#also i genuinely laughed at that part where he was walking away from that car he was looking wistful on top of the whole video
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britneyshakespeare · 2 years ago
here are my thoughts on the new exo music video for ‘let me in’ (2023)
i liked the part where jongin hugged the dog
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vibraniumavenger · 10 months ago
TW/CW: Car accident, injuries.
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Diaz!Reader
You smiled to yourself as you walked beside Christopher, your nephew. You had watched him in the morning while your brother was working, and Carla was attending an appointment. You didn’t mind though, you absolutely adored him, and he enjoyed spending time with you. 
You had an hour to kill before dropping him off to Carla, and heading off to work yourself, so you decided to swing by the station to have lunch with the team. It was quiet when you arrived, indicating the team were on a call. You took it upon yourself to make lunch for everybody, knowing it would be a relief to them when they got back. Chris was sat at the table on his tablet, in a world of his own, allowing you to focus on the food. You couldn’t help but smile to yourself as the sound of the shutters opening filled the station followed by heavy boots thudding against the floor as each firefighter jumped out of the truck. The footsteps got closer, the faint smell of smoke mixed with a familiar aftershave filled your nostrils and you instinctively lean back into the body that is now behind you as arms snake around your waist. “Isn’t this a nice surprise?” 
You turn towards the voice, and smile, “Apparently, I can’t seem to stay away.” You lean up to kiss Buck, causing Chris to pull a disgusted face. This seemed to amuse Buck, and he kissed you again. Eddie appeared in the kitchen, and made his way over to his son, visibly happy to see him. “Come on guys, get a room.” You rolled your eyes playfully at your brothers comment, and pulled away from Buck. 
You dished up the food for the team and took a seat, eager to hear about the call they had just been on. You listened intently as you ate, your complete focus on Buck as he spoke passionately about the call. Your heart warmed as you watched his face light up, he loved how much you genuinely enjoyed hearing about the calls, and how his day had gone. Chimney was the next to speak up, “It was a good call, except the part where Buck was playing hero and nearly got himself killed.” Bucks eyes widened and he turned to look at Chimney, giving him a look that immediately stopped him talking. Chimney, trying to help, began speaking again, “Don’t worry, it’s nothing out of the ordinary. It wasn’t any more dangerous than a simple call, the risk is always there. Besides, it was probably one of the safer times Buck tried to save the day, you should’ve seen him on the call last week.” 
“Chim, stop talking.” Buck, who was now visibly on the spot, turned to face you. He studied your face, working out how to approach this. He opened his mouth to reassure you, but you beat him to it, “I thought we spoke about this…” Buck knew you understood that no day was guaranteed, and that saving people on calls was something he would always try to do, even if it put him at risk. He also knew that he had a habit of jumping the gun and putting himself in dangerous situations without thinking it through. “I’m sorry…” 
You checked your watch, and stood up. “I just wish you’d be more careful, Buck.” Chris stood up and hugged Eddie goodbye, and you did the same. “Later bro.” You said goodbye to the team and walked back to the car with Chris by your side. The breeze hit you, and you took a deep breath. Maybe you were overreacting, maybe not but you just needed a moment. You helped Chris into the car and got in yourself, turning on the radio. The short ride to Carlas mostly consisted of Chris laughing as you sang along to the music, and the occasional conversation when Chris wasn’t overly engrossed in his phone. Carla was there to greet you when you pulled up on her drive, Chris was extremely excited and practically jumped out of the car to hug her. Carla gave you a hug, “Y/N, it’s so good to see you!” You smiled and hugged back, “It’s been a while, huh? Life has been hectic.” Carla laughs at this, “You’re telling me, your brother told me all about you and Buck. Moving in together? That’s a big step!” 
“We were practically living together anyway, and if I’m being honest, Eddie is probably just relieved to have his couch back. I was starting to get on his nerves.” You explained to Carla, and she chuckled. “Well, I wish you all the best. I’m gonna get Chris inside, and I’ll let you run off to work. It was lovely seeing you.” You hug Chris goodbye and bid farewell to Carla before getting into your car and beginning your journey to your place of work. In front of you, the amber light turned to red and you stopped. You could see that traffic was beginning to build up on the other side of the junction, and you didn’t want to be late. You sighed, and made the decision to take an alternate route, so when the light turned green, you indicated and pulled out to begin taking your turning. You let out a sudden gasp before you could even properly register the car coming towards you. All you could do was attempt to brace for the impact, and so you did. 
A loud crunching sound surrounded you, followed by the feeling of being thrown as your car was barrelled into. You closed your eyes tightly, scared of what was next. You didn’t have the courage to open them again until the car steadied. The first thing you could see was the airbag in front of you, despite not feeling it deploy moments before. You could smell the burning of the tyres, outside of the car, you could hear the panicked voices of bystanders, but all you could focus on was the blood that was now spread across your arms, unsure of where it was actually coming from. You weren’t in pain, at least you couldn’t feel any in that moment. Is that what shock feels like? You couldn’t think, but your eyes got heavy and you fought your hardest not to succumb to the darkness. 
Back at the station, the call was only just coming in. The alarm blared throughout the station, alerting the team to the call. They were quick to jump into action, grabbing their gear and piling themselves into their assigned trucks. Eddie and Buck sat beside each other, speaking casually between themselves about what had happened earlier. “Just give her some time, she’ll come around. For her, two of the people she loves most are at risk everyday, you’ve gotta imagine it can’t be easy. It’s a risky job as it is, and when you put yourself into riskier situations without needing to, it decreases the chance of making it home at the end. She’s scared. Just talk to her.” Eddie attempted to reassure Buck, who was feeling terrible. He couldn’t shake the image of your face from his mind, the face that showed disappointment in his actions. Before Buck could respond, the truck halted and the team jumped out, ready to give help where needed. Buck stopped in his tracks as an all too familiar car was crushed before him. He tried not to panic, hoping that his suspicions were wrong. His eyes flicked to the number plate and his heart stopped. His feet were moving before his mind could catch up. He shouted your name, drawing Eddies attention. It took Eddie a few seconds to process what was happening. You had not long left the station, it couldn’t possibly be you. Right?
Buck arrived to your car first, nausea washed over him as he caught sight of your injured body. “Y/N? Hey, it’s me. I’m here.” You weren’t completely aware of what was happening, your eyes opened with a struggle. Your movements were weak as you turned your head to look at him. “Buck?” You spoke quietly, not completely aware of the situation at hand. “Don’t move, try and keep still.” He tried to remain as calm as he could, he didn’t want to scare you any more, he was terrified himself. Eddie ran right over to the car, his heart racing as he feared what he would find. His first instinct was to check the back seat, relief finally washing over him as he saw no sign of Christopher. Still, he needed to make sure, “Y/N, was Chris in the car?” 
You shook your head, “Carlas.” Eddie felt a weight off his shoulders, knowing his son was safe. The weight soon came back when he saw the condition you were in. Your eyes rolled back, and you fell into unconsciousness. Bobby was running the scene, assigning Hen and Chim to medically assist you, and he grabbed the gear to support Buck and Eddie in freeing you from the car. Buck didn’t want to let go of your hand, but he knew he had to in order to get you out sooner. The team worked tirelessly, ensuring to be as careful as possible. Bobby handed the halligan to Buck, “Buck, you focus on getting the doors open. Diaz, grab the saw and be on standby.” 
Buck groaned as he tried to pry the doors open, with no results, “Roofs too dented Cap, I can’t get it open.” Bobby nodded, and turned to Eddie, “Saws it is. Get in there Diaz, Buck, you too.” The roof was off in no time, Hen and Chim jumped straight in and equipped you with a neck brace, and got the back board in place to move you. Hen checked your vitals quickly, trying to make sure you were steady enough to be moved. “I’ve got a faint pulse, we gotta move.” They moved you out of you car quickly, and transferred you to the ambulance. “Trauma to the abdomen, possible internal bleeding. I’ll let the hospital know we’re en route.” Buck jumps into the back of the ambulance with Chimney, and instantly takes your hand in his. Hen places herself into the drivers seat, putting the ambulance into 911 mode and begins the journey as fast as she can to the nearest hospital. 
Buck hated seeing you like this. He was filled with anxiety, the nausea constantly there as he studied your visible injuries. His heart sank with every second that went by, the more he thought about you laying there almost lifeless, expecting you to flatline any second now. “I’m sorry baby, we can’t leave things like this. I need you to get through this so I can apologise to you. I know I’m not the easiest person to love, and I also know that I’m the biggest pain in the ass, but I love you, and I need you. Please.” Buck sobbed as he held your hand tighter. Time seemed to be going extremely slow for Buck, yet moments later Hen was pulling up at the hospital. You were rushed in, Hen spewed all your information to the nurses as you were wheeled in and handed over. Buck, Hen and Chimney stood there as you were wheeled out of sight. One of the nurses stopped Buck from running after you, and he sat defeated in the waiting room. The rest of the team arrived soon after, Eddies face was similar to Bucks. Eddie spoke first, “Any update?” The lack of response from Buck had him on edge, fearing the worst. Luckily, Chimney filled the silence. “There’s no update, but no news it almost always good news.” 
Eddie placed his hand on Bucks shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze before sitting down next to him. “How’re you holding up?” Buck didn’t look up, instead he kept his head in his hands. He couldn’t respond, he couldn’t trust his voice not to give out. His leg bounced anxiously, and despite not talking, his feelings were painfully obvious. Eddie could empathise, he knew exactly what was going through Bucks mind. It was happening to him too, but he concealed it as much as he could, knowing Buck needed him. “You know, each time we’re sat in these chairs, it never gets easier. You don’t have to talk, I get it. I think you should know that I’m right here for you, I understand. Y/N is going to be okay, that I have no doubt about. She’s my sister, and us Diaz’s, we don’t back down. We fight.” Eddie continues talking, and he’s not sure whether he’s trying to convince Buck or himself. 
A few hours go by, and the team are waiting as patiently as they can for an update. Maddie had arrived some time ago, and was sat with Buck. She was not only there to support her brother, but also her brothers girlfriend, who Maddie had claimed as her best friend shortly after meeting her. Bobby hands a coffee to Buck and Eddie, who hadn’t moved from their seats since arriving. This changed moments later as a nurse approached, making them stand. Buck felt as if his legs were going to give way any second. The nurse cleared her throat, “She’s stable. She’s incredibly lucky to have made it out with the injuries she did, it could’ve been a lot worse. She’s awake, if you’d like to go see her.” 
Buck didn’t stick around to hear whatever else the nurse had to say, he darted through the corridor until he got to your room. He stopped to take a deep breath, and stepped inside. He was scared to look at you, all he could picture was you covered in blood still. His head shot up as he heard a voice, your voice to be exact, “Buck?” 
He was by your bedside in a blink of an eye, taking your hand in his. His eyes wandered over your body, taking in each of your injuries. His heart broke a little more with each one. He finally looked you in the eyes, and that’s when it hit him. His eyes filled up with tears, “Y/N…”
“Hey, don’t cry. I’m fine, see. I’m right here.” You gave his hand a squeeze, trying to give him the reassurance he needed. Buck took a seat close to your bed, your hand in his and against his lips. You move your hand up to his cheek and wipe his tears, Buck practically melted into your touch. “I really thought I had lost you.” 
“I’m right here, I’m not going anywhere. I need to apologise for my reaction earlier, that could’ve been our last conversation earlier and left without saying goodbye, or telling you how much I love you.” 
Buck shook his head, “You have nothing to apologise for, I’m the one that owes you an apology. I’m sorry that I’m not more careful when I’m out on a call, I shouldn’t be that reckless. I’m sorry that I can’t promise to walk through that door every night, safe and unscathed. I can appreciate how you feel now, and I promise I’ll try my hardest to be more careful. I love you, and I don’t want you ever feeling anything close to what I’ve felt today.” You wince as you sit up, making Buck panic. You push through the pain, and pull Buck to you. “Come here.” He stands from his chair and leans down to kiss you quickly. He carefully moves your hair from your face, ensuring he doesn’t touch any of your cuts or bruises. 
“I love you too, and even though I’m petrified that you won’t make it home one day, I trust that you’ll try everything in your power to make sure you do. I’m proud of you, Evan.” As you spoke, Buck smiled to himself. A sense of relief washed over him. Before he could respond, you continued. “So… does this mean I can finally get a new car now?” 
Buck chuckled, “You’re a pain in the ass, Diaz.” 
“Takes one to know one, Buck.”
A/N: So, I think I rewrote this like 10 times. Its been a while since I've done any writing, so please bare with me while I figure out my writing style again. Any criticism is welcome, I appreciate the feedback.
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amirasainz · 3 months ago
if you would could you write a part two?
like she really leaned on lando but also ollie and ollie was serious when he could he her bf …. and they get together
Enjoy reading and send some requests!!!
-xoxo babygirl 🧡
Part 1
Big Brother to the Rescue Part 2
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The following months were a whirlwind for Yn. Since that difficult weekend at the Grand Prix, Lando had made it his mission to bring her along to as many races as possible. At first, she’d been hesitant, worried about being a distraction. But Lando insisted.
“Come on, Yn,” he said one evening over dinner. “I drive better when I know you’re there. You’re like my good luck charm.”
Yn snorted. “You can’t use me as an excuse for a bad weekend, you know.”
“Never,” Lando said with a grin. “So, what do you say? Come to the next one?”
She agreed, and soon, race weekends became a regular part of her life again.
At first, Lando kept a close eye on her. He’d constantly check in—asking if she needed anything, cracking jokes to make her laugh, and making sure she wasn’t overthinking about her ex. But as the months passed, Yn’s laughter returned, and her smile became brighter.
Lando couldn’t help but notice the change. She seemed genuinely happy again, which filled him with relief. But something gnawed at him. Why?
It was during a particularly busy race weekend when Lando finally got his answer. The McLaren garage was bustling with engineers, mechanics, and team members preparing the cars for qualifying. Lando had just finished a debrief and decided to swing by the garage to check on Yn.
As he stepped inside, he froze.
There she was, standing off to the side with Ollie.
They were deep in conversation, their faces lit up with wide smiles. Yn’s laugh echoed softly over the hum of activity, and Lando narrowed his eyes. Why is he making her laugh like that?
Then he saw it.
Ollie leaned in, saying something that made Yn blush and look down shyly. And before she could tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, Ollie gently did it for her.
Lando’s jaw tightened.
Oh no, no, no.
He started striding toward them, fully prepared to put an end to whatever this was. But before he could take more than a few steps, a hand caught his arm.
It was Oscar.
“Where are you going?” Oscar asked, his tone calm but firm.
“To remind Ollie that he’s not allowed to flirt with my sister,” Lando said through gritted teeth.
Oscar raised an eyebrow. “Why?”
“Why?” Lando repeated incredulously. “Because she’s my little sister. That’s why.”
Oscar glanced over at Yn and Ollie. They were still talking, completely unaware of Lando’s growing frustration. Yn laughed again, her eyes sparkling in a way Lando hadn’t seen in months.
“Look at her,” Oscar said, nodding toward them.
“I am,” Lando snapped. “That’s the problem.”
“No, that’s the solution,” Oscar replied. “She’s smiling again, Lando. She’s happy.”
Lando hesitated.
Oscar continued, his voice softer now. “You’ve been worried about her for months, and now she’s back to being herself. Don’t ruin that because you’re being overprotective.”
Lando opened his mouth to argue but stopped. He looked at Yn again—really looked at her. She was radiant, her cheeks flushed from laughter as she teased Ollie about something.
And Ollie...
Lando hated to admit it, but Ollie looked at Yn with genuine affection. The way he leaned toward her, hanging on her every word, and the tenderness in his gaze—it wasn’t just flirting.
It was something more.
Oscar gave Lando a pat on the back. “Think about it,” he said before walking away.
Lando stood there for a moment, torn. His instincts screamed at him to protect Yn, to pull her away and remind Ollie who she was. But Oscar’s words lingered in his mind.
She’s smiling again.
With a heavy sigh, Lando took a step back. He turned and walked out of the garage, leaving Yn and Ollie to their moment.
Later that evening, Yn found Lando sitting outside the hospitality area, staring at the sky.
“Hey,” she said, sitting beside him.
“Hey,” he replied.
She nudged him with her elbow. “You okay?”
Lando glanced at her, noticing the contentment in her expression. “Yeah. Are you?”
Yn smiled softly. “I am.”
They sat in silence for a while before Yn spoke again. “Thanks for bringing me to all these races. I needed this.”
“You needed more than that,” Lando said, his voice teasing but warm.
Yn tilted her head, confused. “What do you mean?”
“Nothing,” Lando said quickly, shaking his head. “Just...I’m glad you’re happy.”
She studied him for a moment, then leaned her head on his shoulder. “I have the best brother in the world, you know that?”
“Obviously,” Lando replied with a grin.
They stayed like that for a while, the sounds of the paddock fading into the background. And though Lando still had his reservations about Ollie, he decided he could live with it.
As long as Yn was smiling, that was all that mattered.
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spookwriter-xo · 4 months ago
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Chapter 4 - The Piano Man
Chapter Summary - It's the night before Y/N is supposed to meet with Seonghwa and his partners, and a new visitor is waiting for her in her dressing room.
Series Masterlist
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The nerves kicked in a lot earlier than I thought. The Friday night before I was supposed to meet Seonghwa and his partners, I felt unbelievably sick to my stomach. So much so that I genuinely thought I was going to throw up during the final bows.
I shuffled into my dressing room, hand rubbing my stomach as a pout adorned my features. A throat cleared from my right, causing me to jump in surprise. A tall man with dyed blond hair slowly pushed off his spot on the far wall.
"Sorry for scaring you." He says, his voice deep and gruff. I clear my throat.
"It's fine, just tired from the show," I say, offering him a smile. Another handsome guy coming to visit me? I really must be good.
"Seonghwa said we should come and watch, didn't understand why until now." He states and the smile fades. Seonghwa. He knew Seonghwa. "Oh! I'm Mingi." He says with an awkward smile, extending his hand before quickly retracting it and wiping the palm on his hands. He was nervous, in a cute way, which I found funny considering how intimidating he looked.
