#also i couldn't access papers that i wrote myself once i wasn't working at a university
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bethanydelleman Ā· 8 months ago
Edit: Turning off reblogs on this post since I've been told it contains misinformation. Also, someone reblogged it with a huge rant and blocked me (as far as I can tell), leaving me unable to reply and with only partial notes and that freaks me out.
So I was telling someone about my boy, Sejong the Great of Joeson, who deserves that title "great" since he was so concerned about illiteracy that he created the easy-to-learn Korean alphabet (Hangul) by himself, but then the nobility got mad about all these reading peasants and tried to ban it. And my friend says, "Oh, I thought illiterate poor people in the past were just lazy."
And I was like, "No, no, you don't want your indentured servants and peasants reading and figuring out how much you are screwing them over. The adapted Chinese characters that Korea had been using took years to learn so it was a natural gatekeeper of knowledge."
And then, because one must be fair, I went on to explain how Europeans locked up their knowledge behind Latin, especially the Bible, and how it was so important that Martin Luther translated it into everyday German, because once you can read the Bible yourself, you can challenge the almost absolute power of the church. Only the rich could afford to learn Latin, so only the rich could read the book that their entire society was allegedly based around.
I do think things are much better today, but why are most scientific papers paywalled and scientists sometimes act as if they should be treated like infallible priests...
Edit: I wanted to end this post on a happy note, but then I started thinking about paywalls and it made me a bit depressed. We still do make our best knowledge less accessible to the average person and I hope we can do more to change that.
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yuvon-writes-letters Ā· 4 years ago
It seems many letters have to travel today. But that's fine.
Hey Yu, Jake :)
Huh, where to start...Ah I know! Yeah, I guess you're right. Reading and not taking part probably is like reading an amazing book and always waiting for a chapter or something. And that not everyone wants to be part of our freak-show (I mean, that's basically what it is) is completely understandable. I think my reaction was also a bit in the heat of the moment. But really, asking for waffels or pancakes?
But putting that aside; the letters, papers or whatever..How is the deciffering going? Anything till now?
And I really hope that both of you are not in any kind of great danger (as far as we can say this with your situation)
Pocket Dimension of a reality warper.. [the writing becomes a little shaky here] hm yeah, that sounds logical.
And sorry, I just cannot write while laughing. This whole thing reminds me a *little bit* of a character from my favourite show. (If you both know Supernatural) But yah.
Also no, you two were right, my Jake didn't answer when I wrote the other letters. (And no, I didn't flirt with him. At least I don't think so)
But I know now why he didn't respond at first.
I did send Nymos this message you told me, Jake, and after some time it returned 'true'. Like you said. That was honestly pretty relieving.
And that also made Jake (I am writing him with a different pen now, it's easier) text me back.
It seems I really went totally wrong over the situation, but I wasn't really thinking right when I was back in my flat.
I guess I couldn't have worried him more. When he called me the night I returned (you know, after he saw the picture the MWAF sent me and he texted me my golden friends' message and I didn't reply) he got access to my camera. It seems in my shock I didn't realise.
Yu, I texted you how I looked like, right? I mean, basically like hell. And, who would've thought, as if I'd been kidnapped.
And like this I told him he shouldn't worry. Yeah, not my greatest moment.
It also was kind of dark so it could have been that I wasn't alone (at least from Jakes perspective). Oh, and did I tell you that my shirt was torn where the bullet originally hit me? So he saw the raven scar...I didn't realise that till now either.
Long story short: I worried him sick.
Cause when I texted Jake this morning he couldn't be sure it was me. Or me alone. And he didn't want to bring me in any more danger. So he started doing Jake-stuff and accessing goldies profile.
But that didn't work out as planned. I mean, sure, it's the profile of an entity...So I guess it makes sense.
And then I texted Nymos.
He's just reading the last letters (I think). We didn't talk about the 'erased-kidnapping-thing' yet. But he promised me that he'd find a way so we could safely call... :)
Thank you Jake, I guess without you Jake would still think I was kidnapped [the šŸ˜… emoji is drawn there]
Ps; I almost forgot: Jake say thanks, too xD
Iā€™ll ask Jake how the deciphering is going in a bit. Iā€™m going to pretend I donā€™t notice him stealing glances at me for a little longer first XD
Though I donā€™t think heā€™s doing it for the normal reasons people steal glances. Heā€™s sort of hypervigilant, Iā€™ve noticed. Which makes sense. I just canā€™t tell if heā€™s worried I could be a threat or if heā€™s looking out for me. Iā€™d understand if he sees me as a possible threat, this IS the first time weā€™re really meeting after all. Doesnā€™t make me feel great, but honestly given how he got here, I COULD be a serious inadvertent threat. I donā€™t blame him at all.
