#also it’s a beginner one so it shouldn’t be too bad
ghost-biird · 3 months
Started training for a triathlon today from like absolute zero (haven’t consistently exercised since literally high school) and my first run went way better than expected! I’m starting with a 14:35 mile and I could actually run for a minute straight and I didn’t think I would be able to!
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will1ams0n · 1 year
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Tease - Leah Williamson
Summary - On holiday in Ibiza with your GF Leah Williamson and some friends. You have needs, and she wants to make your day as uncomfortable as possible…
Warning - Leah Williamson being an actual tease, sexual tension, sexual references, beginner tumblr writer post…
You knew she knew what she was doing, and you knew that she was aware that you knew she knew. She’d been teasing you from first thing this morning.
The sun had woken you softly, coming through the open curtains as you lay next to your girlfriend who was only in boxers and a sports bra due to the heat, you however forever liking the comfort of pyjamas were in an old Arsenal training vest of hers and some old shorts. Her arm was haphazardly flung over your waist, and our legs were entwined. It was hot though, incredibly hot. The weather, as well as the sexual tension of the position whenever she’d shift her leg.
You wanted to free yourself from her grasp, longing for a cold shower to clear your mind of the racing thoughts, as well as to try and lower your temperature. You were going out today to a late breakfast with some friends, before heading to the beach together, and lastly getting hammered at a club, mostly just enjoying the time off from football and any other working commitments.
As you tried to untangle yourself her grip fastened and she pulled you back into her. Your bodies once again fitting together perfectly. You should have known she was already awake, she loved to enjoy morning cuddles. But also the ever shifting leg position should have given it away, she was teasing you.
“No” her voice said lowly, nuzzling into your neck before peppering kisses there. “Stay” she commanded and you just giggled at the feeling of her breath on your neck. She was a softy when she wanted to be, as hard as she tried to present herself, she was whipped for you. A total simp. And you loved every minute of it.
“Baby, we need to get up. Keira and Alex will be waiting for us” I said, turning around and pushing myself up onto my elbows and leaning over her. The heat of Ibiza had gotten to her also, and parts of her gorgeous blonde hair had stuck to her slightly sweaty face so I pushed them away, before kissing her briefly, watching her eyes flutter close,
“You don’t look too bad on the top you know” she just smirked in response, her eyes sparkling with a mixture of mischief and lust, I rolled my eyes laughing slightly, before she wrapped one leg around my waist and flipped us over. Her now hovering over me. The mischief gone from her eyes, only lust remaining. “But you look so much better under me” she whispers into my ear as she started her assault on my neck.
“Fuck. Le-“ I started before I got caught off by a moan escaping from my throat, and I involuntarily grabbed the back of her head, keeping her close, not wanting her to stop, but knowing in my mind we shouldn’t be starting something that we didn’t have time to finish.
Leah on the other hand was not phased, and did certainly not seem worried about the jam packed day as her hand trailed up my leg, and under my shirt before reaching their intended destination. My breath hitching as her hand brushed over my breasts.
“Baby, please” I moaned out, grabbed her face in my hands and pulling her lips onto mine in a passionate kiss. Expressing everything I want to say and ask her to do to me in it.
I shut my eyes, throwing my head back ever so slightly, and pulling her face back so she could continue her assault on my neck, when I felt her knee come into contact with my core, she shifted a few times, causing silent gasps to fall my mouth, I wanted more. I needed more. But before I could do anything about it she’d jumped off of me and was stretching widely. Letting out a huge yawn.
Now my eyes shot to the smug looking blonde who was ignoring my glare on her back as she chose her outfit for the day, as if nothing had happened, as if she was totally innocent.
“What you thinking baby” she asked turning around, showing me her black bikini, that would not cover enough skin to help my ever growing need for her touch, her taunting tone was clear,
“I’m thinking why the fuck did you stop?” I huffed, sitting up and shuffling towards her to sit at the end of the bed and she walked in between my legs, using her finger to lift my my chin,
“Because a beautiful woman reminded me that we couldn’t be late for our friends this morning” she smirked, pecking me quickly, before admiring my flushed face and lust filled eyes, “you might want to take a cold shower though” she winked, before heading back to look through her clothes. Damn her, and damn me for mentioning rushing this morning.
I grumbled, muttering complaints and annoyances at the blonde as I got up, to which she only chuckled and made the bed whilst I headed through to the shower. The coldness was refreshing at least, it was calming, however the blonde that came into the bathroom half way through, and checked me out was not. She clearly enjoyed stripping and putting on her bikini right in front of, her eyes on mine, and it did absolutely nothing to the butterflies in my lower half.
“Baby please, stop this” I whined at her, and she just laughed leaving the room. Today was going to be a long day.
Feedback is appreciated. I don’t know how to do the ask thingy haha, and how you guys could beat communicate with me. I’m learning haha. I managed to create a master list. I was very proud of that achievement to be honest haha. Again thank you for baring with me whilst I learn.
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Heyhey, may I request something like a reader who is Clint's daughter, sucks at archery and thinks she's a disappointment to Clint. Seeing this situation and not really knowing what to do, Kate decides to help reader with some archery lessons. The lessons really help reader, but at the same time they are a distraction and the BIGGEST test of self-control not to kiss Kate while she talks about archery and invades personal space to show how it’s done.
Like– who would be 100% focused with Kate so close?? 😭😭😭
can you see right through me? [K.Bishop]
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pairing: kate bishop x barton!reader
summary: you're notoriously bad at archery and somehow even worse at keeping yourself together around a certain kind-eyed archer.
warnings: none, just fluff with a side of romantic tension; kate being a flirt without realizing; very platonic touching [...not]; me pretending like i completely understand how archery works
wordcount: 1.7k
a/n: for every one fic i write where kate is confident and cocky, i have to write another one where she's dorky and awkward and confident and cocky. that's just the law of the universe. this request was a lot of fun to write so thank you. hope you enjoy <3 [also, it would take a ridiculous amount of self-control to stay focused around kate's goofy little smile]
* * * * * * *
You wouldn’t say you’re the world’s worst archer but you’re definitely close to the top of the list. It’s something that shouldn’t bother you, and maybe it wouldn't if you were anybody else. Unfortunately, you’re Hawkeye’s oldest daughter and you also happen to be the absolute worst at archery.
Even your youngest brother has better aim than you and he’s not even strong enough to pick up a bow.
Your dad swears your lack of skill doesn’t bother him but it certainly bothers you. Especially when it results in him taking on Kate Bishop as his protege instead of you. 
The worst part is, Kate’s incredibly sweet so you can’t even hate her for being everything you’re not. Her love for archery is genuine, and so is her admiration for Clint.
And, okay, fine, maybe she also happens to be attractive and caring and far too charming for her own good.
You hate to admit it but you have the biggest crush on the brunette archer and it’s only gotten worse since she kindly offered to teach you how to properly shoot a bow. Your dad complained, not because he didn’t want you to learn, but because he was offended that you seriously thought Kate would be a better teacher than him. (You didn’t have the heart to tell him the real reason you accepted the brunette’s offer)
So, against your better judgment, you’ve been hanging out with Kate every day, letting her talk your ear off about the ‘proper techniques’ involved and what the best bows for beginners are. She’s clearly more excited about all of this than you are but getting to see her so often isn’t something you’re going to complain about.
“y/n, you’re not even listening.” Kate’s teasing tone brings you back to the matter at hand. Well, more like the bow in your hand.
“Sorry,” you mutter, hoping she can’t notice the nervousness in your stance. 
She does, unfortunately for you, because she’s far too observant despite her scattered attention span. What she doesn’t realize, though, is that she's the reason for said nervousness. 
“You’re shaking too much,” she comments. “Let me help you.”
You open your mouth to tell her you don’t need her help but all your words die in your throat the second she steps closer to you. 
She’s trying to be helpful, you know that, and yet she achieves the complete opposite. Her front presses up against your back as her hands land on top of yours to stabilize your movements. “Relax. You’re trying to guide the arrow, not control it.”
You attempt to listen to her advice but relaxing is the last thing on your mind right now. Every muscle in your body is acutely aware of the brunette’s presence which causes your heart to beat faster than should ever be possible. The position you’re in doesn’t help and soon, you really do start shaking from the tension of drawing the arrow back.
She counts down for you, something that should not be as attractive as it is, and you finally let go of the bowstring and shoot the arrow into the target. A target that you miss by several feet.
You can’t even be disappointed in yourself because you’re too busy trying to regain your breath the second Kate finally steps away from you. 
“Hey, at least you’re not hitting the wall anymore!” She says in what’s now become her signature ‘cheering you up’ voice.
It makes her sound ridiculous but it also makes you smile so you don’t have the heart to make fun of her for it. “I appreciate it but it’s going to take years for my aim to get better than this.”
“Oh, come on.” Her exasperated words are accompanied by an eyeroll and a step toward you that makes your breath catch in your throat. “You've already improved so much. Give me one more week and I promise you’ll be hitting that bullseye.”
You take advantage of her proximity to hand the stupid bow back to her. “You're doing that thing again.”
“What thing?” She asks, her eyebrows furrowing as she tilts her head slightly.
“The thing where you get too confident right before totally falling on your ass.”
She does her best to look annoyed but the pink hue that tints her cheeks gives her away far too quickly. “Keep talking like that and I’m canceling the lessons.”
“Wow, what a shame.”
You manage to successfully break her this time and she bursts out laughing, the sound setting free hundreds of butterflies inside your stomach. There are a lot of things to love about Kate and her laugh might be at the top of the list. (Right below her smile and her incredibly comforting hugs…not that you’ve ever noticed or anything.)
“Alright, I’ll make you a deal,” she says while getting into position to do some shooting of her own. “If I hit the bullseye three times in a row, we’re staying for fifteen more minutes.” 
“And if you miss?” You ask, knowing damn well the chances of her missing are close to zero.
“If I miss…I’ll take you out to dinner instead.”
You’ve never wanted her to prove you wrong more badly than at this moment. You don’t say that out loud, though, you don’t even say anything. You just shake your head at her and do your best not to give away how much you adore her silly antics.
The thought that she’s genuinely flirting with you crosses your mind but you instantly push it away, too afraid of getting hurt to entertain the idea for too long. You’ll take what you can get and if all Kate gives you are stupid flirty jokes then that’s all you need. Hoping for more can’t end well when it comes to the brunette.
Your eyes are glued to her frame while she nocks and draws her first arrow, her muscles straining through the fabric of her purple shirt. You know she knows you’re closely watching every move she makes and the self-assured smile that graces her face has you thinking much different thoughts.
Thoughts that are shot right out of your mind as Kate hits the bullseye not three times in a row but five because she’s an annoying overachiever when she wants to be. You’d be pissed if you were unaware of the way her eyes light up with genuine excitement at her success.
“We get it, you’re the world’s greatest archer.” Your dad would disown you if he ever heard you speak those words but what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him…or at least that’s what you hope.
“Don’t sound so jealous, baby.”
Your legs shake the tiniest bit as you approach her again, taking the bow back into your hands with a huff. “Whatever. Shouldn’t you go fetch your arrows or something?”   
“You sure you can handle shooting on your own?” It comes across as another one of her usual teasing comments but her eyes give away her sincerity. She truly does want to help you do well even if it means you won’t need her help anymore.
“You sound like my dad. I’ll be fine, Kate.”
The comparison distracts just enough to stop her from putting up a fight. She walks away toward the target full of her arrows and you walk a few feet away to find a new target to inevitably miss.
You go through the motions Kate patiently taught you, taking in slow breaths and forcing yourself to focus. You’re not fully focused on yourself though. Rather, you visualize the kind-hearted archer and repeat what you’ve seen her do a thousand times at this point.
Time seems to slow down as your eyes hone in on the bullseye and you let the arrow fly. It soars through the air and misses the bullseye by a few inches. But you finally managed to hit the target instead of the wall behind it or the floor in front of it.
You actually did it.
And there’s only one person to thank for that.
“Kate!” You throw the bow down onto the ground in your excitement, your eyes searching for the brunette only to find her already looking at you with the most gorgeous smile on her face.
“You did it!”
She opens her arms for you and you waste no time in running toward her, crashing into her body with a laugh. Her arms slide down your waist and before you know it, she’s picking you up and spinning you around in a giddy haze.
You wrap your legs around her waist without a second thought before looking down at her. “Thank you,” you whisper, your voice slightly breathless from your moment of celebration.
She instantly shakes her head, strands of her soft yet messy hair waving around in the process. “That was all you, y/n. I knew you could do it.”
You’re ready to argue back and insist you’d be lost without her but you make the mistake of letting your eyes wander for a second too long.
Maybe it’s the excitement or the adrenaline still pumping through your veins or maybe it’s Kate herself. You don’t know what it is that makes you work up the courage to finally kiss her, you just know it’s the only thing you want right now.
So, you do it.
You lean in and press your lips to hers in a way that borders on desperate. If she notices, she has no complaints about it because she kisses you back just as passionately. And nothing has ever felt as right as this.
You reluctantly pull away from her and attempt to catch your breath. Something that completely fails due to the way Kate is looking at you. She’s got that soft look in her eyes that can only mean one thing. “So…I’m guessing you like me?”
Yup, there it is. 
“You’re a dork.”
“Hmm…maybe.” She sneaks in another kiss that you happily accept. “But this dork would love to take you on a date. If you want.”
“I do want that…but only if you’re paying.” You joke before she sets you back down on the ground.
“Shut up.”
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cialovesklopp · 1 year
𝐊𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐅 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐓 ➺ k.mbappé
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — hiding from paparazzis by dyeing your hair and visiting your boyfriend’s match as well as meeting his found family is always fun
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — kylian mbappé x amara imani (oc)
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 9.1k
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈𝒔 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 — king of my heart [taylor swift], bébé [dadju]
𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 — this chapter contains misogyny, sexual harassment, verbal abuse, cheating, mental health issues, toxic relationship, gaslighting, physical abuse (don’t really sure if it really counts as that but i think it does)
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓'𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — for anyone experiencing anything similar than what amara did, no matter how bad it is, i always have an ear free and there are several organizations that help people in situations like this. just remember that you’re not alone in this 🫶🏾
i also apologize for the timeline but beginner’s mistake: i forgot to install a timeline so some time marks shouldn’t make sense, just ignore it ☺️ and the ending feels a bit rushed because i was scared of it becoming too long
taglist: @lorarri @locedes @aechii
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she was tired of waiting. sitting on the couch, her phone in her hand while the other was busy nervously tapping on the white furniture, another yawn escaped her lips.
the dim yellow light shone on her, highlighting the eye rings underneath her eyelids. that certainly did not help keeping her awake when even her mirror reflection was screaming fatigue. yet she stayed awake.
even if she wanted to go to bed, she knew her mind wouldn’t let her sleep. she would be destined for another sleepless night, spend with her rolling and turning around in her bed. why couldn’t he just send her a message, small text that he was fine?
she was used to him not answering her calls sometimes or ignoring her on purpose. but evan had never left her that long without a sign of life. and that definitely worried her. especially because she didn’t want to fight with him.
another attempt to reach him failed as she was sent again straight to voicemail, the lump in her throat only getting bigger. she leaned back, her head making contact with the soft pillow as she let out another sigh. she didn’t even remark her eyelids closing or her hand letting go of the phone in her hand as she fell asleep. exhausting had taken her over.
although she didn’t sleep long. the turning of the doorknob and a person stumbling in instantly woke her up from her light sleep. her view was still a bit foggy as she blinked rapidly to get a clear view on the scene in front of her.
a quick glance at her phone told her it was one o’clock, reminding her that she had spent four hours waiting for her boyfriend to come home. four hours without any sign of life.
finally accustoming to the light, she was met with the view of her boyfriend, completely drunk, as he grabbed the commode next to him for stability. the long midi dress hung on her heavily as she stood up, walking towards him.
“where were you?” she demanded, anger mixing his worry as she took in the sight of him. “i was worried, you didn’t call. not even a little text so i know you’re alive. who knows maybe you were hit by a car or something. one life sign was all i needed from you!”
“just leave me alone amara,” he drunkenly slurred, slapping her hand away from his chest. “we were at a party. you know how john can be sometimes, he was in a mood to party.”
“and you couldn’t be bothered to tell me that? instead i had to sit here and wait because my mind was so worried about you. don’t you see how fucked up that is?”
“i’m sorry, just let it go.” he muttered, trying to move past her but amara was adamant on not letting him leave till they finished this conversation. especially because it was occurring so often those last few weeks. why was he so determined to go to bed though? why was he in such a hurry to get to the bedroom?
as he tried to move past her, amara felt her heart sink at the sight of his untucked shirt. she felt it break when the lingering scent of perfume she didn’t recognize made it to her nose and knew it belonged to a woman. but what shattered her heart into pieces, where she thought she’d never be able to glue them together was the significance of her realization. what it truly meant.
“you slept with someone again, didn’t you?” she asked him quietly, trying to maintain her composure.
the way he avoided her gaze was enough of an answer for her. she didn’t need to know more. no words could describe the disgust she felt when she met his eyes full of guilt.
“it wasn’t supposed to happen. i just had a lot to drink and john was telling us to let loose so i did, but i swear i didn’t mean to end up with her —.” he stammered, his voice slightly faltering.
“in bed?” amara inquired sarcastically, a pit of burning anger building up in her stomach. “no, instead you probably fucked her in the bathroom.” she retorted, swallowing heavily. “you promised to me! i can’t believe you would humiliate me like this again!”
she truly wanted to believe he could change. that his casanova days were over but she was met way too often with disappointment. and even though she could see the weight of his actions in his eyes, it had happened too often for amara to believe that his emotions were truly real. “i didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered, his voice low.
“you promised the last time that you wouldn’t cheat on me again. you said it was the last time.” she cried out, not able to hold her anger back any longer. “they think i’m stupid because of you. because of the way you painted me — that i’m the stupid girlfriend who is too weak to leave her cheating boyfriend. you made me… made me look like some dumb bimbo. again.” she yelled at him, her voice quivered with pain and trauma. “i can’t believe you would hurt me like this again.”
there was a heavy silence as amara brushed her tears away. “i’m leaving,” she said quietly, blinking away her tears. “i can’t do this anymore. i forgave each time, i accepted your promises, believed in them but this is not continuing. i’ll be leaving in the morning. i just… can’t do this anymore. i gave you so many chances and my heart can’t anymore.”
she tried to move past him, brush him off as she was about to walk past him but something held her up, more specifically evan grabbing her hand violently.
“evan stop it and let go of me.” she demanded swiftly, “you’re hurting me.”
“then start listening to me,” he replied to her, only tightening the grip on her hand. “i said i’m sorry about cheating. you’re just overreacting and playing miss diva again.
“i’m not overreacting evan. i waited the entire day, i called, i texted and you couldn’t even give me one sign of life. instead i find out you cheated on me and god knows how many times you have done that already. and everytime i forgave you but i can’t anymore. i don’t wanna be that stupid girlfriend anymore. all i ever needed was your support, not your constant humiliation.” amara croaked, her voice full of emotion.
he didn’t let go of her wrist but he didn’t apply more force to it either. and as amara looked into his eyes, she was surprised by how much she couldn’t recognize him.
“i only cheated because you made me, gave me no other choice,” he said dismissively, staring her into the eyes. “i love you so much and all you do is push me away. always so distant and putting your career over me. i never cheated because i don’t love you but because i’m desperate.”
her heart was beating quickly as she listened to him. she wasn’t sure what she was hearing. how could he possibly justify his actions by blaming her? the accusations left her feeling defenseless, tears of frustration welling in her eyes.
“i loved you and you knew that. don’t you dare pin this on me. i can’t anymore. all this disloyalty is too much for me.”
she hoped he would let her go now but he had other plans. though amara wasn’t sure whether he would even remember this conversation the next morning with the amount of alcohol he probably must have drunk. but he didn't back down; instead, he continued to pile on the guilt, especially because he just knew what to say. "you pushed me away," he insisted, his tone accusatory. "i was just looking for someone who would appreciate me because you never gave me your time. maybe if you had spent more time with me, i wouldn’t have cheated on you all those times.”
this must be a dream or at least she wished it was. how could he blame her for his mistakes when all she ever did was love him. be loyal to him. had she truly failed him that much?
