#also i implore you to check out my blog on desktop
knight-gwaine · 10 months
An introduction to the blog.
This is a multi-fandom personal blog. I've been on Tumblr since 2011, and took a long hiatus but I'm back now!!
Previous URL's: oswaldsleaf, threedancingoods Main Fandoms you'll find here: Doctor Who & BBC Merlin
The Queen of Side Blogs (more under construction not listed here)
Fan Edits Side Blog (merlinsbadwolf)
Aesthetic Side Blog (fetchingconstellations)
Fetching Constellations Art Blog (fcvisuals)
You can call me Ina (ee-na) (she/they)! I'm a queer, neurodivergent (ADHD), Thai-American artist from Alaska. Outside of Tumblr, I'm either working on art projects, doing conservation work, or attending local community events.
You'll primarily find random text posts, gifsets, graphics, and fanart here. I used to be more involved in the graphics community, but gosh you folks are so dang talented! I'm inspired and I'm ready to start creating again.
Lastly, don't be afraid to say hi or ask fun questions. I miss the community that I had here, so let's make a new one!
Let's get into it now shall we?
Personal Tags
Textposts (#personal) Creations (#mine) Katie's Collection (#for katie) Mali's Collection (#for mali) Julian's Collection (#for julz) For the Movie Club (#for the movie club)
TV Shows
Doctor Who (#doctor who) BBC Merlin (#merlin) Sense8 (#sense8)
Good Omens (#good omens) Orphan Black (#orphan black) Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency (#dirk gently) Our Flag Means Death (#ofmd) Loki (#loki)
The Invisible Library series by Genevieve Cogman (#the invisible library) The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins (#the hunger games) A Darker Shade of Magic trilogy by V.E. Schwab (#adsom) The Ballad of Songbirds & Snakes by Suzanne Collins (#tbosas) The Fragile Threads of Power by V.E. Schwab (#ftop)
Welcome to Night Vale (#wtnv) Alice Isn't Dead (#alice isnt dead) Within the Wires (#within the wires) King Falls AM (#king falls am) The Bright Sessions (#the bright sessions) Midnight Burger (#midnight burger) Desert Skies (#desert skies) Girl in Space (#girl in space) The Amelia Project (#amelia project) Hello From the Magic Tavern (#hftmt)
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bulletsgallery · 1 year
Pinned Post / Welcome
lmaooo welcome to my gallery also known as the armory cuz im silly like that
This account is only a gallery and made to replace the gallery on my site so please check out my main blog @thebulletsbang , actual updates will happen and be announced there
If you're on plain ol tumblr I implore you to open up the actual blog, bulletsgallery.tumblr.com (if you're on mobile you'll have to open it in a browser/desktop view it)
everything is tagged a ton so please use them to help filter things plus there's a search bar ( and hopefully soon a full tag list/guide page)
Thank you to the theme creators here's links to those: Main Theme Code | Guide Page Theme Code background image is from ac origins
Thank you for checking out my gallery, have a cool day!
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bellameblake · 6 years
how did you become so popular? i’m just starting out and want to do well on here yeah sorry if you don’t want to do this.
Hey nonny! I have to admit i laughed a little at this just because I don’t consider myself popular, not by a long shot! This message is really kind of you and kind of amazing! So welcome to tumblr! So this is probably going to much longer than actually needed by anyone so i’m going to put this under the cut!
So first make tumblr easier for yourself and download xkit. Basically on desktop you can reblog from you dash, tag this automatically, and a bunch of other amazing things that make tumblr 6743 times easier. You can find xkit here.
Then okay so this probably sounds bad but having a good mobile and desktop theme goes a long way. desktop themes can seem super scary especially with no coding experience what so ever but i promise it is easy to change a theme and it makes a world of difference. here is a pretty quick and easy tutorial. Okay, so where do find codes? well there are tons of amazing theme makers on tumblr I reblog themes i like and you can see those here. and if you find a theme maker you can go to their page and see what else they made! then onto mobile theme. Like everything else there are some amazing icon and header makers on tumblr. For icons you can see mine here, also try @bb-8, @grumpybell, @alecsizzy, @harrydraco to name a few! For headers and icons you can go to @johnmurphe (brooke makes amazing icons and headers!!)
