#also i know a lot of people followinh him were noobs
ryuukenden4 · 3 years
The FFXIV community has always been regarded as a great community that welcomes new players and is tight knit. However with the arrival of a popular WoW streamer, we forgot ourselves for a whole day basically.
I didn't even know Asmongold before Saturday. I was playing on an alt on Cactuar and I saw people shouting in chat about this dude and I was confused. Then I saw him being followed by a MASS of people and I looked his Twitch stream up. I don't find his mispronunciation of the names funny and he's not even that interesting to me.
HOWEVER: this does not give anyone the right to harass someone. It was annoying to see people blocking the NPCs from his view. Also, the amount of people complaining about him being here...why? Is everyone not allowed to enjoy the game? Stop being an elitist, you don't own this game. Just because you're jealous he has a following doesn't mean you can just take it out on him. Plus, it doesn't matter if you horde him on stream, he turned names off so no one knows who you are anyway. Yeah, I saw my character pass him on screen because I was in his general vicinity at one point and tuned in to see if I was there and I was! But my name wasn't and no one cared that I was there. They aren't focusing on anyone but Asmongold. The people spamming emotes and jumping around aren't cute or funny. No one even knows who you are.
Not only does it affect him, people playing the game experience heavy lag and ridiculous wait times just to get into the server. And who cares about the influx of WoW players??? We should be happy to have more players jumping in. I for one have been helping out the new players I get out in dungeons with because I want them to enjoy the game like I and so many others have.
Please FFXIV community, we're better than this, but Twitch saw a gross side of us on Saturday. Let's show them what kind of great community we are for real.
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