as he heard your name being amongst the people they were supposed to pick up, he froze. Finishing his drink and taking a shot on the way out.
He barely small talked with Johnny on the way over. His focus being on Jaehyun, who he spoke with briefly on the phone at the beginning of the car ride. To nervous to think about anything else but you. He knew he would most likely see you tonight, but he didn’t think it would happen this quick. He thought he had some time to think over what he would say to you. Maybe ask you out if things felt alright.
You stopped yourself from starting to giggle at how cute Mark looked upset. It was a look on him that you rarely saw unfortunately.
“It’s no big deal, let’s just wait for Jaehyun, yeah?” Sunny said, quick to resolve the tension between the two boys. You felt a little proud at your best friend for once not riling up the situation but to actually settle it. Johnny turned towards her, a smile on his face as he nodded, agreeing.
“Yeah let’s just do that.”
Not even ten minutes later Jaehyun arrived. Most of your squad going over to sit in his car, leaving you, Sunny, Johnny, Mark, Ellen and Maja to ride with Johnny. Ellen and Maja quickly hopped in taking their places in the front seat and that’s when you realized, there was one to many of you.
“Shotgun!” As if Sunny read your mind, she quickly claimed the front seat sitting down next to Johnny at the front. Johnny laughed a little at how difficult she had made the situation just now. Feeling a little bad for his awkward friend who now was forced to talk with his crush. 
Mark, however, was in his own bubble, actively avoiding you and all things around him. Without really knowing the situation, he sat down in the car. Taking the last seat, sitting behind Sunny. Maya beside him in the middle and Ellen on the opposite side behind Johnny.
Confused as to why you were still standing outside, he finally acknowledged you. Looking at you nervously biting your lip as you played with your hands, he realized.
“I should-“ He began but Sunny was quick to interrupt him. As if an light bulb lit up above her head, she suddenly had a plan.
“Y/n can just sit on your lap, can’t she Mark?” Johnny quickly turned to Sunny. One hundred percent on board on her plan, exchanging a look with her, telling her he is on board.
Meanwhile, you and Mark awkwardly looked at each other, a little flustered at your best friend’s suggestion. You knew there was no way Ellen or Maya would exchange their comfort for yours. Well, maybe Ellen if she was feeling generous but so far, she hadn’t said a word, indicating this was most likely your faith tonight.
“It’s only a short ride, come on guys we don’t wanna be late.” Johnny knew he was putting a bit of pressure on both of you but maybe that was exactly what you needed. A little push towards something more.
Fuck it, Mark thought to himself. He had imagined you countless of times on his lap. Well, not like this but close enough. He knew he wouldn’t mind it, he just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable. As Sunny dragged her seat forward, putting more space in front of Mark he saw how you looked away.
“It’s okay, I don’t mind.” He quickly told you and you looked back at him. Taking a step forward. Your hands feeling sweaty as you do, heart in your throat. Worried he was somehow forced to do this.
“Yeah but like… do you want to?”
“I do!” Mark answered a little too quickly, hearing Johnny and the others in the car trying their best not to laugh. You however, looked shocked. Not expecting those words to come out of his mouth.
“I mean… Let’s just get to the party, okay?” He tried explaining himself and you nodded. Not wanting to make the situation any more awkward for him.
He seated himself properly, knees together, ready for you to sit on his lap. Here goes nothing, you think as you enter the car, sitting down on his lap carefully. Closing the door behind you, you hear Johnny starting the engine. Not wanting to put too much weight on Mark, you tried to keep yourself up a bit, not resting your ass fully on his lap.
Oh boy was Mark in heaven. As you tried to put space in between you, you created the perfect view for Mark that he could have only dreamed off. With your back slightly bent forward he could see the curves of your body perfectly. Trying to stop his imagination from running wild.
He didn’t have to think about for to long though as Jonny took a sharp turn, making you fall right into his lap. Back pressed flush against his chest, trying to balance yourself on his legs. Mark quickly noticed your struggle.
“I’m so sorry I-“ Not wanting you to be uncomfortable the entire ride and also getting a confidence boost out of the alcohol he quickly cut you off.
“Sit down.”
He didn’t mean for it to sound so harsh but honestly, it was like music to your ears. Spreading his legs to make room for your big ass between them, you quickly settled down between them. What you weren’t ready for was for his arms to find their way around your stomach. Pulling you closer to him.
“Better?” He had the audacity to ask. You were glad that he at least couldn’t see your face, feeling your cheeks heat up even more. Mumbling back ‘mhmm’ you relax in his embrace. Ellen and Maya trying their best not to laugh beside you, Johnny and Sunny clueless in the front.
Mark was surprised at how quickly he got comfortable with you on his lap. His mind wandering to how warm and plush your body felt against his. It was most likely the alcohol talking, but he didn’t question it at all when he got the urge to put his head on your shoulder.
You were surprised to feel Mark put his head on your shoulder, but you didn’t complain. Feeling his breath slightly on your neck as he closed his eyes, taking in your scent. Mark realized in that moment, this is what he wanted, and he had to make some move tonight to get it.
At the end of the car ride, you felt so comfortable in Mark’s embrace that you felt a little sad when you started recognizing the surroundings. Meaning the car ride would soon end.
As Johnny pulled up to the parking lot, Mark removed his head from your shoulder. Letting go of his grip around your body. You let out a small sigh of disappointment. Hoping he could hold you for just a little bit longer. Mark silently hoping you didn’t think it was awkward or minded that he put his head on your shoulder.
Sunny was the first one to get out of the car. Quickly shutting the door behind her to open yours. Johnny shaking his head at how many times he had told her to be more careful with the door.
“Let’s go!” She said with excitement, rushing you to get out of the car. Meanwhile, you were panicking about how to get out of the car without falling on your face. The last thing you wanted was to embarrass yourself in front of Mark.
Getting out was surprisingly easier than you thought, Mark moving his body around to help you as much as possible. Getting out of the car and standing beside you once you had gotten out. Looking up at him as he was slightly taller than you, you admire him for a moment. Feeling watched, Mark turned his head, meeting your eyes. He was expecting you to look away as he did, but you didn’t, keeping your gaze locked.
“Thank you,” you muttered, just loud enough for him to hear with how close he was standing next to you. Smiling at you as he nodded his head slightly.
“Yeah, no problem,” he answered quietly. Happy to have you so close to him. He could definitely get used to this. He just needed to figure out what he needed to do in order to make it into reality. And so that’s what he thought about as everyone started walking towards campus once Jaehyun arrived with the rest of your friends.
As the games started, everyone became wasted pretty quickly. What else could you expect when half the penalties involved drinking. Surprisingly, Mark stayed by your side most of the evening. Cheering you on by the side lines and you doing the same for him. It might have been a coincidence that the two of you were on the same team or it could have been the vice presidents doing.
Either way, none of you were complaining as you were small talking in between breaks, getting to know each other. Asking about how each other’s summers had been and the excitement of finally starting college. Holding Mark’s glasses whenever there was an activity that could get them broken. Suddenly, the two of you were just really comfortable in each other’s presence, and you loved it.
Your team ended up on second place, Sana’s team snatching the lead by only three points and it was time to head over to the sorority houses. There were four houses that decided to host parties, mainly because they didn’t want to overcrowd any house. 
Another rule in order to get into the parties was that you had to be a member or be a members plus one. That meaning, if you were a members plus one, that member had to look out for you and make sure you wouldn’t break any rules.
Johnny had already decided on Sunny as his plus one. All of his friends already being in the house and secretly, though he wouldn’t admit it, he wanted to spend more time with her. Jaehyun took Sana as his plus one, happy that their team had won the games earlier, he couldn’t diss his number one player. Ellen and Maya, along with the rest of the gang, had already joined one of the local sorority houses and was on their way over there right now.
You regret your decision not to join a house at this very moment. In your deafens, deciding between the two leading girl houses had been hard and it was a commitment you weren’t ready for yet. Or maybe, you had just forgotten about the last couple of days.
You hoped Johnny could as the vice president bend the rules a little, just a tiny bit for you. Sunny noticed your smile turning into a frown, realising Mark had not asked you to be his plus one. She wanted to say something, but Mark beat her to it. Realizing why you suddenly wore a frown, a little mad at himself for not asking sooner.
“Wanna be my plus one y/n?” It sounded so casual coming out of his mouth. In reality, Mark was terrified of being rejected. Hands shaking a little as the words left his mouth. Turning your gaze towards him, you look at him.
“Yeah, sure.” You answered, a smile on your face as you did, and Mark smiled back. He couldn’t stop what he was saying next as the alcohol started talking for him.
“You’ll have to stay by my side though.” It was one of the rules, yes, but hearing Mark say it to you made you feel butterflies in your stomach. Feeling your face heat up a bit as you nodded.
“Of course.” As the words left your mouth, Mark began to process what he had said a minute ago, cursing at himself. What if he made it awkward? He quickly looked at Johnny, his friend just sending him a wink his way before he started walking towards the 127 house. Sunny by his side, small talking with each other. For the first time ever, Mark was actually not disgusted by his wink but surprisingly reassured.
So, he started walking as well, looking back at you to make sure you were following. You quickly caught up to him, walking beside him in a comfortable silence to the house. Listing to Johnny and Sunny’s conversation as they low-key flirted with each other every now and then. Mark letting you go up the stairs first. A real gentleman move, if it wasn’t for the fact that he wanted to look at your ass for a second without it being obvious. Still missing the view he had in the car.
From there, things escalated pretty quickly. Starting off with a truth or dare game right away. Most of the people at the party gathering to participate. Sitting down in a circle, the game begins with Johnny asking you a question.
“Have you ever given anyone a blowjob?” Your cheeks heat up at the question. By the way Sunny slaps his arm, you figure she probably mentioned it to him. Mark knew Johnny would be asking these type of questions. What he didn’t expect was your answer.
“Yes,” you answered quickly as you continued, “Sunny, what’s your dream scenario?” Shifting the focus to your best friend as she shamelessly tells her dream scenario. Johnny’s eyes lingering on her the whole time.
Mark’s eyes had never shifted its focus on you. Still taken aback at your answer. He knew you probably weren’t a hundred percent innocent, but to hear you’ve given a blowjob was something else. His imagination wandering for just a short moment before Sunny called out his name.
“Truth or dare?” Mark thought about it for a second. Thinking the truth couldn’t be worse than dare.
“Who is the hottest person in the room?” He was so wrong. He nearly choked on his own spit trying to think of something to say. Should he just be honest? Should he just say it’s you? Turning his head he looks at you and your breath hitches. Maybe you wished for him to say it’s you? Just as much as he wished you would say it’s him if you got the question.
“Y/n.” It could have been the alcohol speaking, making him a little bolder, but Mark knew he had to take his chances.
Your reaction was something Mark didn’t expect. Cheeks red as you try to hide yourself, the room loud with everyone screaming, whistling and howling. Oh how Mark loved that he had an affect on you and oh how you hated it. Your body burning up at the thought of something happening between you and Mark. Did he really mean it? If so, what would happen if you made a move?
The game vent on, it going a few turns before it was your turn again. Mark looking at you through his glasses as your name was shouted. Being asked truth or dare by Jaehyun, you thought there would be no harm in taking a dare.
“I dare you to… let a boy in this room take a body shot from you.” Everyone gasped in the room at Jaehyun’s words, including you. All you wanted was to avoid the blowjob questions and you got this instead. You could see how happy Daria was across the room, having the time of her life. You made a mental note to never drink her vodka again.
Turning towards Mark, you look at him hesitantly, his jaw clenched as if he was angry or really concentrated. As he meet your eyes, his gaze softened immediately, reminding himself he had absolutely no reason to get jealous. You could do whatever you want. Chose who ever you want to take the body shot of you. It’s not like he was…
“Mark.” His thoughts were interrupted by your voice, looking at him almost pleading.
“Will you do the honour?” Mark laughed. Honestly, this was not the turn he thought his night would take. Breathing rapidly, sweating nervously as he shook his head a little.
“If you won’t, I’ll gladly do it.” Jaehyun spoke and Mark shook his head.
“I’ll do it.” No way was he going to let Jaehyun get anywhere near you. Especially after you had even asked him to do it. No, he was not going to let anyone else get this opportunity with you.
“I’ll get the vodka!” Sunny shouted as she disappeared into the kitchen. Mark looked at you with eyes wide open.
“Vodka?!” He questioned and you just laughed. Oh if he only knew.
“She’s polish, so, it’s basically all she drinks and all she has,” you explained and his mouth made an ‘o’ shape. Well, now it makes a little sense he thought. Mark was still worried about the vodka though. Also, what was a body shot anyway?
He didn’t have to think about it for too long as Sunny came back from the kitchen with a bottle of vodka in her hand. Making her presence known by explaining the rules.
“So, y/n has to take of her shirt and I’ll pour some vodka on her body. It is then up to Mark to drink it all up in whatever way he wants. Got it?” She looks at Mark as she says the last part. He nods hesitantly, oh God why did you pick him out of all people?
I mean, he was your crush yes but, he was probably the only one in the room that hadn’t done it before. You could see that he was clearly flustered, probably didn’t even know what a body shot was until a few seconds ago.
“You want me on the floor or?” You ask, looking Mark in the eyes. Wanting to make it as easy as possible for him. He looked around, all eyes on the two of you, nodding as he let out a nervous sigh.
“Yeah… The floor sounds good.” He answers, trying to sound at least a little bit experienced but failing miserably as you could see right through him.
Okay, here goes nothing you thought as you took of your shirt. Happy that you decided to borrow one of Sunny’s white lace bras tonight. You didn’t dare to look at Mark as you laid down on the floor in the middle of the circle. Everyone’s attention on you as Sunny sits down next to you. Taking the vodka bottle she pours some on your stomach and then some just under breasts.
You hiss at her, trying to get her to stop. She just looks at you, shrugs her shoulders and with a grin on her face, she pours some between your breasts. Such a brat, you thought to yourself, making a friendly reminder to scold her later. She smiled at you one last time, satisfied with her work, before she got up and headed over to Johnny to sit next to him again.
“So I just…?” Mark asked, clearly staling. The view of you laid down in front of him topless was way too much and honestly, he just wanted a moment to breathe. A moment to collect his thoughts so he wouldn’t fuck this up somehow.
“Get on top of her and lick it off, easy peasy!” Johnny encouraged and Mark sent him a glare. Motherfucker knew this wasn’t easy, at least not for him. As he looked at you, he had to take a deep breath. Your breasts looking so appealing to just squeeze but Mark would never do that. God no, he would never have the guts to it no matter how badly he wanted to.
“Okay…” He breathed out, getting down on his knees. Your heart was pounding, and you almost closed your eyes, the situation being all too much. Mark swung his right leg over you, getting on top of you. His head levelled just above your crotch.
“Is this okay?” He asked, almost stumbling across his words. He tried meeting your eyes, but you kept your gaze at the ceiling. To nervous to be able to look him in the eyes.
“Yeah it’s okay, you can begin.” You reassure and not more than five seconds later, you feel Mark’s lips on your stomach as he begins to drink the vodka of your body. Mark thought that if he waited any longer, he would probably chicken out. So, the only option he really had was to just go for it.
The crowd cheered, screaming as Mark drank up the vodka. Feeling the bitter taste on his lips and down his throat as he had to swallow it. Afraid his glasses would fall down for a little bit until he noticed they stayed put. His lips were surprisingly soft, going gently over your skin and really taking his time with the task. He didn’t want to leave a mess on your body. He didn’t want you to feel sticky later.
So, he took his time. The crowds cheering quickly drawn out, his concentration being solely on you. At first, he thought he would hate it but as he got used to the taste, he actually liked it. The feeling of your skin on his lips, the way you shuttered whenever he would lick to get the last drop of you skin. Slowly but surely, he made his way upwards.
As he was just below your breasts, your breath hitched. Having him this close to them was absolute torture, wanting nothing more than for him to just take his time with you. You even got curious at how he looked like kissing your skin like this. Big mistake. As you opened your eyes and looked down you meet his gaze.
When your breath hitched, Mark got curious too. Wanted to see your reaction, see the effect he had on you. So, he looked up as he dragged himself forward, head levelled with your boobs now. His lips just above them. Keeping his gaze on you as he lowered his head again to lick the area just over your boob.
You almost let out a whine at the sight. Mark’s lips all glistering and puffy as if he had just gone down on you. Eyes almost predatory looking at you, intense and watching your every reaction. He couldn’t believe he had this affect on you. He felt as if he was dreaming.
Involuntarily, you moved your hip a little bit upwards, really just trying to get into a more comfortable position as you felt it. Mark was hard. You could feel his semi hard dick against your thigh and now you were officially turned on as well.
As if Mark hadn’t noticed, he continued with his work. Barely paying you anymore attention, well, besides your body. He was horny and wanted you all to himself, if he could make that happen somehow. The thought of you giving him a blowjob or you letting him go down on you sounding like heaven.
You barely noticed when he was finished. It wasn’t until you felt his body slowly move from yours that you opened your eyes. His face was an inch away from yours. So close, yet so far away and it only got further away as Mark got up. Johnny and Jaehyun running up to high five him and hug him way too much for his liking.
Sunny helped you up, holding your shirt in her hand. As you stood beside her and you got your shirt back you felt just how sticky your body felt. In no way did you want to ruin Sunny’s white top by putting it on and stain it with alcohol. To be frank, you also didn’t want to smell like alcohol the whole night as well.
“I think I need to wash myself or something before I put it on.” Agreeing, Sunny nodded, tapping Johnny on the shoulder.
“Is there anywhere she could wash up?” She asks him and Mark’s head turned your way, surprisingly, faster than Johnny’s.
“My room.” Mark quickly answered before Johnny had the chance, without really thinking what he was saying. Realizing pretty quickly what he had said a little bit to eagerly.
“I mean… There is a bathroom in my room. If you wanna use it, I could show you?” He added, nervously kicking his feat, hoping you’d say yes so he could sit in his room for a bit. Wait while you wash up. Cool down. Hopefully get his semi down.
Thankfully, you nodded. With your arms around your chest, Mark noticed how uncomfortable you were. Still topless in your white lace bra.
“Wait a min.” He said before squiring away. Quickly reaching the hall where he had thrown his hoodie the other day. Today he was thankful for his laziness, coming back to you quickly. Holding it out, he waited for you to take it.
“Wear it.” He says almost pleading as he sees the confused look on your face. You felt a little guilty, not wanting to ruin his hoodie.
“I’ll ruin it with the alcohol.”
“I was going to throw it in the washer tomorrow anyway, it’s fine.” He reassures you, and with that, you take the hoodie from him. Muttering a ‘thank you’ to him as you put it on.
The hoodie is soft, reaching almost below your butt. The sleeves a bit long on you but you don’t really care. It definitely smelled like Mark and you get an overwhelming urge to steal it. Wanting to wear it forever.
“It’s nice right?” Mark asks with a smile on his face. Seeing you in his hoodie made him happy. Mostly because you looked so cute in it. The light blue fabric hanging loosely on your body.
“It’s so soft.” You say in awe and Mark chuckles, bringing his hand up to your back, giving you a nudge.
“Come on, I’ll show you the way.” He said as he let go of you. The game continuing in the living room as you follow Mark through the masses of people to the hallway. He began walking up the stairs and you followed him. Every now and then, Mark would look backwards, making sure you were still behind him.
As you walked down the hall on the second floor, Mark gave you a brief tour of all the rooms. The second floor consisted of mostly different bedrooms, most of the sorority members sleeping there. A few having their bedrooms on the first floor. One common room could be found upstairs, mostly used for gaming with a total of five desk’s sitting there. As the tour went on, you reached the end of the hall and Mark pointed towards a door.
“This is me,” he announced as he pulled out a key to unlock the door. Opening the door, he let you go in first.
“I’m sorry it’s messy, I didn’t expect anyone to come here to be honest,” he nervously apologized. Scratching the back of his head. Looking around, you see a single bed, a mirror in front of it, a desk beside the bed and a wardrobe next to another door. Some clothes piled onto his desk chair. Messy papers splayed out on his desk. His bead neatly done with dark blue bed covers.
“Oh no, it’s totally fine,” you say quickly. If he only knew this was nothing compared to how your room looks when it’s messy. As Mark’s goes over to his desk, beginning to clean up the papers, you glance at the mirror. Seeing how it’s positioned right in front of the bed’s side.
“You know you shouldn’t have your mirror placed like that?” You say and Mark looks up, brows furrowed, a pout on his face.
“Why?” He asks, clearly confused at your statement.
“Mirrors are like… a gateway into other dimensions… So, like… a demon could totally kill you in your sleep right now.” You say, a hint of seriousness in your tone. Mark chuckles. Oh so that’s where you were going with that, he thought.
“That probably explains the scratch marks on my back,” he jokingly says and you look at him with eyes wide open.
“I’m just joking! Don’t worry.” He laughs and the sound of it sounds like music to your ears. You laugh with him, shaking your head.
“I’d totally would’ve had to call an exorcist otherwise.”
“My dad knows a few so if that were the case, I think he could get the very best on the job.” Mark says and as if a lightbulb got lit up above your head, you were reminded of something your mom had told you earlier.
“Wait, didn’t your dad operate his leg or something? How is he feeling?” Mark was surprised that you knew about the operation his dad had a few weeks ago. Your parents do talk from time to time but to think that you took an interest in his family as well was something he didn’t expect.
“Yeah, he had surgery on his left knee. It’s all good now though thanks to the surgery.” He answered and you nodded.
“I’m glad to hear that.” Offering him a smile as you point to the door in the room.
“Is that the bathroom?” You ask and Mark nods. Heading over to his wardrobe as he passes by you.
“Yeah, let me just get you a towel… ah! Here you go.” He hands you a white towel and you take it gratefully. Your hands touching as you do. Looking away for a second, you felt how Mark let his eyes linger on you.
“I’ll just…” You trailed off and Mark nodded, taking a step back. Giving you some space. Turning your heel, you began walking towards the bathroom door.
“Yeah… I’ll just wait here for you… Take your time,” he said, meeting your eyes just as you were about to close the door. Nodding once again, before you closed the bathroom door.
Letting out a sigh as you rest for a second against the door before going over to the mirror. Looking at yourself in Mark’s hoodie, you notice how cute you looked in it. A smile on your lips as you took it off. Beginning right away to soak the towel in your hand so you could clean yourself up.
Mark finished cleaning his desk before he sat down on his bed. With his back against the wall, he sighed, closing his eyes. Tilting his head back, taking a few deep breaths. Pep talking to himself in his head. He just had to ask you. What’s the worst thing that could happen? That you reject him?
Well… that’s pretty bad but at least he would have asked. Right? You’re as new to this as he his. Wait no, scratch that. Your summer had been filled with giving guys blowjobs after all, while his… well… it was rather spent visiting old friends and playing sports. Maybe you could teach him somehow? If you had more experience, maybe you could help him?
When you were done, you put on Sunny’s white shirt. Looking at yourself in the mirror one last time before opening the door, stepping into Mark’s bedroom again. As soon as he heard the bathroom door open, Mark opened his eyes to be meet with yours. Here goes all or nothing before he alcohol wears off he thought.
“Could you teach me?” Mark asked, and you looked at him confused. Going over to his bed as you asked him, “teach you what?”
