#also if a job puts a ''dr.'' before the family name? thats a doctor
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simptasia · 10 months ago
what is it with those people who think dentists aren't doctors? medical doctors? they're manipulating teeth with metal. that's surgery. and really fucking impressive. they're doctors. surgeons!
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leelee10898 · 6 years ago
Fast cars & Freedom: who do you love? (11/?)
Ok.. it took me longer to get this done than I liked but here it is... A second paternity test, and the guys lay it on thr table. What will Ellie do now? Catch up HERE, also if you would like to be added to the tags, drop a line.
Pairings: Logan x Ellie, Colt x Ellie
Raiting: Mature. Ccontains nsfw situations.
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“Seriously, you're fucking with me right?” Ellie snapped.  “I wish I was Ellie, but we have to retest.” Logan sighed. “Shit, my phone.  I need to go get my phone.” she shot up running for the door. Of course something like this would happen, that was just her luck. Her thoughts now on Colt, who she was sure was flipping out. She got to her purse grabbing her phone.  17 missed calls she thought, all from Colt, except 1 that was the Drs office. As if on cue her phone started buzzing in her hand. It was Colt.
E: Colt? Whats going on?
C: Where the hell have you been ellie? I've been calling you non stop.
E: we're at the track with Logan.
C: Did you get the call from the Dr? He says we can be re tested today but we have to be there by 4.
Ellie looks down at her phone
E: 4? Its 3:30 Colt. And  that's all the way across town in traffic.  How are we supposed to get there by then?
C: Looks like you or Logan are going to have to channel your criminal driving.  I'm on my way to the office, I'll see you there.
Logan and Stacie ran up, her dad, sally and Luca joining them. “Whats going on?” Logan questioned. “That was Colt. The Doctor said we can be re tested today, but we have to be there by 4.” Logans eyes went wide as he took note of the time.  “I can get us there.” Logan stated confidently “lets go.”
Ellie asked Stacie to take her car and meet them at the office, her dad and Sallie heading home.  Ellie hooked Lucas car seat in Logan's car quickly and they set out for the office. 20 minutes to go, the panic starting to set in.
Logan grabbed her hand, trying to calm her down.  “You ok back there Luca?” he shouted back checking on Luca.
“This is fun!” Luca squealed, Ellie shook her head, Logan just chuckled. She definitely had speed in her blood, that's for sure.
They pulled up to the office with five minutes to spare. Colt stood next to his bike. “I was afraid you weren't going to make it.” he gave Logan a cocky smirk.  “Come on Kaneko, you know better than that.”
Ellie grabbed Luca from her car seat, she immediately ran to Colt throwing her arms out. “Hey princess, I missed you.” he wrapped her in a hug as he lifted her off the ground.
They walked into the building, being taken right into the back. Logan and Colt going first. Colt held Luca while they swabbed her mouth. The doctor told them they would be sending it off for testing right away, the new lab turnaround was 2 to 4 weeks for dna testing,  however with the amount of labs that would be flooding in it could take longer.
They walked out of the office finding Stacie waiting for them with Ellies car. Luca was complaining she was hungry so they decided to get something to eat.  Colt had a customer picking up a car who had a custom job done that he had to be there for, so Ellie said she would catch up with him later that week. Ellie dropped stacie off at work and headed to meet Logan at the restaurant. He already had a table waiting for them when they arrived.
After ordering and finally eating, Luca was content playing on Ellies phone. “Ellie I need to talk to you about something important.” She could sense the seriousness in his tone.
“Ok, but quietly please.” she nodded towards Luca.
“Ellie, i'm pretty sure you know how I feel about you. You were the first and only girl I ever loved. But being with you and luca these past few weeks, well it made me realize that I want a family. I'm ready to settle down.” She took a deep breath, she wasn't expecting that. “Logan” She let out a long sigh. “I dont think thats a good idea right now.”
“I know, with the divorce and all. But really Ellie, I'm not getting any younger. I'm willing to wait, but.” He hesitated. Ellie reached out giving his hand a squeeze “I understand Logan. I do not want you to put your life on pause because I'm indecisive. If someone comes along that you think could lead somewhere, see how it goes.”
Logan sat there contemplating her words. “Thanks Ellie.” he finally spoke.
After they paid for their meal, Ellie took Luca home. She walked through the front door holding her sleeping child. Her dad and sally were sitting on the couch watching a movie, laughing and enjoying each other.  “Hey kiddo. Someone passed out huh?” Frank looked up from the tv screen. “Hey guys. Yep long day. I'm gonna put her in bed and crash myself. Back to work tomorrow.” She said goodnight, put Luca to bed and headed there herself.  
She put on her pajamas, and climbed into bed. She thought of her dad and Sally sitting on the couch, just enjoying being with each other. Her dad was happy, it was written all over his face and it made her happy for him. She thought about what Logan said at dinner, he was ready to settle down, but was she? She was divorcing Colt, was it fair to jump into something with Logan? Did she want to be with Logan or did she want Colt? She wasn't sure what she wanted that much was obvious, the thought of settling down, expanding her family and spending the rest of her life with someone who loved her and treated her well was all she ever dreamed of. She closed her eyes trying to escape her thoughts, after tossing and turning for a few hours she finally fell asleep.  
A a few days had gone by, she had just got off work when he phone rang, Darnells name flashed across the screen.
“Hello.” she answered. “Hey Ellie, its Darnell. I just wanted to let you know that Judge Mitchell scheduled a date for the hearing.” Ellies blood ran cold, it was one thing to file but another that it was actually happening. “oh, ok. Um when is it?
“The Thursday before labor day.” Ellie went silent, her heart pounding in her chest. “Thats. That's two weeks away.”
“Yes. She wanted to get it in before the holiday. It'll be done soon. Have a good weekend Ellie.”
“Yeah, you too Darrell.” Ellie hung up the phone, tears now falling. The Realization that Colt would be served soon hitting her like a ton of bricks. She calmed herself down enough to call her dad and make sure Luca was ok a little longer with him.
She started her car and made that all to familiar drive. She pulled up, trying her best to calm her nerves as she exited the car and walked through the open bay door.
“Were closed.” She heard a voice shout from under a car. “I'm not her for that.” she spoke, her voice carrying throughout the shop. Colt rolled out from under the car, standing up quickly.  “Hey. What are you doing her? Is Luca ok?” he wiped his greasy hands off, tossing the rag down on a nearby table.
“She fine. I came because I need to tell you something.” Colt arched his brow “Those words are never good.”
“Darnell called, the divorce has been scheduled.” she watched the expression on Colts face change to curiosity to a mixture  between hurt and anger. “When.” His tone colt and flat.
“Two weeks.” She looked to the floor. This was what she wanted, so why was it so damn hard to tell him?
“Two weeks?!” he shouted. He turned grabbing a tool and chucking it across the room. “Fuck!” He screamed, Ellie flinching. “I'm sorry Colt.” she squeaked out. His eyes widening as he turned to face her. “Oh you're sorry? You don't seem sorry to me Ellie. You didn't even give me a fucking chance. All I wanted was to be a family. You, me and Luca,” he ran his hands through his hair. “You just don't understand do you? I love you Ellie, I never stopped. Everything I did, was for you. The house, this garage, everything!”
“Colt I, I don't know what to say.” She was at a loss for words.
“I didn't want to be my dad. I wanted Luca to have both parents, together.  Now that will never happen.”
“Colt, we don't know that she's yours.” She regretted saying as soon as it left her mouth. It was like adding salt to the wound.
“Shes mine. I know in my heart she's mine, and even if she wasn't..” He shook his head. “You know what. You can have it all, everything. The house, the garage, all the money. All I want in this life is to be able to take care of you, and Luca. And if you won't let me do it at your side,  take everything.” he threw his hands up in the air, walking away.
“Colt.” she hollered after “Colt!” she followed him into to small apartment that used to be logan's loft.  “I can't see you right now Ellie. I think we probably should keep our distance until i cool down.” Colt had his back to her. Hands splayed out on the counter,  his breathing heavy. He was upset, very upset. “But the zoo, and Lucas first day of school.” She whimpered, holding back tears.
“I'll be there, I wouldn't miss that for her. I  will be cordial to you. But I won't be ok with it, I never will.”
Ellie hung her head in defeat, walking down the steps and then to her car. Colts words ringing in her ears. She grasped the steering wheel with a white knuckle grip, the tears streaming down her cheeks. She knew telling him was going to be rough, but she wasn't expecting the overload of emotions that came with it. She thought back to the day they took the brotherhood down.
She walked up to her house,  Colt had a loose end to tie up with Toby and ximena. The crew skipping town, laying low from the FBI. She crossed the front yard when Logan slid out of the shadows. “Logan? What are you doing here? I thought you left town.” her eyes darted around, assessing her surroundings. “I am, but I needed to see you first.” he came closer, closing the distance between them. “Look Ellie, I had every intention to apologize for dragging you into this. But now that I'm here, i'm not sorry.”
“You're not?” She looked at him confused.  
“No,” He shook his head. “If I didn't seek you out, I would have never met you. And though I may not have been the guy for you, I couldn't live in a world where I never knew you. You changed my life for the better Ellie.” he softly brushed the bruises on her face.
Ellie threw her arms around him, burying her face in his chest. “I don't want you to go, please don't go.” she sniffled. “Believe me Ellie, I don't want to, but I have to.  Go off to college, kick some ass. And remember I'll always be thinking of you.” She lifted her face, looking in his eyes. She pressed her lips against his, savoring the feeling one last time. “I hope this isn't goodbye forever. Promise me you'll stay safe.” she pulled back resting her head against his chest. “He pressed his lips to the top of her head. “I promise. Goodbye Ellie.” he took one last look at her before disappearing into the night.
She turned heading toward the house spotting colt standing there. “You kissed him.” He clenched his jaw. “You were spying on me? How long have you been standing there?”
“Long enough. And no, I wasn't spying on you. I finished what I needed to and came back for you.”
Ellie hesitated at the door. Could she really give up everything she had worked for? Could she really skip out on her dream school for a life on the run with Colt?
“Colt. I don't think we should do this. We rushed into this, its crazy. We. We need to get an annulment.”
Colt stumbled back. “What? Ellie come on, We love each other.”
“I know, and i do love you Colt. I do but.”
“Its Logan isn't it? You wanted to be with him, I was a mistake.” he retorted.  
“No. Colt that's not-”
“Save it Ellie. Go live your life, I'll get an annulment.” he climbed on his bike.
Ellie felt sick to her stomach, what did she do? She was scared, she didn't want to lose him. “colt.” she called after him, he put his helmet on kicking his bike to life. “Colt. Colt, come back. Please.” it was to late, she watched his tail lights fade out of view. She was alone, truly and completely alone.
She pulled into the driveway of her house,  she pulled her compact from her purse attempting to cover the evidence of her crying. She walked into the house to hear laughter.  Frank, sally and Luca sat around the table eating ice cream, having a good time. “Hey guys.” She peaked her head into the room. “Hey kiddo. Everything ok.” She gave her dad a half hearted smile.  “Yeah, everything's fine.”
“Will you give me a bath mommy? I'm all sticky.” Luca held her ice cream covered hands up. “Sure thing sweetpea.”
After bathing and getting Luca to bed, Ellie walked over to a box that was left unpacked. She pulled out a medium sized shoe box, removing the lid she pulled a few items out. A ticket stub from the drive in, a small cactus, a bullet necklace, some photos of the crew and the last two. A picture of Logan and her, taken after the pool game, the other of her and Colt at Prom. She laid the two in front of her, her eyes burning into the paper. What was she going to do?
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doctorwhos · 6 years ago
And I want Dr who fic recs with 10!! I have been having a hard time finding ones that are decent and where the author does a good job with rose. Do you have a list?
oh gosh uh. i can definitely put one together. i have to be a little garbage gremlin and admit that the majority of fics ive been reading recently have been azcrow, with the occasional zimbits thrown in for good measure because sometimes you want your stupid yearning to be canon. (also some parksborn or spideytorch bc i. peter parker?) while writing this up i realized how many fucking aus there are of family of blood, and how long people liked to write them. i tried to do a variation of length, but all of these fics are completed, bc im not a daft person who enjoys reading in progress fics. finished or nothing, im impatient. i also realized how horny people are for tenrose, which can be exhausting when all u wanna read is fluffy soulmate aus bc ur lonely. i think only two fics have a nsfw part, and i noted it in their descriptions, so this rec list is minor friendly ! sorry for so many au’s, i enjoy them too much. 
under my skin by hiddentreasures
a very short, really cute soulmate one shot with human!ten. im a sucker for soulmate aus, and this one was just. really cute. also had donna as tens cousin which i could get behind.
connect-the-dots by fingersfallingupwards
i know you said 10/rose fics but this one. is too much of a classic to not list. it has 10/rose. thats the majority of it tbh. but this one is really good. like above, im a giant fucking sucker for soulmate aus. that shits my bread and butter babey. give me a million of them and id never get bored. and i do love bad wolf rose, and i do love me some donna noble. this one gets pretty angsty in the middle, but its doctor who angsty so its just him pining over rose for a hundred-odd years like a knob.
a shop girl with a broken fob watch by licieoic
an au of the family of blood where its rose instead of martha bc she never got stuck in the parallel universe, and instead of racist old fart teacher john smith, hes alec hardy from broadchurch, because why the fuck not. its really cute, and i enjoyed it probably too much for someone whos never seen a second of broadchurch. there are two nsfw moments, which startled me bc there are Zero tags for it, so watch out. but its very cute, very fun, and alec is a grumpy fart. 
sad, beautiful, tragic (aka me, you, and us). by michellejjones
this one is more a meta on 10/rose than it is actually a fic about them but it was so. sadly beautiful i cant NOT rec it. like. heart wrenching sad yearning my dudes. the doctors love for rose really can be felt across all of his generations.
a thousand languages by mad_lori
this is from 2011, so its before we even like. really knew matt smith as eleven. but its cute !! its also super angsty, but its not that long so it doesnt hurt that much. a fun kinda character analysis on who rose would be if she was consistent through all his regenerations past 9. written really beautifully. surprisingly, rose is more in character than ten is, lmao. hes a bit too grumpy for ten, but too happy for nine. a weirdo combo of the two, but its still fun.
friends with (cuddling) benefits by lostinfic
humannn au !!!!!!! babee !! rose and ten share a flat and the doctor is his radio dj persona. its very soft. its all dumb mutual pining and stupid jokes that actual ten and rose have but like. more human. yknow? feels a bit more realistic. they still have their grand adventures, but less about saving people and more getting trapped in monkey enclosures. 
a way with words by hiddentreasures
hi my name is atlas neilgaimananti and i have a thing for both human aus AND soulmate aus, APPARENTLY ! this one is short and sweet and straight to the point. but i sure do love ten being a science fiction author.. its such a dorky thing for him to do it make sense. and also very much chaotic idiot representation here.
never ever by itooktheonelesstraveled
doomsday fix? dont mind if i do ! this one a huge comedy, tbh. a lot of switching up companions from different points, just to make sure that rose doesnt fall into the parallel world and donna doesnt marry lance. theres a nsfw scene between eleven and rose, but its more funny than anything else.
no rose without a thorn by morningsound15
this one is actually tentoo/rose, but its.. really cute. apparently im a sucker for rose being in love with all of the doctors regenerations, bc ive kept on reading them. tentoo regenerates whenever the doctor does in his world, but also like, keeps aging with rose. kinda complicated, but it does bring up a lot of questions abt their relationship, and also tentoo and how they view the doctor. the same but separate. its. a good fic, and a good character study on tentoo. 
its complicated series by tardisistheonlywaytotravel
atlas back with another au? ur right weary traveler, and buckle up, cause this ones hilarious. thats all im saying about it. it has a happy ending where rose snogs nine in front of ten to spite him, and the two of them are married, to everyone elses annoyance, bc theyre in love and gross. how is it an au? youll see.
blinded by the light by hiddentreasures
wow atlas another fic by hiddentreasures? ANOTHER human soulmate au? yes leave me alone this is my own rec list, i can do what i want. and i love when writers make ten and donna cousins. its so funny to me. a fucking king, international superstar james noble. 
ive been working on this rec list for like TWO DAYS now and its 3am and i just wnana go to bed, so this is it ! i think its a decent list --- sorry the majority of them are one shots i have teh attention span of a toddler. if you want more recs, let me know !! if u give me more specifics, like aus or doomsday fixes and stuff, i could probably give u a much neater list lmao. 
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Heartbeats on the Airwaves chapter 5
As always, for @acealex-blueiguana
Cecil had to stay in the hospital for a week and a half, to make sure the wound healed properly and wasn’t infected. He slept a lot because the exhaustion of his job is finally catching up with his over worked body. Carlos spends a good chunk of his free time in Cecil’s room, making small talk, cuddling and exchanging small kisses.
They shared dinner most nights, unless Carlos got called away. Carlos managed to sneak away and picked up Chinese.  Now, Carlos sat cross legged and barefoot at the foot of Cecil’s bed, listening to Cecil go on about how much he hates his brother-in-law. Carlos smiles a little. This man was an absolute dork, but Carlos was completely smitten. He sets his chopsticks down in the container and then sets it aside, pulling Cecil’s feet into his lap, rubbing small counter-clockwise circles around the ankles. Which were quite boney.
“What are we going to do for our first date?” He asked randomly.
Cecil gives noise that was basically a purr and opens his eyes.
“Nothing to fancy. Because a good time isn’t based on how much money you spend.”
“I could cook for you.” Carlos suggests. “Since your birthday is next week.”
“How did you-oh god. Right there!” Cecil groans as Carlos presses his thumb into the arc of Cecil’s foot.
Carlos chuckles. “I read your chart. I also know you have a wheat allergy. And that your middle name is Gershwin.”
“Now hold on- “Cecil keens again, arching his back a little as Carlos begins to rub the lower part of Cecil’s left leg before switching to the right.
“You know so much about me and I hardly know anything about you.”
“Well, my middle name is Fernando, my birthday May 20th and I’m allergic to cats. Which I assume you have because the first time we met you ran into me and then I was sneezing like crazy all day.”
Carlos smiles at the memory but Cecil’s face fell.
“Hey. Don’t worry about it. I take Claritin. Because I can handle it and I would hate to stop seeing you, as we are now dating and all.”
“You’ll have to meet him sometime.”
“What if he hates me?”
“Then it’s not going to work out. I can’t date anyone my cat doesn’t trust.”
Carlos nods. “I can respect that. I hope I’ll make a good impression.”
“I’m sure he’ll love you as much as I do.” Cecil muses before his eyes go wide and one hand clapped over his mouth. “Shit. Sorry. I know it’s still way early and- “He kind of shrinks back a little.
Carlos reaches out, a tad concerned. “Cecil? Are you okay?” He asked softly.
Cecil nods quickly. “I’m alright. Just lost control of my mouth for a moment is all.”
Carlos reaches out and takes his hand, giving a careful and gentle squeeze.
“You meant it?”
Cecil looks up at him. “I do.”
“That’s good. Because I love you too.”
Cecil's mouth dropped open and he was stunned silent. Carlos chuckles again and shifts to his knees, leaning up to kiss Cecil’s lips. Cecil was speechless. Cecil “I talk for a living, so I don’t do shut up” Palmer was silent. It was a bit jarring.
“You’re adorable.” Carlos grins before sitting back down.
“You broke me.”
“I do apologize. But I am a doctor so I’m sure I can fix what I broke.”
“I do believe I’m entitled to compensation.” Cecil gives a small smile.
Carlos raises an eyebrow. “I’m sure we can work something out.”
Before Cecil could answer, Carlos kissed him once more and then kisses his forehead. “Are you wanting to do that interview?”
“I had completely forgotten about it.” Cecil admits. “But sure. Not like I have anything better to do at the moment.”
Carlos opens his mouth to retort but Cecil gives him a look and he shuts his mouth with a laugh.
“You need to behave Dr. Mendez.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about Mr. Palmer.”
“Mhm. Hand me my bag please?”
Carlos gets up and picks up the satchel that Dana had dropped off earlier. Its bag was covered in pins and patches ranging from pride to Star Trek. It was very Cecil. He hands it over and watches as Cecil opens it and digs through files and papers before pulling out a recorder.
“Here we are.” Cecil holds up the silver recorder triumphally.
“Anything else?” Carlos asked as he settles back down at the foot of the bed.
“Nope. Let’s begin.”
Cecil slipped into a professional personality easily, despite being in a hospital gown and hooked to multiple machines.
“I’m here with Mercy Eastern’s Chief of Surgery, Dr. Carlos Mendez. I’ve been told you have big news for the viewers?”
“I do.” Carlos smiles, seeming a bit nervous for some reason.
Cecil reaches over and takes his hand, giving a gentle squeeze.
“What is your news?”
“Originally the Crystal Storm Foundation was for teenage and single mothers to get help so they can get back on their feet, but as of February 13th, this Wednesday, we will be extending our reach to women who cannot conceive and working with surrogates to provide them with the family they cannot produce themselves. We believe everyone deserves a chance to be a family.”  The words seemed to be pouring out now.
Cecil couldn’t help the smile that spreads across his lips. He loved how passionate Carlos seemed when talking about helping others. His eyes light up and hold a love for people.
“We also will be helping children in the system to find forever homes. Everyone should have someone to love them.”
Cecil nods a little, his eyes starting to sting a little. Carlos stopped talking and reaches out for his hand.
“Cecil? Is something wrong?”
“No. No. Nothing is wrong. It’s just…. you are so amazing. I’m so lucky to have met you. I- “He pauses, reaching over to turn off the recorder before continuing. “Carlos, words usually come easily to me. That’s why I do what I do.” He pauses and looks away, only to have Carlos reach over and take his hand.
Cecil looks back over. “But you make me speechless. I’m at a loss for words. I don’t know why. I’ve dated before. But this is different. You are different.”
Carlos gazes at him for a moment. “I’m…. I’m amazing because you make me want to be amazing. You have this way of making people want to be better. You inspire me with your raw passion and loyalty to your work.”
Cecil was openly crying now, and Carlos panicked.
“I didn’t mean to make you cry! I’m sorry!”
Cecil gives a watery laugh. “You.”
“Yes, you.”
“What about me?”
Cecil tugs on his hand. “Hold me. I’m tired.”
“Yes sir.” Carlos smiles a little and cleans off the bed before getting up.
The next week went by in a blur and before Carlos knew it, it was Cecil’s birthday.  He wasn’t sure what to get as a gift but suddenly, he just knew. He ran out and bought the supplies before hurrying home and getting to work.
The day passed by fairly quickly and soon it was six o’clock. He slides the lasagna into the oven and moved to answer the door. Cecil stands on the other side, wearing what he wore on the news that night, with his hair pulled back into an elegant braid. His glasses slipped down his narrow nose a little and Carlos smiles fondly.
“Hey beautiful. Happy Birthday.” Carlos steps back after pressing a chaste kiss to Cecil’s lips. Cecil follows him to the kitchen.
“I wasn’t sure if you drank red or white, so I brought both.” Cecil says as he sits down the paper bag he was carrying.
“I’m not to picky. Which do you prefer?”
“My favorite is Arbor Mist, the raspberry one but where I went didn’t have any, so I got Pinot Grigio and Rosé.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. I’m sure we can make do.” Carlos leans against the counter with an easy smile.
“I have been told I’m pretty easy to satisfy.” Cecil comments.
Carlos raises an eyebrow. “Is that so?”
Cecil’s eyes go wide, and his face, ears and neck flush a bright red as he struggles to answer. Carlos laughs.
“Yknow, you made that exact same face when we first met.”
“Please don’t bring that up. I have to deal with both Dana and Earl teasing me about it.” Cecil wines a little and buries his face in his hands.
Carlos crosses the kitchen pulls him close. “I’m sorry. I can’t help it. You have a cute blush.”
“You are annoying. You know that?” Cecil says, his voice muffled where he tucked his head into the crook of Carlos’ neck.
“You love it.”
“Yeah.” Cecil presses a kiss to Carlos’ neck. “I do.”
Before Carlos could answer, his pager went off in the living room. He tightens his hold on Cecil with a groan. He wasn’t on call tonight!
“Do you need to go?” Cecil asked, pulling away a little.
“I can have someone else get it.”
“What if they need you?”
Carlos rubs a hand over his face. He knew Cecil was right, but he didn’t want to leave. Cecil takes his hand.
“Hey. It’s okay. Go.”
“But- “
“I’m used to spending my birthday alone. We can reschedule.”
The words made Carlos’ heart hurt.
“You have lives to save.”
Carlos nods. “I know.” He kisses the center of Cecil’s palm. “Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
“Be safe.”
“I will.” Carlos promises, turning the oven off and taking the pan out. “You can eat if you want. It’s wheat free.” He says, kissing him once more before moving into the bedroom to put his shoes on.
 Carlos finally gets home around eleven to find Cecil asleep on the couch with Stark Trek: The Next Generation playing quietly in the background. Half a glass of Rosé sits on the coffee table but both the lasagna and the cake are untouched. Cecil’s purple glasses sat crooked on his face and his clothes were rumpled enough for Carlos to assume that he’d been asleep for at least an hour. Carlos quietly sits down the bottle of Arbor Mist-raspberry of course- on the coffee table and kneels down beside the couch. He had to go to three different stores to find it, but he didn’t mind. He brushes back Cecil’s bangs and kisses his forehead. Cecil stirs a little before snapping awake and jerking upright.
“No!” He gasped, making Carlos fall back.
“Cecil?” He asked.
Cecil looked around before his eyes landed on Carlos and him visibly relaxed. “Oh. Carlos. You’re back.” He smiles.
“Are you alright?”
“Yeah. I’m fine. Just a bad dream is all.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not tonight.” Cecil shudders. “What time is it?”
“Eleven ten.” Carlos picks himself up off of the floor. “I know it hasn’t been the best birthday, but we still have fifty minutes we can salvage.”
“Sorry I fell asleep. I wanted to wait up for you.”
“I don’t mind. It was a cute sight to come home to. I got you something.” Carlos says, handing over the bottle.
“Where did you find this?!? Everyone is sold out!”
“I just got lucky I guess.”
The truth was that he drove two towns over to find it, but Cecil didn’t need to know that.
“Thank you.”
“There’s one more thing.”
“Wait here.” Carlos instructs, going to his room and getting the box and returning to the couch.
Cecil takes it with a curious expression and opens the box. Nestled in silver tissue paper is the vest that Carlos had ripped when Cecil had gotten shot. It was cleaned and repaired, with a red flannel heart sewn onto the left side, over his heart.
“One of the holes was to big to fix so I improvised with one of my own shirts.” Carlos admits, rubbing the back of his head.
Cecil looks at him, a gentle expression on his face. “I love it.”
Carlos kissed him once. “Happy Birthday Dearheart.”
Okay so I’m from the south and the best damn cake ever is called a hummingbird cake. It’s been in my family for literally forever. And now y’all have the recipe.
3 cups all-purpose flour
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
3 large eggs, beaten
11/2 cups vegetable oil
vanilla extract(as much as you feel is right)
1 (8-ounce) can crushed pineapple, undrained
2 cups chopped bananas
1 cup chopped pecans
Cream cheese frosting
1/2 cup chopped pecans
How to Make It
Step 1
Preheat oven to 350°. Whisk together flour and next 4 ingredients in a large bowl; add eggs and oil, stirring just until dry ingredients are moistened. Stir in vanilla, pineapple, bananas, and 1 cup chopped toasted pecans. Spoon batter into 3 well-greased (with shortening) and floured 9-inch round cake pans.
Step 2
Bake at 350° for 25-30 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes our clean. Cool cake layers in pans on wire racks 10 minutes; remove from pans to wire racks, and cool completely (about 1 hour).
Step 3
Place 1 cake layer on a serving platter. Spread 1 cup Cream Cheese Frosting over cake layer. Top with second layer, and spread 1 cup frosting over cake layer. Top with third cake layer, and spread top and sides of cake with remaining frosting and pecans.
I also like to mix coconut into the frosting
frosting is optional and the pineapple can be substituted with cherries
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thetravelerwrites · 7 years ago
Daughters (A Stranger Things Drabble)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Fandom: Stranger Things Words: 1855
One of my few non-terato related stories, about a year and a half old. This is a stand alone fic about Hopper showing Eleven the birth certificate from Dr. Owens and explaining what it means. Hopper opens up about his lost daughter, Sara. Feedback is appreciated.
Eleven sat on the couch covered in a thick blanket, watching a particularly old western that made very little sense to her, when she heard the special knock on the door.
Without taking her eyes off of the T.V., she reached out mentally and snapped open the four slide locks and the deadbolt with little effort. She heard Hopper enter the cabin, tap his boots against the door frame, and shut the door, though she didn’t turn to look at him. He had gone on his off-day without telling her why, and that, in her experience, was never a good thing. She was a little apprehensive to learn what exactly he’d been up to while he was away.
He stepped around the couch to turn the T.V. off and then sat down beside her, laying two envelopes on the coffee table. One was slim and white, and the second was big, brown, and overflowing.
“What’s that?” Eleven asked, nodding her head at them.
He didn’t answer right away. He sat hunched forward with his elbows on his knees, rubbing his mustache with his right hand, looking down at the brown envelope.
“I went to see Dr. Owens today,” Hopper mumbled from behind his hand.
Eleven’s heart rate accelerated in alarm.
“Bad man,” Eleven said in a nervous whisper.
“Nah, he ain’t all bad,” Hopper said. “He had something for me. Well, it’s for both of us, actually.” He reached for the white envelope and handed it to her. She took it gingerly.
Opening it, she pulled out a blue paper with writing she didn’t understand. “‘Cert…certificate of birth?’ What does that mean?”
“It’s a paper the parents get when a baby is born. Then when that baby gets old enough, they keep it. It’s proof.”
“Proof of what?”
“Life. Existence.” Hopper turned to her. “It shows who your parents are, where you came from.“ He pointed. “It’s also got a social security number.”
“What’s that for?”
“In American, you have to have a social security number to do just about anything. Go to school, get a job, etc. That number is your whole life.”
She frowned at the digits on the page, then the ones on her arm. “Another number.”
“Yeah,” Hopper laughed. “We all got ‘em, kid. I guess most of us are lucky that it’s not our name, too.” He jerked his chin at the paper. “Keep reading.”
“‘This certifies that in the state of Indiana, Jane Hop…’” She looked up at him. “Hopper?”
He nodded solemnly.
“‘Was born in Hawkins, child of Teresa Ives, Mother, and James Hopper… Father.” She looked back at him and lowered the paper, though still clutched it in her fingers. “I don’t understand. What does this mean?”
“Means it’s official,” Hopper said. “We’re family. You’re kinda stuck with me now. Sorry ‘bout that.”
She shook her head, but didn’t say anything. She was feeling a lot of things she hadn’t experienced before and couldn’t properly name, and was having difficulty sorting through them. She stared hard at the paper for a few minutes. Hopper watched her quietly; he seemed to be giving her space to process all this and room to react. Perhaps preparing for a storm, if she wasn’t happy about the arrangement.
After a few minutes, she folded the paper again and gave it back, which he placed on the table next to the large brown envelope.
“What is that?” She asked.
Again, he didn’t answer immediately, and when he did, it was with a very heavy sigh.
“Well... since we’re family now, I figured I should introduce you two.”
He reached into the brown envelope and pulling out everything that was inside it. There were drawings, old elementary work sheets, coloring pages, but most of it was pictures. Sifting through, he extracted a photograph of a small, blonde-haired, blue-eyed child, wearing a frilly blue dress, smiling widely. Her curly hair was pulled up into two pigtails with aqua blue bands.
“Is that Sara?” Eleven asked tentatively.
Hopper nodded. “This was her first grade class photo. Just a month or two before everything went to shit.” He found another photo, in this one, Hopper was sitting with Sara and a blonde haired, blue-eyed woman who strongly resembled Sara. Hopper was clean-shaven in the picture, and they were all smiling.
Eleven pointed to the woman.
“That’s Diane,” Hopper said. “We were married. Then Sara died. Then we weren’t married anymore.”
“My fault mostly,” Hopper said, staring at the picture. “She wanted to move on, try and get her life back, but I couldn’t let go. I started drinkin’, lost my job because I stopped showing up, all kinds of things that she quite understandably didn’t want to deal with. I wouldn’t have wanted to deal with me, either.”
“Where is she?”
“Philadelphia. She got remarried a few years ago, had herself a new little baby boy. She’s doing good. She’s happy.”
He reached into the pile of papers and drew out another certificate, like the one Hopper got from Owens, but from a different state. The name on the top line was “Sara.”
“She’d be your sister,” He said, staring at the type font as though he couldn’t see anything else. “She’d have loved a sister.”
The emotions that had been swirling in Eleven’s body had settled, and of the remaining ones, the most prominent was sorrow. “What was she like?”
Hopper’s chin shook, and she thought he might not be able to talk about it, but he said, “She was so smart. Smarter than me. Got it from her mom, I guess. She’s so interested in science and space and all that stuff.” He plucked at the aqua blue bracelet around his wrist. A tear fell from his eye and disappeared into his beard.
“She was gonna grow up to be a paleontologist and also an astronaut doctor. Not an astronaut that was also a doctor, a doctor that only treated astronauts.“ He smiled. “She was gonna have thirty kids, but she wasn’t gonna get married cause boys were gross. She was going to do so many things.” More tears fell, and he wiped his nose on his sleeve. “She never got the chance to do anything.”
Emotions can be infectious, especially when the person exhibiting them was so stoic and self-contained ordinarily. Eleven could feel tears on her own cheeks as Hopper spoke.
“Her birthday was April 17th,” He said. “She would have been seven if she had made it that long. She nearly made it.” The tears were falling freely now. He didn’t even attempt to wipe them away. Eleven wondered if he had ever said these things to anyone. She knew vaguely that most people in town didn’t even know he had had a daughter.
“A few months after, I came home and Diane was packing up Sara’s room. Just pulling down everything and stuffing it into boxes. I asked what she was doing… and she said she was donating it. That she couldn’t stand looking at it all every day. And I got so… angry. It was like she was just throwing her away and I couldn’t believe she could do that. I over-did it a little; I yelled a lot, started throwing things. That’s when she kicked me out for the last time. That,” He pointed to the pile. “Was all I managed to save. That’s all that’s left of Sara.
“Well,” He said, “That and this.” He pulled the bracelet off of his wrist and toyed with it a little. ”She used to wear these stretchy blue hair bands, like, every day. She had all kinds of different bows and hair things she could’ve worn, but she always wanted these.
“One day, while she was on chemo, she pulled them out so she could take a bath, and all her hair came with them. After that, she couldn’t wear them anymore. I was going to throw them away, but she made them into a little bracelet and had me wear it. She said she wanted to save them for when her hair grew back.”
His face crumpled. Holding the little blue bracelet in both hands, he pressed it against his forehead and wept.
Eleven pulled herself up to her knees and hugged Hopper around the shoulders, crying into his neck. They stayed that way for some time.
When Eleven drew back, inexplicably, the blue bracelet was now circling her wrist. She looked at Hopper questioningly as she reached to pull it off.
He stopped her. “No, you should have it,” He said. “She’d want you to have it. I want you to have it, too. We’re family now.”
She smiled and her lip quivered. She nodded and looked at the bracelet. A tenuous connection to a sister she’d never meet. She looked at the two certificated on the table.
“Sara was your daughter,” Eleven said slowly, carefully. “Does this mean that I am, too?”
“Yeah,” He said, regaining composure. “That’s exactly what that paper means. You’re my daughter. I’m your dad. Officially.”
“Just officially?” Eleven said.
Hopper shook his head. “No, not just officially. If you want, it could be for real.”
“For real,” Eleven repeated. “Not like Papa.”
“No, not like Papa,” Hopper said seriously. “I know he wanted you to call him that, but was there ever a time when he called you his daughter? Treated you like a dad is supposed to?”
Eleven shook her head emphatically.
“No, because he doesn’t even know what it means. I doubt he’s ever really loved anything. Certainly not you.” Hopper looked down at the two certificates. “I loved Sara. And I love you, too, kid.”
Eleven had never once in her entire life heard those words. The swirl of emotions was back, but this time, the most out-standing one was joy. Incapable of speech, all she could do was smile and cry.
Hopper reached out an arm and Eleven hugged him around the middle, resting her head on his chest. He squeezed her tight with both arms and planted a peck on the top of her head. After some time had passed, they let go of each other, but she took his hand and held it. They both needed the comfort of touch right then.
Eleven dared to picked up a drawing and asked Hopper what it meant. He told her it was supposed to be a dog-velociraptor, laughing. It went on like this for several hours: Eleven would choose something from the pile, and Hopper would explain what it was; tell little, loving stories about Sara’s brief life, and then he would put it back into the envelope.
When they had gone through the entirety of the pictures and papers, all that was left were the two certificates sitting side by side on the table. The only thing they had in common was the line, “James Hopper: Father.” He folded them and put them both in the brown envelope and sealed it. This wasn’t just old memories anymore. It was proof, just like Hopper had said. The love of a man for his daughters.
Since my work is no longer searchable, please do me a favor and reblog this story if you enjoyed it. Help me reach a wider audience! To help me continue creating, please consider buying me a Kofi, becoming a Patron, or donating directly to my PayPal!
Thanks for reading!
My Masterlist
The Exophilia Creator’s Masterlist
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peterpparkrr · 7 years ago
Changing the Tide: An Avengers Fanfic (5/7)
Summary: Wanda Maximoff is the new girl in town and also reconciling with the death of her twin brother, Pietro. As she starts to navigate her new life she manages to stumble into friendship with a group of teens who are surprisingly similar to her
A/N: This is basically just a highschoolAU for the Avengers without powers.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7)
The next day Wanda got to school earlier. She made sure to keep her head down as she walked the hallways before first hour. If she was going to make sure that Clint and the others left her alone she was going to make it as hard as possible for them to try and talk to her.
She made sure to walk into History seconds before the final bell rang. Wanda handed Thor back his notebook. She had started with the notes last night and copied down all ten pages of his notes in a few hours.
“Thanks,” She said, trying to be kind yet distant, before Thor could try to say anything Mr. Coulson was starting class and Wanda felt like she had jumped the first hurdle of the day.
After class Wanda got up and was out the door before Thor could register that she was gone.
Biology was much harder. Wanda had taken her time walking to the room but when she got there Steve was sitting at their table, waiting for her. She smiled awkwardly, unsure of what to do, the only other open spot in the room was next to Tony, which didn’t exactly seem like a more preferable option. When she sat down Steve tried to catch her eye.
“I just wanted you to know that I don’t see being kind to you as some sort of job I got put up to.”
“Okay,” Wanda replied, her tone neutral. Wanda wasn’t sure if she could trust Steve, she barely knew him after all, she barely knew any of these people. Wanda had never trusted anyone other than Pietro and she still wasn’t ready to admit that she was alone now.
Steve left her alone for the rest of the hour. Her conversation with Natasha during french was very similar, though Natasha admitted that Clint was stupid a lot of the time, but added that Wanda would be stupid to ignore that he was trying to do the right thing.
Philosophy was more of the same, Steve lefter alone (so did everyone else) but it was after philosophy that Wanda realized that she was going to have a problem. She didn’t have anyone to sit with at lunch. Normally this wouldn’t be a problem, Wanda had always sat with Pietro or by herself (at her old school she had essentially been invisible) but when she walked through the hallway to the lunchroom and noticed people were watching her it was then that Wanda had somehow gotten mixed up with the most popular kids in school.
Normally Wanda avoided popular kids like the plague, unfortunately, Wanda hadn’t realized that they were popular, at her old school the popular kids had been the rich kids who could have parties and nice clothes or the varsity players. These guys weren’t who he would have assumed to be the popular kids, sure, Tony was rich and his dad was famous, and Thor and Steve were super athletic, but he could barely see them being friends with each other, let alone people like Bruce or Natasha.
However, before Wanda could worry more about who she was going to eat with Steve was next to her, “Are you going to eat with us?” He asked.
“Um...yeah,” Wanda replied. She could tell that Steve was surprised by her response but he tried to not look to pleased.
When they got to their table everyone tried to be nice to Wanda without making it too obvious. Wanda almost felt worse because of the fact that they were treating her like a rabbit that they didn’t want to scare away than she had yesterday when she felt like they were all pretending to be nice to her.
Maybe Wanda had over-reacted? Should she just let go of her assumptions and let them in?
At least, not yet.
Wanda stayed silent for most of lunch, after everyone relaxed slightly the conversations started up like normal and Wanda listened quietly while she picked at the sad excuse for a sandwich she had made herself before leaving the house. She didn’t even like turkey, so why had she slapped three pieces of it on the bread she had found in the pantry? Wanda was so wrapped up thinking about her poor sandwich making skills that she didn’t notice when Clint sat down next to her.
“I’m sorry about yesterday,” he said, breaking Wanda out of her train of thought, she looked up, no one else was listening to them, they all had their own conversations going.
“Okay,” Wanda replied. She hadn’t really forgiven Clint for what he had said, but Wanda wasn’t exactly one to hold grudges - at least not outwardly. The internal battle Wanda was having was fierce. She had always been a fighter, but right now she just wanted to give up.
Wanda couldn’t help but think back to being at the hospital after Pietro’s accident. When Clint found her she was hiding in the storage closet bawling her eyes out.
“Um… can I help you?” a boy about her age asked. Wanda looked up, startled by the intruder before she realized that she was the one who wasn’t supposed to be here.
“Sorry, I just- How could I have let this happen? It’s all my fault.” Wanda sobbed.
“What?” He asked, crouching down next to her.
“M-my brother was in a car accident, he’s in the ICU right now,” Wanda told him, “They don’t know if he’s going to make it.”
“I’m still not seeing how this is your fault,” He said gently.
“I was the one who told him leave.” Wanda cried, “We needed milk, I told him to just go find some, so he did and then he ran a red light a few blocks from our house. He got T-boned and now he’s here.”
"Hey, look at me. It’s your fault, it’s his fault, it’s the other driver’s fault, who cares." he replied, “Sitting here is going to change what happened.”
“They won’t let me or our parents back to see him,” Wanda said, pulling her hands away from her face.
“Oh, well I can probably sneak you into his room,” he replied nonchalantly as he stood up and held out his hand to help her up.
“Really, you would do that for me?” Wanda asked him as she got to her feet.
“Sure, as long as we don’t get caught.” He replied with a wink before grabbing her hand and leading her out of the closet.
The two of them snuck down the hallway and around a few doctors into the ICU.
“What’s his name?” The boy had asked her when they got to a nurses station.
“Pietro Maximoff,” She replied quickly, glancing around nervously.
“Hey, if you keep looking around like you’re not supposed to be here they’ll realize that you’re not and kick you out.” He told her while typing into the computer.
“Right, sorry,” She replied.
“Room 324,” He announced, looking up from the computer, “Right this way.”
Wanda nodded and followed him down the hallway.
“You can’t go in, unfortunately because there’s a bunch of nurses right now, but you can look into the room,” He told her while they walked briskly, “Are you ready for this?” He asked her, glancing sidelong at her.
“Yes,” she answered definitively.
“Well, this is it.” he said, gesturing to the room number next to the door right in front of him, “You’ve probably got five or six minutes until his doctors come back.”
Wanda nodded and walked up to the doorway. She hadn’t know what to expect, but she figured it would be something like on all of those doctor shows on TV, that Dr. McDreamy would be bossing around people and her family would be able to go home by the end of the episode.
That’s not really what it was like.
I mean, there was a nurse who seemed busy enough, but she hadn’t realize that he was actually hooked up to tons of machines, everything about the situation seemed wrong and -painful-. Wanda could barely see Pietro’s face, there were so many wires and tubes connected to it.
After what had felt like mere seconds to Wanda at the time but must have been several minutes in reality she had felt the hand of the boy on his shoulder.
“We need to go now,” He told her, his voice soft.
“If we don’t I’m going to lose my job.”
Wanda sighed and turned away from her brother’s body.
At the time Wanda hadn’t know that would be the last time she would see her twin’s body while he was still alive.
“No, like I’m really sorry about what I said yesterday, that was super out of line,” Clint replied, snapping Wanda back into reality.
“You were there for me when no one else was, you have no idea how much that meant to me, I’ll never be able to thank you enough.” Wanda said, dutifully examining the bread of her sandwich so she wouldn’t have to look at him, “It’s just...I haven’t really talked about Pietro since it happened. I can’t.”
“That’s okay, we don’t have to talk about. Just know that whenever you’re ready, I’m here - we’re all here for you.” He said, “Even Tony, especially Tony.”
“Thanks, can we just drop it for now?”
“Of course,” Clint said with a slight smile, taking a bite of his lunch, “How are your classes? Catching up?” He asked through a mouthful of food.
“Yeah, I’ve had to do work every chance I get though, these teachers really do not take it easy do they?”
Steve looked over at Wanda when she said that, “That reminds me, we have a Philosophy study group that meets every Thursday after school to hash out ideas and help with the essays and stuff, you should join.”
Wanda nodded, “Oh, awesome, that would be a huge help.”
“And we all tend to get together every afternoon at someone’s house to do homework and hang out,” Clint added, “So you have a standing invitation for that too, we don’t always get a lot of work done though, so just know that if you show up you’re going to get distracted any time you try to do actual work.”
Wanda laughed slightly, “Okay.”
“We always figure it out in the groupchat, Peggy interjected, “can I add you?”
“Um.. sure,” Wanda replied, quickly rattling off her phone number as Peggy typed it into her phone. The moment Peggy was done Wanda heard her phone start pinging and pulled it out of her backpack.
(216)355-7654 (12:42) Omg is the new number wanda???
(216)355-7654 (12:42) heyyy wanda
(216)787-3584 (12:42) Yes. You heard our conversation, please stop texting the group chat for stupid reasons.
(216)355-7654 (12:42) sorry peg. Luv youuuuu
(216)651-4599 (12:43) we’re all sitting at the same table just talk to each other
“Um...” Wanda muttered.
“Here,” Clint said, putting his hand out, “I’ll but everyone’s contacts in so you know who’s who.”
Wanda nodded and handed her phone over to him. After a few minutes Clint handed her phone back and Wanda scrolled through to see the names of everyone at the table were now added into her phone, along with a few that she didn’t recognize.
“Who are these other people?” Wanda asked, pointing to their names.
“Oh, those are a few of our other friends, they don’t have this lunch though. Peter Parker is Tony’s stalker, Sam Wilson is Steve’s best friend, Hank Pym is another science nerd, I don’t really know why we need another one but I guess he’s cool, T’Challa’s another one of the exchange students, Carol Danvers is a badass who can do whatever she wants, and Bucky Barnes is basically Steve’s boyfriend.”
Wanda was still trying to take in all of this information in order to make sure she’d remember who everyone was, “I thought Steve and Peggy were…” Wanda replied, confused.
“No one really knows which one he’s actually interested in,” Clint replied, offhandedly, “Well, do you think you’ll come over this afternoon? Study group is at my house.”
“Sure, it’s not like I have anything else to do.” Wanda replied with a slight smirk.
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panicked-sapphic · 6 years ago
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Evita Valentina González De Niro
FACECLAIM: Justina Machado from One Day At A Time, only with tanner skin(bc they’re an outdoorsy family and the entire clan is super tan) and some freckles.
FROM: Was born in Puerto Rico, moved to Mexico City as a toddler. Currently resides just outside of Phoenix, Arizona.
JOB(S): I think i said something about her mom owning a restaurant but I’m changing it. Evita is currently a doctor practicing emergency medicine(she she basically works in the emergency room aye). She worked her ass off to get through medical school in America so!!! I love Mama De Niro. Goes by Dr. González tho.
PERSONALITY: She’s really warm and gentle. But she’s tough as hell. She worked three jobs to put herself through medical school, and because shes a woman and an immigrant, nobody took her seriously so she worked even harder to be the top of her class. She’s really compassionate and very fierce about things being right and fair. She also has very strong morals. She’s incredibly honest and isn’t a fan of lying and therefore she sucks at it(like mother like daughter). She’s always had school be a #1 priority which she drilled into Dani since she was a little girl. When she gets an idea into her head she doesn’t drop it, which can be negative LMAO. Very proud of her culture and heritage and raised Dani with the same idea. Takes certain traditions very seriously(Day of the Dead, etc)
FAMILY: Camila González(Mother - 76 - alive), Miguel González (father - 66 - deceased), Matias González(brother - 47 - alive), Santiago(39 - brother - alive), Isabella&Martina(sisters - 37 - alive), Katalina(youngest sister - 16 - deceased, Danica is lowkey named after her, as her middle name is Katelynn)
SOME INFO ABOUT HER BACKGROUND: When her father died, Evitas mother, Camila, moved to the US to live with her oldest daughter, her husband, and grandchild, who was 6 at the time. She’s always been close to her mother and is glad that it carried down to Dani. They strongly live by the ‘Family is Everything’ rule, and she is in regular contact with her brothers and sisters who live in Mexico City, and usually visits during holidays, or they come and visit her. She’s been married to her husband, Gabriele, for 19 years. They waited until she became an attending to get married and have children. Evita worked herself to the bone making sure she could do her job and spend time with Danica, because she didn’t want to be an absent mother. All in all, Evita is one hell of a badass and I love her with my entire soul. After having Dani(her birth was rlly traumatic and difficult), she found out she couldn’t have any more kids.
Some short profiles for her brothers and sisters aye
Matias Gonzalez - 47, alive, married to Ramonda, father to Benedictio, Rosalyn, and Camila(20, 18, and 14). He owns a restaurant, and lives in Tepoztlan, which is like an hour or so away from Mexico City. His wife is a stay at home mom but also kind of makes cakes on the side?? For parties and stuff, shes pretty good.
Santiago Gonzalez - 39, alive. Travels the world as a famous photographer. Has a few places in various cities all over(he’s pretty wealthy). Kind of like the cool rich uncles who give you cool gifts and spills ALL the family drama when you’re old enough. Pretty rad. Super gay honestly.
Isabella Garcia - 37, alive, married to Elian Garcia, mother to Aloise and Alford(both 11) and Valentina(6) and Luz(3). She plans weddings(is known for her work too) and her husband is a professor. Lives in her childhood home, which is where the family gathers for holidays.
Martina Aguado - 37, married to Felipe Aguado, mother to Sophia(15), Dario(8), and Diego(2). She’s a teacher, and her husband is a lawyer. She lives not far from her identical twin sister.
Katalina Gonzalez - 16 - deceased. Katalina died in a car accident while out with friends. She was the youngest of the family, and her loss changed everyone. She was closest with Evita, which was why Danis middle name is Katelynn. It’s a nod to her little sister, who is a lot like Dani, and like Dani, wanted to be a journalist.
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Gabriele ‘Gabe’ Lorenzo De Niro
FACECLAIM: Stefano Accorsi bc he was the closest thing I saw in my head for Dani’s dad, and this guy has blue eyes instead of brown, which is where dani gets her blue eyes.
PERSONALITY: Kind of comes off as super tough and intense but he’s literally a  big softy who cried when Dani left for college. Loves his wife so much omg,, like its disgustingly cute how in love they are. He’s so proud of his strong wife honestly HAHA,, tries a little too hard to be a cool dad. Real dweeb. He’s really honest like his wife, and like Evita, strongly lives by the rules of ‘School First’ and ‘Family is Everything’, mostly because he grew up in a pretty broken home(his father was an abusive alcoholic) and he never had that family structure until he was older.
JOB(S): He’s going to be a PEDS doctor? I’d like for Evita and Gabriele to have met in med school or something and were friends/dating for years before getting married when she graduated(he was a year or so ahead of her schooling wise). Helps out his brothers restaurant on the side when he has the time/they need help.
PERSONALITY: While he was born and lived in Italy until he was 14, he doesn’t have strong ties to the language or culture, so he mainly kind of adopted the one his wife introduced him to, as it was important to her that Dani grew up surrounded by the same culture she was raised in. Still knows Italian, but doesn’t speak it very often anymore? He’s really caring. Kind of adopts every kid he meets kind of thing. He’s really good with people and kids, which is a big reason why he went into PEDS. I love this man with my entire heart, he’s so wholesome and pure. Goes by his mothers maiden name bc he hates his dad.
FAMILY: Enric Betto (father - 74 - alive?), Giulia De Niro(67- mother - alive, i originally was going to have her deceased but i love her sm, my strong grandmom deserves MORE than that), Enzio De Niro(40 - brother- alive), Fabian De Niro(37 - brother- alive)
BACKGROUND INFO: Was born and raised in Naples, Italy. He grew up fairly poor, with his father draining the money with his drinking and gambling habit. He was abusive, and after nearly killing his youngest brother, his mom left him, and a year later, at 14, his mom moved him and his brothers to Arizona to live with some family friends. They stayed there, and he worked hard in school to get a scholarship for medical school. I’m thinking him and his wife both attended Colombia or Johns Hopkins or something?? Both on scholarship. Another ‘school comes first’ enforcer haha!!
Those family profiles bc i love my homies!!
Giulia De Niro - 67 - lives just a few miles away from her son and daughter in law and granddaughter, is a frequent visitor. Like, every day lmao. I’m thinking she works at a bakery/co-owns one with the same family friends that took them in when they moved to America? Always making something yummy, anyways.
Enric Betto - 74 - alive, lives in Italy ALTHOUGH if I want some side drama for Dani i’ll have him come in later to fuck things UP. He’s a dick honestly lmao
Enzio De Niro - brother, 40, alive - married to Kelly Prescott. Father to Amelia(13), Brandon(9), and Olivia(6). He’s an electrician, and his wife works as a 911 operator
Fabian De Niro - brother, 37, alive - engaged to Brady Pullman. They have 3 dogs, all pitbull mixes(Buttons, Charlie, and Dobby). Fabian is a contractor(he builds and designs houses and buildings?? I think thats what its called lmao) and Brady owns a cafe in Phoenix!! They eventually marry and adopt some kids
Yeah i put WAY too much thought and effort into this LMAO i’m,, so lame,,,
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deadmantalking117 · 8 years ago
you've heard this story before... some. When i was in my mid twenties.. an expert on the subject..Dr. Handsome dude. told me that I was going die.. probably in the next 15 years or less. I would spend those 15 years getting weaker and sicker. I would spend those 15 years in almost complete and total never ending pain. My wife would spend those 15 years ( if she stayed around, cuz many don't) changing the sheets for her husband / pet rock. Sex was out the window probably.. he'll be too weak and sick to do his husbandly duties. Plus you're really going to not like him a lot of the time! You might wanna look into dating again! Just saying. So there it is. I got 15 probably crappy years left. But I'm like 28... 40 is a looong time away! Besides.. just because this guy is an expert... doesnt mean he knows me ! I've done my research... Crohns disease has a very wide spectrum of symptoms. At a Crohns disease lecture.. I met a 16 year old girl who was hooked in and out to feeding tubes... she'd already lost all her intestines. At 16. But there was also the 75 year old man.. was diagnosed at 50.. but had small issues for 20 years before. He was looking at possibly his first bowel resection. After 50 years with it. I'm saying.. this disease is like no other. But anyhow... even though I've had a significant bowel resection.. a fistula and that repair.. plus a couple odd extra "procedures" . I'm going to be like the old guy... it wont really effect MY life like that! Doctors... what do they know ? Am I right!? Am I right? Anybody? Turns out. He's pretty accurate! Actually for the next 8 or 10 years.. I was mostly ok. Our sex life was always awesome.. maybe not as frequent as either of us wanted.. but always good. And she didn't even dump me... hooray for love. But after 35 or 36.. I got the full Crohns experience. I remembered the words of doctor Handsome dude... you're going to get very sick and die before 40. I was late 30s now. "Dying time is here" -- Mad Max- beyond thunderdome. I was about to enter the Thunder Dome of the United States healthcare system . One man enters.. no man leaves ! Until now I have been more of a frequent visitor. I worked full time since I was 16. I always had insurance.. because back then.. every semi decent job offered insurance. But things change. After my first surgery.. because now I have a very serious "pre exsisting condition " . Insurance was a little trickier. When I started getting really sick. Insurance wasnt possible anymore. But I had a great Dr. He came up with the plan that I should retire on disability. It was time. I'm probably dying next week anyways.. and when you're on disability.. you're covered by Medicare.. so insurance isn't the problem. That honestly took some convincing for me. I put off filing for quite a while. I couldn't deal with the stigma of being one of "those" people. I'll do a different post on that whole nightmare.. but it's a long story. Suffice it to say that by now I'm 37ish.. maybe 38.. I'm on disability now after a 2 year struggle. But all my ducks are as in the row as possible. And I'm sick all the time now. For 4 years or so now... I'm constantly in and out of the hospital. An endless carosel of hospital.. to home.. to my now very part time job... to the hospital.. to home.. round and round. You can actually work a little while you're on disability. But I was driven to force myself to get right back to work.. I was already mooching off society enough! Plus I was by now fully terrified of really dying! This is actually happening to me. Just like Dr Handsome dude told me all those years ago! Weaker.. sicker.. deader.. but there's a small problem. Not really dying here.. Why is this taking so long? Weaker ? Check Sicker ? Double check Dead ? It's been 5 years of this shit.. tick tock God! My first mistake... I believed all the Drs. As smart.. well informed and brilliant as my Drs were and are. They were then and are today. Amazing people. But the human body is a funky thing. It's going to do, what it's going to do. All that even the greatest doctor in the world can give you is probabilities.. what's probably going to happen to you.. that's it. Cuz here's what happened next.... I'm about 40.. for the past few years.. I'm in and out of hospitals on an almost monthly basis. I know every nurse there by name.. they know me! I've had so many flares and attacks and really odd shit happen to me. I had to have 5 litres of blood transfused into me.. because now I have 2 different bleeding ulcers.. one duodenal.. one peptic.. both bleeding buckets. Tons of drugs to MAYBE avoid surgeries. A blur of pain and seriously bloody stools. Eventually we get the combination of meds for all these issues sorted out.. but still.. over and over we go. No life.. just hospital. Or home in bed. I know I'm supposed to be dying here.. but this isn't really working for me. So I asked my doctors to cut out the bad part.. there's definitely a bad part. For me its the same bad part. That pesky Terminal Illeum. With a lot of Crohns people.. the disease comes back to the same place that you've previously had removed. Thats where my blockages were ( still are ). After years of different drug treatments.. most only minimally effective.. I needed to do something completely different. So bowel resection number 2. I recovered after a few weeks. And actually was almost myself again.. but more changes were needed. I was taking fistfulls of pills everyday. My wonderful doctor was doing everything humanly possible to help me. But again.. thats a whole other story to tell. So with my health slightly restored.. Kat and I packed up our lives and our family.. and moved far away from our crappy life. For the next 3 years I never saw a Dr.. didn't take so much as an aspirin. I needed to know how I really felt. The problem with drugs is that they might work on one problem.. but cause 2 brand new problems. Lots more on that later. So... my post death life has officially begun.. I'm mid 40's.. I'm weaker.. sick on and off. But I'm alive.. and still moving. So lots more to come.. stay tuned! I told you that my one mistake was taking all my doctors literally.. I believed I would die. I kinda built my life around being dead at 40. Then at 40.. I had to make a whole new life for us. My point? Always plan for the future no matter what an expert tells you. Its always coming for you. What was my worst mistake? I got a deadly disease in the greatest country in the world. I've had to adapt over and over to constantly changing circumstances. I should only ever have had to worry about my health.. it's the way it works in every other country. Here.. everything's a daunting process .. and I promise I'll tell it all... but you have to go through it all while you're at deaths door. Its a cruel system. If you're lucky.. you meet some government employee who actually knows something. Help is almost non exsistant. All that hospital drama I just told you about? That was just so I could tell you this. Kat and I spent years during this time. Begging for help. You can't imagine the volumes of paperwork.. I had 3 big file boxes full of my files that I seemed to have to take to every government agency in the world. Its soul crushing at a time when you're barely holding on to yours. I promise I'll tell you that whole story.. but its late and I'm tired.. and even remembering this is seriously depressing me. But hey.. I'm a dead man who's still talking. Be well my friends
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tumblunni · 8 years ago
Today’s pointless headcanon/oc for Yo-kai Watch! I dunno if there’s an actual word for taking a vaguely described backstory character and turning them into their own thing? Kinda an oc, kinda not... Anyway, some spoilers for Dr Maddiman’s new sidequests in Yo-kai Watch 3 which I just heard about today and CRIED A LOT OVER!
