#also i need to state that this puts the soft in soft vore
benjaminthewolf · 2 years
It’s Time To Have A Serious Conversation.
Two days ago I officially became an adult in the eyes of federal U.S. law. But the party is now over, and we need to have this conversation. Some of my longtime followers may have noticed that unlike many of the people I associate with in this community, I’ve never put an NSFW DNI rule upon this blog. I never had a problem with them interacting and I even wrote trade stories for an old client who I knew liked it as a kink before they were exposed on separate matters. There were two main reasons for this.
1 I simply never felt uncomfortable by people enjoying vore in an NSFW manner interacting with my content. I put out content for people to enjoy, why should I be trying to dictate how they should enjoy it? Shouldn’t they be able to enjoy my content how they want, weather I intended it to be SWF, NSFW or what have you? 
2 Over time as I became more comfortable on this blog I became accustomed to catering to both sides of the community in order to broaden my audience and this worked because as I stated above, I never felt uncomfortable by it. This was the same philosophy behind why I was okay writing trade stories for someone who enjoyed it as a kink. I’ve put myself out as s fulfiller of vore story related wishes, so as long as I’m not uncomfortable with it being for someone on the NSFW side of the community, what’s the issue? Well, everything has finally caught up to me mentally now, and its tearing me to shreds. 
In running a blog that caters to both the SFW and NSFW sides of the community, I have put the SFW community, which has a lot of minors in it, in prime position to be hurt, even if I’ve never intended for anything like that to happen. I’ve muddied the waters between the two instead of setting boundaries between the two for my own benefit, gaining a larger audience, and this fact is utterly destroying me right now. With both SFW and NSFW vore on this blog, with no clear delineation between the two, isn’t that just prime opportunity for a minor to read a SFW one, and then click on an NSFW one without knowing because I never told them? In what world is that not just wrong?
This is especially difficult to talk about considering the fact that this means that for the majority of my time in vore tumblr, I, a minor, was essentially within an NSFW space. Since I was indeed a minor, wouldn’t that make any interaction with the NSFW vore community just utterly gross and wrong for me to do? So what if I was okay with writing a vore story for someone who liked it as a kink? I was a minor who couldn’t consent in the eyes of the law, and wouldn’t that include something such as that? 
But it gets even worse. Because the fact of the matter is...I like vore both in a SFW way and an NFSW way. And the delineation between the two in my mind is also very muddy, to the point where sometimes I don’t exactly know where one ends and the other begins. It’s like they’re two ends of a spectrum, and its the middle area of this that gets very dangerous.
That being said, there is one egregious example I’d like to cover of me going too far in the NSFW direction that makes me very disgusted of my 16 year old self. Because despite the fact I was 16, I inserted myself into a self-indulgent vore fanfiction in order to become the prey of a pred I have a soft spot for. I know with one hundred percent certainty that I wrote that story with kinky intentions because I outrighgt used the word “vorniness” a lot in that story. Some of you may know which story I am talking about. So despite the fact that I was a minor legally incapable of consent, I still wrote a story about me in a sexual scenario, and posted it on the internet. I do not see any way one could possibly justify this. Any of this. Everything I’ve brought up was entirely my fault and just entirely wrong. Disgusting. Horrendous. And it is ripping be apart by my veins.
But...now that I’m basically legally allowed to admit to all of this...what do I do now? Now that I’ve admitted to all this retched shit I’ve done entirely on my own accord, what’s the next step? This is where I’m going to leave this post for right now. Thank you all for your love and support of me and my work over the years. I truly cannot express how much it means to me. Thank you.
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thegiantworld · 1 year
Kane's Element - Chapter 5
(WARNING for soft vore, vore mentions, rough handling, spitting up, etc)
Kane groaned, annoyed as sunlight crept into his den, waking the giant Naga up from deep sleep. The storm was visably over from his view. He yawned and sat up slowly, running a hand through his long black and dark grey hair. But he paused and perked up as he felt Aliyah shift and snuggle back into her surroundings. Smiling a little, he put a hand over where she was and sighed contently.
Even though his instincts were against it, he had to keep his promise. Kane forced himself to focus on her body, before he gently managed to spit her out into his hand. Surprisngly, Aliyah stayed asleep even during this action, her whining a little in her sleep as the morning air hit her soaked clothes.
Kane seemed to notice and gently put her down on the furs before shrunking himself back down to his true form. Yes, he was still almost 3 feet taller, but at least he didn't have to be as careful with her in this state. But he still was gentle in his actions, pulling a longer piece from the fur pile and put it over her to keep the teen warm.
Looking down at her, he couldn't help but think. It felt nice that she trusted him with her at the very end... It also was obvious that last night was the first time she's slept good in awhile. He could tell how exhausted she really was, even if she had so much energy projected earlier.
An hour later, Aliyah slowly opened her eyes, blinking a few times as the den surroundings focused into view. She was confused for a second at this but then remembered what Kane had promised last night. He must've let her out when he woke up. But sitting up and looking around, her giant acquaintance was no where to be found.
Aliyah yawned once again, stretching out her back as she stood up slowly. She felt refreshed surprisingly. Like she hadn't slept that good in years.
Looking around though, she was quickly snapped out of it by hearing shuffling coming towards her from the den enterance behind her, causing her to quickly turn around.
"Finally, you're awake." Kane smiled so slightly that it would have gone unnoticed if Aliyah had not been paying attention. She tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and looked up at the tall being.
"Y-Yeah.. Sorry for sleeping so long." She apologized as the teenager took the 2 oranges he handed her. He shook his head and started sorting the fruit that had gotten the other night with the fruit he just came back with.
"Don't apologize. You needed all the rest you could get." Kane told her, looking back down at her once he finished sorting. He saw her sitting on the other side of the den, carefully tearing the peel from one of her oranges. She seemed too lost in thought to even notice he had been looking at her.
"Something on your mind?" Kane asked, sounding slightly curious and on the other hand, slightly caring. While he spoke, Aliyah watched him lay down on his stomach, sighing in relief as his body made contact with the cold stone floor.
"I just wanted to say thank you for last night... For helping me, I mean. I honestly haven't slept that good in a long time.." She quietly admitted, taking a small bite of her now peeled orange. Kane heard and sat up, shifting to sit beside her before ruffling her hair a bit.
"Don't mention it, snack." He chuckled and smirked mostly to himself. Aliyah had gotten used to his little jokes and his nicknames. Now knowing he didn't truely have harmful intentions against her put her more at ease with these subjects.
Kane sighed and looked outside the den, thinking before standing up once again.
"I'm going to try to find something for me to eat, okay? Stay here." He told her, looking down at Aliyah who nodded.
"I will." She replied, watching as the Naga left once again, leaving her with herself in his cave.
Another hour passed before Aliyah awoke to Kane returning him now at his giant size from before. He seemed upset.
"What's wrong..?" She sat up and asked. He growled and angerly slammed a fist in the cave wall, causing the den to shake a little.
"Stupid hunters!" He snapped but Aliyah didn't take it personally. She was beginning to see the partner of his emotions affecting his size. But before she could say anything else, Kane scooped her up quickly, growling before dropping her in his mouth and in one quick motion, he tilted his head back and swallowed. She yelped in the quick process and tried to struggle but to no avail.
"K-Kane!" She whimpered, once again arriving at the small space she found herself last night. He sighed and sat against the den wall, crossing his arms and looking outside once again. He noticed the sun setting but quickly looked away, growling in annoyance of everything.
"I hate humans.." He mumbled but from her being tucked away, Aliyah heard every word. She paused at this and looked down. Whatever happened must've really sat him off... Frowning, she put a hand on the wall in front of her, looking up.
"But I'm a human.. And I don't think you hate me?" She questioned quietly, feeling him tense a little before relaxing again. Kane froze before groaning at what he said, face palming a little while putting a hand on where he felt her.
"Oh.. No, Aliyah, you're an exception. I just... Frustrating to say the least." He admitted, running a hand through his long hair.
"I'm sorry you're in there.. I guess I just needed comfort food." He rolled his eyes in a slightly joking tone, smiling slightly as he heard her giggle a bit. Suddenly, he felt her rub where her hand was and this caused him to purr rather loudly, relaxing his muscles even more than before.
"It's okay, Kane. I honestly don't mind. Can.. I ask what happened..?" Aliyah hesitantly spoke up, not sure if this would make him upset or not. He thought before sighing, looking back outside the cave.
"People from your little village.. They're looking for you apparently. Which I probably should've seen coming sooner or later. But they assume I killed you... So they're really just after me right now." He explained, rubbing the back of his neck out of the stress of this situation. She paused and thought to herself. They were looking for her? She honestly didn't know whether to be glad or upset.
She was clearly upset because they still only saw her friend as a monster from the stories... But it was nice to hear that they cared about her enough to come searching. Not like she wanted to go back and leave Kane behind though.
"Do.. You want to go back?" Kane asked a bit quietly, just a bit scared of what her answer would be. But very quickly, Aliyah answered, already knowing her answer.
"No! I-I want to stay here! I mean.. I can still visit but if they don't understand you, then they don't understand me." She stood her ground, which caused Kane to smile more, but then he focused and gently spat her up into his hand.
She looked confused for a second but didn't mind as soon as Aliyah saw him curling up around himself on his usual pile of furs, her being held close to his chest in the very middle.
"You still confuse me, little girl." He chuckled before yawning, nuzzling into her slightly, closing his eyes. Aliyah giggled at this but tiredness washed over her as well, closing her eyes too. She could tell he just wanted comfort over anything else. She knew he had a soft side even if he didn't show it very often...
Chapter 1:
Previous Chapter:
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vore-rambles · 4 years
I don’t really like it in vore stories when the pred treats the prey like food - so I wrote a ficlet with a situation where I would like.
This contains soft/safe/clean vore. Don’t like don’t read. Written with Benrey and Gordon from hl//vr/ai. 
It'd be something he'd ask for. They wouldn't do foodplay very often, but this feels different somehow, even then.
Benrey would lift him to his face, remarking "oh sweet, a snacc." with a horrible wink that would nearly have Gordon laughing. Benrey would lick him, saying how tasty this particular treat is, then lick him again, pulling him into his mouth. He'd roll Gordon around, and Gordon would just melt under it, wiggling and playing and being completely lavished by his tongue, giving Gordon the complete focus of his attention. He'd hum apreciativly from time to time, wordlessly remarking on how wonderful this particular treat tastes.
Eventually, Gordon would just go limp, relaxed and tired out, anticipating the swallow, and Benrey would do so without warning, aware that Gordon was ready and swallowing because of it. Gordon really does melt at that, this moment where the choice is out of his grip, as he moves down the throat, completely surounded by Benrey and feeling like one more part of him. He's completely limp at this, this moment where he surrenders and does so willingly, this moment that he would have needed so badly.
Benrey would check gently on him, once he reaches his destination, like he always does, but beyond that there wouldn't be much interaction between the two throughout the day. Ocasianally he'd put a hand to his stomach, feeling Gordon slide around some, but mostly, Benrey would simply continue on with his day, feeling a constent sense of fullness but not nessesarily thinking about him every moment, just doing his own thing while enjoying Gordon's precense.
Gordon would end up catching up on sleep he'd dearly been missing out on, safe in the knowledge that there is nothing he needs to do, nowhere he needs to go, and feeling Benrey above and below and around him with every moment. simply enjoying that Benrey is there and relaxing at how it's like he's a part of Benrey, how he doesn't have to do anything and can simply relax and rest, how he can enjoy knowing that he is a small part of a large universe and that his World is kind.
Commentary about this trope below the cut. It’s longer than the fic itself o.O
There are many different tropes in vore that I do or don’t like - many themes that can make or break a story for me.
One particular trope that I don’t like is when a pred treats the prey like food - it’s often used by malicious preds to dehumanize the prey, and doesn’t sit right with me.
Of course, as is my nature, whenever I see something I don’t like, I eventually try to pick it apart, to understand why I feel that way, and how it would have to be portrayed for me to like it.
That was why I wrote this bit. It’s not everything - this is still something I’m not used to writing, and I could certainly push the theme of the prey being food farther - but it is the context that I would want most of the time, the general themes that could make or break the story. Otherwise, even just an off-hand comment, without some preexisting agreement between these characters, can completely change my feelings on the fic.
This isn’t, of course, a problem with fics that do contain those themes - everyone likes or doesn’t like different things, in different places. 
I myself do read fics with themes of dehumanization - and like them - but it’s not something I would like in vore. 
It’s not what I want out of vore. Iit is harsh and grisly. Sometimes I want harsh and grisly - but not from this. This is what I use for comfort, for relaxation and calming down, just as much as another person might read vore because they want horror, or fear, or tension. Those are all good themes, all themes that work with vore, but - even though I have written a little vore fic over on AO3 with some pretty strong themes of psychological horror - they are not themes that I go to vore to find.
And I have read vore stories with great tension! Sometimes I do want that, sometimes I do want to sit on the edge of my seat, full of these character’s fear - but some things will always make me uncomfortable instead of making me scared, will make me close the fic for my own comfort, instead of continuing on to the end. That doesn’t mean they are bad. It just means that, much like a meal that might otherwise be good, but has an ingredient I personally don’t like - it’s not to my taste.
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jkknight98 · 3 years
My Coven🧙‍♀️✨
Welcome to my cozy cottage, are you tired? Would you like to rest, drink some tea and read a story perhaps, for I have plenty to offer for your interest. I could also whip up a new story for those with curious ideas in their minds, twist the fates for new situations to occur, or whisper the words to transport yourself into the story. I am but a humble witch ready to assist though who come my way.
Now my friends, what can I do for you?
Remember to drink water and eat something before you leave. Oh but be aware of which bottle you drink from, not everyone wants to see things on the small side.
Owner of The Dastardly Potion *TM*
Tumblr media
What I will write for:
-DSMP Characters (pure fictionalized versions with no relation to their irl selves)
Soft vore themes/ implications
Angst/ fearplay/ trauma
Other Characters should I know them, but this is unlikely (dig back enough and you might find old ego stories)
What I will not write for:
Nsfw related asks : although I am an adult, this blog is purely for SFW subjects. The furthest I will go is hinting at the potential, but nothing more. 
Animal related asks (I.e random animal eating tiny character *insert*) it’s just something I’m not comfortable doing.