"You know Seonghwa?" I ask. I walked past him and towards my dresser where sure enough another bouquet of fresh Gardenias waited for me.
"Uh, yeah. He sent me to give you details about tomorrow night." He says, hesitating to follow me. I bit back a smile, already finding his presence endearing.
"So you're one of his assistants?" I ask, glancing up at him through the mirror. He looked too well dressed to be just an assistant, however I'd also expect ATZ Corps workers to be paid extremely well.
"No." He chuckles. "I'm a co-owner, like him. He just couldn't make it tonight so he sent me... Said you liked Gardenias so.." He mumbles the last part, scuffing his shoe on the carpet.
So he was one of the men who I'd be meeting with tomorrow, making that 3 I knew the faces of now. It felt refreshing to talk to him, then again it was the same with Seonghwa before he offered me that suspicious document. Was Mingi going to be the same?
"Uhm, miss? You okay?" Mingi asks, clearing his throat. My eyes widened as I turned to face him.
"Sorry! So, what were those details?" I ask, leaning back on the counter.
He thinks for a moment, like trying to order the details correctly in his head for a moment before nodding to himself in satisfaction.
"We'll be sending a car to your place at 6pm sharp, so be ready by then." He says. "We've booked a private room so it'll just be the nine of us."
"It's not expensive is it?" I cringe slightly, based on the place Seonghwa took me for our first date, I expected this dinner spot to cost more than all my furniture combined. Especially if there were private rooms to be booked.
"You don't need to worry about paying, we got that handled," Mingi says, offering me a toothy grin. I smiled back, however, my eyes didn't. Mingi looked at me for a moment before letting out a heavy sigh.
"I'm sorry, about all this." He says, tilting his head down in semi-shame. Was this guy really apologizing? I didn't think any of them had that capability considering their upbringing. "I know it's a lot, and a few of us agree." He explains.
"It's just easier for us this way. We all have similar types and it's hard to date when you're in our line of work." He rambled. He was rambling, to me, in my dressing room about his and his partner's odd situation. I couldn't help but bite back a smile finding his boba-eyed expression cute.
"Mingi, it's okay," I say with a breathy laugh, he perks up at the sound.
"Really?" He asked.
"Yes, really."
He stared at me momentarily, studying to see if I was being genuine before clearing his throat and looking away.
"I should warn you, some of the guys are a little... High maintenance." He says moving across the room to look at the Gardenias tucked away in the corner of the room.
"High maintenance?" I question, turning to find my clothes to get changed.
"They like things done a specific way. May not like it that you're asking for a change." He explains. "Especially Captain." He chuckles before coughing. "I mean Hongjoong."
I nod, taking my folded clothes before heading towards the changing room.
"Would you like me to leave?" Mingi asks his figure stiffening. I shake my head.
"No, you're fine," I say, giving him a smile before closing the curtain to keep myself out of sight. I couldn't hear him move as I changed back into my normal clothes, which gave me a sinking feeling. A thought crossed my mind, was this really one of the owners of ATZ Corp? What if he was just a random guy? I shake that thought to the back of my head, pulling my shirt over my head before pulling the curtain back.
Mingi stood exactly where he was, his eyes on the curtain and face stern. I stare back at him for a moment before he perks up suddenly.
"Are you hungry?" He asks, offering me a smile. I think for a moment.
"A little," I answered, shoving the sick feeling in my stomach down. If he's paying, I'll go. Free food is free food.
"Cool! Uhm, I'll wait for you outside?" He asks, taking a big step towards the door. I nod and watch him as he leaves, shutting the door behind him quietly.
Mingi was odd. I figured that pretty fast. He seemed a bit shy, probably pushed to talk to me by Seonghwa himself. Did I hurt the man's pride by my phone call? Is that why he laughed? To hide his embarrassment? I smile to myself at the thought, rarely did I manage to do that.
I quickly pack away my things, preparing everything for Monday night show preparations before taking a deep breath. I walked towards the door, opening it to see Mingi leaning on the opposite wall, waiting patiently. His hands were in his pockets and yet again, he was staring blankly at the door. I give him a tight-lipped smile, closing the door behind me.
He pushes himself off the wall before falling into step beside me.
"Can I ask you something?" I ask him as the cold night air hits our faces. He hums positively in response, holding the door open for me before shoving his hands back into his pockets. "Have you guys done this before? Like dated one girl?"
"Once before." He answers, his eyes ahead.
"What happened?" I ask softly. "If it's alright me asking?"
Mingi hesitates for a moment before speaking. "Can I be honest with you?"
I blink in surprise, "Of course." I whisper.
"The rumors that you may have heard... About our company and how we may be involved in some darker stuff." He starts, his throat bobbing as he swallows nervously. "They aren't entirely false."
I stop in my tracks, staring up at him. "You're serious?" I question.
He just looks down at me, his gaze serious and unblinking. "I'm telling you this now before you get into something you can't get out of." He says. "Because trust me when I say, once you're in, there's no getting out."
My feet are frozen to the pavement as I feel a lump in my throat. "What type of dark stuff?" I ask, my eyes boring into his.
"Stuff I shouldn't tell you." He answers softly. His eyes lowered for a moment before he turned to continue walking. My feet scramble into gear as I start to follow him again.
"Why are you telling me this? Wouldn't you get into trouble?" I ask, trying to catch up to his long strides.
"Because I don't want what happened to her to happen to you." He answers. "If there's a chance for me to save you by warning you now, then I'll take it." He stops outside of a pizza parlor, holding the door open for me once again.
He doesn't order anything, waiting patiently before paying for my pizza, carrying the takeaway box for me, and walking me back to my apartment. The apartment complex was probably as old as my grandparents, in desperate need of repairs and touch-ups. Occasionally the hot water would turn off, which meant I'd have to travel from the 7th floor to the basement where more often than not a lot of sketchy things would go done. I swear it's haunted, which doesn't help with my anxiety.
Mingi stands outside the lobby, staring up at the old and dingy building before handing me the pizza box.
"I thought you had money?" He questions, eyes gazing up at the building. I snap my head to look at him and raise my eyebrow.
"How did you know that?" I ask, unlocking the lobby doors.
His ears go pink and he stutters for a moment. "We may have done some research." He murmurs, lowering his head.
I look him up and down for a moment before shaking my head. "Thanks for the food, and walking me home," I say, holding the lobby door open with my foot.
"Y/N?" He calls out quietly. "Think about what I said, please?" His voice was soft, pleading. His boba eyes stared into mine, searching for anything to soothe his worries.
I sigh, glancing back into the building before looking back at him. "I will," I say, before turning and walking inside.
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I did think about what he said. I was up all night staring up at my ceiling. What happened to that other girl? Did she die? Why would Mingi feel so obligated to go out of his way and warn me, especially considering the others may not have even thought of doing the same.
I was a stranger to him. A woman that Seonghwa spoke of when he was home and nothing more. My mind would drift to what he said about a few of the others. Did some of them not agree with the contract? I guess it made sense that it was hard for them to all date, considering how large ATZ Corp is. Even with eight people running it, it seemed like so much work.
And then I'd think about the 'darker' stuff Mingi claimed they were involved in. I knew it was common, I'd seen my own father indulge in some unlawful intimidation for the sake of his company, but the way Mingi said it... It was like it was so much worse than that.
I managed to fall asleep at around 4am, waking up a little past lunchtime. A car would come to get me at 6pm, that's what Mingi said anyway. I didn't know what type of car, but I assumed it would be expensive.
I lazed around until 4:30 before I started to get ready. I found the dress I wore for expensive Society dinners. A black dress with off-the-shoulder sleeves and a slit of one leg. I wore it more often than I care to admit, considering it was my most expensive item of clothing. I fished out a pair of heels found my purse and waited.
Was I really doing this? Did I even have to go? What would they do if I didn't? At five to six I took the elevator down to the lobby and waited just inside the doors.
Just like clockwork, a limousine drives up outside and parks out front. The driver gets out and walks to the side facing the building and waits patiently with his hands folded behind him. I take a deep breath.
No going back now.
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Thank you all so much for the love so far! More chapters are coming now that the MV is out (don't forget to stream!) and they'll start getting a bit longer.
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@bellaptv @arilevenatz @my-atiny-kookie-rkive @hecateslittlewitchling @neuviloved @monstacheol @latisthegenderfluidwannabealone
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passengerprincessblog · 4 months ago
“Breaking Point” ~ Pt 4 Lewis Hamilton x Reader
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Warning: SMUT, NSFW, angst, arguments, sleepy oral? Idk.
Summary: When Lewis shows up unannounced at Y/N’s filming location and follows her back to her LA home, unresolved tensions boil over, sparking an intense argument that exposes the growing rift between them. As they clash over misunderstandings and unspoken resentments, Y/N struggles to hold her ground, refusing to melt under Lewis’s charm, even as he tries to bridge the distance in his own stubborn, unrelenting way.
The silence in the car is suffocating, thick with all the words left unsaid between us. We’re heading back to my house in LA, and the tension stretches like an invisible line, taut and fraying. Every time I glance his way, I catch Lewis staring, his gaze heavy, filled with something that feels like disappointment or maybe just frustration.
It’s strange having him here, in my city, in my space. He’s never part of this life—my world where I’m more than his girlfriend, more than a footnote in his racing saga. Today, he got a glimpse of me with my crew, laughing, bantering, a side of myself he barely knows. A side that doesn’t revolve around him. And maybe that’s why this hurts so much. He’s so supportive of everything about me… except this. My career. The one thing that pulls me away from him.
I feel his hand settle on my thigh, his fingers warm against my skin. Instinctively, irritation flares up. I want to shove him off, to shake his hand away, but I don’t. I know it’ll only set him off, and I’m too tired for another argument. Instead, I focus on the passing streets, letting the city lights blur together, pretending not to notice his fingers tracing idle circles. He reaches over, grabbing my hand, playing with the rings on my fingers like I’m his personal stress toy. The sensation is grounding, sure, but also infuriating. Does he even realize how invasive this feels? How much he takes from me without even realizing it?
When we finally arrive at my house, I pull away the second the car stops, sliding out and thanking James, my driver, with a quick “Goodnight.” Lewis lingers, watching me with that unreadable gaze, like he’s studying me. I feel exposed, as if I’m a stranger he’s trying to understand, trying to fit into some mold that doesn’t really exist. It’s clear he’s not used to seeing me here, in LA, in the life that belongs to me.
I walk up the steps to my front door, feeling his presence right behind me. My house is beautiful—sprawling, a mix of modern LA glamour and Spanish-style architecture, spacious and luxurious. It’s mine, yet not entirely mine. After all, it’s Lewis who pays for it. I hadn’t wanted his money in the beginning, fought him on it, but he insisted, saying that rejecting his help felt like rejecting him. So here I am, living in this house he gifted me, a reminder of his presence even when he’s not here.
I unlock the door and step inside, throwing my keys on the table in the foyer. The house is decorated to my taste—soft hues, eclectic art pieces, warm textures that make it feel like home, my sanctuary. I walk into the living room, hearing his footsteps close behind me. He glances around, taking in the space, a look of faint surprise on his face.
“Wow… did you change it?” he asks, looking genuinely intrigued.
I shrug, not bothering to hide my irritation. “Not really… well, kind of.” I don’t give him much more. He hasn’t been here in nearly a year. Of course he wouldn’t remember.
He huffs, following me up the stairs, his footsteps deliberate, like he’s pushing through the tension hanging between us. I can feel the irritation rolling off him, the way he’s holding himself back, and it makes me want to push even harder.
“Are you gonna be like this all night? Y/N?” he says, his tone laced with barely restrained frustration.
I reach the top of the stairs and turn to face him, crossing my arms. “Yes.”
His jaw clenches, and he lets out a frustrated sigh. “Why can’t you have a normal conversation with me? Why is that so hard?”
I roll my eyes, throwing my hands up. “It’s not a ‘normal’ conversation, Lewis.” I can’t hold back anymore. “I can’t believe you just showed up like that,” I blurt out, the annoyance bubbling over.
His eyes narrow as I open the door to my bedroom, stepping into the softly lit space. My room is intimate, filled with small decorations and touches that feel so personal, so me. It’s like a slap in the face to him, a reminder that he doesn’t see my life like this enough, that he doesn’t really know this part of me.
“Because I love you? Because I wanted to surprise you? And support you?” he scoffs, almost as if my irritation is absurd.
I throw my bag at the end of my bed, barely glancing at him. “Okay… well, thanks. You can go now… I’m so surprised and supported. Mission accomplished.” My tone is dripping with sarcasm. “You can go back to your life.”
He stares at me, his eyes flashing with anger, a dangerous edge simmering beneath the surface. “Don’t talk to me like that. I’m trying.”
“Cool. I’m so impressed… you’re so impressive. Mr. champion, millionaire, stupid playboy. Is that what you want? Me to praise you for your attempt? You’re so fucking amazing, Lewis!” My voice rises, my irritation finally spilling out in sharp, pointed words.
He takes a step toward me, his gaze dark and intense. “You’re really pushing it. You know what I mean… I’m trying to make you feel loved. What’s wrong with you?”
“You’re what’s wrong.” I snap back, feeling the weight of my resentment boiling over. “Just leave now. I know you’re gonna leave in the morning anyway… with your stupid race on Sunday.”
He sighs, exasperated but unwilling to give up. “I don’t have to leave until Wednesday night,” he says, his tone hardening as he steps closer. “I’m staying.”
I roll my eyes, brushing past him into my bathroom. “No. Just leave.”
He follows me, his voice low and demanding as he steps into the room behind me. “I said…” he grabs my arm, pulling me toward him, his hand firm on my chin as he tilts my face to look at him. “I’m staying.”
My stomach flips, a mix of nerves and something else swirling inside me as I meet his intense gaze. His eyes are smoldering, his jaw tight, and I can feel the determination radiating off him, daring me to challenge him.
“Fine,” I say, my voice barely more than a whisper, trying to sound annoyed.
He lets go of my face, his thumb brushing over my cheek in a gentle, almost tender gesture that makes my heart ache. I can tell he wants more, that he’s craving some kind of reassurance, something from me, but I can’t bring myself to give in. Not yet.
He starts to step back, but I turn to the mirror, trying to compose myself, pretending his presence doesn’t affect me as much as it does. But he doesn’t move far; instead, he leans against the counter, his gaze fixed on me.
“Give me a kiss,” he says softly, his tone almost pleading.
I glare at him, refusing to give him the satisfaction.
“Give me a kiss…” he repeats, his voice coaxing, insistent.
I continue to glare, refusing to budge, letting the silence stretch.
“Y/N…” he murmurs, his tone dipping, a hint of something darker beneath it. “I’ll be getting a lot more than a kiss when we get to bed, so you better just give me one now.”
I furrow my brow, stubbornly refusing to indulge him. “You’re not forgiven. You don’t get a kiss… and you don’t get to stay in my room.”
He groans, rubbing his eyebrows in frustration. “Oh my god. You’re such a brat. Why are you like this? I’m trying to fix things.”
“They aren’t fixed. Leave me alone,” I mutter, turning back to the mirror, focusing on brushing my hair, anything to avoid the pull of his gaze.
He steps closer, his expression softening, and he leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to my cheek. “I love you, baby girl. Please… stop being like this.”
I narrow my eyes, knowing exactly what he’s doing. He’s trying to be all soft and sweet, pulling at my heartstrings, hoping I’ll melt and give in. But it’s not going to work. Not this time.
“Goodnight. The guest bedroom is perfect for you,” I say, flashing him a sarcastic smile.
He glares at me, his expression hardening in irritation. With a heavy sigh, he finally turns and leaves, the sound of his footsteps echoing down the hall, leaving me alone with the hollow ache that always seems to linger when he’s gone.
It’s late—sometime in the early hours, I’m sure—and I’ve barely settled into sleep when the faint sound of my bedroom door clicking shut pulls me out of my dreams. I stay still, eyes closed, hoping it’s just my imagination. But then I feel the bed shift, the mattress sinking slightly as a familiar warmth slips in beside me.
A heavy arm drapes over my waist, and I instinctively make a soft, annoyed sound, shifting away, but he just tightens his grip, pulling me back. His presence is warm, enveloping, and for a moment, I consider giving in, letting his touch soothe the tension between us. But I can’t quite shake my irritation, even through the haze of sleep.
“Baby… baby girl… shh…” His voice is soft, a gentle murmur as he leans in, pressing feather-light kisses along my neck and cheek. Each kiss is an apology, a quiet plea, and I can feel his regret seeping into each touch.
I hum in response, somewhere between annoyance and surrender, too drowsy to put up much of a fight. His hand slips under my shirt, his fingers gliding over my skin in slow, soothing circles, as if he’s trying to coax the tension out of me, to ease the edges of my frustration.
“I’m so sorry, baby girl…” he whispers, his breath warm against my skin. “I love you so much… please don’t be mad at me.”
The sincerity in his voice tugs at something deep within me, a part of me that’s been holding onto my anger, but now feels it starting to crumble. I want to hold onto it, to let him know how much he’s hurt me, but his gentle touch, the warmth of his apology, makes it hard to keep the walls up.
I sigh, barely able to form a coherent response, the words slipping out in a quiet murmur. “Lewis…”
His fingers trail lower, caressing the curve of my hip before slipping beneath the waistband of my panties. I squirm at the intimate touch, a shiver running through me despite my lingering irritation. His hand settles between my thighs, and I can't help but part them slightly, allowing him access.
"Let me make it up to you, baby girl," he murmurs, his voice low and soothing. "Let me show you how much I love you."
I'm too sleepy to protest, the warmth of his touch lulling me back towards unconsciousness. My body responds to him, a soft moan escaping my lips as his fingers begin to move, stroking me gently, coaxing me towards arousal.
"That's it, baby," he whispers encouragingly. "Just relax for me. Let me take care of you."
His words wash over me, soothing and seductive, and I feel myself melting into his touch. My hips begin to move of their own accord, squirming against his hand as he works me closer and closer to the edge.
I'm lost in a haze of pleasure, the earlier argument fading away as his skillful fingers bring me to the brink of climax. Just as I'm about to fall over the edge, he withdraws his hand, leaving me frustrated and wanting more.
"Lewis..." I whine, my voice thick with need.