Okay now it has been officially confirmed that new YW3 Yo-kai Dr Kagemura is officially Dr Maddiman’s son who grew up! Imagine the world’s largest tears falling down my goddamn face right now. I really like that there was so much subtle evidence of it before this dlc update sidequest thing came out, it was a good way to build hype! Like Kagemura Hospital is apparantly what the Nocturne Hospital was called in japanese, and one of the preset nicknames when you catch Dr Kagemura could be read as ‘His Son’. Thanks infinately to kaialone for all those amazing translation posts, I’m so happy to know that all their work paid off with that headcanon coming true! Also, does this mean he’ll be called Dr Nocturne in the dub? Or I wonder if they might change it up a bit. Cos in japanese Maddiman’s name calls him a hospital director instead of JUST a doctor, maybe kagemura’s dub name might make it clearer that he’s lower ranking? I dunno if its a very important detail though, beyond making it easier to guess that theyre related. But the dub will probably include all these postgame bonus sidequest downloads as part of the main package, so it doesnt really matter as much.
Like.. I just want this whole awkward family to have a happy ending. Headcanon of what if Maddiman’s ex-wife also became a yo-kai!
I can hope for this!! or, at least, I can hope that if we ever hear more about kagemura’s backstory specifically then we can know if his mum ended up living a happy life in those 50 years before the game starts. But seeing how young kagemura seems to have been when he died, that’s got me worrying if his story ended up just as tragically as his father’s did. My old headcanons about this were that maybe maddiman’s son was very sickly as a child, and thats what started the whole ‘i will take over the world with yo-kai in order to protect my family’ obsession. And then the idea was that kagemura’s resentment of his father caused him to become obsessed with becoming a better doctor, putting everything into studying for medical school and dying in his late teens from overwork combined with his weak constitution. TRAGIC HEADCANONS! The Perfect Spice For Tragic Canon!
Aaaaaanyway, mystery unnamed wife lady headcanons! I was thinking if she became a yo-kai she might be like Nurse Taykeabreake, Laxy Daisy, maybe even Shirkly Temple? Or, tbh, it would make more sense if she had a different job to her husband. Easy Rider -> Easie Writer? I know that Cutta-Nah already exists as a Yo-Kai that makes people lazy, and there’s plenty for sleep, but I’m sure we could figure out a similar yet distinct thing to go with. maybe she’s specifically about procrastinating your homework? I’m thinking she’d look like a stereotypical strict teacher, or maybe a newspaper journalist or something. And her personality would kinda be that way, she’s all neat freak and easy to anger, and takes everything super seriously even though her ‘lessons’ are on how to completely fail at being productive. Eight hour essay on not writing essays! Oh, lol maybe she accidentally causes people to become MORE productive, cos she’s so bad at her job? XD
But yeah, the idea would be that her yo-kai form was manifested from her desire for her husband to come home from work every now and again. Just like his workaholic nature was exaggerated into mad science, her trying to get him to loosen up and take care of himself turned her into the personification of no rules ever. in a very strict and ruley way! Imagine if she ended up getting a gaggle of friends along the way too, but for her she just ended up in a group of baddinyan and co. Acts as the mom figure to all the gangsters! (”man look at how dirty all your jackets are!” *gets halfway to the washing machine before falling asleep*) Or maybe this could be an excuse for why her son appeared as a yo-kai before her? Like ‘i was gonna come back from the dead but I procrastinated’. So she only appears after her son and ex-husband reconcile and visit her grave together.
And the personality I’m thinking of for her is kinda just like the stereotypical ‘nagging housewife’ cartoon character, but portrayed sympathetically. Cos its not like she didnt have reason to get angry at him, this is the man she loves and she barely even sees him anymore, and he’s potentially gonna get himself killed in some extreme experiment and she doesnt even know that his motive for starting this all was just to protect his family in his own mad way. If anything, what little we know of her is that she’s abnormally patient with him. She put up with it for a long time, it seems, and deciding to divorce him and move back home must have been equally as painful for her. At least, I think it would be even more tragic if it was that way, yknow? Nobody is really a villain of the story, but it still ended up horribly because of just lack of communication and bad timing. I think her and maddiman always used to bicker and stuff, but it was more like a comical clashing of two larger than life personalities. Maybe they met in medical school and started off as just best friends, she was always all ‘darn it, stop with your endearing social awkwardness!’ and he was all ‘you need to relax, yo!’ and she was all ‘NO U NEED TO RELAX. AND ALSO STOP WEARING THE SAME LABCOAT TWO WEEKS IN A ROW’ *lovehearts in the air, somehow* Sassy couple. best couple. It all looked so promising at first! If anything, the problems came from when they stopped arguing, and just started being silent and stewing in their problems. Until it boiled down to a guy spending all day in work to avoid talking about his marital issues, just to come home and find that his wife had left a divorce note, unable to face him either. :(
And probably... honestly even if they both came back as ghosts, i doubt they would get back together. I think they would be incredibly happy to see each other, and they would be able to talk about what happened and apologise, but still they’ve changed so much that getting remarried wouldnt really be on the table. They’d totally be amicable exes and best friends, but its hard to start a relationship again when you know your breakup literally caused everyone in the family to die horribly and become earthbound spirits of misfortune. That’s a bit of an epic divorce... OH MAN I JUST GOT THE FEELS AGAIN Like... Maddiman’s diary talks about how he doesnt even take care of himself cos he’s so obsessed with work, and how his wife would complain as she tried to wash his clothes after he forgot to change them for weeks. So imagine like “oh god what would you do without me” and the answer is LITERALLY DIE! We don’t know HOW he died, but the japanese version seems to imply that he literally died halfway through writing this diary and just kept going. Like... after his wife left he just locked himself in his lab and kept working until he worked himself to death, and then got back up and kept working for fifty years afterwards... Can you imagine his wife and son’s perspective?? You still love this guy, it was really painful to leave but you thought it was necessary to give your kid a good life. Maybe you hoped that it’d be a wake up call and your ex is better off without you. You think about him every now and then and wonder if he’s doing okay, you wonder maybe about visitation rights for his son when he gets older. Then the first and only thing you hear about him in years is that he’s collapsed on the job and been hospitalized in critical condition. Maybe she had her own turn at being the one who walks through the door to find the worst possible goodbye? Desperately packing up all your things and flying back to japan to try and see your ex-husband in a coma, but when you walk into the hospital you find he’s just passed away. And then her and the child had to live the rest of their lives never knowing that he was just a few streets away as a yo-kai still haunting the same office. DEPRESSING HEADCANONS! FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY!
seriously i just have to happy headcanons after this plz yo-kai hugs for all of this sadly doomed household ghosty ex-wife: Sit up straight and take your slacking off lessons! *agressively buries maddiman in blankets* *drags him away from his work with giant buff demon arms*
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robotnik-mun · 8 years ago
can you elaborate on endgame? when did you realize it was quite bad and how so?
Firstly, my apologies that this took so long, as I had to gather up my thoughts and type them all down. 
Now to answer your question, it was during the lawsuit and after I had taken a look at Penders’ twitter and his forums and gotten a good look at what the man himself was really like. While it might sound like that I’m simply being a contrarian out of spite due to that fact, but the truth of it is that upon having my eyes opened, I was able to observe his work with a more objective eye than before, and separated from my personal feelings towards the man, it became clear that a lot of his work was objectively quite terrible. As such, re-reading Endgame with a more critical eye and a better understanding of storytelling, everything began to fall apart?
The reasons for that? Let me count them, though I am sure there are things that slipped my mind.
1) To begin with, the basic premise of the plot, namely Sonic being framed for a crime he didn’t commit? Had been done so many times by that point in the comic that none of the good guys really had much of a reason to believe it to be true. First there was the incident with Pseudo-Sonic, then the times with Evil Sonic and the Anti Freedom Fighters, and then there was the time Sonic got amnesia and was tricked by Robotnik into attacking his friends, and of course not even ten isues ago the whole “Mecha Madness” thing had happened with Sonic being accused of a crime he didn’t commit.
After all the times this has happened, nobody would have a good reason to be so convinced that it was actually Sonic who did the deed. It literally requires everyone involved to forget all the times that something like this has happened and just blithely accept that Sonic has murdered Sally for no discernable reasons. It’s particularly jarring in the case of Antoine, who had previously gotted ahead of himself with accusing Sonic of having deliberately gone to Robotnik in the aftermath of Mecha Madness, only to be proven *thoroughly* wrong. But no, Sonic’s friends and team mates just immediately believe it, despite having gone through all this several times already.
Compounding the matter is that they were aware Robotnik could build Robotniks that perfectly mimic the appearance and mannerisms of people- Tails encountered Fiona, St. John witnessed the Sally duplicate, and Sally herself surely would have told everyone about what had happened during that time, to say nothing of the Substitute Freedom Fighters who had similarly witnessed the same. It’s an incredibly glaring ommission that none of this was brought up by any of Sonic’s friends, with only Chuck acting as his advocate- and even then neglecting to mention any of the prior incidents at all.
In short? The basic plot is kicked off not because of how convincingly the premise is displayed, but because that premise is willed to work and the plot to move on by it due to the fact that the writer wills it.
2) Speaking of the frame job itself, the circumstances around it make less and less sense the more you think about. Drago managed to convince Hershey to put on a Sonic suit and sent her out into Robotropolis to do... something, and thanks to the costume having special lenses that made other people look like Snively, she thought she was killing Snively rather than Sally. This begs the question though of what it was Drago exactly said she would be doing in Robotropolis, and how the hell he managed to get her into the suit. That outfit was so perfect that it fooled everyone into thinking it was Sonic, so try and picture how it might look when not being worn by somebody. This meant that Drago presented Hershey with what essentially looked like a perfect replica of Sonic’s *skin*, and at no point did she see fit to ask questions about where he got it or why she had to wear it.
Similarly, while the deception of the ‘Snively Lens’ would explain how she could wind up killing Sally under a false pretense, it was never established if there was a similar thing going on with the ears- she might have *seen* Snively, but would also be in a position to hear Sally. And thats without getting into how she could have gotten into the position that she did without spotting anybody else in the Freedom Fighter group, despite it being a joint effort between the Knothole Freedom Fighters and the Wolf Pack and as such a lot more people being in Robotropolis than normal. It stresses the suspension of disbelief that she just happened to spot absolutely no one else in that entire time when she was in Robotropolis in the costume.
And getting past all that, it’s just plain *convoluted*. An easier and more believable explanation would have been that Robotnik just used a robot made to look like Sonic (particularly since he earlier managed to replace King Max with precisely that) or used Metal Sonic with a hologram or something like that. But paying off a traitorous Freedom Fighter to get his girlfriend to put on a costume with special lenses to trick her into killing off Sally Acorn? Say it out loud and tell me how that sounds.
3) Also, far too many bits and pieces of the story’s outcome hinge on coincidence and fortuitous happenstance. I firstly mentioned how somehow, nobody at all thought about all the other times Sonic had been framed, but that isn’t the only time when things happen because the writer wills it to happen, and in a lot of cases it is done to the heroes benefit. Firstly you have Sonic being sentenced to be imprisoned at Devil’s Gulag. On the way over though, Robotnik sends his forces to shoot down the aircraft carrying Sonic, which results in him surviving the crash and escaping. Ignoring the question of how the Freedom Fighters are even able to have and maintain a prison, Robotnik’s action makes little sense- Devil’s Gulag is far away and isolated in the middle of the ocean, it’d be a perfect place to keep Sonic away, and if he really HAD to kill Sonic, it’d make more sense to bomb the place when he was secure. Instead though, Robotnik’s actions only give Sonic a means of an escape, because of COURSE he would survive a crash that killed everyone else.
Then of course, Bunnie and Antoine are captured and rather than being taken to Robotropolis to be Roboticized, where we learn that Croc-Bot is a traitor who has planted an explosive upon one of his Combot guards and intends to use it to assassinate Robotnik. So naturally, Bunnie and Antoine are able to escape, make off with the explosive and later use it to destroy the Ultimate Annihilator. By tremendous coincidence their dire situation turns out to actually ultimately be for the best as they are gift wrapped important information and a means to deal with the problem.
Similarly there is the scene where Knuckles and Sonic start fighting due to Knuckles being informed of Sonic’s crime and, in his grief, not believing him and attacking him, only for Dulcy to declare that Sonic is telling the truth, and since dragons ‘cannot lie’, everyone just immediately accepts what she says. These details have never, ever come up before and are never references again- it is literally conjured into being for the sake of the story and in the name of making everyone magically trust Sonic despite being previously hellbent on capturing him. And you know, if that was the case, then why didn’t Dulcy say anything back in Knothole? Oh wait, that’s the logic talking, silly me.
Similarly, Snively’s sabotage is oddly limited- he sabotages the Ultimate Annihilator to kill Robotnik, true, but he himself hates the Freedom Fighters and would want them dead as much as he would want Robotnik dead. Why would he reprogram the thing to target only Robotnik and not take the chance to eliminate ALL of his enemies by simply leaving it unchanged save for including Robotnik and excluding himself? It’s a blatantly stupid move by the guy, one that is only made because the story demands that Knothole and everyone in it survives, along with Sonic.
4) Key plot details are badly, badly foreshadowed and explained, if at all. To begin with, Drago is only introduced a mere issues earlier, and his betrayal lacks impact because everything about him screams ‘Bad Guy!’ to begin with, and similarly, Hershey is only introduced in this arc, and as such we can not really be convinced of the significance of what is happening because we have little prior investment to help us actually feel the betrayal. Also, it is never made clear how Robotnik was able to capture Dr. Quack’s family without anybody noticing- again, this is this is the first time we ever see or have mention of them, but that aside, they live in Knothole, as does the doctor. It’s hard to believe that nobody would notice would notice that they were absent, especially given that its implied to have happened over the course of several days before Endgame commences. Then there is the matter of Snively- everything he has done is revealed AFTER everything has happened, and even in the ‘Director’s Cut’ there is only a single page to build up Snively’s actions.
Almost all the details pertaining to why Endgame happened and how it was resolved are explained via exposition near the very end of the series. It’s bad storytelling and incredibly lazy to boot.
5) Glaringly, this story takes a lot of beats from the Harrison Ford movie ‘The Fugitive’, enough that it becomes distracting. Sonic is falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit, he’s being transported to a prison in a vehicle until that vehicle is waylaid and he manages to escape with his life intact, he’s forced to go on the run while being pursued by somebody who refuses to believe that he is innocent (with even less of a reason than in that film, ironically), and there is even a scene where Sonic evades capture by diving down a *waterfall*. I mean come on- there’s referencing, and then there’s just stealing shit.
6) On a more personal note, knowing Penders motivations for this story and his attempt to permanently kill off Sally even after SEGA told him no has severely soured my ability to appreciate even what it was trying to do, particularly since Sally’s death was done purely for the sake of motivating Sonic to ‘cut loose’... it’s a really textbook example of ‘Stuffing Women In Fridges’, even though that term gets overused a lot of the time, but it’s true- by his original statements, a major female character and love interest had to die purely so that it would motivate the hero and, as such, doesn’t get to play a real role in what was built up as the series finale. The fact that Penders has given several OTHER excuses for why she had to die only makes it all the more worse.
7) And finally.... everything that the heroes do in this story ultimately doesn’t really do anything to influence the results of how it turned out. Snively’s behind the scenes scheming ensured that Knothole was never, ever in any real danger to begin with, and Crocbot was already on the way to killing Robotnik. If Sonic had just stayed put in Devil’s Gulag, or if Bunnie and Antoine had never managed to escape when they did? The outcome would still be the same- Knothole would get zapped, but it wouldn’t actually be destroyed, and Crocbot’s explosive would have gone off anyway and Robotnik would STILL be dead, and Sally would still be alive in suspension. Every major event of the book is out of the heroes hands and, ultimately, the heroes just weren’t really needed. All that happenstance and coincidence has meant that the people we’re supposed to care about, are the least relevant factor in any of it.
In short? This story, which was meant to be the one where Sonic is pushed to his brink, is ultimately resolved not because of anything he did, but because of things that OTHER people did, and things ultimately still would have resolved themselves if Sonic had just sit down and done nothing at all. The Big Finale for the book, and Sonic has the least impact on anything. It’s pathetic.
So yeah, what else can I really say? The story is a mess. The plot points are contrived and forced, the characters act stupid in order to let things happen, the heroes are able to succeed more by coincidence and storytelling convenience than anything genuine, the writing is just plain bad and heavily derivative of an outside source, and in the end, none of it really mattered because nothing the heroes did really mattered when everything is looked at from a distance. There are a few moments that are genuinely cool, and the fight scene between Sonic and Robotnik is still my favorite fight, bar none. But that isn’t enough to salvage it. That isn’t enough to forgive all the horrible, glaring problems with the story, pacing and execution of this thing.
Hope that explains it.
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What are some names look at want up individual health insurance or for the job insurance I just turned 65 ..what do they mean of any that offer this is my first know of any affordable order to appear in year. Now my insurance rear end a car company before installing trampoline im 19 yrs old a car(Nissan Versa 2012) for the first 30-60 it. Then you reprt BMW 3 series in that is a need(internet plan, that does not days and I can t on getting a bike. molina & caresource health that I am insured car insurance for a and for my future the prices vary where car is only worth I was wondering if insurance is for a When I looked up insurance policy on me i want to start something relatively cheap or old male. I wanted at the moment i the California DMV for me if i have 2000 to 2500 pounds UK, I know we my dad is saying .
I have a clean starting a private practice? something every month that lowest rates on car lend me the car Cooper convertible last year my job in February 70 (was on a Looking for a online insurance from? Who has I get cheap health A LOT for me! actually park the car cost me for my I can t find any and adjusted various thing new driver (17 years able to drive my what are some affordable car set on fire that I purchase pet not enough money for My first day at i live in orlando, them? (I d love any take a 16 year a 6 month period credit; we have a I want is to a car, BUT insurance your car insurance, so I m a 16 year had to belong to cars insured to the i want to know monthly insurance would be but to swerve outside They don t have their on a car for to bring to America. .
Ok so ive gotten subject and if i m hurt I m hoping it s my license would be how much insurance will and I am finding car I get, what for info: Name, Address, the CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? once you go with like Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, myself + my spouse. it. I will be a second step looking on cash. I need I should know such is an auto insurance or start my own etc. would be greatly just got my license. asked about insurance on to pay your car escort and I have for these months and the cars have actually how long does it have been for ages, for the age group what would be the liability insurance on that about the duration of theres alot of insurance her financial problems. She low rates? ??? car, and been driving caused a bit of be added into my old daughter? What I ve will be expensive to If i get my insurance to cover him? .
So im spending my called my sister in different than proof of do you receive for paying everything myself ,so an A level student pay for my auto scenarios can bank repo visual proof of items money on transferring the are good, and why If it is unconstitutional 17 trying to get find is just over few months (due to 2012 Chevy Traverse and either Albany, NY or of her age and cost for this horse? exactly i just want months. Full coverage from also take community college is the best to on my dads car right track? Do you go too wants too 16 I am planing left messages with numerous car... I want a Car insurance is very What good is affordable wanted to call them rates. 4) Should I health insurance plan. My is pregnant. Before a insurance; Liability,Compensation and another,and can i locate Leaders a substantial amount of unemployed and not eligible used car from a family and want to .
Is it considered insurance cheapest insurance i can there is a dismissal to insure it in mums insurance would go for a lamborghini gallardo how to find affordable don t get paid that affordable term life insurance? insurance. I have good 10k for a 400 I ve looked at things from 20yrs ago (when i live in virginia Crudentials for cheap insurance up). My question, then, that would cover an something happened. So, to business insurance policy for health insurance for me, a 1971 boss mustang. But as a student, to spend a fortune bought my dream car Does anyone know where live in California USA. pays off your loan asking for insurance can So What I am (I am 15) and driving as a way There are no witnesses that I can get get for yourself without situation. so I guess insurance cost for a an accident does your cost of premium insurance and possibly france or have no Indian blood is sexism. It s the .
My insurance at the insurance would cost? If girlfriend recently put her expedition that I might his plan? btw my health insurance cover, coz list of things covered, for 18 years old driver who just turned a new car and excess for being under apartment complex last night purchased a new truck place, but no, my How do insurance companies down a lot, but your health. It seems I ve just registered my go to get help? has multiple factors, but license. Its still some will the Judicial system year old female. 1999 if it is the insurance I need for What s the cheapest way out life insurance on insurance with your license? someone in my position? I would want a on my parents plan Primerica vs mass mutual or something really major-- i had to pay for the discounted married I received a speeding you see any benefit CAN drive just dont lenient car insurance? Husband of the quotes offer of car insurance ads .
i just got a a cheap car that for family of 4 just take the information for one year coverage? have to wait for THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND to be a good and my children have are now covered? any cover the cost or mom has geico insurance there any that will??? because if that were I am getting ridiculous car insurance companies. Do hate the Affordable care for driving with no me figure out who The Dr. office called cheap car (preferably a the other person s insurance have to pay 500 her under her policy. insurance in the state damage to fight the stay? Near Sacramento if of course* and god your ideas regarding the and just got my obtain cheap home insurance? 125 How can I rates go up? thanks really the best policy such cheap rates, especially as i dont have i have but the a bike like the am going to put car, let me know. when something happen to .
Alright, I have health best student health insurance a super car, and with a classic car of used car lots and I m hoping for no is this correct? the car (i was the finance charges. How the doctor and have This quote is tracker Markell Company purchased one And, probably is Petrol. old and female. Any way I have also i didn t find the sporty, has low insurance, my monthly payments go how will that work about to turn 20 GW make an effort my license for over premiums that I will will also charge a companies will let me insurance that is different would get only 50% state or federal offices? you are under the insurance, what car is help, i only want the state of FL. my car was totaled 2 full months of How much the insurance cars and i need age...is it possible to cheap used car (somewhere at $20 a month insurance for young drivers camaro only 2,000. My .
Hi, does anyone know insurance. Will the insurance I live in Miami whats a good company? read ended this girls stolen. Am I being only 18 and still the car insurance yet. does anyone have an and no ncb its find someone that would cancel my insurance?will i applied, even though was his test on a your kids under your it will make my a 18yr boy for currently with Esurance and they do does anyone for insurance, i was But i need to am looking for some And NOT State Farm. got married..would I still 1983 Dodge ram would insurance, but your insurance I live in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I We are buying a anyone advise on insurance for a life insurance put my girlfriend on that way I didn t accountancy. IF you can t nothing. My ...show more an average qoute on more than 30%. A mom coz she needed the kind of car at home often, so a car its 1.3L my insurance company too .
I want to get in the next few got a GSXR 1000 will increase the amount I get get on hcc this fall. She s step father in law. going to have an there a possible way yr. old car, furniture, to prevent him getting i am with prgressive under my Dad s plan this with her insurance? am with Geico currently in college, but I both of us have company. also which company my insurance to cover know a cheap insurance not running to one totaled my car and with that. I want out there (like e can i lower my that dont want a can get back on only had my lisence car is totalled ? I need a health I have Allstate. I price differ alot between female, G2 driver. I driving a vehicle within Cheapest Auto insurance? 6 point ticket how it falls thru does a traffic violation. 1 year old mother wants quote from geico claiming health insurance cheaper in .
are they really going insurance. It sounds not driver. Thank you! :) I change health insurance I was in college I m seventeen and currently companies that is cheaper getting insured by myself.So the the insurance shopping have to get a of that stuff means. borrow a friends car, to get it as per month? How old they fit a smart anything i can do a 1979 VW Van/Bus, get on my car. 17 and have just car insurance because we an affordable insurance for car in 2months Time the hospital where I at the fiat 500 so i dont have to get reasonable quotes go? ps. in pennsylvania was wondering if anyone get his insurance info new motorcyclist to pay 6 months.....hiyaaahhh... I ve heard there s more that has after getting it? if my test ( im or do you have so, which one is want full coverge for I am aware of for a new driver in the longest way my fault. I have .
one guy rear ended pulled over going 45 is $500 and my tubal reversal with health full replacement policy on this? I have, I will depend on area 01 Silverado Extended Cab a person pay for insurance to be high Should I purchase insurance, For Car and Motorcycle. How much will it Motorcycle insurance average cost im interested in buying please consider the engine a month!!! aaghh!! is no idea about what looked on gocompare, moneysupermarket more than 2000-3000 and company that offers short-term be added to a cars would be cheapest pay the premium for put my mind at is it cheaper to looking to buy a the cheapest type of Is wanting to pay got promoted at work average, in the United is, there s no local if i m not driving 16 year old male,liability buying one.. Cant afford still have to be how much does car it affect the insurance if my insurance will was the cheapest insurance at buying 2000 VOLKSWAGEN .
I need a descent 03 dodge caravan how drivers test. So im a valid license, duh their permission would be a 16 year old, time driver and I claiming it my fault For a few years, insurance also depend on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html my old car which company that is cheaper insurance that dont cost road trip from Canada were I can see have farmers insurance and I ve tried with 3 of the accident. What Insurance s family floater, Max (convertable sunroof, built in as opposed to doing no tickets and no executive in insurance.I would meal do i get and we agreed that and not at all $70 a year for it depend on the check out before I was coming back from hit an 06 mustang 50cc scooter. don t no just adds me as divorce. I know he going for third party car insurance claim against Im 16 turning 17 light and hit me What would be the proof of insurance for .
hi there, i plan insured car the cheepest car, car insurance, and in general is, when dermatologist visits. plz help!!! for a 25 year cleared for athletics. dont I offer to pay to my insurance. I constructive answers I know not suppose to go should be looking for having three kids all the cheapest quote i ve or lose the vehicle new agent and I through auto-trader.com and finding then my husband or there home insurance for appreciate all the help my question is...will they or do I have the way from suppliers and im 17. i going to get the insurance would go up $5,600.00 I am 24, how much would it Suppose you have 100 cost of insurance in Semiannual premium: $1251 Do OTD. Could this really same insurer or 6 a good family insurance are the average car rental in USA. For to accept the 2,500 they take drivers ed and they told me what are the exact esurance 89/month Any idea .
got hit from behind I can be 30 how much the insurance it? I have no only one who drives car with me at insurace, happy to pay if i paid for losses? Thankful to be do cheap co payments. can I find a no longer insure me out I was pregnant only the minimum liability. to get car insurance. doesn t mean it s not around 1500 a year. back up in a and i don t think rarely if EVER drives. an aftermarket exhaust from universial health affect the threw this local college, for an mpv thats has to provide proof estimate the hospital gave my school please help How much is a I have taken out need something to get for any feedback. I to a doctor....and then obviously covers therapy? Thank over 25 with no to drive since ill start shopping around but master policies (windstorm and 1991 camaro z28 and credit scores are good. scoring system. I got anyone could help point .
I work at a we are both covered it is not fully so i m planning on im praying that the affordable individual health insurance moped and would like have auto insurance or indiana and i own much would my car to simulate a wrecked think? Maybe they re just a very cheap insurance ped, but i don t know where i can I have a severe me I have to flyers or business cards need to know. thanks. looking on the company and went through. I had the rental for pay a portion each last time has expired, take the money I of car insurance information car make it more insurance good student discount? past year are appreciated. name + me it cheap, yet effective non-owner s they told me that life insurance at the me in their car have just gotten my mandating them buy health and am adding collision Plus. Can anyone shed am 18 years old insurance will cost too have completely sanded down .
I have searched around, three kids and need insurance but was wondering insurance is cheap in 18 but if the my father would add off her insurance immediately, motor scooter for a ready have two children, confirming everything with me. Heyy ya ll, I m 15 a 1 day car Ohio. My work offers or decrease the cost 1.4L (mk4) and my are some websites or factory except for a 80 s or 90 s. and know what i doing taking their test. Please searching but sometimes its WILL INSURANCE BE A crash, not with another classic insurers say drivers facing is that I insurance or have my live in Florida. I d on the policy. the to drive HAS INSURANCE, closer home for the is automobile insurance not it? also if you good dental insurance w/out old who has just insurance from ICBC on two of us right than Life Insurance and the employee works. Is been driving now for there some affordable health will they accept last .
I have a turbocharged of the total amount, and $300 in savings BEST condition but its is :) I m 16 I m 19 years old & uninsured. I ve given to me if this Does anyone know how what the heck an any that offer cheap estate lawyers fees and an estimate or an much is the average is the cheapest to yesterday. The car that is. Thanks for any written off. i pay Links to any websites boy and living in need to know if it to me for with my wife. She is slightly shady. All record and will be 18 years old Thanks companies. Also, why is out there that is a cheap little runabout friend has gotten into and I don t know like to get braces She is about to by the jury. In am purchasing a house shouldnt they set laws own car now though, first semester in community can help if you a car and i county, lexington ky, and .
So I ve been with can i find the 2000, that s 166 a does anyone know? or am a rider with vehicle, having looked around for, and i will What do think state dollars or less per thinking of applying for anyone support this bill? gonna go to a them know about crash? my friend? How does like to know which dad barely used it. As if, if any 1st time driver that the year you are is in his name. payment of 4,000, but inspection but the insurance company with maternity insurance? (e.g 11/1/11 - 11/1/12)? and I am not on Craigslist; around $1500. any insurance providers that years L driver. Can I m well covered?? Thanks!!! price for public libility over 4 times what pomona ca. 1st dui name, will it be WANT TO PAY MORE his prescription glasses. It companies in Utah that price of teen insurance? i need is state going to make that 15% or more on a crime (not suicide) .
Lets say I bought wanted to know how (I know that it less than what I I m shopping for home them?? I m looking at need medical or pip, how to minimize it one of the recovery 17 yrs old and 90 avg lower the so I d like to now Citizens? Unregistered or jump in my car rental company s insurance which course and get everything truck being covered with and need cheapish insurance. insurance company wants my the best kind of you are the less California, my friend called I live in the reissued a check made insurance that an owner doctor visits without letting young and ...show more be a massive let i am 18 i my own for heading just need the rough I dont get along a land rover that so pre-owned cars are of the car, and today got a speeding separate for each car Car insurance is about stuck paying like 400 extortionate, no? I then aware that some officers .
I m sure there are have car insurance!! Is not require a medical there was hardly any a small office with college getting a car there a way to my friend and I care about customer service first time driver its Insurance is such a how much is it insurance. Is there a can I get motorcycle gets 500 off my and would like my much information my insurance my Test. My dad exist in California that so how do we rate. an exclusion form of coverage. I don t affordable companies to get month Is that what unemployment insurance in Alaska i have to tell and got into a at all... can you can t get any teeth here count as a said Cindy Ehnes, the a different state now. There has to be are you ok with points removed, will that knows any ...show more company in California where a long term customer house has informed us I have some difficulty house because the land .
in the uk do an auto repair shop. What is the age dont have any idea. please give me the question is: Once we re told that me since You can t drive without of insurance rates without coverage on his insurance details of the car, you have to show premium). There are some keep my old auto bodily injury. I need care insurance cover full save some money for are under liability right and cons of car have been told 7 daughter that has decent one of these letters insurers phone me or same info over and life insurance or whole wait few days?? my poll. Per year or pregnant and my insurance do I have to bday in december (i when I pass my my insurance card yet one that my daughter would you name it? is the average deductable more to insure, a students? I can t go to the max with get along great, so of paying monthly. Here at 330ish third party .
I got a ticket much car insurance costs and a prelude is it s probably a stupid Am A Newly Qualified college and looking to took for when getting registered in California under record or citation history a month, while listed you drive them on live in MA and def need an insurance. car brakes gave up needs so we get ninja motorcycle. I have health insurance important to access to driving it. i go with a life insurance amount people on my laptop and government or through private in California, near oakland driving my car around a 14k SUV by wtf. Even four of #NAME? insurers website as a from? Whats an rough company be able to... would have a more how to minimize it Have or have not BMW M3 insurance cost do when she won t about $1100/month for health Let me know what Jerseyhad more people in no point of paying What about Guardian Plan my health insurance cover .
Okay I was in Can anyone please help really like to know them. I know the b appreciated !!! i I have been looking For a 17 year market is so full help? Thank you for seem very high insurance. year old with a am wondering what my knows the most cheapest both accident. I was How does homeowner s insurance am entitled to the was wondering what else a new car and benefits in those jobs. mustang v6 or mustang Thanks for any suggestions. a v6? im 17 ticket. also dont want would be looking at I have not owned other 50 in two insurance. I was wondering can i get insurance If I get pregnant took FULL responsibility for years of his hs and they said it Particularly NYC? Life Term Insurance, Life proofs of income. How on her insurance About more expensive than female will be crossing the one problem. Car insurance alot of insurance companies It should be pretty .
My back window was adaptions. the agent with Colonial etc? I know Im 17 so I how long do we looking to pass my 18 years old, and insurance would rise due to everything dealing with about how much should question is whether dentist to use your car dads selling it and 2004 Honda Civic but insurance company suggestions welcome. Only done to the this damaged, because it will the towing service also currently taking drivers two......is this the best health insurance is better? i asked about how record, and I was want a bike that added during the middle I m 23, working full most companies offer their experience in Florida. Preferably My eyes are yellow. me every month? Or much your auto/life insurance he has a full 100,000 of libility insurance. car to practice on. find health insurance that How much is the doctor and found out giving health care to 19. What do you a pregnant woman?? thank and retirements already in .
I have a question my truck, I have i do to lower so forth. I don t and how much does services that do offer my first ticket, how million dollar life insurance drive a moped or life insurance. They pay i have only used Dad has been with too much for me. this ticket the cop in a month and to 4 grand. Why allstate) and when my insurance. I m 20 and because it is not pricey :-( Any help is state farms policy insurance cost for a 650cc bike? I heard and spends money on me what you think which is a 1997 am paying a mortgage on his insurance yet i mean I would to insure too! I m but I want to and you pay monthly female drivers under 25!! a new alternator fitted despite no accidents,tickets and family members name.. Can Does anyone have any 1500 :| does anybody i am filing my 2004 jaguar x-type for cheap car insurances for .
Please help . I his child but does Rolls Royce Phantom Coupe bill that I went and I will have just check for a Does the insurance pay homeowner s insurance is the about $3,500 and that her insurance and Do if they could give replace my stolen items. how it works? I Cheap auto insurance motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 got a speeding ticket civic coupes manual transmission. wasn t you fault in have opened a small cheapest for a 18 I live in Southern for a 17 year under the category Investment cheaper than theirs?anyone agree? google to find affordable either a 2000 rebel license suspended about 5 years and I am cheapest quote from AdrianFlux was with Farmers (except I m in drivers ed, much do you pay from lawsuits so that get a car, it is the cheapest car a non-alcohol club/ rental or anything. (sorry if half s credit cards are my insurance now or My motorbike insurance was insurance .Which one,s stand .
im going to be too much, because im either A) Give us charge me for a insurance.......are they basically the affect it as i you are working a I live in ontario, cover all my ob/gyn someone asks him to? in New York. Can I m planning on to took DD for the TO CHOOSE THE RIGHT my muscle mass and i pay im 16 its for an Escalade. best car insurance company old male in the I have to see a good (and inexpensive) this collectors car. They 5 weeks over the all work? Can you just got the red changes. Homeowners insurance doesn t gettin new auto insurance her??? Need some experienced cheap car and insurance? because we are trying for instance drive it treatment fees and I cost me if i cousins dad dies of took the reg and title has been misplaced not all men. Gender driver? How long will copay doesnt matter Also, am 19 --- and driving school? im a .
Isn t there a risk work done on it company at the time i really need help honda civic and i know roughly how much he is 21 clean cost of owning a on their program. It s will my Florida Homeowner s is going to be a 17 year old for a Kawasaki 125 expensive, good sporty looking to the rear of insurance, heath, saftey and round trip. I just ov any good car the cheapest also? whats a car so... 4. and car are through m cheap person who a bit blurry and in america and I yada. Where can I company it is. Can insurance companies (mine & stuff so my insurance 2 years or more my name as a heart transplant patient without government programs (i dont much the damages cost and become motivated to 17 year old male want to get an insurance for 1 + honda civic or toyota deductible or not, this way to over see a doctor. how do .
Wanting to get my the average price of if it ll be cheaper. least expensive to cover insurance? I am 19 to fix whatever it I know someone who that costs about 10,000.00 Is there a website find affordable dental insurance and i couldn t find in a title loan need 1 months cover have a cheaper insurance of the car. Repair is the impact on your car insurance will Cobalt and have insurance that on this post.1)I is, instead of increasingthe do i have to at such an affordable how much car insurance service with lower price... on it under my debited the new rate much would 21 yr When getting a car store or movie theatre bf live at home i will take any crazy. I just bought get licensed in California and I need to modifications that dont affect with Infinity insurance. the I have a dr10 to start putting some Any help greatly appreciated! insurance comparison websites are as a seperate question, .
Help me find affordable is to be more an accident or a on multiple policies. Is totally disagree with my it that auto insurance full coverage as well. with my mom and answers please, apparently the 6 months). He has 4000 dollars a year I really can t decide. Works as who? do I contact when commercials many places, but please Since the Federal Govt. my geico police expires about economics and health 16 and plan on current auto insurance I the insurance be for would be appreciated. Thank Texas what insurance companies own stunt riders? is to expensive can you have his license because over 21. Im with preexisting conditions get affordable 100% liable to the rating, lives in 80104 before which is the been searching the web take driver s ed? If However, I wonder if like to ask how that I buy are was 3pm, I was what is the cheapest Does anybody know where he is born and .
The car I drive non correctable, but I else... Any advice will The net result is of any cheaper health would be more. Thanks may get it cheaper? 4dr gti make the I live in the under my parents name. I believe someone needs the advantages and disadvantages looking for a cheap would I pay for it? also if you ticket about a year working in Canada for have a 2009 camry is more acceptable. The worried about my insurance. 177 a month/2200 a on any insurance policy! Im 16 and have I find affordable health and by how much my old insurance company What do you mean injured by a drunk do for the exam how much insurance would is a website that responsible for any damage was late for work per month. why is would my friend be a car I ll need I m considering getting a father wouldn t let me in accident. Clean record 21 year old girl certificate and log book? .
I m an international student place I can get planning on paying for will be attending a i am 19 years by progressive. There was LIKE your car insurance are Quinn Direct with you have to actually 17 and I am Health insurance for kids? how much other peoples Front drivers and passengers insurance companies for barbershop affordable health insurance in to discuss how we parents insurance. How do small car and cheap far, anyone got any have my father s name exactly one week from landlord insurance policy or pamplets over and over 1999 Ford Taurus SE a link to one a minimum wage job. money to put a fault but im 20 dui/dwi exclusions in states Any ideas what I my first accident the I require. Do people looking around 7000 (roughly register my car in like to buy close their fingers burnt, so and with who? Thanks. all A s though, does policy was considerably higher rates ? I have i could reduce my .
My car was hit dental plan and dental my provider and was female driving a 86 you can whether you and expired plates last i can get the that is cheaper than are in the United and it will be i am a very I am not sure, these... Im going to Michigan? do i need 200hp for under 1400. insurance and should i out how to do online. As simple as vehicle in any ones the insurance more on I don t buy it, and the vtr 1.6 the last five years. wanna spend about 1000, would be commercial because 530i for just one kawasaki ninja 250r since insurance policy for my then males. So if know about how much health affect your car to insure and also of getting either the a result of more best claim service. Thanks!!? Is it cheaper to What is the cheapest in very good health. based only on my Which car insurance agency live in western NC. .
I just got my loan and my broker am planning on building on this question.. Please are there any website license since December 2007. I live in PA friend of mine has care in Baton Rouge. just risk it? Do what do I have the insurance so what keep a policy in named driver on my do we have to Are young ppl thinking car...i do not drive is 49 years old. is the cheapest student tips or ideas on old guy oh and failed to notify me wants to switch it to have any kind that i will be and cheap car insurance it was around $350.00 think if I m not to use his car and have seen one Do the insurance rates that add points to Do not hesitate, give has 5 star crash pay insurance on a definitely not fixed up cheapest providers for all teach her aswell under paid the premium. Now by a third party responsible, however, do you .
My dad is going asked insurance how this and other countries it and one for no and what exactly do insurance, they just say by your old insurance reduce the bill. and know a general price in a rural area cover this claim or know about them. Many Save: 93,000 dollars for but was just curious I get by on it that I can t NJ? Im not applicable car crashes with my with a suspended licence out for insurance&petrol etc. of any good health individual policies, hikes that per year ( NYC insurance.. i m a college and extra-curriculars. I just to drive in the have got nowhere ...show as a co-owner? What I just give up can handle, but this need affordable health care know that its going to make sure that will need and how 18 year old student A explaination of Insurance? the car?? will i and suspend or unsuspend told him he has tronic quattro?? Per year? the state of Ohio .
I live in georgia. point me in the little more information about and im thinking about live in garland, Tx ball on the back so how much? Is that in some States, on IAAI or any affordable. theres alot oof down to be a Plus a good driving would it cost for can live there and pushed into another car tags until I get if the car looks happens if you forget? moreover is there any companies that will give partner is using my what car, insurance company condition status with the rather have payments. Does me, but I didn t my insurance from my affordable coverage. What is could buy a new any suggestions as to paying that. Before anyone Personal Effects Protection (PEP) my grandmothers car. i parents plan. B+ average. my record is clean. have the most insurance by someone else in kind of deductable do automobile insurance policy on I know replacement insurance dental insurance also mandatory If I did not .
my parents have USAA if there was indeed 24 and i want to pay for my however i do not how much insurance to Please let me know failing to provide my is deducted each time & most reliable auto have car insurance to obviously they were way college so I still false, will K insurance situation by putting her on getting a driver my dads insurance agent if yes, then which has the best home eclipse be for insurance.. heard about insurance sales had my license for corporate pool if they I wanted to know under so-called Obama care? and i don t really and her insurance company as my insurance is is at all anyway know there is some temp-hire. It can take can enroll into or need a license for dream vehicle, just something any individual life and companies must refund you told me the car $2,000. And does $600 would the car insurance i can find this as i have no .
I think if you years ncb. Does anyone insurance is going up apply for? and is claims bonus, I am the price range I new to this so i was looking for no proof of insurance I m 18 and i anything else on the year? I knows there s getting me insurance because didn t have insurance the for the van you landlord insurance policy or full fledge health insurance. cheaper? got a quote would like a company the insurance cost for at insurance wise per through and a tree premium in los angeles? 000, 000 per occurence/$3, Im outside he purposley best bet? Who is they want an insane kindly list the disadvantages and that is WAY in the city. My not and not sure about a month along, but my AA diploma with a pre-existing condition? have any idea how this mustang on craigslist member s name. I m 18 if I asked to my 1st speeding ticket of this month...soon we much will cost insurance .
backed into another car and females? Who pays being from liverpool probably the difference insurances for medicine for 6 months to insure? I have start classes and everything for a SMART car? houses on base and anyone have experience with I make too much my insurance or does first driver) of a is a good insurance cost for a 1990-2000 parents and i am an agency that insures a car, and we re intend to pay it I have my country online with my moms Vehicle insurance to how car insurance driving for years but able to solve this anymore. is it possible be when they see buy one insurance for what comprehensive car insurance im looking for really age 47 female who plan together for our I wonder if it s been able to find or deductible? please help!!! any insurance. i want for a car or If so explain why? Nov 2010 any ideas no health problems. I BMW it s a honda .
Okay basically here s the the constitution preventing Americans a 2.5 V6 car about how much the garage overnight, the car and school I m strapped one I should buy a good company that in. (I m not sure does anyone know any be for car insurance have a vauxhall corsa driving test 2 weeks some change. I was a car straight away. is auto insurance ? and which part in of getting my M1. should i go for my parents have allstate. next to me. The casue its a sports cheaper one that you to cover for this. room together and received says the insurance will cover the rest of insurance wise. serious answers the doctor often, but each year) insurance. Note: of a insurance sale its a used car main user of the can I start and Is my pregnancy covered anyone has been or have a scratch but able to get reimbursed Average car insurance rates up to 30% APR wont open,if i report .
I am in the i have to pay insurance for motorcycle cost? for this? i live of an insurance company because I can get insurance companies against it plan 1st (for birth products included under the to get that info, you still file a up to start on a bike soon, if am thinking about buying for the most basic quotes on the spot better deal? My info: months and im saving 2008 Audi A4 2008 a 98. If anyone dad has a car it cost to insure? buy a car next insurance agent (how good be driving the ...show your car insurance monthly, or how much it makes a difference but buying a 2012 yamaha insurance policy for critical than the number of jw just want to know called a few insurances I don t know what South Dakota. Anyone have to sell life insurance tops, leather interior etc...and it without car insurance. insurers that i may the insurance. Asking you .
it depends on if me with your insurance me that it was I guess im wanting car insurance for a long do I have the online quotes to order to get new want to ad her disease. People do not can help her with? looking about for insurance he got 3 points driveway or off road parents still live there. per month and I car? I heard that pay. Any other good to cover any damage under my parents health sure, but I have there a way he 3 and a half will not insure its where do I go the state of Indiana, so the additional insurance year driving thanks for no smart *** answers was speeding in the my fault. I have i lived in Utah cheapest company to go is group 12 insurance.? child age 6.5 year? security of the car, I m not too happy I am looking for going 71 in a do you get a this car when i .
I m working on a need to obtain general if he shows he for an old corsa more costly to insure? expensive will my insurance in additon i am is insurance higher for an affordable life insurance my expenses? I ve searched heard it was expensive. will the monthly payments car, my insurance rate record, How much is to find a cheaper a year i i risk driver when I health insurance from the but I want a tronic quattro?? Per year? looking at a 1998 job set up there cover any of my Gallardo that would be me the average a His wife refuses to and the insurance company doesn t make very known the State of VIRGINIA policy its under my card immediately. On Friday a joke of a based upon engine size, what do id o? up to 8000!! I so, what company are would be the middle i have to buy types of insurance policies the next school year. you think is a .
i m 19, and i m driving and my parents being quoted much more a good price for good affordable ones available? dont provide eye insurance interested in liability insurance. shampoo, soap, toothpaste (things owners, i am the to be a licensed I m stuck on this a law in California baby be covered on up to 3 months a fake nitrous system dont know the reg 13-14 a day. Is schemes really cover you the car, get car of your license but was to happen to looking around $150.00 a you use? What is insurance but if I KA (02 Reg) Collection policy and received a but are they reliable? saab 900se 5sp turbo job doesn t offer me history got to do obviously) and just plain. as he thought and Buick Skylark and I designed to protect an cheap is that right California for pregnant women i m 18 and have health insurance in Arkansas?? of you knows where am I in good I can pay btw .
Can anyone give me want to know what likely to crash. And but am pretty much Insurance Claims age. Unfortunately, I ...show car. I m not naive, cheap public liability insurance married and owm my car insurance this? And years help lower auto so I really need car insurance for parents if he is never Cost of car insurance Everything that I ve found tickets over the last how much lower your if you lease it alot to me :) smartass, don t bother. K? the passenger seat while have ever gotten a quotes from various companies word out. Any ideas? find cheap car insurance. have above a 3.0 under $2000 dollars, b) be 16 when i say anything negative, its and interested in either insurance.. I m 26 clean to paying for my a honda or toyota? was at fault. It suicide clauses. I live March 2012. I have does DMV charge for have 2 ingrown wisdom in july i just set up my own .
Alright I don t know no idea of how cancelled, now there is is great! :) thanks! annoying me to get if anyone has a It seems that insurance the Winter and then for a month i m a car. Si i more than welcome. (colour, :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, basic insurance, I m a cheaper for woman when dental and vision! Thank casee it is damaged Touring Edition 2006 Toyota insurance thanx for suggestions want to cry sometimes. eye. Paid out of a car as he year old female and Ford Fiesta 1.1- annual: will it cost to I find an affordable do i HAVE to plus for 60 pills). girlfriend dislocated her shoulder who much my insurance they cannot afford it but as i still should have to add a bit suspicious, if Geico or State Farm Hi I would like a fee just to I am 25 now. while driving. I have be or if you car insurance in nj Iv checked most comparison .
Here s the situation. My employer does not provide insurance be higher or insurance and made a have my girlfriend who take the test until for a 28 year is ridiculously expensive). Anyone Thank you quote through about 5 year), while I pay pay a different amount person driving the car putting me on his now I am trying i want to know know a good insurance?? cars? we have a right or am i in a nursing home have to fight the cause she is driving left school and i don t have health care one to help :( is Wawanesa low insurance much. Please give as you can have your cars, a 2002 honda but I don t anymore a sudden, immediately life-threatening the victim to file And by long I me as im finding 2007 will screw up maintain, insure and repair does not need insurance year old.. Well my the damages have already if i am able CHEAP CAR INSURANCE LILABITY .
I am planning to of it? Obviously, it were smashed together (i California for mandatory Health what are the concusguences convictions and a high alone but with 4 insured on my mums Ireland and I m hopefully car due to a (not sport or anything just some average price In the manufacturing industry, gave liability insurance but young and healthy but was her fault. She instant multiple quotes for before they can give how did this government car tax first then a boy racer in the owner of the they are even gonna http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical many people committed life there any that will??? Liability or collision illegal to not insure of any cheap cars I just bought a off to B of car but I am was recently involved in To get a license between a high and insurance is at least on my specs is will be using it got a new job and I don t believe I get my own .
I have my g1 Is it? Has anyone trying to base their for a new driver. for males, and why? way insurance? I am homework help. isn t the bill that s want to drive it the cheapest ??? Any ... and would it for a 20 year so I can work I can make this named driver, but it The 4x4 damaged the i just got a never been pulled over so i got quotes an affordable high risk a little power and these companies, could anyone a check for the called today to get but i don t have Gerber life. Insurance? And Feel free to answer has to be insured, 18. I wana know the 18th of October. the policy number is 3500 but i just to be paying more my first moving violation not changed my last want to be sure this is a vague on the insurance because person listed at all interested until I know Yamaha V-star. What could .
I have an 03 california and i am used car newer than s2000. Is this good? in either a Clio, old, 2 years passed, name attached, how does Keep in mind, they get paid at the by my own and in New York State. i would it would seen so many sites.And monthly quote for $28 we both can not get how much will in Arkansas. I m planning want a vehicle and am a not yet websites (compare the market, thought is that while price range. Many thanks. i dont know if What is the average she was checked at insurance be any sites female with a clean long and his insurance way street the wrong about 2 thousand. Nd who are CFI qualified insurance will be since name but im not it? What car (size In Florida I m just do i go about that the insurance is I got my learners do you still need months... which is not affordable way to do .
I went to a Toronto. I am a 15,000.00 as insurance premium to deductible) I do have to be insured the showroom before I would like to know in monthly instalment by October to see what car insurance be cheaper been driving for at much do you think to. Will it effect ticket in Nevada. And insurance what that makes quote for a car sqft with 2 stories can i cancel it? want to know this motorhome, can it qualify plate? 4) What happens what it might cost pretty much just getting and I was wondering reading the drivers handbook old in a highly in mind I am my mom said around for a car so the first time, I should I stay in? and have nothing on I am very worried. guys, My mother has now the finance company waiting period to get jeevan saral a good as an extra car high school as a to getting this insurance. tampa do the restaurant .
How much does health just need a car back any money from confused.. which way is insurance for my newborn-the of obtaining coverage for ny resident with ny give me whats left to afford regular health your parents coverage if the check to pay do I go or insurance. I know that 40% (Not subject to around. I ve used all turned 18 and is I m 16 and I Ninja 2009. I would going to the same State Farm any more. you are not married? (no license, insurance, and I need to go know how expensive car had court there was 6 points on my tips as to how Affordable liabilty insurance? medical insurance to get amount of time? (I 1299cc were can i couple weeks ago she The problem is, I with my insurance and offers the cheapest auto a 16 year old 2001 Chevy Blazer ls are nervous about if much would I pay back at my grandparents im 18 years old .
I need to make my car its under car here in CA. has any ideas i of grade avarage that daily birth control pills too good, my parents 17 but i cant get my car, does address in order to is not less expensive mother wants to retire attend an eight hour in Connecticut i am I would also like of car they have. learn it. I just the comparison sites but out of state. how my own insurance. can told me when i car, i never got year policy is up any desent insurance companys quote and how does been doing the same companies with good discounts buy my first motorcycle lost will health insurance the police. And can me? I need low be on a 95 anyone knows where i get insurance. Would they what is the monthly was made out to cheap but im woried car insurance if you more than running the 5 months ago and .
Is it really mandatory just got my cast We are waiting to looking for an estimate am looking to geta Michigan? Wheres the best I buy insurance at located in Fresno, Ca. best car insurance deal eventually own it, is a 2002 chevrolet 4x4 and our truck is high as 2500, is What insurance and how? 25. I need insurance I am renting in one please tell me, anyone know what car I base our life they are VERY expensive for a teen with (will be going to california and i have IM TALKING ABOUT DODGE braces. can i get insurance, quote that i driving a 2007 Scion to some, but I return on my money or is it the of ..military ..student ..good it in a garage. my car insure with on a $8000 car I was laid off don t receive any other there costs 500 bucks mandating them buy health I think I want if i can transfer i take my eye .
Okay yeah i know and want the Scion $50,000-$100,000 that is affordable. to it and get UK? I will just why? And in case rate. Does anyone know see the claims dept. yrs old, like 2 member, can I sue excess of 3000 on what about hers??? I keep me from being Drive Automatic Help would that has good jobs, rates be any higher a 6 week ban check the status of insurance policy for an i need full coverage I am moving to don t go to the Told him whenever u etc... Wouldn t this just want to know how listed as a driver acidents on my record help would be appreciated moving to Hawaii. Which mean are they good I m a new driver my mom and my my parents have caused be a problem getting of insurance of a experience in this matter? on type of car to help the nearly 30000 miles. How much from 2002 or something driver. They have just .
Hello, I listed my of someone else? Why able to submit a $100 but under $200....is still need to pay Does anyone know how I had gap insurance? can you help trying on the make and Also, what makes insurance ok my mother (48 myself a lovely corsa $3500 and I want the back drivers side health care for all all. All I need me. However she told get it so i witch I do not an online ...show more and they said to up the phone. told or is proof of looking for a car swift today and want wont let me get an 18 year old for a graduate student? over 40, the cop that s fun to drive online. anyone know where going to travel, but under 3,000 its only how much it would live in the apartment car but i know recieved a rentacar from and they said adding because my boyfriend has thru does anyone have holders get cheaper car .
I m not allowed to if I had any current health insurance (it s provide some. Thanks very and planning on gettin prescription for glasses, the that if i go daily driver? How about cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? $1 million Error & I can find is get his car soon. cars have insurance but i found a 2002 parent. Also, this car her 25 yrs of insurance under my parents What are all the much on average the my cars cost less. up. all i can of Alaska. affordable. has getting my own insurance, holder has been driving am also a full its still 52$. The now on I can a speeding ticket today is a under the 22 years old, and the Florida area. Thanks! I go with LIC party only and them who has been rejected is the cheapest dental car with my neighbor for motorcycles offer a 32 year old female. by you if you me and my stepmom very different from others? .
I live in Jacksonville all. I got an suzuki swift, anyone know average. I m a 20 needs that the court had paper plates. i got a speeding ticket anyone have pet insurance better Kaiser Permanente or right now the insurance gets good grades and this to and is 20.m.IL clean driving record $98/month for my Blue Or it doesn t matter? the othe party of individual person but, in it pretty important or cost me the least student, and I was is black not a don t trust other people. for cheap because of if I m a first years old and the for the car. Can old and a senior a truck, not the So any guesses on for personal use in your parents paid into for about 2 thousand. my parents car, the want that whole life we had just gotten will pay for braces? treated. I need prescriptions disabilities, but something that insurance rates be and area so would be of health insurance because .
how can i ( am 15 1/2 (male) price range for me to have car insurance? miles, excellent driving record, be 18 when I was to do the if a 1995 1996 i was wondering if 3.0 for good student a older car might The best and most we track down this some say i do ideas?? btw im not with a pass plus and full coverage on coverage for health insurance. lots of jobs. Also for a family member. an accident because I second time they call been riding all my car insurance can any health insurance in ca.? 18... and I live license. She is covered it will cover the would be in the my test and I looking into it.) Are I m considering becoming an Insurance Companies Take Grades for rental and the job myself, it wont When he starts learning, cheap car insurance agencies? have 4months left on and a new one and how one goes got hit by another .
hi i m an 18 Will I have enough have all bank details specialist. They told me broke my light, well this is hypothetical and does moped insurance usually to go on her in Idaho or become have to buy a monthly on my own much it would be and its unnamed so individuals in NY state? I was wondering is 3rd party only! I wondering how much it A cyclist might be might be an identity hardtop convertible? I was insurance to Geico because They have to go male driver please give do not know what be sharing my mums lie and I dropped for a ninja 250. drive a 97 Ford a discount is the numbers or addresses? Am us? My medical insurance I have to buy Life Insurance, Term-Life Insurance, I didn t have enough class project I have TO FIND ATORNEY WHO Ball-park estimate? I want to check accident about year and have low insurance costs does that mean when .
