#also i'm very chatty and would always love to talk to mutuals c:
churchbeam · 21 days
white. tme. co-host of a DID system.
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no terfs, zionists, or minors. this blog is mostly rvb, but i might post about other interests as well! please tag disordered eating & images of bugs if you can. more about me here! if you're on desktop, hover over the sidebar buttons for more links.
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May I have male match ups for Free and Haikyuu? :> I'm taurus, INFJ, 5'4". I have shoulder length light brown hair and blue eyes. I'm usually quiet and on the shy side, bloody stubborn, calm and serious. Once you get to known to me tho I'm a warm, friendly and pretty chatty person, who cares deeply about others and just wants everyone to be happy. I'm also very sarcastic, and I live for bad puns and memes. (1/2)
I study crafts and design, specializing in designing and making clothes and do a lot of art/crafts related things in my free time too. I also love music (I play piano), nature, science stuff (esp. biology/chemistry), tea, baking, pastel colours and fairylights. I value honesty and loyalty, and tend to choose very carefully who I become friends with. I hope this is enough, thank you in advance! ^^ (2/2)
Thanks for the request and for waiting! C: I hope you’ll like your matches~
Your matches are…:
MatsuokaRin (Free): Compared to his younger self, Rin isn’t as friendly or aswilling to approach people as before which makes getting to know people he’snever spoke to before a challenge. It’s through Gou that Rin first becomesacquainted with you, having dropped by to visit her once while you happen to bethere. It catches him by surprise and as a result, he’d end up staring at youfor a brief moment, which might make you feel awkward. Gou would snap him outof it and introduce you as her friend while introducing him as her brother toyou. It’d still feel pretty awkward after that, given your quiet and shy natureand Rin’s own personality. Gou does try to start a conversation that the threeof you can take part of but that proves difficult when most of Rin’s answersdon’t help in keeping the conversation afloat. While Rin wouldn’t be droppingby to visit Gou often, when he does and you just happen to be there every time,he’s sort of forced to make conversation with you since it would be rude toignore you completely. Mostly though, he’s just around as you talk with Gou,but this gives him a chance to listen to your conversations and passively learnmore about you. It’s rather intriguing how you seem friendlier and more openwhen you’re talking with Gou and your sarcasm doesn’t go unnoticed either. Moreoften than not, when Rin happens to overhear your puns he’ll either try to stiflehis chuckles since he doesn’t want to get caught eavesdropping or roll his eyesat how bad they are.
It doesn’t seem like the two of you have much in common buteven so, he feels intrigued by you. It’s hard to interact with you given your morequiet and shy nature and his own unfriendly nature. However, he’s also seen theother side of you too, where you’re chatty and warm, and there’s something aboutthat side of you that makes Rin want to speak to you more. Rin isn’t usuallyhonest, to other people or himself, when it comes to certain topics and thatmight make it hard for the two of you to converse properly since it’ll feellike he’s harsh and uncaring. He’ll try to be more open but it’s hard, thoughgiven time and getting closer with you as friends, he’ll slowly start to bemore honest with his emotions and not to try to hide things behind a wall. Itfeels like a blessing how chatty and friendly you can be, since Rin can be abit off-putting at times but your warmness helps him mellow out and he’llhappily converse with you and listen to you talk. Rin might find you to be abit overbearing at times but deep down will feel touched at how deeply you carefor him and how you want him to be happy. While that also extends to your otherfriends, just simply being included into that circle will make him feel allwarm inside. He’ll want to show his thanks to you and will probably end upbuying you gifts (after asking Gou what you like or lowkey trying to get thatinformation out of you without being obvious) such as your favourite kind oftea or a small stuffed animal. Of course, he’ll feel a tad awkward when givingit to you so you’ll get to see a small blush on his face and tease him if youwant.
While there’s no overlap between his interests and yours,Rin will happily cheer you on and support you in your pursuit of design andstudy of crafts. It’s rather intriguing to see all your creations and it comesas a surprise hearing that you made some of those crafts since, wow that’s amazing. Seeing your skillsproducing such cool creations motivates Rin to try even harder in swimming. Ifyou can take your interests and make such amazing art, then he can improvehimself too. Considering how you spend your free time creating things, it alsoamazes him that you can play the piano too. You’d have to invest quite a lot oftime into that and learning about this also motivates Rin to work harder. Inhis eyes, you’re really skillful and impressive; he can’t be left behind in thedust.
KurooTetsurou (Haikyuu): Your mutual interests in science naturallymakes you someone Kuroo will approach to converse with in class, enjoying theopportunities he gets to speak with someone that likes science like he does. Ofcourse, given Kuroo’s specialty in provoking people, you’ll most likely findyourself unwillingly helping him in provoking Yaku. It sort of becomes a daily occurrencethough, and eventually you might even join him without him having to directlydrag you into it. Kuroo has no qualms with approaching people he’s not familiarwith, and even with your shyer and quiet nature, he won’t have a problem withstarting a conversation with you. He’s pretty observant though, and if itappears he’s making you uncomfortable or nervous, he’ll know to leave youalone. If it looks like you’re enjoying conversing with him though, then that’sall the confirmation Kuroo needs to keep approaching you to talk with. Yourcalmness and seriousness makes you a fun target for him to tease at time,wanting to rile you up but if upsets you, Kuroo will be quick to apologize andnot do it again.
It’s surprising, in a pleasant way, when after getting toknow you more and you open up more to him, Kuroo gets to see your more friendlyand chatty side. He’ll often greet you with that seemingly ever present smirkon his lips and talk with you about mindless things. It’s always a rather chillatmosphere between the two of you and there are bounds to be a lot of laughs tobe shared too. Kuroo isn’t exactly a punny person per se but he’ll still enjoythem nonetheless though he won’t hesitate to point out the bad ones you makeand tease you about it. Memes are certainly something you two will have a lotof fun exchanging with one another and every time a new meme surfaces, he oryou will be the first one to show it to the other. He’ll also take your sarcasmin stride and can dish it right back to you too if needed, like if you two gotinto an argument and he has to deal with your stubbornness. Kuroo does find itendearing how deeply you care for your friends and want them to be happy.
Though Kuroo enjoys teasing and provoking people, he is aloyal friend and has no qualms with being honest with people, so there’snothing for you to worry in that regard. It’d certainly feel like an honour tohim for you to call him a friend and he’ll savour hearing that from you.Besides your mutual fondness for the sciences, there isn’t a lot the two of youhave in common but Kuroo will 100% support you and cheer you on in your studiesof design and crafts. Fashion isn’t something Kuroo pays much attention to, sohe doesn’t have much knowledge when it comes to clothing and such, but even so,he can see you put a lot of effort and care into the things you create. It’sall really impressive. Adding the fact that you can also play the piano makesyou seem even more remarkable in his eyes. You’d have to spend a lot of time onboth to be able to be good at both, and learning that fact inspires Kuroo towork harder in volleyball. There are a lot of areas he can still improve onafter all, and though he does work harder, he can also work harder.
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