He chuckles softly, the sound rumbling through his chest as he shifts position. "Not yet, baby girl. I'm not done apologizing."
With that, he moves down the bed, settling between my legs. I feel his breath ghosting over my sensitive flesh, and I can't suppress the moan that escapes my lips. He looks up at me, his eyes dark with desire, before he leans in, his tongue sliding over me in one long, slow lick.
I gasp, my fingers tangling in his hair as he begins to work me with his mouth, his tongue delving deep, stroking me in all the right places.
He continues his ministrations, his tongue swirling around my clit, sending jolts of pleasure coursing through my body. I can feel myself getting wetter.
"Fuck, Lewis," I moan, my hips squirming against his face. "Don't stop."
He obliges, doubling down on his efforts, his tongue delving deeper, his lips sucking harder. My fingers tighten in his hair, holding him in place as I grind against his mouth, chasing my release.
"You taste so fucking good, baby girl," he groans, the vibrations of his voice sending shockwaves of pleasure through me. "I could eat this pretty little pussy all night."
His words are filthy, but they only serve to turn me on more, spurring me towards my impending climax. I can feel it building, a coil of tension in my lower belly, winding tighter and tighter with each flick of his tongue.
"Lewis, I'm gonna... I'm gonna," I pant, my body tensing, my thighs quivering around his head.
He doesn't relent, his mouth working me feverishly, his tongue flicking rapidly over my clit, pushing me over the edge. I come with a cry, my back arching off the bed as waves of pleasure crash over me.
He laps it me up eagerly, prolonging my orgasm until I'm a trembling, boneless mess beneath him. Only then does he pull away, crawling back up my body to claim my lips in a deep, passionate kiss, sharing the taste of my own arousal with me.
"I love you, baby girl," he murmurs against my lips, his eyes shining with adoration.
I whimper slightly, the fleeing still lingers. I look at him as I become fully awake. Is he serious? Only Lewis would try this…
“‘Mmm…” I hum in response, not giving him the satisfaction of saying it back. He’s not forgiven, not matter how good he makes me feel.
His eyebrows furrow at me as he looks down at me. He sighs heavily, looking and sounding annoyed. He lays down next to me, cuddling close. I close my eyes… I’ll let him stay the here.
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superprofesh · 9 months ago
The Five Times Colt Seavers Almost Kisses You (and the One Time He Does) — Part 4
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Pairing: Colt Seavers x reader
Description: The fourth time Colt Seavers almost kisses you — on the brink of a promise he knows he can't afford to make.
Rating: T
Word Count: 3.2k
Tag List: @strangedeerconnoisseur, @icantwaittoliveandlearn, @moonlightandstarshimmer, @chemococktailonthehouse, @1word, @itzjustj-1000, @k-l-a-w-s, @hotdogbread23
Author’s Note: I've been blown away by how kind you all have been about this fic, and I'm so glad you're enjoying reading it as much as I am writing it! We've got two parts to go, and they only get better from here :) Thank you for all the support, and let me know what you think of this chapter!!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3
It’s five o’clock in the morning, and Colt Seavers has already been standing in the misty parking lot for two hours when he finally sees your car pulling in the entrance.
The last twelve hours have been absolute torture for him. One minute, he was walking into the crowded club to drop off some equipment with the stunt coordinator; the next, he was sharing space at the bar with you, trapped under your spell despite all his vows that he wouldn’t keep pushing this flirty thing you’ve been sharing.
He’s been conflicted for months now, knowing that his feelings for you are only getting deeper but also knowing that a relationship with him is the last thing you need. No matter how hard he tries to be noble for you, he just can’t get free from the way you enrapture him so completely — the way he thinks of you every moment of the day, dreams of a future where you could feel about him the way he feels about you.
And he honestly thought you didn’t — that you couldn’t — until last night. When he completely wrecked everything, including your heart.
Colt squeezes his eyes shut again, remembering the way he pulled back from you just a few seconds before your lips would have met. In the moment, it seemed like the right thing to do: cut it off, laugh it off, let it go before he betrayed how absolutely captivated he is by everything you do.
He keeps telling himself that he did the right thing. That he’s no good for you, and you’re better off not getting confused by his overwhelming feelings for you. But he keeps seeing your face — the way all the light in your eyes vanished, the way your shoulders slumped and your expression wilted. He had no idea there were actual, genuine feelings on your part. And for him?
Colt has spent the last twelve hours deliberating how to handle this situation. He knows he has to make it right with you, but the question is how. His inner monologue has quite the speech ready for him. You can’t even THINK about confessing your feelings. You’re the one who has no future, no big dreams, maybe not even much longer to live! You have no right to force that kind of life on anyone. Especially if you really care.
After hours of tormented decision-making, Colt has come to the same conclusion he always does: he can’t let you know how he feels about you. He’s got to apologize, make sure you know he didn’t mean to hurt you, let you think he’s just been flirting for fun, maybe even rekindle your injured friendship. But he absolutely cannot let you know he’s in love with you.
And he is, isn’t he? He wouldn’t have waited with bated breath in the parking lot for two hours if he wasn’t madly, hopelessly, irremediably in love with you.
Colt has planned this conversation thousands of times since last night, but the only thing he can choke out when you climb out of your car and start toward the studio is, “Hey.”
You glance up at him in surprise, clearly less than pleased to find him hanging around the parking lot so early. His heart tightens at the sight of your pale face, the dark circles under your eyes betraying what was probably a sleepless night. “Hey,” you respond emotionlessly.
“Do you have a second?” Colt asks. His voice isn’t quite as strong as he hoped, but the sight of you is sending jolts of electricity through his veins.
You look to the side, pursing your lips and injecting a hint of coldness into your voice that he has never heard before. “Honestly, Colt, no offense,” you say plainly, “but I don’t really want to talk right now.”
Colt presses his lips together, knowing he’s the reason for this uncharacteristic coldness. “Believe me, I understand,” he blurts out, “but I’ve got to talk to you about last night.”
“There’s nothing to talk about,” you shoot back, fixing your stare on him again. Behind the coldness in your eyes is a deep sorrow that twists his heart. “I misread the signals, I overthought it, it’s not a big deal. You don’t need to explain anything.”
“Yes, I do,” he insists. “I messed up big time. I haven’t had a moment’s peace since last night, and I have to get this off my chest, okay? You don’t have to say anything.” He knows he sounds desperate, but he’s past caring. “Please, just hear me out and let me explain.”
You hold his stare, unrelenting, unforgiving. He loves you for it. “Fine.”
Colt releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding, overwhelmed with relief that you’re even willing to listen to him. His biggest worry all night was that you wouldn’t speak to him, wouldn’t let him make things right.
He plunges right in, knowing it will be messy but not caring. “Listen, I’m really bad at this, but I’m going to give it my best go. These past few months that I’ve known you… it’s been really nice. You’re amazing to be around, and I always feel better after I’ve hung out with you. You’ve honestly been the best thing about this shoot.”
Your expression doesn’t change, but Colt can feel the iciness in your gaze softening ever so slightly. It gives him the courage to press on, even though he knows what he’s about to say is going to devastate himself.
“The thing is,” he continues, heart in his throat, “I’ve been so caught up in just… flirting and messing around, that I haven’t paid attention to how it might affect you. I haven’t been paying attention to the signals either.”
You furrow your brow at him. “What are you saying?”
Colt, you are the worst at this, man.
“I’m saying… I’m really sorry that I hurt your feelings last night. I’ve been replaying it over and over in my mind, and I can’t get past the way you looked at me when I pulled away and laughed everything off. Just, the look in your eyes and the way you looked like I had let you down — it’s been killing me.”
Your expression finally softens, and Colt hates himself for the words that are coming out of his mouth. “I thought this was just a fun flirtation between friends and that it would be better to keep any physical stuff out of it. I didn’t know there was anything on your side. Honestly. Not until I saw how much it hurt you for me to just… act like it meant nothing.”
There it is again — that hint of betrayal in your eyes. Now that Colt knows you care for him, his decision to “do the right thing” suddenly seems like the most gut-wrenching, agonizing thing he’s ever done.
It’s all I can do. I have nothing to offer, nothing to make a relationship worth the pain it would cause. I love you, and that’s why I won’t tell you.
Your brow is still lined with confusion, trying to parse out his real meaning among the confusion of words. “But you’re still saying… it didn’t mean anything to you.”
This is killing him. “Of course it meant something to me,” Colt blurts out before he can stop himself completely. He tries to amend it. “Man, I am so bad at this. What I’m trying to say is… I would never have even started a flirtation with you if I knew it would hurt you. Please believe me when I say I would never, ever, in a gazillion years want to do anything to hurt you or make you feel like I don’t care about your feelings. I should have been more sensitive and realized that I can’t just… lead you on without it mattering.”
Lead you on. As if I didn’t mean every word I’ve ever said to you. As if I wouldn’t die for you right now.
You nod, pursing your lips again with a clearer, more determined look in your eyes. “So, just so we’re clear,” you say slowly, “there’s nothing going on? All this flirting and hanging out and almost-kissing — it’s just been for kicks?”
“No, no, not just for kicks,” he backtracks immediately. Even when he’s trying to be noble, he can’t betray your trust that far. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What did you mean, Colt?” He can hear the genuine confusion in your voice. “I don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me.”
Colt takes a deep breath, closing his eyes as he tries to focus on the right thing to say. “I’m just trying to tell you that I am so, so sorry for anything I’ve done to hurt you. I’ve been stupid and insensitive and awful, and I wish there was a way I could make it up to you. I just…” He opens his eyes, fixes them on yours so you know he’s telling the truth. “I couldn’t let this go without making it right with you. No matter what, you mean a lot to me, and the thought of losing your friendship honestly makes me miserable. Please just tell me I haven’t messed this up beyond repair.”
Please tell me I haven’t lost your trust completely. Please tell me I haven’t damaged the person I love most beyond repair.
You stare him down for what feels like an eternity, your discerning gaze burning holes into him. Finally, you sigh, seeming to come to a decision. “No, you haven’t,” you tell him at last. “I mean, I’m still trying to process everything and sort it all out, but… it means a lot that you wanted to have this conversation.” A note of humor slips into your voice, and the twinkle in your eyes makes a very welcome reappearance. “I mean, you waited for me in the parking lot like a stalker, so that says something. Not sure what.”
Colt laughs out loud at that, all the intense pressure of the night lessening with your words. “I thought about camping outside your hotel, but I thought it might be a little much.”
“Yeah, it would have been,” you agree, scuffing your shoes on the pavement.
Colt feels like the weight of the entire world has been lifted off his shoulders, but he knows he has to keep handling this the right way if he doesn’t want to risk hurting you again.
“So, are we okay?” he asks sincerely.
You nod, smoothing your hair back and closing your eyes while you think about your response. “Yeah. Yeah, we are. Just… getting some closure and some straight-shooting takes a lot of stress out of this.”
“Yeah, me, too,” Colt agrees. “I’m just sorry it took me so long to shoot it straight with you.”
If you can really call this shooting straight.
You shake your head, raising your eyes to meet his again. “No, I should have been more upfront, too,” you admit. “It would have saved me a lot of trouble.”
Colt’s first reaction is to argue, to insist that you haven’t done a single thing wrong, that this whole tangle has been caused by his inability to let go of the feelings he has for you, but he knows it’s best to let that go. Better to end on a positive note.
“Friends?” he asks tentatively.
“Friends.” You grin at him, obviously as relieved as he is to have mended your relationship.
Great, just friends again. Exactly what we wanted. Colt elects to ignore his inner monologue this time.
With the tension lifted at last, you heave a grand sigh and nudge his shoulder in the old familiar way, heading in the direction of the studio.
“So, where are you off to?” Colt asks you, falling in step beside you.
“Train station set,” you reply lightly. “Filming for that scene is supposed to start next week, so I’m scrambling trying to get everything finished. It’s the biggest set I’ve ever created from scratch, so it’s been a serious challenge.”
Colt grins down at you, nudging your shoulder with his the same way you just did. “I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” he assures you, meaning every word of it. “Your sets always are.”
You grin back up at him, your cheerfulness infectious. “What about you? Any big stunts today?”
“Nah, just rehearsing some choreography for a fight scene. Easier schedule for the rest of this week.”
“That’s good,” you respond. The art trailer, empty in these early morning hours, is coming into sight now. “Maybe you can stop throwing yourself off moving vehicles for awhile.”
Colt smirks. “Yeah, that’s the plan. Unless something crazy happens on my way to the gas station or something.”
“Oh, sure. You never know with a Citgo.”
The two of you share a laugh, and suddenly everything feels back to normal. Maybe it can never be completely normal again, but after the fears that kept Colt awake all night, this feels like he’s just stepped into paradise after being cast out.
“Hey, bad guys come in all shapes and sizes,” Colt informs you, feeling his sense of humor coming back full force. “Sometimes it’s a hard-boiled gangster chasing you on top of a transfer truck; sometimes it’s a plastic bag flying off the pavement and around your head.”
“Maybe that’s the real reason why recycling is so important,” you quip. A few more steps, and the two of you are standing at the door to the art trailer, the pink rays of sunrise beginning to touch the tops of your heads. “Well, here’s my stop. Thanks again for talking with me. It really means a lot.”
Colt nods, a genuine smile crossing his face. “I couldn’t let things be strained between us. Who would patch together the props I destroy in every take?” he teases you.
“Who would destroy the handmade props I painstakingly create every day?”
“Publicity stunts wouldn’t have been the same without you to critique my color coordinating choices.”
“I was really going to miss you sneaking me a packet of Mini Muffins every morning.”
“Consider the Mini Muffins sneaked.”
You grin at that, and Colt’s heart speeds up a few beats just at the sight. He’s glad to have this image — your captivating smile, framed by the pastel light of the sunrise, happiness sparkling in your eyes — to replace the one from last night.
You don’t say a word before turning to open the door to the art trailer, clearly needing some space, so Colt turns to walk away, but the door doesn’t close behind you. When he turns back to face you, you’re lingering in the doorway, an unreadable expression on your face. Colt hesitates, not sure what you expect from him, but he’s cut off by you closing the distance between the two of you and wrapping your arms around his neck.
What what what what what what WHAT WHAT WHAT—
Colt isn’t sure this is the best idea, but he certainly isn’t going to make the mistake of pushing you away again. Instead, he lets his arms fold around your waist, pulling you close against him. Every muscle in his body aches to hold you as tight as he can, and it takes all his self-control not to lift his head up a few inches, to whisper in your ear, You’re every sweet dream I’ve ever had. You’re everything I hoped love would turn out to be.
You don’t make a move to release him, and suddenly Colt realizes: this is your way of letting go of him. You’re taking one last moment to savor this closeness before you resign yourself to a simple friendship and an inevitable goodbye. With that realization, Colt grips you tighter, lets his face rest in the crook of your neck while he breathes you in.
The sun keeps rising, and still you hold onto each other as if this is the last time you’ll ever see each other.
Colt feels your arms loosen their hold around his neck slightly, and he takes that as a cue to release the death-grip he has around your waist. He didn’t realize he could feel your pounding heart against his chest until you’ve pulled back a few inches.
He’s surprised, though, when you don’t get go of him completely. You let your hands rest on his broad shoulders, your eyes searching his own for some answer that you can’t quite grasp. It’s as if you know he’s holding something back — as if you can tell how deeply he feels for you just by the way he stays absorbed in the warmth of your gaze.
A sad smile tugs at the corners of your lips, and you lift one hand to rest on the side of Colt’s face. His heart instantly starts rocketing again, and all he can imagine is that you’re finally going to go for the kiss that has almost happened three times now. He holds his breath, knowing that he can’t trust himself not to seize you and kiss you with all the passion he’s holding inside.
Your fingertips trace the side of his face slowly, intimately, traveling over his cheekbone, down his jaw, right under his lips. His skin feels like it’s burning from the inside, incinerating him with heat. He knows he’s still holding your waist too tight for someone who is “just a friend,” but holding you is the only thing keeping him sane right now.
Your gaze slips down for a fraction of a second, landing on the spot where your fingers are resting tenderly. Colt’s hands are shaking from the tension. All he can think of is how close your lips are to his, how effortless it would be to lean forward a few inches and live out the daydream he’s had a thousand times before. He doesn’t even blink, unwilling to miss a second of being this close to you again.
Finally, finally, you take mercy on him and lift your fingers from his face, your own expression betraying the level of affection you feel. Right now, all Colt wants to do is close his eyes and let you trail your fingers over his face for the rest of his life, but your touch is already gone, and he finally feels like he can breathe again.
You take an unhurried step back, your eyes never leaving his. Your hands slowly slide down from his shoulders, his letting go of your waist at the same time. The distance between you suddenly feels miles wide, and it’s quite obvious that both of you want to close it again.
But neither of you does.
“Okay,” you murmur, eyes drifting across his face. The early morning sunlight is dancing through the strands of your hair, alighting on the dust particles in the air to create a mystical glow around your face. “I should go.”
Colt barely even registers his own response, still so dazed from the past few moments. “Me, too.”
You take a step inside the art trailer door, eyes hazy. “See you later?”
“Of course.”
You give him one last soft smile and walk into the art trailer. But Colt stands in the light of the rising sun for a long time after you’ve gone.
Part 5
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onlinesuzie · 7 months ago
can u write something about you and hamzah being apart and missing each other?? 😮‍💨😮‍💨🫶
♡ hamzah misses you ♡
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words: 1.6k
genre: FLUFF!!
summary: Hamzah misses you a lot.
notes: guys i literally just needed an excuse to make hamzah the most cringe rom com man in the world.
Hamzah couldn’t stop thinking about you. All day, thoughts of you filled his mind, he missed every part of you. It had only been a few days since you last saw each other, but to him, it felt like it was far too long. The warmth of your smile, the sound of your laughter, the way you always seemed to know how to make him laugh—he missed it all.
Hamzah was used to being busy. His days were often filled with filming and editing for slushy noobz. But today, even the excitement of a new video idea couldn’t distract him from how much he missed you. Sitting in his apartment, surrounded by cameras and editing equipment, he found it impossible to focus on anything else. Every glance at his phone, every moment of silence, brought him back to the same thought: I miss her.