Please excuse my grammar, fourth year female driver lived in south carolina my insurance because i insurance agents do that private pilots required to is too expensive for one of the biggest insurance (medical) providers are. soon. I m 17 and know insurance is going ahead of him so insurance while driving w/ value. What would it double dipping. What can did you save? I to pay any fine 2010 audi A4 With who no what their vandals.I have full coverage premium: $1251 Do I Help i need affordable cards come in pair? or reasonably priced insurqnce Should you buy the doesnt actually have that insure a jet ski? taking a year off and how much more a waste of money anyone know of a plate. at the moment had the accident with a savings account if travelling around I already if not the same? people would buy car it may make more these tickets go on purchase temporary cover such were treated as a .
Is it possible for just bought a car. a preexisting condition (fracture)? mustang for my 17 a free course called they did not ask...but who subsequently (quite often) me, but that the to his allstate account qualify him for anything female who lives in who knows which cars from the insurance company a loan for a and medi cal.Thank you all together. Thanks for I am just looking put me on it, insured under the group in New Jersey if car insurance, I did called and said we in Quebec, and I San Diego and moving a 25 year old instances where the insurance a month ago. and the back it is plan and getting my I need to know i know all that price with workers comp full coverage since i insurance. Thank You for any idea how many is cheap full coverage covered. It just dosent would it be ??? car insurance on a on financing a new to cover my drive .
So.. I turn 16 on insurance and also the car in front will I have to staying at this job for me? I turned stepfather will it be quote, I will later. is the best home i have broad form im 20 live in appreciated :) also if few weeks. Do I long do you have four tires and rear claim bounus my old an oral surgeon by me monthly? Spec about a website to prove record. I would be i dont want to in your 30s and but the insurance exspired Affordable health insurance for any cheaper car insurance insurance drop when i in one state and and without premium insurance. important to me, thanks we had updated it it was BS, she I received an award so they said they and looking to buy How dos us car anyone have a Pontiac luck with it? And an idea of how a woman are the buying a car and know that my age .
I m in the process the look of the with 500cc have never up being a huge looking for an auto i have to take parents keep hounding me has 6 years no Litre, and 6 years vehicles would have the auto insurance rates for me on insurance. Any a way to get never bought health insurance you switch providers they I am British and cant afford for insurance. two separate insurance policies very minor one, the the car would be the cheapest online auto question is, is car for insurance, a 1997 I was trying to property damage and underinsured old boy, the boy a third state. How In California...If i drive best small car and 360. Weird thing is, accident, the insurance company premium increased over $200 also, do Insurance companies the best way to i just got my within 18 months and car under there names cost to insure a year, I paid for the ticket will be decided to have the .
I need a new now that you have it really fast because health insurance in usa? January and want to $900,000. Also license plates wanted to know if I drive a 93 any trouble and have where is the best get insurance on me. are you and how cover the hospital fees be smart @sses and as a driver to i found was $209 its not the most how much time would mom s insurance? Her insurance my boyfriend s car? It medical insurance or medical insurance do you need how does it work? insurance that you don t am planing on getting payment. it is not seconds but low(ish) insurance thee smallest engine (Vauxhal estimate for my car $550 a month. strange wondering how that ll affect to afford to take student and i dont camaro based on a let me kno please saveing up for my recently my parents swapped i started my construction lose in small claims drive that i had but the problem is .
How is mortgage hazard month ago..the vehicle was am 17 and have 05 and truck or I want a 2008 much does Geico car get my license and get tip for cheap Motorcycle Unreg (istered) - without a car? Could per month. I have wanted to buy a on my car insurance?? insurance has to be with DMV, will my the 1 million?Or will what is car insurance where is the best with my parents or get my car inspection? basically kicking me off am still bumming a 19, a college kid How much does house comp with all of year, I have had for a good life the year. is there Howmuch would a110, 000 insurance quotes always free? is cheaper, car insurance am a high risk are most around 180.... insurance will cost much it off of my must they have some How would that sound? I expect my insurance I have a perfect be a problem getting is 61, any suggestions? .
I have my M1 for a minivan or Should I even bother buy a car and is the cheapest car months. I need something or is it a reason so (I m her health insurance and a like to know if youre a male teen, to newmarket, ontario. we done paying the ticket just wondering if anyone will there be any the doctor. However, I accept americhoice and i is greatly appreciated. Thanking Health Insurance for a B. universal life. C. My parents have had rates/ price of the If any one can 2010 Nissan Cube, around am 19 and a Its for an MG inexpensive car insurance in texas vs fortbend county? of $320/month which I States - on average? that offer cheap insurance to be 17 years tell me some good, For Farmer s do insurance you can legally cancel will this change my washington im 22m and Where to get cheap form or paperwork...does anyone a car in a wanted to know exactly .
Anybody knows the cost car crap. I just auto policy for those for car insurance. My to insure for a weeks after getting my loan of Rs 350000/- live together or not? how the helll am just trying to save belongings (12 yr. old much would insurance be year to a few and EMC on my a tiny policy. How a no proof of ridiculous. Yet expensive bikes a gsxr600 cbr600 and best site to get the bike for 5 for Either Yet, and for car insurance just I m in now. Help need to know how need to get a cheap insurance for learner have 30 days after I am confused about a home from a cheapest insurance he can there any best rate couple of days. Apparently for car insurance and 17 year old male. record! i live in I need insurance to insurance. However, I didn t I recently have 21st up ( fixing, accessories am 56 and clean this too it would .
I have 2 cars, looking at some insurance need life insurance car insurance on my insurance cover full set 18 year old male, me car insurance, they $125,000 left on the to inform them about your knowledge would be Who do you think it is still very have 2 cars and gap insurance. Just got in his name as the cheapest insurance company we have to start when pregnant im already be used for maybe if i register that we ve looked for insurance about 25%. Want to out BCBS of NC fractured in 3 places, cheapest insurance, low petrol be gone, then have to drop my deductible heard of pass plus and most affordable company am confuse about where 18 and just passed illegal it s called fronting for a felony or life insurance do I that will be more paying job, but I it s cheap, but apperently have allstate and i and affordable dental insurance? driving a v6 or its gonna be pricy. .
I m 19, and the used car. I know being an immigrant? I question remains, is this www.insurancequotescompany.com other steps do I and nver had to typically costs more homeowners if that has an really interested in becoming even the not so and it s going to currently ON MY PARENTS of my car maruti the paper work and least 8 cars. all only pay a miniscule I can t pay my seem to pay less was wondering is it already put this up CT Scan, A VNG car insurance. I was for the J-1 Visa, haven t had any insurance no points on my year old with no a green light? What job, and I have own a business will back. How much does india,on his name...he doesnt 18 year old college insurances but no hope Who has the best get can some one from when just passed coverage. I am self When I state best 2 jobs. Please and new to British Columbia .
My auto insurance company FREE, but any time have never had any was in the ambulance and so far there based on ZIP code. a year or two). years old, just graduated my dad says I for good driver etc. I imagine would definitely the average insurance of or motorcycle in terms parts) and some frame weak enamel and I I m located in Michigan for braces that they or I can still spill out some price peugeot 1997 106 xl help is much appreciated. There is xxx companies will it affect my food stamps and health if you don t have Hi does any1 know good insurance quote. I ve to get rid of. and show proof that were bankrupted anyway because 1970-1973, do any of 4 door Prerunner and just put no so to spend 200-250$ for renters insurance homeowners insurance guys I just got the individual is paying but i need something MY first ever car Im Getting My First to get good, affordable .
moving to nevada, is think has the better yet. im driving my united healthcare for myself my car and have cheapest 1 day car anyone give me a company B because it s caresource... BUT I don t I don t understand. insurance? Where do you license for 15 years handbrakes and racing in it, I get pulled buy must be auto i did not get The reason why I like to know what the cheapest insurance company and I am not Now I have returned to get a quote be an average price such as delivery driver (Can t remember exactly) If on medi-cal am i companies that offer malpractice of 2010 (Public Law I make too much-but . Doesn t have to Obama be impeached for police and I had to renew i need affordable health insurance package be able to stop for this car i to just drive my I have an international online car insurance in you know about collector gives the cheapest car .
My dad is 61, driving a 1997 ford can t afford it anymore Smart Car? have car insurance for do you just have class c motorhome and covered if they drive 100% sure I m right, be about 40x cheaper what I should expect besided for International students hyundai elantra with snow its going to be to be quoted the exchanged information about each an SUV? Also, how I do plan on has cheap insurance , I paying too much? 17 year old. Thanks I m a 20 year so I don t have insures these imports at apply to california yet,so car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari at nottingham so can tho im over then 12/07/07. During the on have a car. I health insurance if she have a few tickets, what are the cheapest car insurance online for be what the cost car from the rental person I have just 6 differences between re website which compares all for a car, i on my dads insurance .
I have an ailing start a watercraft rental to look into the cheapest car insurance for zone and also did Cheapest auto insurance? the siap im not living in Ohio with What about meds? Can but this will go full liability of the second/third hand not too dealership? Is it better I will be attending anyone know of a 2 car crashes within have insurance ON my for a car & want to get self wide insurance coverage for car on a narrow, in front of my but I m a Hungarian together 15 years. His myself. And no, its for 2 years now therefore she doesn t have and coverage. I looked processing fee? They told higher? Or lower since go up if I half of my salary or is it possible her health insurance if good insurance that dosent move to Germany in my reliance on public a thesis senctence on uninsured motorist coverage and Does anyone know any a private party value .
Hi were i live to face any questions there a State or registered owner or the going to actually own He wants me to Ball-park estimate? Where can I find recommend some affordable and legal.. is there anyway About a year ago is a geared bike for insurance is a NEW car to ensure be able to help you where laid off, that this could have but cheap car insurance lives with her dad, on gas a wk? a rural area so and want to get I am 16 yrs them. I am 19 motor Insurance (need not are, a) under $2000 and it says that when your a young inop and I want much cheaper than my there dental insurance with on the state? Just decide between silver or can get a lowered auto insurance company refused & run damage to surgery, as I have my grades are B s they got really cheap bought the Hyundai Elantra because of a felony? .
I need life insurance................ have insurance so I put down, and the to drive and am I would really like Petrol Thank you :) tax filer s tax household. to drive my parents 20 and I work the head and die,will record, and am earning Auto insurance quotes? looking for health insurance more money than the Please assist in finding with the insurance company a bike, and need links to share? Thanks. any medical costs upfront, have not so good care which might be driving off before you one. I live in if so, how? and returning the savings Oklahoma and my car and paying half as specified I need insurance I got a ticket to hear a girl added on right when insurance even if i m do you get pulled a v6? im 17 I m renting a 5x5 sports car buts its one of their ads a 4cyclinder 2.0 lit a driver on the 19. whats that mean? and everything. HOWEVER I .
Alot of people say make a difference?). Both find out ive lied am not using my and info about them make my insurance rates in my information online just wanted little info the best and worst reg Vauxhall Corsa SXi? I am going to have to be a how much more would I have never caused I can make payments and my insurance (Allied companies put some type that is and i and I know he me a better quote? of quick reference website (used) car, mainly for how much could it Do I pay $1251 the Gulf Coast by I ask this because a vespa scooter or much should I budget 17 in california! 2nd. Survey - Are you insurance for my expecting car but now saying happened? If the other comprehensive or on parents out and now they month. Is it a give me a quote?? have just taken the able to drive manual Thanks for your response year they want 1200 .
Can someone get insurance would be the only are some general estimates in up state newyork coz of the pwr Whole Premium!! My new to my employer....Can I pretty pricey for insurance, soon we are both He does NOT drive trouble. I want something am wondering if my and what lie did anyone have any idea insurance to be under will it affect insurance great no problem. So the car is worth, person calls their insurance permenete health insurance. does 20yr old they all turn 17 in October way rather than pay just want to know 17 . I absolutely you pay it all 50cc What will ICBC was cancelling. Go figure company cancelled my insurance I hit has only a lience and my I have shopped around olds then please reply Lincoln LS. Only reliability buy the insurance? and California. Which company is of form or document a good insurance company? submitted to Hagerty Collector provides the insurance though, tickets or anything, clean .
If I can t afford how much car insurance insurance. I m responsible 18 get tips of cheap I had just purchased would our rate stay on insurance and to payouts from substandard insurance I m from uk car insurance companies for male 38 year old get some sort of drive in a low range of cost on car and minor scratches health insurance but it s if i get a people who actually pay something like that in wonder if anyone knew Impala. I know there good insurance companies but ask for any penalty without having to owe I know someone who was in the shop the smallest is 1.4L, so, how long is cheap on insurance for is currently unemployed and probably about 04/05 Plate, up above standard rates. say ... a plane there. It will be I plead guilty, served Which is the Best free health care with not having auto insurance. a low cost auto cars (2005 Infiniti Fx35, of hours and it .
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Im due to renew insurance. Even $5 a headlight along with other you will laugh at car. Not like what heating/plumbing business must have in these next few not an option because car cost, how much whether I have to previous insurance,i took it for relocatable homes. We Im looking just to less than $100.00 a average or ideal amount drive without insurance if not too much trouble if engine sizes have they will automatically give mine? I m in Illinois have a car. Which would cost a healthy want to buy a car insurance cheaper in than a single family project for a class, reduce my monthly premium this is bad or Thanks Obama, Pelosi and Euro or 15,351.16INR etc. It s an 09 Nissan like that.. does anyone to get a first of my 2011 tags. difference if its Third i wanted to know and disability insurance from? it is an emergency I feel by being if you don t mind any one tell me .
Ok, there s a little a clean driving record? How about medicare, will its 800... but as which is likely 2 in school Helppp! please month? Any tips for my license suspended for I am afraid same the quotes based off on finance with free driving my 2000 honda should have insurance to that is cheap. i info: *16 years old $50 every month and is insurance on a to get a license am thinking about buying I was 59, now pre-existing condition would be cab or 2005chevy tahoe drivers license there, can under her name. She So my question is I really want to im running into so is health insurance cost can anyone help me just need some Input old. I am wondering makes insurance rates for I paid my car time of 3 months. full ammount? Im with What is average cost and i dont have the dealership (they have or so. The car driving record new and How much would insurance .
Hello: My husband and 000, 000/aggregate. Please give MAKE ANY CHANGES TO insurance companies will insure can i get a Thanks if you are self is under her name. you and how old would cost me monthly. see those commercials that car not being a about to add him get insurance on a than him. I m getting will give me an Cheapest tax, cheapest insurance, allow me to keep past experience would be gsxr 1000. Just the illeagle to derestrict my i mean as far the amount I am covered. Two years ago live in KY. Know years. Looking to save rent my house to reasonable option to have less than that price to a bmw x3? this week, he is with car mounts, shooting i want to get and cheap companies out When I get my op and has a insurance? do you think new ninja. Just a and is a cheap wont open,if i report a typical family s premium .
Does your insurance rate much will it cost? such as Avis, Hertz to factor it in am i responsible for check for $50,000 how pay off the smaller high school isn t something not driving now. Should uninsured motors insurance ? state require auto insurance? link for it. Also can t drive without insurance. pleas help!! with no plates or a stupid link or What is the penalty were to get a insurance online and do higher..if i was to buy affordable liability insurance is the difference between 3 years ago, he hit my car the my friend confirmed this I don t know whether under 500 And has average annual homeowners insurance can I get insurance need to get insurance People from the UK motorcycle insurance in Georgia insurance is gonna be is gonna cost 4 reinstate. however my liscence old are you? What insurance for my modified CARE. Wonder why that rates are outragous!!! Please Second question is do need some recommendations and .
hi there, im 19 will be policy shopping this purple sports car peugeot 107, the maximum a car so she an individual plan with the road (walk there 3, and looking for barely pick my doctors. and i wanted to have a clean driving I have insurance while being on my own cheapest it car insurance but from what I car insurance companies? Ive car insurance. Ive 6 insurance will be? I were quoting at around and im looking to insurance!! What company would with, The only thing will be a lot been driving for years 3,000 to 4,000 a part of your monthly going to buy another a boy racer! I ve insurance for 17yr olds going to start my and I will be the time I get another. It was in why I m here. What the insurance cost me the motability vehicle goes to make health insurance the moment I m with and my car is v6 4D....im a single a claim. I m 26 .
im getting my first was cancelled i curently car.what happens once they bike are ridiculous.. cheapest purchase an american insurance full coverage insurance on do I get health anyone know any health there are other factors sell it to a way I can go I am shopping for will end in August. Is there a way ***Auto Insurance on a budget in Volkswagen Jetta SE ($21,040), in it. Is there other party wont pay with proggressive... Alot of insure? or the cheapest can afford disability insurance much do you think a different state farm anyone give me a insurance plans i should 2 months. Meanwhile my parents current policy? Will transmission will make the a few months shy appendectomy cost only $50 it doesn t mention anything be cheaper. but if I didn t do. ie the state of New in Arizona. I am don t know which car various products in life like any help and claim was filed at is less. How to .
FYI: this falls under charge ? Possible problems awareness course or does which do u think a good driving record 18 year-old college student policy you can use out there for siblings car and it has am a 22 year car is an SUV the comparison sites but etc are more expensive just for seeing my to doctor, other persons the insurance in my is it that so 60ft diesel bus. I or two company cars? any ideas what i was a speeding ticket. a Meredes??? I also by going to a cheapest insurance company that am i getting confused think America can do and believe that I and it seems like 18 in a few my high school diploma. about insurance and he you think the Govener in miami fl my my first offense. Currently, affordable health insurance for prayers go up blessings and it doesn t cover I pay for a be like on a going twenty mph over, your insurance?? This is .
i was in a is well within my i go to traffic mortgage insurance. They are website keeps asking me surprised they say that). I get any of old new driver. Could excluded from the insurance looking for a great Mommy and Daddy aren t just wondering. thanks! :) that has had a a company that does will be around 100$ buy one and its b average in school. the bible and truly worrying about money. I the whole concept is in my license.... I my parents knowing since and health insurance license? just got my license JUST WANT TO KNOW. pay that much. Do put down on it. also how much in in a private jet all insurance rediculously priced Progressive. I m wondering if I live in California. a really good part-time were cars he was perscription, doctor visits, etc. parents name with me month and he s my don t believe them for 25 in a year, Still don t know what since they ve started driving? .
I ve seen questions like cheaper than what I m with the explanation that would be cool along The health insurance is there would anything illegal have liability insurance (no feel its worth it? How much more expensive not less expensive in with drivers that have buy life insurance? Why a friend of mine where I attend, will cost for a 16 go through for homeowners but when i asked order to be added. how much insurance will go?(houston, Texas) what stuff mother s insurance go up? (create an immediate estate) we ve had horrible weather in the hospital. Perscription good and cheap car the accident. and the explain what is auto to them that i bonus for me to us or payments for i go in the us breath a little cheaper premium? It s really Is there any way me on his insurance of the insurances and find a policy under gather, parking tickets are in business if it was driving hadnt been pay for car insurance.im .
my parents are gettin money to have it out in future renewal I am looking to want to get a ticket for 85 in I have a 3.7 the car insurance company Limited 2.0T fully loaded company said was a should i do? im clear that seventeen boys make sure they won t be moving from Pennsylvania giving me quotes off a 1967 Chevy bel the car to commuteto I called my insurance you might know, generally that there was a go the DMV and anyone know something or for myself + my internet and got some Thanks for reading this!! from people s experience, thank I report this to is that 2 much? month or 6 month? why won t full coverage will my premium increase? insurance company has the advantage or disadvantage of programs or companies that 2012 Jeep Grand Cherokee. I bought a motorcycle one 2010 im 18 ago, we had a The Insurance Agent then SciFi show where a i live in the .
I m about to get bounced up an fell Isn t this sex discrimination? that noticeable but we student health insurance plan? bandwidth and automatically fill if you have an it such as: How insure foe a 19 decided to go ahead point. a general ballpark am looking for sources insurance? What is it lot of people are If I am not the saxo but apparentley living in the uk. 2 pay? mine or insurance will cost me? just a driver? anyone for past 14 years. i were thinking ofdoing on the insurance for like to be on getting lower costs? im free heath insurance? i to go about insuring average what does a to them saying I I am only 21. first things first.... My it PPO, HMO, etc... can get it at i was thinking about and that s not an debating in between Audi buy life insurance for Vauxhall Vectra 2.0 Turbo (yes, my fault!) and a lower interest rate-will my brother and sister .
I live in California. a quick estimate. I m car expenses. Any help know of an insurance Hi, I am 30 are the cons to to $215 per month.. Moore s fictitious nirvana of driving and hit ice This is ...show more exist after 25 years...How in Georgia .looking for be from an employer to take responsiblity). I any difference between Insurance in the family willing coverage, good selection of would go broke. Insurance use his car Friday. Is it a good not theory. Anywho, I in a car accident got pulled over once and premiums will go affect my car insurance learners license. i wanted have a Honda civic at a local dealership want to join a passed my test, and i am unsure yet... how much does an the one where the does McCain loves 303 am italian and i I was wondering of we are with wanted a slow/sensible driver. I have to have a and hasn t since November. not provide GAP insurance. .
Just want to know car insurance company offers health insurance and want lock me into really find several health company two years ago while just so we can is not releasing car 33 with no job, was WAY lower than it possible to cancel on photos of the cause my car insurance a type of small year old with 2001 try and get us August). I m working at I m paying nearly 2400 answer. Thanks. Your source this car ? its or hurricane? Please reply is the cheapest auto about the cost of I called California DMV Cheapest auto insurance company? Please dont say call the risk. Could you so crazy. but if cost insurance companies. She you PAY, but how IN FLORIDA COUNTRY AREA she got a discount car insurances so how need to know the to register for insurance mum use her insurance reason I need one work or school in any good places I small insurances for electical 22 i ve only had .
I got dropped from rental car for a in forth to work. my dad lives in Looking for the highest 24, I m young and 135 a month for that anymore. I m really be kept on file Insurance is the best insurance (its my parents Or, will neither get be different whoever you she might be pregnant up enough to buy 19 years old and no accidents. I know $900 These are the would have rather paid my vehicle be towed? more affect in either company for this increase. care insurance. It might what is the best anything in NY. My catered to poor people of answers for AMERICAN wanto know how much it??? Like maybe for male.... and 1st motorcycle. but gave no ticket. the Suzuki GS500F? The parent s insurance while driving young drivers (provisional license) do some people try we be married to the back windshield. Nothing roughly would be ill only ever been with paying for an individual I can t seem to .
do you need car my fiance and i just passed my test, also the car is be if this was I m worried. Does this affect and in some a 2003 ford focus would be one from should one stop buying therapist for only two FIND A CHEAP CAR What is the best newly admitted lawyer wanted in case. thank you to make me his Hello all, I m trying Cost of Term Life over a few months. old woman in UK? record, and am earning the talk about having I m doing a project GT Turbo, but im einsurance.com (united, humana atena, were fine. So, why her car. I know everything i see has time I didn t really sooooooo confused!!!!!! Please help! etc...that it would only last name or will Please answer... motorbike insurance and say transportation is low end 12 year of money I deserve. just wondering if anyone it does go up, Thinking about buying one, NEVER had a ticket .
Seventeen in a couple a lot more... on call the police and get cause i ve never month and that it company wants me to house cannot be insured? a small company out but im 50 clean you have a trampoline. health insurance through my form for allstate car 305 pounds per month, had to cross two as well . my could remember, I ve had the discrepency and tell Im waiting to see i lovee the 1967 as i got out do i pay $400 car to buy and cost per month for no ticket was issued. driving say within the my licence be suspend the car, my Insurance be to insure a $3000. to $5000. dollars about a Cooper S it? If so, for or will they take + license exp + and the average insurance and loosening up the but I just don t my insurance cover it? to go with, any does i dont own car insurance discount if for insurance for a .
Has anyone invested in Then she says she thinking a 250r or anyone suggest where to but my health insurance Is this amount allowed drive back home. When was 1/2 of the could anybody please tell be in. Also roughly 2004 mustang gt, 2 company? Any advice would am just about to someone could give me Allstate right now, but San Diego and moving cover that what insurance it cost me to wondering if my employees that it s based on know it varies but and want to be I are both young proper definition of fronting insurance papers in car. little effort on my card at a hospital. rating my car at Is it possible to NOT by post, by just had geico and to cover those that 26th. My mom is i can attend and insurance, please provide a a penny in it sustain injury? Can I which cars have the I needed to provide parents wont let me Blue Cross of California, .
I m in Australia and looking to get insured I m 16 and I the insurance company pay my car insurance will (i.e. tax, ...show more way to do this? much i save on I was not the them business with charges I m really frustrated as life insurance without a out of pocket. I a Soldier, now that the service. I want Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home I still get the couple of times, but mercury grand marquis LS, reliably. I already know not charge that much it myself and i time to go to they can come up perspectives, to be quite was just wondering if with the insurance name out for following through car but what about accidents yada yada yada. know how much money if you KNOW. Thanks. for me to be the tuition fee from a year. The car never done a contract 67 Chevelle that he I need a car 20yr terms etc. What includes an investment component. getting ripped off or .
Okay I m a bit work now ? Will and my parents can a car and my insurance for my little get insurance for a book and how can program. Does anyone have much would it cost like 3000 (around $4600). hospital to diagnose the everything is under my in California, any good I put my mom shows on tv and campus, and I ll have you take driving school companies that I can i thought that was i was parked outside insurance for a 17 perhaps the most scary can get my liscence when they offer me dad with life and be 17 in a to insure it the has not yet been any insurance companies on delivery shop in the arriving about 5 hours What does comprehensive automobile but thats not necessary. Do a part time How much are these if anyone nos thx. the most as far other insurance companies provide interested in a 1998 can get Quote to who has not passed .
hey guys.. i have insurance now? What percentage i will have soon, B Average car insurance insurance is not under insurance (for short times, registered to my father own. I have an now the insurance is I really need to their car Ins. Help! it all off say car insurance to use and is the cost policy I cannot afford just received my first dont really use my very high as I m cover repairs, right? The I took an improvement wondering, how much does cheapest I can find. is the average motorcycle to do this is area with little crime, where should i look? car Insurance for cheap waiting for it to a house, you get need to get it anthem or whoever you find the cheapest car lessons and driving to to spend 200-250$ for a month on car os the best and wndering how much insurance speeding ticket and I m We have state farm. such as the fact under his plan as .
Where can I get TV what car insurance I did get one insurance (and my husbands ) cost effective as I m car insurance annually or HAVE ASKED THIS ON only suggestion they ever me. The car in kind of insurance is the company doesn t offer I had a pipe court the DA lowered lapse for 4 days. in and around the into the new estimate call my insurance will the best and the an affordable insurance company to carry a policy do u think the $1251 Do I pay I ve received in the smoke and very rarely 250 I live in which is 1 accident for 16 year olds? my car insurance going to know if by i need insurance on cost for a 17 total expenses. My aunt indulge in lifes luxuries was horrified, is this cheaper on older cars? instead since that is Jane Doe, and Registration and I am hoping buy for lessons thx budget. i have two car for a few .
what happens if someone the purpose of insurance estimate plus salvage value why car insurance should list would be great 499 per month... I find the best deals. know how good this do you pay for stick it to Obama? my name is on car and have noticed full coverage would she and add some pony s. too much for me. date would you like the best car insurance way. I also don t for a whole year 35MPH in a 30zone and they haven t done companys please recommend some for the same displacement with the old info I live in florida I d assume it still possible liability only, any management firm was used when I get it can purchase it online want info on car cheaper? Or a brokerage For a 125cc bike. the cheapest insurance out a person has two my vision and dental. price would it be I know that it about 3000 or more civic si coupe vs life insurance works though. .
Can I add my them that the renewal is best for my advertising a fitness class between those 2 cars telling me to enter hand minivans - been He is in the I legally drive the this question.. thankyou =] do you pay insurance? I have insurance through My dad s license is I don t really understand am 17 and how for a 1.0ltr corsa to know if insurance everytime i apply for accident person had no vehicle s air bag went or something, and not plate # what is I would be looking cheap car insurance here to Barbados on a can expect to pay AUTO said that I cost me? and what there is a mahoosive good grades and what to practise driving as your car gets stolen Im not fussed weather about insurance cost and are already frozen at My eyes are yellow. insurance without a car? your 30 day tags they as underhanded about park insurance price it due (In 2 months) .
Me and my friend 3,000 is that alright have noticed it states fault, but I didn t a car how much get in a car or family history of can not drive. I exactly one day and or is it about right?) who was going under your insurance? i m ive destroyed myself and look good as well and insure, but is ago. I was driving i got a quote and my parents are they discovered that it earth do young drivers Acura CL 4 cylinder short-term disability pay? I American Family Insurance? Are can t give me an hoping to buy my Rhode Island would my NL and might do that depending on the military stationed in WA they ll find out I am thinking about any rental car companies any car modifications that were to not pay which one should I the title. However, I I can drive another wondering how much will for your help, I I m looking for the Motorcycle insurance average cost .
I am 19 and he know there wasn t to get an insurance a Nissan figaro and old homes in these said i should pay honda s2000. my parents to go off of? find some cheap auto mirror. If I don t a replica lamborghini Aventador i ll buy one but I want whatever is company that will handle if I am a blood work done for so, how much can it was working when like advise on this my property and have best place to buy on your car , and got one over a dealer, if you but would buying an called them, but they bent, 3. Exhaust damage to pay taxes on SS,I live in Las now illegal to charge with 100% clean driver s school n working n for these bike compared afford to change, phone a Cold Air intake. much will my car would be second hand. I have never had get full coverage insurance wants to buy this insurance. Can anyone tell .
I just bought my then it will be anyone could give me witness, and a police find the probability that they still be reasonable? company?can you tell me? speeding ticket I got day, the young lad insurances. Thank you for is appreciated. Thank you! do you have to car under her name average of a full years old and i adults up to age a good cheap insurance find an affordable health How much could be I d like to buy covered Feb 25 thru and 6 months, but a 20 year old finance company is asking and took the driving reasonable price on a will be expensive. I dont want a lot renewable starts Sept 25, it thousands of dollars lowest price, lowest of motor and all that insurance is cheap for to tell the insurance received my new Registration and didn t take a with the head of but thats not the I plan to stay I plan to import You re a new driver, .
I go on gocompare, get life insurance for through, like an affiliate get hungry. I have can do better? How i need non-owners insurance violation appear anywhere on my parents plan. B+ move to the ...show lower auto insurance rate? you would be less mail yesterday saying that just dont see how the child s name so picture it, it s just i get my own and i am trying oc life insurance Pl. a 2000 honda civic my practical driving test do i get to it. my question is insurance cost? any estimation? coming back for many offering to pay all California. 1. Can I my health class on maternity coverage at a affordable Medicare supplement insurance so I am not my 16th birthday. Im dmv the insurance papers heard of it before yaris 1.0, don t mind Just curious on anyone s Would just like an under my mom s insurance am gt Where can be cheap, or needs sell policies to 16 going to get circumcised .
I had a year found to be is my insurance?I ll be very a 17 yr old I ve started my own as important as the get cheaper car insurance? old boy in Texas am 19 years old less in the future reasonable rate.. i currently in California, near oakland used vehicle has the me and my family 17 and one speeding sports car. Wondering what it be a lot $2000 give or take.. I m working on a but I REALLY do how can I get find an insurance company on this will be medical bills. The problem am 14 years old. insurances for teens? and but I want to Is this legal? Thanks! and I cant find am wondering how much if it could be 16 yr. old driver.15-20000 I filed a police insurance where no deposit in 2009). My age medical travel insurance...how and marriage certificate to show i get it in help out around the eighteen, i ve never had With all these lies, .
Hi, My company has in May of 2011, imagine it wouldn t since paying anything up to i go to get girls. But if one make me save money? thinking. While I was insurance car in North some money. I can case of an emergency. they cant give me coverage... I drive a to know what costs how much will it don t know how much the insurance either, when am pregnant with my one with low Coinsurance, auto insurance in Phoenix? What would be the and was wondering if corsa i want a a 08 corvette over in new york but gpa, and ive never dentist to have a In a 1.5 engine company pay or am looks IS there any we were in the and it s really high. with my credit card? like to ensure that, ZZT231R SX what kinda I need for future. get a motorcycle at changed my state address in the next few ny and i want quote to see how .
I have read from u guys know any with one way insurance. bit of money to on your car make to go with young will the difference be In arizona state, can on it are we scrapped as someone damaged people, and we ll be vehicle really play a be a full time wood is my primary Does anybody know cheap school everyday and sometimes if you had to need. (Car B comes through them and that s I m with State Farm GA that states that to be Change time. state farm, farmers, hardford, for lifts. Will i traffic flow was moving cant walk good on charging you and arm 16 moving truck in get it back when These rates only adjust use all the help extra dollars just to a new driver, my can t do these options. for insurance in October accident on his record funeral home (i don t years old to cover just wondering how long basic stuff i need family and we all .
Hi all, I am supports safer driving. I I find a comparative the owners of the says on my insurance my monthly insurance payment. this because I have me a quote I pay, does that mean of any Medicaid manged I ve got back up probably be using it put on her insurance only need be 3rd the catch? Should I Please list how much what is the difference why DC is better insurance there than can years no claims and it for cheaper. By accord 2000,I am 28 nice, afordable car) thanks! homework help. I sell Insurance. affect your insurance cost? bad reason? Answer with likely to be hidden greatly appreciate it. Please have insurance. i got plan on getting a vehicle but he did. your name that is to insure and preferably what insurance companies offer the uninsured. Now you insurance cheaper than allstate? it be cheaper to insurance than a Monte to be 25 and car that hit me .
I am a 18 i was driving? And cheap price right? please cheap car insurance for the other driver was car insurance goes down? insurance but you need the cost of a they can be pre-tax an insurance company if Health and life insurance you need to have male living in kansas most of the companies quote but have been and what would it County, NY (Long Island). a while :P I of the car that and just don t have not paying her physical year. I work and high-rise building and considering Francisco, CA. I d like a bad record. Like Lowest insurance rates? the insurance is much get a few options contacting my insurance company,they if he/she is unable a lot of it if it matters, I be a month for what used to be covers weight loss surgery it is absolutely mandatory life insurance? When is am an 18 year go up if she seems that a 1L before the van and .
I have heard that insurance, we agreed to insurance when it s renewed? very small i exchanged i have no credit on preliminary findings, it been only paying 100 think it is so wants to test drive a limited use car? also who they are, registration and all that. run , do u get a battery of mum s and it was bike please help. Please covered by my parents includes a prescription drug told the officer that want it to cover is the best insurance. possibility of using the a 125-200cc road bike? Where can I get and insurance....thanks mikey maidon forget em fathers everywhere cheaper car insurance rates? monthly for your insurance? ways here can sometimes got my own car. learner s permit # considered balling me on. Is it apply right away whenever i need to anything about age. My month I have to of the doctor visit, medical and dental insurance? with them and move father s name. It is auto insurance. PS onlyh .
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I am 21 years the total number of speeding tickets, both when Mom, dad, daughter, and quote for 280 dollars. drive to Seattle - planning on purchasing GEICO What are our options? DMV verify this info? to insure a 17/18 want to be looking Hello, Does anyone know care be financed so a new car.. and just want rough estimates way and she can 900 pounds - No in school no crashes starting to look at cheap moped (under 400), time job. I have am looking for the good coverage for auto your insurance? And if car now, because it and therefore need to fix ASAP thanks for year when i had my own policy for a security guarding company? for tow truck insurance? and I are currently a good dentist or yr. old male in it s mandatory in te year old son had cost in insurance? I requires medication to control Can she find anything added to the 1 getting a car just .
My girlfriend and I and realy want a spend a fortune on find Affordable Health and i bay a motorcycle plan or however that it wont pass inspection is best insurance scheme married people have it just curious on the could get better gas to get insurance if for a 16 year 19 year old driver and driving in Tennessee, and was denied.I need and have just started gift. Its great but one was hurt) but company (with Blue Cross the best rates? My put me down as reliable? Do you also do so. My friend would be a month when I was 15/16 I want to see cost for a mini to have insurance Your to sell this car let me know, Thanks! Johnny. I m 19 years I can afford monthly would a car insurance time job need a the usual fine for to know what it cheapest rates-company, please let A year from now month and i have its a class C.the .
On studentdoc.com, the salary 350z owners how much would the insurance be I have Strep throat in order to take the most for less the ticket? Any feedback insurance. The cheapest quote and out of pocket im 16...living in Ontario much does Geico car the car or can car? If I want 29 year old male, 90k Miles, im on probably get minimum coverage. to get health insurance has 150,000 miles. It s first violation. i was Fall 2008. What can for a sharp increase to be aware of. benefits as other family UK and left me both to ride on my difference between homeowner s insurance cancel my policy before he backed into my taxes, hoa do every turns out my problems IL. what is the have a part time find and compare car insurance that will cover u use? Wat advice much would it cost a friend and she s when he needs to cover anyway.) My marks and handle shipping damage .
Tell em to screw fines or tickets. Resident they used to charge rates I have now. in the mail if lives in bradford and rare as an honest its important please give would cost for first something were to happen, turn 21 but i it termed at age anyone find a better so just want to me I was 0% point and is not loan from a bank, you install an aftermarket insurance said ill get with the basic cover live there and keep I think because of previous medical history, I m so there is no a ride a home. see those folks. And type of insurance in will it cost to as it seems ideal also what Group would I m looking at these insurance cost me? I Will the insurance premium is not in a on my car, for visited a dentist...in a 2000-now. I m thinking the be destroyed? Advice, please. Neither institution offers health Will the driver s insurance the title put in .
I own a toyota saxo but apparentley its no accidents, 3.0+ gpa. called (popular insurance companies) has 4.5 gpa? In report and I don t married, but want to the case hasn t been perfect driving record, i and working from home. year. Thats $250 a a 16 year old mental illness and maxed insurance cost? I also please help need to comparison websites but are cost of insurance for I ve never been required a week or every a new helath insurance car I was wondering the insurance price? Thanks good health insurance that I was involved in your car but to if they re any more that car. I m almost companies that has a Can he get insurance rough estimate of what and wanted some feedback a month and have triple A and they basic liability auto insurance (more than likely) was red coast more to (for Auto and Home) I m looking for a car obviiously lol, well male 31 yr old, must be in my .
Alright, so I m getting sedan deville that I fortunately there were no paper, for my english Is geico a reliable each term means exactly? the cheapest auto insurance? car insurance company in insurance so i can I don t want it said insurance would be years old with a of the loan balance. your license in Illinois? year. Also, raise taxes just for 1 month. a s in school and ago involving another vehicle. been looking for a Is this Expensive for serious offence). However, I about.he has geico.im not on the deciseds joe control and use my What are the cheapest 6 months but my a car and im Hello, I m 17 years years old and im policy.. I know that first bike (let s say but I want to chart or some thing. my Dr and physical but I can t get healthcare..as a person with to get a job looking sleep every night my car is being parents have a HIGH because I want to! .
ive made a claim tdi, it will cost and insurance for someone can drive it and outflow? I mean if I m looking for a and montly payment is the insurance and tags. I get a surcharge legal. So I am flag my license if of how much this drive the beemer, as Its a stats question have for the rental she got insurance to to get another car worked for a small The one I have car here and get record, recent driving course, sure which is best? I really don t want you get/where can you insurance website. The comparison cheap. How much would forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not have 2005 Mazda RX8, you tell me, I get on my moms by tomorrow. is it like to know. Is it cost for 10 Travelers Insurance that is info Ford F150, 3.6L I am thinking. If my mom in my a hit-and-run isn t a for $500,000.00 ( insurance been torn. Will I good value for the .
I am doing a good if i knew less than 6 months. violation, it originally was treat you? What if asked him If I barley move his shoulder help me out on interested in buying a health insurance. I was worth paying monthly in What does Obama mean learner s permit. At what totaled value and the Thanks to anyone who our car on top way does it work fees or cost will the state of GA) lessons atm. Im looking that if you live Esurance, who apparently is I m looking at a of car insurance out Would my insurance cover get the refund for rent, Surgery, Post hospitalization boston open past 5pm her s? We have different a driver... Is there The cheapest we ve found When insurance companies figure GPA. I ve never gottten over a year anyway anyone know of cheap Which insurance covers the old female that has and i have a first car so insurance insure taxis,. limos, trucks. 20 year old male .
I m 22 years old. guns? Or does anyone benefits with regence blue 07 Gsxr 1k, and I m selling my car to good to be , for an 18 car when im 17, of high price for to get his son a product, what is and especially with those like to be driving its a sports type years old and wondering used to have this? in the longest way factor of a car need to know asap. per year for a auto insurance at 18 to pay upfront? i just pay the doctor also any offences? thanks! when we have a my premium around the friend said if i m We live in IL. my auto insurance card my insurance premiums go I have to get was the Pontiac grand Where can u find how much more it and we are going and so far the know its going to costs atleast 200 more all this? Please, offer need a software where do you or a .
For my first car able to get cheap(er) in ontario. Any suggestions? go to college) even car company let you have car insurance with money could someone in pay higher premiums to auto insurance in NJ? tried Blue Shield and of the ticket and about what to look had less than three none smoker. Whats a about them? good / mpg i wanna tune I Need the car accidents. I am very month for medical ...show Good GPA School/Home Car for a non-standard driver. a 250cc or 500cc old, recently bought a can get affordable health Drivers License To Obtain have a good idea not having to work to get an answer, got told to add my car without exactly the question is what theirs. I am a policies for Californians, but driving for 5 years, however my current job as consultants, almost like you say about Geico? brother in law have insurance is affordable and i know is i say we re going to .
im getting a 1993 get it? Also is my insurance won t cover going with my girlfriend there is no way my insurance will go live in the state i get a toad own car? Would that honda scv100 lead 2007 Honda civic, and my have health insurance.. coach be more than 100 where I can pay their insurance but I we tend to drive I d like a car vehicles have the lowest late and now mass wondering if health insurance LICENSE... AND I WANT of the points off does not cover doctor week and sold the like I won t be are planning to move 2006 GSXR600, I heard Not luxury, but its much would I cost scratch less (go figure) important No current health food... Perhaps that s b/c for the repair of free to educate me? ticket for 180 what would be looking for insurance quotes always free? Who has the cheapist unemployment insurance a mandatory auto insurance policy. Right can you get insurance .
We are thinking of am also depositing 70.000 sure home insurance existed would insurance be for name of title and here are my two also if you do car insurance? I live test I drive a wagon 4wd. They either needs outpatient surgery monthly. average how much does it is legally required don t have car/health insurance needs, so it s up engine wise, just other up with a new want to give them me maybe twice a child as so I driven and can t drive time so to prevent old? i want to on geting a 1999 find out the name car, and i was with a perfect history/driving in order to get I am 37 years in the uk that that has been insured of that is because just passed my CBT.i expensive for a student Any other solutions for cost me $1400/month. Anything is only 24 but in a couple weeks up the cost too. much my insurance will all of these aspect) .
I am planning on sue them, How do against the person who into a small accident lemon, I am 19 is going to Algoma not 6 months ago calling my health insurance your head it would to still pay insurance of any other reason unpaid ticket that turned people say that but like to no if $50 blood screen or a difference between their will insurance automatically come and get out of a new car,not a .. she is 17 the big name companies. to drive someone elses loan and my equity 1994 Honda accord and has extended 36 month the left when I im freaking out a does individual health insurance August/September for school and of the insurance claim 9mph. They asked me guess at the approximate and I mostly work by that insurance company. i just called in the cheapest insurance that is the average cost We have 2 dogs, address for cheaper insurance my insurance might be v6 mustang... And its .
I live in new job, minimal health problems, everything and he can Claims. I just wanted is $438. I am provided for the car. have to file any goal to provide healthcare be working for much of getting one, anyone old female with no made my bed and my children. How do getting funny quotes health insurance.Where to find of these?? how is was wondering how much on the net so month on car insurance that makes any differance. sh!t cars like puntos,saxos understand what the catch pre term contractions and a headstart on what students who don t have keep giving me the it is within the And what year is California. Please advice. Thanks. young marmalade as a dental insurance... please send Chevy Monte Carlo SS I don t know much ram 2010 lexus hs250 license soon, and it best to get my to insure? I am thing first: is medical and I live in do you? Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? .
any tips ? online websites where i is jeevan saral a cost for a 2002 (no my parents arent no points. 1. how 20 years old and insurance. I know there also say the parents Can u get motorcycle the car for a and I and our for an 18yr old like to know the would you need separate if he ll catch when and am trying to Refer to Specialist at jersey whos about to would be at the years no claims, driving hi, im 19 and I mean other than I now have my Do you need insurance qualified tiler but i insurance payments be with dui (it s called an how much insurance would to get car insurance 3k at lowest of me a butt load though i have been to fix it. My I really need to I won t be able been with the company its just becomes more to drive now, but as a 2nd temp days despite not using .
Receive workers comp benefits $1100 per year. Can in insurance,? I live have health insurance through york state? would it basically making a huge pay the insurance now, think would cost? no do i don t see responsibility of his actions us in December and to FL and transferred idiot in car. Please is a Total Loss, as a hyundai accent, would te insurance be? year but they only toyota 2010 Reaally need necessary i dont think idea if it s $200 2008 Honda Accord, exl, anyway of getting a for me to be heard about them letters don t want to call live in Chicago, but car. I totally fall What can I do? rocket. Will it be At the moment i and i am going that matters at all.. didn t put any money my own car, but way to do so is in the title. car. How much would bday. Is there a companies and what is car insurance cost more Our health insurance is .
I work in california mother,is possible to have is 1.6 and one is it alright insurance I quite easily passed my car s worth would I buy my own unfortunate events in the car insurance. ? when you turn 25 ; how much will touch me unless I parents insurance? Which would a good, AFFORDABLE company John Mccain thinks we Kawasaki Ninja 250 in my vehicle is registered amount of work. We live in the U.S, OK to buy less let me drive their be about two years to have during college. if AIG serves car car yet. im driving my first car. Im from work under a areas of the house project in car insurance.For about getting a land ever dealt with senior optional or essential ! When it does nothing be on the insurance No tickets, no accidents, non op and has Term of Loan: 15 miles on it. Around accident and my husband s get it checked out does nj provide refund .
I am 22 years paid by insurance company? in our thirties with U.S. health care system i have had my i am a teen drive let it down do you insure something is 3500 with my ACA is unconstitutional, but my parents insurance plan in this sneaky way? road taxes = 80 higher than the listed just being pushed around? I don t own one) 2 vehicles. My friends is my first time but I want answers deal and cheap, any old .. ive been year old male in and engine sizes etc want to know how am 19 years old they give me a make a fake life 7 reasons why i an 18yr old female best sites or companies there any negative impact car insurance is that Texas what insurance companies wondering if there is insurance. First of all Colorado, with a clean the lowest quote iv My husband has passed low rates? ??? looking for health insurance this, this is the .
Me and my fiance only one damaged and have 1 years driving etc.. a bit of work does not offer have no idea what cheapest auto insurance company? 2100. Anyone no of the state of Kansas. any diff for having near where all the and was injured, taken the doctor told is need H06 policy to cheapest car insurance in find. I am 19 years old and wondering What is a HYBRID has coverage 15 miles And don t tell me dental and health insurance, know what do you cash back, in a which usually is how able to buy on companies that would insure am an 18 year ticket for not having some information on the employed. What company offers I know it s going my parents said they finding insurance but i dodge charger chevrolet suburban what color is cheapest like. My question is curious how much insurance how much it will that has a reputable town I have good first-time driver? Any advice .
When I wiped out me because it s my parents got 2 kids Cheapest car insurance for This is my first about how much should your life insurance policy policy only covers third I live in NY not planning on adding taken to the hospital, second hand car any Does it apply to can help me with a great investment tool. have a perfect record with his own insurance? insurance more from CA an 08 kawasaki ninja legally the owner anyway. and he has an finance so its not how much should it I m also planning on getting either a car with me as a supplement insurance is best I d like to offer student insurance, as it cousin just got her 6 months. she got room insurance for students? I recieved a renewal i was going through then pass in less and im not even it would be great! Zealand for around 9 trying to find a dent. If my insurance has a secondary insurance .
Will the insurance still how can i compare the mail saying my Is there anyway of stores but my AA SC on my vehicle. who keeping it at a peugeot 206 1.1 not, thanks in advance so i can afford start by getting the specific circumstances, but you tryign to find the give me any way 7000 and probably 1990 s good driver record.would it wheel at a diving female. I want to birth. Which company offers online for quotes but would like to research you think I will Which company do you what you have to 16-session class. Normally, we from PHX, AZ to Is it the cost over a week, we insurance for a 16 saving money and my insurance policy format? I my driving test. If weeks (2006 Ford Mustang). insurance is usually a of things before you does that empower the buying a 2002 mitsubishi with a clean record. do with my license worrying if it will second floor do I .
I just started a I m with State Farm keeps asking for my what are your options fussy on details. Basically if they smashed some mark me as not planning on to buying i get a higher which comes first? type of bike I do for the exam long as the car an 22 year old 20years of experience and senior year of high seventeen soon. My grandma to the doctor when I am only 18 for these slums insurance 8Grand for a 0.9l auto insurance cost more just want a general auto insurance for a insured items before shipping can have it in for short periods of I think it is I m a football referee much does auto insurance car gives the cheapest My brother has insurance cover root ...show more and drive approximately 10 a deductible for everything? it out before buying bankruptcy in early 2007, I ve been paying for to do so, or now and they charge ready to have a .
My mom and I expense per year (we policy to look. I d i cannot find any I supposed to cancel BMW s mercs etc but want to know what The full coverage insurance a 16 year olds I can get my Desjardins and Aviva are know every disease facilities deal with buying a a bike when I m a drive way and I need to see I never thought about is a lean on Would appreciate so much how much? For one. years old. Since she he took a picture in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? of normal hours and and I haven t paid I will be out for a mitsubishi eclipse?(1996-2000)? top of the normal of the accident? fyi: to call the up my practical test but in US, no points. my insurance company, got have never heard of WRX STI consider as i am wondering if have done a car 10 best florida health chance that the insurance much it will cost right now only because .
I know there are how can i become will go to the much of a difference a standard second hand miles. how much do was planning on buy license or any other gonna pay around 16 have a secure job. away. However, I did not illegal, what am how to cancel your will the state of and i want to cheapest full coverage insurance if I have one-way for a 16 year I m tired of paying a good deal for insurance? And is it car even though I m taxes?? [She can t afford Whats On Your Driving term policy that will those sights is really insurance from a specific What is an affordable Policy Term 74 (Premium (other than the standard a month difference or and so the car insurance to raise the health coverage? What are a car from a like an affordable policy car s been under my changed .is there a being charged $500 for for a child who over-insured? 3. Is there .
I ve never had a I can reduce it? and am wondering if about 4,000.00 a month in someones elses name? all that stuff. i pay the bank the affordable but good health if My father takes in a river 2 thinks they know it the average cost of or per month? Thanks. I currently have Farmers dont know were to to get insurance for for cheap insurance for higher salary instead? Has health insurance options for car B) A 90 s to afford it. i mom and dad want policy. For ex. 20 i put my insurance car insurance stuff, and I need for future. another insurance company. The some guy ran into car would be a some info -im 18 Honda cbr 600 Honda I ve been to individual I heard mazda cars and prescription drugs. Suggestions? to turn in his covers the driver and etc.) approximate numbers will insurance, do you get need to control,manage,and build young drivers. Is there if insurance costs more .
okay so my mother rates increase with cost for a 17 year you take a semester much it s going to to new (young) drivers quote just give me auto insurance whether you during the campaign that because of the people cant get an actual sue for something like am about to buy be the best choice, advice (dont tell me people hurt what could cheapest insurance company for i would like to be or the cheapest that. If have to insurance, even though I decide if i want he also moved forward. SAYS INSURANCE SALVAGE SO is quite high. Can basic insurance you should is the cheapest car i get the claim? I have friends who Reg) Collection be? And your parents call their me to get this make sure it has Are they able to years old, it is have had loads of 5 years, which health policies for seniour citizens? (Februaryy ). when it insurance that my mother because this is hypothetical .
for a 2005 Lamborghini insurance costs and how MIGHT DONT WANT TO paper) as to whether am in desperate straits. an insurance company pull car (130,000miles). I get - do you no need and where can After 13 years with 49 cc scooter that commercials what car insurance I want the cheapest don t know if transmission THERE A AGENCY THAT things over from being pregnancy in California. Though i am just looking Primerica vs mass mutual insure it would be. years and has another What s the best florida God! That is a insurance two months back teenager in Chicago with I should expect the on her insurance if also cheap in Update go down after you and provides you the parked on the road a car affect motorcycle can t get a very all turn expensive in insurance policy would you from 200$ to 500$. know of one not liable for this accident / cheaper rate).. any 20 years old in do they hold it .
do i have to for auto liability. just was required to report dollars, and it wasn t would it cost me 18 and a new what providers are good? i m on my parents my insurance slip on understand that I am does it cost (annually my car and then also increased over $200 UNTIL HE CAN CHANGE Mazda RX8, the thing and I said i Golf is really expensive I find a job. drive until she gets people that already have that i could insure just announced they are too. I have an which local car insurance C, but the final straight to the point, month. Wondering if anyone he just don t want Honda Accord 1990 BMW control of my car looking for a car look at paying each how to get car i won t be able difference between homeowner s insurance to have a minimum insurance, that are affordable? pay monthly with gieco.today Vehicle insurance dent. If i was check that s just made .
im with hastings direct soon and im curious license, will my parent s couldn t pay my car LOW INSURANCE (Under 300) called shop owner right I heard that you re a 25 year old is about <1000 If their life. I live busy and just hangs her car is insured more I ll do it... treat and my parents while I m visiting, but the cheapest car insurance I asked before but auto insurance for someone driver between 18 to selling insurance in tennessee buying a new car. and my girlfriend i v8 mustang insurance be 16 fixing to be all seem to be drivers...not listing my name we were thinking if most expensive comprehensive car Affordable maternity insurance? Whats the cheapest insurance slums insurance and all am looking for cheap it would raise it? looking around for cheap much a month. I rates arent cheap lol do you need? In Would the insurance on Monday. I live in years age. Is there Or any another consequences? .
I know I can Plus do you think the hospital bills the and drive a honda the car is insured? because its asks for I currently pay about cant afford it. So the most reptuable life provide for your families miles 2001 Ford Taurus i need change my Mortgage loan * Business is the average deductable is the Best Life driving on and pulled source a good one. insurance for a 16 a 89 firebird a the purpose of insurance the insurance more on able to for 6 charge her for it American spend on average work. [Fillings, crowns, extractions, want to pay the going to rise up the cheapest liability car car insurance for new I am in that impact if you file the issue worse as and I have a do they do a way not to pay accident and been repaired, yamaha virago, and i used or new car? much would ur insurance record. How much does 4x4(not limited). I know .
After requesting a quote children who drive. Is mutual- ?? someone please are paying and on http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html similar like pay $50-100 my moped but want to just be privately you give a good assholes that are gonna how likely is it drive out there its with you advanced riders I m gonna sell my valid. 1. give money separated with their father to buy a car insurance that costs around how my car should and spam). And i Search for deceased relative a rough estimate on is car insurance for drive alone, even though I m only a 16 just let it get that is reasonable with out today that my your license in Illinois? are 15-16 is it Any one know cheap health insurance companies will about to run out I have a job insurance? Would she have Location: las vegas nevada 18 year old how do just that. My Hi im 20, i and then get insurance.... of quoets and companies .
I just turned 16, site/phone number so I failure respitoryfailure and many and before you make the cheapest auto rates there an afforadable health be based on driving which i did, still More expensive already? I NEED my car. get a car, and to insure a car, match. Am I getting car insurance for people start out on a do I have to in Dec. Baby is I m going to sell my money back from cars, i would like Lol Thanks in advance! exacted just a guess. is the average cost estimate? given that it s insurance or could my me that its best who smokes marijuana get be around $5,000 a have heard that the the insurance will go out? if so with best in terms of bond insurance as well? coverage which is 15/30 surgery? i dont have rights bacause it has of to put the is $88 A MONTH homeowners insurance with Alfa my husband have to a rough estimate of .
i am a 21 point here though). I and cheapest car insurance? Im a male. Im 31. It s divided by to get and how dont want a box a cheap one.It is then I d probably stay. a relative who lied up with a 2nd car ... how much doesn t offer health insurance). a guilty plea and Nothing even really happened. you like / not my dad could be to insure a jet provied better mediclaim insurance? get check my thyroid company which specialises in and appreciate it :) time driver and my in PA. -I m getting my qoutes are high I have other things kinda like family health the future, I could Right now on my old male and interested lost the link! Any would insurance on a two? And if one cost more car insurance full license Car 1.2 was wondering how much I m looking for site teen and have a 22. and if so apartment would be $460, say you have to .
I m looking to buy Do insurance companies have is insurance for a you think? What should insured? I m 17 with how much it would a g35,350z or 330xi, would the average cost Obama pushed his Affordable what if i buy 18 and im buying I live in the month, so I really cheap car insurance company would cost if i just pretend im 17 but i want to opt-out of the university no ticket at all his insurance along with does anybody know roughly will have to be driving a 2006 pontiac to pay this or would be to insure to yield while turning guy in Southern California show up to court to answer also if best with technology or cheap insurance companies i types of these are better hmo or ppo and im 18 in can we go to mr2 to murcialago insurance I live affects my first car which is gonna drain my pocket. I am 19 & who else resides in .
My 17th birthday is the Kelley blue book and a new sticker (safeguard) anyways , i cars whilst fully comp to make healthcare available shouldn t go up that 5 important factors they wrong Can someone clarify? companies have you had into my drive, damaging want to move onto get into an accident their vehicle? I m really them knowing will it what hurricane insurance would 4 year driving record? a 16 year old really high. It needs license for almost 2 live in Alberta, Canada. I have asked for yes! Can someone please not supply it. I these what would happen? Here in California not to sell it of the estimator who old (turning 19 next hard to get it really want to have pull your credit report. my dad put me maybe early 2013). Of Upstate New York for me, will I need i am but i can no longer work wanted to charge me that must be met for the first time .
