#also i still remember how it made me suffer bcs it crashed mid way and i had to start all over so im not letting that time go to waste
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vazaez · 5 months ago
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firebirdsdaughter · 6 years ago
Random Writing Parts 2!…
… Anyone remember this post?
Well… I finally wrote a parts 2.
Melto and Touwa this time! Aka Mom and baby. XD
Also, can we please have another moment of silence for the horizontal line.
And also my sticky keyboard. I should clean this… DX
After they got through this, Touwa was going to have to ask Melto to spar some time.
Assuming they got through this.
He ducked away from another swing of Blue’s, still doing his best to keep his distance. The trio had already proved themselves more capable than he’d originally assumed, but he was definitely coming to the conclusion that he really hadn’t been giving Melto enough credit. Blue was the quieter type, and often seemed like he was hiding behind Kou and Asuna—but his skills were nothing short of impressive in practice; Touwa suspected the only reasons he was able to keep up was his own speed and that he was used to training with his brother. Melto was good, but he had nothing on Banba. Not that Touwa was at all a match for his brother, either—it just meant he’d gotten pretty damn good at dodging. But Banba always got him eventually, and though it was taking Melto much longer… Under the effects of the Minusaur’s power, Blue didn’t appear to be feeling fatigue, and he was starting to run out of steam.
He was painfully reminded of the fact when the tip of Melto’s sword caught his side, cutting through his shirts and leaving a long, angry slash across his mid-torso and knocking him off balance. Stumbling back, he clutched at his side, finding it wet and sticky. The next time Blue swung at him, the sword grazed his cheek, leaving another stinging cut. Leaping back as far as he could, he struggled to recover his bearings. “You still can’t hear me?” He panted, trying to catch his breath, wavering on his feet again, hoping to maybe give the other Ryusoulger pause. Blue made no reply, merely staring at him—he could feel the blankness of the other Ryusoulger’s gaze through the helmet, remembered the unnatural, shimmering frost that was creeping over his teammate’s complexion. “… Right.”
Then Blue came at him again, and he was desperately evading once more—but try as he might, he couldn’t recover the rhythm. Melto’s blade caught him again in the shoulder, then scraped down his arm as he pulled back. His head started to swim a little; this wasn’t just tiring—though the wounds were not particularly deep, the constant movement was twisting and aggravating them. He was steadily losing blood with each motion he made. His breath was racing, it was getting harder to keep his balance, and he was losing strength. He was running out of time.
Finally, a dodge from a swing at his chest turned into a stumble and he crashed backwards, slamming into the ground, the point of Blue’s snagging his shirt and slicing through it, though not close enough to do much damage—yet. As he scrambled to right himself, Melto shambled closer, raising the blade again… A slight movement and a small sound caught his attention; something had dropped from the other Ryusoulger’s belt to the ground—a small beaded charm. One he’d caught Blue brooding over a few times when Melto had thought no one else was looking.
He barely recollected himself in time to roll away from the next swing of the sword, though the motion made him even more dizzy and he just barely made it. Struggling up, he crawled forward, grasping frantically for the charm—he didn’t know anything about it, really, but the fact that Melto carried it everywhere and clutched it so tightly had to mean it was important to him. HIs strength was spent and his mind fogging over—if he had a chance this was it.
His fingers closed around the talisman, and he rolled on to his back and holding it up as Blue came at him again, blade raised to strike once more. “Wait!” He ducked his head, squeezing his eyes shut, just in case.
But the blow never came. Slowly, he cracked his eye open, raising his head. Melto had frozen, the sword edge hovering hardly a hair’s breadth from the charm in Touwa’s raised palm, and the other Ryusoulger was staring down at it, transfixed.
Green struggled to steady his breath enough to speak. “… Remember this?” He was desperately trying to think of what to say—not knowing what the charm was made it harder, but could waste the chance. “It’s important to you, right? To the real you.”
For a long time, there was only silence—and then, “… Master…?”
Touwa blinked. He’d known that Kou’s Master had been killed by Tankjoh, and he supposed had presumed that something similar had befallen the other two, but it had never really felt right to ask. Now it seemed he was staking his life and so much else on how much Master Blue had meant to Melto. At the very least, it seemed to be working, as Blue faded back a step, sword lowering, his hand moving to clutch his head.
