#also it’s this huge cliff hanger and then tim just gets up like nothing happened
junimo-hexed · 1 year
i can deal with the writer inconsistencies, tonal shifts, and pacing issues of comic book cross over events such as Knightfall, Contagion, and No Man’s Land. what i can’t deal with in the time shenanigans. honestly NML was really bad at this near the end and i’m too lazy to find those examples, but would it really be so hard for these issues to be back to back in the larger narrative instead of having a bunch of issues with Tim being up and around and then getting back to Tim being on the ground like nothing happened?
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batboyblog · 5 years
First, a statement of fact. Tim Drake’s costume peaked with the Unternet Red Robin suit. Everyone else can take their wings and fuck on home. With that established, this whole Lark situation is a textbook Bendis move. Triggering the fans into a nerdrage just boosts his sales from all those worried fans needing to know what’s going to happen to their favs. Look at his time at Marvel or more recently What. He. Did. To. Jon. Kent. Bendis is just taking a Lark. (I bet he’ll use than pun.)
I mean while it’s classic to him, it’s also just a classic bad habit of comics. Don’t get me wrong, shaking things up to drive interest is not bad in and of itself. But you need a status quo to shake up to shake up the status quo. YJ literally only just got out of Gemworld, we just finished (their very over long) establishment story line, you need to let things settle allow for a few stand alone comics with one and done stories, to establish a status quo, then you can shake things up. If we go straight from “NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME!” story to “NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME!” story its meaningless because nothings established and so it’s not a big change, it’s just a change to do a change, your readers will be burned out and leave, like imagine if a season of TV had 3 or 4 end of the world huge “cliff hanger!” story lines in one season it’d be a mess but comics seem to all want to do that now. 
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