“no one will take your side if you leave me,” he muttered, his voice making amara shiver. “i’m the reason they know you. who knows amara imani? but they know evan henderson. so who do you think they will believe?” he asked her, his free hand brushing over her cheek. “the white man who has been in the society his whole life long or his black little slut who’s just a bland copy of Beyoncé and Taylor swift? why do you wanna make it so hard for you? you have everything you need with me, love, money, success.”
“i love you and i know you love me too. why do you want to destroy this?” he whispered, playing even more into his manipulation. he knew all her weaknesses, how to manipulate and gaslight her and he seemed pretty satisfied with him when it seemed to work on her. all he needed was just a bit of self-doubt to win her back. and he had always known the right words. “i promise you, this will never happen again.” he let go of her wrist and even though it wasn’t very recognizable on her skin, it was clear that there would be a bruise. he lifted her hand, pressing soft kisses onto the bruised skin, his thumb brushing gently over it. “i didn’t meant for this to happen. you know that right? it was a stupid mistake.”
she swallowed the lump that formed in her throat, nodding as she tried to keep her tears down. it was a mistake, she repeatedly told herself, trying to calm herself down. he didn’t mean to.
it wasn’t the first time he had hurt her but he had been doing so good since the last time. it hadn’t been long enough ago for her to forget it but enough time had passed for her to put herself together. it should have been a sign for her, a sign to leave when her mind was glad, it wasn’t as bad as the last time. that this time it had just been her wrist. and in addition, she loved him.
“we can fix this, put ourselves together again.” he continued to whisper, his hand looking to intertwine with amara’s. “i’m all you need. just me. and you don’t want to lose me, do you? we can work through this, you and me.”
looking at him incredulously, she pulled her hand back and walked quickly past him, brushing his shoulder in the process. her feet had a mind of her own as they brought her to the guest room, amara knowing that she couldn’t sleep in the same bed next to him. even breathing became hard when they were in the same room. how was she supposed to stay here? it was a mistake, she continued to tell herself as she climbed into bed, the pillow getting wet due to her tears that were rolling unstoppable. he won’t do it again.
she searched for solitude, hiding in the guest room though she wasn’t alone for long. her eyes closed instantly as she heard evan’s footsteps approaching the door to the guest room. she couldn’t talk to him anymore, she wouldn’t make it. she turned around, her body facing the wall as she tried to act as if she was sleeping. she would confront evan tomorrow, if he even remembered what had happened tonight.
her body tensed as he let himself fall into the bed, joining her.
“i told you i was sorry,” he slurred drunkenly. “amara please.” he begged again, his words clearer now. his hand brushed down her cheek and amara begged he wouldn’t remark the wet surface of her face or her tears that were still rolling down. “you know that wasn’t me. you just provoked me and i snapped but i promise this was the last time.”
“please just leave evan. you probably won’t even remember this tomorrow.” amara murmured tiredly. “we’ll talk about this tomorrow.”
but instead of leaving and going to bed, he started to press sloppy kisses on her neck, moving up and down.
“evan go,” amara demanded, trying to push the male away but he wouldn’t budge. instead his hand travelled down further her body, stopping just above her thigh. “please stop. i’m not in the mood.”
“i just wanna apologize,” he muttered into her hair, his kissing moving up to her cheek. she struggled to push him off of her, disgust in her eyes as she felt the budge in his pants growing bigger.
when his hand was about to slip under her sweatpants, amara saw red, taking every of her strength and willpower to push him off of her. “i said stop evan. leave now.” she demanded him angrily.
his eyes grew dark again, amara watching as his expression grew cold. “this is exactly the reason why i cheated on you. you always push me off.” he yelled at her, ignoring the way her body flinched. “why won’t you sleep with me anymore?”
“all i want is to apologize to my girlfriend and she won’t even let me touch her.” he began, purposely hoping on making amara feel bad. “i know i messed up and i’m really trying my best but you have to let me.”
he leaned close to her. “i love you. you know that right?” he asked her softly, amara nodding. she truly loved him. as naive as she was, she of course believed every word he said, falling down into his trap again. “and you don’t want to lose me, do you?” he whispered into her ear, his hot breath making contact with her skin. he started pressing kisses down her neck again as she spoke words into her mind, knowing exactly just how to manipulate her. and nearly everytime it seemed to work.
“… you’re my girlfriend. you’re supposed to make me feel good. and then i’ll never have to look somewhere else again. because you’re all i’ll ever need.” he told her sweetly, a sort of guilt rushing through her heart.
so when he started to slip his hand under her sweatpants again, she just let it happen. he was all she had.
amara.imani posted for close friends only
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liked by k.mbappe, liyah_clark and 121 others
amara.imani went red for the day, those paps are never gonna catch me 💋
view all 56 comments
liyah_clark slayyyy bestie
k.mbappe that meme 💀
amara.imani i was tempted to use one of you and a turtle but i decided against it
k.mbappe and i thought you were nice. I’m keeping your tacos now
amara.imani i’m sorry. please bring me tacos
graceywood take care of you and please come back home in one piece
amara.imani yes mama
iamcardib you go girl, those paps will never see it coming
kyliejenner omg i love the red on you, i might dye mine too
amara.imani you def should, king kylie era returning?
justineskye how could you dye your hair without me? where was my invite?
hudson_music does that mean i get the day free since you’re not here?
amara.imani sure, just don’t get too drunk. i’m at the studio tomorrow
charles_leclerc wearing the right color. have i actually managed to make you a tifosi?
amara.imani a proud teamlh supporter till i die, try to convince liyah
charles_leclerc i asked her and she told me if i ever tried to make her switch on lewis again, she’d dump me
amara.imani the only right response
liyah_clark i just said that i support you and only you but i will never become a tifosi, sorry babe
liyah_clark but you could always change to merc if you want to see me so badly in your colors
730 days had passed since that accident. 730 days ago she had made the worst decision of her life by staying with him. giving him the knowledge that she believed everything he said. two years had passed since she had allowed evan to take her sparkle away.
at first, amara didn’t even know why she thought of that memory today. it had been months that she hadn’t thought back of evan and their toxic relationship. and then she had thrown a glance at her phone and knew the reason why. it had happened on this date, two years ago. two years ago, he had managed to take a part away from her.
no one truly knows how hard it is to get out of a toxic relationship till they are caught in one themselves. outsiders will say, ‘just leave,’ not knowing how hard that can be. because no one truly knows how to escape that situation.
books with instructions to that don’t exist. so how is one supposed to know what to do? no one tells you what to do when your boyfriend lays his hand on you for the first time. the rational side of your brain will tell you to leave but do you listen? of course not. instead you try to justify the action because you’re telling yourself, why else would he lay his hand on you unless you had done something wrong?
and that’s the way the circle begins. he won’t lay his hand on you but small gestures are enough to know that he was close to hurting you again. grabbing your wrist a bit too tight, his fist almost making contact with your skin… soon you’ll find yourself happy that it was only your wrist that suffered under his anger.
no one tells you what to do when you don’t know how to leave him. you expect friends to notice your changed behavior but they’re all too busy, profiting from your misery. encouraging you to stay in that toxic relationship because it was good for them. they don’t care about the abuse you receive, whether it’s physical or mental. and the friends you know would have probably helped you, they are already gone because you pushed them away. so now you find yourself alone in an abusive and toxic relationship with nowhere to go and no escape system.
of course, the abuse is always equated with some good or else leaving would be too easy, wouldn’t it? for every mean word, a bouquet of flowers. for every wrist held too tight, a nice diamond necklace would find itself in front of you along with a smile, a smile promising that it would never happen again and yet both know that it was a lie. but still, your brain starts to forget the bad side. and whenever you find yourself close to leaving, your brain will ask you “why are you leaving when it’s good at the moment. he didn’t mean to. he loves you”.
amara had quickly realized how easy it was for an outsider to judge an abusive marriage, relationship, friendship. but they didn’t know the work that hid behind it. the exhaustion and manipulation. the betrayal of trust your brain won’t want to admit. it was a whole cycle and finding a loophole in it took more strength than one would ever admit.
as humiliated and betrayed as she had felt in that moment, amara was glad he had left her. had cheated on her publicly. it had given her the loophole she had been looking for the entire time. and it had come at a good moment too, one where he wouldn’t be able to manipulate her into staying like he had done so many time. but she still preferred to never talk about that period of her life again. it was over.
today she would be focusing on kylian the entire day. the reason she was even here. if someone had told her one year ago that she would be standing here, excited to watch a psg match, she would have called the psychiatry to inform them that they were most likely missing a patient. and yet here she was, ready to cheer on her boyfriend. her excitement was palpable as she sat in the vip lounge, eager to witness him playing in action on the field.
she had been so keen on finally watching him play live that she had even dyed her hair red and donned a stylish pair of sunglasses to not be recognized by any cameras or paparazzis that were present. even though the two were clear where they stood with each other, they did not want to share their bliss with the press yet, preferring to just live in their own bubble before any articles caught up to them.
the stadium buzzed with an electrifying atmosphere, fans donning their team's colors and waving flags with passionate fervor as screams were heard from everywhere, overtoning the commentator of the match. kylian had not exaggerated when he had told her that playing at home was always another vibe. the energy was contagious and amara found herself close to singing with the commentators but she refrained herself from doing so, not wanting to stand out. she was also impressed by the dedication of the supporters who poured their entire heart and souls into cheering for their beloved team, some even making huge trips just to come support their team. needless to say, this would not be her last match.
sure, maybe paris didn’t have as much of an history as liverpool had, and maybe they didn’t have their own fan song that had carried through the history of their club but they had supporters amara guessed. and she loved the atmosphere here.
lost in her phone, checking messages and replying to some instagram messages, amara only looked up again when the crowd erupted into a thunderous roar, announcing the arrival of the players who came walking out from the tunnel. her eyes were fixed on him though.
despite thousands of fans around her, yelling and chanting his names she managed to drown out the noise around her as her eyes searched his. the way he looked at his fans, standing majestically on the ground and the way he held himself, so confident and mesmerizing — she couldn't help but feel an overwhelming surge of pride knowing that she was there to support him.
even though he wouldn’t recognize her, amara drew kylian a discreet air kiss from stands, her way of wishing him good luck which he acknowledged with his typical smirk. it was her secret way of letting him know she was there, supporting him wholeheartedly. she felt connected to him in another way today. last time he was in her world and this time she was a visitor in his.
watching the match, amara couldn’t contain herself from yelling along the fans for every foal or occasion the blue players had, her heart pounding with each near missed chance for a goal. she cheered with unrestrained joy when kylian opened the score with a beautiful volley that landed immediately in the net, the goalkeeper having no chance. and even though she facepalmed seeing his new celebration, her grin grew wider as she watched him draw a heart with his fingers and then fire an arrow in her direction. of course the crowd went wild, looking around frantically to find the person he had just dedicated a goal to.
the crowd calmed down again when the whistle blew, indicating the break and amara was able to get away from all the screams for a quick pause. as much as she enjoyed the game, it had been a long time that she hadn’t been out again in public and even less to a big event like this. but she couldn’t have known that the second half contained just as much surprises as the first one.
sitting down again, this time armed with a bottle of coke, she watched with excitement the second part of the game, hoping for it to be just as thrilling as the first one— even more, she was hoping for another goal of him. and amara was not disappointed. fifteen minutes into the second half, the ball found kylian again who put it again into the net, dribbling his way into the surface for a quick finish. she braced herself again for another of his ridiculous celebrations, surprised when all he did was just lift his shirt so the public could read what was written on it. and upon reading it, amara was glad she had finished her drink a long time ago because the french striker had written boldly across his shirt: told you so. and she knew it was directed at her. she wanted to hide behind one of the chairs, smiling hardly but she was also painfully aware that if she acted different now, everyone would know it was for her and she wouldn’t dare to imagine how that could turn out for her.
as the final whistle blew, amara felt happy and kind of sad. for the two hours that she had been here, she had been able to drown out everything. forget about her problems because here they didn’t matter. she clapped happily as the crowd began to disperse, knowing her day was long from being over. she waited a few minutes before standing up, thanking the security men for escorting her to the changing rooms. of course only after showing him her badge that kylian had gotten her for vips.
she grew a bit self-conscious as she received several weird stares while walking towards the players changing rooms but she tried to ignore them all, focusing instead on kylian’s amazing match and all the things she’d tell him.
amara hesitated at first, unsure whether she should enter immediately as her worries took over her thoughts but she was able to block them out quickly. with all her confidence, she strutted over to the door, knocking three times before opening it and entering. taking a few steps, she was instantly met with kylian, currently changing as he took off his jersey.
“hey superstar. how does it feel to be mvp?” she teased, flashing him a playful grin as she made her way towards him.
he turned towards her with a cheeky smile, amara’s eyes not leaving his defined abs. his arms immediately engulfed her as he pulled her in for a hug, savoring the scent of cherry and vanilla that was immediately picked up by his nose. “amara? i can’t believe you actually came. and your hair? why did you dye it red?”
she laughed, throwing her head back in joy and twirled one of her extensions. “i promised you i’d be there, didn’t i? and as for my hair, told you those paps aren’t gonna catch me.” she replied sassily.
he chuckled playfully, shaking his head at her sass. “so, what did you think of the match? don’t even try to lie, i know you enjoyed it. especially my two goals,” he smirked. “comment t'as trouvé mes célébrations? kinda cool, don’t you think?” — what did you think of my celebrations?
she rolled her eyes, matching his sarcasm. “i loved them,” she retorted. “you just had to do it, didn’t you? because of you, gracey will scold me tomorrow since your new celebration,” she trailed off, looking at him pointedly, “will attire a lot of media attention. especially that second one.”
he shrugged, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "didn’t you say that any publicity is good publicity? besides they’ll probably forget it in a week.”
she laughed again, knowing he had a point but that still didn’t make her any less annoyed. “fine but don’t say i didn’t want you when the paps start camping in front of your apartment.”
“i already spend more time at yours than at my own so it’s fine.” he replied sarcastically. “that way, you won’t steal any secret tactics.”
she faked a dramatic expression, putting a hand on her chest. “oh my gosh, you discovered my plan. the only reason i actually dated you was to steal all the secret tactics and sell them to the highest bidder. but then again, your tactics aren’t really worth much.” she joked, shrieking when kylian attacked her hips, tickling her there.
“i dare you to say that again,” he demanded jokingly, resting his hands lastly around her waist, pulling her closer. “we talked about this amara.”
“i know, i know.” she repeated, rolling her eyes. “we don’t compare psg with liverpool. i know that. now come here,” she said, purposely annoying him before pulling him in for a kiss.
they were immediately caught in a passionate kiss as amara wrapped her hands around his neck. every kiss still felt like their first one, fireworks still exploding in her stomach whenever their lips met.
“you were great,” amara whispered against his lips, smiling as she leaned in to connect them again. though they never made it since the door suddenly opened and the couple was caught like a deer in headlights when the rest of his teammates came in. there was a moment of silence before one of his teammates (amara didn’t know who) started to yell.
“MAIS LE GARS, C’EST KYLIAN AVEC UNE MEUF!” on of them yelled and amara stared down, luckily not blushing. — guys, it’s kylian with a girl
“and she actually seems nice. remember when he dated chloe, that stuck-up bitch.” another one commented, his teammates agreeing.
“eh, je suis toujours la.” kylian retorted annoyingly. — hey, i’m still here
“COME ON KYLIAN, PRESENT HER TO US!” several of his teammates screamed, some even jumping up and down which made amara smile. it warmed her heart to see how thrilled they were to meet her.
“le gars, this is amara imani, the singer, you—“ he began but amara cut him off immediately, rolling her eyes.
she arched an eyebrow, looking at him incredulously. “bro, they didn’t ask you for a cv of me.” she cut him off sassily before looking at the boys who were watching them confusingly. “i’m his girlfriend.”
“what?” all of them exclaimed which made kylian smirk, probably boosting his ego.
neymar (amara immediately recognized him because of liyah’s huge footballer crush phase) was the first to grin widely and to approach her. “hah, i already knew. i was the first person he told,” he bragged. “it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person. eu sou um grande fã de sua música.” — i’m a big fan of your music.
“obrigado. i’m a big fan of your skills too.” she replied, her accent standing out as she replied to him in portuguese.
“you speak portuguese?” another of his teammates asked (amara hating herself for her short memory because she was sure she had seen him play today).
she nodded, smiling shyly. “i speak several languages. next to english and french, i also speak spanish, igbo and a bit portuguese but mine is a bit rusty.”
“that’s still more than his last girlfriend.” another one hollered. “sergio ramos, delighted to meet you. it’s a good thing you speak spanish, now we can bitch about kylian behind his back whenever we want.”
a mischievous grin appeared on her face while this time, kylian rolled his eyes. “you do know i speak spanish fluently right?” he asked them but they both waved dismissively.
the next one to present himself was marco and even he had some difficulties, believing that kylian had actually gotten the girl. “it’s kinda weird having you standing right here. who would’ve thought kylian’s game was that good? never in thousand years i’d have believed that. also my wife is a big fan of yours. even dragged me to one of your concerts.”
she just laughed, sending kylian a playful wink before turning her attention back to marco.
one by one they introduced themselves, some not able to contain their excitement due to them being big fans while others had difficulties with believing that had actually managed to get himself a girlfriend who was none other than amara. and since this were incredible news, presnel (as amara had learned) couldn’t keep himself from facetiming the whole french national team just to keep them up with the happenings. it didn’t ring long before several faces started to pop up on the screen of presnel’s phone.
“MES FRÈRES, NOTRE BÉBÉ A ENFIN UNE COPINE!” presnel announced excitingly, waking everybody’s interest and capturing their attention. — my brothers, our baby finally has a girlfriend
“ATTEND, KYLIAN A KEN AVEC UNE MEUF?” antoine retorted confusingly, probably speaking out loud what the other members of the french team were thinking. instead of answering, presnel just shoved the phone in amara’s face who smiled awkwardly. “EH, MAIS C’EST AMARA IMANI.” — wait, kylian bagged someone?
— eh, but that’s amara imani
there was a shockwave growing through the participants of the call, all too stunned to speak.
“where is amara? i wanna see her too,” a little voice said in the background and a girl showed up next to antoine which amara assumed was his daughter. she waved shyly at the screen, causing even more chaos.
"KYKY SORT AVEC AMARA IMANI! Comment il a réussi avec sa grosse tête de tortue?” paul exclaimed amusingly as amara laughed too, nearly choking. — kylian is going out with amara imani! how did he manage that with his big head of a turtle?
“QUI S'INTÉRESSE QUELLE TÊTE IL A? IL A PÉCHO AMARA IMANI!” ousmane disregarded his friend’s comment quickly and looked at amara who had taken pleasure in watching the team react to the news. “can i have tickets for your next tour? the last one was sold out way too quick before i even had a chance." — who cares what head he has? he pulled amara imani!
“kylian, if you don't bring her to the next team event, don't even bother showing up.” aurelien threatened jokingly.
amara nudged him slightly to catch his attention. “your friends are funny. i didn’t know they were such big fans of me.”
he leaned down to whisper in her ear. “i told you, they were going to love you.”
“AMARA, JE T’AIME. JE T’AI TOUJOURS SUPPORTER, MÈME QUAND TON EX DE MERDE RACONTAIS DE CONNERIES SUR TOI!” jules then yelled over the phone making amara’s heart even warmer. — amara, i love you. i’ve always supported you even when that shitty ex was saying bullshit about you.
“je suis tellement ravie de faire connaissance avec vous et ça me tient à cœur que vous êtes de si gros supporter.” amara told them happily, genuinely touched by their warm welcome. — it’s been a pleasure getting to meet you and I’m touched that you’re such big fans of me.
kylian, who had finished changing and had finally dressed up, placed himself next to amara, his hand instantly wrapping around her waist. he placed a few soft kisses on her neck which sent tickles down her entire spine.
“stop that,” she muttered under her breath, smiling as she tried to hold kylian’s head away from her neck though that turned out to be very complicated as he had his arms wrapped around her waist.
“fine,” he replied, his lips pressed to a pout. taking a bit pity on him, she turned his head, pressing a soft peck on his lips.
