#also it will take me time to brainstorm ideas so dont expect a starter right away
liarsmiles · 4 years
Storter Cull
Perma starter call for Gen Asagiri of Dr. Stone
Gen enjoys long walks on the beach with pretty girls, managing RAMbunctious (didja see that @idlemaid​ ) idol girls, recruits pretty girls for idols who may or may not have weird eccentricities. His dream is to just have a harem of girls around him (or maybe just one pretty lady in particular hweehwee) and he can be bribed with cola for most things. He is also a walking flashlight and a limitless physical embodiment of an energy drink thanks to new clan powers so if that.. somehow... excites you or gives you ideas in any ways then uh... there ya go.
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sentofighta · 4 years
SPEED: It varies. If i was inspired and motivated, I’ll reply fast, however, i am but a human being my brain farts and even if i have the motivation, words refuse to come out naturally. I won’t use the ‘English is my second language’ excuse, but at times it is really the case. I can imagine the reply in my head but nope what is proper english structure? haha. But yes, my speed can go from SMASH THAT REPLY FAST to um...give me a week?
REPLIES: I can write short and length replies. However, I highly dislike and can’t write the too-much-literature-flowery-language replies. I cannot process what the character's action is amidst that fancy writing. However, I do not condemn people for writing it because wow that is a talent to be able to write that, believe me. I try to describe things, especially my muse’s feelings, even if there are not supposed to be visible to the other muse, to get my partner to know what they can work within the next reply, or expect at least. But yeah, can’t do fancy writing;; Also, I do not expect my partner to length their reply to match mine; if you can deliver something to work with in one paragraph that is cool by me. I expect the same because i dont like writing pointless things that do not add up to the thread or the character development. 
STARTERS: They are cool. I use them to get inspiration when I cannot focus on the main plotted threads. They are a good way to figure out what sort of new threads i want with that muse and mine, or their relationship. Starters whether one line or paragraph etc are cool because they are just set without planning. Cool stuff can happen when winging things. However, I do value plotting because we, myself and my partner would know what we are working with--no sudden surprises that could potentially ruin the thread. So yeah, i like wining and plotting. I take it seriously for plotting things because i wanna know what you are thinking so we can brainstorm; I cannot brainstorm on my own and you go ‘ok sounds good’ and thats it. please, join the idea one-two pass, alright? I don’t mind people suddenly writing a starter if they had an idea and wanted to just try it, though I highly find it disrespecting and annoying when you are not mutual and just write something to FORCE me to interact with you. Plus, using some tropes that are fan-made not canon wise, or just hyper-focus on one trait in a character which could, in the end, paint my muse in a really wrong way. Just, don’t do that, dudes. Really. There are a lot of things in a one muse, don’t butcher the muse’s personality and boil it down to ONE single trait. 
INBOX: Keep them coming. The only thing I have is if I ever sent you something, please, for the love of god, do not just delete it if you cant find an answer. I will be waiting for an answer. It is absolutely not hard to come to me and just “hey, so i cannot think of an answer so can i delete it? or you can try a different meme or send something else? or maybe try a different approach or let’s talk about this so i can think of something and get inspired by our brainstorming” kind of thing. I find it honestly, quite rude. If i send you something, please have the courage and courtesy to tell me it is not going to work for your muse so i can try something else. I will do the same of course and i always have. Be sure i will notify you if i cannot think of something for your ask, and most certainly inquire about a way to get around that block. 
SELECTIVITY: I used to be open for all back in the day but with how time constraint it is, i prefer to focus on the people i follow only. My inbox is always open for everyone but for plotting and having any relation to my muse you have to be a mutual. I like giving people chances because i’d want that too from people, however, if i cant see our muses click or i tried to approach by asks or IMs and you went cold i’d assume you are having me as part of the count and just soft block you. 
WISHLIST: oooh boy. I wrote one a couple..weeks? ago? idk. but these were just ideas. my wishlist are not bounded to what i had on that post. I by every day wish to try new things, new ideas, new threads, and certainly, relationships for my muses. I am absolutely open to other people’s ideas especially AUs and such. I’d like to write all my muses in different types of threads and such. I’d like to go deep in some lore especially, heavy and dark themes like t.ype0 since the lore is a bit wonky, imo. you think you know but then you figure out that you dont lol. i’d like to plot more maybe daring things?? if i gained the courage tri force haha;;
HONEST NOTE: notes? maybe. ok. if you follow me for a ship, be frank about it. because god only knows how many times this had happened and when it does not work for them, they quickly unfollow me (and at time block me lol) i respect people who are honest. if you wanna a ship, tell me. i will then discuss things with you and see if our muses and us, as muns can communicate well. I except the same amount of excitement to come from you as well. one hand cant clap. if im the only one of us who is sending stuff, writing things, or basically annoys you with ideas then dear, please, tell me you wanna this to be over, ok? i want to know that you care about the thing we built together, is it bad? and most of all, if you want to end anything, be polite about it. do not assume i can read mind and know you want to quit. no, i cant read minds, whoops. i am not asking that you talk to me 24/7 at least make me feel that we are not just bound by ‘dumblr rp’ and we are actually friends even if we stopped writing out muses. do not make me feel like i am a part that you could replace whenever you want or just part of the hype at that certain moment when we started the ship and now you just see me and my muse as extra luggage. Going by the inbox one too, please DO NOT drop a thread without telling me. i will not ever stop you just please tell me so i know not to wait and actually start thinking of something new for us. it is your right but hello ~ it is me waiting for your reply~ i at least require a heads-up no more~ i will sing this to you if you want. and another thing, i try not to get into drama here so if something happened and UNLESS it is really, really and extremely dangerous thing, do not get me in it. I will if i found the cause reasonable and not just simply witch-hunting. and oh, another thing. if you have a beef with me, TALK TO ME. ME AND NOT BEHIND MY BACK. i am tired of hearing by mistakes at time that X is talking about me, or Y does not like me. if you have a problem with me come talk to me. crying to someone about me is just ...dumb. if i made a mistake i would very much would like to apologize and understand the situation so i do not add to it without knowing. all i ask is...just come talk to me. a lot of the world’s problems will end if people talked and not ASSUME things. thanks. oh oh another thing, !!!!! important!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! graphics are not everything. smaller icons size are kind of ugly and especially the weird ass pds used make it hard to recognize the facial expression. please, do not let this aesthetic bandwagon take hold of you. just idk man do whatever you want but it would be nice to think of others who can hardly see a thing. be kind to each other.
Tagged by: @seiriel (thank you!)
Tagging: you. snag it. i am lazy to tag.sorry.
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