#also if anyone goes 'oh you won't learn any language if you keep doing that'
nystiaa · 5 months
That part of me that wants to learn a language again has returned and I would pick irish, Im not really conversational but I know the fundamentals. But my brain is going "no, ignore that, pick scottish gaelic instead" and idk whether to fall into that trap like I did when I tried to learn welsh for 2 weeks
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Oh I saw you answer a question about lecturing so I'd like to ask another! I am a postgrad student but miraculously landed a job as an instructor in my uni for an elective module on Language and Culture for Beginners for undergrads. I was all like "wohoooo that's great I know this shit" until I discovered there were going to be 20 people in my class so now I'm like 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 because it's my first time teaching and what if they eat me alive. What if no one collaborates on the module I've designed to be interactive. What if no one caressssssssssssss I'd wilt like a flower 😭
Well, the great thing about uni is, these are adult learners who want to be here and are paying a lot to do so, so the chances of total non-engagement are low and outright refusal even lower. And if they do, you're under no obligation to keep anyone in the class, so you can boot them out if they're disruptive.
(In five years, this has yet to happen to me. The closest I've come was two guys who just wanted to chat, but saying to them "Lads, I don't know if you've noticed, but someone has built a lecture hall around you" worked a charm, and then they apologised and paid attention.)
So, the odds are staggeringly in your favour that you will not be cannibalised! You'll be absolutely fine on that count.
The engagement levels - that's a more reasonable concern, though again, remember that they've chosen to be here. This isn't high school - they're interested in the subject, and in what you have to say. So, you need to just make sure you're doing all the things that boost engagement. Examples:
NOTHING ON THIS EARTH switches students off faster than when the lecturer is bored by the subject. Regardless of your personal views on any given part of the material, to them you must be visibly and obviously Super Interested In The Subject at all times.
Human attention spans experience a lapse every 10-18 minutes - this is why TED Talks are that long. Change your learning activity in time with this. If you're doing straight lecturing for 10 minutes, then throw out a question to the class - "So what is everyone's experience of this? How might this be applied to X situation? What would do do if this happened to you?" etc. Or a research task - give them 10 minutes to look up a set of terms in groups, and then report back to the class. Your next slide could be the one that then explains the definitions of those terms yourself, but it gives them a bit of variety, and a bit of self-learning
Do they look like they're flagging? Get them up and moving. Ask a question like "So which of you agree with X, which agree with Y?" Instead of hands up, make them get up and go to different sides of the room. Then ask them to explain their reasoning. (Be aware of disabilities when doing this)
Give them activities to work on in groups. It's great for applied learning anyway, but also for helping them bond with each other, and it keeps them more awake and engaged. But also:
Students are much more likely to pay attention when they can see why the material they're learning is relevant. If it feels like a filler lesson, they won't pay attention. This is one reason of many that a class of 20 will work for you, actually - that's small enough that you can get to know these students, and what fields they've come from, and what they want to move into. If one or two seem disengaged, find out how to emphasise the relevance of their fields to this course, and vice versa.
And on that note, call on their experience! That's the glory of adult education - these are people who have lived lives, even if only for 18 years. Call on that. Example: my field is the environment, but this year, we have a farmer on the course. That's an absolute gift to class discussions, because if we're talking about land management practices, she can describe the socio-economic pressures farmers are under to do poor practices in the name of Line Goes Up far better than I can.
You will learn to spot the quiet ones. These ones are listening and learning, but shit scared of standing out. You might be tempted to call on them directly to answer questions, but this will make them shrivel in an attempt to seem smaller so you won't attack. Instead, draw them in by going around the class to ask the same question, and come to the quiet ones towards the end. This gives them time to realise that the question is coming, and lets them formulate an answer; they'll also be less scared of Getting It Wrong if they see the variety of answers everyone else is giving
On that note: There Are No Stupid Questions. Not in your class. You need to actively encourage the students to think that it's a safe learning space, and that includes asking things that might be the dumbest fucking question you've ever heard in your life; doesn't matter, you still answer it with the same gravity as any other. In This House We Love And Support Each Other.
If you truly think they won't collaborate properly, the trick is to have a fall back. It's very unlikely that they won't, but just have a plan B in case.
Either way... honestly, there's a reason I always tell people that, while I'm a lecturer, I could never be a teacher. Adult education is easy mode. You'll be fine - you know your shit, you're already planning fun collaborative activities, you've got this.
And if it doesn't work out, and I mean this very genuinely and honestly - a huge part of teaching is figuring out what works and what doesn't work for the students. Your job is work out how to fit the knowledge you hold into the uniquely-shaped holes in their heads, and that will be slightly different every time. You've got them for the whole module - you can afford to take a breath and try again if they bounce off of your first attempt. That's not a sign that you can't do it - that is the job. Getting it right first time requires a big component of luck, even using the tricks above.
So. Good luck! And enjoy it - the students can also tell if you're having a blast
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miathesevikakitty · 1 year
Oh, um, hi! English is not my first language so sorry for all the mistakes, and I just wanted to say some cute things i saw in "The Sea Beast" the movie on Netflix. I know it's a little late but I just rewatched it and couldn't live without telling someone about those things I just noticed.
First of all, I'm a little obsessed with Sarah Sharpe so this will be most about her.
Ok, let's go, do y'all remember this scene? Where they all go down on that city before going to the castle? (I forgot the English name for the city since I watched it in Portuguese)
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Well, look, Sarah goes first than anyone. (I couldn't find the specific scene but y'know) even tho there are part of the tripulation carrying those heavy horns from the beasts, she still goes first. Before Captain Crow and before Jacob, so, in my little mind I saw this as a way of them to be caring, since she clearly has some problems walking due to the leg.
Cus, like, imagine all the times she would be left behind cus she can't run properly? She probably can, obviously, but it won't be that easy. So, I'm pretty sure its like a unspoken rule to let Sarah go first anywhere.
Also, just imagine the trouble this woman has walking on sand, grass, and anything that would make her leg sink? Poor baby. Y'know, in heels, the heels keep sinking in the sand and grass and breaking and stuff. A easy way to protect yourself from that horror is to step on your toes, but Sarah's leg is only heel, do you get it? I hope it makes sense.
Anyway, one more thing I noticed.
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She is like, "the fuck this b* gonna catch me slipping" on that scene. I don't know where she specifically is but, I'm sure this woman is doing her best to not fall. Cus, y'know, her leg doesn't seem to move (I forgot the verb in english) and it is probably complicated for her to get up by her own. And they're being attacked my woman doesn't wants to die today.
Also, funny thing that I had to watch 2-3 times to notice: she also uses swords and knifes, not only the guns. Everytime I though about her, I absolutely believed that she only used shotguns. But watching this scene, I can see she clearly using this sword. (There is any other name for it?)
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And, oh, look at her model! It isn't rendered but we can see clearly some important things here: just like I said before, this leg would be the absolutely worst to walk on grass. It has this spikes thing and would easily get stuck, which would cause trouble. also, look! She wears more blue-green than others colors.
If you look well, you'll notice that every important character has its own pallette, and Sarah's is blue-green centered.
Comparing her to Captain Crow, his pallette is more Black-ish with golden.
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He has mostly black in his coat, hat, shirt, pants and stuff while my woman wears this pretty blue.
Like, look (sorry for the BAD quality) Miss Merino is more red-ish. While Jacob is more yellow, even with the hints of red. She's blue and green.
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Also, talking about Jacob, look.
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My man's works out, just look and these arms that could easily carry me to death. It isn't a surprise that there are so much people simping for him he's absolutely playing on both sides.
Also, I'm pretty sure he "cuts to both sides" (it's a expression we use here to say someone likes both women and men) cus there's no damn way my man's haven't got his bitches.
Just look at him, I'm sure that he only arrives at the city's so he can talk to his girlies.
Learned with his mother figure Sarah.
Anyway, I'll stop simping (for now.).
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Do y'all notice that his clothing are simpler? Even tho he's clearly the captains favorite, he goes with this white common shirt while everybody has its complicated and cool looks?
It is because he's the protagonist, he has to call attention to him. And everyone has its super cool design with all those textures and details and stuff, it would be hard for him to shine. So, instead of giving him a super cool clothing, he's wearing something plane and simple that's easier to remember about.
Same for Maisie, but I'll be talking about her later wait there.
Anyway, giving him a simpler design and clothing made him appear more in the scenes, specially the dark ones. Since his blouse is white, it appears a lot.
Ok, coming to maisie.
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Diferente from Jacob, that has only his white shirt on top, she has three layers of clothing.
And yet, it is still simpler.
Why? Because it doesn't folds, doesn't has much detail and doesn't has much texture. What calls attention in her is specifically her hair and how her brighter colors doesn't mix with the rest of the tripulation BUT these who have a similar spirit!
Look at old Jack, who also has his little white shirt on, and that boy who Jacob saved in the start of the movie. Both of them have a lighter pallete, which goes just right with Jacob's and Maisie's pallete.
And also, notice that Maisie's also goes for blue-green colors. Just like Sarah, but her's are lighter tones.
No more, just noticed those cute details that I had to talk about.
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varjopeura · 1 year
5, 28, 34, 45 for Tomuuuu! :D
5. Can they cry on command? If so, what do they think about to make it happen?
I don't think Tomu can, actually! That would be a handy skill to have, though. As for how she'd start practicing it, thinking about the cry-worthy things she's encountered in her life so far simply won't do. No no no no, those things are meant to be suppressed into oblivion. She definitely won't be using those feelings for anything. So, what purely hypothetical things would make Todenmukaisuus cry? Losing her dear new friends, or even one of them, would surely do the trick, but oh, thinking about that would Feel Bad. She doesn't want to feel bad! Why does she have to tangle her personal feelings into this crying thing? So, uh, maybe thinking about orphaned puppies would work? That's a perfectly general non-personal thing to cry about, right? (That is to say, I'm not sure if she could learn to cry on command with all her avoidance issues. The emotions that may lead to crying are Strictly Forbidden, you see.)
28. What do they tell people they want? What do they actually want?
Tomu simply won't shut up about her wish to start her own guild of organized crime one day. She would, as she claims, be simply the best at it, way better and smarter and even kinder than anyone else who has ever tried being a crime leader. And, her wonderful traveling companions are very much invited to be her co-leaders! They could have an entire underworld empire between the four of them, wouldn't that be just great? What she actually, secretly and desperately, wants, is to be accepted as she is. She wants to have a place where she definitely belongs and wants to belong, she wants to be adored in the same way she used to adore her guild master back when things were better. And she very much wants to keep her friends with her, preferably to the end of time.
34. How do they greet someone they like / love?
This question made me realize that she actually doesn't! If you are truly dear and close to Todenmukaisuus, she skips any and all greetings and basically continues the conversation like you'd never even left. It's just all "Oh, you survived! Here, let me show what I found out while you were gone…" or "Sooo, did you guys have any interesting dreams? What's for breakfast?" She'll anwer any greeting addressed to her, of course, anything else would just be rude, she just seems to forget they even are a thing between friends.