I donā€™t think Iā€™m in danger? No danger I donā€™t put myself in, at least. Whereā€™s this coming from all of a sudden?
Jake told you the demiplane theory, Iā€™m guessing. Yeah, it does seem logical. Also, I have watched Supernatural before, but it was a long time ago and I never watched the whole thing, because I got obsessed with something else and forgot all about it XDĀ  Ā I think I made it up to the beginning of the leviathan arc or so, I donā€™t remember what season that was though.
Oh, wow, we completely misunderstood the situation with Jake didnā€™t we? XD
Iā€™m glad it got cleared up, at least, and that you two are talking again. I wonder if it confused him at first that you knew to send that code to Nymos. Though obviously he probably gets it now. ...I also wonder just how many features Jake actually put in Nymos. Every time I deal with the bot another feature seems to pop up.
Youā€™re welcome, Lisā€™s Jake :)
Alright, Iā€™m gonna get my Jake now. Talk to you later! Or write to you later. Something. Bye.
(The handwriting changes to Jakeā€™s.) Hallo, Lis.
What is this about waffles and pancakes? Please excuse me for a moment while I ask Yuvon.
I am not commenting on this matter.
As for the deciphering: I have made no progress thus far. It is quite vexing. Yuvon has taken to searching theĀ ā€œDeath Roomā€ from top to bottom, hoping to find something of interest or that could help the matter, though she has agreed to leave the actual deciphering to myself.
It is impossible to tell the exact depth of the danger we are in, as I suspect that may vary by the whims of whatever pulled Yuvon here in the first place. I do not know whatĀ ā€œSupernaturalā€ is. Iā€™m afraid I will need to bother Yuvon again. At this rate, I am somewhat afraid she will grow frustrated with me.
It does sound like a fairly interesting show. Perhaps, once we are out of this place, I will be able to watch it. Perhaps even with Yuvon.
Oh. That does make quite a bit of sense, actually. I feel quite a bit of pity for my counterpart, now. If I had seen Yuvon in a similar state, I believe I would have likely reacted much the same way. I am glad I recalled that function; I would prefer not to have my counterpart suffer undue stress.
It is a shame my counterpart could not find anything helpful in the golden profile, but I suppose it is to be expected. These entities seem to find enjoyment in completely bypassing the laws of logic, physics, and reality itself where they are inconvenient.
You are welcome, Lis and Jake :)
I am glad I was able to help you both.
It is troubling that Yuvon believes I see her as a threat, however. It is quite the opposite. I am not entirely sure how to proceed, or indeed to even begin tackling that issue, but clearly this needs to be worked out quickly.
Though, I worry that this may be merely the least of Yuvonā€™s troubles. She is not precisely the most open person in the world, especially when it comes to her own issues. It was quite difficult to make her speak about Richyā€™s uncertain fate.
As for NYM-0Sā€™s features: I suppose you will have to wait and see ;)
I should likely return to attempting to decipher this nonsense. Goodbye for now,
Jake & Yuvon
(The letter tucks itself into the paper clip with the others.)
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pbandjesse Ā· 6 years ago
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Aig's are starting to kick up for some reason. It's very annoying. But then it was a pretty good day. I slept okay last night and I woke up pretty easy. James made me toast while I got dressed. I went and got the bus and it was all good. I kind of bike down the alley the wrong way for a few minutes not realizing I had missed the correct turn but that's okay
I got to the school at 8:30 and did all the setup myself again. I'm not bitter or anything. I was a little annoyed to find out that one of the other teachers did not consider that they would need to get materials for their own project that my class was doing. Because we've been doing the same project every week for the entirety of summer camp and it is the last week and now we're on the lesson plan that they wrote and they didn't request enough supplies. And I find this out about 45 minutes before my class was supposed to start. I was not pleased. It all work out in the end. But I was not happy.