Finally, as the afternoon sun began to go down, Hamzah made a decision. He closed his laptop, grabbed his keys, and left his apartment early. His audience would understand if the next video came out a little later than usual. Right now, there was something more important—someone more important—that he needed to see.
As he walked through the door, the rich scent of fresh flowers enveloped him. He scanned the colorful array, his eyes finally settling on a bouquet of your favorite flowers—soft pink roses mixed with delicate white lilies. He smiled to himself, knowing how much you would love them.
With the flowers in hand, Hamzah made his way to your favorite restaurant. The familiar smells of spices and freshly cooked dishes greeted him as he entered. He ordered a selection of your favorite meals, making sure to get everything just right. Once the food was packed up, he hurried to his car, excitement bubbling up inside him. He couldn’t wait to see the look on your face when you opened the door.
By the time he reached your house, the sky was painted with shades of orange and purple. His heart raced as he walked up to your front door, balancing the bouquet and the bags of food. He took a deep breath, hoping you’d be as happy to see him as he was to see you. Then, with a slight shake in his hand, he knocked.
You opened the door, and the moment your eyes met his, his nerves melted away. A smile spread across your face, lighting up the dimming evening. "Hamzah!" you exclaimed, surprised but clearly delighted. He handed you the flowers with a shy grin.
"I missed you so much," he said simply, his voice filled with genuine kindness. "And I thought maybe we could spend some time together?"
Your eyes softened as you took the flowers, their sweet fragrance filling the space between you. "You didn’t have to, Hamzah but I’m so happy I could cry," you replied, stepping aside to let him in. "These are so so so beautiful. Thank you so much."
Before Hamzah could respond, you leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "I’ve missed you too, but don’t tell anyone" you whispered, your lips grazing his skin.
Hamzah’s smile grew, his eyes sparkling with affection. "I, um, also brought you something else, to you know.. eat!" he added, holding up the bags. "I wasn’t sure what you’d like today, so I got a little bit of everything."
"You are so cringe sometimes Hamzah," you laughed, leading him into the living room. "Well come on my loser! Let’s set up in here and eat ‘cause I am actually starving."
Inside, you both moved to the living room, where Hamzah set the food on the coffee table. You brought out a couple of blankets, draping them over the couch as he unpacked the containers. The room quickly filled with the savory scents of the meal. You laughed softly as you saw he’d ordered all your favorites, you couldn’t help but smile to yourself at how happy this boy makes you.
"How was editing today, my love?" you asked as you both sat down, plates in hand.
"It was okay, there was a lot we had to cut today though because Martin kept doing weird dances and for his ego i just could not release that," Hamzah replied, giving you a warm look. "I couldn’t stop thinking about you thought, so I decided to come see you. I hope you don’t mind."
"Of course, I don’t mind," you said, touched by his honesty. "I’ve missed you too. It’s been such a long week, and being with you is exactly what I needed."
As you ate, you couldn’t stop sharing glances at each other. It was as if no time had passed at all since you last saw each other. You told him stories from your insane week, laughed at jokes from the past, and fell into comfortable silence between bites, simply enjoying the company.
"Remember that time we got lost trying to find that restaurant?" you asked, a smile playing on your lips.
Hamzah smiled. "How could I forget? We wandered around for an entire hour before you realized we were on the wrong street the whole time.
"At least we eventually found it," you teased. "And the food was so worth it."
"Well.. I wouldn’t say it was truly worth it," he agreed. "But either way I think tonight’s food might be even better. But maybe and just maybe, it’s just the company."
"See, you are so cringe you idiot," you said, playfully nudging his shoulder. "But I guess you’re right, if i had to confess."
Hamzah laughed softly, and as you both finished your meal, he leaned in closer, his eyes locking with yours. "Oh! You’ve got something," he said surprised, his voice teasing as he pointed to your lips.
You raised an eyebrow. "Oh really? What?" You began wiping at your face.
"Stop, let me get it for you," he said, his tone playful. Before you could respond, Hamzah leaned in and kissed you, his lips brushing over yours in a tender moment. You felt your face glow red, warmth spreading through you as you kissed him back.
When he pulled away, his smile was soft, and his eyes were full of affection. "There," he whispered, "I think it’s all gone now."
You laughed, pushing him away from you. "You’re way too much, you know that?"
"Only for you," he replied, pretending to be hurt.
After dinner, Hamzah suggested watching a movie. You agreed, scrolling through the options until you found something you both liked. The lights were dim, and the only glow in the room came from the TV as the film began. You curled up next to him on the couch, wrapping the blanket around you both. Hamzah draped his muscular arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer. The steady rhythm of his breathing and the gentle rise and fall of his chest under your head made you feel safe and so happy.
As the movie played, you found yourself more focused on the way Hamzah’s fingers gently traced patterns on your arm than on the plot. You turned your head slightly to look up at him, catching the soft smile on his lips as he watched the screen. His happiness was infectious, and you couldn’t help but smile, too.
"You know," you whispered during a quiet moment in the movie, "I’m really glad you came over tonight. I didn’t realize how much I needed this, even if that means I have the most embarrassing boyfriend in the world."
Hamzah looked down at you, his expression tender. "Me too. I was worried you might be busy, but I just couldn’t stay away."
"You’re always welcome here, Hamzah," you replied, resting your head back on his shoulder. "Anytime."
Hamzah leaned down and kissed the top of your head, his lips lingering against your hair. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice filled with comfort. "That means a lot to me."
The movie eventually ended, but neither of you moved. You were too comfortable, too content to let the moment slip away. It was only when you glanced at the clock that you realized how late it had gotten. Hamzah noticed, too, and for a moment, there was a pause—neither of you wanting the night to end.
"Stay," you said softly, your voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t want you to go."
Hamzah didn’t hesitate. "I’d love to," he replied, his smile widening. "I didn’t really want to leave anyway."
"Good," you said, standing up and offering your hand to him. "Come on, let’s get ready for bed."
"Sounds perfect," Hamzah agreed, taking your hand and following you. "This has been the best night I’ve had in a long time."
As you led him to your bedroom, Hamzah gently pulled you to a stop, turning you to face him. He cupped your face in his hands, his thumbs softly caressing your cheeks. "I’m really glad I came over," he said, his voice low and full of emotion.
Before you could respond, Hamzah leaned in, capturing your lips in a heartfelt kiss. It was soft and unhurried, full of the emotions he couldn’t quite put into words. You melted into the kiss, your arms wrapping around his neck as you pulled him closer, enjoying the moment.
When you finally pulled away, both of you were breathless, but your smiles were wide.
"Me too," you whispered, your forehead resting against his.
You both got ready for bed, the routine now familiar and comforting. When you finally lay down, Hamzah pulled you close, his arm wrapped protectively around you. You nestled into his embrace, feeling his warmth and the steady beat of his heart against your back.
"Goodnight," he whispered into your hair, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head.
"Goodnight, Hamzah," you murmured back, your voice filled with contentment. Before you drifted off to sleep, you turned in his arms to face him, giving him one last sweet kiss on the lips.
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toxic3mmy · 11 months ago
being like all bratty ( i think that’s the word) and all to Quackity and he ends up fucking the shit out of you?
ummm yes??? this sounds sooooo hot teehee, thx for the request!!
[it turned out a little more loving than rough sex.. oops??]
prompt: you and alex have a project due and he keeps slacking off until he’s had enough of your bratty attitude
warnings: nsfw! smut smutty smuttt!
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it was finally 7:30 pm. alex said he would meet you at the college library to finish up your project after work and you had been waiting on him there for almost an hour now. the good thing was that you were alone and had time to focus on your part of the slideshow.
you had about two slides left when you heard a huge thud on the table you were sat at. you looked up and saw alex smiling sheepishly at you.
“sup nerd, you almost done with our project?” he said as he sat back in his chair and kicked his feet up to rest on the table
you rolled your eyes and said with an annoyed face,
“yeah right, come on let’s get this over with already” you grumbled
“actually, shit… i forgot my laptop” alex said while looking through his backpack. he looked up at you and asked
“mind if i go get it? i’m pretty sure i left it at my house and it’s not far from here” he didn’t even wait for me to respond, already collecting his things to go
“wait, maybe we should just do the project at yours… they close the library in thirty minutes anyways” you said, feeling even more annoyed than before because now you were going to be forced to be alone with alex
“cool, let’s go” he walked out of the school and to his car in the parking lot
you felt a bit uncomfortable and nervous as you got into his passenger seat. you weren’t sure why but his very existence got so deep under your skin that it really pissed you off. maybe it was his arrogant personality or maybe it was the way every girl at your college drooled over him, or maybe it was both. the truth is, you also felt an attraction for alex but you refused to be like every other brainless bimbo at school. you liked to think that you actually had taste when it came to guys.
your thoughts were interrupted by alex parking his car and getting out, having you follow him. he unlocked the door to his house and let you in. he got comfortable and led you into an office like room where you assumed he did his homework and probably his streaming. he had a huge desk with a pc setup as well as note taking materials next to the pc. there was also a small couch and that’s where you decided to put your backpack.
“here, i’ll go get a chair for you to sit next to me” alex broke the silence between you too. you nodded silently and took all your notes out to finally finish this project.
“sit” he said as he placed another office chair next to his fancy gamer chair
you chuckled to yourself
“what?” he asked, genuinely confused
“oh nothing… just realized you have a gamer chair.. it’s so uwu of you” you teased him and laughed even louder
“says the one that dresses like an e girl with all those fishnets and eyeliner” he said mockingly
“don’t even! i know you’re not judging my clothing choices when you legit always look like adam sandler plus that stupid beanie you never take off”
“can you shut up? we have a project to work on” alex said in a sarcastic manner
you didn’t say anything in response to him. instead, you went over what you had finished with your part of the project. you then kept talking about some ways for alex to tie his part into yours so that it would all flow seamlessly. you were pointing out certain topics in your textbook when you look up to see alex typing away on his phone.
“dude… are you serious? i was over here talking to the fucking wall i guess! were you seriously not listening to me?”
he simply put a finger up as if telling you to wait for him to finish texting. you waited impatiently and after a few minutes, he finally put down his phone.
“my bad, i have this thing i’ve been working on with team members for our twitch.. but uh yeah of course i heard everything you said.” he lied and it made anger begin to boil up inside of you.
“how much do you even have done?” you asked, trying to calm yourself down
“oh uh.. i have all my pictures set up in the powerpoint” he said as if it were something to be proud about
you grit your teeth together as you realized what he meant by that
“you haven’t even started on your section?? i cannot believe you…” you groaned really annoyed now
“yes i have started! it’s not my fault that i need to do work stuff in my free time” he said as he messed with a pen on his desk
“ohhh, you have a twitch event that you’ve been working on for weeks? aw thats so cool, yeah i seriously don’t give a fuck. you had all semester and you don’t even care! it’s our senior year and uni is something that we need to take seriously i mean this counts towards our final! i don’t want to have to fucking repeat this class just because you’re a careless arrogant selfish piece of shit!”
“woah woah, what the fuck is your issue?!” he began to lose his cool, sitting up and facing towards you as he raised his voice
“you’re my problem! like dude i get that you play your little video games on stream and that seems to be what you worry about most but i actually want to get a good career and i actually care about my grades! unlike you! you think that just because everyone likes you, you’ll get everything handed to you. well sorry to burst your bubble but clicking and clacking on your keyboard all day long isn’t going to prepare you for the real world!”
“who the fuck do you think you are? you have no right to say any of this to me, are you kidding?” alex was now standing up and towering over you
“look… i just had a bad day okay? i worked really early this morning and i honestly would much rather be in bed right now than arguing with you i mean, we’re not even getting any work done! god this is pointless..” you sighed, running your hands through your hair as you felt afraid to look alex in his eyes
“i worked today too, ya know. but you don’t see me being so prissy and uptight about a damn project that won’t even matter in a year.”
“yeah well im sure my work was way more productive and hard than you playing dumb computer games all day”
“listen you little brat, you have no right to tell me anything about my career choices. and for the record, my dumb little twitch job is making me more money each month than youd ever see after years of whatever boring fucking corporate job you get into” alex said, holding you tightly by your t shirt
“yeah fucking right. you’re just a lazy idiot! all you had to do was finish a few slides and we’d be through here and you can’t even do that. i’m leaving, thanks for nothing” you spit out angrily as you hastily began to pack your things to leave
alex was silently in deep thought. as you reached the door, he tugged your backpack back and off of your shoulder. he grabbed you rather harshly and your back was pushed up against his bedroom door.
“you’re not going anywhere. you think you can just walk out of here after insulting me and being a shitty little brat?!”
“what?..” you asked quietly
“you heard me y/n, you’re being a fucking brat.. and brats should be treated the way they deserve” he spoke hotly against your lips before leaning forward and kissing you
you weren’t prepared for him to kiss you so sweetly. you practically melted against his lips. you kissed back until he whimpered and brought you back to reality.
“ugh! get off of me, asshole!” you pushed his chest roughly but before you could make any other move, he caught your arm
“i know you want me y/n, i see the way you look at me. you and every other girl at school are just so thirsty for me huh? look at these tiny skirts you always wear.. you’re just asking for it” he smirked as his fingers danced up your thigh and touched your skirt
“ha! i don’t want you. unlike the girls at school, i have a brain and i sure as fuck would never touch you” you lied to his face
you gasped and felt your face go red as his hand was now touching the fabric of your panties
“then why are you soaking wet for me?” he chuckled as he pulled your panties aside and played with your wet folds
he walked you towards his bed, sitting you down as he hovered over you.
“i fucking hate you!” you angrily smashed your lips to his.
your tongue slid across his lips, asking for entrance. alex greedily let your tongue slide against his. your hands tangled in his hair and tugged harshly as he continued to touch you.
“i hate you too, you fucking brat. now be a good girl and taked this top off for me” his lips connected with yours as you shakily unbuttoned your school top and threw it aside.
you reached out and began to unzip his pants just enough to release his hardened cock. he moaned at the contact and continued to play with your slick heat as you started to move your hands up and down his dick.
he pulled away from the kiss and pulled your hair in a ponytail with one hand and held your palm upwards with his other.
“spit” he demanded and you did what he asked
he then moved your wet hand to his cock and let go of your hair. he went back to rubbing your throbbing clit. you moved your hand and he was practically thrusting into your touch.
“alex… please” you whispered and tried to lead his leaking dick to your pussy but alex stopped you
“aw come on y/n, you can do better than that. you just love to yap and insult me, don’t you, you little brat? why don’t you put that pretty little mouth of yours to good use and beg for me. beg me to fuck you”
at this point, you needed him so badly and you didn’t care how desperate you looked as you complied with his demands.
“please alex, i need you so badly. please just fuck me and i promise to be nicer to you. im so wet for you..” you moaned out as his fingers finally stopped teasing you and entered your quivering hole
“tell me you want me.. tell me y/n” he said in a lustful voice, his fingers curling deeper into you. his lips attached to one of your hard nipples, deliciously tracing circles with the tip of his tongue
“oh fuck.. i n-need you, i want you alex! i’ve wanted you since i first saw you! i hate you so much but i want you to fuck me, please!” you were rutting against his hand needing more
he laughed as he was amused and feeling very satisfied with your response. he stopped touching you completely and undressed himself. he then reached out and stripped you of your shirt and panties, leaving the two of you completely naked.
“you’re so fucking sexy” he said, looking at you hungrily
“get on your hands and knees, show me that pretty ass”
you did what he asked needing him inside of you now. he groaned at the sight of your round ass on view for him. as he pushed himself inside of you, you arched your back from pleasure. he began to move slowly as you adjusted to the stretch. the second you started moaning, he grabbed your hips and mercilessly pounded into you.
“fuck! you’re so tight y/n” his hand made harsh contact with a loud smack on your ass
you fucked back onto his cock, feeling so overcome with pleasure
“a-alex, ‘m so close” you whimpered
he stopped fucking into you and sat up in his bed. he gently tugged you towards him, motioning to sit on his lap
“come ride me, sweetheart” he said huskily and of course, you obliged
you sat on his dick, feeling every inch of him fill you up. you were in complete bliss as you began to ride him slowly. alex leaned forward and hugged you to his body as he kissed your lips. you fought his tongue with yours for dominance as the two of you rocked together in a sweet rhythm.
“you feel so good… so so good alexis” you whispered in broken sobs
“yeah, baby girl? aw just look at you. you’re so needy for me aren’t you?”
you rocked your hips, grinding his cock into you. he was so deep inside of you and you couldn’t help but want more. he hit just the right spot inside of your needy cunt and you moaned loudly. your back arched as you threw your head back in pure bliss. alex kissed up your neck as he had full access. he pulled you closer to him, tucking your hair behind your ear gently
“you’re so beautiful y/n, i could do this forever. would you like that? would you like to be my fuck toy? i could use you whenever i please, yeah? tell me how good i feel, hermosa” he said as he looked into your eyes.
“you feel incredible.. you’re making me feel things i’ve never felt before.. please use me whenever” you said breathlessly
“such a good girl” alex praised, kissing you ever so gently as you continued to move at the same pace together
“a-alex, i’m so close”
“cum with me y/n, cum with me” he whimpered, letting out the sweetest whines and speeding his hips to meet yours
he held your hips still as he fucked into you faster and faster, chasing both of your highs
with loud gasps and moan, you both climax together.
alex slows his pace to a stop and you both catch your breath.
“yeah?” you breathe out, finally getting off of alex and laying down next to him
“i finished my part of the project yesterday, i just wanted to mess with you” he grinned and you smacked him playfully
“alex! you ass!”
“hey.. it worked out well for us didn’t it?” he smiled innocently
“come on, let’s shower. im all sweaty” alex says, pulling you up and towards his shower
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disneyprincemuke · 1 year ago
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first podiums * aa23
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it’s her first win in formula one as a female driver and her boyfriend can’t be any happier for her
pairings: alex albon x reader!driver
notes: NOT in any way, shape, or form related to vettel reincarante calm ur horses.. i also sincerely apologise to all the anons sending in requests while i just keep posting logan shit 😭😭 i’m genuinely trying my best please forgive me!!
also um… this is VERY like… so mediocre… i’m so sorry for this babygirl… i will post another fluff alex fic tomorrow i sweaRRR I’M BETTER THAN THIS
(f1 masterlist)
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you hadn’t even realised you’d won the race. all the cheering your engineer and team principal had screamed into your ears through the radio hadn’t fully registered. not until you drove into parc ferme and you were guided to the signage with the number one on it.
you couldn’t even climb out of your car, until a figure towered over the halo, causing you to look up. the driver you’d held off for the better part of the last ten laps of the race greets you with a wide smile, gesturing for you to get out of the car and says something about celebrating.
once you climb out of you car, you’re immediately greeted with a tight hug and praises from the veteran driver.