With new acquaintances that Tomu likes but isn't very close to just yet, she gravitates towards flowery and long-winded greetings. Something along the lines of "Oh, very good evening to my favourite wizard, it is such a delight to see you tonight, how have you been?" But this one's also a bit tricky, since her way of greeting people she absolutely despises tends to be very similar in its word choices. Though if she really likes a person, none of the floweryness follows into her body language, she'll just flop on the couch all noodley and limp because she's comfortable with that person.
45. What’s something unimportant / frivolous that they hate passionately?
Tomu hates things that aren't pretty. She's very passionate about beautiful items, no matter if the design is elegantly minimalistic or endlessly decorated and embellished, as long as it's pretty to look at. (One of her main weapons goes by the name [Previous Owner]'s Beautiful Dagger and is referred to with this full name like, 90% of the time, the beauty of it is just. so important to her.) Which leads us to the main point of this question! She absolutely cannot understand why Anyone would Ever in Any situation pick function over form, why a tool would ever be just a tool and not also a thing of beauty, why people would live in humble comfortable homes when they could probably afford something a bit more fancy. Encountering things that aren't explicitly pretty has repeatedly made her forget all her manners in the course of the campaign, she'll just loudly whisper to her companions "Do these people really live like this? WHY??" While the people in question stand right there. It's a miracle she hasn't gotten into any real trouble over this yet.
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lost-and-cursed · 7 hours
Autobiography, epeolatry, and book-bosomed for the book ask!
Autobiography: Who is the protagonist you most relate to?
That's very funny question to answer because to be completely honest it's a character from the book that weren't translated from Russian into like... any language. It's a fantasy where he, Roque Alva, is both highest marshall and a duke, ridiculously competent and depressed, effectively immortal (because of the curse) and also everyone around him die or betray him (because of the curse) and he thinks that the curse is he sold his soul to devil or smth (it's not). He also bisexual disaster, proponent of make problems bestowed on him other people's problem and a war criminal(also a bit OP). He was my role model since I was sixteen, helped to circumvent certain mental health patterns (i really didn't want to end up like him lmao) and was the first and only character I can claim to "kin" in popular understanding of the word. We are just on the same wavelength. And he also was a breath of fresh air in occasionally hair-tearing passages of book
The hero of the Night.
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Speaking from the books someone realistically might read... Idk. I found myself really relating to Hamlet.
(maybe the secret is i feel kinship with characters that are just Haunted by their life)
Epeolatry: What is your favorite book quote?
Oh. All the questions are out to get me. For the record, I have exceptionally bad memory. Like I barely can remember words you said to me 30 seconds ago. I won't remember quote if I didn't reread it fairly recently. I constantly awed by different quotes in the books, but unfortunately I don't keep track of them. That said
'But look, you found the notice, didn't you? ' 'Yes,' said Arthur, 'yes I did. It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying Beware of the Leopard.
From the Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy. I both remember it (noticeable quality) and enjoy it tremendously.
Book-bosomed: what is a book you feel everyone should read?  
Depends on how you pose a question. If I had ability to force everyone read one book
... because it's amazing?
Cloud Atlas, David Mitchell. Very thoughtful, multiple perspectives, interesting wordbuilding, plays around with language, combines few different genres and eras
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... because how do you stil don't know it how how I'll start chewing your shoes ?
Lord of the Rings, J.R.R. Tolkien. Both The Staple and The Cradle of Fantasy. If you absolutely must read only one fantasy book. Let it be Tolkien. It has everything. Is pretty amazing. Wordbuilding out for my heart.
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(but I was lately informed that a lot of people don't enjoy reading it because it's epos, and I am not really cruel and also don't really believe that anyone Must read something)
(if I was unusually cruel Silmarillion would be so funny for the book to force people to read, most of them won't even read LOTR, comedy gold)
If I was to recommend a book keeping in mind that not all people like dense books?
Probably aforementioned Hitchhiker's guide to galaxy. It's easy. It's fun. It has puns. 42.
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Or wait hmmmmmmmmmmm
It's my chance to propagate amazing unpopularish stuff.
So everyone goes to read Myth Adventures cycle by Robert Asprin (first few books are really cool and then read as much as you feel like).
It has very good dialogue, and sniping and sarcasm. It's a comedy and slight parody on the genre with backwater mage student that dreams of becoming a Thief and reluctant teacher who lost his magic just now as he was summoned to this backwater town and now they need to flee from the assassins and learn magic on the road. Also teacher big and green and has sharp teeth hope this helps
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THH girls reacting to their s/o giving them a bouquet of flowers
My overall favorite game (minus udg) and with my favorite girls as well
Anything that has Toko or Syo is my favorite
I might do more of these kinds of mini series, but if you have any ideas then do let me know! (also junko is non-despair if that isn't obvious-)
V3 version | SDR2 version
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【Sayaka Maizono】
• This girl probably had mutiple people given her flowers and gifts during her career
• I mean, who wouldn't? Sayaka is a pop sensation, known for her music, and is also super cute
• But you suddenly gifting her flowers? She never felt more special in her life
• So in short, she loved them!!
• Often times you can see her just staring at the flowers and just having those dreamy eyes
• But she would also gift you something in return!!
• Whether it be new clothing, tickets to her newest concerts, candy, or something you been wanting for a while - she'll get it for you!
【Kyoko Kirigiri】
• Don't expect much of a reaction from her
• It's not that she doesn't like it when you give her anything, or whatever your love language may be
• This detective just has trouble voicing her feelings properly, even when it comes to you
• But she takes the flowers anyway
• And you get to see that rare smile on her face, something that can go unnoticed unless you are looking close enough
• Afterwards she'll take the flowers and plant them either outside or is a cute little pots, making sure they get enough sunlight and water
• She smiles once more as she looks at the now planted flowers
• She thought of you
【Toko Fukawa】
• Alot of mixed opinion will be going on in her mind
• One would think about how this is probably some way to soften her before you do something worse
• Another would be swooned because well, you, her s/o who "puts up" with her, is giving her flowers
• But she would begrudgingly take the flowers and say some mean comment out of habit, albeit you don't take any personal offence to it
• Later though, she would end up writing about the interaction while the flowers sit infront of her in a clear vase
• She can't help but feel lucky to have someone as caring like you to be dating someone like herself
【Genocide Jack/Syo】
• Kinda the same with Toko's reaction
• But she just laughs
• Not because she finds anything in particular funny, but because you are giving a literal (former) serial killer flowers
• You laugh with her because you expected this reaction from your girlfriend
• She takes the bouquet, but then messes with it - or more so ruins it
• She laughs again, you just smile
• Maybe flowers arent the best option, but that doesn't mean you won't stop trying until you find the best gift for her
【Aoi Asahina】
• The happiest out of all the girls here
• okay maybe she would have preferred donuts as a gift rather than flowers
• But she cherishes any gift you decide to give her!
• She would give you a bunch of hugs and quick peppered kisses because she's just so happy!
• Would probably proudly carry the bouquet of flowers everywhere with her that same day just so everyone can see what an amazing s/o you are
• Will later talk all about the interaction to Sakura, going on and on while she listens to her rambles
• She waters them everyday right after swim practice, so they can stay beautiful forever!
【Celestia Ludenberg】
• A calm and composed face is what you will receive
• Even towards you, Celeste keeps on her calm facade but that smile you love so much creeps up on her face
• Roses, beautiful roses that match her aesthetic
• She thanks you of course, loving every gift you give her (though is that a lie? you cant tell)
• She plants a kiss on your cheek, as that is your payment for the gift
• May try to incorporate the roses in her outfit, but will most likely use one as like a pocket rose
• It fits her perfectly
【Sakura Ogami】
• You got her two things
• A bouquet of flowers and a cute little cherry blossom bonsai tree
• You may or may not have gotten her the bonsai due to her name
• But she loves the gifts either way, I mean who wouldn't?
• Will definitely ask you to braid the flowers in her hair if you can
• It makes her feel more in touch with her feminine side
• Will also do what Hina did, but vice versa. She will calmly tell her swimmer friend about the interaction and you can bet Hina was super happy for her
【Junko Enoshima】
• Another famous girl who probably recieved a multitude of gifts from her fashion career
• But does that stop you from showing Junko with gifts whenever you can? Absolutely not
• This time, a simple bouquet of flowers
• Oh man did Junko just adore it
• She basically smothered you with gifts and kisses in return while proudly holding your gift in her arms
• She goes all out with anything, and in all honestly, what else did you expect from her?
• This is Junko Enoshima after all
【Mukuro Ikusaba】
• She didn't know how to react
• You been dating Mukuro for a while now, and learned that she tends to appreciate the more simpler things in life
• So you just giving her a bouquet of flowers basically out of the blue, she didn't know how to handle these emotions
• It didn't matter how long you two would be dating. You two can be married and she would still not know how to react to gifts and handling her emotions
• But she loved them, oh did she love them
• Every gift you give her, big or small, makes her feel seen and appreciated
• And you continue with it, giving her gifts and doing many other things to let her know that you appreciate her
I kinda tried something new with my writing, idk if you can tell or not but it's there - albeit subtle
Glad to finally finish this little mini series! If anyone has and ideas for more mini series like this then do let me know!!
Take care everyone
~ Mod Toko 💜
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fairynavi · 4 years
a haikyuu x reader ficlet
words: 3.01k
pairing: tsukishima kei x reader
warning/s: just pure fluff about to be thrown your way my dude
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Tsukishima Kei has never pegged himself as the romantic type. Yamaguchi can confirm. The blond has never read any of those romance novels during his leisure time, he never pays attention to the dramas his mother watches on TV, and he's never thought twice about dating someone.
He's never fallen in love with someone. He thought it was dumb to fall in love, Romeo and Juliet being a good contender as to why love is such a complicating yet stupid thing. He believes that loving someone romantically is a bother, that's why he's never looked at anyone that way. He's merely protecting himself from getting hurt from love because everything that's said in those romance novels are exaggerated, he tells himself.
Tsukishima was content with everything he had as of now. He's okay with focusing on self-improvement, he doesn't need to value or think of other things.
That is until you showed up.
You're a first year manager, alongside Yachi, of the Karasuno Boy's Volleyball Team and Tsukishima immediately deems you as another person to avoid because the first person you got along with was Hinata. Just like with everyone else, he doesn't interact with you that much, and only says what's necessary when he has to talk to you.
Unfortunately for him, he finds out that you're classmates.
Tsukishima doesn't memorize everyone's names in his class, he doesn't feel the need to do that ever. Once classes end, he's immediately off to practice with Yamaguchi, that is unless he's assigned for cleaning time, so he doesn't even remember you right off the bat.
