#also i so seriously want to put my wife in a locket
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cryptiidcrowe · 4 months ago
the goods from @potato-lord-but-not have arrived!! i was so excited to frame the tarot prints with these jaw bones 🙏
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(also the doodle of my wife??? i love him??? i can cradle him in my hands and gaze at him longingly????)
((and i love the teeny tiny john….. little guy…..))
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You wrote your opinions on the Order of the Phoenix, what about the Death Eaters? That's another way of saying Lucius, Bellatrix, and anybody else. I honestly feel that we're running out of HP characters for you to write your opinion and reasoning about, so yeah~
We honestly are. When people start asking me questions about Harry’s nameless and faceless classmates I feel like we’re scraping the bottom of my barrel of Harry Potter opinions.
Though, that said, this is still a very large ask if you want me to analyze very Death Eater ever or even the Death Eaters as a whole (which is worthy of its own post).
So, we’ll compromise, and I’ll just look at the two you name dropped.
Lucius Malfoy
To me, Lucius is by far one of the more intelligent Death Eaters. He’s the guy who makes them almost look classy. I say almost, because Lucius is still a racist domestic terrorist and as the series goes on Tom gleefully drags him into being less classy by the minute (his house becomes a POW camp and housing for the dregs of society, Lucius just sobs, trying to be thankful he’s somehow still alive).
Lucius is rich, sophisticated, and is probably the most politically powerful man in the country. He has a beautiful wife he has... a son (sorry Draco, but you do not live up to your father) the guy has it all.
Which makes it very surprising that he got dragged into this mess. But you see, Lucius is paying for that tragedy we call youth.
Also, as a caveat, I’m about to headcanon hard and will not bother to get into the details of why I think x, y, or z in this post.
Ten years prior to the start of canon, Lucius is a very young man, probably very charismatic, certainly believes he’s intelligent and probably gets decent grades, but nonetheless the kind of stupid you see in men ages 15-25.
He’s likely chafing under his aging father’s strict guidance, knows he’s not going to be Lord Malfoy for years yet, wants to get out there, prove himself, and make a difference for his country. More importantly for Lucius, there’s this hip, exciting, new thing that all his cousins and friends are getting into called “The Death Eaters” (yes, I don’t believe the Knights of Walpurgis/Death Eaters 1.0 ever happened, I think it’s ridiculous that fandom and JKR does, I could go into why but not in this post). 
The Death Eaters are led by the single handedly most beautiful, charismatic, man in Britain. (Yes, I headcanon Tom’s still blindingly attractive at this stage, because it makes much more sense to me but we’re not getting into that here.) A mysterious man by the name of Voldemort, Salazar Slytherin’s long lost heir, who has come to resurrect the wizarding world’s true heritage and purge the land of the muggle stain. (Yes, I do believe that no one, not even Lucius who is later given the diary, knew who Tom really was. I believe Regulus’ had only the vaguest idea, informed mostly by Tom’s use of Kreacher to place the locket.) This is the most exciting thing to have ever happened, the rallies probably consist of rich kids drunk out of their minds and maybe even high on a little wizard cocaine, and Lucius is down for it precisely because his father says “Lucius, this is stupid, please don’t embarrass the family.” WELL LUCIUS IS GOING TO EMBARRASS THE FAMILY, DAD! WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?!
And for a while, it looks like Lucius made the right choice. Things are happening, they’re actually going out and killing the mudbloods! Unlike Regulus, Lucius never has that “wait a minute” moment as he realizes that Voldemort’s actually far more efficiently eliminating pureblood families and sowing dissention in what was once a unanimous force among the Wizengamot (the other pureblood lords aren’t necessarily pro muggleborn, per se, but they get a bit queasy at the thought of blowing them up or Merlin forbid actually blowing up their own public venues wizards use). 
And then October 31st, 1981 happens, and it all comes crashing down. Lucius has to desperately lie his ass off, having only the flimsiest lie to rely on, has to hand out a shit ton of bribes, and manages to squeeze his way out of being imprisoned in Azkaban. 
I’m sure Abraxas looked at his son, with his tattoo on his arm that makes him another man’s slave, at the utter destruction of the Black family, and just shook his head going, “Clean up your mess, Dumbass Son”
And Lucius does to the best of his ability. While some will always suspect him of being a Death Eater, while some know it, he’s able to climb very high in influence in their ridiculously tiny community. Granted, I do think he messed up, and could never for example run for minister given everything (if Crouch can’t rerun then Lucius certainly can’t). He also shows us that in some ways he is not above the law, he’s very afraid his house will be searched without warrant in The Chamber of Secrets, and this is in part why he dumps Tom Riddle’s diary off onto Ginny.
However, he wields total control of the Prophet, has a seat on the Wizengamot, has the ear of the current Minister, is on the Hogwarts’ Board of Governors, and has his hands in pretty much every pie he can.
I imagine during this period Lucius grows up. He brushes the indiscretions of his youth under the carpet, gleefully leaving it all behind him, and the only real friend he maintains contact with from that period is Severus, the least zealot like of all of them. (Crabbe and Goyle Sr aren’t friends, they’re minions). 
Don’t get me wrong, he’s still a racist slime bag, and I don’t think he really regrets the domestic terrorism. He just regrets nearly getting caught and putting his entire family’s security on the line. He witnessed first hand what happened to the Blacks.
And then the worst thing happens: Tom Riddle rises from the dead. He rises, impossibly, from the dead when Lucius has his own hand caught in the cookie jar.
Lucius has been living a life of luxury and influence while his great master, the man he had pledged everything to, was dead. Worse, Lucius took what was described as a treasured item to be protected at all costs, and not only threw it away but sent it to Hogwarts where it caused massive havoc and was ultimately destroyed. 
And Lucius, I imagine, no longer wants to serve a master.
But he has no choice. And so begins Lucius’ descent into misery and hell as he’s given an increasing set of impossible, horrific, tasks in punishment that involve him watching as his wife and son are put through hell.
I believe Tom holds a special place in his cold, black, passive aggressive heart for Lucius Malfoy.
First, Tom makes Lucius’ house his headquarters. Oh, Lucius, you have a very nice, very large, estate? Why don’t you host your beloved, mad, cousin, her equally mad husband and brother-in-law? Oh, Bellatrix threatened to cut off your ear? Well, she’s just so passionate! 
Second, Lucius is told to go get the prophecy. Well, this is easier said than done. He nearly succeeds but then it all turns into the world’s largest clusterfuck that ends in two notable things. First, the prophecy is lost forever, shattered. Second, the government admits that Voldemort is truly resurrected. Both of these things are very bad in Tom’s book. And the blame can easily be put on Lucius’ head.
In response to this, Draco is now given an impossible task that Draco is too stupid to realize is designed to cause him (and his family) as much misery as possible. Draco is to assassinate Dumbledore. 
Likely, Tom was already informed by Snape that Dumbledore was dying. The blackened hand was too obvious a tell coming from too obvious a source for the pair to have hid it. I think trying to hide such information would have immediately blown Snape’s cover. So, Tom knows the man is dying, and doesn’t see fit to tell Draco this.
Instead, he tells Draco, “Kill Dumbledore as soon as possible or I deliver you to Fenrir Grayback.” Draco, however, is young and stupid, so he honestly thinks he is doing this to restore the family honor, earn glory for himself and for the cause, and is expected to do this entirely by himself. As a result, when Narcissa begs Snape to aid Draco, Draco blows them both off and only accepts help from Bellatrix because HE CAN DO THIS ON HIS OWN! DRACO IS A MAN.
This, of course, doesn’t work out either. Draco doesn’t deliver the killing blow, Snape does, but Tom decides to give him a pass.
Instead he moves on to his next plan which is making the Malfoy manor his torture chamber and POW camp. Even Draco, at this point, realizes this all kind of sucks. 
And then Voldemort finally dies a second time, and I’m sure Lucius just stares numbly at his malformed corpse, wondering if it will really take this time.
So that’s Lucius for you, paying always for his mistakes, and pretending he’s just as much of a nutcase as Bellatrix to fit in.
Bellatrix LeStrange
God, compared to the novel that is Lucius’ ridiculous life, I really don’t have much to say about her because I feel like there’s not much too her.
Bellatrix reminds me a lot of the Manson family, she gives off those same vibes. Point being, I think even before Azkaban (while Azkaban certainly didn’t help), she was insane and a little too worshipful of Voldemort.
I guess I can start there, I don’t think Bellamort is a thing, at all. 
Tom may have, probably did, have sex with her before he died but afterwards? In that body? Forget about it.
That said, I’m sure Bellatrix both wanted to have sex and is convinced she did have sex to produce whatever the hell Delphi even is. It just wasn’t with Tom, and probably was Rodolphous with a Halloween mask on his face as they got a little too into role play.
And there we go, I suppose, I can’t take Bellatrix seriously. You often see her portrayed as sexy femme fatale Death Eater, the most competent of all of them, if a bit of a sadist.
Oh she might be a very good duelist but she’s... Bellatrix.
She prances around in corsets, shrieking madly, and just what part of that is supposed to be femme fatale? I literally cannot take her seriously on any level. When I even try to write her seriously, in very serious stories, I end up with lines like the following:
"My lord, if there's anything you need… Anything from me, specifically, as a woman…" 
- Bright Eyes
That was my best attempt. That was the best I could come up with. It’s still something that belongs in a comedy.
So, I don’t think Tom really corrupted her. I think without Voldemort she still probably would have been blowing up Diagon Alley, just in a much less organized manner.
Even in canon she does ridiculous things. For example, Bellatrix, frankly, could have easily avoided prison.
For weeks after the dark lord fell neither she, her husband, Barty, nor her brother-in-law were arrested. Bellatrix in grief and utter disbelief that the dark lord could ever do something so mortal as die, said “remember that other house our lord mentioned, THEY MIGHT HAVE INFORMATION, LET’S GO MURDER THE LONGBOTTOMS!” They torture and kidnap Frank, demanding he tell them where their master is, THEY KNOW HE KNOWS. He doesn’t know. They go too far and torture the man into being a vegetable. “Shit, GET THE WIFE!” They go get the wife, do the same thing, with the same results.
They now have no information on the dark lord, two well regarded aurors tortured into brain damage, and are quickly caught and brought before the court with absolutely no “I was imperiused” excuse they can give out. 
How am I supposed to take her in any way seriously?
I mean, to end your life killed in a duel with Molly Weasley. That just says it all.
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leviiattacks · 4 years ago
Two Faced | Chapter Two
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↳ levi ackerman, the very person who was about to kindly behead you by a surprising turn of events manages to become your loving husband? you would be elated if this was true love, but it's all thanks to a mysterious magic spell that your life is spared. for now at least.
pairing :: duke!levi x duchess!reader genre :: royal au, angst, fluff, slice of life etc word count :: 2.6k → click here for the next part !
You're apprehensive the first few days. Peering over your shoulder when you walk through the halls of the Duke's estate. You often find yourself fiddling with the only real possession you have remaining from the entire ordeal - a silver locket given to you by your mother, it hasn't stood the test of time, it's littered in small scratches and it's clearly seen better days. Neither does it shine the way it used to but you need it to feel at ease.
Currently, sitting in the estate's library you attempt to focus on reading the book in front of you. It details the life of an orphaned child, the rest of the plot is a blur to you as this task is not done with the intent of enjoying the literature but with the purpose of distracting yourself.
You've been avoiding Duke Ackerman for days on end now. He's made the occasional visit to your quarters, always politely asks if he's permitted to speak to you - allowed to take even a second of your precious time. You decline every single request, your excuses range from "I'm feeling particularly ill today." to"I would like to rest early.", He never inquires after you've responded. You do however find he communicates in a variety of different ways ; Meals of the finest standard, A luxurious place to live, the maids also offer you the opportunity to venture out into the beautiful gardens but you know he's asked them to do so.
Quite frankly, you're still petrified and are unable to fathom what happened that fateful day, you had never been one to put much faith in God especially after all he had put you through, but maybe there was a God or a higher being or a somebody who helped you in your moment of despair.
Eyes darting from your page to the door of the library, you swear you see the door knob twist and you hastily double take. Nothing looks out of the ordinary so you allow yourself to shake it off. Your eyes droop shut as you knead your shoulders attempting to relieve some of the tension you feel. Recently, you find it to be an ordinary occurrence for your muscles to seize at the worst possible opportunities.
"May I speak to you?" A beaming voice enters the room from behind you but never had such a cheerful voice made you freeze in fright. It's him.
At his appearance you begin to think of all sorts of scenarios and outcomes but the specific thought you've been actively ignoring slyly slips into view. What if the spell weakens?
Fate is an ever changing entity, one minute it may be in your favour, the next... you'd rather not delve any deeper into that alternative.
Jumping to your feet you don't look in his direction trying to keep the contact you have with him minimal.
He audibly huffs and just as you're about to scurry away he speaks again. "Halt your movements."
Something about his voice beckons you to do so and you anxiously face him.
"Did I come off too bold?" The expression he makes is unlike any other you've seen from him before. His eyes twinkle and it looks as if he's holding his breathe expectantly. It's almost comical how different he looks and you can't stop your cheeks from flushing. He's quite adorable under this spell.