“oh, you raced that so well! i couldn’t find a way past you in those last laps,” max says to you, patting your helmet firmly. “you deserve this. congrats.”
“thank you,” you’d answer him before he walks away to greet other drivers driving into parc ferme.
but you waste no time. you quickly run over to your team, held back by the barricades, and throw yourself into the sea of arms where they sing you praises and pat your back. it’s exhilarating to be on the receiving end after a long weekend.
it’s not been kind to you: starting the race in the midfield, only to fight your way up and be graced by a yellow flag to chase after max for that fight to your first win in formula one.
and being the first to do it other than max this season, it’s a good look for you and the team that’s brought you here today.
you thought the hugs would never end when you tried to pull away but the only wrapped their arms around you tighter, until there was a pat on your shoulder. your feet touch the ground and you’re immediately twirled into another warm hug.
you had no idea who it was until you opened an eye to meet the bright blue race suit you’ve known and loved the entire season. you had no confirmation until he spoke: “i’m so proud of you.”
"alex," you manage to squeak against his race suit, your helmet uncomfortably being held in alex's arms.
you can hear him giggle as he reaches beneath your helmet, unclipping the harness before he helps you to pull off your head. "hey, race winner! you were amazing out there!"
"how'd you get here so fast?" you laugh, looking around for his car.
"i finished p4 today," he smiles.
you throw your head back in a softer laugh, yanking off your balaclava. you tear away the hair tie that held your hair up, fluffing it out after it'd been stuck to your head for the better part of the past two hours.
"that's amazing, alex! that's a good race!"
"yours is even better! you won!" he beams. "speaking of that, i do have a surprise."
"what are you talking about?"
alex reaches for something behind him, probably held onto by somebody else. you try to move your head around his body to see what it is, but he's quick to counter your gaze by moving himself to where your eyes wander.
"congratulations," alex smiles, moving his hand between your bodies, presenting to you the biggest bouquet to flowers you've ever seen in your life. "these are for you. there will be more later after the podium."
"aren't we going to the nightclub with the guys after the podium and press?" you whisper, taking the flowers into your hands and taking a step towards him. "you guys have got that new race winner tradition, don't you? since you guys kinda run the grid now?”
"you're not much of a drinker - i'm sure they'll understand," alex shrugs with a small smile. "besides, would you rather spend the evening with tons of drunk losers, or just one sober loser - whom you're very much in love with?"
“i guess the latter does sound very romantic,” you smile sweetly, letting him pull you in with a hand on your waist. “you are planning something romantic, right?”
“of course. it’s my baby’s first win in formula one,” alex smiles, leaning down with puckered lips.
you wrap a hand around his neck, reeling him in to connect your lips. the moment is so intimate that you almost don’t notice the flashing lights that surround you.
but it doesn’t go past alex. if he could have all the privacy in the world and do whatever he wants with you, he would. so, he does the one thing he thinks would help him avoid headlines and your pictures plastered everywhere in the morning.
he lifts his helmet to hide your face away from the cameras, allowing you to share whatever’s left of your intimate moment. he pulls away and rests his forehead on yours. “you’re a race winner. when we get back home, we can make our trophies kiss.”
“that’s cute. they’re like our little kids,” you giggle, nudging his nose with yours. “i’ll see you in the car after i’m done with everything? look cute, okay?”
being on the top of that podium step was more exhilarating than you could ever imagine. to hear the crowd chant your name, to listen to your national anthem being blasted for everyone to hear and to watch your loved ones huddled together in the crowd for you is a feeling you’ll never be able to shake off.
in the far corner, you could see alex forcing logan to take a video of you, probably telling him off about which angle to hold the phone at to make you look flattering.
you almost burst into tears when you watched the rookie shove the phone back into your boyfriend’s hands and walk away, shaking his head in disappointment.
with every step you took in the paddocks thereafter, somebody is quick to stop you in your tracks. whether it’s for a picture, a short greeting for your performance, or just a hug. it’s all managed to make you feel a little overwhelmed.
and tired. because by the time alex managed to get you all to himself, it’s practically midnight and all the remaining energy had been squeezed out of you.
you weren’t even able to make a friendly appearance at the nightclub that max had invited you out to. your boyfriend had to practically drag you out of your driver’s room before you passed out in there entirely.
here you are, in your hotel room surrounded by takeout and a pint of chocolate ice cream. your ipad is propped up by several pillows with a random youtube video playing in the room.
“love,” alex hums, reaching out to pause the video. he rolls on his stomach, tapping your shoulder. “i hope you were able to enjoy your first win. i know you’re quite tired.”
of course, you’d been dozing off with the takeout box in your hand. but alex had put in so much effort in making his hotel room feel like a celebration after all your efforts throughout the evening that it would have felt rude — illegal, even — to politely decline from how drained you are.
“love, of course, i enjoyed everything,” you smile, putting a hand on his cheek. you tilt your head and let your hair fall past your shoulders. “i’m sorry, i wish i had more energy to go out and do something. we could have gotten some drinks and celebrated with the guys.”
alex leans into your touch, closing his eyes momentarily. “i hope my simple setup didn’t disappoint. i would have gotten us some wine, but ya know… you don’t really drink.”
“hey, i love cranberry juice,” you grin, pinching his cheek very slightly. “thank you. for all of this, and the flowers. you really didn’t have to — it’s not like i’d won the championship?”
“oh, you’re aiming for that next,” alex smiles with a nod. “not before me, though! you’re going to have to fight me for that championship.”
“ah, i wouldn’t speak so much for someone who can’t beat me in mario kart,” you roll your eyes playfully.
alex raises his eyebrows, sitting up in disbelief. “yeah? you got the energy to beat me in mario kart right now?”
“i always have the energy for that!” you shriek when alex yanks you into his body, trying to avoid spilling the food onto your white bedsheets. “alex, the food!”
“eat faster so we can play mario kart! come on!”
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midnightjewel · 7 months ago
Left and Right
BNHA boys when you don’t know left from right. Just silly stories.
Characters Included: Kirishima, Bakugo, and Denki
I can do a part 2 with more characters!
(Also, I really apologize for Kirishima’s being so short!! I feel kinda bad about that ngl)
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You’re most certainly not going to be judged by him
He understands that not everyone is perfect and not everyone knows their left from their right and that’s okay!
“Babe, can you grab me my keys?” The redhead asks, already dressed in his hero attire and ready to head to the agency. He was ready to walk out the door when he realized that he sort of needed his keys to drive his car.
“Where?” You ask standing by the kitchen counter where they sat
“Your left” he says casually as you helplessly look for the keys, not knowing where he was referring to. He watched as you turned to the right “Uhm No-“ he almost laughed “Your other left” he snickered remembering how you can’t tell the difference off the top of your head
“Oh my god hold on” you say quickly as you use your thumb and index fingers to make the ‘L’ shape to figure it out
“Oh here” you smile and toss your fiancé his keys as he laughed his ass off “Yeah yeah have a great day” you laughed and rolled your eyes
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Is genuinely confused and concerned that you do not know your left from your right, he just thought it was something everyone knew
He’s not meaning to be judgmental but he lowkey is…
He just can’t comprehend how someone couldn’t tell the difference
You were a fairly new driver as you were only 17. Of course you and Bakugo were the same age but he started driving as soon as he was of legal age to do so. You on the other hand had gotten a late start to the driving game.
But you had insisted on driving to your date which Bakugo opposed. It was his car after all, and you had just gotten your license like a month ago!
But against all odds here you were driving Bakugo’s pride and joy. His car was very important to him so you promised to be careful
“Okay, here you’re going to take a right” he tells you as he reads the gps for you so you could keep an eye on the road
“Okay sure” you smile as you turn the car left and the gps speaks ‘proceed to the route’ before rerouting you
“What?” You look confused at the gps as your boyfriend stairs at you in absolute disbelief
“I said right…” he continues to stare “hold the fuck up! Do you not know your left and right?!
“Don’t distract the driver” you remind him
“Yes it’s true” you sigh dramatically after a few minutes of silence “I don’t know my left from my right off the top of my head” you smirk as you glance over to see him shaking him head in disbelief
“Well, if anyone wouldn’t know their left from their right it would be you” he laughs to himself as you pretend to be offended but deep down, you knew that was him exposing himself and basically saying that he knows you well.
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Be so for real, he doesn’t know his left from his right either! So who is he to judge?
He might laugh a bit because it’s relatable to get confused but he means no harm by it!
Class 1-A was training outside today with Class 1-B. It was always stressful when you weren’t training by yourself or with someone you were close to.
But you knew that in the real world, you couldn’t tell everyone to go away because you were nervous about people watching you! So you just had to suck it up for the 30 minutes.
“Okay (Name) and Kendo, you’re up first this morning, you will be competing against one another” Aizawa spoke in his usual melancholic tone and your stomach flipped.
“You go girlie” your best friend Mina, patted your back and gave you a wink “Thanks” you smile at her support
“So there are villain dummies that come forward on this track” Midnight begins to explain to you “They can come up on either side, and while it’s not realistic because these dummies can’t do anything besides bump into you, your job is to use your quirk as best as you can to knock it over” she says and you nod in understanding
“Start facing away from the two tracks” she added “I will tell out commands and that is practice for working with sidekicks and other pro hero’s” Midnight clarified “First one to knock one over gets a point for their class”
Surprisingly, you understood the assignment very well it was just executing it in front of both classes that made you feel weak in the knees.
“Good luck” Kendo smiles to you and you nod “To you as well” you grin
“Okay the machine is on!” Vlad states and midnight watches to command you “(Name)! On your left!”
“Which way?” You turn over your shoulder to the right and much to your dismay, you had found out that you were completely wrong “Oh what?” You look confused as you put up both hands to make the ‘L’ shape which brings out laughter in the students and your cheeks burn with shame
“(Name), you’re out until you can figure out your left and right” Aizawa heavily sighs and your boyfriend, Denki Kaminari could see the look on your face as you walked back to the group, you looked ready to cry from embarrassment
It just so happened that Denki was up next, and he may or may not have short circuited himself just to get the focus off of your mistake and make the students laugh at him instead of you. It did make you smile though, he was a good boyfriend.
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rosetterer · 9 months ago
bucktommy + being catcalled while working + turning around annoyed just to see it's your flirty husband
You can also read this on AO3: catcalling - rosetterer - 9-1-1 (TV) [Archive of Our Own]
But here we go:
Nobody ever talked about how boring being a firefighter could be. Now, Buck found every aspect of the job interesting as hell but there were days when all they did was check cars that had been part of a crash or help people get out of a broken elevator. It wasn’t anything that exciting, and genuinely, the calm days were sometimes the best.
While danger gave him the kind of adrenaline rush that he craved, it usually also meant that someone had to suffer. And Buck didn’t want that.
Sometimes he just wanted to stand under a tree and try to figure out how to get a cat to come down.
Just like today.
”And why exactly did you call us?” Hen asked the elderly woman who was staring up at the tree.
”Do I look like I can climb trees? I can barely climb stairs,” the woman said, rolling her eyes. ”Poor little Catrick… Loves to climb but never knows how to come down.”
”Catrick?” Buck barked out a laugh and turned to look at the woman, who didn’t seem amused. He forced a neutral expression on his face. ”Catrick, right. We’ll get C- Catrick down in just a moment. Easy peasy.”
”Are you going to climb the tree?” The woman asked, eyes now focused on Buck.
”Oh no,” Buck told her and nodded toward the firetruck. ”We’ll just use the ladder. Is… Catrick-”
Hen burst into laughter, which got her a good glare from the woman.
”Is your cat aggressive?” Buck reworded his question, trying his best not to look at Hen, who was now, thankfully, walking away.
”He scratches a little,” the woman said. ”But you’ve got thick gloves, you’ll be fine.”
”Alright then,” Buck said with another nod, turning to look at the rest of his team. ”So… Who’s going up?”
”Not it!” Hen called out immediately.
"I'm not going either. I'm going to stay on the ground and… lead the operation,” Buck told them. ”The last time I was up on that ladder, things didn’t go that well.”
”Don’t even joke about that,” Eddie told him as he passed him but shot him a small smile anyway. ”I’ll go. You tell me which way to go. The leaves are making it difficult to see where exactly that cat-”
”Catrick,” Buck reminded with a grin.
”Catrick,” Eddie repeated, sounding almost disgusted with the name. ”...Is hiding.”
”Alright, you go on up then,” Buck said, glad that he wasn’t going to be the one getting scratched today.
It didn’t take long for Eddie to be in position. The leaves of the tree were causing some trouble as Catrick seemed to be hiding somewhere right in the middle. Basically, Eddie couldn’t see anything and had to reach into the tree blind while Buck told him where to move his hands so that he could get hold of the cat.
”A little to the left,” Buck called out.
The whole tree seemed to rustle as Catrick decided that the last thing he wanted to do was to come down or to go into Eddie’s arms.
”Damn it,” Buck mumbled, hands on his hips.
”What now?!” Eddie yelled from behind the branches, a single leaf stuck to his helmet.
”I’m thinking!” Buck told him.
He really was. If the cat didn’t want to come down, it wasn’t going to come down. Scaring him wasn’t exactly a kind way to deal with the situation but if he kept running away, they didn’t really have any other choice.
It wasn’t like they could be here all day long. Buck would just get a stick from somewhere and poke-
A whistle broke him out of his thoughts.
”Looking hot!”
Now, they did get whistled at every once in a while. Usually by drunk women having a bachelorette party.
When Buck turned around, that wasn’t what he found this time around.
”Tommy?” He asked, watching as the man walked toward him with his hands in his pockets and a sweet smile on his face.
”Look at you saving the world, Evan,” he said.
”What are you doing here?” Buck couldn’t help but break into a smile at the sight of his man.
”I was on my way home from a shift. Noticed some familiar faces,” Tommy said, nodding in the direction of Hen who was waving at him. ”I’m guessing there’s a cat stuck in a tree, judging by the way Eddie’s struggling.”
Buck glanced up at Eddie, who was now trying to get to the cat without any directions.
”Yeah… Catrick,” Buck explained simply.
”Catrick?” Tommy asked, raising an eyebrow, and broke into laughter. ”That’s amazing.”
Buck stepped a little closer, bringing a hand to the hoodie Tommy was wearing.
”This is mine,” he mumbled, smiling, not letting go of the fabric.
”The last time you stole my hoodie, it was all ’what’s mine is yours’ and-”
Buck pressed his lips onto Tommy's, silencing him. Hen clapped excitedly, while Eddie cursed somewhere up above them and Buck could already imagine Bobby shooting a very disappointed look in his direction.
But he couldn’t bring himself to care.
”What was that for?” Tommy asked, smirking. His hand was still lingering on Buck’s waist.
”You look cute in my hoodie,” Buck explained with a shrug and leaned a little closer. ”Also, didn’t take you for the type to catcall.”
”Oh, I don’t usually,” Tommy said casually. ”I just noticed that you guys were here and that there was a cat stuck in a tree so I thought catcalling might be kind of appropriate for the situation at hand.”
Buck groaned at his joke but couldn’t help but smile wider.
"And also… There happened to be a really hot firefighter standing near the street and I just couldn't help myself," Tommy continued, his voice smooth, and right at that moment, Buck just wanted to go home with him.
”Yeah…” Tommy whispered.
”If you two are done flirting, I could use some help!” Came Eddie’s muffled voice from above. ”I’ve got Catrick!”
”I should probably go,” Buck told him then with an apologetic smile.
”Go on. I’ll see you at home,” Tommy said. ”I have to get going as well or my car’s getting towed. Not actually allowed to park here.”
He looked in the direction of his car, parked a little haphazardly on the side of the street.
”Tommy Kinard, breaking the law. Who would’ve guessed?” Buck couldn’t help but tease.
”Anything for you, you know that,” Tommy said and pressed their lips together once more.
God, Buck had missed this.
”Buck!” Eddie’s yell made them break apart.
”I guess I’m needed,” he mumbled against Tommy’s lips.
”I guess you are,” Tommy replied and started slowly making his way to his car by walking backward and keeping his eyes on Buck. ”Stay safe, Evan. I’ll see you later. We’re ordering in.”
”Sounds great!” Buck said, very aware of the dreamy smile that was on his face.
Tommy always made him feel like he was floating.
With a sigh, he turned around and rushed to where Eddie was calling for him.
Maybe he shouldn’t hope for a calm day after all. Saving cats was all well and good, especially when others did all the dirty work but serious calls made the time pass faster.
And he just couldn’t wait to get home.
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axelsagewrites · 2 years ago
Daemon Targaryen*Shopping
Sugar Baby Series Part Three
Part one - Part two
Pairings: Daemon x f!reader
Other pairings: reader x platonic Jace/Cregan/Sara/Aly/Aemond, Jace x Sara Snow
Warnings: creepy Aegon, Aemond having bad parents (Aemond redemption arc anyone??), general confrontation, swears, mentions of sex but nothing graphic, innuendos
Word count: 3390
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Masterlist Here
“Remind me why we have to go to work when your sugar daddies already paid our bills for the next like six months?” Sara asked after you had both just sprinted to catch the bus.
You rolled your eyes as you stood on the bustling city bus filled with stoners and depressed office workers, “When did it become our money?” you asked. By this point you had gone on several more dates with Daemon. All to fancy restaurants and lunch spots.
He’d also began to send outfits to your house for each, making sure they were sent in discreet packaging still not trusting your neighbours. Gucci belts, Louis Vuitton heels, Chanel dress, Prada bags. Each date got a new outfit, hand picked by a stylist he had hired for you. each date also got an envelope discreetly passed to you as he kissed you goodnight. These goodbye kisses may have started out slow, but one time Sara had genuinely wondered if you were having sex on the doorway with how long it was taking. The best part? You didn’t have to pick up as many shifts so for once you felt you could relax. Sadly though, you still kept working despite it all.
