#also in case this isn't clear. I'm just sharing alexa's perspective as a CHARACTER.
furby-organist · 3 years
// I have a bit of a lunch break left so I’m gonna share what’s on my mind. Alexa is, in fact, genuinely surprised at alts who are rude right off the bat to @concubuck for being a succubus. (Or would be re: the situations he’s not privy to.) Here’s the thing. From Alexa’s perspective, succubi (like some other hellborns):
have some form of topside access.
have access to other rings. 
have a knowledge of Hell (or facets of it) that he as a sinner doesn’t, possibly dependent on the individual and how long they’ve been around.
have magical capablities that he as a sinner, doesn’t. They outrank sinners; they’re magically more powerful.
aren’t afraid of the Radio Demon. To higher-ranking hellborns, he’s just one of the more powerful prisoners in the public restroom of Hell. (That’s what he calls Pride Ring sometimes.)
He’s mentioned it before, but he has done business with succubi! They’re their own people with hobbies and interest outside of sex, and there are a few he can offer something to in exchange for information, something topside, something from other rings, etc.
So like... if you meet an alternate who’s a succubus... the strategic move here is to behave unless given a legitimate reason not to.
Was he jarred as hell to meet an alt, someone with his own face, presenting himself in a way at odds with the way Alexa perceives himself & presents himself? Did he have his own fair share of presumptions or pre-judgments? YEAH! But there’s a difference between having your biases or presumptions, and knowing when to keep them to yourself, and set them aside in favor of proceeding with intellectual curiosity.
Like yeah sure, his alt’s a horny on main Mess sometimes, but Alexa’s not stupid, he’s not disarmed that easily. (Alexa is also a disaster on main in his own way sometimes, half of it functions as a disarming measure!) No matter what, as far as he’s concerned, his alt is still leaps more powerful than he is. He’s got to be a brilliant negotiator/networker and have an envious amount of ambition & executive function to pull off apodiabolosis. He’d expect his alts to be perceptive of this.
(I mean, more importantly, he likes his alt as a friend. He’s genuinely a fun friend. He’s not like, covertly friends with him for like, topside access benefits or anything. That’s not what’s happenin’. But ‘befriend’ is like, at least one or two steps after ‘don’t antagonise your alt for no good reason’, and that’s what this post is about.)
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