#also im installing the game again 🤡
saevus-brutalis · 2 years
— WIP Wednesday Thursday
tagged by; @katsigian thank you sm 😌 i've got qute a few WIPs, not necessarily art related but-
1. but i have this pic of Ragan that has been a WIP for idk how long but i started it in June 2022 and at this point i'm thinking of just redrawing the whole thing
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2. attempting to slowly gather mods and resources to mod Vince in-game one day 🤡 so far im only gathering clothes, but i'm thinking of working on a custom complexion and tattoos for him sometime in the future 3. HUGE WIP project - making a comprehensive, full biography, timeline of events for Vincent (that noone but me will probably read fully). it's been stagnate for a while but yeah, need to get back to it. also thinking of making a character/muse profile/sheet kinda thing, so it's easy to navigate and not just a long ass word document
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so far im only halfway through his whole life and some of these aren't fully filled, nicely written. i'm quite proud of his early life tho.
4. been working on 2984723198 kerry x vince fics since late 2020, half of them abandoned, half written or not up to date lore-wise; but i have a few that i'm currently working on the most: — ❝shoulder to cry on❞ — ❝kerry's collection of threnodes❞ or ❝you don't get to pick and choose❞ — ❝love on auction❞— ❝trouble at the marina❞ — ❝for old time's sake❞
— [description] — Having lived in Night City for over half the century V expected pretty much everything. His preem ride getting stolen despite best ani-theft tech installed into it, getting ripped off by a goddamn ripper or being poisoned by the only bartender he trusted in town, because someone bribed them to do it. Every possible scenario he had covered; every possible good or bad outcome. Nothing could've taken V by surprise at this point.
What he didn't expect though, not in a billion years, was to get a call from a number that has been silent for the past eight years.
"Hey V. Got one last jobs for ya."
Or in other words - Kerry asks V after 8 years apart to be his bodyguard again. Just like the good ol' days.
will they ever come one? maybe? hopefully?
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