“heh, il y’a des enfants ici.” yelled presnel and neymar amusingly put his hands over marco’s eyes while the couple separated quickly making everybody present laugh. — hey, there are children there
“j’ai toujours cru que le vrai amour de kylian, c’est le foot honnêtement.” paul revealed jokingly. “c’était la seule chose qu’il faisait.” — i always thought football was kylian’s true love — it’s the only thing he ever talked about
“bah apparemment, tout ce qu’il faut faire c’est ressemble à un ninja turtle pour draguer des meufs célèbre.” jules replied in the same tone as paul and amara wasn’t able to retain her giggle watching kylian’s face scrunch up. — apparently all you need for famous girls to come after you is to resemble a ninja turtle
“vous êtes chiante,” the french international striker pouted again, wanting to hide his face in amara’s neck again but she pushed him off. — you’re all pain in the asses
the entire team erupted in laughter, taking joy in watching his demise and him being all embarrassed. but of course they all meant it well. and amara understood quickly that they were a bunch of adults with the mindset of children, wondering truly how their coach was able to keep up with them.
“soo… how long have you two been dating?” aurelien asked them curiously, amara and kylian exchanging some looks.
“we’ve known each other for about seven to eight months but we started seeing each other a month and a half ago and have been officially dating for two weeks.” replied amara.
“si ça dépendait de moi, on devrait sortir ensemble pour sept mois maintenant.” kylian threw in jokingly. — if it were up to me we’d be dating for seven months now
“donc tu la fais attendre un peu?” presnel inquired, mischievous glint sparkling in his eyes as amara nodded proudly. “ça va le gars, il est complètement parti. un vrai simp.” — so you made him wait for a while? — guys, it’s official. he’s completely gone, a true simp
“wesh, ta gueule,” kylian retorted sassily, blushing slightly. — shut up
“est-ce que kylian t’embêtes de fois avec tout son bavardage de foot?” jules asked next. — does kylian annoy you sometimes with his constant talk about football
amara nodded swiftly, a loud sigh following. “yes he does. il y a des fois où je suis fatiguée et je veux seulement rentrer me coucher mais monsieur a décidé de mettre un match. et il commente toujours à côté.” amara complained. “but i love that about him.” — there are times where I’m just tired and all i want to do is sleep but mister here decided to put on match. and he always comments on it on the side
“you can never stay mad at me,” kylian whispered seductively into her ear and amara hummed, the two losing themselves in their own world again.
“eh, les amoureux on a pas encore fini.” presnel reminded them loudly. — hey lovebirds, we haven’t finished yet.
“j'espère que tu lui a appris quelques pas de danse parce que ton copain est tellement nul en danse…” paul trailed off making amara laugh. — i hope you taught some dance moves because your boyfriend is so bad at dancing…
kind of embarrassed, she admitted shyly. “ce même lui qui m’a appris à danser le slow. donc je peux te rassurer.” — actually, it’s him who taught me how to dance a slow so I can reassure you he definitely got better
“you don’t have to be embarrassed amara. we have tons of embarrassing stories about kylian. like one time” ousmane trailed off, thinking of the best example. his face brightened up immediately. “LE GARS, VOUS VOUS RAPPELER QUAND KYLIAN NOUS A FORCER À ÉCOUTER TOUS SES CHANSONS?” he yelled excitingly. — guys remember when kylian forced us to listen to all her songs
“ah oui, on se réveillait avec ta voix et on s’endormait avec ta voix.” — yes, we always woke up with her voice and fell asleep to her voice
“t’as toujours était son crush célébrité. donc on a rien dit quand il nous forçait à écouter tes chansons.” antoine explained to her and amara looked at kylian who tried to hide his embarrassment. — you’ve always been his celebrity crush. so we never said anything when he forced us to listen to your songs
“hey, don’t be shy. i find it adorable that you had a crush on me.” she replied sweetly. “that’ll be great leverage in the future.”
they started wooing, leaving some teasing side marks that guaranteedly boosted his ego. as if it needed any more growing.
“well, i have a question.” said antoine, already looking forward to teasing his teammate. “est-ce que kylian a aussi d’endurance au lit qu’au terrain?” — does kylian have as much stamina in bed as on the field?
nearly choking on his saliva, amara patted kylian’s back hard and reached for his water bottle so he could calm down.
“how do you answer that question?” amara inquired slowly.
“bah, nous on veut savoir comment est il est au lit. est-ce qu’il se vente des ses talents comme il l’aime faire souvent ou c’est vrai?” ousmane inquired. — well we want to know how he is in bed. does he exaggerate about his talents like he often does or is it true?
“i…” she looked at her boyfriend for some help but he just smirked, pointing at the screen where his friends / teammates were all looking for an answer. “oh my god, i don’t know how to answer that.”
“it’s a simple yes or no question.”
she sighed, glaring at kylian for leaving her in this situation before answering, “well, we’re fine off the pitch. ça ne manque de riens.” — we’re not missing anything
“eh mais attends. donc c’était toi qui lui a sucée le cou quand il est arrivé à l'entraînement avec un grand suçon?” presnel exclaimed shockingly. — wait a minute, so it was you who sucked his neck when he arrived at training with that huge hickey?
she shrugged dismissively. “je viens de dire que rien nous manque au lit.” she retorted sassily, sending them a playful wink that made his teammates yell again while kylian pulled her closer to him. — i just told you, we’re not missing anything
“kylian t’a intérêt à ne pas la perdre.” antoine threatened him lightly. — kylian, you better not lose her
“don’t worry, i don’t plan on doing so.”
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it was loud and crowded in the club. even though neymar had rented the vip space for them, they were still able to feel the excitement and atmosphere of the crowd downstairs. the music was good though and amara found herself enjoying the mix the dj had put on as she watched the people dance.
the initial thought had actually been to go home but the team decided to go out and celebrate together after such a hard-fought victory where they had played beautifully for the first time in a long time. after the call amara had wanted to go home but when the team had invited her to tag alone to celebrate their victory and also get to know the others (such as the wags) she had accepted immediately, wanting to be integrated as quickly as possible.
they had gone home quickly to change before joining the squad outside of some fancy parisian club that they had apparently frequented very often and were fond of. amara had traded the red-blue jersey kylian had gifted her for a simple gray silk dress that sparkled in the light with every step that she took. how they had managed to escape the paparazzis, she’d never know. but she looked pretty so actually she wouldn’t mind being photographed right now.
kylian had immediately complimented her when she had come out of her bedroom, sporting the gray dress with her red hair tied up in a high ponytail. he was in awe of how she let the most simplistic things look beautiful, even when she put minimal effort into it. the entire night his eyes had not left her even when he was talking to one of his friends, his eyes had not left his girlfriend which amused his friends greatly.
he was also very happy of how well she got along with the other girlfriends and wives. he knew her friendship circle wasn’t very big and the only real friends she actually had were liyah and grace (where she always assured him that they were enough) but yet she was willing to put herself out there and make new contacts. perhaps he hadn’t given her enough credit when she had announced to him that she was coming back.
with the excuse of wanting to get himself another drink he was able to leave the conversation and rejoin his girlfriend that was waiting at the bar for her own drink. he surprised her from behind, putting his hands around her neck which startled amara at first but she relaxed quickly once seeing that it was kylian.
“t’es tellement belle,” kylian whispered in her ear, intertwining their fingers and amara leaned into his body. “i hope you’re having fun.” — you’re so beautiful
she nodded, taking a sip from her drink that had just arrived. “merci mon cœur.” she replied softly. “and i am having fun. jessica and sarah are sooo nice.” she replied, pointing to the two women who sat a bit away from the dance floor and were talking. “we have even planned some shopping dates already.”
“that’s amazing ma belle.”
the two stayed in their own bubble for a while, the comfort of the other being enough. amara had never truly realized how safe kylian made her feel especially when they were somewhere that was out of her comfort zone. he made sure she felt welcomed, safe. he didn’t abandon her like she was used to when she was dating evan and hung out with some influencer barbies.
talking with his teammates had also shown her what kind of supporting system kylian had, which she found was a privilege. talking from experience, she knew exactly how hard it could be when you were left all alone without any kind of support and how hard it would be in some difficult situations. and the french national team had immediately accepted her, welcomed her the moment she had introduced herself as kylian’s girlfriend.
truthfully, that she was someone’s girlfriend again felt a bit weird to her in the beginning. after finally learning to be alone, she was again someone’s girl. but this time she had said because she wanted to and not because someone had coerced her into accepting. and the way kylian had asked her whether she wanted to take another step. so calm, patient and genuine — she’d have been a fool to say no.
“do you get flashbacks?” she asked him, her eyes traveling across the club. “from the first time we met?”
“a bit. just that it wasn’t a club and you’re not as drunk as you were that night.” he laughed.
the two seemed inseparable with their bond evident to everyone around them. they didn’t even go back to their friends they had left with the excuse to get a drink. instead they stayed at the bar, laughing and talking while watching the people around them. only when the tones of dadju’s bébé came out from the speakers did the two leave their places to join the dance floor. kylian less willingly but then again he would do anything to see her smile.
as they swayed to the rhythm of the song, the rest of the the group couldn’t help but be marveled by how much in love they actually were.
“look at them,” presnel said to the group, pointing to the couple dancing to the song. “one could think they’ve been dating for a year. there’s no way they’ve been dating for only a month.” he exclaimed, the group watching as kylian muttered something into her ear and amara threw her head back laughing.
“wouldn’t be surprised if kylian got down on his knee right now,” marco added, grinning widely, “just watching them is enough to make someone sick. they’re acting like a couple on their honeymoon.”
“well, she was his celebrity crush,” neymar added, matching marco’s expression. “our boy has game. he’s definitely head over heels for her.”
“and she is for him.” sarah chimed in, taking place next to her husband.
the group watched with fond smiles as the couple danced on the dance floor. they probably didn’t even notice people staring at her, that much they were caught in their own world. they stared into each other's eyes, smiling as they swayed to the music. the song they had originally got up for had finished long ago but the two couldn’t bring themselves to sit down again. except quick drinking pauses (that mostly consisted of amara ordering a drink while kylian announced himself as the dd) their feet were glued to the crowd. and in addition to that,
as the night wore on, the number of drinks amara had downed became higher too. luckily for her, this time she wasn’t an emotional drunk but more like a fun and energetic drunk. she would be lying if she said that she didn’t enjoy kylian whispering sweet things into her ear the entire night or dancing with her new friends the moment the dj put on some quicker music.
knowing his girlfriend was tired though after some time, he made his way over to her, pulling her closer as he inhaled her scent.
“we should go home now, don’t you think?” kylian muttered softly into her ear. “tu n’arrives même plus à tenir,” he laughed, watching his girlfriend’s drunken state. — you can’t even stand properly anymore
“but my new friends… i haven’t finished dancing with them yet.” she pouted. “sarah was telling me a story.” she slurred him drunkenly.
“je te promets que sarah va venir demain pour te raconter le reste de l’histoire,” he tried to compromise, already bidding goodbye to the group who had immediately understood after seeing amara’s state. and they weren’t the only ones. marco and jessica had also already left, jessica having drunk just as much as marco. — i promise you sarah is coming tomorrow to tell you the rest of the story.
wearing a grumpy expression, she intertwined her hands and followed kylian outside, who had already called his driver. as kylian led amara to the car where his chauffeur was waiting for them he couldn’t help but reminisce about the night they had met for the first time. it felt nostalgic remembering how similar this situation was to how they first met. only difference was that this time, instead of nearly falling asleep, amara was full of energy, happily skipping around as they marched towards the car.
as they settled into the car, amara’s head rested on kylian’s shoulder, her gaze wandering out the window into the city lights that blurred past. his eyes were filled with love, watching her snuggle against him.
“you remember that night?” amara’s voice broke the silence, her words slightly slurred yet laced with fondness. "when you saved me from probably being kidnapped even though i was such a bitch to you. and now we’re here again.”
he nodded, pressing a gentle kiss on her temple. “i had to google myself to prove to you that i didn’t have any bad intentions. and you were so sarcastic that night.”
“well, it’s a good thing that you’re so stubborn,” she replied cheekily. “imagine if you had actually walked away.”
“i probably wouldn’t have been able to do this,” he leaned in and softly pecked her lips.
as they arrived at amara’s place, kylian carefully helped her out of the car, he walked her through the door as her laughter echoed in the night air, not able to stop himself from falling for her all over again. walking through the gate, they continued their playful banter and inside jokes, kylian enjoying her funny drunk-self.
the only moment where silence was present was when the couple found themselves in the elevator, standing face to face. that was also where the alcohol truly kicked in, not only for amara but also for kylian. before they even knew, the couple was making out, and only stopped when the elevator rang, signaling them that they had finally arrived at her apartment.
she stumbled through the room, her words slurred and laughter infectious as she entertained him with drunken anecdotes and witty remarks. while amara told kylian a drunken story about her first time on tour, the french striker helped the singer change into her pajama and carefully tried to do her skincare. (and kylian will forever brag to anyone who’ll hear that he perfectly applied moisturizer and toner.)
it would probably count as one of kylian’s biggest achievements that he managed to not only put a drunken woman to bed but also have her occupied enough that she didn’t recognize that he had left to change himself. he slipped secretly into her bed, getting comfortable next to her as amara cuddled into his chest continuing her rambling about god and the world while kylian found his comfort just listening to her.
all of sudden, a brilliant idea struck her as she listened to kylian’s heartbeat.
“omg kylian i have an idea for a song!” she exclaimed loudly, giggling. “quick, i need paper, please. avant que ça ne quitte ma tête.” — before it slips away from my head
her boyfriend chuckled affectionately, a wide smile plastered across his lips as he stood up to get her some paper. for some people it would seem stupid to listen to a drunk person but she could ask him to do the most dumb thing ever and he'd do it as long as it puts a smile on her face. that was love — sacrificing yourself in the most stupid ways just to see a smile on your partner’s face.
he hurriedly fetched a notepad and pen which she grabbed from him and even though she lacked any other surface to put the paper on, she started scribbling the lyrics on the paper.
“so you’re just going to write a song now.”
“in your state?”
the room filled with a poignant silence as she wrote the lyrics to the song. in the end it turned out to be a process of not only her but also kylian. he gave advice and listened to her while she sang some of the verses to him she was insecure about or when she didn’t find a word that fit enough to describe a feeling. he felt a profound sense of admiration and love for her as he watched her work.
finding comfort in his warmth that his body extended to hers, she looked him deeply into the eyes, staring behind his pupils and into his soul. "well, you know you kind of own my heart. you’re actually the king of my heart."
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liked by beyoncé, liyah.clark and 32.732.195 others
amara.imani mon amour, je t’aime — my third studio album, i spent hours and hours trying to be the best version of myself to not only give you my most proudest work but also to make myself proud. this album is the result of love, passion and devotion, endless love that i received and that fueled me to write this album. thank you to my fans, who stood by me during the highs and lows — this album is also for you
view all 104.078 comments
liyah.clark YOU OUTDID YOURSELF, it’s so much better than what i could have imagined, i’m crying happy tears 🫶🏾
graceywood this was all you, you put everything into this album and it paid off so much, it’s beautiful and i couldn’t have been prouder to be your agent
beyoncé this album is an entire masterpiece, very happy that i was able to be a part of this
cardi_b girl, you slayed, one of the tops this year
username amara imani really took a pause, came back and dropped a musical masterpiece
username the way this album has me on a chokehold, been listening to it the entire day
username this album is a work of art, a true album, the renaissance of good music after all this shit people bring out today
charles_leclerc congratulations amara (liyah forced the entire grid to listen to it the entire day)
amara.imani thx charles 🤎 (omggg, lewis hamilton listened to my music)
charles_leclerc should i be worried about this obsession you and amara have over lewis?
liyah.clark babe, it’s lewis hamilton, please stay in your lane
username why did this album bring me to tears, like she sounds so in love it made me cry
username she never sang about evan like that, that man must be really special to her
versace the entire versace family congratulated you to the release of your new album, you did amazing — donatella
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asordinaryppl · 20 days
A3! Main Story: Part 4 - Act 15: PAINFUL RE:BAKE - Episode 22: "Never Again" One More Time
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Banri: “This is me. This is my acting.”
Kabuto: You’re too good. That’s bad.
Banri: Don’t give such nonsensical advice, man.
Kabuto: Judas’s acting that touches people’s hearts shouldn’t be perfect here.
Banri: … I understand the reasonin’.
Kabuto: I’m sure.
Kabuto: — So, Baal.
Juza: Yeah.
Kabuto: You’re not exuding any of his otherworldly air. This is a guy who thinks he’s the future of theater.
Juza: — Got it.
Kabuto: Show me the results of having you two act as each other in the etudes. The point wasn’t to have you imitate each other’s tone of voice and posture.
Kabuto: I wrote this with you two as beginners in mind, so you should be able to do it even better. There’s no passion in this at all.
Banri: Hold up, how long are ya gonna make us play each other’s roles for?
Kabuto: If you don’t reach the level I’m looking for, you might be playing these roles longer than your actual ones.
Juza: Wha…
Banri: Are you for real…
Kabuto: Guess I need the handcuffs. Hey, go bring—
Banri: NO NEED! Quit bringing up random shit from the past.
Juza: Please spare us.
Kabuto: There are no problems with this formation.
Banri: Got it.
Kabuto: You’re stupidly good at making stuff like this.
Banri: Thanks.
Banri: (The hell’s stupidly supposed to mean?)
Kabuto: The lighting, sound, hair and makeup and projection images are all set. All that’s left is the play’s most important part: acting.
Banri: I’ll definitely do something about that, as the lead.
Kabuto: You’re not thinking it’ll all be solved by the magic of acting right before the curtain rises, are you?
Banri: ——
Kabuto: It’s a common misconception inexperienced people have, but as time passes, you realize that if you can’t do something in the practice room, you won’t be able to do it on the actual stage.
Kabuto: … Have you guys grown comfortable with each other?
Kabuto: Back during your debut with Picaresque, the entirety of the Autumn Troupe, but especially you two, were so ready to tear the stage apart that I could feel it through the video.
Kabuto: You may not be able to go back to those times, but you should be able to remember them. Give me what you had back then, or even more than that.
Kabuto: If you can’t do that, what did you leave the comfort of your company and come here for?
Banri: You’re right, back then…
[Flashback starts]
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Banri: ——
Juza: ——
Banri: … I win.
Juza: … I win.
[Flashback ends]
Banri: (That time in Picaresque I was so moved… That I acted unconsciously.)
Banri: (Right now, us members of the Autumn Troupe are trying to find an impulse that surpasses what we had before, in order to perform the Picaresque sequel.)
Banri: (But something that becomes a formative experience ain’t something you go through half-heartedly, and it ain’t something you can just look for and experience.)
Banri: (That was also a once-in-a-lifetime miracle.)
Banri: (... I wonder if a moment like that will ever come again.)
Banri: …
Kabuto: But still, Juza Hyodo’s too boring to mess around with.
Kabuto: He nods his head sincerely no matter what I tell him. I wish I could see him go “Stop fuckin’ around” the way you do.
Banri: Ahh?
Kabuto: Well, I’ll be having a one-on-one interview with him tonight. I’ll pull a sweet one on him and reveal his true self. (1)
Itaru: GW. That troublesome Senpai won’t be coming at all today, TY for your all-nighter. 
Banri: I’m beat from practice, man…
Itaru: That’s exactly when gaming comes in clutch.
Banri: Ughhhh…
Itaru: What’s practice at Hyakka Troupe like?
Banri: The director made Hyodo and I exchange roles and is workin’ us to the bone. Said he won’t let us play our actual roles till we perfect this.
Itaru: You exchanged roles? That director’s got some interesting tricks up his sleeve again.
Banri: Yeah, well, he saw a video of Picaresque and told us to bring the same fire as back then, and not just act half-heartedly.
Itaru: He sure researched you two thoroughly. Ah, disable the trap there, pls.
Banri: kk. And it seems he even watched Hyodo’s Portrait.
Itaru: That reminds me… we were gaming like this while everyone else in the Autumn Troupe were writing their Portraits. You were the only one slacking off.
Banri: Ahhhh…
Itaru: That’s from back when you were young and arrogant.
Itaru: Looks like that director’s not someone you can fool, same as our Director-san.
Banri: IKR…
Banri: It’s exactly because his abilities as both an actor and director are top-notch, that I want to take as much from him as I can and grow.
Banri: And then, put all that into Picaresque’s sequel.
Itaru: IKWYM.
Banri: Reminds me, the Spring Troupe’s RomiJuli sequel was pretty good.
Itaru: TY. Doing a sequel inevitably reminds you of all sorts of things.
Itaru: Yuzo-san criticized us pretty harshly for the first time in a good while, too.