But then a flashback is presented to you. The anger in his eyes, the cold feeling of his sword, if he were any closer he would have been swiftly slicing your neck open. Y/N, you were seconds away from becoming a corpse you remind yourself fiercely.
"I'm not doing very well at courting you, Am I?" He frowns as he asks but he's not upset, perhaps disappointed.
Looking at the floor you hear him bombard you with even more questions, he's crowding around you now like a swarm of bees - somehow he manages the job of an entire hive on his own. No one has ever taken such an interest in you.
Your conscience tells you that you will regret this later on down the line, it tells you this will come back and bite you incredibly hard, you will regret being so ignorant and trusting yet you yield. Is it so wrong for you to consider feeling affection? When the Duke snaps out of this spell he will promptly execute you and you're aware of that fact, so what reason is there to cower away in fear?
For all your life you have never experienced the true feeling of love. You had mother's maternal love, which hadn't lasted very long at all. Never would you have any other opportunity to experience the romantic intimate kind involving a significant other. If you were to die you may as well play the role of his wife for as long as this spell wills it. Perhaps he'll receive his memories back so late he forgets or simply no longer cares. Part of you hopes he doesn't remember at all.
"Would you like to..." you pause already regretting what you're doing but before you can continue the Duke cuts you off.
"Have tea together? Explore the gardens together?"
What really sticks out to you most is how he casually emphasizes the word together. He really doesn't care what activity you engage in as long as it's with him. You feel your heart twist in your chest. This is dangerous.
He's eager, leaning forward with wide eyes. It feels odd having someone care about your input, even more odd seeing that person smile at you with the same spirit of an elated child. It's bittersweet knowing his true character.
"Let's have some tea."
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A few months have passed since then. Surprisingly you're still alive and the spell shows no signs of wearing away any time soon.
After the raid at your palace he's been nothing but sweet towards you. At first many people were against him courting you and a handful of his advisors attempted to steer his sights away due to suspicions and speculation that you were a "sinful witch" who had manipulated or even seduced him.
The day he had heard those rumors he caused an uproar and had fired the royal advisor who spread them around. "Impertinent fools have the audacity to make such comments about my Duchess." You would usually add in you were not worth such respect considering you were not officially a Duchess but the fiery blaze in his eyes had stopped you.
"Hey Lev, lets go have some tea they've learnt their lesson." You shot the gossiping maids a sympathetic look.
Being under the spell does not make him more tolerable towards other people is what you learnt that day.
Multiple women all with visuals worlds more appealing than your own approach him, some even sent by his advisors to set you up. They test if his love is strong enough to withstand the attacks of others. Time and time again he proves everyone wrong and doesn't think for a second to give up on you.
You're glad for that because through these few months you've ascertained how much you love the Duke for who he is. Well, who he's acting as. You want to slam your head against a concrete wall repeatedly when you think about the level of affection and tenderness you hold towards the man but you can not lie and say you hate him.
The fact that before meeting him you lived a life lacking of love and affection does not help your case either. It only makes it harder.
But it's painfully obvious to you that this is all truly one sided. You aren't really in love with the Duke but you're in love with the magic holding him hostage.
You share these thoughts to yourself as you take a short sip from your tea cup. Sasha has left the room to fetch some pastries and sweets. She takes her job seriously as head maid (you never address her as such because really she's just a friend to you). It's a chilly day hence why you've covered yourself up in a shawl, it coincidentally matches the beige drapes.
Suddenly a boy who you recognize to be one of the young apprentices by the name of Eren bursts through the doors of your tea room. His hair is all over the place and he's panting as he tries to formulate a sentence.
"Duke." Puff. " Duke Ackerman" Puff. "Refuses to return to the Imperial Palace and is threatening the Emperor stating he won't return to his duties!"
You ignore it and try to keep to your own affairs because who are you to interfere in military business? It's looked down upon to involve yourself in such matters.
You send him off and in the mean time Sasha makes her way back.
A few minutes later as the both of you are munching on a particularly sweet macron the palace's butler bursts in the same way as Jaeger and tries to get a word in but Sasha manages to interject first.
"My lady, perhaps you should check in on the Duke." she suggests.
You try to speak but the Butler cuts in abruptly.
"Duchess. I'm afraid he hasn't ate a meal in five days. Please talk to him."
"Mike there is no need to call me a Duchess when I hold no such title...wait the Duke hasn't ate for five days???"
You find it unbelievable that Levi has forgotten to eat or possibly starved himself for something.
Making your way to his office you enter with a speech prepared about how eating is one of the blessings you've been given and how it should be appreciated but instead you're met face to face with a trail of rose petals that lead to the Duke.
You stare at him in confusion. He holds a bouquet of roses in his hands and they kiss his chest, He gives you a look of admiration that can only be described as the look that is reserved for your one true love. His eyes glimmer and they shine along with his glossy raven hair. You look him up and down in astonishment.
He's arranged all this for you.
"I'd do anything to have you be by my side for all of eternity. Will you honor me with the opportunity of taking your hand?"
Just looking at this entirely different version of the Duke, you feel relieved and in the moment you recklessly accept his proposal. You know it's stupid, you know it's ignorant, you know you should be denying him but you can't make yourself ignore the will of your heart.
"I hope to live a long life. One with you present." he whispers into the shell of your ear, it tingles.
After weeks of the Duke's courting you accept his marriage proposal and the both of you quietly wed two months later.
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He's so kind and affectionate that you're plagued with nightmares where the spell wears off.
In your nightmares he continues what he left unfinished. Every time he's about to plunge his sword into the depths of your chest he wakes you up and caresses your face in between his large hands. He wraps his arms around you after some time. Once your breathing relaxes he asks what has made you cry and you can't do anything to explain. It only hurts more seeing his concerned expression. The way his eyes flick between your eyes and trembling lips, you want to tell him the truth, instead you state that you"had a nightmare, and don't wish to talk about it." You don't want him asking questions over it.
It's another Wednesday and you're pacing back and forth in front of his office door arguing with yourself about whether or not you should enter. Finally, you decide to make your entrance and peek inside. You hear him arguing with his advisors as normal.
"Instead of blithering like a idiot and making excuses why don't yo-" he's midway through his sentence when he sees you at the doorway.
Dropping the previous matter he rushes over towards you and scoops you up in his arms. Smiling up at you, you smile back sheepishly ignoring the stares of his staff.
"Honey, why did you leave me? Where did you go?" He whines into your neck and you try to push him away shyly but he won't budge.
Everyone around you grimaces at his usual mood swings as well as the heavy flirting that he's targeting at you.
"You haven't come to eat dinner with me for three nights. You're the workaholic who left me." You swiftly retort his point and you pout at the end of your sentence. He pouts back and you can see his cheeks are tinged a blushed pink.
"Then we must dine immediately, you should have informed me that I had made you feel so neglected, my darling!"
After making your way to the dining room you and Levi are conversing happily as per usual when you spot his highly agitated secretary Mikasa. It settles in that she's been standing there for a considerable amount of time, time flies when you and Levi speak. She's clearly waiting for him to report back to duty.
The first time you had met Mikasa she was highly suspicious of you and would keep an eye on your movements at all times (literally) , you thought she perhaps fancied the Duke but later learnt that she was related to him and that was probably why she was on edge at the appearance of a new individual. Besides all that she's sweet really, sometime she joins you and Sasha for tea and you happily converse. She isn't much of a talker, more of a listener which works out well considering how extroverted Sasha is and how you love to story tell. You've shared many fond memories with her.
That's why you place a hand on Levi's shoulder and interrupt him.
"Why don't you return to your work? It's about time I send you back now." You suggest but he rolls his eyes in annoyance.
"Why do you keep on trying to get rid of me? I want to stay for a little longer. After all you are my wife. You count as one of my duties. If not the most important duty of all!" He's about to break out into one of his embarrassing speeches and you want to save Mikasa from that.
"Mikasa really needs you to complete your other duties. Do it for me Lev." You try and butter him up with the mention of his nickname. As expected he perks up and stands up to leave, not before placing a soft kiss on your cheek.
"Ah Lev, I'll be taking a short trip out today. Is that alright with you?"
You don't specify that 'out' means the Sunday Market place, he'll ask question after question.
He holds onto your chin with his thumb and leans in for a chaste kiss.
"Of course my darling. Be careful."
He giddily waves at you as he leaves and you wave back with the same enthusiasm. You giggle at the sight of Mikasa practically gagging at the two of you and glaring daggers at Levi.
The door then shuts and you're left alone.
All that accompanies you is silence and you purse your lips together trying to keep it together. Recently as soon as he turns away from you all you can think about is how this love of his is a hoax.
He doesn't really love you.
That doesn't stop all the sweet words he's ever uttered from flooding your memory.
"You're mine and I'm yours."
"My beautiful love."
"I love you I mean it." It hurts. He doesn't mean it.
But you'll keep the charade up. You'll find a way to keep him this way forever. It's selfish but you can't be blamed, It keeps you safe and happy.
Love is nice but you would prefer to live.
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romioneficfest · 5 years ago
Mid-way Digest
Good afternoon and thanks for all the positive input on the 2020 Romione FicFest. We have had an amazing number of entries and still plenty of time to submit even more.
For those who are fashionably late to the caverns and have missed the first half of the festivities, Dragon is here to make sure you’re not missing out on any published fic for the fest.
So, without further Ado...
3am (Shell Cottage); Rated T: Brief Summary: Ron sneaks out from a sleeping Hermione while she’s recovering at Shell Cottage and feels his emotional cup overflow. He’s reminded that he means more than he thinks to Hermione.
Afterglow (Bringing home Baby Hugo); Rated K+ Brief Summary: After Romione brings home their second child, they take a day off with all three of them in bed— and take a moment to rediscover how beautiful they think the other is.
The Clash (Hermione admits she is wrong); Rated M (Not Ace Safe) Brief Summary: Sexy times and a disagreement at pub trivia
Day 2:
Hugo and the Dragon Pants (Pants) Rated K+ Brief Summary: Hermione and Ron parent stubborn little kids; Hugo is excited about his new pants.
Rosaceae (Roses/Flowers); Rated K Brief summary: Spending an afternoon on the Hogwarts grounds near the end of their sixth year, Ron watches Hermione struggle to master a new spell as he feels something burgeoning in his chest— something he should have paid attention to many years before.
His Favourite Part of the Day (Shell Cottage); Rated K Brief Summary: Ron loves everything about the woman he loves—her passion, dedication, and drive especially. But it’s also wonderful when that takes a backseat…
Teaspoon Vindication (Shell Cottage/Hermione admits she is wrong); Rated K+ Brief summary: After escaping Malfoy Manor, Ron comes to visit Hermione in her room at Shell Cottage, and does the one thing that may be the hardest for him— talking about his feelings.
Hogwarts, A History, A Mistake (Hermione admits she was wrong); Rated K Brief summary: Hermione’s mistake delights Ron.
Day 3
Going Back without you (Ron’s Bedroom); Rated K/K+ Brief summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione decided to go their separate ways, thinking it would be for the best. However, a few days before Hermione is bound to go back for her eighth year, Ron begins to think that may not have been the best idea.
Shattered Hearts (Fred’s Funeral); Rated T Brief Summary: The afternoon after Fred’s funeral, Ron sneaks off to his bedroom. He breaks down and is comforted by Hermione.
A space to grow into (Hermione’s office); Rated K/G Brief summary: Ron shows Hermione an empty house.
A different kind of Apology (Anything Goes!) Rated K+ Brief summary: Ron has just returned, fresh after destroying the locket, and Hermione has never been more furious: though he, undoubtedly, expects her temper to subside after a few hours —as it usually does—, night falls again and she still refuses to talk to him. What she doesn’t expect, though, is that he’ll try anything for her to forgive him.
To Listen (Hermione admits she is wrong) Rated T Brief Summary: Rose is home for her 17th birthday and once again, she’s at odds with her very strong-willed Mother who can’t quite grasp that Rose is almost nothing like her Mum.
Day 4
What If? (Shell Cottage) Rated K /K+ Brief Summary: The night before their plan to break into Gringotts, Ron finds Hermione and tries to ease her fears.
Hope for the Summer (Hogwarts, Quidditch) Rated T Brief summary: Hermione daydreams about the coming summer while her friends play quidditch.
Need a Hand? (Hair) Rated T Brief summary: Grimmauld Place is wreaking havoc on Hermione’s hair: the humidity, closeness, and heat is making it frizz up more than usual. Ron gives her a hand and, in the process, discovers her touch is something he could definitely get used to.
Broken (Shell Cottage) Rated PG/T Brief summary: He found her on the landing, relieved that she was still here, but broken for her.
Wands (Wand) Rated G / K Brief summary: Arthur reunites Ron and Hermione with their wands.
Day 5
A Stroll through the Park (trainers) Rated K / G Brief summary: A child with light-up trainers sparks fear and a conversation.
Hermione’s Boyfriend (Hair) Rated G / K Brief summary: Ron reassures Hermione after she has to cut her hair.
Safe Harbour (Shell Cottage) Rated T Brief Summary: In a brief respite from the war, Hermione finds comfort with the sweet redheaded boy she loves.
Reconciliation (Ron talks about the Snatchers) Rated T / PG-13 Brief summary: After Ron suffers a nightmare, Hermione is there to comfort him.
