#also i periodically *lose my soul* jfiridkd
blacknidstang · 11 months
What's the most Winchester-coded thing about your own life?
Don't know how much it counts but a very turbulent relationship with parents i'd say. I'm an only child but i was a bad child™️ (to them i mean). I think big chunk of my life i struggled with how badly i wanted them to be proud of me, to love me as a person and acknowledge & respect me as an individual but all of that would only happen if i let them decide my life for me.
Also i get both combination of idolizing my dad when i was young and then literally doing everything to distance myself because i had to define my boundaries of personhood in a way that wasnt fully shaped & controlled by my family. Anyways, lots of talk about struggle for independency in very contorlling environment bluh bluh
Anyway, also blood loving true crime freak i guess
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