During English class, the teacher picks you to read a passage from the story that you were analyzing. Being fluent in the English language, this didn't bother you at all. So you stand up and begin reading. Everyone's eyes are on you. They've never heard you speak English before, so they're all definitely surprised, especially a certain tall blond a few seats away from you.
'She's eloquent...', he thinks. Of course, that's what anyone would think if they heard you speaking right now. He's staring at you, and he only realizes when he hears the teacher commend you on your English. He's trying to focus on the lesson, but his mind keep coming back to you and your voice. It's lovely, and soothing in a way. He feels his cheeks heat up a little from thinking about you too much. He finally calms down and focuses back on the passage.
As classes end, the blond sees Yamaguchi begging something from you. As he gets closer, he learns that the other boy is asking for English lessons from you. Yamaguchi notices the taller boy and give him a quick greeting before giving his undivided attention back to you.
"Yamaguchi-kun, are you sure you want me to teach you English?"
"Of course, [Y/N]! There's no one else I know who's as insanely good in English as you are!"
"Well, alright. I guess I can teach you English."
"Teach me as well." Tsukishima finally speaks. Almost in sync, Yamaguchi and you whip your head towards the tall boy's direction. You're just as surprised as Yamaguchi is from Tsukishima's sudden and very surprising request. Tsukishima, of all people, is asking for help. He must be having that much trouble in English to ask someone else to help him.
You're the first to break the uncomfortable silence and you agree to teaching the both of them the subject, Tsukishima is forever thankful for you taking the initiative in changing the awkward atmosphere between the three of you.
Over the course of a few weeks, he's warmed up to you. He talks to you a lot more now, and very rarely he actually engages in the conversation first, but those were usually about homework. Thanks to Yamaguchi and Tsukishima, you've developed a good amount of confidence in your skills as well. You're much more social than you were before, though that's because of Hinata's influence on you, and you participate in a lot of the class activities, be it extra curricular or just favors from your classmates.
Tsukishima always thought you'd eventually forget about him and Yamaguchi, so he stopped himself from getting too attached to you, but to his surprise, you never said no to Yamaguchi whenever he asked to hang out. Sure, you've made a lot more friends now, and you've gained some popularity as well, but you never strayed too far away from the first friends you've ever made.
Not only are you smart, but you're also incredibly kind and selfless, traits Tsukishima never understood. You'd almost immediately, and sometimes literally, drop whatever you were doing and go and help them with whatever they need assistance with, even if it's a little request like taking the trash out to the garbage bins behind the school. You basically thrived off of helping out, and Tsukishima is beyond intrigued by you.
You see, Tsukishima has never seem himself as selfless. He only does things that benefits him. He'll only agree if something is of use to him. To put it in other words, he's selfish. He's never done things to help others, he'll only do so if necessary, such as group projects. He's never the type to consider actually helping someone out because he just felt like it. If it benefits him, he'll do it, if it doesn't, he won't. Simple as that.
Before Tsukishima's even realized it, he's staring at you as you talk to a classmate of yours. Unfortunately, Yamaguchi notices the boy's lovestruck state and decides to initiate a conversation with him. "Tsukki, you've been staring at [Y/N] a lot," He says, catching the taller boy's attention. Tsukishima's eyes dilate in his sudden approach, his cheeks having a tint of pink, and he glares at his friend.
"Shut up, Yamaguchi."
"Sorry, Tsukki, but I'm just surprised how she hasn't noticed just how much you stare at her."
"... Is it really that obvious?"
"To me, it is. To her, it isn't."
Tsukishima groans internally. He didn't even notice that he was staring for so long until Yamaguchi brought it up. No, he will not admit that he was admiring you. Never. He'll get over this, right? This is just a one time thing... right?
He wants to get closer to you now. He wants to interact with you every day. He wishes he sat near you so he could ask for a pencil just so he'd have an excuse to talk to you. He hoped that his heart would stop beating faster whenever you looked at him and smiled. He hoped that his cheeks would stop growing pink whenever you laughed at a corny joke Hinata made. He hoped that his legs wouldn't get wobbly whenever he hears the mere sound of your voice. He hoped things would just go back to normal. But just hoping wouldn't work.
Tsukishima Kei has undoubtedly fallen in love with you.
And he's realized that when he overheard a conversation between you and a male classmate;
"Hey [Y/N]."
You stop erasing on the chalkboard and turn to face him properly. You dust off the chalk dust on your skirt and blouse and reply, "What's up?"
"I was wondering... Could we, you know, meet- uh, meet behind the school later? Before your club activities, of course..." He was clearly blushing, everyone could see that, he was fidgety, and he stuttered a bunch of times. Anyone could already tell where that was going. Except you.
"Oh, of course!" You smile innocently at him, as he smiles back widely. He goes back to his group of friends with a very victorious look you were unable to see. As you turn around, you are met with a pair of familiar pair of eyes, staring you down as if you did something unbelievable.
"[Y/N], what was that about?"
"I don't know, he probably needed help with something. Maybe homework. But he could've just asked me right here, it's not like I would judge him for asking for help. Maybe he's just shy, who knows?"
Yamaguchi face palms at your response, you're even more confused. The green haired boy looks at you in disbelief, and sighs in frustration, "You know what, I'll leave that to you to find out."
Yamaguchi did say he'll leave it to you to find out, but he needed to know how things would turn out. So he dragged Tsukishima along with him, who silently agrees to following you behind the school, despite you telling them that Daichi or Coach Ukai might get mad at them for being late. Yamaguchi, bless his soul, told the two of you that he would take responsibility and would take any punishment that went along with it.
The two boys hid behind the corner of the building, listening closely to your conversation with your classmate.
"Nakamura-kun, why'd you ask to meet me here?" You ask him, clearly not understanding the atmosphere that was around the both of you. Anyone who would catch you there would understand what was happening, but unfortunately, you just couldn't predict what was going to happen.
He stood there for quite a bit, fidgeting, and avoiding eye contact with you. His face seemed all red and you began to worry if he was getting feverish from all this. You take a step forward and he immediately freezes up from you getting close to him.
"Are you feeling ill? You look red. Maybe you should go to the clinic."
He shakes his head repetitively, saying he wasn't ill and that he really had something to tell you. You nod and wait for him to say it, as you didn't want to make him uncomfortable enough than he already was.
"I... I really like you, [Y/N]!"
"Oh? I like you too, Nakamura-kun."
Yamaguchi face palms. Tsukishima stifles a laugh.
"Really? Then, will you go out with me?"
"Go out? Right now? But I still have club activities." You tilt your head in confusion as he fumbles to find the right words.
"No! Not right now! Maybe on Saturday! Yeah, does that sound good?"
"Oh, perfect, I'm free that day. So which subject are you having trouble on? If it's Math, I can't really help you with that."
Yamaguchi is currently trying to stop Tsukishima and himself from laughing out loud.
"What?" He looks at you, his life draining out of him.
"We're talking about homework, right? Oh! Did I get it wrong? Did you need help with another thing?"
"[Y/N], no. I meant... I meant like go out on a date! Like a romantic date!"
You squint your eyes at him as you process the words in your head. One by one, the cogs in your slow brain finally start moving, and you finally get what he's trying to say.
"Oh, like those dates you see in the movies? I'm sorry, Nakamura-kun, I'm just not the person you should be liking, there are a lot more girls there that will surely make you happy. I'll just make you frustrated, I'm sorry. I really am." You bowed at him politely but he assures you that he doesn't need you to apologize, he just wanted a proper answer from you.
Hearing you say that made Tsukishima's heart drop. You were already aware that you'd make people frustrated with you, and he didn't want you to think that way. He felt a strong desire to change that, but you guys were just friends, he doesn't have a right to change anything about you, he doesn't even have the chance to.
You turn around to see Yamaguchi snickering like a kid and Tsukishima just looking at him with his signature annoyed look. You laugh and them and begin dragging them to the gym, where you were met with an annoyed coach, a concerned Daichi, and very curious players.
Despite having rejected that boy, there were still other people from other classes who tried to woo you with their pick-up lines, but you never really got them, so you just laughed and nodded in hopes of them not getting hurt by you not being able to comprehend any deeper meaning to what they say.
"Does your hand feel heavy, [Y/N]-san?"
"No? I don't think it's possible for a hand to feel heavy?"
You tried your best to understand, you really did. You just wanted to keep up with their pick-up lines, but you just couldn't do it. You've never had that kind of experience, so it was hard to understand what they were trying to say.
But without realizing it yourself, you were also beginning to get interested in a certain tall blond classmate. You quickly dismissed these reactions as something everyone can experience, you weren't the only one, of course. Everyone feels this way around Tsukishima. Right? Right?
"[Y/N], I can very much confirm that not everyone feels that way towards Tsukki."
"So, your legs don't get wobbly and your heart doesn't beat faster around Tsukishima?"
Yamaguchi laughs and you feel yourself feeling embarrassed as he does so. You give him a light punch on his arm, since you can't reach his head, and cross your arms, a pout present on your face.
"[Y/N], I'm not in love with Tsukki."
In love? Is that what it is?
"I can't be in love. I don't even understand what love is enough to actually feel it." You say, trying to convince yourself more than you're trying to convince Yamaguchi, who only shrugs at your response.
"If you say so, [Y/N]."
The next few days were weird.
For some godforsaken reason, Yamaguchi had convinced Tsukishima to at least flirt with you a little bit, having learned that the blond was hopelessly in love with you, even though the taller blond told the other that you'll have the same reaction as you did with those other guys that tried to do a pick-up line on you.
The first time he tried to flirt, which was a pick-up line about a highlighter and brightening up his world, it turned into you telling him a story about how you accidentally drank water with highlighter ink thinking it was some kind of juice. He was actually immersed in the story sometimes, teasing you about how you couldn't recognize the color of the highlighter.
The second time he tried to flirt, where Yamaguchi would "accidentally" shove you into Tsukishima, he pushed you too hard and ended with you sitting on top of a very uncomfortable and potentially hurt blond.
The third time he tried to flirt, where he intended on staying close to you a lot, like sitting next to you during study sessions, walking next to you during the walk to the gym, just staying close to you in general, you didn't at all notice because you just thought it was normal for friends to do that, all the while trying to ignore your loudly beating heart.
The fourth and final time he flirted with you, was when you finally confessed to him.
Tsukishima is an observant person, so he's probably noticed your mannerisms around him by now. How your tone of voice changes when you talk to him, and how easilt flustered you get when you talk to him. He thought he had a chance, and he was right.
"I don't really like talking about feelings that much but Yamaguchi told me to tell you everything that I'm feeling. So, here goes nothing, I guess."
You take a deep breath and you suddenly feel as if the ground was shaking. You're terrified, but you have to do this. You've already committed to this. There's no turning back.
