#also i know he's not mike mood anymore but that's what people know him as
micechicken · 6 months
Thinking about how I unfollowed someone after 2 strikes: them posting an incorrect ask without doing research that claimed something incorrect about the people who made BATIM. And then throwing a fit about the programmer returning to make the second game, but also acting like FNaF was better because Scott "no longer profits" (which is debatable and likely untrue, especially at the time).
0 notes
chaniceroses · 3 months
Bad Boys Ride or Die (Armando x Reader) Part EIGHT
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You found yourself awakened by the sound of birds chirping. The sun was slowly making an appearance into the sky and the fire that was once lit last night, was now slowly smoking away. You stretched out your arms and legs to allow the muscles to expand throughout your body so that you wouldn’t be sore getting up. You turned to see Armando laying against the tree next to yours. All you could do was stare, although he was frowning in his sleep, you thought he looked beautiful while doing it. You began to feel bad for him. You knew that he was raised within the Cartel, and born to become a killer for his mother. However you wanted to change that, you wanted to show him that there was more to life than to always be on the run or being a hitman.  You were so caught up with watching Armando that you didn’t even notice that Mike was walking towards you. 
“Hey…Y/n.”Mike muttered, stopping in front of you.
You gave him a nod in response. You weren’t sure how you felt about Mike, he had been a bitch towards yesterday and it made you feel angry. You used to love him and Marcus equally however now, Mike is more on your shit-list.
“Can I sit right here?”he asked, pointing to the open space next to you.
You turned to look at the spot, thinking if you really wanted him by you or not. You weren’t in the mood to sit and have a conversation with him since you were just woken up by the birds however you figured it may be for the better.
“Free will.”
Observing Mike as he sat down, you could feel the tension that was there between the two of you. It was hugging you tighter and tighter every time you guys were around each other.
“What is it? You’re not over here for no reason.”, you continued looking out to where Marcus was sleeping.
“Yeah, I couldn’t help but to come over and talk to you, especially after what you said last night.”
“It was a one time explanation Mike, I told you that.”, you sighed, turning to look at him. You could tell that he was going back into the past. The way he kept his face forward while allowing his eyes to figure things out.
“I know but why didn’t you tell me that you were undercover and that you knew Howard? I would’ve helped.”
“Would you have told someone you were undercover?”
He stayed silent.
“Exactly, Mike. I was an amaterue and was afraid, okay…”, you replied, turning to look at him.
“I understand but I have to say this.. when you went to this tree to lean against it last night, I couldn’t help but to watch the way Armando followed you like a lost puppy.”, he laughed, randomly bringing it up.
“I think that’s a stretch, don’t look to much into it Mike.”, you scoffed, waving your hand off at him.
You knew exactly what he meant and you knew that he wasn’t lying. However, none of it was needed right now. You had your eyes set on one person, McGrath.
“I’m telling you, y/n. When you threw a tantrum yesterday—”
“Excuse me…”, you interrupted, folding your arms while turning to look at him.
“Just listen. When you were “upset” about us staying right here for the evening and then decided to leave and be on your own, yesterday .... He stared at you the whole entire time as you were leaving.”, he laughed.
“So? I stare at people, it doesn't mean anything.”, you replied, shrugging your shoulders. You knew that you were lying, it meant everything to you. You just didn’t want to admit it.
“No this was different…I don’t know how to explain it but it was just different. He tried to tell Marcus and I to do certain things but couldn’t even focus because he was too busy looking in the direction that you had gone.”, he explained, turning his attention towards you.
“And when he couldn’t see you anymore, he told Marcus and I to get some wood together so that we could light a fire, and use it as a source  to bring you back once he found you. No offense but…. I was against him going to get you. At the time, I felt that he would not only be wasting his time but ours also. However once he said that he needed you and I saw that look in his eyes. I stopped debating about it.”, he continued scratching the back of his head.
You shifted your head a little bit towards Armando to see him shifting in his sleep. You couldn’t help but to feel smitten but also confused. You didn’t want to get him hurt, he lost his mother and now has to live his life being on the run. This was too much.
“That’s…great. Cool.”, you sighed looking at Mike. “I mean what else would you like for me to say Mike. You were a bitch to me all day yesterday because you felt that you couldn’t “trust me”. Now you’re telling me this, why?”
“Look I apologized for that, y/n. You don’t think that I was hurt while having to act that way. Hell I cared about you then and I still do now… even with your smart ass mouth. I was just scared, that’s all.”, he argued. “Plus I'm telling you this because I know that you feel the same. So don’t try to bullshit me, okay.”
You lifted your shoulders while turning to Mike. You didn’t know what you were about to say but you just knew that something was about to come out of your mouth.
“Listen Mike..if you actually know me like you say you do…you would know that me “bullshitting” isn’t something that I do. So for your information, I don’t care for Armando, at all ...And let's say there was something ... .well I wouldn’t want it because I'm not like you. Fucking around with people  while being on the job, like you did with Rita. So please, let's get them up so we can leave. Okay..”, you snapped back, allowing your ego to get in the way. You knew what you were saying wasn’t true but you felt that you had to protect yourself. Protect Armando.
You watched as Mike stood up and offered his hand out to you, signaling you to use it. Grabbing it, you lifted yourself up and wiped the dirt off of your clothes.
“Sure y/n, sure.”, he replied walking away.
You felt that it was weird, weird having to act a certain way, even if you knew that it wasn’t the truth. You slowly started to regret everything that you said, wanting to tell Mike that you didn’t mean it but by the time you got ready to open your mouth. You could hear low grunts and the sound of leaves happening next to you. You turned to see Armando standing up stretching. 
“Let’s head out,  there should be a road a couple miles North.”Armando yawned while walking towards Mike and Marcus. You watched as he walked past you. You turned to Mike to see if he noticed but he was too busy talking to Marcus. You shrugged it off, not thinking anything about it and followed Armando.
Time passed by, and after all of the walking and running that you, Marcus, Mike and Armando did. You finally found a road that led to a random trailer park. So you guys hid in the bushes to see if you could see anything that would be useful.
“That will be useful for you guys.”, you whispered pointing towards the clothes line that was hung. 
“Yeah but we also need—”, before Marcus could finish his sentence, the three of you watched as Armando sprinted off onto the side of a broken down trailer.
“What the hell is he doing?”, you muttered watching him leave. You looked at Mike, then at Marcus and then sprinted towards the direction Armando went. 
“Y/n! Armando!”Mike loudly whispered watching you guys leave.
You looked around for Armando, until you found him changing his clothes. You watched as he pulled the dirty white t-shirt that he found over his head, to see you staring at him. He didn’t look too happy.
“What the hell are you doing?”Armando mumbled, looking around to make sure no one saw you two.
“What do you mean, I’m helping you. Marcus and Mike have each other.”, you replied with a confused look on your face. You watched as he rolled his eyes and then waved at you to follow him.
“You see that truck. That’s going to be our ride.”, he pointed, navigating towards the peeled white and red truck that was in the middle of the park. You shook your head in agreement and watched as he inched closer towards the truck.
Once you saw him reach his hand back, you knew it was meant for you to hold again  since that’s what he’s been doing. So you stayed low and jogged towards him, making sure that no one could see you. Reaching out your hand to grab his, you grabbed it so that you could keep up with him. Till  he quickly snatched his hand back and turned his head slightly back for him to make eye-contact with you.
“What the hell was that about? I didn’t ask you to hold my hand.”, he whispered irritatingly.
“I assumed because you put your hand out..that you wanted me to…”
 “Don’t assume.”, he heckled. “The truck is right there, so run towards it when I do or get left.”
You remained silent. You felt lost and disturbed, what the hell just happened? Why was he acting cold towards you all of a sudden? You looked around to be sure that no one else was behind you, then ran as soon as he did. Opening the door and getting inside, you noticed it was just one long seat. Which means you would have to sit right next to him. Shutting the door and scooting towards the middle, you buckled your seatbelt and watched as Armando drove towards Marcus, Mike and the two white males.
You watched as the two guys turned around to get ready to shoot at you and Armando until Marcus and Mike kicked them and pushed them to the side while taking their guns.
“GET ON!”, you yelled watching them jump onto the back of the truck. You were hoping that at least one of them would sit up front with you and Armando. However, the opposite happened so here goes this long ass ride.
He was driving and you were hoping to make it back to Miami by tonight. You were nowhere near the city since the plane crashed in the middle of nowhere but you knew everything that we needed was there. You could see Armando looking at you from your peripheral vision and  you wanted to stay silent but you couldn’t help it.
“What’s your problem?” you asked, while looking out the window.
He kept silent, you could tell that he was bothered. 
“Armando. I know you hear me talking to you.”, you continued. You were now looking at him, having your whole body towards him. He had your attention and you knew that he knew that he did but that damn ego of his kept him quiet.
“So we’re playing those childish ass games now..”
“What do you want, y/n, damn.”, he replied, breaking the silence. He couldn’t help it.
“What do I want? I’m trying to figure out what's wrong with you, we were fine yesterday and now you’re acting all weird.”
“Me…acting weird, never love.”, he scoffed, allowing his accent to roll off of his tongue. It turned you on and you could feel it. He felt it because he looked over at you and then back at the road.
“You’re so up and down Armando, what’s going on?”
“You want to know what my problem is with you, y/n?”
“Oh so all of a sudden you have a problem, last night you were…i don’t know…talking to me and stuff but now you’re acting like a bitch.”. You argued. 
“A bitch…Me? There’s two people inside of this car right now, that is the perfect definition of bitch and I’m looking at her.”, he laughed angrily, looking over at you.
You couldn't help but to remain silent. That sentence alone had shut you up which had never happened before and he knew it. You..a bitch. Never.
“So I’m a bitch now, well fuck you Armando. Seriously.”, you replied, giving him a slight push.
“Hey c’mon baby, I’m driving!”, he yelled pointing out towards the road.
“Oh so now I’m your baby…You’re so confusing.”, you whined, throwing your head into your hands.
“Me? Y/n, you’ve been giving me  mixed signals left and right. One minute you want me…the next minute you don’t. I just don’t get it.”
You turned to face him, you knew that this was a perfect opportunity for you to be a smartass like he was earlier towards you.
“That’s brave enough of you to assume that I would want you.”, you lied folding your arms.
“Huh..what…what are you saying?”, he stuttered, being caught off guard by your statement. You watched as he kepting shifting his eyes from you to the road.
“I’m saying that’s a wild assumption, I never said that I wanted you.”
You watched as he shoved his tongue to the side of his cheek, he was beyond mad. He was gripping the wheel a bit tighter now and you were wishing that it was your neck instead.
“Oh I get it…Earlier, when I snatched my hands away…Okay but let's not act like that conversation between you and Mike never happened, this morning.”, he laughed looking out of the review mirror.
“Whaaattt?”, he mocked. “Between you and Mike, I heard you and everything that you said y/n. Fun fact about me, I’m an extremely light sleeper sweetie.”
You were stunned, something told you not to say those things. Especially with Armando being near you but you couldn’t help it. You were tired of people questioning you about how you feel and telling you about yourself. You looked at Armando and watched as he avoided eye-contact with you.
“Armando…”, you sighed, reaching out your hand and setting it onto his thigh. You felt confused on the inside and hurt. You weren’t sure what to do. “I care for you..I do…it’s just that—”
“Y/n just stop, we’re no good for each other and you don’t want me. I understand, there’s plenty of fish in the sea.”, he interrupted, removing your hand. He knew that was a lie and you could tell by the way he swallowed the lump that was in his throat. However you couldn’t help but to feel your heart fall into your stomach. You wanted Armando, you just didn’t know how to express it to him.
You looked back to see Marcus and Mike having a conversation in the back of the truck.
“Can you stop the truck?”, you asked, turning your focus back to Armando. You watched as he instantly pulled over,  not even acknowledging you sitting next to him anymore.
Getting out of the truck and shutting the door, you walked to the back where Marcus and Mike were to let down the door.
“Why did we stop? Y/n, what’s wrong?”Marcus asked, noticing the depressing look on your face.
You turned to look at Mike to see him looking at Armando through the back window and then back at you, he was catching on.
“Um…Can you guys ride up front, I need to be alone.”, you whispered trying to avoid eye-contact. You watched as Mike and Marcus worked their way towards the end of the truck to get out. They helped you climb on and made sure you were comfortable before getting up front. Once Armando started driving again, you found yourself blinking very fast, to stop yourself from crying. The wind was slapping you in the face and was softly throwing your body around. Although you were alive, you felt dead inside.
He hated you now and you were sure of it. You weren’t trying to be cold towards him or to lie but you felt what you said was for the best. For you and for him. Now you could feel it, the tears streaming down your face while your regret sat on your back. You decided to get comfortable, so you caved your knees close to your chest and buried your head in it. Hoping that you get that happy ending that you felt, you and Armando deserved.
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bless-my-demons · 1 year
Redamancy: Chapter Twenty
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Series Summary: What happens when your soulmate is a vampire that struggles to maintain a diet of trying not to kill you? Common sense says run for the hills, nothing is worth your life - but my heart is whispering why not, what’s there to lose?
Warnings: angstyyy
Notes: Posting a day early - y’all can thank @losa12308 for catching me in a good mood, hope this helps ya feel better hun❤️
Word Count: 2130
Series Masterlist
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Nearly two weeks Jacob Black has not only been ignoring and avoiding Bella, but Quil and I too. Ever since the night of the movies, since his uncharacteristically rude outburst at Mike Newton. Both of my best friends were stressed about it which in turn stresses me out. I’ve called him multiple times to leave voicemails about what he’s doing to his friends, but it was to no avail - radio silence remained.
Bella said Harry Clearwater told her it was mono, but anyone could smell that bullshit from a mile away. Did mono render you catatonic? Unable to communicate with people that care about you?
An uneasy feeling settled in my gut, it had to be more. Something was keeping him from us and I want to know what that something is.
I need to know, I can’t just lose another one…
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• March 4th, 2006 • Home •
“Mom!” I shout through the empty house, trying to locate her.
A rare day we both have off to spend together and I’m about to ditch her.
“Yes, sweetheart?” I hear her voice drift from the laundry room as I make my way downstairs.
Turning as the sound of my approaching footsteps, she raises her eyebrows at my appearance - noting that my state of dress isn’t exactly for a day-in at home anymore.
“Bella called, was wondering if I’d go hiking with her? I think she just needs to take her mind off of Jake and wants company.”
My moms face falls slightly, but I can tell she won’t stop me from running to my best friend’s aid, “Just be careful and take your phone.”
“Thanks mom!” I surge forward and hug her quickly before snatching my keys from the hook by the door on my way out.
“And be back before dark!”
“Of course, love you!” I shout back.
“I love you too, honey!”
I speed almost the entire way to Bella’s - wanting to get her mind off of Jake was true, but she also wanted help finding the meadow.
