#also i think that it sounds betta with headphones but
urfavepisces · 6 years
peter kavinsky, was it all fake?//part III
a/n: alright y’all here is the final part of ‘this is fake right?’ mini series that came out of nowhere lmao. i hope that you all enjoy this one as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it. thank you for all of the love and the past two parts!! and please let me know what you thought (:
part I (this is fake right?)  part II (it was all fake right?
word count: 3,214 (okay wow i didn’t think i wrote that much lmao)
warnings: like before some cuss words
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After the argument you two had, you went home and locked yourself inside of your room. Your Dad had tried to get you to come out with bribes of his famous cheeseburgers and dark chocolate fudge cake which he knew were your two favorite dishes he made but you refused. That’s when he knew something was really wrong with you because you never turned down a burger and cake.
However, you weren’t in the mood to eat or interact with anyone at all.
Your little sister also attempted to coax you out of your bedroom by asking to have a movie night with her. Also something you always said yes to because you honestly loved spending time with her, she was the polar opposite to you. Ava was a vibrant young girl who was always looking for an adventure to embark on. You envied her tenacity and ability to try new things which always made you want to do things with your sister. So when she was met with silence when she suggested you two do a double feature of your favorite movies she also realized that whatever you were going through was serious.
How could you be so naive? So wishful?
Peter Kavinsky didn’t like you and you should've known better than to think otherwise. You should’ve been more realistic, you shouldn’t have let yourself get caught up in the fake relationship you two shared. The sweet moments between you two were merely just for show and you really should’ve been smarter.
After a few hours of wallowing in self pity, you forced yourself to clean your room and finish any assignments that were due in the next week. It was a great distraction for the night but you couldn’t help but let yourself get lost in thought about what could’ve been with Peter or how if you could go back then maybe you would’ve said no to his proposition.
As you sorted through your binder, throwing out old papers that you didn’t need and placing the now finished assignments into it, three knocks sounded on your bedroom door each one escalating in volume. Only one person knocked like that and even though you ignored her texts, you were still happy to know that she’d come and check on you.
You set your things aside and pushed yourself off of your bed. When you opened the door, Angie pushed past you throwing you off balance.
“You know I should cuss your ass out for ignoring me but since I love you I’m gonna give you two minutes to explain to me what is going on?” She crossed her arms and glared at you.
You gulped, your nerves were on edge because you’d seen her like this before but it was never directed at you. You quietly closed your door and fiddled with the hem of your hoodie as she awaited your response.
“Sorry, I was busy studying.” You shrugged not looking at her and keeping your focus on the creme colored carpet.
Her eyebrows shot up, “Excuse me, I know you just did not lie to me.” Angie pointed to herself before she continued, “I really need you to cut the bullshit and tell me what’s really going on.”
All of a sudden a wave of despair crushed into you, making your eyes well up with tears. You were so confused about Peter and it finally got to you. 

Even though Angie prided herself on being a tough person she always had a soft spot for her best friend. She immediately walked over to you and brought you into her arms, cradling your head with one hand while the other rubbed your upper back soothingly.
“Hey, it’s okay Y/N. You know I could never really be mad at you.” She whispered. Her heart sank at the sight of your tears, she knew you were sensitive but you always handled her brashness with such ease that this was a bit of a shock.
As the tears fell, you two remained silent. Your throat hurt so much because you had literally stopped yourself from really letting yourself go for the last few hours.
It took awhile before you fully calmed down and Angie had been so patient that you were honestly very thankful to have her as a friend.
You explained to her the turmoil you were experiencing and she listened attentively. People at school loved to paint her as a carefree individual who was immune to being sentimental but you knew better. Angie had a heart of gold and she only let it show if you were worthy.
“Look I love you girl, I really do and that’s why I’m telling you that you need to talk to Peter. You have to go on the ski trip.” She hugged you close as she said this.
You couldn’t help but frown at her words because you didn’t want to face him after everything you two had just gone through.
“I don’t want to.” You whined.
You wanted to crawl up into a ball and hide away from the world but it wasn't going to be that easy because of the best friend you had.
“Yea but you need to. Isn’t it  time you stopped hiding from real life? No one made you two do this but it happened and now y’all dumbasses gotta figure your shit out. Plus he’s been blowing my phone up crying about how you're ignoring him.” She tightened her hold on you.
“And look any other girl at our school would be practically fighting to have Peter Kavisnky in their messages but I’m tired! I need y’all to get your shit together.” Angie laughed.
You couldn’t help but smile in response, she was the best but it was short lived after she uttered her next words, “Sooo I’m going on the ski trip with you.” 

Your eyebrows bunched together as your mouth turned down into a scowl, “WHAT?!” You screamed. 
You instantly tried to pull away from her embrace but she quickly wound her arms tighter around your shoulders, “Girl don’t even try to talk yourself out of this, I’m going on this trip which means you going. You two are going to work this out.”