You reached his bed in a few strides and decided to sit down on it next to him. As you sat down next to him, Mark laughed nervously, bringing his hands up to cover his face. Looking forward as he answers your question.
“Like blowjobs and stuff.” He tries to clarify but wants to mentally slap himself for that answer. Your heart pounding at his words. Not believing what you were hearing. Your crush, Mark Lee, wanted a blowjob from you? Mark finally turned his head to look at you, trying to read your face as he waited for your reaction.
“Like right now?” You felt dumb for asking, of course he probably meant right now, what were you thinking? By the way Mark looked away scratching his head, shrugging his shoulders, you felt dumb for making it awkward. In reality, Mark never meant this conversations to go this way. He was supposed to ask you out. Not whatever this was.
“I mean, you don’t have to right now… It’s just-“
“Yes,” you cut in before Mark has the chance to finish his sentence. Confused, he looks at you. Eyes wide open.
“What… what do you?”
“I’ll blow you… or give you a handjob… if that’s what you want?” You say nervously and Mark feels his dick twitch at your words. You want to blow him? Right now? Is this even real? Besides, he was supposed to fix his semi, not make it worse. Well, in a way, this could be a way to fix it.
“Yeah, yeah God, yes- but like only if you want it?”
“I want it- I mean I want to!” You quickly correct yourself, still wanting to slap yourself in the face for your poor choice of wording. Probably turning Mark off with your way to stumble across words.
On the opposite, Mark got more turned on, his breathing a bit more rapid now. Hearing you say it… still felt unreal and if someone pinched him, and this was all a dream, he would be so mad.
“So…” you start, nervously fumbling with your hands, “you want to show me how you like it?”
“How I like it?” Mark asked dumbfounded, turning his body slightly towards yours. Looking down at your lips, a desire to kiss them rising in his body. Looking up again, he meet your eyes. You tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and Mark bit his lip at the sight. You looked way to cute to be just about to give him a blowjob.
“Well yeah…” Looking at the mirror, you suddenly get an idea. “Let me sit behind you.”
Mark doesn’t question it and scoots forward, giving you space to sit behind him. You crawl your way over, head feeling as if it’s about to explode from how nervous you were feeling. Wanting to make him feel good, you didn’t want to fuck it up somehow. It was only logical that he showed you first… right?
Once you sat comfortably behind him, you placed your legs on either side of his, placing your hands on your thick thighs. You realized Mark was waiting for your next move. Pressing yourself forward you whispered in his ear, “take off your pants.”
Mark did as you told him, taking his boxers with him. Pulling them down to rest just above his knees. His semi hard cock resting upon his thigh. Biting you lip at the sigh, Mark turns his head towards you once he had thrown his pants and boxers away.
“Now what?” He whispered back and you couldn’t help but to feel yourself getting wet.
“Lean back against me… get yourself comfortable.” You commanded and Mark did as he was told. You got yourself comfortable against the wall and Mark leaned back against you. Placing his head between your boobs for the second time today.
“Touch yourself… slowly…” you whispered in his ear. Looking in the mirror, you meet Mark’s eyes, filled with lust and desire to comply. Never in a million year did he think he would end up in this situation but here he was. With his dick out in front of his crush.
As Mark began to wrap his hand around his dick, you moaned breathlessly at the sight. A smirk on Mark’s face as you did. If you were just as turned on as he was that meant you’d be soaking wet. The thought of your glistering pussy is what made Mark start to pump his hand up and down his dick. Not to fast though, you’d told him to go slowly after all.
His cock quickly getting fully hard in his hand. Precum beginning to leak out of it. With a groan, Mark relaxed in your embrace. His head falling down completely on your boobs, enjoying how soft they felt.
“Show me how you like it.” You breathlessly say, mesmerized by the sight in the mirror. Completely gone in your own world. Never had you been this turned on in your entire life. Mark took his hand upwards, circling the tip of his dick with his thumb.
Mark’s glasses began to slip off and you quickly took hold of them. Placing them on the nightstand next to bed. Mark being way to into his own thoughts to barely even notice. His eyes closed, mouth slightly open, breathing uneven. In all honesty, you barely wanted to interrupt him.
“Want me to touch you?” You purred and Mark whined.
“Fuck… yeah, please.” Letting go of his cock, Mark took a deep breath. Trying to calm himself down as your hands reached his thighs, resting them for a second, taking a deep breath as you tried to find all the courage you could. You could do this. You had Mark right in the hand of your palm, literally, and this was the hottest thing you’ve ever done so far.
Panting, Mark felt as a drop of sweat slowly made its way down his face. Taking one hand to brush his hair backwards as he suddenly bent forward, taking you by surprise. Taking hold of his shirt, Mark quickly removed it and threw it on the bedroom floor.
“Too hot…” He muttered and you couldn’t agree more. His toned chest now on display for you as well. He was indeed too hot. Smiling to yourself at your joke. As he laid down comfortably against you again, you tried to remember what Mark liked.
Well, he began stroking himself up and down, so that’s a good start, right? Taking your hand, you wrap it around his dick. Loving the way it twitched as soon as you squeezed it a little. Pumping up and down slowly. Earning small moans from Mark that went straight to your neglected clit. Your tried keeping your focus on Mark and not get lost into the pleasure, looking in the mirror as you squeeze and stroke him.
Mark was completely lost for words. He was in heaven. Your hand feeling so good with how little you were doing. It was probably all the teasing Mark had endured over the night from you. Making him and his dick needy and in need of immediate attention. As you brought your hand over to the tip of his cock, moving your thumb around the tip in slow circular motions, Mark moaned.
“Fuck… please… more…” Hearing him beg must have been just about the hottest thing you’ve ever heard. Wanting nothing more than to please him, you speed up your thumb a little bit. Going faster around his tip. Your other hand, wrapping itself around his shaft, going up and down. You wanted nothing else but for him to cum.
“That feels so good.” Mark pleaded and you started feeling yourself growing cocky.
“Yeah? Baby boy likes that?” You don’t know what comes over you but the nickname rolls of your lips so naturally and judging by Mark’s reaction, he was into it. Moaning as his dick twitches, you feel his hands move to your thighs, grabbing them. Holding onto them as if they were his life support.
“I’m so close,” he confessed and you almost moaned at how good it felt to have his hands on your thighs, moving them up and down. Making you wonder how his fingers could possibly feel inside your pussy. Stretching you out, making you ready for his cock.
“Yeah… gonna cum for me?” You ask him and feel how his hands grab hold of your thighs. Almost grabbing you painfully hard from all the pleasure he wasn’t sure how to process.
“Yeah…Can-can I?” Mark stuttered and you sped up, going as fast as you could even though you started feeling really tired. Your eyes on the mirror, looking at Mark falling apart in your arms, pleading, his whole body begging to get the sweet release it had been craving.
“Cum for me.” As soon as the words left your lips, you felt Mark’s cock twitch. His cum getting on your hand as well as shooting up on his stomach. Slowing down your movements, you ride out Mark’s high. Only stopping once you hear him whine. Letting go of his cock as he falls back into your arms. Exhausted, resting his body against yours.
You stay like that for a moment. Mark collecting his breathing as you try to collect your thoughts. Make yourself somehow believe this was all real. That somehow you had gotten to give your crush, no, you had made your crush cum in your arms, by your hands. Never did you think you could get so turned on by someone being so needy, so pouty in your arms.
You almost wanted more, but you knew there was no way Mark would be ready for another round in a while. You wouldn’t even dare to initiate anything if you were being honest. Sitting in silence, you waited for Mark to make a move.
Mark had a hard time collecting his thoughts and besides, your embrace was way to comfortable to move from. But soon enough, his cum started feeling sticky and he knew you most likely had cum on your hands as well. Not wanting to cause you any discomfort, Mark decided to move. Getting up, putting on his pants.
“You wanna…?” Mark hoped to God you knew what he meant. He didn’t want to have to spell out ‘you wanna wash your hands first of my cum or should I go?’. Nodding, you quickly got out of the bed. Your heart pounding as you went over to the bathroom. Looking at yourself in the mirror as you wash your hands you think to yourself ‘what now?’. What did this all mean?
Not wanting to keep Mark waiting, you got of his bathroom. Giving him a smile as you meet his eyes. Giving you a smile back, Mark goes into the bathroom and begins to wash himself. Thinking to himself how could he possibly have gotten this lucky? Not only were you the cutest, nicest person he knew, you also knew how to give him a mind blowing orgasm.
As panic started to set into your system, worrying what to say when Mark comes back, you decide it’s probably best to leave. Well, if you were normal, you could’ve just stayed but no, you couldn’t handle it if it turned awkward or anything. So, you convince yourself the best move is to probably leave.
Looking over at his desk, you see that he cleaned up. Going over, you open the first notebook you could find. Scrambling a note on it. Hoping he will see it later before you make your way to the door. Looking behind you as you step out of his room. Closing the door behind you. Oh God what a mess you’ve made. How were you supposed to function around Mark Lee now?   
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a-bts-world · 3 years
Chapter 5
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‘We leave in ten minutes,’ Ten says as he opens the door of Johnny’s room. Not noticing that the older was still sleeping. Johnny just mumbles something and Ten closes the door again. Johnny opens his eyes and look at the clock. It is a quarter to nine, they are supposed to be at Dreamland at nine o’clock.
‘Why did I think having game night, before the Dreamland evaluations was a good idea,’ Johnny says to himself, quickly changing into his training outfit and splashing water in his face. Running his hands through his hair, he is ready to eat and then leave for Dreamland. Running down the stairs Johnny bumps into Winwin, who is walking up the stairs. ‘Sorry man! I am late, have a nice day,’ Johnny yells at the Chinese boy as he continues his path to the kitchen. With just a few minutes left before they leave, he made his way to the kitchen. ‘Good morning,’ Johnny says to the few people in the kitchen. He walks towards the fridge, grabs the yoghurt and fills a bowl with yoghurt and adds granola. He then grabs quickly grabs a spoon and eats his breakfast. Just as Ten walks in, to let him know they are leaving. Johnny finishes his last bite. ‘Bye, see you all tonight!’ he tells the others in the kitchen. Sun and Baby wave at him, while Jeno, Chenle and Yangyang just continue their conversation.
‘Hello everyone! How are you doing? We hope you are fine. Today, we will have an evaluation, to see what you learned and if some of you are ready to join us. Do your best and goodluck!’ Ten tells the trainees. While Johnny stands beside him, already eyeing some of the potential new members. While the trainees are warming up Kun enters the room. They curiously look up to see who entered the room, Kun just waves at them and then walks to Johnny and Ten.
‘Morning, Taeyong won’t be able to come in today. So I am here for the evaluation. Jisung will also be here in a few, he is still shadowing me, I hope that is okay,’ Kun greets the duo. Then turning to look at the trainees. A few are already standing out to him.
‘Yeah, no problem. Are you ready to start?’ Johnny asks the Chinese man. Kun nods, focusing on the members. ‘Okay we hope you are all ready for the evaluation. Taeyong can’t be here today, so you will have to survive with Kun. He is our medic, but knows a hell of a lot about fighting. So do your best. We will have the same groups rotating all events as usual. Kun where do you want to start the evaluation?’ Johnny explains everything to the trainees, but also in a way that Kun understand what is expected of him.
‘Let’s start with the one on one fighting,’ Kun answers and Johnny nods. Meanwhile, Ten is making sure every trainee knows what they need to do. He also talks to some people who have a lot of nerves.
‘Everyone we are starting!’ Johnny screams and claps his hands as signal that the day has begun. He then sits down next to Kun watching the one on one fighting. Both filling in a form while Ten is on the other side of the room helping the trainees. All you can hear is the sound of the trainees working really hard, until the door is pulled open and a tired looking Jisung enters the room. Suddenly the room falls still and only labored breaths are heard. ‘Jisung, good that you could make it. We already started, hope you don’t mind,’ Johnny tries to ease the awkward silence. Jisung nods and almost runs towards Kun and Johnny. Taking place next to Kun, it feels safe.
‘Thanks for coming. I normally don’t do this. But since no one else was available, with Doyoung and Yuta not being at the base and Taeyong having an important meeting, I was the only one left. I know you don’t like leaving the base anymore, so I appreciate you coming here,’ Kun tells the youngest member. Jisung just slowly nods his head, looking at the paper on Kun his lap. ‘Oh yes, we need to fill these forms in. First we write down a name, then age and their specialty. Then which event we are judging right now and lastly what they did well and what they could do better next time,’ Kun explains to the boy. Johnny hands him a form as well and the three of them start filling in the forms as the trainees keep showing their skills.
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‘Miss! Your boyfriend is back,’ one of the children screams in the middle of art class. Daisy sighs and follows the finger of the girl who screamed. She sees Jaehyun and Jungwoo standing at the schoolyard. ‘Like I told you before darling, he is not my boyfriend. But I also see your mother waiting for you. So shall we go outside?’ Daisy asks the girl and she nods. ‘everyone it is time to go back home. Before we go, we are trying a new game. We are going be so quiet that nobody notices that we already left before it is time. So are you guys in?’ Daisy asks her students. They all scream excitedly. ‘Remember the game,’ Daisy reminds the kids. So everyone quietly gets in the line, then walk outside, grab their coats and bags. Everything goes well until they approach a really low window. Daisy didn’t think this through, so as she makes sure all children are still behind her an idea pops into her head. Daisy drops to the floor and crawls past the window without the other class noticing. The kids giggle softly but by placing a finger on her lips, Daisy reminds them to be quiet. The children follow her lead of crawling past the window. After, they arrive at the door. Daisy waits for the children to all gather around and opens the door at same time as the bell rings. Indicating that she timed everything perfectly. The children all run outside to greet their parents. Daisy makes sure everyone is getting picked up, before she approaches Jaehyun and Jungwoo.
‘Hello, how was your day?’ Jungwoo greets the girl.
‘My day was great, but a bit tiring. How was your day?’ Daisy asks them, still looking at the children that haven’t left yet. The moment Jaehyun open his mouth to answer a child runs towards Daisy.
‘Miss! My sister her birthday is today, so we are eating cake for dinner,’ the boy excitedly beams, while jumping up and down.
‘You are making my jealous. I also want cake for dinner!’ Daisy plays along as she grabs the hands of the boy, making him stand still. ‘Shall I come and say happy birthday to your sister or do you need to leave, because of family that will visit?’ Daisy then asks, hoping to talk to the boy his parents a bit more. As teacher, Daisy believes it is her duty to socialize with the parents once in a while.
‘You can come, miss,’ the boy says and shows Daisy the way, making sure she didn’t let go of his hand. Once they arrive at the mom and big sister Daisy greets them and wishes the sister a happy birthday. Socializing with the mother a bit more, she can feel someone staring at her, before even turning around she knows who it is. Of course it is Jaehyun, she left the two Neocity members standing there alone. Daisy lets the conversation come to an end, says goodbye to the family and starts walking back to the two members. But before she can make her way towards them, she is stopped by the girl that pointed out Jaehyun earlier.
‘Miss, can you introduce me to your boyfriend?’ she asks, looking at the floor and fiddling with her pink dress.
‘I can,’ Daisy sighs in defeat, knowing the girl won’t let go of the subject anymore. Especially not since Jaehyun and Jungwoo showed up twice already. ‘let’s introduce you to my friends.’
As Daisy walks up to Jaehyun and Jungwoo, they notice that she is actually holding one of the smaller children. ‘Hello guys, this little one wanted to meet you two,’ Daisy explains what the girl is doing on her hip.
‘Hello, I’m Jaehyun and who are you?’ Jaehyun asks, but the girl just snuggles up into Daisy her shoulder. She is to shy to actually answer the question. Then Jungwoo eases the situation.
‘I am Jungwoo. I must say, that you have a very pretty dress. I like the pink,’ Jungwoo states, hoping to making the girl feel at ease. She slowly turns her head towards Jungwoo, but then smiles brightly.
‘Thank you, I like pink too,’ The girl says happily and the three adults smile at her antics.
‘Darling! We are going home!’ Daisy hears a voice call. She recognizes the voice as the mother of the girls she is holding.
‘Let’s get you home. I see you tomorrow,’ Daisy says and turns around, looking for the mother of the girl she teaches. When she spots the woman, Daisy walks towards her with the girl still on her hip. ‘Hello, we are here. I hope you get home safely, see you tomorrow.’ Daisy says goodbye to the little girl and the mother gives Daisy a thankful smile. The duo walks towards the exit and Daisy walks back towards Jungwoo and Jaehyun.
‘So what are you doing here today?’ she asks, as she shows the two men the way towards her class. She still needs to clean and prepare her classes for tomorrow.
‘Well, we just were around and we knew you would almost finish,’ Jungwoo explains their idea. And starts helping cleaning the room, even though he has no clue were everything has to go. Jaehyun takes his lead and also helps cleaning the room. With you pointing towards the storage place, the class is clean in a matter of minutes.
‘Okay, I still need to prepare for tomorrow, so you can leave now,’ Daisy says to the men as she tries pushing them out of the door.
‘You can prepare at the base,’  Jungwoo suddenly says and Daisy stops pushing them out. ‘Only if you want of course,’ Jungwoo then continues. Daisy lets her arms falls and the boys step back inside.
‘Okay, but only if Kun is cooking dinner,’ Daisy answers with a smirk on her faces. The boys just laugh and grab their jackets. Daisy also grabs everything she needs and then they leave. Daisy follows the boys to were they parked the car. they get in the car and drive back towards the house.
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‘Yangyang, Jaemin, thank you for coming. I want to ask you something,’ Taeyong greets two of the younger members in his team. The two stand at the entrance of his office, waiting for more information. ‘You know you can sit down, right?’ Taeyong notes since the boys are still standing at the entrance, they both nod and quickly move towards the small couch in the room. ‘You know how we have the big mission coming up? I decided I need to know more about the family than we now do. So I would like the two of you to switch colleges and see if you can learn more about the family through one of the younger members of the family who attends a different college,’ Taeyong explains his idea.
‘To be honest, I don’t really like this idea. You are practically asking us to infiltrate them. You never trained us for this kind of mission. However, if you believe this is the right thing to do, then I will do it,’ Jaemin honestly answers Taeyong, which makes him doubt his idea. Jaemin is partly right, he didn’t train them for infiltrating missions, normally Yuta or Johnny will do these kinds of missions. However Johnny is way to busy with the trainees right now and he needs someone to infiltrate the Camorra family.
‘I agree but Jaemin, did you even talk to Taeil or Kun about this?’ Yangyang bluntly states, growing up in Germany the boy learned that being direct was effective, multiple years in Korea didn’t really get this part out of his system.
‘Thanks for sharing your believes, both of you. However I have no other option. You both know that. I do have the option to let Johnny train you, together with the trainees. This way you are better prepared,’ Taeyong suddenly changes his original idea, hoping this will satisfy his members. Yangyang nods, probably happy that he is able to do a field mission. Jaemin however is still sceptic.
‘You promise they won’t find out, nothing bad will happen?’ Jaemin asks with concern and suddenly Taeyong understand his doubt.
‘Nothing bad will happen, we take care of Mariposa. You just fulfill your mission,’ Taeyong answers, hoping to erase Jaemin his doubt. Which it does, the boy nods agreeing with their mission.
‘Thank you for this. You will train with Johnny for two weeks and then the third week you will go to the other college. Find out as much about them as possible,’ Taeyong explains the rest of his plan. Going over a small details the rest of the evening, both Jaemin and Yangyang feel more safe to do this.
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a/n: I finished it! yeejj!! However, I haven’t proofread it, so I hope there aren’t to many mistakes in this. It is also a bit smaller than normal, but atleast I wrote something and updated.
taglist: @skrtbabe​ @yutahoes​
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yuzukult · 4 years
under the moonlight || junmyeon & reader
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title: under the moonlight pairing: junmyeon/suho x reader  genre: ceo!reader, hint of soulmate!au, slow-burn words: 8.4k notes: continuation to [city lights]’s junmyeon, journey to him healing his own heart after letting go of his first love for her to be with his best friend who so happens to be her soulmate (chanyeol) // did this because junmyeon deserves some love & also may be a second part + will profread when i get the chance!!
part one || final
Though the living room was filled with laughter and yelling from drinking games, Junmyeon’s attention was locked on the girl of his dreams who stands in the kitchen in the arms of her soulmate, face snuggled into his chest while mumbling a ‘thank you’ for the surprise birthday party that he’d planned for her. In response, he lets out a chuckle as he places a delicate kiss onto her forehead.
Junmyeon knew it would’ve been selfish if he neglected Chanyeol’s wishes when he barged into his bedroom of their shared apartment, hair disheveled with a stressed look washed over his face. “I can’t do this anymore, I need to be with her. She’s all I think about, night and day. I haven’t even had a real conversation with her yet I know everything about her... and I love but hate everything about her because she makes me feel like I can’t live unless it’s with her.” He was aware that the younger male was going through the side-effects of refusing a relationship with his designated soulmate, evidently on the brink of detonation. It was time to let her go, no matter how much he loved her. She belonged to Chanyeol. 
The moment Junmyeon picked up the phone to ask Chanyeol to check up on her while on his business trip, he sensed over the phone Chanyeol’s wariness at the sight of the girl’s frame in bed, shivering from a fever. It was that very second it became clear to him that Chanyeol was biologically her soulmate, someone she could never let go even if she tried. Both of their dreams would be flooded with the thoughts of each other, sleepwalking mid-day to meet unconsciously, and yearning for the embrace of one another though far apart.
Goodbyes were rough. But the goodbye with her especially was the worst. 
Telling her that she wasn’t made for him and that they couldn’t be together while her eyes were brimming with tears was the hardest moment of his life. Breaking the heart of the woman he still loved was never in his plans. But Chanyeol was his best friend and watching him deteriorate day by day was just as painful for himself. 
So he sacrificed his love so that they could be together.
“Junmyeon, you don’t know how much it means to me that you came.” She says, voice soft. They’re standing in the corner of the living room, separated from the group just enough to hear the other speak. “I know how uncomfortable it must be for—”
“Don’t say that.” He interjects, adjusting the black beanie that sits on his head. “I meant what I said that day months ago. Just because we aren’t together like that doesn’t mean I won’t be in your life anymore. You were more than just a girl I dated, I loved you.”
He lied. He still loves her. But he’d never say that.
She’s chewing on her bottom lip, hair cut shorter from their last exchange that strays fall out from the hair-tie and over her face. He wishes he could push it away and behind her ear but that’s crossing the line.
“I loved you too, Junmyeon. You know that.”
“But you love Chanyeol now.” He adds, grabbing his jacket off the coat rack. Junmyeon was ending his night earlier than the rest, claiming that he wasn’t feeling too well from having to wake up early and sleeping later for an assignment at work when really he couldn’t bear to watch the two of them together for long, his heart still healing. “And I’m happy that it’s working out.”
His first love stands there for a moment, silent, despite the sounds coming from the main area as she walks him toward the front door. “Why are you so quiet?” Junmyeon questions, raising a brow.
“Chanyeol and I talked about the topic of marriage.”
Marriage. He hasn’t even fully recovered from the break-up yet and she’s already moved on entirely. 
“But... I’m not ready. I still think of you.” The words would have been more comforting if it resulted with her in his arms instead.
“We both need to move on.” He sighs, one hand on the doorknob and his heart still in hers. “It’s going to take some time but it’ll be worth it in the end. The torture from being without him will stop.”
“How did you know?”
