#also if you were looking for a negative response to bucktommy ur on the wrong blog anon x
roy-kents · 5 months
i know this may just me being pissed but i blame every single f'n fan that has abandoned buddie for the fresh new toy because what if the reason buddie karaoke got cut is because they saw the response to bucktommy so now they've decided to eliminate buddie romance all together to give us this stale ass fucking shit that no one truly wants as anything but a stepping stone towards buddie. like everyone still wants buddie endgame, I will be so furious if that's the reason they cut the karaoke scene.
…you do get there’s other reasons scenes get cut, right? like pacing? storylines? pursuing a slightly different narrative? like TRUST me i’m bummed about buddie karaoke being cut too but literally who’s jumping ship because of this? they’re absolutely not cutting buddie because of bucktommy lets all take a breath please and thank you! and also remember this is tv. like that’s a very real thing to consider and remember here.
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