Due to a potentially dangerous situation I must make it clear that while I am ok with minors viewing my stories on this blog, I need to state some boundaries for my personal safety.
Do not ask to Rp with me, while I did in the past I will no longer even if the subject is safe for work.
Do not follow me on my after hours blog, l know that some people view hard vore as nsfw so I’m going ahead and asking now to not follow unless you are of age.
Keep interactions appropriate, I am happy to talk about my au’s and having requests sent in, I will not respond to any subject that shouldn’t be discussed.
I grew up when the internet was still shiny & new and was once a minor in places I shouldn’t …I really need any minor to understand that it can be a scary place. You need to protect yourselves and understand that some places are just not for you and there won’t be adult to keep the place safe, and others will try to take advantage of you. Please stay safe out there.
Due to some of the issues with Dream at the current moment, I will be marking any stories of mine that have him in them with a *. I do not agree with any of the choices that he is making plus the risk of the allegations being true, I will no longer be writing stories with him in it. I will not delete my stories as I worked hard on them, but do not assume I am defending anything by them still being visible.
I will also be putting a % on stories with Wilbur, I do not support or agree with his actions but my stories are fruits of my effort and I will not be removing them due to the disgusting behavior he has displayed
*I am no longer taking requests at this time and will probably move away from the DSMP/ MC community. I am going to move on to different fandoms/my own stories*
Dark content section
Jkknight After hours: stories for more of a darker taste.
My Stories
DC Universe
Bite-sized Bats 1
The opening to my newest universe
Dsmp Stories
Friends in the Walls
Pt 1, Pt 2, Pt 3, Pt 4, Meeting the Neighbors, A good day
Time Out
Tommy learns his lesson (not really)
Favor Cashed
Technoblade to the rescue 
Cocktail Garnish
A nice Rum & Reader
Protector or Owner?
Prison within the Vault*
Prison visits never go well
G/T Prompt challenge%
This is why we don’t eat sand
Headcannon for Dsmp*
Is what it is
Red Consolation
First time writing for Eret, feeling stressed.
Gift for Altobug83 in MCYT GT Exchange
Beware, for there be unaliving here
The house always wins*%
Card game ends in loss
Fear less, Forget, and Forgive
Will this ease the angst I caused (for now)
Never Leave Me*
XD stealing a George (and Minty I blame you for the rick roll reference) 
3rd times not the charm, neither is the 5th*%
Tommy should have been true to his scaley self, would have eased some heartache 
Block out the sound
Tommy and Tubbo need to block out the alarms, Ranboo is happy to provide
Glattly Apparitions
Who would want to see their nightmare after waking up, why you of course
Cell upgrade*
Dream really should have been specific on what he wanted, but Sam was happy to comply in his own way.
Friendly bet
T-reader just wanted to cheer up their friend, and they do..just not how they expected
Thawing Icy Wounds
First step towards reconciliation maybe? Its up to a old piglin and a damaged boy
Unintended Deal%
Wilbur is not having a fun for once, but Slime is enjoying themselves
Is this really a Upgrade?*
Dream is getting a little too comfortable being eaten by Sam, so the warden decides to fix that.
Feast at MCC
Cyan coyote and Red Rabbit Reader, can’t make a better predator & prey matchup
My Awesomdude Headcannons
Sam is more monster (mob) in this, beware those who prefer softness, you won’t find it here 
Rain Fall
You can’t leave Ranboo out in the rain, can you?? Time for a potion friends.
Beating the house pt 1*%
Dream, Tommy, Wilbur, & Quackity... Oh my
How a knight writes
Pretty much how I put my weird ideas to a screen
Didn’t you know the cake was a Lie
Readers should’t steal sweets, or else Niki could make you into one
MCYT G/T Summer Gift Exchange “Vacation” for Aperson03 %
Museums aren’t that boring now, are they?
Exile in flesh*
A small gift for a talented artist, at poor Tommy's expense
Tidal waves* %
Mer Tommy gets a better family than human Dream
Wilbur’s Pov*%
How Wilbur feels when his brother turns out to be a Naga
Scaled Sanctuary*
Naga Dadnoblade adopts a wild Tommy
Coastal Waves*%
Found family? nah it's found pod here!
Shared Au with Plant: Familial Forest %
He always wanted a big brother and got a big family instead.
Chapter 1 ,  Chapter 2 (made by Plant), Chapter 3
History made (FF au side story)*
Dream steals a witch instead of a princess
Submitted stories (written by lovely other people)
Tommy’s sweet tooth by Potion Anon
Anon list
-Potion Anon
-Sock Anon
- :) Anon
The self proclaimed *Children:
Thatoneteadrinker666 (Minty Marshmellow)
Justaweirdogremlin (Duckling)
The self proclaimed *Sibling:
*edited to prevent future misconceptions
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Can you write a story of Leona Kingscholar x Ruggie Bucchi safe vore/ Same size vore? Plus can you have it where getting swallowed is Ruggie's kink?
Ngl this one was really short but that’s because I got side tracked with another story but also felt like I should post this one. I’m tired and pulled into mild fluff area at the end of the story but I think I managed to leave it in a space that’s pretty satisfying and open for the readers imagination. And who knows maybe someday I’ll write another story based around this one (like a sequel type thing) But right now I’m exhausted and need to finish stuff up for my other blog too so I hope ya’ll enjoy despite the lack of actual voring in there. (I’m so sorry my brain just feels tired)
   The day that Ruggie met Leona Kingscholar he had a feeling the rude royal would have a significant impact on his immediate future. All it took was for the hyena to ‘bump’ into the lion and get caught attempting to snatch his wallet. He was a simple first year who was raised in the slums and had no interest or experience with royalty. The bump and grab worked almost any time on anyone since most people worth pickpocketing were snotty riches that didn’t have the time or need to care about a few extra dollars gone missing. Apparently however the second prince of Afterglow Savannah was smarter than the average victims of Ruggies sticky fingers.
   When the hyena turned to slip the wallet into his own pocket a hand grabbed his wrist. He found himself face to face with a very pissed off lion who bared his fangs and growled loudly in the thief's face. Ruggie who was well trained for these types of situations kept the mischievous smile on his face and snickered as a way to keep up the act. Leona however saw right through it and held up his almost stolen wallet. Ruggie’s expression faltered. 
   “Thought you could get away with snatching some rando’s wallet huh? Never thought that you’d be pickpocketing from the prince of the savannah and dorm leader of your new home did ya?” The hyena’s eyes widened. He really hadn’t expected that, it caught him off guard and he attempted to take a step back, but the lion held tight on his wrist. “You know what? As an apology for trying to steal from me you’re required to be my servant for the first term of school. I needed a new one this year anyway so you’ll do nicely.” Ruggie’s jaw dropped. Servant! He wasn’t gonna be anyone’s servant. And he said so too. The prince only chuckled though, “you’ll do it or I’ll eat you!” he growled lowly, his piercing green gaze never leaving the hyena’s face. 
   Ruggie sucked in a breath and willed a blush off his face as his eyes zeroed in on the sharp fangs on display that no doubt were the gates to a slimy cavern beyond filled with soft pink flesh and a tongue ready to slaver over whatever its owner puts in his mouth. The thief was caught in his own thoughts and despite being able to push his blush back his eyes lingered for far too long on Leona’s mouth. The lion raised an eyebrow before darting his tongue out to lick his bottom lip. He watched the hyena man shiver and decided to try one more thing. 
   Being lazy and tired nearly all the time came with it’s perks, the ability to yawn on command was one of them. He stretched his jaws wide and kept careful watch on how the lower year would react. Ruggie was tempted to get closer for a better view when the lion man’s fang filled maw opened and gave a clear view of the image he had been trying to kick from his mind a moment ago. The longish tongue pushed forward in a very cat like manner and strands of saliva snapped when they got too thin. He suddenly had a very clear image of himself sliding to the back of that throat and pushed into the dark beyond. 
   The hyena’s pupils dilated with excitement and he looked at the ground for a few seconds before retreating back to the freshman section of savanaclaw members to try and get a hold of himself. A hum vibrated through Leona as he registered what had just happened. He decided to store that information for later when he was bored. After all, every cat needs its toy.
   This information proved to be useful after all since Leona and his Hyena boyfriend were now in their current relationship and in an understanding of each other's kinks. Leona took pleasure in being especially dominant and predator-like towards his sub. Ruggie has a vore kink where all he wishes is to be swallowed whole and alive. When discussing their kinks the hyena had blushed the whole time and stammered through each sentence. It was unusual for the normally mischievous 2nd year and Leona had to admit it wasn’t a bad look for him. 
   They took that particular kink slow at first and simply tested the waters, but eventually the time to actually act on it came. Which is how Ruggie ended up sitting inside his boyfriend's stomach, petting the walls with deep content. The lion prince purred deeply at the treatment he was getting and hugged his swollen belly possessively as he was lulled into a tired state. Hic-uuuarrp. “Ugh…” He looked down and smiled knowing that his ‘snack’ couldn’t see him. They were definitely a good match for each other. Leona gets to act all like a king and receives a good inner bully massage and Ruggie gets to enjoy himself in a way he never thought possible. The lion chuckled. Oh how many fun adventures they could have with this. He couldn’t wait.
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secret-vore-lair · 4 years
Fervent provides his unique assistance to Mina. Features fighting, fearplay, and soft vore.
Mina rolled out of the way, narrowly avoiding a line of shadowy spears that sank into the earth around her, one after another, forming a forest of narrow, obsidian spires. Dashing between them, Mina nocked two arrows from the quiver on her hip and drew a bead on the umbral being who attacked her. She stilled her breath and let them fly, both striking the hulking shadow true. There was a roar that shook her to the bone, and her assailant . . . dissipated. He seemed to split down the middle, his already uncertain form dissolving in halves like two great buckets of dark water poured out from on high to spread along the forest floor.
She knew it wasn’t over. She tried to take her focus off her pounding heart. Her wary eyes darted quickly from tree to tree as she did the same under the light of the full moon. Her opponent was silent, and he was canny. She would need to stay on alert, dodge his strikes, and wait for the perfect moment to strike, if it ever came.
She got the sense he was toying with her.
Putting her back to bark, Mina lay another arrow over her bow. The forest was not quiet. At least, not any more than it was on an average night. The world had not stilled in the way it does when there is something mighty hunting nearby. That was even scarier. It drove home the truth, that she alone was the one being hunted, and the natural world around her simply did not care.
She almost wasn’t fast enough to get out of the way as the ivory talons slashed down, threatening to snatch her up. She tucked and rolled as they came at her, cursing herself for becoming distracted. She pulled the bowstring to her cheek and loosed the arrow. It lodged in the overlapping scales of the hand, though not deeply, and gave the limb pause as she got her feet under her again and took off at a sprint—
“Hunf!” She gasped, colliding with something solid. Fervent’s flesh, if you could call it that, had a varying level of firmness. Even at its most condensed, it still had a fair bit of give to it, so Mina running into his tail at speed wasn’t likely to leave her with any lasting bruises. Still, it was enough to lay her out. While Fervent waited for the hand he’d used to chase her toward him to finish making its way back to his wrist, he used his remaining claw to flick the human’s bow away from her reaching fingers dismissively. With a mocking laugh, he scooped up her body, closing his talons around her struggling form.
Mina watched him, his luminous, vacant green eyes absorbing the details of her face as she grit her teeth and tried to kick out at him, reach for her knife, do anything. But he had her far too restrained to manage any of that now. “We’ve certainly had our fun now, haven’t we?” He crooned, drawing his forked tongue over the uneven sharp edges of his beak. “I’d ask if you’ve gotten it all out of your system, but I sincerely hope you haven’t.”
“Let. me. GO.” Mina seethed. She fought to master her defiance, to keep it coming from a place of fear. To ignore her training and prevent discipline from defeating the terror that wanted to flow, icy and pure and raw, through her veins. It wasn’t easy, but it was necessary.
“There is only one way to go, now. I am as certain as time, little hunter. Sure as the sun will set and the night will fall, you will succumb.” He opened his jaws, and within them Mina saw a shimmering black tunnel with deeper darkness pooling in its recesses, the shadowy drool filled with swirling points of silver light like stars. He released his grip on her, and into the hungering cosmic abyss she fell.
She screamed then, as his beak closed above her, sealing her in that disorienting swirl of stars and emptiness and tight, pressing flesh. And then another light joined the sparse silver. It was crimson, pulsing and strong like a frenzied heartbeat, a vapor trail of wispy radiance that looked like blood in the water as Mina fell, as Mina was swallowed, alive and whole and with the great beast’s gullet squeezing tight around the shape of her body, and that scream of hers was fading as soon as it began, fading as the strength and will behind it left her along with that bright streamer of light, replaced with a kind of . . . numbness. A void left by the fear as it was pulled from her.
The glow was much fainter as she splashed into Fervent’s belly, and Mina had stopped struggling. The crimson wisp flickered and pulsed like a candle flame, her body the wick at its center. Fervent sighed and relaxed, his voice echoing softly all around her in the soft chamber, the pool of starry sky that came up to her elbows and to her hips as she sat hunched forward, exhausted and propping herself up on her hands.
“Are you alright, Mina? I do hope I didn’t overdue it. You provided me with . . . quite a feast, just now.” The nightmare spirit lay a claw upon his belly, softening as he released a small puff of red light from his beak in a satiated exhalation.
“No, no, you’re good,” the archer breathed. “I was trying to give you as much as possible. I guess it must have been a lot. I can hardly move. Oh, my arrows, they didn’t . . . hurt you, did they? I know you said not to hold back, but. . .” She trailed off, remembering sinking the point of an arrow into his palm.
“I don’t possess the anatomy that you do, Mina. Worry not, cutting into my substance can’t cause me any harm.” Fervent rubbed at his stomach sympathetically. “I really do appreciate this, and I am sorry I did not warn you. You only have so much energy within you, though it can take on different forms. Therefore, I cannot truly create fear in you, merely shift the balance.”
“Right, right, I’ve heard of spirits that feed on rage and sorrow as well. You just make me feel more of one thing, then you eat that. Since I was feeling mostly fear, there isn’t much energy left in me anymore. That’s why I feel so . . . sleepy.” She leaned to the side, sliding down against one wall, eyes struggling to stay open, to follow the mesmerizing pattern of spinning stars as the last of the red light of fear faded away.