For both yoga classes I have the kids discuss what Trump said about Baltimore this past weekend. We talked about what it means and why it hurts when someone on the outside says something like that. I had them all say something positive about the city and reasons they like it here. The architecture the people. And museums. The food. We had some good answers. Couple kids said things like Wendy's, Chick-fil-A and GameStop. But that was fine and mostly funny. We also talked about ways that we can improve our community while we did our breathing. It was a good day
The kids were not very happy with me then I would have to leave early. They were all like you can't go. But I kept trying to win them I was just not going to be with them for the last two hours of the day. I tried to explain to them that for about 45 minutes of that that you normally don't see me anyway. But it was fine. We made it through.
It was pretty fun. The little kids don't love Mosaic as much as the older kids had. But I think they still enjoying what we're doing. The third graders like it the second graders are fine with it and the little kids are kind of just confused by it. But it's okay. Animals because I just would like to streamline that. One of the girls is writing it in a word but that's okay. I think they're all going to make very nice pieces.
During reading I kind of was checked out. Was very hungry so I was eating my lunch in the back of the room. I helped kids log on to computers but I didn't help with my shelves. Not that there was anything for me to really do. I went and made sure that these workers were working on something I asked them to do and it was all good.
Lunch and recess were fine. It's hot outside. And Bre'Asia busted her lip open. I was supposed to do an incident report and I forgot so now I have to remember to do that in the morning. She's okay though she just bumped her face on a fence and split her lip. She wasn't even upset about it she was just bleeding.
I got the kids upstairs for stem and I only had about 15 minutes to get everything done. During yoga I had told them we had to get through it but they were going to have to be taught by someone else. And they were like okay. So they all let me get through my quick lesson. And then I had them partner up and go in the hallway to trace each other. They're making bodies. Once I laughed they watched a video about bones and bodies and veins and things. And for the rest of the week they'll be cutting out those things out of construction paper to fix to the bodies that they made. I think that's going to be fun.
I laughed and got a lift to my old apartment. My Lyft driver actually was a parent of someone who used to be at access art last year. So that was very funny and I got to talk to her for the whole time about kids and their safety and stuff.
And then I was at my old apartment. I made sure that all the trash was out. I got the trash can that James forgot to bring. And then I waited for the maintenance man. He was really nice. He said I looked at a lot cleaner than most people do. It needs a couple things normal. Needs toilet seats replaced and a light bulb. It all needs to be painted and the mold in the basement is an issue but not one that I'm going to have to worry about. So hopefully I'll get most if not all of my security deposit back. I don't know if they take out money for the paint or the toilet seats. I was just very glad for it all to be done. He took pictures and wrote stuff down and then I gave him my keys and I left.
We move on from that chapter.
I got back here after a very long walk carrying a metal trash can. And I was hot but I couldn't get too comfy out. I rested for a little bit and had a snack. And then I walked to go get my bike. I was going to take the free bus but I looked and it wasn't coming for a while. So I decided to just walk and it wasn't bad. Once I got closer I went to streets to pick up some groceries. Couple things that I could have for this week for lunch and dinner. Food has not been very exciting for me lately so I wanted to get a couple things that I knew I like to eat. Indian food and Sushi and English muffins. Which my phone just auto corrected to "eating my feelings". Hilarious.
As I was walking down the hill with my groceries I have to stop and readjust my backpack. I went to a window ledge where I found three very small elephants. Made me laugh. I was so confused.
I got my bike and I went up to the other grocery store to get a couple things that they don't sell it the first one. Then I got back here. I put everything away and have another snack. Because that's all I'm doing tonight apparently and then I took a shower. I'm just resting now. James is working till about 7:30 and two of the guys from D&D you're coming tonight for their campaign. I'm hoping to work on the quilt. Because has to be done by Wednesday night. And I'm running out of time. There's not a ton still to do but I need to do the park that have to be hand-stitched. So I figure if I can finish that tonight on Wednesday I can do the last couple part that need to be sewn on the machine and then I'll bring it on Thursday. For the art show. Or art party whatever we're calling it.
Tomorrow is another day at Camp. We're almost done. I'm very burnt out and it's very hard to go. No way I have to be in charge of so much is a lot for me. But I'm trying. I love the kids so much so I want what's good for them and I know that I need to be 100%. So I'm going to keep plugging along. Hope you all have a great night. Be safe out there. Sleep well.
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