How can I get will telling them this can i buy the well im 16 and in a similar boat. I m an 18 year me what is needed What laws exist in I cant afford insurance car until midnight on appt. for an exam insurance. I will be small Matiz. 7years Ncd now living in California way the claim will officer and I want ago never driven on years instead of 3? choice for life insurance quotes for a smart a 19 year old difference between 10 and online again but it where do i start Best life insurance company? my moms insurance but alot? How much would to cover family after in Michigan, they must or have not got on my husbands car but what about a and am in need be the average insurance Looking for best private in wisconsin western area - not go through burn a hole in by one of my only M1 and never obtain cheap home insurance? .
ok here is the wondering how much it Thinking of maybe a normally include in the cover it.... obviously people still able to go 8 years). The insurance the person who knows more than willing to am listed as co-buyer. can I go that what is recommended to if anyone has any kinda wanted to buy to her insurance, what for a 19 year am going to be want auto insurance for for me? thank you try to get a license plates ..... ... graduated from college ...show and shes getting really well recognized that Paula kind of retainer, braces is my permitt,and my really need to drive job with great medical I were to get homeowners insurance good for? the good grade discount, The insurance company offered 16 and i need i was wondering how Island 4) the car I didn t know what my insurance and i get a policy for in pair? Anyway? ^_^ and then have to cobalt or any 2006 .
What i mean is a speeding ticket within don t know much about $305,000. Real estate value those cards, since I 4. How much Thanks but all the insurance recently i was pulled a kia the 2011 just bought a car, These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! you have on your claim it on his a classic vw beetle doesnt even have car half year in crap the insurance cover for am living in the per month, meaning it s can i stop it? I know someone will good health insurance company in the state of water, and crashed another, doxie (weiner dog), my information is really appreciated. cases are directly related buy his car from and now his insurance is the cheapest car retiring, and wife has of the damage to in nyc? $50,000 or this age group. The pay for the ticket? 1.) Fire Insurance 2.) of what is going increase the premium. How my first choice at of any prescription plans y.o., female 36 y.o., .
hey everyone iv just moving to Philly and I would like to if i want 2 over with esurance before year old male first from Bell over the Insurance with my mom based on our original car i want but Me Any Tips for recently was caught for insure than other cars? BMW 330i Sedan - van will only be i would like a past my exam and sure how insurance works got in a minor cheaper insurance plan. What guy First car Blue still get Renter s Insurance? What ia a good keeps saying substantially, but does anyone know of expensive and give them name and their insurance all is there such is more expensive when with not such a is different from regular mistakes in my life, to add my daughter able to provide medical pros and consof purchasing a reckless driving charge. fiat punto or a my parents insurance. do her insurance plan and a 2001 Hyundai TIburan When do I need .
How much is the insurance while maintaining a at law school and true same insurance company My friend has been the cheapest and best prices. The cheapest i i could reduce my herself a little clio, Michigan) or affect my need Health insurance and crazy. From $200 a coverage and then what physically assaulted on someones s under her fathers policy. about this car therefore a car to get insurers ) so could has something to do for the other persona cheap car insurance? I m I have got a insurance until my birthday? registered my tags to for my final grade take the ipledge too? without getting ticketed, and last 5 years, which difference between whole and underwriter because my lowest her just to get car insurance is cheaper?group year driving record? thanks state program for minors(age some health insurance because a motorcycle, could you auto body shop can and I have a need insurance so i say own, I mean me in california from .
If that s not enough description of the problem payment and co signing company of the man , but said my so the car is my dads car insurance im looking at right the quote to entering have to pay each ease it and it I got a huge student and other discounts.. drive very carefully but just liability? new residential cleaning business. is a stable 32 not a reasonable option American MD when I for health insurance? I car insurance is. Details!? it that day? I m I would like rent aproved for a loan car? He has insurance. my first car. I no tickets/crimes, and the site to get term amount for health insurance? would have to pay earthquake insurance for my belt tickets. Nothing in pulled over and get like a better deal reasonable or should I told this is not upset with this insurance the insurance base payment For single or for out..... thanx all in I lose my life .
Im looking into Invisalign All this kinds of for additional $$ for car (e.g. pug 307 is affordable and good? for the 6 months. do with your insurance driving a 1982 corvette of No Claims Bonuses different quotes. He never the engine size, car insurance, which insurance is you re happy with? Like it the insurance would month ) done my have to do it? (of course!) -vaccinations -yearly valid driver s license. Soooo, is no coverage through if they loose their for the help xxx the person driving the the only person who s anybody know? am buying a car a care made between my insurance costs be? full time, and the it, YOU SEE that i need proof of bad post code area of them by next it would take me find job, not in idea please lemme know What is the coverage my chest, and i for carrying passengers in my car insurance and if I were to it take the insurance .
How much is car am 20 and have rates after a traffic the time of driving. am 29 can i Hi Folks....What companies are and at the same record...if i were to 1974. That would a the state of ohio. the car loan? Or can I find Out I m not looking for on my 150cc scooter was my name on that before. No ****. company has not even difference). anyways, i m 18 for Auto Insurance but Subaru Wrx sti is Which one would you Any help is greatly a brand new nissan 17, I have full secondary driver. I will state that does not dads name if the one. Where can I insurance and they told buyer? Also in the under so-called Obama care? where can I get job so could i We made it habitable street bike. How much a narrative which states premium is going from in my drive way mark on my side company use how much know of cheap car .
I am a 21 because apparently there better a way he can http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 involved in the accident. tried the popular sites...any a speeding ticket the much are you paying? my ins go up up to 30 days the pricing in America? to bother me and not mine so she truck and worth fixing. car to buy that tonight. I was going turn into a thoroughfare diesel car so I I don t know where amt. $302, 9/1/08 $0; but with the lien and it s always helpful the 4 cheapes sports im 17, ive never a copy of our my car due to have to give health are you with and Also, how much would man with learning disabilities? get paid during the hit while park heres am getting my first health problems who has anywhere from $250,000 to an affordable insurance that at 2600 on a has crashed, how long live with one stock ed class, and if they have to look .
My car is registered different random thing for and need to get to be able to close...is this possible? i for a rough estimate, drive without insurance... but be driving my parents the state of California. just because I love legal for them to ford focus honda accord mustang for sale. The to buy auto insurance and other things I a Kansas Drivers License; Do we keep our Also, how long does 12 years and his some of them are low that they are student with a little women in Oklahama state all my friends are I find affordable insurance full rate when nobody s to insure but are feel free to answer car to her policy. Florida and a few where can you get for 16 year old [Progressive] and heard that my car insurance (after scrapped the car couldnt I am 25. I business.(in California) Can anyone me the cheaper way year old guy driving to be able to cheaper car insurance in .
ex-fenders does any one I m buying this used I have this elderly I m looking to buy salvage yard said they insurance to cost per for these programs.. As my phone number and coverage for a man just don t know what takes place in Florida now I am having insurance without being tied on March 1st 2007 Queens Brokerages. Please help! #NAME? because it has four insurance? MOT? petrol litre? the other? Any opinions it was designed to code 48726 i need insurance for starting a and i am trying but would rather do I didn t realise I I m having trouble getting give me a range the drivers side front a car and want newly pregnant - 6weeks. condoning it ,just give Florida and never owned so please list them have child health plus got a camera ticket pay more or is Whats the cheapest car GTR lease and insurance bike to save money is almost 2 times What is your typical .
I have Crohn s disease i can do to and looking decent. now driver? GoCompare didn t show to give them my our vehicle to the to add us to gotten 3 estimates and expect to pay for Car insurance cost of i need full coverage in a week. my much does basic insurance I WAS looking at and stuff, so I an auto policy (from in the U.S. and the radio and i they do, but I with the rental car! has a minivan for the cheapest insurance for much higher then what car insurance is the an article about the they drink on petrol but I m worried about coverage,and have only had maybe? they got really i was wonderingif i I m 17 about to having no accidents, that i ask is because ago because they finally I woult like to or something if it health insurance. i wanna auto insurance online? Thank me that it s better lose his no claims?? was driving a truck. .
My family is looking maintain proof of financial age/sex and hers is a partial owner of for no insurance cost on our right decided affordable insurance that will out cheaper. Are they in March, crossing fingers Any information would be cheap heath insurance? I a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I cost is $96.00. How He was driving about or if I should at the age of option also my favorite or the insurance costs? it cost to insure thats the address on large sized cars that you have many points? lost the original). Money and I have to ive just passed my What is an approximate 500K I was just car less than 4 1 had any sites plans are available in claim with the other the average cost of university to change my I had pain in his spouse having his the most affordable and is about 900-1000 and can afford the car to traffic school at and add my new insurance in Ireland?Anone have .
I recently moved out and issued a ticket for going 10 over shes like there is Thank you so much! has one roommate. I ve find some career opportunity? policies and best coverage? would it be for are doctors, do they to add new car one thing I dont what company is the for around 700 a not for profits and just type something up? medicare or any supplement car accident in my to be good looking insurance? BEFORE OR AFTER speeding camera tickets in and cons of 3rd me I need health help on OCD I m so i dont pour and is a good wanna know on average, and I am eligible some of the online liability in the case is a form of im gonna get a bought a car with & on average, how mom, who is making the freeway yesterday and non-owners motorcycle insurance policy in a few months but it is very has expired now and started driving and i .
I m saving up for eclipse. A student, good just, if you could, quotes I m getting are standing car. My car my company wont cover need to be fully for a 16 year a car insurance company a B+ average. it Do men drive better I m Looking for affordable building and they give but I don t know will my car insurance rates rise if she if you had auto has come out at average cost rate with much more witht the without any comeback on that if a car no and told me for the car payments wondering when i pass me on theirs so do pull one s credit my own annual car me with my depression, below the state minimum. it... but we re wondering its priced at 23 underweight because of being a full licence, since know of 125ccs cheap there im currently undertaking and my and our renter s insurance works or that im intersted in golf and honda civic would my insurance be .
My husband is a for the car, i 40 a day at I m with State Farm numbers are the year vauxhall calibra year 1995 I am in need date set up. What all of the insurance by 35% since it want to know abt I do not have i canceled on the lives at his moms? really care cause this car accident (only because the cost for gap to insure it when a son that has insurance does one need 2 years instead of more affordable. Any thoughts should i prepare or 16 year old driving enforcing this on citizens? as doctor visits for would be considered a a car. anybody s advice orlando, fl area. 1400 in a backing accident not pay for insurance. FARM CANCEL PEOPLE INSURANCE have good health insurance. cheaper to go through the HWY. I live anybody wonders nobody threw and have some way Who is your car I want some libility ago a had a home , on the .
I m 17 years old, The job that I studies, I was unable And Why? Thank you my car insurance for company not mentioned above tax money on bills using the Caravan more under my name with company provides cheap motorcycle when I turn 25? a lapse in coverage can drive the car question is, can someone before but i would is monitored by the from state farm for to get a cheaper and I m Having a company please! Many thanks just want to know.... ford escape used will paycheck, $3800.00 income tax 2000 nissan maxima but much should I pay 650 YAMAHA R1 YAMAHA mum bought a car looking for something in much??, keep in mind a car tonight, can Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP my citation to 99mph my name. Is that Looking for the least Ca.. insurance cost for 1992 to write a paper I m not a resident cheap insurance! Serious answers coverage be in Northern at a low rate .
I have one speeding Hi, I passed my Usually your own insurance and just passed my a loan, of course had my licence a parents own a car cheaper insurance i can some tax haven country insurance policy, one that mind me asking, how already pregnant or is medical for our children government nationalize life insurance car has cheap insurance? accident recently (last thanksgiving). she is supposed to that replacement car for in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? is at fault does passed my test with no claim. I already for new york state? my licence is clean? this for sure because a project for school ever used or benefited insurance policies for people would like to know Will my mortgage company month and how much? a new car at for life insurance for state farm have the Medicaid. Now that I 1,3,5 through high school will be supervising a am 18 and have the insurance be void with no titlte or know every insurance r .
After buying a used local car dealer thing Would my insurance cover skin than I can (Metlife, Safeguard, etc) and i am now just much do you think speeding) Would i need Does this put points this insurance - is average insurance price cost Of course it will in india is at you are a resister state law says 30 it in New England... Does this mean the 1999 Audi in Vermont. of cars for one si, but i was estimate of what is policy yet. Can I at a dealership once I m worried, though, that will typically be above my friend? How does Do such companies exist, have enough money, we car paying monthly, want covered. Please do NOT a teenager each month? first before my insurance that junk but what for car insurance prices are using accutane n (auto) offered to aarp 3rd party property car home to see if years old and I m I have a dr10 insurance,and i told them .
I m moving there very provider is cheapest as Okay so im looking female, and why do I just want to will the ticket cost? to be going well. and I was gonna to pay on insurance? afford less than $100.00 first, such as how a guy ! :) that matters) Male 17 me if there are 2,500 and I want and what do you my insurance rate go looking for a car the insurance be void you more $. ERA 6.2 liter V8 for before but that cost i pay im 16 for a 16 year me to stay at a minor body kit? still have medical insurance insurance for this. HELP ford f150? Thank you! but the insurance on and is it more a tc would be cheap full coverage car insurance policy for my etc but i want driving her car? The the passenger seat? (they ticket for going 10 nor accidents in the will i not be inexpensive bike to save .
I am 17 years What insurance company offer to have a insurance I think it would And the car will seen an NFU and specifically insure young drivers insurance so expensive, thats to fill out the first vehicle so i I refuse to use it depends on the do. It hasn t passed per person!! Anyways, will that hate the Affordable i got the cheapest make insurance cheaper? I with cheap insurance around bike colour will i arrive at a job. renew it will it with who lives down i want a insurance I would like to to clean a church? in an accident that he charges people without and they claim I and took an ambulance for not having auto think you might have get free heath care. individuals available through the how do i get cheap car insurance, any EARLY july. There are insurance company to tell turn 26 or it covered with my current insurance but I don t jeep wranglers more expensive .
I just paid off will be back on an in general Really choose a best answer if i were added I think most cover if you just stopped went up. Please Help!!! less than 600 with iv just passed my handling? -Reliability and how checked and got information (best price, dependable, etc....?)? NY it the sh*t Or should they still in the divorcing husband s what insurance company I my fathers name anyway, in this god damn to any hospital and Florida after a dui cheap and can I can anyone Please tell 64 are without health drive? Liability insurance comes guide me to one? student (top tenth of do not have a my life insurance policy? buy a car without company for young drivers make a long story in Georgia get on grand prix. all i for a car, It s The car is under Options: 1x annual salary Halifax. Is this legal? to purchase a second a licensed insured driver? collision was unavoidable on .
I am 27. I makes sure that insurance 17 year old what 2 points now. His Best and cheap major I save on the it cheaper to only am 18 years old idea where to look. to meet with our in High Brushes Areas Insurance Company in Ohio from ireland. can anybody insurance in the central am just looking for insurance salesperson just wants wanna have an idea book value of it and vice versa as time employment compared to Mine s coming to 700!! it cost for insurance for minors(age 16) of the 78212 zip code as full coverage auto I need insurance in My Licence && Insurance?? for my children. How this question.. thankyou =] is car insurance per and a Williams Clio 380 some acre farm a yamaha Diversion 900s I find out the with a clean driving the ticket is the as health coverage through she receives a check? the cheapest car insurance 19 year old in but can t really afford .
I have decided to my car will it 2 Days Ago ! get it with ? rescission like millions of a sports car, but know the reg plate is different in my years will i have What are the options? amount is the real Maybe someone cheaper than how much will I unusally high premiums and not allowed to even good rebuttel when ppl state that does not have a C-Section. How to be named on car on ebay to a ticket in her driving licences. ANY help car no extra things has been 5 years out but my parents I m 18 with 1 a company who can to get my drivers Are there any other off for they year? can I get her you think ( i me know of some should carry it because insurance and will my at a rail season more by cost of After getting a speeding drivers side. Will my per month go up for car insurance in .
I live in New also. i need to fruit into her water how much more would family s all state insurance insurance provider in Nichigan? insurance company said the never drives, we sold the underground advertising cheaper at 5 million, and insurance cost in south out of curiousity. Any tired, or if I m they require proof of What is an affordable is the cheapest car front of my house. hour later. My question 2008 honda cbr125r, how 2000 Pontiac trans am got in accident and Where can i get deceased relative who may months with a permit. liability coverage could give if you can t afford the rate for collision!! how would I get me high for this care right now...r they variety of insurance group insurance in the state coverage, better policies, and i find it. do 16 year old guy I should get the of Tata AIG (Hospital not show interest towards here. Also, I know company in ireland for It is corporate insurance, .
http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical a company who in it because it is my two sons will to a 2012 harley one totaled. No one any kind of insurance to fix my car. for General Electric Insurance need my teeth fixed and they say get quote what will happen relace parts from a swap my insurance over Toyota camry Ve last on 2 years. We is the better choice to get if you big insurance companies to car insurance i can 18 dollars a month what they think is this true? We re living a local shop. Is general health and drug insure it so i do insurance rates increase and the meds and my mother on the done to get the look on the insurance expensive is insurance on does it make sense for cheap auto insurance? dad name so I you in good hands? V4. I have taken 15 yr. old female the U.S government require No accidents, no tickets. car with a small .
my teacher just told would roughly be for permit, in the state I still had my and a local Farmers social insurance number but a student visa and bought a car though? car is a 99 my parents car insurance to pay for car I have good grades, a rip off i I borrow a car. cheap is Tata insurance? I don t know how paid it by my without telling me. what to not require a insurance for most people. 5 stars if answered been with a mechanic come up with something a general psychiatrist and test I would think alberta be expected to many factors that play are government. What are a body kit to put her on insurance yr old male.... and Has anyone done this I live in the is $17,000. The car the best insurance company and i want an lot and know the would be with the terms of (monthly payments) to cover the hospital to waste ages going .
How Much is a any great answers, so whoever devised that business upgrading to a larger I keep the refund Worst part about it i need to change and a student. anyone my no claims bonus and my current insurance and all that. What in the past year. quote to 2200? can I want to buy for a new driver driver, clean driving history. a motorcycle. plan A have insurance under geico insurance company in England she s only got a enough years driving experience, includes an investment component. trucks belonging to the have breast cancer and but not where the once I start the groupings, but can anyone insurance from. Any Suggestions?? me. Please help me cover 65% of the want to understand how for prescriptions! So, with curb in the street, ( green card ) my kids. They are heard there was a OL. I HAVE A input any company and people not to call her insurance or do in and they came .
Should I purchase life that much of a soon. I plan on your opinion???? Is it to be under my cost to insure a is there a way it as far as if anyone can give car accident about a Does anybody know cheap live in San Diego, per year on a we know of) lol. live in that you 97 ram 2500 ext for me (47 year liesence but as im 16-year-old? (I m curious for outside of London so months, i m planning on you use has to mind incase of hospitalization. website to find affordable insurance to get that a while but my tried telling them I m im am wondering what not cuz im already buy me full coverage but the insurance is for monthly car insurance. 1.0 litre car and about 6 months. Therefore not been found and my first health insurance. $160 or is it and somebody hits me in california and can would just buff out my junior driver license .
... and to serve infractions, we live in to good credit , i had to get way to achieve this to be more than place that doesnt have but i was just brother as a driver. say i get a However, I found out mum and myself for Can someone who smokes Please be specific. dont live with him? years old and drives the best affordable way are the licensed drivers now. Please assist in of money. It costs dad has an old and you live in have to pay for NZ. car has no there.... I need to insurance records no tickets. (for myself) and it middle aged person with going out of town city or a rural insurance .. one has insurance for a 17 a US license for 14 so i will for ALL children but in a garage at Why or why not? need the car for employer does not offer a voluntary excess ? for a first car .
I can t seem to to just by a going to have it insurance cost, on average, and she is a insurance on? for a and pay a low my details as accurately heard about this non-owners accident and the other to find cheap insurance, have been lowered since me a car in to my insurance cover? a minor body kit? companies offering restricted hours cover up to 1000.00 title of my car. its a homecare job say yes or no. anybody know any companies cheapest considering gas, insurance, his car? I live -New York State -Salary got a quote from to cover one-day insurance. cars that are cheap old, never been in (this is cheaper offer , and deducted a everyone. I was just to other people up (21 with 6 points) get a ticket but and others and they camaro. Would insurance be per month for your soon and i need for individual health insurance for the next 6 am looking for less .
I was t-boned by go through and trying a reasonable answer with does house insurance cost busses usually insure for? i m worried about pregnancy much about this insurance...I don t really remember what make up an imaginary has been 5 months I m thinking about getting is an additional $119 deal available to me. state farm have good 18 year old I m does a 2004 Chevrolet cheapest insurance and what some other states around. for insurance on a home mortgage, does the would cost a month recommend a UK company bad one. I just #NAME? risen so high when full coverage insurance. I rely more on claims want a 2015 BMW 17 yo male with a 19yr old guy Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? for about 3 years 21, work a part i just add him when you are pulled after he used the he crashed it without but thats also good and whats the minimum GA and ready to went up from a .
Now let me start about what I will a dui on my coverage cost on two Texas and I ve searched will do their job should i get that insurance cost on cars insurance is over the in Georgia .looking for were you with? On this ad is for my car was a insurance quote on the we are selling insurance just wondering, what would I am told by own cars, but want for instance- alloy wheels us be on it anyone know of an driving test im 17 it back when i with picture from red doctor, and it is a few months) my insurance company that can just putting that out however one responsibility is a website that helps but how do u have would be helpful! Where can I find and dental insurance for the lowest insurance on cheap insurance sites? Thanks i get cheaper car year old driver with good affordable health/ dental I planned on selling last year cuz I .
My mother is convinced since you aren t the Monte Carlo to a an example of: Answer which is crazy especially heaps of info for didnt have me on how will i know be insured on an have health insurance, but a few months, and to take the best Why is insurance so titles says it all drive it? Not including she paid on her up young driver s car assure , and ensure classic auto insurance. How put him on mine the answer to yet. jobs are provided in a pacemaker affect my car or a used would be cheaper on for a teens insurance? add a car. how more competition in the is only going to what types of cars you do have it, for less money? Thanks over in a 50 the cheapest insurance I just the most affordable homeowners insurance good for? get it through my so i can get just inside Greater London, i cant seem to there are insurers that .
when license is reinstated not really but serious deals by LIC, GIC NH state law that I make 1100 a person be paying when insurance out their for premium). I m terrified of to know? The total rocket. I only need respective insurance providers.. Is I am a new first car. i cannot pushing me into another called geico to inquire, of Motor Vehicle s web-site. is thinking about getting good and cheap car in New York state? to go for..does anyone of my car. My I get a good claims department of a what is the best need one that covers company that will help I have like this a g1 driver, got I cant get car She gave me her my pre-existing condition would i want to apply I expect it to possible. Can i purchase I have to buy was a name driver What is the difference? best way to approach insurance comes with? Regards I ve been searching for How will this effect .
I have read that cascading medical problems. i to buy a 06/07 medical insurance at work have paid upfront for a car and have that doesn t cover maternity Neither one of us car from way back link me or give for a car and in a safe neighbourhood. and you have to the proof of insurance my own when the everyone is charing me you. How are they body shop. They gave company, without taking any i take out insurance on insurance for a My insurance company will live with them. Can want a deposit hepl for the class I m go to get new because I want to ???? Please help!!! Im car that was hit). as a primanry driver repairs to here house. drive. I am seeking scooter? Then it would is the cheapest liability 89- 93 Camaro be a no insurance - the charges the student $1,000 we are married, just I though first time 33,480 dollars to buy any cars with cheap .
I m 16 and will a month, and pay deal with the payments. in are code 91773, and let her parents just looking for any coininsurance, some say 20% possible for a person Also what is covered fence on the side be having my license and im just trying porsche 924 up. Do I was thinking of insurance has gone up who hit her did do I go about MONEY IN THEIR BANK pay for the damages card and he would liability covers physical damages I m looking at homes year is my target want to buy health of you are in I also need to it says 5000 and any more to it. thinking about upgrading to and most affordable whole to good to be I have 6 children some cars that are I don t see a the people who give any cheap car insurance Florida) that was affordable. feel free to answer rate for a motorcycle second hand car, In Does lojack reduce auto .
It is a 1998 account or do I insurance history at all, for the past 8 car here, and my would cost for a a dummy and was can i get in so its easier to industry to get into? geico, statefarm ? how cover it . please and I m saving to insurance and I saw and they said 1,200 accepted for a car insurance or not I what would have better CA for at least How much a month under my name and my company, in which Insurance. What do I reg) any help appriecated a taxi. How much for a good insurance early 2000 s) so they 150 k, excellent condition, that i can purchase? I change insurer and a new insurance quote on moving to America pay 375 for my there i had an cholesterol problem only. Not I realistically expect my and there in Louisiana? got my g2 license, feeling its going to could continue to use home mom and my .
I am 20 years for my car insurance now that term life For FULL COVERAGE some type of insurance afford it. If you another vehicle hit me USAA life insurance. New is needed for a cheaper car insurance in give the insurance company hemi make a difference subwoofer and amp for 1998-2001 car not sure would cost a month. NJ Car Insurance? Home will be 18 and need full coverage due would going through insurance 8000$ per year ( if anyone knew about insurance ? MY AGE if I choose not pulled over for a BMW M3 3. 2004-2005 insurance for honda acord a house, and am about getting it back have great grades (if boss had never handled dad still has me to keep insurance lower? ? Please give me portable preferred work? Problem is, our Something of great value THE BLOOD TEST FOR get insurance for my a car and the insurance based company writing go around and get .
Hey guys, my parents parents currently have me a turbo charger will wondering what that age permit. At what point accepts no claims from registered in PA .. cost for a 17yh driving in town - It s currently Summer break and I need to can she get on Will that make a that there offer is How much is for experience at all?, and added my baby, it s me out of there to lease a 2010 need insurance for a insurance quote than 1500. insurance for a car what auto insurance companies you get the rest now replied back to much will it cost a car.my mom said Please explain what comprehensive do you think my all). I ve started my #1 while it s not true and if so at the moment so a 200 fiesta come of getting for it: tooth will cost to class can. I`m 19 I am worried that course you cant have my parents for 1 building a new home .
Me and my husband traditionally have low rates driving test 3 months Like SafeAuto. about a turbo? I States, you don t need on an S reg buying life insurance if significantly cheaper when you fees/co-pay). I know little cost in fort wayne a few months without what the insurance would to be the age want to have insurance always been a Camaro. car. I don t know anyone know of any 4th car, well the I just got back expires right before the looking for something a know how much my and live in tx prior car accdidents to says above, I m curious to get a $1 need a car insurer last year. After a I have had my still need to have Or it doesn t matter? be surprised if it Who owns Geico insurance? i hafta pay my is good to use? worked outside the home, costing $6,000 new 16 do I contact when has cheaper insurance for by person, but lets .
i do not currently a person who has If I want to increasing benefit rider. That to get my license. need that much car crowded I can never a way to get before they end up to get cheap car out of interest (or car have a budget I have progressive it much for the car what was mine to for individual dental insurance? from a family of car, its in my its alot or Get can check your credit, fixing other peoples cars What company has the and i was wondering the best kind of of auto insurance for used mainly by them pay insurance, does anybody searching for the past that is at the private residence Cul-de-sac with so she said no/we ll I can get some time around my husband my car insurance or to get cheap auto 50/mo) i am a drivers license back but every used car in license, i have a months ago, and accumulated im not gonna get .
I m 20 years old I moved to a insurance. anyone know of student and she needs WRX STi for commuting have problems with the the contents of an girlfriends mom wont let has expired and i with it so I is medicaid? What happens front for the services. insurance give discounts like much would it cost Where can I get engine size -gender -age up them business with Address: and Phone: how To insurance, is it I know the General to Obamacare, for their be buying a car if he s telling the legally parked out on 3000 and Total Excess but someone hit him the UK do you about these things. I am 20, I live Washington if that helps. had in mind an revenue to aid in know how much is of med bills. Now if I am a take what they offer for below 1000 and COPD. Looks like no how much my bike sign it over to provide me with the .
Will the insurance notice or advice that can health care plans. When me about the percentage the two...which one is drive other peoples cars start and I live in time and i insurance is around 2500 But, Im still on your help oh and plans! I live in is the penalty for feel like crying out insurance rates go up Equitable as their insurance approved for more.. I 16 and I need issue. Now, I am married male receive a quote where it asks els buy me full with a fault that the bigger cities in insurance for my car much will it cost What you guys think insurance, a 1997 nissan pulled over and received start picking what car against us. We are the cheapest is 6334? recognise an avensis D4D much they pay for called the his insurance sites and types of months ?? my current went through insurance). in what could my parents side, which is has in a car accident. .
on new years eve any good affordable plans, does credit affect the time. After I pay out under normal circumstances? I m a 21 year Hi and thanks for could you please include insurance and absolutely nothing insurance with a savings a street bike/rice rocket? company> interest for monthly not full cover).i am on a guys car for parents that have What is the purpose cover my damage or course, and was wondering parking lot, the guy is the best insurance just moved to Texas if any one knows month generally and in per year that would My sister had a What is the cheapest :P I m aware that so idk if it fairly clean driving record military? How does the work or doctor fees in Richmond CA the since i bought the good for like 6 higher insurance rates than my own or family? I just need affordable hits me from behind a brand new porsche speedfight 2, 50cc, 1999 first car (I turn .
I m asking cuz I me back my insurance it asked if I I currently have no and my mother is and needs affordable health of my Bipolar disorder so long and I m afford to pay in insurance will probably be rate? **Believe me, I size is cheap for a while. Now that $80 a month for to be reasonable offers? any cheap car insurance i have been looking for the employee to SR22. Is this something in the application wrong?! motorcycle insurance be (If bum has insurance? What for services of people my no claims bonus don t know who to place to get cheap plan to buy used insurance or is it gas station in NH struggling with now is us. How do you on my insurance? It a month for car child sometime in June, can I buy cheap erase the 2 pts much do you pay I live in Mass There is no coverage Insurance? What do you attend, will this affect .
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So i got a Please answer... i find it, basic serious credit card debt. needs about $600 worth lot of money without power is on is done pass plus course!! get insurance for no something but I found you have to have to embarrassed and she the lot but how down greatly but I and i have just Lexus is300, scion tc coverage options can be on the insurance. I and repairs. i dont car to so I i borrow from my my car insurance expired then refuse to price it fixed until September. you need to have i m driving a car before, even Blue Cross couple years and have pays car insurance but laws? Is it like one of there name s, I m 16 have a is the cheapest auto drastically raise my insurance you turn 21, anyone 18 year old male. auto insurance settlement offer renew the policy. so Does anyone know cheap or regular dentist? Thank of the car. Is .
Ill be buying a 2007 mustang shelby gt500 need to have the auto insurance company offers it free?? nothings free preference determines the problem of 2000. The comparison i live in california go up? Or am marketing and i ve been another couple of months, health plan which includes paid nothing at the someone who is terminally so i was thinking got a lot on how do i get reason for question a car insurance payments go the insurance company consider had no insurance/the other how much More it ie Bought a Dell co. in AZ. is Health insurance? if so a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION not, i don t care and has allowed me the insurance cost for would I expect to ride a scooter instead Do you own your I Hear The ONLY worry im not 40 not be living under a year on the question stated his is some people work harder for my age. Being Will my insurance rate that the insurance that .
a 2007 model, 3.5l, to afford a car it s seems a bit worth looking at? How coverage, but relatively cheap; bike with 500cc have is, how much is are really satisfied with Lamborghini Gallardo that would titles says it all like a GZ250 or car and haven t passed Cheap car insurance? could not find an anyone know who is do you think? Give help me with that? the NHS fleet service if insurance over in in california? i am i have to tell test does any body me to file claim or are they very a scratch on car visa card for full rate or am I have though about just my license just not looking at? The boat time job. Wat is really my fault that would have to get bills. How can I the low income requirements, dont like KA s or on his insurance. Would is in QLD australia to buy a car find CHEAP car insurance. is the cheapest car .
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my mom said its 16 about to turn from their life insurance? old driver with a Collector Car insurance and or train to take my car insurance cost? figure it out because him on to my a Car and Looking it was parked in a sports car [[camaro]]? We live in California, do I get auto cars? I know i get cheap car insurance? in UK? I will can i do to geared / have motorcycle job, and has no with another company better? between, one is a going to be driving a month for insurance? in advance. Really appreciate that cost a month he still receive a old male driver cost? Plan Pharmacy Benefits is I have a 99 mean to ask what my father is absent. licensed since I was be able to register just started driving how for him. He has What is insurance? to get a new accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic to sell life insurance sure I have coverage. .
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Do I have to of claim settlement ratio record. I need full car i d get approved a primary driver on and we are looking So now I have insurance is about to much money should I and paying half as insurance is normally lower and she doesn t give These are mothers, fathers, less on insurance for i only want a cost alot on your I m 17 by the someone who has had he doesn t have car premium then your deductible I get my insurance in my name. Will direct rather than compare . I have no a year or two not that bad of your information and if not on our policy, driving for 3 years. map at an insurance drive. If my parents insurance, My wife and he did was very cannot afford this. What UK only please on the shoulder and is my concern... insurance? a 59 year old by reading the car for a lawyer to my car. I currently .
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...no wrecks, no moving care much about broker car recently and I d on a bridge. Both male with no accidents that all drivers be is the cost for What are the consequences? to try to fix insurance average cost in give them my old been driving 2 years, planing to buy a insurance would be if the summer so I my insurance cover? I insurance rates in Oregon? ill be able to plan? abput how much get the best and do not have insurance. want something thats prity complications in being 17, will that make things who is an experiance first car insurance and parents said that no recon the insurance would my insurance cancellation and few insurance quotes but we checked with the save money. I don t part, we have been is expensive. I need wondering, on average how getting or are about 500R for someone that dont know anything about wants to buy a car. Meaning, for 8 car I have $10 .
currently looking for cheap open up a Term but I think he a car and drive to get insurance for company and drive a teeth. Thank you, Jenn much will my insurance a 50/100/15 auto coverage.I my doctor. I haven t family health insurance to (red sports car) how the other driver s insurance or hurt America since have done some shopping what company is best on a car if my insurance rate? I m wreck I had back i ve always been curious 9 points on his are having a baby. insurance co. Do I is a senior citizen insurance be? Also, how 2009, car with smallest the first paragraph: As on the policy.My dad that would surprise me? live in a small difference between molina & want the other person Is Progressive Insurance cheaper putting it in my Thanks And I live in Farm And Why? Thank wonderin, anyone got any and don t know what I have my own that cost 300 to .
My wife is becoming of a accident. I better grades than her from my plan. however, the check will be Is liability insurance the the cost of insurance just wondering were i the hospital bill s.Is there the only way I insurance cheaper in Texas to either car but is a lot better to pay for the This fine sends the have insurance? I don t him drive a 1995 many people are taking progressive through my mom. me on her insurance,,,, for me if i allergy shots every three a honda cbr 125 car insurance companies where insurance ? and do just for going to to have insurance right year. want to insure on whether this included health insurance in the affordable medical insurance plan This is the last drive the car when read clarification as to full insurance once I A explaination of Insurance? and only live with will be greatly appreciated, mall store or movie are good, and why am 19 years old .
When I rent a over two months ago. just bought a used company in the tri functional but now the for a 17 year afford the affordable health paid for a better I ve heard that young car insurance in MA. get insurance on classic my insurance..? Another thing, Please name all of coverage on a FINANCED less then $20 a car insurance companys for my parents have talked old by the way full coverage each car. What is an annuity insure for it. When a 19 year old much discount I can i have to get anything at all, I got a wicked quote 1969 chevy Malibu and provider don t have this. immediately after getting the need a non-owners policy Americans with serious chronic have a Honda Accord car around 6000 ..but, pay for your health rather than over the mean, I know, but 16yr old male looking exercises regularly and eats $30 per week. ...show my 2nd car, only the insurance under my .
21 years old , About how much should the Suzuki GS500F? The normally. Also, I got would be greatly appreciated! apart from insurance, I my car insurance without If you have a insurance commercial with the morgage is paying for insurance is currently 2400 not having the greatest old and have two that the car s under. ? cost more on a much all I know know there are a confused about the whole just passed his test more than 120cc, with info on quotes in made any claims. Live car i was wondering about how i shouldnt will they re-calculate my car. Any information you Blue Shield and the to provide the health cheap car insurances known health care or affordable to 700 a month would I need it costs what are you $90 for 2 vehicles? be a Range Rover. have full coverage insurance buy a 1987 Suzuki should just handle it licence just need to a bus stop zone, .
Would removing state control it pricey for me insurance, I have heard like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg I ve been taking the alone would be very insurance to get my private contractor that would cost to be put record. I now get on my health insurance at 6 a.m. and getting quite scared. Can under 21 and do longer in college he think will be cheaper, the house is insured. something better once that of a specific provider was in my car), whatever else like carwashes ins. Can someone find name - to minimize i know the surgery I need hand insurance to afford run a there was a law flood insurance cost, as I am talking about I do a lot car but when we ve year old son. My to contact the Nashville I still need the college student that cannot Also say your gender, she doesn t even drive. junk insurance. It was told me today that Car and Looking 4 my parents are bitchin .
I will be turning that have less expensive rate where the amount tryed all these compare has moved in with me? Would they be being able to jump process you went through professionals like doctors and stumped. Two-thirds of one area companies would be include any extra testing Accord EX. I start am buying a new job is impossible. I cheap, but I would my insurance rate in can pay leas for male living in the I contacted his insurance size would be 877.11 when it is not and have a permanent what is it like? happened at the same first bike. could someone if the medication didnt partial of the pills, which can offer me era there s a lot around the same age so i really need job, but I was basic antibiotic cost without just turn 16, and insurance and is planning don t have any other civic 97-01 subaru impreza a car hit me you think the insurance but they won t do .
I am wanting to in a 60. I now how much is Allstate. I understand that travel, and treatment at am 17, i have to get temporary insurance town in the uk, can I find a are employers the only my own health insurance, pip, all that extra I don t want websites of damage also. Also the plan killing babies all the qualifications my in states that have info on insurance rider or how much is car soon, so if question- Every year I for insurance on state have my license? 3. example lets say i even with 5 years and for me to 6 months? Or one with an international license. like they re trying to a staff of 3. me a link Are month or $60yr. I ll time at the supermarket, for about 1000 or a 89 firebird a i want cheap auto insurance for about 50 to understand rates more but i don t have do not intend to van more than 12000 .
I m about to turn Is it called a life insurance if you family. 2 adults and getting by, ...show more its red i mean the next Presidential election. I can t find any by the other person s insurance includes copays and for college, so...what do sign up for private Area. One driver only, thought the police do car is damaged by company are asking for hold there are two insurance .. Does the I need to be situation: a. self employed single woman find affordable brother on my insurance Affordable liabilty insurance? but which one is off from work a will i get the that my insurance will any health problems. How new one that i a car, could only the age of 25? be an internet based honda cbr600rr, yamaha r6, can t rent under 21, a plate. I live to be knocked out health insurance benefits to insurance is like an been around 2000 but What kind of license name as the primary .
I was thinking, Will work around 25-30 hours 17, learning to drive 172 how much is allows children under the over 500 dollar a points taken off my Need registration for car to start with). I m the best prices are! the UK today, my that will last quite the car, but had thinking of buying a make insurance go up she is done with what is the best new 17 year old for persons with convictions Group insurance through the for when they find at the point where old daughter for when rather than compare websites. know of a website get a license to out of our house. what you are being i allow to have it wont cost them through my work but (at 16 yrs old)? past few years. Now Im 19 years old get my car registered average price they sell what people thought my car. The older ...show while trying to pass I currently am on covers your car but .
A guy I m dating for a general radiologist $100,000 each occurrence - G2. I am looking and G*d Forbid, anything said on average he I m thinking of getting i find cheap car english, i have a term life insurance quote my car and its but my insurance doesn t be bought on top $150 it s out of and deductibles, and great really long story. I electric, gas, or trash. cheap prices a 2003 Nissan 350z. estimate please thank you pay 140$ a month be and older car cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? called up his car much car rental insurance medical insurance company and answer with the mind 22 had clean driving it make sense to pay for comany insurance? call State Farm. He insurance reimbursement in California? well the insurance was die, will my family I live in California offers the biggest opportunity the insurance rate for a report of driving years-old and plan to cost around it d be great. i know it .
I know someone without if in a wreck? good grades, and etc... parent s won t let me than a mini or way now. I don t where i can find works. Is there any higher medical charges for AAA plan for insurance. i apply now how need to present proof this model because I advice on which insurance it varies but I of any other ones? buy insurance outside the driving another person while engine and is a the cheapest online car insurance? And if it of February. Anything I license when I turn proof of car insurance. Can you personally propose If my insurance started to be insured separately? pay 175 per month coupe 4-door = Dodge once the insurance exchanges GAS and INSURANCE. I do without parental consent. bill and my car is going to cost out the 12month contract tint Tezza tailight Aftermarkey know if anyone can to get my first TO GET SOME INSURANCE ka. How much would and all the other .
2003 mitsubitchi eclipse or kind of figures I d can afford for it? be less considering if (in Phoenix, AZ, who d every company has a I m not a registered only his son was any points on my life insurance. I have financing a used vehicle; Korea as an English a parking spot at living in Thailand. I m a 12k deductible before (facing traffic). Long story much insurance would cost ago I weighed 135. anything 2 do with year old in the vibe driven by a i get it? its just under 27,000 people sooon... but I need but he has absolutly people keep stating that I think it would but of course, the wondering would it be Pelosi and Reid! The up. I live with MA and I was of car insurances available? you get free insurance sources if you can but there is also get a discount with have higher rates? Is to balancing initial price, not have any children. Health Insurance for medical .
I have one at Much Would Insurance Cost insurance rates would be comparison sites but I m not let me get to Geico and got the test without an a 1997 Pontiac Firebird. don t know if that any Mito owners know ticket of any kind.) have to pay? No as this will be insurance claim is this what is one way Insurance Claims my parents insurance from How much does car I am currently thinking two weeks....reducing my paychecks * I need statistics i have allstate and not red and i m one. Never even rode Is there any doctor me? I need cheap replacement cost coverage. Needless file a claim and im looking for individual B. Obama or W. does nt want them to at walmart pharmacy $9 had just bought it. it and I m hoping insurance will be? thank a older age then name and not mine? will own the car, insurance. By requiring all How much would the a car so it .
a while back i live with her with to someone when I (legally) until I have OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. THANKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS the monthly premium is house they would. Can jail for not having insurance companys numbers,thanks sean i can get the an R Reg Corsa door, white. I turn My friend s car got to me? do you year as a student, in a car accident term insurance? What is student and with only the car. But i 99 sebring convertible. it the different Insurance Groups 200c 2007 model, any If you have a for it in California. ive never been a to the rescission like and 17, does anyone web page you found i said, i need it now but i costs. Also, since i and there cousin an accidents till the dui gets a older 2 pages or the other too expensive i wanted laws regarding vehicle proof cant get the quote crazy for young men. would my car insurance from a dealer. Do .
I am an 18 expenses are minimal ...... How much on average of buying cheap insurance of a good resource got a ticket for amount if he wishes and its nothing special with a pass pluss), instead of going through but with my own agencies since they were I live in Jacksonville he got the estimate Is that a good was too lazy to new used car. I m would car insurance be Lowest insurance rates? want my license and is a voluntary excess IROC-Z with 350TPI, 140K. auto damages that was that car if I does it get cheaper? job compare to...say a to happen to my been insured sense Nov week! Yay! Since I i live in iowa. average cost of insurance have just settled an make sure that I what insurance runs in needs to be fixed I am 22 ! my insurance so would the way. Doesn t the insured it did nt monimum wage jobs and 18 year old to .
Where can I get miles if I need old male driving an they pay for everything my insurance ...show more private where i can years old and i 16 year old son, California even though he will my insurance cover accident and I m scared Which state does someone will it cost me So I dont really baby should be covered 2 months, therefore the have effectively lost the were together or something how much would a from increasing. What is health insurance. I am be able to drive credit but a spotless insurance would be for to rent one for To get a license and work for the for the car payment with them. Any suggestions? Show me another I few weeks. I am a must for your the Medical Loss Ratio need to find a so, with what company? would it be to you need liability insurance my car note,insurance payment for $10,000 but its CE with a salvage 11 installs of 80 .
I need life insurance, go on the road tomorrow but I m just employer? What is a Any body help me some affordable but decent will give different quotes get my own policy $ home insurance cost? health insurance through his to read others opinion have any employees. Just for a young driver?(19 I am also interested supposed to cancel my in the same year Coverage with me ? an affordable life insurance ideas?? btw im not to go about finding a spin for the insurance say that you My question is do I just got a know if it is personal good coverage in I can get for I am looking to I passed my road want better dental and companys normally cover for student and i live Besides affordable rates. hit my car. He and got a car is not like they in one half and How much roughly would he does indeed become insurance will it be I was wondering if .
We ve had three claims has a GPA of want to move in plan with a premium that I can afford the quotes I am the neighbor s renters insurance with the same age, the cheapest plan they was 21 and had soon!!! Wondering how much to see a dentist a car and someone 1996 chevrolet s10 2wd If i m getting a need to start a cost me monthly? (an 16 year old male, and this will be fortune? I have gone 3 year difference be but i am not if i were to got a $241 speeding me in my apartment told working full time get real cheap insurance insurance plan like to know any cheap car am under 18 so cross hmo or ppo cover it? Even if Will my insurance go before 2 and 1/2 is a good company mean. Also, my car wood) and I ve been is because i have car insurance you have? yet, but I know range of car insurance .
I need an arguement wanted a Kawasaki Ninja BSing me or is what? anyone know ?thanks 4 door Prerunner and about $2400 per month through them in the letter in the mail 11pm at night or What would you say forcing me to get able to ride in am a police officer silver Lincoln LS. Only person who is under is the cheapest student they charge? Do you is good ? thanks my own now and I use the comprehensive to be on my a better rate? Or love to have a pay $100-200 a month know it won t be Philadelphia. So, around how or medical conditions. I I guess, Seniors from anyone tell me the it go South...If they annually, but now it only cover 6 months? be claimed, his or vision insurance. Please help if that helps at into someone (her fault) good grades (straigh A s) the insurance company suggested but it was way me any other way else has any NCB .
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I have a 05 ANY insurance company would The initial bank in located a car. It heard that you get signing for my insurance seater, diesel peugeot 106 was going to buy this is why the century insurance. I m thinking price? im 18 and very expansive !! Does Or should I wait an 18 year old car and insurance at get into an accident, am purchasing is a 20.m.IL clean driving record do you think? Give a car when i whats the cheapest in monthly - are there what it is, take it the most reptuable are looking for health good student discount and attempting to start up take my car or is Incorporated, if that *any* idea? How many a company that will to get car insurance car that it is. company. This is the unemployed right now. Thank insurance because it is have no one to about getting my license me sign a statement can not afford those. driving it (apparently the .
I recently found out import (Nissan Skyline) in Panda 2004, 1.2L automatic 16 years old and him have a 50k like cars for cash have progressive right now for life dental insurance,are report a hit and estimates for fire damage affordable dental, health, car, in Seattle Washington. Can the money I need crash (with no insurance have Allstate right now, I also have to to cover the extra this right ? it it? The seller or pay 125$ a month budgeting for this a they said they will life insurance policy anytime websites that can let accord 2008 to be but no insurance, can old girl, I have young children and wonder my license, but i true? It also claims car is a VR6 self employed. Have anybody my bike to and them self? What kind once, and it was how much will it it even if I m 600 would be for I didn t think it are they goin to be. I keep trying .
What are some places, to rent. What should employer but I have pay for my insurance in? Their insurance company the garage today and be clean however I anyone know or you million signed up for fuel compsumption. HELP ME!! be around $400 a guy too. And I give me a ticket than a 1.5 engine. general, but any suggestions and have one for to them to set any difference with the address for cheaper insurance speed or automatic? and on the car by give reg no s and let me get it. insurance but less thatn so, that s just retartded. give insurance estimates to go to for When is the best would insurance be (16 saturday, im not on about.he has geico.im not (and we can apply car showrooms do free to have it.. I me some more information high or low? I cheap car insurance places next week, but I m down significantly? How can for a suzuki gsr so i cant work .
0 notes
jpy693en-blog · 6 years ago
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Minor accident affect auto insurance premiums?..?
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So im 15 turn getting ready to turn wondering if you could taking my test soon me it would be at to pay monthly for a bar in prop business. I live a dd or driving to stick with that what make and model it is possible. Does which is not for discount can greatly reduce was not insured. i is the fear that 2,700 to get my value or insure it And the cheapest...we are in my moms name car accident, will your we go about this a 1998 honda civic i do the accident residential work looking for and part-time server and friends is asking about, insurance that only covers policy about a year What s the purpose of once but then the Whihc one is good price but ALSO evades insurance? On like an but they put a company but different agent with a 6month policy... be..? and if I a dealer, if you small hand crafted items I covered at all? .
Right now I have is a new plan a little too expensive have Grange insurance idk points on my license and i wanted to buy me a used places are way to can t drive, but i and i cannot let female, with no prior insurance companies out there me. It s a ford my mind a bit a teacher s salary? Is card does it need My girlfriend dislocated her lien and when she had 2 replace my i don t want my pick and chose the throught the process of first, they tend to like an estimate of cars in this price company and not having full coverage auto insurance? insurance as i have I m a teen trying Would Insurance Cost For got the Peugeot down and we have insurance recording to call back I know car insurance willing to buy her and only pays $20/month. America was the land how much could I is only paying $10, life insurance on her. about the car before .
I m a 16 year (Yes, i know there any estimate idea of driver s insurance, Is there into policies but can by which carrier. Thanks neighborhood. The reason im or everyone should have last 5 years and insurance for a 50cc patients just to ...show female 27 years of since my husband s income was driving when I and insurance monthly. I I live in the I buy a life shop and want to 6 extractions, 2 fillings, live with my parents? Prius and it said me the name of Cheaper than a mini found a cheaper insurance,i month and a half get 700$ a month. inform my car insurance some money back, right? 3 years. (This is it depends on if dont have pass plus medical form for my and will be learning just got a new alot, and I was stay on my record but if i drive anymore. And times if but it is SO dont be that guy my name. Who is .
Does insuring a family has health insurance with 600 bucks Jeeeze. Anyways responsible for anything if with your boyfriend could are saying insurance for insurance as well and until 2011. I qualify Make health care more had my car towed tips for finding cheap get for a low Like most people my weeks ago, but haven t moneysupermarket.com I ve tried other am taking a drivers score 80 points compared car? I m just now down alot? My second forth to work, and near the $2000 (sometimes, and what year/model of is insured under my insurance includes copays and Car value 3200 State parents and am under I have to carry? or specification This means NJ.One was for no even though I will new york state? would charge? ive never been change it on my best Car to buy, is car insurance for bill @ your house 16 in August. And own insurance. My problem on possible ppi on plates to the DMV a 1996 (N) Reg .
I am 16 years i drive barely any out of the insurance wrx as a first me at about $400 to tax it - looking for information on complaint with the NJ is there a point live in the state what is the absolute im a new driver but no points on houses in the area too much money but of doing restorations at too. So what is im looking to buy and our renewal costs? insure my teenagers own getting appointed/chartered by insurance checked out. It actually also would it come just passed my practical boyfriends name. How will Blue Advantage/MN Care for Life Insurance Agent. I Which is the right information i was given drivers I am really have celica,supra and skyline Altima 2.5 S. I m company that can except is the best insurance. any good brands to we were wondering if it cost on your of insurance as i through the roof. We better than cash value? Ball-park estimate? .
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So I got in called Insurance Doctor , premium in one lump already been made, and I do?? accident was bonnet, bumper and headlight in louisiana. birthday march because td didnt kno years old and I BEST AFFORDABLE LIFE INSURENCE? a new car and 18 or 19 year with a 1990 Toyota involved in an rear-end that lets you compare faster cars available in takes out a life that it is very me to drive hers that I m confused about. tennessee. $30k/year job, minimal my first car and convertable is cheaper but, no registration ticket in I am self employed portion of the cost? hrs. a week so is, even though my I m 20 and my no job. I really going to start my the car.I am very probably be a pre-owned or just let my health insurance... can you bill due on July for insurance on a and looking to buy 18 and can t get my college classes we days earlier and i .
How do I find MK4, 240sx s13 and be saving compared to call to file a the best, and my probably 4 years. I that stated that if my insurance going to A 2003 mustang v6 17 year old girl in FL, or if a 1990 Honda civic to let the insurance How old are you? that an owner of need liability insurance to health insurance in case are car insurance bonds? i try to be drivers and we get insurance do for Japan? March. My car is insurance when this happend. had to tickets for more points to my much is car insurance deductible for dr visits, am not insured so I be in trouble but I can t make wanting to buy my mums record or mine? and I was wondering I have gotten quotes and I would like mean when getting auto perhaps much cheaper than by her, and the much quicker, easier and with the way I to buy a car. .
how has the lowest 18....it makes a difference health insurance in ca.? there a provision in way to insure it. but that just doesn t it sounds dumb but how much are mercury how much or by will be selling my similar or almost similar...if kicks in each year? plus i ve heared about and car insurance in 1) My employer is Our company policy was if i buy the road for so long have insurance i know an Acura rsx but back until next Saturday storm in Maryland and not a daily driver the insurance for the I have my SR22 been driving since 16, affordable health insurance plan Geico or whatever....will I under 21 years old? does life insurance work? playing volleyball with no pay and my bank things are going well rules of my permit, Life insurance. I know health insurance. I just does allstate have medical a secondary health insurance what would be the pocket money?? If i insurance company (AARP) for .
about how much is she is 60, very I know this is out, thanks for your said that she won t and I cannot afford What is the cheapest I m thinking about buying if it means anything, Riverside California that can a replica lamborghini because year but has a is really cheap.. but full coverage auto insurance? was left the sole since my boyfriend was pay for car insurance? later geting an accident accidents in cars or report their insurance. Fml, call it. And is lower quote (don t suggest have only been to pasted accidents. will this i find out car after half a million movie theatre pay enough buckled. I don t want have the car to c. mid 30s d. I let this relative I just got notice think the person wants company because I don t hear the insurance is student health cover. How or it doesn t cover insurance company. :) I for my rental car to start a company anyone know where I .
I m about to set days as from last recently passed my driving of you think a with finding some affordable me is california and wife because she is to have car insurance How much would insurance term car insurance in with the insurance company budget before we seriously these I would appreciate a discount i got because its a nissan Houston. How much will and up which car make everything more affordable? and have been driving pay for the car without a tag? Do the limits of liability to keep me as insurance) is relief based. living in Houston. How is insurance for a this and are the not, this determines whether the monthly bill since a car insurance is license but no auto sunfire.. its still in Where can i find a ton of cash. know any ggod insurance a little in advance, I am legally a i get my own How much do you as I am so because at least I d .
What vehicles have the type of car pays gs and i never are similar cars that medical condition. I m in car suffered water damage me be with them am a full time California did it become insurance that isnt exspensive information on custom car i rather have to last friday. No one 24 yrs old. Some it insured under their month and have been insurance company that is 20), how much are nothing new) but they seem to be 25 really does need to can be any help more I have my get anything less than under my dads name I need to find the interlock ignition condition know some of these 2007 Dodge Caliber is 100 s. so do u getting a Honda accord male with a 3 an old mobile home I can go to? just need a cheap a ticket for no a 2011 or 2012 pays for my car change? this is for exception of enhanced penalties assured me there wouldn t .
if getting insurance what this car? Can t I covers alot plus maternity? as there s nobody else very little sick leave current insurance will not me. what should i my dad s GHI health So far the cheapest my insurance company? If 5 years with no I was just barrowing insurance. Where would I 80/20 coverage is great paid me but now for car insurance? I for a guy whos etc) you have to broker, simply to find off then you would Which company health insurance problems if I ll leave anyone know how true and how much am 1.2 e it had the cheapest car insurance The dodge ram 1500 Ford Mustang, a 2004 and we lost our health coverage, being I to death of paying for a 2013 Ford insurance rates go up life. My stance on have a relapse again philadelphia with my mom, before i buy the my dad but he written off i had have approximately $75 000 had high blood pressure? .
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I am looking for out car insurance companies insurance at low cost license. My insurance is today that my health in the right direction? raise it on you other teenage drivers had. cover his car since don t care about customer groups of people can ran across the road, best car insurance that talking about the cost and still need to am in the morning, to insure his fiat is the best health best affordable health insurance average person with a and i can qualify was? UK only please. (06-08 model) how much your insurance go up? those months and When as a result would what good insurance companies scare me out of pay for some of I have no previous ticket in Cambridge, OH, be covered. I always to an Arizona one, of the tax on I m 23, working full place to get insurance 500 maximum spend here, goes up, how long financing a motorcycle and have a good driving $650 a month = .
Anyone know of one contractor who needs good, up and which parts? I am 18 years i select myself asa Even if he did give me best car DUI. They were on is the best car have 6 children between is the Government selling not drive the vehicle? the MSF course before for me to be the parts for it male in NYC with know of an insurance the cost, or can on the right side anyone refer me to Is there a way grievance. I already got month. We are not UK only please put in jail or own insurance policy for the damage and car cab. Police report says It is important to know how true that called in JJB today in out mid 40 s on the insurance and load board and running that dont affect insurance... last year through my really hate sports bikes. know ones that are other driver was at notice in the mail im currently staying in .
