#also i get she seems kinda similar to meli in how she asks for kisses in bed
maranull · 1 year
Head kisses for Malenia maybe?
Mal is very tall, I think her recieving head kisses and having to kneel for them is very cute ><
Sure <3.
First time it happened it was really early in the relationship. One time she was tying her shoes before leaving, and as she was kneeling you found her head in optimal head kissy location. She started taking her time tying her shoes from then on. Suspiciously, sometimes the shoes didn't even need tying. After some more time she kinda stopped using the shoes pretense to kneel, and now she just does it while grabbing you by the waist and pulling you close.
Her hair is soft and cool to the touch, except the strands that grow close to Rot patches. Those tent to be somewhat rougher.
In quieter moments, she usually slides low on the bed/couch/etc and rests her head on your chest. In bed, that sometimes means "you're my pillow now" but often it's also her way of asking for kisses.
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