Sara wrapped her arm around yours, partly to try keep steady on the bumpy roads as she held onto a handrail, “I’m your sugar baby now,” she said as she leaned into you making you laugh, “How many dates till you can get a car? Oh! Try get his Benz!” She chirped as an old lady a foot away glared at her. sara just glared back.
You couldn’t help but laugh at her antics, “I’ll see what I can do. Still waiting on him texting me the next date,”
“Make it soon,” she groaned. The rest of the bus journey was mostly uneventful apart from the lady sara had developed a silent beef with. Luckily, she got off before you. the restaurant wasn’t supposed to be too busy tonight however that didn’t make it safe from a Targaryen invasion.
Aly smiled unnaturally wide as you and Sara walked in, arms linked laughing. “Hey guys,” she said, drawing out the words with the biggest smile. She may be a server and a host, but she was a horrible liar. “How are you?” she asked.
Your stomach felt hollow as you realised, “Oh god not again,”
Aly told you both how Aegon had practically skipped down a few months ago when he graduated business school and now that Alicent had tracked him down and dragged him back she, her father, husband and eldest son were now due in for dinner to celebrate. “It is so not my turn, nuh uh no way,”
“Don’t worry its Cregan’s turn,” Aly said as she looked over the reservation, “I gave you the good section tonight, remember me when you marry rich,” she said, smiling as she leant on the host stand.
“You bitch,” you said as you smacked Saras arm, “How many people did you tell?”
“Ow!” Sara whined as she hit you back. “It wasn’t me gold digger,” she said as she swapped placed with Aly to take over as host, “Bet you it was Cregan,”
You rolled your eyes when Aly told you that basically everyone knew, “What about Aemond?” you asked as you tied your apron on, “Speaking of where the hell is he?”
“He’s tots freaking out about his mum coming in with Aegon and is going all perfectionist on the layout,” Aly said as she picked up her bags, “Mans been driving me up the wall. But he doesn’t know. we’re not that cruel besides he barely talks to us now,”
How is he not lonely you wondered. Before you could even protest Aly beelined for the door and you heard a loud huff, “No loitering!” Aemond puffed out his chest as he practically dragged you to the server stand, Sara giving a sorry wave as you went, “Everything needs to be perfect today, my mothers been on my case about this place and she needs to see that im still the better son so you better bring you’re a game-“
Wait a minute. “What?” you said as you stopped in the middle of the floor. There were only three tables in right now and four servers, but Aemond still walked right up to you to ask what’s wrong, “I had her last time?”
“And?” he asked, crossing his arms, “Why can’t you serve her this time? she likes you,”
You couldn’t help but snort, “Aem we used to be friends, remember?” you asked, touching his shoulder, “Remember our walk-in conversation?” you asked with raised brows. One-night Aemond practically had a breakdown his first month on the job because his mother had come in and was tormenting the staff all night, “We both know she’s a nightmare,”
“C’mon she’s my mom,” he sighed as he finished dragging you to the host stand, “Do me a favour. Since we used to be friends,” he said, rolling his eyes when he said used to, “Though I thought we still were,” he muttered and for a second you almost felt bad, “Just do your job its not that hard,” then he opened his mouth again.
“Whatevs Aemond,” you said as you logged into the tablet, “Don’t you have a rota to fuck up?” before he could protest a chef came out to drag him into the kitchen to complain about the latest food order. You knew better than to back talk Aemond but the nearly $7 in your cookie tin at home was putting a pep in your step.
Hearing that Alicent liked you was the only thing that worried you. daemon had been in a couple times since your arrangement had started and each time, he gave you a sly smirk or a wink. Whenever there was no Hightower in sight, he would request your section but even still she seemed to be catching on to some kind of tension.
When you arrived at their table to take their order you were met with the confused eyes of Aegon Targaryen, “(Y/N)?” he asked, tilting his head when he saw you before he suddenly stood up, “Long time no see,” he said and before you could say anything or even move he’d wrapped his arms around you for a brief, but very touchy hug. “How’ve you been doll?”
That name was exclusively reserved in your mind for daemon so when Aegon said it you quickly pulled him off of you with a smile, “I’m good Mr Targaryen, can I get you a drink?” you said as you showed him back to his seat. Alicent was muttering something under her breath, eyes glaring daggers into the table, “Can I get you anything ma’am?”
“Water for the table and- “
“Plenty of lemons? Of course, ma’am,” you said, cutting her off and trying not to smirk. No matter what Alicent knew, there was something she did not know. daemon had already given you all the dirt on her. he had told you every crumb of his family drama and for once you felt like you had the upper hand. “Anything for our regulars,” you smiled as you jotted down on your notepad.
Viserys seemed extremely pleased that you had recognised their frequent visits but Alicent and Otto both looked mortified. When it was finally time to take their orders, Otto spoke up first, “I’ll have a medium rare steak with no pink and not burnt either hear me? I swear your kitchen people can’t cook steak to save their life,” he muttered.
Then order something else. You wanted to scream. The whole night went like that. Alicent’s petty requests and Aegon’s creepy stares. Even Aemond had asked if you were okay at one point. You’d snuck off to the kitchen to send a quick rant text to daemon, asking how he could be related to these sorts of people.
Otto had sent back his steak for the third time, everyone else on desert as he waited. “Medium rare no pink,” you said, trying your best to smile as you sat down his impossible order. “Enjoy,”
“Wait,” he said as he picked up his cutlery, “I want to make sure its right before you run off again,” you nodded and waited as he cut into the meat, excruciatingly slow, “Again!” he yelled as he slammed the cutlery down, making even Alicent jump, “Look at all this blood! He said as he picked up the plate only to clatter it back onto the table, “Does that look medium rare to you?” he asked, pointing the steak knife at you.
“Yes,” you said blankly, ignoring the vein that almost bulged out of his forehead, “Do not yell at me sir,”
“Excuse me?” Otto yelled as he stood up, dropping his knife onto the table, “I never- I come here all the time and- Aemond!” he yelled across to the boy who was trying to hide behind a bar tender, “Talk to your staff this is ridiculous,”
Aemond practically ran over as he tried to defuse his grandfather, begging him to sit down at the same time. “She’s sorry, aren’t you?” Aemond asked as he grabbed your arm, looking at you with pleading eyes.
You briefly glanced at Sara who was watching this whole thing from the host stand and Cregan who had just walked in for his shift. You turned back to the group, looking at Alicent first, glancing over to the sulking Viserys and Aegon who had finally grown some humility, then finally the grown man yelling like a child. “I’m sorry you never learned how to order a steak,” you said slowly, ignoring how Aemond tried to pull you away and shaking him off, “Learn how to order a steak and find some manners,”
Before Otto could speak you continued, turning to face Aemond who looked on the brink of tears, “I quit, you can have my tables and as for yous- “you said turning to face the table. Aegon’s jaw went slack as he stared at you in amazement while Viserys looked at his wife, fear radiating off of him. Alicent however looked shocked, angry, and embarrassed all at once, “Have a pleasant fucking day, see ya,”
With that you stormed out to the host stand, not even bothering to clock out or put your tips in the tip out jar and grabbed your jacket from the rack. You glanced back to see Alicent and Otto screaming at Aemond, pointing at you with flailing arms. “I quit,” you told the shocked siblings, “And I think I might have accidentally got Aemond killed. Good luck,”
“You’re my hero,” Cregan said, his eyes wide with awe like a child.
“I’ve never been so proud,” Sara said before glancing back to where Alicent and Otto were now storming over, “but you need to go. Like now. Run if you can,”
You didn’t wait another second before almost running out the restaurant however as you reached the street you felt yourself smack into someone’s chest. “Doll?” a deep voice came from the man. You looked up to see Daemon, still in his work clothes and looking down at you with worry and shock, “Are you okay?”
“We need to go,” you said as you grabbed his hand and dragged him back to the car he had just got out of, “I’ll explain in the car just go, go!” you said as you jumped in the back seat.
“To my house please,” Daemon told his very shocked looking driver, “What happened doll?” he asked as he shut the door.
You looked past him to where a bewildered otto looked around the street shocked, “I think I may have upset your sister-in-law,” you said with a sheepish smile. “I guess you got my text?”
Daemon looked back from otto to you, eyebrows scrunched and jaw hanging open, “I was coming over to yell at them but looks like you beat me to it,”
When you retold your glorious tale to Daemon, he listened in silence like he was reading the tensest book of his life. When you finished your tale, you feared for a moment that he looked almost disappointed in you. then a smirk spread across his face. “I’ve never been prouder of you doll face. Eryk change of plans we need to go dress shopping. Celebrations are in order,”
You had never been shopping with daemon, but you could easily get used to it. he whisked you past all the shops you used to frequent and straight to the nearest boutique. He sat patiently, sipping champagne as a shopping assistant helped you find and try on dresses to show him.
Daemons eyes raked up and down your figure when you stepped out the changing room for the fifth time. Daemon stood up slowly from the chair, stepping towards you and silently taking your hand to slowly spin you around, “Like it?” you giggled as his eyes finally tore away from your figure to your eyes. It was a dark purple, satin evening dress that hugged you perfectly and felt as silky as a waterfall.
“Fucking love, it,” he mumbled as he stepped in closer, placing a soft kiss to your lips, “You’re getting it,”
“Don’t you think it’s a bit much for tonight?” you asked, stepping back with a laugh to look in the mirror. It was beautiful, you had to admit, but you had also seen the price tag.
“We’ll get another for tonight,” Daemon said as he moved back to pour you your own glass of champagne, “and that can be for the gala,”
“The gala?” you asked, finally turning back to him.
Daemon rolled his eyes as he gulped his champagne down, “It’s a family thing,” he drawled as he returned to his chair, “it will be painfully dull im afraid but suppose it will be far more enjoyable with you on my arm,”
Even still after all this time you couldn’t help your flush, “We’ll see,” you grinned as you looked at the dress, “You sure it’s not too expensive?”
“Nothings too much for my princess,” he said before waving down the store woman who was hanging around like a hawk, “Can we see her in that dark red number I saw in the window?”
“Of course, sir, just one moment,”
After another three dresses you had finally settled on one for tonight. It was a silk black dress, simpler than the rest but still to die for. When you told daemon it was the one, he nodded, kissing your cheek before waving the lady back over, “Hi we’ll take this one now along with the dark red, white, and lilac dresses from before. then as for that purple dress do yous do custom sizing?”
“Of course, sir,” the woman said, practically drooling over the commission, “I can measure her right now if you’d like,”
Daemon nodded and the woman quickly fetched the measuring tape, wasting no time in grabbing your arm to start writing the numbers down, “We need it for the sixth, will that work?”
“I’ll have it done by the first,”
when you were stood at the till beside daemon you were almost sick at the prices, “Daemon you really don’t have to,” you said, gently holding his arm as the sale girl glared at you.
“Nonsense,” Daemon said as he kissed the top of your head and swiped his card like it was second nature, “Besides we haven’t even hit the jewellers yet,”
By the time you had left the mall Daemon had spent the equivalent of a small house on your outfit for tonight with a few surprise dresses. Since you still had to get ready, and it was only five daemon was going to drop you at your house before picking you up again at six. “Where do you want to eat tonight darling?” he asked as he held your thigh in the car, his thumb stroking over your skin, “Anywhere you want,”
“Why don’t we eat in?” you offered, trying to think of anyway to save him some money after the massive shopping spree you had just been on.
Daemon looked surprised before quickly nodding, “Its short notice but im sure Olivia will be able to swing bye and rustle us something- “
“I meant like,” you said, cutting him off, “Why don’t I cook for us? It would be cute, just us,” you said, as you nudged his foot with your own, “intimate even,”
“I think I like the sounds of that,” Daemon said lowly through hooded eyes, the sight alone making your heart race. Luckily, or maybe not so lucky, you were just pulling up to your street. daemon glanced out the window, “lets do it at mine though,” he said.
You laughed at his scepticism as you grabbed the bags of dresses, “Whatever makes you happy,”
“That’d be you doll,” he said, letting go of your thigh before quickly stepping out of the car. As you waited for him to open your door, something he had insisted on doing since you started your arrangement, you were able to collect yourself.
Daemon opened the door for you and helped you carry your bags upstairs, even saying hello to Robb as he left the building. You knew sara would be home by now since you knew she only had a short shift today so you wondered how long she would squeal for when she saw the necklace daemon had bought you. when you finally reached your door daemon paused for a moment, “Im afraid I’ve not got any cash love,” he said as he handed you your bags.
You hummed in fake thought, “I suppose I can take a kiss as payment,”
Daemon chuckled as he leaned down, his hand cupping your jaw to bring you in for a brief but intense kiss, “See you in an hour doll,” he mumbled as he broke the kiss.
“Wish it was then,” you said, opening the door and giving him a small smirk as you stepped backwards into the flat, trying your best to seem seductive.
Weird, you thought, sara wasn’t in the living room. You sat the bags down on the couch before walking towards saras room. She can nap later, you thought. “Sara!” you called, hand on her door handle, “You will never believe what Daemon got-JACE WHAT THE FUCK!” you practically screamed as you opened the door.
Jace scrambled so quickly to cover them both that he fell off the bed, dragging the covers with him. You slapped a hand over your eyes as the pair both scrambled to get under the covers. When you finally looked through your fingers, they both looked mortified. “You said you didn’t like him!” you almost yelled at Sara.
“Yeah, well I lied, okay?!” she yelled back.
“Should I go?” Jace asked, reaching for his shirt.
“Dude!” Sara yelled.
“Dude! I need you to help me get ready,” you said, moving to sit on her bed. Sara was unfazed by how close you were, but Jace seemed to clutch the covers tighter, “Also I need to cook for daemon,”
“You’re a terrible cook,”
“Im not that bad,”
“You burnt water,” she said, glaring at you, “Ugh fine I’ll help,” she said as she moved to grab a shirt before turning back to Jace, “This was amazing babe. Just give me half an hour, an hour tops, and I’ll be right back, okay?” she said, kissing him softly making you fake gag.
A love smitten smile fell over Jaces face as he looked at sara who quickly got dressed. “Okay,” he said like he was in a dream before falling back to lay down.
When you walked into the living room with sara you paused for a moment, “If you break his heart- “you began to talk before sara shushed you.
“I do actually like him,” she sighed, “I caught feelings, I know its weird. But he’s so cute,”
“At least I won’t be alone at the gala,” you said making Sara raise an eyebrow, “I’ll tell you all about it while you do my hair,”
Sara sighed as she shoved you down onto the chair, “Why do I have a bad feeling about this gala?”
If you don't want to read smut you can skip the smut part without the series plot being affected
Part four smut edition here
a/n: so this is offically gonna be a 5 part series now. part 4 will be up tommorow then part 5 a couple days after that so dont worry its almost here i swear i promise
Part four non smut here
Taglist: @clairacassidy @valeskafics @starkleila @delicious-xx @pet1t3 @skyesayshi @urmomsgirlfriend1 @dark-night-sky-99 @lantsovheiress @themotherofblood @avalyaaa
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d8nielaa · 2 months ago
can i officially request would part 3 of the fic where brody put his number in the book when he gave it to someone?
Authors Note: yes ofc anon! im surprised you guys like this story so much- also it will be going up on my ao3 soon!
The Date
Brody Grant x fem!reader
Part One - Part Two - Part Three
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The first date was simple. Brody had insisted on picking you up, which you thought was both old-fashioned and sweet. When the car pulled up outside your apartment, Brody’s face was lit up by the streetlights, the slight gleam in his eyes telling you this wasn’t just another night for him—it was something real.
You slid into the passenger seat, a soft chuckle escaping as you buckled in. "Where are we going?"
"Surprise," he said with a grin, his eyes glancing at you before focusing back on the road. "I promise, it’s nothing crazy. Just a quiet place to talk."
You felt the warmth of his attention without him saying a word.
The drive was easy, no pressure, just music playing in the background and the occasional glance from Brody that made you wonder if he was thinking the same thing as you: This feels right.
You ended up at a cozy little café tucked away on a side street. It wasn’t trendy or flashy; it was intimate, with soft lighting and old jazz music floating in the background. The kind of place where the world seemed to slow down the moment you stepped inside.
After being seated, Brody’s smile grew a little sheepish. "I know, this is a pretty low-key spot, but I thought we could actually talk. You know, without distractions."
You chuckled, nodding. "It’s perfect."
And talk you did. About books. About the music you liked. About life in general. You learned more about Brody in those few hours than you had in weeks of seeing him around town. There was a quiet depth to him, a side of him that wasn’t about the bravado or the public persona. He was someone who genuinely cared about the people close to him—someone who’d rather listen than talk, someone who would take the time to make you feel heard.
He wasn’t just romantic in the traditional sense, either. Sure, he opened the door for you and pulled out your chair, but there were little gestures too—how he always checked in to make sure you were comfortable, how his hand brushed against yours every so often as though to reassure you he was still there.
The evening wrapped up with a walk under the stars, just the two of you strolling through the city streets, laughter filling the spaces between the words.
As you reached the edge of the park near your apartment, Brody stopped and turned to you. The night was quiet, save for the soft rustling of the trees.
"You know," he started, his voice softer now, "I’m really glad you called."
Your heart skipped a beat. "I’m glad too."
He took a half-step closer, his gaze intense, but warm. "I’ve been wanting to do this for a while... but I didn’t want to rush it."
Before you could reply, he leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to your cheek. "I’m in no rush. But I’m really happy to have you in my life."
And in that moment, everything just clicked. The tension, the uncertainty, the doubts—all of it faded away. All that mattered was the quiet certainty in his eyes and the sweet warmth of his touch.
"Me too," you whispered back.
And when he finally pulled away, he smiled, that sweet, familiar grin. "So, how about a second date? Maybe one where I don’t have to be so secretive about the plans?"
You laughed, your heart lighter than it had been in a long time. "It’s a deal."
Author's Note: a little short-sorry gang!!