"Tsukishima, whenever I look at you, I feel really happy. Your voice makes me feel like I'm on the comfiest pillow in the world. Whenever you do that really cute smirk when you tease Hinata or Kageyama, it makes me laugh a lot. You're weird."
"Excuse me?"
"Shut up, I'm not done yet."
You inhale once more.
"You're really mean to Hinata and Kageyama, and you're also unintentionally mean to a lot of our classmates, but I like that about you. Whenever you offer to help me with Math, I kind of feel sad because I'm supposed to be the one doing all the helping!"
"You don't always have to help-"
"Let me finish! You're actually really nice, you know? I saw you playing with a stray cat the other day and giving it food and it made my heart do flips! You looked really cute. I don't know how to express myself properly, and when I try to, it's word vomit. I want to learn and try to be better for you, I want to know what to do with this slow brain of mine, and I really really want to do all those romantic stuff with you."
You're in the verge of crying, but you quickly wipe away any evidence of you crying.
"I... I think I like you, Tsukishima."
He doesn't say anything and you feel embarrassment creeping up behind you. The air is suffocating and you want to run away, but you legs are stuck to the ground. You feel ashamed in the other's presence, wanting to dig a grave and rot in it.
Then, you feel big arms wrap around your smaller frame, pulling you close to his chest, as he buries his face on your shoulder. He only hugged you for a while, as he isn't that type to prolong skinship.
You clear your throat and break the short silence between the two of you, "I've been meaning to ask. Did you flirt with me earlier?"
"Have been for the past week, but thanks for noticing." He replies almost immediately as you just stand there in shock.
"You're unbearable, [Y/N]."
You look up at him and laugh, punching his chest lightly.
"But you love me."
"Yes, yes I do."
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this is my first haikyuu character x reader ficlet so i hope you at least like it a little bit hahahah
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scentedsongrebel · 4 years
Broken Pieces (1/3)
Pairings: Steve Rogers × female! Reader
Summary: Even after everything he has been through, Steve won't be suprised if his children are the ones that get him killed.
Warnings: Language (cursing), Little angst, fluff, dad Steve, Reader is not in this part.
Word Count: 4278
Happy Birthday Steve Rogers
Image not mine. Credit to the owner.
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It started with a loud screech that set every set of nerves in his body alight with fear.
The sun had already set as he was laying in his bed, scrolling through the news article about the threat dismantled by the new Captain America with a huge grin on his lips and proud glint in his eyes. He always knew Sam had what it took.
That is when the offended screech had ignited a flame he had long let go.
In all the hundred something years of his life Steve had never had a reaction as fast as he did in the moment when he runs towards the source of the noise.
Thamp Thamp Thamp. His heart screams loudly and every inch of him can hear  the attack of his heart against his rib cage as if trying to escape itself to assure the kids’ safety clearly. The fear surrounding every cell, every piece that joins to make his body whole, grows and grows until he can't think, feel, or do anything other then run like his life depended on it. Which it did. He prays through the countless steps he takes in his run, he prays his kids were safe. That they remember what he had tought them for situations like these.
In all his years since he passed on the shield to Sam this is the first time he regrets it as he pulls out the gun from the secret safe on the hallway floor and the makeshift shield tony made for him in case of emergencies.
Expecting a complete army of Hydra soldiers here for him and his family Steve prepares himself for a fight. Every moment of his life he has been afraid of the dreaded day. Even after all the security they had, he somehow always predicted this day would come. And even though he feels a little relieved you are not home and in safety he also finds himself wishing you were here so he could have some help saving his kids.
The emergency button to alert Bucky and Sam has been pressed, others were far away today. He would just have to stall until Bucky or Sam or both if they could find a safe place for their own children could come and help.
His first priority right now are his children.
And with that in mind, he rushes through the living room door, banging it open with a harsh kick, his gun raised high, eyes roaming around in search of the intruder
"Oh my god!!" His 13 year old daughter screams, horrified before she along with all three of her siblings raise their hands in surrender
Steve looks around the room in confusion, his eyebrows furrowed as he assess the situation.
His 15 year old son sits with his legs bent and hands raised on the edge of your favorite sofa that you had purchased from IKEA, besides him sit all three of his siblings, the other end of the couch is occupied by his 13- year old daughter while both the 6 year old boy and 3 girl year old girl are in the middle. All of them have their hands raised in surrender, looking fearfully at the gun.
"Dad?" his oldest cautiously asks and Steve realizes his gun is still raised and pointed at the kids and he moves it to point down, pulling the safety back on and looks around.
Pieces of glass, varying in their shapes and sizes decorate the entirety of his living room floor, from the looks of it and the center table laying on the floor. Steve has a fair idea where the glass may have come from.
He sighs but before he can say anything, the window behind the kids is shattered with a loud bang and then a screech of glass breaking and a figure breaks in.
Steve quickly raises his gun at the figure while the person does the same. Their long dark hair cover a portion of their face. The light of the chandelier above his head shines as its light is reflected back from the man's metal arm.
"Bucky?" Steve questions as he looks his friend over. His hair is completely disheveled and seem to be hastily tied together using a rubber band. A shirt that Steve is sure is inside out, awkwardly covers his chest and he still wears his pajama shorts. Several knives protrude out of his pocket which Steve is pretty sure he put in hastily.
Bucky nods his head, gun still raised, looking around for an intruder and completely prepared for a possible fight.
When he is done with his assessment and finds no one in sight, he turns back to Steve, his eyebrows scrunched together in confusion, the gun still raised now points at Steve
Steve closes his eyes for a second and faces his gun down again before sighing
"Max answer in yes or no, did someone break into our house?"
"Yes" the young boy answers, his arms still raised and Steve quickly regains his alert stance looking around as Bucky does the same
"Uncle Bucky did" the boy points at Bucky accusingly
With that Steve whips his head towards Bucky who gives Steve a look as if asking seriously? before Steve turns back to his 15 year old and sighs
"Except Bucky did anyone break in?"
With a sigh Steve drops his gun, making his way towards his kids, not caring about the glass pieces that pierce into the souls of his shoes he hastily put on. He goes on and takes all four of the hooligans in his arms and they hug him back in a big family hug before he pulls back and assess all their faces, looking for damage
"You all okay?" they collectively nod their heads as Bucky carefully makes his way towards the small party
"What the hell dude?" he says and Steve glares at him
Bucky rolls his eyes
"What the Heck dude?" He puts extra emphasis on Heck
Steve just shakes his head and turns back to his children
"What happened here?"
Lana snifs a cry as she looks at her father
"Max was cleaning the center table when the glass fell off"
"The center table glass fell of while cleaning?" Bucky asks startled
"Anna spilled water on the table and Mom says wood gets bad if water stays on it so we were cleaning the water but it got under the glass so we slanted the table so the water could come out by gravity but instead the glass slid off due to it"
Steve sighs
"God, please tell me no one was around when it fell " Steve says worriedly looking at all four of his children
Lana shakes her head
"We made the little kids sit on the couch when Max and I slanted the table. The glass slid off towards the forward side while we were behind it and then we quickly climbed on the couch"
Steve sighs in relief and takes a look at both of his older children's feet just to make sure.
"Good good" he nods, still trying to calm himself from his initial shock as he examines their blood less, dirty but still blood less feet
Little Anna taps her tiny hand on his thigh to catch his attention and Steve looks at his 3 year old. She motions towards his feet and babbles before tears start to fall down her eyes. Outsiders may never understand what his non verbal baby often says but Steve knows clearly what she is asking and he quickly takes her in his arms, placing her in his lap and hugging her tight, running his hand up and down her back
"Daddy is fine sweaty" he coos "Daddy's shoes saved him"
She keeps crying trying to recover from her initial shock before Aiden follows the lead of his younger sister and starts crying as well and Steve pulls him in the hug too.
He tries to console the children as they keep crying, their older siblings trying to lighten the atmosphere by banging Anna and Aiden's toys together to catch their attention. Something that only increases Steve's boiling irritation.
Steve sighs, looking at the sky before he motions for a shocked Bucky to come close
"I pointed a gun at my children" Steve whispers in Bucky's ear
"Yeah man" Bucky says "Think you've traumatized them for life?"
Steve glares at his best friend before turning back to look at the kids
"Its fine, its fine" Steve pats their backs before pulling away to look at their faces. A jolt of guilt spreads through him as he looks at their faces, red with fear and he sighs before wiping off the tears on both their faces with the edge of his sleeve
"Dad" Max calls out from his side "We scared you didn't we?"
Steve turns to his oldest and nods his head
"Its fine. I'm just a little paranoid"
"A little?" Bucky snorts "You know how frightened I was when that alarm rang through? You ruined my dinner by the way. Now what am I gonna tell Sam?"
Steve just rolls his eyes and ignores his best friend
"I'm sorry dad" Max whispers and Lana nods her head besides him
"I'm sorry too Dad"
Steve just shakes his head
"No, no need to apologize. Its fine"
"We didn't think the glass would fall off" Lana shakes her head "Mom bought it so we thought it was glued in"
"Who even put it together?" Bucky asks crossing his arms and before Steve can turn to glare at him, little Anna starts to babble again
"Dadadadadada" She smiles at Steve, clapping her hands proudly. Steve gives her a smile back and Bucky lets out a laugh
"That explains so much"
"Just sh-" Steve shakes his head and stops himself from saying any bad words in front of his kids. He would have to find Bucky later to give him a piece of his mind.
"He was gonna say shut up right?" Lana turns to Max who just nods his head
Steve swallows at that and has to close his eyes for a second before he turns to glare at the two
"What? Dad we know what shut up means" Lana rolls her eyes
"Watch your tone with me young lady" Steve raises an eyebrow at her and then sighs "Just don't say it in front of the little kids"
"I will never understand one thing" Bucky says scratching his head "I mean why are we so careful in not saying any bad language words in front of the kids when they will eventually learn them in the future"
Max and Lana laugh at his comment, the little kids copy their older siblings as they too let out a series of laughs themselves and Steve finds himself smiling at the scene before Bucky's words really sink in.
Anna raises her hands forward asking Bucky to pick her up
"Buck Buck Buck" she babbles as Bucky takes her in his arms and turns back to the glaring Steve after shooting a wink at both the older kids' direction
"I mean my parents tried so hard not to curse in front of me and yet here I am" Bucky motions his hand in an up down gesture
"Yup and they are so proud" Steve rolls his eyes
"How come you are allowed to roll your eyes but I'm not" Lana asks crossing her arms
"Because I'm an adult" Steve sighs and raises a finger at her to stop her from saying any further. He was not in a mental state to have one of those daily debates with his daughter "Yes the moment you turn eighteen you can roll your eyes as much as you like"
Lana just sighs
"I'm gonna tell Mom" she sends him a look and he suddenly sees so much of his wife in his daughter that he has to hold back a smile. This one really is a handful.
But before Steve can say anything about it Max takes a deep breath in horror. Everyone in the room turn to look at him
"Mom" he says horrified "What are we gonna tell Mom?"