As in, the meadow.
Her and Edward’s meadow.
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• March 4th, 2006 • Ithaca, NY •
For months I’ve been feeling with this crack in my soul because of her and I’ve been doing it alone. Admittedly it’s my own doing, but the chafing of not really having my brother in my corner has worn away at me in way that doubles the pain of the loss.
I find myself gravitating towards his closed door, something that before Ithaca would’ve been an odd sight, and knocking on the thin wood.
“Go away.” The words rumble in his distinct baritone just loud enough for me to hear.
“No.” I answer simply, just as tired.
The door whips open in a flash and his eyes send a shock through me. Not because they’re dark with hunger - but dark with anger. And his emotions reflect it threefold.
“What do you want?” His tone raises my hackles, reminding me that my brother isn’t one to be messed with in a mood like this one.
A delicate hand curls up and around his chest, the owner of it completely blocked from view by his massive frame, and he visibly deflates. His anger dialing back a fraction at the influence of just her touch.
A slice of pain lances through me, regret or just plain loneliness at this point I’m not sure.
“Hear him out.” Rose orders him softly, kissing him on the cheek as she slips out from behind him and meets my eyes before disappearing down the hall. “Good luck.”
I reign in the laugh that threatens to bubble up at her throwing me to the wolves, but it’s another thing I’m doing to myself of my own free will, I need my brother.
Holding open the door wider for me to enter, he turns on his heel and deposits himself into the loveseat across from the tv, some muted football game flashing on it.
“I miss you and I’m sorry.” I unload on him with no preamble. No drawn out apology has ever been a requirement of his, short and to the point always a favorite to him.
A dark laugh thunders from him in a way that crushes me even more, “That’s it?”
I nod, I had thought about this conversation for months since he started avoiding me, but all my rehearsed words vacate me.
“That’s one hell of an apology.” The remote emits a small crack as his anger continues to boil. “I got no say, no one wanted to hear me out, and I’m just supposed to suck it the fuck up and just go with the flow of what’s best for the family.” He’s practically vibrating with barely constrained rage, but I let him continue. “She’s not just yours, Jasper.”
A shock jolts me for the second time, his sadness tugging at my heart heavily.
“She’s yours and that’s what makes her mine.” I can tell my confusion spurs Emmett on and he rises from the couch, “As your brother, it’s my responsibility to be her protector and you fucking ripped that away from me. You’re hurting her on purpose and it’s hurting me.”
I’m speechless as his words sink in. Familial-like bonds in a coven as old as ours are strong, but I had no idea.
“She was also my best friend-my little sister. I told her I would be there for her and you’re making me break my promise - something I’ve never fucking done.” Turning away from me to pace in a very non-Emmett move, “Are you going to say anything?”
“I had no idea-”
“You never considered, never noticed, never asked. It’s only been you in pain. You and Edward. You don’t even see what it does to Alice every time you ask her to check on Y/n.”
Her name sends agony anew through me, a thin knife that slices flesh from bone with surgical precision.
“I’m scared.” He would’ve missed my whisper if it weren’t for his supernatural hearing.
“Scared of what?” He’s before me in a flash, gripping my shoulders. “Scared of loving her?”
“Scared of her loving me! Scared of hurting her!” The house falls into dead silence, listening. “You’ve never known terror like this with Rose! You’re not afraid to kill her just from being around her, smelling her, touching her. You have no restrictions, no boundaries!” Tears of venom swirl my vision, but refuse to fall.
I push him off me and turn, attempting to reign in my distress.
“I can’t do this without you. It’s like wave after wave of grief and I’m at my limit Emmett.” The seriousness in my tone softens him, love and compassion flow from him in a way that feels like his old self and it loosens the tension inside me a fraction.
“I may be angry with you, but I’ll never leave you.” My brother spins me around and engulfs me in his signature bear-hug.
Esme may be the mother of our group, but Emmett is the glue holding us all together. I’d be drowning without my brother and if his death-grip of a hug is any indication, he knows it.
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• March 4th, 2006 • Forks, WA •
“I’m pretty sure we passed that tree two times in the last hour, Bells.” Tromping behind my best friend, I keep my eyes fixed down to prevent myself from tripping over the dense foliage.
“We’re close, I just know it.” There’s a desperate edge to Bella’s voice that stops my teasing and squeezes my heart, I know that feeling. To be grasping for something out of reach to link me back to him.
Pushing through a particularly thick cluster of low-lying branches, I smack face first into Bella’s backpack.
“Bella, you can’t just stop-” Finally my surroundings make sense and I realize we’ve found it. It’s brown and sad as fuck, but we actually found it.
I spin, taking in every inch of the dead meadow as Bella drops to the ground, fingers clutching the crunchy grass. Facing the middle again, I gasp at the figure standing before us, the sound startling Bella into a standing position next to me.
“Bella and Y/n.”
“Laraunt.” His name is a choked gasp on my best friend’s lips.
“I didn’t expect to find either one of you here.” He begins pacing casually in front of us “I went to visit the Cullen’s, but the house is empty? I’m surprised they left you both behind. Weren’t you both sort of… pets of theirs?”
“Y-yeah, you could say that.” Bella answers him as I reach for her hand, a sort of dread sinking in as I think over his words and what he might be getting at.
“Do the Cullen’s visit often?”
You need to leave, darlin’. He’s not safe.
“Yeah absolutely - all the time.” Bella’s lie causes the hair on the back of my neck to raise.
“We’ll tell them you stopped by.” I chime in, trying to make it seem believable and also trying to keep the shaking from my voice - both from the deadly turn of the conversation and from hearing his voice in my head.
“I probably shouldn’t - Edward,” the name rolling of her tongue has her squeezing my hand in pain, “Because he’s pretty protective.”
“But he’s far away, isn’t he? They both are.”
Terror begins to flood my chest, he’s making sure we’re alone.
“Why are you here?” Bella flips the questioning onto Laraunt.
“I came as a favor… To Victoria.” His answer practically stops my heart and I know he can hear it.
“Victoria.” The whisper slips from me without a second thought.
“She asked me to see if either of you were still under the protection of the Cullens. Victoria feels it’s only fair to kill Edward’s and Jasper’s mates, given they killed her’s.” His eyes flicked between us, no doubt sensing the blow of both of their names. “An eye for an eye.”
“Edward would know who did it! And he’d come after you.”
Threaten him.
“Jasper would hunt both of you down.” My emotions fill my voice, the threat not as potent as it could be.
“I don’t think they will. After all, how much could you mean to them if they left you here, unprotected?” The vampire sighs, like he’s actually fucking torn, “Victoria won’t be happy about my killing you, but I can’t help myself - both of you are so mouth watering.”
“Please don’t, y-you helped us-” Bella begins to panic, but he flashes directly in front of us with his speed, fingers reaching for our faces.
“Shhh-shhh, don’t be afraid! I’m doing you a kindness - Victoria plans on killing you slowly, painfully. Whereas I’ll make it quick. I promise, you’ll feel nothing.”
“Edward I love you.” Bella’s confession slips as I close my eyes and squeeze her hand in mine. At least we go together, right?
“I can’t believe it.” The awe in Laraunt’s voice opens my eyes as twigs begin snapping in the tree line behind us.
One large wolf, black as night, emerges from the forest. Large being a gross understatement - more like the size of a fucking horse. Behind the massive animal emerges more of the same, although slightly smaller, but no less scary.
A pack of wolves. A pack of supernaturally huge wolves.
And they’re facing down a vampire, no less.
A vampire on a mission to kill us.
The command zings through me and takes charge. I yank on Bella’s arm as Laraunt bats away the first wolf like it was nothing, it’s yelp stunning her into action.
The panicked sprint through the woods for her truck is much faster this time than the hike out, neither of us stopping or looking back.
Afraid to see if anything was giving chase.
Afraid to see if the wolves didn’t buy us time.
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The ride back to Bella’s was tense to say the least. Too stuck in my own head to even say anything to her, the terror still coursing through my veins keep my mouth shut and fists clenched. What if Laraunt got away from them? What if he was still hunting us?
I never realized until now how scary it is, not having the supernatural protection of the Cullens.
I never realized that I took for granted the safety Jasper surrounded me with. Well, used to surround me with.
The sour thought sends another all-too-familiar painful zap through my chest.
As soon as Bella pulls into her drive, I hop out and climb into my own as she runs inside, probably to tell her dad about the absolutely massive wolves lurking in Forks’ woods.
Wolves that might’ve just saved our lives.
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Taglist Part 1:
@aoi-targaryen @Min-jianhyung @pbbsl @timelordhunterandmysterysolver @sheerangermany @clearwater-hoe @Blackbluerose666 @ivy-plays @random-human02 @delightfulbluebirdstarlight @steh-lar-uh-nuhs @gaymazinglula @l3ejm @angelfuzzy2 @losa12308 @thekinkpopstandsforkrackheads @flyawayprincess @ropickle @catbusloki @deviat3dsn0wf0x @lovesanimals0000 @unrevived @h-naec @cutesnakemum @zudooms @itsmytimetoodream @stinkii-boii @acoolnight @anothercoffeeblogx @irishblend10 @from-now-on-im-switzerland @kyraslife2 @naolvshan @kiiwiigii @rosedpetal @kiaraandrea @foolsgoldxo @heartfilia01 @azuredgalaxies @geekysimmerthings @graciereads @ramen-girl-2424 @0hmydekiru @creeqvealley @cherriebat @whichwitchisthebitch @dragon-rider-with-a-book @secretfairytailpetscookie @psychobitchsthings
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languajix · 1 month
Mike's Makeover (a Fandom Family Reunion Fashion Show Fic)
Have a little not-so-little surprise fic I wrote in honor of the fashion show event! Cabinmates, I hope I kept your characters in character here, and if I didn't, my deepest apologies.
Summary: Mike's only recent experience with a makeover has been a couple of little girls playing dress-up with him. Other than that, he's never had much opportunity to look or feel pretty. Can his cabinmates help him out?
Wordcount: 2,978
Hold Every Memory Mike arrived back at the cabin with a full-bodied sigh after a long day of wandering around, poking at things, and meeting a lot of very fun, very fashionable people. Also collecting stuff!
He heaved all the various assorted fabrics from his arm to the bed, then deposited his nibbles one by one into the nest on the bedside table. El, Dee, Lee, Angie. All the Splinterson-Hamato campers present and accounted for!
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," he heard from behind him, and he did not jump because he was a ninja, of course. He just stiffened a little. The speaker in question was Cerulean, his fellow cabinmate, looking at him with his usual diplomatic smile on his face.
"Pardon?" Mike asked, having genuinely no clue what Cerulean could possibly take issue with. He didn't slam the door, he didn't track mud inside like last time, or the time before that, he didn't leave his nephews to crawl around on the bed and potentially fall off or anything, he himself was just stretching a little and unless Cerulean was worried about him pulling a muscle...
Cerulean gestured at the pile of clothes on the bed. "If these aren't already wrinkled so badly as to need ironing, they will be if you leave them like that."
Ahh. Well, what was another wrinkle? Mike's dimension wasn't exactly going to be a safe place for fancy fabric in the first place, if he even got to take this stuff home with him. He sighed again just a little, picking them up one by one. Did this cabin have a closet? Clothes hangers? He wasn't in the mood for finagling any folding at the moment; it was hard enough when he had had two hands to work with, and he'd kind of wound himself down for the day.
"I don't even know if I'm gonna try on half of this stuff," he admitted to Cerulean, who leaned over to help him pick up the clothes from the pile. "I don't usually, y'know, wear nice things. We're pretty busy, and there's just never any reason to get all dressed up anymore."
Cerulean raised a brow. "Nonsense," he countered. "There is always a reason to wear nice things."
"Not where I'm from," Mike admitted wryly. His aching feet made it hard to jump up and meet the level of his usual optimistic pep. "A long, long time ago, it could've been a different story, though. When we were teenagers, sometimes we'd have to dress up to blend in somewhere, and whenever I could get away with it, I'd try to go for clothes that made me feel... I don't know. Pretty, I guess." He laughed, and felt the grasping, confusing what-ifs slide off his shell as he decided not to linger on them. "That was a long time ago. I got a little of that mojo back with, you know, the beads. And I won't say the stuff I shrugged on today wasn't fun. It's just... I can't. This whole camp has been a lot of fun, but it does keep me too busy to really experiment or anything, usually."
Cerulean paused, then, fingers running over the fabric of one particular jacket thoughtfully. "It seems like a waste to not at least wear them all once."
"Yeah, well. We'll see how many I have time for before this shindig is over, I guess." Mike held up his arm that once again held a bunch of clothes, probably making Cerulean wince a little on the inside. "Any idea where to hang these bad boys for the time being?"
Cerulean showed him to a closet near the entry door. Neat. That's what that door was for. He hadn't realized that was there, probably because he hadn't really needed it. All his usual clothes were haphazardly folded in the duffle at the foot of his bed.
Together, they started hanging up all the clothes, and Mike was really grateful for the friends he'd made at the Family Reunion, he really, really was.
When they were done, Cerulean swished away, off to do... whatever it was he did all day.
The tiny turtle tots at his bedside started peeping for their uncle's attention, so he turned to go make sure they wouldn't wilt out of inattention. Gotta keep earning those uncle points, right?
ICE was looking at him weird.
ICE looked at everybody weird at some point, because ICE could be a little judgemental sometimes. Mike tried not to take the looks personally; he was a weird guy.
He couldn't figure out what he was doing, though, that made ICE look at him like this. Most of the time he was in the middle of dunking jalapenos in jelly and eating it with a spoon, or doing pushups up on his fingertips with all of his nibbles balanced on his shell, or trying to lure out the Covert guys down from the roof with a laser pointer. His weird stuff was usually obvious.
He was sitting on his bed reading comic books while his nephews napped against his side.
Did- did they not have comic books in ICE's dimension? He ended up not reading the back half of the comic at all, and instead squinting down as the letters blurred and he tried to imagine a dimension without comic books. What would people even do for fun?
The front door creaked open, and Marco raised an eyebrow from behind his dark sunglasses as he ducked into the cabin, a plastic shopping-style bag slung over his shoulder. "Hey guys."
"Did you get everything on the list?" ICE demanded immediately, and on the opposite side of the room, Mike noticed Spirit and Mika perk up, shooting glances towards the incoming cabin counselor.
Marco took his time in brushing off his shoes on the mat and swinging the bag down against his side, stopping to scratch his chin. He must have been enjoying ICE's growing frustration, because he milked it for a good fifteen seconds at least before he gave ICE a nod, fingers curling tight against the handle of the bag. "Yep. It's all here. I think."
"Let me see," ICE demanded, sliding to his feet and marching across the room to hold out his hand imperiously.
Mike was curious.
