#also im going to start reblgging for tags so dont worry if you see this before that happens
wkemeup · 5 years
can you imagine some smug hydra agent working for months to figure out how to get access to Bucky and hack into Tony's super smart technology to read off his trigger words only for Bucky to just plop on some noise-canceling headphones and beat the snot out of him
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Bucky has had a long ass day. 
His legs are aching from the marathon Steve insisted he join him on and he’s yet to have his morning coffee, which everyone just about knows is a dangerous situation within itself. He’s got one hand on a plain white mug and another on the coffee pot when he first hears the footsteps behind him.
He wonders for a moment if its Sam and a lame attempt to startle him enough to spill boiling hot coffee on his left arm so it stains the metal for a few days, but not even Sam is as careless with his steps as this man as he approaches.
With his back turned he can tell the man is at least six foot, around two-twenty pounds, though the clunk of the boots might bring that average down to two-ten. He can hear the clicking of metal clasps on the man’s jacket with every step. 
The guy is breathing heavy, chuckling under his breath, and Bucky lets out a tired groan as he sets the coffee pot on the stove. It will have to wait just a moment longer, it seems.
“We’ve finally got you, Soldat.”
Bucky rolls his eyes, turning around to face the man now standing opposite him on the far end of the kitchen.
“Do you, now?”
“There’s no escaping for you this time,” the man replies, far too confident for his positioning. He’s wearing extensive layers of combat gear weighing him down and a bright red Hydra insignia at the center of his chest.
Subtle, Bucky thinks to himself.
It’s then that he spots the red book in the man’s right hand. Dark maroon binding and a black star fused into the cover.
“Really? This is what we’re doing today?” Bucky groans. 
A grin pulls at the corners of the mans lips, revealing a yellowed and jagged smile.
“You know, I really don’t have time for this today,” Bucky warns, enjoying the irritation in the mans face as he flips to the chapter he’s looking for. “I would have much preferred to get my coffee in first. The caffeine doesn’t do much for me these days, but Nat thinks there’s some sort of placebo effect in play. I’m inclined to believe her.”
The man doesn’t respond as he finds the page in question.
“You think we might be able to reschedule for eleven? This just really ain’t a good time for me,” Bucky jeers with a smirk on his face. It’s been a while since a Hydra agent snuck their way into the compound and he needed to spar today anyway. Might as well do it with this moron.
“Hail Hydra,” the man growls, “Желание. Семнадцать. Ржавый…”
“Oh, not this again,” Bucky grunts. 
He reaches for the headphones sitting around his neck, the same ones he wore to the marathon that morning that Tony engineered himself and sits them over his ears. 
He can still hear the mans voice as he recites ‘Рассвет, Печь, Девять,’ but as he pulls his phone from his pocket and restarts the playlist that got him over the finish line earlier that morning and AC/DC floods his ears, the man is drowned out completely.
Electric guitar strums in his ears, followed by a drum beat that has him tapping his toe as he leaned against the countertop, waiting for the intruder to finish. He can see him mouthing the final words and they have no effect. 
‘Добросердечный. Возвращение на родину. Один. Товарный вагон,” the man says, though Bucky is deaf to it. He stands back with a satisfied, arrogant grin, completely oblivious to the fact that Bucky is still completely and entirely himself. 
Bucky lets out a heavy sigh, pushing himself off the counter.
This might actually be some fun.
“Ready to comply, asshole.”
The moment of pure shock on the man’s face might just be enough to make up for the lack of placebo caffeine in his system, as he charges forward.
“She was a fast machine. She kept her motor clean. She was the best damn woman I had ever seen!” blares in his ears and damn if Bucky isn’t singing along.
The man is no match for Bucky, but he takes his time bringing him to the ground, because hell, he hasn’t punched a Nazi in a few days and it’s still just as satisfying as it was eighty years later.
The man only gets one hit in and it lands hard against the shoulder of Bucky’s left arm. Big mistake. The man retreats, cradling his broken fist and staring at Bucky with wide, fearful eyes, like he’s just now realizing who he was dealing with. 
“Yeah you shook me all night long!” Bucky sang out as he stalked the intruder, grinning ear to ear at just how insane he must look but reveling in the quaking at the man’s knees. Serves him right for interrupting his morning coffee.
The agent is knocked out before the final chorus.
Bucky grins, pulling the headphones down to rest around his neck and taps the man lightly on the side to make sure he’s unconscious. The body slumps back over onto his face pressed down against the cold tile of the floors and Bucky exhales a breath. 
“You’re fuckin’ weird, man,” a voice says from behind him. Sam. 
Bucky turns around to find him pouring his fresh brewed coffee into some ridiculous novelty Falcon mug.
“You know that’s mine, right?” Bucky growls, leaning down and snagging the red book from the floor before he makes his way over to Sam.
“You gonna do anything about that?” Sam says, ignoring Bucky’s clear challenge for a fight and nodding over at the unconscious body of the Hydra agent.
“Not before I’ve had my coffee.”
“Alright, Barnes. I’ll fight you for it.”
“Bring it on, birdbrain.”
He puts his headphones back over his ears.
Yeah you shook me all night long!
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