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danieyells · 9 months ago
Originally I agreed with the idea that Haku is the spy but now my thoughts are beginning to shift. There’s that one campus scene where Leo mentions one of the “hook-up” spots being close to a “creepy forest.” “Creepy forest” could be in reference to Hotarubi or Obscura. Since you’ve shown us Haku’s higher affinity lines… I’m beginning to think he’s working w Alan, Towa, Taiga. Obviously Haku has connections with Towa. I feel like the scene of them encountering each other at the car junkyard could be read a few different ways. My first thought was that Towa was calling Haku a snake by mentioning the dodge viper. This could be a nod to Haku being a spy. But after reading the higher affinity lines, what if it was just him poking at Haku for leaving Frostheilm? Third thought was what if he’s trying to slyly say someone’s (Leo) listening in? Himbo Alan doesn’t seem to catch onto when Towa attempts to hint that someone’s eavesdropping but Haku would catch on. Any animosity between them could just be for show? It would explain why they’d still agree they’d need to chat. Also, why is Haku at the junkyard in the first place…? Meeting with Alan? Towa? Or someone else entirely? 🤔
The fact that you said "Towa" instead of "Tohma" several times makes me laugh lolol. SORRY THIS TOOK ME SO LONG TO RESPOND TO ANON I DRAFTED IT DURING WORK AND FORGOT FOR AGES 🙃
Idk why but Haku as the spy or actually being suspicious never really stuck with me like. . .it genuinely felt too obvious. Look at him. This is a guy who looks like he's supposed to betray you. Especially when he helps you in the beginning.
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Same with Tohma. Look at this guy. One of his voicelines is him offering to share his lunch with you then assuring you it's not poisoned. You aren't supposed to say that if you're not suspicious! His profile makes him sound suspicious!! He is WALKING SUSPICIOUS GUY.
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Speaking of these two, knowing Haku is ex-frostheim. . .remember the gossiping frostheim girls in the beginning?
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You think they're talking about Haku? If so, the "creepy forest" being Hotarubi might make sense(although Obscuary sounds more accurate for "creepy forest" given Hotarubi is a big traditional Japanese garden where it always rains, not a forest? I mean they probably have forests though so.)
Back on the subject of that campus chat, in Japanese what Tohma says is 「ここに、横車の取り扱いがあれば良かったのですが……」 something like "I wish they dealt with cars driven sideways here"--"sideways car"(横車) being a word meaning "stubbornness"--it's something like "pushing a cart from the side instead of the front(even though it's an unreasonable thing to do)". Which either means that Tohma suspects Haku(and that the aforementioned disgrace that had him go to Hotarubi was something suspicious or damaging despite that Tohma helped him run away from it--or perhaps he wasn't helping him run away but instead moving him somewhere safer for everyone) or that Haku's behavior did more harm than good, and he's poking fun at him for it despite that he helped him escape the trouble he caused by getting him into Hotarubi and taking his place as Frostheim VC. Not necessarily to say that Haku is suspicious, but that he's difficult, perhaps
But yeah, I think Haku's part of the "find the spy" team and Leo's inadvertently getting himself involved as well. But maybe I'm reading too much into how suspicious he is and it is, in fact, supposed to be obviously Haku and he's not a big ol red herring.
As for why Haku went behind Vagastrom. . .clearly it wasn't to meet with Tohma, but perhaps to meet with Alan? Maybe he really does like cars and it's a coincidence? Plus his interest is "going on walks" so he really may have just wandered over there by chance tbh. . . . Haku can see ghosts and spirits and things, so maybe he followed something Tohma wouldn't be able to see there and, rather than explaining, said it was about the cars? His profile says he cleans up after other students often, maybe he was helping somebody in Hotarubi who was too scared to go to Vagastrom? Or maybe Tohma's trying to keep him in the dark about things relating to the spy because Tohma suspects/distrusts Haku after what happened before he left Frostheim, and he's trying to be nosy?
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soft-bellied-tannies · 1 year ago
Date Night Debauchery
The first post of Chubtober is a gift for my lovely friend, Cherry.
Read here or on AO3!
“Hey Hobs, do you want to go out with us tonight? You can bring Yoongi, we would love to see him again. It’s been so long!” Jimin asked with a hopeful expression. 
His co-teacher at the dance academy rarely went out with them and they had only ever met Hoseok’s partner, Yoongi, a handful of times. The last time they saw Yoongi was nearly two years ago when Hoseok had started at the academy and the pair accepted invitations to welcome dinners.  
Jimin was very understanding and kind every time Hoseok mentioned that Yoongi was quite introverted and didn’t enjoy going out much. He would simply say that his partner, Jungkook, was similar and he hoped the couple knew that the invitation was always still there if they wanted to accept. 
Hoseok shook his head and honestly did look a little dejected. Jimin was a difficult person to say no to considering how genuine he always was.  “Sorry, Min-ah, you know Friday night is date night. Maybe another time!”
“Okay, have a good night! We’ll have a drink for you!” 
Sending them a parting wave, Hoseok hightailed it to his car. He had a few errands to run before he went home including picking up dinner. Making quick work of his pit stops, he was pulling into their driveway just thirty minutes later. 
Although he sometimes thought about taking Jimin up on the offer to go out, Friday nights with Yoongi were not something Hoseok ever wanted to give up. Uninterrupted time with his partner was always a priority, but over the past two years, the activities they partook in on date night had changed for the better in both their opinions.
“Yoon! I’m home!” Hoseok called out, waiting to see if he would get an answer. When he didn’t, he smiled and carried his bags into the kitchen. Yoongi loved a good nap after work so Hoseok never really questioned if he was taking a nap, just where he had ended up dozing off. 
After putting his haul away and separating their takeout into portions, Hoseok walked into the living room to find his partner just waking up from his sprawl on the couch as expected. Yoongi’s comfortable work-from-home outfit left little to the imagination, not that Hoseok minded the opportunity to ogle his partner’s evergrowing soft frame.
Hoseok knelt beside the couch and placed a hand on Yoongi’s plump cheek. He moved his thumb back and forth for a moment, excited for what the rest of the night held for them. “Hi, baby.” 
“Hey, how was your day?” Yoongi asked as he struggled a bit to sit up. He tugged his shirt down that had ridden up during his nap, a small strip of skin still visible at the bottom even after his adjustment. 
“Great, my seniors finally hit their routine and Jiminie and I came up with cool choreography for our new group. How about yours?” Hoseok replied, running a hand up and down Yoongi’s soft thigh - squeezing every now and then because he couldn’t resist sinking his fingers into his boyfriend’s skin. 
Yoongi shrugged and pouted his lips for a kiss before answering. “It was fine. Got a new set of lyrics finished with Joon and I picked up a new project from a group that is trying a new dark concept that I’m really into. Also, we need more peanut butter and ice cream sandwiches.” 
Hoseok nodded with a laugh. “Got it, I’ll add it to the grocery list. Ready for dinner?” 
“Absolutely, I’m starving,” Yoongi answered, patting his stomach and looking up at Hoseok who was now standing. “Did you get extra cheese?” 
“Of course, babe, I know your order by heart,” Hoseok said before heading to the kitchen, collecting the pizza boxes and extra add-ons like his salad and Yoongi’s cinnamon sticks. “You want beer or coke?” 
Yoongi gave him a little shy smile as he accepted one of the pizza boxes. “Both, please.” 
Hoseok kissed his forehead, watching as Yoongi grabbed the first slice and the edge of the box rested on the top of his stomach. His boyfriend was already to the crust when he got back with their drink selections. “Want any of my salad, Yoon?” 
Letting out an amused laugh, Yoongi shook his head while his mouth was full of the majority of his second slice. “I’m good, Hoba.” 
Cracking open one of the Coke cans, Hoseok handed it to Yoongi and warned him, “Here, babe, make sure you don’t choke.” 
Yoongi accepted the drink, chugging down half before going right back into his pizza. The box was now beside him on the couch, pizza in one hand and Coke in the other while they both rested on his stomach. “They kind of skimped on the bacon this time.”
Hoseok leaned over to inspect the pizza and he did have to agree, they went a little light on the toppings. “Yeah, they did, that’s annoying. Want me to go grab some of ours?” 
“Yes, please,” Yoongi responded with another sweet smile that had Hoseok ready to give him anything he ever wanted. He watched as his boyfriend let two handfuls of bacon bits rain down on what was left of his pizza before thanking him. “Mmm, much better. Thanks, jagi.” 
Hoseok then let Yoongi work on his pizza while he ate his salad and found something to watch. His boyfriend was starting on slice number six by the time Hoseok opened his pizza box which he knew would become Yoongi’s soon anyway. 
One pizza was nothing for him these days so Hoseok grabbed two slices for himself and put the box next to Yoongi so he could move seamlessly onto the next pizza once he finished his own. 
“Hey, babe, can I get another drink?” Yoongi asked after draining the can of Coke. Hoseok immediately had a can of beer open for him and, without missing a beat, he opened another as he knew that Yoongi always chugged the first beer in one go no matter how far in they were. 
Letting out a belch after downing his beer, Yoongi excused himself and accepted the second can. He kissed Hoseok on the cheek and absent-mindedly rubbed the top of his stomach for a brief moment, taking a quick measure of how full he was and determining that he had plenty of room left. 
Hoseok smirked when he noticed Yoongi spread his legs a bit and recline into the cushions. If he was getting comfortable on the couch, that meant he was planning on really going for it - ready to be stuck for a while instead of keeping it light enough to waddle off to bed when they were done. 
Reaching over to give Yoongi’s stomach a gentle prod, Hoseok followed it with a few encouraging smacks. “Come on, Yoon, it’s going to start getting cold soon. You hate cold pizza.”
Yoongi sighed, knowing that his boyfriend was right, and dug back in. He handed his beer to Hoseok and grabbed two slices, stacking them on top of each other and getting them down in what felt like seconds. After picking up the last slice of his pizza, he tossed the empty box onto the coffee table and pulled Hoseok’s closer to him. 
“Good job, baby,” Hoseok whispered, followed by a firm squeeze to Yoongi’s still-soft underbelly. “You have more after the pizza and I’m feeling a little impatient tonight. I might have to start feeding you myself soon.” 
If anything, that was more encouragement to slow down because Yoongi loved it when Hoseok fed him, but he, at least, needed to finish the pizza before handing over his control. He started in on his boyfriend’s pizza, realizing it would be easier to get down since it was simple pepperoni instead of the meat lovers he had just put away. 
Hosoek wondered if Yoongi had taken it easy during the day because he was actually maintaining a quick pace, going against the persistent teasing that had been happening. As he thought about it, he concluded that he couldn’t have gone that easy because there were at least four ice cream sandwiches left when he grabbed ice from the freezer that morning and now they were gone. 
By the time Hoseok had finished his salad and a couple of slices, Yoongi only had two left from the second pizza and his clothes were starting to look a little uncomfortable. “Finish that pizza, Yoon, and then I’ll help.” 
Yoongi simply nodded and continued powering through, grabbing the last two slices and wolfing them down as fast as possible. The waistband of his sweatpants was cutting into him and he wanted Hoseok to take over - reaching a level of feeding fatigue even if he definitely had room left to eat more. 
Slipping one hand beneath the tight band, Hoseok pulled it below Yoongi’s heavy belly. He moved his hands under the tight t-shirt to travel up from the soft underside across his midsection until he reached the crest of his now taut stomach, giving it an inquisitive press that brought a rumbling moan from his boyfriend’s chest. 
“There you go, baby. Much more comfortable, you just need more room, right?” Hoseok said teasingly, watching as Yoongi’s belly spread into his lap when he finally removed his hands. 
With that, Yoongi’s reprieve had ended as he watched Hoseok grab a bag from the restaurant and turn it over to dump out the contents. He wasn’t even sure how his boyfriend managed to get a bag full of icing cups for one order, but he would never complain about it. 
There was clearly enough to have one cup with each cinnamon stick which is exactly how Hoseok fed it to him. It was sickly sweet, but Yoongi couldn’t say no to the indulgent dessert. Part of him wished they saved a bit of the savory stuff to alternate bites, although Hoseok’s pace didn’t really allow for breaks anyway. 
After the fourth one, Yoongi simply gave into his partner’s control. He opened his mouth and ate what he was given without hesitation - reclined heavily into the couch cushions with his hands on his very full stomach until the dessert box was empty and it felt like every inch of his stomach was lined with cream cheese icing. 
Yoongi hadn’t even realized the steady stream of cinnamon and sugar stopped until Hoseok’s prodding hand was back on his stomach, finding very little give in his taut skin. He always ate a lot, especially at his boyfriend’s hand, but Yoongi felt absolutely beached tonight - dough and cheese with a bunch of sugar on top filling his stomach to the brim. 
“You okay, babe? You’re looking rather full,” Hoseok asked quietly as he continued his gentle massage of Yoongi’s bloated stomach. He knew Yoongi would answer with moans and groans for a little while, digesting his massive meal. 
This was Hoseok’s favorite part. That pride in seeing his handiwork on Yoongi’s frame, feeding his boyfriend into temporary immobile bliss. They could gladly spend hours this way - Hoseok manhandling and teasing Yoongi while he just let all the sensations overwhelm him. 
“Jiminie asked me to go out for drinks again. I keep telling him Fridays are date nights and he always offers for you to come, to see everyone again.” 
Yoongi made a small sound of embarrassment for two reasons. One, knowing where this conversation was headed, and two, from the gurgling sound of his stomach every time Hoseok pressed on a sensitive area.  
“Imagine what they would think of you now, baby. They haven’t seen you since I joined the studio and they see all those college pictures on the wall in my office. Remember how much smaller you were back then? Would they even recognize you? What happened to my little college basketball player, hmm?”
The moan Yoongi let out was his only answer, throwing his head back against the couch as Hoseok moved to straddle him - fighting his distended middle for space. The arousal overpowered the shame from his partner’s humiliating words. He could only imagine the look on Hoseok’s coworkers’ faces if they saw him again, especially Jimin whom Yoongi matched in stature two years and many, many pounds ago. 
Hoseok’s hands continued their caress of Yoongi’s belly as he placed random kisses on his partner’s exposed neck. He leaned forward slightly to rest more of his much slighter weight on Yoongi’s middle, bringing yet another guttural moan out of the bigger man. 
“You finished everything so fast, ate like a starving man when we both know you are never starving these days. I wonder how many snacks you pack away while I’m gone. Seems like there is something new on the grocery list every day.”
Yoongi was a non-verbal mess as he often became under his partner’s attention. He was convinced that Hoseok had the ability to cast some sort of spell over him, convincing him to melt under dedicated hands and intense words. 
“We still have time to go meet up with them, could get all dressed up and go out, but we both know that’s not happening since you wouldn’t be able to get off the couch by yourself. You can’t even fit this gut in your sweatpants right now. Putting jeans on would be a nightmare.” 
Hoseok was excitedly anticipating Yoongi’s response as it normally went one of two ways on nights like this. He would either completely agree and let Hoseok have his way with him or he would find a little resolve to argue back. Hoseok loved when Yoongi argued back. 
“I can get up just fine, thank you very much,” Yoongi mumbled, cheeks pink from both the heat of the moment and his partner’s endless teasing. 
With a raised brow, Hoseok climbed off Yoongi’s lap and he let out a disbelieving laugh. “Alright, big guy, let’s see it then.” 
Yoongi huffed in response to the nickname and the demand. He knew better than to challenge Hoseok and based on how much effort it took to attempt the first scooch forward, this was going to be a difficult attempt. All that food was heavy in his stomach, pushing both up and out in a way that made breathing a little tough and bending forward impossible. 
Rocking back and forth a few times, Yoongi stood slowly while using the little bit of momentum he built up. It took all of his strength to push past the wave of heartburn that rippled up his throat as he stood, a deep belch being forced out from the pressure on his middle. He let out a low breath, trying to hide the amount of effort it took. 
“See, per…perfectly fine,” Yoongi huffed, trying to act naturally as if his body was begging for him to collapse back into the cushions. He tugged his shirt back down around his distended middle as far as it would reach and rested his hands on his hips, pretending that his stomach didn’t feel like a lead weight hanging off of him. 
The necessary arch of Yoongi’s back to support his overfilled belly only pushed it farther forward, testing the limits of his already snug shirt. After a few more heaving breaths, he felt balanced enough to stay standing, but Yoongi knew that anything more than that would require assistance and at least another hour of digestion time.
Hoseok laughed and palmed the underside of Yoongi’s bloated stomach, giving it a gentle shake. “Well, clearly I haven’t fed you enough if you are ‘perfectly fine’. Sit down, baby, I’ll be back, and don’t even think about touching yourself.” 
Yoongi’s eyes widened as he heard the no-nonsense tone from Hoseok. He already felt ready to burst and he made the mistake of mouthing off to his partner. Tonight was far from over now. 
Part of Yoongi wanted to push it even more, maybe taking off his shirt or refusing to sit down, but he was already in for a little pain before his pleasure and that was enough for him. He fell back onto the couch with a heavy thud, groaning at the poor choice on his part - a sudden hit of nausea overcoming him with the jostling of his full stomach. 
Yoongi closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths, resetting himself and preparing for the next round of food as if he hadn’t just put away eighty percent of their takeout order himself. Friday nights were always interesting, but he loved when Hoseok got a little mean, giving up all his control to his typically sunshiny partner. 
When Hoseok walked back into the living room with the unopened quart of vanilla ice cream and a bag of honey butter chips, Yoongi was confused. This was not a normal choice for his partner - ice cream obviously, but what was the point of the chips? 
Hoseok set the container of ice cream on the coffee table out of Yoongi’s reach and held out the bag of chips for the other to take. As he took the bag from his partner’s hand, Yoongi realized that there was a certain item missing from Hoseok’s haul - a spoon. 
Before Yoongi could ask any questions, he was given new instructions that made his eyes widen. Hoseok was full of surprises apparently. 
“Okay, big man, since you are feeling so confident tonight, you earned a little prize for yourself. You are going to eat those chips, keep yourself nice and full until this ice cream melts and once it’s ready, you are going to drink the whole thing, got it?” Hoseok explained as he stood in front of the couch, hands on his hips with a look of absolute seriousness on his face. 