“Indeed. There are also those who feed on joy and hope, though they are hardly more kind.” He curled his great body up on the forest floor, looping his long, feathered tail around the base of a nearby tree. “You should rest, Mina. Regain some of your strength. I will keep you safe. And next time we train, perhaps you don’t have to lean into your fear so much. I . . . feel bad, leaving you in such a state.”
Mina shook her head, even though that visual was lost on the one who had eaten her. “No, I’m always going to give it my all. That’s just who I am. Besides, you deserve a big meal every now and again. I have to keep you in top fighting form so it’ll actually mean something when I take you down.” She playfully nudged him with her elbow. His stomach groaned faintly in reply.
He chuckled. It was an amusing idea. What a determined little human she was, choosing someone with every advantage over her to be her sparring partner. It was inspiring. Further, it had proven an effective strategy. She really had been getting better. He was more than happy to continue fighting her, too, especially now that she was letting him feed on her afterward. He opened his beak to tell her that he’d seen some improvement between this time and the last, but stopped himself when he detected the sound of muffled snoring from within his midsection. He smiled. It could wait until morning.
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zipegs · 5 years
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i’ve been toying around with the idea of posting a fic rec list for a while, and finally decided that if i do, it might be nice to focus on newer and/or underrated fics in the fandom! some of my absolute favorites are on this list, and i highly suggest checking them out (and leaving the lovely authors some comments and kudos!)
this got pretty long, but it’s organized alphabetically by ship name (including gen) and then by length inside each ship!
Trysails by saltstreets  /  2k, t
“I know I can’t do much,” Blanky said, “but you can always talk to me. If you’re so inclined.”
A (very late!) offering for Tender Tuesday, "a friend in need".
okay!!!!!! okay!!!!! hear me out on this one!! this fic is wonderful. i’m a sucker for fics dealing with edward’s suffering during the worst of crozier’s captaincy, and this one is so good. blanky is so wonderful in this; i feel like his tender, kind side frequently gets overlooked in favor of his bigger, bolder attributes, and this fic truly delivers on everything i’ve been missing! it’s really gentle and sweet and i urge you to give it a read!!!!
in the low lamplight by stelleri  /  338, g
It’s endless freezing rain outside, but the house is comfortably warm.
short and sweet! a really lovely little slice-of-life modern au
state of grace by aes3plex  /  860, m
He doesn’t mean to see it. He never does.
bridglar may be the most featured pairing, but this is told from irving’s pov and also contains irving/little and references to hickey/gibson. really sad, conflicted little peek into irving’s mind (and some nice, soft bridglar as well!)
passer iagoensis by greenery  /  3k, g
Night falls on the Beagle and Henry Peglar has just finished reading his very first novel.
Set in 1832.
this piece is so good!! it has some really beautiful (sad) foreshadowing of the franklin expedition, and is just... so soft, with some wonderful romantic tension!! and it’s funny! darwin and fitzroy are wonderful in this, and i’m always here for fic that deals with peglar learning to read (which this does!!!).
the beggar’s opera by pyotr  /  990, e
for all of his usual anger and surliness it was almost fun to fluster francis, to rile him where he could not retaliate. sophia had spent all her life under the thumb of some man or another; she loved francis in part because she always had the upper hand.
sophia is my queen and that’s all i’ll say about that. seriously though, this piece is just... *chef’s kiss*
A Cheetah Never Changes His Spots by onstraysod  /  1.2k, m
Being the particular friend of James Fitzjames has its drawbacks, as Henry Le Vesconte learns during the expedition's first carnivale. But it also has its advantages, as Henry learns once the carnivale is over.
Written for Day 1 (A Special Disguise) of the 12 Days of Carnivale.
on beechey island, fitzjames reveals clio’s cheetah to the men. or... something like it! this piece is really a blast; fitzjames is in rare form, francis is glaring form the sidelines, and le vesconte is an absolute champ. and the ending is wonderfully witty and racy!
wake me up, wake me up my darling by norvegiae  /  1.4k, g  /  mcd
James Fitzjames feels like a new man.
The old James Fitzjames lies on the cot in front of him, cradled by the man he wishes he could have had more time with.
set during 1.09, this fic is a really poignant, heartwrenching piece in which james comes to terms with the reality of his death, and of his life, as he watches francis grieve. very sad, and wonderfully written!
what the stars give us by WetSammyWinchester  /  1.7k, t  /  implied death
"They may know space, James, but you know what it means to truly fly."
70s scifi (space program!!!) au. really great translation of the terror; the mood in this is so good!!! and the little flashbacks are fantastic. it’s pretty sad, but it hurts in a good way.
Take Your Turn, Take A Ride by courfairyac  /  7.5k, e
Francis agrees to accompany his friend to a masquerade, and stumbles onto something quite unexpected.
In short: Festivities! Voyeurism! James in a dress!
listen... fitzrossier is my new weakness, and this is a really fun, hot, canon-universe (pre-expedition) au.
salvation by scribomania  /  250, t
The Concordia brings them survival, but not salvation.
featuring hodgson and little, and jopson. for a survival au, this little piece hurts!!! it’s so short, but it packs a punch. really, really good.
but no one remembers yet by disastermovie  / 885, t
“From the mutilated state of many of the corpses and the contents of the kettles, it is evident that our wretched countrymen had been driven to the last resource—cannibalism—as a means of prolonging existence.”
—excerpt from Dr. John Rae’s report on the fate of the Franklin Expedition to the Secretary of the Admiralty (written from Repulse Bay on July 29, 1854)
sad little epilogue concerning sophia and lady jane dealing with their grief
the weary world rejoices by disastermovie  /  1.3k, t
Fitzjames goes to his first Christmas party after the survivors are rescued. It doesn't go well.
this!!!! fic!!! i can’t even do it justice, it’s just so good. the slow build of james’s panic, the caroling and gaiety as a backdrop... it’s just so painful in the best way. i’m incoherent; pls just read it,
la belle dame sans merci by drowninglovers  /  1.7k, g
Nobody is quite sure who the first one to start making her clothing is, but one day she scampers over the shoulders of the ABs as they line up for lunch wearing a tiny shirt to match her pants. It’s nothing special, no fancy detail, navy blue like most everything else they wear. Whoever made it must have cared a great deal, to make sure it fit her perfectly.
this is incredibly fun!!! just some good, wholesome fic about boys dressing up their favorite lady. 10000/10 would recommend.
Come Here, Fellow Servant by whipstitch  /  1.9k, t
The sea is dangerous, but so too is the open sky. And in that case, Cornelius determines, a friend is an unexpected boon.
okay, i made a rule that i wasn’t going to include wips on this rec list,  but i had to put this guy on here. it could be read as a stand-alone, actually, which is what i used to convince myself to include it. peglar realizes that hickey has no fucking idea what he’s doing, and tries to help him, kind, caring sweetheart that he is. this is a really, really nice little piece—i love everything about it.
lie alone by greenery  /  2k, g
He turns the page. And maybe this is it. Maybe writing a letter to young Tom Hartnell is reason enough to leave the berth.
really nice oneshot featuring two good boys (hodgson & hartnell) and their wholesome status as pen pals
the crooked kind by darrenjolras  /  2.3k, m  /  non-consensual voyeurism
“You and I, Jopson,” Hickey says, and Jopson startles at those words alone, turns an affronted gaze his way. Hickey bathes in the glacial blue of it. Like being thrown overboard. “You and I aren’t so different, you know.”
Based on that Hickey/Jopson scene. You know the one.
the terror bingo fill: court martial
not totally gen, but also not really hickey/jopson? twisted, but very much in character; hickey is his delightful self in this, and his verbal sparring with jopson is very well done and quite fun to read!
Touch Her Not Scornfully by skazka  /  2k, e
Stolen moments down below.
this fic is just... really fucking good!!! it’s a fantastic look at the very early days of gibson & hickey’s relationship, and an intriguing little venture into billy’s head.
And That is How it Starts by Intrepid_Inkweaver  /  1.2k, g
It starts with a handshake and a warm smile at their introduction at Greenhithe.
a really sweet, lovely canon-divergent piece. written in 2nd person pov. these two are just such a good, wholesome pairing and this fic really does them justice!!
let loss reveal it by disastermovie  /  1.6k, t  /  mcd
Tom could never quite see himself taking a wife.
this shit fucking hurts!!!!!!! it’s a beautiful glimpse at irving & hartnell’s relationship, told through hartnell’s introspection, and is written really, really well. also did i mention that it fucking hurts???
Lookout Blues by ClockworkCourier  /  2.1k, g
John and Tom Hartnell talk about the future while they wait on a new shipment.
hello??? 1920s au??????? the world-building is so tangible in this, even in such a relatively short piece. it’s a really lovely little conversation between the brothers, and i absolutely loved their little discussion of irving.
we’ll tak’ a cup o’ kindness yet by drowninglovers  /  6.3k, g
If this is to be the last time they interact (and it likely will), Tom wants it to be memorable.
survival au survival au!! tartnell runs into irving at john’s grave, and convinces him to stay with his family until new year’s. it’s kind of bittersweet, with some really great flashbacks (and discussions of said scenes!), and oh man is it soft!! just! really beautiful and tender, and the ending is just so cute!!!!!
the chaos moves by itself by bluebacchus  /  1.3k, e  /  violence, mcd
Hodgson's mind cracks and the heavens flow in.
(Written for Day 7 of Halloween TerrorFest: A disquieting metamorphosis and posted separately because I don't want to taint my main post with borderline vore)
fair warning... this fic is fucked up, but in the best possible way! the religious imagery!!!! the philosophy!!!! just!! god.
Allegro, B Flat Major by whalersandsailors  /  5.3k, g
George is freshly moved from his childhood home, ready to tackle the school year and his newfound independence all at once.
Too bad he's lonely, miserable, and homesick.
He turns to music when adulthood becomes unbearable, and when someone knocks at his door and leaves an anonymous note, George discovers another music lover not too far away.
have i mentioned i love george hodgson? because i love george hodgson. this fic is a beautiful modern au featuring our own georgie playing his way through his feelings (literally). the buildup to the reveal of george’s secret admirer is wonderful, and had me rooting for them from the start! really sweet, stunning fic for a pairing i’d never considered before!
get out of the wind by Cicadaemon  /  1.6k, e
Edward Little is smitten with a certain bartender.
modern au. really lovely, wholesome, and happy; just what these boys deserve!
The Thylacine by Gigi_Sinclair  / 1.7k, t 
"Thylacines. That's what Sophia called them, all those years ago in Van Diemen's Land. Dogs with tiger stripes, cats with pouches. They stretch their jaws at him, as Francis struggles to sit. The movement makes his head spin. He pushes the discomfort aside. He has no time to entertain it; he must escape."
also features cracroft/crozier. this is a really clever, funny piece set during francis’s withdrawal; poor francis is a bit muddled in the throes of his fever, and gets caught up in a memory from van diemen’s land. i absolutely loved little and jopson’s reactions in this, and especially jopson and crozier’s conversation the next morning.
Prelude in D Major by scribomania  /  2.7k, t
Hodgson is very fond of the musical apparatus in Terror's great cabin; Edward is not.
For the Terror Bingo square "denial".
i’m a big big lover of terror lieutenant nonsense, and this fic absolutely delivers! just absolutely delightful.
When the Lights Go On Again by Gigi_Sinclair  /  4.1k, t
"Edward Little's ancestors were Naval officers, almost to a man. Nevertheless, from a young age, Edward's eyes turned to the sky rather than the sea.
He longed to fly, as high and as frequently as possible. In the Royal Air Force, he got his wish. He was happy there, thriving, rising in the ranks apace and doing what he always wanted to do. Then came the first of September, 1939."
wwii au. edward is a squadron leader in the royal air force, and jopson is a corporal working for group captain crozier. i’m weak for wwi and wwii aus to begin with, and this one is done beautifully. while it doesn’t hand-wave the trauma and heartbreak of war, it doesn’t hit you over the head with it either, and the result is a really soft, bittersweet, hopeful piece.
a lily for my love by whalersandsailors  /  3.7k, m
Solomon never thought that soul-signs were real, and the stories he heard about them made soulmates sound more like a prison sentence than any fairy tale romance. It is not until he finds a soul-sign on the skin of a very dear friend that he realizes their importance, as well as their undoing.
this piece is!!! beautiful!!! very poignant, and really had me feeling for solomon. i love what’s been done with the soulmark conceit—it’s not just a simple “we have soulmarks, we’re soulmates!!!’ au (which i’ll admit to enjoying too), but a really thoughtful take on the trope. the slow way tozer puzzles everything out is wonderful, and i love the glimpses we get into several of his friendships & relationships. 
to help you remember by whalersandsailors  /  1.2k, g
An anniversary, during which Weekes presents Morfin with a gift, and Morfin struggles to remember why.
do you ever just get clotheslined by a pairing you’d never even considered before? because that’s what this fic did to me
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vorish-egos · 5 years
Doctor Henrik Vor(ish) Schneeplestein
Contains: Soft/safe vore and G/T
11 pages long, 3,993 words.
Written by: ~Zharin~
“How come doc called us here?” Chase stopped twirling his hat on his hand and hung his head over the support of his chair to look back at Marvin. The magician simply shrugged, remaining by the door.
“Who knows what he’s up to this time?” He sighed, “But if he doesn’t get back here soon then I’m gonna—” The door suddenly swung open, missing Marvin by a few whiskers, and Henrik von Schneeplestein came bustling in with an armful of notes and clipboards.
“Ah, Chase! You are here,” the German doctor greeted eagerly. “Have you avoided any vittle drinks for four hours?”
“Yep!” The ego sounded quite proud of himself. “I’m a little shaky, and my head hurts, but JJ really helped out. Man that dude’s tea is good.”
“Good, good, zhat I can fix. And Marvin—? Ah, zhere you are, silly. Vhy are you hiding behind ze door?” Marvin grumbled incoherently and stepped out of the shadows. Schneeplestein set his things on the counter and frequented a few cabinets, muttering under his breath before he finally grabbed what he was looking for and returned to the other two egos.
“I need some help vith my latest experiment,” the doctor explained. Chase sat up.
“What kind of experiment?” He tried to flip his hat back onto his head, but it missed completely and almost fell to the floor; it glowed green just above the tiles and floated back into its rightful place.