“Know about what?”
“That I had those side effects. I never told you about it.”
Junmyeon sighs, finally turning the handle to open the door. “You started looking more and more tired each day and you complained about it often. So I did some research to see what was wrong. It’s a side effect from denying your soulmate.”
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Forcing himself into work everyday was hard.
After spending so much time with his first love, she was close to convincing him to drop his day job for a career in music. Working in a corporate office was gnawing on him alive, not to mention how unbearably stiff the suits were while he sat at his office for over 8 hours a day.
“Hey,” Someone says. Her voice is tender and calm, capturing his attention. “Junmyeon, right?” You were peeking your head into his cubicle, too short to completely reach over the walls.
You were the CEO of the company he worked at, the founder of a skincare line that you developed the formulas on your own with hands-on operations and testing, utilizing your degree received after University where you studied in the States. He’d only been part of the business team for a short period of time and hadn’t even gotten to meet you yet, despite how heavily involved you were on the floor.
“Yes, I’m Junmyeon,” He says quickly, breaking his gaze before standing up, bowing and extending his hand for a shake. “Sorry about that. Wasn’t expecting to see you.” You repeat his actions and if he didn’t know any better, he’d think you were mocking him.
“Sorry, it’s okay. I came unannounced. Should’ve probably called or something right?” You ask, scratching the back of your head agonizingly, slightly unsure how to act in social situations. “I just thought I could stop by to talk to you.”
“I’m available to talk. Something wrong?”
Straightening the pencil skirt that hugs your lower half, you grin cheekily at him. “I’ve been going around lately, trying to understand the jobs of the people who work here. We’ve been doing so well that I wanted to meet the people who were extremely involved in the impact. Would you like to go out for lunch with me?”
Blinking blankly, Junmyeon is taken aback. You— the woman ran an entire company with products on the shelves of huge department stores to high end private shops just for the elite to take him out to lunch?
He glances over at his lunch bag that sits on the corner of the desk, pausing for a moment. And almost as if you read his mind, you say, “We could always put it in the fridge for tomorrow. Come. Let me take you out for lunch, Junmyeon. Company’s treat!”
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Dropping by your office before making way out, you snatch the jacket off the back of your office chair, slinging it over your shoulders.
Junmyeon just stands in the doorway entering in, leery about coming in any further. Despite you being the one asking him to tag along, he still felt the invisible wall between the two of you, a CEO and just some guy in the business department.
Your office was massive— the windows were stretched from corner to corner, ceiling to floor, with a view of the city that was breathtaking. On the opposite side had a glass wall, seeing out to the rest of the floor where employees work, but oddly enough you never had the blinds of it opened.
“Why are you standing there so awkwardly?” You chuckle, grabbing your wallet, phone and keys from the top of your desk. “You know that you can come in here, right? I don’t bite.”
“Sorry,” he mutters, rubbing his nape anxiously. “Just kind of feels like I don’t belong here.”
You roll your eyes, walking toward him and out the room as he follows, closing the door behind. “Junmyeon, you’re always welcomed in my office. Any problems you have are mine as well. Don’t hesitate to talk to me about anything, I own an entire company for God’s sake! I would do anything I can to help a fellow employee.”
In his department, you had a reputation. Men thought you were hot— so attractive that whenever you’d walk by and greet everyone on your way to your office, they’d drool, eyes never leaving your bare legs or bottom. Women were more of a split category; some resented you for gaining the attention of men so easily, others admire your hard work and ambitions, yet trying very hard to accommodate any of the employees’ issues personally. It was hard to please everyone.
“Johnny,” You call out your assistant, his desk sitting several feet outside of your office. “I’m having lunch with Junmyeon today.”
Johnny is a skyscraper. But when he’s sitting down, he seems so small next to you, almost like a little grocery store in the corner of the block of a big city while at his desk.
“So you’re ditching Eunwoo today?”
“Never said I agreed to having lunch with him. If he comes, just say I left. I’m having lunch with Junmyeon.”
Leaning back in his seat, he has his arms crossed against his chest, squinting at you. Junmyeon always questioned the relations between you and Johnny, but after observing the entire conversation, it seems like he’s just a concerned friend. Most likely why you keep him around.
“Should I say you’re having lunch with Junmyeon? Might piss Eunwoo off.” He says, gesturing toward Junmyeon when he says his name.
“Why are you trying to piss him off? I said I was over it.” You click your tongue, waving off Johnny in dismissal afterwards. “Whatever, I said I’m leaving. See you after lunch.”
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“You’re probably wondering who Eunwoo is,” You unlock the doors of your car, opening the drivers side when Junmyeon stops in his tracks. “He’s my ex.”
“Wait— you’re driving?”
“Yeah, how else would we get there?” Sliding into the driver’s seat, he hesitates for a moment before following into the passenger side.
“Just didn’t think you’d be driving.” Junmyeon responds, putting on his seatbelt over his body. “Were you supposed to meet with your ex today?”
“He assumed.” Pressing the start button, the engine of the Audi roars, a sweet sound to any car enthusiast’s ears.
“You don’t think I drive?”
“More like... I thought you had a driver.”
You shake your head, pulling out of the garage of the company’s building, driving in the direction of a restaurant he’s not familiar with.
“Where are we going?”
“Pick: a five star restaurant or a restaurant that deserves it?”
“The latter.”
“A man after my own heart,” You joke, glancing over his direction with a sweet smile. “My favorite spot. It won’t take long.”
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It’s a ramyun restaurant hidden within a large city without much foot traffic, but he wasn’t going to doubt your plans.
After handing the waiter back your menus with your orders, you rub your hands on your skirt sheepishly. “Uh, do you have a girlfriend?”
Shocked by the sudden question, Junmyeon’s jaw slacks.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I mean, have you met your soulmate yet?” Once the words leave your mouth again, you groan at your lack of execution of holding small talk. “Sorry again, ignore that. Didn’t mean it like that.”
“I don’t have a girlfriend and no, I haven’t yet.” He thought your reaction was cute. It was understandable how people were so easily smitten by you. “Do you?”
“No,” You say, voice a bit disappointed but your face doesn’t show it. “But I’m too busy anyway. I meant to ask because you’ve been working endless hours and I was afraid it was taking you away from someone at home.”
You were worried about him. It was different from the way his first love showed that she cared, she was more of a person who showed that she was worried, less vocal than you.
“No,” He chuckles light heartedly. Coming into your car, he was tensed and intimidated by your presence, but seeing the way you stuttered your words made you seem more human than how the employees made you out to be. “I’m alone. No one is nagging at me at home.”
“Ah,” You say, tapping your fingers onto the wooden table. “I see. I’m really impressed with your work, Junmyeon. How did you get into your career field?”
“Just seemed simpler at the time,” He admits, leaning back into his chair. “It was an easy major that my group of friends were considering, and although I really wanted to pursue music, I knew I needed some stability.”
“Music?” You ask as the waitress comes by with glasses full of water as you bow your head in appreciation. “Are you still interested in it?”
“Mm, sometimes. I’ve produced some songs here and there, I enjoy working with my creative side.”
“Would you venture out of your comfort zone?”
“I mean, if I could I would. But I have bills to pay, so I stay where I am now and do the best I can at it.”
You’re quiet for a moment as the server comes by, delivering your bowls of ramyun to the table. The aroma coming from the food made your mouths water, and your stomach growling in hunger in the process. “Sorry,” Your cheeks flush pink. “I’m kinda hungry.”
“Don’t apologize,” A smile tugs on the edges of his mouth softly. “It’s natural.”
Your stomach tightens at his smile but you brush it off as just a reaction from starving yourself from yesterday’s lunch. Business has been blooming, taking time away from your everyday from actually taking care of yourself. Taking Junmyeon here was supposed to be a learning experience about him, something you said you’d try doing frequently with your employees, but getting to eat at your favorite restaurant was your own version of self-care.
“How would you consider working in my marketing department? Well, more of the design or creative team. I have commercials and clips they play in stores to produce, and if you’re interested, maybe you can dip your toes in that. Both working with music and filmography?”
Junmyeon stops in the midst of blowing the steam from his raging hot noodles, lips pursed. “Wait, what?”
After chewing a mouthful of the delicious ramyun that awakens both you and your tastebuds, you blissfully lean back in your seat. “Jesus, just one bite takes me away.” You compliment before sitting back up, preparing yourself for another spoonful. “What I’m trying to say is, if you’re interested, you should consider working in the marketing department. I can’t offer you a record deal, but I can get your foot in the door somewhere.”
“I haven’t shown you a portfolio or anything.” He says, sweat beads forming on his forehead, and he’s not sure if it’s from anxiety or the temperature of the noodles.
“You don’t need to. It’s a learning experience and you grow and improve as you go. I trust that if you enjoy it enough, you’d get better with it. If you don’t, that’s okay. Feel free to tell me and I’d be more than happy to put you back in the business department, hauling away with meetings and conversations with both men and women that you probably hate with a fiery passion.”
“You’re not serious, are you?”
“Do you want it or not, Junmyeon? I’m a busy woman, I’m trying to eat my noodles.”
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Knocking on the tall wooden doors that lead into your office, he discreetly opens it slightly, peering before completely entering. He calls out your name, the gentlest sound you’ve ever heard as your head snaps in his direction. “You asked for me?”
“I did!” You point to the seat across from your desk, gesturing for him to get comfortable. 
“What could I do for you?”
You’re finishing up an email, eyes glued on the monitor before hitting the ‘send’ button before fully giving your whole attention to the male in front of you. “It’s been a week since you’ve started in your new department. How is it?”
You were right, it had been an entire week since you’ve last spoken, occasionally exchanging glances in the office, and Junmyeon can’t believe how quickly time had passed by. You had transitioned him in the marketing department, with hopes that he could get some more exposure to a different part of the industry since his dreams fit more with dipping into his artistic skills. He was enjoying the new experience so much that he had forgotten how much time had passed, assuming he’d only seen you several days go.
“It’s been a week already?” He says without thought, running his fingers through his lightly styled hair. You can’t help but notice the way he makes your breath hitch but you dismiss the feeling by clearing your throat. “I guess I’ve been enjoying it so much I haven’t even noticed how quickly time has passed.”
“That’s good to hear!” He actually seemed delighted with his new job. One of the perks of being in your position was being able to do things like this and see people change, see people be happy. If it fit your means to do it, you’d make it happen. “I’m glad. Please feel free to tell me if you’re having any issues. I’m flexible, if you’re not content with what you’re doing, I can always transfer you somewhere else within the company, or even back to where you were.”
“Can I ask something?”
“Sure, shoot. What is it?” You rest your arms on your large glass desk that seemed so tiny in your spacious office. 
He’s quiet for a moment, licking his lips in thought. “Why are you doing this? I didn’t think it was possible for me to... just switch out of my department and do something entirely new. I don’t have the skillset for it, nor a degree or anything.”
Shrugging, you purse your lips, eyes circling the room. “Because life isn’t easy. Not everyone is going to find what they enjoy in their high school years when they’re applying for colleges. Hell, college isn’t necessarily the place you’re guaranteed to find what you like anyway.”
“But you did?”
“I did, but I got lucky. I’ve witnessed enough people go through those feelings. Graduating from a university with a degree you worked hard to obtain in four years, only to realize that this isn’t what you want?” Taking a brief moment to organize your thoughts, you continue. “I want the people who work for me to be happy, Junmyeon. I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for them, if it weren’t for people like you. In actuality, I think I work for everyone here since everyone is working to make my dreams come true. It’s only fair if I try to do the same.”
Junmyeon wasn’t quite sure why, but he was comparing you to his first love again. 
There was a huge difference between the both—few similarities like how independent the two of you were, how immersed in your careers you’d been, and how much you cared for other people. It’d been the first time in a while since he’d been so observant and drawn someone, so distracted from his ex that he found himself wanting to know more about you.
“That’s... selfless.” 
“Just a thought.” You grin, tapping the pads of your fingertips against your desk again. It’s a habit of yours when you’re dubious about your next action, he picks up. “Do you think you can show me some of the things you’re working on before they air?”
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“I heard you got a new job,” Chanyeol says from beside, startling Junmyeon as he’s grabbing a couple pieces of pork onto his plate. “How’d you land such a great deal? You’re producing the commercial for that skincare line you used to work for, right?”
“Somewhat right,” Junmyeon responds, a bit distracted by cooking the raw meat, placing the completed ones on Chanyeol’s plate. “I still work for that company. They just transferred me out the department to try something new.”
“No way.” Chanyeol’s eyes are huge, but they’re bulging out his head from surprise. “How did that happen?”
Junmyeon shrugs however a smile sits brightly in his face. “CEO asked what I wanted to do, I told her, and here we are.”
“Sounds like she likes you.” Minseok interjects into the conversation, popping open another bottle of cold beer. “You won the heart of the big CEO lady already? Sounds like a Korean drama,” He says, wriggling his brows suggestively.
Junmyeon denies. “Honestly, she does this thing where she has lunch with several employees to get to know what they do everyday since there has been growth in the company.”
“So you’ve had lunch with her?” Jongin is in on the conversation now, eyes from all the men at the table glued into Junmyeon.
“Uh, yes?”
“So, it was a lunch date.” Sehun invites himself in.
“No, it was just a boss and employee lunch. What’s up with you guys?”
“You’ve never really... talked about a girl lately.” Jongdae points out faintly, almost like he’s scared to pull a nerve. “At least, not for this long.”
“She’s nice... I just don’t think someone like her would ever like someone like me, though. She’s attractive, nice, and caring— but guys, come on. She owns an entire skincare line that are on the shelves of every store.”
“Stop talking down on yourself,” Chanyeol’s speaking now, and his warm orbs are comforting when they meet with Junmyeon’s. “There’s no guarantee that you’ll meet your soulmate, especially since the age is coming up. Doesn’t hurt to try shooting your shot with her, right?”
The age. The age where once you turn thirty, your chances of ever meeting your soulmate declines almost to 2%. Junmyeon has already hit the ripe age of 29 with only a year left before his probability descends into the abyss.
“I can’t hit on her.” He furrows his brows, stuffing his cheeks with a bite of kimchi. “She’s my boss.”
“Be discreet. Give her some subtle hints. If she doesn’t reciprocate, then abort mission and pretend you were just being nice.”
Junmyeon rolls his eyes at his friends’ advices. They were constantly interrupting each other with new ideas after another before someone taps his shoulder. “Junmyeon?”
“Oh— hey. Hey!” He says your name; he always says it the same way, the way that it warms your heart to the point you just wish you could grab his arms to wrap around you so you could doused yourself in his scent. He had an impact on you but you held your composure. Maybe you were starting to crush on him, if you haven’t already, because he was just so kind but he’s the type to be kind to everyone.
“Uh, guys. This is my boss...” He introduces, scratching his head. He continues on naming the rest of his group, hesitant about the whole ordeal as you wave cheekily to them all.
“You guys can just call me by my name, I’m not Junmyeon’s boss outside of the office.” You turn to look at the older male, hands stuffed into the front pockets of your jeans.
Even in the horrible brightness of fluorescent lighting, you managed to still look seamlessly beautiful in Junmyeon’s eyes. Your attire was distinct from the everyday work apparel yet you still appeared put together. Maybe Junmyeon was the one crushing.
“Come join us!” Chanyeol says quickly, gesturing the seat on the other side of Junmyeon as Jongdae slides over to give you enough room.
Junmyeon clicks his tongue, feigning a hit to Chanyeol before looking over at you. “I’m sorry, are you here with someone? I don’t want to take you away from them or force you to sit with us if you don’t want to.”
“Ah, honestly, I was just going to order something off the menu and take it home to eat. Unless you don’t want me here?” 
“Oh, no, of course I want you here, come,” Junmyeon responds, tapping the empty seat beside him. Timidly, you shrug your shoulders before taking up the offer and settle at the side of Junmyeon. 
Throughout the night, being with Junmyeon and his friends let you discover a completely new side of him. With them, he was considered the ‘mother’ of the group, nurturing and looking out for the rest of them, despite not being the eldest. He’s admirable, so Yixing remarks, but also selfless because he never has himself on his mind other than his friends and family.
When Junmyeon excuses himself to the bathroom, you learn that he sacrificed his relationship with the girl of his dreams so she could be with her soulmate regardless of the fact that she didn’t want to be with him because he rejected her. You find out that Chanyeol was the friend, and that he wants nothing more than to help find happiness for him as well. 
You pay for dinner. Junmyeon argues with you about it for a brief moment before you jokingly threaten that his job was on the line and he pouts in return. You’re almost bold enough to tell him that if he lets you kiss his pout that he could pay.
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“Uh... Why are you in my office?”
“You cancelled on lunch last time. And a few times before that. I wanted to come so I can spontaneously take you out for dinner instead.”
You squint your eyes at the male in front of you, throwing the pen in your hand on your desk heatedly. “Catch the hint? I’m not very interested in the idea of having lunch with you. Or anything, really.”
“The idea, but you haven’t done it yet.”
Eunwoo is probably the cutest guy you’ve laid your eyes on but after dating for three years, it became evidently clear that the two of you didn’t click at all. Girls were at his beck and call, and you were growing tired of having to tell him which girls had bad intentions. You felt like his mom. He’s too sweet but it was starting to hurt your pride a bit when rumors were going around that he was flirting with others so you immediately put a stop to the relationship. 
“Eunwoo,” You sigh heavily, leaning back in your swivel chair. It’s around 5:00PM at this point, your day filled with meetings and tasks regarding a new launch approaching soon. “This... is really sweet of you. But we broke up.”
“I’m obviously here to try again.”
“You’re so oblivious about women all the time! I’m tired of teaching you, I need someone who doesn’t need to be groomed to fit me.”
There’s a knock on the door, and both your heads snap toward the direction to only see Junmyeon’s head peeking into the room. “Uh, sorry, am I interrupting something? Johnny said I could come in.”
You wanted to call Junmyeon your own personal superhero because he’s standing there in what seems like his best work outfit, and you’re almost drooling at the sight of him. Maybe it was because it was already so late in the day, and he looks like he’s been at his desk for a long time since his tie is loosened around his neck, and a button is undone.
“No, please, come in.” Eunwoo’s glare could pierce through you right now but you keep your gaze away. 
“Sorry,” Junmyeon bows at the other male before Eunwoo takes a seat in the corner of the room where the black leather couches were. He wasn’t backing down any time soon. “I... finished the video.”
“Oh?” He’s handing you a small flashdrive that you take willingly, inserting it into your computer before clicking around on your desktop before you reach your destination.
“Do you have headphones or something?”
Your brows crinkle in confusion. “What?”
He pulls out his keys, flipping open a case that holds his AirPods, placing it into the palm of your hand as you tilt your head when he rounds your desk, helping you bluetooth the device in. “Why are we doing this again?”
“Just a bit embarrassed about my first project. I don’t actually want to see you watch it.”
Eunwoo has his legs crossed, eyes shooting darts in the direction of you. He must be bursting with jealousy with how Junmyeon is seemingly close to you, making his way back to the seat in front of your desk, settling comfortably. Eunwoo observes that this is definitely not the first time the other male has been in your office.
After a few moments, you pull the buds out from your ears, placing it back into the white case and returning it to Junmyeon. “Wow... I--... Honestly, Jun, that was one of the greatest things I’ve ever seen. I mean I have some notes, don’t take it the wrong way, but... this is different.”
“I hope you mean a good kind of different?”
“Of course.”
He’s gifting you that warm smile again. “Send them over. I’ll take a look and send you an updated version.”
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“You like him.”
“Hm?” You hum heedlessly, typing away on the computer with your comments still fresh in your mind. Junmyeon had left your office moments before, taking his leave home.
“You have a crush on that guy. I just saw you give him that look.” Agilely turning your head to face your ex-lover, you heave out a sigh. “What look, Eunwoo?”
“You used to look at me like that. I remember it because it’s when I knew that you returned those feelings for me and I went for it.” 
Frustrated, you push your keyboard away. “What? I can’t just look at a guy now? All of the sudden you’re an expert at these things? And why does it even matter? We’re not together anymore.”
“Because he’s competition? What else?”
“Eunwoo, get the fuck out please.” You say through your gritted teeth before throwing a post-it note stack at him as he makes his way out your office. “Okay, okay! I’ll be back though!”
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There’s another knock at your door. Glancing at the clock that hangs above your desk, it reads 8:30PM and you could have sworn you told Johnny to go home hours ago. If it wasn’t Johnny, then...
Getting up from the couch full of loose papers and your laptop, you walk up toward the door, swinging it open. “Eunwoo, didn’t I tell you to fuck off—”
“Uh, I take it that the guy in the room earlier was Eunwoo then?”
In a pair of grey sweats and a T-shirt, Junmyeon is standing in your doorframe underneath a baseball cap. In his hands are bags of takeout, raising it up for your viewing once your eyes laid on it.
“What’s this?” You step aside to let him in, watching as he reorganizes the papers on your coffee table and places them onto another part of the couch, setting up the food. “You didn’t seem like you were going to cave into having dinner with that guy, and the launch is happening soon. I figured you’d still be here and skip dinner.”
In all honesty, this is what you would’ve wanted Eunwoo to do. Back when the two of you were dating, you had been stuck in the same scenario— couped up in your office, drowning yourself in paperwork without any time to make back home until the night before the launch day to get ready for the event. You wanted Eunwoo to take notice, doing something similar as to this, bringing food to you instead of forcing you to go out when you didn’t have much time to spare.
“I— I don’t know what to say. Thank you, Junmyeon, really. I was starving, but with how security is at the door at this time of night, delivery would’ve been a bit of a hassle.”
“Don’t sweat it, boss.” He jokes as you sit on the couch and he plops himself onto a seat across from you. “I got you the ramyun you had last time from that place you took me.”
“You did? How’d you remember what I ordered?”
“It was so spicy, I smelt it and sneezed a couple times.” Snapping the disposable chopsticks, he hands you the pair. “Plus, who would forget a name like ‘the Diablo Ramyun’? There’s a picture of a dragon breathing fire right next to the name on the menu.”
Junmyeon kept you company that night. He eventually started reading Webtoon comics on his phone after having dinner, laying on the couch before falling into a deep slumber, mouth agape. Grabbing a spare blanket you kept for nights you spent in your office, you drape it over his body, and pulled off his hat.
He looks angelic like this— albeit he has drool streaming from the sides of his mouth. Not obligated to stay, but nonetheless he did, all because he didn’t want you to be alone or feel lonely. Although you insisted he should go home, he contends, eventually winning the argument by comfortably designating the spot on the couch to himself. 
You don’t miss those soundless nights in your office anymore. Junmyeon’s snoring along with your tumultuous typing sets a new standard of bliss.
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It’s been about two months since that night and Junmyeon is frequent in your life. 
He’s on speed-dial when you want to try new restaurants or go to events that are in the city, and he never fails to come by your side to keep you company. Sometimes, his smile catches you off guard, fluttering your heart, but other times, you think he feels as though his presence is necessary because you gave him his dream job.
“So, rumor has it: Junmyeon sleeps over at the office.”
“What makes you say that?” 
Johnny eyes you suspiciously. “Other than the fact that he leaves your office bright and early in the morning with slightly damp hair with an outfit that’s just barely different from the day before?”
Your breath stops, but your fingers continue to tap away at an email. “Does he?”
“So, you sleeping with him?” You stiffen, scowling at your assistant. “No, I am not.”
