#also in that second answer in regards to reference i qorded it that way because i see so much advice to artists
sleepgarden-archive Β· 3 years
✨ 🌹 5, 11, & 21 πŸ¦‡ ✨
Hello! πŸ’!!!
5. favorite little detail in a drawing you did
This one is hard I think umm! I was happy with the "hidden" detail that my snake on the dagger illustration for mitya/teodoro is supposed to look like a rib cage with clavicle/sternum and spine. Here is it beside a wip screenshot I had taken that explains better lol:
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Some other actual details I like are the heart from my "nursing a cavity" illustration, the 'lace' armour detailing on my knight illustration, how I drew the fine fur on my oc Miluőe's face, and ummm Judeth's bum with little sting marks from Dana 🀭 (I think it's so cute I couldn't help but include it!)
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11. artist(s) that influenced/inspired your art style
It's hard to say specific artists who have influenced or inspired my *style*. I reference real people (or marble statues) if anything, and textiles are usually referenced from historical techniques etc. I also save vintage/antique botanical, classical, medical, etc art for inspo generally. I'm really blanking trying to think of someone ;_; it's obviously impossible to never be influenced by what we see and like, and I don't mean to claim my style is 100% original. But I would say it's simply evolved this way bc of the things I surround myself with and engage with. My interest in vintage/antique illustration, dolls, fashion, exposure to other artists in general etc... is what has shaped my style. Sorry it's a bit of a lame answer ;_;
I will say style aside, over the past year I've discovered many trans artists through Twitter, and a few who draw trans masculine figures in a delicate way..? Which gave me confidence and comfort in my own art. Being able to actually connect and engage with some directly too was really special ;_; I miss twitter a little now talking about it lol.
Again sorry its a little lame of an answer! But in regards to my actual style, its really hard to say!!
21. what do you want to work on the most next
Well I've got a lot of gift art in progress atm, and an ongoing commission! But after im finished I really need to find my spark again. This time last year I was drawing constantly, and I was filling sketchbooks passionately with 0 problems. I have become emotionally dependant on drawing- but due to some extreme stress irl right now it's become nearly impossible. Not to get all gloomy ^^;; I desperately want to revisit my characters and create art for them, and to resume some illustration work again. (I have about 4 emotional illustrations I will probably have to scrap bc of my art block) another lame answer πŸ˜πŸ˜‘... but it is what it is sometimes. Put bluntly I want to work on "getting back into it" 🀭
Thank you for sending! I got a little wordy there ahah o<-<
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