It was never a good thing when Mike got curious. But fortunately or unfortunately, he had a couple of tiny children napping at his side and he couldn't face their tiny little sleepy eyes blinking up at him if he got up and accidentally woke them. So. "All right, then. Keep your secrets," he murmured to himself.
He watched ICE shuffle through the bag, then turn to Mika and nod. Mike watched, befuddled and amused, as Mika rolled to his feet with a salute and started wandering over in his direction.
"What's the haps?" he asked, feeling almost a little cornered, but Mika merely smiled back at him, wide and sweet, before slowly scooping up the nibbles one by one, shushing and bouncing them when they started whining in their sleep, settling them in the nest on the bedside table.
When Mike was child-free, Mika herded Mike to the end of his bed, feet sat solidly on the ground, arm resting behind him for a little stability as he leaned back just a tad. "Perfect!" Mika beamed, shooting him a thumbs up.
Mike had gone from intrigued to amused, at this point, though the not knowing was eating him up inside.
ICE set the bag down next to him, but a tap on the bottom of his chin kept Mike looking straight ahead instead of peeking inside. "I'm going to need you to stay still," ICE instructed. "Lean forward a little. Mika needs your hand."
"Always happy to lend a hand," Mike said automatically, as Mika settled in beside him. Finally, he got to see what was in Marco's bag of tricks, as ICE reached in and pulled out... nail polish.
Mike's own nail polish was chipped almost beyond recognition after weeks of inattention. He'd just been busy, okay? But this bottle of new stuff was a shiny, sparkly purple, almost looking like a captured galaxy in there, and he knew his Donnie would love it if he could show it to him. "Oh! Nail painting. Awesome. We can gossip about boys and paint each other's nails." Mika took Mike's hand to start working, and Mike tried hard not to immediately slouch as he warmed up at the contact. This was going to do wonders for his touch starvation, probably. Nice.
ICE pulled out something else - a thing of eyeliner, which Mike recognized because ICE had done up his makeup all spooky and cool recently.
"We're going to try to do this over your mask, this time," ICE declares. "I've seen some people around the camp doing it like that. Captain, for one. I don't know how this will turn out, but I'll do my best."
...what prompted this makeover, exactly? Mike searched back, but his thoughts kept getting stuck on the whole idea of a world without comic books, like a skipped record. "Okay. That, uh. Sounds. Good?"
ICE just smirked.
Painting his fingernails was over and done with quick, given that he had three of them, and Mika soon had him resting his hand on the bedspread, gently waving one of Mike's comic books to get a little airflow and let them dry, when they heard a little shuffle from the floor above. "What are we doing?" Scout asked, poking his snout over the edge of the top railing and blinking big, curious eyes down at the scene.
Spirit flew up to meet him, spinning in excited little circles. "Uncle Mike is getting a makeover!"
"Oooh!" Scout tapped his fingers against the wood in a happy little pattern, then blinked once more as though a thought had occurred to him. "What's a makeover? Can I help?"
"Sure!" Mika called, waving up at Scout. "I'll teach you how to braid! You can help me pick some beads." Scout perked up and started hopping down the stairs.
The thought of braiding his mask tails gave Mike a thrill down the back of his shell. He loved doing that, he loved how he looked like that, he just got busy. Just like everything else, really.
"Drat," ICE muttered. "Marco, you forgot a ribbon."
"Wasn't on the list!" Marco called from the kitchen, where Mike could hear him rummaging around. Snack hunting? Mike's own stomach rumbled just a little at the thought.
Or maybe that was the sound of ICE grumbling. "It was. I know it was." He tutted, obviously displeased.
That was fine! Mike hadn't expected to have his mask braided when he woke up that morning, so it wasn't a big loss. He sucked in a breath, about to say as much, when he was interrupted. Something tapped on the window, and the only reason Mike knew it was one of the Covert guys was the obvious shadow that they definitely left on purpose as they zipped away.
Scout skedaddled over to the window, taking a few tries to figure out the latch but eventually sliding it open. He poked his head through, looking up, but by then the Covert guys were for sure gone.
"Oh!" Mike heard him call, and then Scout was in front of them, holding out some things in his hands for their inspection.
A red ribbon. And two small, thin knives, almost thin enough to be mistaken for chopsticks, with sheathes dyed orange and gold stitching.
(Uh, did the Covert guys have this place bugged, or what? Not that Mike wasn't grateful, but. Still.)
"I'll take that, thank you," ICE said, grabbing the knives and inspecting them before Scout could accidentally hurt himself. "I know what we're doing with these." Good, because Mike had no idea.
Scout sorted out the beads by color, whispering to Mika along the way, going off of some sort of color scheme Mike was clearly not meant to be in the loop about. Mike kept getting distracted by ICE leaning over him, eyes narrowed in concentration, some makeup thing or other pinched tightly between his fingers. The soft presses against Mike's mask tickled, and on the opposite side of his head, his mask tails were being tugged in a familiar way.
"Ah! Stop that," ICE scolded as someone - Scout? - tugged a little too hard and tugged Mike's mask an inch sideways on his face. Then ICE got a good look at Mike, eye holes askew, probably makeup all weird as well, and out of the tiny bit of eyehole Mike had left he could see ICE trying not to laugh.
(Mike almost forgot his nails were drying, when he went to go readjust his mask back. Whoops.)
Marco walked by on his way out the door, shooting Mike a quick nod as he passed. Mike tried to read his face for any indication of how the whole makeover thing was going, but Marco's expression was impassive. Helpful, Marco. Thanks.
After a few more minutes, ICE leaned back, studying his work. "Okay, I think I'm finally done. Looking good, Uncle Mike, if I do say so myself."
Spirit, who had lingered behind ICE's shoulder on and off during the whole process, spinning around and laughing into his hands and making Mike feel a little nervous, gave Mike an encouraging thumbs up.
Okay. Cool. He was getting excited about this, actually. Like really excited, a little fluttery thing between his ribs, a little smile that wouldn't quit.
ICE grabbed the knives and walked over to the side of the bed. "Let's just put these... here," he said, and Mike could feel the slide of something into the top of his braid, right against the curve of his skull, and then a second one also sliding home.
"We just need to tie this off and then we're done, too!" Mika announced cheerfully. ICE rummaged around in the bag and passed him something, and Mike could feel the braid swishing across his shell as Mika finagled a tie around the end.
"Thank you, guys. I appreciate this a lot more than you know. Am I done? Am I pretty?" Mike asked, just a little bit shyly, itching to go look at himself in the mirror.
"Not quite," someone said, and he turned wide eyes on Cerulean, who had made his way downstairs without so much as pinging Mike's senses, a testament to Mike's distraction as much as it was Cerulean's silence.
Cerulean passed Mike by with only a sidelong glance and a placid smile. Mike smiled back, confused. But then again, this whole thing had been confusing. Nice, but confusing.
Cerulean swung open the door to the cabin closet. He seemed to know exactly what he was looking for, as he pulled something out without any hesitation.
He laid the clothes down beside Mike on the bed. "You have to put this on, first."
It was one of the outfits Mike had come home with the other day. One of the many he hadn't actually worn, yet.
He didn't even know if it looked good on him. Cerulean seemed to think it would, though, which was a high recommendation. Okay, here went nothing.
Clothed and accessorized, he stood in front of the mirror and opened his eyes. What he saw knocked the breath right out of his lungs, just a little. The crisp, clean lines of makeup on his mask around his eyes, making them look wide and beautiful, a sparkly gold accentuating the black. His mask tails, with a small, long-bodied metal dragon wound up through the braid and scattered gold and purple beads glinting throughout, and the knives crossed like hairsticks through the very top. An elegantly thin gold chain draped around his neck, settled right across his plastron.
His nails, glittering like the night sky, below a simple gold bracelet.
The shirt, gauzy and light and just the right color to blend in with the golds, under an artfully draped, loose jacket with a dragon trailing across the hem, leaving stars in its wake. The swishy skirt, dripping gold into winking purple galaxies.
It reminded him of himself, but the purple and the night also reminded him of Donnie, and looking at himself in the mirror and seeing his family carried with him brought the same bubbling joy as it always did.
Mike couldn't help his grin, or his happy wiggles. He laughed, and the edges of his eyes crinkled, probably messing up that perfect makeup just a little but honestly? It would still be perfect anyways. It was all perfect.
He looked so pretty.
He could see ICE and Mika peeking over his shoulder, watching him looking at himself in the mirror, but when he pulled out his phone for a selfie, they leaned away, obviously trying to give him some space.
He didn't want space.
"Get in here," he demanded, "I'm not taking a picture without everybody in it."
ICE leaned in to his left side, a cool expression settling across his face. Mika draped himself over Mike's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear, Spirit hovering next to him. Scout waved eagerly from behind Mike's other shoulder, and Mike turned, wiggling his phone and his elegantly drawn brows. "When I said 'everybody', I didn't mean 'everybody but Cerulean,'" he declared firmly. "Get in, there's only so much room in front of this thing."
Cerulean raised his brows, as though politely surprised to have been included in the word everybody. "Well, if you insist."
He leaned close to Mike's right, though, and sent a picture-perfect smile to the mirror.
Mike snapped a photo.
Everybody in it was pretty, but he had to say, for once in his time at camp? He was absolutely the prettiest.
AUs involved, in order of appearance:
Hold Every Memory @languajix
True Colors by @v-albion
It's a Complicated Equation by @leilanising
Fear's Embrace by @karonkar and @owliedoesnothing
Ghost of the Past by @wandering-ghost
Second Shot by @twignotstick
Covert AU by @chessman-protocol
All from Cabin 14!
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scoops-aboy86 · 7 months
We see a lot of chubby Steve/weight gain post-high school but I think it would be interesting to see some fics where he’s still in school. Maybe he has to give up sports due to the concussions or something?
You're right and you should say it!! I have a bit of that in my love spell no go AU, before Starcourt happens and Steve goes full trauma-fueled must be able to protect everyone I know mode. 
So... might not be what you were hoping for but I wrote an almost 3k addition to that fic, during the part where Steve is still at Hawkins High. Swim is over for the year (and Steve avoids his pool now), and while he's still on the basketball team he's also smoking weed (helps with the nightmares, getting enough sleep, better mood, etc.) and snacking more. He's in the starter belly stage but has no complaints.
Part 1, (YOU ARE HERE), part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11 of the love spell no go au
The weed he bought from Munson is a godsend, and Steve wonders why he hadn’t thought of it before… only to remember that Nancy wouldn’t have approved. (Although she’s not a priss, exactly, she had barely even touched alcohol since the night Barb died. Until Halloween.) But he can sleep through the lonely nights now, which is worth even that hurtful pang of realization—that maybe, Nancy hadn’t been very good for him. 
(Sure, she had helped him study. And his grades had improved. But sometimes, too, she would smile and say, “You’re an idiot, Steve Harrington.” It had been cute at first, before Barb, when the smile had still been real.)
Whenever he thinks about that, or feels particularly lonely, he digs into his stash for a quick smoke out his bedroom window—never by the pool, not anymore. He gets into the habit of snacking after, even if it’s while doing his homework, because even when he’s a little bit stoned it’s somehow easier to focus on shit when he’s doing something else at the same time, and chewing works. 
(Nancy hadn’t liked it when he’d fiddled with his pencil or a rubber band or a Rubix cube or anything while she’d quizzed him with flashcards, even though he’d tried to tell her it helped. She’d fussed at him about it until he’d just… stopped.)
Other times, he zones out in front of the tv while working his way through a sandwich or a bag of chips or a sleeve of Oreos. Or takeout, a lot of the time, because his culinary skills pretty much stop at sandwiches, up to and including scrambling an egg for a breakfast sandwich. But a man cannot live on scrambled eggs alone, he’s learned that the hard way, so pizza or burgers or pasta in cardboard containers it is. 
It’s not just the munchies. After a while Steve gets into the habit of just… eating. It's not like his parents are around to notice, and Dustin and the other kids he babysits sometimes (for all that Mike protests that they aren’t babies and don’t need a sitter; what they do consistently need, however, is rides) don't care as long as he springs for enough that they can have some too. No one at school would dare say it to his face, and somehow it still doesn't manage to fully tank his slightly flagging reputation, but Steve is definitely starting to put on weight. He doesn’t care. 
He starts going to parties again half for a change of scenery, half for a change of food options. Pizza still makes a frequent appearance, but there’s popcorn and flavors of chips that he doesn’t usually buy and various kinds of snack mixes. (His favorites are anything that include M&Ms.) Sometimes, there are even cupcakes or cookies. He doesn’t dance, doesn’t even drink all that much and sticks to just beer when he does, never the punch. Most of the kids who come to these parties are there for the booze and the makeout opportunities, but he turns up to people-watch, bopping his head in time with the music if it's a song he likes, and park himself by whatever food the party has to offer. Sometimes Steve buys from Eddie if he's there, offers to share joints with him that Eddie, still wary, turns down. When the food runs out, Steve leaves.
Tonight, though, Tammy Thompson just will not leave him alone and he’s at a loss for what to do about it. She’s been talking his ear off about wanting to move to Nashville and become a country singer the entire time he’s been working on this extra large pepperoni and sausage with black olives—not his first choice, but it’s still hot enough for the cheese to stretch whenever he picks up the next slice, warm tomato sauce and grease dripping down the front of his polo more often than he can always catch with a napkin. 
“Did you want some?” he asks at some point, to be polite and hopefully indicate that he doesn’t care that she’s trying to tell him something. 
He can tell immediately that it doesn’t work, because Tammy lights up from simply being addressed, even though her answer is, “Oh, no thank you, I’m a vegetarian.”
“Right,” Steve mumbles, and crams nearly half of his next slice of meat-laden pizza in his mouth. Maybe if he talks with his mouth full. “More for me, then.”
The words come out muffled, but she still beams and offers to grab him something to drink, jumping up and scampering off before Steve even has a chance to respond. He sighs, downs the rest of the beer he’s been nursing, and takes the new one she brings him without saying thank you. Between the next pieces of pizza he pops it open, chugs it, and belches; she puts a hand on his arm. 
For a moment, at that, Steve feels a faint stirring of interest. He likes his food, did even before dropping swimming and picking up weed, and well before it started to show. Now that it has, he feels comfortable in his softer body. Good. And maybe… maybe he could handle dating someone who doesn’t mind how much he likes it. He imagines Tammy running her immaculately painted nails over his skin, places he’s noticed have been getting more sensitive lately, and suppresses a shiver. 
“Could you pass me that bowl of M&Ms over there?” he asks, testing the waters. Yeah, he could probably reach it if he stretched, but he’s starting to fill up and doesn’t feel like putting the extra pressure on his stomach. He sits back a little in his chair instead, shifting to get comfortable and laying a hand on his belly where it bows out over the waistband of his jeans. “Sorry, just, you know. Big appetite lately.”
“Oh, that’s okay, I don’t mind,” Tammy says with a giggle as she fetches the bowl for him. “Besides, you’re an athlete! I’m sure you’ll work it off in no time on the court.”