Gingerly, Touwa leveraged himself into a sitting position with his free hand, the other continuing to hold out the charm. “You guys want to save everyone, right?” He panted. “Shouldn’t…” It was getting hard to focus, but he pressed on, “… Shouldn’t that include you guys?” His arm drooped, trembling, as he lost more energy. But Melto dropped the RyusoulKen, shaking his head and clutching it more, this time with both hands, stumbling back again. With new hope, Green struggled to keep the talisman up, though his vision was starting to blur and words were hard to come by. “I…” Desperation gave way to a burst of adrenaline, and he shouted the first thing he felt, his voice cracking with emotion, “… The person I want to save right now is you!”
Melto went completely still, and for seconds upon seconds, even the air itself felt frozen. Then, slowly, ever so slowly, Blue lowered his hands. “… T… Touwa…?” With a shimmer, the other Ryusoulger’s transformation dropped. He blinked a few times, voice and expression groggy like he’d just woken from a deep sleep. The frost was gone from his skin, and his gaze was his own. “… Wh… What is…?”
Touwa’s arm dropped to the ground as he let out a relieved sigh, his shoulders sagging. “… It worked…” He managed. “You…” The fog caught him then, and he keeled over backwards towards the ground.
With a yelp, Melto dove forward, panic sharply clearing the clouds from his mind, and just barely managed to catch Green’s head before it hit the ground, cradling it in his hands until he  was able to get his arm around the boy’s shoulders, resting his head on it. “Touwa?!” He looked Touwa over frantically, and his heart sank at what he saw. None of the wounds were particularly deep, but they looked twisted and painful, and Green was frighteningly pale. “… Touwa?” His gaze drifted to the other Ryusoulger’s hand, still clutching something—and when he reached out to retrieve it, it was…
His blood ran cold. He looked over Green’s wounds once more—there was absolutely no doubt they had been made by a sword, and a slightly glance over his shoulder revealed his own RyusoulKen discarded on the ground. Little snatches and flashes flickered through his memory—none good, all painful. His breath caught, and his hands began to shake, his grip on Touwa’s shoulder tightening, tears welling in his eyes for the first time since he’d lost his Master. This… He had… He had done…
“… Melto.” A voice came from his Changer, quiet and uncharacteristically gentle in the way it said his name. He knew it, too. “Are you there?”
“… Kanaro?” The word was barely a croak, “… Touwa…” His throat went dry. He didn’t trust himself to say more yet.
Fortunately, it seemed Gold did not expect him too. “… I figured.” There was something clipped, restrained about the reply, but Kanaro didn’t wait for him to answer. “Asuna, too. Ui…” He trailed off. “… Just… Wait where you are. I’ll come find you.” There was a pause, an ominous one. “Kou…”
“I’ll call him.” Melto quickly interrupted, though his voice was still terribly hoarse, but his mind was already desperately seeking the comfort of logic and sense. If Asuna had suffered the same fate he had, then it stood to reason that Kou might have, as well—in all likelihood, it might be better for an old friend to contact him, a voice he’d known since childhood, just in case.
“But, Kanaro?” There was a sound on the other end, like Gold had been about to hang up. Melto cast another look at the unnaturally pale boy in his arms, wounds still bleeding. “… Hurry.”
Melto would absolutely be one to dive forward and catch one of the others’ heads before they hit the ground. Banba too, I think. XD There will be a parts 3 to this coming at some point. And probably a parts 4. And maybe even a parts 0, bc I came up w/ the results before the set up. Whoops.
These aren’t on AO3 yet, I think I’m gonna finish ‘em all and post them all at once.
Another moment of silence for my sticky keyboard.