“What’s he doing in here then?” 
“He just... sleeps over whenever I’m having a late night session.”
“Oh, so you are sleeping with him.”
“Johnny.” You say firmly. “I am not. He just keeps me company ‘cause I’m all by myself here and it’s dark out.”
He’s reclining in the armchair in front of your desk, toes pushing off the ground while rocking the seat. “Why don’t you just ask him out if you like him that much? Why are you wasting your time just... ‘keeping company’ instead of... being his companion.”
“I’m his boss.”
“And? That’s a sexy thing. He might like a strong, self-sufficient woman. Hell—I know I do. But you’re not into me, so I’m gonna help Junmyeon if I can’t help myself.”
Ears now crimson, you admit defeat and lounge in your large work chair with a cumbersome sigh, playing along with his game. “I don’t have time to date.”
“He’s here at least once a week spending the night with you. You have time, and if you don’t, he’ll make the time to be with you.”
Pausing a moment in thought with a hum, you hit the tip of your fingers against the glass desk. “I’m not his type.”
“Oh hush, I see the way he looks at you. He thinks you’re gorgeous.”
Pursing up your lips, you assert, “I don’t believe that. What if I meet my soulmate?”
“Stop doubting your looks, he practically salivates at the sight of you that it’s all over the floor. Also, that soulmate thing? That never stopped you from dating Eunwoo, so why is Junmyeon any different?”
You shrug, playing with the pen in front of you. “His ex dated him and ended up being with her soulmate.”
“You honestly think you’re going to meet your soulmate? Tell me. You were in that research group for a couple years, what’d you gather from that?” If it wasn’t for HR, you’d probably have you hands wrapped around Johnny’s giraffe neck by now.
Back in University, you decided to partake in the Soulmate Research Group for your co-op program, rationalizing that this could help you find your ‘the one.’ The group resulted in slapping you into reality, educating you the chances of finding your soulmate had declined to almost none when considering the probability. It was the worst year of your life, having to come to terms that this fairy-tale that everyone in your life had made love seem was just something that only lucky people got to cooperate in.
“I... yeah, I know. It’s just so many goddamn people met their soulmate already, what about me? What makes me so different from the bunch?”
Johnny says your name, this time sweetly with a tone he never uses. “I never met my soulmate either. But Junmyeon is almost hitting 30, right? Imagine how he’s feeling. He can’t even get laid by a pretty girl that he sleeps in her office for on the most uncomfortable couch, let alone find his soulmate.”
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“Do you like me?”
“What kind of question is that?” He glances at you quizzically, fixating his attention back under the hood of your car, twisting off the cap of your car sump, checking the oil levels. An oil light had popped onto the dashboard a couple days ago and you texted Junmyeon what he recommended to do, only for him to dispute that he’d check it himself.
“I don’t know, just answer it. Do you like me?”
He chuckles, shaking his head in disbelief as he wipes the oil rod with a rag. “Of course I like you. Why else would I hang out with you and change your oil?”
“No,” You groan, leaning against your front headlights, slouching in annoyance. “Like... not as a friend. As a woman. More than a friend, someone you want to date.”
He stands, slack-jawed. 
“Listen— I totally get if you don’t see me in that way, but Johnny said he saw the way you looked at me, and I figured, ‘hey, why not try to ask him out’ so—“
“Of course I see you that way. Who doesn’t? I kind of just assumed you weren’t into me since you were always rejecting my advances.”
Lifting up the dirty rag in his greasy, stained hands, the sides of his mouth twitches upwards. “Like I said, why would I change your oil? Plus, how many nights have I slept in your office on that god awful couch? I also have a toothbrush in your bathroom. And spare underwear. Need I say more?”
Chewing on your bottom lip and watching as he finishes up, closing the hood of your car, you tap your shoes anxiously against the concrete ground. “Can I ask you something else?”
“What is it?”
“Can I kiss you?”
You can already imagine how difficult showering is going to be later, but with Junmyeon’s plush lips pressed against yours, how could you complain about his tarnished hands underneath the fabric of your shirt, caressing the skin of your waist?
Guiding your hips to sit onto the hood of your car, your arms snake around his neck, playing with the longer strands of his hair that brush against his nape. The way he kisses feels like he’s going to suck the air out of your lungs but you couldn’t care less— you finally had him in your embrace and you weren’t going to let go.
He’s amiable, even though it’s contradicting that he’s tugging on your lower lip between his teeth, your lips swollen and plump from the aggressive make-out session. He doesn’t push too far, just right where you’re comfortable, especially when you’re in your opened garage out for your neighbors to see. 
You’re not sure how much time has passed but he’s already claimed the territory in the middle of your legs, towing you close with a grip on your thighs. Placing the palm of his hands on either side of you on the car, he grins cheekily after pulling out of the kiss, heavy pants against each other’s face.
“Did my boss just make-out with me?” You slap his chest, rolling your eyes in unison. “Stop it. I know you’re enjoying this, I feel it.” Wrapping your arms around his lower frame, you pull him close, pressing your crotch against his as his groans. “Now you stop it. I’m not taking you here.”
Junmyeon is a gentleman. He declares that he wouldn’t be taking you anywhere near the bedroom until he takes you out on a proper date, in spite of the fact that you both had broken his rule of no kissing and no sex before a date. 
If you thought that you had everything you wanted before, you were wrong. Not until you met him.
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“I met my soulmate.”
Straightening the paperwork on your desk, pretending to preoccupy yourself from this conversation and stay cool, you place the manila envelopes flat back on your desk, eyes eventually locked on the figure in your office. “Okay?”
“This means we can’t go back to what we ever were again...”
Feelings of uncertainty arise in your stomach—it’s obvious it’s jealousy. Was it because he found his soulmate and he was never coming back or that you haven’t even met yours? 
Eunwoo stands in the middle of the room, hands in the pockets of his dress pants, contemplating what to say next. 
“We’re not together anymore.”
He knows this—he knows this so well with the amount of times you remind him that it’s embedded in his brain, nonetheless in the general picture of things, Eunwoo always thought that you’d find your way back home and into his arms. He’d tell you this, despite the amount of times you’ve rejected him, but hearing now that he really won’t come back because he has a soulmate hits different. 
Maybe Eunwoo had been a back-up plan. There’s never 100% bliss in a relationship, and you never saw yourself getting married to him and having kids but the thought of having Eunwoo in the back of your head meant that even if you didn’t find ‘the one,’ Eunwoo would be the replacement. It sounds fuck-up, it all sounded fucked-up but who would love a woman who ran an entire company by herself and barely have time for anyone else in her life?
“It means... I officially can’t come back to you anymore and you can’t expect for me to fall back into your hands like putty. I’m done... but it doesn’t mean I don’t love you anymore.”
“I know, Eunwoo.”
“It’s just— it’s my soulmate.”
“Don’t miss out on that opportunity.” You say sternly. 
Thwarted by your reaction, he snaps. “I’m so sick of this. I should’ve just given up sooner—I’ve been in your life for 6 years, we dated for 3, and you can’t even be happy for me? You can’t even tell me that you still love me although you’re the one who left me?”
Head dropping onto the back of your chair, you close your eyes for a moment. “Eunwoo, I’ll always love you, I never thought I had to remind you of that. But we never worked out, we stopped clicking after a year in. We’re on different pages, we’re doing different things, and I never had the time to spend with you anymore.”
“It wasn’t that you never had the time, you never made time.”
“Don’t say that. I didn’t have time. You never made the effort to spend it with me.”
“What?” He says sharply. “Tell me, what could I have done differently? I want to hear it?”
Running your fingers through your strands of hair frustratedly, you grumble in discontent. “I wanted you to be here with me on those nights I spent in the office. I wanted to have dinner with you here, but you always insisted we go out. I wanted you to be part of my projects, do things with me because we’re in the same field, yet you couldn’t even do that. I wanted you to be around and try in other ways even if it was hard to spend time with each other.”
“You’re the one who stopped trying!”
“I stopped trying when I saw how much effort you were putting into meeting these girls instead of me! How do you think I feel when you’re out buying coffee and delivering it to your co-worker? You couldn’t even do that for me.”
Clenching his jaw, he gives you a look before saying his last words. “You’re right. Maybe we weren’t right for each other.” As he’s walking toward the doors existing your office, you silently say, “She was your soulmate, wasn’t she? The co-worker.”
He turns to look at you, eyes sudden soft compared to moments ago. You were right. You’re always right.
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Junmyeon is handsome in this lighting but it’s difficult to focus on the date with your argument with your ex from earlier.
He planned everything for the night—the lights, the picnic blanket, and wicker basket filled with delicious foods that he had cooked himself, a skill that he had been trying to improve lately since his roommate, Kyungsoo, had left for the military, and Chanyeol moved out to live with his soulmate. 
Pulling out two wine glasses, following with a bottle, he pops the cork out before pouring some into yours. “So, what’s on your mind?” Snapping back into reality, you laugh awkwardly, rubbing your arm.
“I’m sorry? Did you say something and I missed it? Nothing’s on my mind.”
“No, something is definitely up in there. I can see it in your face.” Handing the glass to you, he’s taking out the rest of the food from the basket; he’d packed everything from kimchi to kimbap, even cheese and deli meats. There was also pie— jesus, did he have to try so hard to get to your heart? You would be melting in his affection at this point if your head wasn’t so occupied.
“Uh... honestly, there’s something. But I’m not really in the mood to talk about it because it might ruin our date.”
“I’m afraid it would ruin our date if you don’t say anything.” He raises a brow.
Shoulders dropping in defeat, you take a sip of your wine for a boost of confidence. “Fine, fine. Eunwoo met his soulmate.”
Junmyeon nods, lips pursed. “Ah, I see. And you always thought that if it didn’t work out with someone else, you’d at least have Eunwoo?”
You freeze.
How’d he know that?
Almost like he read your thoughts, he’s speaking as he’s unraveling the plastic off the plates and containers. “I can kind of tell. You never fully pushed him away. If you didn’t want him in your life at all, you would’ve asked Johnny and the building to kick him out once he went through the lobby doors. Never happened— he’s even on your calendar for lunch, even if you don’t go.”
“You’re rather observant, aren’t you?”
“So I’ve been told.” He grins, taking your hand and giving it a light kiss. “Listen, I understand. Does it have to do with the soulmate thing?”
“A bit...” 
He shakes his head in condemnation, gaze drifting off at the sun that slowly begins to set in the horizon. “I hope you’re not upset because of me just because my ex left me for her soulmate. Not everyone meets their soulmate, you know? So if you met whomever it is, I’d want you to be with them.”
Ugh, Junmyeon is the epitome of a perfect man. It had been a thought that was on your mind recently, although you knew your chances of meeting your soulmate was slim, there was always that chance. 
“Thank you, Junmyeon. I feel the same way about you, you know.” With that, he nods in agreement before sticking a fork into the cheese, lifting it up to your lips. “Less talking about sad stuff now. Cheese?” With a smile, you comply with his offer and open your mouth.
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The sun has long disappeared for the night and his friend, the moon, makes an appearance. Junmyeon is even more beautiful under the moonlight, if possible, laying on the blanket with his head resting on his arm as he admires the stars in the sky. 
Dinner was amazing— Junmyeon never fails to impress. You have to thank Chanyeol’s soulmate later on for going back to him because if it wasn’t for their bonding, you would’ve never actually met him. The previous year had taken a toll on you; the constant traveling from Japan, China, and Korea was deteriorating your health that you’d spend most of time in your office. Junmyeon didn’t even meet you until about two months ago. 
Your mind wanders off. Questions like: ‘how did Chanyeol meet his soulmate’ and ‘what stopped him from wanting to get to know the girl’ or ‘did any of your other friends meet their soulmate’ all flooded your head. You figured the night had been going so well you’d avoid the topic of soulmate and save those questions for another time. After what seemed like a moment, another inquiry lights a bulb over your head.
“Wait... we never talked about this before, but do you have a marking?”
“Of course,” He looks at you confusingly. “We all have markings.”
“But I never saw yours, and you never saw mine.” You clarify, and he nods at your statement. “Well, okay, yes, that’s true. Did you want to see it? Where’s yours?”
“On my hip-bone.” You respond, tugging down on the fabric at the hem of your shirt gingerly. Eyes bulging at your response, his body tenses. “What?”
Meticulously lifting the end of his shirt up, there’s a daisy that sits on his hip-bone and you finally understand why he’s giving you such a strange reaction. Mimicking his actions, you show him yours— a daisy.
150 notes · View notes
lombredanslaeu · 4 years
pure devotion / part two
▸ werewolf! johnny x human reader
▸ read chapter one here
▸ hey! its finally here. it wasnt my plan to do a part two but y’all wanted to see what happens next so here you go. thank you so much for reading the first chapter! enjoy
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recap: werewolves are assigned with a soulmate and once they reach the age of 23, they would find who their soulmate is. you have always been in denial about being in love with your best friend, johnny. as the clock struck 10:34 pm - the exact time johnny was born - that’s when you felt the universe unfold within your veins. you are johnny’s soulmate. it would have been a successful fairy tale but johnny loves you too much to let it happen.
It has been almost a week since you and Johnny last talked. You thanked the universe for not letting you cross paths with Johnny in school. It would be dishonest to say that your heart isn’t breaking each second you’re away from him. You miss him, so much. It’s only been 5 days since his birthday but you just want to run to his house and see him again. Your friends grew suspicious about what happened between you two. It’s always been Y/N and Johnny every hour of every week. Now, it’s just you.
“Okay, Y/N, cut the bullshit,” Your friend, Nayeon, along with Yeri and Jungwoo, sat in front of you, demanding for answers. “What’s going on between you and Johnny?”
You rolled your eyes. You appreciate their concern so much but you knew they were gonna demand every details about your misunderstanding. Nayeon, Yeri, and Jungwoo are vampires. Vampires aren’t assigned a soulmate. They are free to choose who they’ll spend the rest of their lives with. Although they are also close friends with Johnny and your other friends who are werewolves, you are skeptical if they would understand or not.
“We just had an argument during his birthday. No big deal.” You replied.
“Uh? Of course, it’s a big deal.” Yeri started. “First, you and Johnny? Not talking for almost a week? Second, you two arguing during his birthday?”
“It’s hard to explain, guys.” You sighed.
“We have all day, Y/N. You know you can always talk to us.” Jungwoo said. “Besides, I’ve never seen Johnny this down before.”
You decided to share what happened that night. You knew in yourself that this will spread like wildfire to your circle of friends, or even worse, throughout the whole school. It has always been a big deal whenever a werewolf is soulmates with a human. They will be nosy and concerned. You don’t mind attention but you certainly don’t want to be pitied at. Your heart also ached at the mention of Johnny being sad. All your life, you felt like it was your duty to make sure Johnny is happy and healthy. Now, you sure will beat yourself later at the thought of you not being brave enough to confront him.
It was only 2:00 pm but you felt so tired. You felt like Atlas took a break from carrying the world and used you as a substitute. Jungwoo suggested to talk to Johnny as soon as possible. You understand that. You know that the only solution to whatever it is that you’re feeling right now is to talk to him. See what both of you can compromise. But, your mind is still a haze. It was your future you’re talking about. Whether you make this decision or that, it will affect the rest of your life. You wished things didn’t have to be this way. For the first time in your life, you wished Johnny didn’t exist.
You went home immediately after your last class. Your mother was shocked to see you come home early. You always went places with Johnny and your friends. Yeri invited you to go vinyl shopping with her and Jaehyun but you just weren’t in the mood to be fake happy.
“You look so down, sweetheart.” Your mother said as she sat across you on the kitchen island.
“Mom, I have to tell you something.” You sighed. You hated making your mother worried. But you knew that sharing this with her will help you somehow, hopefully.
Your mother stared intently at you, waiting for you to say whatever you had to say.
“I’m soulmates with Johnny.” You started. She leaned back on her seat, taken aback from your confession. “Remember last Saturday? During his birthday? We just found out that night.”
“Then, why are you so down?” She asked. “He’s your best friend since forever. I trust him and you trust him.”
“I don’t know, mom,” You felt tears form. “It’s just that - I’m scared. You know how risky it is for humans to be mates with werewolves. Remember Mingyu’s mother? She survived the transformation but she died after giving birth. I want to see the whole world when I’m 80, mom. I don’t want to die so young.”
Your mother hugged you. You knew she didn’t have an answer. She was fortunate enough to not be soulmates with a werewolf.
“You know, sweetheart, I had to give up a lot of things when I decided to marry your dad. I had to give up my wild nights with friends, my freedom of being single, the apartment that I loved so much. I loved these things so much because they made me who I am.” She said. “But you know what? I never missed them. I would trade so many of my yesterdays to have a tomorrow with your father. It was scary at first, I almost ran away during our wedding. But every night he would come up to me and make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world, I immediately thanked God I never ran away.”
“That’s sweet and all, mom, but you’re not gonna die if you and dad mate.” You said bitterly through tears.
“I know, sweetheart. I know it’s unfair to you. But, I don’t want you to die without the love of your life on your side. Johnny is a good man. He would fight all of the odds for you and you, out of all the people in this world, should know that.” She said. “Our lives are full of risks. This wont be the only risk that you’ll take during your life.”
Later that night, you stared at the polaroid pictures that are glued on your wall. These were pictures of you, Johnny, and your friends. Your eyes landed on a picture of Johnny with a tub of ice cream. He knew you love ice cream so whenever you feel down, rest assured that he will be on your side with a tub of ice cream. He just knew what to do. It was like he was made to be your perfect fit. Almost immediately, you came into the conclusion that you were willing to risk it for Johnny. You were tired of feeling worried over things that haven’t happened yet.
You woke up with a livelier spirit than yesterday. You were still worried of what will Johnny say but the only thing you can do for now is not worry about things that haven’t happened. You decided to give him his favorite yogurt and flower as a peace offering. Today, you are willing to sort things out with him. You couldn’t bear another day with things not okay between you two. Before you left your house, you asked the sky above to give you a sign. You were willing to take whatever sign it gives you.
You entered the lecture hall and noticed that everyone’s mood was gloomy. Your professor, Mrs. Bae, was already in front with a sad frown on her face. Did someone die today? She waited for two more people to arrive before speaking. You were worried that it might be someone from your circle or worse, Johnny.
“We received the news early this morning that one of your classmate, Kim Soohyun, passed away last night.” She spoke. “Let’s give a moment of silence for her, her family, her friends, and her significant other, Choi Hansol.”
Your breath hitched when Mrs. Bae mentioned Hansol as her significant other. Hansol belonged to Johnny’s pack, meaning he is a werewolf. And Soohyun was human. As if on cue, Nayeon whispered to you.
“I heard she died from transformation.” She looked at you with so much worry on her eyes.
Your heart was beating so much and you started to struggle catching up with it. Today was supposed to be the day you agree on being Johnny’s mate. You shouldn’t have asked for a sign. Earlier, you were so sure of your decisions. Now, you weren’t sure if you wanna see Johnny today. Looks like the universe really fucking hates your guts. You were supposed to have your peace of mind. You looked down at the yogurt and flower that you were supposed to give Johnny. You refused to believe that Soohyun’s death was a sign for you to rethink your decision but sooner or later, you found yourself throwing the flower to the nearest garbage bin and eating Johnny’s yogurt.
Day by day, you feel your friendship with Johnny deteriorating slowly. Soohyun’s death shouldn’t have affected you so much but for some strange reason, it did.
“You’re really not gonna fix anything by avoiding your problems.” Your friend, Jaehyun spoke beside you. You really shouldn’t be talking to him because you knew as one of Johnny’s closest friend, he would never stop convincing you to talking with Johnny. Jaehyun was also a member of Johnny’s pack. Jaehyun’s father is Johnny’s father’s right hand, meaning he is the beta of the pack. Jaehyun and Johnny are so close to each other, probably much closer than you and Johnny. You knew he would always have Johnny’s back just like you do. So, it doesn’t surprise you if he wanted to fix the problem between you and Johnny.
“How is he?” You asked, genuinely concerned for Johnny.
“To be really honest, I don’t think he can graduate if this problem doesn’t get solved.” He replied. “You probably think that I’m exaggerating this for you to talk to him immediately. Our graduation is just around the corner. If you don’t want to put your future at risk, at least don’t try to put his on a tight rope as well.”
You hated the fact that he was right. You were starting to feel selfish, too cowardly. Johnny was always brave whenever you needed help. It was time you became brave for him.
The loud music blasted through the walls of Lucas’ house. Here is where all the college parties are held. Lucas is also one of your closest friends. He’s a human who is dating Wendy, a vampire. Tonight was the farewell party of the graduating class of this year. You weren’t in the mood to come but you knew Johnny was gonna be here since he one of the graduating students.
You decided to get at least a little bit tipsy before you confront Johnny. With the help of your ever-supportive friends, your mind was hazy immediately. It was not a hassle for you to find him in parties. He is either playing beer pong, in the kitchen mixing up drinks with Taeyong, or in the dance floor with the other friends you shared. You spotted him standing quietly near the snacks corner. You know the reason why he isn’t as upbeat as he usually is. You stood next to him and he immediately noticed you. You didn’t know what to do or what to say.
“Hi.” You squeaked out.
“Hey,” He replied, giving you a warm smile. The smile that you fell in love with. You haven’t seen that smile in a while.
“I would give anything to see that smile for the rest of your life” It took you a few seconds to realize that you said that out loud. Damn this cocktail.
“Yeah, nice to see you again too, Y/N,” You noticed how his mood seemed to lit up. He looked down on you. You both haven’t said so much but he knew that things are finally okay. He got the picture.
“So, is this your response about what he learned during my birthday?” He said, lifting his cup to drink whatever is left of the drink.
“Yeah, look. I’m sorry. I’m sorry that I put you through hell because I was too much of a coward to talk to you. I’m sorry that I left you all confused and-” Your ranting got cut off when you felt his soft lips against yours. Each movement of his lips signifies his undying love for you. It signifies how he will always forgive you and accept your flaws that annoyed him to the core. It signifies that he wanted you to know that you were his and he was yours, forever. He lead you through the balcony of Lucas’ house, where no one was present.
“I love you,” You said after you pulled away. “I’m willing to risk everything for you. I would trade all my tomorrows for at least a minute with you.”
You didn’t realize that you were crying until he was wiping your cheeks with his thumb. His hands still cups your face as he stares down at you. You were expecting him to say the same but all you saw his head shaking from left to right.
“No,” he whispered. “I love you too, Y/N, so much. I’ve loved you for as long as I could remember. All the nights we spent tangled up in each other and telling one another how we’re just friends. All the make out session we had in the back of my car. The best of times, the worst of times. I’ve loved you through it all. But I can’t do this to you, Y/N. You deserve to live the best life you’ve set up for yourself until you grow old and wrinkly.”
You stared at him, tears flowing from your eyes. He hated seeing you cry. He could kill anyone or anything that made you cry. “You can do this with me, Johnny. If I die, at least I die by your side. I will die knowing that you made me yours. And to the die by your side is the perfect way I could die.”
He continued shaking his head, his own tears staining his flawless skin. “We don’t have to transform you.”
“But you need an heir. You need an offspring to be the next alpha after you.” You replied. “And I want to give that to you.”
“God knows how much I want to start a family with you too.” He said.
“Then, what’s stopping you, Johnny?” You asked him. You were so desperate to leave this party with you and Johnny being okay.
