#also i wrote this in like 90 mins so sorry if it sucsk
taeyeonsb · 6 years
greek god!changbin and human!felix bc anna asked
@chenle this is for u ily
im sorry it's Long
masterlist if u want it
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changbin is the god of being a cute baby the night
and magic and stuff (kinda like nyx and hecate idk)
bc he loves DARK
all the other gods make fun of him bc mortals headcanon him as all scary and sinister and creepy but in reality hes a cute baby
it's not easy for mortals to get him all petty and stuff bc he just doesnt care
ugh we love an unbothered king
he wears a long black cloak embroidered w pretty silver designs because he can
he doesnt rly go onto earth to interact w humans, but he likes to randomly appear in cool places and ppl watch just bc ppl are dumb and it's hilarious
he isnt a playboy like some gods (cough cough zeus cough cough) and always kinda disapproves when they play around w mortals but yknow what can u do when u disapprove of the king of the gods
nothing that's what
besides ,,, there was one (1) time a while back where changbin got a little ,,, attached to a mortal 
and yall know when binnie gets attached he gets Attached
,,, like ,,, immortality-granting level attached
but he didnt get to the immortality part in time
and now he has resolved to not love mortals!!!!!! 100% foolproof plan, considering he has the option to ignore their existence forever
in greece hes not a major god so he aint too popular but he does have his lil fan group 
a lot of the ppl who sacrifice to/worship apollo also do the same for changbin bc when theyre throwing together som herbs and hoping for the best (aka making medicine) they need some magic!!! and guess whos the god of magic!!!!!!
that's right lads it's changbean
so ya he may not have 294857839 temples within a 1 mile radius like some gods (cough cough zeus cough cough) but he doesnt rly want that either so
it be like that sometimes
and he has his lovely healers who always think of him and that's enough for him :,)
felix is a healer!!!
his best friend jisung got rly sick a lil while back and felix was Clueless abt how to help him BUT with a lot of prayers 2 apollo and changbin and basically everyone up there on mount olymp and so so many books he saved his jisungie!!!!!
thank the gods!!!
and now he is a practicing healer and always sacrifices the best of his meal to apollo and changbinnie
I'm gonna hc that prayers to gods are like notifications because I can
so if ur like popular and gettin spammed u can turn them off/choose not to hear them
but changbin likes hearing them, and a lot of the time if he can help by doing smth small he will!!! ugh ur god could never (zeus stans cant relate)
most of the voices are off and on, he'll hear a mix of people he might recognize and people that remind him of someone two thousand years ago
but he does, without fail, hear one voice every night
guess whomst
THATS RIGHT it's felix!!!!!!!
ofc he doesnt know that but he knows the voice; and it's nice :,,) to be thought of, every night
when his voice wishes for rain tomorrow, because 'I'm getting a little worried about my crops, haha,' changbin mentions offhandedly that he misses the rain to demeter, who agrees, eyes widening, "yes, my crops are DYING of THIRST" before she kicks poseidon as he passes by and demands rain
changbin hears a small, delighted thank you the next morning and pretends hes not smiling like an idiot at it
he fools a grand total of absolutely no one 
but no one comments either bc they cant be bothered or dont wanna face an in-denial binnie
and it's all going well!!! felix's crops are T h r i v i n g and his patients are recovering!!!!!!!
then one day, felix prays to changbin AND minho
minho is aphrodite bye
it's not like felixs not happy with the way things are going, it's just ,,, sometimes hes a lil :( u feel
,,, a lil ,,, lonely 
sue him for wanting a bf bye
yes he loves jisung more than anything in the world and Would Die for him and all that ,,, but he wouldnt mind a bf too ,,, so he prays to minho too!!!
changbin hears it (and knows minho doesnt- minho doesnt like doing things for people if they ask)
so he very very casually strolls over to minho where hes lying upside down on the couch, petting his cat who's sprawled across his chest, purring loud enough that changbin can hear it from outside
he comes in anyway (after knocking, of course, because he is not Rude)
minho knows smth is up but lets changbin ramble
and finally he gets 2 the point
"theres someone praying to me, and he also asked something of u"
"that's nice"
"well would u mind granting his wish"
changbin is Surprise
"y not"
"dont feel like it"
"why dont u"
"just dont ig haha"
changbin is this close || to slappin him
they go on for a lil while ,,, cb tries to coax minho into it without saying why it's important
minho, the smug bastard, just laughs
finally cb gets Ticked Off and is all fine guess I'll do it Myself
uh oh last time that happened didnt end well
"uhhhhh changbin that's not a good idea, remember last time?"