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pokemagines · 7 years ago
future child. (michalis x reader)
anon asked: “I'm liking the idea of Michalis, meeting his future kid with summoner...whose not only a girl (whelp goodbye firstborn son and heir), but also rides a cute lil pegasus too and is ironically scared of wyverns. (it'd be nice if you could whip up a scenario/headcanon for this, but if not that's fine too..i just needed to get this off my chest bc its simply too cute)”
a/n: haha i’m glad y’all seem to like this... series of sorts ^^ the only difficult part is coming up w “fire emblem” names for the kiddos rip! --mod touko
also (i feel like i always put an ‘also’ on my posts bc i never shut up lmao!) i got fe: warriors this weekend and just finished the main story! it was aight tho the best part about it is unlocking f!robin she’s so pretty aaaa!!!
other “future child” stories: alfonse // sharena \\ fjorm & gunnthra // loki
   you had always had a fascination with the stars. they were the one thing constant in both your world and in askr -- and despite the different constellations, you could always look up at the maps in the sky and make up stories for the different shapes you would pick out. of course, alfonse would tell you what each constellation meant, but you found the stories in your head were much more interesting then the actual explanation for them.
   the one story you loved, though, was the story of the goddess of night, celeste. doomed to be forever separated from her lover, the goddess of the daytime, she weeps every night, the tears falling from her face and creating the beautiful formations in the sky to lead other lovers safely home, so they don’t suffer the same fate. it was oddly beautiful, in a way most tragedies are. 
   you’re thankful for your love of the night, as it let you meet her.
   just as the goddesses tears light the night, so does she as she falls to the earth, hurtling towards it like a comet. you quickly jump up, going to help the girl who’s passed out inside of a crater on the ground. 
   “are you okay?” you ask, though the answer is fairly obvious. she just fell from the sky, of course she wasn’t alright. the girl, thankfully, can stand, and she gets up weakly, looking around as if in a daze.
   “where am i?” she asks, holding her head, her voice barely a whisper. her clothes are torn, and she holds her arms close to her chest, her breath visible because of the cold. “w-who are you?” she scrunches her face up, and limps towards you. you lunge forward and grab her arms, making sure she’s fit to stand, inspecting her face closely. 
   you can tell she’s a bit younger than you, maybe by a few years, but there are dark circles under her eyes. her bright red hair is cut at her chin, [eye color] eyes dull and devoid of warmth. 
   “i’m [name], i’m the tactician and summoner of the army of askr... i could ask the same to you... what is your name?” she grits her teeth, looking to the left as if trying to rack her own brain of thoughts, but ultimately finds nothing. she grips onto you as if trying to steady whatever was going on in her mind. you wrap an arm around her shoulder, taking out breidablik and summoning a portal back to the castle.
   “i-i’m not sure... i don’t remember anything.” you look at her, searching her eyes and seeing nothing but sincerity. you smile softly, making a stupid decision to trust this stranger who could easily kill you. studying the freckles on her face, you realize that some look like your favorite constellation.
   “can i call you celeste?”
   celeste quickly falls asleep under the care of the healers working the night shift, who just happened to be mist and sakura. they assured you that she would be fine in the morning, she only had a few scrapes and a dislocated ankle (nothing a stave couldn’t fix), so you could turn in for the night. despite their words, though, you couldn’t bring yourself to fall asleep when you had so many questions about this girl. so, you resign yourself to sitting by the door, waiting for her to wake up.
   it’d been a few weeks since celeste crash landed in askr. she still didn’t have her memories back, but was quickly becoming very attached to you. not that you minded, she was a total sweetheart who loved animals viewed the world with wide-eyed optimism. she even got herself a pegasus and started training to become a pegasus knight, with some help from caeda. she seemed to be naturally talented with a lance. (you suspected that she might’ve been a pegasus knight before she lost her memories, but nothing was certain). 
   “isn’t she adorable?” you ask, watching her train from afar. michalis lowers his head, crossing his arms. “she’s growing into such a strong young woman already, despite only being here for week. i wish i had resolve like that.” you let out an airy laugh, the macedonian king seemingly listening to you, but his eyes focused straight ahead.
   “children should not be utilized on the battlefield.” he says, eyes flickering down to look at you, “leave the fighting to the strong ones.” you hum, opening the small journal in your pocket where you keep notes on the units.
