#also it pisses me off that threre is no actual body under the clothes
iwonderwh0 · 2 years
A little update on rigging Connor's model
Damn, rigging this model became such an obsessive thing... I found some more variations of this model with unfucked jaw and hair. But I don't understand this fucking thing about every single one of those posted models having slightly different variations of textures/uv maps. Like it was exported a couple of different times by different people and none of them managed to export ALL the related textures. Today I discovered a couple more textures that I previously didn't know about and finally realised what some of them are used for, successfully plugged them in and now it looks a little bit better.
Today I rigged upper body and added IK controllers for legs. Also unfucked bone roll so thar rig would be able to deform symmetrically. Upon testing the deformations of legs I realised that legs may require corrective weight-paint, but I'll deal with that later (btw I kept the original deformation bones untouched, just separated them on layers and parented to my rig which I am building on top of it)
Face rig is something I decided to leave until I finish the body. I realised shape keys is wrong way to approach it and deleted the ones I already made. The better way would be to use action constraints with animations made with original face bones. Or at least it seems like a better way, actually I'll probably combine both methods to some extent.
If I manage to actually fully rig this model, I'll become some rigging guru, I swear...
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