And yeah, no, that vague interest curdles immediately. As far as Steve is concerned, the only parts of himself he wants to get rid of are all in his head—the heartbroken parts, the nightmare and trauma parts, the desperately lonely and needy parts. But he’s not so lonely that he’ll hook up with a girl who’s willing in spite of how he looks, because what else could she possibly be interested in? His personality?
He barely even has one. King Steve has always been bullshit, Nancy was right about that much. 
Through the crowd, he spots curly hair and a flash of dark leather—Eddie. Good, he’d been hoping to buy more tonight, and this is as good an excuse to exit this conversation as any. 
Steve grabs a handful of M&Ms to shove in his mouth and flips the lid of the pizza box closed, handing the bowl back to Tammy and taking the box with him when he stands. “Well, enjoy the rest of the party,” he blurts. “I’ve gotta go see a guy about some drugs. Bye!”
As he makes his escape, some girl that he thinks he might have class with or something just about shoulder-checks him, but he’s solid enough that she ends up stumbling from the impact instead. The glare she gives him could peel paint… which is actually kind of refreshing, after enduring Tammy’s simpering for the better part of an hour. 
To Eddie’s perpetual frustration, now that Steve Harrington has started buying weed from him he can never seem to be free of the guy. Case in point: the “Hey, Munson, wait up!” that follows him to the backyard of tonight’s house party slash business venture. 
He waits until he’s down the patio steps before whipping around, prepared to glare and snap an impatient what do you want, Harrington, but ends up staring at a pizza box that’s being shoved in his face. 
“Pizza?” Steve says. 
Eddie blinks at the box, then at the boy holding it. “This isn’t your party. Doesn’t that mean it’s not your pizza to offer?”
“It might as well be, I’ve eaten most of it,” Steve replies. “No one seemed to notice, that makes it fair game.” 
Once, Eddie had been selling at a party and been bitched out for touching a single cookie, because those were for guests. He wants to scowl, but then his gaze flicks down to the partly open box and sees that there aren’t many slices left, eyes fixing on the evidence dripped down the front of Steve’s shirt and the way it’s… tight, across his middle. “You ate all but three slices of an entire extra large?”
He’s not sure what answer he expects to get. Maybe something like Of course not, dickhead, or maybe just, What, like it’s hard? But all Steve says is, “Yep.” And keeps looking at him with those sweet hazel eyes that seem bight and not too clouded by alcohol. 
Still, Eddie is wary. “Okay… You first.” 
Steve just shrugs and pulls out a slice, taking a bite before Eddie snatches it out of his hand. “Hey!”
“Just making sure it wasn’t poisoned first, sweetheart,” Eddie retorts, sneering for the excuse to call a pretty boy sweetheart in semi-public, butterflies stirring in his stomach at getting away with it. “Don’t worry, the rest is all yours.”
“Who’s tried to poison you?” Steve asks in a perplexed tone, folding the last two slices together to make a pizza sandwich and tossing the empty box onto the deck. Still following Eddie, because of course this is Eddie’s life. Love spell was a spectacular failure, but he’s still got the boy of his dreams following him around like a lost duckling because he’s got drugs. Fucking fantastic. 
And Eddie doesn’t want to get into the whole thing—those rumors from when Eddie had been in seventh grade and Steve had been in sixth, for all that they’re both in the same grade now, about some kid who’d been sent to the ER from a bad reaction to itching powder. There were variations where it had gotten in his eyes and nearly blinded him, or on his food and made his throat swell shut, or in his underwear and turned his dick so red his balls fell off. In reality, he had only gone to the nurse with a bad rash and hadn’t even been allowed to go home, but it left a goddamn impression. 
He doesn’t want to get into it, not if Steve either doesn’t remember the rumors or hasn’t connected them to his present day self, so he just rolls his eyes and says, “Are you looking to buy or what?”
Steve immediately brightens a bit, like a golden retriever spotting someone holding a tennis ball. “Yeah, I smoked the last I had before coming here but it’s already worn off I think.” And takes a big bite of his two pizza slices. 
So Eddie leads him to a darker nook around the side of the house for the deal, trying not to stare at the way Steve’s cheeks bow out while he chews, like a damn chipmunk. It’s cute. He’s kind of angry that it’s cute, that there’s still a part of him that lights up when Steve looks happy, satisfied, content—and right now all of those boxes are checked. 
“Want to smoke a little now?” Steve offers, once he’s paid and taken the baggie one handed, popped the rest of the food in his mouth, licked his fingers clean, and pulled out a pack of rolling papers. And Eddie pauses too long before answering, long enough that Steve takes the lack of refusal as a yes. 
Which Eddie should correct, because he usually says no to that sort of thing, especially when he’s at parties specifically to sell. He’s turned Steve down before, even; it’s like the guy has a whole thing about offering whenever he plans on lighting up asap. Eddie knows better to fall into that trap. 
But it’s a nice night. The weather is mild for spring, business has been good, and Steve licks his lips to get the last traces of pizza sauce before his tongue darts out to wet the paper and finish rolling the joint. Nice and tight, like the denim hugging Steve’s ass and thighs tighter recently. So Eddie sticks around, breaks his rule and tries to keep his face clear of any evidence that he is fixated on the few degrees of separation between smoking and kissing, heart hammering the entire time. He tells himself it’s a one time only thing, but knows he might be lying. Recognizes how addictive this could be. 
“Thanks for being here,” Steve says after passing the joint back and forth a few times, his eyes glazed and drooping. “Really needed this tonight.”
“That’s what I’m here for, man,” Eddie replies. He’s leaning against the side of the house practically shoulder to shoulder with his crush, and the high washing over him is really taking the edge off the jagged yearning in his chest. Like, he still wants, but he’s happy just floating in the present moment, content with the indirect sharing of spit. And this is… This is okay. 
Surprisingly okay. 
It throws Eddie for a loop because it’s at odds with the whole King Steve image. The whole puppet master persona that isn’t a bully, but can with a few words cut someone down socially to where the bullies could reach them, if they so wish. Popular kids at Hawkins High walk around with their noses in the air like they’ve never smelled a fart and refuse to start now, but this is the guy they turn around and start brown-nosing. King Steve isn’t nice, he’s used to being waited on. Kings do not say thank you to the court jester for simply carrying out his profession. 
Just Steve, though, is different. Just Steve is chill and finished most of an entire huge pizza while mostly sober, is filling out his clothes even better these days in Eddie’s opinion, and currently looks the most at peace he’s ever seen a person. No walls, no guard… Just Steve. 
Okay, that one split joint had gone straight to his head, god damn. 
“Well, I’m gonna take off,” Eddie announces, and can’t tell if he’s said it too loud or not. He pushes off the wall with a shake of his head. “You snagged pretty much the last of my inventory, so I’ll just get out of here before someone starts handing out the torches and pitchforks.”
Steve chuckles. “Like any of those guys in there know how to make a torch,” he scoffs. He manages to say it in a way that almost makes Eddie lean in. Makes him feel like he’s been let in on some sort of inside joke, like they could but those losers couldn’t. 
Which is—Okay, so Eddie does in theory know how to make a torch, he’d looked into it for one of his earliest homebrew campaigns, but Steve Harringnton? The very idea of Steve whipping off his shirt, tying it to a branch, soaking the end in something flammable, and lighting it up is something out of fantasy. Out of specific fantasies that he has had. It snaps Eddie out of the hazy bubble of they that Steve had somehow created with just a few words, and holy shit. Was that one of the side effects of his wonky spell, or was that Just Steve?
“Yeah, sure,” Eddie scoffs back, putting more distance between them even though he does want to lean in, dammit, but he wants Steve to want it too. Even though it’s on the tip of his tongue to ask the guy if he has a ride home, or if he wants to swing by the mom and pop ice cream place on Main for desert or something; Eddie has been practicing swallowing down urges like that since he’d hit adolescence. “Find me next time you need to top up your stash, Harrington.”
He walks away fast enough that if Steve responds he doesn’t hear it, heading for the back gate that he’d left the house for in the first place. His van is parked strategically nearby for a quick getaway, just in case the party got out of hand and a neighbor called the cops. 
And if his dreams that night feature a completely relaxed Steve Harrington chewing on never ending slices of pizza and that blissful look of peace on his face, his lips shiny with spit and grease, it’s not like Eddie is ever going to tell anyone.
Tag list (comment to be added): @hotluncheddie @8em-em-em8 @anaibis @connected-dots @lawrencebshoggoth
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dudeshusband · 2 months
Title: My Heart Seems to Melt in Your Glance
Ship: Mike x Matt Helm (the next fic might also be this ship because i got an idea)
Words: 1.4k
Description: Mike finally gets that date they asked Matt for.
It was incredibly silly to Mike that this would be their first date. After everything they’d done with Matt Helm, this was their first actual date. They sighed as they applied their makeup, a much subtler look today than many of their other ones.
Matt was supposed to meet them at 7 o'clock. Whether Matt was a particularly punctual person was yet to be seen.
They powdered their face and inspected themselves a little too long in the mirror. They were worried tonight was the end of everything. Maybe tonight was when Matt decided this wasn't casual enough anymore or when he decided after a good long look that they weren't even pretty.
Mike didn't have too much time to stress because Matt was, very surprisingly, on time for their date.
He honked outside their house. Mike hurried out to meet him.
He gave them an appraising glance through the window. His gaze tended to linger. “You look very nice. Get in.”
“You’re on time,” Mike said.
“Why would I stand such a pretty thing up?” Matt asked flirtatiously.
Mike appreciated that he changed his habit of saying “girl”. He was oddly accommodating to them.
They rolled their eyes at him.
Mike got into Matt’s car, and slid across the seat. Matt’s car didn't have seatbelts.
He gave them a peck on the lips, then pulled back. He tasted faintly of what Mike thought was gin and orange juice. He smiled at them and asked, “Ready?”
They nodded. After Matt released the emergency brake and moved the stick into 1st, they were off. Eventually it was moved into 3rd.
At this point, Matt pulled a flask out of the glovebox and flipped it open. Mike gave him a disapproving glance.
He tilted his flask toward Mike. “Want some?”
“Someone in this car has to be sober and it’s not going to be the driver.”
“I haven't crashed yet.”
Matt grinned at them. His cheeks were always tinted slightly red and his eyes crinkled. Mike couldn't help but find him adorable.
Mike shoved him. “At least look at the road.”
“Road’s not as pretty.”
“The road is more important. You can look at me later.”
Reluctantly, Matt looked at the road ahead. Despite Matt usually driving tipsy, he never seemed to have any trouble with it. Mike felt more safe with him tipsy than they’d felt in some others’ cars when they were stone cold sober.
“Can we go to a drive-in?” Mike asked him as they approached one.
“With all the teenagers making out in cars?”
“No- well, yes, but I’ve never been.”
“No? No boy’s ever taken you?”
Mike smiled in a way that betrayed insecurity. “No guy’s taken me anywhere. Besides you. You know that.”
If Matt ever showed pity, that’s the look he had now. “You picked a hell of a guy to start with.”
Mike took this opportunity to lighten the mood. “That’s not how that happened and you know it.”
They booped the tip of his nose playfully.
He grinned wolfishly, possibly replaying their first night together in his mind. “No. That’s not how it happened. But you could've told me to shove it.”
Mike laughed. “About how many people have told you to shove it?”
Matt considered this as he pulled into the drive-in theater. “Not a lot, I guess. Doesn't mean you couldn't have.”
“I didn't want to,” Mike said plainly. “I know that, you know that. I won’t lie and pretend I wasn't interested. That I’m not still interested. Even with how annoying you are.”
Matt knew they didn't mean that at all. Mike didn't have to take into account his playful grin or the pinch he gave their hip to know.
The gentleman who gave them their speaker gave them a strange look but said nothing except “enjoy your movie.”
“What was his problem?” Matt asked.
“I think he was trying to figure whether you’re my father or if we’re going together.”
“Your father?” Matt said incredulously. “Don't hurt my pride.”
Matt had crows feet, laugh lines, and graying hair. Mike liked all of these things but knew how they compared to Mike’s youthful appearance.
“You were almost twice my age when we met.”
“It’s only natural for a man to want a younger woman. Why are you after an older man? It sure isn't my maturity.”
Mike snorted. “Definitely not. I'm more mature than you.”
“Why then?”
Mike shrugged. “You’re attractive. You’re funny. You’re not bad in bed. Despite being a louse, you're charming.”
Matt grinned, and returned, “You’re sexy, for a nerd.”
“If it’s a bimbo you want, get to stepping.”
Matt waved one of his large hands. “Eh, I could find 10 of ‘em tomorrow.”
They shrugged. “You could find 10 of me just as easily.”
Matt smiled. “A girl who doesn't annoy me? That’s not so easy.”
That shouldn't have been flattering but Mike found it flattering anyway.
“Maybe that’s exactly why you like me. I’m not a man so you find me attractive but I’m not a woman so I don't annoy you.”
“Could be,” Matt looked up at the sheet where the movie would be projected. “What are we watching, anyway?”
“No idea. I didn't come for the movie.”
“Did you come to make out in this car like a couple of teenagers?” he teased.
Mike turned down the speaker. “No, I told you I came to talk. A real date.”
“What do you want to know?” Matt asked. “Name’s Matt Helm. I work for the government at I.C.E, which if anybody asks you, doesn't exist. I work for Slaymate magazine on the side. Tell anybody you like about that. I like taking pictures. I’m single. I never want to be married. I’m 6 feet, 165 pounds. I love booze but I don’t like bourbon. Want my codename?”
Mike laughed. “I already know that, Eric.”
“You could be very useful to Big O, you know that?”
Mike feigned a gasp. “That’s why you keep me around! You accidentally told me too much. I might leak government secrets.”
Matt gave them a mock hurt look. “You’re giving me too little credit, sweetheart. I never tell anybody anything by accident.”
Huh. There was something there. Something suspicious.
Mike furrowed their brows. “Why tell me on purpose?”
Matt shrugged nonchalantly. “I figured if you were coming around enough, you should know. Might put your life in danger.”
“You care about my life being in danger?”
Matt turned and gave them as serious a look as Matt Helm ever had. “I’m not a bad guy, Mike. I don't like seeing people hurt for no reason, especially not on my account.”
With all their jesting, Mike never thought that Matt was a bad person. Matt was a lot of things but not evil.
“I know that. You’re a good person when you get the chance. I didn't mean to say you’d trade me to the devil for a corn chip, Matt. I’ve seen the way you protect civilians. You wouldn't risk me even if you hated me.”
“I don't hate you,” he said.
But do you like me? Mike wondered.
“I know you don't.”
The pair actually started to watch the movie. It happened to be some cheesy romance flick. Even so, it was better than the strange tension in Matt’s car.
Soon the movie was over, and Matt drove them home. Not much was said on the way.