Missing Trousers (Pants) Rated M (Not Ace Safe) Brief summary: Hermione’s brief stint with working from home has not been going well: Ron is terrible at housework, he’s bored out of his mind, and —on top of all that— the racket he’s making as he apparently turns the house inside out is totally shattering her concentration. So when he barges into her office, determined to get her to pay some attention to him, she decides to get back at him by teasing him a little before she attempts, for what seems like the millionth time, to get back to work.
Day 6
A light in the Dark (Wedding Day) Rated T Summary: Ron has been seriously injured during a mission and Hermione is keeping watch beside his bed in the middle of the night.
Namesake (Wand/SC/Hermione’s Wrong) Rated T Summary: On the anniversary of Dobby’s death, Ron and Hermione pay their respects.
Out with a bang (Fred’s Funeral) Rated T Summary: Anxious to help Ron, Hermione approaches George with an idea.
New Possibilities (Anything goes) Rated T;  Not Safe for Ramadan Brief summary: In the evening after the third Triwizard task, Ron comforts Hermione about the future laying in front of them.
The Kinks in the Plan (Arthur’s Shed) Rated T Not Safe for Ramadan Summary: Harry and Ginny join Ron and Hermione mid-discussion.
Day 7
Like a Whisper (Fred’s Funeral/Ron’s bedroom) Rated K/G Brief Summary: He is paralyzed. her voice will take him where he needs to go.
The Moment I Knew (Their Wedding Day) Rated K+ Brief Summary: At he and Hermione’s wedding, before they take to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife, Ron delivers his groom’s speech and talks about the moment he knew Hermione was the One.
Last Match of the Season (Hogwarts, Quidditch Match) Rated T Brief Summary: There were times Ron questioned the sanity of returning to Hogwarts to do NEWTS… and this was not one of those times.
Watch my Stuff (Trainers) Rated T / PG-13 Brief Summary: Modern Muggle AU - A redhead asks Hermione to watch his stuff, and she gives an unexpected answer. She gets an even more unexpected response.
Relative Potency (Hair, Australia) Rated T Brief Summary: Due to the stifling heat in Townsville, Hermione, Ginny and Harry all get haircuts. Ron considers this an expensive and irresponsible move.
Day 8
Ignoring Ron ( Day 6: Ron’s Bedroom) Rated T / PG-13 Not 100% Ace Safe Brief summary: Muggle AU- it’s a few weeks before they take their A-levels and Hermione is trying very hard to ignore her infatuation with her best friend. Any possible triggering/warning tags: nudity mentioned, alcohol, drunkenness, not ace safe thoughts?
A Movie Night, in Three Acts (Day 10: couch) Rated K. Ace Safe. Brief summary: Family movie night at the Granger-Weasley household seems to be a competition of who’ll hold out the longest without falling asleep. Tonight, as always, Ron takes the crown. Warnings/Triggers: None.
Fallout (Day 2: Ron talks about the Snatchers) Rated T Brief Summary:  After a post-DH nightmare, Ginny makes a few suggestions. Warnings/Triggers: Implied PTSD
Unsaid Things (Day 10: Couch) Rated T+++ / 16 Brief summary: Ron comes home to Hermione, and she has a million questions she wants to ask him. Any possible triggering/warning tags: cursing, crying, brief non-sexual nudity, blood mention, brief description of criminal violence and death
The Last Time (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rated M Not Ace safe Brief summary: They agreed not to do this, but can they resist?Any possible triggering/warning tags: Tiny bit of angst (resolved), sexual tension (resolved? Not likely with these two!)
A Peculiar Discovery  (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rated T / PG-13 for language Brief Summary: A confrontation between McGonagall and Ronald Weasley over a certain petrified girl. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Rude language and my dreadful English. I apologize to the heirs of Shakespeare, but, I was really dying to publish something on Romioneficfest.
A Surprise Visit  (Day 12: Crookshanks) Rated K+ Brief summary: After escaping the Shrieking Shack, Ron has spent the past two days alone in the infirmary as his leg heals— and he’s going mad with boredom. Lucky for him, there’s a certain someone who’ll defy the rules she’s usually hellbent on following to pay him a visit. Any possible triggering/warning tags:  N/A
Positive (Day 12: Hermione pregnancy) Rated T Brief summary: Hermione pays her husband a visit in his office, surprising him with life-changing news. Triggers: Strong language/cursing (or Ron’s regular mouth?); mentions of sex; pregnancy (?)
Tell me I’m pretty    (Day 11: Blanket) Rated T Brief Summary: A quiet evening on the roof, talking celestial bodies, opens up more than just the nighttime sky. Triggers: mentions of insecurity
Penannular   (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rated M   Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: Ron gets an owl on a Sunday after brunch at the Burrow and realizes that some things have to change in short order. Content Warnings: financial insecurities, Locket remnants, harsh language, Smutty stuff, dealing with Director Robards
Put a sickle in the swear jar   (Day 11 - St. Mungo’s) Rated PG / K+ Brief summary: Ron is having one of those days… (bit of a post-Hogwarts domestic day in the life) Any possible triggering/warning tags: one bad swear, blood, allusions to Ron and Hermione doing it.
A Long Night   ( Day 2 - Hermione’s Office) Rated K / G Brief summary: Hermione is slaving away in her office over paperwork. However, her redheaded husband knows just how to cheer her up. Any possible triggering/warning tags: N/A
Halloween at the Burrow  (Day 8 - Skirt)  Rated K Brief summary: Halloween has been a yearly affair at the Burrow ever since Teddy Lupin declared it was his favorite holiday, and this year is no exception. Harry and Ron, with little Rose in tow, are convinced they have the best costume this year— but their wives may give them some competition. Trigger/Content Warnings: None
The Moment  (Day 13 - rings)  Rated K+ Brief Summary: Escaping Percy’s wedding for some alone time leads to the big moment for Ron and Hermione. Trigger: fluff, fluff and did I mention fluff?
The Setting Sun  (Day 7 - Anything Goes) Rated M  Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: The war is over, and they’re home. The Burrow is too busy, too frantic. Ron thinks that an afternoon and evening out near Stoatshead Hill will be enough of a get-away for now. Content Warning / Trigger Warning: Language, nudity, al fresco behaviour, Not Ace Safe
Lose Yourself   (Day 4 - Quidditch) Rated K+ / PG Brief Summary: Rose Weasley Granger is about to step on the biggest pitch of her entire life, one that she has been training for almost her entire life: The Quidditch World Cup Final. Before she is off at the starting whistle, she needs validation from the one person whose approval she desperately needs. Content Warning: Oliver Wood’s guest commentary.
In Another Universe  (Day 8 - Date Night) Rated T Brief summary: (Modern-Day University AU) Hermione Granger, brightest young lady her age, completed her PhD in Linguistics at 25. Ron Weasley, a quantum physicist with a penchant for unkempt hair and loose ties… well, he’s getting there. However, Granger has agreed to spend a night out at a pub with him, and he’s going to try his hardest to woo her with what he knows she likes best: intelligence. Tags: mentions of alcohol, the word “damn”
Day 15
No Regrets  (Day 10: Someone walks in on them)  Rated T Brief summary: While on the world’s most boring tour of Hogwarts Ron decides to fix one of his biggest regrets. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Kissing, Sexual Innuendo, Heavy Petting
A Good Day  (Day 9 - Wedding Day)  Rated K / G Brief summary: Hermione takes a brief moment to herself during her honeymoon to think. Any possible triggering/warning tags: None.
Guard Duty  (Day 6: Vest, Ron’s Bedroom, Day of Fred’s Funeral) Rated K Brief Summary: One more day in Ron and Hermione’s life and one more promise is made. Trigger Warning: mention of death, grieving
Helping her Relax  (Day 10: Someone walks in on them) Rated PG-13 /T Brief summary: Ron tries to help Hermione relax at work, but things don’t go quite as planned. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Allusions to sex, intense snogging and fondling. Not ace safe.
Million Galleon Idea (Prompt/Day: Day 13: Ron explains something he’s invented for George)  Rating: G Brief summary: Ron invents the perfect piece of baby clothing. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
Hide and Sneak  (Day 8: Cloakroom at the ministry)  Rating: G Brief summary: Hermione loses Rose. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
Career Change  (Day 12 - Hermione is pregnant with Rose) Rating: PG Brief Summary: ‘I don’t have this urge to keep fighting. Content warning: none
We’ve got time (Day 7: Anything Goes)  Rating: PG Brief Summary: Somehow, subconsciously probably, she ended up at the library. Trigger/Warning: N/A
Growing Twilight   (Day 11 - Blanket)  Rated MA  Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: After a delightful al fresco moment, Ron and Hermione talk what she learned in how to care for Ron, and why things went sideways during their sixth year - including Ron’s deep thoughts on the matter. Content Warning: MA Rated content, non-explicit oral, mentions of the bird incident, Ron’s Insecurities
Christmas  (Day 8: Skirt) Rating: T Brief summary: ‘You saw me in uniform every day for six years!’ Warning: Alludes to sex, swearing
Reputation (Day 8: Skirt. Cloakroom at the ministry.)Rating: T Brief Summary: It’s been many years since the Battle of Hogwarts, but it’s still sometimes necessary to break into the Ministry… even if you work there…Possible triggers/tags: Implied shenanigans
Food, or a book  (Day 9: Their wedding day)   Rating: M  Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione discuss how to break the news to their family and friends. Possible triggers/tags: swearing, implied shenanigans.
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loafingdragon · 5 years ago
who are your favorite top ten black clover characters & ships? talk about them!
A question? For me? 🤭 Let’s see if I can collect my thoughts long enough to answer! I’ll put things in no real order under the cut~
Kaiser Granvorka, captain of the Purple Orcas (sing that title. You will not regret it.)
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Sometimes less is more. I love his design. I love his chill. I love his love of his wife. I love how he stepped up to clean up his trash squad.
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I LOVE the elves and I really wish that they would get some recognition. Did you know that Phantom Knights just calls Reve and Charla “Dorothy (reincarnated)” and “Charlotte (reincarnated)”? They’re different people!! They have NAMES. Why wouldn’t they use their names?? The elves have so much lost potential!
Anyway, Reve is also very chill. A sleepy queen. I have a LOT of headcanons about her. I also have an au where the elves stay after reincarnation and share their bodies with their hosts, and she and Dorothy are best friends and girlfriends and hang out in glamour world together and I love them.
Nebra and Nozel Silva
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Listen,,, she’s so pretty,,, I’m gay,,,
But in all seriousness, she’s my favorite Silva. She’s just sort of a mean, sexy lamp in the manga/anime, but she gets slightly more character development in Phantom Knights, where you see that she’s at least an honorable knight who really cares about getting things done right and even goes above and beyond the call of duty; she’s a lot more mature than Solid, and it even seems that she’s more concerned about capabilities than status at some points (much to Solid’s surprise.) That doesn’t mean she won’t go out of her way to make trouble, which is fun. The wiki also suggests she has confidence issues which is super interesting to me. I’d like to see her grow as a character or get like... even a little bit of attention at all besides backing up Nozel and Solid and getting stabbed. I also think her magic is really cool... would love to see her actually use it sometime.
-coughcough also since she gets so little screen time i can write her how i want in my fics and as far as we know it’s canon coughcough-
There’s more to her than her pretty, pretty face!! She’s probably my #1 favorite.
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1) I love powerful fictional royals in general. 2) I love to write fics where he is embarrassed and vulnerable. Silvas deserve a healthy dose of humility whenever you can give it. He is an easy target with his uptight nature and silly hair. I’d also like him to grow as a character.
hehe look at Nebra peeking out of the corner of this pic lol
Fuegoleon, Mereoleona, and Leopold Vermillion
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I am still a simp for powerful fictional royalty, okay? Everyone love the Vermillions. There is nothing I could say here that has not already been said, except that I love writing fics where Fuegoleon gets to be embarrassing and oblivious.
Dorothy Unsworth
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She’s so cute and the coolest witch. Love her chaotic energy. Love how she knows things she probably shouldn’t. Always shaking it up. Another sleepy queen. I wish I could sleep all the time and still get my work done. Also since I made her my icon on discord, I have been cheerier.
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I’m so deep in headcanons for this one but see my earlier elf complaint with Reve before continuing. Okay, understand? Charlotte is awesome, but the sheer hilarity of Charla and Charlotte sharing a body is what make Charla so, so good. The LAST thing Charla did before going away forever is SNITCH on Charlotte to her crush. This elf loves drama. She would help Charlotte so, so much, but also make her life a living hell. We stan a queen who can’t mind her own business.
Alecdora Sandler
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This man is hilarious. He’s a full grown man ready to throw hands with a 15 year old because William gives him attention. He fell in a hole and had to be saved. Yuno let him declare all his love for William and then obliterated him. It’s so funny. It’s what this asshole deserves. A perfect, satisfying character arc and a hilariously embarrassing personality wins him his place among my faves. I love to hate him so much. I’d like to put a picture of his stupid face in a locket to look at and give me strength in any situation. “At least I’m not this man child,” I would say. A smile would tug at my lips as a single tear ran down my face. “Thank you, Alecdora,” I would whisper, holding his image close to my heart.