You rolled your eyes and scoffed because why couldn’t she just let you be? You wanted to forget all about Peter.
She rubbed your back before releasing her hold on you, “You gotta deal with whatever scares you even if it’s Peter Kavinsky.”
A week later you found yourself in your Dad’s all black range rover driving to the school. You really wanted him to make a U-turn and go back to the safety of your room but you knew Angie would actually kill you, if you skipped out. So you reluctantly pulled your suitcase from the trunk and said said your goodbyes to your Dad.
You’d seen Peter from the corner of eye the moment you walked onto the bus, it was impossible not to when he made it obvious he was looking at you. But you kept your head held high and your eyesight focused on Angie who was dozing in the back of the bus.
You plopped down onto your seat which made her twitch and bring her face into the crook of your neck. You settled into your seat as she snuggled further into you and as you opened your bag to grab your headphones she started to snore. This was going to be a long bus drive.
“Wait you’re not actually going to ski?” Angie’s chocolate brown eyes widened at you. You shrugged, “Well I agreed to come, I never agreed to skiing plus since when do you ski?” You always remembered how much she hated the cold and the snow.
At that moment, Marcus Lamore waltzed his way over to you two and swung one of this arms over Angie’s shoulder.
“Hey Angie.” He kissed her cheek lightly before turning his attention towards you, “What’s up Y/N? You still icing my boy out?” At that Angie elbowed him in the stomach as you scoffed.
Marcus is Peter’s best friend so you shouldn’t have been surprised at his question plus he’s always been outspoken and never knew when he was being extra.
You clenched your first around the strap of your duffle bag and cleared your throat, “Well I’m going to head up to my room. Have fun guys.”
But before you could turn to leave Angie grabbed onto your arm, “Hey remember what we talked about. You need to at least try and talk to Kavinsky.” You couldn’t help but notice that just over her shoulder, Peter and Jess were talking to each other. You felt sick, regretting even coming on this trip.
You needed to get to your room, “Yea. I’ll see you later.” You quickly walked to the elevator and practically punched the “up” button. Once again you were becoming a prisoner to your thoughts of self doubt.
You don’t why you decided to do it. You guess maybe just maybe it would further convince you to get over him but when your eyes glanced over to where the two exes had been talking; you were met with Peter looking at you. His eyes seemed like they were pleading with you to talk to him but you could tell he was still upset with you and the argument you two had.
The ding of the elevator was your saving grace and as you turned to push the number of your floor, your eyes once again found his and Angie was right Peter really did have puppy dog eyes.
You were halfway through one of the books you brought with you when your phone buzzed. Angie sent you a picture of her on top of the mountain with a message saying:
my ass really out here skiing but it’s actually fun. you betta go talk to kavinsky by the time i come back.
You rolled your eyes and typed out your reply before clicking out of the messages and scrolled through tumblr for another thirty minutes before your stomach started to rumble.
You hadn’t eaten since that morning so you swung your legs over the side of the bed and slipped on a oversized black hoodie over your head. You were about to leave when you realized that the hoodie was actually Peter’s and you didn’t even think about that fact until now.  
He’d given it to you after one of his lacrosse games. It was so cold that night and he insisted that you two went out to eat at the diner in town. He was starving after playing one of his best games this season and you were craving a double chocolate shake from the place so you agreed instantly. When you two had walked to his car, he saw your shoulders had started to shake and he pulled the hoodie from his back pack and threw it to you.
You were about to tell him you were fine but he’d given you one of his incredulous looks because he knew you were cold. So you slipped your arms through the fabric as it pooled around your frame.
You smiled at the memory and remembered how he’d made you laugh so hard when you had just taken a gulp of the shake that it’d almost come out of your nose.
You shook your head and made a point to try and forget that moment because it made all seem too real. You made your way to the little cafe that was inside of the hotel. You remembered how on one of the pamphlets in the lobby talked about their world famous hot chocolate and decided that would be perfect to sate your hunger for a little bit.
There was no one sitting at any of the tables where the cafe was so you chose to make yourself at home on one of the stools that overlooked the slopes as you waited for your order to be called. The snowfall had increased and all you could see was a blanket of white as you listened to the faint sounds of old school R&B that played over the cafe’s speakers.
After a couple more minutes of waiting, your name had been called and when you went up to the counter to retrieve your order there was a light brown bag right next to your large rose colored cup of hot chocolate.
You called over to the barista, a young man with long light brown hair that been pulled into a low bun, “I didn’t order any food.” You told him.
He wiped his hands on his dark blue apron and grabbed a sponge before he spoke. “Oh yea that guy-he pointed over to a large black leather recliner situated in front of the fire place-ordered it for you.” The man smiled before turning around to scrub the sink behind him.
