#also i didnt answer these w my insert just me bc ash is so different from me
giranswife · 5 years
So I got tagged by both @lildreamysoul and @jagerdernacht to do this with my husband, and might I say... I’m excited XD Bit of warning for anyone, my husband doesn’t really have a filter, as most of you are aware, so you’ve been warned as far as like suggestive comments and shit goes lol
So I’m honest, that a big fuckin’ deal?
‘Course not. It’s why I love you, just gotta give a warning just to be safe. Now, let’s get started because this is gonna be-- a ride lol
Introduce yourselves. Who are you? What do you like to do?
Well, you guys already know me, Violet- Nothing really all that exciting there lol but I like to read, write, draw. It’s a new hobby that I started up a couple years ago and have been improving since! I also love playing video games and watching movies together is another big one I enjoy.
Don’t say that, baby girl. Couldn’t be further from the truth. But I’m Giran, her husband. Pretty sure that to answer the next question, I’d be breakin’ the first rule that she gave me-
God damn it, babe. Don’t listen to him, ignore him, please. 
I’m just teasing. I’ll be good, for now.
How was your first meeting like?
Oh, jeez. Well, first meetings weren’t really the best between us. Didn’t exactly get along with him, per say...
She wasn’t really my biggest fan. If yah ask how in the hell I got her to marry me, well-
Oh, whatever, baby. He might not have been my favorite person the first time we met, but he grew on me. Really grew on me.
How did you get together? Who confessed first?
It took a while with lots of denying on my end. I definitely didn’t confess first.
I don’t know if I remember it like that, Princess-
Oh, please. You know that I was pretty insistent about hiding the fact that I was into you.... romantically at least. As far as confessions go... believe it or not he was actually the one to at least vocalize that he wanted more out of the relationship.
Knew that yah needed a little push, and I was happier than I thought that I would be. What’s the fuckin’ point in hidin’ that? Besides, I couldn’t resist when you were looking as beautiful as ya were.
What are your thoughts on PDA?
Oh damn, well... considering my husband is the most shameless person I fucking know-
What can I say, baby girl. I just can’t keep my hands off yah.
I mean... I don’t mind... it’s just the more he does it the redder my face gets. And since he’s always pulling me into his lap and shit, I pretty much am always there. Not that I don’t like being in his arms though.
And I wouldn’t have it any other way-
How do you show your affection towards each other/what are your love languages?
We are both really different in that regard, but there’s also a few things that we’re similar to! For example, I’m more of the affectionate person but I also constantly talk about how much I love him and just like... I’m extremely open.
My princess is a lot better with words than I am. I like to spoil her and treat her. Anything to see her smile and let her know how much I love her. Don’t want her forgetting how special she is.
Who’s more introverted and who’s more extroverted?
Well... I tend to be more introverted, to be honest. Definitely lean more that way, but I wouldn’t say that we’re both like that. Honestly, I feel like he’s a bit in the middle? I don’t know! I’ve never thought about it-
You’re definitely right about that, Princess. I’m more extroverted than you are, but even then I wouldn’t exactly describe myself that way either.
Me neither. There’s some aspects of both, so honestly I’d say that both of us kinda don’t really fit either one exactly, but we definitely lean more one way than the other.
Who’s the big spoon and who’s the little spoon?
Oh, I’m the little spoon all the way.
She’s right. My adorable little spoon.
Oh my gooood, please stop-- (spoiler: he doesn’t)
What do you like doing together the most?
Or rather what don’t we like doing together- I’m sorry, that was bad. How in the hell did this get so corny? Are we corny now?
‘Course not. But you’ve always been. It’s alright, though, it’s why I love yah. 
Let’s just answer the god damn question before my face explodes. I’d probably have to say that really we like the most just being with each other just the two of us? Given that we don’t really get a whole lot of alone time, believe it or not, it’s really nice whenever we can just relax and be together. It’s what I prefer, anyway. Dinner and a movie. Going out every now and then is really nice.
Couldn’t have said it better. I’d much rather bein’ with my princess, but I like goin’ out with yah. This one can make anything interesting, lemme tell yah. 
Tell us a fun fact about the other!
Ooooh, fun facts! Well, for starters, Giran is actually a huge romantic. Might not look it, but I promise you the man is romantic and sweet and doting. Also, another fun fact, this man kinda knows how to play piano. Not much, but a little-
Wouldn’t say that I’m good, but she’s entertained by the idea ever since she found out.
Well, yeah-- I really wouldn’t expect you of all people to have any musical fucking talent.
Oh like you, Princess? When’s the next time ya gonna play for me? This one is the musical one. Her flute playing’s beautiful, and I know that she can also play the piccolo but-
Oh god, I haven’t played either in so long. Please, don’t mention it. I’m ashamed that it’s been this long since I’ve played. I miss it.
Tag other selfshippers and their f/os.
Oh for sure!
@self-shipping-angel and Levi!
@wispy-selfship-eden and Izuku!
@millizines and Earnest
@securitycopswife and Ushio
@star-platinums-wife and Star!
@nougatships and Tomura
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