My favorites tend to change around with my moods, so maybe on any other given day, you would find Charlotte Roselei, Paplo Espuma, or Kirsch Vermillion (post royal knights exam humbling) on this list. Charlotte is badass, Paplo cute, and Kirsch is funny with cool magic. Also working with Charlotte on my blog, @lawstaverse makes me fond of her, and I have some fun party boy headcanons for Kirsch and the Coral Peacocks. Mimosa Vermillion is also super duper cute. Honestly, Jien Du could even be on here for being accused of being evil and then going “let me clear things up” and then just doing the super villain laugh- also for having rainbow lights flashing around him when he fights. I can hear carameldansen playing in the distance whenever he’s doing stuff.
Now for my favorite couples!
Fuegoleon Vermillion x Nozel Silva
This one is probably #1! They obviously care for and respect each other and a lot of Nozel’s dialogue gets... debatably romantic. I just really enjoy writing them in sort of ‘boys will be boys’ situations, where they can let their guard down around each other and their friends and be stupid and silly. I also love the idea of Fuegoleon being oblivious about how flirty he comes off. Nozel is pining but more in an annoyed way than a sad way. “No homo, bro,” says Fuegoleon, as he kisses Nozel on the lips and gives him a ring after they eat together and wrestle in the woods. Nozel rolls his eyes into the next solar system and admires his new wedding ring. Currently working on a 150k+ word slowburn bisexual disaster Fuegoleon fic with @thespiralgrimoire that involves this ship and the third on this list, along with tiny snippets of others.
Leopold Vermillion x Asta
Leo saw Asta do something cool and said “I’m done being classist. Actually I’m in love with you,” and never looked back. Every single Royal in Asta’s age group being obsessed with him is very very funny. I picture their relationship is much like Nozel and Fuegoleon’s as described above, but they’re BOTH extremely oblivious bros being romantic bros.
Fuegoleon Vermillion x Nebra Silva
Less my fave but still on here bc it’s fun. Nebra is fun, she can push Fuego out of his comfort zone, and also feel comfortable and confident with him. It’s nice. Ngl, anything that gives Nebra a chance to develop her character, whether it be in a friendly or romantic setting, is good.
Nebra is sexy. Fuegoleon is sexy. Together they are super sexy.
Reve x Dorothy Unsworth
I mentioned this briefly earlier, but they finally get someone who can share their world with them! Dorothy was so happy to have Reve in her head, and didn’t even regret being possessed at all. Also, Reve’s chill personality can balance out Dorothy’s excitable and unpredictable one! I think that them both being in dream world, with the magic power to look into each other’s minds(even more than other elf/human cohabitants) means that they can pretty easily become super duper close. They also have a space where they can physically meet. It’s kind of the best of both worlds.
Zara Ideale x Ina’s Father (did he really not get a name???)
There is no way you can convince me that Ina is not Zara and that man’s child. Look at their eyebrows. Rewatch episode 138. You’re lying to me if you tell me you don’t see it.
Nebra Silva x Zora Ideale
🤷🏽‍♀️ Punk and Prep is a fun combo, I like pitch romance, and the more info we get for Nebra, the more likely I see her willing to go vigilante and have a good time working with/ playing around with Zora. They both like to mess with people, Nebra appreciates a job well done, and Zora likes seeing people improve themselves. Nebra would def need to develop a bit for this to work, but I like to believe that would happen.
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etlunainmorte · 5 years ago
✒ P.S. I Love You ✒
Thank you! (Y/N) mouthed her gratitude as she pointed at V's pocket.
And then, as V felt for the thing in his pocket, the thing she put a few hours earlier, the lovers finally vanished into the night,... into sweet delight.
He smiled as he took a deep sigh of relief. It's finally over. He succeeded!
"Okay, folks! Show's over!" Avery clapped her hands like a bossy head chef and brought them back to reality from their own scattered thoughts. "We have a wedding to settle, and I'm inviting you!"
"W - " Nico muttered, at a loss for words at what Avery just announced. "But, we're done here! We finished the mission for ya. Isn't it a bother for both you and Roman to still have us around?"
Avery raised her eyebrows and rolled her eyes. "Well, duh. We're friends already, aren't we? Isn't that right, Roman?"
"You can say that again!" Roman happily answered as Griffon landed on his shoulder.
"I insist!" Avery looked at V and smiled at him. "And wear something decent for once, V! We'll help you and Nico with your outfit. In fact," She looked up, seemingly in deep thought, and brought her fingers to her chin, tapping it with them. She looked at V once more and pointed at him, a mischievous grin on her lips. " ... I think we should also invite that lazy Devil Hunter from Devil May Cry! Who was that again?"
V chuckled at the title she gave his twin brother. "Dante is his name."
"Oh! Can we invite Nero, too? And Kyrie?" Nico excitedly asked.
"Who's Nero and Kyrie?"
"Nero's the one with the God awful singing voice!" The Artisan proudly declared. "And Kyrie is his lady love!"
Avery couldn't help but knit her brows in confusion and disbelief. "I see. Well, sure! Poor girlfriend, though, having to listen each day to that!"
Nico, Roman, and Avery all laughed at the mere thought of this, until everyone noticed the Hispanic guy being comfortable with the demonic bird on his shoulder.
"Sweetheart, aren't you afraid of that bird?" His fiancée questioned him with mirth in her eyes.
To this, Roman only bashfully puffed his chest out and proudly brought his hands to his hips like a superhero. "I've grown much stronger and braver! And it was all thanks to V!" He, then, turned sideways to Griffon, who was looking at him like he has some evil intention towards him. "And to this amazing bird, too! Isn't that right, buddy?"
Griffon took this as a cue and widely opened his beak. "Ohohoho! Aww! So ye're brave now, huh?!" The bird told him in a clear voice that surprised Avery, made Nico burst out laughing, and made V smirk in amusement.
And Roman? The poor guy was simply at a loss for words.
And this only made Griffon more mischievous. He raised his beak and swayed his head from left to right like what he did the first time he met Roman, speaking in a hilariously loud tone. "FFFUUUCCCKKK YYYEEEAAAHHH! IT'S BARBEQUE TTTIIIMMMEEE!"
Roman lost it and fainted.
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Three days later,...
"I pronounce you man and wife." The minister announced. "You may now kiss the bride."
Everyone cheered as Avery grabbed Roman by the waist, bent him, and gave him a passionate kiss.
V and Nico, who were both looking smart and gorgeous with the outfit the couple chose for them, applauded and chuckled at how Avery handled her blushing husband, Roman. 
Nico glanced at V and nudged him on the arm with an elbow. "Lookin' really smokin' hot right there, V!" She said with a wide smile as she looked at his ensemble of crisp, jet - black coat, tie, and pants, matched with a snow white - colored shirt and a pair of leather vintage shoes. His neatly slicked back jet - black hair, the perfectly polished metal cane on his hand, and the perfume he bought for the special occasion with the money he just earned from the mission gave him a truly and magnificently virile aura that made all the guests look at him, either in curiosity or something entirely different altogether.
The poet smiled as he nodded at her and her bright yellow bodycon dress matched with a ridiculously huge sunflower on her hair. "And I could say the same for you."
"Hehe, thanks!"
V smiled and took something out from the pocket of his coat, the thing that (Y/N) gave her three days ago that was, apparently, the source of the tremendous power that enabled him to beat the evil doctor.
It was her own locket which she kept close to her heart until her reunion with Victor. And she gave it to him that day.
With a gentle smile on his face and a soft look in his eyes, he carefully opened the locket, revealing a photo of her that was taken during that day when she first met Victor.
"Everything is alright now, (Y/N)." V whispered as the guests went on cheering for the newly wed. "Your great grand niece is safe and happily married.”
As Nico observed how V looked at the precious locket, her eyes widened, suddenly remembering something really important.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" Nico blabbered, making V look at her in curiosity. "I have somethin' for ya."
"And what would that be?" V asked with a smirk as he hid the locket back to his pocket.
With a ginger smile, Nico produced something from her huge handbag and handed it to V, who looked at it with utter confusion.
"And this is?"
"The latest model of Somesang Universe. But I tweaked it for ya."
"Tweaked? How so?" V asked as he looked at the sleek and fragile black cellphone on his hand.
"I put some special programs of mine in it that could still let ya record all kinds of noises produced by all types of creatures. Ghosts, Demons, Mermaids, ya name it! And you can also play games in it, if ya want. Oh! I definitely didn't put Nero's singing in its music album, trust me!"
"What is it, Nico?!" Nero, who heard his name being mentioned by the Artisan, turned and gave her a suspicious look.
"Nothin', psycho!"
"This looked,... really expensive." V told her as he humbly tried to give the phone back to her. "I do not know if I'm worthy of having a thing such as this."
Nico smiled as she pushed the phone back to V. "I insist! It's a way of sayin' thanks for letting me tag along on the mission."
"I see. Well, I appreciate this gift. Thank you so much. I will take care of it."
"Nah, don't mention it." Nico said as she lightly punched V's arm. "Actually, I put somethin' else in it. I found somethin' truly groundbreaking the other day when I went to visit grandma Adelaide."
"Who's Adelaide?"
"That's Victor and (Y/N)'s grandchild!"
"Oh, my!" Shame on me, I have actually forgotten to ask her name.
"Anyway, if you open the contacts list, you'll find her - "
"Hey, man!" Dante, who was looking really uncomfortable with his formal wear, interrupted the conversation as he hid behind V. "I'm not really good at this!" His twin whispered as he cautiously looked around like he was being stalked by Demons.
"What brings you here?"
"It's that crazy woman! She - "
"THERE YOU ARE!" All of them heard Avery's voice as she and Roman walked towards Dante. She totally ignored V and grabbed the legendary Devil Hunter's arm. "You're not escaping me this time! You'll join the game!"
"W - what did I do to deserve this, señorita?!" Dante complained as Avery dragged him forcefully towards the center where a lot of people were already waiting. 
"Oh, nothing! I just wanted revenge for denying me a week ago!" She declared with a mischievous wink.
"I'm not being paid for this!"
"V, Nico, you should join! And Mr. Nero and Ms. Kyrie, too!" Roman invited them as he gestured towards the crowd. "And Avery's cousin just arrived from Paris!"
A few moments later, V found himself next to Dante, Nero, and the rest of the male guests as they waited for Roman to remove a garter from Avery's thigh using only his teeth. The man waved it happily, making the men cheer wildly.
"What is wrong with this people?" Nero asked, disgusted at the display of unbridled male fantasy before him.
Dante sighed in disbelief. "It's a traditional wedding game wherein males try to catch the bride's garter thrown by the groom. Same thing goes for the bride who tosses her bouquet for the females. The couple who catches the garter and the bouquet is said to be destined to be together. But, that is just an old wives' tale."
"What?! I don't wanna be with anybody else other than Kyrie!" Nero, who took the game way too seriously, blurted out as he drew back in fear. 
Dante patted the youth on the shoulder. "I feel you, kid. Don't wanna catch it! Unless there's a hot babe in there somewhere, then,..."
"Hey, V!" Griffon, who was wearing a smart bow tie around his neck, landed on the poet's shoulder and whispered to him. "So, uh, me and the housecat surveyed the females, and we found yer perfect match! It's the one who just arrived from, ahh, Yourip! Yeah, that's it. Wait, what's Yourip?"
V chuckled at what his familiar just said. "It's Europe. And I' am not interested in this game."
"Aww, come on, Shakespeare! Don't ya wanna have a girlfriend?!"
"Yeah, give it a chance, V!" Dante teased as he patted the poet's shoulder.
V only shook his head, chuckling at the mere thought of him having a girlfriend. Who would love him, anyway, when he's not as strong as Dante, or as witty as Nero - ?
"ALRIGHT THEN, FUCK YEAH!" Griffon shrieked as he let out a small amount of electricity that went directly to V's right arm, startling him and making him raise it in response. The cane on his right hand, which was raised high above his head, then, caught the garter in perfect timing, making Nero and Dante cheer and applaud!
"Nice one right there, V!" Nero cheered as he clapped his hands. "And Little Chicken!"
V brought his cane down and looked at the lacy thing on his cane, and before he could say something else or even react, the females cheered as Avery tossed her bouquet. There was a strange noise as some females screamed, Black Panther! and drew back. Apparently, Shadow, who was wearing a huge pink lace bow around her neck, pushed someone from the crowd, making her stumble forward and catch the bouquet in the process.
"Mission accomplished!" Griffon laughed menacingly as he flew away from V before the poet could say anything and landed on the table where the huge vanilla - flavored eight layered cake was, starting to nibble on Roman's part on the treat. Shadow arrived there a few seconds later and started eating Avery's part.
"Come here, V!" Roman said with a huge smile ( still unaware of what's happening to the wedding cake ) as he took the poet's arm and dragged him towards the center. V arrived just in time to see Avery dragging the lucky girl who caught the bouquet towards the center to where he was. Avery looked up at V, smiled at him, and moved to the side, revealing to him the girl who was now holding her bouquet.
And as he looked at the girl, he couldn't help but get mesmerized and emotional at the same time. The girl, who laid her (E/C) - colored eyes on his green ones, felt the same as some kind of unknown emotion started to form in her chest.
She brushed a wayward (H/C) lock away from her face and placed it behind her ear. She, then, gave him that smile that V was longing to see once more.