Peter was sitting in front of the fireplace, his body completely engulfed in a light blue throw blanket and your heart lurched at the sight. You’d let him borrow it after the movie night because he’d told you how comfortable it was.
You laughed, looking up and wondering if somehow this was fate. You two always found yourselves in the same place but it was never the right time unfortunately.
But you were done with hiding how you felt and if in some alternate reality he felt the same way then you we’re going to do your best to put yourself out there. No more running away, this was it or you would always be wondering what if.
You dragged your feet to the only other recliner which faced Peter’s perfectly. You slowly sat down and as you did, he noticed your presence. His dark brown eyes watched you intently as you situated yourself into the large chair. The flames of the fire flicked rhythmically and accentuated the warm gold specks in his eyes that you remembering detailing in your love letter to him.
You knew you had to be the one to say something, the ball was in your court whether you wanted it to be or not.
“Thanks.” You bluntly said holding up the paper bag, making you close your eyes and internally scold yourself with how awkward it sounded.
He just shrugged and took a sip from the black cup he held in his hands.
You took a couple of more sips before opening the bag and seeing what was inside. When you saw what it was, you melted. He’d gotten your favorite, a dark chocolate chip muffin and it was still warm which made you revert back to the time that you told him you couldn’t eat muffins cold it was blasphemous in your opinion. All he could do was laugh and find it endearing.
“Look Peter I don't know how to do this.” You huffed. You really didn’t, this was all new territory for you but you continued on, needing to get out how you felt out.
“It’s just that all of this started out to be fake and just isn’t for me anymore. I get that you still want to be with Jess and—“ Peter scoffed loudly and shook his head interrupting your rambling.
He set his cup down and looked at you for the first time since you sat down, “I don’t want to be with Jess.”
Your mouth hung open a few seconds before you snap it shut and thought of what to say next but before you could actually say something, he started to speak again as his pretty eyes stared straight into yours.
“Y/N. I want to be with you.” Your eyes widened at his confession.
The way he was looking at you, had your heart swelling with emotions you had never felt before and you had never been in this position before. People like Peter Kavinsky just didn’t profess that they wanted to be with you. It didn't happen.
But it was happening and you didn’t know how to react to it. At that Peter could tell he was going to have to take the reigns on this so he reached his arm out and motioned you over to him.
You gulped your nerves down and made a conscious decision to just go with the flow and actually experience life for once. You slowly stood up and took a couple of steps and place your hand into his. He tugged you towards him and making you fall into his lap. You couldn’t help but smile because you had missed Peter, no matter how you two ended it last time.
As you snuggled further into his chest, a question on your mind kept nagging at you and you knew you had to ask. You needed to know.
You fiddled with the blanket around his shoulders, “You know I heard Jess say that you two still text? Is that true?” Your eyes gazed over the side of his face waiting for an answer.
Peter cleared his throat, “I mean yea when we first started this thing we were still talking but for the past month it’s just been her texting me asking if we could get back together. You know what’s crazy two months ago I would’ve been happy that she wanted to get back together.”
You nodded understanding where he was coming from because she was his first and firsts always hold your heart captive until you’re ready to let them go.
“I get it Peter, she’s your first love.” Your eyes connected with his as he tightened his hold on you,“Yea but you know whatever I had with Jess is over.” He added on.
Before you process what he continued on speaking, “What about Danny Luna?” He asked as his full eyebrows raised.
You groaned, pushing his shoulder, “What about him Peter, there was nothing ever really between us. It was just a crush and I’d never do that to my sister.”
His raspy voice whispered, “Okay.”
You two sat in silence enjoying the noise of the fire crackling in front of you and the snow that had started to fall heavily just outside to the floor to wall window before you.
Peter broke the silence between you two, “You know you’re really special Y/N.”
You scrunched your nose and brought your hands over your face. You weren’t used to this type of attention. You had glimpses of it with Peter but it was always under the notion that you two were putting on a show for the kids at school and now that it was just you two, you didn’t know how to handle the feelings you felt.
And when you looked into his eyes, the feelings quadrupled and had your heart soaring into your throat. You were irrevocably falling for Peter Kavinsky and the intensity of his stare made you feel that he felt the same way.
It was so natural how your hand grasped onto his jaw caressing the soft skin and he lowered his head until his soft pink lips were inches from yours and the tips of his curls tickled your forehead.
Before your lips could meet you needed to ask and you needed to know his answer before you could go through with what was about to happen, “Peter Kavinsky, was it all fake?” Your thumb caressed his cheek.
He shook his head, “No it wasn’t.” He answered seconds before his arm lifted you up to meet his lips. 
@theinterestsofsomeone @yourwonderbelle @kierra-c @thats-so-rhyan @matokii95 @crybabycth @keely-ansell @needtokeepfeelingsincheck @imsodoomed @nicole13letson @kaylinfayezink @mentallych-ill-desi (tag wouldn’t show up :/) @infin-itywar
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