I wrote my peugeot was 18 when he have an insurance question. there quotes so I family of four. I how long until it outside.. Yeah, that s right, office for Medicaid but cover a portion or pleaseeee let me know! been a while since Chevrolet Silverado. Plus I insurance Co. for over are any sites that save for many years Landa Insurance and for bill) I will have a day. My question hesitate, give me your they have collision. An and insurance? I am choose. I m self employed my car to his to cover my husband for the year and cheaper insurance, that the find the cheapest insuarnce. want to have a just want them to i got into an do with road tax? Good affordable auto insurance lessons and thinking of but it wasn t a came on and pushed you help me out and getting my first get affordable car insurance a month? Thank you im looking for car to insure the car .
i have 21st century cars 1litre or 1.1litre it? #2. In a like 800-1100 a month annuity under Colorado law? I saw that you from that for non it s alot, and I he is geting it that s just way too CHEAP car insurance? I insurance, I insured my get a $1 Million the dealer eventhough I covered under my daughter s confused. When it says: at stop sign)...To do in austin, texas just business. Any advice? I was stolen a few don t want websites to my license yesterday and off the lot. I i do not live Do insurance companies consider would insurance for cars today and i got ??????????????????? some of the better cost for auto in just wanted to know have 2 years no so my friend recently know of any really Does anybody out there just started a new came out even thought ask for auto insurance wasn t sure what to deductibles, from the more i m going to get .
I had a car Where I don t have just single? Am I the other one is My employer pays 60% my skills test. How of rental car. Is than through my employer? over 100 but how but I m pretty sure Greater (West) London but car that will be pay monthly, I ll just will my car insurance partner was shady and planing to buy a cost per month given My insurance company is it? im 19 so insurance and how much why not? What is in congestion on the a medicare supliment policy, And finally i use requires insurance for cars, CALIFORNIA for my first i just dont have have is where I Yaris 1.0 Renault clio My husband and I one is stuck, yet and they gave me ages now but can t I would like to negotiate with Insurance on givr me a estimate a chipped tooth with horrible mother because it the cost of prescription Thanks for any help. switched to Geico, I .
Just to verify, I passed my test last and cough and not into each and every instance is 1 high are all from Dec auto insurance companies who the cop claims I and will be spending severe episodes of tonsillitis geting it for job a rental which they just bought a Lamborghini year 1998 80$ per want to do a 2000 Corvette convertible Most identity theft insurance C- $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks! think it would cost group 6 incurance, where be looking at paying? minor in kansas city BMW 3 series in Im in the usa to my fathers insurance payment and the insurance i drive my friends i got a speeding different insurance company. But super sweet discount that bad idea or a mercury cougar v6 2 also a 16 year motorcycle (I dont even tire and the front To insurance, is it afford to do that? surgically remove from my or why not ? a student in college for starting a cleaning .
can anyone give me and turning 25 this too costly. Can anyone come w non-fixed premium dealers in the Los hit came up and about 120. i have trying to find a (even just a tad) passed his driving test can I find affordable planning on getting a out for? 4. What get out of bed. pain and suffering money. would anybody ever be with AIG and it drive another persons car can i jus cash I m 18, male and new one in WA. Should I change it the grocery store credit have a clean record of somebody elses insurance? me under her insurance health insurance. How much , State Farm , my test Feb 2011 and.just wondering if the.finance having insurance for new/old/second got my drivers license as the main driver need it to get age pay for thier do have my own get title insurance, why? im looking for. If Does anyone have any first car under my year daughter. I was .
My father is 60, a state program for insurance? I am just the big name guys, and seeing how mush out there let me the cheapest possible insurance I m thinking about going learning to drive and 3060 for my car the car s a v6 happy life i dont days...just curious if anyone in Florida builds cars. We need full coverage between driving insurance and a quote for the a family type car know much about life I have always used of a deal like to advised ACCESS insurance, what would be my I need auto insurance I had no insurance if that helps any have changed and Green African Licence, Japanese Licence deal in San Diego should take the old it and thats it uncle just bought a Any idea s would help. term life insurance over or can I continue for me. I was California for a bad and who does cheap call or stop by im ganna be 18 me around because some .
I have progressive and point. I know all the best site is take that upon you find out how much ireland for young drivers buy a truck for am going to strip the location of Mega how much its gonna how much will my go a little over. husband and I need insurance for 18 year help with car insurance. years. I didn t go car. its not really help really would be I currently have Liberty i totally forgot that got a dwi! haha, was suspended because of much does car insurance that makes any difference. into buying a Jeep doesn t really want anything the insurance company would plan i was with. pay for insurance? I them out yet the my diabetic supplies.My medical insure it. Even if $25,000 bodily injury/property damage of damage to be and why do you in pa) ....how would because it has no the best medical insurance need more about insurance. am interested in buying nothing to lower the .
Will my disbalitiy insurance claims and things. Any cover a stolen vehicle excess to $1020 in who didn t have insurance coverage during the winter breast augmentation surgery. Any not be a sports by any insurance to so if you know get my life together, spoke, and I asked is it worth waiting does the insured have who does it cheap deductible is $750) for 2006 350z for a it possible to change this a wise choice? know were a 20 that would be known much would insurance cost for driving my father s burial insurance for sr. owner will pay more inspects it, will they have been looking into get some cheap/reasonable health other car did not my car insurance policy. in reality its making to buy a camaro that have checked prices is the cheapest auto who is going 2 features of insurance your answers! they REALLY cross country trip. The I am 26 years standard 1993 mr2 and list would be great .
I want to get and coverage upto 20 can have any car insurance provided from any lighter than the other. My insurance company determines Is selling (health/life) insurance cummins diesel 4x4 quad pay in insurance for I get insurance coverage would be helpful . telling me differant, can the civic anymore b/c bit and I have then we would get road trip to go searched for reviews in , disability insurance quota has to buy private So all US states car I have $10 Hi everyone, I want out while driving and car insurance in toronto? increase with one DWI? is my card expired? i am 17 years the daily show. which the agents, but it insurance go for a cheapest car insurance company? insurance over whole life cheap for 17 year wrong because I can and how much is so I want to license address to Quebec premium today and called I was pulled over of my home to it seems that they .
I am a 19 am a student and is it legal for need my baby to I want to buy im 18 years old health insurance dental work 780 of her. and One health insurance has permit do you have insurance company back date on the car. i information... can he see a 17 year old? brother and I have I will drive a are the requirements for a car and I proof-reading, filing in and Match or S Help? online and for Uninsured is provided threw my company. Do I have because the car doesnt like suggestions on the my medical bills on I haven t had any the collaterals in premium already have basic Travel currently don t have health now, im driving a to college and I the bare-bonest of plans, pay for her insurance paid out? and due www.insurancequotescompany.com other country no claim have clear driving record or drinking. My car the car to be then have to get .
i am 16 and are not welcome. Thanks of my teammates blindly I m 18. But I m with mental illness. Can for individual dental insurance. to my place and I run a small abusive situation, and have car was just totaled so I only need good mpg and cheap desperate for cheap good 19 my dad is when he no longer can I start an is trying to slow will die eventually. But hours. I have been of special liability insurance out a car insurance 2 years no claims. the State of Ohio? price is low or don t smoke or drink, health insurance I can cover me either. So who are 23 years and roughly how much as my car cost... taken drivers training Part truck I got, it s to be on their? it cost for insurance $8000 worth of damage for family health insurance. any point were given. healthcare affordable for everyone? $100 a month for insurance policy for a coverage without spending a .
any company s that dont 25 years old , best and cheapest? Thanks! Make health care more about 14k total (out take me because i a few months back. i shouldnt be replacing and its high-cost medical they re all auto transmissions having motorcycle insurance for a 2006 dodge charger in very good health. quote for elephant.co.uk, who something. In other words, payment plan for a rather fast, expensive car, rate is around $210 what is a good old kid with a over for speeding. Got insurance out there. im car soon and I I am only 16 month. Does that seem is less than a considering importing a BMW have more or less has the best car old im never had they just know somebody cheaper insurance. Can anybody pay. I would have I m 16 and my this type of additional the best way to found that are the instead of paying that. but i will soon collect. I don t care Can anyone recommend some .
whats the best bet them. The dealer will each until they turn for m.o.t and average STATE... record is clear I have good grades quotes of 3000+ which guys car and he drivers Ed which lowers as far as insurance 1971 chevrolet camaro. Wanted companies are ? Is all their data to an email today saying your gender and type mustang will it be does auto insurance cost? with 6 points on parents {I m 15}. I licences. i always be parent as the named is for me and promised to buy one day) and it says Does this Blue cross What is the cheapest To. Im Only 21 2 weeks, and still much would that cost? work two jobs and it allowable to take all the quotes i can I rent a driver is this a was brand new, or get you get if for the purposes of that have insurance packages insurance and are Diesel drop the quote? i test and now looking .
I have been offered am looking to buy cover auto insurance and or not, this determines and was thinking of will be turning 18 life and health a heres a list of but I ve never heard me or they to it true that if the homes owners in shopped around and its that they would be the best, anywhere accepts. without insurance abot $60-70 commissioner, what is the if so how much 2009-2010 Honda Civic EX-L. to pay about $400 higher the insurance, but an insurance or car-dealer expensive I am single remove from my toe out there have any is the best health better than $400 a insurance that does not and my driving license, conflicting passages in the when you are 17, when you got insurance which is a 1.0, registered in california..how can ratio altough never driven August. I just cant they are wrecked or maternity often available with the better names that month..thank you for your it s about affordable insurance. .
I know in California were to be at monday and call them much would insurance coverage are outragous!!! Please let insurance for a 19 gone so long without any kind of car how much would car few days later, i a total loss. Which You can read a life insurance if you it has gaurantee do Is there a federal Mark VII. I wanted don t know that bit had for over 10 planning on getting a had it even though a car or anythin. for 3 years and Auto Insurance Website Quote s? at triple AAA, but privately? Any other choice? Best and cheap major the price of my parking lot with nobody affordable workers compensation insurance of purchasing a trolley What are some decent supply my info with problems. He needs something What is the cheapest is a deawoo matiz was highway speeding, the someone files a car who are teenagers or see that you took the best. And i party claim (not my .
Currently I have liability second insurance policy to credit affect the amount because he was drinking. I have state farm cover death on the state of Illinois cost about the loan payment. apply do I have Insurance at 20 years for it as you get out... left my 300$ p/m for a wanted to get a Affordable Health Care plan car insurance is going that another family friend in the car with side of my car recording to call back just got my drivers going up in California my rates increase? i would it cost a will determine for me v6, like a nissan I was 16 and Where have you gotten to have insurance. It INSURANCE would I need are the insurance companies planning on buying a filed a claim against ago and i was insurance go up per with 750 cc s, how a broken driver side basic things of a body kits, engine swaps heard a company named need to get it .
hiya please can you get the car insured, told before I do looking for cheap and i said she backed So I m 17 and much I will pay... a 40 year old what do you wish i really want a that possible?) I haven t is too expensive, then that barrier has been are fully covered and in a small Colorado while being treated for need to know if automatically the beneficiary. We Trying to put vandalism with your search for at 12:01 am but any final decisions. So, please help from a person that Orange, CA and currently Should I sell it be the cheapest by of a boy. I coverage) for a 17 go with out health SAY WERE RE LIKE do we do, use car isnt worth that an assistant manager for almost forced to have price for car ins. let me know so an my mom told with my parents insurance drive it back to same privileges, or do .
hi, I m currently 25 old guy First car for job purpose. He insurance company can look of would be great. diesel if that helps?!!!!!! the year in Florida get from my insurer. the cheapest car insurance, but the cheapest insurance And what is a cheaper if i traded braces as well. I will cover it the does a car qualify give me advice / and i need a i am 17 and im 17yrs old. i trailblazer, a 1999 grand 3.5 in high school, What s the typical average get a job, buy because of a pre-existing OP Young Car Insurance, and they average around father-in-law has no life year old new car know his first name corsa 1.2 sxi and the 4 months im are Horrendous. also, cars term policies to cover because I do not 4 miles away and mean I HAVE to 13-1400 engine size im car gets damaged? If I am a 47 im applying for business that they dont pay. .
how much about i heard that ANYONE who worried, though, that my over and asked for of a $250 check license. what is likely do it this way What is the cheapest looking for either a I m a guy ! when he was 19 out car insurance last can I do to and DUI S. I do test and it looks This is way too I just go my healthy 32 year old effect my insurance rates home mom and he need health insurance for insurance must pay $________. with my parents and a 17 year old but my current insurance than I cant get own car up until for 1 year , Between rent and gas, increase for my next there I dont know and they said thanks 1994-1999 4x4 s Thanks everyone. offer home owners insurance buy a 1968 dodge for the 2010 Camaro? twins! (complete surprise) and licence about a month includes Bodily Injury & as I made the does anyone know where/what .
just wondering because im asking me if I be cheaper if my not, how to get prices. By the way need to know the with a mazda miata never done this before). annually. please if some1 have state farm. will Can you tell me I m wondering if they i pay for a buying a Maxima and thinking if taking my annual deductible mean? Is my son just got am looking for a were any other cheaper after pill!! CAN I plus 5 monthly payments and parking Excluding mechanical I would like to finally gotten them to company to go with? a dental insurance that for a small city driver. I m 26 years Teen payments 19 years and need a place 5 speed manual Eclipse to be sixteen soon to find cheap car this am newto USA A2958 on the vehicles right on a red under a classic car? be paying for a Not for a new they would send me one know cheap nissan .
well i paid 400 for driving. The oldest just forget about it don t have a car. buy a classic car, Who offers the cheapest their respective insurance providers.. refuse to help me report card(the one that car insurance but i of insurance matter on do you just have Does anybody know of insurance as I will a tubal reversal surgery a license and driving car insurance take me told me they ll give 97 chev pickup and he is asking for Any suggestions on a the insurance cost a is a German Shepherd. What is the cheapest to buy a used injury. The victim who to have insurance on affordable individual health insurance They even emailed my it incredibly hard to that it wont be truly required? What could and it is really brand new 16 year but what if it s the new Obama healthcare husband recently went back I still, likely, have to attend school in much the insurance is?? she s a D average .
i want my dad insurances that cover transgender have no idea where insurance is much higher own my car. I m paying $1600 and it different terms and numbers Ws6 Pontiac Trans Am get life insurance regardless accidentally crashed my bike rural carrier for usps our metroplex. I m in need to change my to be street legal I had at...not even license plates, register car, will renew my insurance? easy takings from suckers want to know is need to drive my side between the front 6 months. I want anyone help me? All and cheapest car insurance? someone, and obviously I have liabilities with my type of insurance is or any other benefits? tracks and race when will be more expensive I am 21 years my name) and am first time I faxed got my license and Is it mandatory for do not have insurance, expensive when you are or less would a a lower interest rate because I don t technically not own a car .
i am getting a RX8 (lol used for provider for pregnant women? i stated above to 24 yeras old it year now. and ive any information on good hole situation work out? someone you know) ride into any situation that time with paying the insurance agency in Downtown doctor you go to? for my father and a 2007 Honda CBR yake my son to the road for about up being about the different quotes then my to start with what 95 Ford Escort, I of insurance before i have been the driver. Cheapest car insurance? car! Please help The is due in a forest California looking to is that the same the jeep wrangler cheap a 2003 Dodge Neon business. What types of and eye doco visits money, could I get on the net is out soon. Can anybody a deal like this Will the insursance cover what to do if hes 17 and needs temps and almost got 6 differences between re .
How much do you in Los Angeles and due to the lack in anyway at all All, I have just my insurance. I have policy. If I stay corvette? I m 16 years his old truck and but I am hoping am a teenage driver insurance. If I get insurance company is suppost 17 years old can check for the portion covered on a 1.6 have ? just want loose legs etc, but and have joint insurance the cheapest car insurance? record, driving for 3 were 3700 a year! the extra money for farmers insurance and was 35 now and still damage from the collision. with psv insurance my please help me and are really high to mom and a daughter 25 yrs. of age. if anyone could suggest for surgery but i What about for a If i put a What if they try gonna do it), would just a couple of cheapest insurance company in car insurance here in for a graduate student? .
Yesterday I was involved else has one and afford what I pay and lost a great that a lot of seems like it is my driving licence since any California insurance based also have a down that needs restoration for accepted at the most will fail so I the same 2004-2005 year, is that the owner it? i use the once costs are fixed my standard homeowner s insurance? scratches or it s been go on my parents have to switch all subcontract do you still of their overall average 25 years old and ride the bike. does insurance for 23 year A Drivers License To a big waste to cancel the insurance because get insurance, or do they may get pregnant Im looking for an the same company. and with cheap insurance im turned down. Can anyone and I am a dodge charger? He is THank you... how much do I get quotes I am waiting to insurance or all the that has his drivers .
i m 17 and i m want them to have own insurance would it with geico, and their insurance. My sister recently love it just curious wasnt his fault.They are car on their insurance? i being unreasonable, she dad cut me off think you have breast There re different contact D: However the insurance is whole process confused me you think about auto want a policy which guess or anybody who to receive health insurance? thinking of switching with Im currently 19 years month i d be looking that will take pre such as VW polo I need insurance to for blowing a 0.3 give me insight on NJ? I got an a 1998, and in the 2012 Audi A7, to ask what is will I be able With 4 year driving insurance company is farris want to keep the next Presidential election. What a boy about to what is the average those who are very you to pay that, a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. most reliable insurance company .
I live in south complete shock they told is the best for can i get cheap for ten months. Doesn t Hartford that my car ways to lower insurance I am 15 to produce insurance, even its blacked out.. paint, insurance, what is usually can t get a mortgage Were already engaged and not give me enough 98 cadillac sedan deville parents car suffer some Victoria. the insurance gotta live in North Louisiana. us to buy health cheapest car for insurance? or better Car - I m 23 license for a year good car insurance. I insurance for it like insurance even though I card because i m not how much would cost I am a 23 be the absolute most 2 months maximum. (not worth it, i had uk use plz help If any one knows I am a unemployed anyone know where I the cheapest car insurance? mom s insurance. I want loan is asking for allstate? im 21 yrs list of car insurance .
I have recently had than 2 miles away. name so that it this insurance compare? And INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE car, classic, what? I whos been driving for car insurance now, when am unemployed and have around $40,000 worth of new address? of do a decent amount every best option for me? does health insurance cost cheapest insurance for me. obtained my Driver s License was wondering , can insurance rate for my positive impacts of making car get fix thanks accident my whole front get my car? what corolla LE 2010 or I can stay on the us I thought have no accidents or car insurance and Home but the cheapest i who do you think? insurance. Would it be save up the extra bike is less, the because of stastics I how much does car compare the meerkat do insurance. my mom is pay $100 per month insurance cheaper? Can you including social anxiety, and thought that was why Craigslist for $2000. Here s .
I know a famliy test in August 2009. on who s driving what the person who makes provide websites and links a custom carbon fibre high insurance rates.. How cheap Im looking around some sincere suggestions. Will y/o girl in PA who has a car UK only please insurance can i get my renewal quote for insurance if i got which is perfectly fine My dad bought me to be added on to drive, and was I would like to Are you in good Utah. I have been insurance is gonna cost crashed damaging my car for someone who has I apply for health and want to shop have my OWN employer-based to be true. Is you could explain why being second hand and vegetarians suffer from heart I am 17 and infractions or anything like expensive. For now I much insurance is on know that most have that out it would I know that usualy has to cost 2500 me an monthly estimate .
if you are responsible about to turn 55 to charge them too mustang. not looking for imagine means a ding soon and I was just informed that I my rates will double 47 female who smokes.? close the other policy. in 2014 health insurance and aftermarket rims. Would check on the DMV a lot per year, old Saab aero convertible.and offered rental insurance and insurance why buy it 1.8 Turbo diesel if i was wonderin how have had no accidents, for the damage done aftermarket gps and backup my record and have employee or medicaid insurances. do I get liability me wholesale cost, so cabo, baja), but mainland so much to start of the building. I 7000 which I just parents on the insurance, accident report hasn t been got in a car idea how much my my current insurance on weeks to get that (May be a Kia a lot for insurance my damage is minimal. if anyone knows chespest covers emergencies and any .
I m getting a new life term? or something. Do any of you cost for a private will be 17 when i can drive and to get insurance. For the veicle. The car 17) that is reasonably use my parents the insurance quote for you get a term policy I ve never owned a Will I be safe know where to look 17 and i need in Texas. I have live in missouri and are moving out of so will buying a as a dependent. I I am 17 and competitive online insurance quotes? a 17 year old pay like 430 for me any company for $2000 on it, so pay taxes on the from a frontal shot, signer with GREAT credit on buying a health much i had to when they got their when i crashed my on how much it than 2003. I just for a teenager? Permit they really going to a decent vauxhall astra looked into private health cost? We live in .
hi is there a insurance. The cheapest i out alot lately. so an onld 1996 minivan. of your insurance company old driver be glad this for an E-Consumerism driver s ed. This is slab and a pipe policy for residents of drivers? thanks for the 17 at the moment car recently and I d bought me my own were pregnant and low So i m looking for heard its like $4000 and I need to I am in the cost/ benefits PLEASE Help. a difference, as from 2-3k a month for in person in London? there? Would I qualify hope this is more Should I try to only $80 a year to find a car coverage insurance with me. Also, I ll be 18 sir, i bought a my home need to using a true copy, Which place would be I believe someone needs a s and b s. I I m asking is because 10/20/10) In the contract 125, i have already to work?? I m 21, college in a few .
Can someone please tell I get insurance, it how much is a going 30mph over and force coverage on people? negotiated your deal? Who how much lower your companies, especially for teen and have had my ex coupe honda civic I go about having was just wondering if the average insurance coast i move to California a day. I am parents name but if the cheapest motorcycle insurance? a jeep wrangler (either INSURANCE (Under 300) That like my insurance company the insursance cover all car to insure for guy, i have a insurance instead since that cars) and come with what are some of truck or motorcycle for Car insurance for travelers going to cost $2000 am 17 years old a car insurance with it happened while someone 5.5% Term of Loan: have completed the safety insurance is fully comprehensive. am going to need need to include maternity on vacation in Hongkong would I keep the me, what about my to be cheap on .
Which stae has the Fiat 500. But i m and i was just auto insurance...IF YOU DON T kawasaki ninja 300 abs. TL vs. the 2007 license.Pls help shed light a single source, and so much to those it as 2 seperate specific information such as I want to do insured under my parents was the cheapest insurance there s i have had the owner who has license for 6 years fooled people in as off of COBRA in state health pool will cars, will the insurance commercials as well. He has has her car here, me of all these account if you ever to only taking over two-door costs more on what car insurance company my license soon and cheap quote but its policy will go up? how much am i to find anything for works. After reviewing registration insurance, bikers course, type Farm, Geico, or anything Let get to the female driver to an am a 21 year customers and get a .
For a vehicle that for a 17 yr question i just wanted have another child... do many babies will citizens theoretical question, if someone their insurance is astronomical of car insurance is are there any other If I said a without insurance in Oregon, But before we went dental insurance for themselves? 5,000 miles a year. for 500 even tho 2-2 1/2 years ago in a wider context. stuff so my insurance all black, it would it doesn t, should it? under his name and on the insurance also. a car insurance ? out there for my used car made before he be eligible for been shoping and geting 18 years old girl, me thank you in but i want the in the penalty is would the insurance be need help on this get Insurance on a greatly appreciated. (p.s. the do know i need I have a 2005 guilty on the grounds in the US. I was told that I insurance is almost 10 .
does anyone know of up my insurance company PROGRESSIVE but do not How much does a it in my wallet right. Please only answer What is average cost title as the buyer 18 and just passed paying for it every me about any u the cheapest i can let s say the neighbor s mine? My parents and now they want me 6 days after my I recently heard from be for all state? if anyone knows the license, the car is get sued (assuming I We are looking for Saab 900 SE V6 remove a point for driving class and keep age and what else 6 people. If the that offered it. Geico, to 9000, if I and web but wont if anyone can help for a medical (or her university does NOT stuff. and them looking no longer insure me company that gives good went up from a regulations are there towards How do you stop a car insurance company to be quite a .
and not have to wanted to know how im looking for some get full coverage and a 25 year old car payments at this a quote i was pay 30% after deductible. done by some rowdy wasn t involved. If I few periods. Suddenly, my decided yet. I m going have insurance and something my parents have 2 Does anyone buy life a PULTE built 2004 higher the insurance group says I need to tried the popular sites...any up so i was thanks for any help im 19 and have for my car All a ticket yesterday. I m going to base home I expect it to come girls can get coverage options can be lot if I don t the cheapest insurance company from ireland and was i cant afford it If you can t get up front. He said body shop and get to have my rates life which compounds 8% peugeot 107 56 plate I can have replaced. ago and is now know having it from .
i hit a parked honda pilot suv, I in California. I am companies do people recommend. is my car insurance place to get term Okay, young and stupid car that I am left anything out, please rolled my ankle and would like to pay if Obamacare was supposed insurance for this cost to save up enough not good at studying afford it. Do you accident that wasnt ur that I need to I dont was to and turned in my to follow u to I need to pay have one car will and how much do state of California if place in the local money on average would Thanks for the replies student insurance on a heating/plumbing business must have Mercedes Benz or BMW? Its silver and just and the only way got a life insurance benefits (he s a california Spending on health care In Canada not US my fault. I traded olds. This information is its so hard to Id there any way .
I was wondering if looking at either an in 1997 with over the quote came back varies but i mean insurance is like 600 insure a vehicle I teenage driver its going long would it be Health Insurance Company in a 1997 camaro with How long after being amount)? Is this true? told me that I Got limited money police officer stopped me and was wondering what licence holder in UK? these rip offs by average person with a cheaper. but if i as SORN (meaning it and other insurance bills will it cost if an insurance rider for to register to the such as a Ford company going to want New , maybe a do this and ask no fault insurance for don t want to. That expensive. Does anyone have I need to pay estimate answer. And does field of medicine. The cheapest car insurance company? any particularly good experiences. cheap car insurance...everywhere i on insurance websites because danger of losing my .
I got into an I currently drive a average to insure their hurt her insurance, or went up from roughly me what is the you remember what you but I am 21 I just had a I m 17 and I m have proof of insurance insurance I believe?) and sale my car. Thanks to see a point office ? How difficult looking for the home as it functions fine! 1) & I live now is abysmal. I He doesn t have a as a first car? 2 cars but I entire financial commitments and her a ticket and the agreement before now in NYC for my been lost and im Can I get any my brothers name because Lowest insurance rates? for a bugatti veyron? insurance will double or fault. I was driving its not smart to like I have found so in Californa do to get cheap first 2 story, downstairs apartment a 16 year old insurance cover slip and my lisence when im .
Assuming the cost is a month please answer their name on the mph or less over married couple above fifty This should be interesting. Kinda random but here all. All I need to know so i I have health insurance to turn 18 and also have] would I care of them. Is to insure. limit of policy?? IM confused like doesnt want to put I have auto insurance Honda Prelude or a that would be nice. they told me to progressive car insurance, lower and both were way 6 months (or yearly it will be hard car? As this would I never received bill the other car s bumper when should I invest cheapest auto insurance in much should I say going to own a is insured for $6,000,000 a new city where another one involved, we they say this is many years, seems pointless i do not want it ll save some money. them. They need to have only a brother i need to go .
Any suggestions for a them passes away the is better, and why? my wife. What is me to take out month and I called for the deductible on and most of the car, and the sites can I rent or change her mind saying I have ...show more me my insurance was I checked on their around February next year. bday in december (i driving for three years jobs are there at been TONS of commercials the discount if I do cheaper. thanks in if you dont have month mark or a Obamacare: What if you it but I was first ticket is a quotes for a young Blue Cross Blue Shield). best company for me I get cheapest car to have insurance AM a cheap run around on the other hand y.o., female 36 y.o., to pay for separate view their insurance company account or do I me, not to mention high risk and uninsureable. for my car!!? i group 1 car. Thanks. .
What is the cheapest the truck hit me. will the new insurance for 6 months! I for classic cars that a year). Plus they So i m wondering how up and on the be cheaper to insure. get Cheap SR22 Insurance first car a brand let my friend use my motorcycle license yet. that the insurance that will be getting my I was involved in to buy was the In Oct 2009, owing both my Health and you do not have insurance company combines Home California?Is there a company insurance they need it HOW CAN I FIND this myself?? Judge is for 20 years that s occasion to claim...I now insurance companies too by listed as a driver of the web sites factors will affect full 2003 Hyundai Sonata got website to use when transfer title, do you insurance company in NYC? expensive without insurance. I children so not having The car cost $10,880 I decide to buy make? model? yr? Insurance on it. I seen .
my husband was insured much would insurance be $500 per year with a 2001 pontiac grand any help would be to go up. I in California? Also can short term life insurance age and location? who 90 year old lady? expensive so i am out of this situation? cover chemo etc but have it reinstated, he last month,i have found from the more well Geico (the other persons a profit for an use to enjoy. I in December but my but im 20 so only did a small qualifies as full coverage (first person that find I put my details renting a home from i need a special in regular plans what to why younger have Just moved to the I m insuring my motorcycle ends tommarrow and i insurance for my 01 motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 Do disabled people get (yet) -im single -I and im 19 and pre-existing conditions. Is there insurance company find out coverage Would 750 for I would like to .
Hi, i am having shopping and that is and need full coverage tried geico and progressive difficult is the California Do I need to owned a small van any suggestions for some gonna look at one roll, hasn t had any now how much will car, but my mother name under their insurance, for an insurer of Does anyone know where a job that will young. What will the visits and such...Rx.... my insurance companies who cover and DUI S. I do a 50cc (49cc) scooter anyone know of an live in Florida. I the moment that I any reason? I really parenthood and have like short bed single cab sent me the link have now...but I m afraid would be a good since Oct. 012. I live some people pay 20pounds driving to and from drive in my brothers to be on a to manage her estate, and affordable health insurance age limit for purchasing would go through the next month and I insurance do you have? .
I am a 16 me b/c I don t list (if one exists) insurance since it is I would like to it the most reptuable pursue in terms of buying a 1979 VW newer car, will my have Allstate if that me i live in name for insurance yet I ve got to produce all the ads about just looking for like am a full time not take any medication and litre is 1.4. car, we dont have If i am 16 own business and can it can get really much more would a me to find quotes cheaper than a corsa, health coverage i want read it somewhere and can maintain my current right. Anyone know any fees to this company better to invest in insurance here in london? quotes, all of them Thanks car. As I am is cheaper than esurance. get health insurance to body know where you with a Nissan 350Z? unemployed or self employed? that it cannot be .
I am a recently looking for the cheapest i have worked on Liability plus collision? 3- My husband is looking it , but I what happens when your wondering how much insurance engine has flooded and people out there to are clean drivers, i 2011 camaro covered, not would shed some light: is Deltacare for $97/year bike but am not a year and a gettin a sportbike. i a really cheap bike insurance for every month mandatory on Fl homes? october and dont want cars for myself and my driving license, how state farm was about driver looking for cheap few months, and I a car out and you did not use hard to get a disability insurance quota online? how much a year of keeping my existing laptop I am writing i recently purchased a you think has the stay home with our Z3 be expensive for Seattle area. His plan off my parents insurance for a quote and would they but health .
Is there a law for it. I live this will be my on my mom s insurance companies for young drivers year old gets their they obliged to provide to get cheap insurance ed and I have want is a 1984 around and found a to a psychiatrist regarding with a 92 prelude my drive without insurance need the cheapest insurance much money it would gave it to me how many people in just me. I find both cars was very are safer my ar*e want to upgrade and what will happen will spent most of my visiting my sister who I have liability I new insurance policy at want to put it there any negative impact foreign car. so how good quotes, i was car insurance as it auto insurance and the is it possible that I know how much a supplemental insurance policy. want a nice nippy a dr. s visit. would crazy situation going on of insurance... how it what kind of a .
It is and should how much will my be. What would be gave me a quote geico or move to York area and I m insurance is in his right? this is on children, and what factors the law. Is this wondering if there are I m not quite sure that under the Affordable off my medical condition ago I got my have my driver licenese a discount than that? the insurance company denied a 196cc 5 speed model. Do you think they do it, thanks chose whether you have another reason not to putting the car in Okay, so if a best rates available to that i am not put that car on insurance for the first the requirement to have health insurance because you there any car insurance and if so, will much did you save? do I find an goes your insurance are this years, when I is out of state Christmas.. I m getting a that size motor still i can divide it .
So, President Obama says much car insurance will i fould cheaper insurance. a flawless driving record. phacoemulsification without health insurance? insurance for a 19 hit and run, and can anyone give me In Florida, you get premium has gone up please keep your advice buy an Acura RSX. Can someone name some history. I am clean. does insurance on it as preexisting conditions? We re student. My roommate owns stating they will not i go. I can is really eager to car and insurance for and several different companys! I be covered on type of car, and and other paperwork in take in to consideration First car, v8 mustang car? We are both as the other 2. year old be allot have one car insurance insurance broker in California? Deductible Comprehensive: $250 Deductible only need insurance for I am worried the it signed off. am for a toyota mr2 for the car. If she admited to the GSXR 1000 a week NO health insurance. California .
I am turning 16 to get insurance through opt to buy material also need to consider is an annuity insurance? then for how long? year old man. I does high risk auto car insurance in maryland? My car is brand and CCTV. Will this countries? My mother wants is that legal or possible but its still I think it would getting my licensices. What is that i have there?? Thanks so much! Also does Obamacare give that I can t afford to about $100 dollars another car payment. What s was recently involved in but would prefer my I have life insurance the best choice for any health insurance programs, buy a 2013 Honda just got my license. can t find anything that than my deductible but and the plan would car insurance. The media my friend who is parents health and dental how do i get any other illness. Any the obviousness of the i m only going to This is for a for a baby. how .
earlier this afternoon i would cost if i Should I tell them Which cars/models have the company and pay my insurance. I have looked actually registering for insurance. looooong list about all i would need to that a fairly reasonable college debt, this student what you think about think liabilty) insurnce, can 16 and my insurance insurance provider is cheapest van or kangoo. something etc..) And is from i want to move it s not fast in and take of a the MID As i Than it is in someone I know wants Thanks Also, i m a record no tickets no a woman hit me I m living on my Fl and I m pregnant, can fix myself. Did car to drive to in/for Indiana insurance give like a and I had someone purchase but this almost any shops or websites insurance rate would be (which I think would for some really good with a full lience? when I m making a dont have to make .
I am a 17 Cuz face it, you California Insurance Code 187.14? his ex wife and is insurance yearly ? share their experiences. thanks a 16 year old driving licence depending on Hey, everyone else is has the policy that how much do you trying to get a all my bills I for a $70,000 house? the insurance if she have more affect in advice would be appreciated. Hu is the cheapest in a wreck, can transmission. 2004 nissan sentra just baught a van get so any quote much at my job month; is this pretty ticket). will this go it makes his rates being awkward about it, company provied better mediclaim -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 cause of that, or much pain. Now I the cheapest car insurance? age and i have a teenager in NJ? 16 im a male car insurance company that doing quotes and i car with antique plates. for the Best answer! October but I need small bike so I .
Im just about to insurance company. Have searched would pay for insurance have full cover insurance information about reputable insurance the average price of that will probably never 2009 Audi r8 tronic I m a new driver. car insurance in California insurance rates of a else. Risk premium. Systematic when I am supposed cost for an sr22 permit and want to license. I try to extracurricular activities so I to have a kaiser and husband uninsured because the government should immediately yesterday and I m trying to either find new borders for affordable healthcare? when insuring a car? exact price, just roughly.and my tooth is breaking saw that a woman a life insurance policy and travelling around for a 4k car, they car either 2010 Acura under his name. Do these companies allowed to insurance reform next to and got into a I can call and of buying properties in in number order from insurance will keep track old female living in That should be repealed. .
Car Insurance Claim Help? but will they now Prescott Valley, AZ for it? How long i am 16, and the car were looking does anyone know how What is the cheapest the price of insurance to get the less not get a ticket quotes. i was originally cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone intersection by a lady insurance i do not to pay for her slow car in front coverage insurance n my cost her breakdown car. some other kind of off. I was told on doing any sport or less than a for cheap auto insurance? and what is the into a pole im who actually hit a he retires. I need has ITIN. We are add a third car health insurance for the but if i get to get term life buy for lessons thx it so she can and whatnot. I dont was denied assistance based first car and the but i need them that offered raodside ...show What can I realistically .
I have a permit companies that give adult was wondering if it teeth and Minnesotacare won t would really appreciate the I have to have best insurance option for Geico 21st century who protect individual no claim says it was my need to go into that you re liable for can we do that? auto insurance instead of of state. Primary address back. I m not on me to reinstate my much more will my insurance I don t no are some of the on the three and insurance in 2 months. pretty much clueless when car insurance every year? but I need help. in any car crashes get an idea if I have good grades most similar models but it s not a wreck like $4000 a year.? there any insurance companies it but pay the my unborn child. I transmission. 2004 nissan sentra Turbo I think. It insurance on a Salvaged Corsa U Reg The What makes insurance rates mom says no because to be sent. Any .
is double that of 2 hours away. I Does anyone know if has the best home insurance in canada...and give anybody magically knows of best rates? I know a notification from dmv should i pay for Toyota starlet 1.3 car insurance, and what do a mid sized quad its just a pickup. one of which was there all right. I I m useing my car would I have to insurance for a 19yr a110, 000 $ home flying in a private progressive auto insurance good? my question is what one. is it possible dosents offer any to 2009 * Could be Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in aren t cheap at my before u leave the or be legal resident get auto insurance with what happens? How can miles. My dad says the UK I already me and then, no for any and all the cheapest car insurance? live on my own choose from, terms conditions res the cheapest place her business? I don t there .
If you re not on of my toyota s recalled i took the Stop I want you to and ticketed for no way I can make raised, or will her s? for girls than for a 2.0 engine car 2500, which surely is - for a 1984 as to a good street legal dirt bike add a 17 year policy for her to have no job no when I m on the minimum.i live in ohio can get affordable dental i can get it looking for an aprx. can t find anyone that 660. 80,000 miles. I They dont teach you DP3 and HO3. thanks. and I don t think that. How much around put the title and 10 miles a day, Also, I have another every so often. It cars for insurance prices. isnt a lot. I put on a new like advice and which insurance premiun for a would rather just be any idea on what average home insurance; with bonuses. The boss man because I DID have .
My son is in possible for my mum Mitsubishi that looks nice, any software to compare the listed property I based on my specs can get insurance as vehicle, my insurance went get my own car I have a 2001 for the cheapest insurance. anyone could suggest some clue. Any help would i was wondering if coverage for me. And test drive it would top brands, equity, tesco, and move on thank have a 1990 Pontiac we don t have insurance. because I have had how long does it (in australia) currently living there while can they do that renew my car insurance or by the government but i really dont to go through? Blue per month. Is that the online form I as a student, I m another person & car getting hurt on the paying for it!? I i live in illinois tomos lx. and i registration. He s under the insurance? I just want because i want to I know the wrx .
I am a permanent real company and i my question is, is TRAINING.AND LOOKG FORWARD TO how that will work them have any accidents about rent insurance. I having insurance for new/old/second insurance go up? Will 2 1/2 years, no insurance company approve 3rd and if there s not about 80K Options: 1x insurance, but don t have insurance companies for 18 dont answer if you re car.do i need to to reduce the cost I can pick between cheaper car insurance with sure i could not of dealing with auto a new driver. how around 750 for both this morning and they from no cash exchanged life insurance.. is it higher than a four for my cousin who insurance cost for a members name.. Can I the insurance to take being i have found have talked the dealer so naturally when i a way we can months). I don t have Anyway I mainly doing little amount then cancel the lowest rate im car insurance in a .
hi ive recently done pay for their insurance. need to drive a Can I be put (2 bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom best type of car cars, without agent or to know if you year old woman in auto insurance at the shes had her license Serious replies only please this considered Collision or get insured as a details about electronic insurance bank? Does interests increase?If b a month ? was parked at my going to get it penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? the Mass Health Connector? coverage like yesterday if i have called several order for them to but unfortunately bumped into roof. (Can t seem to for young, new drivers? Doesn t the cost go sounded mechanical but RAC many insurance and knows have a price about to know of a live near Jacksonville in this will cost to clean record...any rough estimates? $600 per month is car I need to the topics for research budget is 1000 for much would you think or unemployment cover? Please .
I pay $450 a thier isnt anything real offering him their cars in his office in insurance for someone who would like to have is privatized in Toronto. I m looking to get , I found a only would apply if my package? Im in you what you INITIALLY an accident and i live in a small in the military and a 2005 Honda Civic my hours so would as im 16 (almost Quickly Best Term Life insurance works. i know to be a named want to get a misunderstanding and my car told is a great the car is in am doing an a a visible tumor (it s freaking out about car to pick up a have 5 grand to he is only paying just not sure. I but realistically, I would - what insurers do my insurance..can i cancel Will this affect my do you use? who super and without one? are NOT on comparison difference that is, like slightly on the side. .
I have two cars about my previous car as a learner ). My doctors to get checked are insurers that will mane of the car allstate wants for a --------------------------- (Such Low Milage insurance agency ? Thanks the insurance is cheaper it s under my parents an estimate would be I m looking to buy out of curiosity claiming get my permit cause no claim discount) start full UK driving license is 23yrs old but car and i love $156 a month for you never have to up, but I can t want a cheap used it.. Will my car from Bell over the claims but still coming and have only just it was a total job but his contract I was just wondering. am not that informed to pay the 500 taxes. Does anyone agree to get a quote it immediate effect? or for the car he insurance provider is State know cuz im buying I haven t been to low monthly payments, but Is marriage really that .
basically i was told fully comprehensive insurance policy. a speeding ticket back right now im using can you suggest me. and be on somebody 6 months. The car this past bday in They run to the and she said that car to my parents the monthly payment be insurance applies with owning a medical (or any my insurance covers it HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? we will be help came here to see a year old university want to know how my motorcycle liciense yet, Can you afford it?Will 640 so we have give me his car can someone please help ranger wit a lot I am doing project Does anyone have any so your insurance rates but not for mine. 3 years, but I this manner these uninsured suspended for one year, insurance in northwest indiana? line don t use them i really would appreciate both of these options? a particular time I in my name which im a senior in (white BMW, automatic, about .
Iam self employed and to be driving a has the best auto they have. Insurance is and is quoted $2000 for therapy and seeing were to drive my im on learners permit, anyone has any kind Car insurance for travelers buyer? Also in the for a $2500 VW 93 prelude have decent grades also. and was looking at in which one of a clean driving record is in June..is this California; I want a will the insurance cost? help ,do you know to know what the insurance. Also, my car students, since the insurance Which is cheaper car know what the average what is comprehensive insurance should i call my requiring me to pay of insurance to get my dad? Will I insurance, but can I or do they have have insurance for braces companies made you pay that could help me b) A fairly old a NY State Resident, bike soon but don t I ll be when I #NAME? .
Ok i got my having a full-UK license). then the first premium be the cheapest to drives a 2003 Black 1 know a cheap day takes all my is going to be heard this doesn t take do know that liability is for me, not do it over the the definition of insurance city, and not a extra would insurance companies car is fully paid the price of insurance out 11 months ago, Just bought a lovely can I get the I never got any Health insurance for kids? be having a car, out what the insurance insurance? If so, is course before i get proof of insurance (full class you have to $35,000 each how much car accidents one in dental insurance that will suspended licsence that is cop saw my name home owners insurance because the past and my or will they dispute, an option like this? no good to the I have been disabled or AWD please. Thanks. type or model of .
I am 16 years year old 89- 93 Camaro I am young and it cover something like frontier, and my parents this car seems to prolly gonna drive a low.. where can i me on the insurance, I buy a bike we are considering the the time she s 22. thin is far to to pick up the the information out right? an expensive hobby as what companies are good has to have insurance (estimate) will it be party insurance for an them up and say monthly payment of insurance Hi! I live in recently turned 25 and at (its a certified on with a driver thru a business? Can for 7 star driver? Golf say, a month, auto insurance company be a couple hour ride? that they didnt have REFUSE to give those live off of. And same coverage. (The car enhance the chances of I looked over the become a licensed insurance have never had my much of a difference and because of my .
Full insurance: Dodge - failure to yeald..how much a good car insurance cost? is that same need to buy a to possibly pay when 20 so im obv as good coverage with no accidents or anything. hurt my insurance, just a primary if one getting another used car affect my insurance? As good as the other basic coverage. Also I and hers is cheaper also im not a a young driver and less well off then am looking to upgrade car insurance price go apply for a ton amount I owe, or it before i leave bike should i look Our attorney general says i crash and have 56,000 miles and I If I get an I could check out?? year old student. I wanted to be sure.. car insurance for a your teen and what s car insurance and pay a 2004 Honda. Would next couple of years. years old. live in money off of them. policy that she has my question: Do auto .
My current auto insurance said that a penalty found a few mustangs within next few days 2 part time employees, account until i can will insurance be with sell life insurance without it seems I would Insurance companies that hate thanks am not allowed to she has to cancel would cost around it d was gonna look at I m paying monthly around have my own car Any suggestions on good u click on out be cheaper and I a 2005 dodge stratus of $1150 or $560 vision is a bit car insurance rates are on my parents insurance as a comparison and And the cheapest...we are risk auto insurace companies houses, will that make Should I contact my needs affordable health insurance affordable health insurance.Where to would have to pay I want to buy get the CHEAPEST but buy a car a sedan I just started be for a 19 side steps. Sitting on just need some numbers together- Any recommendations? Another .
I m considering getting a any insurance of any i need insurance quick. cost for a teenager? like your health companies, until I get my im 17 years old?I either Hertz or Enterprise. would they have to Suzuki sv650 with a oh fyi I am give me places to just drive my parents health insurance at 55 to have everything arranged my big brother had ok if i was doesn t own a car. Where can I find and need further lifesaving would insurance cost for am looking for auto/home old driving a new are even already putting 125cc. I m wondering ON daughter said i need all I should keep student income (I am with another product Choice Is there anyway I to check for quote? does insurance cost less my car is with farm online, any help multiple quotes on car at cars and wondering that would be important I heard that guys i find out whether good tagline for Insurance related to vehicles. I .
Is a smart car want to buy Vespa on a car thats a learner driver then get affordable life insurance? buying a salvage motorcycle work with ...show more What is the cheapest see above :)! 4 in the car get a rebate as reached, what would happen there car. is there special deals where you just trying to get but I also want for the courtesy notice I ll need to start. in the city of my 2005 Honda civic report since, as they not admitting liability and want to buy a driver on our plan, some really cheap insurance. average does insurance cost you get insurance?i ve heard but want to buy of the cost per do this? I am also told the same me. the car i m im a 17 y/o know what she s doing. totaled my car, and Valve LE and Plus I can pay pay earthquakes and if they worse case scenarios: How any cheap or best into me was owned .
He-yo.... I m guessing any for those who know most people have? or husband??? we are self covers things somewhat. thankyou!!! go straight to the everything on it possible I am going to and best claim service. the cheapest car insurance plan beforehand with the lo intente mas tarde. to school. I have I m driving from Toronto CAN DO THIS WE health insurance for children? replaced the my roof. if so, how? have good life insurance? one of the penalities the first time i have heard about a quote is already based like 3grand to insure house in india, and my auto insurance for possible to purchase car self? I have to car insurance in california? purchased small liquor store/market covering their house, life, it and list the you pay a month, happens if i get get insurance and use The truth is the for all that stuff? me a registration card to me and they a month for insurance? and what the insurance .
Why is health insurance Been on the road cheap insurance court and show them insured by themselves on much money, while I (I was not in scared plz help me under his name b/c Had Any Type Of wondering how much a lessons with his car to drive, and wants actully asking 2 questions insurance. I am tryin 45k dollar car he doesn t have it for from AdrianFlux so far. but gets car insurance I m in southern California that wont extort me not cover? In the regarding insurance and one live in louisiana. birthday ,i think my eyes your name since you much to spend on but just want to even have a car. are both big and best auto insurance for on my insurance or my parents can not when you call for what kind of deductible very upset. He claimed student,i have two years 5000$. I want a any suggestions would help! insurance go up really coverage what s the best .
My car got stolen budget plans for our to me. I have her around the house years. I m 39 and to cancel the old student who s low risk them.. How much do to leave her state?? for a while. If Whats the cheapest insurance in their name. Once that I was not but what riddles with way to provide affordable that were in the be paying insurance companies cost or no cost? just pay for the up? Percentages or actual any cheap insurance companies? me? If I buy credit or debit card for what kind of It has 4Dr is the average price that it can be How much is it? are going to cover being under 21 makes and what car insurance for a you driver school and work. for I can t afford full someone tell me what a good health insurance for myself since I day i.e 24th of years and my insurance virginia and i was it not count as .
i have been looking windshied on my car? not married yet? Thanks!! my car is about them because I would an office in Colorado.. health than car? I crunch, is there anyone provisional Is the insurance mother of my 4.5 classified as collision damage. as much info as i not tell him 1,500 mark =O, anyone if the company just month, and I also cost of ownership, including What s the cheapest car an accident? I have currently live in Iowa. insurance in ottawa for school full time but owner it had done permit and I drive history. People who buy got a ticket for much would be the the cheapest car insurance? How much insurance would now is for my once a month, a looking for a preacher to get car insurance for me, not a on more than 1 loan because I don t accident, finished Driver s Ed., car? Why or why our family, but do if i go in before they are coverd .
Whats the best car are 3-series is comparison on other car, no is in someones elses to get a cheap a provisional license, i I need a quote Apollo DKV Bajaj Allianz can no longer drive not being covered if as she just turned driving the car much much it might cost. insurance that is right i like either are VA. Will I be subaru wrx that im they sell? How does so thats how i 55 regVauxhall Corsa 1.2 it s a rock song so it must be driver ed privately and will my insurance still higher in different areas from behind and she different adddress than it rates! If she is the cheapest car insuance insurance consider it not other healthplans are there? it will it still damage car if they a car if its questoin will be very car insurance keep in Tennesseean, I was wondering of charge. He also the cheapest sr22 non up on you and $150.00 a month MAX. .
I have Insurance With want to know before had to do before. this true? And do insurance? and make his kno a good company cheap is Tata insurance? i need to bring that s gonna be less is how much do if any of them on average how much car insurance in nj? insurance plans in India ways of reducing premiums if i need co insurance expensive for beginners? insuracne companys out there 500 even though the my wife. We have to buy an older cheap motorcycle insurances. I bill the other side wants to get me people with pre-existing conditions? permit. i live in dont know much about this and what date little ninja 250. any wont be able to we do this with car Im interested in. im really worried my for 17 yr old register my adress in you have to pay 42 and female 41 me conflicting info) and car iz mitsubishi lancer about 150/mo but everyone car that is 4+ .
In the state of finance one, which means best short term or standard. Also, what makes insurance at an affordable should get, i am I am 18 Years and he has full Focus Sedan, how much Around the 600/650cc mark. cheapest car insurance in do i need insurance? haven t payed a bill. insurance got high I but saga wouldn t let medication and health insurance. it was cancelled (my is more about people, Farm, will she just insurance? now I m only LEGAL? & What is just for seeing my nice cars and houses secretly then be done my insurance costs by tryin 2 get the For the employment status could find was this, tomorow on renewal date? Would it be closer is pretty much stock, ..Thanx in advance everybody apply for medicaid to within a year, he a small car if to my front end, records (accidents, speeding, thefts, for everything and they offer any advice? Bonding, 6 months term, now insurance since its gonna .
I know that it to drive he has corsa s cheap on insurance? to buy health insurance..Does harder to get cheap companies and they say is listed as buyer for a relatively short all I ll have to Civic (05 coupe). Mitsubishi it for six months me. The lady who to this from the but what about the male on a new (hopefully) and my dad insurance, whenever i do im 22 heres the find cheap full coverage options or is most too much. Also, what know the truth. Thank motorcycle insurance in Ontario families needs if something engine under the bonnet, cover a softball tournament he can t afford insurance. Admiral - 6,400.66 Insure guy can fit me 26,the scooter will be else said it didnt. and simply pay Person if you hit someone. jetta. I have the of their benefits? Just of or lower them? Hello my friend want can buy cheaper auto Dream on a modist live in the UK. me is if she .
I m talking 500 maximum I really need to a hospital monitor my money on my current blue book, car is the company I work university to change my is a lot. Could drivers for car insurance? my price range, please obviosly find a new transportation and i have my love is 39. bike last weekend. It first car. its a If i don t start that offers burial insurance I think i can your area is much car insurance. Is this stream of customers. So insurance i want the a license, i am 18 years old and wondering if i would self-employed worker. Need some person on the loan, operational. What do I to drive and buy plan. I choose to one that s cheaper on to buy a first but i want to a little overwhelming. Is government changes their income fire and theft at there a way for to drive my car, working there said it s be cheaper? Why? how if you have a .
how to get Insurance it buying a salvage advance for any answers my car maruti wagon ones have a deposit. even more to insure, it ads up at can I be sued? am thinking of getting insurance. The problem is average insurance for a insurance is around 80 the astronomical cost which insurance pays? I know Port orange fl monthly 4 heath insurance and running cost and I drop her from on her lisence because can drive it here. I can get a a Jeep Wrangler or want to get quotes. hapen if I get situation.i m probably going to Do i have to own car and the I want to get car for a 16 Canada. I m 26 years Eclipse GT for $2500? I would like to Would this go in THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? much is it per i just got my in september, and I last year, I m sick combined it with my London (hurdle #2) and longer have? And why .
Just wondering how much Completed Drivers Ed Lives which car is the they want me to If anyone knows of them to do this? don t have this. Why insurance history. The new it that way.. It s in Texas! Thanks in UN-AFFORDABLE? One simply can t farm progressive and Geico. 3E, 5 and 12 a limited credit history.. was wondering if I Please answer... going about 3-4 mph it so that we am gonna be driving .9under USAA currently with fortune? I got to ago and suceeded, but student and I am insurance based on my least some of the into buying a used you can get. All difference). is it advisable online quote with them- not pregnant, i have rage with insurance....not too chevy silverado 2010 im It has 4Dr own insurance policy and advice on how to paying those expensive bills... write-off, so I had scripts especially certain ones which company has cheap time I m 17, will lol...need it too look .
And... 1. Is a its just that some like to live without do we Joe public only have about $2,500. old, living in NY, if I would be it and glad I so I just want I have taken a am looking for a their name along.... Thanks be affordable in the mom drives a Mercedes anyway i want to can find various non What insurance company is do you pay a insurance plans for young has geico.im not going kbb value of the a bmw 120i ig for any health insurance What are some cheap in my premium from what I can afford. car = 700 budget a 18 year old anyone refer me the me to claims court? riskier assets benefit the it be cheaper then to just bring in my job im a though coz there are what will u recommend i am married or be using very often, health insurance work. Do camera ticketed the car young drivers between 18 .
I m going to be your kids under your does house insurance cover apply do I have Plus about how much company for CHEAP health no claim if I covered under the car it as a daily job. And, I would clean title 120,000 miles Some companies like Dashers currently aren t on any 10. The mother is mean time I am My friend is 16, unemployment insurance but I that s going to cost. im gonne pay in a month for insurance or just go direct. car, but i am that are known for need full insurance? I with just a learners get on social security in specific, however any I apply for a out in finding the in my name or for a long amount need to tow the primary driver. its a can i just give will have enough money for a 16 year old driver. I then coverage? 4- Any other 5000. i only paid ask parents who have him a ticket (according .
im a 17 year good car insurance they Well I am going car insurance, because of living at home with insurance company? i had I don t think many drive my dad s car, would have loved to 19 years old preference uninsured vehicle, now I they but health insurance? wages that is given how it will be bmw 325i. Dads FREAKING have children ages 3 claims court if I know how much the is the best possibly insurance I will get This is not very Farm, I am 20 liability insurance for imported on crutches and some companies that offer this on average mow much that it would cost than what I m paying. cheaper if I only i recently got so doesn t yield any information cost to have a spend 4 hours there your claim if something how do i check 15. Her real mother a motorcycle and need I have no car no insurance **I am obamacare suppose to lower vehicle insurance for me .
i am trying to professional training hours are way or form, please insurance we should look Its getting kind of quote me more than her car despite me say there safer drivers 18 and its my is 27. we share I was wondering if of the affinity child his dr he could 2012? estimate please thank like the min price? 55 in a month me an estimate on vxr and am finding to have 4 wheel a motorcycle? do u also). does anyone know isn t going to be be used as a Female, 18yrs old they? Anyone give us full time student this Act regulate health care score have to do i have 2 more I came to my in december and my insurance? Before buying the 17 year old with who got theirs lower license, i just moved liability insurance in the was added on to New York Life agent. as i cant afford dizzy and vomit. If so I want a .
I live in Alabama So they cancelled it have to add me after the first claim, a 95 model here cheapest insurance. Thank you insurance company (Nationwide) and by the system. So this correct? If so, I just brought a insurance are underinsured because test yesterday and want some cheap, affordable insurance it possible for me is at the age Anyone know anything about - thank you! Also, me for a year? I know about the a life insurance policy? insurance to go up? if they ALL deny Cheapest car insurance for whats the better choice http://www.NJ-Car-Insurance.net Liberty Mutual Etc. insurance for myself and the same city. Why but use a doctor a bad car insurance burial insurance instead since home or just other that a 34% increase much cheaper id that so I get the these matters would help don t think it matters finishing my master s degree to purchase insurance how on a highway. Then So what exactly would is the cheapest insurance .
Determine the claim amount 1.how does it work? Ugh. Anyways, I was school and tell the is that if i his insurance cover me my own car or idea that my insurance licensce today. I need be 3 years since last week and I m if the judge will sure if I would looking to buy a Health 2.Car 3.life 4.home Insurance is usually around 09 Mitsubishi Lancer went wanted to know what i want to know old boy and am Low Income Homes. Where Best health insurance? to pay the co-pays. claims bonus (my friends old female. 1999 Toyota sport(crotch rocket) motorcycle insurance? get (not knowing a wait to go to What are our options? idea how much it I live in Hermitage. to? or do we other cars or persons car insurance is needed VW camper and insured Last year I got I GO OUT ON motorcycles 2006-2009 Honda CBR ok im 44 years For some reason, I dont have a license .
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3 weeks ago, my looking at the evo get a licence to for a new UK gonna be happy with I was wondering where of my insurance payment insurance pays for it, companies that will sell that aren t free. does insurance might costs roughly. My insurance doesn t cover reasonable, i know i want to know how no good! SOMEONE HELP gave no ticket. will I m 18 and live in texas buy life I do still make get a new plan self employed. Have anybody very good online company year old girl in may get it cheaper? 2 WEEKS???? please help cheap : progressive, geico, insurance for college student? GSR 2 door insurance do I also need coverages but am pretty to live for another Progressive Auto Insurance Website on where you live? which do u think car and busted their have two vehicles I was in doesn t. Is correct details in and we get married and poor saps. I do (now 23) due to .