And the silence that follows is pin drop. They know it is because at that exact moment the hair pin Anna had taken out of Bucky's hair falls down on the floor and they can all clearly hear it.
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh god" Lana screeches "no no no no no"
"Mom spent at-least 6 months looking for the perfect table" Max says as he pulls at his hair "We have to do something, Dad what do we do?"
"We?" Steve raises a single eyebrow at his son "What are you gonna do son and what it is is that you are gonna tell her the truth"
"Are you crazy?" Lana screams "She will kill us, do you know how close Ana and Aiden were to that thing?"
Steve narrows his eyes at her "How close were they exactly?"
Her eyes widen as she realizes her mistake and gives him the fakest laugh he has ever seen. A laugh that may as well qualify as a cry.
"What? Hahahaha What? They-they were really far- far away."
"Lana" he says sternly
"They were on the couch Dad" Max sighs "Promise"
Steve stares at his son for a second and then nods his head
"Lets just clean this up first" Steve sighs "Then you can tell Mom"
"No no no no no" Max whines as he takes hold of Steve's hand "You don't understand. Mom can't know"
Steve raises an eyebrow at his son
"She will find out eventually"
"Dad please" Lana whines and puts her arms around him and Aiden to take him in a hug. Max moves to join the hug to before he pulls away and motions for Bucky to give him Anna. With Anna in her brother’s arms all four children hug Steve
"Dad please" The two older ones whine together while Ana laughs as she is made part of the hug
"Dad please please" Aiden is now begging too, helping out his siblings.
"Mom and I are on the same team"
"There is no team in family Dad. We are all together" Max says resolutely "And just think about how heart broken Mom would be when she finds out what happened to her favorite table that she spent 6 months looking for, not to mention the fact that she warned you against putting it together yourself"
Steve whips his head to look at his son in the eyes who shoots Steve a knowing look and in this exact moment he decides Bucky is not coming anywhere near any of his children ever again
“Not to mention how you were boasting nothing can go wrong in the house in your presence when Mom was leaving.
He will agree that had him
"Yeah" Bucky claps his hands and Ana joins him
"Mission: Replace the table"
Steve lets out a breath but before he can say anything Aiden points towards the floor.
"That is a gun" he says, his eyes directed towards the gun Steve had dropped on the floor along side his makeshift shield 
Steve's eyes widen in fear and he shots Bucky a horrified look who just shrugs and discreetly pushes his own gun under the sofa with his boot clad feet. Not even trying to protect the gun from the little glass pieces.
"A real gun" Aiden is now impressed and tries to get off the couch to reach the object of his fascination
"What?" Steve laughs loudly taking hold of his son from the waist and bringing him to his lap,he laughs again, a laugh that surely contests his daughter's in the best horrible fake laugh contest "That's not a gun"
"No that is gun" Aiden states excitedly "I have same gun"
The moment stops right there and he can feel several eyes him. Bucky behind him chokes on his own spit and Steve's heart seemed to have stopped beating.
How the fuck did his kid even have excess to any of his or your guns? He was pretty sure you had them in high tech password protected safes all over the house that were impossible for children to access. Then how? Were they careless in one of the hiding spots and the little boy has now procured a gun.
His little boy had a gun.
What the hell was he gonna do now. This surely is parenting low right? Oh god. What was he gonna tell you?
His mind is fighting with itself trying to find the right words or actions for a situation like this and when it turns up blank, he tells himself that saying anything would be a step. But anything does not seem to leave his mouth and so he sits there, looking at his son with his mouth open and a low pitched noise the only voice coming out of it.
This was more than what he was trained for
If it were some other day, Max may have had enjoyed his father's predicament and the expression on his face. But today it feels the old man has had enough of these mind blowing problems for his age and so he decides to pull his father out of his misery
"Yes Aiden" He says and Steve shoots him a warning look which he promptly ignores "This is exactly like your nerf gun. Dad and I had a gun war today but because of the broken table we had to cancel it"
Aiden furrows his eyebrows "I wanna gun fight"
"Yes" Max nods his head "we were all gonna participate even Lana and Anna, but maybe tomorrow"
Aiden stares at his brother for a second before shrugging "Okay"
A surge of relief is all Steve can feel at the moment and he shoots a thankful look at his son who just gives him a teasing smile
"Nerf gun is this toy gun dad" Lana whispers in his ear as she comes closer "I know you have a hard time understanding modern things"
Bucky lets out a laugh from behind him as Steve closes his eyes
His kids are gonna be the death of him.
"Okay I called Sam and he'll be here soon" Bucky re-enters the room careful not to step on any glass pieces
All the kids sit on the sofa with their feet up as they watch Steve carefully swipe off the pieces
"What is Uncle Sam gonna do?"
"Take care of you guys while Steve distracts your mother and I get a new glass"
"Wait wait hold on" Steve stops his work "Why am I the distraction?"
"You are her husband" Bucky says matter of factly
Steve shakes his head
"Me crashing her girls' night is suspicious especially when I specifically told her to take time away from the family" Steve says "Why can't Sam do it?"
"He's tired dude" Bucky says crossing his arms "Being Captain America is exhausting"
Steve rolls his eyes as he crosses his arms. How would he know anything about that right?
"And taking care of six kids is relaxing"
"Well two of them would be put to sleep, two would be too guilty and would take care of the remaining two"
Steve shakes his head
"Okay fine then you go distract her"
"She's your wife"
"And your friend"
Bucky crosses his arms before he huffs a sigh
"Fine I will distract her"
Steve nods his head and turns to his children who all sit obediently on the sofa. Even little Ana and Aiden stay silent and Steve can't help but smile at them
"Its fine" he sighs as he sits down in front of them after having cleaned the floor and wiping it out with flour dough to make sure no pieces were left "Its just a piece of furniture"
He moves both his hands to his eldest son and daughter's cheek who he knows would he extremely scared
"I am not angry" he smiles at them and Lana nods as tears stream down her face
"Thank you" she says and Steve's heart breaks too much for his daughter who has been through so much in her life "One time I broke this glass cup and Max took the blame and he hit Max and he broke his hand"
She starts crying and the little kids stare at their sister in concern and shift towards her as Max puts his arm around her. Aiden wraps his short arms around her arm and hugs her as Ana offers her her Peppa pig stuffed toy
"Its okay sweety" Steve says softly taking his daughter in a hug and trying to control the extreme rage he feels towards her previous adoptive father.
Max and Alahna were both in the system since they were born having no knowledge of their respective biological families. They were both separately adopted in the same family and became siblings through the adoption. But as cruel as life was, their adoptive father turned out to be extremely abusive while the mother turned a blind eye to it.
The abuse was generally targeted towards Max and he always took the beating for Lana too. It was not until the father decided to attack Lana one day that Max decided enough was enough and contacted DCS.
They were separated despite their pleas to be put together even if it were a group home and were finally reunited when You had fallen in love with Lana 5 years ago during a visit to her group home and when she told you about her lost brother, you decided you would adopt them both.
Steve had just needed to meet them once before tearfully declaring they were his kids.
"If someone" he says patting her back "anyone touches anyone of you guys, I will make sure they are punished"
And he means it. With everything in him he means it. He knows they think by punish he means put them in jail like he made sure had been done to the abusive man. But he also knows they don't know the revenge he took for every single ounce of pain that man put his son and daughter through, his personal justice.
"I love you dad" she says and he pulls back, smiling at her and repeating the words back before patting Max on the shoulder who tries to hold back his tears, He pulls Max in for a hug too patting his back before pulling away and pulling both Ana and Aiden in each of his arms.
"I love you guys more than you can think of" he kisses the heads of both the kids in his arms who still look at their older sister with concern. His heart feels full with how much all his kids loved each other and cared for one another.
Steve sighs, shooting a look at Bucky. Time to lighten the mood.
Bucky jumps up from where he was sitting cross legged on the floor, watching the happy family scene.
"Okay, now that we are proceeding towards the next step of our plan, I need to ask you a question"
He turns to Max in all seriousness and Max looks back, seriously listening to whatever his uncle has to say
"Can you cook?" Max furrows his eyebrows before shaking his head
"No, I-I"
"What the heck kid?"
"I was supposed to cook the food while Sam took the kids to the store before your alert sounded. Now what am I gonna do?"
"So you were gonna make my 15 year old son cook dinner for you?"
"For all of us"
Steve rolls his eyes, shooting a glare at Bucky as Aiden and Ana let out little laughs as he tickles them.
"Just order pizza, Sam would understand"
Bucky rolls his eyes
"Fine" he says crossing his arms "But you better learn how to cook kid, we can't just order pizza all the time"
Max laughs at that and shakes his head
"We can order pizza anytime"
"Nice point"
"I will never understand how Sam agreed to have children with you"
"My children love me and so do yours" Bucky winks at Lana and Max and they nod their head, laughing
"That's because you spoil them"
"Kids like it when you spoil them"
"Of-course they do-" Steve shakes his head "You know what? I'm gonna put these two to bed while you order pizza and then we can wait for Sam after which we'll get a new glass"
"Dad" Max calls out and Steve turns back to look at him "Can I come with you"
"You wanna put these two to bed?"
"No no" He looks exasperated "To find the new table"
"No" It doesn't even takes him a second to reply
"Please" Max whines and Lana decides to join him
"Please dad" She makes perfect use of the remnant tears that still remain on her face as her eyes sparkle and Steve feels his resolve breaking "It was our fault. We wanna help"
Steve tires to shake his head but that resolve takes no time to break as a fresh tear slides down his daughter's face
"Fine" he sighs before begrudgingly leaving the room
The kids he carries in his arms loudly giggle as Bucky makes faces to them behind his back before he shuts the door to the living room, he just knows Bucky is imitating him with the way his kids laugh.
Well at-least they were laughing.