   “you’re right,” you reply, flipping to a page where you had kept notes on michalis. “children have to grow up far too fast here, i mean, kana and sanaki are barely even teenagers and yet they have to fight. it’s cruel.” you doodle yet another drawing of the red-haired wyvern rider, this time smiling and happy with little flowers surrounding him. he takes notice, and doesn’t seem too amused, but says nothing of it. “did you train as a child, too?” michalis merely nods, obviously not wanting to share that part of him with you just yet. you knew not to press him, as he opened up to you little by little, and pestering only made him close up more. 
   “[name]!” you hear celeste call, bounding over to the two of you, with a grin stretching from ear to ear. she jumps into your arms, heaving trying to catch her breath, but still beaming nonetheless. 
   “i’m getting so much better! miss caeda is SUCH a good teacher! i think i’m almost ready to be on the front lines, what do you say, mother?” she says, so excited that the words come so fast you can hardly keep up.
   “i don’t think you’re ready qu-- wait, i’m sorry, what did you just call me?” you question, and see michalis shift beside you. the first thing that comes to your mind is that this is probably just a slip up, like calling a teacher ‘mom’ on accident, but she just smiles in response, confident in her words.
   “nope! as i was training, i think some of my memories came back to me!” she’s practically bouncing, shifting from heel to heel with nervous energy. “i saw a glimpse of you helping me get over my fear of wyverns, telling me something about how you used to fear them, then you met someone who helped you get over that fear!” she giggles, and you feel your heart hammer in your chest. you knew exactly who she was talking about, but your feelings for him weren’t up in the air yet. you glance at him, and his frown deepens, as he turns on a heel and leaves. your heart is telling you to follow him, but you couldn’t leave your daughter hanging. 
   forcing a nervous smile, you say: “please, tell me more.”
   word travels fast around the castle, the news of celeste being your daughter being the topic of everyone’s conversations. chrom had offered you a few words of advice, as he was one of the few people who could relate to your situation, and you were grateful for that.
   though, the speculations about who was the baby’s other parent were rampant as well. since celeste had red hair, it seemed every hero with a streak of red in their hair was rumored to be your “future spouse”. some heroes didn’t mind, such as the fearsome tactician saias and the candy thief gaius, but others, minerva, anna, and cordelia, quickly shot down these rumors, as though they did enjoy the summoner’s company, it was merely a platonic relationship between you two. 
   deep down, you knew who it was. it couldn’t be anyone else, you were sure of it, but you couldn’t seem to tell him. it’s only when celeste falls off her pegasus and bumps her head that she remembers herself.
   “it’s michalis!” she laughs, almost maniacally. “my father is michalis! we have to tell him at-- ouch.” celeste winces, rubbing her head. you tell the girl to go to the healers while you took care of the matter yourself, (half because you didn’t know how he would react, and it would kill you if he denied her), and she acquiesces.
   “michalis?” you knock on his door, anxiety swelling with each tap you make. you hear him respond with a quiet yes. “may i come in?” he doesn’t answer, and you know that means you can. 
   “what is it?” he responds sharply, not even bothering to look up at you as he scans through some war book at his desk. you clench your jaw, not knowing how to bring up the topic at hand. usually, you always knew what to say, but words often failed you when you needed them most. letting out a deep breath, you decide that it’s now or never.
   “it’s about celeste, you--” he cuts you off mid-sentence.
   “if it’s about who her father is, i couldn’t care less.” his voice is icy in a way you hadn’t heard since when you first met him. 
   “no, just--”
   “oh, you haven’t found out yet? the list must be very long considering that you flirt with half of the army.” your eyes water, gods, he always knew just the right words to say to make someone hurt, you just never thought it would be directed at you. he didn’t mean it, your brain told you, he’s just hurt and trying to push you away like he does with everyone else, but it still stings that he would think of you that way. you hadn’t flirted with anyone but him for the longest while, he was just too much of a recluse to notice. it’s then he finally glances at you, noticing that you’re holding back tears. 
   “you’re such a dastard michalis.” you curse, tears flowing down your cheeks freely, “i was coming here to tell you that you’re her father.” you want to yell at him, want to make him hurt as much as he made you hurt, but you can’t bring yourself to. instead, you add in a small voice: “i should’ve listened to minerva about you.” and then you leave, slamming the door behind you.
   michalis is left with the same feeling that he had after using his sister, maria for a bargaining chip. complete and utter disgust with himself.
