#also im convinced this is the biggest long con troll ever of naming characters shit like CASH BUCKZO bc how am i supoosed to write srs thin
yup123abc · 5 months
Yup! it's Fanfic
Disclaimer: I have not done this before LOL. Anyway, depending on how wild and wacky I am this may (probably) be long-ish (that is to say multiple chapters). I hilariously had the “hmmm, today I shall write fanfiction for the first time in my life” thought right before the latest S2 trailer dropped so please excuse me trying to work around that. I will also say I’m “playing with” canon here (isn’t that what fanfiction is? IDK I’m uneducated). That said, interpretations of characters, timeline, and events are all from my own perspective and likely tweaked a bit for what I consider uhhhh more interesting? for this story.
High level summary: post-accident Fizz deals with his relationship to what happened to him and what it means for his career. Along the way he is introduced to Asmodeus and the two get to know each other through the trials of recovery. Mostly serious business fic but some fluff is inevitable. Rating: PG-13? However, F-bomb will probably happen due to source material.
Thanks for lookin’!
Ch 1
Fire. Noise. Heat. Pain. Blistering, agonizing pain. Green tongues blinded and blurred as the fire stripped skin from flesh, flesh from bone, unsalvageable bone disintegrating into ash and dust. The limbs that had moments ago been embracing family and friends reached out now for help only to plummet to the ground, no longer a part of him. Never again to be a part of him…
Fizzarolli’s eyes gleamed as they shot open, his heart racing. A quick scan of his surroundings showed not the reds and greens of the circus flames, but instead hung shrouds of ghastly white. It had been a nightmare, another from that night, only a few days ago. The pain was dull now, kept in check by a cocktail of drugs that forced Fizzarolli to fight for consciousness. He wouldn’t mind the balm of sleep if not for the recurring playback of that wretched scene.
A hiss at his side, a bit of movement, the voice came in on muffled tones, “Shit...this’s worse than I thought.”
Lolling his head to the side, Fizzarolli regarded the silhouette standing in his hospital room door. A flash of the nightmare came to him briefly as he saw Blitzo standing there, watching him burn, running...running to find help?
“B-” Fizzarolli’s voice cracked as it came out of parched windpipes, surprising him with its roughness.
“What the hell am I going to do now? You were our ticket to high cotton! Leave it to that stupid son of mine to fuck this up for us too.”
Fizzarolli’s eyes adjusted to the light as the circus manager and his adoptive father, Cash Buckzo, stepped in. Fizz cast his eyes down in disappointment, but still held onto hope that the rest of the family would soon be there. Cash ran his hands over the end rail of Fizzarolli’s bed and squinted as he looked the injured imp over.
“Ya lose all the limbs?” Cash asked bluntly.
“I...y-yes,” Fizzarolli grappled with the affirmative, the phantom feeling of searing pain radiating from his torso yet with him despite nothing to inhabit.
“Shit…” Cash lifted the blanket, studying Fizzarolli with critical eyes. Mortified at the state of his body, Fizz instinctively flinched but no arms or legs drew up to surround him. Instead bandages were all that enveloped him, scarred skin evident in the gaps they left.
Cash at last let the blanket fall back down in disgust, “Just a tail to work with…”
Walking away, Cash stroked his goatee and sighed, looking to the ground. Fizzarolli watched anxiously. That night had been a celebration. Finally, after years attempting to catch Mammon’s eye at the annual Clown Pageant, Fizzarolli had risen from a nobody to a champion performer, bringing fame and fortune to the little family circus he had grown up in. He could hardly believe it. Cash had been overjoyed (well, as much as he let show) with the offer from Mammon to take Fizzarolli under his wing and make him a star. Their little circus would be on the map, royalties would flow back to the family, it was their big break!
And now, not even days after the contract had been signed, there lay Fizzarolli, hardly in any state to perform let alone be the new face of Mammon’s entertainment enterprise.
Fizzarolli’s stomach twisted and turned; he had worked so had for this all his life, only for it to be snatched away at the last moment so quickly. He had let Cash down, let the family down. And what would Mammon think? Fizzarolli could almost cry thinking of how the Sin would take one look at him and then move on to the runner-up as his protege. Not like he could blame him.
“Can you move that tail?”
Cash’s murmuring voice broke Fizzarolli’s reverie. Move his tail…? Concentrating, Fizzarolli tried to get the appendage to swish as it used to. Pins pricked along the base of his spine and he sweat, begging at least that one limb to still be with him. It twitched, then shifted. Each movement came with an electric shock up the spine as the stiff tail curled and lifted. Such a simple movement, but Fizzarolli was breathless with the effort. He looked to Cash who nodded and hummed.
“Maybe we can work with this.”
Fizzarolli stared at Cash, uncertain what he was thinking. A nurse entered, bringing a fresh bag of narcotics. Grabbing her attention, Cash slipped her some money and instructed her to have Fizzarolli put into physical therapy as soon as possible, with however many painkillers it took to get through. And to focus on building up his tail strength. The nurse gave him a quizzical look, but shrugged and pocketed the money before hooking up the drugs and allowing double the dose to flow into Fizzarolli’s veins.
Mildly panicked and confused, Fizzarolli’s vision blurred as he choked out to the receding figure of his old manager, “Wh-what about Blitzo? Did he come?”
Cash turned and sneered, “Are you kidding? He did this to you.”
Fizzarolli’s eyes widened as Cash turned and let the door close behind him, a disquieting coolness spreading through his body as his head collapsed on the pillow and darkness took him once again to that night, Blitzo standing over him, running, running...away.
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