#also i can never find any maps that i'm happy with
brandinotbroke · 7 months
the worst thing is that i have so many ideas for custom hoods and vacation destinations but i absolutely suck at building and decorating neighbourhoods
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magicalmysteries777 · 7 months
"You're clueless, you know that?" - Reader x Eddie Munson & Reader x Steve Harrington (fake)
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Summary: You agree to accompany Steve to Enzo's for Valentine's Day with only one shared goal in mind - to make Eddie so jealous he has no choice but to have the one conversation he's being avoiding.
Pairings: F!Reader x Steve Harrington & F!Reader x Eddie Munson.
Chapter: 1 of 1.
W/C: 2314.
A/N: Happy Valentines Day, besties! This trope paired with Steve and Eddie has had me in a chokehold for a while now and I'm so happy that the lil ADHD gremlin in my brain has finally let me write the damn thing. <3
This one-shot can also be found on AO3 here.
“You really think that’ll work? Pretending to go on a date with you?” you asked, leaning against the counter at Family Video.
“It better work. Personally, I’m sick of hearing you pine over him. He’s had a thing for you ever since you joined Hellfire but he’s completely clueless when it comes to all the hints you’ve dropped,” Robin chimed in without looking up from the ‘returns’ pile of videotapes she was sorting through.
Clueless didn’t even begin to cut it.
You’d known about Eddie’s crush on you for months now, ever since Dustin slipped up and spilled the beans at lunch one day. The poor kid made you swear on your own life that you wouldn’t tell Eddie you knew.
True to your word, you kept the secret and began dropping hints instead. Eddie couldn’t read the room to save his life.
Any time you caught him staring, he’d break eye contact before you could smile back at him. Any time your hands accidentally touched, he’d move his hand away and play it off if you didn’t keep your hand perfectly still.
“I think it’s perfect,” Steve smiled. “There’s nothing like a bit of jealously to make you realise what you want.”
“I dunno,” you mumbled, chewing your cheek while you weighed up your options.
“When he sees you all dolled up, thinking it’s for me, the dots will connect. Trust me.”
“Fine, I’ll find out when he’s working.”
Steve’s plan had been in the back of your mind the whole time you’d been sitting around the table with your fellow Hellfire members. It was a long game of highs and lows all night. Despite the distraction, you’d manage to come out of the battle victorious with a mere five health points left. The party, albeit a little bruised and battered, was one step closer to defeating Myrkul and Eddie was in a good mood.
It took the usual fifteen minutes to pack up Eddie’s maps, dice, tokens, and other various game pieces before you climbed into the passenger side of his van. “Sorry for the mess,” Eddie apologised.
“You say that every week and yet you never clean it.”
“I do, it just gets messy again,” he smirked.
You were halfway home when you glanced over at Eddie. His hair was frizzy, sticking up in places from all the near misses in battle where he’d had his hands running through it. The rings on his left hand were glowing gently from the reflection of his lit cigarette as he used it to control the steering wheel. His right hand was methodically fiddling with the busted cassette player that he’d been meaning to fix for months. As always when Eddie was concentrating, his tongue was sticking out and resting against his top lip.
“Got it!” he exclaimed as Rainbow in the Dark started blasting from the speaker, a huge grin spread across his face.
“When are you going to buy a new one?” you chuckled, prodding at the battered box.
“Stop touching it,” he slapped your hand away. “It’ll start crackling again. I’ve picked up some overtime next weekend, I’m hoping the gents will be tipping big to impress their dates.”
“No Valentine’s plan with anyone special then?”
“Nope, just work. Doubt there’s anyone out there who would want to spend their Valentine’s Day with the ‘Freak of Hawkins’ anyway.”
“You’d be surprised, some people like their men a little freaky.”
“What about you? Any plans?” he asked, the change in tone rather subtle.
For a moment, you weren’t sure if you were going to go through with the plan. Steve’s words echoed through your mind listed the pros and cons. ‘Trust me.’
“Yeah, I’ve got a date at Enzo's. At least I don’t have to worry about it going bad now if you’re working, you can come over and scare him off for me.”
“That’s great. Wow, a date. Um, yeah, I’ll fend him off for you if things go pear-shaped. Do I, uh, know the guy?” he stuttered.
“I don’t want to jinx it,” you answered, remembering Robin's claims that a little bit of mystery would be the key to the whole plan working.
“Of course,” Eddie agreed, a sarcastically dumb look plastered on his face. You couldn’t help but notice that this was exactly how he used to act when Dustin mentioned Steve. “Would you look at that? Here we are. Once again, dropped off in one piece, as requested.”
“You okay, Ed?” you ask, one eyebrow raised.
“Yep. Fine. Tired,” he mumbled through an unconvincing yawn. “Long game. I’m gonna go and, uh, get some sleep. Night.”
“And he said it exactly like that?” Steve asked.
“Yes, Steve, how many times do I have to go through it? He basically kicked me out of the van,” you answered.
“It’s definitely working.”
“Are you sure?”
“One hundred percent. Wait until he finds out it’s me, he’s gonna freak.”
“He might not react at all. Believe it or not, he is professional at work.”
“Bet on it?”
“Shut up.”
Eddie had been an asshole all week.