And with an achingly familiar voice that he thought he would never hear ever again, she spoke to him.
"Haven't we met?" She asked him.
"My,... Evening Star,..." V whispered as he smiled at her,...
✒ @la-vita , @micaelagua , @v-vic , @birdgirl69 , @beyond-the-mirror , and @cantcopewithlosingv . ✒
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romioneficfest · 5 years ago
First 5 weeks Digest
Good afternoon and thanks for all the positive input on the 2020 Romione FicFest. We have had an amazing number of entries and still plenty of time to submit even more.
For those who are fashionably late to the caverns and have missed the first half of the festivities, Dragon is here to make sure you’re not missing out on any published fic for the fest.
So, without further Ado...
3am (Shell Cottage); Rated T: Brief Summary: Ron sneaks out from a sleeping Hermione while she’s recovering at Shell Cottage and feels his emotional cup overflow. He’s reminded that he means more than he thinks to Hermione.
Afterglow (Bringing home Baby Hugo); Rated K+ Brief Summary: After Romione brings home their second child, they take a day off with all three of them in bed— and take a moment to rediscover how beautiful they think the other is.
The Clash (Hermione admits she is wrong); Rated M (Not Ace Safe) Brief Summary: Sexy times and a disagreement at pub trivia
Day 2:
Hugo and the Dragon Pants (Pants) Rated K+ Brief Summary: Hermione and Ron parent stubborn little kids; Hugo is excited about his new pants.
Rosaceae (Roses/Flowers); Rated K Brief summary: Spending an afternoon on the Hogwarts grounds near the end of their sixth year, Ron watches Hermione struggle to master a new spell as he feels something burgeoning in his chest— something he should have paid attention to many years before.
His Favourite Part of the Day (Shell Cottage); Rated K Brief Summary: Ron loves everything about the woman he loves—her passion, dedication, and drive especially. But it’s also wonderful when that takes a backseat…
Teaspoon Vindication (Shell Cottage/Hermione admits she is wrong); Rated K+ Brief summary: After escaping Malfoy Manor, Ron comes to visit Hermione in her room at Shell Cottage, and does the one thing that may be the hardest for him— talking about his feelings.
Hogwarts, A History, A Mistake (Hermione admits she was wrong); Rated K Brief summary: Hermione’s mistake delights Ron.
Day 3
Going Back without you (Ron’s Bedroom); Rated K/K+ Brief summary: After the Battle of Hogwarts, Ron and Hermione decided to go their separate ways, thinking it would be for the best. However, a few days before Hermione is bound to go back for her eighth year, Ron begins to think that may not have been the best idea.
Shattered Hearts (Fred’s Funeral); Rated T Brief Summary: The afternoon after Fred’s funeral, Ron sneaks off to his bedroom. He breaks down and is comforted by Hermione.
A space to grow into (Hermione’s office); Rated K/G Brief summary: Ron shows Hermione an empty house.
A different kind of Apology (Anything Goes!) Rated K+ Brief summary: Ron has just returned, fresh after destroying the locket, and Hermione has never been more furious: though he, undoubtedly, expects her temper to subside after a few hours —as it usually does—, night falls again and she still refuses to talk to him. What she doesn’t expect, though, is that he’ll try anything for her to forgive him.
To Listen (Hermione admits she is wrong) Rated T Brief Summary: Rose is home for her 17th birthday and once again, she’s at odds with her very strong-willed Mother who can’t quite grasp that Rose is almost nothing like her Mum.
Day 4
What If? (Shell Cottage) Rated K /K+ Brief Summary: The night before their plan to break into Gringotts, Ron finds Hermione and tries to ease her fears.
Hope for the Summer (Hogwarts, Quidditch) Rated T Brief summary: Hermione daydreams about the coming summer while her friends play quidditch.
Need a Hand? (Hair) Rated T Brief summary: Grimmauld Place is wreaking havoc on Hermione’s hair: the humidity, closeness, and heat is making it frizz up more than usual. Ron gives her a hand and, in the process, discovers her touch is something he could definitely get used to.
Broken (Shell Cottage) Rated PG/T Brief summary: He found her on the landing, relieved that she was still here, but broken for her.
Wands (Wand) Rated G / K Brief summary: Arthur reunites Ron and Hermione with their wands.
Day 5
A Stroll through the Park (trainers) Rated K / G Brief summary: A child with light-up trainers sparks fear and a conversation.
Hermione’s Boyfriend (Hair) Rated G / K Brief summary: Ron reassures Hermione after she has to cut her hair.
Safe Harbour (Shell Cottage) Rated T Brief Summary: In a brief respite from the war, Hermione finds comfort with the sweet redheaded boy she loves.
Reconciliation (Ron talks about the Snatchers) Rated T / PG-13 Brief summary: After Ron suffers a nightmare, Hermione is there to comfort him.
Missing Trousers (Pants) Rated M (Not Ace Safe) Brief summary: Hermione’s brief stint with working from home has not been going well: Ron is terrible at housework, he’s bored out of his mind, and —on top of all that— the racket he’s making as he apparently turns the house inside out is totally shattering her concentration. So when he barges into her office, determined to get her to pay some attention to him, she decides to get back at him by teasing him a little before she attempts, for what seems like the millionth time, to get back to work.
Day 6
A light in the Dark (Wedding Day) Rated T Summary: Ron has been seriously injured during a mission and Hermione is keeping watch beside his bed in the middle of the night.
Namesake (Wand/SC/Hermione’s Wrong) Rated T Summary: On the anniversary of Dobby’s death, Ron and Hermione pay their respects.
Out with a bang (Fred’s Funeral) Rated T Summary: Anxious to help Ron, Hermione approaches George with an idea.
New Possibilities (Anything goes) Rated T; Not Safe for Ramadan Brief summary: In the evening after the third Triwizard task, Ron comforts Hermione about the future laying in front of them.
The Kinks in the Plan (Arthur’s Shed) Rated T Not Safe for Ramadan Summary: Harry and Ginny join Ron and Hermione mid-discussion.
Day 7
Like a Whisper (Fred’s Funeral/Ron’s bedroom) Rated K/G Brief Summary: He is paralyzed. her voice will take him where he needs to go.
The Moment I Knew (Their Wedding Day) Rated K+ Brief Summary: At he and Hermione’s wedding, before they take to the dance floor for their first dance as husband and wife, Ron delivers his groom’s speech and talks about the moment he knew Hermione was the One.
Last Match of the Season (Hogwarts, Quidditch Match) Rated T Brief Summary: There were times Ron questioned the sanity of returning to Hogwarts to do NEWTS… and this was not one of those times.
Watch my Stuff (Trainers) Rated T / PG-13 Brief Summary: Modern Muggle AU - A redhead asks Hermione to watch his stuff, and she gives an unexpected answer. She gets an even more unexpected response.
Relative Potency (Hair, Australia) Rated T Brief Summary: Due to the stifling heat in Townsville, Hermione, Ginny and Harry all get haircuts. Ron considers this an expensive and irresponsible move.
Day 8
Ignoring Ron ( Day 6: Ron’s Bedroom) Rated T / PG-13 Not 100% Ace Safe Brief summary: Muggle AU- it’s a few weeks before they take their A-levels and Hermione is trying very hard to ignore her infatuation with her best friend. Any possible triggering/warning tags: nudity mentioned, alcohol, drunkenness, not ace safe thoughts?
A Movie Night, in Three Acts (Day 10: couch) Rated K. Ace Safe. Brief summary: Family movie night at the Granger-Weasley household seems to be a competition of who’ll hold out the longest without falling asleep. Tonight, as always, Ron takes the crown. Warnings/Triggers: None.
Fallout (Day 2: Ron talks about the Snatchers) Rated T Brief Summary: After a post-DH nightmare, Ginny makes a few suggestions. Warnings/Triggers: Implied PTSD
Unsaid Things (Day 10: Couch) Rated T+++ / 16 Brief summary: Ron comes home to Hermione, and she has a million questions she wants to ask him. Any possible triggering/warning tags: cursing, crying, brief non-sexual nudity, blood mention, brief description of criminal violence and death
The Last Time (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rated M Not Ace safe Brief summary: They agreed not to do this, but can they resist?Any possible triggering/warning tags: Tiny bit of angst (resolved), sexual tension (resolved? Not likely with these two!)
A Peculiar Discovery (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rated T / PG-13 for language Brief Summary: A confrontation between McGonagall and Ronald Weasley over a certain petrified girl. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Rude language and my dreadful English. I apologize to the heirs of Shakespeare, but, I was really dying to publish something on Romioneficfest.
A Surprise Visit (Day 12: Crookshanks) Rated K+ Brief summary: After escaping the Shrieking Shack, Ron has spent the past two days alone in the infirmary as his leg heals— and he’s going mad with boredom. Lucky for him, there’s a certain someone who’ll defy the rules she’s usually hellbent on following to pay him a visit. Any possible triggering/warning tags: N/A
Positive (Day 12: Hermione pregnancy) Rated T Brief summary: Hermione pays her husband a visit in his office, surprising him with life-changing news. Triggers: Strong language/cursing (or Ron’s regular mouth?); mentions of sex; pregnancy (?)
Tell me I’m pretty (Day 11: Blanket) Rated T Brief Summary: A quiet evening on the roof, talking celestial bodies, opens up more than just the nighttime sky. Triggers: mentions of insecurity
Penannular (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rated M Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: Ron gets an owl on a Sunday after brunch at the Burrow and realizes that some things have to change in short order. Content Warnings: financial insecurities, Locket remnants, harsh language, Smutty stuff, dealing with Director Robards
Put a sickle in the swear jar (Day 11 - St. Mungo’s) Rated PG / K+ Brief summary: Ron is having one of those days… (bit of a post-Hogwarts domestic day in the life) Any possible triggering/warning tags: one bad swear, blood, allusions to Ron and Hermione doing it.
A Long Night ( Day 2 - Hermione’s Office) Rated K / G Brief summary: Hermione is slaving away in her office over paperwork. However, her redheaded husband knows just how to cheer her up. Any possible triggering/warning tags: N/A
Halloween at the Burrow (Day 8 - Skirt) Rated K Brief summary: Halloween has been a yearly affair at the Burrow ever since Teddy Lupin declared it was his favorite holiday, and this year is no exception. Harry and Ron, with little Rose in tow, are convinced they have the best costume this year— but their wives may give them some competition. Trigger/Content Warnings: None
The Moment (Day 13 - rings) Rated K+ Brief Summary: Escaping Percy’s wedding for some alone time leads to the big moment for Ron and Hermione. Trigger: fluff, fluff and did I mention fluff?
The Setting Sun (Day 7 - Anything Goes) Rated M Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: The war is over, and they’re home. The Burrow is too busy, too frantic. Ron thinks that an afternoon and evening out near Stoatshead Hill will be enough of a get-away for now. Content Warning / Trigger Warning: Language, nudity, al fresco behaviour, Not Ace Safe
Lose Yourself (Day 4 - Quidditch) Rated K+ / PG Brief Summary: Rose Weasley Granger is about to step on the biggest pitch of her entire life, one that she has been training for almost her entire life: The Quidditch World Cup Final. Before she is off at the starting whistle, she needs validation from the one person whose approval she desperately needs. Content Warning: Oliver Wood’s guest commentary.
In Another Universe (Day 8 - Date Night) Rated T Brief summary: (Modern-Day University AU) Hermione Granger, brightest young lady her age, completed her PhD in Linguistics at 25. Ron Weasley, a quantum physicist with a penchant for unkempt hair and loose ties… well, he’s getting there. However, Granger has agreed to spend a night out at a pub with him, and he’s going to try his hardest to woo her with what he knows she likes best: intelligence. Tags: mentions of alcohol, the word “damn”
Day 15
No Regrets (Day 10: Someone walks in on them) Rated T Brief summary: While on the world’s most boring tour of Hogwarts Ron decides to fix one of his biggest regrets. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Kissing, Sexual Innuendo, Heavy Petting
A Good Day (Day 9 - Wedding Day) Rated K / G Brief summary: Hermione takes a brief moment to herself during her honeymoon to think. Any possible triggering/warning tags: None.
Guard Duty (Day 6: Vest, Ron’s Bedroom, Day of Fred’s Funeral) Rated K Brief Summary: One more day in Ron and Hermione’s life and one more promise is made. Trigger Warning: mention of death, grieving
Helping her Relax (Day 10: Someone walks in on them) Rated PG-13 /T Brief summary: Ron tries to help Hermione relax at work, but things don’t go quite as planned. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Allusions to sex, intense snogging and fondling. Not ace safe.