Yoongi felt a shiver run down his spine at the tone of his partner’s voice. It had been a while since they had a night like this and thankfully he was sitting because this side of Hoseok always made him weak in the knees. 
“Yeah, got it.” 
“Mhmm, what was that?” Hoseok asked with a smirk.
“Yes, sir, I understand.” 
“Good boy.” 
Yoongi did everything he could to hold back the moan threatening to fall from his lips. The ask alone made him motivated, but the tone of Hoseok’s voice was nearly enough to send him over the edge untouched. 
Without further hesitation, Yoongi opened the bag of chips and put three in his mouth, ready to work through the bag like it was his job. He had to ignore the fact that his stomach was not on the same page as his mind. His body was screaming at him to be done with sweetened carbs for the night, but Yoongi had certainly trained his stomach at this point to persevere. 
He was desperate to have Hoseok’s hands back on him, but Yoongi knew that he wouldn’t get that until the ice cream was gone. That was the trade-off for being mouthy even if it was incredibly worth it in the end. 
Yoongi couldn’t help but smirk at Hoseok looking as if he could barely restrain himself from jumping back into Yoongi’s lap - well, whatever room was left for him. He simply continued pushing through the bags of chips, focusing on following all of Hoseok’s rules. 
Completely unaware of how much time had passed, Yoongi startled when his hand met the bottom of the now-empty chip bag. He looked up to find Hoseok’s amused expression looking back at him. 
“So greedy you didn’t even realize you ate the whole bag,” Hoseok teased while taking the empty bag out of his hand. “I gave you enough time to pace yourself for the ice cream to melt and yet you just can’t help yourself.”
Yoongi felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment before it shifted to a bit of discomfort. It was like the entire bag of chips hit his stomach all at once since he had zoned out through tearing through it. 
Letting out an involuntary groan, Yoongi leaned back and his hands found his stomach - his incredibly tight stomach. The pure amount of cheese, sugar, and grease fighting for room would be concerning if he didn’t absolutely love how full and fattening it felt. 
“So full…” Yoongi groaned as if he had any chance of stopping Hoseok’s plans. He was the one who brought this on himself and the pain of pushing through was always worth the reward in the end. 
Hoseok dropped onto his knees beside Yoongi considering his lap especially was lacking room for him to take his usual spot. He ran his hand up from Yoongi’s soft hip until he drummed his fingers across the taut crest of his partner’s overly full stomach. 
“I bet your ice cream is all melted now, baby.”
Yoongi felt packed so full that the thought of ice cream, melted or not, on top of everything else made him a bit nauseous, but the arousal of knowing that he could be more full with Hoseok’s hands all over him outweighed any feeling of sickness. 
“Can you do it?” Yoongi asked, certain that Hoseok would be nothing but excited at the request. 
Hoseok grabbed the container with a smile and carefully removed the lid, not wanting to spill a drop. “With pleasure, darling.” 
The anticipation sent a low heat through Yoongi’s groin, hoping that Hoseok would be ready to do all the work considering he felt glued to the couch before the ice cream that was about to sit at the top of his stomach. 
Yoongi felt the cold condensation on his bottom lip as Hoseok held the container up to his mouth. He was the farthest thing from hungry, but his mouth still watered like he hadn’t eaten in days. 
Although it was melted, the ice cream was still thick and cold as he started to drink - no reprieve from Hoseok as he held the container at a steady angle. The chilled liquid relieved some of the pain in his stomach at first until chugging reminded him just how little room he had left. 
The sugar-filled cream quite literally had nowhere to go except sit directly on top of his stomach. Every swallow felt like it was pushing Yoongi’s stomach farther than it had ever been pushed before. He was familiar with the feeling of going over his limit, but it had been quite a while since he felt that pinch in his side telling him to stop. 
Hoseok, ever observant, seemed to notice and gave him a little break - eyeing the bit of cream that dribbled down Yoongi’s chin as he did. He leaned in to lick it up slowly, enjoying the intimate taste of his partner. “Almost as sweet as you, sugar.” 
That sent Yoongi right back into a state of nonverbal mess, just able to moan in response as he was desperate for more. More of what? He didn’t even know. Possibly Hoseok’s touch, but now, Yoongi wanted nothing more than to prove how good he was even if his body disagreed.
At the moment though, he genuinely needed a break. The pinch in his side was slowly becoming a cramp. His breathing was felt quicker simply because he feared a deep breath may cause him to pop. 
Hoseok noticed Yoongi’s intentional breaths and smirked, wondering if he needed a little help digesting. He palmed Yoongi’s swollen belly and jostled it side to side. Yoongi immediately grabbed his partner’s hand in a tight grip, giving a silent signal that he could not handle the movement.
The last thing Yoongi wanted was to tap out and shaking his stomach would certainly make that happen. Seeing the way Yoongi’s eyes were closed as he breathed through the moment, Hoseok instantly got the hint and started running his fingers through his partner’s hair - peppering Yoongi’s face with soft kisses. 
Yoongi couldn’t help the relieved and endeared feeling that filled his chest as Hoseok was fully in tune with him, switching his touches to tender caresses. They may both love the intensity and teasing, but respect and care for each other were always going to be the priority. 
Hoseok brought his lips to Yoongi’s ear, kissing his neck just below and whispering, “Tell me what’s going on, baby.” 
“Just needed a break, I promise.” 
“You sure?” 
Yoongi started nodding, not wanting to lose the incredible direction of their “date night” as he had looked forward to Friday nights every single week. “Want to finish…please.” 
Hoseok smirked once again, leaning back and holding Yoongi’s plump cheeks in his hands. “My good boy, such good manners.” 
Yoongi involuntarily moaned in response to the praise, always reaching a point of uncontrollable desperation at this point of the night. He would be embarrassed if Hoseok didn’t love it. His moan, however, was cut off by the container once again finding his lips. 
Opening his mouth and leaning his head back against the couch, Yoongi watched in satisfaction as Hoseok’s eyes lit up. The container was tilting up in an instant, now angled higher as the cold yet melted cream poured into his mouth at a much higher pace. 
Yoongi never knew how Hoseok was capable of pushing his body past what he thought were his limits. It’s as if Hoseok’s praise and touch alone increased his stomach capacity. 
Seeming to go into another place mentally, Yoongi ignored everything except Hoseok’s warm hand on his belly and gentle praises in his ear. The second half of the pint was gone faster than the first, but it made itself just as well known. 
When Hoseok pulled the contained away, he saw every bit of Yoongi’s pleasure and pain - well aware that they had gone farther tonight than they had since close to the beginning. He didn’t know why since it was just a normal Friday night for them, but something was in the air that night.
Yoongi finally opened his eyes as he was missing Hoseok’s touch, confused as to the long pause. Usually, his partner would have been back on his lap and starting to get into his pants by now. 
To Yoongi’s surprise, Hoseok was in front of him with his phone out, apparently taking photos. The blush once again returned to Yoongi’s cheeks when he saw the pride on Hoseok’s face which was honestly deserved considering the work his partner had put into feeding him up. 
Without another warning, the photos were the farthest thing from Yoongi’s mind as Hoseok dropped to his knees in front of the couch and pulled the offensively tight fabric from Yoongi’s torso. 
After his shirt was pushed up to his chest, Yoongi expected Hoseok to move on to fight with the tight waistband of his sweatpants, but he was surprised by the warm sensation of Hoseok’s lips on the sensitive skin of his belly. 
Yoongi felt heat rise through his body when Hoseok dedicated himself to worshipping the angry pink lines across Yoongi’s pale middle. As if he weren’t covered in enough marks, Yoongi knew that his belly would be covered in a spread of sweet purple love bites to accompany his variety of old and new stretchmarks. 
Between the sudden nips from Hoseok’s teeth followed by the soothing open-mouth kisses, Yoongi could form no words. He sat heavily, melting into the couch cushions as he panted through the barrage of sensations from his partner. 
Yoongi’s hand found Hoseok’s hair and grabbed a handful, tugging slightly in a nonverbal attempt at reprieve. Before pulling away, Hoseok spent another ten seconds on the same spot he had been focused on, ensuring that a dark bruise would be left behind. 
Hoseok couldn’t help the smirk that formed on his face when he saw the absolute deshelved state of his partner. Yoongi was clearly trying and failing to keep it together and Hoseok loved being the one to cause that. 
“What’s wrong, my love?” Hoseok asked so sweetly as if he wasn’t just ravishing Yoongi’s array of stretch marks. 
Yoongi huffed and let his head fall back against the couch again to continue trying to collect himself. “Babe, if you keep going, I’m going to cum in pants like a teenager.” 
Hoseok laughed brightly, not expecting that response before bringing his expression back to an even more mischievous smirk. “Well, Yoon, that sounds like I’m doing my job correctly.” 
It seemed that Yoongi’s break was over as Hoseok’s hands sunk into his still taut belly and his lips found a new mark to focus on. He was immediately worked back to the edge of release as if they hadn’t taken a break at all. 
At that point, Yoongi knew better than to fight it and let himself fall into the bliss of Hoseok’s affection. He let the moans reverberate through his chest freely and melted into the soft couch. His hands found Hoseok’s hair once again, but this time in an encouraging, loving touch rather than a resistant one. 
Hoseok’s teeth scraped against Yoongi’s skin once again sending a shiver up his spine. His soft thighs instinctively tightened around his partner’s body that was still knelt between his legs. Hoseok blew a soft, cool breath across Yoongi’s flushed, warm skin spreading chills across his body. 
Pleasure was not a new sensation to Yoongi, but he certainly loved when Hoseok got creative in how to give it to him. Another strong grip of his thick sides was followed by a strong bite to one of his newer stretchmarks, the skin incredibly sensitive to the touch. 
Yoongi barely registered any pain at this point, just the hefty weight of his middle becoming less and less apparent with the impending release of the tension between them. He turned his face to the side and buried his chin into the cushion, finding a place to muffle his growing whines that accompanied his strung-together moans. 
Hoseok’s hand suddenly gripped his plump chin and brought their lips together as his other hand trailed down Yoongi’s belly, fighting slightly with his stretched-thin waistband until he could finish what he started. 
All that could be heard throughout their open living room was a final sobbing groan from Yoongi before labored breathing and Hoseok’s gentle whispers of praise were left. Neither knew how much time had passed when they finally separated enough to finally look at each other, and then promptly burst into laughter. 
“Well, this night has gone better than I even planned,” Hoseok said lightly, following it with a much sweeter kiss than his previous. 
Yoongi simply nodded and let his head fall back to his partner’s shoulder. “God, I’m exhausted.”
Hoseok chuckled again as he nodded. “I can imagine. You have a lot of calories and a good orgasm working against you.”
It was Yoongi’s turn to laugh since he really couldn’t disagree. What he could disagree with was the fact that Hoseok held his hands out to offer Yoongi help up as if that was something possible at the moment. 
“Hoba…jagiya, if you think I’m getting up any time soon, you are mistaken.” 
Hoseok did laugh, but Yoongi also saw the challenging look in his partner’s eye. “You need to get out of those pants at the very least, but we both could use a shower before bed.” 
Yoongi continued to look at Hoseok as if he were insane until he let out a deep sigh and finally brought his shirt back down to a slightly more acceptable place than bunched up under his arms. Although, his still very full belly made it more of a crop top than a full shirt. 
“15 minutes?” Yoongi asked, knowing he didn’t stand a chance bargaining against Hoseok. 
“Oh, sure, I can get you a little snack for your break too,” Hoseok responded, pointing over his shoulder to the kitchen. 
Yoongi groaned and held out his hands with an almost pitiful look on his face, knowing that was not an empty threat from his partner. “You are such a menace.” 
Hoseok could only laugh once more as he grabbed Yoongi’s hands and braced himself to help his heavy partner off the couch. He watched fondly as Yoongi wiggled to the edge of the couch cushion, mumbling about how he was going to be so bloated in the morning - as if that was a new thing for Saturday mornings. 
Once he was up, Yoongi felt Hoseok’s hands immediately wrapping around him from the back as his partner started to direct them down the hall to their bedroom. The walk was slow and slightly embarrassing as Hoseok commented on Yoongi’s ambling waddle to accommodate his stuffed belly. 
Yoongi couldn’t bring himself to actually feel any shame when all the comments were followed by the gentlest kisses to his neck and cheeks just as they were every time they made that walk from the living room to the bedroom. 
No matter how far Hoseok pushed him, Yoongi always loved date night.
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thatwriterj · 2 years ago
Bonfire ⟶ John B x Fem Reader ⟶ Imagine
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Word count: 1.1k+
Summary: Kiara and Sarah make Y/n go to a bonfire, but while there she sees her boyfriend do something she wouldn't have ever imagined.
warrings: Underaged drinking, Cursing, Fighting, and Crying.
A/N: This is my first post on this blog!! This was supposed to come out so long ago but I'm so slow with everything anyways hope you enjoy and if so lmk if I should make a part 2 ;)
Sarah and Kiara do the finishing touches to my look—just to go to some stupid bonfire, but to them, it’s not just a bonfire. I don't understand why they're romanticizing it, but it’s whatever.
Sarah says with a smile, "Oh my god, John B is going to literally die." Kiara agrees with Sarah’s statement by nodding her head yes.
“What if he doesn’t want me? I look like a clown?” Kiara and Sarah giggle at my response.
"First of all, that is disrespectful to both yourself and mine and Sarah's work, also John B is practically in love with you. He could genuinely go on and on about you.” Sarah agrees with Kiara's statement by nodding her head.
"Look, Kie, but may-“ Sarah cuts me off.
“Shut up, Y/N, any fucking guy in Outer Banks would fucking die even to do the smallest thing like hold your hand! You are so fucking beautiful!” Sarah takes a breath. “You're also speaking poorly about yourself and still haven't seen yourself the way we do.” The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence.
"Damn Sarah, how long have you been holding that in?" Kie said to break the tension.
She might not be correct in saying that any guy in Outer Banks would die to even hold my hand. She may be right in saying that I haven't seen myself yet. I might actually look decent.
"We'll anyway, we should get going, come on," Kiara says, moving slowly toward the door.
"Yes, we should," Sarah said as she exited the room.
I inhaled deeply, then exhaled as she exited the room. I get up from my chair and walk over to the full-length mirror in my room. As I stand here, I realize that Sarah was correct when she said those things about me. I am fucking beautiful.
"This is it," Sarah says over the car music. She then lowers the volume of the music playing.
“I can't believe this is your first bonfire.” Sarah screeches.
"Okay, car tire," I say as Sarah punches me in the arm. In response to her screech, Kiara laughs in the backseat.
"All right, end your guy's little fight; I've got to get a beer; it's necessary." Kiara exits the car, and we leave behind her.
When we get out of the car, the music is already blaring. We three entered while holding hands, but the one and only JJ Maybank quickly broke up our embrace.
JJ is now standing in front of us. “What's up, la-" JJ started to say but was interrupted. “Woah, Y/n y-you’re fucking beautiful,” JJ says as he looks at me up and down. 
JJ’s comment has made me smile. I hardly even managed to say, "Thanks, JJ," because of how broad my smile was.
"Anyway, I think we all look lovely," Sarah smirks and scowls. Sarah tilts her head to the side while twisting a strand of her hair in her finger and says, "Don't you think so JJ?" Sarah smiles
Pope quickly comes over to us and says, "JJ, I need you right now."
“Okay, where do you need me?” JJ asks. 
"Just come on, man," Pope says, grabbing JJ's hand and dragging him to where he needs him.
"Isn't John B supposed to be here?” I question Kie and Sarah.
“He won't just appear as you stand there because, as far as I know, teleportation doesn't exist, but he should be somewhere around here,” Kie assured me
I walked away from them and began to advance into the large crowd of people when a guy gabbing my arm stopped me. "Heyyy,” the guy said. I could tell he was intoxicated just by listening to him speak, and his breath further confirmed this.
"Y/n, isn't it? I believe I have you in my math class, right?” He examines me with his wide-eyed gaze.
“Yes, I'm Y/n, but I don't believe I have you in my math class.” I laugh it off and roll my eyes in annoyance. “Look what do you want from me, dickhead, and let go of me,” I said as I took my hand away from his grip. 
I was getting more irritated with this son of a bitch by the time I pulled my arm back because it was already red.
“There's no need to call me-” I cut him off mid-sentence.
"Talk to me when you brush your teeth, please, and thank you." I turned around and walked away from this weirdo. 
I kept walking, but all I could see were drunken teenagers—no sign of my boyfriend, John B. I need a break from all these people. I walk away from the big crowds. I end up somewhere with fewer people—about 10–20 people max.
I was about to sit down on a bench when I noticed something that I never thought I'd see in a million years. My alleged boyfriend is halfway down Sarah Cameron's throat fucking. 
I'm at a loss for what to do. Should I be angry at John B or Sarah? I'm not even angry. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be feeling right now. I make my way over to them. I stop in my steps. If I go up to them and confront them, what exactly will change? I turn to leave this nightmare as tears stream down my cheeks.
As I'm trying to make my way through all of these people, I bump into JJ. "Woah, you better be careful," JJ says as he checks to see if I'm all right, but I cut him off by doing something I never would have expected.
I kissed him.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry,” I said to JJ in a panic. I have no idea why I did that, but if John B wants to fuck, my friends might as well do the same to him. Right?
“It's alright,” JJ smirks. "I've always wanted to do that to you, but I just-" John B tackled JJ to the ground, cutting him off.
I feel outraged. Who the fuck does he think he is that he can kiss other people while I'm quote on quote "his girl."
"Look, man, she kissed me,” said JJ as John B had him pressed on the ground. 
“Get off of him!” I yelled at John B as I pushed him off of JJ.
JJ and John B both get up off the ground. “You’re such a fucking slut, Y/N,” my fist clenched harder as those words came out of John B's mouth.
Before I knew it, I had punched John B to the ground. I tumbled back a bit, almost falling, but I bumped into someone who stopped my fall. I run away from this situation with tears running down my stupid face. 
Is everything that happened tonight my fault? Is this what I deserve? Has he ever loved me? Am I a slut for kissing his best friend out of spite? These thoughts are racing through my stupid fucking head as I sob uncontrollably while sitting on the ground next to a tree. 
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