Itaru: He told us to re-evaluate what we want to accomplish with this performance, and what we want to convey.
Itaru: So, on Sakuya’s recommendation, we all tried to sleep on the stage again.
Itaru: And then, he said that he wants to take on new challenges, so he won’t lose to how his old self used to be…
Itaru: So we all tried something new and came back a little improved.
Itaru: And on the first day, after everything that happened, our leader said–
[Flashback starts]
Sakuya: We each took on new challenges in preparation for the New Fleur Award, so I feel like we can return to this stage with new feelings.
Sakuya: Although we can only stand on stage for the first time once, we can have many other “firsts” from now on.
Sakuya: We can remember those feelings again and again. That courage we had when leaping into a brand-new world–
Sakuya: Let’s take all our “firsts” in a positive light and have fun together!
[Flashback ends]
Banri: That’s the Spring Troupe’s leader for ya.
Itaru: IKR.
Banri: (I can’t lose to Sakuya.)
Banri: (There’s no point if Spring and Summer are the only ones doin’ well.)
Banri: (In order for MANKAI Company to keep growing further, us Autumn Troupe’s also gotta put on a performance that surpasses the debut’s hype.)
Banri: (Honestly, since it happened once at the start, I figured it’d never happen again.)
Banri: (It’s exactly ‘cause I had this faintest feeling that we might not be able to surpass what we felt during the debut performance that I gave everyone a pep talk, saying that we absolutely have to…)
Banri: (I got no time to be twiddling my thumbs.)
Banri: (There’s no way I… we can’t surpass it.)
Banri: (The Autumn Troupe, and I as their leader, can definitely surpass the past. I’m sure of that…)
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(1) kabuto here replaces the 一杯 in 一杯食わせる (to play a trick on someone, or deceive them) with 甘味 (sweets), since juza likes sweets. i did the same with an english phrase to match the original vibe he's got going on
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dearestvante · 1 year
stars around my scars; kth. | 03.
pairing: taehyung x fem!reader genre: college au, goodgirl x badboy (sort of), angst, fluff warnings: lowercase writing, swearing, drinking, infidelity (not between you and tae), taehyung calls you 'angel', can be confusing at times (i'm a beginner and not a native english speaker), taehyung's "bad" reputation is slowly revealing, jungwon is a dick (nothing new), the end is kinda nice?? idk you tell me summary: people are not always what they seem. you learned that the hard way, when you caught your boyfriend cheating, the night that was supposed to be one of the best ones you ever experienced. but on the same night you also learned that in everything bad, there’s always a little bit of good. wc: 4.8k
series masterlist
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after that night you never missed a chance to hang out with your newfound friends. well, mostly taehyung. the two of you would hang out on campus, study in the library accompanied (correction: annoyed) by jungkook, or get together at his place. you found out that he has a dog, a cute ball of fluff named yeontan, with the meanest expression you’ve ever seen. it seemed like he hated you, but taehyung reassured you that he behaves like this with everyone except him, so you shouldn’t take it personally. you didn’t, but also didn’t stop trying to make the little pup like you. no luck so far.
as you spent more and more time with taehyung and the closer you got to him, the harder it was to see him as the “bad boy” everyone paints him to be. at first glance, maybe, he seemed cold, but all it took is to catch him smile to see how warm of a person he actually is. he was kind-hearted and comforting with a beautiful, box-shaped smile that would make anyone else smile as well. what you didn’t notice about him though, was the fact that he was like that only around you. for everyone else, he remained as the mysterious boy with a mean expression and a bad reputation. a reputation he didn’t even earn, but they didn’t know that. you did.
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november passed so quickly like this, and december was on the same track. by the time you noticed the fast passing of the months, it was time to pack for christmas break. usually, this time of the year was your favorite, but recent events weakened the relationship between you and your mother, so you weren’t so eager to go home. on the other hand, meeting her might be great opportunity to finally get on the same page.
as soon as you got off the train, the chilly december wind immediately made its way under your coat, making you shiver. you grabbed your suitcase with one hand and your bag’s strap with the other and carefully cut through the crowd, looking for your mom. passing a few overly emotional parents, you finally noticed her. she immediately made her way towards you, smiling wide. you didn’t realize just how much you missed her, until she appeared in front of you. differences or not, she was still your mom, the one person who was always there for you, no matter what. you dropped the bag from your shoulder on the top of the suitcase and greeted your mother with an embrace.
“i missed you.”
“i missed you too, sweetheart.” she replied, hugging you tightly. “how was the ride?”
“y’know, just the usual. loud, crowded and never-ending.” you said, picking your bags up as the two of you headed towards the car.
“why didn’t you buy a first-class ticket?” your mom raised an eyebrow as she opened the trunk.
“i did, but it’s christmas break, everyone’s coming home.” you explained, helping her pack your bags in the car.
“i’m glad you came home safely.”
on your way home, she asked you about your studies, which was one of her favorite activities. she never forgot to remind you that she had to go through the same experiences, always asking about her favorite professors - even though most of them already retired years ago - and giving you advice on how you should do this and that. you hated when she did that, trying to control your life, but now, as long as you didn’t have to talk about your ex, everything was fine.
stepping inside the house, you instantly felt your whole body fill with warmth, literally and metaphorically. it felt good, being at a place that didn’t feel empty and cold.
you unpacked most of your stuff and helped your mom with the last touches of the christmas decorations. ever since your dad left, you and your mom spent christmases by yourselves, decorating the house, and the tree, baking cookies, planning what you will make for dinner on christmas eve and giving each other personalized gifts. it wasn’t any different this year either, christmas passed pleasantly and peacefully, and you thought that your home’s atmosphere would stay at this state ‘til the end of winter break. but you were wrong. so wrong.
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your family had a tradition, to organize a dinner party between the two holidays. on december 30th, all your family friends would gather at your house for a fancy, champagne-sipping type of event. although the number of guests slowly decreased ever since your dad wasn’t part of these events anymore, your mom still decided to organize it every year. it meant a lot to her. and that’s why, no matter how much you wanted to go, you had to skip taehyung’s birthday, in order to support your mother. jungkook begged you to go, standing in front of you with joined hands every time he caught you alone somewhere. it took him a whole week to understand that you have to be there. you thought about going, you thought about it a lot, and you really wanted to but you just couldn’t let your mom down.
“so, who’s coming tonight?” you asked, stealing a cupcake from the tray while your mom was busy organizing the table.
“the lims and kangs will be present, haerin said they will have to bring nabi too, their babysitter quit again.” nabi had a new babysitter almost every month, not everyone could handle her shenanigans. but you were one of the few who did, so you were happy they’re bringing her along too.
“oh, and of course the parks. jungwon is coming too. maybe you two can work on your differences tonight.”
and there it was, the names you feared the most. you couldn’t believe what you just heard. it’s not enough that he’s coming here, to your house, your mom expects you to talk to him? talk to him and treat him like he didn’t just ruin your life?
“you are unbelievable. i thought you let this all go, that you finally believe me.” the gathering teardrops burned your eyes, but you were more stubborn than to let them fall.
“i do believe you, sweetheart. i just don’t want you to hold a grudge forever.”
you didn’t say anything, just turned around and went upstairs to your room. you were too angry to cry, besides, you promised yourself that no more tears will be shed for jungwon, cause he does not deserve it. instead, you took a deep breath to clear your mind and figured that if you’re stuck with this dinner, you might as well make the most of it. so you dug up the hottest dress from the bottom of your dresser, paired it with some high heels, did a full face makeup (not just the usual mascara and lipgloss duo) and styled your hair. adding the final touches, standing in front of the full-lenght mirror, you were quite pleased with the outcome. nothing was too extreme on their own, but the little black dress, the makeup and the styled hair together created a look that was rather eye-catching.
as the clock passed seven, tonight’s guests slowly started arriving. every time the door opened, you quickly found a chore for yourself so your mom would greet the guests instead of you. the kangs were the first, as always. they were a precise and meticulous couple, with no kids. they were too busy, plus mrs. kang is a neatnik, so it’s probably better it’s just the two of them. the next guests were haerin and soohyuk, and their adorable baby, nabi. they were quite the opposite of the kangs, never on time, always leaving or losing something, let it be nabi’s pacifier or haerin’s keys, something always gets left behind. they might have been a little bit chaotic, but their always bright and kind nature certainly made up for it. they were followed by the lims, the eldest of the bunch, and last, the park family. haerin was very happy when she realized, that this is the first time they aren’t the last ones to arrive. you, on the other hand, weren’t so happy they showed up.
you were in the living room playing with nabi when you felt a light tap on your shoulder. you turned around to see who is it, letting out a deep sigh when you faced them.
“hi.” jungwon greeted you with a smile. too bad you can’t return the favor. “you look pretty.”
“thanks.” you reply, and divert back your full attention to the baby girl, who seems just as annoyed by jungwon’s presence as you are, but you might have been just projecting.
“can we talk?” he was still standing there, not taking the obvious hints.
“no.” you answered, picking nabi up in your arms. you took her to the kitchen, which was, luckily, empty. she looked up at you, confused as of why you took her away from her toys, silently demanding an answer.
“sorry little one, the bad man was bothering me.”
“he is bad man?” nabi’s widely opened eyes suggested that you will need to elaborate on that statement a little further.
“don’t worry, he won’t hurt you” you said, softly pinching her cheek, as she smiled in relief.
since every one of the guests was here, it was time to start the dinner. you and your mom prepared a three-course meal for tonight, consisting of an appetizer, the main course and dessert. neither of you liked to brag about it, but both you and your mom were really great cooks, which was one of the key factors of tonight’s success. the dinner was quite delightful, when you weren’t helping out your mom, you spent most of the time talking to haerin and entertaining nabi, so her parents can eat in peace. you were in the middle of a sentence, when you heard your name from somewhere across the table. it was jungwon’s mom, trying to get your attention.
“yes, mrs. park. can i help you?”
“not me, darling.” she smiled forcefully, then turned to his son. “go on.”
you raised an eyebrow, not having an idea what is about to happen. does he want to publicly apologize?
“um, y/n i… i think you owe me an apology.”
you physically had to hold yourself back from yelling “what the fuck” in his face. after all, you couldn’t curse in front of a three year old.
“what do you mean?” you asked instead, clenching your fist so tight, you could feel your nails digging into your skin.
“your behavior towards me. it breaks my heart how easily you switched up on me, without listening to my side of the story.” he would be an excellent actor. so convincing that if you were just a little more gullible, you would actually believe that it’s you who is in the wrong here. he’s playing his part to perfection, making all the guests believe that what happened is actually your fault. suddenly the whole room is quiet, all eyes are on you.
“oh, how rude of me.” you say, dramatically touching your chest. he wants drama? well, he can get it. “i’m sorry for breaking up with you after you neglected me and our relationship for weeks. oh, and after you cheated on me while i was trying to fix our dying relationship. i am a terrible person for doing it, am i not?” you didn’t hold back, put your personal life all out there for everyone. you were tired of his lies, it was time to clear it all up. and that’s all it it took. you snapped him out of the act in seconds. you could see his eye twitch, his grip tightening around the utensils he’s holding. he opens his mouth to speak again, but your mom precedes him.
“you didn’t tell me that.”
“cause you never asked!” the awkward silence in the room made your voice sound even louder. she realized just now how wrong it was not to trust her own child. she opens her mouth, but closes it immediately, the guilt is stopping her from answering. there’s someone else in the room though, who’s guilt is not as strong, unfortunately.
“don’t try and blame it all on me!” jungwon says, out of nowhere, his whiny tone makes him sound like child. “let’s talk about that shady guy you left with during halloween, do you still hang out, hm? i’m sure your mom wouldn’t like you to be around such people like him” he glances at your mom to see her expression and when it’s what he’s hoped for, he continues “that’s why you didn’t tell her, right?”
“y/n? what is he talking about?” your mom, finally able to speak again, turns to you. you’re furious, eyes locked on the the loose-lipped guy sitting across you. your mind is in shambles, unable to think straight, so you squeeze your fists under the table even tighter, nails digging deeper and deeper into the soft skin of your palms, to prevent you from losing it. he’s enjoying it, that he has control again, diverting all attention from his wrongdoings back to your personal life. the other guests are shamelessly attentive, silently compelling an answer from you. when you don’t give one, jungwon turns to your mom and answers instead.
“kim taehyung. i’m sure it rings a bell for everyone.” he leans back into his chair, arms crossed, trying hard to hide how proud he is of himself. the room that was quiet until now is filled with gasps and oh my gods.
“are you out of your mind, y/n?!” your mom raises her voice to get your attention. “that’s the son of a criminal!”
all these people around you, acting like they know him just because they heard what his father did, made you even more frustrated. they had no right to talk about him the way they did, not when they don’t know him like you do. the picture they saw when they heard taehyung’s name couldn’t be more different than who he actually was, but none of them were interested in that. it was easier to place him in that box full of lies an misconceptions.
“i’m done.” you said, getting up from the table. you weren’t ready to have this conversation right now, when you knew that you can’t tell your side of the story nor change their minds anyways, no matter how hard you tried. thanks to jungwon, they already decided what the want to believe and clinged to it tightly. your mom tried to stop you from leaving, demanding an explanation, but you just shook her hands off yours and left, without looking back. you grabbed your coat and with the front door’s loud slam, you were gone.
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walking aimlessly on a cold december night certainly helped you to clear your mind. you weren’t angry anymore, but undoubtably disappointed. first in your mother, but mostly in yourself. all these years have passed, yet you still can’t stand up for yourself, nor for someone you care about. though you rarely gave up without a fight, there were two people who always overpowered you. jungwon and your mom.
walking long distances in high heels was never exactly your strong suit, so when you reached the “lover’s bench” just a few blocks away from your house, it felt like a reward. rumor has it, if you sit on this bench with someone, you will end up falling in love with each other and stay together forever, and it did work out for some. not for you, though. soojin and jungwon both sat on this bench with you, and, well we see how that worked out.
as you sat there, massaging your sore legs, you noticed a car, slowing down as it approached you. you grabbed one of your heels, ready to use it as a weapon if it comes to that. the dark window rolled down, and behind it, a familiar face appeared. someone you haven’t seen in years.
“y/n, is that you?” the man was squinting his eyes, trying to recognize you in the dark.
“dad?! what the hell are you doing here?” you asked, eyes wide open.
“it’s… complicated. get in, you must be freezing out here.” he opened the door from the driver’s seat, but you refused.
“no way. not until you tell me what you want.”
he took a deep breath, contemplating how to tell you. “i came to apologize. now get in.”
he wasn’t wrong about you freezing, so after a few seconds, you gave in. in the end, he’s still your dad, it’s not like he’s gonna kidnap you.
“you’re a a few years late with that, don’t you think?” you turned to him, after closing the door.
“i know i am.” he turns to you too, after pulling over. “i want to apologize for what i did. and for taking so long to do so. i was a coward and ran away instead of facing the consequences of my actions. i’m sorry, but i couldn’t look in your eyes after that. i was ashamed, and i ran.”
you’ve never seen your dad like this before. so vulnerable, speaking from his heart. this was the first time hearing his side of the story. up until today, all you knew was that he cheated on your mom and ran away with the other woman. but if what he says is true, the latter never actually happened.
“so.. you left us because you felt guilty and ashamed and not because you loved someone else and wanted to be with her?” you ask after a few silent moments.
“i never saw her after that night. it was a reckless mistake, nothing more.”
“that doesn’t make it right, though. it changes things, but only slightly.” you’re aware how harsh your tone is, but you don’t really care. what he did was still wrong, and you’re not going to forgive nor forget so easily.
“i don’t expect you to forgive me, but thank you for listening.”
you nod quietly in response, not knowing what words would be appropriate in this situation.
“do you think your mom would listen to me as well?” he asks after a few moments of silence.
“oh, yeah definitely. she’s quick to forgive cheaters these days.” you scoff, causing your dad to stare at you with a shocked expression, reminding you that he’s kind of out of the loop.
“my boyfriend cheated on me, but she insists that i forgive him or something, cause he’s her best friend’s son.” you explain it quickly.
“oh.. wow.” your dad is still in shock, hence the short response. “that’s why you aren’t at the dinner right now, cause he is there, isn’t he?”
“that dinner was a whole mess.”
“no drunk stories from kang?” he asks with a playful smile, remembering the times he used to be part of this event, bringing out mr. kang’s not-so-perfect side. your dad made him drink just a bit more than he was supposed to, and he turned into a whole new person, telling stories from his young adulthood, which were mostly true, but definitely spiced up a little, for entertainment purposes. he even made his uptight wife smile once or twice.
“no, not this time.” you smile faintly, as the memories return, and you have to admit - although, only to yourself - that these dinners weren’t the same without your dad. nothing was. your mom tried to make up for everything that was missing after he left, and you appreciated her efforts, but something was always missing, and even though you hated to feel that way, there wasn’t a day when you didn’t miss your dad. you surpassed those feeling during the years, but now as you’re sitting beside him reminiscing the moments of the past, they’re slowly breaking free.
“i figure that home is the last place you want to be right now, so you’re welcome to stay at my hotel room, if you want.” he offers after a very accurate observation.
“i’ll think about it, thanks.” you nod with a weak smile.
“is there anything else i can do to make you feel better? i might not know what happened, but i can see that it’s tearing you. and i hate to see you like that.” there he is. the man that always sees right through you, no matter how deep you hide your feelings.
“actually, there is something you could do..”
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before you entered the apartment complex, you took out your phone to leave a short message for your mom. sure, she was mad at you and you were mad at her, but you knew that she’s probably worried sick, cause you left a long time ago, and haven’t returned. you informed her that you’re fine, and told her not to wait, cause you’re probably not coming home tonight. after pressing ‘send’, you slipped the device back to your pocket and headed upstairs. the click-clacks of your heels were awfully loud in the quiet hallway, but luckily for the residents (and for you too, let’s be honest) you didn’t have to climb a lot of stairs to reach the apartment. you knock on the door once, no answer. you knock again, still nothing. you raise your hand to try again, but then the door suddenly whips open, revealing a furrow-browed boy behind it. his eyes widen at the sight of you, a grin forming on his lips.
“heeey, you made it. though you might be a little overdressed.” jungkook pulls you into a tight hug after scrutinizing you from head to toe. he did mention that this birthday party is not exactly a party, considering that it’s just him, taehyung and yeontan, so your appearance was, indeed, a bit too much. but your presence was appreciated anyway.
“yeah. change of plans. the birthday boy?” you ask, after quickly scanning the room.
“in the kitchen, preparing the goods.” jungkook imitates drinking from a bottle as he replies. “hurry up, hyung, your angel is here.”
“since when do you call me angel?” you look up at him, one eyebrow cocked, while taking off your shoes.
“can’t help it, fits so well.” jungkook says, helping you take off your coat.
as you approach the kitchen, you’re held off by yeontan, who’s sitting right in front of your feet. he looks up at you, tiny head tilted, his tongue peeking out. you bend down a little to pat his head, but as your hands gets closer, he growls, like always.
“tan, be nice.” taehyung appears behind him, handing you a glass of something as you straighten up. “i’m glad you could make it.” he says, smiling shyly.
“me too. happy birthday, taehyung.” you clink your glass to his, returning the smile.
the two of you join jungkook in the living room, who’s currently laying on the floor, for some reason. you stare at him, confused as you sit down on the couch, which he notices soon.
“it’s good for your back, trust me. well not yours, but mine.” he says, and sure, he is right, but right now you can read his behavior as a side effect of being tipsy. he downed the drink taehyung made technically in one go. looking at him do it, you decide it’s time you taste yours. you weren’t a big fan of alcohol, never understood how can people like something that tastes so horrible. you took a sip, and for your surprise, it tasted quite good.
“what’s in this?” you asked, pointing at the glass.