Part 2
Tags: @kayteewritessteve @anjali750
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Gen 4.1 Planning
Libi: Okay, so my basic premise for who Libi is going to be at her core, WOO; I was thinking about how we said that she is Tess' second (lowkey third but I'll let you live gal) chance at 'getting it right' and raising a child well, which, OBVIOUSLY, she's never told or anything but there's an innate pressure in that that you'd know on some level, likewise her mum AND dad died so everyone would be quick with those comparisons always, this family and Liam's mum when that contact is made because her daughter died as well as; Then that made me think of the pressure Ro felt because you know, bad shit happened to Bea (Edie and Liam in this case) and then she got saved by McVickers and felt like she owed everyone to be great and do great things; so my vibe is that BUT COMING FROM A LESS SELFISH, WEIRD, PERFECTIONISM ANGLE soz not soz Ro, we know what you did; I see her being better behaved as she grows up, far more than her parents obviously but lowkey better behaved than any of the mcvickers or cali kids ever were because she thinks everyone deserves that, her not causing any more problems, but again UNLIKE Ro, she wouldn't be different to a degree of not fitting in because she'd make a massive effort to be there for everyone and every event, be likeable and get along with as much of the fam as possible, obviously some of that is natural charm but it's also putting in the time ahem Rosaline; like, she's a people pleaser, to a fault, and all she cares about is making everyone else, Tess, Fearghal, Ali, JJ etc etc, happy and making sure she's being what she thinks they want her to be/need her to be, and like that is what makes her happy because she is doing it out of love and respect not obligation but she doesn't know she's doing it, you know? Again, it's innate, how she is, but that's where the arc can come in, in realising that she goes with what makes everyone else happy, is who they need, but what does SHE want herself, and what does SHE need? A way I thought we could make this a Bobby/Libi storyline if we wanted (but we do not have to) is if she does have feelings for him, could be any point on his timeline gfs and kids wise whatever, but she lets him go and have whatever gf or do whatever thing because she's like that's what he wants he doesn't like me or want me like that etc, because she doesn't let herself want things selfishly or do anything just for herself Bobby: we should totally have them be together as little bubs because they are and it's like a running joke that they are gonna get together/get married like we've lowkey already said but more so but maybe the vibe is he is really shy how he is and lowkey it's like a my sister and me vibe where she does all the talking and socialising for him and like all their friends are joint friends Bobby: not in a creepy Ro and Ali way but Bobby: and we will let you outgrow that sir Libi: it makes sense because obviously we're learning sign language so simply Bobby can't communicate with most kids by himself, that's facts, and it's easier to have another kid help you than Jimmy always being there, or whoever he has helping him at school, you know Bobby: oh snap maybe I flip reverse what I said and Cammie's mum is the deaf one too and the vibe could be that like Libi pushes him to get some deaf friends as they become like tweens/teens so he can communicate himself so he does and does become more outgrowing that way but maybe he lowkey leans too hard into deaf culture for a while there and she feels like pushed out by it because it's something she can't be a part of Libi: ooh yeah, that makes a lot of sense Bobby: it adds something to Cammie's character as well being hearing but having two deaf parents so that's interesting Bobby: and also makes sense why JJ have to help them so much as well as them just being young Libi: right, there's a lot of shit Cammie would have to do from a young age if not for JJ lowkey 'cos it's just easier for a hearing kid than it is a deaf adult in this world Libi: her mum could maybe be more partial for ease but yes Bobby: and like it makes sense that Libi would push her feelings aside when those two grow closer/happen because she'd be like well they're both deaf that's something I can't give him and something I want him to have Libi: exactly, it'd feel really selfish to wreck that even if you didn't have all the ingrained shit she does around it Bobby: and obviously he actually wants to be with her as well but thinks she doesn't want that and before you now it there's baby Cammie so it's like well now I gotta try and make this work because don't wanna be a shit father like I had Libi: oh the drama of it all Libi: love it Libi: and we've not really got (that I can think of) a never mind I'll find someone like you type deal Libi: because usually it's like JUST SAY IT but it actually makes sense here to pine and long but let him go Libi: hence I'm here for it Libi: So, what I'm thinking right now is, that they're like never officially together, like it just keeps being an in-joke kinda vibe and like we're JUST best friends and then kind of like family, but obviously as they get into tween/teen years it's beyond a stage you can pretend you're just a kid playing at being girlfriend and boyfriend and as you said boo, that will coincide with JJ wedding and kids roughly so then it'd be more obvious like it's not going to happen seriously, then she can encourage him to get deaf friends etc, but I feel like he should only meet Cammie's mum just before or at uni (or whatever equivalent he's doing after school) so then it is quick and not like they were even mates before so it's less of a shock for all, you know? Bobby: I totally agree because I strongly pictured him being best man at the JJ wedding (soz Pete) and her being one of the bridesmaids and all the bants that go along with that and them both being SO 😳 Bobby: and yeah he could live the cliché that Jac was mocking and literally get with this girl freshers week I'd believe it Libi: Right? it then mirrors the Jameson/Cammie thing except they literally are just BFFs and there isn't anything going on Libi: there's actually weight to this but we're just like haha no don't be silly Bobby: and we've literally not done that trope with childhood boy girl best friends before really because baze are probably the closest but they were always so clearly in love and refusing to fight it so it's fun Libi: exactly, because unknowingly or otherwise, we're fighting against all the cliches and tropes that come with this family Libi: like I'm going to not do any of those things that caused drama for everyone and this is clearly too close to home, even though I don't think anyone would actually be that bothered, we've just really internalized and gone with it Bobby: like how nobody cares Jac is gay except Jac herself Libi: right Libi: but obviously she's good at keeping this all internal because no one can or is gonna clock it and be like, babe, it's okay Libi: like JJ might be a bit like oop, keeping it in the family but as long as you're both happy they really don't care, and same for mcvickers even if Tess is suspish of everyone that comes into any gal's life 'cos trauma lol Bobby: Bobby wasn't trying to make deaf culture happen for himself but Libi would have been so excited for him to get out there and do it that he would've been excited too and then it is literally like a new world opening up because who has he ever interacted with that's deaf before Bobby: didn't mean to lowkey leave you behind gal but Libi: it's kinda her own fault, not to blame you but clearly literally what we do like okay he's happy now mission accomplished Bobby: and maybe Cammie's mum is like the deaf equivalent of those gays who make it their whole identity so she's really selling it and so he also thinks okay this is who I should be with Libi: we know the vibe, like it's more excusable but still, I get you Libi: I see it Libi: a bit of a baby gay equivalent like go too hard and you're like I need to calm this down Libi: UNRELATED BUT Libi: think it will please you Libi: Jay is born 32 like Bobby, I'm pretty sure, and I thought Libi and her would also make for interesting content because Jay obviously feels she owes a lot to the fam for not being stuck with Chloe etc etc and the very little we did with her gave off a similar energy to me Libi: and she has her commitment issues in relationships because of her mum situation so they can bond over the shit that holds 'em back even though it's different stuff Bobby: and her relationship with Ava being her mum but also not being is something I feel like Libi can relate to because of how she was raised and the Rio and Buster-ness of it all because they wanted to raise her and obvs they wanted to raise Jay for a while there too Bobby: plus all the travelling she does is something that Libi could potentially join her in doing if she needs an escape so that's nice Libi: 100% it makes for a strong friendship there's a lot of parallels if not total similarities Libi: it makes a lot of sense, it's coming together baby Bobby: if you need to get away from seeing Bobby literally playing happy families, I can offer you that gal because I'm gonna have her go to uni/live in new york probably now that Nancy isn't because her face actually did live there idk if they still do or what but Bobby: we know the vibe is that she goes everywhere and can't settle so you'll have lots of chances to run away in a way that won't upset anyone Bobby: and when she gets her man and it works out we could totally coincide that because she can be like if I can do it so can you Libi: a mood a moment Bobby: all I know is Bobby is gonna be more chatty because neither Jimothy or Jesse are so I must but not to Jude levels of !!! Libi: a nice middleground Libi: which is kind of what I see for her honestly Libi: less in your face than 1. we were as a little bub 2. a lot of the fam but still sociable enough that it jives well with most of 'em Bobby: I'm so happy about all of this and honestly Cammie's mum being deaf makes so much sense in terms of what we were already thinking about her being more distant and working a lot Libi: if she doesn't give up the fight, she could be some kind of advocate vibe Libi: 'cos then Cammie can't even call her out really Libi: like soz this is important, maam your child Bobby: exactly what I was thinking we're in sync rn boo Libi: because it all makes sense, you gotta follow one thread and then the story shows itself tbh Libi: because tying in Astrid too, obviously that makes sense because she loses her mum too, and she'd ultimately be a really good influence because after Ro dies Astrid is kind of freed to do whatever she wants for herself Libi: and how much happier it makes her, how much she improves...well Libi: sips tea Bobby: I LOVE THIS Libi: and who else is taking the autistic girl that seriously and letting her teach you things Libi: love that for you Libi: she's living her best life and we can see that Bobby: she can be in their friend group, I'm happy Libi: ALSO, I feel as if she couldn't lie to Astrid Libi: because she says how she sees it bluntly and we're not going to feel comfortable fobbing her off because of that insistence, so that'll be good for you even when we're hiding it from everyone else Libi: everyone else you've just got to be vaguely like oh no no and it's dropped and like okay Bobby: we're gonna get to show so many different sides of Libi, I'm always here for that Bobby: and however far we go down the Astrid and her gf eating disorder rabbit hole, we''ll have Libi not treating her like a kid which is great Libi: yeah, there's loads we can do with the end of gen 4 for them all it's a mood Bobby: okay so what or who would you like to throw Libi at first Libi: that is the question Bobby: just so we know Bobby is going to Trinity and studying Business, Economics and Social Studies (B.E.S.S.) which is business, economics, political science and sociology basically so he can end up working at that advertising place with Jimothy after he has done this 4 years Bobby: Cammie's mum is there doing deaf studies which is also 4 years Libi: do we wanna do a rough timeline for these people mentioned here Libi: Jay born 32, we find out about her when she's 7 in 39 Libi: Bobby is born 32 and comes into the story 38 Libi: Libi is born 34, Edam die 35, we know this situation, is 4 soon to be 5 when she meets Bobby vias JJ Libi: Astrid is born 35 and Ro dies in 44 when Astrid is 9 Libi: JJ can get married 46, so Libi is 12 and Bobby is 14 Libi: doesn't have to be when we intro the deaf friends to the point of exclusion obvs but it's timed so we never have the 'real' relationship chat of it all obvs Libi: so Bobby would go to uni in 50-51 and Camie is born 51 start of 2nd year Libi: that gives us this good 4 year period before uni to play with, then obviously we know the vibe of when she's born and making that work etc Libi: Hmm, I think it would make the most sense to do a gap year then stay local, like that's the ideal Libi: because I really think she'd struggle being away from the fam Libi: but I'm kinda thinking maybe to be cruel she DOES go away because it seems like something the fam are like yay about Libi: 'cos she'd try really, really hard to stay but they should at least notice that and she can transfer for a reprieve Bobby: that's really nice actually Libi: she should do her first year in Liverpool, the rest at Trinity Libi: okay, so film studies, it was only 3 years in Liverpool but we're changing to trinity and you do years 1 and 2 (aka whilst Bobby is still there at least for year 1 but I need to check anyway) there and years 3 and 4 at Columbia uni in new york, aka where Jay is Libi: **remind me to check the times but we need to give him a solid bday and I'm changing hers up too Libi: this is just roughly Libi: but this way we can be cruel with it lol
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beelsfeels · 4 years
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A profile of my Obey Me OC, Shoshi! (Pronounced like Yoshi)
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Name: Shoshi (short for Shoshana)
Age: 27
Pronouns: She/They
Sexuality: Bi
Height: 5′6″
Background: raised Jewish, got into Jewish Mysticism as an adult, began worshiping Lilith, and has Lilith's sigil tattooed beneath her bellybutton. She feels VERY awkward about it in the House of Lamentation.