“Zhere is a medicine zhat I have been verking on,” Henrik began as Chase flashed Marvin a grateful glance, “It is called famotidine, vhich reduces ze amount of stomach acid zhat ze body releases. Theoretically, zhis drug enhanced vith a little tinkering of Ihr guter arzt can create a sort of temporary gastroparesis, vhich means zhat zhe stomach vould be inactive for un moment.”
“Okay… But what do you need us for?” Marvin prompted, “You usually just take medicines yourself and jot down your symptoms.” Henrik grinned.
“Not zhis time. You vill use your magic to shrink Chase down, and zhen he can gauge zhe effects of zhe medicine!” Chase tilted his head.
“How am I gonna do that, doc?” He asked haltingly.
“Simple; I vill be taking ze medicine and zhen svallowing you.” Both egos’ eyes widened.
“Whoa, wai-what!?”
“Schneep, you have a lot of good ideas and experiments… this is not one of them. When’s the last time you’ve slept?”
“It vill be perfectly fine!” The doctor insisted, “I vill be monitoring both of our stats, and if something goes wrong zhen you can just teleport him out!” Marvin opened his mouth, but he couldn’t grasp for any words. Instead, he tossed his head back with an exasperated sigh before looking over at Chase.
“Chase, you can say no if you don’t want to,” the magician reminded. Chase bit his lip.
“I-I know. But…” He stalled for a few seconds, adjusting his cap before looking at Henrik. “Doc, you know yer my best friend, and that I trust you with my life— I mean, you saved my life, so… I-I guess the least I could do is help ya.” He then smiled. “Even if it is a little… Eccentric, I’ll support you.”
“Fantastic, danke mein freund!” Schneeplestein clapped his hands together, beaming. “I’ll take ze medicine now— oh! And you need minor painkiller for ze headache, of course, of course…!” As the doctor fervently hunted for the required meds, Marvin crossed his arms and cast a sidelong glance at Chase.
“Why the hell did you agree to that? It’s an insane and dangerous test that could very well end horrifically.” Chase shrugged and gave the cat-lover a weak grin.
“What can I say? I have no sense of self-preservation.”
“Ah, zhere it is!” The doctor came hurrying back with a small dosage of Tylenol. As Chase accepted the medication and downed it, Henrik unscrewed the bottle of pills he’d collected earlier and swallowed down two of the little capsules.
“And now ve vait for an hour.“ 
And so they waited. Chase passed the time by playing on his phone, seeming completely unconcerned about the experiment he was about to partake in— Marvin, on the other hand, had taken Schneeplestein aside and spoke to him privately.
"Doctor, are you sure about this?” Marvin murmured as Henrik unwrapped a mint and plopped it onto his tongue.“I know you’re trying to push the boundaries, but this goes far beyond logic.”
“Bah! Marvin, you are a magician. Logic does not apply to magic.”
“Yes it does! Schneep, in every field or profession there are laws that you must abide by, rules made to NOT be broken— give me one reason that makes it okay to eat your best friend.”
“Technically it vould be ingesting, eating vould suggest zhat—”
“I’m serious!”
“So am I! Zhis is for science, and he vill be in good hands! I have specifically taken extra measures to ensure ze success. I have restrained myself from eating anything except for breakfast zhis morning, and I last had vater two hours ago. Vould I really risk Chase’s life if I did not think zhat he vould be okay?” Marvin quietly groaned and put his head in his hand.
“If this doesn’t… If-If Chase dies—”
“He von’t,” Henrik vowed, putting his hand over his heart, “Je promesse.” Marvin studied the doctor’s earnest solemn, and then he let out a sigh.
“As soon as the medicine starts wearing off…” He warned.
“You vill be notified.” The magician still looked reluctant, but he finally gave in and agreed to trust him. After they settled into an awkward silence, with only the stifled grunts and mantras of victory or defeat from Chase, it seemed like forever before Henrik’s watch suddenly beeped loudly. The doctor shared a look with the magician.
“It’s time.” Marvin took a deep breath.
“How small do you need him to be?” Henrik bit his lip and gave the thought a few seconds before he brought his hand up in front of his face.
“About… Zhis small?” He made a broad C with his thumb and index finger, using his dominant eye to peer through his fingers and gauge Marvin’s veiled reaction. He could only note a faint flicker of surprise behind the cat mask.
“Three inches? Are you sure you’ll be able to get him down?” He nodded.
“He has to be big enough to notify me from ze inside. It vill be a tight fit, but he’ll be fine." 
"He’ll be heavier than he looks.”
“Yes yes yes, density, packing of ze atoms together, I am vell aware.” Chase suddenly interrupted by clearing his throat.
“You guys ready?” He asked. Marvin regarded him with narrow eyes.
“Are you?" 
"Yeah!” The vlogger grinned from ear to ear. “Let’s do this!” Henrik chuckled, grateful for his optimism.
“Very well.” The magician held up his hands, which began to glow green as his eyes also turned viridescent. “Just hold still,” he advised, “You’ll feel a little dizzy…” But Chase was already starting to feel the effects. His energy plummeted as his eyelids drooped, and he let out a yawn as the world seemed to spin around him. He was losing altitude, and everything around him seemed taller and taller as he shrank down, at the others’ chests, then hips, then past the shins. His brain was dimly aware of the change in perspective, but it was hard to be consciously aware of his new size until everything slowly stopped spinning.
Chase slowly opened his eyes and let out the breath he’d been holding. The chair he had been slouched on moments before was like an empty living room, and the back towered over him like the wall of a third story house.
Nothing, however, could compare to when Chase turned his head and found himself only meeting four gargantuan pillars of cloth. His eyes slowly traveled up, coming across the vast expanses of the doctor’s white professional coat, and Marvin’s flowing cape and casual blue top, before he finally met their intimidating gazes. They were both looking down at him, one with fascinated eager, and the other with quiet apprehension.
“It verked!” Chase flinched under Henrik’s booming exclamation, covering his little ears.
“Not so loud!” Marvin hissed, “He’s much more fragile in this state. There’s a reason I don’t do this often.”
“Yes yes, and ze only time you have vas vhen Anti possessed you.” The doctor dismissed the other’s wary and approached Chase. Chase scooted back a little and craned his neck as he was shrouded in the doctor’s shadow, but to his dizzy relief Henrik made no move to grab him.
“How are you feeling, Brody?” Schneeplestein asked at a tolerable volume as he sank into a crouch; he rested his chin on the edge of the chair as he gave his tiny friend a smile. Chase huffed nervously, suddenly finding himself grinning.
“Uh… I-I’m fine doc! I-I guess.” The paternal ego slowly got up, and with only a second of hesitation he walked closer to Henrik. 
“Zhat is good,” Schneeplestein murmured warmly, “But ve better get started as soon as possible. Are you ready?” Chase swallowed nervously and nodded.
“Yep!” Henrik shifted back and placed his hand down beside the shrunken ego. Chase exhaled and stepped on, using one of the doctor’s cold fingers to haul himself up into his palm. When he’d stopped moving, Schneeplestein brought his hand to his chest and stood up. Chase went bug-eyed as the floor feel even further away from him, and he leaned against the doctor’s chest, hearing his heart boom right in his ears 
“You don’t have to watch if you are really against zhis.” Henrik turned to Marvin, but the magician shook his head.
“You wanted me here to make sure nothing goes wrong,” he pointed out dryly, “So don’t fuck up, or I’m telling Anti about the secret coffee collection you keep pretending to know nothing about.”
“Yes mama,” the doctor joked weakly.
“Oh, Marv!” Chase removed his hat and waved to get their attention. “Can you take this for me?” He called, “I don’t want it to get ruined!”
“Of course.” By simply making a fist, the hat flashed green and shot out of Chase’s hands, floating over to Marvin’s care. Chase let out a relieved sigh as he watched his precious snapback settle within the magician’s pocket, and he finally sat back and looked up at Schneep.
“I’m ready now, doc.” The doctor nodded.
“Alright.” Chase was escalated higher up, and then his bony platform stopped at Henrik’s chin. Chase giggled a little when the scruffy hairs brushed his arm, and he felt the doctor smile.
“Here ve go.” He parted his lips and opened his mouth, blasting Chase with a warm minty breeze. Chase stared on into the dark and humid cavern before him, and then he summoned his courage and carefully stepped forward. He placed his hand on the doctor’s tongue, grimacing when it sank beneath his touch with a slippery noise, and then he set about climbing his way in. When his back bumped against the top row of teeth, the jaw suddenly dropped even wider, making Chase yelp as he slid in faster than anticipated.
Henrik instinctively pushed his tongue up, halting Chase’s slip. He mumbled something that was indiscernible, but Chase pushed against the doctor’s palate and glanced over his shoulder.
“I’m fine!” He called. He felt the slimy muscle under his elbows and chest relax as he wriggled his hips over the rows of teeth, struggling to fit the rest of his body in; he got pretty close before it was hard to fidget any deeper in, and he could just barely feel the tip of one of his shoes against Schneeplestein’s hand.
Hoping he’d get the memo, Chase tapped his foot to signal for assistance. His surroundings shifted again, and the vlogger braced himself as the tongue momentarily extended to lap up his poking legs. He was pulled all the way in past the ivory walls, and then darkness shrouded him as the doctor closed his mouth.
Henrik was a little surprised by how full his mouth was, but it didn’t stop his determination to finish the experiment. His jaw muscles lightly worked as he shifted Chase around, rubbing his curled up form with his tongue and getting as much of the tiny dad covered in saliva. The mint he’d taken earlier had done its job well, not only making the experience for Chase a little more bearable, but also stimulating the saliva glands to make the trip down easier. Additionally, the shrunken ego’s faint taste was rather… Interesting. Beneath the scratchy cloth was a strange combination of sweet and salty, combined with the familiar flavour of that Japanese whiskey the vlogger guiltily loved. He made a mental note to jot that down with the rest of his entries.
When he was ready, he made a little grunting noise to warn Chase before he held his head up. Chase slid the few extra millimeters that he could before his head pressed against the back of the good doctor’s throat, and Henrik braced himself before swallowing. He immediately choked and swallowed again, a hard gulp lodging his subject only shoulders deep. A throat lozenge would have been a good item to invest in. Numbing the throat would have probably made it a little easier. Nevertheless, Schneeplestein was determined, and so he swallowed again, summoning his strength to push Chase deeper in. He felt a flutter of movement as his esophagus started to pull the vlogger even deeper, drawing in his chest and adding more pressure to the doctor’s throat. Henrik bit back another gag and replaced it with a stream of firm swallows, repeatedly telling himself to not throw up, no matter what—
When an arm suddenly bent awkwardly and jammed against his neck, Schneep choked and brought his hand to his throat. A quick analysis of the lump under his fingers told him that Chase had been twisted into an awkward position, one leg still stretched out on his tongue while the other was out against his cheek. Chase was squirming, trying to help move things along, but it only made Henrik’s mouth water even more as he tried to deal with the new obstruction.
“Chase…” He managed to croak. “L-legs…!” He felt the vlogger’s legs retract deeper into his mouth and fold against the hips, which were just outside of the doctor’s gullet. Henrik carefully rubbed his neck, trying to smooth out the painful bump near his jugular, before he finally felt the arm straighten out. With a quick swallow, he felt Chase slide a little behind his fingers, and Schneeplestein shivered a little at the surreal feeling. He gathered a little saliva and steadied himself, and then he roughly threw his head back and swallowed as hard as he could.
It was a shocking sensation to feel his trachea suddenly restricted even further as the rest of Chase was shoved down into his throat. He didn’t have the breath to choke as his esophagus stubbornly squeezed the heavy mass down, past the doctor’s fingers and down to his clavicle. Henrik took a ragged gasp of air as soon as his epiglottis was clear, and he waited with a pale and sweaty demeanor as he felt the descent carry on past his clavicle. Chase had stopped squirming now, staying still in a prime position as the esophagus continued to pulse and pull him down into the doctor’s depths.
Marvin was regarding Henrik’s gradually paling expression, which only grew more severe the further down Chase went. When the pressure remained behind his ribcage, Henrik could only put his hand on his diaphragm and weakly swallow, giving his subject the last push he needed. He shuddered as his best friend’s weight gradually adjusted, shifting from tightly strung in his chest to gathering in his abdomen. When the last of Brody was finally deposited into his stomach, Henrik gasped and almost staggered. Marvin was immediately at his side, gripping his shoulder to support the faint doctor.
“Did it work?” The magician asked. Schneeplestein breathed heavily, sinking into a crouch as he gripped his stomach. It felt heavy, but not in the overstuffed kind of way. Maybe it would have even felt kind of nice… If he didn’t know that his best friend was what filled him.
“Chase?” He waited for an answer. His heart was beating faster with each second that passed, and he was about to try again when he suddenly felt Chase move. He drew in a sharp and shuddery gasp as his stomach wall was gently pushed outward, a feathery touch against the layer of flesh between him and his hand. “Oh, Chase! Mein gott! Are you okay in zhere? Oh scheisse, ze timer!” Henrik shakily pulled away from Marvin and rose on wobbly legs. He staggered to his computer and leaned on the desk, his hand still resting over his midriff as the other frantically fumbled with the mouse. Once he had the clock ticking, he let out a sigh and put his head down against the cool surface and focused on just breathing. He could feel his own diaphragm as it heaved in and out, but feeling Chase shift around in addition was a factor that he had not anticipated. He thought it’d be much easier than this— but Schneeplestein hadn’t stopped to think how strange his body would find the experiment.
“… Doctor?” Marvin lay a hand on Henrik’s shoulder-blades. The doctor closed his eyes and swallowed, his raw throat recalling just how painful it’d been to get his friend down.
“He made it,” he answered hoarsely. The tension in Marvin’s shoulders visibly faded, and he let out a relieved sigh.
“Good… That took longer than I expected.” As he rubbed Schneeplestein’s back in an effort to calm him down, he brought his other arm to hook under the doctor’s and drag him up a little. “Come on, take a seat, you’ll feel better.” Henrik was almost completely limp by the time he slid into his chair. He hunched over with closed eyes, still breathing heavily from the ordeal he’d so enthusiastically pressed for.
“St-stethoscope…” The magician’s sharp eyes picked out the instrument from across the office, and with a swish of his hand the item whisked into his fingers’ grasp. He handed the tool to Schneeplestein, who’s own hands trembled as he fumbled to put the ear pieces in before he searched for the right spot on his abdomen with the other end.