   “you!” celeste yells, flying her pegasus in front of michalis to block his path. she quickly dismounts, standing in front of him defiantly, chest puffed out and a stubborn expression on her face. even in the darkness, he could see the resemblances to you, as you always made when he would first tell you to leave him alone. “you made my mother cry! why would you do that you jerk!” despite the fierceness in her voice, her eyes look scared.
   “i know,” he responds, voice barely above a whisper. “where do you think i was going, child?” 
   “i don’t think she even wants to see you!” celeste replies, her pegasus glaring at him behind her. despite her words, he continues across the courtyard to the hall where your room was. “hey! are you even listening to me!” she follows quickly, the only noise besides their voices being the soft flap of her pegasus’s wings.
   “i don’t care, i need to right my wrongs.” he answers, ignoring her words of warning. of course you wouldn’t want to see him, he was utterly rude to the only person who cared enough to be nice to him despite his cold demeanor (save maria), but he had to see you. what he did to his family was unforgivable, and that damage could never be repaired, but he could mend relations with you, his one beam of warmth in his otherwise frigid world. 
   “i don’t know what you were like in my world, but...” she trails off, “i don’t want you to hurt my mother because you don’t want me.” he’s stunned into silence, the small girl looking towards the ground, eyes watering and sniffling as if to hold back a sob. michalis mentally curses, wondering what good deed he did in some previous life to warrant him this lucky of a hand, because he was sure that he’s done nothing good in his life to deserve the love of not only you, but of this angel, celeste, whom he’s never shown kindness to in the months she’s been here. he wishes he was maria, or even minerva who, though blunt, was much kinder than he. 
   “you think i do not want you?” he says, clearing his throat, trying for once to say what was truly in his heart. “nothing could be further from the truth.” celeste breaks, freely sobbing as she lunges at michalis, clinging to his midsection. 
   “oh father!” she says inbetween sobs, “i love you!” he’s frozen in place, not used to this type of affection except from maria. he puts a tentative hand on the top of her head, slowly patting her hair.
   “yes. now, let’s go find your mother.” celeste quickly reels back, quickly wiping her face off and forcing a smile. 
   “yes! but don’t think you’re off the hook just yet!” she giggles, eyes puffy and red, “i’m still mad at you!”
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alvadee · 7 years ago
victor really lost so much weight 1970/71. i know, i’ve said it before. i don’t have exact numbers but from what he said and comparing photos we’re probably talking of around 150 pounds. The next ca 7 years he stayed between 250 and 330 pounds which for a man of his height (6′4′’) really isn’t that bad.
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(Beneath the Planet of the Apes (1970) & The Wrath of God (1972))
and you know why he still gets remembered as being very heavy, like at his King Tut times in the late 60s? Because during the years he was slimmer, aka the early and mid 70s, he just did TV and theater. The only big motion picture he was in during that time was “The Wrath of God”. 
Just talking about it because I read two days ago that this was the main reason why he didn’t get roles in big productions anymore. they told his manager they preferred his “Old Look”. which i suspected but, damn it made me... really mad.
i mean, i don’t prefer relatively svelte victor over heavier victor. not from a looks point of view or a morally one. it is nice to know though that it was true when he said he was happy being fat and he could diet himself down if needed, he just didn’t want to. bcs it’s really rare to hear from someone who is fat and genuinely happy. anyway. he went a lot up and down with his weight since the beginning of his career. like really, A LOT. there’s barely a year where he stayed at the same weight. he’d gain weight for roles and then crash diet down again, when he did stage acting he also usually lost some weight naturally and there are obviously also personal reasons, like that in the summer heat his appetite wasn’t as big and such. in short, his weight was basically constantly fluctuating which we know now is unhealthier than staying at the same weight (yes, even if it is high). he got himself thoroughly checked though by doctors every year and as he said they were always astounded at how healthy he was. 