Matt pulled up to Mike’s house and stopped. Matt kissed them goodbye when he turned off the car.
Matt felt up Mike’s thigh. They laughed and swatted his hand.
He leaned into their ear. “You sure I can't come in?”
“Back off, you pest,” Mike joked.
“I had a nice time,” Matt said. It was one of the few sincere things Mike felt he had ever said to them. Mike was surprised considering how the conversation left off.
“Could you spend an evening just talking to me again?” Mike asked nervously.
“I think so. You’re pleasant company, sweetheart. I might keep you around longer.”
Might. He might. Mike didn't like the phrasing.
“I genuinely like you, Matt, I want you to know that.”
“You’re something else, Mike.”
Mike kissed him. “See you this weekend?”
“Only if I can wait that long.”
Mike’s heart leaped to their throat.
He stole another kiss. Mike had a difficult time leaving his car, but managed after a few more kisses and Matt’s squeezing their thigh.
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themosleyreview · 3 months
The Mosley Review: The Bikeriders
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Now here's something you never really see anymore. The classic era of film where the true meaning of a bad boy was explored. The rebellious nature of going against the standard cookie cutter American dream. Where you could be tough, rugged and an outcast and it was cool. This film brings that flavor of the freedom of riding your motorcycle on the open road that solidified the Americana style of storytelling. There was a culture of bikers that got together in a social club and they just road for the pure love of it. Yeah there were some rebellious bad apples that got into fights and drank, but that was the extent of it before the eventual corruption and criminal element took over. It was majestic, different and cool. This film was based on that time and was a cautionary and somewhat origin story of the rise of the criminal element in the biker community. It follows the same idea of starting something out to be for fun and to be a home for the wayward, but as we already know things tend to spiral out of control without structure. I do like the different perspective as we see the story of the motorcycle group from the outside looking in.
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Jodie Comer delivers an excellent and somewhat annoyingly rhythmic performance as Kathy. She carries the films’ story and emotional resonance throughout expertly. It took some getting used to hearing her Midwestern accent as she would do the typical up and down with her vocal tone that became grating at times. Austin Butler was the poster child of the classic young biker with attitude fueled look and feel as Benny. He was not a man of many words as you'd expect, but that was one of his strongest traits in the film. The allure of danger, carelessness and emotionally guarded was all in his eyes and that fueled the chemistry between him and Kathy. Tom Hardy was excellent and enigmatic as the president of the Vandals MC, Johnny. He was also a very expressive person in the eyes and you feel his pride and joy when he was out with his fellow club members. He was the father figure that was stern, smart and fair. I liked the friendship he had with Benny as he wanted to mentor him to take over. Tom truly portrayed the hardship and weight of being the leader toward the latter half of the film as you she his efforts of expansion became too wild. Mike Faist was good as the photographer and documenter, Danny Lyon. He really was the human tape recorder of the film and he did exactly what he needed to be for the story. He listened, documented and didn't get in the way of the focus of the story. Boyd Holbrook is someone I always enjoy seeing and as Cal, I liked him alot. I almost wish he had switched roles with Austin, but Austin had the more youthful look. Norman Reedus was nearly unrecognizable as Funny Sonny and I loved his light hearted spirit and joyful demeanor.
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The film does feature a score from David Wingo and when its present, it nails the mood. The majority of the film has no score and I loved because it doesn't get in the way of your engagement with the people. The sound design was on point with the mechanical sounds of a bike starting up to the looming roar of ten bikes cresting over a hill and into town. I truly loved the moments where other MC's would just chat up their love for the custom work on the bikes and their personal stories of how they got to this point in life. That's where the magic of the film truly shines. I did feel the tone of the film was bouncing around the love of the culture and the darkness of envy and uncontrolled ambition. That's where I felt the film was a bit unbalanced. Overall, I thought it was a sweet taste of classic Americana that I have missed in film and I wish the tone was more consistent. Let me know what you thought of the film or my review in comments below. Thanks for reading!
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riahlynn101 · 1 year
Whumptober: FNAF - Day One: Drugging
(Starting off easy, light whump).
Trigger warnings: Non-Consensual drug use, implied/referenced death, children being harmed (implied).
Takes place in the FNAF movie universe.
Characters: Vanessa, Mike, William, with some mentions of the missing children and Garrett.
Note: I already know everything in this will be proven wrong when the movie comes out on the 27th, but I hope you all enjoy this anyway :D!!
Implied (future) Schmelly (Mike Schmidt x Vanessa Shelly) near the end.
The days following Garrett’s death were...hard. 
Michael could vaguely recall wandering the halls of his house, half-dazed, and on the rare chance he was forced to venture outside (back to school, to help out at the diner, or to help run errands), he stuck to the shadows, head bowed, and never, ever smiling. 
Harder still when his mother-breaking free from her catatonic state-decided she no longer wished to be a part of their family and fled in the middle of the day while everyone else was gone. She left just a single note dotted with water-stained marks. 
But life pushed on. If his mother’s absence hurt his father, he never said a word about it. And, after a couple of weeks, it was as if she’d never existed. All her possessions pushed to the back of their stuffy attic, just like….
The diner was closed down as well, which put a bit of a damper on his father’s usual jovial mood. It wasn’t due to lack of business, even with the incident, the towns folk routinely visited the little restaurant. There just wasn’t anything else to do (and the incident hadn’t happened to one of their children). 
Michael actually wasn’t quite sure what caused his father to shut down the location. He also never asked. He preferred not to speak anymore. Using his voice took too much energy, and there just wasn’t a reason to do so anymore. 
Besides his father, there was no one else that wanted to talk to him. 
His mother used to call him a chatterbox. Michael would follow her around the house prattling on and on about his newest drawing. He liked to point out the bright colors he used, the lines he painstakingly drew, and the backstory he came up with for the character while drawing. His mother rarely spared him a glance, moving about the house while doing chores. Michael’s father was much the same, though he would occasionally throw him a boon. (The red animatronic fox currently performing on the tiny stage to his right is proof enough of that). But Garrett….Garrett loved to listen to him talk. He would sit with Michael for hours on end, asking for more pictures. 
Michael hunches further over the table, a drawing pad in front of him. His father doesn’t trust him to stay home alone anymore, so he’s forced to come here after school. He hates it. The lights are too bright, the pizza tastes like cardboard, and everyone is way too loud. But saying anything about it means Michael has to talk to his father, and he has no energy left to argue. 
It’s the beginning of summer, so the restaurant is filled to the brim with families. He just barely got his usual booth. Thankfully, since it’s out of view of the animatronics’ performance, no one bothers him. 
The booth is closer to the hallway leading to the parts and service room than the stages. He prefers it only because people don’t wander over to him very often. Though, he hates sitting so close to the hallway. He always feels like he’s being watched.
Suddenly, a glass full of chocolate milkshake is placed down in front of him. Michael glances up at his father. “What?” He asks, remembering (just barely) to keep the sass out of his tone. He had been in the middle of drawing his millionth rendition of a warped-version of the Fredbear animatronic. 
(Sometimes he wonders where it is now. His father never brought it up, but it’s his life’s work. Surely he didn’t just throw it out. But then again…it was the thing that inadvertently caused Garrett’s death. Michael ignores the wave of guilt that crashes over him.)
His father laughs, ruffling Michael’s hair. “Sorry, didn’t know you were busy. Thought maybe you would like a milkshake, but if you really don’t want it…” He trails off, reaching for the glass. 
“No. I do want it,” Michael insists, grabbing the cup. “Sorry,” he mutters, bowing his head. 
His father tsks. “It’s been a hard couple of years, Mikey, but we’ve made it through. I promise it’ll get better. Much better.” His father pats his head and moves along. 
Michael gives a muted smile at his drawing pad. His father was never one for affection, and the last two years have felt like a decade, but maybe he’s right. Maybe things can get better. 
He continues drawing, occasionally stopping to take a drink of the milkshake. It’s one of his favorites and not something his father allows him to have very often. Though, through the chocolate he can taste something a little bitter. Michael thinks of not finishing it, but the allure of his favorite drink is too much to resist. Besides, he reasons, slurping it down, it’s probably nothing. 
He finishes up his drawing just as Freddy and the gang power-up for their umpteenth performance for the day. Michael yawns, feeling a wave of sudden tiredness pass over him. He looks around. The diner is less full now. Children are still crowded around the stage, but there’s less of them than before. There’s even less adults. The ones that remain sit on the opposite side of the diner chatting with their friends. 
Out of the corner of his eye, Michael sees something greenish-yellow move. He turns his head to look, but the room starts to spin. He rapidly blinks, hoping the action might help him wake up a little. 
It doesn’t. 
Michael slumps in his seat. His mouth feels strangely dry, and he has to fight to stay upright. “H-h-h…” he tries his best to get out. The words feel stuck in his throat, far beyond his reach. His tongue is suddenly too large for his mouth. 
Michael looks around, but no one seems to pay him any mind. The kids’ cheers cover up his pathetic calls for help. 
His eyes land on the opening to the hallway. Spring Bonnie-one of the original duo from Fredbear’s Family Diner-stands in the doorway. The rabbit, costume worn and frayed in some places, raises a comically large paw. It waves at Michael. 
In a last ditch effort to get help, he sticks his arm out. Distantly, he hears his sketchbook thud on the floor. No one even looks his way, too preoccupied in their own little worlds. Michael’s world tilts to the side, and then, all he knows is darkness. 
At eight-years-old, Vanessa knows two things for certain. 
One, if given the option, one should always choose strawberry milk over regular milk. 
And two, her twin brother is an idiot. 
Their parents allowed them the freedom to come to the restaurant unsupervised with the caveat that they remember the golden rule: don’t talk to strangers. A rule her brother evidently forgot the minute their parents were no longer in view, because all it took for her brother to break it was a large rabbit. In a way, it kind of reminds her of Bonnie. Both are bunnies with large ears and cute little noses, but that’s where the similarities end. While Bonnie is a blueish purple (depending on the light), the rabbit chatting with her brother is an ugly yellow. There are rips in the costume, and she briefly wonders where the restaurant had been hiding the hideous thing. 
She vaguely remembers another restaurant across town. But Spring Bonnie looked nothing like this rag-tag worn down thing. Besides, everyone knows the owner sold that restaurant after what happened to his son. 
“C’mon, ‘Ness,” her brother says, smiling brightly at her. He rejoins her at their booth, which holds all their prizes from the prize corner, their leftover Faztokens, and some of their plushies that they brought from home. On the opposite side of the restaurant, lurking in the shadows, the ugly-rabbit-thing waits for her brother. “We can eat all the pizza we could possibly want-”
“We can do that out here,” she interrupts, feeling a little uneasy. “Mom and dad left us with some money.”
“Yeah, but-but Spring Bonnie said there’s a surprise he wants to show us. Just us, ‘Ness, please.”
Vanessa shakes her head. “Mom said we shouldn’t talk to strangers, and I have a bad feeling about this. Please, maybe we should just go home.”
Her brother scoffs. “Goody-goody.” He stomps off back to that thing.
She puffs out her cheeks, frustrated with her stupid, dumb-dumb brother. “Fine!” She yells, though it’s hard to hear over the obnoxious kiddie music. Vanessa turns back to their table, tamping down her apprehension at the situation. 
She cleans up their table, stuffing their prizes and plushies into each of their backpacks. Vanessa ought to leave his stuff at the table, teach him a lesson, but she knows her brother. And if any of his plushies get stolen she’ll never hear the end of it. 
Slinging a backpack over each shoulder, Vanessa makes her way to one of the booths closer to the hallway. She slides onto the seat. It’s not ideal, but she can’t go home until her brother comes back. And she can’t go watch the performance, because she can’t stop worrying. 
Someone coughs. Well, less coughs and more sputters for air. 
Curiously, Vanessa peers over the table top. She sits on her knees, leaning over the table. “Hello…? I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this table was taken. I can move.”
The person-a boy, a little older than her-lays sprawled out on the plastic seat of the booth. He continues to gasp for air, fingers twitching and eyelids fluttering. 
Vanessa sits back, unsure of what to do. Her parents taught her what to do in case she caught on fire, what to do if someone tried to bribe her to get into their car, and a whole host of other things. Things that won’t help her now. Except…wait!
She hops to her feet. “Stay there, I’ll be right back!” Vanessa might not understand what’s happening, but she doesn’t need to. All she needs to do is find a phone.
William stuffs the Spring Bonnie costume into the trunk of his car. It would be a pain in the ass to scrub the fabric free of blood later, but he doesn’t have the luxury of time right now. Someone called the police already. He can hear the screeching sirens in the distance. Time for him to get gone. 
He heads back into the pizzeria once more. Stepping around overly-energetic children, and worried parents who can’t find their kids, William makes his way over to his son. 
While Michael might be the cause of his wife leaving and Garrett dying, he is still William’s son. Through and through he is an Afton, and it’s for that reason that Michael is coming with him. 
He reaches the tiny booth, nestled away from the others. Drugging Michael was only so he could more easily sneak the kids out of the main dining area. He would have hated for his son to be a witness. 
For all Michael’s faults, the boy is actually quite intelligent. Even if he didn’t immediately recognize William behind the mask, he’d eventually put the pieces together. 
It was better for everyone that Michael remained asleep. 
“Come along, Michael. Time to go-” He gazes upon his son. “M-Michael…?” William furrows his brows. His son twitches in his sleep, gasping for air. He gently soothes back Michael’s sweaty bangs off his face. His son’s skin burns under his hand. 
Uh, oh, that can’t be good.
Maybe the dosage he’d given Michael was higher than he thought. He only meant to knock him out for a couple of hours. He wheezes again, spittle starts to leak from the corner of his mouth. 
“No, no, this isn’t good. Michael, wake up now. I need you to wake up,” William murmurs, shaking him lightly. “I need you to breathe.”
Michael hardly responds, beyond a small twitch of his head and a quiet groan. 
Worry pools in his gut. 
The sirens sound closer now, and he needs to be long gone before they get here. He makes a split-second decision. 
“I’m sorry, Michael. But I promise, one day, we’ll meet again.” He places his son back onto the seat. Gently, he combs his fingers through his son’s dark curls. He slinks back into the shadows, opting to take the backdoor out of the pizzeria. 
Vanessa chews at her bottom lip, watching the paramedics hurry into the building. They look mildly confused at first, so she directs them to the booth where she found the sickly-looking boy. 
He’s still there, and she doesn’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. The paramedics move him to the floor, one of them stays hunched over him. The other, an older woman with graying blonde hair, turns to Vanessa. 
“Hey, you were the one that called us, right?”
She nods. 
“You did a very brave thing. Is it alright if I ask you some questions?”
“Uh, huh.”
“Okay, thank you. Uh…do you know his,” she gestures over to the boy, “name?”