“I love you. That’s what’s stopping me.” He responded. The effects of the alcohol was slowly leaving your system. You were growing tired of this fight. You were never a patient woman but you pushed through just to make this right.
You remained in silence, looking up at the starry night. You asked the sky for one more sign. If only the answer to everything was written in the sky, you would have it all by now. But life doesn’t work that way. Sometimes, you have to ruin yourself to find the answer.
“I accepted a job offer in the city today. I leave in 2 days.” He said all of sudden. There. There was your sign. You sighed and look at him, with pride and sadness. You were so proud of him. You saw him struggle with college and now he immediately has a job in the city. But you were also sad. He accepted it without even talking to you - his best friend, and his soulmate. You couldn’t blame him. He probably wanted to get away from you after everything.
Johnny leaves for the city tomorrow morning. You have wallowed in self-pity the whole day. You looked at yourself in the mirror and saw how wrecked you looked. If only you fixed this as soon as possible, he probably wouldn’t leave. You scratched that thought out of your head. That was selfish. Johnny pushed aside his feeling for you so that you could have your dream. It’s time for you to stop being selfish and let him have his. You decided you wanted to see him before he left. This will probably the last time you will see each other so you were determined to fix the broken bond between you two.
You arrived at his house after a few minutes. His house wasn’t far from yours. The moment he opened his door, you attached your lips into his. You kissed him as if you’re begging for him to not leave you. He lead you both to his room and locked the door.
He kissed you first on the lips and soon, he traveled down your neck. The back of your needs hit the edge of his bed and he gently laid you down on it. It’s been a while since the last time you slept together. You weren’t planning on sleeping with him tonight but you wanted to make sure his last night with you was worth it.
It took an hour for the both of you to finish making love. Your head laid on his chest as your limbs tangled upon each other.
“You’re leaving tomorrow.” You announced.
“Yep,” He responded. His fingers drew relaxing figures on your bare back. “Okay.”
You looked up at him, confusion written on your face. What did he mean by “okay”?
Sensing your inquiring stare, he responded, “I can’t accept a life wherein I don’t get to hold you every night.”
He sat up on the edge of his bed, the moonlight that shone through his window lighted up his face. You followed, resting your chin on his shoulder as your arms wrapped around his body savoring the last moments before he leaves for the city.
“Find me immediately after you design a house, a building, something.” He said with conviction, staring deeply into your eyes as if wanting you to memorize what he is saying. “Find me immediately. I will wait for you. Even if it takes a couple more years.”
You felt tears streaming down your cheeks. You love him so much. You would take any compromise only if it means being with him in the end. You nodded, pressing a kiss on his shoulder.
“No other love, except me.” He stated.
“No other love, only you.” You said.
a/n: i hope you enjoyed this! as always, feedback and requests are always welcome.
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jaehyunspeachparty · 5 years
daddy jaehyun
iii.xi. (m)
Time flies incredibly fast and Jaehyun and you couldn't believe that your beautiful first daughter is now 6 years old on this day. It was still winter, but she would start school next year. "Incredible, I still remember exactly how I held her in my arms for the first time and now she is just 6 years old." Jaehyun looked at his daughter, who was playing with Sunoh while you were preparing the cake. You had planned a small party. Miga had invited some friends and they would make gingerbread houses. Chichi and Jaina were also invited. So Sunoh was the only boy. In addition to Johnny and Yuta, Taeyong, Winwin and Mark have also announced themselves, and Miga also wanted them to come. "They're all growing too quickly. Sometimes I wish I could stop them from growing." You sigh and reach for your stomach. You could still hide your pregnancy with a thick sweater, but not for a long time. You wanted to keep it all a little bit for yourself, which only had time for you. But today you decided to tell everyone. "As long as the two grow up healthy, I'm happy." Jaehyun put his hands on your stomach and smiled.
In the morning, Jaehyun's parents picked up the children and celebrated Miga's birthday apart from you. That was good for you because you could finish everything in peace. "I think it's all done." Jaehyun sat on the couch and was satisfied that everything was going according to plan. But you weren't tired, you wanted to use the time to give in to your desires. "Seems so," you breath and sit on his lap. Jaehyun grinned and ran his hands over your thighs. The fact that you were always horny stressed him a little, but he also liked it very much. "Shit, you've been so naughty lately," he groaned as you opened his belt buckle and continued rubbing his lap. "I know you like that," you breathe into his ear as you now open his pants. "Yes, you are my little nymphomaniac." He ran his hands up to your butt and gave you a gentle pat. Jaehyun wasn't so wrong, lately, you were thinking all the time about sex, but your pregnancy hormones were driving you crazy. Jaehyun pushed his pants down a little while massaging his length. He put his head back and groaned when you jerk him off. You feel how he grew in your hand more and get harder till he was completely swollen, you take off your pants and sit back on his lap. Jaehyun looked back at you and stared at you. "I love you," he breathed. "I love you too", you say softly and slowly lower yourself along its length. You bend over him and he clung to your butt. At the beginning you ride him at your own pace, feel yourself more and more to your perfect spot and stimulate it. Then Jaehyun helped, made his pace and fucked you from below. Your groans echoed through the room and your body felt light and free again when you reached your climax. When Jaehyun cum inside you, the doorbell was already ringing. "I think it's better I open up." He smiled while your faces were very close. "But your cock just feels too good." You moan softly and lower your hips down so that his whole length filled you. "You are crazy. We are now celebrating our daughter's birthday," Jaehyun lifted you up and laughed. He pulled up his pants and meanwhile you take a tissue to clean yourself. "If you're still horny in the night, maybe I'll fuck you again." He winked and started walking when the bell rang a second time. "What does that mean maybe?" You call after him and pull up your panties also up.
Yuta, Chichi, Taeyong and Mark were the first guests to arrive. Chichi timidly hung on her father's hand and when they were in the kitchen and saw no other children, she looked up at Yuta. "Sunoh?" When Chichi asked about your son, you felt very warm in your heart. "Ohhh sweetie, Sunoh is coming soon." You thought the two were so cute and they were almost the same age. "Y/N, you don't pair your son with my daughter." Yuta looked angrily at you and you had to laugh. You waved and went to the door when the bell rang again. Winwin came in the meantime and the girls Miga had invited were there too. Last came Johnny, Johanna and Jaina. Only they didn't seem to be very happy. There was tension between them and Johanna's expression was extremely angry. "Hey, are you okay?" You ask carefully because you knew there was something between them. "Yes," she hissed, then ignored you to go to the kitchen too. You were almost a little hurt that Johanna met you like this, after all, you hadn't done anything to her. When Miga was home, she was totally surprised. She knew people were coming, but she hadn't expected such a party. First, everyone was singing for her, then there were gifts (which were far too generous) and then everyone ate cake. After the girls and Sunoh were done, they started decorating the gingerbread house. Meanwhile, the men start drinking in the kitchen. You take care of the children, while Yuta and Johanna each helped their children. But at some point, the girls were so busy that you could leave them alone for a while. In the kitchen, you could see every child anyway, because everything was open. "I think they are busy for a while." You smile and go to your husband, who lovingly pulled you towards you and kissed you. "Now that we're all together, we want to tell you something." Jaehyun put his arm around you and looked deep into your eyes. At that moment you feel so much love and you couldn't wait for him to speak the words. So he turned back to his friends, who looked at him intently. "Y/N is pregnant again. With twins." Jaehyun grinned with joy across the room and everyone seemed to be happy. Only Johanna looked at you seriously and didn't even smile. Johnny immediately hugged you and you adjusted your sweater so that everyone could see your belly. "I'm at the end of the fourth month. For a few weeks now my stomach has been growing pretty quickly, so you would have noticed it soon anyway." You smile and stroke your stomach. The next moment Miga came to you and pulled on your clothes. "Mummy, Sunoh eats everything up," she whined and you set off again to take care of the children. Yuta followed you to be with Chichi and Miga insisted that Mark also should come to help her. "Wow, two kids. Congratulations, you deserve that after everything you've had to go through." Winwin hugged his friend and Jaehyun just smiled happily. "I knew something was different, Y/N shines right. The pregnancies are really good for her." Taeyong smiled and patted Jaehyun on the shoulder. "Yes, that's right. She looks great." Jaehyun's gaze was fixed on you and when you take his look, you smile.
Time passed and the girls were almost all done with their gingerbread house. You were just about to glue the last ones. Meanwhile, Johnny, Johanna, and Jaehyun were in the kitchen chatting. "Wow, twins though. You did a good job there." Johnny laughed and sipped his soju. "Yes, but it was quite a surprise for us." Jaehyun then told the whole story of how you learned about the pregnancy. "And how did the kids react to that?" Johnny asked, glancing at his daughter. "Miga is happy, but desperately want sisters. We thought Sunoh wouldn't realize it, but he's been hanging extreme on Y/N lately. For example, he wakes up every night and tries to sleep in our bed and on his mother's side." Jaehyun sighed and took another sip of his soju. "What is so bad about it?" Johanna asked, looking almost angry at Jaehyun. He was quite surprised by her reaction. "Nothing, but he has his own room." He didn't want to go any further because somehow he had hit a spot at Johanna. "Don't you think that's selfish and heartless?" She didn't was kind anymore and hissed the words against him. But now it wasn't Jaehyun saying something, but Johnny stepping in. "Maybe that's why the two of them have a better sex life than we do." When he said these words, you came into the kitchen and found it difficult to assign the context. Johanna stared at her husband and ran out of the kitchen. You look shortly at the children, but since Mark and Yuta were with them anyway, you ran after her. Since Johann was already relatively pregnant, she was very slow and you catch up with her quickly. "Hey, Johanna. Everything okay? What happened?" You still couldn't put everything together and you look over at her and wondering what's going on. "Tell me how many times a week do you have sex with Jaehyun?" You found the question strange and didn't want to go into it at first. "Johanna, can you tell me what's going on?" You wanted to calm her down, be there for her, but she was beside herself. "Come on, don't act hypocritical, tell me. Apparently, Johnny and Jaehyun are talking about it." She snorted and crossed her arms. "That is not relevant." You still didn't understand what she was trying to do. "Don't be a coward Y/N, tell the truth!" She almost screamed and you had never actually seen her like this. "I don't know either. I don't keep a record of it. Maybe 3-4 times a week." You shrug your shoulders and hope that she will calm down. But somehow she didn't seem to believe you. "Aha. Now that you're pregnant?" You didn't want to say anything, apparently, it was the topic they were arguing about at the beginning. You just look at her and remain silent. "Y/N! Can't you just tell me the truth?" She snorted angrily and was still waiting for your answer. "You can't compare that. My pregnancy hormones are just weird." You try to play it down, but Johanna wanted facts. "GOD, JUST SAY IT!" She was so angry, but why exactly against you? "Okay, okay. Almost every day lately, but just because I've been horny all the time since I'm pregnant." You give up, but Johanna couldn't believe it. "Jaehyun says Sunoh has been sleeping in bed with you lately. How are you doing it then?" She really looked really desperate. "I don't know if Miga is still at the training and Sunoh is taking his afternoon nap, for example." You sigh and don't like to admit it. "I just don't want to hear that anymore. Tell Johnny I'm going. Without him." She grabbed her things and thus disappeared from the house.
After everyone left, you clean up while Jaehyun put Miga to bed. Sunoh was already sleeping peacefully in his room. "Miga fell asleep right away, she was super happy." He came to you, put his hands on your hip and kissed you. "Yes, the girls had fun. The houses have become so cute." It was also nice for you to see that Miga had also made good friends. She seemed popular, the girls liked her and she had everyone in her hand. She was not lacking in self-confidence. "Say Jaehyun, did you talk to Johnny about our sex life?" You look at him worriedly, because the whole thing with Johanna didn't leave your mind. She had such a grudge against you and you just couldn't understand it. "Hmm, well briefly. Johnny had only asked because he and Johanna haven't had sex since she was pregnant. And before that, they only had sex when they decided to have a second child. He just wanted to know if that's normal or if Johanna distances herself from him. Shouldn't I have said anything? " Jaehyun was a little worried about having spoken, but you couldn't be angry with him, after all, Johnny was one of his best friends. "No, I mean it is normal to exchange experiences with friends. Johanna was just so aggressive towards me." You sigh and continue to clean things. "Johnny and she had just argued about this before the party. She was probably angry with him and not with you. I bet everything will be fine in a few days." He kissed your forehead and also helped you clean up. "Yes hopefully..."
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
The Edges - Ralph Anderson x Reader (The Outsider)
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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Author’s Note: Requested by a sweet Anon 🥰 Thank you for requesting-!
So I thought this was gonna be really short and then I just... did this all in an evening.
I’ve put you in book setting of Flint City and DA Bill Samuels again, sorry 🙈
Also Ralph is an Autumn/Winter baby now, I don’t make the rules.
Featuring a super obscure reference from Episode 8 of ‘The Outsider’
Disclaimer: The Outsider not mine / gif not mine / lyrics not mine / AU no Derek or Jeannie here
Premise: Ralph Anderson could count on himself to say the wrong thing, only this time it’s two days before the birthday you’ve spent all month planning for him. This time he’s not sure if ‘sorry’ is going to cover it... 
Words: 4403
Warnings: Swearing / slight sexual connotations / drinking / AU
If life's a puzzle there's a piece for the night we met Next to the one where you drove me home If life's a puzzle there's a piece for our first kiss And it's connected to a summer song And nothing else fit baby before this Love was a struggle So all I know is baby that if this life's a puzzle You are the edges, you're holding all of me together You are the edges making the bigger picture better Before you I didn't know where to start You rounded up the pieces of a broken heart Might take a little time to figure out what the rest is But you are the edges, you are the edges If life's a puzzle there's a piece for our first fight It's bright red and it fits just right Next to the one shaped like sorry On a long ride home from a birthday party And nothing else fit baby before this Love was a struggle So all I know is baby that if this life's a puzzle You are the edges where everything ends and it begins You are the edges and we're gonna fill this whole thing in Yeah Before you I didn't know where to start You rounded up the pieces of a broken heart Might take a little time to figure out what the rest is But you are the edges
It was a stupid thing to say. He regretted it as instantly as it came out of his mouth. It was watching the light leave your eyes, all your excitement was gone – just like that. The day was getting later, and he’d had a hard one at work. With two days until his birthday Ralph really wanted nothing more than to have a quiet night in and forget about everything. You, who had spent the last month or so planning his birthday out, could not have had a more opposite feeling. It wasn’t exactly a big secret; you were going to dinner with all your closest friends, and then you’d hired out almost the entirety of his favourite bar to have people come and go as they pleased to wish him happy birthday. And you’d extended that out to pretty much all of Flint City, and your families. So, tonight’s exciting information was that his brother just so happened to be in the area and had promised to drop in. Now, Ralph doubted that would actually happen, but for you to even get hold of Johnny – yet alone get a verbal agreement – was its own achievement. But Ralph was tired, he didn’t care right now, and if he was honest… he wasn’t even sure he wanted a big party with the way he was feeling. So when he just kinda nodded along with an “Uh huh.” And you’d read him and said, “Babe, what’s wrong?” You’d been hit with the very knee-jerk reaction of, “I don’t even want this party! This is all your idea! I just wanna have a quiet birthday!” That not only got increasingly loud, but also angrier. Leading to silence that made Ralph wish he’d just bit his tongue. Then he’d tried to stumble through something else to make it better, but he’d only succeeded in making it worse – and pretty soon you’d been crying and had not only run from the room, but also the house… That was two nights ago, and sitting at his desk on his actual birthday, you hadn’t been home yet. Well, not that he’d seen. Ralph knew he’d overdone it, but he wanted to apologise to your face, rather than over text or call. Besides, he’d actually called your mobile more than a few times yesterday and every single time it went to voicemail. He didn’t want to tell any of his friends that anything was up, and in fact they were just as excited about tonight as you had been. Every time someone called out a cheerful ‘Happy Birthday!’ to him Ralph had to smile and say ‘thank you’ gracefully, even though he was even less joyous about it today than he had been when you’d run out. Eventually Ralph gave in and gave you one last call. Voicemail. Again. There was nothing for it then, other than to hunker down and do his work until he could drive home and get ready for tonight. Yune was the one to tap his desk eventually and snap him out of it, “Yo, birthday boy – it’s go time!” “Oh man, just let me finish this report…” “Uh uh, no way!!” Yune dragged Ralph’s chair away from his desk, and hoisted him up by his arms, “Out! Out! Out! We’re getting rounds in before dinner, I’m buyin’… or Samuels is buying, whatever-! Someone is buying that ain’t you!” Ralph couldn’t help but laugh, “Okay! Okay! Can I shut my computer down at least-!?” “I’m watching you, type another sentence and I’m gonna pull it out of the wall, and you won’t get the chance to save it!” Yune grinned. “Geez, I wouldn’t put it past ya either…” Then Ralph remembered, “Hold on, are you going right now?” “Well, yeah, but our fancy DA won’t be there until a little later – why?” “I… gotta get changed, first.” “Cool, I’ll wait in the car.” Ralph laughed again, “Alright, sweet!” Yune tapped him as they walked back through the precinct, “That’s to make sure you don’t skip out on me! You can’t leave me alone with him, I’ll go insane!” *** They managed to get a few rounds in before Samuels appeared – during that time Ralph tried to forget that the other reason he wanted to be home was to check for signs of you, still nothing – and the DA looked as ticked off as usual. Yune led off, arms folded, “Go on then, which one of ‘your boys’ is giving you jip this time.” Bill Samuels had changed out of his suit too: nice shirt, nice jeans, good black leather jacket – he gave Yune a look to shut him up and turned his unimpressed face on Ralph. “I hear you’re in a lot of shit!” Yune’s expression was unfathomable, “It’s his birthday man, what the hell!” Although when his eyes flicked back to Ralph, the detective looked guilty. Ralph swallowed thickly, “She told you.” “Yeah, she’s been at my place for two days – she won’t tell me everything, but you’ve clearly upset her!” Yune raised an eyebrow, Ralph of course hadn’t told anyone you’d had a falling out. It would make sense for Bill Samuels to know everything though, and for you to go to him. He was your best friend in Flint City, your parents lived out of town so there wasn’t really anywhere else you could have gone. Ralph should have used his detective skills to figure that out – in fact it probably wouldn’t even have taken a detective. “What the hell-!?” Yune smacked his arm, “What happened!?” “It was stupid, but she can’t say I haven’t tried calling her to apologise! She won’t pick up my calls!” “What did you say-!?!?” “I told her I didn’t want this…” Samuels put a hand to his forehead, “After she’s just spent a month planning it out?” “I know! It was late, I had a bad day at the office, I’m an idiot, can we move on?” Bill and Yune gave each other the same look before the DA cleared his throat, “Well after all that, I hope she turns up!” Ralph sighed, turning back to the bar, “Me too.” Yune could only grimace before quickly changing the subject, “Another round guys? What you having?” *** All things considered; Ralph did actually find himself enjoying his birthday evening. You didn’t turn up to the meal however, and after a few reassurances that ‘she’ll be here!’ both from his friends to him and also him to those who joined the three of them, everyone just kinda lapsed into silence about it. Not before Yune had hissed at Samuels to text you. “I can’t force her to come Yune-!” “Well, can we just put the guy out of his misery already?” “Ralph’s a big boy, he can handle it.” “Yeah okay, and whatever he said to her he shouldn’t have. But she set all this up… it’s a shame for her to miss it.” You didn’t reply to the text, but Bill did indicate that you’d read it. When they all arrived at the bar it was done up with banners and streamers, people were already waiting to celebrate with Detective Anderson and seemed to want to buy him round after round of drinks. Ralph just allowed himself to get lost in it all. Turning to the others with a slight smile, “Well, at least we know she was here.” It was nice to see old friends again, and you really had done a brilliant job with coordinating things, digging out people’s contact details and inviting them over from miles around. What struck Ralph the most was how happy they all were to be invited and to see him. The more he heard people say that, and talk about how sweet you were over the phone the more he beamed. “She- she’s really somethin’!” Ralph agreed, with a humble smile, only wishing that as he said it he could pull you closer and watch you get shy, burying your face in his jacket to hide the cute way you would blush. Ralph even received a call from Holly Gibney to wish him the best, “Happy Birthday Ralph!” “I knew you wouldn’t forget.” “I didn’t. But Y/N called anyway to invite me over. I’m sorry I couldn’t make it.” “She seems to have called the entire world to wish me well, Holly!” “Doesn’t surprise me!” She laughed gently, “Give her my love too, Ralph.” “I will. I promise.” If only he could see you to do such a thing. Things got later and he, Bill and Yune were back sitting at a bar chatting about nothing in particular. Including Ralph and Yune summing up cases that were heading Bill’s way and him rolling his eyes, “Brilliant. This sounds so exciting.” And the other two bursting into laugher at the look on his face. At least they were glad to see Ralph having a good time. Making the most even out of a bad situation. *** When you arrived at the bar it certainly was late in the day, groups of people you’d invited all off talking but all still here for him. You were glad of that; it was important that Ralph realise just how much he meant to people – even those outside of Flint City. You couldn’t help but smile as you continued to look around – the owners had let you come in early and spend your morning putting everything up (and also venting your frustrations) and, now it was bustling with people, Ralph’s favourite bar looked even better. Those people who had spotted you were already thanking you for their invites and commenting on how lovely the decorations were. You were taking all of that very much to heart. ‘Worth it in the end, wasn’t it, Ralph Anderson?’ You’d fought with yourself all evening – on the one hand you were scared that he really didn’t want to be here, and that he would just upset you all over again if you turned up and he wasn’t enjoying it, or he was only acting like he was enjoying it. Perhaps Ralph wouldn’t even have turned up at all – although you’d imagine Yune Sablo would have dragged him across town, no excuses. Part of you wanted to stay away out of spite – but then you didn’t want to be spiteful towards him on his birthday. You weren’t sure you could face him over dinner though, so that you’d had to skip and just hoped everyone would forgive you later. You also wanted to make sure that people were here before you turned up, because the ease of conversation between you would be better when the focus wouldn’t be on the two of you as the birthday boy and his significant other. Now to find him… Ralph was not the first of the three of them to spot you; Samuels was the one who offered you a small wave across the bar before nudging him. “Huh?” The DA just nodded and Ralph swivelled on his chair, before his lips parted. You were standing a little way away, and Ralph couldn’t describe you as looking anything other than flawless. Hair and makeup done, your dress was perfect – just the right length to be modest yet show off your legs, sleeves and shoulders in pretty patterned lace, in your hands was a card and present. You stood out in stark contrast to everyone else in the room. You caught his eye and smiled softly, but were clearly waiting for him to come to you. Yune pushed his back, “Go get her, Tiger.” Ralph almost told him to shut up, especially as Bill decided the joke was worth laughing at, but instead slipped from his stool and crossed the room to you. “You’re here.” You nearly giggled, “It’s your birthday, Ralph Anderson, of course I’m here.” “I thought you wouldn’t want to see me.” “I won’t lie, I had to talk myself into it.” His head bowed, “I’m sorry.” “I forgive you, we all have bad work days – I should have known that too.” “No, no. This one is on me, I won’t let you blame yourself.” “Okay, well…” You stepped forward, closing the gap between you, and stood up on your toes – sometimes you loved that he was so tall, sometimes you’d damn him for it - brushing your lips to his, before Ralph pulled you in for a real kiss. Sweet, gentle and apologetic. You knew you had an audience; you didn’t really care. “Happy Birthday.” Sinking back to height you held out his gift, “I hope you like it.” “Thank you.” Ralph took it from you delicately, already chuckling, “Is this what I think it is?” It was so obviously record shaped that he didn’t see how it could be anything else. You gave a shrug, “You’ll have to open it won’t you.” “If this is ‘The Original Washington Square’ I’ll kill you!” “Uh, careful, Detective, there’s a whole bunch of witnesses!” “And a DA and a police lieutenant, but I’m sure we can cover it up if I can get them on side.” “Samuels? Good luck!” He continued laughing, turning it over in his hands, “Can I open it?” “Isn’t that what gifts are for?” He tore carefully through the paper, and then started laughing: The Original Washington Square by The Village Stompers, indeed. “I can’t believe you found it-!” “Took some digging, but some people I know came through.” “Near mint… Aw, Y/N.” Ralph enveloped you in a hug, “I really… really don’t deserve you.” You squeezed him tight, happy to once again be in his arms, “Now don’t you start-! Happy Birthday, darling!” You both stepped back, and he took your hands in his as best he could, “Do you want a drink, or something?” “Actually… I know it’s the party I set up, but I came here to steal you away, Mr. Anderson.” “Oh?” He smiled, “Stealing? You’re walking a fine line there!” “Thought as much!” Ralph turned back to the other two, “Can I say goodbye?” “Mhm.” You ushered him back to them, and at least you watched the three of them banter together before they both hugged him, wishing him the happiest of birthdays – and something that was obviously suggestive by the way he shoved Yune’s shoulder – before they waved him and you off. Ralph draped his arm around your shoulders with a gentle smile, “Alright, you’ve piqued my interest, where are you taking me?” “Ahhhhh… It’s a surprise! Use your detective skills, and you might just figure it out!”