“it’s a secret.” taehyung and jungkook replied in sync, both of them having a mischievous grin on their faces.
you couldn’t help but let out a small chuckle at the sight. during the past few weeks you had a chance to observe the friendship between jungkook and taehyung, and the best term to describe it was partners in crime. they were always up to something, giggling and doing their own personalized handshake while doing so. it was, indeed an endearing sight, and you always caught yourself smiling whenever you watched them together. but between all the mischief and bickering, there was also love and caring. neither of them were the type to say it out loud, but it was there, in the small gestures. watching them sometimes made you feel something, deeply, in the innermost nook of your heart. that used to be soojin’s place.
the rest of the night went on quite pleasantly. thanks to jungkook’s shitty memory, in the end you could personally give taehyung his gift, - which he made you promise not to buy, but it’s not your fault that his favorite artist has an exhibition and you were lucky enough to get tickets for it. in exchange, he insisted you go with him, saying that jungkook doesn’t appreciate art and he would end up making fun of the displayed pieces, so you agreed. during the night you told the boys all about the adventures of the dinner and that your dad is back. their shocked expressions were priceless and a perfect representation of how you felt the whole night.
after a few more drinks, and jungkook passing out on the couch, you called your dad to take you home. well, to his hotel. it was really late - or early, depends on perspective - so you didn’t want to bother your mom with your late arrival nor your dad’s sudden appearance. he agreed, and after a short debate on whether leaving jungkook alone like this is a good idea or not, taehyung decided, he will walk you out anyways. you two walked down the sidewalk quietly, waiting to spot your dad’s car somewhere in the parking lot. both of you felt that something in the air, but none of you could break the silence, not even with all that liquid courage in your system. at some point you stopped, taehyung did the same, and without giving too much thought to it, you hugged him, wrapping your arms around his waist. you noticed his heart rate increasing, thanks to your impulsive act, but he was quick to bring it back to normal, pulling you closer, resting his chin on the top of your head. even with you high heels, you were still short next to him.
“thank you for coming tonight, it really meant a lot.”
“i’m sorry i couldn’t come sooner, it’s just, i had to be there for mom…”
“hey, it’s fine,” he cuts you off, lifting your chin, to look at him. “you still made it, that’s what matters.”
as you locked eyes with him, standing there in the pale moonlight, accompanied by nothing but the deep silence of the night, the whole world around you seemed to disappear, leaving just the two of you, standing there, wrapped in each other’s arms. at least that’s what it would’ve felt like if the sharp sound of your message notification wouldn’t have pulled you back to reality. you let go of taehyung, reaching into your pocket. it was your dad, informing you that he’s here. the moment you had disappeared in a blink of an eye, which made you believe that you were thinking too much of it.
“it’s my dad, i gotta go.” you looked up at him once again, though this time, with a little more distance between the two of you.
“sure. i should go check on jungkook anyway.” taehyung said, standing a little awkwardly now, with both hands in his back pockets.
“say goodbye to him for me. good night.” you smiled softly.
“will do. take care, angel.”
sitting in your dad’s car, now on your way to the hotel, you could still smell taehyung’s cologne on yourself. you weren’t complaining about it, though.
“so, who is the boy?” you dad inquired.
“that’s taehyung. it was his birthday.. well yesterday.” you replied, glancing at your watch.
“i mean, who is he to you?”
“oh.. he’s a friend.” you answered naturally, but your dad did not seem convinced. sure, you spent a lot of time together, you knew all things he likes and dislikes, or how he gets shy and fidgety when complimented. and sure, every time he smiled at you, you would get flustered, every time he looked at you, you felt like you could get lost in those chocolate brown eyes of his, and you loved how your name - whether ‘angel’ or your real one - sounded in his deep, velvety voice. and sure, you might’ve been fantasizing about how it would feel to kiss him, not even five minutes ago, but that was just a silly little thought, friends can still be like that, right?
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a/n. hello lovelies! here i present the third chapter. i think i worked the most on this one, but it's my favorite so far, even tho a lot of things happen at once lol. anyways, i hope you like it, and look forward to the next. likes, rbs, comments always appreaciated. take care ❤️‍🩹
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g1itchtree · 10 months
Divulgence- Part 1
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Okay quick authors note cause! Why not!
This is a new lukadrinette series. Honestly I love this ship so much it needs more stuff so. Here I am! It’ll be a bit canon divergent, idk how much but Chat and Ladybug actually have proper communication so that’s fun.
Updates will be pretty sporadic, basically whenever the writing mood strikes me. I wrote this in only like a few hours but then l’ll go weeks without writing lmao
Also I really have no idea how to use tumblr and I’m on my phone so if these are formatted weird please let me know
That’s it I guess? Enjoy!
“Miraculous ladybug!” Ladybug shouted as she tossed the spotted Dino Huggie in the air. As always, the magic ladybugs swirled around the city, fixing any damage the akuma had caused.
There was one thing that couldn’t be reversed, however.
As Marinette- no, Ladybug. As Ladybug gave Alec his charm and the trio of heroes brought him back to his TV crew, Luka couldn’t help but dread the consequences of what he had learned today. Two of his close friends (if that could even describe what he felt for each of them) were Paris’s superheroes. The sheer fact that they risked their lives every day and still managed to make time for average civilian life was astounding.
He was beginnning to understand why Marinette was always running off.
After they were done with Alec, he and Ladybug zipped off toward an empty alleyway. As soon as the coast was clear he took off his Miraculous and handed it over.
“Thank you, Luka,” Ladybug smiled at him, tucking the bracelet back in her yo-yo. And yeah, he could totally see it now that he knew. He knew quantum masking was powerful and all, but they had the same exact smile, same sparkle in her eyes after a job well done. How could he have missed that?
“Thanks to you, our secret identities were preserved and no one discovered who Chat Noir and I really are.”
Oh, she was still talking. Luka should probably stop staring.
It didn’t seem to matter too much though, because she turned to leave right after. Except she stopped right before tossing her yo-yo, that nervous smile that was just a bit too tight and her eyes a bit too wide to be genuine on her face. “Not even you, right?”
“Not even me,” He confirmed, though he could feel his nerves bubbling up. “Luckily Wishmaker never hit you or Chat Noir.”
Ladybug narrowed her eyes at him, and he knew she could see right through him. Like he could hear her inner song, she seemed to be able to know his deepest thoughts, no matter how much he tried to play it cool. Sure, that was part of the reason he fell for her. She was always the first to comfort him whenever things got a bit much. But damn, if it wasn’t inconvenient right now.
With a look outside the alley to make sure no one was near, she let out a deep sigh, her shoulders slumped as she leant against the wall. “Tikki, spots off.”
With a pink glow, the suit slipped away, leaving only Marinette and her kwami behind, looking stressed to all hell.
“Sorry,” Luka muttered, mostly on reflex.
“It’s not your fault, I knew this was a possibility when I asked for your help,” She assured, fishing a macaron out of her bag and giving it to Tikki. “Is it just me, or Chat Noir too?”
“Both,” He admitted, tugging at the bottom of his hoodie with discomfort. “…you looked really cute as the knitting fairy?”
She looked at him with that adorable expression she had whenever she was disgruntled or surprised, nose scrunched and lips pursed slightly. She then let out a laugh, shaking her head and pressing her hands to her face. “Fuuuck, that’s embarrassing.”
“Not at all,” He waved it off, grinning just a bit despite the circumstances.
“What was Chat Noir’s?” She asked, then seemed to realize her mistake. “Wait, maybe you shouldn’t tell me that, scratch it-”
“He just wanted to please his parents,” Luka shrugged, figuring that wasn’t too bad. Lots of people wanted to do that. “Make them proud, do whatever they said.”
Marinette furrowed her brows ever so slightly, nodding after a moment. “Yeah, that makes sense. I know his dad is overbearing, but he still loves him.”
The two sat in silence as Tikki finished her snack, unsure of where to go from there. Eventually though, the tiny god wiped her face and gave Luka a smile, diving into Marinette’s bag.
“We should head back and find Adrien,” She said after that, pushing herself off the wall. “Can you come back to my place after? We… need to talk.”
“Of course,” He agreed, but really he was dreading that conversation. Many possibilities ran through his head, each worse than the last. Would she not let him be Viperion again? Would she tell him they couldn’t be seen together anymore? Would he have to leave the country just so Shadow Moth couldn’t get to him?
The endless downward spiral screeched to a stop as Marinette took his hand, giving him that tiny smile that said everything would be fine. “It’ll be okay. Let’s just head back for now.”
And so they went.
As soon as they reached her bedroom after talking with her parents, Marinette immediately started freaking out.
She paced back and forth, hands tugging at her hair as she started to plan. “Okay so obviously it’s bad that you know who both of us are. If it was just one that might be okay- hell I already told someone, and I let Chat know that he could do the same. But both is a recipe for disaster! If Shadow Moth finds out, then you or your family could get hurt, and if you’re akumatized? I don’t even- that can’t happen! I could load you up on charms, sure, but what if you lose them? Or they break? Wait, can they even break? What if-“
“Marinette,” Luka interrupted, making her stop in her tracks. “You’re going to burn a hole in your floor if you keep going like this.”
She let out a sheepish laugh, her eyes dropping to her feet. “Sorry, sorry.”
“Come on, sit down,” He offered, patting the spot next to him on the chaise. “Let’s work through this one problem at a time, without catastrophizing.”
“Right, okay,” She agreed, plopping down and taking a deep breath. “How about… do you have any questions for me?”
“You mentioned others know?” He started with, figuring that was easiest.
“Oh yeah, that’s a pretty recent development,” She admitted, looking down at her hands. “I told Alya, after the Gang of Secrets mess she figured something big was up. I… I was really struggling balancing my superhero and civilian life, and it kind of just came out.”
“That’s perfectly reasonable,” Luka said, giving her his patient smile that honestly made it super hard not to cry. “I’m sure being Ladybug is stressful enough, and after you became Guardian? I’m not sure I would’ve been able to handle it myself.”
She bit her tongue, holding back from saying that she wholeheartedly believed anyone could do better than her, and she was sure Luka would do utterly amazing. She instead continued her answer, picking at her nails a bit. “I told Chat Noir who Carapace was, cause it was a bit unfair that I got someone and he didn’t, and obviously Carapace isn’t me so there was no risk of him accidentally telling me his identity. And the two are around the same age, and I know Carapace can keep a secret if it really matters. I’m not sure if Chat ever approached him though.”
Luka nodded, silent for a while before asking his next question. “Will… will I get to be Viperion again after this?”
Marinette sighed, dragging her hands over her face as she thought about it. “I don’t know… in all honesty, I really shouldn’t. But… you know how this all works already, and you’re really good at it too! Finding someone else I can trust to wield that power will be a lot of trouble. It’s easy to abuse it or not really know how to utilize it. And… I know Sass likes you a lot, too.”
That made Luka smile, a low chuckle escaping him. “Well, I like Sass too. I’d miss the little guy.”
Marinette couldn’t help but smile back, glancing to where the Miracle Box was hidden. “I guess… well, I won’t call on you unless it’s really needed. But… so long as no one ever finds out you know, then it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
“I can keep a secret, there’s no need to worry about that,” Luka assured, placing a hand on her shoulder.
She glanced up at him, the familiar butterflies returning once more. It wasn’t fair that he was just so… so charming! And comforting! And someone she could just be herself around without any fear! Not to mention absolutely gorgeous? Honestly, it’s like the universe was trying to make her suffer.
“Marinette?” He all but whispered, drawing her attention back to reality. His brows were pulled together ever so slightly and he was biting the inside of his cheek, sure signs that something was on his mind.
“What’s wrong?” She immediately asked, starting to panic. Did he think this was too much? Did he not want to be seen with her anymore? This was the first time they’ve really spoken after the breakup, and honestly, she didn’t know if she could watch him leave again. Even if it was for the better.
“I… the whole reason we broke it off was because you’re Ladybug, right?” Luka asked, immediately filling her with dread. “Because you had to keep leaving, and I couldn’t know why.”
She winced at that, turning gaze back down to her hands. “Yes, that’s most of it… and I’m so sorry for that, Luka. I just couldn’t tell you. If I hadn’t broken down, I wouldn’t have even told Alya! I just didn’t want to put you in danger, but I still-”
“No, I get it,” He immediately assured, moving the hand on her shoulder to her own hand. “Now I do, at least. I’ve never had any hard feelings about it, I knew you had your reasons. I still loved you, even though I couldn’t be the one who you open your heart to. I still do, even now.”
“You… you still…?” Marinette whispered, looking to him with wide eyes. Great, now she felt even worse for dumping all this on him. He now knew why it was totally unable to work at all, not with the utter mess that was her life.
“I do, and now that I know you’re Ladybug…” He trailed off, looking down to where his hand laid on hers, slowly interlacing their fingers. “I really wanted us to work, y’know? Is there… any chance we still might?”
“Wait, you-” She immediately moved back, pulling her hand away. “Are you serious? You- after all I did, you still-”
“Sorry, that was probably too much,” He immediately backpedaled at her reaction, hiding his obvious hurt behind a smile. She could see it though, and it made her feel all the worse. “I just wanted you to know I care about you. I get why you wouldn’t want to, though.”
“Hold on, I didn’t say that,” It was her turn to interrupt as she held her hand out, cutting him off. “Just… give me a minute. I honestly wasn’t expecting that.”
Luka softened at her flushed cheeks and how she bit her lip, his affection for her evident in the look he gave. “Of course, take all the time you need.”
She visibly relaxed at that, leaning against the back of the chaise as she contemplated it. She glanced up at him every so often, then at her picture board, and a few times towards the box.
“I… I wouldn’t be able to dedicate enough time to you,” Marinette started with. “I would always have to run off, leave you behind again.”
“And I’m okay with that,” He said. “I was just worried that something was wrong with you before, that you were in danger. Or that I did something wrong. But I know why now, and I can help you escape if it’s needed.”
She let out a sigh, knowing he had a point. “If Shadow Moth ever finds out who I am…”
“He won’t,” Luka immediately cut in, that passionate fire blazing in his eyes. God, she loved that look. “You’re always so careful. That’s why I was there today, right? To ensure Shadow Moth wouldn’t find you. And that was a good call. There’s no way he’ll find out who you are.”
He really wasn’t making this any easier, was he?
“Dammit, Luka…” She muttered, uncurling herself and moving back next to him. “I really lo…like you, too…” She winced at the stutter, cursing herself for being unable to really express her feelings. “You make me feel so… comfortable? I don’t know if that’s the right word. I can just relax around you, not worry about every little thing. I hated breaking it off. I do want to be with you, really. But… I still don’t think it’s a good idea. I still… I lik-”
“Is it Adrien?”
Marinette turned to him with wide eyes, sputtering at that. “I- wha- nooo, of course not! Why would I ever… was I that obvious?”
“I think the only one who doesn’t know is him,” Luka joked, bumping their shoulders together. “I don’t blame you. Honestly, I’ve got the hots for him too.”
“You do??” She almost shouted, mouth agape. “But- you just-”
“You can love more than one person, Marinette,” He started, taking her hand in his again. “It doesn’t have to be this exclusive thing. I mean, it’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea, but I personally have no problem with you pursuing a relationship with Adrien while you’re with me.”
She looked from their hands to his eyes, utterly confused at this point. “I- I’m not sure I understand.”
He laughed at that, tucking a loose hair behind her ear. “That’s alright. I can try to explain.”
He turned away, a little smile on his face as he walked her through it. “Love isn’t something that’s limited. Some people choose to only love one person with their whole being, and that’s perfectly fine. But others prefer to have more than just one partner. They spread their love evenly and wholly. And you, Marinette, have more love to give than anyone I’ve met. I’d honestly feel bad keeping you to myself.”
She was silent, processing his words. “So… you, me, and Adrien would all be a couple?”
“That depends. I’m not sure if Adrien’s into me. But we don’t all need to date each other for it to work,” He explained. “As long as there’s communication and clear boundaries, then I see no reason why you can’t date who you want. The only question is, are you comfortable with that?”
Marinette thought about it, coming up short with a perfect answer, as was the pattern with her feelings. But… it sounded nice. “I don’t know. It… I guess I wouldn’t mind trying? I haven’t even considered that.”
“Most people don’t,” Luka smiled, turning back to face her. “It’s fine if you don’t want to. Just follow your heart.”
My heart really wants to kiss you.
The thought turned her bright red, but she was unable to deny its validity. Could you blame her? The way he looked at her, with endless compassion and devotion, made her absolutely melt. Now that she had this new perspective, she honestly couldn’t bear letting him go again.
It seemed he felt the same. He was slowly leaning in, bringing a hand to her face. Not pulling, just caressing her gently. His eyes flicked down to her lips then back up, a new glint of desire in them.
Fuck it.
She grabbed him by his hoodie and pulled him down to her before she could second guess herself. He jumped a bit in surprise but adjusted quickly, tilting his head ever so slightly as he reciprocated it.
It was quite honestly the best thing she’s ever done. His lips were soft and warm, and they fit against hers perfectly. His hands were rough from years of playing guitar, and the feeling of them on her was too good to ignore. The one holding her hand moved to her waist, drawing tiny shapes there.
They pulled apart after a few moments, both breathless at the exchange. Marinette immediately panicked once it was over, which should honestly be expected. “Oh my god, we just- wait I am so sorry I didn’t even ask that was so awful of me! I can’t believe I did that, I’m so-”
“Mari, it’s okay,” Luka interrupted with a laugh, pressing a quick kiss to her forehead. “I wanted it too, no worries. You can ask next time if it bothers you that much.”
She looked up at him with amazement, smiling nervously. “How do you always manage to calm me down?”
“I know you,” He murmured, sending her heart into overdrive.
She hesitated for just a second, a bit shy but really wanting to continue. “Can I… can I kiss you? Again?”
He huffed in amusement, dipping his head down to capture her lips in his. She immediately melted against him, a little content hum escaping her. She brought a hand to his hair, threading her fingers through it and pulling him closer.
She really had no idea what she was doing, but Luka made everything so easy. He slowly backed her up so she was against the back of the chaise, moving the hand on her cheek to the back of her neck. His tongue glided over her lips carefully before retreating, giving her the chance to back away if she needed to.
Yeah, like hell.
Instead, she gave an experimental poke of her, surprised to be met with his. She let him guide her, following his movements and slowly making bolder moves of her own. She tightened her grip on his hair, not quite pulling but definitely firm. A low groan escaped him and he kissed her with more fervor, clearly affected by her actions.
Marinette herself was thrilled with this course of action, giving a few more slight tugs as she wrapped her legs around him. Before they could get too into it however, she felt someone watching them. Many someones.
With a groan, she reluctantly pulled away, glaring over at the kwamis. Most of them had their heads poked out, including Tikki, the traitor.
Luka sat back with a laugh, giving a small wave to the creatures. Daizzi rushed forward first, flying around his head with excitement. “Are you the Guardian’s new partner? That’s so amazing! She’s been really upset, honestly. Staring at those photos of you all day, that glum look on her face.”
“That’s enough!” Marinette squeaked out, grabbing Daizzi and covering her mouth. “Another word and I won’t be sneaking you any choquettes!”
“We’re just happy for you, that’s all!” Xuppu cheered, the rest of the kwamis flying out. “And it sounds like you can still be with Adrien! It’s a win-win!”
“Please don’t take our choquettes!” Mullo whimpered, giving Marinette her puppy dog eyes.
“Ugh, fine, just don’t peak next time we make out…” She sighs, letting Daizzi go.
Luka perks up at that, shooting her a smirk. “Next time?”
Marinette turned red, waving her arms around awkwardly. “What? Did I say that? Pfft, how silly would that be? Unless you want there to be a next time, then I’d be more then happy cause honestly that was really hot and I wanted to keep going but! I get if you don’t want to cause I wasn’t really expecting to either, not to say it was amazing, it totally was, and please just shut me up already…”
He laughed at the last bit, pressing a quick kiss to her lips. “I’m totally down for more. But maybe another time… I’m sure we’ll get some privacy next time?”
He looked to the kwamis, and each instantly nodded their agreement, giggling and looking between the two of them.
“See?” Luka gestures to them, that easy smile stretched across his face. “No trouble.”
“I should probably feed them now, anyways,” Marinette sighed, slowly standing up. “Do you want to grab something too?”
He grinned up at her, grabbing her hand and pulling the hatch down open. “Lead the way.”
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zuragin · 2 years
My list of GinZura fics that I love a lot.
This is my list of timeless GinZura fics that I love from ao3, in no order of preference, from oldest to newest:
1. Instinct by pyrrhic_victoly (cthchewy)   Kitties being kitties. GinZura being stupid.
2. Fight on a Monday, Cry on a Tuesday, Throw Up on a Wednesday, but Always Laugh on Saturday & Sunday by  mangemouth
Anything by this author is timeless in my humble opinion. It is a nice fic, it evolves in a lovely way and it is very funny.
3. Two Wrongs Don't Make a Right, But Sometimes Two Idiots Can Make a Genius by pyrrhic_victoly (cthchewy)
Everything by this author is legendary and funny in my opinion. I had never read an mpreg fic before but this was just too stupid and crack-y and funny. I love this fic so much.