Vanessa shakes her head. “No, I just found him there. I think I’ve seen him around here, but I don’t…uh…I don’t remember his name.” She steps from foot to foot. An old worry suddenly overtakes her. “Um…Miss…I- my brother. I can’t find him.” 
The paramedic frowns. “Oh, well that’s not good. I’m sure if you ask one of the nice police officers here, they’ll be able to help you.” She points to one of two police officers milling around the pizzeria. Vanessa hadn’t noticed them come in. 
Tears prick the corners of her eyes, and it’s all she can do to fight back sobs. She doesn’t know why, but seeing the police there makes everything feel too real, too adult. Like her brother being gone is serious and not just a stupid decision she can hold over his head for years to come. 
“Oh, honey,” the paramedic says, rubbing her shoulder. “It’ll be okay. Some other kids apparently went missing today as well, so I’m sure they’re just having fun somewhere else.”
Vanessa sniffles, wiping her eyes. “Real-really…?”
“Yes. Will you be okay to go tell one of the officers about your brother?”
Hesitatingly, she nods. 
“Brave girl.” The paramedic gives her one last pat on the head, before turning back to the boy. 
Vanessa ventures over to the police, hope blooming in her chest. Her brother will be just fine. 
Later, after they all learn that the children weren’t, in fact, somewhere else having fun. Vanessa will cling to her mother’s dress, guilt gnawing at her. The what-ifs and has-beens running through her mind. In between snotty tears and quiet sniffles, she’ll spot a leather bound book - no larger than a notebook or diary. It will be laying all alone, forgotten, near the booth she had first found the boy in. Curious, Vanessa will grab it on their way out, tucking it into her backpack. For the next two decades, it will become her guide. The strange drawings and ramblings of the artist make her feel oddly vindicated - it makes her feel seen. 
It won’t be until Vanessa’s well into her twenties that she’ll meet the artist. It won’t be until even later that she’ll recognize the boy she saved all those years ago. 
And, without skipping a beat, Vanessa will think to herself:
Some things are just meant to be. 
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imaginmatrix · 1 year
Hiiiiii just for fun I thought I’d show some irl examples of how imagine the characters in aoyaom— as always this is about ✨vibes✨ only, I don’t really think of these as “face claims” or EXACTLY how I think they’d look, but certain features capture a tangential feeling of you get me?
Anyway, here are the candidates for Academia’s Next Top Models— imagine them as slightly more realistically pretty, whatever that means? Like these same people pictured, but without a team of skin and hair and makeup artists and a lot of money for whatever treatments or physical alterations they want. People who would make you double take if you passed them on the street, but don’t look like they stepped out of an Instagram filter. Anyway.
Spoilers for aoyaom ahead!
Annabeth Chase
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Pictured: Tetiana Kizko, Dorit Revelis (but older lol— maybe Annabeth in college?), Morgan Crabtree, and Julie Hocke
Honestly for her, I just focused on hair hair hair. But also I need her to have features that are like Percy said in the epilogue: soft or sharp depending on lighting and mood and stuff. But towards the beginning of the story, she’d probably look a bit more haggard and worn down than this— I imagine circles under the eyes, her poor hair heat styled smooth, and just a constant scowl on her face that makes some people (like Becky) just not notice how pretty she is at first (not Percy tho. He noticed right away.)
Luke Castellan
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Pictured: Leif Stacey, Rudi Dollmayer, and Danny Smith
At first I was like “what does near 40/already 40 year old Luke even look like?!?!” because when I wrote most of aoyaom, the oldest I saw him in my head was like. 30. Similar vibes to how I pictured him in the og series as a kid (except he was barely over TWENTY in those, GOD) but then I found a photo of Leif Stacey specifically and went “oh that’s him.” A guy who’s clearly older, but young woman would still find him REALLY attractive. Charming, put together, chiseled, does good work in education, but also a total secret scumbag in one particular area— 😬 ……. I would probably be in the same position as Annabeth if I were a freshman in college, because I’m very dumb!
Percy Jackson
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Okay listen. I. Hate. Looking for real life men who remind me of fully-adult Perseus Jackson. I hate it. None of them ever have the right vibe for me!
Evans Nikopoulos is maybe the closest? Maybe????
And Arthur Gosse is in there I think??? But I’m not even sure he’s a good fit either— idk he looks like a different man in every photo I see of him and I can’t figure out if there’s just 2 different models with this name or what!!! who even are these people? Heck if I know! Whenever I find a dark haired man on Pinterest, for all I can tell his name is Damien Alexander Ebony Dark’ness Dementia Raven Way and he only exists in wattpad’s very own “The Alpha’s Maître d’: Part Seven of the Lust Devourer Mafia Werewolf Fated Mates Cycle Part 2 Chapter 12” or whatever WATTPAD LOVES THEIR DARK HAIRED BOYS!!!!! PINTEREST’S DARK HAIRED MAN SELECTION IS ONLY POPULATED WITH WATTPAD FACE CLAIMS!!!!!!! Finding the names of these men is a total nightmare!!!!!!!
Mike Pishek is there too. I seriously labored in the Pinterest mines, and then there’s only like one specific photo of each of these men that feels like “Percy” ish to me
I think one of them is Daniel Illescas. I don’t know anymore.
Percy is just HARD because you need a guy who is intense, but can clearly be silly and have a good sense of humor and a mischievous twinkle in his eye, who can be flirty then smoldering, but then is incredibly good natured but a bit of a rebel— I hate this man there’s a reason he doesn’t exist. I never want to look at skinny pretty people on Pinterest ever again.
I was planning on doing more, but then…
Piper. Oh my GOD Piper. If I thought trying to find “Percy vibes” was hard… that’s just a whole dark haired white man. There’s trillions of those. I was trying to find a Native American woman who was specifically of Cherokee descent for Piper, and I spent almost 7 hours scouring the internet for literally any actress or model who could fit, and I’m pretty sure I’ve just. Completely lost my mind. And it certainly doesn’t help that so many results are just… disgusting displays of stereotypes!!! Maybe I wasn’t using the right search terms in google, but GOD it was just. A nightmare. It’s dire out there. I knew it would be but. I gave myself such a migraine trying to do her justice. I found ONE woman who was a model I think? In the 90s? There are so many beautiful Native American actors and models and people, yet it’s still like this! And maybe it would be fine to just use any indigenous women, as long as they’re from a tribe, but I don’t want to treat them interchangeably I guess— I don’t knooooow anyway that whole search gave me a temporary eye Twitch and destroyed any remaining dregs of my hope in society, and killed my will to keep finding examples for other characters, but I will absolutely try again!!! She deserves it!!!!!!
Anyway let me know who you’d like to see. Hopefully I will not have another breakdown. It’s probably fine.
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Rambling about Mike, Will, Dnd and Hellfire
Ok, we all know there are very fucking dense people in the stranger things fandom and I already kinda accepted the fact that they just don’t understand Mike’s character, but one thing I think is really strange is how people are mad at Mike for “dismissing Will’s desire for playing dnd and then all of a sudden being totally into it in s4”. Have these people even seen the show? All of the og party members are absolute suckers for dnd! They all love it and they’re all enthusiastic about it! Yes, Mike too! And yes, also in s3!! As I said, I know most people still think that Mike is a character made of cardboard but acting as if Mike isn’t into dnd is just factually wrong!! Instead of questioning why Mike didn’t like it in s3, they’re questioning why he did like it in s4??? That’s just so illogical! Mike being into dnd is in character for him!! You don’t need to question why he’s into it! That’s just how his character is! Mike not being into dnd is out of character for him! That’s what you need to question!!! Even then, in s3 Mike literally says “we’re just not in the mood right now” and replies with “yes” when Will asks him if he’d still want to play dnd with him, clearly implying that Mike is still into the game but didn’t want to play in that moment or rather tries to pretend like he isn’t into it anymore for some reason. So it honestly just kinda baffles me that so many people somehow fully believe that Mike moved on from dnd in s3 and therefore deem his enthusiasm about it in s4 as strange and contradictory.
Another thing I want to point out is that “What if you want to join another party?” “Not possible.” Is actually specific to Will! Will is the one moving away and in that sense also moving on. He’s physically letting go of Hawkins and Mike is scared that Will will move on from him. Let go of him. Mike is afraid that Will will find new friends and therefore won’t need him anymore. He’s essentially scared of being replaced and Will reassures him that that’s “not possible”. Mike can’t be replaced! Mike joining Hellfire is literally not an issue because Mike is not the one leaving a big portion of his life behind by moving across the country. He’s still Mike, still in Hawkins, still playing dnd and still doing so with Dustin and Lucas. It’s still his familiar surroundings and Will will forever be a part of that so just doing something they all used to do together rather implies that Mike is still holding on to Will!! Simultaneously, the fact that we don’t get to see Mike, Lucas and Dustin playing dnd together on their own also shows that playing a campaign together with only 3/4 of the party feels wrong for them because it’s not the same without Will!! There’s also the emphasis on “if you want to” in Mike and Wills conversation, meaning the hypothetical scenario would have to include Will actively seeking out people to play dnd with and therefore actively trying to find subs for Lucas, Dustin and Mike. The equivalent scenario to Mike would have him actively seeking out a new member for their party. Actively trying to find a sub for Will. But that’s not what happens at all. As I mentioned earlier, we don’t even see Mike, Dustin and Lucas playing dnd on their own. What we do see though, is that they’re all in a new dnd club now and we also get the information that Eddie is the one that reached out to them! Made them join his club. This is not the party anymore. This is Hellfire! Joining Hellfire was more so done passively and playing dnd with the Hellfire club is just playing the game for the enjoyment of it. So Mike joining the Hellfire club does not equal him replacing Will!! It’s literally just Mike enjoying something he loves.
People act as if Will is holding some grudge against Mike for not wanting to play dnd with him in s3 and that he’d be mad at Mike for being into it in s4 because they don’t get that the rain fight was literally never actually about dnd. Dnd is just code for staying together! And when Mike didn’t want to play with Will that was him “not wanting to stay together” [pretending]. That’s what this fight was about!! And their last talk about dnd was Mike expressing his longing for staying together and Will confirming that they always will!!!
Also, a huge misconception a lot of people have is that Will is the most into dnd of all party members just because he wanted to play in s3. Yeah, he made the dnd themed painting in s4 but he literally didn’t even play the game for months while Lucas, Mike and Dustin played a master dnd campaign all throughout freshman year!! They all love dnd! And so I personally think all this “Eddie would’ve loved Will” is kinda….. not actually based in anything? I mean, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with headcanoning this but there’s just nothing really to back that up in the show. Because why would Eddie especially have loved Will? Just because he’s so enthusiastic about dnd? Have you seen Dustin? Have you seen Mike? Have you seen Erica?? Etc. Being enthusiastic about dnd is literally the bare minimum because everyone is beyond enthusiastic about the game! So Eddie and Will probably would’ve gotten along in that aspect but it’s not like they would’ve become best friends because of it. I’ve also seen a really bad take about how Eddie could’ve been what Steve is to Dustin to Will and that’s just illogical because Will literally already has that! Will has Jonathan!
Coming back to Mike, being in Hellfire actually has literally nothing to do with Will! This is all about Mike and only Mike! Mike being in Hellfire was him trying to feel closer to himself again! That was him rekindling with himself! Doing what he actually likes! Being who he actually is! Hellfire was self care for Mike. And that’s exactly the reason why there aren’t any bells ringing in Eddie’s head when Max mentions El and calls her by her name. There’s no “Oh wait, that’s Mike’s girlfriend, right?” Because Eddie has never heard of her before! Mike simply never mentioned that he even had a girlfriend because his relationship with El and being himself can’t coexist. And Mike being himself quite literally doesn’t include talking about girls let alone having a girlfriend so the topic just naturally didn’t come up! Hellfire were the only carefree hours Mike got. He could be himself, he could do what he loves and he didn’t need to worry about what anyone else thinks. It was him escaping reality for a while. Another reason as to why Karen’s threat “9 or no California” didn’t bother him that much. He still went to Hellfire and he still stayed until the end and he probably would’ve stayed past 9pm if the campaign finale had lasted longer. Mike was like “Fuck it! Let me have one last night where I can be myself before I have to pretend to be someone else for a whole week!” and if that meant that he would’ve missed his curfew and his mother would’ve forbidden him to go to California….. well then he would’ve [gladly] accepted that. [honestly, no matter how much Mike missed Will and El, I think he was all the more nervous about seeing them again and therefore kinda tried to avoid having to go. He definitely didn’t care that much about Karen’s threat because he just simply would’ve been content with not going to California because of the anxiety surrounding that]
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coldninjaruins-blog · 2 years
Will is not jelaous, he is hurt. Mike is jelaous.
Sorry, I don't agree at all.
First of all I want to say that jealousy is a completely normal emotion that anyone can feel and there are different ways in which people react to jealousy.
Now, what is jealousy?
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This loved one can be a friend or a family member, my point is that jealousy is not inherently romantic (I, for example get jealous easily for any loved one of mine).
The fact that Will is jealous of Mike and El's relationship is something that even those who believed that Will wasn't gay and therefore not in love with Mike would admit, they would simply excuse that he missed his friendship with Mike or was completely platonic jealousy which we now know was not completely the case, because yes, Will missed his friendship with Mike but he is also pretty in love with Mike.
"You're ruining our party"
You're destroying everything and for what? So you can swap spit with some stupid girl?"
I don't know how else to describe this other than jealousy, yeah he was upset with Mike and Lucas for how they behaved at the game but from the moment Will said "you're ruining our party" it was just about him and Mike, unlike earlier when in the fight Mike said "we're just not in the mood" and Will replied "you guys are never in the mood anymore" both speaking in the plural and including Lucas in the dispute. This is why later Mike says "it's not my fault" instead of "it's not our fault".
I talked before about how Will's reaction to the other relationships in season 3 is different than his reaction to Mike and El's relationship, why? Because he was jealous.
Although in season 3 and season 4 there is a difference in how Will handles his jealousy, probably because of the rain fight he came to the conclusion why he feels the way he does towards Mike and how it makes him different, plus the fact that Mike is probably never going to reciprocate his feelings (in Will's opinion) and fear of getting hurt. The show tells us that Will is still pretty jealous it's just that he's not as vocal as he was in season 3 and keeps it more to himself.
Will folding his painting just as Mike kisses El after she said she wants the day to be just about the two of them was jealousy. He was also hurt by Mike's behavior.
“You’ve called maybe a couple times. It’s been a year, Mike. Meanwhile, El has like a book of letters from you.”
Will made it super clear that he was jealous and felt left out.
He said he was being a miserable third wheel all day, complained that Mike barely calls him while he writes letters to El all the time. He just needed to say "I'm jealous" to make it even more obvious that he was in fact jealous.
Jealousy generally refers to the thoughts or feelings of insecurity, fear, and concern over a relative lack of possessions or safety.