*** Ralph recognised the road you were taking out of Flint City at least – it was the one you needed for the main road to your parents place, so wherever you were taking him, it was easy for Ralph to see how you’d discovered it. “We’re not going all the way out to your folks, are we?” You smirked from the drivers side, “Why? Nervous?” “Not unless you’ve told your dad I upset you two days ago.” “I did no such thing!” You laughed, “It’s just up here, don’t worry yourself.” “As a detective…” Ralph craned his neck, there weren’t many lights up this road to tell him much of anything, “…dark secluded places out in the middle of nowhere tend to get my back up.” “Well thank god I have the FCPD’s finest with me.” He chuckled, and you saw the pink dust his cheeks, “Alright you, I get it.” When you pulled into a side road that Ralph didn’t even see coming, he was glad that your truck was built for off roading, “Yeah, now I’m getting real nervous!” There was a faint glow just up the track and soon you turned again as a tiny collection of quaint looking buildings came into view. Ralph squinted at the sign, “What… is a stargazing ranch?” “Bet you didn’t know Flint City was anywhere near one.” “That doesn’t answer my question.” “It is a stargazing ranch. Is what it is.” “…You’d be so helpful in a police interrogation.” You beamed across at him, “You’re welcome!” You continued on a little way until you came upon another little collection of guest huts, although you were paying more attention to the sky. “Look, Ralph! Look at them!” Well at least he knew now that stargazing was literal. “Where are we?” “You can stay here, but it’s mostly for avid stargazers. Ah, the things you can find on the internet.” “…Right well,” he cleared his throat, “what made you think of this?” “I watch you out in the garden sometimes, but you can’t see them as well there. And I just… wanted to get you alone for a little while.” You parked your truck up, “Your birthday isn’t over, either.” “Are we… staying here?” “Mhm. Don’t worry about clothes and stuff, trust me, you’re covered.” You opened the truck door, “I just need to set up, hold on a second…” Ralph undid his seat belt but waited patiently, giggling to himself at how crazy this seemed to be as you rummaged around in the back of your truck. The tailgate went down and you hopped up and down in the bed for a little while, before you appeared at his side. “I’m gonna need that record and your accompaniment now.” “Can I get out?” “If you close your eyes and trust me.” “This is where I get murdered isn’t it?” “Oh yes.” He laughed, hopping out of the truck, closing his eyes obediently as you took his hand and led him around the back. He heard the flicking of a lighter – Ralph wouldn’t be surprised if it was his own and you’d done a little too much rummaging in his drawers for it – and then sparks, making his eyebrows furrow. “Okay.” You breathed quietly and turned back to him, “Happy Birthday, Ralph!” He opened his eyes slowly, and what came out was a mix of ‘Oh!’ and ‘Aw!’. In the back of your truck you’d set up blankets and pillows to make a comfortable fort for the evening, there was a small cooler for drinks, and a record player. That explained why you wanted the one he was currently holding. But the centrepiece of all this was a cake, three layers of his favourite type with his favourite frosting, inscribed with ‘Happy Birthday Ralph’. Complete with sparklers and- “What is that?” “Oh it’s a fountain… I thought it looked cool!” The shower of blue and silver sparks certainly was something to behold, and Ralph put his hand over his mouth for a second to stop grinning like too much of an idiot. “Oh, Y/N… You didn’t have to-” “YES. YES I did! How can you not understand that? You’re an idiot, Ralph Anderson but you mean the world to me. Heck, without you I don’t know where I would be! And I was SO mad at you! SO mad that you couldn’t see how much you meant to people that they would want to turn up to these things and tell you how much they loved you!! But it took me two days to figure this all out so staying with Bill was kinda a blessing but… Oh, Ralph… I know you think you’re one man to the world but you are the WORLD to so many people. And my world could not exist without you.” He was looking at you very seriously, and all of this was hitting him very hard. Ralph swallowed, fighting back the urge to let at least one tear fall as he wrapped you back in his arms, “Oh… Y/N… I’m…” “Don’t tell me your sorry, I know that… I know.” You wound your arms around him too, “Just… please tell me you realise how much you’re worth?” He pressed a kiss to the crown of your head and smiled, “Sometimes… I think I do. And you’re for sure going to kick it into me.” Ralph pulled back, “I guess I should blow those out and make a wish, huh?” “Yes. You should, but no telling!” Ralph blew the candles out and you let him cut the cake into neat pieces before you both clambered into the back of your truck. He slid the record from its sleeve and set it up on the player, settling back with you Ralph held you in his arms again. You listened in silence for a little bit, content to just eat cake and crack open some drinks in each other’s presence. “Did your brother turn up!?” “No.” He laughed, “I admire your trying.” “Unless he turned up so late that you’d left!” “I hope they gave him hell!” “Oh my god! You think they know who he is to do that?” “He doesn’t look so different to me!” “Don’t know about that, you’re certainly more attractive.” You raised your eyebrows at him. “Oh, we’re gonna trash talk my brother all night?!” Then you both ended up cracking up once more and Ralph turned his attention to the cake, “Okay, this is SO good – did you bake it!?” You blushed horribly, “I should pretend I did. But no, I just ordered it.” “Oh… I’ll forget I asked.” “Haha! I appreciate that!” He studied your face for a moment, before leaning in and kissing you suddenly, making you gasp, “Wh-” “Frosting.” “You are… not as smooth as you think you are!” He cackled, “Yeaaah right, you should see the look on your face!” You shoved him, though knew you were at least a little flushed. Then you did settle back to watch the stars, “Y/N, I know I’ve said thank you a few times tonight but, honestly, your planning is impeccable.” “So… Detective Anderson is telling me he had a good birthday?” “Yes…” “Wow. Not bad when he didn’t want it!” “HUSH!” “I’m holding that over you for a long time, babe, get used to it!” You raised your can with a smile and took a sip. “Just let me thank you!” “I am letting you thank me, gosh, to think you’re usually the one winding me up so easily.” “All I want to say is, thank you for making this such a great birthday… I only wish I hadn’t been such an idiot and you could have shared it all with me.” “Oh, was dinner good?” “Really good.” “I’m glad, it came highly recommended. I was busy up here; don’t worry I did eat. I guess I was worried you wouldn’t want to see me anyway.” “Look I’m just… I’m glad we’re here, now.” You smiled gently as Ralph brushed his lips to yours again, “Me too.” You continued to snuggle together under blankets until the record side needed to be changed and then, as Ralph skilfully flipped it, stayed that way until the record ended. You were happy that the sky was cloudless and that the stars were particularly bright. You’d worried about that all day. “Well,” he looked to the record player, “That was money well spent!” “Oh! I’m not done with you yet…” You rummaged around behind you, and pulled out another box, it made sounds every time you moved it and Ralph once again didn’t need detective skills to know what was inside. “You got me another gift?” “Mhm.” “…Look I know I’m old, but I’m not sure I’m ‘puzzles as a hobby’ old.” “Don’t be so rude and open it! You don’t know what it is!” His grin only told you that this time it was his tease rattling you - as it should be in his opinion - and once again tore the brightly coloured paper from the box neatly. Ralph paused for a second, looking at the picture that the pieces would create. Then looked to you questioningly. “Well, there’s not a picture of us in your office, and you always said this one was your favourite. So, when you’re between cases or you need to take your mind off a case… you can work on your puzzle and after you put the pieces together, you can frame it and put it on the wall-!” “You’re crazy.” “99% of the time, yeah. What’s your point?” But Ralph was beaming, “It is my favourite. But you could have just got me a framed photograph.” “Too easy, Mr. Anderson. I wanted to give you something to do! Also there’s some cheesy line about completing me in there too, but I’m too embarrassed to say it out loud…” He placed the box down and cupped your face in one of his hands before leaning to kiss you into silence again, “Don’t worry,” these words were said between kisses, “I know exactly what you meant.” You wrapped your arms around Ralph as these short sweet kisses continued, and the wind cut in just the wrong direction, forcing you to shiver. “Oh, someone’s cold.” “Well…” You jerked your head behind you, “There’s a whole ass hut back there we can go get warm in.” “Get warm, or get warm?” He questioned, without a hint of suggestiveness crossing his face; smooth one Ralph… “Well…” You thought on it for a minute, “Think that should be birthday boy’s choice.” “Ahhhh… Then I’ll just have to keep you guessing!” He winked, guiding you back to the tailgate you tidied a little before carrying things inside. You were right, it didn’t take long to get a little fire going and for it to warm up nicely. Ralph stood, and admired his handiwork before he turned to you, “Well, you did put on a nice dress just for me…” “Meaning what?” Although the smirk on your face was playful. “Meaning I shouldn’t waste the opportunity to love on such a kind, beautiful girl when she did so much for me today.” He crossed the room before sweeping you up into his arms. You pointed across the room, opposite to where he was taking you, “Alright, Detective Anderson, bedroom’s that way.” Ralph kissed you once again, slow and full of promises, “There she goes again.” “Happy to help, birthday boy.” You wrapped your arms around his shoulders, with a wink, kissing his cheek once more. As he turned on a dime, you still in his arms, he gave an embarrassed ‘we won’t talk about this’ clear of his throat. Well, you wouldn’t tease him about his detective skills just yet. You knew he was about to put them to good use.
Thank you for reading!! Thank you for requesting! 🥰
27 notes · View notes
janevx · 4 years
unnoticed| jung jaehyun
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 friends - to lovers au
paring jung jaehyunxreader
word count: 2466
You and Jaehyun were friends since high school. You two have been trough so much things, so you both trusted you the most in the world. He was only person who was next to you when you was left alone with pregnancy. You gave birth to girl five years ago when you were 18. 
– Jiyong! Please, we are gonna be late!
– Wait mom!
 A 5 year old girl was coming from upstairs to you. She hugged you and smilled at you.
– Are you ready to new school day?
– Yes mommy!
 Both of yoy left their apartament and went to Jiyongs school. Before little girl left, ske kissed your cheek.
 You were in short relationship with Johnny Suh, who was known as a non-regular guy who likes fun. You didn’t care and were stupid when you had sex with him. When he heart news he was mad and simply said to you “fuck off” and left you like this. Your family was kinda mad and didn’t want to help you, but you had at your side the most precious guy in the whole world  – Jung Jaehyun. He was angel to you. Never left your side and take care of you and your daughter; He didn’t care that you did it with the most known fuckboy. He didn’t care about this, because he care about you two. He was doing eveyrthing he could to help you. You wished to have boyfriend like this, but you knew that he is out of your league and he would never look at you as someone more than a friends. It was only your though. 
 Your day at work was really stressed. Your CEO was mad at you, because you did few mistakes in rapport that was very important to her company. When you were about to leave office, you had call from Jaehyun.
– Hello swettie! What are you doing?
– Hi Jaehyun, I uhm. Actually going to take back Jiyong from school, why?
– I was just thinkig that you two could go to me. I did some brownies and I know that Jiyong loves them and some hot chocolate for all of us. If you want to of course!! If you have some others things to do it’s okay, I’m gonna eat it by myself.  – He chuckled.
– Are you crazy?! Of course we gonna come! Jiyong loves you and would never miss a chance to meet her favourite uncle Jaehyunnie.
– Nice! I’m waiting for you ladies.
 You were so happy. that Jaehyun offered you and your daughter a meet. He come back from his trip to Spain. He always wants to go there, so when I had chance he didn’t missed it. 
 Your daughter was very happy, when she heard about this that you two are going to Jaehyuns place. She loves her uncle as her daddy, but she have never deared to call him “dad”, because her mother said that she doesn’t have dad, maybe in future.
 Jiyong was running to door and was waiting till Jaehyun open them to you. You were standing next to your daughter and with her waiting for handsome guy to open the door.
– Ah my favourites ladies, come in!
 Little girl hugged really tight Jaehyun. It melts your heart. You always wanted to Jiyong to have father. Have someone to learn her how to ride a bike. To laugh at her mommy. Someone who0 would kick butts of boys from her class if they would be mean to her. But kinda Jaehyun did this. He would never let Jiyong to feel alone and aback from kids from her class. He always take care of her to not feel bad.
– Uncle I miss you! 
– I miss you too sweatheart! Look what I’ve done to you, my little girl.
 When Jiyong saw brownies she passed out. She loves this american style, that her uncle has. When she also saw her uncles dog named Johnatan she left you and Jaehyun for ourselfs.
– So how was at Spain? Did you see a lot latina girls?
– It was amazing! Such a pity, that you couldn’t see Spaiin. And yeah, I met some girl, but.. This ain’t my type.
– Jaehyun you need to find yourself a girlfriend.
– But I don’t want to! I have cool best friend and her daughter, that’s enough for me.
– Aish, this man. 
– It was amazing but I missed you two. You know, Jiyong always call me at 8 p.m asking about me and what did I do this day. It feels weird without her voice.
To be honest he didn’t miss your daughter voice only, he also missed you. You were so important to him like no one. You were his light in the dark, but he couldn’t admit this, because he thinks that you see him as only bestfriend who wasn’t left them.
– Jiyong missed you as well. She even cried first day, when you left.
– Oh no! I hat when one of you cry. It’s breaks my heart.
– But when she realized that you gonna come back, she let out. She really loves you, doesn’t she?
– I geuss so.
 Jaehyun wished it was he, who was father of your daughter.
– By the way, can I ask you something?
– Sure, go ahed y/n.
– Could you take care of Jiyong in friday? I asked about it Yuta, but he said that Jiyong is daughter of satan and he won’t dare to take care of her.
 Both of you laughed. In friday you going to have date with guy named Kim Doyoung. You met him in ice cream store and it ends with asking out.
– Sure, I have nothing to do anyway. But wat are you going to do on Friday?
– I have date!
 His gaze was different and you noticed it.
– Ah, date. A lot happend when I was off.
– Kinda yes. I met him at ice cream store and this ends like this, so..
 You were getting ready/ You wore red dress and beautiful black heels. Jaehyun should be at your place about 5 minutes. It was 8 p.m and your daughter was watching some cartoons waiting for her uncle. When both of you heard knocking trough the door you knew who it was.
– Jaehyun!
 He smilled and were shocked when he saw your outfut. In his eyes you looked really amazing.
– Oh y/n, you look so good today.
– You think so? Isn’t it bad?
– It’s not. You are really pretty tonight.
 You blushed at his words. 
– Okay, Doyoung is there, so I need to go. Jiyong listen to uncle Jaehyun and be nice to him!
– I always am.
 You left this to to themselfs.
 Jaehyun was kinda jalous when you left. He was curious about this “doyoung” who the hell he was? Nevermind. Now he have to take care of this sweat little girl.
– Unclee! I haven’t eaten supper yet, can we do some sandwiches? Please.
– Of course we can! I’m hungry too, so we can make it, but.. You have to help me Jiyong, okay?
– Okay!
 She was so happy. It’s melting Jaehyuns heart when he saw her that happy from simplest things. He loves spending time with 5 year old girl. He would do everything for her and her mommy. 
 It’s been month since you and Doyoung was datting. He was really kind guy and Jiyong looks like was liking him. You liked it. Because you didn’t want to your daughter hates guy, who you date.
 Today is Jiyongs 6th birthday and at your place gonna be only you, Doyoung, Jiyong and Jaehyun, because party for kids gonna be in saturday. You cooked a cake for her and bought her some clothes and doll. Doyoung boiught her books about fashion, because Jiyong really enjoying fashion. You three were waiting for Jaehyun.
Aish Jaehyun.
 He hates your boyfriend. He always gives him cold stares and ingors him as most as he could. Doyoung was for him not that good. Jaehyun knew that somethings going on with guy, who “fell in love” with girl with kjid. He didn’t know what’s happening but he gonna know.
 When Jaehyun arrived everyone were sitting. He smiled at Jiyong.
– My little girl has birthday, doesn’t she? Come here Jiyong!
 He hugged her and lift her, just to turn aroung with her. He was happy, but when he say another guy his face drops a little. But he couldn’t show it, so smiles appears on his face immadietaly.
– Jaehyun, sit down. We waited with cake for you.
 You smilled at him. He nodded and take place next to your daughter. Jalous was really hiogh in him. He was mad that Doyoung was there, but he can’t help this feeling. 
 When atmoshpehere was getting better it comes time for gifts to little girl. First was you. You wished all the best for your daughter and gave her a kiss. Next was Doyoung and she said something what was shocking.
– Can you come to my fathers day competition at school?
– Of course Jiyong!
You looked at Jaehyun and at your daughter. Her eyes was shining when she was looking at Doyoung with amaze. Jaehyun face drops and his heart breaks into pieces. It was only him, who attend this kind of events. He was going to these competitions since Jiyong was 4. He get used to it. Now he was feeling really sad and bad. He took little teddy bear at the table and stand next to little girl. It was hard to him, that it’s not him now.
– Sunny I wish you all the best and health. I hope you are gonna be really happy and have good time. Also, I hope  you are gonna have the best grades! I’m really sorry, but I forgot that I have some meeting today to arrive, I’m sorry honey.
 You were shock at what you heard. You mjade sure that Jaeyun is free today and now he gotta go. Jiyong looks kinda upset too that Jaehyun was with her only half of an hour.  You didn’t really know that your daughter question made him sad and useless. 
Between you and Doyoung was okaty, but not that good as you wish. You were thikiong that maybe you need time to fall for him, but it’s been some time and you still haven’t change. 
 Today is day when fathers competition is. You and Jiyong were at school waiting for Doyoung. He should be there 15 minutes ago,. but he stiil wasn’t there. You called him.
– Shit y/n I’m sorry. I can’t be there today. I have meeting and not have much time. I’m really sorry for Jiyong.
– What? If she would knew, she gonna cry! You promised this to her. what I’m gonna do right now?
– I don’t know. I’m really sorry, but I have to go.
 About 30 miniutes this competition gonna start and you didn’t know what to do. You can’t leave her like this. Maybe Yuta? No, he is athletic, but your daughter always makje fun of him and it’s pissed him off. Maybe Jaehyun? You hesitate to call him, becuase since your daughter birthday he doesn’t contact you. With shaking hand you called him.
– y/n? What’s up? Aren’t you supposed to be at school with your dumbass boyfrend and Jiyong?
– Doyoung won’t come. Please, I need someone today. It’s breaks Jiyong heart if she not gonna be part of Father Day.
 When he heart that Doyoung left you two like this he was really pissed off. He knew that it was really important day for Jiyong as for him. He didn’t waste much time.
– I’ll be there in 10.
And he was. He arrived with smile. When 6 year old girl saw him she hugged her a lot.
– Where is Doyoubng?
– This asshole couldn’t come.
– Jaehyun! Doyoun can’t because of work, honey.
 When you were watching Jaehyun and Jiyong run, painting, and do another activitaes it makes sure to you that you love another man. And it wasn’t Doyoung. It was Jaehyun. It’s always been Jaehyun. You knew that you need to end everything with Doyoung as soon as possible.
 At the end of competitions Jaehyun and Jiyoung won and were at the first place! You couldn’t realize that you were crying at the sight. You were so proud of them. Also, Jaehyun looks so proud next to your daughter. 
 You were at Doyoungs place. He was sitting at the couch and at the same time both ouf you spoke.
– We need to end this.
– Yes, y/n you are right. I’m not used to being father and I geuss we aren’t mean to us.
– I thinlk so. You are really nice guy, but 
– You loves Jaehyun? It’s clear. 
– Yeah. I should go. I hope you find someone, who will love you and who you will love.
– Thankjs.
 You were happy that now you could face Jaehyun.
 He waz at your place taking care again of Jiyong. You asked him about this. When you arrived she was sleeping and Jaehyun was almost asleep at the couch, but when he saw you he stood up.
– I’m going now. She is asleep and  –
– I broke up with Doyoung.
 He was shocked.
– What? Why?
– I don’t love him. I love another guy.
– Damn y/n. Is there any other? How much do I have to do to make it more obvious? I love you y/n! I’m fuckin unnoticed by you by 6years now. I love you about 6 years. You have never noticed me, haven’t you? Damn and when you had started dating this jerk Doyoung I was mad. I was sad that now Jiyong would call him daddy not me. Aish, nevermind. I’m sorry, I know that you see me only as a friend and  –
– I love you Jaehyun.
– What? R-really?
– Yes! I thought you see me only as female friend who need to have someone by her side. I thought i’m out of your league.
– Shit, y/n you are amazing! You are the most prettiest woman I have ever met! And I love you and Jiyong the most in the world. Will you give us a chance?
– Of course I will!
– Now uncled Jaehyun will be my daddy? Yes! I love you daddy!
  Jiyong ran to your direction and hugged both of you. It looks so perfect. since now you have your small family.
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konpithepuppy · 3 years
Proofread by aji10647731 (Twitter)/ @janiappend
Scans not mine
Neither an English nor a Japanese native speaker
Feel free to correct me, thanks
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7 MEN 侍
Anyone must have an experience of breaking into cold sweats when accidentally leaving behind something. Trying to search for the members' "situations about leaving a belonging behind," episodes of a member leaving behind things came out, they were revealed...!!! (Interview was done during the first 10 days of May)
Q1. An experience where you left something behind that gave you cold sweats.
Q2. I completely saw 〇〇 forgot something!
Q3. What will you do if you realized about your girlfriend's birthday after a day it had passed since her birthday?
A1. When going to my destination, I have a habit of leaving behind things and leave like Hansel and Gretel, that's why I lose a lot of things. When I left in the classroom in my university the earphones that I got from Rinne-kun as a birthday present, since it was gone when I went back to pick it up, so I bought the same kind of earphones and use it.
