#also im delusional. and posting on tumblr changes the way i talk bc i dont talk like this anywhere else.
drowninginyourtouch · 2 months
persona 3 is genuinely so weirdly written cuz when u get to shit like "operation babe hunt" the intentions of the writers were to make junpei seem women obsessed and vain and akihiko like the stoic who just cant land a woman
instead the competetition comes off as super homoerortic and it more reads like 2 bisexuals who are overcompensating bc they want each other
also like. i do not care for tropes in discussion of media but like grumpy x sunshine is like a super popular ship dynamic and when you look at those 2 its like. be so fr
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nathank77 · 2 months
I mean, Erin had a good mature idea. What if you do have feelings for me but you love your husband? The mature thing to do which would actually not be cheating and provide closure for both of us would be to-
Tell me exactly that. I have feelings for you but i am in love with him and I'm staying with him and I can't be your friend bc of my feelings and your feelings. It would be messy and I'd feel like I was cheating. We would both get closure. You wouldn't be cheating and it would be the most mature way to handle it. I want to be in your life but If this was the case I'd respect it 100%.
My other idea is this- you're in love with me and setting up your life to give it a chance when you're ready. In that case it makes sense you're not talking to me cause it would be cheating.
My other idea is it's only friendship but idk maybe you're scared of me or something. Maybe I make you uncomfortable idk.
I think about you feeling "rushed" and I do get it. I think about a lot of what you post but I could be cutting off parts of my feet making the shoe fit which is why it's destructive to my well being if you're not in love with me and you're not here and it's not delusional to think you read my tumblr. Especially after last time.
That's all im trying to say. You shot out signals girl when we talked... but I'm awkward and stupid. You never said I have feelings for you. You never said anything too direct that I can say for sure.
You did a couple things. The conversation I had about Katie not liking something. And your elaborating that you loved it while making deep eye contact with me that's all I really got. Minus actions I will never write.
When will I know? I'm opened minded to any or all of it. I'm more than opened minded to be his friend and apart or his family. I'm never going to try to interfere.
Idk I'm so confused But your last "shot". God it matched even Erin was like woe I mean it sure seems like shes reading.
Why would you be here? You love me platonically and care and can ignore my weird sexual posts... or you're in love with me.
You're not scared of me. I just wish I didn't feel like i was rushing you by wanting an answer so badly.
I can't wait 3-5 years. I just can't. It's not feasible for me. If you're my soulmate I mean I could wait but I dont know and when I think about it psychosis making me make the shoe fit is entirely possible.
Erin did agree that she feels you're here and you're trying to make me know. Yet I still feel delusional.
We have a soul connection. Why can't our souls meet person to person, body to body. Vessel to vessel. Friendship soul connection are a thing I think. If all you feel is platonic towards me I can change how I feel about you bc i want you happy girl.
I want nothing but happiness for you. I don't need to have a chance at being with you for me to be involved in your life and your children's life and your husband's life. I want to be there now.
I stupidly hope your kids are watching my minecrsft videos.
Im also going off on a limb here thing maybe one of your daughters might be trans. Why well you know I don't got to go into detail about it and I could be a good role model for her to give her a safe understanding place. Even if I'm totally wrong I could really bond with both of them. I could bond with your husband through gaming. I could fit in. I could be apart of the family. Platonically.
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misterradio · 1 year
okay here are my renfield 2023 thoughts [peace sign] you have been spoiler warned.... and long-post-warned.....
okay first off this is the first movie i have watched in a theatre in years and it was really fun ::-) i do have a headache now though. there werent a lot of people in the theatre and apparently at some point someone came in just to have a muttered conversation in his phone and left? RUDE! also the seats were very comfy.
anyways here are some actual movie thoughts:
the set design and lighting was so cool ESPECIALLY for dracula's lair with the eerie lighting around the blood-bag throne. so cool!! i liked renfield's house which was very much the opposite where it was very colourful. him finding his own modern sense of style was a neat detail.
did not care for the cops. didnt even really care for the crime ring plot. actually i didnt really feel invested in any of the characters even though i feel i shouldve... i watched this movie bc i wanted to see how it went and that i did! i wish i could have had stronger positive feelings.
my brother said that it was a very "modern movie" and i have to agree... i've been watching a lot of various older movies in general, this one definitely had a very different vibe. maybe im just not familiar with the genre? it just had like... modern humour / sensibilities... i dont knoowwww
re; the last two points: a lot of this movie was focusing on analyzing renfield and draculas relationship, but it used very clinical language to describe everything, so it did a lot more talking about the idea of an abusive relationship than really making me feel like that's what was happening ??!?!??!!?? also they were really throwing the concept of narcisists under the bus.
i liked the music during the credits but i have to admit i didnt think about the music during the movie. the credits in general were also cool they had really neat visuals ::-)
F--K COPS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what else can i say.
one review i read said the gore was over the top and played for comedy aand they were RIGHT i was actually quite shocked at first how much gore there was. it wasnt even good most of the time but that was kind of making it funnier.
it was fun and good in a way that a lighthearted action comedy splatter movie would be good. do not expect emotional depth? (which seems like it wouldve been an important factor to get strong in this movie?) also remember this is following the concept of the 1931 movie not the book lol. i dont think you need to know either of them to enjoy this movie but the background knowledge is nice.
i wish i could see a dracula (book) adaptation where the characters are intact and also renfield is actually 59 years old... he is so young all the time please age this frickin guy
le more thoughts i am adding on after thinkin on it more....
i didnt think of it while the movie was going but they never quoted dracula ever. bit sad. i would have been delighted by any book references (besides the obvious). the most they do is have a characters father be named 'morris quincy' (like quincy morris from the original novel).
how does dracula exist in this universe? ppl seem to acknowledge familiarity with him, but is it as a fictional character thru a book, or a mythological figure, etc..?
i said this in another post but, i would have liked to SEE renfields rocky relationship rather than having it be stated for the audience via narration... i also would love to know how renfield went from the wacky ~insane~ guy in the 1931 movie (which they acknowledge renfield in the asylum here!) to being a regular plain guy in the present. how did he change so much.... was he delusional or did dracula make his delusions real......
also tumblr was dropped by name. in this movie. and i have to say. it was actually funny.
they should have had nick cage look gorey and gross more often. i liked his look when he like had his skin on his face just barely on there. so cool.
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