Jealousy can consist of one or more emotions such as anger, resentment, inadequacy, helplessness or disgust. In its original meaning, jealousy is distinct from envy, though the two terms have popularly become synonymous in the English language, with jealousy now also taking on the definition originally used for envy alone. These two emotions are often confused with each other, since they tend to appear in the same situation.
"Do you remember what I said about click’s class? about me being jealous and, like, obsessed? It isn’t because I had a crush on you. It’s because… she wouldn’t stop staring at you."
"I wanted her to look at me. But… she couldn’t pull her eyes away from you and your stupid hair."
Just like Robin being jealous because of her feelings for Tammy was envious of Steve, Will is also envious of El (don't twist my words around saying I'm saying Will hates El or something because that's not what I'm saying). Envy and jealousy are often related to the point where they are almost used as synonyms because usually when you feel jealousy you also feel envy.
"Will is not jealous, he is hurt."
But why is he hurt? Why are being hurt and being jealous mutually exclusive rather than perhaps related?
Okay let's see something.
In these two scenes, which one of them is jealous and which one is hurt?
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Was El jealous and Will hurt? Or was Will jealous and El hurt? Or maybe they were both jealous and hurt?
Will is watching Mike and El flirt through the porthole-style window of the pizza kitchen. Unable to watch them anymore, he returns his eyes to the dissolving salt. (Will's pov)
Jonathan eyes Will. He knows his brother too well. Knows he's hurting. (Jonathan's pov)
We always talked about how Will never expected anything more from Mike than their friendship, that he just wanted them to go back to being best friends like before. And while this is true this scene shows us that Will's feelings not being reciprocated (in his opinion) does hurt him, that he does want something more with Mike, that seeing him with someone else in a romantic context like flirting hurts him, because he wants to be in that place with Mike. And at this point Mike and Will are already back to being best friends so it's not about going back to how they were before and spending time together.
And this my dear anon, is jealousy.
Romantic jealousy.
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choccyhearts · 2 years
90's!Eddie Headcanons
Note: I always like imagining how Eddie would adapt with the 90's since it is lowkey very different from the 80's, so here's some random thoughts ^_^
Cut his hair around the beginning of the decade
I really couldn't tell you why my brain won't let this go, but I really believe that he would've thought that The Blair Witch Project was real (like not for a suuuper long time, but maybe before seeing it he would)
(But he would NOT have made that mistake again with Paranormal Activity in the 00's...totallyyyy...)
He prepared for Y2K "just in case"
He told the others that it was stupid and that people were all worked up over nothing
But did drag along a case of beans, beer and a first-aid kit with him to Steve's New Year's Eve party "just in case"
(He left his other favorite belongings in his van)
His precious van did sadly break down but that was okay cause he ended up just getting a new one instead :)
He refuses to not drive a van, honestly
Would maybe depart from that though if he had access to hearse
Despite being the rough around the edges metalhead he is, he would find a love for Britney Spears
Like ya know how today there's a collection of metalheads who love Carly Rae Jepsen and see her as their emotional support pop girly? That's what Britney is for him
Thought Scream was a masterpiece and forced the others to dress up as the characters with him for Halloween (you can take your guess as to who he was...)
(Stu, duh.)
Speaking of Halloween costumes, the older gang would also dress up as the Friends characters (because c'mon, these are yt ppl..) (He was Joey because he refused to be anyone else) (Yes him and Steve argued over it resulting in a coin toss to make the decision) (Steve was Ross)
He's def a Seinfeld>Friends kinda guy
He's also a Simpsons>Family Guy kinda guy
Fuckin' loves DunkAroos
Got lost at a Nirvana concert (this applies to both Rockstar!Eddie or regular Eddie)
Rockstar!Eddie and Corroded Coffin went on SNL
Eddie told Mike Myers he was hilarious but kept calling him "Michael" to be "respectful" (also cause he thought it was hilarious)
Got Adam Sandler's autograph for Steve
Isn't a fan of ICP or juggalos but can accept them from afar
(Is highkey thankful he went to high school in the 80's because otherwise he would've had some juggalos sitting at the Hellfire table)
Celebrated the beginning of his 30's with a bottle of champagne and a pack of DunkAroos
Would also mourn his 20s but not entirely
His first time using the Internet, he looked up porn
Not cause he was in the mood or anything, but just to see what was there
He's not allowed to use Steve's computer anymore
Embraced the younger ones' new phases :
Lucas styling himself after Will Smith in Fresh Prince (which btw not an Eddie hc but Lucas and Max dressed as Men in Black for Halloween on year, okay bye)
Max definitely embraced the grunge style of dress
El loving riot grrrl bands due to their boldness and unabashed expression of emotions (Eddie thinks it's badass)
The boys' love for video games surging due to history being made before their very eyes (Sonic, Crash, Super Mario 64, etc.)
Eddie gets high and watches Kevin Smith movies
Misses his long hair after watching Jay & Silent Bob :(
Likes Goosebumps books and collects them for his future children
The whole crew went to go see Space Jam expecting it to be really dumb and dopey
Everyone left with their lives changed
Forced Steve and Lucas to teach him basketball
It went exactly how you'd expect it go
Fell asleep watching Titanic at movie night
Freaked TFFF out when he got high and watched the Truman Show
Then let his fear subside and would make jokes
"Steve, move out of the way, you're blocking my good angle" *is staring at a plant pot*
Wants smoke with the Chucky doll
Tried growing out a small beard towards the end of the decade
Didn't really feel it, will try again in his 40s
Rockstar!Eddie bought Wayne a house in '95
Made sure the kitchen had lots of cupboard space
Eddie didn't cry until he was leaving after moving Wayne in
Wayne didn't cry until he started putting up picture frames of Eddie through out the years
Mechanic!Eddie saved up for a house for the two of them to rent
Either version Eddie got Wayne a black labrador
Wayne was your typical "I don't need a dog to worry about, messing up my furniture" type of man
They're attached at the hip after one day
"This Green Day isn't half bad"
Despite knowing that it isn't his first actual drink, Eddie is psyched to take Dustin out for his 21st birthday, just the two of them
Steve tracks them down, upset he wasn't the one to buy Dustin his first drink
Dustin doesn't even care as long as he isn't the one paying
This would be the decade that Eddie properly settles down with someone
Gets married early in the decade
Decides to have kids towards the end of the decade/early 00s
I'm gonna cap it here ^_^
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and-stir-the-stars · 1 year
Tell me abt! MBMW William! MBMW Henry! What are the adults around like!! What are they up to!!
Also! Freddy! What was his life like before becoming a parent? What prompted him to make the decision to have children? Does he have other family or friends that haven't been shown?
Also. If Vanessa and Michael were in a fight. What methods would they use, who would win, and how close would it be?
long answer under the cut
MBMW William is,, yeah. He's physically never around, which isn't a product of my characterization of William so much as a product of me not knowing how to write him at first and not wanting him to get in the way of the drama between the Afton Kids, but whatever.
He actively tries to avoid being home, partly because he's annoyed by all the expectations his children have of him (expectations like, um, being a good father) and by all the needs they have. It's exhausting knowing that people expect things from you even if you have no desire to try fulfiling those expectations. And additionally, his mood tends to be sour at when at home because he has high expectations for his children that they can never fulfil in his eyes. Not completely.
He believes his children should be self-sufficient, unburdensome, quiet, obedient, loyal, eager to help him fulfil his goals. But even when his children display these qualities, he finds some flaw to tear them down with. Michael’s frustration with William and Elizabeth's clinginess are annoying to him. Evan, meanwhile, just sorta fades into the background most of the time; in the past Evan’s constant crying was an annoyance, but by now Evan has started crying silently and William doesn't bring his kids with him out in public all that much so it's not as much of an embarrassment anymore. Evan isn't the ideal kid, ofc; he's Weird, but at least his quietness and fear of others is a better level of weirdness then, say, Liz and Mike acting out all the time and Liz being so clingy. If it weren't for William’s experimenting on his kids, he'd forget Evan even exists at all, I think. Evan has learned by now (from experience and from watching his siblings) that it's best not to try reaching out to William.
Most of William’s time is spent in business meetings, dealing with business crises, designing animatronics and death traps, finding dirt on his higher up employees he can use for blackmail, forming contingency plans for contingency plans, forming "connections" and putting on shows he can use to further his family-man image, and casing Fredbear locations as he picks out the next crime scene and victim.
William’s a busy man. Especially now, with all the whispers about his company after the Bite, with Henry going awol after Charlie’s death, with his children ever so slowly growing closer (and therefore harder to control; it's more difficult to predict what they will get up to without them defaulting to trying to tear out each others throats), and with Gregory getting more and more bold.
There are some aspects of his job that he enjoys; the business angle gives him the opportunity to be cut-throat and aggressive with other adults in ways he can't get anywhere else. Getting his own way and being in charge of decision making is empowering.
There are some aspects he hates as well. Deep down, he hates sharing the glory with Henry. William usually leaves Henry in charge of buttering up potential business partners because William loathes to be the one doing any "ass-kissing," (lack of control + it's reminiscent of childhood trauma) but sometimes William has to be the one doing that, either because Henry is too soft-willed in William’s mind to deal with certain people/companies without them walking all over Henry or because Henry is just too busy. The times when William has to do some ass-kissing to keep his business afloat, when business deals go wrong, and when people question his authority and his image are often the times when William is the roughest with his kids. And with his murders.
The times he spends at home, he's mostly locked away in his room/office/the garage. The kids survive his worst days by trying not to break the routine of daily life that he sets for them. Liz chipperly asks him how his day was like she always does; they all have to listen to him where he slumps on the couch ranting about work things they don't understand as they try to balance doing chores with paying enough attention to what he says. He asks them about their days, sometimes, but the only answer he wants is either an "i was good, i got good grades and i behaved" or an admission of something he can use against them later. He's exhausted when he comes home and uses how hard he works to support the kids as a guilt tripping mechanism. He's emotionally distant and tense, and the kids all have different reactions to the rare times when he tries acting like a normal caring father and making them act like normal caring children.
He doesn't do much outside of work. William has no friends that he hangs out with outside of work, especially now that Henry is out of the picture.
And, speaking of Henry. He's "out of the picture" but he's not dead or anything. He just did not handle Charlie’s death very well at all. It's been two years since then and he's still withdrawing from everyone he loves; he insists that he's "fine" but everyone who knows him knows that he isn't. He drifts between Fredbear locations both in and out of the state like a ghost; he obsessively checks safety regulations at each one and tries to design and install new security measures like mad, and he's blind to whether these "security measures" are good (like coming up with stamps and coding devices so employees know which children came in with which parents, to avoid kidnapping situations) and which ideas are bad (your scene in Blips when Henry tells kids about the spare keys he keeps hidden around is the inspiration for this particular detail).
He's constantly with the kids at the Fredbear locations he goes to, trying to keep them happy and safe as a coping mechanism for his guilt over Charlie’s death. His wife divorced him years before Charlie died, and Henry drifts around from place to place without telling any of his friends where he's going or that he's leaving at all, so it's difficult for anyone to know where he is or to reach out to him and encourage him to stop and take care of himself. William has to pick up the slack from Henry neglecting his duties as co-head of the company. Henry wasn't always this bad, but things have been getting worse and worse, and I'm sure that by now William is actively trying to cut Henry out of the company, or else he has already succeeded in knocking Henry to a lower ranking position.
Henry is normally a kind-hearted, warm and jolly man. This persona does come out still when he's with the kids at Fredbear's, but by the time MBMW takes place, he's known for the anger and the ferocity with which he will cut you out of his life and burn you to the ground if you challenge his goals (his goals being little more than delusions about making up for not being there for his daughter now). William tried being "supportive" at first, but it didn't take long for him to get bored with Henry's irrationality rather than enjoying it; he tried getting Henry to stop and Be Normal again (maybe leading the company alone wasn't as easy as Will thought) and by now Henry has actively cut William out just like so many of his other friends and family.
Or, it could be interesting if Henry is actually past this point some time after BCOH. Henry starts getting a grip, gets some therapy, and starts letting people back into his life, including one slippery and manipulative William as well as his other friends and family. Henry would have fallen even further into his "William is a good friend and a good person" delusion than ever before, perhaps in part because he's already "wronged" William when William was just trying to "watch out for him" by discouraging him from letting Charlie’s death take over his life like all his other friends warned him about (and he leans further in because he's lost Charlie and is scared of losing anyone else he cares about). So even if the Afton children come to him for help after BCOH, Henry still does nothing.
Either way could work, but Henry hasn't meant much to the story so far and I don't have any current plans to write him in, so there's not much reason for me to settle on a single idea.
Moving on:
Frebby is complicated ig. The story that inspired MBMW is by Star_Going_Supernova on ao3, called Blood of the Covenant. That story, with the same premise of "Gregory and his sister Vanessa are being raised by Freddy and are friends with Evan" (highly recommend reading that story, btw) made me question: what would it look like if the Bite of 83 still happened despite Gregory and the Fazbears' presence?
Star_Going_Supernova has not just Freddy but all of the glamrock animatronics from security breach (tho Freddy and Bonnie are the parents of the household and they're the ones given most of the screentime; the others are extended family). When I made the decision to turn MBMW from a one-shot to an extended au, I liked the idea of having all of the glamrocks (except Bonnie and Chica, I suppose, since those are still animatronics in my au) be humans and part of Freddy's friends and family, but I didn't want to encroach upon Star's story.
Maybe I will write some of them into the story eventually, though, now that my au is developed enough to not be a carbon copy of Star's, because I do like the idea of the glams being there. I would have to figure out what to do about Glam Bonnie, Chica, and Foxy, though; whether to keep the characters and give them new names or scrap them entirely.
Freddy is a writer and performer of children's songs for cartoons, and I think he's an aspiring voice actor as well. If DJ Music Man is a human character in the story, then MM might be what got Freddy into it; either MM had connections in the industry or just encouraged/inspired Freddy to go for it. I think it bothers Freddy, sometimes, that the kids he's so passionate about don't really know his name as the song writer behind the songs for their favorite episodes and shows, but for the most part Freddy just likes making good music that makes kids happy.
When Gregory first found out what Freddy’s job was, and later when Evan first found out, both of the boys likely freaked when they realized Freddy has made some of their favorite songs. Freddy might even have worked on some songs for the tv show Fredbear and Friends. Gregory and Evan’s excitment and awe definitely helps him through that tidbit about him being bothered for the lack of recognition he gets in his field.
This ask made me realize that, yk, Freddy is an actual human being and he would have been an actual little kid at one point and he probably had parents... which. Weird. Really weird.