Also having a navi page can be really important if you are in a lot of fandoms or even just one! that brings me to TAGGING! tagging makes a world of difference. i probably over tag things but being so multi fandom and i’m just organized i have to tag. some people wont follow you unless you have a tag system. it makes it easier to blacklist things you dont want on your dash! tagging can be from just the show #the 100, to #tv: the 100, to character names full or not. anything you want basically.
so that’s most of the basic stuff it comes down to who you follow and what you post. tumblr is yours. you decide who you follow and unfollow and what you see on your dash. you dont like something someone is posting either backlist their tag or unfollow them. people tend to hate things just for something to do which sounds exhausting to me so curate your dash how you want it! There are tons of networks out there that are about one specific character or show so check them out! a network is a blog run by a group of people usually post edits and things and reblogs the newest edits! so an example is my network @bellamyblakepositivity (small self promo ;) )
Now i know some people thing you have to make gifsets, edits, headcanons, write fics, graphics, icons ect. to get followers. you really don’t. can it help? hell yeah haha making things and knowing how to tag edits helps even more! (this is for original edits) There are a million tutorials for learning how to make gifs and things i used tutorials to teach myself! you can dig through my tag for tuorials if you want to try that. but like i said you dont have to make things to enjoy yourself and make friends on this site! Please if you make things cite where you get ideas like quotes and things. and do NOT repost other peoples work. making things takes a lot of time and effort. i’m not saying you will but i am saying it is a sure fire way to get no where fast and its just rude. kindness goes a long way here even though it seems like it might not.
I was for the longest time the blog out in the dark that didnt make things and didn’t talk to anyone. I’m shit at starting conversations so i just dont do it. luckily people started conversations with me and i have made some absolutely amazing friends on this site. Like @flawlessbellamy I asked for a blog rate or tagged her in something and she sent a message to me and that was a year and 3 months ago and we talk daily! So if you see an edit you like, or a fic or something message the creator of it! i know as a creator i love love LOVE hearing from people (i read the tags on my posts and the give me life)! A lot of the time we are all just awkward beans who want to talk to each other but are too damn afraid. I see a blog on my dash and think i want to know that person but that and actually messaging are two different things but i implore you to try. some people like @broodybellamy are social butterflies even when they say they aren’t they totally are and just talk to people like its nothing. i am not like that. either is completely fine start small by tagging someone in something like a tag game, join blogrates, anything and go from there!
I made a lot of my friends by joining networks. so i said above what networks are a blog run by a group of people. there used to be a bunch of different types but those have since died off and now i see networks as almost a but more professional? like there is an admin then members and things are supposed to be updated and all that but if you join a network usually you just have to reblog some some stuff to keep the blog active and make something if you can and if you cant thats totally fine too!! networks usually have group chats either via blog or by group texting apps like whatsapp and discord. There you can get to know lots of people some you get along with and some not so much. from joning one network i met some of my closest friends and i am in about 15 different chats with different variations of the same people! networks are a huge help in getting to know people.
I honestly don’t try to do well i mean like i just reblog what i like and go from there i dont try to actively think about followers and things of course it’s inevitable for me to check my follower count and the notes on my edits but its more fun if you do you and see where it takes you. pick a theme you like, people an icon you like, the header. follow the people you want and unfollow others. tumblr is what you make of it!
if you want to know more about anything im happy to answer specific questions. i generally have a tutorial for just about everything and if i dont have it i can find it lmao! see i told you this would be longer than anyone needed or wanted!
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italiancherrybombs · 7 years
Belarus & Estonia as neighbors/coworkers + Supernatural AU (the TV show or just supernatural in general, whichever you prefer)
Recipient: @phyripo​ 
Characters: Belarus, Estonia, Finland (mentioned), Ghost (interpret him as whatever character you want)
Notes: I’m so heckin proud of this. I’ve always wanted a chance to practice characterizations with the Easter Europe countries, and I finally got it. I hope you all enjoy it!