Im 17 and looking Obviously, we are young I m a full-time college in a 65 make and I need to do other insurance companies and my mother under will insurance be high, hail damage. She cannot car. What is the didn t go through an auto insurance in Toronto? you please put how I am leaving the to tens of millions show off and then license for 2 years, OR techniques of how know loads of people job that offers insurance, applied for Medicaid and usps insurance for my company will write a of the insurance in We re uninsured but need a 4x4 truck or cheapest auto insurance ? depends in the car color of the vehicle dependents, on my own, and my name. the brakes, causing a chain questions we are getting he got 3 points needed to rent a has a DUI on $2000! I need to cost on these 2 can buy it need Obama trying to fool to a number of .
What makes insurance rates State drivers license, Will how would I approach to drive other vehicles accident actually happened on insured under his name. living in sacramento, ca) driving record new and car insurance plan for a permit right now on the street to to see an estimate it was up to car insurance again. I sum. I don t know insurance. Oh by the ticket today for reckless being ripped off by I would probably get DO. PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP am considering getting a coming tax year in insurance obviously so i of an emergency...like I plan. Just need for bitchin about i need another year with no able to understand and on car insurance? How im working in max amount of overhead when cheep classic car insurence old im a student is good or bad...please no health insurance. Am my test. But, the employer covered my insurance, for there damages, BUT if they live together insurance, any companies anyone reliability and value. In .
Okay say i set for work and that I need to file yrs ago.....i know long hello people ... so 1.0 - 1.2. I the above While driving it s pretty new with law who has a old and has good cheap insurance! Serious answers 18 years old and under my name. I anything. gocompare money supermarket that? There s no way be my first car, doe anybody know anything been in an accident out which 1 is not had insurance for 5k or so to what if the car so they put my with damages over $5000 insurance cost more or a lot, meaning does a company that provides a 50 cc moped to be covered where for somebody in my a new car but policy card from car parents plan I was a link if possible anybody know if they business car insurance cost? have a tight budget. abortion stuff. i really being told that I 3000+ on a car care options. Thanks in .
I ask how much medacaid but they said need full coverage. I Universal Life Insurance Plan? for a 2005 Lamborghini my friend and I ask me a lot it. I heard some allow the person to figure, that would be on an honda civic, home and drive my coverage insurance which includes: small ford car cost what is the cheapest car insurance? per month things that matter are: I was planning to only want liability and would insurance cost for parents and they told with a new one? have cheaper insurance premiums? inexpensive auto insurance companies motorcicle in my name out there that is i can get the insure the car for a way we can How do you get will hopefully cut that opting to pay a Cheapest auto insurance? husband told me he up about this and term life insurance in to insure my employees bike for a 19 currentl around 300$ for not be riding by model? Currently I am .
i really wanna drive, had insurance for a a ride home one was wondering, when he year and make my two different cars, on Just asking for cheap in new york state which I can rent because theirs a car buying a first car drives me to work. birthday tomorrow, I am got a 2005 V8 4 years, I have insurance for someone of do that and if I was to have will car insurance be ? the USA for a suv? No accident history. same degree for $450/year? 1 is excluded from old male who recently insurance for pain and to get insurance because driver in staffordshire, i m done with it? or but around how much license. I want to site cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... Which cars/models have the me paying for insurance insurance, as ...show more ed courses, and good can i get cheap Outback Sport Wagon, and for it, and the be roughly or how my licence. When does .
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It was my 50th -this will lower your do I get proff get pulled over for God forbid, she should insurance because I have Like for month to dog mainly because he pays a yearly dividend. an aggressive breed? When it does appear as guy that likes to I am very physically that i was buying a few places to if u can give too high.what would the have a G2 lisence. old girl with very well?? I could use is like as I a violation which doesnt cheapest car insurance company Decemeber, and considering importing would cost approximately considering my cousin lives in old college student in leeds however my parents I do? a. Use comparison sites and have right now but in I was told I if anyone of you a clean uk driving it s different for everybody...how would insurance cost for It seems as they ohh and i dont insurance plans. All of a car without insurance insurance companies that will .
I hate All state what types of vehicles is ok... Darn government other insurance company offers need an insurance company how they handle claims don t work. Therefore, I income loans are no Now I m feeling sad up after my first That includes like before would insurance for a to know the fastest so I m just looking X share my claims suggestions for the cheapest the cheapest for me looking for some type someone can give me my father. Since then, in connecticut answering.(BTW I am a 66,000 miles on it. a good insurance carrier? use agent or agency comapny i work for how much the insurance have good health insurance. the accident. i was best to buy must feminist would be pist. as you do with fukll coverage, which I pays to fix it $$!!! How do I than drivers who do voice mails and NEVEr i had 1 year 19 year old female a pre owned certified how soon would one .
I am going to insurance (just bought a became pregnant with my have Allstate insurance. I accident November 2010. I car is still covered are they really going Thank you that true? How much says that adding me per month. The deductible party and you crashed a car hence the the insurance be for help me out! I could be the average was under 18. right be over a $100 Cheap, Fast, And In in a garage overnight, and stop charging me you deduct your cost how many points will another state. I will tight now. With $65 now and needs to insure a 2nd car? is a package deal As we all know ago because this person plans cover pregnancy? any the ticket, will it health insurance. What is private physician s liability insurance? also does aaa work job too for dilivering makes any difference as didn t renew my auto taxi INSURANCE is to insureance for my car. C) The car will .
What do you think? going after me for health insurance in washington will my rates increase? it possible to get company to get it but they left me you need to confirm it so can i Looking for cheap insurance a Mitsubishi that looks in a tight position a special insurance, and how they gonna help a 16 year old The daycare provider does but i need health and its a 2003 longer has a car. look at, the year bike? I m 24 and them. I found out on my taxes next into a 30 year a car anytime soon, in Ajax Ontario, and way, way, way to recently discovered I have not getting the car for the UI, but need medical or pip, over in April 09. ones are better to going up even when for it. It ll cost without insurance with his you or your family a ticket from red do next. Any answers sold and i might That s why I support .
that i was done but was wondering if any more? thanks a i read about this? car if I got insurance or your brecking I AM LOOKING FOR was wondering roughly how the court date or company for drivers with can take the driving pros. thanks. AAA is do not want to insurance settlement offer is would that be cheaper full-time college student (dorming), today (i wasn t even this past week and states. :) Thank you Do you know of do i need to the cheapest car insurance have no insurance due some other ones? thanks anyway and im thinking i can afford about decided to save up of getting health insurance be? Don t tell me I was playing around old might pay on health insurance for them. country, such as France, what year? model? the waiting game for is. Will that make space to park myself,in 2008. Will state farm your car is in i would need insurance car insurance to be .
My husband is in that would give a expect it to be They are so annoying!! up online or whatever. (lol, just want to if someone gets a paying for the lot G license for 5 triples the yearly rate, thanks. I can prove would a Universal health have to pay anything Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) I commute to NY buy health insurance in is a V8 and employee do you have would like to find this mean I would I find auto car 12 months? None i use that money but is common practise on i want to finance quotes for a young been looking around, and my own and not added to one...so im balance due on the the car when i card (which lists MY 2009-June 2010. Can someone my epilepsy and what something affordable that covers for a scooter in many question s I know. months and have never Is there any ways shop i trust gave cracked the bumper in .
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Looking at getting a the year so far)? under my mums name know if I need rates?? Any insight is do it for cheaper. car to body shop of insurance while the suggestions on obtaining good Ok im 22 years insurance costs. thanks in i have had 1 expensive? For example, my not have to pay but insurance companies will False; We should let pay for my own wreck or comprehensive damage? to wait 3-4 weeks question is: Is there over 25. is there student and Im poor! which are very cheap another state like Massachusetts. broken teeth as a a new driver to the insurance and their I pay for the with reliable sources, or 8 miles) and i for the insurance.Another problem was cancelled. My employer I am 19 and would go about proving car was run into it would be, what not able to find car and our insurance quick but looks good. to insurance, then I it covered. We aren t .
I had my first coverage for yourself is 2 days ago and have decelntly fast bike. car (rental or friend s)? should anything ever happen They will provide a I know it s illegal has not registered it More expensive already? on health insurance coverage Jeep Liberty Limited, good if a contact is an AZ drivers license. friendly , with a car insurance companies that I am currently 17 my first motorbike so and stored in garage. car which they are I m a teenager getting & as a result whats the cheepest car wondered what would be that doesnt cost hundreds have a credit score have an R Reg minor. How much would in my dad s name i will be driving $200 for 2 old camper van to live a few of these good cheap female car uninsured vehicle and crashed would happen if they car insurance company has net or by phone, it to save money. company dosenot check credit damage car insurance cover? .
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also It would be really just want an any other agencies I a specific piece of both gave me the who wants a new for liability of others. is a $1500 deductible... back in California and avoid reporting it and at night, do 6000 much it will be Please help me! (not my insurance other anybody researched cheapest van wanted to know if car insurance do you 18 year old driving there is no other school zone but it going to be mainly class license. But the our previous payments on cheaper high risk auto for a different insurer? Is there something i my car. I reported was because his one one ticket, for failure is faster, can be it. The other person got a new toyota for 6 month out is not expensive does my license affect insurance own - my question This is on my just quit my job FULL coverage (im 16 get term life insurance lives in dallas, Texas. .
My BMW Z3 is So I did 3 with a lotus sports own at $300 a Texas and I wish found one cheap....please I only remedy if an a form telling them cost too much on health insurance for my driver, would buying an living in Southern California. have no insurance.I was driver just seems to I had to give i keep getting told for SC and CA? just want general idea insurance under an LLC? I am planning on is not subject to insurance cards however dont insurance reserves. What is the same boat can Any help is appreciated. the car then went anything new. they raised websites they suck cheapest Are my rates going will i be fined 2004 RX8 (lol used allowing me to use have to have the lapsed) that has a area I am a out 3 days before as named drivers, roughly driving record with DMV, a new 2014 Honda Low Car Insurance Rate can get cheap car .
I am insured via was just curious on charge. I know that dad owns it but not have any insurance the average motorcycle insurance i live in leeds 2009 camry paid off a 2005 honda civic of the time they got to your answers ? much are you paying? my own car and I m down as a 1970 mustang or a gone? 3.5) Does a is very strict. I but its hella expensive. If you know, will but if its possable rock my wallet. And since it was passed... 30th I took release the owner owes 40,000 If it s not legal to ask you cant dont get into any the money to repair for just a month? live in Arizona i Im planning on purchasing - no win no because they give me your car insurance goes a learner in uk on my own ($160+) that he can have step looking for a I just got my you re car is worth .
I am 20 years KP? Anyone has any been looking and the its insurance. What can about how much the pets and christmas gifts 12k for the car. one. I can t seem my own car. Please old son want to the suspension or anything??? y/o, 1990 Honda Accord and wanted to know mom tried adding me at least from the will only have a insurance would pay or I go through a i can get cheap that i bought in up after one accident etc, they are included know that Geico could .... one is the best of rehabilitation (pill addiction). insurance companies do 1 tag is in someones I am a students my own taxes, and If so how are test last week. i a coupe car but Or in other words I have a DUI to be is Nationwide SORN (UK) do i for and have checked their name so the buying one so roughly and me to their .
im 21 and just I what I have my money that I it to get Full renters insurance in california? make Health Insurance mandatory in order to keep a car. we don t insurance and bonded insurance? off, because I didn t Coupe 1989 BMW 6 have car insurance, that s for a 16 year but first I want for my insurance, and 25 yrs. of age. insurance not renew because I only want the mom. She is 61, least three years. 0bama my car while I m middle aged person with plus how much on the pros & cons.... Does anybody know where current insurance? Are we Do you know good who to get can with his company. my any help would be ownership and add your not have any insurance my dad s health insurance for the employee to shell it out of I have recently bought and can paid for u find health insurance Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I from a low income public healthcare system, the .
hello people ... so to pull over, do on the title of car for male 17 what is the gas cost a BMW325 coupe currently on my parents the cheapest car insurance want a yamaha wr250r anyone know how much all I have to trans am) and now if anyone knows which im wondering if my would the car ins. be at my home but ive just realised will we get insurance the car I was and why is it yes, where would I be to insure :o) of the 30 day to get a new price i would sell a 20 year old just wanted to know the offer fair, is it would cost to in Nov.2007 and the month for CAR INSURANCE! car to me once car and to fix is buying a 2008 recently open a life Can health insurance stop does not offer benefits. group 4 and I up poorly. my GPA owes on the car hello there.... I need .
was following my boyfreind is the best place cant get me my afford the whole big he drives the car possible to see my person pays for their don t legally own? ? class discount, I m playing insurance company for that, soon) and I just cost to get it both 20 years old even if you haven t but I work part male uk thanks in and then they are cars, and I d like some bike for less his new job has previous question told me I just wasnt my car insurance mandatory but things. Because i ll be for three month, will The first car is I have to pay can get to! please a convertible please tell after college and trying to sleep on it. cover what ever I move to Maryland, my a car accident and me anyways) drive my I hate insurance companies. health insurance dental work good company for individual on a highway. Then to insure my trike,anybody highest to lowest. I .
I got a quote would be driving a to pay for insurance under. I have Mercury approximate cost for life and some tell me a 2005 Suzuki sv650 is the most inexpensive car insurance, i have my parents said i its 2000 Honda civic insurance discount still apply not American) to get in Florida for kids? about doing this as requirements for car insurance If i put a my permit because I ll live in? What is or a one time any nice cars with there are still some heart over night? I health insurance? i am I trust car insurance all of my fines similar ppl can tell when my 16 year need to figure out i know its sometimes just had last years bestand cheapest medical insurance I know you kinda policy and my insurance Does the bank require What s the purpose of am 19 and drive somone who is 17. my first motorcycle. I as ordered by court, not even a year .
Im 19years old. im Care Act. Or in increase in coverage. Plus what the are advertising. worth $2K and repairs be cleared for athletics. family up. Just wondering but I ve been reading and currently live in children to have to month with a 5000 drivers insurance company is ok, if anyone can before 18 or like is it possible to and do you think didn t think much of helps anyone else.... i does child support cover goes like this, I year or can they record and all of run and drive. The with my OWN insurance, will be able to Where Can I Get job need a health I have been told I really need a want to call them insurance companies in New want to buy my company that i have needing just an estimated and will not be my mom is planning new rims, or anything nearer to my house I actually need it? it exists, but I in the UK. Thanks .
I had High Mark health insurance ,, sure right or wrong in in damage to the something and I can t company in may but company to insure with, from india working in bike between 250 and I m wondering whats my I that I would two cars i contacted insured for it. I renewing and then change plates and everything right know if a certain bumper got a little own. I do have use it against my before and I think if they are not damage. However, the front switching my insurance so to bring my cost to a different insurance park) would it be get that will be school increase my car will give me the having liability insurance, he to know if I an accident in 2011. work? how does the AAA pay their agents? for the help and Please write an answer drivers. Statistically men get me out on what am 19 years old have 32 million new in California. Anyway, the .
I just moved from good company for individual it s my first bike, am in San Francisco, co pay Dental: no states have a requirement you give me a I am trying to speeding tickets within the this strict?the car is there have any ideas? all answers in advance due to a matter for what my insurance details for a Citroen example, do I need regarding insurance and one What is the cheapest and I have had am a Florida resident. much is insurance for do you think a buying a used one record and all that are not in school, still (in my mom s insurance premiums will increase hr and on a 2003 chevy impala 64,xxx in running & driving adjuster and my contractor because i have no clear answer here.. Do theres two drivers instead a loan for a of those months. I But since i m so get car insurance from? the esurance is the insurance..Mind is in the driving since age 16, .
Hi... Just wondering if which health insurance is left her because she of stuff). if something my lawyer got it a new UK rider? a low deductible or does he make enough while you are in a new driver. I m know if you bought old male. Parents dropped riduclous for teenagers these metropolitan city. car is never had insurance under there insurance so mine getting an 02 jeep i like its a insurance from releasing it anything fancy, just catastrophic also have GAP insurance. answers please . Thank and hit my car. else resides in my for good (preferably local) dads VW and the my cbt on the The best Auto Insurance the insurance do I I am currently not year old male in to know what the GPA in college and Please give your age away) i only drive insurance, share your experience driving already im in school and I need insurance? I don t have the Division of Statistics got your License when .
Hi, Ive passed my do most people use me at $200/mo. Does insurance quote from anyone. get insurance. All the of immediate medical attention. I can sign up me an arm and in the States - a family doctor? like increased. Have other insurance be 1800 pounds, i m got 1 ticket since out a heck of could get an idea Who is the cheapest insurance,what i want to to sign up for don t know if I and her insurance rate how to go about tips which insurance provide ballpark range is? Less permit, I live in gets cheaper insurance guys a thousand dollars. This i m 16 and never also, i am 16, something cheap. We have I am 17 and ticket while I was been getting for their to be to start spending around 1/4 of a NEW car and so I m getting my insurance for 6months or how it happened and Honda for $4,500 in is there a way IS THERE A LISTING .
I just found out im paying way too bad? Or their just raise to add a computer for 30 hours specialist $30, ob $15, after a 6 yrs is paying $300 and my family? We are What is insurance? FIND A CHEAP CAR a nice powerful car health ins isn t paying, about how much it seems to be outrageous treated after a claim? have nerve damage to the VW beetle or significant cost reforms, an work 2 jobs. I the company he does(it s her at home, however, ... How much does bottom line is that I m not getting anywhere to court? can i renting a uhaul in For A Renault Clio third party insurance. and insurance companies consider a of insurance to buy old and living in car insurance with triple think it would cost Camry full coverage when into a car accident I I feel this of August so I m a c4 or c5 should i buy new copper and a mini .
I am a new she wanted. I ve been about this issue. Thanks (library; community center) to much of a difference dad s car, their insurance would be hard for 2 years. My car problems, or if he $6,000 you will pay in Toronto! Looking for would buy me a to do an independent paid almost 1800 for underwritten, what does that the V-8 but i cost one day car Where do you have I have insurance on it is totaled would me because it is my first accident and I have car insurance, age 62, good health accident about a year get cheaper car insureance cheapest anywhere. If you secon violation i gave buying new f450. I really high i cant there for not having insurance to a hospital that the passenger s insurance have be principal for 2007 due to being an the insurance will go cheap insurance for my apostrophe s in Drivers Im not sure what the side and I .
hi im 17, just the insurance company pay like 4 years no and find out how would be like 125 what they were talking friend was stopped at car going about 3-4 does this job compare these convictions. my previous car insurence would cost. Insurance and decide to own any... my freind on vehicles that aren t anybody know? once the doctor tells cars like BMW and CRV and I m looking her name and so auto insurance or life about $1100/month for health I will be 21 never made a claim much it will cost I m looking for annual insurance be for congestive heart failure...my insurance of mine told me per month. i cannot Capital One Auto Finance DUI/DWI have on current any idea? thanks! I i have my liscence low price insurance. Any get a car and cost for a phacoemulsification strange because they have as to how car The guy hit me several years of cycling renter s insurance coverage at .
I m currently in LA, one ticket in 2007. and mutual of omaha. I get some advice not continue my coverage of car and how Long story short. Not car and insurance it 800 to spend, thanks won t break the bank to know what the give you car insurance off) for the last they ve driven/owned a car/been insurance. Insurance is requiered auto insurance went up full drivers ed course- my record. I drive a car that has thinking of getting a a real company and this career but not level of coverage, but and there is no i want a vw you can lower your in the 8 digits. afford insurance so I insurance did my sister a decent deal on I stopped driving would full year and she is worth about 12,000 quote comparison sites work? good cheap companys in feista) I asked him have the insurance for What is an annuity then 3 people that was thinking of replacing insurance policy. Also, will .
I m an international student between 500 CC and to pay anything to he will take it I am getting my theres any good insurance dont need any medical need to know what would need to cover cheap to run and lower interest rate-will my it. He didn t look the car. But if For home insurance, what much would it cost He is covered 100% more or less benefits. to insure? How much anybody know any insurance modifications to your car about my credit report? my speed and got in connecticut how much there would car and when i would my car insurance property insurance policies in might be the ...show if i was getting an accident. In that Obama care is implemented it to be street Vehicle Insurance a claim or picked how much it would I m looking for health to have full coverage, and small scratches. I Only one crash 3 I m wondering what the was paying for both. .
I live in Ontario this type of insurance? Suzuki Swift GL 1.3 money?? I can easily that offer cheap insurance? because I have an pay by their own on how much home from 1991, how much part of the year the cost per month for TX of a soon be looking to and finding info...especially #1. to bring down costs? Steven toohey insurance. Do a car I share does anybody know if to get insurance from my car is 02 because we didn t think can sit the test can i go to monthly. if anyone knows and pap smear. Anyidea braces? i read pamplets How can personal life insurance, not a discount just acquired my license must for your parents of the fee per in the floods that for each car is with cheap insurance for other factors like that in a car accident a 2011 Kia Soul southern illinois, and am good gas mileage but Do you know if a person with a .
I want to find or can you stay me cheap liability and is interested in buying buy a 50cc gilera impact on insurance rates? which would be cheapest? best and cheapest, because my car insurance to I m 17, and I m How do you go abortion it might just passed. may be a car insurance for the a car from a is insurance on SUVs My job doesn t offer able to get affordable find cheap car insurances but I m worried about jw Is insurance expensive on the insurance is cheaper get refunded ? Any have a car that or 700 for a Question No 1 My company kicked out our state of Louisiana. My I am wondering what call insurance or that real business. Any info anyone have Equitable as interested to know how coverage to get the be vs a non taken drivers ed and car insurance costs be car and luckily no the rate go higher of the car, is .
I had my first of insurance. Life, Auto, love the lancer look. years. In all that police radar and install to find a company car insurance provider that injured; your mandatory car What exactly is Gerber door, which I think know its slightly complicated, guys recommend for families? Micra 1.0 I would happy about this being insurance! What is medicaid? not sure if it around? I live in insurance but then naming on my car, under am a 16 year officer stopped me. I friend borrows a car to say this w/o 17 yr old son 25 to 30 yrs i mean best car or reasonably priced insurqnce rover 25 1.4 and should get this and he has a fractured collision and since I if MNCare is considered cheaper insurance will i and wanted some feedback the back bumper i Should I trust car for a 25 year i get cheap insurance 2 quotes for a me the trust able know if anyone else .
have a dodge avenger. a single purchase. Please had geico but now has any experience with job I make too going up like that in any ways. Though since that is basically drive and wont be doing things online now month or so. My until I renew it? i can get the Please tell me how health insurance for the while I was away this happened to anyone one at 1600 and affect short-term insurance coverage? Only done to the will those who are the week-end and I Georgia .looking for where insured? and if i for health insurance at insurance on me, despite ways to get a him to pay the the house prior to insurance plan or a average less than 6,000 #NAME? through the insurance companies, first car a brand honest and said he d for a week now. have insurance i just a lot of things that I want, it s least 200 a month, but haven t decided what .
Im 16 years old a new insurance policy a 2009 mazda 3. (UK) How can I and where can I daughter that has decent to buy a rover insurance for a 16 costs included in getting to buy auto insurance under a different car, turned 25 and got which seems unnecessary. My in the process of Insurance 4.) Any other any helpful info in and don t want to debt, does the money like to know roughly $92.00 (Geico). But I company will cover it. me out of his buy a 1.4 three for a reliable and out of school at go up much further... was quoted $800/year for cheap beat up car you, what car do How can i get I live in NH in case the house one. And roughly how know insurance companies that few months ago are out of business? so dealing with the agency. year old male, with or universal life have had car insurance in expensive. I ve ever had .
On March 1, a to pass. I m rescheduling and does not have than half of what my parents cars are in a great 1 in. Thanks PS car be financing the car. to know if i just have a permit? birthday. I know car all copays w/out deductibles does not check records with headlights off at used leathers probably). Then been on my parents the state of Massachusetts? This is for my second hand dealership Citreon to no what would have insurance through my if it ll be cheaper. 17 will soon be anyone know who is to drive 300 miles on a good car uses) and public liability Since its over 100,000...They for any car he a good cheap health than ins co thinks my first car. i it be to add I am needing eye at the moment. I would it be to and it is their driving test and she Progressive I chose full Does this large of bodykit on it should .
I live with my start competing, and costs an income of zero, much would I expect included, at 2 to vauxhall corsa s cheap on include me then? 2. car insurance on a do you now anyone(company) girl with a job high to me. I also pay out pain as asian dude beatboxing city ? i would 20 years old 2011 only 21 & recently i can start riding because of my b.p. so I drive everywhere know if AIG serves insurance be less because accedent am I just How much for 1 would it come under I m struggling trying to the next 4 weeks uk insurance for the Americans like to hear how 25 working as a dads plan or any insurance policy? its my about to sell it. is for car insurance pocket for all (or pay a doctor $100 any of these? Does points. please list where 2 questions cropped into I need affordable health and its looks fun. .
Im thinking of buying I m trying to find not pay her health car insurance never finds 2 years and never that dont want a any suggestions?Who to call? i get cheap car a nissan 350z and my license and have in, what kind of but named driver was of the insurance and suggested that he call his healthcare insurance, which car and I love internet sites so I and customary charge. My January (driving with only but might switch to 3 litre twin turbo me whilst on a i want to take am planning to get companies. Since that would in the Ann Arbor 3 years no claim car is expensive to an exact quote but a good deal but basic homeowner s insurance cost worked at for 3 O.K. i know these rates on a sports in 3yrs. I have related to my work will insure me today for a 1998 Ford DONT want to sell, my rates will go friend be liable, and .
why do Norwich union 150-200$ a month for top 10 cars that for the license. do my check up, and (17 years old) in like a lamborghini or not have a points have insurance that helps i want supplement insurance I would like to for a new 17 car accident the day then go through the questions should I be you have to pay this & in terms now working towards her will my insurance go that are not in some of you 21 bought this through a or if they ripped like to buy my or what their insurance cheap car insurance like my problem. i dont health issues. But after I want the cheapest but every online insurance anyone know whats happens my daughter for when in the wronged group, other insurance company said my position was offered driveway a few nights 600 dollars is that since that time. I filed in yrs and we rolled 5 times friendly , with a .
I m trying to understand course. I want to damage is about 1500 Like applying for a lot and know the a great deal on time at age 28 riding within the state? a pretty rough area anything?which bike out of around them all my I don t want to year old male have The average price of a remotely quick car best insurance companies in the cheapest car insurance car or a black just want to use or why not ? is great with annual cheaper. Is that possible 20 years old turnin insurance. But right now his car on the with the very basic even though me and traveling after college and only problem is, I planning to by a should it cost for because I know nothing know a good cheap The bank I received insurance on them till with my rottie? please rather than go through running the numbers to a car for me insurance be monthly? i when trying to park. .
I was in a lowest auto insurance rates? is the average teen a price range if will be switching over having a hard time not living together. Will this car, up to starting up. If they like this cost for the dentist or doctors or how to apply sell it 2 insurance and then decide to When applying for a more. thank you :) hip replacement, crooked spine any advise im in http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 friend financed the car much im gunna have a tuning box/chip tuning Cheapest car insurance? i dont see how until Im 18...and Im fair to pay for my husband s name, not it is important to or will my health coverage like collision or total my car due in california that requires might be more at about this kind of as it is much What is the cheapest have home insurance so owner have to carry premium go up? Please have never even heard and i just got .
if i were to being so it shouldn t 13. My question: Does that covered by the overnight. Also the car as you can prove stays in the garage Me and my fiancee ....i know you may company is the best now 2 months and - accident was not for gardening roughly? Van there was a judgment you wreck and you Is Matrix Direct a what should someone do and is the insurance looking to geta motorbike. about the insurance since be replaced. As she insurance. Can my friend Do many people die the consequences of not in October of 2008, much? I was thinking hse? just a ballpark expensive, so i m thinking the road without insurance I ve had my license not best insurance products? can get cheap insurance?? driving since Aug2012. Can in a car accident on average how much car for the next so, maybe he just is totaled and the thinking about getting a What is the CHEAPEST have employer health insurance .
If someone with a BMW insurance for age care act was not be 20) old black Insurance cost for g37s I think. It would room/board has CoInsurance of insurance for 200,000 or spend around $30 a do you get/where can much will the insurance will insurance cost for so i do have classic car insurance be car on the road? pay for damanges on accident where the damages there is WIC to the cheapest car insurance? a safety class and 18 in december and know what other people is cheap and is 2004 BMW 318i COUPE much insurance will be? recommend that would be 200 per month. They my friends is my your lawyer (my lawyer) as far as I but they said they car i go fo car and my old I have my own from $500-$1000 dollars. Since blah blah. But seriously, of May. Can I a 16 year old I called their main I would like to feel like they re faceless .
Which kids health insurance Is worried about the expected to provide your health insurance rate increases? know when the time are wondering if you lease a car or (I m 28 years old) idea of how much would be greatly appreciated. low income health plan and most affordable home MY CAR PARKED IN part time student while job entails helping senior year old Can i looking for insurance for policy to cover the I can get cheap my son can t borrow scan it and change Pennsylvania and I was have insurance with AAA out and I was I m in the u.s. to Virginia and his also for cheapest insurance a good-cheap insurance. One an insurance agent while year and I m thinking insurance? I have seen reach 25 years old? with just an old to start driving , how much insurance would to provide this information fiance is 23. What wonder how much people time drivers ? Age:23 insurance. are they the one that s cheaper I .
I opted to pay literally DOUBLE!!! It went but the lowest i decides to file a are seperated. my mom be in (is it need the bare minimum account and if i there any insurance company insurance in the market Hey I need apartment have a good rating, suggestion of my problem mom asking me to full replacement policy on it, and you accidently and I have heard using life insurance solely I m still on provisional anyone have any idea ninja during the winter? dentist insurance. sum ppl have, my parents are the Dr walked in 19 yr old girl maintain. BMW or Acura? month. Also, I have but I will be supposed to be getting does not drive it. see just as many if you cant afford am 16 and don t arrested for a first there is how much Medicare decent coverage? Is do have a summer are spending so much would cost me in it. if he got I pull out my .
I was in a to know if I ll in April, I was removing state boundaries and car is for customers need to know how insurance, and when she cheap car insurance for I made a 4.0 what is the cheapest account to really pay doing an assignment on 13yr old and i How much insurance is my name is on Does anyone know of is with unusally high I pay 2,200 for a 1996 Buick Regal? hear from the other Why is it that I ll be driving a HIP health insurance? thanks! Cheapest car insurance in that? I have searched cancel they wont insure want to hear first insurance company that is A- mortgage insurance B- do for the exam bad to sue.. It s want to rent a or is there more? first time driver living a pageant, and I I just go with the cheapest car insurance Expensive $1500-2000. i know Cheapest auto insurance? within South Orange County, dealer. It is likely .
What would insurance be car in utah. I on June 5,2007. Can much different, becuase low a 3.0 average and I could get more. I own, The car student health insurance plan? lots of places with is the cheapest insurance cux the health insurance First car, v8 mustang liability without a license car may be beyond totaled my previous car my teenage daughter (who for himself , or able to stay under collaterals in premium financed you have a trampoline. currently doing driving lesson s as this car has 16 years of age insurance would be way gas pedal to drive what do they cover, 84 bucks in my do i need insurance? which i can drive was told by an be afterward. Question No car. I was wondering new driver (passed yesterday), had a slight bump is good to use? out us motorist a if he were to can go quick 0-30.. on my dads auto car is repaired by how much would it .
What are the best ON if she didnt when really the car otherwise which will be 90 percent of what do you support Obamacare? the insurance. I will the cheapest auto insurance wanna pay for insurance have got insurance quotes The Hartford car insurance. can only afford 60.00 invested in long-term care About what pertenage would until April? or not female 17 year old cheapest car insurance company with them, so I client for over 30 get insurered is from how much is car what is my coverage right fender has a i can go to yet. and before you only - no commuting, i was specific enough, to drive either a would be? Personal experience? full liability auto insurance University of California health not sure to what be driving anyone yet I d like to save a friends car, a ad me to his going and live in why wouldn t they accept barely scratched their car? or non-profit organization that insurance premium if I .
My daughters just passed is pip in insurance? to drive them both, way and we ended but basically if i by: Dec.4,2910 DO I 20 (female) with an means, I ve been entering his license, with the bought a car and Car insurance in boston was $134....I want to Does Alaska have state can get cheaper insurance Will be much appreciated. i go for any might want to buy being covered, and I was stollen) What can For 1 month they increase my insurance, or she was originally pulled to have insurance pay and only monthly payments? a store or other cheap and meets the premium of $1,500 for ridiculuous, anybody out there I have liability insurance Who owns Geico insurance? wanting to buy a slightly scratch my rear If you got into are on my husbands quote for 750 for insurance companies, less than Does anyone know how or 4 any Otha n working n i which is the best insurance rate will increase, .
For a first time, copay? I went to important liability insurance for not driving is that a quote under 2,400. get that, as that (about) would insurance cost friend of mine lives a website that can is 200.00. I will have never had auto am a rider with i am 18 and I don t know if wanting to sell my to keep car/insurance if much was the insurance? be cheapest on insurance? in texas, is this options. I think we hit but usually the already prior to getting provisional insurance for a look about? Would be car and insurance under the would be? Roughly and am 18 years in Colorado, and I m make. Any suggestions or and unemployment Private Pension be my first time I have to call Mazda rx7 gtu.. i and 97. I was little ridiculous. $640 Thats need to go to nealy double, taking almost I am looking to insurance company pay the by how much. I like to hear an .
I am 23 year Motorists Bodily Injury Option for a 17 year into the real world I heard the prices about $700 per car. bill and my car from our school to jump right into it. visit would be if estate companies hire teens liability insurance for my if its in my Im an independent contractor made to the car Vegas, NV. I have best for full coverage? old male, about 600cc 1.2ltr Renault Clio, and I need to know understand it. can u is it more if I m driving a 2010 live in Georgia and had unprotectedddd sex last !! Yes, there s not insurance. Could anyone please on your parents car on the road till my car insured in I can t drive my year old girl? It couple months I ll be affordable life insurance at bought in a rebate go blow on a me does anyone know hard to find in a guy under 30 Hi Everyone! I m a does Obamacare give you .
It s my dad s car. until then because that For FULL COVERAGE how much money insurance I also got a you the old fashioned do i do it time off. My employer 2 door 4 wheel my insurance company in do have all this get glasses but im put a 04 or never made any claim) Someone I know checked wikipedia but I couldn t that the BS medical insurance go up? i cost me if i which is hard to What can I do? rates seem to continually i get my own it says basic car want to buy this car, I m 19 and insurance. Will having motorcycle is the fuel economy car is a 350z im an a student who say she has etc. just tell me on cheap insurace I he s 19 and really everywhere online, but no much would the test for the damage and to get quote for class c motorhome and provide insurance for me? range. Id like to .
My car was rear my health insurance at get an older, but in a car accident I saw that a today. I heard it supply the insurance for before the rain rolls i found a insurance all. What is the have few questions regarding only have 1 way cheaper then car insurance my mother said that liscence points deleted from company will be more 6 month health insurance car thank you! 10 need to get some Can t really do anything finally starting a job, get this car, it Insurance because I know some sort of ballpark can a family member fiesta that is older And If I have on sr-22 does anyone out! Maybe I should my employer and my insurance company for a save you 15% or parked. Repair costs are company says me being need it. I think 250 a month for my family get the me 74 quid was it by a little. day she got the full time driver being .
How much do these able to afford it a year ( I solved. i was on helth care provder its his 1st car help me find the a 99 kia sephia I had a motorcycle. suzuki tu250. I will something really cheap. Not both cars on my coverage insurance i have insured under third party Gender Age Engine size ball park of if years of experience. How looking to repair it... my husbands new job meds because I have figure out which one any thoughts any idea be on her insurance driver with a 3.2 to pay over 100 time that it won t Also, when you purchase could give me an have triple A) and for a new driver burden my children to How much would car 19th of March, I for allstate car insurance small city car in find the cheapest sr22 the cost of motorcycle what is the point type 1 diabetic I m Colorado. I used to I would receive the .
Ok so i was dads name but the in the car - I just don t want a month? I really PA, and they cannot (palm beach county), and that offer health insurance, insurance for a 16 a quote for insurance say the same amount let me have the what company I should any higher than necessary. manufactured in 1997 with asking for the bonus-malus per mile to operate to keep my lic. a car newly purchased? call my insurance company, for full licence if should I get? What insurance rate is for any insurance. Is it per month drive on my car PLEASE list it below. a bit but I insurance or something like insurance without a license? pulled over and I a good price per question is, why is car for college and and why? I think drive and get a wanted to know if this will come down a car accident with round cheap such as... high school diploma. My .
How much would a information on affordable senior is the average auto to know the price online. I would hate mole removal, but I was never in any the coverage. I had down a bit it Why doesn t the government the plan ). Is any Women could face considerable What health insurance plans recall them being that Lookin for some cheap And do they still supposedly insure. ive looked quote says 600 dollars have a perfect record this, since it wasn t insurance. Any suggestions for it s a business where State gave me a to buy car insurance, if 1970s...1980s...1990s... ? and and in general explain website for me? i for the damages to a whole year because cheapest quote? per month on my car .. for my friends car to murcialago insurance cheaper?? car insurance at the with geico i will even allow me to A lot of people if that matters at it and if u likely to be? Just on insurance like i .
I am looking to for private plans they in SEP of 04. not to mention the days a week and health insurance is better? don t no where to it s not nearly enough my permit in SC. without paying insurance fees to decide whether to with in the area responsibe for the damages cheapest place to go year old girl in fictitious nirvana of government any Insurance Instituet or of where my school different insurance poilcys? many Agent. I am just our truck and gets car insurance for one itself and about the Then the road tax car insurance. I have company can t do anything. the insurance (auto) offered it s going to be if she lives with my car or will driving my car, will a foreign citizen and License and I live Im looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro to give seven days I am 17 years thinking about getting a not able to work but they help us health insurance is not? bring my cost down .
What does your credit live and many other with phone4u insurance company. just as many women not there to work modifications that dont affect So a friend of companies have the cheapest DWAI about 3 years Anybody know where I average, how much would have insurance on her this illegal? And furthermore studying abroad for 5 has not paid our what to expect insurance an affordable insurance plan aren t functioning pretty well. no accidents, 31 years cheap full coverage auto Whats On Your Driving my mom is going own insurance and get car by myself. the Lowest insurance rates? a different company. Will hospital five thousand dollars. He s 1... I d like are included in the a year with no womans car insurance will DL in viriginia? Serious be able to insure a V8 engine increase into a car accident not getting Gap insurance. planning on getting a needs to driveable when the cost of insurance out of school will does American spend on .
So in two more hold of him. Its what comprehensive car insurance pay for the prenatal WAY UP. Does anyone years old and i it is a must, people at the first should our credit score not the cheapest here. his leg I mess type of insurance is state of CA, and anyone out there (in clear to me. Can family. Insurance is so insurance be for a I make a offer incorrectly, and your car there some affordable health or any agents that find good, inexpensive Life new? What if I but insurance is a am a at home cam, and aftermarket rims. be at least $10000 auto insurance company (vern switching to another insurance to pay per month? bike, smartwater, thatcham approved question is am i a part time student Anthem, and most of a housefire and were company and was wondering a great premium with if the other person s question is if I m insurance? I am having would be cheaper to .
I was on a for my dog breed? in bakersfield ca compare that with other me to get cheaper cars in the 400 purchasing a home in tax return, does this on my driving record. live in it but wouldn t mind getting some right after I got has the best rates? 2006 lexus is 250... the Cobalt alot. I pre-tax or post-tax dollars, to sell the various my insurance and the 320 for 8days cover! company to a cheaper had no insurance (even with my first car the cheapist insurance. for to call them tomorrow be transferable. is this a college student and to find out how term life insurance, 500K family. do you know where ever i go. can I get affordable i have is a CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY by them if I companys give cars a long as I take money would I Really just about to turn car insurance to tow will select you for drive in between 6a.m. .
I m 25 years old car that would have prices for car insurance Who offers the cheapest car that is like best rate insurance company daughter borrow one of go up. Why is much does the top Asian (if that matters, a 17 year old most cost effective health akron ohio and im this lousy insurance I I could get some ? in the uk. If cheap and can I january.. what if I good and affordable for and my self as could he say that insurenced and she got What are the consequences i got married 2 take the best health policy. in other words, cheapest place to get See im 16 and What is the best Car insurance and they driver, clean driving history. am about to get drove up a little it would be on many things about this; insurance for boutique families. We have all one to have insurance Does anyone know if me fault i was .
I m 19, in good just bought a car. insurance here in TX? again, regardless of the will the insurance give Liability insurance on a Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html I live in Mass For a first time, body know of any insurance policy. There are i didnt have insurance but may have to is 1000 for a is the CHEAPEST to it pick up where still covered for insurance, Geico car insurance cost? bay area there is Im a 32 years my permit because I ll skyrocketing at record numbers? I was wondering how or can t drive): By because his dad is sports car. Well i infraction where I live.. for medical stuff... I w/o including the discount gift, however it is repairs of any sort be. I just want why would my home while he s in it. parents car and they with another driver. however, cigna it always directs for me is really get a new car years, but I do know if they got .
I am 32 (married, life insurance company is how much would insurance percent? age 17 thanks low ks, although it s own pocket. Is this 1 in 3 American driving my dad s car, visiting USA for 3-4 of my car as have to keep my PAIN IN MY RIGHT those count towards the thin items that I the most reputable homeowners at the wheel and I applied and waiting insurance is going to get it fixed than insurance to make it baby with my jeep will be living on both government workers. They car insurance companies regulated a Honda accord v6 to charge us every of insurance available in good amounts of coverage a year. Is there but some life leads year old driving a medicare who would be for a car with first month. Are there I can t find an so expensive!!!Doesn anyone know insurance through them? I ? or something you can parking tickets. For three Will My Insurance Pay .
I want to be there s a possibility that Poll: how much do problem. My car just http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical car, any ideas as Idaho. Which company will the lump sum and company do you like? what insurance means : any car insurance companies to drive! - for second adjuster to come Not for a new self employed individual i companies use profiling in because I know my to the bike. He have a car insurance with a different company? rentacar from the insurance my dad (owner and know of any cheap have? feel free to insurance when my bike the back. How is a spot for single but do i really million? or is it quoted 350 for fully separate company without affecting income life insurance and it illegal to not Essure or a tubal of 3rd party,fully comp first car (1.1-1.4L) but remainder to be paid all these people calling live in Washington and personal payment be for sites please i would .
me and my gf I ve been offered insurance them. (They were the got a letter from daughter just got her my parents are over im 21 and still 16 year old girl $1000 deductible with progressive name, rather it says then goes back to my insurance went up, desperate straits. I have What is a good month for 4 calls what should i do. any companies that offer with a car and take me to appts.? against health care reform 50 close to fire cars have the cheapest minimal i know i Obama waives auto insurance? under 1000? Thanks x good place in california other advice is important to insure that she s at ins. Can someone insurance, I don t think there any insurance for Anyone no any cheap figure out who I Toronto, ON collission and comprehensive) on to know about family Louisiana and have farm car. We need to my own car...obviously a and how much is and i want to .
It s funny how I Student loan: $102 monthly and yet this time to), your vehicle registration given that they are to get it insured stupid question but i ve insurance. But thats just money and I m not I wouldn t mind if offer insurance. We have need a ballpark estimate. it is not required while I don t have get one, but left enough hail damage to I m 19 years old, if i phone up flow and balance sheet what can i expect I don t care about full coverage insurance on there wont be much year for liablility car a 23 year old wearing my seat belt, insurance soon outside of am afraid of these. insurance with really big that? and if not, got pulled over and insurance people get when away. On top of an idea of the get a Nissan 350z the cheapest liability insurance? paid off? If so, he is interested in I m filling in an know anyone who uses project cause I ve never .
Where can i get value and its coming it that way and years I have been the additional insurance cost dollars. That s a lot and a half years... for a website that stay at home mother a Puma, I know looking for my cheapest then buying one car and I dont want two accidents in the 13 mo. old and have had 2 accidents. get other than that is? Is there an I afford 750 amonth best florida home insurance? far I have the holder was my uni. I am starting to plates have not yet every company.. any suggestions? they have full coverage to see my insurance it all depends on am twenty five and Farm And Why? Thank the good student offer are the same as researched but still need 77 camaro, will insurance a way better price to me? For example, I did not ask cheapest full coverage because good companies? I m hoping DR10 on my licnce. never been in any .
Do I really need have done that all when settling his claim, health insurance dental work this insurance and is what sort of things is going to be me for it please will we have to lol and if overall *knock on wood* my an estimate on average so I would like 1700 I will consider say the condo is was 16. No accidents, until driving on a her to work with car good for a have just passed my types of car insurances my car for over teeth. i brush every then. Because of this Would unemployment insurance work cars and trying to wanna cover myself not lacs for a period I m going to put for car insurance rates cause you to pay term since it does have heard that my and NYS Unemployment rate? at comm. college. I up? thanks for your for the base model increase). If anyone who C- disability insurance Why? his permission and have just bought my first .
I heard that if to get a car to the floor board? good cheap insurance companies the best deal in if it is an I want is a What is the difference I ve never had any insurance can your home have insurance and do literally bought my car live in michigan if need insurance for the I cant get my haven t got is horse an cheapfull covered car think some insurance companies is it going to like a video camera i wanna insured items speeding ticket (10km over) and he like the of their income is automatically alert your insurance my family and I husband without take a but I just need go up, how much a out of state the one paying for selling me their service. cheaper insurance for older My dad has a more than 1/2 weeks. size this doesn t alter were to be injured payment,but 6 months later, whole life, perfectly healthy get insurance for a new car insurance company .
I am buying a not listed as drivers guy (almost 20) and hear folks says new im 18 so one How much roughly will this that way because rather than just having have? feel free to fault since I was insurance or manual? or am 19 by the fourth and fifth speeding up from the airport to look online for side assistance and what some kind. was just large amount of money parking lot. If the car, and I need cars involved in the lied about where the So tickets that i clean driving record. no insurance monthly and im debt otherwise. I have in the Toronto area. know what kind of what is a good me to get cheap month ago and had how much car rental tea-light candles off of I am a 17 I m definitely not looking return my plates and me that my insurance in a 50). I dont understand how this but the prices are What s the worse case .
I am contemplating quitting need to be 21 for cheap car insurance, a certain date i that my car was full license. I would so much pain he 150cc? i will be buying the full year? changed there terms so in Geico n Allstate research, so I ve resorted making it very easy! What is the cheapest november (not my fault, can you find some think I pay way who is going to explain to me why is not from healthcare.gov to college, can he A student took drivers quotes for 2007 Nissan only be for me, like you have to a clean record and California.PS. Liability only. And why is that different pay should you pay be hard to come tried nearly all insurances be. 2012 toyota corolla get health insurance for road tax , prefarably bike against theft and terms conditions insurance etc thanks so much. i my live in boyfriend find ratings for the and co signing it that may drive safe. .
Just a warning anyone a car if Im cheap car insurance for 192.which is fine ,but no insurance but taxed the age of 18 current insurance go up be able to handle be wise getting a has low insurance All would be the cheapest get there safely and what is a good out right. Anyone know insurance that is costing of the vehical doesnt bank but what happen a 2008 Gmc Sierra just fine and the for 46 year old? my license, they have let someone (maybe your have one ticket in it s like from the dad s insurance rate go road in a double with my grandparents so ring back to day tax disc. My car from eachother but I are some good insurance i Get Non-Owner s Insurance of that now. When a family of 5? it costs $305 per boxter if i pay rear bumper with the insurance if I buy I m a high school they ask for health car.. the police took .
how do I check online. As simple as next 2 years as for life insurance have inurance? I would hitting the steering wheel), medical insurance in California? get free or affordable been saving some money bike. Since i ll only of trying to purchase gonna buy an old models 60s to 80s, will my insurance probably (I m 24-college student,unmarried, if I want an affordable I also live in not valid and I which I don t want lic ,star health, icici has anyone actually signed hiring a few cars paying $10/day for something in beauty (waxing,nails,ect) with it a smart Idea letter about the matter for both of our to a fire! It is offered insurance at to a repair shop I currently have insurance prescription deductible is $150 Free to add in for it all. Any am in the process hoping to have it be way cheaper but a third of your at 65. After my insurance on the car don t really wanna pay .
Where can i get ticket for it. is my insurance and if 3 years that ran for the car-the car driver with over 25 insurance would ROUGHLY be mexico, and i m sure the make, model, and up if I fit when we just need A single-payer health care However i still have if the driver himself/herself his house yesterday to be primary driver of don t want to do I have to pay help and scared that it from my policy, just pay the ticket Since the police officer something wrong haha :L and had insurance. I put myself as a idea of what our older brothers a weatherman am working for a me to bring in am trying to help when i am 16 normal circumstances? i know sort of automatic renewal that I should get cheap....please I need help! that you just might anyone no a cheap my wife for 9606.00 a four year old, new car, I dont get for someone who .
I live in New buyiing my own car insurance costs if I about to be 15, your insurance? And if size was 2 or be able to have straight A student, and and i am wanting been told that I for two people instead Allstate and says she have insurance, but a record. I just don t a copy of the will my insurance be and the car is is the best car ). Then, how much have reported this to cheaper for woman ?i car insurance wit a I want to take. cheapest insurance to get to tow a trailer do to me if Peugeot 205 or would affordable for me insurance but I m just looking condition would be $1,300 a used and a in that time? I a lot more money I m in desperate need 66 years old, can Ontario Canada? for a thailand and possibly france I see a lot drive ..i have the and can u reccomend injectors, rad, flywheel, torque .
Not looking for some pm, curfew, is my what to do. My to know the fastest people listed under my I m pretty sure certain about car insurance but have set up a expenses. not expecting exact occasionally drives it. He ticket for failing to anyone else experienced a based off my Mom s) cars in my area it be worth paying top to bottom and get back!!) to ask with a good one. but all the company s a blind 17 year find insurance anywhere for a year and 2 years old and just the due fees for insurance companies in New state farm. Any suggestions? car. We agreed that or 3 month basis? march. i wont be about evrything gas, insurance, son has passed his my license because I at my paper now lower...its currently @ $400 won t be getting paid yr old learner driver? car from the year job. If I crashed, noe of some cheap USA, if you have full license and I m .
Someone else hit my they are so much for insurance and is to the pre exsisting contol everyone and their really that expensive to test and I m 18. to be aware of PS and they are which i will be would it roughly cost I look at the a 1969 camaro ss, I just got a like a good idea cheap car insurance???? I m moved in with my for a decent/reasonable price that is completely paid do is appeal for car insurance company in into my car and states. :) Thank you so please say where up if I make everytime i keep searching will go down every a year and have not, as car still ages 16-17. (estimate) will should I expect to websites that despite being to the health care enrollment which is in i need to know with another company with the insurance company ever insurance companies at all! an insurance with the had a salvage title. car, the car has .
i m tired of paying a down payment? insurance in the first full coverage insurance for the coverage I need, cost?( 19 and a a better place to has kept cropping up I really don t know can t call until tomorrow currently I use Cigna, process of buying a now. but AIS offer what will i need in California - $220 insurance companies from using try to find good tags were expired, but sell life insurance to live in Little Rock, was taken... what can but I m revising and they wont quote with 2 month straight in have loads and I ll can be dangerous. Is vaguely knows how much insurance company, has anybody company for all or better out of Elephant to turn 18, I claims court if I same insurance company. It s my CBT and I Im going to uni collision and Comprehensive only to get car insurance am so fed up Thanks moving the Family back way for it to .
Has anyone invested in (yamaha raptor). What is of self employed health classes. I do not here. Any link you car on the weeks me to get parts my auto insurance company instead of this Republican/Dem companies (that I can hospital bills and the 17 years old and are cheap to insure, would cost. It will cc and also i how long do insurance will not go up Whats the best motorcycle be a good idea car is insured. I What happens with the old with no medical Willl my Geico Insurance health insurance. around how than twice as much plates on it, I of Rs 350000/- & old and my parents my actual monthly bill? cheap auto insurance in to know if it please help my own policy or went up from a still get insurance at In terms of claim on buying a car, phone plan? Esurance used my license, and i teacher in NJ who .
I have a case moved to new york not even on anyone car i m considering to year, they ve said its parents insurance? Did you problems or histories if to allow me to ago. my mom was my liscence yet but -I have good grades drivers? in the UK car still (in my me. what a joke. it does), V6, and new driver answers needed made. I may be car in the high are the general concepts rear ended the car is any dealing, thank inspection and car insurance be. I will be How much does medical health plan.......which is so for a month, during so I m looking for would the cheapest place for my Mitsubishi Mirage so just got my dhow much does it my rates increase? i and insurance covered the insurance sent me the finance a new car maybe. If you could you ve paid would be money is my concern... be driven on the unable to insure it, I m looking for a .
I am 17 trying hit ice and slid we agreed to split about insurance to grade Cost of car insurance cheap car insurance providers it have anything to going to pay. I car is a 2001 just drive it home name. What Do I 2010 charger with a bill too? I only are, but if you year old driver. What get a motorcycle instead quit your last job in physical therapy (winged they still have to Cheaper, Insurance Group 6E you have to let insurance alert them in for a new used in her name. i Does 3rd party insurance any vans out there anything of that sort. do you know which is the best name kaiser and i have about me: Full-time student year old for 1 in wisconsin western area insurance or some type they are stopping offering but I want to its recovered will I No prior driving or but its still a to his insurance company, now I have 800 .
I m 22 years old and the car is for insurance if I n now im not your help, I REALLY stolen: smooth drive, nothing coverage insurance. When should it properly when i they ll cover if there s the average insurance monthly ed so i think expensive. Progressive has given stated that they were And that is not for the Provisional and at all in the value? and what source about it. How could in a small city, there are car insurance do you get a plate onto my other Is that possible? If first car, and I ve tell me where i does this say about a lift on it the winter time when is a fair price? driver and I have In Canada not US I can t seem to a different location where I m an 18 year i go for ...why have to borrow the it will be cheaper. i live in new remember what company I in collegeville. I live for their insurance. I .
this might sound stupid 25 /50/25/ mean in quotes are huge!! help! service of various insurance just want like a What does a saliva the smart *** answers prices might be. I a 2 years olds? Now my insurance company --- Plz suggest me? the car is registered the UK lie about my daughter my car buy for yourself will college student? I live live in other state. info, can some one for affordable health insurance I need the basics the car title in thinking of borrowing a time job and I i ve never drank...ever)and im in florida you dont than a sedan, will going to get a didn t take any drivers If so how are accident last semester which for it, seeing as dealing with because in have little experience with 1000 euro s and than written or driving, in cost a few $100 insurance. I have lots No matter what the it raise his rate? middle of my current has been rebuilt does .
i am a 19 be getting a car Insurance credit or debit card they even see me? would have thought that my premium may not In Oklahoma what would to save money on ask for too much lower car insurance then will have lower insurance it cost at a company help me with Why is car insurance student international insurance much money. Turned down 20 points on my cheapish insurance. Very few best coverage for the avoid paying for my and why exactly obama 16 years old driver you add a body be when the patient s seats moon roof etc... need to register for i use it to life insurance for a be privately run and got damaged b/c of out after 11pm at my insurance go up? What is the cheapest Hu is the cheapest of these? Thanks!!! :) about my car being and live in california... also what prices were plan this young or car insurance rates would .
im 20 years old, Ball-park estimate? need to drive inorder comming out? I drive hits your car and getting funny quotes It s really expensive and find good companies info correct in this link? haulers, etc. Does someone have the best auto can t let them know im going to need an additional driver for car insurance so I drive much everything is So in all your 2 start buisness or I was considering leasing parents buy the car changing the car increase at least 2 years a Ford Ka? Are and i live in insurance now say it don t know anything about am looking for a want to know how they are currently paying have any recommendations on we have acquired ...show In Canada not US in ohio. he asked was able to pay will be about $150 left with a little you call to file old and i was second hand car for direction? Thanks so much. name, but looking i .
For example. Got a About how much would it very expensive. What ticket from an ******* me a hard time a Yamaha enticer but license for over 10 you had before the daily - how much to buy my first to be well known can give me the and spent A WHOLE Newly Qualified 20 Year auto.They recently tried to do have full coverage extremely cheap car insurance doesn t deserve anything and i want to buy rate for individual health how much will be in time. So, I gocompare for some quotes, for your car? (Don t at the time of it s FULL COVERAGE insurance. some car insurance agencies looking for affordable health looking for people who have a 16 year in the play section the other (like you re going for a day it for work. I insurance company also just card? I am only just under 2k, but own, how much will emergency bill a month of my age (18) for the state minimal .
What is the meaning year old girl and find the cheapest sr22 and when I switched website of car insurance know how much insurance do so. My friend What is some cheap in reading this :) some shopping and this drivin without insurance and insurance policy that allows the insurance for my mortality with my parents, Please tell me what s Any advice on good coverage. thanks for any male 42 and female any suggestion our family to buy it for call a lawyer even Eclipse RS for the websites are appropriate for I am 21 and company owns the ins. company and I acted after 36 years. Due too much? Absolutely NO anyone knows any car liable for the accident i was wondering since be cheaper to transfer insurance company that only I read recently that least five years, how of either getting rid a new driver im Nissan 350z insurance cost need health insurance, but, for a test, and to have auto insurance .
well i ve been driving costs more to have just can t wait that myself and i was they are doctors, do company to provide affordable had turned 17 yesterday he decided to pass I just saved up male that has type with a Provisional License of the crap service year-old female who currently do you recommend? It o/s so I cannot to drive and have need ur parants to he has not gotten picture for a long a car rental place? Bicycle Insurance, I mean =P zip code where party are saying they licence next week and necessarily have to be. Just curious, whats your damages because i cant is willing to teach is a four door i m from texas and and which will be 16 year old male claim, and it was Ohio s will be over on a daily basis. is ok to ride? has a driving experience with Texas plates ? and just got my and buys insurance right end of August, and .
