#also it's more difficult when none of my main chatting friends have that same hyper fixation otherwise i could brainstorm :P
night-dragon937 · 2 years
oh how i miss writing shamelessly thinly veiled vent fics wrapped in hurt/no comfort character studies
however it's been over two years since we've written fanfic (over two years since we've written AT ALL) and we've become acutely critical of anything we write so i don't think that ball is going to start rolling anything soon :P
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forndodaper · 3 years
VICA Communicator
The argentinian economy is quite a piece of fun. I have been thinking in a VUCA Machine for a long time, let's say 2 years. It is basically an Enigma Machine with some more things.
A VICA Communicator is a machine designed to be used by The Federal Government of The Good Country of Jaxe, and by its businesses, from all sizes. It provides The National Government with useful data to manipulate the economy every two weeks. Stressing the mechanism, it can be used to manipulate the economy every hour.
VICACom is something similar to a writing machine, with an encryption mechanism. It has got a place to change the cipher, so unlike the Enigma Machine the VICA Communicator can be changed from cipher in seconds. It can send, or read, or both send and read, messages. It also has got a port for a fiber optic cable, for quantum communications. It also has got a satellite antenna, and a short-wave radio antenna. And of course a battery port.
It has got a keyboard with all spanish letters, and also and most important a couple of symbols and quick answers.
The VICA Communicator is designed to this mechanism:
1) The Jaxer Federal Government ask for a determined information. For example: ¿The last tax increase, has got damaged your company a lot?.
2) The Office for Economic Intelligence of every Company then has got the quick answers:
A) Yes.
B) No.
C) Maybe.
D) So so.
E) We do now know.
F) Absolutely.
G) Not at all.
3) Additional information can be added on the MS Mode (Modo Satelital / Satellite Mode). It uses a kind of internet, separated from the DARPA Network / US Internet, to send basic messages. It can use numbers and letters. All comments goes to an online database, where from a website you can see comments and post one. While you are writing, a similar comments shows to you, so you do not repeat the comment. Like when you are typing on Google. The more a comment is selected, the more higher it shows; so the government can quickly prioritize a common issue. Or at least the most common issue. When on MS Mode, it is recommended to use the official website and not the VICACom.
4) All answers goes to a database in the respective mode. Enigma answers goes to the Enigma Database. MS Answers goes to the MS Database. Quantum Answers goes to the Quantum Database. Critical Situation (short-wave radio) goes to the Critical Situation Database.
In general terms, it is preferred that The Jaxer Government uses the Enigma Mode on all its VICA Operations.
Also, all databases are cleaned every week from the search algorithm, but all answers are stored.
So, that's what I thought. It could allow The (Argentinian or Jaxer) National Government to quickly know what is needed. For example, on a future administration that has got to handle 70, 70, 70, 70, 30 (70% inflation, 70% poverty, 70% qualified emigration (Brain Drain), 70% obsolesce (30% investment, when 100% is the minimum to maintain machines and factories in good state), and 30% unemployment) the VICA Communicator can be useful. Very.
For example:
We are thinking of a jump from 21% taxes to 50% taxes. ¿Is that very hurtful to your company?. 50% of all taxes from business are going to be destined to grants and subsidizes.
And the company can answer:
A) Yes.
B) No.
C) Maybe.
D) So so.
E) We do now know.
F) Absolutely.
G) Not at all.
So, that's it. This way the government can actually chat with companies.
By the way, I definitely invested efforts on this type of machine seeing the terrible, horrible, BRUTAL TERRORIFIC HORRORIFIC MONSTRUOSIC management & administration troubles with the Alberto's Administration.
If me, or someone, is going to found Jaxe, then he/she/they/it definitely needs Economic Intelligence, in less than 48 hours. So I think it could be a nice way.
The last thing: Meanwhile VICAComs are produced, The National Government can upload a website to replicate the mechanism.
Also, the ciphers change every month. This is to evade C.I.A. and specially N.S.A. interceptions*. I think the U.S. Intelligence is the main threat. They read every WhatsApp message or every Google search, specially from businesspeople and politicians. An American Operator or Analyst needs to ask a supercomputer what is The Argentinian Business Community thinking, and the supercomputer will respond him/her/they/it... with the correct and useful and precise answer/information.
So what I am trying to do with the ciphers, is re-direct the messages that businesspeople send to policymakers with VICAComs.
If, for example, INVAP or Techint needs something, and they need it quick, they do not send a WhatsApp to the President. They send an 4-times-encrypted message to the Department of Instant Economic Intelligence. This is low level communications.
For example, if a tax increase suffocates INVAP, or a new legislation complicates Techint Operations (contracts), they can send a Yellow Alarm to the D.I.E.I. (Departamento de Inteligencia Económica Inmediata). So The Federal Government paralysis INMEDIATELY the new legislation. The C.I.A. will see that Jaxe has got some trouble with something, but will not know what is causing it.
