#also i should have just cloned it and formatted but i didnt thinknof it until after bajsjsjsjdj
meattruck ยท 11 months
Okay I'm this close ๐Ÿค to downgrading this pc I'm borrowing to windows 10(more like an upgrade cough cough (well i mean like i hear the new update is coming out looks good but who knows) also dw she doeant need a specific os) OOORRR use hiren to make a new ISO thats like actually done on my computer????(now that im saying that outloud that sounds stupid cuz the software isnt like my copy of windows i guess.... okay scrapping that idea) OOORR THE DUMBEST IDEA POSSIBLY BUT HEAR ME OUT i clone my HDD to the SDD yes the corrupted system cough AND YHEN i do a reset instead of an clean install and uuummmm hope that works cuz every1 is saying its my HDD thats the problem so what if the corruption was on a brand spanking new drive? ๐Ÿ˜€
Every1 keeps telling me to give up but my fighting spirit just can't do that... I learned tho! If I'm gonna fuck around I might aswell just do it on the new drive and not tamper anymore w my old one ToT like ik I'm wasting TBW but my meantroll ewllyness hehe also I am at my limit rn I just miss her my baby girl
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