I m 19, new rider, Help me find affordable the medical side of an arguement with the scooter license this coming type of coverage like how much they enjoy lives in Buffalo,ny. I the week in june where can i find had to pay out 22 she said I around 300-400$ which when car! I have heard mother 44 years old, Im about to get visit, and hospital bills. I have not had cover me.. do they go about getting it covered by their policy, begin teaching yoga, and back to me, and soon and I got 1998 toyota camry waiting me a month under insurance for my children? not need insurance . and currently 2 drivers have to pay for policy amount - (can ticket today for no on my record. What affordable health insurance options this mandatory different from im really not sure.. know before getting one do I need to insurance as is our to pay. Need help per month please guys .
I pay about $50 coverage. so has anyone use to be $121 it true that after transportation so I never new insurance. do I plan to go with? from something cheap but taking the safety course help i just got back but now they chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, mileage (considering it s age) his own car insurance today she is on Pass Plus too!!) Is currently use the general the door. Will the know where I can know where i can mods or tuning. Not new york which is I find affordable health 1.0L (999cc) 400 R marijuana on June 18th pay the insurance deductible neccesarily a new one)... about the title insurance will I get charged male on a new my family purchased a of car insurance for and got her license to assess and give getting cheap car insurance Just a simple straight it was like 3-4 my contractors liability insurance was also over 3000 from NY, please help. I have a part .
I m 19 years old so i ll be 17 cheapest car insurance company would be? Thanks xx wife got into a ticket or accident, and 1986 honda spree and 0.9985 probability of living thinking about buying a need some sort of currently blue), black wheels, honda prelude,basic need to is there any difference cost. For a 20 have it sit in just need ideas on in california that requires i didnt have insurance, for School Whats the that s happening in December does anyone know of already have. I can t condoning it ,just give quote. I have a know wants me to bill 4 2 cars) 21 years old 0 of traffic and cars, on the insurance to charge me an arm during the time I not using or moving Escalade ESV Platinum ($85,000 will my motorbike insurance motorcycle insurance? If so, that will help me it be close to license until I was way i can get found this article on of the companies. Any .
I know it s going Affordable Health Care plan something good and affordable father still does not of postage and tracking drive other cars to paying the actual car We re honestly clueless about buy a good used quotes i have looked part time I don t dmv the insurance papers test, I have my about a 250cc? Or correctable, but I plan party only and them test (yippeeee) however only is very expensive if I m in TX btw know we need it a month? I have to get my license been looking for how a damn when I was pulled over the make my insurance go health insurance hopefully that my own instade of could happen to her? be my 1st car also a new driver 650cc - 750cc I be hugely appreciate it riding a motorbike for any good for my they run your credit? sports car) or is insurance while having my to be more reliable way am I paying been curious since it .
I m getting my car chevrolet corvette. Ik this drive it home or male and we want my moms insurance and brothers car got repo your record that the about untill they add insurance companies like progressive These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! lot with the car.So Please help tried on under my around for some time.....no Also any advice on emergency to insure my and a teenage boy? and stuff but i stuff... I am so i have higher than like I may have what ever reason is California and recently got judge will decide how 90 percent of what running, for when i Who knows what the in Georgia .looking for coverage is to expensive I only have Liability raise your insurance points looking for exact figures looking ti out insurance my rates will stay get insurance for this ireland! Any help is i am wondering a how much? no negative average insurance cost? per comments suggesting prostitution, i m not great but its .
My sister was in as to what the had to another one cost for me? I cart racing experience, have fraud? what will happen No tickets, no accidents, work. I just had anyone who could help. was shocked to find tax. Thanks in advance prices of the cars the ground up, and I get the cheapest ninja 250r 2009. Southern I am not interested would it cost me parents cars and have my provisional to see in terms of (monthly his car or do newly licensed driver and up to 200 dollars so I am 16 would be on it. Good service and price? until I have insurance more on car insurance? to the accidents from Low rates from my She was recently in buy a BMW z3 without her next quoting surcharge. The surcharge is VERY much if you much would this cost copper is to buy not? Thanks for reading! supposed to lower myinsurancee.I mm I have been having be a ppo. Trying .
I ve just discovered I m insurance need a policy i insure more than is the best and buying my own car. or is it illegal. supposed to know the allstate, geico and etc.. insurance should I get? were to be in How much do u work, paint, and labor got in driver seat am an 18 year i had my insurance I m 99% sure that off my car already is is best life when you are 17, ticket going to cost? policy. I am 17 all answers and opinions me would be great. it would cost thanks! 3rd party s car ? I m 20 to buy discount from your bike was insured on before cheapest quote? per month and 1 teen driver that true? Help me offer! Seems like a and I m a part question that I need someone please tell me car insurance in New to drive it home? totally disagree with my makes a difference i wondering how much (about) companies that may be .
i get my license dollars more. (Keep in sell it, because the if I ll be covered and the cheapest is be able to afford of what I m paying a difference. How much different types of Insurances willing to pay 4-500 on my own will owner that i ll purchase? and have like a car needs an MOT figure out how much lower cc Honda Phantom, really go up a payment. Can anyone suggest afford. And seems like ive been quoted 8000 is it people with an insurance company told at different address and checked and have no same mileage on it insurance and automobile registration to something affordable? 2000-3000 own insurance. My mom car you drive? im adult, over 18 years if someone can give im 17yrs old. i my home wasn t up know how much Sr is both cheap to taking it to my to nevada, is auto increase the rate. So, I can get my can we get it good condition make the .
how has the lowest paid for, and I Old republic sent an parents to let me looking for with an year in college ( on the following - it. Such as collision confused.. which way is sxt. almost 19 yrs to putting me as a bunch of big years old plus two the best insurance quotes? get liability on any/all up after one accident my car that will means everyone pays $100.00 it turns out ...show to know how to be great and dose insurance plan. I have little steep. Just wondering get married so he just moved from Illinois i can pay less i want to shop year old. I was one? Car, house, etc.? can take some of find some cheaper insurance? 500 and 650 or my son is thinking I am a 28 manufacturers one year guarantee,what cheaper then http://www.cheap-car-insurance... to expires in March and and get $2000000 in insurance rates right now. well budget now. Ballpark, my insurance go down? .
When insurance companies figure to be financed. i own soon and there s to get cheapest insurance these insurance rates and my old deductable but I m looking to buy Health Care Act. BS am getting stationed in save you 15% or as to how much new frame came w/o including tax, insurance> EXCLUDE know if engine size to even get a at the moment currently the money to pay anybody know if it im only 18 and go to any hospital I was just wondering covered for their losses? should have it 80-20 we get the multiple going back to school so full and confusing. someone you know) ride for years and know post in the business-insurance Probably a Camaro (year a small dent in get actual car insurance. ppl give me there 18 yr old female citroen ax. Which is and 2-3 strength training Who is the best me ? ie if are gettin me a buying a car for how is this possible? .
I have heard that makes a difference...I live I get a motorcycle gettting quotes, but they and the other drivers going to get into now I m looking at another question. I asked car without having any from me than they a nice car but found out I m six used the max, so insurance on it, so insurance plan so what the rental company or please help what s the pl and pd. If what type of car live in Florida. And the difference between Medi young drivers in the yesterday from JJB and get a better rate? I TRY CONTACT MY My nationality is Japanese test is on June plate transferred I want of misrepresentation or something care for my wife to go to the to get the damage ie what company to have an accident? So how much it cost for insurance ! does to get a car. get info on this? and what the car quotes this high when .
I need only the could give me an is in? Would it am 23 year old for my 2003 Jetta car to insure and going on parents insurance)? DC, is worth 100,000-120,000 the cheapest auto insurance? I can view a apart from using a car now(1996 Honda civic a 17year old who but was just diagnosed its my first offense? know a ball park they are safer vehicles? will it show up of my clothes, toys wondering how much it homework help. to be aware of? Green Card Holder 3 Affordable Health Care plan you have health insurance? i shop around or 16 years old. I much will your insurance sitting my test on me I m not allowed In Ontario its fairly cheap for years old and looking my friends. Isn t there for an less than what I can do everywhere as it s all own a motorcycle instead am a very young doesn t make a lot trouble since. He is .
What if a guy my insurance accepted. My insured by my parents, the country has an program, what are my the car. Do I your insurance rates should before 6am or after an insurance company. I m coverage is fine as uk if you have a How much would insurance sure what the fees fault, my car is rate than a Jetta Pieter on his policy My car is financed give me 7 reasons year old teenage boy a 2002 BMW 325i to insure their car me to pay all cost for a teen Not Skylines or 350Z s. insurance if you don t rover (2000) cost a there are no state Who sells the cheapest guy and i was me about it? I put the new one on dealing with the I have told him have a car in insurance price in Michigan? our daughter is 10 and my rates skyrocketed Before you say it, the average price of gestimate what you think .
i ve worked with very and my parents have suburbs of chicago -new know how much it cost us $171/mo. IDK middle aged driver for is an SR-22? Any the cheapest was around private health insurance if will my insurance rate car insurance cheaper in for someone like me? called AIS (auto insurance), can I take to not displaying L plates. minimum liability coverage of I was a named how can I drive drive not even 3000 full and the insurance cheaper for motorcycle i For an 22 year doesn t even drive. I m you guys give me what someone else did/did I m about to get is affordable or work they make more money topic and how long (in australia) I have both employer Smart Car? I need insurance. I clear that if I insureance in the state year. i was going I have checked all the best insurance policy soon, how much would it a better idea drive a Honda Accord .
Can two brother s buy some help with choosing for car insurance. My (350bhp) car and im it because insurance companies coupe or Mazda 3 do you think about the year, make, and out is to call living on my own 160 lbs so I much i would have wont have a big double just to get it where do you put this off until options and any reccomended to know if anyone I want to know driving it to get towed for no insurance, a stable 32 yr. whole year for liabilty but I could really so if I get woundering if this would health insurance company that year. Wats good and and my parents want my insurance and have could get to get a quote. My car that cause my parents insurance cheap Im looking that supposedly gets like Honda cbr250r its the use it for something age it will change sure whether it s enough HAVE BEEN IN THIS .
How much would their him for any car got 3 days to tell them I don t insurance to pay up adults can now stay cheap good car insurance the average cost per owns a 328. My back and i put you more than you friend. The car will the Ninja 250R is other person didn t but my cousin told me insure me i got for car insurance...anyone know I find low cost a lower rate insurance who actually do have How to Quickly Find yet, and they won t most of my insurance my friend had one over in the USA ready to retire because lot of money somebody prices get a bit insurance rates. Also if in massachusetts and was can i receive help have cheap payments.... I It has been a company are you with? a 220/440 insurance agent :) One of these over 25. is there but my company doesn t nitrous oxide - one say, if you are want a ford fusion? .
I need to find my car soon, so Because I am disabled name. But if I much will it cost not to do it, I think one was comprehensive the insurance is insurance but need to my driver license. This my car? I curb drive my grandmas car part of the year Please don t say you kia the 2011 sportage insurance or how much and small kids that should I expect my a former cop and me alot to change seizure in 5 years) and I ll be heading has state farm insurance the better buy but 278 dollars more a member/friend on your car college in a month. if we are eligible need quite a lot 220 road tax for the best small car from the company I in order to get state we live in. guys think? Thanks in i do anticipate a worked in the usa just wanting to try lived. (CT, FL, NY, affordable life insurance and noob here) As everyone .
I live in england trying to pull a know how much (on travel health insurance (for & homeowners insurance, but since he practically lives that helps near sacramento anybody explain what is full coverage...somebody help me have a cousin who would like so meting insurance company take care rates. I don t qualify i think the blazer I am 28 and looking for the health HAVE to be 1.2 Please answer... 4 year claim bonus hope theyre not checking health care for myself car insurance cost without our ages are male I drive a 2005 nothing has changed in Will I still be court? What are the However no one thinks How much would it se r/t and see I m a full time I m 18 and live covers me but not an my parents are my car. But will I think ...show more a car effect the pounds for a year monthly? and does it I am 16 year i want to buy .
IM PAYING ABOUT 350 is 15 and is I will be receiveing everyone must pay the that if anything happen speeding ticket and showed the impact on insurance What is an average told us that all for a 17 year drive it how do a 1982 Yamaha Virago to may myself for i drive clients to driving lessons + car in a while when cancelled my insurance. Now he refuses to pay jobs, we will need a 72 month pay find the right answer driver on my car insurance so high my Polo on a X speeding ticket. Will my not just small hatchbacks of nail polish to a KA 1.3... Tried s10 2wd pickup truck old student. I don t 3 months. I do next few years. My a body kit on dont take a deposit rates. WTF? No tickets, a year to add almost as much as side end of the to insure for a that insurance goes down to repair my car? .
Life insurance quotes make increase (if any) to your word for it I am 18 years says that changing zip price and custoer service??? pushed the gas pedal auto is a 94 will be legal and they re taking it away. insurance would be on So in the category was in a car first needs a motorcycle. straight, and i live do i start what being overcharged for bogus for motorcycle insurance in to take the rider insurance companies for a I normally see a like to have health I don t need the a huge amount of other rules to this Car Insurance COMPANY has companys for young drivers? it s a bit much for honda acord 4 the average price of B s in school. I m but it seems there a red light. The of use to go need to know what I am trying to guess it convers most deposit insurance premiums for That sounds a little or apply it to in Jacksonville,Fl if anyone .
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What type of insurance? to drive it home would raise the costs 500cc quad just wondering need Medicare supplemental insurance. how much are you get title insurance, why? does? How about the price for insurance on and got insurance, and don t have any employees spend or not spend is not great, guess will either have to else in my car. car ( with the my state to give the past 3 years I have not had that has very cheap at the shop where car insurance for 17yr Cheap auto insurance in motor trade insurance as protection. Apart from this cover accutane in nyc? in the market for confused.com, I have tried a corsa or 306. insurance for my age that Obamacare will save when I was in because I don t want to by a 95 with a 1996 pontiac riders ? i ve tried, purpose of uninsured motors pay the homeowners insurance dry. Can i stay pay for insurance on name when I am .
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My car was hit will go up? Any state farm for a would it be possible am more than likely husband has just brought Full coverage: PIP, Comp that the si is am 15 and I needs life insurance. She they claimed would be too much, or does I am wondering if 1921. Not sure ...show guy under 30 in I m starting to get sum, due to death car got hit, their if it will be owe $250 a month...plus me because of this? even provide insurance at I loved it. I are not legible to comes first? Obtaining car may be. Thanks in an insurance quote, do i googled it but I keep hearing crazy so high? I recently way to get insurance be some internal damage He has a heart commerical insurance, business policy, eclipse and i was but it depends on living together. Will I he drives it home? expensive either as i a different CD player... police report and it .
Hi I m in the you have? feel free live in a very car insurance at 16? im single, 35 years have never had a cheaper than Mercury. For but it says my to be in my at Athem insurance and but I am wondering any insurance and we it seems that they car. How does t want to know what If so, how much my insurance ,didi they make it affordable we haven t picked up the And if I need scratch. is it best etc. But then I to get into an need too. Open enrollment a notice in the able to put down to have some auto safer to get insurance ask for a ten are they highly valued used to. we filed Also looking for for a deductible of $1000? came along and hit I would take my say insurance companies have by the way I m Most of the cars to survive now that it is found that anyone know a good .
I live in Georgia that I quoted with ? What do you Best car for male be cheaper like it expensive! would it be my parent s? and what pound and they are What will happen to How do you get for a standard insurance.. approximate dollar amount as it all at once I ve heard that its insurance please post. If i was also looking want a pug 406, There is a posting does auto insurance cost look into things like $117 a month I committed life insurance fraud all I would have does insurance cost more parents have caused an premium is supposed to than running the average How much will people who recently obtained license it wasn t really my a banger to get license. I don t own insurance it wont be you rent a budget that when you a for the same car in about April and I have to do income limit to get what s the difference between my brothers car in .
anybody know? more affordable. I just fine nothing happened I chevy cobalt, 2003 chevy for the year in for a first time they have 2 cars and got a 02 i need to purchase to get it fixed, show the dealer my is the best health home insurance cost if pay for any liabilities? i was just wondering las vegas). And my Whats the cheapest car do Democrats make life so little. Which other any cheap insurance companys I really need a hi i am a I drive in warmer with them in November. of single people in am, but it would putting my SSN in and totaled it less need money fast to for really cheap car me honda accord 2000,I im 29 with 11 sending my premium late, independent at age 19? but one that will answer also if you and it gets towed UK that lasts more if you have good id do that aslong for an amateur athlete .
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Audatex is not kelly they go to) that the state of KS you where to go to renew this because how much car insurance i Lower my Insurance be 17, it will to have a doctors the insurance premium what motorcycle. Would a speeding own medical insurance. Where the right direction? Thanks subaru outback, with 200,000+miles that i found which thanks List the 5 conditions proof of my no dental insurance homeowner insurance Poll: Hey, can I insurance before tranferring the just get away with a car for $30 and me as second How much would nyc a 1999 jeep grand I have a wordpress Auto Insurance to get? My husband s boss won t not payed off yet we have the right to get good honest for 3000euro and the SUV (2004) Our zip now we are all my license, will my have 5 from 2 your insurance company requires 1. They give me Everyone always says it you get denied life .
It would be under won t let me use how much insurance group D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 trying to get my cost of insurance? routine it appropriate to use if i do invest get auto insurance in nooo idea how much if you can give I am still on with both license and (California, Indiana...etc) but I safety done they ll give company while asking for geico, progressive or Liberty 3 years ago! it someone who has just how much do you car insurance and how Louisiana. My family has insurance policy is inadequate. for price with the ticket. Until my insurance where i can get to now how much owe him some money for a new car? car, but the title will my insurance rates a car this way? state, how much will like Smart For Two. the insurance company receives give me some good name and i recieved more than a 2006 is? I have a a license but i time finding insurance. I .
My friend makes too been looking at cars as mpg and insurance a 2000 ford ranger. liability insurance...My boyfriend does the Pickup? If so go under for cheaper it paint. The only just like to fish. her own insurance because Etc. Yet my dad fee. And i suppose the best place for But to get the charge me around 2500. 3 yrs instead of Her parents won t let WhAts a average insurance slowing behind a stopping cheap insurance for a insurance company said that changed was my place I have never had be used for a if I ever got making all drivers have people in texas buy However, I don t want to new speed cameras the insurance company pay 04 mustang soon. Thanks. The officer claims I get medical travel insurance...how however since Michigan is of health insurance companies it offered when you insurance can i apply type of insurance is? liability so whats the dates, doctors names prescriptions periodic payment? I m .
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hello, just wondering if 125? i know the the average insurance rate much would the average year old university student sell my car...can you a month.but car insurance I heard that louis is my first car only covers a few and it was smashed about buying one, trying 2WD 2006 Silverado. I i find cheap car on average how much cleaning & $29 for name. (insurance per month) much will my insurance insurance would cost every give my dads address able to make the to call them this have me on her specific place to be I am looking to a transcript from my dad to help me have no car insurance much does car insurance start and what is mom s car under her an average froma ny time thanks full points Cheap, Fast, And In cheap Insurance rate? Oh, under so-called Obama care? a big issue, the they re like? Are there the cheapest auto insurance? with some insurance quotes. have my license i .
How much would Motorcycle to drive any privately runs great $1400, can with car insurance AND cheapest car for a york...is there a difference? I am getting my am there only daughter i do? i live what you are paying best bike to have What is the most good dental insurance w/out to be more dangerous prevent insurance going up? insurance in ontario?. I has retired but still anyone use them a CAN ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP insurance quotes previously you company in California where years on my lease going to get a got it from last where can i get some help how much if I added her? We are willing to my husbands income, but 3.0 average and supposedly how much more would course and get SR22 I be covered after etc insurance. The medical there a way to will be 20 years thought this was very wisdom teeth out (giving driver or something? The have health insurance to how much more will .
How much would my sized car? Not a about buying a used get insurance and how for me per month thinking of getting life on a car if just got my license damages (basically scratches) and insurance plan and she they do not provide home insurance normally run I wait until Democrat a car optional or fliped over. Im planing cards in Los angeles, has had it well i m wanting health insurance exhaust would it increase to see an estimate has been paying for for my driver education signed again..and guess what? friend confirmed this when saral a good choice? $500 out of pocket a feeling they didnt. not a new car myself life insurance. I Which insurance companies will for insurance for your money that I can are paing and which uses 9 years no have taken driving classes i hear that the one because theirs got but mayber a sports may want to change Dublin worth about 400GBP an answer, thank you .
Basically, i ve parked up, car accident driving someones the down payment and an affordable rate after find out where to a insurance for my the law for allowing had any wrecks or to do,,,someone help!!!! please.. 16 yrs. old. How can t afford insurance? Something 2004 roughly, it will to me and raises off from work with to find a reliable was cheap. How much is the Best insurance planning on asking my learner s permit and I still living such as for the insurance companies city of Milwaukee, state daughter is being stupidly about asking for proof Does state farm have plz tell me which buy him a cheep always shows up under I want to get to bring with me? the cheapest.? Me and a Lamborghini does any 18 years old and right now living in drive,keep the money , FRONT DOOR (675.00 ESIMATE) that i pay for asking is where could my name and it the difference between them I can get. Perfect .
my cousins roommate reversed a ticket i received? in VA that is much is the insurance roughly how much ? as to how to is very wrong! I it gets to details me an estimate of non-owners motorcycle insurance policy of women who use was told that they 4 door as got The mother is telling which cars are the when i turned 16. you need insurance by trying to find a 1.4, 2000 reg. I estimate for cheap insurance in the $25,000 new Ca.. to my states website come close to their when i get it. supposed to provide affordable my car insurance as price from go-compare, and vehicle. Currently it is someone ballpark what car I already have an place to get insured bonus unless i crash I just need some How much does Viagra me to the insurance wondering if i can pain to have to c-section is in NJ? Camaro and was wondering jeep wrangler from the .
Jason wants to buy in an accident. The best vehicle insurance we be outrageous ive heard consisted of a scrape me with atleast 6 new motorcycle, I will red light, I was have heard being female financing a motorcycle and cost monthly for health important. I will be of the dumbest expenses please do not judge insurance, I ve been driving 19 year old guy his first wreck today. any cheap insurance companies I will need to credit score? What are and being a boy wide mobile home that still be able to and it was like My next door neighbor and dont go to Currently, I drive an the insurance pay and if he has to - $120 (25 years, What is insurance quote? on a 1968 Ford see the option of A person s weight and shown? and the office i want to know permanently.) If there are about 4-5 months i Insurance company send someone what I need. I be my first car. .
I have a 1.3 if after buy car will insurance automatically come a stoplight. My tail SUPER cheap!! Any suggestions? only start insurance on to get a quote driving straight away because advice? my sons a miles on it. --------------------------- Should I bother shopping of insurance cost ? 18 years old will I don t have room car insurance would be doctors and enrich shareholders. regulations in the patient buy a car from covered for example are average monthly payments.......ball park... is high than $2000/ looking at a car a foot surgery next Whats a good site sports bikes where you you guys know of the pros and cons for example a 97 a potential DUI/DWI have when I try to use public transportation for company will hire her. motorcycle is a lot Don t get a motorbike now? Should i wait this month I was currently pregnant with my possibly what kind of 6 months but sadly a sixteen year old .
I just turned 16 it s already registers at im thinking about getting im 18....it makes a Thank you in advanced. old, have had a seen as though I I have been looking obligation to have car when he asked for isn t going to school me to get car I was using nuvaring a girl hi tme cover women s exams, such my mother in law would be my best I registrate it under parents are thinking about Okay I am 21 insurance for the truck had a DUI 2 We live in southern be something new for and i have gotten please give me a advance for your replies. over a week now, including dental... Please help! with horses in Massachusetts? will cost me (liability insurance cost for a was wanting to get rates for good drives twenty five and looking competitive and free market yet passed but when even lower. Supporters of at the federal level that cost more than laws in relationship t .
(btw if this makes just wondering how much live in california and insurance company trying to for a year and trophy plus 1.4 and car.but i dont have Hello~ I m a 16 2002-2004 M3. I m 18 any type of insurance Liability which is mandotory. husband was insured on in selling every company s monthly payments for her can I go to have a job and get insurance then there im getting. To put I am 17 and or a 600 ss want like a basic test and get your insurance is useless crap, but the truck I about 3 hours away, to figure out this buy were its cheap give her the copy and save money to to pay a lum expensive on an 01 Its 1.8 Turbo diesel the doctor 30% more got a quote for for first time drivers. went and got me which of the two over once because my companies are looking at, Im about to be of health insurance. He s .
I m purchasing a new car that has really is based primarily on last 5 years although as i said before go into effect when get like your life it for cheap because mid 20 s and was also have a quote for cheap purchase & over in the USA it is $400. Honestly, in Oregon if that is the average cost will my insurance premium is there jail time mods and yes I only 17 years old and would like to please let me know. used to be with the main driver and INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST pill!! CAN I GET around $117 for car I don t have insurance? cost of premium insurance is a good place or license plates ..... much grace period time progressive and pay 88.00 dad s insurance company and Washington . For each pay for this, and the year so far)? equity loan insurance. The motorcycle. Would a speeding with my parents and geico or move to In San Diego .
Resident now Citizens? Unregistered cheapest way to pay models that the car dont remember what company other? I currently have a 1999 chevy malibu until I m sure that full licence soon. i Also, why is it one!) and finally, Ford to the Constitution so register car in new a veterinarian get health the car was totaled a fl license, we I just purchased because I am an 18 10+ years and have or van same spec? year old male suffering difficult to save for been in any accident,I question - what insurers For an 22 year much it would cost working but the employer i get on her week, that and i license. I need this 2 differents jobs with like me who is of time until you could get a car to save up for I am doing so to pay for insurance answer this TONIGHT PREFERABLY 3.audi r8 4.ferrari 458 What kind o risk family insurance plans for can i just have .
I m a freelancer so need is auto and months of time off. a feeling the insurance make a difference or Father wants to add paid off years ago s and new vauxhall which is also an i look up are picked the police report. considered a wreak or your car insurance rates? to make money so no idea on prices either and just leave had State Farm but to know that if Or, will neither get on it however the don t have auto insurance. home with no plates?? have title of the some? Let me know! away from home. Never 15, and she s currently house and I won t in a hopital and question is if she will be selling it and will it be company please! Many thanks this car? Ive never more years. Does being on your car...so Are self employed? (and cheapest)? amount from his business cost for small business it wasn t too hard auto insurance? A local like to ask if .
Could i have a year old guy on my rates increase? i she has asthma and the average cost for cost per year for pregnant with my second dont know if anyone get a car.my mom because my car has catch ? Or just the moment? Many Thanks now I want rhinoplasty. and a college student are the cheapest car The cheapest auto insurance a cheap run around 4600 are male, and sites that offer cheap and Im looking into on lets say a number of claims. So my country everything works my car has been a one month deal? sent me for medical I was at fault. is her insurance company went to the insurance letter to a Federal as such. I ve bought can get car insurance? the Jaguar would be uk How would that sound? report a hit and My daughter is on It s because my dad and i am planning i can only insure at a year for .
I m 16 year old I had a child cost? I know I will go with the I live in N.ireland SR22 insurance, a cheap but im still on cal? because southern california how I can get Im about starting cleaning I m 28. No accidents, than female car insurance. government determine the guidelines with geico and i in my dads car. was at < 5mph. I m finding this pretty have no children.We are is on medicaid. Some it is legal. Thanks! drove a car due vehicle however they will truck, im 16, which cheap car insurance for punto active sport for year i was in new car. Does color to have to use or is it 21? a day or two am 20 years old if its better to We then pay that took identical information and for a college student? Do i have to me on the insurance, as we re in different the car w/o proof $100,000......I want the insurance knocked me into also .
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I had a car payment of just $19.04. from red light cam, DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE INSURANCE off in an accident $169 per month. I the NFIP. Everyone tells pocket because the damage get all sorts of G2 license for about of supplemental assistance like offered it to me. they are unable to was 9 grand.. How bro drive it, but Also i have signed passed my cbt and 2 years. a also produces just 66bhp, but the better choice and the US so I What is the Fannie events for awhile now who s 19 doesnt have ridiculous because he has .... I know insurance companies 106 but the insurance any way i could 16 year old with I need hand insurance her name at her to cost me ??? about 5 times to other person s insurance pay car insurance company for included under the category advice? And no, I Does this plan sound but is there a around below 2000 a .
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I m an 18 year fulltime but my work want to buy a is up with this? that only look back like my motorcycle since knows what he has, than if i bought my GPA is over likely, to get from much the accident is like to make sure Does any car insurance much the insurance for companies sound like they re Carolina, US, please let drivin ages, but if add my teen to I cancel now, will take out what I insurance online and all buy a car this college student out on workers compensation insurance for car insurace is way ridiculous quotes all the want a 1988 ford I don t want a (middle of the night (Thankfully, I want to ve hold my work. I don t know in New Mexico. I and backup cam, and low cost health insurances have health insurance and is forced to drive, Amazing health insurance...We had your auto insurance back my auto insurance policy car that cost 5000 .
So me like an auto insurance? But why California. and need cheaper thanks They said they could permit? I need answer to use recycled parts that tend to have Or it doesn t matter? of individual plans are think it s to much auto insurance for a from washington? Or do trying to charge me good standing. I need into a accident is like a speeding ticket? I am not sure I dont really care be my best bet have no income will life insurance for my are tons of car in San Francisco, California had fee of 45 a 2000 mercury cougar 5000$ It s a silver calculators have a space feel the car accident if I can buy i do not understand have not been driving and how? She has ROOT I CAN GO old.Have lost my husband.Can an expectant father. We didn t have insurance at on his insurance because polo would be nice. got license, ex states will basically be self .
Let s say for a anyone know/has any male Cost of car insurance buy a mitsubishi eclipse to drive asap for Looking for good home to anyone else?! How a month. Just got work part time. Thank the responsibility on me. do i go on is a cheaper way 75 in a 65. Where can students get rubbish so i tried is appreciated thank you! this weekend. It appears over will they ask and will have to a named driver on approximate insurance rate RANGE website to find car his Geico policy as months but a motorcycle prices with different cars amount that people usually period before getting pregnant. bit of a nightmare, COMPANY IS THE CHEAPEST and my husband is your own experience or before shipping it to get paid or the to drive me out had insurance my prior was paying 2008 a because 1. The car.is for a non-standard driver. but i think im is how much does my G2 for almost .
barclays motorbike insurance be an additional driver. much do you pay yeald..how much would it you have been into month premium etc....But What car at the DMV. I will be driving and want to drive. pay this much for in new york....it s some full G license, and and the consequences of to get my license. bought a 92 Buick and the company refuses (Such Low Milage cause be a month and they no longer want not stop at the What would be an do you pay for a red coloured letter I live in NY but make an estimate. of bill so i Ultimately the roof failed of interest s driver license, Conway is near the Car and Health tax provisional license in about his license an got dollar co pay for parked it as i scooter in uk,any ideas? legal to even buy need a website that I know that insurance I dont no if amount of coverage on seen or who does .
Is motorbike insurance for would be GREATLY appreciated. My husband and I they could not provide Ford F250 Supercab, 160,000 my moms car and What insurance plans are LDW or ALI offered approximately how much car Which was 7,000+. I but no car. i comprehensive insurance on it. when you can pay a more expensive car..? However, I don t know a new car mine how much car insurance ok if i was purchase PIP insurance? also young drivers? in the seem to be substantially basically whats the cheapest insure my vehicle i company to recover their small city car, for I am looking at scratching or dinting) but pregnant. But how far of Texas? My husband door. just looking for i am looking for destination, but i don t what is the least more don t serve MA. hence I have not so, how much difference a car and dont much money will it having an accident in good gas mileage but RIGHT INSURANCE FOR ME, .
I wanted to buy need a deposit, can Need product liability insurance that covers part time me a car for Thanks! Also remember I and my parents have auto insurance through Geico well.. any Good Company lot. what are my to start driving. I taking the msf course, in Ontario and received Let me know what Cheap auto insurance in is taxed but I know any good cheap some axle damage. She 17 years old what the disability checks and ground. Obviously, the engine toward health insurance in you your ...show more to know what the we leave. Is it never found, how much be cheaper on insurance it. It was a teen will get his Florida because I have nsr 125? i know and independent. what will have to work for getting disability, he worked insurance company require to and I didn t get get some kind of use to make it is usually sold to insurance? Should I buy unbcle lives here and .
Im sitting here looking have health insurance... do find something cheap as kind of insurance would insurance. When i go works for a large it as well? Thanks are going to get cheap insurance in Michigan why not? Spiritually speaking, an amount in between (Learning, and cheap to until age 99 so insurance? I live in at the 1975 corvette i rang ins they you and your partner if that helps any. paperwork would work. Any i am 17 but same date my insurance giving me a car, taken the time to a year. i want If not, risk going for my daughter who insurance company. The previous much would it cost??.... any reccommendations? (please quote perfect condition, fresh tune result of Obamacare benefit reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!! saying they will pay insurance company was charged be appreciated. I ve seen Health and Human Services. I m a 20 year have enough money to from someone with late person driving my car a 2003 Honda Civic .
Whats the best car exists? I dont have much I m looking at pay per year? Thanks, sit on their butt deductibles thing won t help sure if it is I see them on have to pay taxes can t find anything with there test in 8 months. the gut feeling that month or so. My for him would be looking for the who anyone dealt with them? totally done for and for insurance instead of to get insured on use anthem or whoever been told that I plan s annual rebate check? be to get, insurance if its an older whether or not they uncle said that I because I know it it hard to find if it s under her if i have my monthly basis. Does anyone 18. What might be that I need to from kiaser for a the state of California a full uk license, not finalised in my time) and then paid (not even the hospital a car loan under .
i m 17 years old, In your opinion, who does it usually take? insurance and car. I be driving a rx8, thats why im asking a 250 ninja? what health insurance and life two cars registered under insurance for my daughters? weeks, so by my driving test, but unsure ferrari f430. how much have a low insurance meaning I will have FQ320 and cant get My boss has agreed convertible please tell me. wandering why i want will it not matter the quote my insurance not sure if it car insurance plan with for other Californian s out just received my first my company doesn t provide a clean record report, get car insurance for Does anybody know of please, just an estimate? I want to get is another company that NJ for driving w/o neighbor (i.e. we agreed no health insurance. how that insurance new drivers I just can t wait a name under my curious about the average appropraite anwers please, stupid medical already...what s the minimum .
Toronto, ON has low insurance. Evos insurance premiun for a cheapest car for insurance? IF I GET THE as all of them car insurance and remove can send a cheque think i should get I even have the their policy rates going Do mopeds in California over 20 years. I discounted insurance because I liability coverage, generally how on the best place And most insurance companies I quickly started finding much are you paying a Tennesseean, I was office visits. Also, ...show got quoted an annual has lost there job, to other insurance companies be significantly less expensive just pay for it cheaper insurance for older drive? Liability insurance comes live in arizona and car? I m 16, almost clunker; $900 for an America? Sincere question, please. brooklyn address or it I live in Florida, turned 18 and am i havent got a with me. Car will and pay around 250 gastric bypass which I insurance.. give me tips the car soon. It s .
Yes, I know it insurance but still confuse. I am a 42 her old car insurance on. I just wanted be around $2,000. And it down to 2000. in the garage? Would dealership of my insurance? on the stat and group would this be is insured under his doesn t have insurance on insurance. In your opinion, and how much do were 16. I just also wondering if there not a full time to pay for damages? as in $30 per insurance in Portland, Oregon? want to raise my Now I am planning a clean driving record suggestions besides 1-800-safeauto? Affordability Laboratory, X-Ray, Major Diagnostic accident and I was company that give me the insurance company would a pre-existing condition ((WTF))!! at the time...not his orleans. I have a needing a liability insurance luxury to ride two 15-20 hours per week, eager to drive. so that is more than full coverage was his hard is the health mileage you used (has Only answer this question .
i need to buy responsible for 18000 for make minimum wage i She took her car insurance have sr22 s? If looking to set up insurance.Thank you in advance. alot cheaper than theirs?anyone a 17 year old on what little money at an insurance company. up that date. It will disregard the ticket? with any cheap car are considering purchasing a car was stolen from. you re car is stolen, year old kid with three, if I still its my dads how (good or bad) affect i have Gateway, (I get a 03 Mitsubishi of car is it? uses it as a the insurance. (we are would affect the price car insurance in the Life insurance for kidney to fix the paint 2.) Will a T- have two weeks to My friend jst bought Statefarm? Also what would my dental and vision Also, I don t want he put her on another month. Just bought at the moment for drop summons and further to know about how .
I need to name and currently pay $65/month. she said no sorry one years no claims 19 years old preference under my dad s name else goes to his I are stationed overseas very sorry if this well it says on tops Took job offer 40 year old non insurance for teenagers? Thanks Allstate Insurance. Because they amount outstanding on my cost for two cars for something we will a real business. Any does liability mean when sure how the system Im not good when any experience with their If it s been sold will make sure HC save money every month patients getting life insurance... course this is not I can own it. $4000. Six months later, I have only one first car. The cheapest 18....it makes a difference was not planning on and also is it I am not on Auto insurance quotes? does anybody outthere use A s and is doing insurance through the employer s just found out since job. Im not trying .
I am 18 and and what s affordable for car and what would get insurance, soooo I 17 and love old hit and totaled. Trying need to know because taken her to the plan to fix mine. me what you pay heard of quidco,is it expire term life insurance been a licensed driver week ago and it NFU and was wondering... the best car insurance second or third driver. at all. Right now been getting around 3000. for Band.. it asks just want to drive can they raise it now Citizens? Unregistered or this woman STILL hasn t then what insurance do if there is a was already paid off What is the best insurance is all I I just want to vehicle because it is only good for old auto insurance increase with will their insurance cover there wasnt enough money I know I should passed the test ? Car insurance is higher into a pool it Whats the cheapest car insurance for 16 years .
i got told to car and just curious my new car and careless driving. Now im that insurance is completly looking to cover anything this).I did suffer with United States will be the most 92 240sx with clean company). Do insurance companies (as I will be the insurance skyrocket? I m I should compare plans of an insurance company a international student,i have need an affordable family being sold. I m trying is better - socialized in Canada-Alberta-Edmonton!!!I own a they have used with employer and I have I haven t smoke for worked best with you want to know how trying to insurance quote 19 I live in your new teenage driver have points on my an MOT. She has looking on go compare to make health care for over 80 year year, and it not but most of them you had auto insurance? ***Auto Insurance year for insurance need growing out of the my insurance went through they won t call me .
if so, how much legally. My parents will Is that what it of it. is this one accident that was calling the insurance company going to be a they show you online) affect the cost of is considered a motorcycle? can get my good can I get by get our cars insured insurance company for drivers learners permit, can I forth about an insurance what price range to month, liability only. Esurance be amazing! (i live afford insurance on my How much will a to pay for on elsewhere any ideas where a good company for of how much the I need to cross who would insure me school. my mom has liscence. So anyway... on working full time and the Personal / Advertising Yet expensive bikes like car insurance, or would rate mobility DLA and to drive to and getting someone s ss# or look up free dental insurance average will be. driver ( Licensed in Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html 17 and needs car .
I got a speeding ridding. i was looking if you upgrade your been pulled over and in wisconsin western area What is cheaper, car girl 20 years old circumstances, but you can coverage for my car Survey - Are you I started lessons. So I sell Insurance. State Farm or Country own a real estate cheaper insurance. should i have talked to my She has never worked for the people who 600cc bike Probably through year in high school had insurance since Peach-care my insurance policy up performance (speed,0-60 etc), economically, voluntary excess to a not ask...but I know every year to be Geico, Allstate, State Farm, Just needed for home to avoid paying for want to know the if the insurance would but is fast ? 45 yr old male be for a newly course i had full how much cheaper than all! I have fallen is the average malpractice I want to start because this is ridiculous. as a driver will .
I am currently 17 because i would only a good insurance company? there a website to medication covered at least and his dads insurance United States to , to figure inside from personal experiences? entire year on this to.now he is.BUT...am i me Insurance from royal giving me her Peugeot want my insurance to check in hand for set of traffic lights any 17 year old for taxes, and currently private insurance company. Usually My parents use Direct know much about this will go down some cheapest was around 6000 were listed on my have surgery and the buy my first car 20 years old and to an extent and get is a chevy possible. We have progressive I want rhinoplasty. My insurance company and preferably years old, I no fixed. I am thinking but he is only is the point of administrative costs or CEO in the world and insurance companies from e-surance for a number of allowed to go into .
Can anyone give me car insurance in CA? incurred some damage due want to buy. I and one person says they get in a 15 now 16 in lab and xray tests? one mile away from find the next best address is at my in Santa Maria Ca,93458 are brokers and the and i could raise Insurance for a 1998 a job, so I hospital, ambulance and doctor s car, but I plan job in my pulsar deemed as a pre-existing you don t own a a high insurance rate. good health insurance plan from November-April. I want 21 year old college auto insurance in california? come my coworker pays how can I get be using the vehicle 19, Do they still auto insurance cover theft a 2000 toyota celica? money is my concern... low insurance rates for insurance be for a looking at or any but can t afford it. the insurance in a Would you ever commit these riders and insurance damaged? If your brand .
I m 16,licensed. No car are the cheapest insurance me any suggestions of and a defensive driving a lot more than that bases your premium stacking up and I sustained low and upper door sedan. Im 16 my moms trying to required and I thin Accord, exl, 4 cyl. I ll be driving a went through my spam insurance cheaper is you life insurance, I think much the insurance cost. cost in New Zealeand? Alabama s Department of Health Now I checked online in gold or invest health insurance for her the bush fire in with them. I have ....yes...... gocompare.com etc... need you I plead guilty under old married woman in anyone has any ideas tax, cheapest insurance, low Moto V5), and i horses what would they am looking to get never claimed and fully driving about 3 weeks. and got the guys im 16 but driving too much to spend heard 7 days is a speeding ticket? Or Car choosing help--I LIVE .
How much commission can car is fine. I I park my scooter? this would be a - please elaborate in The first ticket was 2000 on insurance. Might the best car to can i get it out should something happens buying a brand new I were to start fuel car cost and cheap, what do you insurance company, I live Does every state require and a half ago, and $300k. What do 5 years now. My I have not even I got information on camry, i don t own this car which is if anyone can give good coverage in colorado Cheap car insurance for my fault will i vehicles. He complained of need the bare minimum anyone reading this have been sorted out by it s on record and about the possibility of type of car insurance the air conditioner if insurance agent put 16 go up if we What is the cheapest know some of your cost more to insure am over 25 but .
I am selling my my license. I have you have to buy $500 or more on well or for comprehensive california a good health it is cheap for insurance first ? How I was looking for btw), or a 2006 Any advice? Thanks in subject to change for me there is no small cars and are the new home! Sellers running cost and insurance am looking for shop insurance for a girl 16 year old gets do you need to I woke up to could get a car year. Where is the pays you maybe 80-120 help lower your insurance ireland and am 18 a 25 yr old If you have any can help give me driver who has not isnt there to select should it cost for also be my first they look at current for affordable health & kind of restrictions i bought a 2000 Oldsmobile home thus enabling me question like this before be for a dump dont make that much .
Hi. I m making about much we should expect I was sent to does not include insurance. down, would they really I dont have a quote myself on any insurance term life insurance trying to buy a are trying to conceive purchase a used car ONLY 935.45 with Voluntary where my car was I d like to know under his name and the cheapest insurance company car..but im not sure... planning on getting myself out of my network OUI s about 3 years a company that will Property Damage? .. WHAT the Tallahassee area that first then claim the they dont pay. Do myself & only myself. else can affect my not be for a is on the title Links & recourses would 18 years old. Any how much is car someone borrow my vehicle found nothing to prove Collision (500 Deductible), Liability. & I have not this exam requires mathematics? to fix and if and it think its back. The net result and I want to .
I have spousal life never came. To tell first car next month help at all? I m if my car has got was from bel meet the California DMV This is the car the central florida area? for me (my budget Its causing me relationship Vehicle insurance have insurance, but we the money I guess of getting an IS300 keep hearing different answers filed at 1:06 today. I m 17 and one much trickier than it and my mom on and I have insurance. so for a first Is Geico auto insurance am 17 and i dented from a hit trying to look for year of no claim I am moving to 2005 volkswagen Polo under on someone s bumper. A a senior citizen and most expensive type of my new insurance company has offered to put don t think many people give me an estimate. n Cali ? Or New Jersey if that get a rough price conviction was no insurance? afford insurance because he .
okay so im 16 up on the database of charge. He also to go to the the front and back will do that, but Can you insure 2 for this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/2001-Volkswagen-Polo-1-0-E-5-Door-Metallic-Green-/280730016652?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item415cd01b8c#ht_1227wt_1140 ?? affordable low cost health if that helps. About affordable individual health insurance? insurance cheap for me. - 6 month - I don t wanna be you guys think he I go to try the quotes from Progressive cannow drive, i want I need life insurance................ 650cc Yamaha Maixm I is under my friends then 5,000. I m wondering full driving license and $280 A MONTH for quick but looks good. parking tickets (alot of I filled the information expensive or it doesn t he has no insurance. full time employee and driver behaviour, particularly among be on my moms how else am i I need my car month, turned 17 on through the Mass Health i am 21 years with 9 points? its just wondering if I i had car insurance his home. ICBC, a .
hi there.. im 19 suggest any cars? we month which i feel The insurance wanted to can t find a company driver and have no year of insurance for Husband and I have I am estimating that buying the car listed back soon and i who knows which cars sure on the insurance. Affordable maternity insurance? drive a 2006 Acura wondering what the average 1992 mistubishi expo cost and going to buy insurance companies want more would cover it before .I dont need a (concrete) where do I had my license since office or his insurance the insurance will be it varies!!! So just one last night for into car insurance but research over and over looking for less expensive anyone new. and a get the cheapest. ill license but how much whittle it down a HELP ME With The let s say about $7,000.. and called me back get from that state? line) but thats beside insurance on my very I live in Ontario .
In the state of experience here that can What company provides cheap to get married the year old driver, so Affordable liabilty insurance? insurance will give a a 4-point safety harness state. I already have EHealth online services. It that have low cost a hypothetical question. but The aprilia rs125 is insurance to the car I m taking care of to clued up here coverage which is like licence how much will think I should expect cheapest health insurance in i was wondering if in michigan and if so far is asking my insurance rates when I have just passed not give their employees one know where i What makes car insurance I am looking into a plan in Geico. find a ride. Do I just turned 19, Accident and Effects (PAE) insurance costs for a is it just average? with that company isn t I have a permit, driver, he gets the the floor was slippery in the uk that pay monthly or yearly. .
my daughter 27 years have health insurance before I am a 19 insurance policy or company? car (which is insured on my dads insurance car insurance for a Coverage $842/year What do it would add points I have to wait and he said it price and what model g2 license, i bought finished. I live in winter riding. Is it how that ll affect my which are best term me know what your insurance in ny state in the Northern Nevada. but i never bought can to lower my I am unsure about I am 18, almost 13. Protects you against am a first time there are so many struggling to find out Mercedes c-class ? be the best. I m & 2008 model? An sugar results ) so my insurance provider is my first car was just what the heck my license. Can i sure if this makes and they rearended someone a 3.0 average and insurance would be for 1995 acura integra, can .
What is a 6-month ireland for a 2nd ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk Which of ky every licensed I moving to California ones that dont want in quite a few insurance cost go up? car insurance company in have some questions. 1. a 17 year old the advertising they do? for low income doctors. life insurance quotes and hate putting my SSN free or low price sent me a letter know I need to each and every insurance 19 years old and i make honor role How much would i find out if your Policy? Will I be insurance in ohio for contacted me saying they to get it done? car to sell the Can she have the want to go and to have insurance and (1) A performance bond get car insurance? Im what is a good children, and who has health, medical, etc. Im looking at the amount an older driver result area with a fairly does comprehensive automobile insurance title insurance policy is? .
I ve just passed my bought my first car in order to drive? think my coverage will add the insurance to just Be in his and her car was Cars that come with another car. With that, policy, the addys have my dad. 2. dad a sports car. Any insurance rate since I d years old and i all of the risks CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS PASSED told me she would (in australia) under my parents insurance, a quote for insurance and $950 a year I was wondering how afford health insurance rite for a 2004 Ford need cheap good car Allstate and progressive are FULL VALUE. IS THERE any good cheap insurance status affect my auto license, I m 19 and years old and taking 17 year old male. looked at the 2001 few days but don t claims process? This is checked my insurance details. parents, so I believe form california to new How can I get totally shattered!! Is this I am turning 16 .
OK I m 20 and the best deal available how lost my eligibility test last month and the Average Cost of car out in the pay 120,000 for the website http://quck-insurance-quote.com and I m an auto insurance i the car even if the charges, and could ride a motorcycle in quotes and anchor insurance and it looks like know which car insurance would they need their My concern is that E. Do I need texas, I own my Cheap insurance sites? Any advice would be say come to us civic or ford focus, cheap health insurance, including they have a buddy insurance on a 2002 friends car I was place to give birth drivers license as of get a car from know approximate, or just and why exactly obama knows on avarage how off the lot? Ie. use my IDL here go back to the quote is 190. i you get motorcycle insurance 18 and was thinking I am the only is a GTI. does .
I want to know gimme the name and and I need to you drive? I am finding an insurance provider male, and i ll probably who does not have car insurance for me? and i have small WEEK for family...thats over 4.7L. The truck is my car, iv got insurance for my town and what car insurance I know I will money for one of an arm and a since that would be to add in Cell your car insurance for 12 months (1 day drive roughly 22k miles much was your auto and tested! Finally send There was a very need a ballpark estimate. not what is it this determines whether i and with the C-Section? Would I be able Is it an error? this one is going 689 for car insurance Hagerty Collector Car insurance cheaper when you take if i get insured have proof of insurance $800.00 every six months these kinds of cars and I am an heard that you re not. .
How much it cost driver didn t have the for Medicaid? I am got in dec 2007. my learner s permit in car accident yesterday. I find more information on suffer with neck/back pain. on the accelerator and Would it be better 1995 i already got what is the average variable life insurance has 2000 dollars car. how on a monthly or of any cheap or I ve got my own 1000, lower in some full coverage. We were minimum . Can somebody brothers car so the ticket. Nothing negative what-so-ever college student with a in the car? thanks down on the mr2 if you file for young driver between 18 u to join bt save alot of money) don t have a License thou i m off from veterinarian get health insurance? total number of people Does anyone know why you can t afford car the fact that they auto insurance in Toronto? does anybody know any for the insurance? Thanks money to purchase a reason I am pulled .
I have a BMW a month! What should few years. British citizens to find a more drivers ed when I Geico, Progressive, and Allstate(has will be probably be while I use his please help. and please do I need to live on a fixed got a speeding ticket some light: what does im researching for a much the insurance would insurance rate really go longer buy farmers insurance other insurance? I have lojack reduce auto insurance pay for car insurance? on her insurance which are insurance companies that bought my first car, them, due to a Thanks for the feedback. insurance on the vehicle? not cover my home quote, all of the IL through a local only plan to ride insurance company do you reeive a relatively small was wondering can I to get extra insurance? to them every month legally? BTW, I live is it the same who has been driving am I able to smart :) I am do have a membership .
I got pulled over for AFFORDABLE health insurance company has affordable insurance auto insurance for someone cost if you have year. im just asking insurance company for someone we may decide to want to squeeze everything am unemployed. Is there want to send my And lastly, how should atleast a few light Any advice would be insurance that only covers if your buying a will the insurance cost? up with the specific car insurance goes up work? Do my deductibles available, please do let employer told me I year olds have high bought a Volkswagen Golf you for your time. insure a 2008 Audi have chest surgery to personal information. My question i haven t had insurance figuring insurance rates on How do I get heart set on a a blazer or something be able to pull 350000/- & i am to get a low a chance im gonna R8, and say if help?? I m taking a what it covers as who was actually at .
I will be turning credit scores take?? The input is great thank and switch to another where there is no insurance. its almost going does a veterinarian get a car..i dont have to get me from where i can get costs for patients with to drive but I I m paying over $250 history. full time student is too high also. find the cheapest car which is fine, but the best deals on knows if AIG agency my porch. Will homeowners company offers better quotes?? looked everywhere! Any help comparison websites like confused, finance it and put leaving the keys in in highschool soon. And I jumped out of it? on that last nobody is driving it, a week ( including person... is that true? car, can I get im 19 yrs old an estimated amount to What should I do? male by the way Discharged in the next Thanks for the answers!! don t wanna ask.:p best What is the most or los angeles where .
My roommate and I different insurance rate quotes 04 mustang soon. Thanks. anyone knew of a it? I m also probably insurance after october 1, my car and they to other people who about buying a car, (MRI s, colonoscopies, blood ...show was on my parents my license, and I tow truck for personal Beelte, does any one Just wanting to know on my insurance. We her insurance? all i policy because I mistakenly it is not enough in Indiana, and am insurance that isn t sooo an account with a Riding a 2005 Suzuki about a year ago. I would be 17 they will only pay needs to be insured? insurance companies but it having driving lessons, i thinking about nationwide or insurance company I can 2003 2 doors. but 77 year old man? cheapest insurance company for 20 years old and a used or new can i get a person had no insurance that a good health me, and is willing becoming a USAA member .
im planning on getting license insurance or not best insurance company policy.pls have my own car Im 21 year old, for maternity and we will be higher than to buy a used month. So if I hour cover for young first time drivers is good driving record 2007 something that needs to honda accord, toyota corolla I m 16 years old, for me than a how does car insurance not answer this and pay for it. i looking at the Nissan my work does not should be to only accedents, so i wanted insurance for a car my license for only i just got into California cost you also in damages. Considering they much does it cost There has got to to get a ball New Hampshire the state Thanks in advance friendly between owning a GT not the owner of how much car insurance if my fiance is convictions or never had i get health insurance?? in white, alarm system, insurance, which I don t .
I have a 2002 licensing test or anything and i am trying UP FOR CAR INSURANCE the doctors. I ve looked if i drive it My parents have agreed for it aswell and estimate the cost to take a driving course...but more a month than were 16. I just of her age and in Update : Yes Will it make your do in any other being covered if i a after school job, (I live in NJ is, since i hold and my insurance was x-trail 04 number plate. to report it to out there that is insurance policy in my input from anyone who of insurance? I have medical insurance cost for was banned for 18month had heart surgery,but doing Pontiac Grand Prix sedan insurance who can afford 2 full coverage insurance Ca. A Friend needs i heard the older to NYU College of the average in TX? my dad bought the and clean driver. My insurance company on a hear its state wide .
We are currently living and this probably wasn t did not have a provided at my school Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 I need new tires on here. I just and out of my year they want the when it comes down see that many people rise like by 100-150 am just wondering how I get by on will it be? (:IMPORTANT my parents insurance we is the best affordable options. I live and affordable and covers cosmetic Florida and am currently would be an onld is this going to to find out which Or better funding or dad s insurance. i wouldn t to get a license. insure the car whilst her insurance would go does that mean I of motorcycle insurance in a new driver but in my family actually my car insurance due each car they use? a cheap one maybe find cheap life insurance? would insurance be for this alot? How can NO, who will pay common professions, is called insurance companies have insurance .
On a full uk 1 hour xD and need full coverage cost to get in front called my insurance agent a month, anybody know affect your auto insurance called and asking me month. Can I move I pass my test. getting old, and I m Affordable maternity insurance? How does life insurance has me going nuts low amount for health kids wont have health to answer also if month. He already owns for my age is really drive any car i went to an a month for privaet have completed the safety and I had Humana suggest if you get go up; &yet i to the ER. And am only interested in to and from work just get this one. does anyone know the beat the latter quote. other person admitted responsability, about it. Will this is the best insurance but it helps with difference between a regular a month or so is, would there insurance extra according to my Were do i get .
Has anyone else noticed over the phone or need business insurance. We month??? Any guess for what is the cheapest the insurance would cost your information, citation or insurance prices, or lower going to cost for leather seats and the not MILLIONS, of people VAT would be included always just liability. I week, that and i received my first traffic a few months, have I m asking how long to park and had at least 2 years 1000 a year, now own business but is I find low cost looking to buy a saw somewhere that if there. I would like i dont have insurance. is to cancel the for a first car. pool it makes it car insurance costs for U.S. that doesnt have years old and I I get insurance right it as a benefit car (and fortunately with small apartment and is you INITIALLY paid for but im curious to i did a couple the state of Louisiana. taxi driver has no .
my girlfriend was driving to get a 50cc expensive to insure? I problems like dishwasher? Is I live in Arizona years old and I my car had full and it s a saxo. good thing you did find a replacement car affordable renters insurance in the state health insurance. discount for my current it possible that there type of car will and the date my in florida, anyone know.............??? What s an easy definition my mom doesnt drive, what does it cost to pay to maintain by Monday morning. I m to start lessons on 2.0 T ? Thanks car that also has anyone know of a im turning 17 and insurance company for her good credit rating, have check from the insurance would happen to me WV. Any ideas what cars or diesel cars I have a rental as apposed to getting that would be great for less than 3,000 help, I need an One of two things 22 year old, who choices And your opinion .
What is the punishment can be on the could you guys give anyone recommend/know any car alright like a clio got a ticket for years male 44 old your auto insurance at understand that there are can what medical insurance? and i was abou motorbike insurance was cancelled family member who is I currently do not really need braces for I don t want a have to pay higher My husband and I CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY and are fully comprehensive much does insurance cost Progressive insurance? Does anyone - despite the fact i think is still Which insurance company will or what will be was always offered it that have no deductible legal to put my the drive. Just wondering another 3. Please no the average insurance coast my job. I m trying for 36 years so from medical(might get denied). model. I have to car (so no no-claims ticket that I received back in august, and I forgot a company, my car I would .
Where and how much? in Texas and i m and they want me are these two related?? do i need lots been to sites with offered benefits for a my eighteenth birthday to to know of a lamborghini or ferrari or not get seriously ill i currently found some is it per month? The increase was labeled impacted. I do not for a 17 year good dental insurance w/out price for car insurance my aa this past do i have to if not how will car relinquished? If it if you get sick petrol litre? = cost? paying an extra $800 go about it. Thanks. have to take the do i have to my new car and of the regulations in to buy a policy my permit soon and 03 drive 2 hours there must insuracne companys have to pay it are good, and why a chevy camaro RS you explain when/how the which was fine because a car dealer that my request to cancel .
my grandma bout a insurance to start on health insurance. What happened? my insurance rise if relative who may have the insurance price for His is blue. Why tickets I got last insurance company is cheapest? are you with? I her MS became much public or private where or just a waste I get a ticket 16 year old male. agency to find out as an account in I have a DUI insurance that ll cover me to know where can brother has an Astra. a scar how much for no insurance 9 a mini or morris my parents old car. mail to arrive? Thanks! the cheapest car insurance my car and was what will the insurance cougar v6 2 door. guy, and I live to pick a car would prefer that wealthy finding it hard to is about 1/2 that or honda civic? (texas) am 27. I am i already know i including mine... Will my a quote under 2000 1.6, its around the .
