#also i'll send out those asks for bonnie later !!! <3 <3 <3
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snarkylinda · 3 years ago
I am feeling very humanitarian after listening to Send it On on loop- so I'll add some headcanons to my Older!Pokeani cast verse, charity edition.
Ok so, Ash and his friends are obviously good people that care about others that aren't themselves and their careers. While the pokemon world is meant to be an Utopy stuff like pollution, natural disasters and shit clearly exists (and can have even faster consequences that irl, an UB literally destroyed Alt. Alola because of pollution) and like, there are maniacs with powerful pokemon trying to take over the world every week so- I am sure that leaves a few side victims- pokemon still get abused and-or abandoned.....it's not that much of a utopy actually- anyways! this is what our not-anymore kids do to make their world a bit better:
-Charity tournaments and presentations. This one is a non-brainer, in JNs they mention the tickets for the M8 ARE costy, so I can totally see Ash, Iris, Dawn, May and Serena and their other famous friends organize this kind of events where people obviously pay to see them do their shit, and the revenue goes to different charities- sighting autoghraphts, taking pics, and stuff.
-Misty and Lana have their own project of cleaning seas all across the world, beaches and overall helping water pokemon affected by pollution. Tracey, Daisy, Kiawe and obviously Ash often help on their little missions of making sure the Seals aren't choking- and threaten whoever does say pollution.
-Mallow started her own project with Brock, every weekend going to X region and making a shit ton of delicious meals that they can give to people in need, are way more active on natural disasters like earthquakes and stuff, for obvious reasons. In those more extreme cases, they call for help so Brock can focus on the medical part and Mallow doesn't die in the kitchen.
-Iris founded her own Dragon Pokemon Sanctuary. Due to their rareness and power they tend to be hunted more and some species had become dangerously close to extinction before- so she made an safe place for them in every known region, with the help of her friends in the village, Cilan, Bianca, Cynthia and Lance. Most the money her events make (see first point) goes to these places.
-Shortly after the Kalos crisis, a huge depression hit the region as it's inhabitants became paranoid of another psycho attending against their lives and homes again- the number of trainers decreased as their parents became overprotective of them, hence Clemont decided to start his own project to cheer them out- toys, as therapy. They were such a success he expanded to other regions as well. Hey They helped his own sister grow up to be a functional teenager!
-Serena occasionally goes to hospitals and orphanages to cheer the children out, she founded her version of "Make a Wish"; where terminally ill children send her a note and she gets in contact with whoever is their favorite trainer to pay them a visit, watch them battle, etc you get the gist. When she is old enough to travel on her own, Bonnie helps her out.
-Dawn does something similar, but focuses more on geriatrics. Don't ask me why I just see it.
-Lillie financiate most of these projects lmao her friends became rich too but considering they have zero reservations they STILL need some of her fortune lmao not that she minds ofc. She also occasionally reads to the kids.
-Ash is the definition of chaotic good. After noticing that he, in fact, can't adopt all the abandoned-abused pokemon of the world (much to his disappointment) he did 3 things with his great income: 1. Take his mom out for dinner 2. Build up an Shelter and 3. An Santuary. The Shelter is for abandoned pokemon that CAN'T live on their own, there they receive medical and psychological help they need (Ash is bestie with lots of scientifics) and are given to an worthy trainer. The Santuary is for pokemon that were hurt by hunters. There they recover and are freed on a safer zone later on....if any of them can't go back to the wild, they just go to Ash personally, or whoever is taking care of them.
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