#also i swear i keep thinking about older lineth and stellar being friends still and cuddling and shit
moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
Many thoughts about Stellar and Jellyfish and their Jedi and most of them are just Vibes I can't put into words. Ah well. I'm trying anyway haha. If you wanna see them they're on my artblog :)
• Jellyfish has a (very funky and cool) weird name, which comes, straightforwardly, from the fact he likes jellyfish. Devafe is Arkanian and Arkania has cool jellyfish (apparently) so they bonded over that originally
• Stellar likes space but also I wanted a "quality" name, like Admirable or Magnificent, and the fact it's a pun is cute. He's hardworking and he likes space :)
• these two work pretty well with their generals: Stellar mostly defers to Korcha, which Mrs Rules Are Important And You Should Do Things How They Are Done certainly appreciates, and Jellyfish isn't afraid of interrupting Devafe if he thinks her idea is bad, which she doesn't mind too much because she does have a little bit of an ego but she also appreciates honesty. Stellar is less strict with himself on Respect and Correct Behaviour with Lineth, because she's like 15 and she needs friends.
• Lineth also had a huge - is it even a crush if it lasts for years and your feelings only start being less present when the person dies? Anyway she really loved him. I don't think she told him and he either didn't see it or kind of knew but didn't want to say anything because it's not very surprising in that situation but he wasn't going to do anything with that poor kid, and then he dies, and then she dies, and that's it.
• the general timeline goes like this: Stellar is assigned to Korcha and Lineth from the beginning of the war, and about two years in, maybe two and a half, he disappears in battle, they assume he died, and another clone named Crown takes up his responsibilities instead (not very smoothly at the start because as his name suggests he's more opinionated and that clashes with Korcha) Either he actually did die or he managed to survive and in the time it takes him to try to get back to the army Order 66 happens? I don't really know tbh, I have to finish TCW to decide. Jellyfish isn't the first commander Devafe had, he was named Smoke and he unfortunately died a few months in, but Jellyfish stays with her until the end of the war.
• in a better world though, where Palpatine trips in the stairs at the opera or something, Stellar is definitely alive and comes back a while after the end of the war, and life isn't ideal but it's better. I'm very attached to the idea that Lineth's feelings got smaller, because he wasn't there and even once he comes back the situation is less terrible, they see each other less and she grows up and meets new people, but she doesn't stop loving him, and he loves her too, obviously, in a different way but he does. Anyway a little while after she's been knighted her old feelings come back up and after talking about it they become woohoo partners, to use Sims terms because I want the post to show up in my own tags thankyouverymuch. I don't know I think it would be neat. Oh and they're polyam because more soft sweet interactions. I love making them suffer but it hurts and I need cute stuff and hugs and happiness okay :((
• back to stuff that "actually happened", I love picturing Jellyfish and Devafe just standing next to each other whispering with straight faces but their convo is like bad jokes and "you know a blaster isn't the solution to every problem right?" "yes that's why I have two" They're Serious but that doesn't mean no fun allowed, they're just on the calmer side and focused on their work.
• Stellar and Korcha have a "serious older owner of a shop and their younger employee they taught the ropes to who'll take over when the boss retires" vibe, with Lineth being "the owner's daughter who's friends with that employee", like I can picture it so clearly... The older boss who's sure of himself but accepts the employee's suggestions because "he's getting good at this, I wouldn't have done it better", the employee who's respectful of his boss and even though he's told him they could be on 1st name basis still calls him a title, it's just so Them. Another way of describing it would be Krell but not a bad person, like Korcha is strict and assertive and she still has a bit of a hard time accepting criticism but the plot is not signalling with neon signs that This Is A Bad Guy Evil Dude Right Here.
• I think it would be funny if Korcha and Devafe worked together at some point and in a meeting or something, Korcha suggests something, Jellyfish interrupts her because that wasn't her best idea, and they're a bit stressed out so that starts an argument before either Korcha remembers she's a Jedi Master someone stops them or someone storms out. It's preparation for when Stellar disappears and Korcha has to work with Crown <3
• unrelated to the main two blorbos of the day but I'm thinking about it so it's going there - I don't know who's going there but there are medics called Heart and Angel because those are cool names. Yes none of them have normal names for now. No I'm not planning on changing that I'm having too much fun giving them non-names-names.
• I wanted to give them scars but I have to think about how they'd have them because as opposed to their Jedi they're wearing full body armor so like. Where do those come from.
• silly silly thing but I think maybe once they know each other better one time they're talking about seeing people and Devafe makes an offhand comment about how her occasions to date are really rare now (because she's on a ship with an immense majority of men most of the time and she's very gay) and that leads them to finding a few of her clones who are trans? Maybe? Not for her to date them even, just because I think the idea is cool
• originally the colors painted on armor were indicative of rank and during the war the switched to become signs of belonging to a specific group, all this to say Korcha's color is a deep purple and Devafe's is probably going to be a lighter pink, some kind of light red, strawberry pink I want to say?
• I know they wouldn't have a lot of time but I like to imagine that Stellar sees Lineth all terrified of doing something wrong and afraid of being a commander in the army and almost immediately clocks her as needing more friends, so he introduces her to his own friends among his brothers and I think it would be sweet if they sparred sometimes. She needs lots of repetition for it to stick and someone to spend time with he's nice to the poor kid and trains with a Jedi win-win situation. I don't know I just think it would be cool.
• I want Devafe and Jellyfish to spar together too sooo bad that is so much the vibe. Jellyfish throwing her to the ground early on because her preferred form is Makashi and the ideal amount of body contact between her and her opponent for her is zero. It's funny if she has reflexes of training as a sport and then she gets thrown to the ground. Smoke used to beat her even more because that was even earlier but Jellyfish still gets her.
• I'm sorry I know I picked the names but every time I have to write Jellyfish I just - that's such a silly name I love him.
• Stellar and Cehim would be excellent buddies honestly. They would totally chill in her main room on her ship, him sitting down and enjoying the peace quiet and space, her drawing and looking over at her window from time to time. Lowkey want him to meet her and stay with her a little after the war? She's working on a map of x place and he looks over her shoulder and gives a personal anecdote because he went there and she adds a fun mythological beast in between those two planets to signify danger, that kind of thing.
Okay I think that's it for tonight tune in next time for more OC rambles!
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