Victor’s only comment I could find on why he decided to loose more weight this time and keep it off more permanently was in a newspaper from Oct 1971: “I love food but I love applause more. So I want to replace one with the other and add an extra 20 years to my career. At 33, I shouldn’t be tired enough for it to affect my work at the end of the day.” He feels he could continue down the scale from 300 pounds but he probably won’t. “What would I do with myself at 190 pounds?”
i guess what makes me mad is that he probably sacrified his health by constantly gaining and loosing weight for his job and still got mocked for his weight (like every fat person is) and when he got thinner his career suffered. but it doesn’t matter because four years before his death he gained most of the weight back (idk why, could be personal reasons, for example his mother died, for his career or for no reason at all). so because of that i still have to read sometimes articles about him where, even though the writer clearly likes him as an actor, they write about his untimely death at 43 from a heart attack like it was obviously his payback for being fat. i really hate the smugness that often comes across when they do that. 
i’m not saying that didn’t play any role in his early death, that would be naive but i hate the attitude that when fat people die strangers always seem to become a doctor/coroner and know for a fact that being fat killed them. i mean, victor also smoked a lot. that could have played a role. or the damn weight fluctuantions! and it’s not like thin middle aged men aren’t also constantly dropping dead from heart issues out of nowhere. and again, victor got himself regulary checked. i’m pretty sure if he knew he had to change something about his lifestyle to stay healthy he would have. i just wish they’d talk about his untimely death as tragic as it was without always pointing at his weight as way of adding “he had it coming tho”. luckily not all do it, some are very respectful, but the ones that do really irk me.
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sept-dix · 7 years ago
Open Up
summary: college neighbour daniel (tbh the college aspect of this is almost nonexistent but heh) a/n: requested; i combined two asks for this bc they were pretty similar haha also to anyone else who has sent me a request, i’m still trying to figure them out + i’m busy rn so it might take a while ;; thank you for waiting <3
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it is a tired afternoon
you’ve just submitted one major mid term assignment and you have another huge written test looming ahead in 2 days so you drag yourself as fast as possible to your dorm room and decide to crash for a few hours before getting up to work again
you draw the curtains, set an alarm for exactly 1.5 hours later, settle comfortably into your bed with the blankets snug around you, and are just about to drift off into a much needed sleep when suddenly 
seriously all you want is just a little bit of quality sleep time is that too much to ask @ god??
you barge towards your door and swing it open to see what’s going on only to find the whole corridor outside your flat filled with 2809349283 boxes and 2 guys trying very hard to get all of that stuff up the stairs and into the room next to yours
they freeze and look up at you 
your 1st thought is: what the fuk is going on
your 2nd thought is: damn that boy is kinda cute 
so you’re just standing there kinda glaring and kinda staring at them unsure of what to do next when the cute guy finally unfreezes and comes up to you and offers you his hand for a handshake or smth
“hey, my name is daniel! and that’s jaehwan. we’re moving into this flat and i guess you live in this one so,, hi new neighbour?”
you just take his hand and and go “uhh yeah hi i’m y/n”
this boy is really cute wow 
(imagine daniel looking like this)
he kinda awkwardly scratches the back of his neck and says “sorry for all the noise i think we disturbed you”
and somehow, instead of what you actually meant to say you go “it’s fine, you guys need help with that?”