Million Galleon Idea (Prompt/Day: Day 13: Ron explains something he’s invented for George) Rating: G Brief summary: Ron invents the perfect piece of baby clothing. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
Hide and Sneak (Day 8: Cloakroom at the ministry) Rating: G Brief summary: Hermione loses Rose. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
Career Change (Day 12 - Hermione is pregnant with Rose) Rating: PG Brief Summary: ‘I don’t have this urge to keep fighting. Content warning: none
We’ve got time (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rating: PG Brief Summary: Somehow, subconsciously probably, she ended up at the library. Trigger/Warning: N/A
Growing Twilight (Day 11 - Blanket) Rated MA Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: After a delightful al fresco moment, Ron and Hermione talk what she learned in how to care for Ron, and why things went sideways during their sixth year - including Ron’s deep thoughts on the matter. Content Warning: MA Rated content, non-explicit oral, mentions of the bird incident, Ron’s Insecurities
Christmas (Day 8: Skirt) Rating: T Brief summary: ‘You saw me in uniform every day for six years!’ Warning: Alludes to sex, swearing
Reputation (Day 8: Skirt. Cloakroom at the ministry.)Rating: T Brief Summary: It’s been many years since the Battle of Hogwarts, but it’s still sometimes necessary to break into the Ministry… even if you work there…Possible triggers/tags: Implied shenanigans
Food, or a book (Day 9: Their wedding day) Rating: M Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione discuss how to break the news to their family and friends. Possible triggers/tags: swearing, implied shenanigans.
No Regrets (Day 10: Someone walks in on them) Rated T Brief summary: While on the world’s most boring tour of Hogwarts Ron decides to fix one of his biggest regrets. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Kissing, Sexual Innuendo, Heavy Petting
A Good Day (Day 9 - Wedding Day) Rated K / G Brief summary: Hermione takes a brief moment to herself during her honeymoon to think. Any possible triggering/warning tags: None.
Guard Duty (Day 6: Vest, Ron’s Bedroom, Day of Fred’s Funeral) Rated K Brief Summary: One more day in Ron and Hermione’s life and one more promise is made. Trigger Warning: mention of death, grieving
Helping her Relax (Day 10: Someone walks in on them) Rated PG-13 /T Brief summary: Ron tries to help Hermione relax at work, but things don’t go quite as planned. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Allusions to sex, intense snogging and fondling. Not ace safe.
Million Galleon Idea (Prompt/Day: Day 13: Ron explains something he’s invented for George) Rating: G Brief summary: Ron invents the perfect piece of baby clothing. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
Hide and Sneak (Day 8: Cloakroom at the ministry) Rating: G Brief summary: Hermione loses Rose. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
Career Change (Day 12 - Hermione is pregnant with Rose) Rating: PG Brief Summary: ‘I don’t have this urge to keep fighting. Content warning: none
We’ve got time (Day 7: Anything Goes) Rating: PG Brief Summary: Somehow, subconsciously probably, she ended up at the library. Trigger/Warning: N/A
Growing Twilight (Day 11 - Blanket) Rated MA Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: After a delightful al fresco moment, Ron and Hermione talk what she learned in how to care for Ron, and why things went sideways during their sixth year - including Ron’s deep thoughts on the matter. Content Warning: MA Rated content, non-explicit oral, mentions of the bird incident, Ron’s Insecurities
Christmas (Day 8: Skirt) Rating: T Brief summary: ‘You saw me in uniform every day for six years!’ Warning: Alludes to sex, swearing
Reputation (Day 8: Skirt. Cloakroom at the ministry.)Rating: T Brief Summary: It’s been many years since the Battle of Hogwarts, but it’s still sometimes necessary to break into the Ministry… even if you work there…Possible triggers/tags: Implied shenanigans
Food, or a book (Day 9: Their wedding day) Rating: M Not Ace Safe Brief Summary: Ron and Hermione discuss how to break the news to their family and friends. Possible triggers/tags: swearing, implied shenanigans.
A BUN IN THE OVEN (Day 12: Hermione is pregnant with Rose) Rating: PG Brief summary: Ron alleviates Hermione’s worries about being a mother. Any possible triggering/warning tags: None. HERE NOW (Day 7 : Anything Goes) Rating K+ Brief Summary: A nightmare leads to some candid confessions between them. Triggers: Insecurities PROMISE (Day 8 : Date (Night)) Rating: K+ Brief summary: While down in the Chamber of Secrets Ron makes a promise. Trigger(s): None TRUTH OR DARE (Day: Bank Holiday (kisses)) Rating: K Brief summary: It’s the last night of sleepaway camp, and the boys of Cabin 4 are all playing truth or dare. But when Ron declines to kiss his friend Hermes as a dare, he finds he can’t get the thought out of his mind until he actually does it. (All-boys Muggle summer camp AU) Content Warning: Just a couple of 14-year-olds awakening to their feelings, but nothing beyond kissing :) SOMETHING TO COME BACK TO (Day 14: Ron leaves for a mission) Rating: T /PG-13 Brief summary: Before Ron leaves for a long Auror mission, Hermione gives him a reminder of what he will be coming back to Any possible triggering/warning tags: None.
The Second Dance (Prompt: Day 11 - Wedding Reception) Rating K Brief summary: At Krum’s wedding reception, all the way across the continent, Ron and Hermione share their second-ever dance, almost three years after their first— at Bill and Fleur’s own wedding. As they sway in each other’s arms, they realize their future may be headed toward one together; but tonight, they don’t need to worry about anything other than the here and now. Content Warning: none :)
Normal Kids (Prompt/Day: Day 11 - blanket) Rating: K+ Brief summary: It’s the summer after the Battle of Hogwarts, and Ron and Hermione have spent all of it sneaking off somewhere to be alone together. Today, after Hermione beats him at a board game yet again, they realize in between kisses how nice it is to finally be allowed to be just a pair of normal kids in love. Content Tags: intense kissing - otherwise none
An Unbreakable Vow (Prompt/Day: Day 2 Prompt (Pants. Hermione’s Office. Ron talks about the Snatchers.) Rating: T Brief summary: A wardrobe malfunction at the Ministry leads to a discussion about a, not so secret, secret Ron’s kept about his run-in with the snatchers. (AKA, that time I was really dense and thought I had to work in all the word prompts into one story). Any possible triggering/warning tags: Partial nudity, extremely mild suggestive language, and discussion of violence.
Aftertaste (Prompt/Day: Wand) Rating: PG Brief summary: Ron is feeling unwell after defending Hermione. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Some mild colourful language
Interrupted Sleep (Prompt/Day: Day 7 - Anything Goes) Rating T Brief summary: It’s understandable that Ron and Hermione would have trouble sleeping, after living through a war and through harder times than most. The good thing about sharing a bed, however, is that they have someone to comfort them when the dark memories rouse them. Content Tags: implied references to trauma/PTSD
Roses (Prompt/Day: Roses, Day 4) Rating: G Brief summary: In Australia, Hermione receives an unexpected gift. Any possible triggering/warning tags: none
A Cup Of Tea (Prompt/Day: Arthur’s Shed, Trainers, Day 3) Rating: G Brief summary: A cup of tea, in the days after the war. Any possible triggering/warning tags: Mention of war, possible PTSD.
Pants (Prompt/Day: Pants, Day 2) Rating: T, slight M Brief summary: Ron’s in a tizz about pants. Any possible triggering/warning tags: implied adult content
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placentaur-archive · 5 years ago
why is specter knight the best knight (though more seriously tell me about how you see his relationship develop with plague knight)
see heres the thing both of those questions constitute equally long rants SO shit goes under a cut
why specter knight is the best knight (or more accurately, why specter of torment is the best shovel knight campaign):
STORY IT'S GOT SO MUCH STORY AND THE PACING IS ACTUALLY GOOD. both plague of shadows and shovel of hope have story to it too obviously but in SoH the pacing is kinda really..... not good. it's a big cutscene in the beginning and then a lot of meaningful dialogue at the end (not to say that dialogue wasnt good, the ending of SoH is what made me wanna see more of this game and sparked a 6 month hyperfixation). but like during the main part of the game the plot kinda gets lost. no one in the villages really talks about shield knight or the enchantress (save for a few people who congratulate you on beating a specific knight or the one dude in the armor outpost that says it was taken over by the order which is kinda rlly easy to miss anyway). so unless you're finishing this game fast enough to remember the original first cutscene it's not rlly gonna stick. PoS does a better job with pacing but the story itself is,,,,, not super interesting. it's just a dude who wants to make a potion so he can get super strong and impress his crush. the plot sorta does pick up 2/3s through the game after mona leaves the potionarium but ultimately the game is just About One Thing (SoH is also like this). SoT on the other hand has MULTIPLE plot lines that develop almost simultaneously. you've got specter on a mission to serve the enchantress that develops in the actual levels, you've got donovan's flashbacks to his quest with luan which happens in between levels, and you've got specter dealing with reize when you're in the tower. you could even say red's whole deal is a plot line because eventually if you're good enough at the game he does get his wife back and thEY DO A DANCE FOR YOU AWWWWW. but in the end all these plot lines come together (yes even red's if you collect all the skulls) and it's a big, narratively satisfying, emotionally crushing ending and its GREAT. the way that SoT develops characters that even SoH couldnt (cough cough shield knight) and gives us insight into the past and why things turned out the way they did is like,,,,, it's perfect okay
how specter's relationship with plague develops:
I did a thread abt this on twitter a LONG time ago but I'm too lazy to find it bc finding old tweets is even harder than finding shit on tumblr so here's a list of events
- specter and plague dont know each other very well at all, specter just beat plagues ass that one time and now they work together and probably havent spoken since bc they both think the other is kinda weird
- plague during PoS is in the lich yard on his way to beat specter's ass so he can get a thicc thigh goth gf and finds the phase locket aka the locket luan gave specter. except plague doesnt know any of that shit he just finds a relic and hes like "oh cool I can sell this to chester for something useful"
- specter post PoS finds the locket missing and is real mad abt it
- however post PoS is also post SoH which means the tower of fate has fallen and the enchantress is no more which is Bad News for specter bc the enchantress was the only one keeping him alive oh god oh fuck
- so after a lot of back and forth with him, black knight finally convinces specter to go see plague knight bc plague is the only one who might remotely know what to do about this
- specter reluctantly goes to the explodatorium and plague and mona (who he's already kinda friends with so it relaxes him a little) agree to help him out
- somewhere along the line though specter finds out it was plague that took the locket and sold it to chester and now The Bird Man Is Dead To Him and he stops going to see him for help
- plague feels bad about it so he tracks down who has the locket now (shovel knight) and gets it back for specter
- specter gains 2% respect for bird man and when plague asks why the locket is so important to him specter very briefly tells him abt luan (mostly just "it was given to me by someone close to me, that person isnt around anymore so this holds a lot of sentimental value")
- time passes and they start seeing each other more often, even outside of when specter comes for treatment. they start learning about each other more and they learn their insecurities (theyve got shared insecuries about their appearance and their names, both of them are very against taking off their mask around anyone)
- one day specter decides fuck it and tells plague his name. plague can't reciprocate but he appreciates it
- they start taking to hanging out on the roof on what's left of the tower since no one goes there anymore and they can be alone together
- one day specter decides he can show plague his face and once he does plague gets very excited and is like "oH SHIT IM SENSITIVE ABOUT THAT TOO" and rips off his mask without thinking and suddenly they're both just kinda looking at each other and they realize they look a lot more similar than they thought and no one says anything for a few seconds before plague gets nervous and puts his mask back on and the moment is passed
- over time they get more comfortable around each other, specter doesnt mind as much when plague calls him donovan and he can show his face to him when they're in private together (and plague takes off his mask sparingly around him too)
- one day plague decides hes ready to tell donovan what his name is and he begs him not to tell anyone or even use it on him in private. specter says he doesnt have to tell him but plague insists that he wants to (I wont say what it is here bc it's just a dumb hc name and it doesnt really get used at all bc specter mostly just keeps calling him plague kkskgkdg)
- but that level of trust is there now!!! plague tells specter that no one else knows this much about him, not even mona
- and specter realizes he's been keeping information from plague and if they're gonna air everything out then,,,,,,,, well he might as well tell him fully about luan and reize and everything else that happened
-that night is rough for the both of them but it's also cathartic knowing they can trust someone enough to tell them about this
- eventually plague and mona come to the conclusion that to keep specter's soul stabilized they cant keep treating him forever because specter is going to live indefinitely and plague and mona are very very mortal SO the only way to keep him semi permanently tied to this world is to bind his soul to something else
- specter wants to bind his soul to plague knight
- plague is like NONONONONO I am NOT having that responsibility and I am NOT letting you die as soon as I do and convinces him to bind his soul to the phase locket instead
- I haven't talked about him at all here but by now specter is definitely dating propeller and has been for a while so whether u wanna see plague and specter as dating or just super close friends is up to u anyway I love these idiots thanks for coming to my tedtalk
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skywalkersapprentice · 6 years ago
so when I saw infinity war the second time, i brought a pen and a notebook with me and took notes in the dark the whole time. for my second endgame viewing yesterday, i did the same. i now present to you my Thoughts About Endgame. (this is. long.) 
Major Spoilers Ahead.
okay seriously, nobody called clint up when there was a giant invasion in wakanda??? nobody???
also it was daytime in wakanda when the snap happened. it’s also daytime wherever clint is in america when the snap happens. someone explain.
god the dawning panic when clint realizes his family is gone. that whole scene is so empty and unsettling, it was shot really well
i automatically associate 80s music with space thanks to marvel. 
tony stark adopting strays everywhere he goes since 2013.... i love this about him
nebula finally got to win something!!!! “it was fun.”
and then she gives him their final ration. i’m- :((((
back on earth..... thank god the beard is gone.
“I lost the kid” tony’s face wow that’s devastating, no thanks
“Is um...” what was tony going to say after that??
