#also i'm laughing at Kol being a witch snob
museswithinx · 2 years
“Maybe we let him babysit too much,” she joked as she continued stroking his hair. “That’s all I’ve ever wanted.” How Aubrey settled for the downgrade, Anikaia would never know, but her loss would be someone else’s gain. As her husband spoke, her grin widened. “Quite a theme I would say. He appreciates a sharp tongue, like someone else I know well.” Anikaia didn’t miss much where her son was concerned. She’d known about the trip, some of the texting, and their time at the festival. “It is a pity she’s only a wolf, but I like seeing those smiles she gets out of him. I think they text quite often since their little overnight trip too. If she keeps making him this happy, then I’m overjoyed.”
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"One time too many if you ask me. Fortunately he's not adopted the same dull fashion sense." He agrees as she runs her fingers through his hair. It was a real shame Aubrey was settling for mediocrity when she could've had it all with their Chosen One. Kol would've fancied having a Bennett witch in the family. Even if just to enjoy Bonnie's reaction to the union. "Well those are the best types. The pretty ones with the sharp tongues," Kol quips with a smirk up at his sharp tongued pretty one. Like father, like son held truth there.
Kol would have fancied a witch for his son, but he couldn't argue against his son's happiness. Far too often Deniz was disregarded, underappreciated, and disrespected. "He's certainly a tad more attached to his phone these days. Also couldn't help noticing the rather generous withdrawal made from his bank card this past weekend. What do you propose he needed all that for?" He made a look like he was thoughtful but he had a pretty good idea where the money went.
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