4. but it’s burning like an effigy in here by  mangemouth
This is both onesided TakaZura and GinZura. It is very good.
5. creature comforts by  mangemouth
More stupid GinZura cat business and lovely YoroZura.
6. Resuscitation by  Xparrot
This is the fic everyone would recommend back in the day when GinTama was super popular. It is a gorgeous fic and I love Zura here. It also has ace Gintoki.
7. Toll by  athena_crikey
This is one of my favorite fics. It’s very good with lot’s of supernatural elements and Gintoki’s relationship with Zura. Basically the yorozuya are sent to perform an exorcism and Zura is also there, but things do not go well.
8. Echo by  athena_crikey
This author had so many awesome GinZura ideas. Anything by them is a really good read in my opinion. But this story in particular hits hard.
9. Festivales y peces. by  OlivierCash (Spanish)
Esta historia es muy linda y corta. De los fics en español que se me hacen bonitos.
10. call when you're around by  guycecil
“You’ve caught me,” Zura says, and the idea that his fingers are still inside him, that he still has a hand wrapped around his dick while he says it, probably shouldn’t make Gintoki’s heart skip in just quite the way it does. “Prepare for the end, Gintoki.” It is smut without plot ¿?, but I love it so much.
11. Hollow King by  AvaCelt
It’s somewhat short, but I love it because it focuses on Zura so much. 
12. the monkey on your back is the latest trend by  guycecil  
Mainly because I love Kagura here!
13. Beginner's Guide by  tanktrilby
This is probably one of my fav fics of the GinZura week in 2015. Zura is just so stupid in this one. But stupid good. This fic is funny and cute. I love jealous Zura so much.
14. the spaces we fill together by  swanfrost
This fic is just so, so sweet. The best Christmas fic I can recommend. It has such a heartwarming YoroZura and even more endearing GinZura. 
15. your love is like bad medicine by  Eddaic
Such a cute Valentine’s Day fic and I appreciate it is Gintoki reaching Zura.
16. and we'll ask if we can stay by  Eddaic
Modern AU and ... the bickering!! The bickering! The sense of destiny. Of they being each other’s constant...!
17. Halloween Is Scarier As An Adult by  experimentaldrama
Best Halloween fic with GinZura! But actually all the Kabukicho idiots appear in this story! 
18. your armour is just skin by  Eddaic
Katsura and Gintoki going together to Hagi for the first time in many years.
19. A Helping Hand by  Liatheus
Written post-Rakuyo arc. This is one of my favorite ZuraGin fics ever. No, I would say it IS the ZuraGin fic. It is a mature fic but it is so, so sweet. It is the sweetest smut. I love Zura and Gintoki both so much in this fic. It is one of those fics I come back to re-read so many times. It is just that good. It’s just such nice smut with lots of feelings inside. 
20. a good nurse is always doing a careful job with their patients by  ginkitty
This fic is mature as well and I must say it is very delicious to read. So kinky. But I bet Gintoki enjoyed this so much.
21. a good ending by  corvidity
A very heartwarming YoroZura fic and a good ending for Zura. 
22. First Love by  seke
A very cute fic with them as kids and silly crush confessions.
23. Mind if we join? by  ginkitty
Glorious JOUI4 smut. 
24. There To Stop Me If I Go Wrong by  rainsometimes
Such a nice conversation between Katsura and Hijikata. About GinZura and their promise.
25. Human Beings Are Simple Creatures by  rainsometimes
A wonderful fic with GinZura and some lack of communication, with some GinTakaZura vibes as well. 
26. No worries allowed by  JisooSZ (Spanish)
Gintoki preocupado por Zura después de Benizakura. Mucho bickering jajaja.
27. They Say That Idiots Never Catch Cold But It's Only the Idiots Who Don't Take Their Medicine by  dearfriendicanfly
This is one of my favorite fics. It has YoroZura, and it has Zura getting sick and the family taking care of him. It’s so lovely. This author always writes sweet stories. 
28. fair is fair is fair, or something by  hoshi_ni_natte
Another wonderful JOUI4 foursome mature fic!!! They are all in love. x3
29. It's Only Us When Words Fail by  WordsWhisperInTheDark
I love Zura taking care of Gintoki and just, Zura and the kids being worried for him as a family. This fic is absolutely beautiful. Please read it!
30. Peace is Not A Part of The Option by  fishingrods
Just a wonderful story of them through the story and after The Final.
31. like a barnful of feathers by  pearthery
Not exactly just GinZura, it’s a gorgeous AU and a love letter to Gintoki.
32. There's No Together, There's No Apart, There Is Only Impossible Longing by  rainsometimes
A marvelous fic centered in the GinTakaZura relationship. It has spoilers for the final.
A mature fic about romance between drunk people. 
34. Marriage is Overrated by  Official_Biscuit_Moron
GinZura got married a long time ago but Gintoki does not remember... such a cute fic!
35. There's Often A Spike In Nativity Numbers 9 Months After A Sudden Cold Snap by  rainsometimes
Domestic GinZura, trying their worst to seduce each other.
36. what are scars but marks of the life you've lived by  pearthery
Everything they write just has such high quality! This has both wonderful YoroZura scenes + Shouka Sonjuku reminiscences.
37. If your friend seems hurt, maybe you should check on them by  kyojtanj
Heartwarming and lovely!
38. shinka no natsu by  pearthery
Such a cute little fic, full of love and love and love! Small Zura is just love. This is one of my favorite fics I think. 
39. Luangkan Sedikit Waktu Untuk Mengucapkan Selamat Ulang Tahun Untuk Temanmu Yang Sedang Berulang Tahun by  youthfulfangs (Bahasa Indonesia)
Zura being the cutest boyfriend ever! 
40. When an Editor Tells You To Follow the Mandated Shonen Action Ending Formula, Go Off the Rails and Do Something Else Instead by  StarryDustandFluffyStuff
I love this fic to the Moon and back! I just think it is wonderful when all the GinTama cast is added to the story. When you have a fic where many characters colaborate to help the main pairing get together. Also, this fic is just so, so GinTama! From the title, to the dialogues, everything. I really appreciate it and it became one of my favorites since the first time I read it. 
41. Catch You Catch Me by  athena_crikey
athena_crikey suddenly came back in 2021 and posted this wonderful and interesting GinZura story. It is just so, so good! I appreciate the GinZura interactions in this one so much. All the politics and Gintoki being angry at Zura. It’s wonderful.
42. No, of course there's nothing impure about sharing a bath together! Especially when it's just between friends. by  kyojtanj
It’s just so cute.
43. It's Always Okay to Cry (Yes, Even During Sex) by  StarryDustandFluffyStuff
A mature GinZura fic about True Love, the kind of Love that is there in your low moments. Love that persists. Gintoki taking care of Zura. Everything about this fic is just so good.
44. Sudah Saatnya Kita Berhenti Merasa Sendiri by  youthfulfangs ( Bahasa Indonesia)
Zura angst!!!! Zura angst!!!!!!!
45. Hot by  grievingcain
As the title implies, it is hot smut (LOL). This fic is ZURAGIN (What? bottom Gintoki? What?) and BanTaka. It is just too hot and fun to read. Also Takasugi making fun of Gintoki for being a bottom (LOL). 
46. Nobody ever said that there’s only one way to be in love (and if they did, they’re wrong) by  Inkonstantin
All the joui boys love each other.
47. you should deep-clean your house at least twice a year by  earth-dad (qrow)
This author gets GinZura so well.
48. Even After Everything, I Still Feel This Way by  Inkonstantin
Layered and complex GinZuraGin emotions Post-Be Forever Yorozuya! Such wonderful and dramatic dialogue I appreciate this author so much.
49. Instead Of Admitting You’re One Day Late To The Party, Just Claim You’re 364 Days Early by  rainsometimes
Best birthday fic!! I LOVE THIS AUTHOR SO MUCH! They get GinZura’s bickering so, so well. They inspire me to try to write bickering GinZura too... It is always so, so much fun to read their fics! 
50. More Than A Free Meal by  InfiniteInMystery
This is one of my favorite GinZura, YoroZura, GinZuraHiji authors and how wonderful this YoroZura piece is. I giggled. It’s cute. Bickering x 4. 
51. Pushy People Are Totally Tops by  InfiniteInMystery
This is a mature GinZura fic. I love how playful the Zura this author writes always is. I love your Zura so much. And your GinZura, no matter the story.... they are always so in love and I’m such a big fan of it!! They can write GinZura in so many different settings... in both heartwarming and dramatic stories. It’s so admirable.
52. If Your Mind Feels Muddy It’s Probably Because In Your Head It’s Raining by  Inkonstantin
The descriptions in this fic are just so wonderful and I need everyone to read this. 
53. Some Of Us Are Better Actors Than Others by  InfiniteInMystery
This is a wonderful mature fic treating topics such as self-harm. Basically Zura screaming for help. Just made so much better by the inclusion of Otose here. Everyone cares about Zura so much.... It’s just one of my favorite fics.
54. The Little Things We Don't Say by  InfiniteInMystery
So much fluff and happiness. x3
55. Press your lips against mine and engrave your name on my heart by  WordsWhisperInTheDark
This has joui4 with endgame GinZura. The GinZura is truly sweet. 
56. Let Me Be Washed Up Right Next To You, Over And Over by  rainsometimes
This fic became one of my favorites and the most recent one I have read. I love this author to the Moon and back and they just write the absolute best GinZura bickering ever!! I had already said this in another story by them, but I must insist! It’s just so much fun. 
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I hope this doesn’t sound too ignorant, but as a non-American (South African here!), everyone is saying that this election is very incredible and different than others? Something about how the democrats have managed to hang on to power and it’s very close? What makes that so unique, and why is it so surprising that the democrats still (likely) have the senate? Shouldn’t you have a democratic congress because you have a democratic president? Here we do have a bunch of different parties, we don’t really have to main ones that always win, except the same corrupt party keeps getting elected again and again because it’s a very unfair system. While I do personally view Nelson Mandela as a hero to our country, his party has fallen so far from his beliefs and everyone is still so obsessed with him, and that seems to be much the case with America and the founding fathers, if I’m not mistaken?
I’m really sorry and I hope this doesn’t come across as sarcastic or dumb, I just don’t fully understand American politics and am a bit confused about your elections, and are they genuinely as bad and messed up as ours? Thank you so much!
Oh Jesus. Asking for a beginner-level crash course on American politics is a bit like asking for a beginner-level crash course on nuclear physics, but I'll do my best. Short answer: yes, American elections are fucked up to such a cosmic degree that it's truly astonishing that they still work at all, and yes, as many of my recent posts have discussed, it's shocking that the midterms went as well for the Democrats as they did. Because:
There are 50 states. Every single state has a considerable degree of autonomy over their own voting laws, voter eligibility, whether voters can register online, vote absentee, etc etc. Thus, the states run by Republicans have been rushing to enact as many restrictive voting laws as possible, meaning that this impacts who is able to actually cast a ballot (and indeed, have that ballot counted).
Each state is also very often "gerrymandered," aka divided into districts where one party has a better chance of winning than the other. Republicans, because they suck, also draw districts that erase or severely reduce Black voting power. For example, if you have District 1 that is 80% Black and therefore something like 80% Democratic, you cut little bits off the edges and put those in red districts, so you turn one safe-Democratic seat into multiple swing or Republican-leaning seats. It sucks.
The Supreme Court, after Trump got three picks with lifetime appointments, has 6 conservatives and 3 liberals, which means that if the conservatives vote as a bloc (as they often do), they can overrule pretty much anything they please (as long as it is a pending case before them). This has been especially notable with voting-rights cases this cycle, and was also the reason that Roe vs. Wade (the right to an abortion in all 50 states) was overturned this summer, capping 50 years of Republican efforts to do just that.
Every election, with the big exception of one, is won the old-fashioned way (whoever gets the most votes wins). The exception is the presidential election. There, it doesn't matter if you win the popular vote, as long as you win the Electoral College. Because of racism, each state in America has a certain number of electoral votes that reflect its population. California, with 40 million people, has 55 electoral votes; Wyoming, with 300,000, has 3. (And yet, they both also get two senators! This seems fair). Therefore, winning the popular vote in blue California is more important than winning the popular vote in red Wyoming.
This is also where we get the term "swing states." These states don't consistently vote Republican or Democratic, so whoever can win those has a better chance of winning the presidency. For example, Pennsylvania voted for Trump (red) in 2016 and for Biden (blue) in 2020, by relatively small margins each time. Yes, the Electoral College is a horrible system and we all know it. It's why Trump became president in 2016 despite losing the nationwide popular vote; he eked out just enough votes in key states to win the Electoral College (you need 270 electoral college votes to win; there are 538 up for grabs overall).
Likewise, the midterm elections are, almost without exception since 1934, used to punish the incumbent president's party for the perceived fuckups of the last two years. So if the president is Republican, the midterms lean Democratic; if the president is Democratic, the midterms lean Republican. The reason that everyone is so surprised at the Democrats doing well is because of 80+ years of historical precedent dictating that they would take a beating. But because Republicans have gotten so crazy, people shied away from voting for them. The Republicans were projected to win up to 5 Senate seats and up to 40+ House seats. As of this writing, they have won... zero and 8, or thereabouts, and it's still not clear who will secure 218 of the 435 seats in the House, which is the amount needed for a majority. Some of those House wins are also offset by the Democrats winning Republican seats back from them, hence why overall control is still up in the air.
So in other words, Congress is LESS likely to be Democratic when the president is Democratic, rather than the same party.
Trump's big thing after he lost in 2020 was to yell to the high heavens about imagined "voter fraud," which was clearly the only reason he could possibly have lost. This is why he tried to launch a coup and sent the January 6 mob to attack the Capitol during Congress's certification of the 2020 election results.
There are probably a ton of other factors I am forgetting, but yes, once again: I cannot possibly emphasize enough what a shitshow it is, and the fact that despite all of the above, the Democrats are guaranteed to keep the Senate and are still in the running for House control. Even if the Republicans do win the House, it will be by such a tiny margin that they will have trouble doing anything except wasting everyone's time with pointless revenge investigations. Democrats will still control the Senate and the Presidency until 2024, and thus can block House GOP nonsense and continue to confirm judges, which is very important after the number of unqualified right-wing hacks that Trump stuffed onto the bench with lifetime appointments.
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Sicktember 2023 Masterpost
Alright, if you're reading this, I'm officially wrapped up with all my Sicktember entries. Also, in celebration of this completion, the snez attorney server is now open.
I'll be listing all my entries that are posted here, so the one separate AO3 exclusive entry will not be listed, and then a link to the compilation work on AO3 if you wanna read them all in one go (again, the AO3 exclusive is its own separate work so it won't be in there).
Italics = at least one mention of snz * = spelled snz Sick character(s) will be listed next to the title, then featured ships if any Nature of illness is in bold
This will likely be pinned until maybe December? I dunno, but I'd like this to be accessible for a little bit.
Day 1: Hopelessly Bad At Self Care* - Mia Fey; cold
Day 3: “What Happened To Your Phenomenal Immune System, Huh?” - Franziska von Karma, Fradrian; cold/laryngitis
Day 4: Hiding An Illness - Phoenix Wright & Miles Edgeworth, Wrightworth; cold
Alt 1: “I Could Really Use A Hug Right Now” - Maya Fey; high fever
Day 5: Preventative Measures (Not Taken) - Raymond Shields; chickenpox
Alt 4: Forehead Kisses - Larry Butz & Miles Edgeworth, yhnrmt (Larry/Phoenix/Miles poly); cold
Alt 5: “I’m So Sorry” *- Adrian Andrews, Fradrian; cold
Day 8: Persistent Fever - Godot, Miego; high fever
Day 11: Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick - Larry Butz, yhnrmt (+ background Klapollo); laryngitis (from intentional vocal strain)
Day 12: Home Remedy/Old Wives’ Tale* - Phoenix Wright & Maya Fey; cold
Day 14:  “I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am” - Damon Gant, Gantfred if you squint; cold
Day 16: Consulting the Internet/Web MD - Adrian Andrews, Fradrian; allergies
Day 18: “Wear Your Coat, You’ll Catch a Cold”* - Gregory Edgeworth; cold
Day 19: Curled Up With a Pet - Adrian Andrews & Franziska von Karma, Fradrian; cold (on the mend)
Day 20: Cramping Pain - Maya Fey, an ensemble of background ships; appendicitis
Day 21: “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too” - Miles Edgeworth, Wrightworth; cold
Day 22: Terms of Endearment/Nicknames* - Mia Fey & Diego Armando, Miego; cold
Day 24: “Did you just sneeze?”* - Franziska von Karma, background past franmaya; cold
Day 26: [Allergic] Conjunctivitis* - Larry Butz; allergies
Day 27: Uncooperative Patient - Apollo Justice, Klapollo; influenza
Day 30: Patient 0 - Maya Fey, Larry Butz, & Miles Edgeworth; cold
The AO3 Compilation Work:
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Birdie’s Library of Sick
Here is a complete list of my longer fics. Regularly updated as I post, including all posted Sicktember fics. Full steam ahead for sneezes + fevers!
List is now revamped! Organized alphabetically by fandom/AU, then chronologically by date posted (for fandoms) or by character timeline (for OCs). Because I’m a nerd and I wanted all my darlings to be grouped together most efficiently.  Fics marked *** are my favorite of the things I’ve written... my greatest hits, if you will. Those are the ones I come back to read time and again when I’m in certain moods. Please check those out if you haven’t before, and reblogs are always appreciated!
Also, I have even longer stuff posted on AO3 under the same name (PerfectPaperBluebirds) so head on over there for even more sickfic goodness.
My ask box is always open for prompts! I’m always up to try something new, so if there's any aesthetics you want to see, please send them my way :)
The Black Tapes Podcast:
Better Now 
(SKT ‘21) Sneezing 
***(SKT ‘22) Care Package 
(SKT ‘23) “But if you stay, you’ll get sick too.” 
Bridget Jones’s Diary:
(SKT ‘22) Taking a Sick Day (Bridget Jones’s Diary)
(SKT ‘23) Consulting the Internet 
Criminal Minds:
(SKT ‘21) Nebulizer (Sick Reid)
(SKT ‘21) Warm Soup (Sick Hotch)
Colder Weather (Sick Hotch)
Maybe Tomorrow Will Be Better (Sick Reid)
(SKT ‘23) Sick and Injured (Sick Morgan)
***(SKT ‘22) A Cry For Attention (Sick Bruno)
(SKT ‘23) Hiding an Illness (Sick Julieta)
Grey’s Anatomy:
(Secret Santa ‘22) To Make You Well (Sick Derek)
(SKT ‘23) “Did you just sneeze?” (Meredith Allergies)
Hannibal [TV]
***House Calls Pt. 1 (Sick Will)
***House Calls Pt. 2  (Sick Hannibal)
(SKT ‘21) Asleep on the Couch (Sick Will)
(SKT ‘21) Sick at Work (Everyone sick)
(SKT ‘22) Common Cold (Sick Hannibal)
(SKT ‘22) Tepid Bath (Sick Will)
SKT ‘23 Hopelessly Bad at Self Care (Sick Will)
Howl’s Moving Castle:
(SKT ‘21) Sneaky Temperature Check (Sick Sophie)
(SKT ‘23) Coughing Fit (Sick Howl)
Jurassic World: 
***(SKT ‘21) I’m Not Sick (Jurassic World)
(SKT ‘23) White Coat Syndrome
Knives Out:
(SKT ‘21) Headache/Migraine 
(SKT ‘21) Appendicitis [emeto]
(SKT ‘23) Beginner’s Guide to Faking Sick 
***(SKT ‘21) Bed Rest 
(SKT ‘21) Hot Water Bottle 
***Tender Loathing Care 
(SKT ‘23) Preventative Measures (Not Taken) 
***(SKT ‘21) Fever [Sick Clint]
(SKT ‘21) Medicine (MCU Avengers AU) [Sick no serum Steve]
(SKT ‘22) Painkillers [Sick Tony]
(SKT ‘22) Hangover [Sick Thor] [emeto]
***(SKT ‘22) 'Great. Now I Have Your Germs All Over Me.’ [Sick Clint and Natasha]
(SKT ‘22) Seasonal Allergies [Sick Clint]
(SKT ‘22) Nausea/Upset Stomach [Sick Bruce] [emeto]
***(SKT ‘22) Whining/Crying [Sick Natasha]
(SKT ‘22) VapoRub [Sick Bucky]
(SKT ‘22) Lethargy/Exhaustion [Sick Steve]
(SKT ‘23) “I should have stayed home.” [Sick Steve)
New Girl:
(SKT ‘21) Faking it (Sick Jess)
(SKT ‘21) Ginger Ale and Crackers [emeto] (Sick guys)
(SKT ‘23) “What happened to your phenomenal immune system, huh?” (Sick Schmidt)
The Office:
(SKT ‘21) Chicken Pox (Sick Jim Halpert)
(SKT ‘21) Quarantine (Sick Michael Scott)
(SKT ‘22) Intense Coddling (Sick Ryan Howard)
What A Lovely Way to Burn (Sick Ryan Howard)
(SKT ‘23) Patient Zero (Sick Andy Bernard) 
Pride and Prejudice:
A Darcy Day Off
***(SKT ‘21) Contagious
***(SKT ‘21) Stay (Follow-up to Contagious)
Cold Comfort 
Eyes On You 
(SKT ‘23) “Wear a coat, you’ll catch cold.” 