“… And it’s kinda tight in here, but it’s really warm! Oh, and it was a little rough at first, but then once I got all the way down it was kind of like a water slide! … A tight, weird, grossly pulsating and dark water slide.” Henrik practically melted with relief.
“Chase! I can hear you now.”
“Oh, that’s great! I made it!” The doctor let out a breathless laugh.
“Yes, I can tell. How are you, nothing vas dislocated vas it?”
“No, I’m fine, are you? Yer breathing sounds a little hard.”
“I am fine as vell.” As his lungs gradually slowed down, Henrik found himself tracing Chase’s little figure with his thumb. It was a bit shocking to feel the shrunken ego the size of his fist, if not smaller. Was there a scientific way to recreate Marvin’s magic? Perhaps next time he could go for smaller, now that he knew the limits of his body. Perhaps he could enlist Robbie next time— would the zombie’s sluggish metabolism make for an even longer period of safe containment? Perhaps—
“May I, doctor?” Schneeplestein jolted out of his scientific brainstorming and nodded at Marvin.
“Ah, of-of course.” He handed the stethoscope back over. Marvin placed the ears in and lightly placed his hand where Henrik’s was, and it glowed faintly as he honed in on their friend’s location. The magician paused for a moment, and then he suddenly turned red as his countenance twisted into a confused smile.
“He’s-he’s talking about setting up a tea nook and using a hammock,” he snickered.
“Vhat!? No— Chase, zhis is not an air bnb!” Marvin laughed.
“He’s trying to barter for some tea now.” Henrik huffed.
“No, if I svallow anything else zhen zhat vill trigger my stomach, plus if I did drink tea zhen not only vould zhat be gross for him, it vould also ve very hot for his size and probably burn him—” The relief in tension was interrupted by the door flying open, and Jackie skid into the office.
“Doc, doc! I need yer—” The superhero stopped and blinked puzzledly at the scene before him. Marvin cleared his throat and stood, returning back to his stoic self.
“Yes, I do see what you mean, doctor.” He handed back the stethoscope. “But I don’t care how bad too much salt is for my heart, if I want to put soy sauce on my rice then I’ll add my damn soy sauce!” He snapped. Catching on, Henrik held his hands up in a placate gesture.
“Fine, don’t trust ze doctor zhat knows you are eating yourself to your grave!” Marvin rolled his eyes with another dramatic huff, and then he turned to Jackie.
“What’s the problem now?” Jackie blinked and shook his head.
“Uh, Rob-Robbie ran off with JJ’s hat, and, uh, he won’t give it back.”
“Oh.” Henrik folded his doctor coat more tightly around his middle, tensing to get up. “Vell, I’m sure he von’t destroy it, but perhaps—”
“Nope, yer busy.” Marvin pushed Schneeplestein right back into his chair. “You were just tellin’ me about all those files you have to pour through, remember?” The magician prompted. “Plus all of those hypotheses, and your… Latest patient…” Henrik faltered.
“But- but Robbie—”
“Will probably gladly trade me the hat back in exchange for something else.”
“Ah…” Henrik sighed and pointed to a drawer in the back. “He’d probably prefer von of ze flower crowns to a derby.” Jackie wasted no time bolting over and rummaging through the drawer.
“Got one!” He held up a lilac wreath as he dashed back to the door. “Come on Marv, let’s go!” Marvin yelped as the energetic superhuman grabbed his arm and hauled him out of the office.
“I’ll be back in a little bit doctor, just sit tight!” He managed to call out before magicking the doors shut behind them.
“Okay…” Schneeplestein sat back in his seat and scanned the empty room. He suddenly felt conscious about being the only visible person in the room, yet another lay in his own core… And he was keeping awfully still.
 He quickly placed the stethoscope back. “Chase?” Instead of a quippy reply or a bad punny joke, to his surprise, what answered him instead was a snore. Bewildered, Henrik peeked behind his jacket and placed his hand over his stomach. He could feel Chase curled up on his side, snuggled into his inactive organ as the snoring continued peacefully. Henrik let out a soft chuckle, running his thumb lightly over the vlogger’s flank.
“Guess zhat spell took more out of you zhan I thought.” He stifled a yawn of his own and looked up at the computer. “… Ve have plenty of time,” he decided quietly. He set the stethoscope beside his keyboard and took off his jacket. He kept his movements slow as he pulled his arm out of the sleeve, and then he rotated the clean white coat until it lay over him like a blanket. The doctor slumped back in his chair, keeping mindful about compressing his stomach as he closed his eyes and sighed. When he felt Chase shift a little, he smiled and let his hand rest over his faint figure.
“I can write my notes down later,” he mumbled to himself before soon slipping into a very much needed nap.
37 notes · View notes
phantomphangphucker · 5 years
A Bottle Of Rum Named Chuckles - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @bibliophileap Prompt: A sibling is genuinely disconcerted by another sibling’s laughter. Summary: The Fenton parents are out of town so Danny gets his drink on, but he's a laughing drunk and Jazz comes home from university a little too early.
Warnings: Drinking, alcohol, unintentional self-harm, broken bones, impaling, blood, one instance of vore, Danny is very drunk
also on my AO3 at GothMoth.
Danny glides smoothly down the steps, today’s a day with the house to himself. Jazz? Off at college. Mom and dad? 4-day convention. Sam and Tucker? Well, they’re not really friends anymore. So today’s a day to himself, a rare one at that. So as Danny saunters over to the fridge he sticks his hand straight through the floor pulling out a bottle of rum. Spinning the bottle in one hand as he opens up the fridge and grabs some milk. Placing the bottle on the table, Danny turns around and goes to make himself some cereal, but is suddenly struck by an idea. Spinning back around, bowl of dry cereal in hand, Danny cracks open the rum and pours it into the bowl. “Hey if cheesepuff bacon smoothies are great, this ought to be better.”.
Halfway through his cereal he’s finding it hard to keep eating through his giggling. “It’s just” chuckle “god so” chuckle “like look at the fuck rocks man” chuckle. Rum cereal abandoned, Danny wanders the yard pointing at random rocks and wobblingly arranging them in poorly laid out constellations. Laughing and grinning he flops on the grass surrounded by his rock stars.
Eventually, the hot sun forces him inside as he opts to play some games. Not being bothered enough to move them from his room, he plays up there instead. He doesn’t really play Doom anymore, he’s more into single player stuff now. He does however, take the bottle of rum with him. After a few hours, Danny is solidly fucked up, so much so that he doesn’t hear his sister coming home early. She does however, hear some creepy ass giggling ringing throughout the house. “Christ did someone stuff one of those broken demon Elmo dolls into the walls or something?”. Jazz moves around methodically trying to find the sound just as Danny burst out into another fit of laughs and giggles. He managed to get a famous glitch in his game, one where the characters limbs and head fly and stretch out all over the screen. In his laughter Danny accidentally crushes the rum bottle against his chest, splashing the little remaining rum and glass all over himself. “Aw man....” Danny goes to stand but immediately pitches forwards slamming face first into his wall. Laughing even more erratically, cause he can see himself in the door mirror, Danny just slowly slides down to the floor. Laying in a heap of limbs and laughs.
Jazz meanwhile is standing awkwardly on the other side of his door, somewhat in shock. At first, she thought there was some weird new ghost after Danny but after listening close, “the ghost in you sure shows in funny ways” Jazz mutters quietly. With a soft though unnerved smile on her face Jazz goes back downstairs, looking to make herself some toast but promptly notices the milk jug and very disgusting looking half-eaten cereal. “What the hell was that made with?” She grumbles at the offending cereal, well aware of Danny’s strange taste, as she puts the milk away. “I wonder if his ghost half has anything to do with his tastes” she taps her finger on her chin and shudders, as yet more booming laughter erupts from upstairs. She elects to smell the cereal for clues rather than taste it, cause Plasmius knows what’s in there. Jerking back she realizes that whatever it is, it’s definitely alcoholic. “Where’d you even get that little brother and why” she shakes her head as she goes up to confront Danny. Whom she’s now certain is laughing so much because he’s drunk. And she’s totally right on that part.
Meanwhile, Danny has been intentionally flinging himself around his room, trying to land it the most awkward and absurd positions possible. He’s so utterly plastered that he never even notices all the glass from the rum bottle embedded in his chest, making him bleed profusely. Him flinging himself around isn’t helping either. And his future self will not thank him later for the massive amounts of blood smears everywhere. Not to mention all the knock over things and glass. Eventually, he winds up leaning against the mirror on his door making faces at it and smearing his face around. Resulting in many muffled giggles.
Jazz, standing in front of Danny’s door can actually smell the alcohol through the door now. Scratching her nose she swings the door open, catching Danny totally unprepared as he staggers backwards; straight out the window. Running over to the window she looks down and sees Danny laughing his ass off on the ground covered in blood and glass. She physically shivers from the combination of Danny’s demonic ass laughter and the visuals.
Jazz bolts all the way down the steps and outside, running up to Danny who’s now standing up and wobbling all over the place. Seeing Jazz he shouts “is afff uckin airy! Whooooo!” Throwing his hands up in the air, Jazz runs over and hooks an arm under his right armpit. “Danny what the hell, let’s get you inside before anyone sees” Danny lightly giggles “leds meh to dis lits airy”. Jazz practically has to drag Danny into the house as he flips between muttering about fairies, or “ariy” as he’s calling them, and laughing. Effectively, slowly unnerving Jazz more and more; as well as making her unimpressed with his drunken state. Jazz sets him down at the table and points at the half-eaten rum cereal. “Just how much have you had Danny?” She asks in an unimpressed tone but she’s to creeped out to sound threatening. The only response she gets from Danny is “Is callied it Chuckles” then he sticks his hands out spreading them apparent vertically to about the high of his rum bottle. Jazz isn’t quite sure what he means for a second but then pinches the bridge of her nose. “Christ Danny, and what was it exact-” Jazz gets cut off by the sight of Danny pulling somebody horror shit, spreading his mouth inhumanly wide and straight voreing the entire bowl whole. Rum, cereal, spoon, bowl and all. Jazz having never bared witness to his body horror crap nearly vomits, which causes Danny to go into another fit of laughter. She sickly looks over the counter at him as he laughs himself so hard he falls off the stool. “Ok, now your creepy laugh is also pissing me off. I’m creep out, disgusted, disturbed and angry all at once.” Jazz shakes herself off and tries to push away the lingering shivers Danny’s laugh sends across her skin.
Danny starts crawling forwards on the floor but Jazz rushes over and sits him up on his knees. “Don’t do that” she scolds “you’ll rip yourself up more and-” looking down at the floor “-dear god... make more of a mess”. Turning her head away from Danny, arms still on his shoulders, she mutters “how the hell am I going to clean this up”. Danny chuckles slurring “clench ‘n exbird outwash fix erry”. Jazz just stares at him, “ok, I got bleach but the rest is lost on me”. Danny just shouts “exbird outwash!”. “Danny, what even is that?” Jazz sighs exasperatedly, as Danny starts making gargling sounds but then chokes on his spit. Resulting in yet more laughter. “Einstein, lend me your strength” Jazz groans as she jerks away from the sound of Danny’s laugh.
Eventually, she manages to get Danny sitting upright. Slowly pulling out shards of glass, though Danny is not making that easy. Danny’s rolling his head all over the place, occasionally flailing his arms around, and talking mostly gibberish, interspaced with giggles and laughter. “Danny, I will tail you for a week and throw psychology terms at you, if you ever even consider getting wasted around people who don’t know about this ghost shit.”. Finishing her threat with flawless timing as Danny straight up phases through the floor. Jazz, sighing, gets up to walk down to the lab. Looking around she fails to see him till she hears his wild creepy giggles coming from the ceiling. Looking up she sees Danny dangling with one foot still stuck in the ceiling. “Imma uckin chandii!”. Sighing “ yes Danny you are definitely a chandelier, for sure, 100%”. Danny just shouts “yay!” As he swings his hands up towards the ceiling smashing them so hard Jazz hears cracking and Danny, with a chunk of the ceiling, crashes to the ground. She stares at Danny and mutters “you could kill a many without a second thought and I don’t even think you’d notice the impact...”. Just as Danny rights himself, smashing apart the other bits of ceiling. Which suddenly brings Danny’s fingers into view. “Oh my god Danny, you freaking broke your fingers”. Deciding she’s had enough, Jazz digs through the lab until she finds what she’s looking for. An Ecto-shield blanket, “mom and dad say it’s for keeping out mosquito ghost but it should make a fine Danny burrito”. Jazz walks up behind Danny and quickly wraps the blanket around him. Danny just squirms, falls to his side and starts flopping about like a fish. Sighing Jazz grabs the Fenton fisher anti-ghost fishing line. Line in hand she picks up Danny and walks up to his bedroom. “You need to eat more Danny, and real food not junk food. My textbooks weigh more than you.”. Once in Danny’s room, she ties him to his bed headrest with the ecto-line. Danny naws at it while giggling and making exaggerated chewing and biting sounds.
Jazz attempts to study while she watches her brother and waits for him to sober up. But it’s difficult with all the usual sounds, gibberish and increasingly disturbing laughter. “God, it’s like it gets more and more unnerving the more you hear it”. She mutters into her book, trying her damnest to focus without completely ignoring her inebriated brother.  Eventually, she gives up on that endeavour and elects to inspect the glass she’s managed to get out of Danny’s chest. Fully expecting it to be window glass, she’s shocked to find it's from a bottle. Sticking a few pieces together she realizes it’s from a bottle of rum, high proof rum at that. “Danny what the hell?! How did you even get this! Mom and dad don’t even like rum!”. The only response she gets out of Danny is more giggling. “And how long has this glass even been in your chest! Did you drink the whole thing!” Danny giggles enthusiastically which Jazz takes as a yes. “Danny! That would kill a full grown man!”. This time she actually gets a response out of the drunken lad “Tis tooo lats, ta jib allreds don.”. Jazz groans leaning back in her chair, “even wasted enough to kill a normal person you still make death jokes”.
