#also i googled the soup dragon just 2 check it Was from clangers
bunnywand · 3 years
i keep a big list of all the nicknames i’ve ever used 4 pokemon, bcos keeping track of them both helps me not use them more than once, and also helps w/ inspiration when i’m coming 2 naming new pokemon 🤔
it goes all the way back 2 the earliest pokemon i still have (with nicknames anyways, i didn’t nickname my pokemon in my original gen 3 games or pearl 😧) from my original platinum game, w/ 13 y/o me’s ideas of nicknames like “frost” the abomasnow and “crystal” the froslass, up to my pokemon from my pokemon shield team, like “fiona” the appletun and “soup” the duraludon 😌
nowadays there’s a few ways i pick my pokemon’s names, some are just names i think are nice and fitting, like my pikachu “hanna” from let’s go pikachu, or “evelyn” the espeon from ultra moon, and some have more of a story behind them, like it’s p obvious w/ “fiona” the appletun, but “soup” the duraludon came from bcos like, it’s a metal dragon, and there was a metal dragon called the soup dragon in the tv show “clangers” so, soup the dragon 🤯
a Lot of them i name after characters from others things i like tho 😭 so i’ve got ones from atla (“azula” the gardevoir, “mei” the absol), half-life/portal (“alyx” the luxray, “chell” the flygon) + spyro (“crush” the rhyperior, “gulp” the aggron) but the ones i’ve got the most nicknames from is (unsurprisingly 😳) buffy/angel!!
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those are all the ones i’ve got so far, going from “xander” the crobat in my original soulsilver game all the way to the garchomp i plan 2 use in shining pearl, “harmony” 🥰
there’s some from buffy/angel that are Rly obvious + Rly good that i haven’t used yet like faith, anya and dawn, or lilah and lindsey from angel, but some of the buffy names are kinda awkward 2 use.. like maybe i could think of a pokemon 2 call “buffy,” but what kind of pokemon would i call “giles??” 😅
but um.. originally this was gonna be a post just abt the pokemon i’d named after buffy characters, but then it ended up being a lot longer than i originally meant.. 😳
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