#also i dont care that they have a mishmash of mons. its fine
heirbane · 1 year
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At the end of the story, after you have felled countless, faceless minions of the Empire, your final fight is up against the one who commanded them all... the General overseeing the region's takeover, only known as The Black Wolf.
He asks you one question: for whom do you fight?
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(Left to right: Genesect, Aegislash, Zoroark, Mightyena, Midnight Lycanroc, Type: Null)
With six Pokemon taken from all corners of the known world, the Black Wolf has been afforded all luxuries. His Pokemon are man-made or well-bred; they were hand-picked for the General, their measure taken and weighed. Even the Pokemon curated for world domination, Type Null, came after years of research and experimentation. If any Pokemon could help the Empire take over Eorzea, it would be the Eikon Killer.
Alas, it was not to be. You - a nobody, a simple adventurer - take down the Black Wolf and the military encampment he's sequestered himself in. You get out just before the entire stronghold goes up in flames, and the credits roll. You, a newbie trainer, have taken down the entire Empire, and one of the Empire's best Generals to boot.
Until you reach post-game content, that is, and locate one specific trainer among the reedy, swampy outskirts of a town you simply passed through: Milisandia.
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(Pictured: Solrock)
If you beat her fair and square, she will comment on your strength - and the bond you seem to share with your Pokemon. She invites you back to her hometown on the beach, thinking you may be the one fight that reinvigorates her father.
If you follow her directions, you will return to a village previously visited - but now the home is able to be interacted with, and the same woman from before answers the door.
Milisandia introduces you to all of her siblings. In swift succession, you are forced to contend with all of them. The woman has spoken highly of you, and she hopes you don't disappoint! You fight Milisandia again - with both her trusty Solrock and the family's pet, Granbull, Victor:
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(Pictured: Solrock, Granbull)
Ricon, with his Sableye, it's eyes somewhere between unblinking ceruleum and sapphire:
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Rex, with his incredibly loyal Houndoom:
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Finally, you face Alphonse and Allie together as a two-on-two battle.
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Allie's two chosen are Mismagius and Gardevoir; Alphonse has Aggron and Gallade.
At the end of that, only then can you fight their father... a man who simply asks,
"Is your answer the same, Adventurer?"
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(Left to right: Aegislash, Silvally, and Midnight Lycanroc.)
If his question doesn't sell his identity, the order of his attacks will. Even lacking the Empire-given beasts, the man has gained much and more: an appreciation for his companions, one of which bloomed and blossomed under his newfound humanity, no longer stagnantly treated as a test subject.
(If further investigation is needed: his Aegislash has learned a bastardized version of X-Scissor, a move that he had specifically taught his Genesect. Without the hulking steel beast, the man has turned to his sword.)
After defeating the Wolf, Gaius explains what all happened. His discharge from the Empire, his return to his children's hometown, his feeling of being lost. He will present you with money winnings and a hold item that, if pinned to your bag, will allow you to teleport out of any battle, regardless of the ability to flee. He will also offer to teach one Pokemon his specialty: Terminus Est, the move he taught his Aegislash. He will teach it once to one Pokemon, and it cannot be passed down.
At any point you can return to challenge the Black Wolf or his children, talk to their Granbull, or take a berry or two from their garden. (He would offer you a place to rest, he says, but there is not a bed to spare in their little cottage.)
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