"nope this time'll be different, and since u wont help him guess I gotta do it myself"
"nononono changbin I'll do it!! I'll make smth happen just dont get involved ok"
but changbin is Stubborn and minho is Too Late
it's been a while since changbins disguised himself as a mortal but he walks down, and into the rough area he knows the voice always comes from
beyond that tho? he doesnt even know the guys name for goodness' sake
hes so engrossed in Concern over his situation what he forgets hes literally walking down a mountain
he trippe and falle yike
there are ppl walking and standing about but none of them seem v concerned
changbin guesses lots of ppl fall down this mountain
he has to remember to make his blood appear red not gold and try to limp when he gets up (is that what happens when humans get injured? he doesnt know)
and to his luck
theres a voice behind him
a very familiar voice
hmmmmmmmmmmm who could it be?
"oh my god, are you ok?"
changbin can almost hear minho laughing at him from olympus
the boy has soft brown hair and little dots across his cheeks and big doe eyes and he offers changbin his hand (what is changbin gonna do? say no?)
"are u alright? looked like a pretty bad fall"
"no, I'm ok!!! just got a lil scratched up," changbin says
"oh no!!! ur cuts could become infected if u dont bandage them!!!! here I'm a healer lemme wrap them up for u ok"
changbin is. SHAKING
so the boy leads changbin away, through the dusty streets
3 important things occur: 1. changbin finds out his name is felix, 2. felix doesnt let go of changbins hand, and 3. changbin discovers felix is taller than his mortal form
felix bandages him up, and hands him a mug of wine 
it's nice; changbin doesnt often indulge in mortal food and drink, bc he doesnt need it
they talk!!!
felix is so friendly and welcoming changbin forgets where he is for a hot minute
and felix is just. Intrigued. (he knows practically everyone in the village; maybe changbin's a traveler? hes also a lil confused by the fact that changbin shares the name of the god he prays to every night but those things happen n what can ye do)
so felix asks where changbins from, and hes a traveler!!!! that makes sense!!!
"do u have a place to stay? do you know how long ur staying for?"
"nope and nope!!!"
so felix does the obvious thing: "u can stay with me!!"
and yeah this is a guy he met twenty minutes ago so maybe that's not the safest thing to ever happen
but hes also heard stories abt ppl who refused to offer hospitality to ppl who were gods in disguise and met Unfortunate Ends, and changbin is also sweet and handsome and felix thinks this couldnt end too badly, right?
so changbin stays, and he looks around for people he could pair up with felix
the boy wants a bf and changbin is going to get him a bf!!! it's the least felix deserves
but with every time felix cooks him breakfast, every time he brings changbin along with him to the market, with every time the boy smiles, the more changbin wants that bf to be him
felix plays the lyre, and sometimes he sings along with it too
(the first time changbin found this out it was an accident; felix'd been practicing outside so he wouldnt disturb the peace but changbin had heard through the ajar window and for a second thought it was apollo)
every time felix's small tiny adorable little hands start absentmindedly playing at the strings of his lyre, changbin has to stop whatever hes doing to be able to hear 
whipped culture if u ask me
the songs felix sings are all lovely; some are light and cheerful and others are a little darker, sadder, lonelier, and with each one of the latter that felix plays changbin gets the urge to hold him
and one day he does!!!!!!
it's a darker, sadder, lonelier song day, changbin can tell it from the start 
felix acts as lively as ever though, smiles as bright as ever (it's still beautiful)
but felix makes a fire in his fireplace that night and curls up, the light flickering across his face, and he looks so uncharacteristically small that changbin walks right over to him and Gathers Him tf Up in those arms
"hey, what's wrong"
"omg nothing haha"
but changbin is Not Having It, and all he has to do is give felix that look before felix sighs, completely relaxing into changbins arms
"just ,,, kinda feel alone rn"
and then he Panicc "omg that sounded so rude I mean I dont feel alone alone I have u ofc but I mean in a romantic sense of the word I just wan some1 to hold me and never let go u know and"
he takes a deep breath and cups felix's face tilting it up so their eyes meet and felix stops his rambling
"I'd never let go, if you asked me not to"
the good thing abt bein a god is if cb gets rejected now he can just yeet himself right back onto olympus and shut out all his emotions!!
but hes still so nervous for felix's response somehow bc this has grown to be important to him
but!!! turns out!!!!! he has Nothing to Be Nervous About!!!!!
felix's face almost splits with the force of his smile, and he looks so happy that changbin's heart is melting in his chest, and he whispers "I'd like that," before they both move at the same time and then they're kissing
when they break apart, foreheads leaning together, changbin whispers into the space between them "I'm a god, you know. I'm your changbin, the one you've been talking to since jisung got sick. I'm immortal,"
and felix looks at him, looks at the now-dying firelight reflecting back at him in changbins beautiful eyes. it doesnt seem to matter, not right now.
"are you gonna break my heart?" felix asks, and he kind of knows the answer
but changbin takes his hands and says so earnestly "I'm gonna try my best not to" and that's enough for felix
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