Random HC: Namaah exists at RAD and is a totally hottie BAMF that Shoshi has a Huge Gay Crush on, to the point she can't really form cohesive thoughts around her, a fact that Satan and Asmodeus love to team up and exploit for the LOLs.
Summary: Horny-For-Yall Death-Wish with Crippling Anxiety. Copes with humor and memes. The ultimate self-insert.
Relationships with the brothers:
- Shoshi and Lucy have a very complex relationship, she both admires and is intimidated by the eldest.
- Shoshi is a huge brat and it gets her in trouble a LOT with Lucifer. He goes easy on her though, which is good because her anxiety skyrockets when this man get That Look™️ when anyone is acting up.
- When Lucifer tried to intimidate her at Diavolo's weekend retreat while dancing, Shoshi straight up cussed him out and stormed off to the balcony to angry cry.
- Eventually had an argument so heated she wasn't sure if she was about to be murdered or have the best sex of her life.
- it was the latter
- they started casually dating after that, and Shoshi would often stay up late with Lucifer to keep him company while he does paperwork.
- Lucifer is very protective of her, and often walks her to each of her classes, a hand on her lower back. This draws many stares from the other students and becomes harder for her to make friends outside of the HoL.
- HC that Lucifer teaches one of her classes and she can NOT pay attention which earns her lots of after class "punishments"
- listen up, Morningstar
- "What did you just call me?"
- ::books it at high velocity towards wherever Diavolo is::
- Shoshi is his Ride or Die (Ride AND die more like) best friend.
- will destroy anyone who talks crap on the 2nd eldest.
- maybe a tiny human but WILL throw hands for his honor
- always ends in Mammon having to save her which is counterintuitive
- they share one (1) braincell when they are together and it's full of the literal worst ideas.
- snuggle buddies, Mammon won't admit he likes her out loud but will end up in her room Every Night that Lucifer hasn't already sanctioned her time.
- Jealous of her relationships with every other brother, but will tolerated a three way spoon with Beel since he's a walking teddy bear.
- "after this hare brained scheme we will have enough money to buy you a bigger bed"
- they never do
- invented a silent eye contact language for when Lucifer is lecturing them for hours about how irresponsible they have been.
-Leviachan! ::Jump hugs him::
-"Shoshi!! You can't just hug me without warning!"
-Levi is always having a heart attack around Shoshi either because she's flirting with him or she's absolutely crushing him at video games
-Shoshi would literally die for this boy, is absolutely in love with this Otaku king.
-she thinks it is unrequited until one night she's crushing him too hard at Mario Kart and he finds ways to... Distract her.
-Shoshi will protect Levi at all costs and he REALLY doesn't need her to, why does this human think she can take on everyone she's so bad at fighting.
-what that tail do?
-"please stop asking me that"
-fast burn enemies to lovers
-Satan does not appriciate Shoshi's humor, as it relates to him.
-"Shosh, do you want to study together tonight?"
-Not Today, Satan
-"Shoshi I brought you your homework"
-Hail Satan!
-Turns into her closest confidant
-lots of book reading, philosophical conversations, and wine nights
-Got Satan to join her in her morning yoga rituals to help with his wrath problem
-Loves going on dates with Satan, he's so upfront and honest, though not as affectionate as she would like
-she respects his personal space
-he lectures her on her "death wish" for all the times she says "fight me" unless it's to Lucifer then he buys her a new book or hands her a kitten he happened to have on hand.
-cat memes back and forth 24/7
-Her actual "first demon" 😉
-"You little brat" (that is a threat)
-she loves it
- gossip girls
- weekly bath night, bubble bath, face masks, painting each other's nails
- Asmo gives her all the latest DevilDom gossip, and even when it's about people she doesn't know at all she will still chug that tea
- casual nakedness, don't pop into one of their hangouts if you're not ready for an eyeful
- Satan learned that the hard way
- Beel also did, but didn't mind as much
- has to literally put a ward on the door to keep Mammon from busting into Asmos room and dragging Shoshi out
- "no older brothers allowed" sign on the door.
- sneaks out to go clubbing, Shoshi doesn't drink much but she LOVES to dance
- "describe Lucifers abs to me, do not leave out any details"
- ASmo No! i don't want to die over some glorious abs!
- "excuse you, what would be a better way to die than that??"
- also has a secret language for when Lucifer lectures them, but it involves mostly puppy dog eyes and trying to guilt Lucifer into forgiving them
- has never worked once
- the most dramatic friendship 180 in the history of the DevilDom
- Shoshi thought he was an anger issues Jock who punches walls and threatens to eat her
- Well cannibal serial killers have stated on record that humans with tattoos don't taste that good so you probably shouldn't eat me
- can't believe that worked
- staying in his room after the kitchen incident and cuddling with him in bed, talking about the loss of their sisters, and how important family was, she realizes he was a soft boi that needed protected
- that night beel became her second demon 😉
- Shoshi loves cooking, so they cook together a lot, helping each other when they're in charge of meals
- Shoshi starts a vegetable and fruit garden outside the house of lamentation, teaching Beel how to grow food, which he takes to very well (after a few casualties of fully eaten tomato plants)
- this significantly helps the fridge situation at HoL, which all are grateful for
- the fridge checks, while occaisionally sexy, mostly actually involve Shoshi jumping at Beel to see if he will catch her (Brooklyn 99 gag style)
- "Beels what's your T-Shirt made of? Cause it feels like husband material"
- "oh, I think it's a demon cotton blend"
- I love you, my sweet Himbo.
-Belphi take me to Majolish
-"No, I'm tired."
-Remember that one time you literally killed me
-"okay I'll be there in 5"
-Shoshi is the only one who could possibly out nap Belphie
-Beel/Belphie/ Shoshi cuddle puddles and snack nights.
-rarely hangs out with him alone because he did, in fact, murder her once
-They leave each other super soft pillows without notes or any context and it has turned into a rivalry to find the BEST pillow. Winner gets bragging and napping rights.
- You're my Dad! Boogie woogie woogie
- teaches him all the latest memes and dances
- No fear for this man, which disturbs and upsets pretty much everyone.
- one time Lucifer asked Shoshi to Please Stop asking the Prince of Demons for piggy back rides
- Shoshi told on Lucifer and in fact got MORE piggy back rides.
- They have Lucifer Imitation contests where they just say "Don't Dissapoint Diavolo" back and forth till one of them cracks up.
- Did not anticipate any sexy business with this Goliath Friend, but caught Luci and him smooching one time and one thing lead to another...
- Did not change their friendship at all, the Two Most Immature People In The Entire DevilDom
- ::stranger danger siren goes off::
- I don't trust you Wizard boy
- Asmo said you can have a little rights, but you're on thin fucking Ice mister
- oh you got 72 demons? It'd be cooler if they were cats and dogs.
- only teams up with him for kareoke nights and other human themed activities because no one else understands
Things Shoshi has said without context:
"Why does everyone in this house have bigger titties than me"
"Lucifer took his gloves off and I almost passed out"
"I'm from the United States of America in the year of our Lord 2020, you can not scare me"
"It really do be YEET or be YEETED in this house, huh?"
"Mammon if you even look at that cat wrong I will round house kick you into the next century and claim my rightful place as second oldest"
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seducing-mr-perfect · 7 years
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So I passed the test, right? Let’s meet up at the hotel bar at 7 for the real lesson. Oh! Enjoy the lunch box - June.
The note. The thing that starts it all. The thing that starts out at as one of June’s heavy botched operations - only that it hasn’t failed the way she thinks it has. The thing that shows us for certain that, despite everything, Robin isn’t completely immune to June’s charms.
It is clear that while June may not particularly admit to liking Robin, things have changed between them after the Brighton deal. Which is why in the scene where she prepares the lunch box, in the dead of night, she seems to shake herself and say The operations must go on. No matter what. Almost as if her new dynamic with Robin is distracting her from her goal.
June seems to slightly miss the mark here too. As with Operation Angel, preparing a special lunchbox personally for him calls for a certain amount of intimacy that they haven’t reached yet. The movie has given us enough indications of how he feels about having his space invaded, for him to comfortably take what June is giving him. Preparing lunch for someone at work is a very intimate, taking-care-of-a-loved-one thing to do, and for a hoarder who doesn’t like to even have his office touched, partaking of that lunch (especially if he nursed secret feelings for the person who made it) would definitely feel like too much too soon. It’s no wonder then that he takes the note, and passes the box to Yoon Mi.
June sees this differently. She sees it as yet another rejection of her efforts, yet another reason to believe he wants to have nothing to do with her. She assumes that since he’s not even opened the box, he wouldn’t have noticed the note either.
Su-yeoung Tries To Help
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We don't see Su-yeoung much in the film, even though she is June's best friend. A phone call in the beginning of the film, and two scenes where she is seen aggressively pushing to get June back into the dating scene.
What we do know is that Su-yeoung has had her fair share of disappointment in her own relationships. She has been married once and by the way she speaks of love in this scene, she seems to have changed to a more 'practical' mindset in contrast to June's, which is clearly more emotional and romantic.
However, having being brought up in a culture that does value both love and marriage as an eventual goal (for instance, one does not bring one's significant other to meet the parents unless they're certain of getting married soon), Su-yeoung controls the situation the way any Korean friend would - by arranging a sogeatting.
A sogaetting (소개팅) is a kind of introductory meeting that's often set up between strangers through a mutual friend. Approaching someone you do not know is not very common in South Korea, so it usually falls on a third person to introduce the couple and to stick around in case the meeting isn't going as well as planned. If the two hit it off, the mutual friend leaves them to decide how to take things forward.
Su-yeoung's motives are very straightforward: get June to move on from Ju-yeoung, with someone. Anyone.
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Ju-hyeoung may have receeded far, far behind in June's mind, but there is a part of her that clearly isn't completely over him yet. June isn't the kind of let go of her relationships that easily - she tends to not give up on a person unless there is no way even she can ignore the red flags. That's just the way she is. So when her best friend insults Ju-hyeoung, she is immediately defensive.
This is an important distinction to make, because it gives us a better idea of why June would agree so easily to getting back with him later on, just as she has begun to realise her feelings for Robin.
The Note
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The scene splits into two halves: one that shows us June's disastrous date with Jin-guk, and another that shows us Robin waiting for June for an entire hour. We don't get a lot of opportunities to see Robin's point of view on certain things, but the film teases us with enough to recognize that what he feels towards June and what he shows are two different things. It's in this scene that we learn that Robin didn't completely ignore the lunchbox, that he kept her note with him...and most importantly, that he's very, very happy to see her that evening.
