#also i love that jack has a pastel-coloured bobcut!!!!
nevertoomanyspiders · 2 years
no joke, it warms the cockles of my heart that there are other ppl besides myself who find big jack horner attractive. I'm wayyyy too old and tired to deal with dweebs who balk at ppl being attracted to fictional characters... esp unconventional ones. (I'll level with ya: the whole "tumblr sexyman" phenomenon spurring from the whole "oh no these ppl we assume to be girls like a thing and that's just dumb" is why i don't like it, there really isn't an equivalent for female characters, anything that centers cis straight male attraction is bad in my book, but that's too complicated to discuss rn)
it's a pleasant surprise after old fandom garbo and feeling like i was cringe for liking the characters that i did. (ok they were often small fandoms, but still)
well. i don't really participate in fandom in the ways that i used to anymore, and cringe is dead.
no cringe, (self-) ship free of shame and embarrassment. draw yourself kissing your fav cartoon character. chase your bliss, haters can stay mad a fictional triangle-shaped purple man with a tiny face has more game than they do.
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