Star Wars:
***(SKT ‘21) Aches and Pains [the Mandalorian]
(SKT ‘21) Unlikely Caregiver (Rey and Kylo)
***Safe and Warm (Follow-up to Aches and Pains )
(SKT ‘23) “I shouldn’t be worried about you, but for some reason I am.” (Rey and Kylo)
Historical/Fantasy OCs
Cowboy ‘Verse:
***(SKT ‘22) Home remedy
(SKT ‘23) Persistent Fever 
DnD OCs (Filius, Gundor, Kandry, Lorellyn):
***(SKT ‘21) Blankets
(SKT ‘22) ‘Do You Know How To Take Care of a Sick Person?’ 
***(SKT ‘22) Sleepless Night/s 
(SKT ‘23) Quest for a Cure 
Navy Man OCs (Capt. Michael Ingram):
Tidings of Comfort (Holiday fic 2021) [emeto]
(SKT ‘22) Homesick 
(SKT ‘22) ‘I Might Be A Teeny Tiny Bit Sick, But It’s Fine.’ (Follow-up to Tidings of Comfort)
(SKT ‘23) Sick in an Inconvenient Place 
Roaring Twenties ‘Verse (Jesse Hamilton):
(SKT ‘21) Missing Out (Roaring Twenties, Holiday fic) [emeto]
(SKT ‘23) Terms of Endearment/Nicknames
Plague Doctor OCs (Alastair and Eliza):
***The Doctor Is In... the Inn 
(SKT ‘22) Soft Pajamas
(SKT ‘23) Confused/Disoriented 
Science Lovers OCs (Peter and Violet):
***Under the Willow 
(SKT ‘22) Sunburn
(SKT ‘23) Old Wives Tale
Sorcerer ‘Verse OCs (Elmrador Renata and Co.):
Spells and Sneezes
Powers and Flowers 
(SKT ‘22) ‘Blow Your Nose’ 
***Curses and Comforts (Follow-up to Powers and Flowers )
(SKT ‘23) Magical Remedy/Healing Potion [emeto]
Sprite Kingdom (Aleander the Healer)
Icing and Frosting (Sprite Kingdom)
(SKT ‘23) Side Effects/Adverse Reaction 
Vicar ‘Verse OCs (Nicholas and Lydia Lennox):
***A Virus for the Vicar
(SKT ‘22) ‘Get Back in Bed!’ 
(SKT ‘23) Anxious Stomach [emeto]
Wagon Train OCs (Dan and Ella)
Here Comes the Sun 
The Weather Outside Is Frightful
(SKT ‘23) Uncooperative Patient 
Historical/Fantasy OC one-offs (for now):
An Artist’s Study on Illness (Italian Artists)
To the Place I Belong (Vampire ‘Verse, Halloween 2022)
Modern OCs
CottageVersity OCs (Tenbusch family):
***Mess Is Mine (Thad & JB, JB sick)
***(SKT ‘22) Psychogenic Fever/Stress Induced Illness (Thad & JB, JB sick)
(SKT ‘22) Cold Sweat (Theo sick)
[CW: Homophobia] The Last Christmas (All, Thad & JB sick)
[the Meet-cute!] Pretty Girls and Starting Conversations (Thalia & Padma, Thalia sick)
(SKT ‘23) “The only place we’re going is the pharmacy.” (Thalia sick)
Holding Onto Me So Tight (Thad & JB, both sick) 
Sick of It (All, Theo/JB/Padma sick)
***Miserable At Best  (All sick)
(SKT ‘22) Cuddling on the Couch (Thalia & Padma, Padma sick)
Priest ‘Verse (Father Luc and Flora):
I Can Go No Longer (Sick priest)
Cheer My Wearied Spirit (Sick Flora)
***(SKT ‘22) Tickle in the Throat [Sick priest] (The Beginning Pt. 1)
Feel My Temperature Rising [Sick Priest] (The Beginning Pt. 2)
(SKT ‘23) Curled Up With a Pet (Sick priest) 
Rockstar ‘Verse (Vic and Addison):
***(SKT ‘22) Syncope/Fainting 
(SKT ‘23) “You’re a jerk when you’re sick.” 
Shane and Molly (Shmolly):
[the Meet-cute!] Let Your Heart Be Light (Sick Shane)
(SKT ‘22) ‘I Need You To Pull Over!’ (Sick Shane) [emeto]
***(SKT ‘21) Doctor’s Visit/Check Up (Sick Shane)
Under the Weather Pt. 1 (Sick Shane)
Under the Weather Pt. 2 (Both Sick)
***(SKT ‘22) Sick On Vacation (Sick Molly)
***Without You (Sick Shane)
We’ll Share A Cup of Kindness Yet (Both Sick)
***Never Gonna Leave This Bed (Both Sick)
(SKT ‘23) “I could really use a hug right about now.” (Sick Shane) 
Modern OC one-offs (for now):
Hospitality (Banquets and Events OCs)
Book Club (Business Boutique OCs)
Domestic Drabble #97 (In F [lu] Major)
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so i half understand (i don't understand anything about the moon arc actually) that hare and "seele" both being basically living stigmatas yet absolutely nothing alike personality-wise and in their views of humanity is basically a matter of "seele" living inside a human and also being surrounded by humans all the time while hare has probably only interacted with One normal human in her entire life, and i get we should pity her for it, but it's hard to feel anything about a character we've known for like two days. i'm not a writer but i feel like showing a new character at the near-end of the story isn't the smartest idea, especially if they expect people to actually get interested in the character. idk
Yeah it’s usually a beginner’s mistake to introduce a bunch of new elements in the conclusion of your story, I do think she was planned though, my guess is that Hare was supposed to have a bigger role prior to the last arc but they cut a bunch of things shorter? I don’t have proof tho it’s just… copium for the weirdly bad writing decision…
Like it’s not that it CANT be done. Anything can work if you write it well enough. This just doesn’t work so well, they introduce an antagonistic character who doesn’t bring much more than odd retcons and exemplifying the current threat because it was too abstract up until now… the twist that the backstory doesn’t even belong to OUR Hare makes it even worse since it feels like an even bigger waste of time…
The backstory itself isn’t bad! It’s sad! I like sad things! I like miserable characters!
But at this stage of the story it’s out of place as you said, and it shouldn’t have come at the price of a main character’s backstory getting weird last minute information that contradicts previously established dynamics. It feels too much like a blunder… :/
But oh well what’s done is done. As far as weird writing decisions go this isn’t one of the worst ones. It’s at least somewhat entertaining. (I like sad backstories, in a vacuum.)
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toransuretaa · 2 years
The Neighbour in Room 203 Disappeared Leaving a Key Behind Drama CD (2/5)
Tumblr media
Warning: R18 Drama CD & Yandere shit
Track 2: Stalker
**Doorbell rings**
Kurama: “Yes. Oh, it’s miss neighbour. I’m opening it now.”
**Door opens**
Kurama: “Is there something?” 
**Rustling of a paper bag**
Kurama: “A box of cakes?*”
Kurama: “Huh this is? Did I do something?”
Kurama: “What? You’re moving out? That’s a really sudden notice. And here I thought we were finally starting to get along. That’s really too bad.”
Kurama: “Oh well, I guess it can’t be helped. You have your own life after all.”
Kurama: “Then, shall we drink some tea together as a last thing? I’m good at making tea. And just a while back, I was gifted my favourite tea in my letter box from Mr. Stalker.”
Kurama: “Huh? I mean, since I received it already, it would be a waste right?”
Kurama: “Besides, it’s something mr. stalker did their best to think through for me. Ehehehe.”
Kurama: “Eeeh. Isn’t it fine miss neighbour? You’re free today anyway righ?”
Kurama: “Come on come on”
Kurama: “What’s wrong?”
Kurama: “Ahahahaha.”
Kurama: “I know.”
**Shove. Door closes**
Kurama: “I know that you’re my stalker. So, hurry up and put off your shoes.”
Kurama: “Ah leave the box of cakes there. I’ll open it later.”
Kurama: “I’ts okay it’s okay. Come on come on.”
**Put off shoes**
Kurama: “Alright alright, this way this way.”
**Goes inside**
Kurama: “Now, miss stalker, how does it feel to enter the room of the guy you always yearned for?”
Kurama: “Oh was it too dark? The black-out curtains are closed after all. I’ll turn on the lights for you~” 
Kurama: “Ah. That face right now is really good.”
**Takes picture**
Kurama: “Heh. Let’s print this out too later on and hang it over there. I guess I’ll be running out of ink again.”
Kurama: “What’s that you ask? It’s a photo. Photography is my hobby. I love taking photos during trips. You also at least have a photo of me right?”
Kurama: “Eeeeeeh you don’t have one? If you’re gonna stalk someone you’ve got to at least take their picture first. You must be a beginner in stalking.”
**Walks over**
Kurama: “Hahaha cute. That kind of face is cute too.”
Kurama: “Heh. You know, photos are done like this...”
**Takes picture**
Kurama: “Heh. That’s our first picture together.”
Kurama: “Hahaha. I would’ve liked a cuter expression more.”
Kurama: “Woah.”
**You run away and topple something over**
Kurama: “How mean.”
Kurama: “What is that you say? Take a closer look.”
Kurama: “That’s right. It’s what they call a Dutch wife. I had it made after you. Don't you think it's well made? Look, her eyes, for example, look really just like yours!"
Kurama: "From making the model to the hair colour and even the shape of her face. Isn't she perfect? Oh even her height and weight are the same. The technology nowadays is amazing. It’s been a while since I’ve spent a large sum of money on myself."
Kurama: “Oh I also have that doll on the bed you know.”
Kurama: “That doll is wearing your old clothes. The ones you threw away recently.”
Kurama: “You can still use them so it’d be such a waste. I fixed the torn parts neatly, so look: doesn’t it look pretty?”
Kurama: “Ohh. What a nice expression.”
**Takes pictures**
Kurama: “Oh hey hey don’t run away.”
Kurama: “There you go.”
Kurama: “Caught you.”
Kurama: “What a nice scent. Is it shampoo I wonder.”
Kurama: “It’ll makes me go hard.”
Kurama: “Oh no you shouldn’t��do that. You’ll bother the neighbours if you scream. The landlord will also worry, so that’d be inpolite. Hmmm, but that muffled voice is also cute.”
Kurama: “Ah sorry. As expected, I got hard.”
Kurama: “Can you tell it’s hitting your hips?”
Kurama: “Ah. Ehe. Even though there’s no way you’d win against a guy’s strength. You’re really cute when you become desperate. So cute it makes me want to gobble you up.”
Kurama: “Shall I start by eating your cute ear?”
**Assaults  Licks ear and giggles**
Kurama: “Your muffled cries... so good. But I kinda want to hear your voice filled with pleasure.”
Kurama: “Hm. Are you about to pass out. I guess I could just kill you like this. And afer that I’ll embalm you and keep you pretty. I’m not really good at things like that, but there are enough ways to do it.”
Kurama: “Like a real Dutch wife. Ehehehehe that sounds like a good plan.”
Kurama: “Is that so? That’s a little disappointing. I’m not really into doing things you don’t like. I’ll let go of your hand, but making too much of a ruckus is a no-no okay?” 
Kurama: “Here you go.”
Kurama: “What? What’s wrong? Is there something scary? Getting touched by someone you like should make you happy right? After all, if I was in your position I’d be happy. Hahaha.”
Kurama: “Hmm? You don’t know me even though you’re my stalker? Geez, if you’re gonna follow someone around you’ve gotta do your research on them. I’m Kurama Nagito, the person on your mind and your neighbour. You loved me so much that you stalked me right? ”
Kurama: “I do know you very well. Like how you adjust the time you leave for work just to see me. Or how you leave letters for me inside my letter box. How you go through the trash I’ve thrown away. Or how you’ve written about me a lot in your diary.” 
Kurama: “Ah. Also how you become red as you imagine being embraced by me. Hehehe. I know you reaaaally well you know.” 
**Sloppy sounds**
Kurama: “Ah it’s so warm inside your mouth.”
Kurama: “C’mon, suck on my fingers.” 
Kurama: “I already know you masturbated while thinking of me.” 
Kurama: “C’mon. Try to suck on my fingers as if they’re my thing.” 
Kurama: “Huh? You can’t? Don’t pull back your tongue now. Geez you’re so dishonest.” 
Kurama: “Well then, I’ll violate the insides of your mouth for you.”
Kurama: “It’ll hurt if you bite, so you can’t bite okay?”
**Sloppy sounds**
Kurama: “Ah that’s really sexy. I’ll let you suck the real thing in a bit so you can look forward to that.”
**Sloppy sounds**
Kurama: “How did the me in your imagination embrace you? Was he kind? Or was he a bit mean? Hey what was the setting? Was it a bit forceful like this? Or were we maybe lovers inside your imagination?”
Kurama: “Ah. It really turns me on.”
Kurama: “I’m already so excited it hurts.”
Kurama: “Should I start rubbing?”
**Zipper and more sloppy sounds**
Kurama: “Ah you’re skin is so smooth. Is this what they call skin as white as snow?**”
Kurama: “There we go. Oh this underwear, isn’t it the one you bought just recently? The popular one shaped like a flower. So cute. If I were a girl I’d also want to wear something like that.”
Kurama: “There aren’t any cute guy’s underwear like that so it’s a bit lonely.”
**Sloppy sounds**
Kurama: “Ah. You’re butt also has a nice shape. Shall I rub against here?”
**Sloppy sounds and moaning intensifies**
Kurama: “The real thing feels good. Much better than in my imaginations.”
Kurama: “Gotta let it out once or else I don’t think I’ll last that long after this.”
Kurama: “I’m sorry. I have no idea what you’re saying. Maybe I would’ve known if I were an esper.”
Kurama: “Your butt or your back. Hmmm. Which do you prefer? Oh right you can’t talk. Sorry sorry.”
Kurama: “I guess it doesn’t matte either way.”
**Sloppy sounds and moaning intensifies x2**
Kurama: “Ah, I’m gonna cum. I can’t anymore.”
Kurama: “I’m gonna shoot it out so make sure to catch it with your body okay?”
**Sloppy sounds and moaning intensifies x3**
**Heavy panting**
Kurama: “Ah that felt good.”
Kurama: “I let out a lot on your back ahahaha. It’s so slimy.”
Kurama: “Of course it’s not revenge or something like that. I was happy from the bottom of my heart to get stalked by you, you know? Besides, I got super exicted. Cause even the timid cutie who’s always sitting in front of me can love me so passionately. I’ve been looking at you for a pretty long time now. I was really happy that my feelings were reciprocated you know?”
Kurama: “Huh? You didn’t notice? That’s so sad. The train to work you used to take from your old place before this. I’ve been near you practically every day. So you just never noticed.”
Kurama: “Ah I knew it. I kind of supsected it bit it’s still a bit of a shock. It’s true that I wore a face mask and black glasses that aren’t these. And when I thought I didn’t really see you for a bit you moved away on your own accord without a word and changed your route. That’s why, I searched you up and moved in here.”
Kurama: “The real neighbour was a really kind person, so I think they’re having a happy life with someone else now.”
Kurama: “I had my eyes on you on a pretty early stage you know. You’re cute and even like this, no matter how you appeared you seemed to make someone happy. Like a hidden gem that shines once you find it. I watched you all this time with these kind of eyes.”
Kurama: “But, kidnapping someone against their will goes against my policy. I find that a bit too pitiful, so I planned to reel you in only if you showed interest in me.”
Kurama: “That’s how it went with the other girls until now too.” 
(T/N: noooooo whyyyyyyy T-T)
Kurama: “But even though I watched and watched and watched you, you’d never notice. And you know what happened next? I’m the one who fell for you.”
Kurama: “I was planning to get closer to you normally, but then you move away.”
Kurama: “That was such a shock.”
Kurama: “So, I tailed you.”
Kurama: “And then. You... hehehehe. You started stalking me. Ahahaha. I couldn’t help but be delighted.”
Kurama: “I’m used to following people around through work, but it’s really fun to be the one getting followed. I wonder if everyone felt this excitement too. Hehehe.”
Kurama: “I was waiting in this room the whole time you know. Waiting for you to break in. But you just stared at me, platonically, like an unrequited love that went just a bit too far.”
Kurama: “I was anticipating for you to approach me, but no development seemed to be made like this. And when I went hmmmmm, you said you were moving out again.”
Kurama: ”I thought, certainly you didn’t find someone else you like right?”
**Strangling sounds**
Kurama: “Hey, that’s really sad. Was I not enough? Even though you loved me to the point of stalking me? It was such a shock I thought I’d faint.”
Kurama: “I won’t forgive you if you move out. Cause you already belong to me.”
Kurama: “Hey, why did you think about something like moving out?”
Kurama: “Oh. Oooh. Eeeeh. That’s a new pattern, or however you call it. At the very least, that’s a reason I’ve never heard before. Ahahaha you’re really interesting. A stalker who felt too bad for their subject who seems too nice and decided to go away. No way. Normally you’d like them even more. You’d think they accepted you. You’re really such a normal person. You’re not fit for stalking.”
Kurama: “If the other party has accepted you you’ve gotta take the opportunity. Oh well, it’s all good if you haven’t found another guy.”
Kurama: “We’re face-to-face.”
Kurama: “Wow you’re face is completely white.”
Kurama: “I’ll paint it peach color right now so let’s kiss first. Chuu-”
Kurama: “You like me right? C’mon, kiss.”
Kurama: “You don’t like me? Ah. Did I mishear that? Huh? I cleaned my ears just yesterday.”
Kurama: “Ah you really don’t like me anymore? That’s so mean. I’m getting dizzy again from the shock.”
Kurama: “I feel like crying. Even though I like you so much.”
Kurama: “Then, I guess I should kill you while you still have some feelings for me. If you start going I don’t wanna I don’t wanna from now on and start hating me, I’ll become even more sad.”
Kurama: “Yes, that’s a good idea.”
Kurama: “Don’t worry it doesn’t hurt and isn’t scary. It’s just like falling asleep and never waking up, that’s all. I’m really good at that. And then I’ll embalm you after all and preserve you prettily. I’ll treasure you together with my precious memories with you. ”
Kurama: “Hm. What was a lie?”
Kurama: “Oh. I’m so glad!”
Kurama: “I knew it. You do like me. Ah I’m relieved. I’m so relieved.”
Kurama: “But you know. Next time you say something like that I’ll really start crying.”
Kurama: “Don’t say such sad things anymore okay?”
Kurama: “Then if you like me... you can kiss me right?”
Kurama: “I’ll close my eyes for you since you’re a pure girl.”
Kurama: “Oh and make sure to put in your tongue. And sloppily entangle it with mine, tell me you love me by seeking for me. 
**Kissing sounds**
Kurama: “More properly.”
**Kissing sounds**
Kurama: “This is not enough. C’mon like this.”
**Kissing intesifies**
Kurama: “We must intensely yearn for eachother, okay?.”
Kurama: “That expression is cute too. The expression of our first kiss.”
**Takes picture”
Kurama: “Woaah. Cute! Look! You’re making a really good face. Isn’t this complicated expression amazing?”
Kurama: “An expression of bewilderment and pleasure are mixed together. It’s the best.”