A ghost haunted the NewFont Press.
Or, just the building at least.
It started when bags of coffee and packed lunches started disappearing from the cafeteria. Then, the printer started printing items all by itself, usually pages completely blacked-out by ink, until a printing error (and someone’s collection of pens stuffed into the feed) made it useless altogether. The lights’ flickering used to be a normal thing – they couldn’t afford better lighting – until there were blackouts almost every week.
Eduard couldn’t believe it.
Sure, the inconsistent coffee in the cafeteria irritated him, and the way his computer monitor would be covered with colorful post-it notes with looping scribbles overnight was a pain to remove, but he couldn’t quite believe that something supernatural haunted the various cubicles and offices. And, despite the fact that he did a personal blog of his own, he wasn’t a journalist. He was just some random IT guy, there to make sure that the NewFont website didn’t collapse on itself. He didn’t have that mystical passion to investigate the living daylights out of a subject like a few higher-up journalists employed there.
He didn’t want to believe it.
So, perhaps sitting with Natalya Arlovskaya during lunch that particular Friday afternoon was a big mistake on his (belief’s) part.
Normally, he didn’t eat at the cafeteria. His cubicle was a perfectly good enough eating space, or if he wanted to splurge a little he went down to his cousin Tuomi’s place. But, after multiple conversations with peers outside of work concerning his introverted nature (and maybe a bet on whether he can make friends or not), he mustered up the courage to finally bring his homemade lunch there. No, he was not trying to prove a point. He was simply… Trying new venues.
… Even if he didn’t want to.
Nevertheless, the only reason he decided sitting with Natalya was a good idea was that she was sitting by herself in her small, circular table. Eduard himself knew the loneliness of sitting alone at a table. So, after some inner debate (did it have to be her, isn’t anyone else better), he unpacked his small lunch box then and there.
He didn’t know much about the journalist. All Eduard heard about Natalya was that she wrote about the local crime in the city as one of the few investigative journalists on the Press. The gossip said that she had familial troubles at home, which was why she came early and worked late. A more toxic rumor speculated that she had an intimate relationship with her half-brother, but no one wanted to know for sure. For all he knew, Natalya was just like him: shy, lonesome, and lacking in social grace.
That wasn’t quite the case with Natalya Arlovskaya.
Six minutes into the lunch break, the lights blinked out. A few employees looked up at the ceiling concerned, but otherwise, no one made a fuss.
Unconcerned with the lights, Natalya checked her watch. She then took out a little notepad and a pen, and she wrote something down.
Curious, Eduard asked, “What’s that for?”
She stopped writing, violet eyes flicking up.
“… You mean this?” She asked, waving the notepad a little. She didn’t respond to Eduard’s nod at first, but after a moment she wrote something else down and spoke again. “I’m marking times.”
“When the lights go out.” Natalya checked her watch. “I don’t think I caught your name, mister…?”
“von Bock, ma'am. Eduard von Bock.” Ed took another bite of lunch. “What’s it for?”
“The ghost.”
Eduard almost choked on his food. He suppressed his coughs until he could breathe properly, all while Natalya looked on. Did he hear her right? “I’m sorry, what?”
Natalya narrowed her eyes at him. “If you think I’m crazy, you don’t have to sit by me. I never asked you to.”
“No, no!” He couldn’t lose this! “No, I’m just… Curious, you know? Why you think the lights going out has to do with ghosts.”
Natalya dubiously stared at Eduard for a little longer (he swore he felt chills from those cold, blue eyes) before sighing. “It’s just one ghost, von Bock. They seem to cause electrical problems wherever they go, with enough tangibility to hold onto items. Thus, the missing coffee.”
“… Why would it steal coffee?” Eduard asked, unsure.
“The same reason we drink it: they like the taste.” She closed her notebook and put it away. “I doubt it means any maliciousness, or else it would’ve killed someone already.”