Obviously the animatronic Freddy was made by Henry and William, so I think it'd be neat to have MBMW Freddy's parents be loosely based off of Henry and William’s dynamic. Maybe Freddy grew up with one abusive parent and another parent who was almost maliciously, purposely ignorant to the abuse Freddy faced. Freddy growing up surrounded by adults who knew something was wrong but did nothing about it makes Freddy passionate to be there for Gregory and Vanessa and then for Evan-- and it makes it hurt so much worse that no matter what he tries, he can't get any authorities to believe him about his suspicions of child abuse in the Afton household. Even the biggest red flag of all-- the Bite-- is something that William weasels his way out of, and-- well, this is getting into spoiler territory for the next chapter of Funtimes, so... ah... yeah. I'll stop talking.
But basically, Freddy has tried doing things to get Evan and the other Afton kids help (it'd be out of character if he didn't), but for one reason or another (not having any evidence, William manipulating authorities, abuse not being as big a deal in the 80s, take your pick), nothing Freddy has tried has worked. Whether or not this is realistic doesn't matter; fact of the matter is, I just wouldn't have a story if Freddy’s attempts had worked. Or rather, I would have a vastly different version of the story. But I like the version of the story as it is, so Willy unfortunately just has Plot Armor to protect him for now.
There's not really a Big Story for how Freddy ended up adopting Vanessa and Gregory. In my head, I thought it would be funny if he just found them squatting in an abandoned building one day and was like well I guess I'm taking you home now!
Ness and Gregory were bouncing around in foster care for a while after they were both rendered parentless. They faced some traumatic stuff in the foster care system before Vanessa finally had enough. Either the foster home they were in was way too abusive or there was talk about separating the two of them into different foster homes, so 15-year-old Vanessa takes 7-8 year old Gregory and just bolts. She'd rather risk trying to survive on their own then the hell they came from. That's when Freddy finds them somewhere and ends up adopting them. It was a big decision, but these kids were desperate. A lot like him, when he was younger, so in a way... the decision was already made the moment he saw them.
And as for Vanessa and Mike,,
Maybe this is a controversial take, but I get "couldn’t actually fight to save his life" vibes from young Mike.
Most of his experience with violence comes from having to learn how to take being hit, thanks to William. With William, he's never actually been in a position where physically fighting back is an option. Even when Mike gets violent with Evan-- and yeah, in the au he not only psychologically and emotionally torments Evan but physically hurts Evan, too-- it's done because he knows Evan is too weak and gentle to fight back.
Mike talks rough, but he doesn't know a single thing about how to defend himself. He gets some pointers when he's with his friends (the fnaf 4 bullies) as they rough house together, torment younger kids, and play jokes on their peers who reject them. But for Mike at least, trying to fight against someone who actually has power over him (unlike Ev) and actually wants to if not deal him real damage then at least wants to incapacitate him (unlike the times he plays rough with his friends)? Young Mike doesn't stand a chance.
He'd be eager at first, managing to get in the first hit (very, very clumsy punches, maybe trying to imitate moves he makes with his friends or that he's seen wrestlers do on tv or on the school team), but an opponent like Vanessa would get the best of him very very quickly.
Vanessa already has the advantage in the fight because she's several years older and is taller; Vanessa herself is a couple inches taller than is average for her age.
Vanessa had a hard time adjusting when Freddy adopted them; she had been burned by foster parents in the past and didn't see any reason to trust that Freddy wouldn't do the same. I can see Freddy signing her up for self defense classes to help her feel strong enough to keep herself and Gregory safe.
Either way, I think that while Vanessa has the means and opportunity to instantly KO Mike, she wouldn't. She would purposely keep him in action. She stalks around him and forces him to constantly move to catch up to her and face her. She lets him keep swinging at her; most of these swings are misses or don't hurt all that much (both from her dodging and Mike having bad aim), but she lets Mike get enough hits in to keep his hopes and ego up so he'll keep coming at her and wearing himself out. Once he's exhausted himself, she moves in for the kill.
Well, not for the KILL, of course. For the most part she just wants to scare him; maybe she knocks him down and twists his arm behind his back until he cries before getting up and walking away; Mike gets away with scrapes and bruises and maybe a black eye, and he's sore for a few days but that's it.
But if she was REALLY pissed, like if she saw Mike hurt Gregory or Evan or even Liz really badly, I can see her losing control and Mike coming out of it with one or more broken limbs, maybe she breaks his nose too.
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two-sides-samecoin · 2 years
i totally get if you don't want to talk about it anymore, feel free to delete this if that's the case! but i saw your posts about the st poll thing and i just wanna say that i totally get how you're feeling. i made a few joking posts about it and ended up having some severe anxiety because i thought some crazy people would send me some very unkind things or something :")
i truly don't understand why, when it comes to steve harrington, there will always be a part of this fanbase who will immediately dismiss you. for instance the part of the fandom that does scene analysis and stuff here on tumblr really intrigues me! and i thought of joining it a few times and making a few posts but if you aren't like. 100% dedicated to either byler or something else that they like then you just kind of are seen as a joke. i'm the kind of person who really likes theories and analysis but also really enjoys silly things, and there's like. no room for that with them? idk i think maybe i'm gettinga bit off topic so sorry for that but genuinely i don't understand why we can't just have a favorite character without being attacked senselessly. this whole ordeal has left a major bad taste in my mouth as well :/
It’s cool - I’ll talk about it as I’ve calmed down now a little bit m lol. Also it’s so funny how I was literally on your blog as I got your notification.
Yeah ngl when I also posted that stuff I felt nervous too honestly but also I was just in a little rage mood so that helped into wanting to post it. Also I hope no one sent you anything bad about the posts you made about it.
Yes yes yes! It’s insane to me how it’s always Steve that people will just dismiss you because you like him or just say the most hateful shit. Also like I love all the characters but just post more about Steve which is ironic that these people are doing this considering that some of their blogs talk about mainly their fav characters while they like other characters. And yes yes yes about the analysis stuff like all of the other blogs seem to have a pattern of just being ride or die for some other stuff and like they do intrigue me of the theories and stuff. But somehow they’re the ones who always just end up dissing Steve or people who like him and the majority of them are like heavy byler blogs. So despite it also intriguing me their side of the fandom: it also just like wants me to get away from them. So I totally get what you mean about all of this.
And same like it’s totally normal to want the theories and analysis but also have the silly stuff. Having that balance is perfectly normal and don’t feel bad for going off topic. And yeah same like I genuinely don’t understand what’s so bad about liking Steve that people will attack others for it. idk what they even get out of it at this point. Like it’s not a good look on people and it’s just going to make others have a grudge against them so I honestly don’t even understand what they’re trying to do now. And same yeah it’s just left a whole bad taste in my mouth too because like it was a stupid poll. Hell a poll that other people who don’t watch st could have seen and just picked a character because they were familiar with it or just their finger slipped and they didn’t want to pick who they wanted (I accidentally did this on the poll cuz I thought Steve was the first option so I accidentally hit Mike 💀) . Like just because an option is winning a poll in fandom stuff it doesn’t actually mean much like I said people who don’t know anything about st could have just choosen one that they were most familiar with. A poll doesn’t just stay within a fandom just like a post that’s about a fandom with the characters sometimes doesn’t stay in only the fandom space. It’s just wild to me how this was the only poll that actually had drama like all of the other polls had the word protagonist and no one was going crazy about it at all. But suddenly cuz you add Steve to the mix these people want to create drama like hello hes a main character as this is an ensemble show and he’s literally been on all the posters except for season 1 because he was considered a side character then but now in season 4 he is not a side character at all. Hell even in season 2 he wasn’t considered a side character and was pretty important to the plot. Lol this was a long rant cuz j have a lot to say about it so I’ll shut up now before I go on an even longer rant.
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luckybyler · 2 years
I swear some people lack even a modicum of emotional intelligence. There's a reddit thread saying Will was at fault for not reaching out (normal and valid opinion), and I said that the last time he did, they mocked him for still liking DnD. This was the reply (not from OP) that I got:
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I'll copy my answer here, because I think it's important to understand their fight better:
That's exactly how Mike or Lucas would describe the situation if they posted on /r/amitheasshole and wanted everyone to validate them and agree with them.
1. It's clear that the issue wasn't about Will wanting to play that single DnD campaign. The context was that Mike had been ditching his friends to go make out with El for a long time now. We heard it from many characters, including Lucas himself, not just Will.
Will wakes Mike and Lucas early in the morning to spring a D&D game on them.
Which implies they had a sleepover at Mike's, right? The three of them. And I assume all they did was talk about their breakups with El and Max respectively, while Will was just ... there, probably wondering if they could be their old selves for at least a day.
Although they aren’t enthusiastic, they agree to play.
Ding ding ding!!! Here's mistake #1. Either play enthusiastically, or use your words and say "Will, our girlfriends just broke up with us, we're trying to get them back, and we're not in the mood to play DnD". It would still have led to an argument ("and when you get them back you'll ditch me again"), but it would've been a smaller, more open and solvable one.
Will protests that the Khuisar tribe still needs their help. Mike proposes a course of action that will save the Khuisar and end the campaign. Lucas agrees.
Yes, mockingly. The campaign lasted for long, but that is standard for their DnD campaigns. Doing this was worse than just not playing (and explaining to him why). This is the part where the OP in the AITA post says "I was totally calm and offered a fair solution based on facts and logic and the other person went crazy for no reason 🤷🏻‍♀️" when they know good and well there was a damn good reason.
When they see that Will is upset, Mike offers to finish the campaign “for real” and Lucas concurs. Will refuses and leaves.
They offer that just to appease him, not because they really want to keep playing. Will refuses and leaves because he's not an idiot and sees that the offer isn't sincere. You know the meme that women say "I don't want you to do the dishes, I want you to want to do the dishes"? That's what we mean. Will wanted them to enjoy their friendship together like they did before, for at least one day. Not to force them to play for his benefit.
In the course of their confrontation, where Will accuses Mike of destroying the Party and refers to El as “some stupid girl”
And Will was right that Mike was destroying the Party.
and Mike counters that it’s not his fault Will doesn’t like girls, Mike asks if he thought that they’d never get girlfriends and would play games in his basement for the rest of their lives.
Translation: "I'M NOT GAY WILL!!! Also I outgrew you and my concerns are more important than yours".
This hurt Will's feelings so bad that it shattered his whole childhood (really, that's literally in the script: "his childhood, gone."), he was so hurt that he destroyed his safe haven with the baseball bat that his abusive dad gave him. That's the sort of thing that will come up in therapy for the rest of Will's life, and it never got resolved.
Lucas apologises for his lack of interest in Will’s D&D campaign, calling it really cool.
When they're too busy with the monster thing, so Will says it's not important anymore. Not because it really isn't, but because the supernatural crept in again. And yet again, it rings hollow.
When Will adds his D&D manual to the box to be donated to Erica, Mike asks if he’s sure, and points out that he might want to join another Party. Will says that that won’t happen.
It's a beautiful moment and it solves the surface problem, but (as we see in season 4) the damage is already done. This is putting a band-aid on a festering wound. They're back to being friends and he's not mad about the DnD thing specifically, but it's no longer the same. Now, besides the caution that comes with being in love with Mike and not wanting to come off too strong or reveal his true feelings, now he has also the nagging thought on the back of his head that maybe he's not that important to Mike, or that he's a bother or a nuisance to him. Their relationship can't be fully repaired until that issue is actually and meaningfully addressed, which it hasn't been as of now.
None of the characters make fun of Will for liking D&D.
Maybe "make fun of" is the wrong expression. They belittle him and act condescendingly to him for it.
Having priorities other than D&D doesn’t mean that Mike, Dustin and Lucas no longer like the game, or that they look down on Will for enjoying it.
But that's now it came off. There's no other way to interpret Mike's words during their fight in the rain.
We see in Season 4 that with El thousands of miles away, Lucas and Max broken up, and no Russian spies for Dustin to chase down, the three of them join Hellfire Club.
1. Maybe not as far as Will knows (only a couple of calls), and 2. That makes it worse. From Will's POV, it looks like they called him childish (at the ripe old age of 13 years old) for still liking DnD, only to turn around and join a DnD club the second he's gone. That's gotta hurt.
I'm not saying Mike or Lucas are evil or anything, I'm just shedding light on why it's understandable that Will didn't reach out and instead waited to see if Mike still wanted to be best friends with him. And the next time he sees him, Mike acts like a dick to him at the airport giving him a bullshit No Homo shoulder tap and being awkward about the painting, basically confirming that it's true that he's "not interested in anything I have to say".
I think Will and Mike still need to address this in Season 5 in order to heal. And of course, and we Byler's know, to be together.
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willel · 2 years
I think my problem with this sort of writing decision is that I am not sure if it is intentionally done so or not. If it is intentional, then I guess it's fine and all, we can get a S2 callback moment again since the writers also said they're taking inspo from it. Maybe it is intentional for Will to be 'hurt or 'forgotten' so they will try to make the outcome more emotional. My problem with this is that it doesn't exactly negate the narrative that people care about Will only when he is in definite danger. I mean if you think about it, Jonathan doesn't even seem to be there for him in any of the seasons. Jonathan is a nice brother but he is also very much absent, that is something he also admits. He is there for Will when shit hits the fan.
Is it intentionally written to be that way? Or the writers don't realize the narrative implications and they sort of without intending, created a situation like this?
While I am not 100% sure, I get the feeling that it might be intentional because since S3, it has been a constant theme for Will's character. It looks like a pattern. They also made it more clear in S4 after the S3 events too by making Will be sidelined and be a thirdwheel at rink o mania and even after that at the dinner scene up until the point Mike finally gives an apology, but that also doesn't negate Will's general thirdwheeling and ''I do not fit in / I am left out'' situation.
I think the biggest contributor to this is we don't have filler. I don't mind that the show starts and ends only with relevant content and no pointless in betweens and useless episodes... But sometimes filler serves a purpose.
It fleshes characters out. Gives them a chance to breath. Let's the audience get to see them in all different kind of situations and moods.
Take Jonathan for example. We're supposed to know and accept that in at least season 1 and 2, Jonathan was Will's BEST friend. He'd tell Jonathan almost anything and could be open and forthcoming with him. He felt comfortable enough to yell at Jonathan or express his frustration without much prodding.
But this is something we only see a Iittle but of. There is a year timeskip between each season of stuff happening. Stuff we're only told about or hinted at.
In the year between season 3 and 4, were meant to believe Will and Jonathan have grown distant and that's true. They ARE distant. But apparently Will and El have grown close.
Maybe if we had seen El being there for Will and vice versa, it wouldn't feel like yet another mark on the long list of "no one cares about Will unless he's in danger"
Due to how Stranger Things is written, this is how it is going to be. It's suddenly going to seem like the characters care about Will because he'll be in danger.
The writers have no choice but to make this intentional or to make it true. The characters can't reuse memories from when he was 12, Vecna already heard those. The song his brother showed him ages ago might not even be his favorite anymore and no one may know what it is anymore.
The writers I feel have no choice but to well... Confirm that maybe Will is not anyone's #1 person. They've even had Joyce slipping a little bit so... Who knows.
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