#also idk if this is an unpopular opinion but there are definitely a few meaningless tattoos i want to get just because they're cool or funny
skullfaggot · 8 months
i need to start getting tattoos. the thought's been on my mind for years and i have multiple ideas i just haven't gotten around to it
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cryptid-on-a-string · 2 months
not so unpopular opinion but spirit phone is one of the WEAKEST lemon demon albums. yeah it has excellent sound quality and u can see how neil have improved as an artist compared to older albums (this is why it's so good received by most critics), i won't lie, but it critically lacks that charm of, for example, clown circus, lfthcs, httjb, damn skippy and as well as his deporitaz/trapezoid era music. sp lacks that quirkness. i can see how neil wanted to focus on more serious topics (which his older works also had, like in dinosaurchestra and some songs from httjb too!) and i can't shame him for it. it's just doesn't work properly with spirit phone. it needs some more silly stuff too!! sp needs more meaningless, weird and obscure (do y'all even remember mold en mono?) lyrics and calling cabinet man peak of ld's weirdness is a blatant spit in the face. sprit phone is just soulless, lacking individuality of older lemon demon, for what it was so beloved.
While I somewhat agree that spirit phone has come to be overplayed and too focused-on by now, I definitely don’t think it is weak, uncreative, or anything close to soulless at all. It just happened to be the one album that became the most popular one. (I blame tiktok personally, but it could be a number of other factors, I might be biased bc I just hate tiktok and I am quick to blame it for stuff idk)
Sure, it dabbles with more serious tones than many of his other songs, but personally I think that just makes it more special in a way, and it’s fun to see Neil’s songwriting skills evolve over time, since the album took quite a few years to make. I can see where you’re coming from, saying how it needs more silly stuff like all the previous albums, however that might take away from what makes Spirit Phone so much different from all of Neil’s other works. It’s what makes SP an original and creative addition to the discography, so to say.
Spirit Phone taking itself more seriously is what makes it so outstanding, because Neil hadn’t yet done anything quite like it before.
As for the content of the songs themselves, I can kind of see what you’re getting at when you say the older albums have a little more strange content, but I still think Spirit Phone hold up pretty well in the creativity department! It’s got ghosts, (a recurring motif, with the repeating white/noise ghost sound effects sprinkled in between some of the songs), eldritch beings, corpse mellification, a death/rebirth storyline, and general unexplained mysteries, all tied together through abundant synths and overall 80’s aura to it all. All the songs still pull through nicely with their unusual motifs and intriguing narratives. Although the amount of Lemon Demon’s trademark wackiness isn’t quite as condensed in this album as the others, (with more serious tracks such as As Your Father, I Earn My Life, and Spiral of Ants), there is definitely still enough of it to make it fit in the previous albums, and enough serious content to make it stand out from the rest!
Don’t get me wrong, the other Lemon Demon albums are quite amazing and dear to me too! (Damn Skippy stands out as one of my favorites myself) but I also acknowledge how much care and thought was put into the originality of Spirit Phone. Sure, it might have come to be overplayed and memed to death by the internet after all these years, but it is still deserving of praise and genuine appreciation. I personally think it has earned its title as one of the most beloved Lemon Demon albums.
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