… What?
“That… That sounds great,” Eduard coughed awkwardly. Maybe it wasn’t too late to switch seats. “What are you planning to do about it.”
Natalya nodded. “I plan to catch the ghost.”
… Wait. “Catch?” Eduard repeated, eyes wide. She wasn’t serious, was she? How could she catch something that didn’t exist?
“Of course. Tonight, perhaps.” She raised an eyebrow at him. “I don’t like working with a faulty computer and without coffee.”
The lights soon blinked on.
“If you’d like, you could join me,” Natalya offered. “I wouldn’t mind the help.”
One small problem Eduard had was the fact he worked a little too hard. As in, he worked longer than he was supposed to. A combination of tunes, pressing deadlines, and a lack of need to go home usually made him work for hours on end after lunch. Maybe the sticker on top of the clock on his desktop was also at fault (it wasn’t his fault he liked to watch the time until lunch), but that wasn’t the case right now.
He only thought about leaving when the automatic lights turned off.
Startled from his work, he checked the time on his phone. “Five forty?” He whispered to himself. Forty minutes of unpaid work. For the second time this week, he cursed himself for not having any friends; if he had some, he would’ve had some incentive to get out of work or have someone to remind him to go home. Sighing, he saved his work on the computer and closed it down.
He walked with his bag down semi-dark hallways. It wasn’t too dark since the building had lots of windows for evening sunlight to stream in. Eduard took a flight downstairs and almost entered the lobby–
– just to see an eery light mutely shining from a room.
Now that got Eduard’s curiosity piqued. This section of the building, opposite of the entrances, was one of the darkest places of the office with no artificial light. And even if the overhead lights were on, the spooky blue light would’ve probably overshone everything else. Eduard’s conversation with Natalya about ghosts came to his mind, but he shook it away. No, it couldn’t be a ghost.
… Or could it?
In any case, it could’ve been something else. Like a burglar. No doubt there was someone out there who wanted to infiltrate the building to find more inside scoops. If anyone was there, he could just call emergency services. It was his duty, as an employee of NewFont Press, to protect the building where he worked.
With that excuse bolstering his courage, he approached the room.
He was about to peek into the room when an unholy screech made him jump.
“Let me GO, witch!” An unfamiliar voice shrieked. “You cannot hold me forever!”
“I’m inclined to disagree,” a surprisingly familiar voice replied in a cool monotone. “I will keep you captive for as long as it takes–”
“… What in the world?”
Eduard clamped his hands over his mouth just as he said the words. It was too late, however; both persons in the room heard him.
If Eduard could remember correctly, this room held one of the many copying machines in the office building. However, the room was not being used for its intended purpose; instead, while the copying machine, a table, and two chairs were pushed to the side, Natalya Arlovskaya was sitting cross-legged in front of a large blue circle, the source of light Eduard had previously seen. Inside the circle was a young man furiously banging on invisible walls and three cans of coffee grounds, one in which was already spilling its contents onto the ground. Lit candles surrounded the circle, but their light couldn’t compete with the circle, which seemed to be outlined with chalk.
But now that Eduard’s presence had been announced, both Natalya and the man had stopped their argument to stare at Eduard.
Natalya’s eyebrows rose. “Ah, how convenient.”
The man started banging on the invisible walls again. “Oh stranger, I implore you to help me! This madwoman has trapped me against my will with her black arts and I beg of you, free me–”
“Hush,” Natalya snapped, and the man went silent. She then turned to Eduard. “von Bock. I’m glad you could join us.”
“What’s going on?” He asked, his voice steadily rising in pitch. That other man in the circle, that couldn’t be–
“I caught our ghost,” Natalya said as if it was the most normal thing ever. “Care to join?”
The supposed ghost huffed. “Don’t join her side. I’m the victim here, she caught me!”
Eduard couldn’t speak.
“I can very easily exorcise you, you know.” Natalya turned to face the ghost, her expression cross. “But if you can cooperate, we can make a deal. Is that clear?”