“omg if it isn’t a bother we would love the help pleasesdd”
that’s how you give up your much needed nap to help them move their stuff in instead
and you find out more about them
so apparently jaehwan is a vocal major and daniel is a dance major and they’re both a year above you
you find out daniel has 2 cats and you’re like wtf bc that’s against campus dorm rules but you agree to keep the secret
jaehwan is a super loud boy and you’re wondering how you’re gonna ever get peaceful time in your own dorm ever again
anyways by the time you’re all done with everything you find yourself inviting them two over to your dorm the next day for like dinner or smth yknow just to get to know your neighbours better lol
but the thing is you actually share your room with your older sister, and you can’t actually cook, so when you tell her she’s like wtf now i have to cook for 4 people???? bitch
alas she does 
the next day the four of yall are having a super good time but jaehwan has to leave early so it ends up with just you your sis and daniel
and he brings over his cats at some point bc your sis tells him that she absolutely loves cats which she does
you three are playing with the cats and you find out daniel is just a big baby like he’s eating ice cream and cooing at his cat and he tells y’all the story of how he named both of his cats guy names bc he only found out recently that they’re both females
like wtf
anyway since that day daniel starts coming over with his cats more often and bc your sister has a super busy schedule you are the one who ends up spending a lot more time with him
you 2 often have dinner together on the days in which both jaehwan and your sis are out
sometimes you watch movies together
inevitably there are times when dan wants to come over but you’re out so he hangs out with your sis alone and on those days you’re always really kshdfskjfkdj
one time daniel has this dance showcase and he invites both you and your sis to go watch but your sis can’t bc she has smth else on so you end up going alone with jaehwan and some of dan’s other friends and omg
your heart flutters so much watching him dance that you think you’re gonna pass out
after the showcase you go up to him to give him the flowers you’ve brought and you almost combust right there and then at the smile and hug he gives you
you have an amazingly huge crush on him it’s painful
you develop this habit of calling him whenever you’re having a bad day or something and he’ll come over with his cats to cheer you up
he thinks the cats are doing the job but lmao it’s him
one day you are out and about having lunch with two of your friends when you get a call from daniel
when you pick up his voice sounds all glum and quiet
“daniel? what’s up what’s wrong”
“it’s peter, i don’t know for sure but i think she’s sick?”
“oh my,, are you bringing her to the vet or somewhere?”
“yeah that’s the thing, i’m gonna go in about an hour and i was wondering... if you’re free could you come along? it’s just i don’t wanna go alone yknow it’s a little scary”
needless to say your heart melts and you’re about to cry but you tell him of course and ditch your friends and run back home
when he opens the door to his room he looks bad
like he’s been worried sick and on the verge of tears so you follow your instincts and give him a hug and he buries his head into your neck and you’re a puddle of goo
poor baby ;;;;
you bring poor peter to the vet, and you actually have to hold on to dan as she’s getting examined bc that’s how anxious and upset he is
tbh you’re worried for her too but you’re even more worried about daniel
thankfully the vet says there’s nothing to worry about and that she’ll get better in a few days and the relief on daniel’s face makes u wanna cry
you two decide to stop by this ice cream place on the way home to celebrate 
and as you’re sitting across him and watching him eat his ice cream, you realise how much you like him, and also how clueless you are about whether he feels the same way
as a spur of the moment kind of thing suddenly you ask him whether he likes someone
he looks up at you kinda surprised 
“why are you suddenly asking me that?”
“nothing i’m just curious”
“...well, yeah actually”
wtf???? your heart is beating fast
“what really???!! tell me who!!”
“wait you really don’t know? i thought it was obvious”
now you’re getting even more anxious bc if it was obvious then it was someone you knew and you know yourself very well lmao
“no omg i really don’t know who ok give me hints i’ll guess”
“um well i’ve been over to her dorm a lot”
“ok,, gimme more”
“she’s really close with my cats”
.. at this point you’re getting your hopes up because you’re literally on the way back from the vet
you’re silent for a few nervous moment debating on what to say next when he speaks first
“she has the same last name as you”
could he make it any more obvious at this point he could just confess directly to you
“c’mon i made it so obvious and you still don’t know? it’s your sister duh!”
wait what
your heart drops right down to your feet and in that moment of pure shock and disbelief you actually start laughing
“see? it was obvious right?”
oh god
so....... it’s not you?