“I thought you were a build-a-bear.” “Maybe I am.” fuckign.... tony please sdfgdfg
“And I needed you.” tony :(((
“No trust. Liar.” this entire scene is just. chilling. heartbreaking. tony has nothing left for anyone, and especially nothing left for steve, except-
him ripping the metaphorical heart out of his chest and handing it to steve made me literally gasp the first time i watched this film. i feel like it hasn’t been talked about enough, but it’s incredibly poetic.
“where are you going?” “to kill thanos” i haven’t seen captain marvel but i’m already in love with carol danvers
and now they have hope, they still think they can bring everyone back... what a dangerous thing
suddenly steve is looking at his locket of peggy all the time.starting in this film only. can we let him grieve for his actual friends?? you know, the ones he just lost? does he even mention sam or bucky in the entire film?  alright russos, i have several bones to pick with you about this, but alright....
i gotta say, when i first watched this i was astounded that thanos destroyed the stones and then got beheaded in the first twenty minutes. it really left me wondering, well- what now? and that was exciting.
five years later. i mean, we knew there would be a time jump, but i wasn’t expecting this.
we’re really calling this cameo by russo representation huh
and like??? steve brings up nobody he lost in the snap, instead chosing to focus on “the love of his life” that he met and lost in 1945. this struck me as odd the first time i watched and now i’m like. man they’re really trying 2 justify their later decision, huh
so they’re calling those who were snapped “The Vanished” according to the sanfran memorial
avengers r still a thing and their complex has actually grown in size?? who is funding this. is it tony
my next note just says HAIR SDFDSDFG aka heLLO carol danvers
nat :((((
crying and eating a sandwich is a mood
god. the quiet grief
natasha romanoff has come such a long way from her introduction in iron man 2. she cries freely, loves her family, actively wants to be a better person, even if a lot of her family isn’t around today. i just- love her so much.
“we both need to get a life.” “you first.” goddamnit
i.... love happy, peaceful, good dad Tony Stark, so much.
“define lunch or be disintegrated” morgan h stark is so cute
“you like going in the garage, huh? so does daddy.” tony was already so proud of her god i just :((((
me, zooming in on nat: ARROW NECKLACE
does she only wear that when she’s missing clint, or
I’m truly in my feelings about Tony being The Best Dad
Bruce apparently spent 18 months in a gamma lab, which is interesting.
god the scene with the kids asking for a selfie was so cringe are you telling me they could include this but steve couldn’t mourn for his friends
tony does dishes now. a true housedad.
that’s!!!! his first son!!!!!! :((((((
can you believe it was peter parker who pushed tony to invent time travel
“i’ve got something on my mind.” “is it juice pops?” i’m just thinking now about how howard most definitely would have sent tony straight to bed, but tony lets morgan stay up and eat juice pops with him. this is just. straight up great content.  
“I love you 3000″ can you just. his face when she says that. also i’m never getting over that phrase ever
“I can stop,” Tony says, on the brink of inventing time travel.
“But would you be able to rest?” says Pepper, who has been trying and failing to get him to stop for a good 15 years.
the parallels between this and her last words to tony. ouch.
this is such a good and steady relationship now :(.
sdfgfdfg why is steve dressing like he’s from the 40s again is this a visual sign of his regression
god they did thor so dirty in this film. not with his character- him falling into great depression and having ptsd is not a bad thing, but treating it like a joke is. the audience is invited to laugh at him. Bad.
thor threatening “noobmaster69″ over the headset for his rock friend is very funny though.
hey tokyo looks alright compared to a lot of america.
every single clintasha scene in this film kills the man.
also everyone knows thanos’s name. i assume that means the world knows why everyone disappeared.
“you’re only a genius on earth” yeah but who invented time travel, rocket
rhodey wanting to straight up murder baby thanos is hilarious
the explanations of time travel in this film give me a headache
bruce, nat and tony all laying around throwing ideas back and forth.... this movie is valid sometimes
“see you in a minute,” natasha says, and she’s smiling.
this is her family you guys :(((((
omg bruce making such a halfhearted attempt at smashing things please i love
okay cut to 2013 Asgard, and Thor sneaks right by his currently dead brother without even looking at him. this movie confuses me
fuck the scene where rocket slaps thor for having a panic attack. i’m glad thor ended up abandoning him.
okay so everything important happens between 2012-2014
cap/tony/scott, clintasha, nebula/rhodey.... these are such ideal teamups
“we’re a long way from budapest” give me my clintasha movie, marvel!!!
okay back in 2012, HOW did JARVIS not register the fact that there were two steves and two tonys in Stark Tower
god this entire scene is fucking hilarious the entire mcu was worth everything for the 2012 time travel scene
fuckign.... loki
as a cap 2 stan i feel so validated
sadfgfdfg are u really telling me that cap takes the peggy locket everywhere
2012 avengers best avengers
meanwhile the sorcerer lady is giving bruce a time travel lesson and i didn’t understand any of it but basically each reality requires six stones in order to not be torn apart by the forces of darkness? ??
I’m just glad thor got some kind of closure by talking to his mom
side note you can definitely tell that frigga raised loki
“i’m still worthy” asdfgfdf yeah but now this timeline thor has no hammer!!!
this movie is so entertaining
i live for nebula and rhodey just judging everyone
so do the guardians just.... not happen in the 2014 timeline?
gamora is ready to Fight thanos when the maw threatens nebula
was that young alexander pierce headed underground in 1970?
bone 2 pick with this whole time travel thing
thor got closure by talking to his mom
tony got closure by talking to his dad
steve saw peggy working, successful and thriving, through a window. closure where????
he should have gotten a chance to talk to her and received closure that way.
hank pym is an asshole but i guess we already knew that
“my wife is expecting” so tony was born 1970/1971 ig
howard’s dad beat him with a belt. i suppose every stark does a little better parenting-wise
Jarvis!!!!!!! agent carter is canon!!!!
vormir oh god here we go
“under different circumstances, this would be totally awesome” i’m inclined to agree with clint
this part goddamit
handholding :((((
my next note just says “aveng ers 1 paralels fu k”
the way this was filmed was beautiful. the colours, the lighting, the acting, the dialogue, the parallels to the first clintasha fight in avengers 1..... if natasha had to die, this was.... a good death, i think.
“damn you!”
“it’s okay.”
clint is begging her this hurts so much :(((
god. tears.
clint just sobbing in the water with the soul stone in his hand hits some kind of way
where is natasha’s funeral, huh??? why does steve shed like one (1) tear?
also why does the gauntlet need to physically be snapped like what does that dO
i just realized that thor’s fake eye is amber.
Infinity Stones:
almost killed thanos after 2 uses
destroyed bruce’s arm
killed tony
imagine an alternate scene where all six original avengers survived until this point and all of them held one stone as they snapped thanos’s army out of existence. that would have been the ultimate fanservice and i would have astral projected. anyway we’re getting off topic
“don’t change anything from the last five years.” what tony means is “please don’t erase my daughter”.
yay they did it except-
how did everyone survive thanos blowing up the avengers compound
2014 gamora sounds just- slightly different than 2018 gamora. a little harsher. the guardians haven’t yet softened her edges.
“we become sisters” and suddenly gamora has hope
i- did that lightning just braid thor’s hair sdfgdsdfgh
this is a harsher thanos. thanos who died in 2018 had been changed. weakened, maybe.
thor, cap and tony fought in avengers one. now, they’re fighting thanos together.
l just. love that clint has a sword now.
“he won’t let me” nebula.... :(((((( and she dies crying
i have a note here that says “thor’s lightning + tony = c o o l”
oooh it’s personal for thanos now
the portals scene fUCK
this is just. worth it. on every level.
“this is nice” please :((((((
poor peter quill gets snapped, gamora’s loss fresh in his mind, then he thinks he’s gotten her back and she’s not the gamora he knew. ouch.
tell me why everyone but steve gets a reunion scene lol
peter introducing himself to everyone!!!! he’s so sweet.
i’m gay. oh my god.
hhhhgn hair
this is fanservice!!! as in, i am a fan and i feel fuckign SERVICED
thor duel welding mjolnir and stormbreaker is AWESOME.
strange holds up one finger. tony gives a look of heartbreaking acceptance.
god. tony stark, you brave, brave man. he knew he wasn’t going to survive this one.
“I am inevitable.”
“I. am. Iron Man.”
SNAP (2)
you lose, thanos.
but also, i lose, because oh god tony.
peter :(((
“Mr Stark!”
oh. fuck.
“you can rest now” do you SEE the parallels to the earlier conversation between tony and pepper :(((
the arc reactor going out physically broke me
i didn’t take many notes after this because i was literally sobbing lol
“I love you 3000″ stabs me again
“proof that tony stark has a heart” yes well my heart is breaking
happy :((( is morgan’s jarvis :(((((
Queen!!!! Valkyrie!!!
this dick measuring contest between Quill and Thor got old five hours of content ago.
:))))) rage time :))))))
bruce tried to bring back nat with the snap :(((
oh god bucky.
his face!!!!! his voice!!!! he’s trying to be strong and find but he looks dead inside
i just- fuck. he knew and he let steve go.
why did he show up on that bench i don’t understand
“I’m happy for you” are you telling me sam wasn’t the least bit hurt or mad
the ONLY good thing about this is Captain Sam
fuck steve tho
what year is this dance in
i mean. it’s sweet. but this is not steve.
I think i’ve talked enough about my dislike of the direction steve’s character went in in this film. that was the major point of dislike for me, but given that the council has made a stupid ass decision i’ve elected to ignore it. i understand that both tony and steve had to make their exist from the franchise here, but.... there were better ways to go about that. 
i think a few different relationships slipped through the cracks here- characters suddenly grieving people they haven’t seen in /years/ and completely ignoring others who only recently died was a big one for me. but other characters saw a lot of development- nebula was a favourite of mine in this film, which i was not expecting! she and rhodey made a really good team- i feel like they understand one another. 
the Original Six all saw a decent amount of screen time, which i appreciated. nobody got left behind there. there were so many references to other films that i know i didn’t catch them all, but it really made this movie seem like a love letter to the fans. 
i want to make it clear that i actually loved most of this film. i think it was a good send off for the avengers and i love a good time travel plot (like, it’s one of my all-time favourite tropes. i was vibrating with excitement in the theater during the 2012 scenes.) i went in expecting a lot of the emotion to be sidelined in favor of plot and action, and while that happened a little bit, i was overall pleasantly surprised with the amount of emotion that they fit into this film. characterization and emotion is perhaps even more important to me than a good plot, and this film got the emotion down.
 it’s definitely not a perfect film but it could have been so much worse, so i’m grateful that we got a good sendoff for the avengers.
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paragonrobits · 6 years ago
since it’s halloween let me tell you a spooky gameplay experience i had played Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines!
For friends not in the know, here’s the deal with that game; it is set in the universe of the tabletop RPG Vampire: The Masquerade, which was the first game in the original World of Darkness from the 90s. I loved that universe, for all its problems; it was the first tabletop RPG i really got into. It’s a gothic horror, emphasis on the ‘goth’ and kind of dated in a weirdly charming way (at the best of times, anyway). You play as a new vampire, within a choice of clans (Brujah, who are smashy punks with philosophical leanings, the Gangrel who are pseudo-werewolves, the Nosferatu who are horrifyin to look at but very sneaky, the artsy and charming Toreador, the top vampires Venture with dominance powers, and the bizarre Malkavians who see prophecy and inherently suffer mental illness).
I chose to play as Brujah because while I would prefer to play as the Gangrel or Nosferatu, them being my favs, I figured that the Brujah would be a very uncomplciated character to play as. You punch, go fast, and impress people with vampire powers, so no need to worry about the complexities of the other clans. I’ll save ‘em for another playthrough.
In the current mission, i was doing a fetch quest for a vampire lady who currently comes off as having pretensions of grandeur. I don’t like either her or her sister much for different reasons, but being pretentious and in denial about what you are is kind of a vampire THING. Anyway! There was a ghost haunting a building and I was to retrieve an item of that ghost. And let me tell you: FUCK THAT GHOST
Shit got creepy.
I’ll preface it by saying this: I don’t like horror at all. I get scared to fuck of it, I get nervous and I can’t look directly at the screen and I just go NOPE NOPE NOPE.
The set up was a hotel. An old classy hotel, possibly in the style of old timey movie hotels... with a hint of the Overlook from the Shining. FOR GOOD REASON TOO. It’s dilapidated, run down, and soon as i get through the door and get the keys, a groundskeeper vehcile comes RIGHT AT ME AND ALMOST HITS ME. I didn’t even go inside yet.
Inside, the place is long abandoned, with broken stuff everywhere, lights flickering. The ambience is grim and dim, not spooky as such but just... oppressive. The music helps.
Almost at once, vases and other loose objects start flinging themselves at me, and it doesn’t hurt much but IT COMES OUT OF NOWHERE AND IT IS A JUMPSCARE.
Briefly. I see a ghostly woman, running. Not from me.
And there are voices:
“He’s here.”
“He doesn’t want you here.”
As you follow flickering lights on the ground floor, you see her briefly and she gives yo uanother message: “He wants to kill you.”