A2. Daka-san (Motodaka) is really bad with forgetting things. All of the members must have seen him walking around searching for the other side of his wireless earphones (LOL). Just recently too, he forgot his coat at the studio where we do our band rehearsals and went home with just his turtle neck. Since he called me, "Is my coat in there? But I want to wear it for our YouTube filming tomorrow~" so I brought it home and gave it to him the next day (LOL).
A3. When I realized about it, I will immediately contact her and apologize first of all. If she can make time, I will bring her a present somehow or another and will meet her on that day.
[Recent Happening].
7 MEN 侍's blog in Johnny's WEB has started, and I am in charged of Wednesdays. *I ramble a lot that's why writing the sentences is fun, and I am happy that I can deliver my way of wordings without getting edited. They're long but please read them by all means!
A1. Basically, I don't forget my things. At home or at Jr. activities, I check my things before going out. Since the things that I must not forget like phone, wallet, pass case aren't a lot, so it's better if I check them before going. The experience that gave me chills when I forgot about it was about a homework during my school days. I do my homeworks properly until when I was an elementary student, but I started to forget my homeworks when I was a middle schooler, it was a lack of vigilance when I think about it now (LOL).
A2. The time when we went to Kyoto for our stage play, when I met with Katsuki to go to the convenience store, Katsuki forgot about the card key of his hotel room. It was a single room so no one is in the same room with him, that's why we had to ask for the hotel personnel to open it. I thought it is hard to be forgetful while looking at him saying, "I am sorry!" (LOL).
A3. That is bad, right? Yeah, it is really bad. I will call her immediately the moment I realized it and I have no choice but to ask for forgiveness. From there, I will wish her a happy birthday. As an apology, we will go on a date with everything she likes to do for a day.
[Recent Happening]
I had a long time of staying still at home, and I came to think that if I can freely go and play somewhere, where will I want to go (LOL). For now, I want to go to the sea. I approximately go to the beach every year but I couldn't go last year, so I definitely want to go this year!
A1. I cried losing a number of times my previous wireless earphones before having the one with GPS function, and even though I am using the lipbalm I am obsessed with, when I noticed it, I already lost it. It happened a lot of times and I really feel down over it. Recently too, I accidentally left behind the coat that I was wearing and went home, my mind and body got scared (LOL). For the things that I forget, I basically don't know where I forget it, *the hopelessness that I have lost them is tremendous.
A2. Honestly, I haven't seen anyone who got in trouble for forgetting things more than I do (LOL). Sometimes, when my family goes out, my mother forgets something and goes back to get it. But when she goes back to get it, the thing that she forgot is there at the house so there is no real incident that happened.
A3. That's the end our the relationship...I will probably freak out when I realized it.
But if I apologize, I will be busted for forgetting it, so I will make her the opposite by urgently preparing a grand plan and make her feel, "He planned all of these that's why he was late for my birthday." (LOL)
[Recent Happening]
The filter for kids of my phone got lifted. Since I have my Jr. activities when I was in middle school, so my father bought the phone for me and got the filter for kids be activated in my phone. Since for it to be lifted, I had to go to the store with my father so the filter for kids had always been activated in my phone. Because of the policies, I had a hard time not being able to see what others can normally see, but I have finally become a proper adult (LOL).
A1. I forgot my key when I went out of the house, since it is an autolock, so I got locked out of the building. I contacted the control office but it seemed like it will take time for them to respond, so I took my chance and pressed the doorbell of a unit of someone who I don't know. I explained the situation but the owner of the unit is a foreign guy. I cannot communicate in complicated Japanese with him, I used a translation app in phone to explain and I got the door opened for me (LOL).
A2. When I went to have barbeque with my friends, even though I entrusted my cooler to the friend who was in charged of bringing the drinks, when I was about to hit the freeway, a person from the barbeque place contacted me saying, "you forgot your cooler." It seemed like for my friend, it was not his so he completely forgot about it (LOL). I'm glad I received the message before entering the freeway.
A3. This is a person who you must not forget her birthday, right? The moment I realized it, I will contact her immediately and I have no choice but to apologize. Or, I will think of a fancy surprise and and will tell her as an excuse that that have taken up my time.
[Recent Happening]
I am watching again the anime 「Dragon Ball」. When I saw a scene from it by chance, it made me want to watch the whole series again. It has around 300 episodes though (LOL). I've become absorbed at it when I was in 1st grade, but I still enjoy watching it now. It is interesting to think like, "What was this episode about again?" and also the way how my feelings [for the episodes] change.
A1. I relatively don't forget things.
I think I don't have a story here that is a massive failure at least. It's just that, I may forget my promises with people. Getting a message, " You are not yet here!?" and replying "Huh? What was it about again?" kind of situation happens a lot. My excuse during those times is, "I overslept." Lately, I put a memo in my phone about my plans with people, I wonder if my mistakes reduced.
A2. Yabana forgot his contact lens and panicked, but no one can lend him, right? But, when Katsuki forgot his contact lens, the colored contact lens that I ordered with wrong prescription matches with his prescription by chance, so I gave them to him. Katsuki has a good luck, right?
A3.  I'll call her to my house the next day and will solve it through a surprise. I will adjust back the date of the calendar and the clock to my girlfriend's birth date, and I will tell her, "You are probably busy celebrating your birthday with everyone yesterday, right? Today, let's celebrate your birthday with just the two of us."
[Recent Happening]
Heading towards 「Johnny's Ginza」, I come to the gym at the office 5 times a week, and the trainer-san is pushing me to workout hard. The other day, I was told, "let's rest first because you've overworked" for the first time. Since I didn't feel that I overworked, at that time I realized that I am really looking forward to the live.
A1. When I remove the bracelet that I super treasure and wrapped it in tissue paper during a photoshoot, I completely forgot about it and went home. *When I realized that I left my bracelet, I immediately got it checked, but I felt uneasy until it was confirmed the next day. I kept thinking that since it was wrapped in tissue, it might be mistaken for a trash and be thrown away...and my heart kept pounding.
A2. Katsuki forgetting things might be a usual scene (LOL). Before, the members took Katsuki's belonging and attached to the white board that is in the room as a prank. And yet, since he didn't notice it, we also forgot about it and went home. It was left there for 2 days (LOL).
A3. I will send her a message saying, "happy birthday," like nothing happened, and I will write a sentence at the end saying, "The last birthday message you have received is from Rinne, right?" Moreover, if her birthday is on 06/07, greeting her at 6:07 or something, matching her birthday with a time that has a deep meaning and send the message to her is effective [as an excuse], right?
[Recent Happening]
The takeout box for Thirty-one Ice Cream (Baskin Robbins) is Yamada (Ryosuke), that's why I went to buy it yeasterday. It is embarrassing to be seemed aiming for Yamada-kun, so I brought along my little brother and made it looked like "my brother wants it so I am buying it for him" (LOL).
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Broken Clocks Part 2
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A/N: I had to make this into two parts otherwise this was finna be STOOPID long. Anywho, I’m kinda proud of how I wrote this one, dialogue is usually my kryptonite but this time it was weirdly easy lol. Again, thank you @darkficsyouneveraskedfor for your unintentional motivation. And I hope y’all enjoy it! Also happy birthday to the white man in this story sksksksks
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Black!Reader
Warnings: Cursing
Word Count: 2.1k
Part 1
‘Oh Lord, it is Him,’ you thought to yourself, mental voice dripping with dread and disgust, your sense of calm dissipating into the quiet atmosphere of the subway car. You quickly turned around and hoped he hadn’t noticed you, but cruel fate decided to take the opportunity to ruin your plan; instead, you had bumped into a man who had been walking towards the door as the train was approaching his stop; this caused your purse to fall and letting your wallet to come out and makeup bag to slide across the train floor and in turn hit the foot of the one person you were trying to avoid, Jermaine, your lousy ex-boyfriend of four years.
“Wait a minute, I know this bag,” you had heard him mumble from the other side of the vicinity. You had seen that he had picked it up from your peripheral vision and began looking for the owner.
‘Oh fuck me,’ you winced as you went to pick up your wallet that luckily had landed a mere few inches away from you, but you knew fate wasn’t feeling exactly kind at this particular point in time.
Now came the moment you had wished never been a slight possibility, talking to this no-good ass hat. You turned in his direction and mentally began to hype yourself up for an inevitably awkward situation.
‘Girl you got this, he ain’t shit and you KNOW he ain’t shit, your stop is coming up, just grab your shit and get thee fuck outta there ASAP,’ you prepped yourself, a constant loop of ‘You got this’ playing in your head.
“(Y/N),” Jermery started,“you look good,” a firm grip still on your belongings, as if trying to hold you hostage.
“Thanks…” you replied, awkwardness coating every letter of the word, you grabbed one of your arms to try to gain a sense of ease and comfort as you swayed looking everywhere except in his general direction. You knew you would have to face him at some point but you truly wish now wasn’t the time. There was no point in beating around the bush, you truly had to get this over with, so you grasped every last bit of confidence and assertiveness and did what needed to be done; you didn’t have to worry about his feelings anymore, you didn’t have to fear him anymore, you had to remember you were That Bitch and He was missing out on being with You and you would never get that twisted. You had Captain fucking America’s phone number in you phone at this very moment for Christ’s Sake!
You looked him directly in the eye, and stated simply, “I’d like my makeup bag please,” while reaching out your hand for your things. This sense of fire behind your being that let off a blaze of confidence and self-worth that left him blown away. This wasn’t the (Y/N) he knew and left in the dust, but he sure did want to waste her time once again.
He tried to turn his sex appeal and swagger on, he was confident this would work on you; and to be completely and utterly honest, any other time it most definitely would have. But today he would be sorely mistaken.
“So,” he started, biting his lip and looking you up and down; light skin antics on one thousand,“ how ya been?” Oh Lord, why have you forsaken me? You know this man does not care about me.
“Fine,” you stated dryly.
“That’s cool, that’s cool… How ya momma and them?”
“Fine,” still dry.
“You know ma dukes still asks about you after all this time?” This man wants to bring up his mother? Really?
“Well, did you tell Miss Shirlene why I haven’t come around in three years? Or did you manage to skip past that detail like you used to skip over telling other women you were in a relationship?” you retorted, you obviously knew the answer. Your stop was so close you could almost touch it, no time to lose; you snatched your make-up bag from his grasp and shoved it back into your purse.
“Nah, c’mon don’t be like that mamas, you know you still miss me,” he said while using his now empty hand to grab yours and used his thumb to trace little circles on the back of it. You had snatched your hand back from his grasp.
“Ohhh yeeaaahhh, because I missed the 1-minute fuck sessions, and the skid mark boxers always lying in the middle of the living room!” With every word, your ex partner grew smaller and smaller, confidence chipping away with every syllable, “And always having your rowdy ass home boys who didn’t have respect for my apartment ever,” The patrons of the subway car now all ears and reacting with the hissing sound of second-hand embarrassment or a ‘damn’ under their breath.
“Or all those girls coming to me as a woman talking about they deal with your sorry ass. And ALWAYS paying the bill when we went out to eat because you conveniently left your wallet -which NEVER had money it- at the house, and let’s not forget how I missed your loud ass snoring that kept me up all hours of the night.” By the time you were done dragging this man’s name through the mud with all the sadly true testimonies of your relationship, the train had stopped at your destination and the doors opened. You made your way to the exit of the train, you just needed one last step and you were home free, but you stopped before turning around telling him one last thing.
“So, no Jermaine, I absolutely do NOT miss your ain’t shit ass. Now leave me the hell alone before I go to Raven as a women and tell her that you up to your ain’t shit ways again. Bet you didn’t know I know about her, huh?” And with that, the doors hissed closed but you could clearly hear the sound of the entire car screech from your victory as it rolled away.
Walking with a fresh sense of worth, you realized in your moment of triumph, where you needed to be in a matter of minutes.
“Oh shit!” You scream before making a mad dash for your final destination.
Luckily the station was only a block away from the club, you just needed to walk fast and pray all the crosswalks were ready for you before you even approached them and you’d make it in time. A skill you had managed to acquire over the years was ducking and dodging through crowds with absolute ease.
You had managed to make it when a huge crowd began to enter the club allowing you to slip into the club with absolute stealth. You made your way to the back, similar to before you greeted coworkers over the loud music but this time you avoided your boss at all costs by hiding behind customers. You had made it to your locker and began to throw in your belongings into it and undress into your new outfit and heels. You plugged your phone into the community charger, knowing it would be safe back there, seeing as you were on good terms with everyone and they always looked out for you.
You sat in a chair in front of the vanity and took a good look at yourself, exhaustion written all over your face as you added on to the makeup you were already wearing. The other girls squealing in excitement about the big celebrity that would be in The Champagne Room tonight and how they were trying to weasel their way into performing in there; you had slowly began to zone out before hearing who it was that was causing the big fuss this evening, you didn’t want anymore excitement tonight, you just wanted to dance to a couple songs, get as much money as possible and get your ass back into your bed.
“Drink this, you look terrible,” Maria, the house mother, jokingly said with a smile; snapping you back to reality handing you a cup of coffee just the way you like it.
“Thanks Mari,” you took it graciously, blowing it before taking a sip.
“Of course, mi querida,” she replied before kissing the top of your head. This was exactly what you needed to get through the night.
“Also, Johnny wanted me to tell you: you, Diamond and Star are working The Champagne Room tonight,” she whispered as to not start another round of chaos in the dressing. You simply shook your head grateful that the two you were closest to would be right by your side the entire time.
‘Please have a lot of money,’ you silently prayed to yourself before taking another swig of your coffee and getting up to make this money.
You had entered The Room, mind on another planet to not realize who the group that was causing all the buzz backstage. Once again, it was Steve, Sam, and Bucky. You always seemed to run on autopilot when it came to dancing, doing flips and tricks but not really being there mentally. This was your way of getting through your shift without hating every minute of it.
Steve was in awe at how flawlessly you could move up and around that pole. You were so graceful but also so sensual. He didn’t recognize you at first, due to the change in makeup and different clothes (or lack thereof) and he had the strong urge to look away from your lack of clothing but he just couldn’t because he knew who this amazingly talented woman was; it was You: the waitress from the diner. Sure the other two girls were just as talented -Sam and Bucky seemed to think so, with the way they cheered at everything they did- ,but they could not compare when it came to your beauty. He just couldn’t keep his eyes off of you.
You had just finished your third song and you were grabbing your tips from the three men, not making eye contact with Sam or Bucky; but once you had made contact with Steve, you had felt the familiar sense of electricity from earlier coursed through your body. This feeling zapped you from your daydream, you looked at the hand that was handing money to you and then you realized who it was: Your Captain.
“Oh it’s You” you said with a sincere smile that lit up your entire face, the shyness had taken, over given the surroundings in which you had bumped into each other and he tried to find the right words to say.
“Well what are the odds,” he said, a timid smile in place. You giggled at his response.
“What are you doing here?”
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here? You really shouldn’t be working in a place like this,” Steve said softly.
Before you could respond, you could hear Sam let out an exasperated sigh while throwing his head back. He could just sense Steve’s ‘You shouldn’t have to do this’ speech coming at any moment because he did this the last time he had gone out with America’s beloved Super Soldier.
“Now don’t you start with this again. Just because you Captain America don’t make you Captain Save-a-Hoe,” he had said in a somewhat joking manner.
“Now who in the hell you callin a hoe, bird brain?” you snapped back, hands on your hips; ready to pop off if need be. Bucky quietly chuckled to himself saying, “I like this girl,” before taking a swig of his beer and sitting back to watch the argument that was bound to unfold in front of him; Diamond and Star equally entertained and taking seats next to the metal-armed man.
“Well if the platform heel fits,” he had clapped back as he stood to get closer to you.
“I work here, so I GOTTA be here, you came here by CHOICE Mister Parakeet. So what’s that say about you?,” you returned as you had a finger in his face to emphasize your point.
This caused a back and forth repetition of ‘Girl get your finger outta my face’ from him and ‘Or what?’ from you.
“Enough!” Steve shouted over the commotion. That was what rendered the Falcon speechless along with yourself and everyone else in the room. Bucky still giggling to himself about the ‘parakeet’ insult, he’d have to remember that one.
‘Now both of you, apologize.” The Captain had ordered. You and Sam both mumbling half-assed ‘sorry’s to one another, arms crossed and pouting like school children.
After the argument was over, you and the girls decided to talk with the men instead of dancing seeing as the crazy events that ensued made you all comfortable with one another. Sam was actually cool and you two ended up being the cause of most of the laughs in the group. Steve and you had grown closer as the evening went on.
“Would you wanna go out tomorrow?” he had asked suddenly, you raised your eyebrows at the question. Diamond and Star were behind Steve trying to convince you to say yes in their own silly ways. Without any hesitation, you looked him right in the eyes and said, “I’d love to.”
“How about dinner at 8?”
“Sounds perfect,” your smile growing.
“I’ll make sure to call you before, to make sure you’re ready on time. For some reason you can’t avoid a broken clock.”
Taglist: @oceanscorazon​ @snazzyjazzy6​ @illbethethundertoyourlightning​ @petlaufeyson​ 
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curiouspeachgirl · 4 years
Do You Love Me Now? [1]
Do you love me now?
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I liked him eversince, but he seem to be oblivious of my existence. Maybe, he just sees me as a friend.
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"Hey Y/N here comes your crush!" says Yeri, your bestfriend.
And you see Jaehyun together with his friends walking towards your direction.
"Y/N good morning! Have you been well?" Jaehyun said while he settles in his seat.
Your heart beats fast and your face automatically turns red everytime Jaehyun would look at you.
"hmf, such a flirt. It's early morning and he starts flirting with you." Yeri whispered.
You are too shy to respond to his words, so you just smiled at him.
"Jae, someone's looking for you." One of your blockmates called him.
He took a glance at you and smiled before he left the scene.
Jaehyun is really famous in your university, he' a known performer after all. Also, he is really a "people person".
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
One morning, you just got back from an overseas trip and you called Yeri and Wendy to help you unpack all the goods you bought for them.
"Woah, Y/N! I really feel the mistreatment! Waaah. I got a mirror and lipstick, while you bought Jae a perfume which costs you half of your allowance? Woah Y/N I'm hurt." Yeri says while rolling her eyes.
"Yeri, just let Y/N give it to Jaehyun, perhaps she liked Jaehyun for 2 years now. Maybe it's time to step up their game now." Your "Unnie" friend Wendy says smiling at you. You always feel that Wendy is the only one who understands you.
"Hmf whatever. Y/N, Jaehyun is a flirt! You know the pretty instagram girl? I heard they're talking now." Yeri adds
"Whatever, Yeri. I just want to give him this present because of his birthday and nothing else." You explained while you continue to unpack all of the things you bought.
"Woooo... lies lies lies." Yeri coos with a shrug obviously not buying your lies.
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
The next morning, you called in your guy bestfriend Jungwoo to give him his presents.
"Hey Y/N! How have you been?" Your bestfriend Jungwoo from another class approaches you.
"I have been well, Jungwoo! How about you? It's been so long since I saw you!"
"Well, we're quite busy preparing for the show. You know our team leader aka your Crush is a perfectionist." Jungwoo
"He's just competitive, Woo. You know him."
"Yes definitely, from all your stories? I think I've been close even with his parents." Jungwoo said with sarcasm
You saw Jaehyun walking towards your direction all smiles and then it suddenly fade when he saw you with Jungwoo; all you can do is to bow your head.
"Hi Jungwoo! Hi Y/N!" He greeted, and again... you just smiled.
You inhaled his scent and you cannot be mistaken... he used what you gifted him! You silently squealed and Jungwoo pinched you.
"He used my gift! He used my gift!" You said. Jungwoo just looked at you and mouthed "lovesick" while walking back to his room.
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
Hi Jaehyun! Did you liked my gift?
Hey Y/N! Yes! I love it. Thanks for this. I really appreciate it.
No problem, besides I know you liked that scent.
You really know me, Y/N... I promise to get you a gift when your birthday comes.
You jump around and suddenly squealed out of happiness.
"Wtf Y/N! Are you planning to give me a heart attack?" Yeri says with a hold of her chest
You showed Yeri what Jaehyun texted, you were all smiles and jumping around.
"A flirt indeed." Yeri said and rolled her eyes. Whenever you talk about Jaehyun, she would always playfully roll her eyes and call him a flirt. It's just a Yeri thing.
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
It's been 3 years since you realized you like Jaehyun. It's kinda funny that in that three years, you tried your best to forget your feelings for him and just treat him just a friend but still end up liking him again.
"Y/N, I'm totally into Jacob! He's smart and really a smooth talker! I think I love him!" Yeri shares while hugging you tightly and showing you their pictures.
"Yeri, it's just been 2 weeks since you know that Jacob and now you're telling me you love him? What bull$hit was that? And besides, Jacob looks like he fvcks everything that moves! A total fuckboi"
"Y/N, I hope you know that your words hurt me, I never said anything about you liking Jaehyun. I don't appreciate you badmouthing Jacob." Yeri clenched her fist and gave you a tight-lipped smile then left the scene.
You immediately felt guilty with your words and somehow wants someone to talk to, so you tried to reach Jungwoo, but he didn't answer. You paced back and forth and swallowed constantly, wishing you can unsaid all the words you said to Yeri.
Then your phone suddenly lit up.
Y/N, I am with Yeri now. I know you need company now, but Yeri cries nonstop. I hope you realize what you did.
Wendy texted you. You feel anxious and your conscience haunts you even hours after. You tried to act normal and go to your next class but everyone around you feels that something's wrong.
You cover your face with your hands and tried to calm yourself down. Then suddenly someone touched your shoulder.
"Y/N? Do you need someone to talk to?" Jaehyun smiled as he said this to you
Jaehyun felt something is wrong because you're unusually quiet. He realized that you have something in your mind that makes you sad and burdens you.
And as soon as you arrived in your university's garden, you cried your heart out.
"Hey, Y/N it's alright. It will soon be alright." Jaehyun said while tapping your shoulder while you lean onto his chest.
"I shouldn't have said something like that. I am a bad friend. I am disloyal."
Jaehyun continues to comfort you with his words and wholesome touches. If the situation's a little different, you would scream for this kind of skinship.
After minutes of crying, you finally realized that you're "semi-hugging" Jaehyun.
"Oh I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"
"No, it's okay Y/N. I hope You can mend your friendship with your bestfriend. I don't want to see you cry again. Do you like to eat anything? Or should I walk you home?" Jaehyun asked
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
Days, weeks, months passed and thankfully your friendship with Yeri is restored and it is stronger than ever. It is now winter time and the weather is really cold these days. 
"Y/N can I sit beside you? It's too cold on the other side" Jaehyun said with his usual smile that makes your heart flutter. 
And just like before, you are too shy to answer him so you just smiled in reply.
All he does is to play games in his phone and suddenly, everybody's attention is on the two of you.
"Hey did I make you feel uncomfortable?" Jaehyun suddenly whispered and made an eye contact. 
"No! Definitely not. It's just that everyone's looking at you. I'm uhm... I don't want the attention." You explained while you feel your face getting hot. 
"Just let them be. Perhaps they can only just look." He said and continue to play games on his phone.
The room is getting colder, and you can't help but rub your hands together because you brought a little thin jacket today. 
The surprise of the century came when Jaehyun held your hands and put it inside his jacket.