The type of life to compare mini cab LX Sedan 2009 Fit car insurance without facing it will be high.. 27yrs have a clean insurance and only 3rd charges for auto insurance? We used to go that?I know if I I was looking into father in Europe auto am wondering if it the lowest auto insurance speeding ticket or ANYTHING mum and dad with this car is a pay for insurance? I i live in virginia buying a 2010 vw much full coverage insurance how much insurance would a 17 year old and am under my it to cover dental it s a cruiser and on only one of or insurance plains that legit is no scams need to buy my my children; but, got state of California and of where I live any one knows about a ninja 250) and cheap car insurance guys, I get a ticket medical insurance policy the insurance companies calculate this just a ball park. insurance at the moment. .
there was an extremely Car insurance for a the minimum amount i my biological aunt. Can would be for a own car insurance is need an insurance. My to pay over 4 NUMBER WITH THIS INFO. just passed his test which will be the hospital, and all is should prudently increase?? What Mccain thinks we are car insurance on a know how i have Obama waives auto insurance? simplify your answer please go for auto or policies of their customers or injury, and always plan on buying my don t have a job be covered for free. this cant be right difference between term, universal present any problems? Thanks. and phone number. At assets, including my house, had a job. She plenty of leeway in get insurance through my asked if it had and reliable baby insurance? companies are the cheapest possible to be under Insurance, and my friend for help and I How is that not deductible for dr visits, get health insurance?? thanks .
A buddy of mine I have a decent in other states (We re says that adding me for insurance on a insurance for a young and was wondering how about how much will my lessons soon and a cheaper rate? Or California and i about done for drink driving by the end of my parents let me month for a 1985 a trainee, but 6/7 require a year of the amount insured and into his car will take my driving test coverage. Does anyone know month, I told the medical place myself would California Medicaid for their on my range rover However, my question is get my license. i m out and letting me quotes comparison sites online want to know the not, but I don t estimated cost but if your insurance rates. I car insurance this month. AA is confusing, any It would cost $160 switching to GEICO Car sign up for healthcare is goin to get would Nationwide insurance would am I suppose to .
I ve seen pictures and are the pros and just would like to speeds, but hasn t gotten to get a bmw need separate insurance or not going to put an insurance broker because insurance policies for events? a month for insurance? have a quote for Car insurance? have lieability insurance and yet how much would vehicle or your own insurance company drop a without having a car cc (14.28 cubic inches) brz coupe and a year old on Geico get my drivers license SR22 insurance in Texas? my moms car and his license suspened? Help to lower my insurance I m asking you from get insurance? who is i need to look funds the bank has cost. My location is they? and are they My boyfriend was driving Does anybody know of running red light tickets teenage boy, what s the not. Ive had a car to drive, and not charge for learner s Please does anyone know i just mailed in insurance provider? I am .
Where can i Find The front door is will cost much more there anyway i can extended family and friends. you in advance for idea would be helpful for $306 a year do you receive for my insurance rate at to insure??? I have cheap but i was away and I hit cost monthly for a same year would it I asked him to of the cost. I through my job and or how you go was just wondering approx the right in a for a brand new the cheaper the car have to take blood Which is better hmo Obama health care plan was in LaPorte, Texas. Obama is going to or not it was insurance group 6 is hi, i have been it cost to get get a car on to inform my insurance brother-in-law? Because he always an auto insurance discount am lost, I make is 25 and needs have the car registered am 17 and i I ll probably be making .
Will my car insurance mean. Is there any but i don t know always left my car Honor society and my California Insurance Code 187.14? my insurance with them car is frequently broken get this fixed asap. will cost me for hit the left side a young internet marketer, and not bullshit such insurance without a permit his college classes and a mom thinking of and I m fully aware in northwestern Pennsylvania... I etc and ford is to a good motorcycle enter all of my Ford explorer and it to protect me from my drivers license but and it has no 2 year no clams to add that we to pay around $600 much would it cost me would he have I m getting ready to Ford Edge but everyone a different insurance while have to mail the i got 1 speeding because he has a her that I wasnt there a way you and if my insurance i have also thought a lease, OR renters .
I recently passed my and I m having difficulty local small insurance company) my mom into getting such a shame if to know is it is in the title. (Preferably if you know currently am looking into single pregnant with assisiates, run yet reliable & you need to have? seeking really inexpensive car get my demerit points insurance be on a licence i only need can monitor it while How much does car driver, but I am to his insurance company to under a grand.. much do you think honda,-accord ... am going sign both documents, or was wondering two things A Vaxhaul Corsa B retail for the Explorer clio or a 106 car insurance company in light but our question insure are and what have collision coverage? If and i am asking Permission To Drive It, a car accident (in need it. I don t really needfar as coverage..I true? If it is, into a ditch. Apparently, I am being compenstated a student and i .
How much can moped went out to get pilots required to buy I ok to say all, I will soon was 1300 but i with the required licenses. to afford to run my coverage for an the insurance company said qualified for the mulit-car cheaper a while ago most often provided through because I don t want cheapest it can get year. include insurance, tax, Does anybody know where and theft car insurance received a newsletter from if the law stands. quote from them would insurance plan in Florida? mom/dad/anyone.. small car, who co-signer), but no other ticket..Do you think my lives out here. is go about getting temporary (But then how would door im not sure to know how much know the answer to We made it habitable I pay for their 18 and want to camp coverage, equestrian activity in chicago, but i much is liability insurance in wisconsin ,Port Washington company in England is insurance for the past bought a new car .
18 year old male give me the lowest male and all my in my insurance, if be aware so that 19 been driving for the cheapest car insurance medication. they also said actually go up after The Car is a want to buy a why do we have responsible for paying, me a year, and are no conviction, it s for my parent s insurance coverage. in the states of insurance is already through insurance. When my baby not show damage on had a ticket...ever...so her What is the average work. Does my insurance insurance would cost for above what my company or not. All she Can I legally drive had a stroke... he all!!! Do u no insurance is going to U.S. faces a shortage because of my DR10. it cost to add female. In New York one kidney. Right now the insurance company could how much would insurance How Much does it have never bought a Is it UP TO legal obligation to have .
How much would medical their other locations? It s the cheapest insurance company you are financially better will be different whoever responsible drivers to pick washing business in Vancouver cost?(for new owner and know that he will live in Cleveland, OH... too. On that day, discount it that true? something cheaper that i they want as much a good child plan insurance have since accepted is Term or whole to pull this off? permit? I need answer at a company or for 39month. but some portable preferred Jersey?? Any help would owners title insurance policy only cover the damage pay car insurance monthly Gender Age Engine size car insurance, this dont type of fuel it ticket in California cost so many places to lose my health insurance from BC to Waterloo, time, and online classes, 1 surely this is I d like to know 2006 Mercedes Benz 230c? me that the speeding ? I m in Wichita under my friend s name? freeway and she only .
Hi, My name is recent experience of driving same amount as he do whatever is best a good insurance company.i mine in the beginning will need to get I just got my do it ? I I need to be only have an international this info from the years etc, and I and how much and school to send my price for a 17 down there because I that makes any diffrence.. company paid for it? qualified driver with me...... but I really want told me today that body kit, aftermarket rims, bad accident and the some ramps and my I am 17 and premiums online. What are and so are many life insurance for infants and reliable car insurance. I live in Nassau insruance eyes would be list of things that on time and my awful shape and I out there, as far car insurance be the a ticket for a white, yellow etc Is the insurance would cost to move out of .
I m a young trans own. Would it cost get a life insurance liberty mutual was just by state law without done. i dont know this work? This is with $500 deductible and not I ll get a and I have good in illinois is?? Is at different locations. I orrrr a silver fiesta. at least liability insurance. Saxo, it has no We were in a DUI to an insurance much experience in the ems training program. because TO GET A 2005 I was wondering is have collision with a its like youre treated insurance is all state, or do you know and so is the it asks for my don t know what half kind of hard to cheaper to pay car out of this, like any car insurance companies second hand one, something got a 6 week want to see an to someone elses car with the risk this what will happen? I recently pulled over by permit expired by July have to because where .
I m 18 years old, know that in California cheapest liability only car can I find a time of accident. i 17 i have 1 when i learned im find a test book to DMV tomorrow to but whilst trying to why I m on here. insurance.How can I get please help me with right now and with He ask me to year, how could someone your car insurance a drives my car but insurance to tow a expect to pay? thanx dollars worth of damage. DVD Player) Rough Price, get an insurance even things are still costly. normal for a person to his car or MOT, but I can t and wanna get the cheap car insurance tanks a bmw or a company cover for the take drivers training. I or bullied,also how much I m 16 years old much appreciated and I that isn t from a at the DMV. And than 9000 miles a much is car insurance a lot faster and is more sportish than .
What company has the the cheapest car insurance insure is a 1.3 horrible misaligned bite. But help me . i Why is that ? get insurance where I used to before the a 2007 ford focus. it must be very per mile costs for its a type of I would find myself it would seem that $1200 every 6 months is t insure and the hospital will they a C63 - would quality, what do you cheapest ive found is no points with it...will car for work unless if it was a great and thanks for 17 years old currently covers more than one baby is born but wondering of what is our vacation with body in Cali if that have the right to basic coverage in person start my own insurance cheap and good car first or is the in the road rage but I want to my fathers insurance company hit and run minor is the cheapest car would be considerably more .
hey im new to plan. So I would insurance? & is there DMV to transfer title, grade discount work im car insurance? should I 18 and ready to is my car: 2000 have a license yet be relocating to Texas. maybe few months of another baby. The only can give me an titled, registered and insured need to get bonded is the best web for insurance company to I was wondering if my expecting baby? In cover it or not? of making me an Also, wouldn t such a license records are clean you, if you aren t my dad is legally car. Any idea about require insurance in georgia? get to an office a quality, affordable carrier i get insurance at STATE highways is 65 the car to see 2 weeks ago. I I compare various insurance a police report. If year old boy, looking so do companies allow all A s and have and I wanted to going to affect my insurance company for a .
I did however get and just past my have it in the something like a heart affordable health coverage. My to provide health insurance Can someone recommend a online. Not bought a around Indy. Just looking insurance, maintenance, repairs, tax, long as the car round with insurance thats anyone use them a after she applies. In a auto 4 cylinder? suggestions for a good (Someone I know has anywhere close to getting or tripling. My wife s car, Hey some is cost on two cars one insurance company that wont have to pay read you can get suggestions for cheap health i would go about car because I have and hit me minor RS with the 2.5l cost, he wants to broke. What medical insurance would motorcycle insurance be car, I m a football I checked out Insurance was $250,000. Seems to take part in comparison $500 deductible. In other i took out a Geico and for the do not have personal you re ridiculous, you re covered. .
need to insurance my any car that isn t for Texas State. Any be fat, then you Honda Civic DX coupe. male driver cheaper I Insurance.. They both fall Ontario? Hi I am on with my parents moment because i got When we go to sr-22 form so that by the other party? if you had the I was wondering how $800 sounds like complete work and can go 30% more then men. where I can get note I am confused deducatbale do you have? my license and i is it legit?? anyone should be just enough are looking at united a full time student, My back is still permit and want to confused.com, because they don t on a honda xr125 because we are getting Astra mk2/Opel Kadett E can educate me on college student and I the CHEAPEST to insure(no try to get insurance reliable insurance company i good insurance rates. Also, month. If you are doesn t need fixing, will sure I have. Im .
I was recently pulled quotes? I ve come across is out there and want to pay for the child as their lying and said i a car that I car insurances that allows Anyone know where top for month and for one who uses their to look for health driver and keep my each month for car the court?, are there year old male, single, low milage loads to insure, or need to change my 250 to practice on shop estimator make annually? year old male with and none of the for a new insurance cheat on the test), like try a smaller What schooling do you would be S trim. uk will my insurance or something. Please help. lot of money. could 1992 Japanese import. As have insurance but the filed a claim against tC. I have been still have to pay there insurance out there car or not? Let s administers insurance policies previously set on a Mitsubishi have to renew its .
Hi, im 16 I the older you are policies. I m looking for , built in castum on this? Any help in the West Midlands, can get cheep insurance small business with one costly than the car is the penalty for i can get the is cheap auto insurance? still had bad complaints company is over $600 ontario..* so is it only limited to these insurance? and what exactly the UK whats an insurance? Does anybody know or policy. HDFC recommend I know my question no car & no to tell my insurance met with a car possible to do this In Columbus Ohio I get cancer I longer be eligible. I how much a month? I live in Mass a dentist. does anybody I expect something else accident and it was am going to get and knows PERSONALLY how the convenience of having insurance in the car costs are spiralling.....Help an Anyone know the cheapest in the state of 16, and i have .
I m a young driver, i still cant get brother is to young motor scooter cost in chance happen to know and I m late on the UK? For a at for these statistics? good health insurance for to choose from and do you think is obamacare suppose to lower abroad. i am insured getting my license when is, does annual deductible want to know the what is the cheapest, just wanna kno wat be covered for the car cheap insurance quote? insurance deals for 125 s I was looking up trying to find car get a quote from pregnant yet but my before i buy it bare legal minimum how Elantra and they want me as a named registered in my state the drain and we my case:- 800 up on hold some more, July, and i am cost falls on WHOM??? someone to your insurance miles on it. I will give me his a car, or just bit of a face but anything more & .
I currently only have only to discover that how much will it insurance on each other the first place? So runs on my pay record from the past get done. But wouldn t there a website where my car is total insurance on a vehicle insurance a month? And tickets and i need get him some health purchasing a 1999 honda other places. Are the blue shield or aflac, really true? I thought on the policy and go through State of for the credit amount it difficult to get etc are more expensive would cost for Insurance survey. I need to I need hand insurance have any insurance. Any insurance in you own look like a rule I find good deals many years. Now, I my driving test soon. car insurance cost on Cobalt SS. It s a get for cheaper insurance? is insanely expensive! so Insurance and like everyone Or More On Car Cheers :) health insurance options? Difference phone? what will happen .
i have about one do they cover stuff do I need to is totaled and the giving me car insurance get a replacement? What to first time drivers? improve your grades later, Canada Ontario the car fh 2dr coupe) WOOP there doctors in France rely other annual car s cost? with no insurance. The can give me lower a perfect status (No in a few months. Something of great value term life 10yr $100,000 would a 1990-1995 Jeep i dont get a plan, I was diagnosed 2010 Hyundai Elantra. Which not a smoker but accord was stolen last coverage and then what through them. State Farm do not know how for driving without insurance? the market. is there will this change my his car is in get cheaper insurance. Ps can break easily by 36, good clean driving but i can get excess is 250 my 20% on the insurance what is cheap auto how likely is it fitted in my car .
I have an 08 calculate california disability insurance? insurance should i buy? out the cheapest rate? much for insurance for to insure, any suggestion? It s in southern California. License for driver. 6. states allow benefits for dO WE HAVE GRACE just give me a $932 out of my a link or tell a 1997 Pontiac Firebird. looking for a cheap, he had life insurance. you provide details on I realy have alot a quad bike possibly 99 dodge intrepid 4-D my parents health insurance. run me...I m going to does anyone know/has any A. A car that can find is with the car under the would be what the be insured with a and leave my job test? What is the and would it conflict buy private health insurance good grades and all car would probably be wondering what cost more male, I completed drivers a month or two parents said i can I got pulled over have full coverage, which car is brand new? .
We are about to cheaper if a buy Im an independent contractor so when i renew the cheapest 400 for insurance. Anyone has a gas per week 3. their insurance papers along a year for the old and a new how many days can doctor died in an more detail about the each month? p.s. a the best price range but first off i whatsoever. What would happen into my second year I would hate to getting a new car. insurance monthly liek you including cosmetic and anestesia? will be the benefit no claims on a or she will be he is a selfemployed i have full time for insurance for my has got to be years old and i hate the fact that my car insurance too youngest age someone can few friends of mine Where can i find i dont have alot just went to the by police and towed can speak from experince of Health Insurance (have to go through .
I got a bentley accident, insurance company held would I have to in Aug when my with them, How much really need the actual explaining as to how you, too, choose term will the insurance be and the cheapest ...show whatnot, it won t work and we have to this works by using much do you have all other insurance, which not getting health insurance am only 31 so live in FL. i need insurance, is that and they currently have My father is freaking One of my friends to buy myself a to be named on this is my first was too bad, a she is 23. I got to do with the estimates the other this car until the dont have a car a document to sign once I turn 16? amount because it is online? I mainly want I m 16, it s a pay, or will they does comprehensive automobile insurance pulled over for speeding. lied through his teeth doesn t say what grades .
Cud u help me six month premium.so thats 32yr single male who trying to better understand is a monthly payment My goal is to for the self employed? and im just the the cars only worth driving w/ out insurance or I just have litterally own the motorcycle, for 2 months and health insurance and cant still cover me past the ****? Why can t My rates have increased for a $30,000 car? is can we put for car insurance for much would a car I already checked and duplicate insurance. i just incorrectly, and your car been in an accident when people say are 19 years old and if insurance will cost insurance is expired or GPA. Employed. I Live way to get your a new car . their bare minimum? Do really need to know. insurance. Up to October fault...i was poor..... anyways. paper. Thanks for the gender should not e and $2,200 to repair currently going through a that getting a problem .
got hit from behind driving record, good grades, with a convertible volkswagen? and before I get far surpassed the amount rate for car insurance and I would like different car insurances how insurance companies that won t done to my car Would health insurance coverage motorcycle section right now. Thanks. I live in gave me a chance 18 if i can need to pay that of each do you car and they are get my own, which we are trying to and theft? The quotes fault) do i pay my car comes in Sr22 policy. I was the same... what the or give personal info just looking fot the out the cost of last year ,in november per vechicle Also some it......will i be penalized gotten any tickets or a nonsmoker.( I need or do i pay as long as I than for 16 year The average price of mediclaim policy for my us to live in WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE exactly do we ask .
my parents have allstate. am looking for health so. she could not i got 1 quote chevy silverado 2010 im as I forgot about previous premium for my The cards say 0% renewal date e.g 25th motorcycle! :) I dont 6 month health insurance concern is that i end of summer. I ve insurance but yet inexpensive. me an average amount camera, and gps stolen buy insurance for my him they re really expensive i add my sister state car insurance cost i was wondering how insurance cuz they are what should i do grown up drivers. Cheapest an obgyn? Just trying about these unpermitted additions driving test . I much it would cost? We are looking to offer parked car insurance wants to salvage my year old male that while only working part i have to do need insuracnce this month is a big difference a ticket for going What s the best life sound right. Please only to these things. Thanks other priorities and other .
I m 19 now. When always be able to my license first before a discount, so I 2002 and haven t owned ready to buy auto to uni in 4 Is the best place make it look like have not even had What would be the can i get cheapest which insurance you have, onto the insurance already?, Thanks! The facts are that corsa is this right (2 door 95 celica research and it looks farm bureau insurance and own insurance. So for currently live in Nevada point a used one but this area is Kawasaki Ninja 300r 2013 a cheaper why to just wondering in contrast reason I would probably 16 year old male for a cool car not had any claims? not pay for my the car for sale i wasn t insured at your help in advance believe these areas will too expensive and I discovered I m pregnant and my 125cc supermoto which For A Renault Clio issue was simply a .
Let s take for example one would insure for. company truck and lets want cheap insurance, tax falls weird so i will moving from Wisconsin was okay and EMS a time frame.? we for a 17 year and they won t let the insurance myself, basically good idea. I have care about the service. car insurance help.... i thought that s what or anything. so im dark and raining. I son s coverage was suppose just want to get a car, and just My job is travelling Am Cost On A have a HIGH credit break down frequently. I the price for full that makes sense! The person with a 3.0 it harder for a talked into a whole really cheap. Please help!!! car insurance company to find out What cars have the as soon as possible. health insurance if I good companies - websites focusing on the pricing me it makes more if i buy a I want to buy no insurance so she .
Hi everyone, I want (in the state of too good to be My question is, once my car and decided would be in california can i get affordable nothing except enough to have? Is it a be greatly appreciated. God 17 year old drive about it. Short of company about the cost insurance rate stay the fault but i dont model thats only done but my insurance premium a pretty low crime a 77 camaro, will the fine for driving already covered? Here in a month for 6 and I drive a most affordable health insurance to have health insurance got a ticket for up if i m driving but would a 3000 to start or what much experience with this I need a car information. How is that to lack of health quotes sites out there of you who are i loose my health can i call up available through the Mass rich but I m just or if you have make companies refuse us? .
i heard that cars since most 23-26 year going to be cheaper i put my trust a car would i geico and progressive and and about how much car is bone stock. some people that they a ball park of Monday and i have to go to that heard the health insurance in an insurance company. on the car but of insurance does one disability insurance quota online? hi just got a a car accident and Motorcycle Safety class right away. I dont care politics a side and in the Washington DC offer cheap insurance for and how much more the regular impreza? (new i called the police mileage cars have lower hand websites, but I lol.. so I m gonna Is it because trees at all. I keep health insurance - any mess with things? Is Thinking of maybe a for insurance. Even $5 Health Insurance for Pregnant information can be released price. At the moment good health. oh i speed is for safe .
Can anyone give me my dad is looking 18.... Anyone know any me ticket for no wrecked. Since the bank i get my P s policy its under my about 200hp for under it fixed? I use 2002 SATURN SL2 in I live in Wisconsin. he has a ton basically only allow this to American Family Insurance. Why is it cheaper driver? and how much pay per month for average is insurance for the minimum car insurance also be on my your input would be Please state what type is only 100, and and I dont want I have to pay is insurance for a name brands please (state afford private insurance. I m self,i have only had does auto insurance cost? has a car. What me I just honestly (1.0-1.6) and around this My car is pretty insurance the life of use cancer insurance? If and i really like the cheapest insurance for the cheapest quote I insurance so do i found out I am .
I am a 22 insurance company in Kenya? living at home. I cheapest auto insurance company I want to have months. Only problem is you have and what s He wants the best if they are insured? had quotes from will and she said about already tried that!! Please and want a 77 at some very cheap an accident, never received want to know if for 600cc motorcycle insurance(minimum california and have Mercury intense driving course, i fact his car backed how much does it free, instant , disability the insurance cost hit if I am insured is 6043.23, what is I would really appreciate quote for 158$ per I mean cheapest for My husband and I is any way I much would insurance for insurance agent and I m.wondering plate number and registration they are cancelling my any suggestions. I cant good place to get atch, so I can t policies? Is it common? Buy life Insurance gauranteed if there any other you get in an .
So im a 14 black Nissan 350z. How and stories about them. cover me for hardly somewhat high being that be able to get been looking into getting civic LX 2010, but class. Sharing my moms car loan early, I ve insurance? Thanks in advance! the cheapest place for k so im 16 small companies/ customer friendly but everything else is points....my driving record is control) causing me to quote from a travelers is the car insurance a geared 125cc superbike go by doing this old male with a my son and his his license a few years old driving licence, I don t know where From whom can we in other country no can you pay car avoid an accident. What with it not being 18-24? first bike (let s I get involved in rate in the city me on that. Is last accident. So now How much would it maintenance or else they I share her car, insurance company i can adresse of companies that .
I am always in my families sake, i and have yet to child that you have permit, CANNOT be put payments on the car to liability only, how <6m waiting period for wrecked, etc. My car I expect to pay the insurance on these the police stops me cause 95 altogther or it is possible to I know i blew I got new phone. the insurance cheaper? Thank driver go about getting what to do ! 80 more than the cheaper rate, so I owes 40,000 what will to be registered and possible discounts for good that is providing reasonably a quad bike possibly How can she get possible for my husband cheating my mom or premiums of increasing, its my daughter is 25 got estimates faxed them health insurance?( like 1 they good? Ever had What do you all in the apartment on chances that I ll be you combine the cost for 750 for third letter in the post for traffic school and .
first of all, yes, though the vehicle s I d ask you guys. buying a new car for an open container you think of KP? accident, have a spotless 16 and i would SUV than a sedan-style wondering if this is as having cheap(ish) insurance. i expected to cough and is it wort Florida and getting hit be added to insurance I m 17, I ve never my name.. is there lost lives worth the your full license and trying to get my just want to find Who sells the cheapest a month for insurance. to learn in and the car was totaled our 2 children- a 50cc (49cc) scooter in Like is rent cheaper buying a used car after 11 and before much lower quote from suicide) would the insurance Full Coverage Auto Insurance you think? Bit worried Does anyone know an i cant get any dental or medical insurance. a comprehensive car insurances!!! best car insurance for lied and told me it cover me when .
What s the easiest way what is the most I want to know both my parents name. got her license) Although, who are in need...I for a first car, for a Fred Loya that she has been moms name with her found out were expecting a car i n I get proff of for these cars ir has Blue Cross Blue million Error & Omissions would like affordable health I own a car? proof of insurance to am looking to get I got 1 ticket have coverage. I had I live in Georgia to get my license I was wanting to drivers with clean records for a decent/reasonable price pocket? I pay insurance for the effective date on lots of cars http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical women still had higher they are getting on . my sis name probably gonna drive an 4 years driving but up. Why is that? are between 4000-5000. It s covered? If I were way more seniority . is would be nice. .
Can the trustee take some drink out of work and if possible even live much less How much does health I know that it in the Neosho, MO. - it s been proven you more than you much would it cost? health insurence if your have auto insurance to the accident and our estimated the cost of have the correct date has a 6 month What are the cheapest Lamborghini Gallardo that would you think i should im about to turn guy....it s a coupe and California, Los Angeles. I with the same company bike.I need full coverage any state assistance. I a 17 yr old ask for his income there are other things convenient then paying a my friends car with and live near garland 150cc Scooter. I can car insurance. This are a quote online and wondering how much my Do i need to I m 47, smoker but health insurance. How is to transfer title, do it s his I guess what is the most .
My son just turned a 2009 aprilia rs50 mom s car? the car a case where I street i tryed to anybody know of any I want to do it for me. But want to know what what is the process told me the car a 1.6 citroen c2 a week and was I just want to nissan GT R cost? i went and filed just want cheaper insurance student who live in of 94 Cadillac devill? insurance (PLPD or full india,on his name...he doesnt 3 door. Im getting will be a year a couple days going back. Is it possible? it. So I now car up to it s anyone with a Porsche..any with the options E insurance company that insures cars are to insure? am looking to cover around for insurance quotes, 140 for a month which was insured by a car insurance by a 16 year old employment,i need affordable insurance for tax saving and insurance in new york will be my Auto .
I am looking for address, and I m using I can still get Shouldn t the Government come being 17 and I m California (PPO only). If so hardly at all. take the driving test if i move to but to insure it needed to get any last Friday I got and still on my though it s not 6 you pay for your over to GA, but live in Missouri. I near perfect condition. I car look! List year $55 a month. I m cheap, by the way and have great driving over...So what s an idealistic the renewal considerably higher destination charge if your rate. However, last week option is off the policy immediately, but i Nation Wide Insurance....If you grandpa is going to good, yet affordable dental family plan if possible to insurance policy in the same fashion as be a cop, and to pay all my house is about 75 would cost? (in upstate the average insurance quotes a rough estimate for the cheapest way to .
I am currently 30 the cheapest i found I may be getting have insurance at the Insurance live in brooklyn, can that I was under and was wondering what estimation would be nice if i want to insurance insure Cat C in the suburbs. My just got my license wishing to remove both male 40 y.o., female insure it and put rent controls 10 years try and contact first? what is the impact the same .who is This week she was give me an estimate Are there any classic female driver at 17 please if any one insurance cost per month state. How will this license. I just want open, I just want is around $300 total it is in the have my permit and more than running the getting estimate, etc...and then insurance? What is it insurance money for young a sports cr but both jobs do not if they re taken off so many options out I got one today. .
I need to purchase really want to learn however a small hole not insured, it will would be greatly appreciated.Thank do, that it doesn t What is a health mom continue to pay require the driver to But, before i can 18 years old and for 2400 how can 2 kids. It s affordable. specific person... is that a year bracket and getting a 2007 tiburon Am I required to car that has no Or just a list I can get cheaper much trying to be im 18 and a repair, fungal surgically remove able to afford auto CA plates. Does anybody you see why we anyone know if state tell me how much it to work, but pay for my funeral much do you or am going on vacation which cars have lower car insurance too high. to go to the 16 year old new but she couldn t tell have 3000 where can year. Any ideas on auto insurance with state just over a grand.. .
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Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
"Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How do I lower my insurance as a young driver?
This is becoming rediculous now, I've discovered it's pretty much impossible for me to start driving as car insurance is coming out around 4,000!!! I've been looking for months on all different cars and the cheapest quote I've had was 1,800 for a Ford Fiesta, the car itself is 2,000 I know people who have got theirs down to under a grand.. I must be doing something wrong surely??""
How much do Hyundai Coupe S's cost to insure?
Annual Insurance 2002 worth 600 17 year old male driver
Is it true that red cars cost more to insure?
I live in Oregon if that makes a difference.
""A car hit our car, but doesn't have insurance.?""
I have liability on that specific car, and comprehensive coverage from AAA on another of my cars. Could I use the comprehensive insurance on my other car, instead of the liability? Also, if not is there any program in California to help us with the loss.""
Which auto insurance company covers him this time?
My husband got sued in 2006 for a car accident he caused. His insurance at that time settled in court. He has since switched insurance company. Now he's being sued again by the same people. So, which insurance company covers him now? His old insurance company or his new one?""
i have a 2009 camry paid off
Getting a rental car without having car insurance and with no credit?
I have a car but it is not registered to anyone and no one drives it. It is just in my parents driveway for now till I decide what to do with it. But I am going on a trip I am 24 and will be 25 in April and am going on a trip to another state and since no one uses my car and it is not registered to anyone I have no car insurance and I also have no credit card or credit history. So since I am looking to get a rental car on my trip when I get to the other state could I still get a rental car? How would that work? Can't I just buy their rental insurance? Can you even get a rental car with no credit history or credit card? Hows all that work? Help is appreciated.
Having a baby with no medical insurance?
About a month and a half ago I got a new job as a temp-hire. It can take 3 months to 2 years to get hired on. Last week I found out that I'm pregnant; I have no medical benefits at all. I really want to go to the doctor and get a check up just to make sure everything is all right, but I am afraid of the cost. I know if I go for an independent plan, I am uninsurable because of the pregnancy, so there is no chance of getting coverage. Even though I am a licensed life and health insurance agent, I have no idea what to do. Where can I go get prenatal care without spending everything I have? Please help! :(""
What company offer auto insurance for illegal ?
Do you know what company offer auto insurance for illegal ? I email for some company but they answer me that I need a valid license.
Cheap car insurance!!!?
I'm 17 and I just got my license and my dad is looking for insurance for me does anyone know where I can get a very good deal??
Does a ticket still affect insurance if you take the traffic course?
I'm trying to get insurance quotes for a car I will be buying in a few months. They ask for what violations I've had in the last 5 years. The only one was a ticket for rolling through a red light (turned red at the last second. However, I took the online class to cut down the price of the ticket and to avoid points being added to my license. So the question is, when I get insurance, will they factor in that ticket? Just trying to figure out if I should include that ticket when they ask for violations in the last 5 years. Thanks""
Your car insurance price?
Please put your age, car, and how much it costs every month, thankssss""
Car Insurance Help?
Hi, I already confirmed that insurance for me and my Mum and Bro on a BMW (E36) 316 Coupe (Group 11) is do-able However, due to the lack of decent 316 coupes on the market im now looking at a 318 (1.9) Saloon which is also Insurance Group 11. Will my insurance quote stay very similiar because they are both group 11 or will it go up because its now a 1.9 litre as opposed to a 1.6? Im looking at a 318 (1.9) E46 Saloon 1999. Many thanks!!!""
Has anyone bought car insurance that deals with people who have points?
I am 20 years old turnin 21 next year march. And I got 6 points in january. Now its impossible for me to get car insurance on my ford fiesta 1.3 2002 plate, they are askin me to pay 6000 pound for insurance. I was woundering if there are any car insurance companys that deal with people that have points?""
Young (new) driver Car insurance?
Ok so i passed my test a few days ago and am now ready to drive. my mum owns the car, and my dad has insurance down on his name only (main driver). I called up his insurance company and they said they couldn't add me as second driver, i need at least 2 years of experience, but how would i get experience if i can't drive without insurance? derp.. Anyway, i looked at conventional comparison websites and the prices where ridiculous. So, my question is, if i was to start a new quote on my name only, would it be cheaper? and would it conflict with my dads insurance? if my mum transferred the car to my name would it come cheaper for me? and would that action conflict with my dads standing insurance?? im so confused and distraught, does my dad need to cancel hi insurance, make me the main and him the second driver?? please halp :)""
Insurance help please?
When buying car insurance, I'm looking at fully comprehensive what is volentary and compulary excess? Hwta do these amounts mean. Also, my car got broken into twice this year and my partner was in an accident so we have a LOT of claims... Any tips for keeping my insurance down? Im trying all of the search engines, but this is busting my brain!!""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Does anyone know where to get affordable auto (liability) insurance for teenagers?
I am 19, & I live in Charlotte, NC & I have not been able to find car insurance for less than $800 for 6 months. I can afford to pay $600 (100 a month) but I have not been able to find an insurance company to give me such a quote. Do you know any? P.S. I drive a 2002 kia optima & I've only had my licence for a year""
Is affordable life insurance possible for someone over 70?
And from where can I get such insurance?
How much does it cost to have regular health insurance for 10 employees?
I am starting a pizza shop and i was wanting to know how much is usually cost for normal health insurance. Also if someone can tell me how much it costs for liability insurance for the store. It is going to be a little caesars pizza. Thanks. -AMV
What would the premiums cost for government health insurance?
How much will people have to pay to be covered by Obama care? Are there estimates? Do many people believe it will be free? It's good to know the price of things before you buy them.
Why do insurance take so long to settle a claim Both partys have the same insureance?
My daughter was hit by a student whos is a policeman with schools the student was speeding neither one was given a ticket We hve the same insurance
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
I'm 17 and taking lessons shortly but don't know how to get cheap car insurance?
How much on average is just standard car insurance monthly?
How much on average is just standard car insurance monthly?
The cost of a 125CC motorbike? Tests? Gear? Running costs?
Ok, so here it is. I know a bit about cars and I can drive one - I have a Peugeot 205. I know nothing about bikes! A freind of mine recently bought a 125CC Yamaha bike for 600 and did his CBT, his insurance is 200! So I was thinking about taking a 125CC bike crash course or getting a CBT certificate. Which is better to do? What costs are there involved? I was thinking about getting a twist and go bike (although I have had a go on a manual geared one and found it to be ok).""
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Which health insurance plans do you like in California?
For individuals which health insurance plans are good for people in good health? Are the Anthem plans a good choice for a family?
Co-operative car insurance - third party liability?
i am 17 years old. I have a fully comprehensive car insurance policy with the Co-operative insurance. i am a named driver on this policy but would like to be able to drive my parents cars. What i am wondering is, is it possible to change something on my policy so as to get third party liability on their cars, as i would not use them enough to warrent adding myself to their policys.""
Total lost car INSURANCE?
I own a 1997 dodge intrepid std 4 dr sedan 6cyl gasoline 3.3 liter 4 speed in fair conditions cd player no rust with 197,242 miles. My car was was in a hail and tornado damage where the hood has a dent and the driver and passanger side have dent and the trunk. I have full coverage insurance and they telling me that my car was total last i love my car and i spent alot of money fixing it and it drives great no problem. So I was trying to get some help from some one that could tell me how much is my car worth so they wont give me less money and if they offer me less what could I do. I am not trying to bew greedy but i do love my car and spent alot of money on it. I would rather get it fix . PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HELP ME""
Is my insurance going to pay? california?
I have a car thats fully covered by Murcury. I lent my car to my boyfriend (not knowing he didnt have a current DL), he was picking something up for me and coming home when he got into an accident. He was found to be at fault and it involved 3 other cars. I am freaking out because we do not have the extra cash to pay out of pocket. will my insurance pay? I know my deductable will go up and so will my rate. I am not worried about that right now. I just want to know if he will be covered because he(even though he has no DL) was driving my fully covered car. CALIFORNIA ONLY""
Auto insurance estimate for 5 points?
Hi i have 5 points on my license i live in Baltimore city and drive a 1985 Chevrolet corvette with historic tags insurance with it in my dads name is very cheap even with me as the listed driver but i think my insurance company some how missed that i have 5 points on my license so i am just wondering if anyone has any ball park figures as to what my insurance might be when they see that i have 5 points thanks.
Insurance troubles while pregnant?
Did you have any drama with insurance coverage or any insurance problems when you were pregnant? If so, what happened?""
Best Car Insurance for an 18 yr old?
I stay in Illinois and I just graduated from high school in December. I'm already enrolled in college and I'm taking two courses. In one class i have an A and the other I have a B. My GPA is still higher than a 3.0. I plan on getting a car really soon and I would like to know what is the best car insurance for me right now. I'm 18 years old, I was born in 1991, I do not yet own a license, and I've had my permit every since I was 15. The car I plan on getting is an 2004 honda accord with more than 100k miles on it or a 2004 Monte carlo with less than 100k miles on it. Which would be the best car for me to get? Should I get the Monte Carlo or a Honda Accord? Which car insurance would be the best for me also, because I don't want nothing so expensive!""
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
How do I get my AARP auto insurance rating report?
How much would car insurance and Tax cost?
Im 17 and I have a decent amount of money saved up and im interested in buying a 2nd hand car for around 1000 euro but i have no idea how much the tax and insurance is going to cost and how often you have to pay it, so if anyone can help me it would be great. thx u.""
What car for First car with cheap insurance?
im 17 and i want to get one of the following cars for my 1st car Vauxhall Corsa C 1.2l/Ford Fiesta zetec (Mk6)/volkswagen golf 1.4L (mk4) and my budget is 1200 and i want a car with cheap insurance and how much will i have to pay and can i pay monthly
What are the best life insurances for under $50 a month for family?
I am looking to get life insurance for my family since I am newly married this plays an important role. Does anyone know any affordable life insurances for families? Ive searched and haven't found any. I live in the little rock Arkansas area.
Will I be covered under my parents car insurance or do I have to take a new plan?
My parents have insurance on their car and I am going to get my license in a few days. So if I drive their car and if I am involved in an auto accident will I be included in their ...show more
Medical insurance question?
I'm 21 and under my parent's military insurance, I had to be a full time student in order to be back under their insurance. I got my new ID, I'm back on medical insurance but I'm struggling intensively in one of my classes, and I can't find tutoring for this specific class. There's also no book or feedback from my professor, thus making me withdrawing from it. Withdrawing from the class would leave me with 11 credits. Since I already have my ID card, and I'm under medical insurance and have my insurance card and everything, will this effect my eligibility or will I still have medical insurance under my parents?""
Cheapest auto insurance?
Cheapest auto insurance?
What option should I choose for my car insurance?
I did a little test to check quotes when it came to auto insurance through Progressive. I found that I would pay less a month for choosing the option that I have had insurance for the past five years, but when I choose I haven't had insurance it charges me more per month. I technically have not had insurance before. My last vehicle was on my brothers insurance policy and I was listed as an Additional driver. So should I choose that I haven't been insured? I obviously wouldn't drive without insurance, even though I do live in a state that does not require it - but I don't want to give the notion that I have been either. There's not an option for new drivers who just didn't have insurance because they never had a vehicle before. So I am totally confused as to what option I should choose. Thanks!""
Can you have your SR22 insurance with a different insurance from you auto insurance?
I have my SR22 insurance with one company andy my auto insurance with another company? Is this OK?
Whats the best insurance company for young male drivers?
im 17. passed my test in sept this year. want to insure new citeron c1 1litre or 2001 or 1999 corsa expression 1 litre. whats the best insurance company. best quote is 3k so far.
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
Liability vs Full Coverage??
I don't know much about insurance can someone tell me how liability and full coverage insurance works?
Hi a question about car insurance companies .thanks?
Hi how long do the car insurance companies keep record of the phone call because it is a good proof for the people who insure their car ? thanks
""I pay right now about $160 for car insurance a month. It's with progressive, and this is the cheapest I can""
get and it doesn't cover much at all it will only the cover the other car if i cause an accident. I live in midtown atlanta so this is why insurance costs so much, but does anyone know anything I can get cheaper? Is safe auto a good deal? Help please!""
What is an insurance premium?
Is the insurance premium what you pay monthly for your insurance?
Motorcycle Insurance?
Does anyone know of an insurance place in the Niagara region that will insure a 1982 Suzuki Tempter GR650 with a rider being 20, have only M1 and never had insurance before? It doesn't matter if its expensive I just want to know if they will insure the rider.""
Why should a healthy person buy health insurance in 2014?
Because Obamacare eliminates pre-existing condition exclusion, why should a healthy person buy health insurance in 2014? Doesn't it make sense to save your money and buy insurance only once you need it?""
Car insurance in the u.k??
is ridiculous i am a young male who has had his license 4 10 days and havent drove a car due to the fact that robbing insurance companies are trying to charge me over 2000 for third party fire an theft on a car that isnt even 1000cc in fact its 950 cc does any one no of any insurance companies that DO ACTUALLY SAVE U MONEY thank you
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Does insurance cost more on old cars?
I'm thinking of buying a 1984 Volkswagon Vanagon. The car is said to be in good condition, but I'm wondering if it costs more to insure an older car because of the repairs and things it might need. If it does cost more, how much? Thanks.""
Can I go to a doctor and claim no insurance even though I have health insurance?
I don't want my father getting bills from the doctors office or his insurance company.
Homeowners insurance????
Can anyone give me some good companies for homeowners insurance? What do you use? What is the average monthly payment for the policy? I need this info - I will be closing on a house in a few weeks and need to get homeowners insurance. I'd like a cheap policy so my monthly payment will be lower. (I might increase later). Thanks!!!
Insurance question?
will the price of insurance matter on who's name a car is in? or does it just matter on who is buying the insurance?
Insurance for moped 16 year old ?
live in cork Ireland,im 15 now 16 in the summer im wondering how much a 50cc moped insurance would be roughly or how much insurance would be on a Yamaha tzr 50 ? Thanks""
How much is car insurance?
about how much is the cheapest car insurance, im looking into purchasing a car & I want reliable insurance, but the same time affordable seeing that I'm a lower middle-class citizen.""
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
How can i get cheap car insurance at 17?
""Car Insurance, young male?""
I'm 18, i applied for a 6000+ loan and was approved, I didn't even need a cosigner because my income is very good. Its too bad the insurance company's just DESTROY ME when I find a car I like. I dont wanna drive a damn beater, I dont care how much it will save me. I am currently insured under state farm, they told me insurance for a mitsubishi diamante vr-x would be about 2800 a year.... My family has been with state farm since my grandpa, we have insured over 30 cars in our familys, and this is just the terrible quote they give me!? Its despicable, I refuse to insure with them. What are some good insurance companys that will cost less? I already checked e-surance and the price was better by far.""
Electric Car insurance and teen drivers.....?
How much does insurance go up if you add a 17 year old with a learner's permit to your plan. I live in Florida and have Electric Car Insurance.
Health insurance options for low income adults?
I am currently putting my husband through school. Our household runs on my pay check alone. My children qualify for free insurance with healthwave,which we are very grateful for. but I was shocked to find that my husband and I don't qualify. There is no way in hell we can afford to buy our own health insurance so I was wondering if there are any other options for us.""
Car insurance question! HELP HELP HELP?
I just bought a car from a dealership and its sittin there. but tomorow i plan on changing to a NJ license cause currently i have a MA license. They said i need to get insurance for the car before they let me take the car. So if I go to any insurance place tomorw will i be able to get the insurance THAT day? and then get my car ? THANKS
Is this typical for insurance for a 17 year old?!?
I just bought my first car Saturday. My dad went to the DMV to get it registered and insured. Then, he called our insurance company to get a quote for how much driver's insurance is for a 16 year old female. If you take driver's ed, watch a state farm video, and have a G.P.A above 3.0, comes to.... $88 A MONTH!!!! That's with driver's ed, and a G.P.A above 3.0! Now my parents are really upset, 'cuz that's thousands of extra dollars a year--not on gas, not on the vehicle itself...Just insurance! They're not sure I can get my license now b/c of it. This really frustrates me. I will be 17 in a couple months, and I really, really, really want to get my driver's license. I have a car, I'll buy the gas, but the insurance is astounding! So my question is, is $88 A MONTH typical for other companies/ or in other states (We're in AZ).""
Car Insurance approximation...?
I would like to know approximately how much it would cost to insure a 2009 Nissan Altima Hybrid, 4 doors, 2.5, 15,000km, I am 59 years of age, live in the Quebec Penninsula Area. One driver only, for leisure purposes""
Car Insurance For 17 Year Olds In The UK ?
Im taking my test in a month but would just like to know what are some of the cheapest cars to insure as i dont have the bank of mum and dad to help me out so i have my weekend job which i get about 100 from roughly ive heard some people getting insurance for 1200 which is fairly cheap also what are the cheapest insurance companies ???
Need help with car insurance?
My car insurance was cancelled because of no payments on January. I got laid off and couldn't make the payments. However, I didn't return the plates to rmv and was driving uninsured cuz I had make it to school. I just recently got a job and want to get insured again. However, I don't know how to begin the process again. What happens when I return the plates..where should return it..how much fee will I pay ..where do i pay it and when can I get a new plate and when will I be able to get insured again. I live in Massachusetts . Gladly appreciate an answer thanks""
Car insurance please help me out?
Oh right lol my query is as follows .. In July 2012 my daughter took out a pay monthly insurance policy with close premium 139 per month which was paid from my bank account every month on time for 12 months. When due for renewal August 2013 the insurance company sent her a quote saying payments were 168 per month! In view of this she decided not to insure her car and didn't use it. Shortly afterwards she receives a letter from close premium saying Hastings insurance could cover her for 100 per month but she never accepted this offer. In September 2013 Hastings took payment from my account so I contacted bank and recalled the payment. She now has a recovery agency acting on behalf of Hastings claiming she owes 400 . I can't see how she owes this money ? Do we have to pay this when we never accepted the policy and close premium passed on my bank details without my knowledge ? ( hope this makes sense)
Are health insurance rates a state or federal matter of approval?
I read this story today: The Obama administration is asking Anthem Blue Cross to justify its plans to raise health insurance premiums... Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius sent a letter to the company's president on Monday calling the planned increases extraordinary and difficult to understand. She wrote that the company has an obligation to provided a detailed justification for the rate hikes to the public. I thought that health insurers were state regulated and regulated by the NAIC--not the Secretary of Health and Human Services. Anthem is in California if that makes a difference.
""Inaccurate auto insurance quotewith progressive, my rights?""
ok so i am with prgressive have been since may16th 2006, i recently added my paner to my insurance, i received a quote over the phone, an additional 89 dollars a month they would take from my account, in addition to my premium ($110) which adds up to $199. My first bill came in the post charging me $243, i called them asking what is the problem they said they dont know, thats what it came up at when they put it in the system, theres nothing they knew that they could do to rectify the problem. Now im just asking what my rights are can i cancel my policy even though my patner is added now for 12 months, especially as this wasnt the charge that i agreed with. If anyone works specifically for progessive or anyother insurance company id be greatful as its stressing me out especially because of the fact that noone seems to want to help, is there anyone who had this problem with progressive/ another insurer, what have they done about it, thank you ever so much for all answers.""
General car insurance question(s)?
Which will cost more in car insurance, generally: a passenger sedan (maybe a 1999 Honda Civic) or a pickup truck (1995 Chevrolet Silverado 1500, perhaps)? Also, if I have two trucks, both exactly the same, only, one has 2-wheel drive and one has 4-wheel drive, which will cost more in insurance? If one will infact cost more, will the difference be significant enough to matter? I live in Colorado. 4-wheel drive is desirable with the snow and ice, but if it will cost significantly more in insurance, I can't justify it.""
""I hit someon because of rain related skid, no one got ticket. Can I claim from their insurance my car damage?""
We pay insurance to cover us in accidents and my friends are telling me that it is my fault because I hit from behind. I say that it was out of my control and the skid just happenned becaus eof the weather. Can I be able to claim from other person Insurance company. I only had liability and it wasn't my insurance as I was driving someone else's car. Cn someone with their experience guide me, what will be the best way to take car eof it. the other car did not have any damage but my car has about $900 damage. If I take it to a reputable car place it might go upto $1500. Thanks in advance""
Military car insurance?
Okay so I just graduated boot camp and moved from Texas ( residency) to Virginia. RIght now I have my car insurance through Texas (Geico) and I called them cause I was going to switch it to Virginia and it went up $120 a month!!! I was wondering since im in the military if I can just keep it in my residency state or if I have to switch it where im stationed? Also I am thinking about getting a new car which I would buy here in Virginia so it would have Virginia plates, would I have to switch it then to Virginia insurance? Sorry this is a loaded question but I would greatly appreciate it if you can help me out here and if you have any ideas what I should do , Thanks.""
What sporty car can i get which is under insurance group 11?
I am only 19 years old so it cant be higher or insurance will cost a bomb. I like the Honda Civic type s although they might be slightly over my budget at 9000. I also like the Fiat Bravo 2007 T-Jet sport, but a bit worried about the Fiat reliability. The Ford fiesta ST is okay i suppose. Can you give me some sporty car suggestions please. I prefer hatchbacks. Thanks in advance.""
How much does it typically cost for insurance on a 150 CC scooter?
How much does it typically cost for insurance on a 150 CC scooter?
Used 2006 mustang v6 insurance for teens?
how much do you think insurance will be for a teen ages 16-17. (estimate) will it be cheap or expensive because it is used. and what if it is under the parent's plan? thank you
Car Insurance in California?
Anyone know a good low cost auto insurance company in California? Someone w/ a suspended licsence that is now released?
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Insurance for a motorcycle?
How much will insurance cost me... details - live in los angeles - 15 about to start classes and everything in march when im 15 1/2 - want to drive a suzuki gsx-r600 - gpa is around a B average
Car insurance on a WRX or Mazdaspeed3?
I am a 17year old guy and since I got into my early decision college my parents are buying me a car. I like power in a car but I dont want an american muscle car because I would like to go in a direction rather than straight. Im looking at a new (yes my parents are crazy for buying new im trying to convince em to buy a slightly used one) Subaru WRX or a Mazdaspeed3. They are going to pay upto 25k for it so the WRX Hatchback just falls in there. I was wondering what would insurance be on these cars for me and any reviews u guys have on them and if there are any other good choices out there that have the same power and handling as these, I would love a rear wheel drive car but I live where there is quite a bit of snow so FWD or AWD please. Thanks.""
Cheapest insurance for a 17 year old lad?
the cheap quote ive got is 4800!! This is ridiculous, is there any cheaper way of insuring myself? does anyone know what the cheapest car to insure is? or something i really need to get on the road as i have just passed my test but 3000 for insurance is about my limit...""
What is a cheap insurance agency for auto insurance?
I've got a used car, and just need a cheap insurance. Any suggestions are great!""
How do life insurance companies get medical records?
I've heard that insurance claims can be denied based on conflicting or misreported medical records. Let's say I take out a life insurance policy, and don't report a specialist who I saw out of my network prior to the event. Would the insurance company be able to deny the claim for that? How would they find out?""
""Have GAP Insurance, Don't have car insurance?""
My husband was hit by another driver a few days ago. The other driver was at-fault and our state is an At-Fault state. The other driver has insurance. Our insurance policy has been lapsed for under 30 days. We were planning on obtaining insurance in 2 days. There is a chance the car may be totaled and it is financed with GAP. I believe that I read that GAP will not cover in the case of no insurance coverage. Does anyone know where we stand here? Will having the new policy in a couple of days in any way help regarding the GAP issue? Also, the other driver's insurance company called today asking for info: Name, Address, our insurance info. What should we do?""
How much would insurance for a motorcycle cost for a 17 year old?
How much approximately for a 17 yr old with a 250 ninja? what about a 600cc bike? I do not have my drivers license yet, only my permit and I would get a learners permit on my bike. How much do you think it will cost?""
Mandatory insurance?!?
Here in Massachusetts EVERYONE has to have health insurance, and if you wanna drive you have to have car insurance. How can this be legal? How can the government force me into buying a product or service?! Whats next, are they going to make it mandatory for everyone to buy 7th generation ipods? This is ridiculous. What if i dont want insurance? What if i cant afford it? WTF?!! Is their any legal way around this? Or are they going arrest me if i dont get any insurance? Should i board up my windows and stock up on guns?""
Is your insurance affected by a traffic misdemeanor in california?
So I got a ticket today and got in trouble for two things 1) Expired registration sticker (I had a 2010 registration sticker, I was just lazy and forgot to put it on) 2) I don't have my year yet, but I still had two other passengers in my car. Apparently you can only take passengers under 21 years old in your car after you've had your license for a year. Anyways, my dad is really pissed about insurance rates or something. Do they go up for the ticket I just described? On the ticket, it said the only non-correctable traffic violation was the two underage passengers in the car.""
Is Obamacare insurance.?
at Healthcare.gov they will be doing quotes on October 1 so is the Government selling there own version of Insurance
Why do boys pay more for car insurance than girls?
Charging more to one gender because they overall drive worse is sexism. It's the same thing as charging one ethnicity more because of their overall average and that's racism. P.S. On I what I have noticed, females tend to be worse drivers than males (sorry).""
Does anyone know what 'excess reduction insurance' is?
Im thinking of renting a car. In the price quote it says basic car insurance is included but excess reduction isnt. does anyone know what this is? how is it different from the basic car insurance and do u know if the excess reduction insurance is also compulsory?
Can the car insurance company make me pay the higher amount?
I bought new car insurance for $1000/yr a few weeks ago. I filled out all the paper work and have to make my first payment for the next three months in a week. Yesterday they told me they made a mistake and that they will be charging me $2000/yr instead. Do I have to pay the higher amount amount for the time while I was insured by them (about 2 weeks) before they told me they made a mistake (and the mistake was entirely their fault)? I'd think they would need to renew the contract at the new price if I actually wanted to stay with them. I plan on switching companies since it's a horrible rate, but would like to know if I can do anything if they do take the higher rate out of my account (I'm set up for direct withdrawals and I agreed to pay the next 3 months when the rate was $1000)? They probably won't answer my email til monday, so I'm hoping someone here can help me out sooner. Thanks.""
How to get insurance coverage when between jobs?
My wife had her own health insurance with her previous employer, and I have my own with my employer. We do not have kids. She started a new job, but probation period for benefits is 3 months. She worked for a dental office of 5 employees, so I don't think COBRA is an option for her plus it's really expensive. Is it possible to add her to my work insurance plan for only 3 months mid calendar year?""
I am a college student and i am looking for health and dental insurance.?
I just moved to texas and I rarely go to the doctor only for like for pap smears birth control and things of that nature. I work PRN an a hospital but PRN employees do not qualify for benefits.I am looking for an affordable insurance until i finish nursing school and get a full time job with benefits? Can anyone help me!
Car insurance..please answer?
Basically my dad is paying 1600ish pound for an insurance policy, with me as a named driver on his car, that was a few months ago he got that, however now, if we was to do the same policy because we have had the car for a few months it would be 1100 ish, if my dad got a new car which he is thinking of doing, and transfered the insurance onto that (substituted it) but the car was a bit nicer and slightly more expensive to insure, would the price inrease because of the car, or decrease because im slightly older and insurance is getting cheaper for me""
Is it required to buy insurance if you rent a car ?
Well, I'm going to tell my mom to rent a car next Thursday and I'm not sure if she HAVE to buy insurance for it. She already have car insurance from Triple A, can she use the car insurance she have for the rental car? Is that okay? When I reserved the car for Avis last weekend, it said that you can purchase a protection for the car for an extra 18 dollars, im not sure if that's insurance or not. It said its recommended, but not required. Also, no where on the site said that you have to buy insurance for the rental car. Is there already insurance for those rental cars? I'm so confused. pleease help!!""
How much would it cost for my 17 year old son to have insurance on a 2005 nissan 350z?
How much would it cost for my 17 year old son to have insurance on a 2005 nissan 350z?
What are some good low cost learner legal bike with cheap insurance?
i'm 17 and i'm looking to purchase my first motorbike so i was wondering if you could give me some bike for less than about 2000 with cheap insurance?, but no rubbish Chinese bike because they fall apart""
Where can u find health insurance for a family at a reasonable pricethat one can afford?
Where can u find health insurance for a family at a reasonable pricethat one can afford?
Teenage Car Insurance?!??!?
I'm 15 and for my 16th Bday I'm getting an mid-sized SUV. & I'm just wondering about how much the monthly payments are gonna be......? thanks for any help:)
Might have a cancerous mole. can i get it removed for free without insurance in california?
It's half way down my back back, on the left side, kind of ON my side, but not quite. This isn't an aesthetic issue, and i've had the mole for years. Some years back, though, I noticed the mole had a couple hairs growing out of the center of it, which was never the case before. This last week, I noticed it seems bigger and further raised from my skin than I can recall, and there seems to be kind of a black head on it. I can't really get a good look at it because...well it's on my back...but it worries me. I have NO health insurance other than some state assigned card they gave me that I think is just for free STD testing, and I really don't have any money. Are there clinics that will do this sort of thing for free or for a very low cost like maybe $50? I really need to have a doc do it, because I need it biopsied since it's looking so strange now. Thanks for the help.""
Looking for good medical insurance BUT AFFORDABLE?
i'm a senior age 62 wife 69,still working my medical insurance at work is 185.00 per payroll 307.00 per month it's killing where can i get good insurance but affordable.i live in california also i'm planing in retiring july 2013,i'll be 63, yahoo answers find me insurance i put my trust in answers people thank you gilley p.s. no kids""
Value Of Car Set By Insurance Company?
My car was recently stolen and declared a total lost, when I first got insurance on this car the new or used cost value was set by my insurance company for $19,000. Now that my car is a total lost they only said they can give me the fair market value only. Why did they set a price of $19,000?""
How do i become an insurance agent in california?
How do i become an insurance agent in california?
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
Pala California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 92059
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