#also if youre in food service and need to label the jalepenos. put jalps. or just spell it out fully. but dont do the first one you think o
gibbearish · 8 months
i wish there was a way to find every kid out there who Never Wants To Accidentally Say Slurs and teach them the easily typoed ones bc like if you taught Everyone then ppl who want to say slurs will just be like "oh boy new slurs to use" but theres also no feeling quite like getting a message saying "hey uhh i know it wasnt on purpose but you really gotta be careful abt watching your fingers when you type xyz because cyz is actually a really horrible and well known slur that you just happened to never hear before" when using slurs you shouldnt is the very last thing you want to do. and thats in the event that someone who knows you well enough to know it wasnt on purpose and can recognize it was a typo is the one who reaches out, the alternative is just yknow. getting blocked and/or yelled at for being an asshole because "well everyone knows thats a slur so you MUST be saying it on purpose and saying you didn't know it was one as an excuse"
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