Things continue on like this for a while till Danny eventually starts to slightly sober up. Which takes an impressive, and scary to Jazz, single hour. “Wyys my handz harts” Rolling his head around “and wyts wit blankie?”. Jazz snorts as she walks over to him, “little bro, you smashed your hands into the ceiling”. Looking up at her, his head limp, “wyys i dos dat?”. Shaking her head, “I really don’t know Danny but it might have something to do with thinking you were a chandelier.”. Danny just looks more confused now, but Jazz, noting his limpness unties him from the headrest and lays him down in bed. “I think you best just sleep, little brother and please, no more laughing”. Danny just tiredly sticks his tongue out at her. Jazz falls asleep herself, knees folded on the ground with her head resting on Danny’s bed.
—Next Morning—
Danny wakes up to a whole lotta pain. “What the...” He trails off as he pushes his blanket off himself, yanking his hands back hissing. “Fuck me” Danny mutters as he looks at his hands, nearly every bone is broken or chipped and his advanced healing has only fucked his fingers up more. Healing them incorrectly in almost every way, “how did I even? and how am I supposed to fix this?”. Then looking down at his chest he groans “seriously? Did I get into a boxing match with a bunch of mirrors or something”. Swinging his legs out of bed he walks to his mirror. He’s peppered in bruises, some that are extremely weird. He has bits of drywall in his hair as well. Shaking his hair out he turns to take in his room and just stares. Half his shit is on the floor or on the opposite side of the room than where it started. Blood is smeared almost everywhere, bits of glass are stabbed in the walls, his window is destroyed and there’s both ecto-line and an ecto-shield blanket on the floor. “Yeah I’m just not going to deal with this now, or possibly ever” Danny mutters as he opens his door with his mouth, keeping his hands up around his chest not quite touching though. As he descends the stairs he’s already thinking of ways to easily just hide the mess but once he reaches the living room his mind blanks. “Oh fuck” he breathes out, seeing a long blood streak on the floor, some glass and bigger bits of drywall.
Danny stares down at his hands, and that’s how Jazz finds him when she steps out of the kitchen. Mop in hand Jazz watches Danny as he stares at his hands muttering to himself, looking horrified. Danny slowly lifts his head up and just mutters at Jazz “what the fuck”.
Inside his head, Danny is just screaming over and over again, because she should not be here and there’s a massive really bad looking mess and he was completely wasted and -. Jazz cuts off his thoughts as she answers him “I don’t really know Danny, you were so messed up I could barely understand anything you said. You called me an “airy”, ate an entire bowl whole, punched a hole in the ceiling while pretending to be a chandelier I think, flung yourself out your window, and I think you stabbed yourself with a bottle of rum.”. Danny just stares at her, his mouth hanging open, so Jazz elects to continue “you were already covered in blood and glass when I got here and there was a bowl of cereal mixed with, what I assumed was, rum. Seriously Danny what the hell and where did you get rum?”. Danny just mutters “uhhhh from the floor”. Jazz crosses her arms “Danny, that makes about as much sense as whatever-” clearing her throat to attempt the make the freakish sounds Danny made “-exbird outwash fix erry” is.”. Danny shakes his head “Wow, sounds like I had fun”. At Jazz’s highly unimpressed face, Danny goes to run a hand across the back of his neck but winces instead. Eyeing Jazz again, he goes for a more serious response. “I guess I’d need context for those, uh, words? And I literally got it from the floor. The bottle was inside the floor.” Danny looks away sheepishly. “You mean to tell me you hid booze in the floor?” Arms crossed stiffly. “Heh, yeah” Danny shrugs “wasn’t really expecting anyone home so soon.”. He finishes. “Clearly, if that had been anyone who didn’t know about you, you’d be in massive trouble. I’m pretty sure you drank the entire thing, which should have been deadly. That combined with everything else...” Jazz trails off as Danny waves a mutilated hand at her “ya ya I get it, I’m lucky it was you”. Jazz sighs grabbing her mop again, “I would tell to help but I know your injured, are your hands going to heal fine?” She asks laced with genuine concern as she starts mopping the blood streaked on the floor. “Well, first you might want some of my hidden mouth wash”. Jazz stares at him “ok what?...is that what you said earlier?!”. Danny shrugs “maybe, expired mouth wash is pretty good as a cleaner”. Danny jumps up through the ceiling startling Jazz, he returns the same way. Flicking a bottle of mouth wash at her, that he was previously held by the cap in his mouth. Jazz, mixing it on the floor, “oh wow that’s just plain weird and I don’t even want to know how you discovered this”. “Yup” Danny says curtly as he looks around for any other damage. “So, your hands?” Danny snaps his head back to her, “Uhh well I’ll have to re-break, like, everything and place it all back the way it’s supposed to be but it should be fine, I think.” Danny says awkwardly. “Danny, Christ, how are you even ok with doing that, none the less how are you going to do it with both hands messed up?” Jazz glares at him, still mopping. Shrugging “uh painfully?”. “Oh my god, Danny.”
Danny sidestepping her gets a bowl, cereal and milk all out with a combination of footwork and his mouth; Jazz watching him all the while as she mops. “That better actually be milk and I’m rather concerned by how good you are at that”. Sitting on the table top Danny pours the milk with his toes. “You’re going to be pissed if I tell you “practice” aren’t you?” Glaring at him as he sits down with his cereal, eating by scooping his tongue around. “Of course, you shouldn’t have a reason to be used to it.”. Danny grunting, “well I do, resident superhero ghost boy here”. Jazz chuckles lightly, which reminds her of something, “hey Danny, has anyone ever told you your laugh is extremely creepy and unnerving?”. Danny coughs on a couple of frootloops, “What? No, why?” Chuckling again Jazz shakes her head “you were laughing, giggling and chuckling like your life depended on it. Genuine laughter too, but for whatever reason, it was spine chilling.” Pausing to look at Danny “you sounded like a demonic broken Elmo doll”. At that Danny chuckles deeply a bit “seriously?”. “Yeah, you even laughed as I tried to fix your wounds and you laughed really hard when you fell out your window and crash into the yard.” Danny chuckling again, Jazz noting that it actually is still slightly creepy but nothing close to before. “Wow that’s got to say something about me, don’t go analyzing me though.”. Rolling her eyes “I’m more focused on fixing your mess Danny, the lab is literally missing a third of its ceiling and I had to tie you to your own bed.”. Danny goes wide-eyed laughing, “so that's why there’s ecto-line on the floor.”. Jazz just shakes her head as Danny continues more seriously “was my laugh all creepy just now?”. Jazz pauses “slightly I guess but nothing like last night. It was like the more you laughed the more completely disturbed I felt. Now your laugh just has the same slight offness it usually does.” Danny looks incredulously at her. Noticing she sighs and stands up, one hand in her hip “Danny, basically everything about you is slightly off or creepy. But it’s so minimal you really have to pay attention to notice at all. And paying attention to you is my sisterly duty.”. Danny rolls his eyes but visibly relaxes some, “geez thanks.”. Jazz sighs as she heads down to the lab to collect the ceiling debris. On her way coming back up she hears cracking sounds. “Hey, Danny what are you doing?”. The cracking stops “uh, fixing my fingers”. Jazz just sighs.
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lacystar · 6 years
Canonicups - A Taste of Heaven, Ch. 1
So if you haven’t heard about the whole situation with Gerard voring a Reese’s cup, good. Read this and you’ll find out. Also sorry this is formatted weirdly. Tumblr’s post length sucks. :/
Ships: Canonicups (Gerard Canonico x Reese’s Cup)
Warnings: swearing, not smut but oddly steamy undertones
Word count: 2,045
@hey-hamlet-bmc this is for you Elliot. I hope it’s accurate to your experience.
Gerard could sense it from a mile away.
He’d been standing backstage. Jennifer Tepper was talking about the show and how successful she thought it would be, and Gerard had been listening very intently.
But then... it just hit him.
Maybe the air conditioning changed direction, directing the irresistible musty peanut scent to his nose.
Or maybe he’d heard the crinkle of the wrapper. That high pitched little squeak. The beg to be let out of the paper prison and into a loving mouth.
Or maybe he’d just sensed it. Just gotten that gut feeling of wanting something so bad it canceled every single one of his other thoughts and made his stomach churn... and rumble.
But however it happened, whether through smell or hearing or feeling, or maybe all three, that single moment, that pang of absolute desire would change Gerard forever.
Jennifer was still talking, but Gerard wasn’t listening anymore.
“I just feel so incredibly honored to be working on it, y’know? Joe has had such a huge impact-“
“We’re going downstairs.”
It wasn’t a question.
Jennifer’s face twisted in confusion, or at least Gerard thought it did. It was hard to tell. Everything was so blurry.
He didn’t have time for this. Gerard turned on his heel and began power walking to the stairs. Looking back, he might’ve realized how rude he was being. But he couldn’t care. There was too much at stake to care about anything other than finding it, whatever it was.
The closer he got to the stairs the stronger the feeling became. The dry tightness of his throat. His sandpaper tongue. His heart that felt almost more machine than muscle with its rapid yet steady pulsing.
All of his senses were muted to the world around him, yet dialed to 100 when it came to it.
Whatever this thing was, it was his new air supply. Gerard knew that if he couldn’t get to it, he would die. It sounded ridiculous, but Gerard now associated this emotion, this new adrenaline, as dying.
The closer he got, the more amped it got. The nearer he drew, the desire chocked his heart harder.
It was coming from the bag check.
He knew better than this. He knew better than to just walk around where a group of fans was waiting to see him. But he didn’t care.
He was faintly aware of Jennifer following him. Good. It excited him, the thought of her seeing whatever the hell was about to go down.
One of the bag checkers, a girl, caught his eye and waved to him.
It was coming from her. It wasn’t her, exactly, but it was coming from her.
“Gerard, you look pale,” Jennifer worried, grabbing his shoulder. He shrugged her off.
He beelined for her.
The friendly bag check lady said something. Actually, she’d been talking for a minute now. Yet again, Gerard hadn’t been paying attention.
“Uh, I’m... sorry, I- what? Did you say? What did you say?” God, he couldn’t even talk right.
The lady’s brow furrowed in concern. “I asked if you wanted a Reese’s Cup?”
And all at once the frantic pounding in Gerard’s chest stopped.
It— his soulmate, he now knew— had a name. And it was Reese’s Cup.
Realizing he was gaping like a fish and hadn’t responded, Gerard nodded. He didn’t trust his voice at the moment.
Gerard’s head was pounding now and he felt sick to his stomach. What was happening to him? Was this how Rich felt when he needed Mountain Dew Red, a part of him wondered.
It seemed like a century passed as Bag Check Lady reached into her pocket and closed her fingers around Reese’s Cup’s wrapper. It let out another crinkle, this one of joy and utter relief. Gerard realized that it must be going through the same, lovestruck, near death experience he was going through, and found solace in the fact that he wasn’t alone. Soon it would all be alright.
Bag Check Lady lifted her hand out to him and he lunged. She stumbled back as he tore the candy from her hand.
His eyes finally focused through the blurriness. The orange paper was a beacon in the rest of the world. It was the single tiny barrier separating him from his lover. He loathed and loved it all at once.
A drop of water fell on it.
Wait, no, not water. Spit. Gerard was drooling. Or, less drooling, more foaming at the mouth. He hunched protectively over the treat in his hands, and his whole body convulsed in violent shivers.
He was so hungry that he wanted to throw up.
“Holy shit, Gerard,” Jennifer grabbed him by the shoulders and forcefully turned him to look at her.
Gerard snarled, and let out a noise that sounded like a bark, growl, and yelp conglomerated. His arms snapped to his chest, hands protectively wrapped around Reese’s Cup, who let out a panicked crinkle.
Jennifer’s eyes widened and she let go. “What the fuck Gerard, I- you-“ she shook her head, “I’m getting you help.”
Before he could grab her, Jennifer was running away. Shit, Gerard thought. Now she couldn’t see him reconcile with his lover.
He turned back to Bag Check Lady, but she’d already turned her back to him to continue searching bags.
Gerard carefully unfurled his arms from his chest and looked back down at Reese’s Cup. He took one more second to admire the curly calligraphy that was his lover’s name, and then carefully tore the orange prison cell open, careful not to rip into Reese’s Cup on accident.
He reached into the packaging and carefully felt for the candy, the packaging crinkling in anticipation. His pointer finger brushed it and a jolt of electricity raced down his spine. Gerard gingerly pinched it between said pointer finger and his thumb, and pulled it out.
It was beautiful.
The crimped paper packaging was gorgeous compliment to its dark, coco skin, like an expensive dress. Its flesh seemed so smooth, and he found his finger gliding along it to further prove his point.
“Hi,” he whispered breathlessly.
It didn’t speak, but he smiled nonetheless, tears gathering in his eyes as he felt the love radiating off of it. He’d never felt so wanted.
For a beat, everything was perfect.
His stomach growled violently, and he snapped back into his carnivorous state, all kindness gone.
Gerard began to raise the treat to his mouth, when he remembered Jennifer. He’d wanted her to come along so she could see this moment, but she wasn’t here anymore.
For an unexplainable reason, he just couldn’t do this without anyone watching. He needed someone to witness this moment. Someone had to share this with him so that someday, when someone wrote a biography about him, they could retell this crucial moment in his life.
He needed someone to share the miracle of love with.
His eyes rose and scanned the small crowd of fans waiting to get in. He caught the eyes of a boy who was trying to indiscreetly look at him. They locked eyes.
With his target acquired, he brought the treat up and took a little whiff. The peanut chocolate concoction smelled delectable, and he couldn’t wait any longer. He used both hands and brought it to his mouth.
It felt so intimate to be doing in public, and with someone purposely watching no less, but god it felt right. His brain was pleasantly foggy with desire, and he couldn’t comprehend how odd and somewhat disgusting this whole scenario was. He had just never been more hungry.
As the growling in his stomach reached a cacophony, Gerard thrust his lower lip forward, digging it into the treat. He scooped and inhaled the treat into his mouth, never once breaking eye contact with the boy across the room. He’d never stared at anyone so intensely. It didn’t matter. Nothing else mattered. He bit down.
It was the best thing he’d ever put in his mouth.
Warmth flooded him. The ratio of peanut butter to chocolate was perfect, the mix of hard outer shell and soft inside healing his headache, his queasiness. He stopped shaking and continued to chew. He didn’t want to swallow yet. This was too special.
Despite the fact that he already felt better, the intensity was still there. He continued staring at the boy across the room, whose eyes were as wide as saucers and whose mouth lay agape in confusion. This didn’t register to Gerard at first.