You looked around your room and saw your blockmates smiled and tease you.
Hey, Don't let Jaehyun know you're head over heels on him. You looked like a tomato now. You're so red!
Yeri sent you a message and winked.
"Do you feel fine now?" Jaehyun asked while still looking at his phone, still playing games. 
You avoid his gaze and just nodded and got your hands out of his jacket, but still held his hand.
You enjoyed your moment holding his hand until his phone rang and he had to go outside to pick up his call.
“Y/N... Is it okay?” He said while gesturing that he will just answer his phone. 
After Jaehyun went out, Yeri immediately sat beside you. 
“Hey, Have you heard the news?” Yeri whispered as she move closer to you
“What news? About what?” You answered while peeking at the door waiting for Jaehyun to comeback.
“Do you remember the pretty Insta girl? The one with the curly hair and naturally blushing face. Dianne Lee?”
“Hmmm, yep what about her?”
“I heard Jaehyun and Dianne are talking. I mean not the literal “talking” talking, but you know that kind of talking that would eventually be dating... you know.” Yeri explains carefully for you not to be offended.
“Hmf... Is that even true? Dianne just dated Ten from Jaehyun’s team, I mean, bro code?” 
“I heard it from Johnny. He said Jaehyun is constantly on the phone, like right now.” Yeri adds. 
You wouldn’t believe the rumors but somehow your little heart hurt a bit with just thinking of Jaehyun dating another girl. 
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
The wind blew a little colder and the school’s atmosphere is a bit wilder especially it is nearing Semestral Vacation and the annual University Festival is happening today, and also your birthday. 
Everyone in your friendlist greeted you a happy birthday and some even sent you gifts. Your coming-of-age feeling is too overwhelming but you feel like something’s missing because Jaehyun is still not greeting you. 
Later that day, you came accross Jaehyun in the university field because they are preparing for a presentation and he didn't attend any of your classes. They were sweating because of practicing and decorating the stage as well. 
"Wow, Y/N you look really pretty today." His friend Yuta said and gave you a “Hi-5″.
The team seemed busy and somehow stressed, Jaehyun just greeted you with a smile and went back to the stage where they will practice.
You were expecting something like he would look back at you and greet you Happy birthday, but he didn’t. You passed by the university field and you sighed with the realization.
"He forgot." You whispered.
Yeri just hugged you to console you. 
"I swear, Y/N. I am not making this up... he asked me what present will he buy for you."
You just smiled a little and went back on your way. Shrugging the sad feeling Jaehyun gave you on your special day. 
“Y/N cheer up! It’s your day today! You don’t have to be sad over that guy. Let’s just party tonight and I heard the University club hired a DJ!” Yeri said to lift up your spirits. 
Somehow that night, you forgot about the whole Jaehyun thing and did yourself a favor, you enjoyed the party all night with all your friends without thinking about him.
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
Winter time elapsed and you’re back from the vacation. Happy giggles and small talks filled the room. 
"Woah! Woah! Did you see Dianne's latest post?"
"Oh my gosh! For how long did they hide their relationship?"
"I knew something between them was up when I saw them in the mall and they're walking hand-in-hand."
The rumors greeted you this morning. Jaehyun arrived in the room and all you can hear is Congratulations. You have no idea why the people are congratulating him but you managed to smile at him.
"Congrats Jaehyun and Dianne! How long have you been in a relationship now?"
You tilted your head and furrowed your brows in confusion. Like Jaehyun? Dating? Who? That fact kinda shocked you and you can just look at Yeri who looks at you apologetically. 
Jaehyun happily admitted the news and said that he and Dianne spent almost all the days of the vacation together, while sharing his vacation stories, he made an eye contact with you and you just fake smiled. You can’t even believe yourself that you managed to listen to him without crying. 
You’re unusually quiet all day, and you just bow your head on the table preventing yourself to cry... but unlike in the past, Jaehyun did not noticed your mood. He’s always outside your room and meeting with his girllfriend. 
“Are you sure you can go home alone?” Wendy asks you while she walks you infront the gate of your village. 
You put your two thumbs up and acted jolly in front of her. Little did she knows, your heart feels heavy and your tears are about to fall, so you quickly ran to your house and immediately went to your room.
You cried your heart out that night. You felt deceived, you liked him for a long time and you thought he feels the same with all those gestures but for him, it is just friendly.
"I liked him for more than 3 years! I gave him everything he likes! What's lacking about me? Why did he not liked me back? Maybe because I'm not that pretty. I am not that rich. I am not that fit. I am not that intelligent. I am not that girly. I am not the girl he would want to date. And I will never be that girl. I will just be the friend forever." Those questions went on and on and tears kept falling from your eyes.
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
Weeks passed and Jaehyun is still happily inlove with Dianne and you decided to stop liking him. You have made extra efforts to avoid him and not associate yourself with him.
Tonight is the batch party, all your batchmates gather in a place and have a few drinks and enjoy the night. You expect Jaehyun to be there and you made up your mind that you will still do your best to avoid him. 
Yeri went with his boyfriend Gab, and you're left with your other girl batchmates in the table. You had a few drinks and you’re feeling a little tipsy.
"Y/N." Jaehyun called you and offered you a drink.
You accepted the drink and he sat beside you. Right then and there, you knew you mission failed. All the weeks of avoiding him is wasted, suddenly you remember all the happy moments you shared with him. The feeling when he smiles or talks to you. You suddenly remembered all the things you tried to forget... especially your feelings for him.
The Karaoke sound was so loud and you can barely hear what your seatmates are saying... Then and Adele song played and you feel like it fits to your current situation. You just decided to sing, or rather shout the chorus of the song playing.
"ALL I ASK IIIIIS IF, THIS IS MY LAST NIGHT WITH YOU... HOLD ME LIKE I'M MORE THAN JUST A FRIENDDD!" You sang your heart out while you look onto Jaehyun's eyes. Singing it like it was the words you always wanted to tell him but you never had the chance to tell him. Jaehyun on the otherhand maintained an eye contact, he would have think that you’re just drunk, but he feels like you mean everything in the chorus. 
The next song played and you're somehow a little sober now. You immediately break the eye contact and tried to make a conversation with your other batchmates. 
"Are you angry with me?" Jaehyun abruptly said. 
You just looked at him and thought... Am I angry with him? Why would I be angry with him? I just made my own heartbreak and he has nothing to do with it. It is all my fault, it is my fault that I am hurting now. While your inner selves are debating, he sighed loudly and drank the alcohol he was holding.
"You're angry with me." Jaehyun surely said.
"No. I'm not angry with you. Why would I be?" You said with a chuckle.
"You're avoiding me." Jaehyun said
"No, I'm not." LIES LIES LIES. You tried your best to keep a straight face so that he would not detect all the lies you said.
Jaehyun just looked at you and all you can do is sigh.
"I just don't want to give Dianne a wrong idea. Where is she, by the way?"
"She has another schedule but I'll pick her up later."
"Ohhh." You didn't want to talk about them anymore and you're somehow suffocated inside, so you decided to just leave the place.
"I'll get going now. I'm a little tipsy." You said and tried to stand up straight.
"Can I walk you home?" He asks. You wanted to talk to him more and wanted to linger this time with him but when you're about to say yes...
"Oh I'm sorry Y/N, Dianne just texted me and I'll pick her up now. "
You just waved your hand and head home alone. You hated yourself for tearing up again. It is like all the walls you tried to build over the last weeks fall miserably and all you can do is to cry. Perhaps, crying is good for the soul. 
~ ♤ ~ ♡ ~ ◇ ~ ♧ ~
After the incident at the party, you decided to call Wendy and Yeri and tell them what happened. They immediately proceeded to your house directly to your room and decided to stay the night. You never told them your true feelings, you never told them how many times you cried, how many sleepless nights you spent just thinking of Jaehyun, how many times your world crashed when you see Jaehyun and Dianne. You pretended that you are not affected by them, and you thought your friends buy that. But little did you know, they are just waiting for you to share it. 
"I really hate Jaehyun for leading you on. He's such a flirt. Damn him" Yeri says as she consoles you while you are crying.
"Also that bitch Dianne who flaunts Jaehyun everywhere and asks innocent outside but a total bitch inside. " Wendy agrees while you are hugging her,
“Tch that Jaehyun... he holds your hand, buys you food and comforts you but he dated somebody else! Like don’t tell me he still doesn’t know that you like him? With all those gifts? Oh C’mon I will not buy that excuse.” Yeri says with a slightly higher voice. Obviously annoyed with the situation.
“Y/N, you will eventually forget about him and one day Jaehyun would give you the attention you gave him and you’re no longer interested in him. It is okay to hate him now, you have all the right to do that.” Wendy said while looking directly at you.
And then a realization came across your mind. Why would you cry over someone who didn’t even become your boyfriend? Why would you hate him? He did nothing wrong, all you did is break your own heart by assuming things but he is unmistakably uninterested in you. 
"You know what, you have no reason to hate him. He did not lead me on... I just made it up myself. I overanalyze everything he does but it is just friendly gestures for him. I just made myself a heartache by overanalyzing things. Maybe I just needed time to heal and I can face him again."
Then and there, I promised myself that I will work on myself first, do self-care routines and focus more on myself and finally move on from Jaehyun.
a/n: tried writing again... I hope you will like it. Hihi. Special thanks to my Katy Unnie (@jaehyunpeachparty) for helping me with the first chapter. Luv u Unnie! 
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mahalkitajohnnysuh · 4 years
Two Birthdays
I wrote this piece today in honor of today’s birthday celebrators, one of which NCTzens should know by heart. 
Mark Lee has been my gateway to the world of NCT, and now I am fully immersed in it. Well, not so much with the Dreamies but I appreciate them.
Then, who’s the other one celebrating their birthday? I guess you have to find out who! Johfam knows – don’t embarrass me, guys.
As always, I put a GIF to hype you up – here’s Marky with black hair, which is the best color on him. 
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Mahal ko kayong lahat! :) 
Summary: This piece is dedicated to Mark Lee and Mama Suh, who share the same birth date of August 2. Johnny and Essie prepare something for them, and then get emotional at the end. Aren’t they such attention-hogging drama queens? 
POV: 3rd person as usual. 
Word count: 1,160 words 
August 2 is an important day for Johnny Suh – not only is it the birthday of his dearest eomma, but it was also the special day of his bro Mark Lee.
Since Essie Park has been living with the two boys for quite some time now, those days have also become important to her. She loves both of them – Johnny is her boyfriend, while Mark is the little brother she never had.
She woke up early to prepare a feast for the birthday celebrators, which in turn, made her partner do so as well. Both of them were puttering away at the kitchen at five in the morning, preparing a mixture of both Korean and Western dishes.
“Baby, why don’t you check on the birthday boy?” Johnny suggested after placing a newly cooked omelet on a plate with mashed potatoes and vegetables on it. Essie gave him a thumbs-up and silently ran to Mark’s room, whose door was slightly ajar. She could see that he was cocooned in his comforter, and she couldn’t tell if he was still asleep or pretending to be.
“I can’t tell if he’s still sleeping or not,” she whispered once she was back at the kitchen. The couple glanced at the clock – it read 7:40 a.m. – and giggled. “Probably not yet,” her boyfriend said, who picked up the French press nearby to make their coffee. “Let’s give him a few minutes, and then we’ll surprise him.”
At around 8:30 a.m., Essie led Johnny to Mark’s room as he carried a small tray of breakfast food. She opened the door carefully and saw that the young man was still asleep. This time, they can see his bare face – he always had a mustache forming – and they could hear him snoring lightly.
She went to the left side of the bed while Johnny went to the opposite side, placing the tray at the foot of the bed. The couple looked at each other first before they decided to surprise Mark by screaming their birthday greeting.
“Happy birthday, Mark Lee!”
The birthday boy, who is now 21 as of writing, was startled and kicked the comforter off the bed. “What the hell,” he grumbled, looking at his hyung and noona in disbelief first, “but thank you, guys. You didn’t have to scream into my ear like that.”
“But that wouldn’t be fun, right?” Johnny snickered, which earned him a glare from the younger guy. “Happy birthday, Marky!” Essie squealed, messing with his hair. He bit his lip as his hyung joined in on playing with his hair, trying his best not to be annoyed at the situation.
When they were done, Johnny reached over to the small tray and placed it closer to Mark. “Of course, you know how it is in this household when someone has a birthday. We made you breakfast fit for a king like yourself.” Essie made dramatic hand gestures to emphasize that, as there were three plates crammed into the tray that contained a full-course meal.
“Thank you again, Johnny hyung and Essie noona! I truly appreciate it,” the birthday boy said, now less grumpy than a few minutes ago. Once he got his utensils, he dug into his majestic breakfast. The couple patted his back affectionately as he bit and gulped his food.
After he finished eating, Johnny left the room briefly to grab his Polaroid camera. Then, they took pictures – the couple’s favorite was of them kissing Mark on the cheeks with the guy completely flustered in the middle.
“This is so cute!” Essie gushed, staring at the newly-developed photo lovingly. “I’m going to hang it up in my gallery. May I, love?” Johnny winked at her, which meant she could. She replied by tackling him in a hug, in which she also included Mark after.
“I love you boys so much,” she murmured while still in proximity with them. “We love you too,” they said in unison, and everyone giggled at their harmonization.
They spent a few more minutes in bed talking and teasing each other until Mark had to go home to his parents’ house to spend the rest of the day with them.
“Maybe I’ll see you tomorrow, guys. I might spend the night there,” he said as he tugged at the straps of his backpack.
“It’s okay, Mark. You deserve the time off with them. And I’m sure it has been a while you went to Mass with your family too,” Essie said softly, remembering the time that she and Mark went to church recently to pray for their intentions.
“Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’m off then. Have a nice day ahead!” Mark waved at them until he was out of their eyesight.
“Then, that leaves us with the next thing on our agenda – call Mama,” Johnny said once they retreated to the couch.
“Check what time is it there first, dummy,” Essie teased, flicking the space in between his eyebrows. “I’m sure she’s awake at this time,” he replied, rubbing the part she hit. “Come here, my big baby,” he patted the space beside him, “and let’s call her up to say our birthday greetings.”
It was already late in the evening in Chicago when the couple called Mama Suh, who was already in her pajamas. “Happy birthday Eomma! I hope you had a fun and fabulous day there,” Essie said while she waved enthusiastically at her boyfriend’s mother.
“But of course, my darling! We went to this hotel and had a nice steak and wine dinner,” the older woman shared, which got her son ‘ooh’-ing and ‘aah’-ing at the details of her day.
Johnny and Essie snuggled closer to each other as they listened to Mama Suh talk about her day and more. “I wish you two could go here again, I’d love you to experience what I had too,” she said wistfully, making the couple hug each other tighter.
“We’ll fly there again once things are better, Mama. We promise that,” her son replied.
“Yes, Ma. You can count on that. We miss you so much,” his girlfriend added.
As much as they didn’t want to end the call on a sad note, Mama Suh got teary-eyed, and soon, they were crying and sniffing.
Although it has been years since Johnny decided to work in Korea, he always made it a point to fly back to his hometown in Chicago yearly. However, given the current pandemic, he couldn’t.
The couple held each other for a while after their call, saddened by the effects of the global situation and a million other thoughts.
“Yes, love?”
“Promise me we’ll be together forever?”
Essie looked at her boyfriend’s distraught face, and she kissed him squarely on the lips. “Yes, I promise you that.”
He returned the gesture and carried her to their shared bedroom, presumably to make sure that she will stay true to her words.
P.S. I know, it doesn’t feature enough Mark! Don’t worry; I have another post to make up for that.
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sheeple · 4 years
The intern | 9: Birthday parties
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GIFS NOT MINE. THIS IS ALL FICTION. Genre(s): intern!au / fluff / mild angst Group(s): NCT / Red Velvet Pairing(s): Moon Taeil x fem!reader Summary: The new Elysion Publishings intern is the youngest they ever had. It’s not a problem until she grabs the attention of the IT guy. Warning(s): Age-gap of five years [Masterlist] [Mini masterlist]
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The moment I set a foot into the office on my birthday, I knew that this isn’t a day I would forget anytime soon. 
As I walk into my department, I get scooped up by Johnny and set on a chair, as he and Taeyong roll me around the office. 
I laugh loudly as they push me in a conference room and set me at the far end of the table, a big cup of tea shoved under my nose by Wendy as she gives me a kiss on my cheek, whispering ‘happy birthday’. 
My colleagues from the D&D department start to come in, all giving me a bright smile and a birthday card written by all. 
“Firstly, we want to wish our youngest intern in like ever a very happy birthday as today, is the day she finally turns twenty!”, announces Johnny and everyone cheers. 
“That’s why”, continues Taeyong, going to stand next to Johnny, “we’ve prepared something special for you.”
They both step aside and Wendy presses a button on her laptop. The screen behind them lits up and their faces appear on the screen.
“To our dear dongsaeng, happy birthday and may there follow up many more!”, says Wendy cheerful, throwing confetti in the air. 
Taeyong coughs and sticks his tongue out, fishing a piece of paper from it. 
“Your big, strong oppa here. Don’t worry little one, you are so you and are already so wise! You probably have more brain cells than all of us combined.” Taeyong joke earns him a hit from both Wendy and Johnny as he pouts. 
“As the nitwit was saying”, butts Johnny in. “We want to wish you a happy birthday. May you receive many presents and positivity today and don’t let anyone tell you you aren’t the most badass for moving across the world.”
They end with a loud ‘Fighting!’ before the two guys begin to scream loudly and Wendy ends the video. 
I laugh loudly while whipping away a couple of tears.
Other of my colleagues follow up with all positive messages about how they wish me the best, even when I’m going back home. 
Mark and Lucas appear next with loud screams. I can understand only a little part of it since both of them are hyper and giggling all the way. 
Next, are Yuta, Doyoung, and Winwin. They all wish me a very happy birthday and tell me to hang out with them soon. 
As the video switches, we see Team Leader Byun appear on the screen and we all cheer, Mr Byun giving us a shy smile.
“Dear (Y/n), I am truly happy that Kim placed you under my supervision because I never had a better intern then you. You radiate that you enjoy what you do and it shows, giving some of the best work. And I─”
Just as Byun wants to say something, the door bursts open and Team Leader Shin storms in. He grabs the camera and runs away with it. 
We all laugh loudly and I clutch my stomach, the whole sight of two grown men chasing each other amuses me immensely.
After Shin lost Byun, he turns towards the camera with a half-smirk. “Well, happy birthday miss (L/n). I wish you much luck and happiness for the remainder of your life. Also, know that a spot on my team is always open”, he says with a wink before we hear Byun scream high-pitched ‘Shin Youngmin!’. The video ends at that and we all laugh at them.
Next thing is my family and friends from back home. My tears fill with eyes as they all tell me they miss me and ask me to come home quick. 
My mom sends me lots of love and my dad... he told me he’s proud of me. A smile creeps on my face and I wipe away a tear with the back of my hand. Wendy gives me a napkin and I take it gratefully. 
The last one starts pitch black before a voice says, “Is this thing even on?”
I freeze in my chair as I realize it’s Taeil. We hear some rustling before there is a sight; Taeil stands extremely close to the camera with a concentrated look on his face. It’s cute.
“How does this thing even work? Ah, there! He... hey, (Y/n), it’s me. Well, that’s something you already figured out I guess.” Taeil scratches the back of his neck while looking down.
A couple of people snicker as I am concentrated on what he’s going to say next. 
“First of all, happy birthday. Second, thank you for coming in my life. It has been so much brighter thanks to you and I just... seem a lot happier than first. That’s what my friends tell me though...”
He flips his hair, that has fallen before his eyes, back while licking his lips. The simple action makes my heart flutter. 
“Let’s hang out a lot and”, he coughs awkwardly, “be great friends. Bye-bye!” He quickly waves goodbye before turning the camera off.
I look speechless at the now black screen. That was really something else. My heart in my chest beats rapidly and a swarm of butterflies rage like a hurricane through my body. 
Johnny and Taeyong roll me back to my desk and help me settle for the day, not letting me walk towards the coffee machine to grab tea or sugar or anything.
And that’s how it’s going the whole day; the two dorks trailing behind me like a bunch of puppies and every time I want to do something other than my work, they do it for me. 
At lunch, I finally manage to shake the two off by rushing into the stairway and walking slowly up a level before taking an elevator to the roof.
I let myself fall onto one of the Fatboys that are scattered around the rooftop, mostly in pairs of two and three, sometimes four. 
I close my eyes and breath deeply in and out, ignoring the chiming of my phone as I know it’s either Taeyong or Johnny. 
A shadow is cast over me and I frown, sad that someone found me. I groan and open my eyes, surprised to see it’s Taeil.
He stands tall over me with his head cocked to the side and hands in his dark jeans, jeans jacket over a bright orange sweater. He looks effortlessly handsome just standing there, but he always does that.
I sit up and scoot over a bit, making some room for him to sit next to me. And he does so. 
He places himself next to me, grabbing my legs and placing them over his own. Once he’s content with the position we’re in, he turns towards me with a smile. 
“How’s the birthday girl doing?”
I see the genuine smile on his lips and in his eyes, which makes my lips form into a bright smile.
“Pretty great. The day is more hectic than normal since Tae and John won’t stop babying me.” I pout and lean my head on his shoulder, cuddling closer to his body heath.
I don’t know why, but it feels right, cuddling with Taeil. It’s like everything falls in place and it’s just him and me. As if we’re two jigsaw puzzle pieces that fit snugly together.
“Is that why you came here?”, he questions while brushing away a strand of hair from my cheek with a small smile. 
I nod. “To escape everyone, even just for a moment.” 
Taeil frowns. “Oh, well, then I’ll leave you alone. I imagine that you wouldn’t want to see me too.”
I grab his arm before he can move and pull him closer towards me. “You are going nowhere. You are... the only person That can’t disturb me, ever.” A blush spread on my face as I admit it. I squeal softly and hide my face against his arm. 
He chuckles before petting my head. “And I would never dare to leave you.”
I look up shocked at his words and we lock eyes. He leans slowly towards me and I do the same. Our lips are just mere centimetres away from each other before touching.
But just they do that, the doors of the terrace burst open and Taeyong and Johnny burst in.
I let out a small yell and push him away, my own force pushing me off the Fatboy. I fall backwards and land on my back with a huff of air escaping my lungs. 
“Are you okay?” Johnny rushes towards me with concern in his eyes as he helps me off the ground, brushing the dust off my back. 
My cheeks are heated as Taeil and I look away from each other, his eyes focused on one of the bushes and mine on the sky. 
“I eh... I’m going now. See you tonight”, says Taeil before he quickly rushes away. 
“Fucking jerk”, I curse while kicking against Taeyongs ass. Johnny laughs but stops as soon as he sees my glare. 
“What even are you doing here?”, I question with folded arms as I walk towards the elevators. 
“We came to get you since Team Leader Byun needed you. But it seems like we interrupted something far more important”, grins Taeyong slyly. 
I glare at him. “Nothing happened. And don’t you two dare to say anything about this to Wendy.”
The tallest of the two frowns. “But... why? This is good, right? It means that your silly little crush is─”
I point my finger cautionary at the two guys. “Not. A. Word. She won’t let me live if she knows we... just zip it.”
The two guys smirk and look at each other, the look at in their eyes raises questions in me.
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