Trying to go upstairs, I fall through the floor and SHIT MY VAMPIRE PUNK LADY MIGHT BE TOO TOUGH BUT THAT STILL HAD TO HURT. I land in the basement laundry area, and all the doors are locked. Most of the lights are very dim, and many of them have emergency lighting. IT seems the power is off. I go to the laundry room and see, briefly, a ghostly woman fleeing someone, sobbing and yelling, and the whole I’m on edge looking for the guy - what am I gonna do, hit him, he’s a ghost but i still have a tire iron out - and eventually managed to find a wall I tear through.
In there, I find an newspaper clipping. It discusses how the severed head of a dead child was found in the laundry room.
The door back there is locked now. On it’s own. I have to take the long way around.
Once there, I find an open laundry machine and, convinced I was gonna find a head, instead I locate a key! (I think.) This allows me to go into the power room and turn it all back on. Reactivating the elevator and allowing me to go up.
At this point, my memory of things isn’t so clear since I was sort of rushing through it blindly. Forgive me if I mix some of these things up, dear reader.
Exploring the upper rooms, I find doors opening on their own, more things flying at me wherever I go, and in one room, I locate a diary, and the room goes black, the lights shake, and when they are on again, there are heavy scratches or slash marks in the wall that spell a message.
I move on, of course. The diary belonged to the dead woman, and she tells of how her husband and her, with their young children for the holidays, were staying at the hotel on it sgrand opening. The husband was jealous of her locket; thoguh her mother gave it to her, he was convinced she was having an affair and a boyfriend had given it to her. Over the coming weeks, he grew more and more paranoid, and thne, on the final day, her child disappeared into the basement, looking for the father.
And then he came, covered in blood, and declared they would be together forever. The diary ended.
It can be deduced, with the help of newspaper clippings and the nature of the setting, that he murdered his own child in his fit of rage, putting the head in the laundry machine. He then murdered his wife, and in the process, started a fire that destroyed the hotel. Further details strongly imply that he did this in a deliberate attempt to trap her soul with his, keeping her sealed with him in the hotel, playing out that tragedy... forever.
Going further in, the kitchen (where perhaps one of his other children died, I don’t remember properly), he goes full specter and unleashes the kitchen, blazing the fires and throwing everything at you, and to pass through, I had to be close to the door. He tore it open, and I was able to escape. There was a point where I used a dumbwaiter to get down further, to the generator, and I saw a male figure. Never clearly, always just ahead of me. But he was there. Always there.
I managed to find the elevator, and he dropped it on me by cutting the cable; only by sheer luck did I manage to move out of the way and near a ladder where I could climb up. But the dead woman was there, trying to help. She is the voice speakign to you the whole time, trying to help you and get herself free. The course was clear. Find her locket, and use it to pull her out. Though i didn’t see it at that point, there was also a fireman’s axe present. As it was on the elevator near the cut cable, it can be assumed that this was the murderer weapon the specter used in life.
Going up the ladder, I went to the creepiest floor of all, the top suites, where I located several more clippings that revealed more of the story, as I have relayed to you, dear reader. The rooms were worse off than those below, and often destroyed. Cleartly, the fire did the most damage here. I located what I believed to be the room the doomed family had stayed at, though i became stuck for a while and evenutally, though i wished to play blind through this game, i resorted to a walkthrough to give me guidance. By walking up several planks to the next floor, and being careful of the dead husband’s desperate attempts to kill me with strange ghostly air and gas through the walls, I made it into a strange room.
For a brief moment, I entered the past. And there, I found the woman’s locket and took it. Hopefully, I also freed her.
I left, with no further problems. No more attacks hit me.
And so I say that the entire level was excellently done. The atmosphere was terrifying, tense and filled with dread. Though I played as a vampire, i felt vulnerable and at constant risk. Additionally, as I am currently using the Clan Quest Mod, my character’s blood points were gradually draining, and the blood packs I had on hand were sucked dry in an attempt to keep my health up. Those vases didn’t hurt much, but they were everywhere. The threat of the husband specter was ominpresent, thoguh you never see a single enemy you can confront directly nor do you get a clear sight of the husband.
A friend of mine, whom i related the experience to, suggested that it was not unliek the situation of the Overlook in the Shining. And I must say; in the World of Darkness, it would not be unreasonable for something unspeakable to have happened there before, and evil sank into the building or even the very land, and the husband proved a suitable target for that evil to... fan his fears, his lusts, his need to control and all the envy he felt. Those feelings were already there, and perhaps the hotel simply amplified it.
It is also possible that he needed no catalyst to become a murderer of his own family.
Even in a world of vampires, werewolves and genuine demons from hell, the most terrible monsters can be entirely mundane at heart.
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katriddellwrites · 8 years ago
In the stories, I was kidnapped. My husband rose from under the ground and seized me while I was picking flowers, my friends helpless to save me, and he dragged me to the land of death. He tricked me into eating the fruit of the dead, so even when my loving, dutiful mother convinced my father to bring me back, I was bound to death and to the dead for half the year. That is the story.
As if anyone could have kidnapped me. As if anything in my life happened by chance-as if I could have become queen of the greatest realm, the most powerful woman in the world and under it, at the whims of a man.
My mother rules the harvest. In the tradition of each generation being greater than their parents, I was gifted with dominion over all growing things. I was very close to my mother growing up, but she feared losing me. How could one separate the harvest from the growth? It was right that we should be partners, together in all things. The cycle of growth and harvest, unbroken.
In my sixteenth year, men started pursuing me seriously. I had plenty of suitors-satyrs, dryads, nymphs, demigods. My mother hated them all. I had two especially persistent suitors-Staphylos, son of Dionysus, and Silas, a satyr. They were both entertaining, but by the time I might have begun seriously considering anyone, regardless of what my mother wanted, my heart had been won by another.
My Plouton, my Dark One. My father’s brother, and the only love in my life. I’d met him before, of course, but the first time he came to me as a man comes to a woman was in my eighteenth summer. By that point, my mother had discharged all suitors except for stubborn Silas and Staphylos. Plouton came to me one day in a field at the edge of a forest-he did not race up from under the ground, but instead walked toward me from the woods. He did not announce his intentions that day. Instead we talked about the flowers in the meadow and the trees in the forest. He was familiar with the roots of plants, and he cared for the flowers in the winter, when they curled below ground, but he rarely had occasion to come up and see them in the sunlight.
I remember asking him, that first day, if he thought that the flowers were more beautiful when they were growing above ground. “Not more beautiful, just different.” He said. “They need their time in the dark as well as their time in the light, and neither place is more right or wrong for them than the other.” He looked at me then. “I wonder, if perhaps everyone needs to walk into the darkness for a time.”
I did not see him again for several weeks. In that time, Staphylos gave me a fine wine and Silas had made for me a shawl of spider silk and flower petals. Staphylos had written me songs, and Silas had encouraged me to dance, but when Plouton came again his company and conversation were all I desired. The second visit was when he told me that he intended to encourage my affections for him. 
“I hardly need encouraging,” I told him.
“Be careful what you say to me, or I might be tempted to just take you now.”
“You couldn’t take me if you tried. I am strong, and the plants wouldn’t part their roots for you to retreat below ground unless I wanted them to.”
He laughed at that, and his laughter sounded like gold. “I would not want you so badly if you were unable to challenge me.” He kissed me then, and his kiss tasted like shallots and ginger.
After that, he came to me every few weeks or so. The months rolled on-Silas and Staphylos continued to pursue me until well into my twentieth year. Silas proposed in summer, and I turned him down. Staphylos was more persistent, until I let my mother threaten his future harvests should he continue to pursue me.
In my twentieth winter I told my mother, “I am afraid I may be a spinster forever. Most women are married by their twentieth year.”
“We are married to the land, my daughter, you have no need for another husband.”
“But mother, isn’t it right for me to want a lover? Even you were tempted away from the harvest for a time.”
“I was tempted away because I didn’t have you with me. All we need is ourselves and the land.”
“But what if I were to find a husband worthy of me?”
“My dear, you are life and growth. There is no one who could be worthy of you.”
It was a harsh winter. I did not see Plouton for many weeks, he was so busy with the new dead. He came to me again on my birthday, a month before the plants were due to return from their rest below the ground. He brought for me a heavy gold locket.
“I am grateful for your generosity, but you know I have no need for fine things.”
“I know. The locket itself is not meant to impress you, it is just a carrier for what is inside.” I opened the locket and found a pile of assorted seeds-seeds that I was unfamiliar with. I looked up at him. “I told you the flowers sleep below the ground, but they also leave behind seeds as well. These are from flowers that haven’t bloomed in a very long time. I was saving them. If anyone can make them bloom again, I know it would be you.”
I kissed him, careful to not spill the seeds. He pulled away and held me, looking into my eyes. “I love you, Persephone, and I would be yours, if you would have me.”
“I would.” He kissed me then.
“I would take you now, if not for your mother. I must speak with her.”
“No, she would never permit it. She is insistent that I do not marry. We must proceed carefully. Come to me tomorrow, in the field. I will come up with something.” He kissed me again and then departed. I closed the locket and put it on, tucking the charm into my dress.
I did not sleep that night. In the morning I went to my father-I had not seen him in many years. He was reclining in his library when I saw him, his cup boy at his feet.
“Hello, father.”
“Persephone! It’s been too long. Your mother is well?”
“As well as she can be, my lord.”
“That is good. I always was fond of your mother. But she is not here, and you are. What can I do for you, my child?”
“I have a question about the protocols of betrothals.”
“A bit young for that, aren’t you?”
“Twenty-one yesterday.”
“Really, twenty-one already? Don’t get old my dear, time just all melts together. But surely you must be betrothed by now?”
“It’s really more of a general question, father. If a man wishes to marry a woman, so long as he be a suitable husband and she voices no objection, he should be able to, should he not?”
“And the woman in question, if her mother had rejected every potential suitor prior, would a man be wrong in approaching the father to secure the betrothal?”
“Of course not.”
“So if a man were to come to you to ask permission to wed one of your daughters, and he were a good man, with lands and wealth and propriety, and he loved your daughter and would care for her, you would grant permission?”
“Yes, you give me no reason here why I should not.”
“Thank you, father. That was all.”
Then I went to the field. It was the same field where Plouton had come to me that first time. I opened the locket and walked the field, scattering seeds across the whole of it. Plouton arrived just as I finished.
“You look busy,” he said, smiling, before drawing me into an embrace.
“I wanted to be sure your gift would reach its fullest potential. This field is rich, and the seeds will root well here.”
“I hope you were able to come up with a way to convince your mother to permit our marriage.”
“No, but I do have a workaround.” And I told him my plan, that he should go to my father and request permission to take me to the underworld as his wife, that he should kidnap me from the surface.
“Surely your mother would object to that. She has her own power you know, and she could be quite the thorn in my brother’s shoe if you are taken from her.”
“Yes, but by then I would be your wife. And while she might convince my father to have you return me to her, if I have eaten of the food of the dead then I would be bound to your lands. On our wedding night, I will eat six pomegranate seeds, and for every one of those seeds, you may convince my father that I must stay with you for one month of the year.”
“That would only give us half the year together, my love.”
“And that’s all we really need. I will still have work above ground in the growing months, and you can come visit me. In the winters, when you have so many dead coming in, I will be with you, to rule alongside you and lighten your load.”
He picked me up at that, and spun me around and kissed me so hard I lost my breath. “You are incredible, my love. I never dreamed to find a wife so clever.”
“Wait a month, then go to my father. Then, watch this field. The day our flowers bloom, I will be waiting for you.”
The next month was one of the longest of my life. I spent every day in our field, singing to the seeds, willing them to take root and grow strong. My mother was away, watching over planting season, so I took along her handmaiden, Thalia, as a companion. I explained that it had been a long, difficult winter, and I thought it would be nice to have company as I coaxed plants back to the world above. For a moment, I was afraid that Thalia would decline my offer, but she said that it would be nice to see how working with wild plants differed from my mother’s crop work. I was grateful for her company-I needed a witness for my abduction.
“My lady, I have never seen such flowers!” Thalia rushed into the field ahead of me, running her fingers over those long-forgotten blossoms.
“I have been working here for a while. These flowers were trapped beneath the earth, they needed someone to coax them out to the sun.” I followed her into the field. “We should pick some, and bring them to decorate my mother’s house.”
Thalia immediately set to work, collecting bouquets and weaving garlands for my mother’s house. I wandered through the field, picking idly at the blooms until I had enough to braid a crown. Some ways away from Thalia, I leaned down as if to smell a particularly fragrant flower. I whispered into it, my message carried down through its stem and roots, down into my bridegroom’s hall.
“Come to me, my love. Your bride awaits.”
The ground shuddered, and roared open beneath me. I stumbled back as my husband emerged in his great chariot. I heard Thalia cry out from behind me, and Plouton pulled me toward him as the ground swallowed us back up.
There, in the great hall below the earth, I kissed my husband. I broke open our pomegranate and ate the seeds I’d promised. He kissed the juice from my lips and my fingers and laid a crown upon my head.
And so it came to pass that my mother went to Zeus, and that she threw the world into unrelenting winter until my return. And when my plants grow and bloom in the sun, I walk among them, and when they retreat to their winter slumber, I follow. My husband does his work below as I do mine above, meeting in the middle, where sun-warmed soil meets cool earth, and our kingdom welcomes me home after each harvest.
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