But slowly, as he began to walk towards the stairs leading to the lobby, the events of the last five minutes began to catch up to him. A whirlpool of emotions slowly flooded him, mainly made up of confusion. Because, he thought as he stuffed the wrapper in his pocket, what the actual fuck had just happened?
It was as if he hadn’t been in control of his own body. And he realized, as he walked, that he didn’t really remember what had just occurred.
He could recount it, sure. He could tell someone what had happened. But he couldn’t remember the feelings or the drive.
He stepped up a couple steps when the gravity of the situation fully fell on him. He finally swallowed Reese’s Cup, dread filling his stomach along with the candy.
Did he just... get sexually attracted to a Reese’s Cup? And then... vore it... in front of-
He dared to look back over his shoulder. The boy he’d stared at while doing the deed was still looking at him in incredulous horror.
Oh fuck.
Embarrassment and terror jolted through Gerard. What the fuck. How was he supposed to make this better? Did he go back to the guy and apologize for an occurrence he didn’t even fully understand himself?
He stuttered out and “uh,” to nobody in particular, and then, holding eye contact with the boy for only a second longer, turned and sprinted up the stairs.
Gerard dashed through the lobby, panting. Running was definitely the best way to resolve this situation, he decided.
Jennifer almost collided with him as he skirted backstage.
“Oh Jesus-“ she sighed, grabbing him by the shoulders, “I called Troy to fill in for you. You’re free to go home and... figure yourself out.” She looked him up and down, “Do you need a ride to the doctor or-“
“No!” Gerard shook himself out of his stupor, “I... I’m fine,” he lied, “and Troy doesn’t have to come in. I can do it.” Because really, he had a job to do and no smoking hot candy bar was gonna distract him from that.
She looked doubtful, but Gerard continued to try and persuade her and eventually she agreed to let him do the show.
So he left without another word to her and stumbled to his dressing room. George and Will were in there, unsurprisingly, as they often just hung around in there whenever they felt like it.
Gerard collapsed onto a chair, and took a good minute to stare at himself in the makeup mirror. He almost didn’t recognize the face he saw.
“Wow, not even a hello?” Will joked.
No response.
An awkward heavy silence filled the room. Gerard managed to break eye contact with the monster in the mirror, and dug his palms into his eyes.
Will spoke again, more tentatively “... Are you ok?”
“I don’t know.” George opened his mouth to talk, “don’t ask me about it,” Gerard cut him off. George closed his mouth.
Eventually, Gerard forced himself up out of the chair, stuffing the events of the night into the back of his mind as he got into costume. Will and George continued talking as if all were normal, but they didn’t engage with him. Every now and then, Gerard could feel their questioning stares baring into him.
If Jennifer told anyone else what had happened, they didn’t approach Gerard.
The performance went fine, but Gerard’s heart wasn’t in it.
He didn’t stagedoor. He couldn’t bear the thought of having to see that boy who he’d probably scarred for life when the incident went down.
Besides, he had to get home and rest. He had a lot to think about.
To be continued...
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the-elusive-libbin · 4 years
Ummm, do you have any Akutagawa (bsd) headcannons?
I sure do!!! Akutagawa Ryunosuke is a man who is full of bloodlust and jealousy, so much in fact that it actually kind of rules his life. I’ll admit I did have to re-watch a few Bungou clips to remember the way he acts but none-the-less I think I finally have enough of his personality in my head to get a few vore canons down. I know I spoke with the person who sent me this ask in private and they have no preference to microxmacro or same size vore so I shall write a bit for both types.
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-As usual we find ourselves asking whether or not Ryunosuke Akutagawa would devour someone alive….He would!. Should this man find out he can swallow someone, he would probably do it a lot when ordered to do so as an effective method of disposing of the weak enemies that stand before him.
-Firstly let me just get this out there: Akutagawa would fatally digest his prey most of the time, in fact this is almost always the case. Why should he have to go through the trouble of devouring someone when he can’t digest them? Does one not devour food with the controlled mindset of ‘this is my meal, it will be devoured and give me energy?’ Precisely, one does not intentionally spit up a sandwich after it has been eaten. 
-To be totally honest, Akutagawa does not care about the life of the person inside his belly, he would have killed them with a knife, a gun or his own powers anyway so regardless of process, the outcome of death is the same. Secretly, Akutagawa does not like digesting same-size prey as it takes too long and is a hassle. Tiny prey are easy game.
-So what would make him want to swallow someone? Three reasons I can think of off the top of my head: 1. He has used vore as a method to get rid of people before and will do so again should it prove effective.This is of his own and his boss’ will of course. 2. The port Mafia orders him to devour someone or a few people. 3. The final possibility, if Dazai asks/orders him to swallow someone. I’m talking about any version of Dazai, Mafia Dazai speaks for himself but I think the concept of Akutagawa being praised by the suicidal maniac would be enough to coax him into vore even if Dazai has left the mafia by this time. This may take more thinking though.
-When committing acts of vore of his own accord, Akutagawa has devoured same-size people but he prefers swallowing tinies for reasons I will mention very soon.
Gonna split this now into two separate canon sections for Microxmacro and Same size because I know some of you guys prefer different ones~
- This asshole struggles when it comes to same size vore. He kind of reminds me of a small, yappy dog with a loud bark and a bite to match but struggling to pull through with his threats. What I mean by this is that he’ll happily threaten to devour his soon-to-be prey with the intention of putting them into his stomach and he’ll grab his prey and go for it with force too...But he’s so small and skinny that he struggles to get the prey down into his belly.
-Even if his stomach can stretch to accommodate a single prey, that is about all he can manage. His skinny frame struggling to contain a huge, bloated mass that refuses to cease in its thrashing. Akutagawa attempts to act like he can in fact handle his meal and attempts to give orders to his men at the same time. So stubborn. It’s rather embarrassing really. 
-He wishes he could devour more than one of this kind of prey as he believes it will allow him to assert dominance by showing others what could become of them should they mess with him. Unfortunately this is not the case and the poor thing ends up a panting, humiliated mess. Of course he’ll threaten the blush away from staining his cheeks and refuse to admit his struggles. He has not been bested, he has swallowed a human whole! 
-Anyone who dares mock Akutagawa in a stuffed state will be either next on the menu to be savoured at a later date or killed on the spot. Subordinates included. Is he embarrassed by any of this? Of course! But he’s not gonna show his blush, he’ll hide it however he can. This is especially true for Akutagawa in the early stages of the show.
-The guy is quick to anger so of course he has swallowed people during a fit of rage before without meaning to do so. Imagine he’s halfway through swallowing someone and realizes that he shouldn’t have taken it that far. But he needs to save face and swallows them down anyway with a struggled ‘Gulp!’ It’s their own fault for getting in the damn way.
-Akutagawa prefers to swallow larger prey (when he has to) in the comfort of his own quarters, allowing only his sister Gin or at a push Higuchi into the room to aid him. Ultimately he prefers to be alone during this time as he finds his overly full state to be humiliating. Having the two women that care most about him fuss over his engorged stomach is less than ideal.
-Secretly the guy is touch starved and would love nothing more than to have someone rub his swollen belly to help sooth it or aid his digestion. This is Akutagawa we’re talking about here folks and unfortunately his own personality gets in the way of his belly rub ideals. Should he be tied down and forcibly have his belly rubbed (Not that one would dare) then he would be furious and possibly unable to hide his embarrassment. 
-His digestion is embarrassingly loud and obnoxious at the best of times but when he’s got an entire person to get through it is worse. Walk in on him mid digestion and hear those loud churning groans and be prepared to face the consequences of a red faced mob boss and his weapons.
-Akutagawa doesn’t care if he starts from the head or from the feet as long as the prey gets in his belly, it’s his job after all. He starts off cool, swallowing in gulps but then the prey’s head enters his stomach and he already feels full. The poor guy can’t eat much so stuffing his belly is hard for him. Eventually he manages to get the entire person down with pure willpower but his belly churns painfully and he falls to the ground, unable to support his own weight. Rashomon may emerge to hold up his bloated tummy for him. -After this, his belches and hiccups are soft and uncontrollable much to the mafioso’s embarrassment. Again, he’ll try to hide his blush if he’s not alone.
-Akutagawa is quick to anger as I may have mentioned previously and so punching and yelling at his gut would often occur. He does this when the prey inside won’t stop thrashing, when he’s too full, when he’s starving and even just when his belly is making too much noise. The most embarrassingly irritating scenario is when Akutagawa doesn’t feel hungry or full and his belly churns for no reason. There is no need.
-Akutagawa much prefers to devour tinies as they are easy to swallow and enter his stomach quickly. There is not much fuss and no mess. No struggled gulping and over bloating. Also a perk of this size difference is that the mafioso can erase multiple people at once.
-He will often make sure his stomach is starved before eating a tiny as he likes the idea of doing away with the prey quickly. If his stomach is craving a meal, it is more likely to digest the meal it has been longing for rapidly. He may be a murderer but he canonically hates torture and prefers to have things over with quickly. This is probably another reason as to why he doesn’t like swallowing conscious same-size prey.
-Akutagawa can’t eat much normally so I imagine five cupcake sized tinies would be enough to sate his hunger and bloat his belly. He would be stuffed and bloated after eating 10 or more. He would rather not do this because then his meal takes longer to digest in his gut.
-I imagine Higuchi has bought him a bowl of small criminals before and told Akutagawa that Mori demanded he dispose of them orally. How the mafioso’s eyebrow twitched as he glared at his subordinate in annoyance. He prefers not to overindulge. He doesn’t realise that she is staring at him for a while, and so swallows the little people down with contempt. When he does notice he will fluster before angering and kicking the girl out of the room.
-When eating tinies, he takes a few, looks them over, regarding them. He is not checking their nature, gender, age or any of the sort because none of that matters to him. Canonically he has no qualms about who he kills. The tinies he is given to devour have upset the port mafia, that is all the information he needs to devour the poor souls. The mafioso is secretly checking for dirt however and wondering about the taste.
-Let me be clear, no amount of begging will save these tinies. I think if Dazai or the boss orders him to devour these people then that is good enough for him.
-Not wanting to keep the tiny person in his mouth for any amount of time, he tilts his head straight back and drops the tiny inside. As soon as they hit the back of his throat, he swallows straight down, not bothering to follow the bulge down his throat with his finger. His stomach groans hungrily and Akutagawa wills it to hush in his mind. The prey hits his stomach which immediately wraps around them to digest, hugging the prey from all angles.
-Akutagawa likes the feeling of the prey going down his throat at this size, it’s intriguing to him. He also is able to feel the small movements inside his belly since he’s so skinny and his stomach is so sensitive. 
-Sometimes his belly doesn’t like having tinies inside it and his stomach sets off grumbling sickly and proceeding to give its owner heartburn and indigestion. This almost always occurs when he is stuffed. His stomach acid is strong and digests easily but his stomach itself is weak. Moving around with a full belly makes him nauseous.
-Belches? Unsightly to say the least. Akutagawa will stifle his belches into his fist unless he really can’t stop them. Should a loud belch escape his lips, he will be rather flustered by it and shake it off; this can be said even when he is alone. The mafioso’s belches are hardly ever loud and are usually wet and strained.
-Once Akutagawa has devoured a tiny or a few tinies, he will continue with his work business as usual, like nothing happened. He has a habit of gently placing a hand on his stomach when he has prey inside.
-”But Libbin! I hear you say.” “What about safe, non-fatal vore?” I hear you, let me think. So Akutagawa is the type to usually devour someone upon order, if he eats someone it will usually be to erase them, however should someone order him to keep someone safe inside his belly, he would have to do it. He’d be a mix of annoyed and confused at this as well. I see him actually worrying about digesting the tiny to the point where he researches the human stomach and its capabilities and eats some food beforehand to ensure his stomach has other things to digest first. He eats, touches his stomach, is this enough? Better eat some more just in case. Repeat a few times. I see him going totally overboard and eating way too much accidentally whilst overthinking. The poor thing is already full of food and then has to swallow a person he cannot digest on top of that.
-It’s not that he cares about the person he’s swallowing but if he digests someone when he’s not supposed to he’ll be scolded and he can’t have that.
-Should he decide to trust his stomach and swallow a tiny he cannot digest while it is empty he may learn how to control the digestion. If he manages that he will be happily surprised. His stomach will moan in hunger as it complains for food, upset that it cannot digest the only morsel inside.
-Self indulgent scenario time: Once Mori decided to test Akutagawa’s stomach capacity after the boss realised his subordinate could devour people to erase them for him. As a doctor, he knew his way around a stomach and performed an examination before and after Akutagawa swallowed a person. Then he filled him with tinies until he was at max capacity. Of course Akutagawa agreed to these tests as they ‘helped’ the port mafia…..In reality Mori just wanted to admire his handiwork and embarrass the younger male. Secret reports from the incident state that the younger male had never been seen so red faced and flustered. Then again, he had never before had a person place an accusing ear against his bare stomach as it digested people before. A strange scenario for anyone to find themselves in really, you can’t blame him.