We also don't get many scenes of Robin shedding his impenetrable sheild and being vulnerable. The times that we do are mostly associated with his past - his grandfather's belongings and occasionally his bullet wound. Robin is depicted as a hoarder; someone who holds on to his memories and keeps them to remind himself of how far he has come, and why his present is what it is.
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This is the only time perhaps we see Robin actually show some attachment to something he has received in the present, that he keeps to himself, that he allows himself a private moment of joy (for instance, he tilts his head slightly while reading it, an action we see him do only with his grandfather's photograph). He first looks around to see if no one is looking, and only then gives himself the luxury of letting his guard down. And this is especially surprising given that he always chooses enclosed settings where he is completely alone - like his room or the office - to reflect on these things.
I think it's a mark of how deeply June has affected him that this intensely private man can't help but fondly re-read a casual, friendly note she has sent him, in a setting as public as a hotel bar.
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By sogaetting standards, the meeting between Jin-guk and Min-june is an unmitigated disaster. Su-yeoung only knows him as a friend of a friend, and June herself has her doubts even before the date has begun.
Marriage in Korea is usually a topic reserved either for when a couple have become really serious, or when it is a matsun (맞선) which involves matchmakers/relatives and where the entire aim of the meeting is marriage itself. While there are people who do date with marriage in mind, a sogaetting is hardly the appropriate place to jump into discussions about weddings, especially with almost no input from the potential "bride".
But Jin-guk? Goes straight for the jugular. Starts talking about wedding preparations: how their families will travel to the venue, the perfect place for venue and stay, consulting a family Taoist. He goes as far as to speak of the money the bride should be spending on their travel, reminding her of her potential place in his life and what he thinks her duties are. He presumes this is what she wants, presumes he is a good enough catch that it doesn't even occur to him that she may not want this, and in fact doesn't even care. June barely gets to even speak in this "conversation". She is so uncomfortable, in fact, that she has to hide in a restroom to escape him.
To make things worse, Su-yeoung enables his behaviour, fawning over him and agreeing to everything he says ("oh, a hotel? That's just fabulous!" "I love having my fortune told!"), eventually encouraging the match and calling June crazy when the latter states that she isn't interested. It's clear that by this point June has found herself in a tight spot.
Blind Date
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There are two reasons the blind date/bar scene is so important:
1. It is the first of many misunderstandings in their romance. It works to keep the couple apart, keep them from even guessing that the other person might love them: so that when Robin tells June how he feels in the end, the revelation is that much more emotional.
2. More importantly, it highlights a pretty huge cultural gap between Robin and June.
For the most part Robin has fit in rather well to his new environment, despite his struggle with the language. He is respected by his peers and subordinates in the office, is able to navigate his work space without too many hiccups, seems at home with the way his juniors address him. He seems so at home, in fact, that it would easy to assume that he would know a great deal about Korean culture outside the office as well.
However, the film gives us enough hints of his struggle to understand certain aspects of Korean culture. One is the usage of certain slang words, such as piksari and tungchigi, which June has to explain to him. Another is his lack of knowledge about how marriage and meeting the girl's family works, leaving him to commit a huge faux pas in front of her father.
Robin has no idea what a sogaetting is. When June translates the same into a word that seems more accessible to him ("blind date"), she unknowingly leaves out the cultural context of how a sogaetting works and who facilitates it. "Blind date", for Robin and June, mean very different things. For June it is an arranged meeting that mostly just allows for further casual interactions to test the waters. To Robin, it could range from being merely introduced by a common friend (who won't be as involved as someone facilitating a sokaetting would, possibly?) to an actual date, which involves flirting and possibly sex if both parties are interested. This is possibly also why he assumes straightaway that she spent the night with her date as well.
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This is where Robin gets not only angry, but also confused. This is someone who has gone to great lengths to get him to wait at that bar, including cooking for him and slipping in a note that specifically mentioned a time and a place. This is also someone who, he assumes, ditched her plans with him to date someone else, and didn't so much as give him a head's up about doing so (part of this is also his fault: he never lets June know that he received the note, even though he was aware that she found out Yoon Mi had the box). When the truth, really, is that she agonized over having her meticulously prepared lunch rejected, worried about losing the note, was tricked into spending an evening with an overenthusiastic friend and a man who bored her to tears, and spent the night wrestling with her brother over the takeout bill.
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A lot of what Robin does here is pretty alien to the character we know thus far. He gets starry-eyed over a note, waits an entire hour for the woman who wrote it, calls her twice to find out why she didn't make it, and is tense and angry enough to warrant letting off some steam on the treadmill. None of this works, so he calls her again, unable to just let the matter go.
Let's remember that so far, Robin has been all about control. He exercises control over his relationships and over his feelings, because he knows the consequences of letting someone else have power over him. He views relationships as a game - which means he would prefer to detach himself emotionally from the other person involved, and not be affected by their actions. So when June "ditches" him, he's immediately riled up, instantly jealous, and just as instantly frustrated that he's giving her this much power over him. Part of his anger lies in the fact that she's affecting him in a way that's making him break half his rules.
He is also angry because, for the first time in possibly a long while, he was genuinely happy about something, genuinely looking forward to meeting up with someone, and her (supposed) lack of concern has ruined that moment for him. He is still thinking on the lines of what he thinks a date would look like, and assumes June's actions by those parameters. Owing to the issues he carries from his past relationship, Robin definitely seems like a man doesn't like feeling like he doesn't matter, and that's how he feels around June right now.
June never gets the opportunity (until just before their cruise trip) to clear this up with him, owing to multiple assumptions: that he never got the note, that he was calling her from some random place just to ask the time, that he thinks she is pathetic. First because she thinks the note has gotten lost somewhere, then because her cell battery died out on her. So she is left thinking he doesn't particularly care, and Robin is left thinking that he means nothing to her besides a man who can teach her the rules of the game. It's an impression of himself that makes him even more reluctant to admit how he feels about her - both to himself and to her. It's an impression of himself that he carries to the rest of the film.
*A lot of what I said about sogaetting I picked up from whatever I had read and watched. Korean readers, if I've gotten any of this wrong, I'm really sorry. Please do not hesitate to point it out so I can make corrections.
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gentlespaceman-blog · 7 years
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Bride Cries When Groom Sings to Her at Wedding
Bride Cries When Groom Sings to Her at Wedding
every ever since Jessica was this big and she could look at me look up at me and tug of my clothes we've had a saying around the Huber household and she knows what it is I said it to her twice today anything for my girl I've said it to her 200 million times in her life 50 times yesterday and all it'll always be that way but now he sees your girl so you know what that means right anything for your girl forever that's the way it goes the people are clamoring close close to the ground my hand my heart our way up up in a cloud love is life my love is life for you this is the perfect this is the perfect day I forget how to breathe when your mouth whispers my names tell me you're tell me your mind never the same a light of the sky the sky view this is the perfect this is the perfect day I will make it last forever Oh make it last forever wanna make it last more this is the perfect day the top of the sky - thunder under my I thought my I'll follow the stars were the stars with you this is the they say is the perfect day Oh make it last for make it this is the perfect day I met Heath in seventh grade I was asked to take over his a basketball coaching job and I really liked Heath always liked him until he started dating Jessica because that's just the way it goes and but I will say that over time one that one day he came to me and he said can I talk to you and I didn't was coming and he looked me in the eye and he asked me if you get married Jessica and I said only under certain conditions and we shook and he agreed to all of them absolutely all why wouldn't he why wouldn't he and I really I just want to say that Jessica couldn't have done any better and I'm and I don't really feel like I'm losing a daughter we're losing a daughter we're gaining a son the people are clamoring close close to the ground my head and my heart are way up this is the perfect this is the perfect this is the perfect day I'm gonna be here for you baby I'll be a man my word speak the language and a voice that you have never heard I want to sleep with you forever I want to die in your arms in a cabin by the middle where the wild beasts warm and I love you like nobody loves you and I'll earn your trust making memories of us I wanna honor your mother I won't learn your palm I want to steal your attention like a bad No I want to stand out in a crowd for you be mine love me I want to make your well better than it ever love you like nobody loves you and I'll earn your trust making memories ever we'll follow the rainbow wherever the four winds blow there be a new day come your I'm gonna be here for you from now on did she know so man you've been stretched to the limits but it's alright now I'm gonna make you a promise if there's life after this I'm gonna be there to meet you in the wrong way keys love...
See more here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rksArJvXNzM
What are the Rewards of Employing a Skilled professional Wedding Photographer?
This particular post explains about the advantages of enlisting a proficient Asian wedding photographer with regards to your wedding day. One of the most pleasurable day of anyone's life is absolutely their wedding. It is a day when two hearts meet to begin a brand new life. The charm of wedding event is that it can easily bring excitement, enjoyment, affection, pleasure, smile as well as tear all sensation in your heart at once. The most reliable method to catch every one of these types of memories of a wedding is really to employ the services of a skilled wedding photographer. The expert wedding photographers help you in securing the treasured moments in an exceptional as well as elegant method. Asian wedding day, particularly Indian wedding is definitely not a one day affair. There are a number of rituals and also ceremonies, that complete at minimum in a few days. So, there is not a surprise that the range of delightful memories are going to accomplish without an epic photo album. Employing a specialist wedding photographer is a clever move to ensure that each and every instance of your wedding is recorded in an unique a delightful method. Many of the people do not enlist the services of a professional photographer in order to save on their cash. However, selecting a professional photographer may deliver you advantages in a number of means. Immortalizing magnificent and awesome images is not something that any person can possibly do very well without needing skills and correct tools. Professionalism is one of the best positive aspects of working with a professional Asian marriage ceremony photographer UK. The qualified professional photographers have a very good know-how about the important criteria of photography. Furthermore, they are equipped with all the tools and additions required for recording all-natural looking and wonderful photographs. The experts record each and every photo manually so as to create exceptional memorabilia of valuable moments. The wedding photographer will definitely give careful attention to every ritual in order to immortalize each and every instance of your special day. Whenever choosing a qualified professional wedding photographer, you can rest assure that you will receive only unrivalled high quality photographs of your special day. They look after all the aspects and understand ways to capture the subject matter in the very best possible natural aspect. One other benefit of working with a qualified professional wedding photographer is proven practical experience. The competent photographers come with hands-on practical experience in different sorts of wedding photography. This enables them to help their clients in deciding on the best theme, colour and also look of their wedding celebration. The expert photographers furnish a variety of packages so as to meet the different concerns of the customers throughout their budget. On top of that, they customise the package deal according to your necessity and requirement. The photographer will also make it possible for their customers to keep their wedding day moments in varieties of formats. Almost all experienced photographers will provide a wide range of photography options to opt for. The bride and groom can select from photographs printed on a variety of colourful papers, a comprehensive wedding album or in an electronic format like CDs as well as DVDs. And so forth, whenever you enlist the services of a competent photographer you will certainly obtain photos that will definitely really help you remember your special day for many years.
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