Kurama: “Hey, did your kiss with me feel good?”
Kurama: “I also really liked my kiss with you. To the point it makes me want to kiss you even more. It really feels like a bliss.”
Kurama: “Well then. Show me your cute body.”
Kurama: “C’mon take it off. Erotically. Like you’re a stripper.”
Kurama: “Ah! One sec. W-w-w-wait. Wait! Eh HD camera... Eeeh camera... Hmmm... huh where is it? Ehhhh, oh this. Oh not it. Oh here! Ahaha, it looks like a camera so it’s hard to distinguish. 
**Sound of a rotating device**
Kurama: “Ah looking through the viewfinder is also really nice. I might get hard from this again.” 
Kurama: “Alright ready when you are. Oh wait a bit. I want you to declare I’m gonna have sex with Mr. Nagito before you’re gonna strip. Like in an adult video, it turns me on.”
Kurama: “Hm? What’s wrong? Even if you stiffen up the situation won’t change. That part is innocent and cute, but nothing will start nor end in this situation. Okay? Strip for me. Oh, are you gonna strip? Yes yes you’re a good girl.”
Kurama: “Ah, declare it with a smile before stripping okay?”
Kurama: “Ahh. Wow. It’s so much better than my imagination. Ah I’m excited again.”
Kurama: “Ah, make a peace sign right there.”
Kurama: “Your insides must also be much better than my imagination. But I must still hold it in.”
Kurama: “Come on don’t stop your hands. Properly take off your underwear too.”
Kurama: “Ah the one you took off... leave it in the basket over there.”
Kurama: “So much better than your skin that I imagined.”
Kurama: “I see you’re the type to look thinner in clothes. Ah don’t hide it.”
Kurama: “Then I’ll leave the camera here.”
Kurama: “Ah so soft. I’ve always wanted to touch them.”
Kurama: “When I touch your boobs and your precious place like this, you gasp with a delicate voice.”
Kurama: “But the expression you have right now is much better than the one you make in my imagination. It’s realistic, erotic, and so much more lively. Cute.”
Kurama: “Ah. You’re nipples stood up. So it feels good. I’m so happy. Feel it more. I’ll grind against you like this and give you a lot of kisses.”
**Kissing noises**
Kurama: “It’s okay to let out your voice you know. If it feels good you have to say it feels good.” 
**Kissing noises intensifies**
Kurama: “I want to put piercings here. As proof that you’re mine. I’ll let them make cute custom ones.”
Kurama: “You turn red and then turn blue. You’re a really busy one.”
Kurama: “It’s okay. I’m not telling you to do it now. Cause I’ll gradually and carefully make you’re body unable to live without me.”
Kurama: “Alright. Then next up is... I’ll let you touch this. Spread your legs.”
Kurama: “You’re such a bashful person. Cute. But I want you to show me your important place.” 
Kurama: “Mmm hehehehe. You’re still embarassed. I love innocent girls.”
Kurama: “Then nevermind that for now. Instead, will you suck me? Then I’ll forgive you.”
Kurama: “I’m glad. Then lick it tenderly.”
Kurama: “Look, isn’t it amazing. It got so big. I wonder if it’ll completely fit into your mouth. Come, say ah-”
**Sloppy sounds and moaning**
Kurama: “I’ve had this imagination multiple times. An imagination where you give me a fella like this. But you know, even if I’m aroused and put it into the doll’s mouth it doesn’t feel good at all. It’s stiff, the tongue isn’t soft, and it’s cold. And above all, the expression is completely expressionless. Even if I pat her head or softly touch her cheek, the doll only makes an indifferent face.”
Kurama: “When it comes to that, the real thing is really nice. You’re soft and warm, and you make cute expressions.”
Kurama: “Ah this is the best. In my imagination, you do your best to suck while I tenderly grasp your head like this and shove myself deeply inside you. But it’s also nice when you voluntarily use your tongue like that.”
**Sloppy sounds and moaning**
Kurama: “I kinda feel like letting it out already.”
Kurama: “What should I do? Where shall I let it out? Inside your mouth? Or should I pour it over that cute face of yours? What should I do?”
Kurama: “I guess I’ll let you drink it after all. It’s so exciting to let my semen become your nourishment. I’m gonna grab your head for a bit but stay put okay?”
Kurama: “Oh if it hurts please raise your right hand okay?”
**Sloppy noises and moaning intensifies**
Kurama: “I’m about to cum. When I cum, make sure to save up my semen on your tongue alright?”
Kurama: “I’m gonna scold you if you just swallow it, understand?”
**Sloppy noises and moaning intensifies x2**
Kurama: “Okay, open your mouth. Good girl. Properly taste the semen saved up on your tongue.”
Kurama: “That’s right, stirr it like that and mix it with your saliva.”
Kurama: “Okay, swallow it.”
Kurama: “Now, say thanks for the meal.”
Kurama: “Ah are you alright? Eh the semen got spilled. Hmm. That’s not a good thing to do. You should clean up if you dirty someone’s floor. You must lick the semen from the floor and clean it up. I’ll make a video footage again. Come on, lick the floor clean.”
**Camera sounds**
Kurama: “You don’t wanna?”
Kurama: “You know, I don’t like to forcefully make you listen. So I wish you’d do it voluntarily. Okay? No good? You’re a good girl so you can do it right?”
Kurama: “That’s right, you’re a good girl. Indeed, lick it with more care.”
Kurama: “Hehehe how nice.”
Kurama: “You’re right, I’ll forgive you for saying you hate me.”
Kurama: “Ehehe but I never said what I’d forgive you for.”
Kurama: “Besides, it’s not like I’m really angry. I’m not that narrow-minded to get angry for that.”
Kurama: “Well then, what should we play next?”
Kurama: “Hmmm... ugh there’s nothing interesting here. Ehh I’ll guess I’ll go buy some. Oh, we could use this.”
**Sound of tape**
Kurama: “Oh this? Just what it looks like, it’s duckttape.”
Kurama: “Stay put.... just... for a bit...” 
Kurama: “Alright. And now. It may be a bit tough but please bear with it okay.”
Kurama: “Alright it should be fine like this.”
Kurama: “It’s no use struggling.”
Kurama: “Hmmm... I don’t really do this a lot so I feel kinda bad. It must be tough. But you know, if you cause a ruckus you’ll bother the neighbours. It’ll also trouble me so please bear with it like that for a little while.”
Kurama: “There you go. Woah light. You must get enough nutrients you know. A while back, you said over the phone to your friend you were dieting, but you really don’t need to lose more weight than this okay?”
**Opens closet**
Kurama: “Okay, please stay here for a bit.”
Kurama: “Oh. Those eyes make a bit thrilled. I’ll give you plenty of love when I come back.”
**Closes closet**
(T/N this was so embarassing _///_)
* Kashiori = a box of cakes commenly given on a final day before leaving.
** Tamagohada = (lit. egg skin) an expression that means skin as white as an egg.
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Bonus 1 | Bonus 2
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safeshiptember day 11: magic
was planning to write a lot of fics for the second half of the month because there are a Lottt of prompts i want to do but college feels like it's gonna be pretty busy so idk how many of them i'll get to. but this one was a must do...bernie learns a spell :) inspired by the fact that the first reason-based spell she can learn is blizzard.
word count: 1318
Normally, Bernie would never dream of doing something so utterly senseless and terrifying as following the instructions of a random note slipped under her dormitory door, but the note telling her to meet its sender behind the greenhouse is, to her immense relief, written in familiar spiky handwriting. Despite the fact that they’ve probably progressed past such formality, it’s also signed--just A--probably because they like the dramatics of it all. 
And so, at the appointed time, Bernie is behind the greenhouse, to meet her dearest friend.
Antigone greets her with a familiar grin, eyes sparkling. “You made it! Glad I didn’t scare you off.”
“Y--you don’t really scare me anymore, I guess,” Bernie says shyly. “Well. Not really.”
The smile gets bigger. “I consider that a great accomplishment, then.”
“Why’d you send that note? You’re not mad at me, are you?” Despite trying her very best to stay calm, a note of panic pitches itself into her voice before she can stop it.
“No! Absolutely not. I wanted to…the other day, in class, you said something about sometimes wishing you could do the things that people like me and‏‏‎ ‎Linhardt‏‏‎ ‎do. And I--well, not to brag, but I’ve been told I’m somewhat of a magical prodigy--not that it’s unusual for a‏‏‎ ‎Vestra--and I thought, if you’d like it, I could teach you a spell? Just a little one, nothing too scary or extreme.”
“Oh! I--you’d do that?”
Bernie knows a little magic that her mother taught her as a child, but nothing complex, just simple spells that anyone could do--healing a tiny cut, or lighting a torch. She knows she’d never be on the level of any serious mages, but…it is sort of exciting, the idea of wielding a powerful spell. Just knowing you hold that much power in your hands.
“If that’s something you’d like.”
“I--I guess so,” she says, a little hesitantly at first, but she nods her head more firmly, trying to imbue herself with confidence. “I mean. Um, yes, I’d like to try it. As long as it doesn’t hurt or anything--it doesn’t hurt, does it?”
“It shouldn’t if you have a good teacher,” says Antigone, with a reassuring smile.
She smiles back, even if she’s still a little nervous. “I guess I’ll trust you this time, then.”
“I thought we’d start with a simple elemental spell,” Antigone says, in the tone of voice that implies they’ve been spending considerable time coming up with a plan. “They’re usually the easiest for beginners, though harder to master, and they’re the best for people who don’t show any particular sort of magical affinity.”
“I don’t have an affinity? Is that bad?”
Antigone shakes their head vigorously. “No! It just means you’re not from a family that prioritized magical power.‏‏‎ ‎Vestras‏‏‎ ‎have been dark magic practitioners for generations, and it’s expected of us to…to marry other dark mages, so the magic continues to get passed through our bloodline.”
Their enthusiasm fades when the subject of marriage approaches. Bernie knows they’re thinking about what might be the only thing in the world that scares them. She remembers the last time they talked about this.‏‏‎ ‎Hubert’s‏‏‎ ‎duty is to‏‏‎ ‎Edelgard‏‏‎ ‎first, they’d said, so it’s okay if he doesn’t get married. I’m the one who they want to continue the line, but I..the thought of getting married to some man I don’t know, saints forbid bearing his children…I can’t do that. I know it’s not a phase that I’ll grow out of no matter how much my father tries to tell me it is. I can’t do it. Not for my family. Not for anyone. 
It was the most serious she’d ever seen them. She wishes she knew how to comfort them. She still does. Despite how similar her own situation is, she’s still so afraid she’d say the wrong thing and ruin her closest friendship. She hopes, somehow, that they can feel how much she cares.
Antigone shakes themself off. “Never mind that. The point is--anyone can do magic, some people just have deeper reserves or more natural power to draw from. It doesn’t mean you can’t learn!”
“Okay. Um. What should I do?”
She holds a hand out in front of her, as if it’ll crackle to life with magic on its own. 
“Well, first things first--could I hold your hand?”
“What?” she squeaks, face reddening so fast she thinks she might burst into flames on the spot. Wouldn’t that be a fascinating display of magic. 
“To--to share some of my magic with you,” Antigone says hurriedly. “It, um, it helps when you’re learning to have someone give you a little power boost--Hubert‏‏‎ ‎did it with me when we were children--never mind, you don’t have to--”
“No!” she says, far too loudly. “It’s okay, y--you can.”
AUGH what is her PROBLEM why is she so NERVOUS about this?? More so than she is about everything else?? They’re just trying to help, why is she so weird about it?
They extend their hand to her. Her mouth feels dry and her face is still hot, but she takes it before she can overthink and run away. Her heart is beating so loud, she wonders if Antigone can hear it. 
They’re friends. Friends can hold hands. They do it all the time. This is a completely normal thing that she should be feeling very normal about.
Their hand is a little cold. It helps her think straight again.
“Okay,” Antigone says. “Focus on pulling up your magic from inside of you. Do it slowly, like you’re siphoning water. Feel it travel to the palm of your hand.”
Bernie focuses. There’s a small sparking feeling in her chest, and she gasps at the sudden sensation but tries to keep her mind on it. She tries to memorize it--the way it fizzes, the way it moves, the way it almost hurts but it’s more like a tiny shock, like what happens when you touch carpet. She tries to give it a tiny tug towards her hand. At first she almost yanks it, and squeaks at the sudden burn it leaves behind, almost like the few times she’s tried alcohol (and hated it). Antigone squeezes her hand reassuringly, and she takes a deep breath out. Siphon it. She imagines herself separating off little threads, like she’s embroidering, and moves those threads towards her palm.
“Now cool it down,” says Antigone. “Cooler and cooler, until it’s freezing--and then let it go.”
She imagines swallowing an ice cube. Her hand tingles with the sensation, and before she can hold it for too long, she lets the magic out.
A burst of snowflakes and tiny shards of ice whirl out from her palm, dancing in a sudden breeze. They look at odds with the cheerful summer’s day, but at the same time…they’re beautiful. So much so that Bernie can’t believe she really made them.
Antigone laughs in delight. “You did it! On your first try! I knew you’d be good at this.”
“You did?” Bernie asks, disbelieving.
“Well, I figured you would be. You’re good at more things than you think you are,” says Antigone, and oh, wow, is that smile really for her?
“T--that’s not true,” she weakly protests. “I mean, I do a lot of things, but I don’t know if I’m really good at--”
Antigone snorts dismissively. “Don’t say that. Come on, you can cook, paint, write, embroider, you even craft your own stuffed things! And you take better care of the plants in the greenhouse than almost anyone else I know. You amaze me almost every day, Bernie. Really.”
“You’re just saying that,” she murmurs, though by now she’s so flustered it’s barely audible.
They bump her shoulder gently with their own. “I’m very smart, you know. I’m rarely ever wrong.”
She can’t help but giggle at that. It hasn’t even occurred to her yet that they’re still holding hands. 
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kishizyp · 3 months
Car Camping with Kids: A Beginner's Guide
Car camping could be the ideal choice for you and your family if you’re searching for an enjoyable, reasonably priced vacation to enjoy the beauty of nature. 10 Tips to Get Started With Car Camping Family time can be greatly enhanced by going camping. Your child will gain confidence and freedom as they try new things. It’s also fun! Here are my top camping with kids tips:
Make a Strategic Campsite Selection There’s a playground in almost every campground. Pick a location that is as close as feasible to the play area. While you prepare meals, set up your tent, or just unwind, your children can play and make new friends. In addition to offering hours of enjoyment, a play area gives children who stray off a physical limit.
Start Small If this is your first time camping, go small. Pick a campsite or state park as close to your home as you can; an hour’s drive will suffice. Set up a reservation for one or two nights. You may make things easy by car camping, which involves pulling up to your campground. This does not have to be a Survivor: Family Camping episode.
Make a List of Your Gear When you take your kids on a road trip, you need a lot of stuff. It’s five times worse to go camping because you have to bring all of your own food, figure out how to wash your dishes, make sure your kids sleep well at night, and keep them busy the whole time. You can use a smart mobile app to keep track of everything. You may start by adding things to the list weeks ahead of time. Then, you can also make several lists with names like “food,” “kids’ clothes,” and “cooking gear” so that the main list doesn’t get too big.
Meet The Park Rangers At The Visitor Center There are several materials available at visitor centers. A schedule of family-friendly events, maps of the trails, and local information are all available. The majority of state parks distribute publications with suggestions for Junior Ranger activities and events. The park rangers and camp hosts are amiable individuals who are willing to assist and provide advice.
Camp in a Three-Hour Sphere This relates to the issue of parents and children never leaving the house on time. When you arrive, your family members will be worn out and irritable since you are running late and have five hours to drive. There’s also a chance you’ll have to camp in the dark. This is something I’ve done far too often, and it always gets the camping vacation off to a bad start. When the camping trip is over and your family just wants to take a shower and watch Netflix, it’s also convenient to have a short commute home.
Keep a Toy Box for Camp Store some toys in a tub or bag the next time you go to donate or give any away. These are “camping toys” for you. For a camping trip, open-ended objects like balls, digging tools, or other are ideal. Their attention will be maintained by the novelty of “new” toys, and you won’t have to worry about a priceless item becoming misplaced or soiled.
Bring a Bike or Scooter Your tent might be a short stroll from restrooms. With a bike or scooter, make it enjoyable. Campgrounds are excellent places to discover paved trails or put new abilities into practice. Kids who are older will enjoy creating a circuit around the camping area. Even though they perceive it as a grand adventure, you may still monitor them.
Keep Meals Simple Concerned about young children near the bonfire? Do you really want to haul all of your kitchenware to the campsite? Simply put, avoid cooking. It’s all right. Enjoying a sumptuous dinner under the trees is known as a lunchable. Cheese and crackers, peanut butter sandwiches, and turkey roll-ups are great for any meal. You shouldn’t force yourself to cook if you don’t feel like it.
Stay Organized If the kids lose a pair of socks or the dishes pile up at home, that’s fine at home but not for camp. To avoid being irritated and angry the whole time, you need to keep your gear and your space in order. Once dinner is over, do the cleaning. Before going to bed, teach your kids to put their socks in their shoes and then put those shoes in the tent’s opening. Being in charge might make you feel good, but getting your stuff in order gives you more time to do fun things like fish, hike, and ride bikes.
Clean up Afterward Use a washing line to let mattresses and sleeping bags air out when you arrive home. If your tent became dirty, wash it with a garden hose and stretch it out on a lawn or over a deck railing to dry completely. Campers aren’t born that way; they’re made that way. Begin with small activities and work your way up to bigger ones. It’s okay to use the plastic, stay in a house, or leave early in the rain. There isn’t a proper method to camp.
Many families like going back to the same site every year because it’s comfortable. Some families pick the same weekend every year to go camping. Once you know what’s best for your family, don’t forget to be creative. Each trip should be something unique that the whole family can enjoy.
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oddstarsuwo · 8 months
A Guide On How To Be Ome! By OddStars
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(Warning: this is just me having fun with some ideas and interpretation of what Ome could be if it was a real thing, not an actual definition cuz I just made this up but if you want to add to this feel free I would love any suggestions, ideas, art, photos on what an opposite of emo would be like? Also took an inspiration from a skit made by Content Machine but I was thinking of this a week before I swear YouTube has my brain pattern figured out it’s scary-)
Omes are very calm folk, their emotions don’t fluctuate often and are mostly peaceful seeking people, some might call them psychopaths but there’s nothing wrong with being that so let’s refrain from giving diagnoses to peeps we don’t know!
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The fashion omes choose shouldn’t in most cases have any graphics on it (but it does depend on the person’s preferred style ex: sporty, outdoorsy, romantic etc), clothes should be white but any light colors would do if washed out enough and give the Ome vibe~
Example :
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(Sorry am bad at collages, hope u get the idea tho)
Makeup is definitely a distinct feature for Omes, white or grey eyebrows and eyelashes can help elevate the Ome look! or natural brown eyeshadow with added white liner on top can pull you towards the Ome style too, One more thing a lot of beginner Omes mess up on is the need to add shadows! yes a bit of darkness will help make the lights pop even more, so it’s preferred to have a dark blush that is tad darker than your skin color but also using red blushes or pink lipstick depending on what type of aesthetic your going for can also be considered following the Ome fashion!
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Hair should be white, light blonde or any shade of grey preferably on lighter side, hair styles some Omes prefer is with parted bangs to show their face and forehead (but some might like bangs too), and most style it in any way they like be it long or short, but preferably with no sharpness to it, soft curls are also a plus for Omes, it gives an Angelic look and shows their carefreeness and realistic optimism on life! :D
(Differences between Emo and Ome boys)
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Now for the music! Surprisingly, music can be one of the little things that make an Ome for theirs no gatekeeping the type of music you like, it only needs to bring you joy and to not be Emo related (tho some emo music is allowed if it’s popular enough) But if you want a straightforward answer than Mainstream music is their preferred genre, whatever gives quick gratification and is easy to pop your head to is probably Ome! (Gasp, am I Ome??)
Some Omes consider themselves normies for they don’t feel any pull towards any certain style or music or don’t like to limit themselves to a label, so keep in mind that no matter what you listen and wear to be an Ome is to be open minded for clothes and music don’t make an Ome but the way you treat yourself and others does, take care of yourself, enjoy what you like in life and be kind to the world and cold to it’s darkness for to be Ome is to be at peace at heart. (corny-ass-ending wtv)
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(End of post)
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