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So there’s some long awaited canons for you. I hope I could do him justice~ I do really want to draw him more now ^_^
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rosarioshq · 6 years
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ROSARIO CALLOWAY is a 23 year old STAFF that works as a LIBRARIAN. It has been stated that they are +ARDENT && +HUMBLE but they can also be -POSSESSIVE && -INDULGENT. SHE happens to be into D/S && BONDAGE, but won’t do SCAT && VORE. It just so happens that they look like EIZA GONZALEZ && are HETEROSEXUAL!!
rosario, along with her three adopted siblings, was adopted by a well-off couple since they can't have children of their own. she has no idea about her real parents and though she was curious as to who they may be, she's never gone out of her way to look for them. why would she when she was showered with love and affection all her life? besides, they didn’t want her anyway.
although her parents loved and cared for her, there was this lingering sense of abandonment that she’s felt all her life. being a baby and not being wanted for whatever reason it may be, that’s where her troubles in her teenage years were rooted. other than her siblings, she mostly kept to herself in school. she didn’t really have a lot of friends growing up. 
that was until a new teacher came in during her junior year in high school. the previous homeroom teacher of her junior class retired so they hired a new one to take her place. not only was he gorgeous, but he seemed to also really care about his students. he noticed the young girl’s detachment to the class, how she never seem to participate in graded recitations but always got good grades in written exercises, how she ate alone during lunch with a book for company instead of people and thought that maybe an intervention was needed.
it started with genuine concern over the girl’s behavior, wanting to help her come out of her shell more. but for someone who’s been so detached to other people most of her life, the moment he was able to get past her walls, she began to latch onto him. and one thing led to another until the two started sleeping together. he was her first love, but that’s not what the judge heard in his trial. she was a minor and he seduced her, it’s what they all keep on saying--that she was the victim. they placed all the blame on him even when she screamed and kicked saying that it was not his fault. and what’s worse was that she was only a month away into turning eighteen when they got caught. it was a scandal, especially since her parents have a pristine reputation.
so, when it was finally time for her to go to college, she decided to go as far away as she could from that town. she wanted to start fresh, perhaps in a place where no one knew her. when she got accepted into sunshine university, she took that chance and moved to florida. she started as a creative writing major but switched majors to library science after her first semester. turning a new leaf for college, she became more social and friendly as she tried to put the past behind her. graduating just a year ago and getting her license, she applied for a job here and got in. she’s been working as a librarian in sunshine university for just about a year.
when it comes to her appearance, she may look unapproachable at first because of her sharp features but she’s actually pretty soft unless provoked? she’s very passionate when it comes to her jobs, one which is being a librarian while the other is being an escort. the latter was something she started to do during the last year of her college. she didn’t really need the money, but one of her close friends said she needed a favor--just attend this gala with some rich old man--and it seemed simple enough, so she did. most of her escorting gigs doesn’t really involve the sexual aspect unless she’s known the client for awhile. she just likes going out to social events as such, getting dolled up and looking pretty.
if you want to plot with her, just hmu or give this a like and i’ll come to you? but some wanted connections i have in mind for her are:
best friend: could be best friends since they were college or even just when she started working here. this could either be a student or a staff/professor. but this would probaly be the only person who knows the shit that she has gone through since she would have confided in them.
flirtationship: stealing glances and fleeting touches between the two but they haven’t really hooked up yet? there’s something there, but for whatever reason, one of them is scared to make a real move.
friends with benefits: just sex with no feelings attached. though one could be developing feelings for the other or even both of them, but they’re good friends so they don’t want to ruin that by adding feelings into the mix?
but also ex boyfriends, former professors, friends, roommate/s, enemies, hateships, etc. 
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trixmissive · 3 years
Midterm: Preliminary Questions
answered by trixabelle coreneo, submissive of adam beiste
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Now that you have entered into a trial claim or full claim, how would you describe your everyday D/s dynamic? (eg. 24/7 TPE, Master/Pet, D/s only in scenes?)
I’d say that our dynamic does reflect a lot of the things usually contained in TPE, as my rules are pretty extensive and require me to ask permission for a variety of day to day activities. I have a lot of rules that require getting permission or approval, though most of these can be followed through a quick text which are almost always granted. Though unlike regular TPE this is partially a reflection of my need to have expectations clearly defined for me due to my OCD and anxiety. Checking in with Adam makes me feel like I’m on the right track, and then he knows where I am should I have need for him to pick me up, or come and get me.
Reflecting on your relationship, are there any rules or expectations that are in place that may need to be updated or changed?
As our trial claim was only approved very recently there’s no current need for the rules to be reviewed, we have very carefully put together the rules so that they shouldn’t need edited until there are any major changes to the way in which we live our life. As stated above a lot of my rules are in place to protect my mental health and to make sure that I know exactly where I stand at all times. Though we have a policy that we will always review rules if a major life change comes into place for example there may be changes if we move to the apartment in town after our claim becomes official then we may need to make changes to factor in my transport to school.
What are the hard limits and soft limits in your relationship and what do those mean to you?
My hard limits include being ignored for long periods of time, being forced to stay messy or get too messy eg with food or mud, and then some more hardcore kinks like scat, vore, and needles. While my soft limits, centre around being messy or things being out of order. The hardcore kinks are simply things that I don’t wish to engage in or that me and Adam feel would be damaging to my mental health. While my soft limits are things that I don’t feel all that comfortable with, I think that a soft limit means that it’s something that I simply don’t think would be very enjoyable to me or I think could aggravate my mental health. 
Are there any hard limits or soft limits that you may be willing to push this week? If so, what are they? If not, is there a new scene or situation that you may be willing to experience this week?
I think that this week I will be pushing my limit surrounding being messy, for some time now Adam has expressed interest in using food during a scene and I have been nervous due to my limits. However I trust Adam completely so we’ve decided to try and push my limit first gently with some drier foods, and then work our way up to something slightly more challenging. We will also be talking everything through before we start and planning how I will be allowed to proceed with the clean up so that we protect my mental health at all times during this experience. 
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Made: 11/5/17 Posted: 11/25/17 Here’s the reference sheet of my fursona in fursona form. It’s pretty simple, since I couldn’t fit much in and this isn’t going to be a serious character used in stories. She has a backstory (which is similar to mine, but with fantasy elements to match my headworld) but I’m trying to keep her as true to the real me as possible. -Information- Name: -classified- Nicknames: BDS (official nickname), Fluff God (joking title), Angst Queen (unofficial title), Spiced Fluff (Fall joke nickname), Fat Fluff (not an insult) Human Name: Meg (not my real name) Age: 22 (until September 18th, 2018) -in human years- Gender: Female Species: -unknown- (referred to as Dream dragon by some, Fluff dragon by others, space dragon? Undecided.) Family: -classified- Zodiac Signs: Virgo (astral), Boar (Chinese) Birth Stone: Sapphire Sexual Orientation: -unknown- Relationship Status: Single Social Type: Introvert (Which means I don’t dislike talking to people and socializing, but gets back energy-or ‘recharges’-after a while of this by being alone and doing solo activities.) Religious Beliefs: Christain (Nazarene) Interests: Sitting at home drawing while watching YouTube videos or reading a book if there’s one interesting enough available. Also enjoys roleplaying online with friends (Undertale’s a good ice breaker with strangers), chatting on DeviantArt with friends, and posting her art on DA for feedback or just to show it off to people that will enjoy it. Also likes taking long flights, sleeping, and food. Flavored coffee is her favorite beverage, and she only drinks Mochas when holiday Lattes aren’t available. Disinterests: Not a fan of sports-except for wizarding Quidditch-or hiking. Will settle for a fast walk, especially while listening to some kind of music or audiobook or talking with her companion. In general she’s a very stay-at-home dragon more than a sporty, active one, but will leave her home for certain reasons. Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff Ilvermorny House: Horned Serpent Good Qualities: -A loyal friend -Kind -Willing to listen to her friend’s problems and frustrations -Good artist -Loves to laugh -Doesn’t judge until recieving both sides of a story usually -Selectively good memory -Doesn’t get angry easily Bad Qualities: -Shy to the point of going quiet too quickly if a conversation reaches a point she can’t think a response -A bit lazy -Takes forever to reply to a roleplay, whether because her response is going to be really long (hence the laziness) or because she forgets or thinks she can reply later and THEN forgets… -Forgets some things easily, especially when thinking about something else -Takes a while on art owed, again because of the memory issue. Working on this. -Beats herself up about her past when she happens to remember something bad from it. Danisnotonfire on YouTube calls these “Cringe Attacks”. Which are apparently normal I think. Good. —— Abilities and Important Design Features (this is mostly the fursona herself, not what I can do in real life) -Paint Brush Tail: Like Shardie did and does in roleplays, BDS has a tail that can paint on anything and everything. But it acts like an actual brush. No Okami brush techniques, just drawing on reality. All her drawings can come to life or be used in some way (like if she drew a rope, she could use it like a rope, or if she drew a mustache you could play with and twirl it like an actual one) but they’re still made of ink or paint. So they don’t become an actual person, just a drawing walking around. Easily erased with water or a special eraser. -Glowing Markings: I’m not sure yet how I want these to go. I was thinking the glowing blue part is her skin under the fur, but then I wondered if that was too weird looking. The markings on the face are not skin, they’re actual markings. All of them have an unnatural glow to them. Meaning it’s not clear where the light source comes from, but it makes a good nightlight or becon. She uses her huge wings to cover these markings when being stealthy, and sometimes people mistaken her for a benevolent spirit or even a Japanese deity or demon because of her facial markings. -Mood Change Markings: She can do this at will, but BDS’s markings change color with her mood as well. When reaching absolute fury, they turn red. Though she can turn them this color at any time, if they’re glowing red and her sockets are either dark or the blue expands and the white slit becomes a slit-shaped gap in the middle, you know she’s beyond pissed. -Eyes: This probably isn’t needed, but for now the eyes are two glowing blue lights with gold centers and white slits for 'pupils’. They’re like Sans’s in Undertale and the black surrounding them are sockets. -Fluffy Body: I’m not called Fluff God for nothing. lol *shot* One thing I wanted to keep consistent with my fursona is FUR. Big, fluffy fur because it’s fun to draw and is so soft and, well, fluffy. For now this is BDS’s winter coat. As it gets warmer again, most of the fur sheds around the neck area, leaving a fluff collar like Shardian!Sans’s in a sense. Though the neck remains covered in fur. -Medium Legs: The legs are a mix of a dog and a cat I hope, and are good for walking but not so much running. Though she will run if it calls for it, BDS prefers not to. She has retractable claws, but usually keeps them in since in real life, I don’t have fingernails. -Chubby Build: BDS is chubby. Not fat, but chubby. She has a visible, hanging belly that can stretch quite wide. Especially when eating someone (yes, vore). -Huge wings: Her wings are very large and have the most muscle strength on her body. The reason for this is so that she can stay in the air for long periods of time without tiring or being dragged down by her weight. Both fur and fat together. Her wings also have star-patterns on the underside because I like that wing design. -Size: By default this is BDS’s size, however she can shrink to a little smaller than Shardie (big enough to walk about a house my house’s size) and a house cat (for cat naps in small spaces). -Shapeshifting: BDS doesn’t have an anthropomorphic form officially, but does have a human form which looks similar to Shardie’s but with some changes to not look exactly like her. The facial markings are also on this human form. -Breath Weapons: Bet you all think it’s a Gaster Blaster light beam, huh? XD *shot* No, actually BDS breathes blue fire that is actually Ice Fire. It looks like fire but when it hits its mark it leaves ice behind. She also weilds lightning. -Vore: This is only important to those that don’t mind being drawn in art like this, but for the story behind it, BDS doesn’t enjoy fatal vore when it comes to sentient creatures. Especially fellow sonas. When eaten by her, the next day they wake up unharmed either in their bed or somewhere else. No harm or pain comes to anyone swallowed by the Fluff Dragon, BDS. Anything else on this particular subject and those related to it will be in a different reference sheet if necessary. -Dream Walking: BDS isn’t referred to as a Dream dragon for nothing. She has the ability to visit other’s dreams, but unless really determined to do so, she cannot interact with them during their dream. She simply observes like one watching a play or movie but while able to walk around in said play or movie without being noticed by the actors or characters. If someone she knows well (a friend or close family) is having the dream and especially if it’s a nightmare, she can bend this rule and actually interact with said nightmare to protect or aid them in whatever way she can. When it comes to Dream Walking with friends, if given consent by them, they can meet up in the dream to talk or hang out. This is especially helpful when it’s a friend that’s across the world or in another state and unable to visit or BDS is unable to visit them. In order to do this, she must inform them first of her ability, and tell them how to let her in. -Universe Travel: Can travel through the multiverse to anywhere possible. Unless a universe is closed off to travelers she can get there. (Except with worlds owned by friends…since it isn’t serious or story-driven, I break those rules anyway. lol) -Outer Space Travel: Built for space. Has thick fur, no nostrils so probably no lungs needed for oxygen, and a huge body. So space is the default habitat of BDS. —– Q n A (Some of these may not be pressing questions…but I want to get as much information on the design and its uses as possible.) Q: Can I roleplay as or use your fursona in any way? A: No. Do not roleplay with or use my fursona or any of my characters. If you are a friend, you may do so if you INFORM me first. This doesn’t mean you can’t draw them, it means you cannot use their designs or the characters themselves in your roleplays, forums, or blogs. These are not adoptables, they are not blank slate characters, and they are especially not characters in a franchise where I have made money and a name for myself with them. They are OCs, still copywritten to me and not available to be roleplayed as unlike characters like Sans from “Undertale” or Spyro from the “Spyro” games, or TV show characters. Q: Are the wings detachable? A: No. The wings are always visible, but there will be times I’ll be too lazy to draw them. Officially though, the wings are meant to be permanently attached and unable to be removed or hidden except when BDS is in human form. Q: Is there a reference sheet for the human form? A: Yes, there is. Q: Will your fursona be used in fandoms? A: Yes and no. BDS will be drawn in art related to friends, real life events, and when I just feel like it. I want to put Shardie, my main OC, and my other actual OCs in crossovers and fandoms. That doesn’t mean I won’t put BDS in a few. Like Undertale, which has a special place in my heart, or other fandoms I’ll never move on from if BDS is an appropriate or fitting addition. “My Little Pony” probably won’t be one of them…but we’ll see. You will definitely see BDS in “Villainous” though. Q: Will she be in any ships? A: Yes, I’m going to probably draw her with my fictional character crushes.. Q: Can I ship her with my OC or sona? A: That…depends. When it comes to friends, I’m ok with it as long as you know it’s not the official pairing BDS is in. Crack ships or just-for-fun ships are fine. But I’m officially single and I’m not looking for a relationship. I will probably draw my fursona paired with other characters (mine unless discussed with a friend if they’re ok with me using theirs) but none of them are official or 'canon’. Most are just drawings with no story attached. When it comes to strangers though…I’d like to be informed before you draw your OC or sona in a shipping picture with mine. Even if you’re a friend, I’d like to know. Just so it doesn’t come as a shock. IMPORTANT: ASK ME BEFORE DRAWING OR WRITING ANYTHING SEXUAL INVOLVING MY FURSONA OR ANY OF MY OCs, PLEASE. Q: Can I draw your fursona? A: Absolutely! I would love fanart of any of my characters and my fursona. Just as long as you tag me properly so I can see it. ——- So this is me. At least the true form of my character self/fursona. Human form reference sheet is next. ——- BDS and art © BlackDragon Studios (me)
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