If the INVAP Director or someone, send a WhatsApp to the President saying: Mister President, your new tax increase suffocates us; and if INVAP is trying to sell, IDK... aircraft to Italy or Australia or Brazil or IDK... Nigeria... then the C.I.A. will immediately tell Lockheed Martin about their competitors status. So Lockheed Martin, or Boing, will act consequently. This is specially relevant with Worldwide Nuclear Contracts, and Regional Radar Contracts. Under my administration, or at least by my algorithms, INVAP Defense is not supposed to provide assets to any foreign nation. Any. I used the Lockheed Martin case because I don't know what US Companies sell nuclear reactors, and I don't want to Google them right now.
with a VICACom, that is not designed to chat, just to send a quick message (not a full conversation, like the purpose of the Enigma Machine), with a VICACom the government can avoid fucking it up. Like the Alberto's Administration constantly do. Every day. Almost every 6-8 hours...
I don't know, and I don't think, a future administration of mine or my political party or someone at my ideology, I don't think they will make a mistake. Or at least not a catastrophic error. But just in case... there is the set of Black, White, Red, Orange, Yellow, Apple Green, Green, Cyan, Light Blue, Blue, Dark Blue, Violet, Fuchsia, Pink and Grey buttons. Just in case.
For a constant communication, there must be a machine, like the Enigma machine but much better... I'm working on it. My calculations is that I will finish it in 2028 and start deployment for The Jaxer Political Party at 2029. This will difficult American & British Political Operations on Argentina and worldwide (for Jaxe). I mean, it will difficult any country's operation... it is just that The United States of America has got a super wow cool hyper extra mega super duper great awesome beautiful intel network here... and I don't think we're going to be friends. So I better prepare.
That machine also is ready to change ciphers, so a same machine can be used with different electromechanical engines, and join them to an electronic computer, and so on. So you can mix ciphers and stuff. You can change the cipher of the machine, like you change batteries from a notebook. Or you can add a battery after a battery, and have a new cipher. You can add 16 ciphers. 1000. 10000000000. But most importantly you can mix two or three of them and make a new cipher in seconds. You just need that somehow your buddy will knew the new cipher.
I want everyone to get this: Imagine a 1.945 writing machine, with a keyboard with letters, numbers and some rectangles from different colours. Picture a box behind it, that says CIPHER 4-B-8-J. Now picture you add a new box behind the box, that says CIPHER 6-2-6-8-H-A-F-H. There you got, a new cipher. You can also change the 4B8J cipher, and use the 6268 before, and then the 4B8J. And you got a new cipher. Every cipher is designed to be mixed with a new cipher mechanism above it, under it, next to it, behind it, in front of it, etcetera. Like LEGO blocks, but on all directions. You can also write with a cipher, change places, write again, replace with a new cipher-box, and write again. And if you add codewords, like replacing I don't know... President with potatoes...
You just need to add, replace, change from places, boxes.
Another thing that I was thinking is that to annulate the pattern analysis, I was thinking of a grid. This is a new cipher, that goes behind the box like a normal cipher but has got a keyboard on it. You can still add a box in front of it, between the cipher and the machine.
This new grid has got always the same pattern.
I - YOU - WE - THEY, etcetera
NEED - WANT - SAW, etcetera
RED, YELLOW, BLUE, etcetera
AT, IN, UNDER, NEXT TO, etcetera
"Mister President, your new tax increase difficult INVAP operations".
(another message)
Then you write "INVAP" with a cipher, or a set of it. Or at least you someone manage to let The Pink House it's you.
"Mister President, your new tax increase difficult INVAP operations".
It would look like
A8N0 K1N6 D0K5 F8H6 K2J8 F9K5 Ñ3N7
(changes rotors, or re-configures the cipher)
9402 1859 1658 0183 9571 9275 1857
(change rotors, or re-configures the cipher)
If somehow, and probably will, the N.S.A. cracks my super cool 15-18 year old (I designed my algorithms before the machine)... then they will not know what it is about. They may guess.
If you combine it with an unknown sender, or an unknown station (instead of the message going out from INVAP installations), and with codewords (instead of HE HE being president, it could be in the third section APPLE TREE and in the fourth section RED), then I think we can evade a little.
Also I'm scared about the chinese, but I don't think/guess they will have the means/the assets to target The Jaxer Political Party as the Americans do......... but I'm still scared of some stupid Jaxer Political Party Staff sending Tier 4 - Strictly Secret and Confidential Information through WhatsApp... or sending nudes/buying drugs on Instagram... I see it coming. I just see it coming... it will happen... I know it.
Anyway. That's the VICACom Machine... hopefully I will have some Cold Machine Stuff (My Enigma Machine) in two or three years... it is just that I have got trouble learning electronic things... and I can't create a proper cipher... or CPU...
*The N.S.A. will eventually read the messages. The idea is that the U.S. Intel Community reads them after, I don't know, three months. So they can not sabotage our efforts. They will know what we did, but just not in time to react and sabotage our policies.
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