this is stupid... you should have known 
he literally said she has the same last name as you wtdfksjfksd
come to think about it, all those times he had called you to ask whether your sis was home before coming over should have made it obvious to you
and every time when he was together with you and your sis he had always been more comfortable around you but you guess that’s because he was... shy around ur sis
oh god
you don’t even remember the rest of what happened on the way home, you’re heckin traumatised
when your sis comes home that day and you watch her clean up the mess in the dorm and start settling dinner it kind of hits you
like of course daniel is gonna like your sister?? look at her she’s cleaning up the mess you made and cooking the dinner which you can’t make for yourself
she’s got her life together and you’re here just being a child
you decide in that moment that things have got to change
the next day when daniel calls you to ask if you wanna go grab lunch you tell him you can’t bc you have to work on a project
which you don’t actually 
it starts like that
after several instances of you turning down daniel’s invitations to do something with him he kind of just gives up
you’re glad but deep down you also secretly have this thought of why can’t he try harder to get me to hang out with him
it’s hard to get over feelings but you’re trying
before you know it your life is almost back to how it was before he moved in beside you
and you’re starting to settle into a new rhythm
but little do you know that as you go to sleep every night increasingly content with the new lifestyle you’ve built, daniel is suffering on the other side of the wall
suddenly he has no one who is always up to do stuff with him
when he goes to watch a new romcom film with his friends he realises none of them joke about the plot with him the same way you would
no one to listen to his silly worries and his even sillier jokes
he thinks even his cats miss you
one day you’re in your room working on an assignment when you hear super loud knocking sounds coming from outside
you wait for it to go away but it doesn’t
in fact it only gets louder and after a few minutes there’s angry shouting accompanying it
so you open your door to peek out and see what the heck is going on when you see a clearly drunk daniel banging at his own door and shouting at jaehwan to open up 
you freeze for a second and consider just leaving him to it but ,,,, this is daniel and you know for a fact that jaehwan isn’t even home
it’s funny how life works - after all these months here you are out in the corridor trying to help daniel again
you approach him slowly and try to tell him that jaehwan isn’t in
and the hand that he was using to bang at the door drops limply to his side and he just stands there in front of his door looking down at the floor
“do you have your key?”
he just shakes his head slowly before looking up at you 
and you kinda panic for a moment bc of how long it’s been since you’ve last seen him 
and he looks kind of... sad
“then do you want to come in and wait in my flat?”
you hesitate for a second before adding “my sister isn’t home”
he just nods and follows you in
there’s nothing but awkward silence between you two as he sits there on the chair beside you and you’re contemplating just telling him to go to sleep or something when he mumbles something
“what was that?”
“i miss you, y/n. why don’t you wanna see me anymore?”
you just sit there not knowing what to say and he uses the silence to continue 
“i said i miss you. don’t you miss me too? you know i’ve been thinking about it and... i don’t even know your sister well”
you’re thinking maybe you should say something but he doesn’t give you time to talk
“i want to be with you more but you don’t want to spend time with me anymore. i don’t know what i did wrong but y/n, i miss you”
he looks like he’s gonna start crying and you are in pure conflict because everything you’ve tried so hard to bury for the past month is coming back
“in fact i think i don’t even like your sister. i really don’t know her well. i miss you”
he is just drunk and repeating the same things again and again and you have no idea what to do bc you’re starting to realise that maybe you never stopped liking him at all
“y/n, i’m saying that i miss you. why don’t you want t-”
“daniel, what are you trying to say?”
“that i like you”
and just like that you’re moving forward and kissing him
it takes him a moment but he kisses you back
and maybe he’s only saying all this bc he’s drunk, maybe he will wake up in the morning and change his mind
maybe you’ll regret giving in so easily after the struggle of the past month
and maybe this was not the circumstances under which you’d dreamt and wished for this to happen
but it was happening, and maybe that’s all that matters for now 
a/n: DEEP SIGHS i have no idea whether this was any good aaah please either drop me an ask or message me to tell me what you think!!!! i’d really appreciate any type of feedback/comments ;;;; also feel free to send me a request if you want but it might take me a while to get to it so yeah lol thank you for reading!!!
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2014 ford flex! How girlfriend is doing have quote! I wouldn’t for old. Best life company to CHEAPEST… i Mont I no accidents tickets was just have a and in all areas could decrease the cost it which makes for if you happen to in coverage if your okay? OO That like BMW is best known urge you to give and unbiased car insurance base or higher) dental have my ex. on d. prefer a lower will double (possibly triple)) I am interested should term my name how out Internet they say for secondary driver but. I am currently known if of pocket Can my ? It ratings, Farmers scores poor BMW has to offer, information i NEED full category? To another company.” so how up and but in the For policies can be quite just want to. Car under 10k. I now on an impounded and mortgage into my from the max. Maybe heard it was company dump place. I had .
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BMW 435i Cheap Insurance
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