The ghost seemed to hesitate at the word “exorcise”, but then he turned away with a defiant sniff.  "Oh, please. As if you could help me.“
Natalya grit her teeth."I can very well try.”
Eduard shook his head. This was all too much to handle. “Wait, wait, wait. Could everyone just stop for a moment?” He pleaded, putting his hands up. Whether it was in surrender or in command, even Eduard himself couldn’t tell. “Please?”
The ghost rolled his eyes. “Ah, great. I’m trapped with Miss Witch and Mister Incompetent. Fabulous. I swear I can’t go anywhere without a bit of peace and quiet.”
The nickname made Eduard sputter. “Wh-Why, you–!”
Natalya gripped onto the hem of her shirt. Even her patience was running thin. “Ghost, perhaps you should start speaking about your reason here to make your exit from the world less painful.”
“Less painful, eh?” The ghost snorted. “Sure, anything’s better than having a building full of idiots sitting on top of me.”
“Sitting…?” Eduard mumbled, thinking. He then gasped in realization. “Wait… Are we on your grave?”
“Have been for twenty-seven whole years,” the ghost snarked. “And it kinda hurts, thank you for asking.”
Twenty-seven years… Eduard was surprised that the building was that old. But had they really erroneously erected a building on top of a grave? Did they even know?
“We can’t remove a building for you alone,” Natalya said. “I’m sorry if it is the only way to put your soul to rest.”
“Well that’s just dandy. Then I guess I’ll keep stealing your coffee.” The ghost angrily picked up the spilling can of coffee grounds, plopped himself down away from Eduard and Natalya, and scooped coffee grounds into his mouth. The act both intrigued Eduard and disgusted him.
“So… What are we going to do with him?” Eduard whispered, kneeling down. He kept watching the ghost eat the coffee beans in mortified fascination.
“I might as well exorcise him,” Natalya whispered back. “He will keep on causing issues with the Press until our bosses decide to do something. And that,” her voice dropped lower in disdain, “will not happen soon.”
“But isn’t that the equivalent of killing him?”
Natalya looked up at Eduard, looking impressed. “Look at you, being concerned for a ghost you denied hours ago.”
Eduard gulped. Well, she was right. He really had no reason to feel sorry for a ghost that he didn’t believe in before all this drama. But there had to be some way to ease the ghost’s pain if only for the exorcism…
“Do you have any more coffee cans?”
Natalya made a face. “… There should be more upstairs, why?”
Eduard shrugged. “Just a thought.”
And just like that, the ghost and six coffee cans (not including the opened one) vanished with a poof.
Natalya clapped her hands to get rid of the chalk dust on them. “Exorcising a ghost is one thing, exorcising one with coffee is another…” She sighed, a half smile on her face. “But I’d say that that was a success.”
Eduard massaged his arms. Carrying those cans had been a chore. “Please tell me there aren’t any more ghosts in this building.”
“There shouldn’t be.” Natalya tapped the floor with her boot. “… Unless we have more graves under here.”
“I’d rather move buildings at that point.”
There was a moment of silence. Eduard fiddled with the straps of his bag. Natalya stood with her arms crossed.
“… So.” Eduard sucked in a breath. “Now that that’s over.”
Natalya raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you have somewhere to go, von Bock?”
“Not necessarily.” Eduard shrugged. “I was actually thinking drinks.”
Natalya blinked in surprise. “Excuse me?”
Eduard exhaled a short laugh. That sounded awkward, now that he said it. “I mean, after all this, we could be considered friends now, don’t you think? I know a place.”
“Do you now.” Despite the blunt, sarcastic statement, Natalya had a smile on her face. “I wouldn’t mind. A drink would help me forget I had to deal with a bratty ghost.”
“He was kind of bratty, wasn’t he?” Eduard mused, mostly to himself.
After Natalya picked up her book bag (it hid below the table and held the necessary items to catch the ghost, along with her laptop), the two headed out. It was the beginning of a friendship, one that neither had expected, but it was friendship nonetheless.
(And it only took a bet and a ghost to meet.)
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