Jeff and Gareth got the worst of it. You, however, had been getting the silent treatment. It was Thursday lunchtime when Eddie finally acknowledged you again.
“So, what are your plans this weekend?” Dustin asked Mike.
“Movies with El then dinner, you?”
“Arcade with Will. What about you, Eddie?”
“Work and band, why?”
“It’s called small talk,” Dustin answered. “What is with you this week?”
“Nothing, I’m fine,” he snapped.
“Tell your face that, man,” added Jeff.
“Lay off it. Why don’t you ask her what she’s doing this weekend instead and leave me alone?” Eddie prompted, gesturing in your direction. He did not stick around to hear the answer, walking away dramatically.
“Well, what are you doing?” asked Dustin.
“I’ve got a date,” you answered quickly and quietly, sinking into your seat as a sense of guilt began to creep up on you.
“You what?!” asked Gareth.
“I said I’ve got a date.”
“Yeah, I heard you. The fuck do you mean you’ve got a date? With who?”
“Does it matter?” you ask asked.
“Evidently it does. I’ve been taking the brunt of his crap all week and you’re telling me it’s because you’re going on a date?”
“How was I supposed to know he’d react like this?” you quickly try to defend yourself.
“Are you blind?” Jeff asks.
“No, but he is. I’ve dropped hints. Lots of them. If he doesn’t want to acknowledge it then that’s on him.”
“Wow,” smiled Steve, looking you up and down. He took your hand, albeit rather dramatically, and began leading you to the car.
“Save it for the restaurant, you dingus. Does this look okay then?” you ask.
“The dress alone might kill him, never mind the heels and hair.”
Ten minutes later, Steve parked up outside Enzo's.
“When we get in there, sit with your back to the bar. You’re about to get the full Harrington charm, okay?” he asked.
“Got it.”
“Hi there, table for two under Harrington,” Steve told the hostess.
“Follow me.”
“Here we are,” the hostess said as she gestured to a small table. “Here are your menus, the waiter will be over to take your order shortly.”
“Thank you,” you replied, taking the seat that Steve had pulled out for you.
“So,” you began.
“So,” Steve replied with a grin.
“I’m not going to lie, Steve, I feel really awkward.”
“I can tell,” he responded. “Relax. We’re just two friends, dressed up, and having a nice meal. Loosen up a little and have fun, or this isn’t going to work.”
You tried to relax, really, you did. But you couldn’t help shake the feeling that Eddie was burning holes into the back of your head with his staring.
“Welcome to Enzo's, my name is Ruben and I’ll be your server this evening. Any drinks to start?”
“Sparkling water for me, and…” Steve prompted.
“Lemonade, please.”
“Awesome, I’ll get that put in at the bar for you. Any starters today?”
“Do you-” Steve began, turning his attention back to you.
“More of a dessert person,” you answer.
“Me too,” smiled Ruben. “What mains would you like?”
“Lasagne for me, please,” answered Steve.
“Chicken Alfredo, please.”
“Awesome. I’ll get all that put in for you, enjoy your evening.”
“Thank you, ‘preciate that,” Steve told him before he left the table.
After a couple of minutes of the usual “how was work?” and “how was school?” small talk, Steve’s gaze quickly shot behind you as he sat up a little bit straighter.
“Here’s your lemonade,” Eddie announced, placing the glass down in front of you.
“Thanks, Eddie. How’s your shift?” you asked with a smile.
“So-so. Started going downhill about twenty minutes ago,” he answered.
“Nothing worse than a shitty Friday shift,” Steve chimed in.
“Evening rush,” Eddie responded, unwilling to meet Steve’s gaze. “Everything okay over here?”
“Great, thank you,” you respond.
“Harrington,” Eddie muttered, placing Steve’s water in front of him with a little bit more force than he did the lemonade, before heading back to the bar.
“He won’t even look at me, this is working even better than I thought,” Steve chuckled.
One hour and one chicken alfredo later, Ruben returned.
“Well you two are looking cosy over here,” he told you. Steve had been giving you cues on how to sit and when to laugh all evening. “How about that dessert? I highly recommend the ‘brownie and ice cream for two.’ Chef special tonight.”
“Sounds perfect,” answered Steve.
“Alrighty, that’ll be about ten to fifteen minutes. Any more drinks?”
“The same again, please,” you answer.
A couple of minutes later, Steve gave another instruction.
“Rest your left arm on the table.”
Steve let out a sudden laugh and adjusted himself in his seat. He placed his arm on the table, his fingertips slightly brushing against your own.
A loud crashing noise from behind you had heads rolling to see what was going on. Every pair of eyes in the restaurant landed on Eddie.
“Sorry folks,” he announced. Eddie quickly began picking up the larger shards of glass whilst another bartender brought over cloths and a broom.
“Hook, line, and sinker,” Steve whispered, loud enough for only you to hear.
You really were getting the full Harrington charm, as promised. Steve had been feeding you brownie on and off for ten minutes, his glancing over to Eddie quickly now and again.
“It’s almost time,” Steve whispered.
“Time for what?”
“The grand finale.”
Steve leaned in slightly and wiped the side of your mouth gently with his thumb. “Ice cream,” he smirked.
“Is that really necessary?”
“One hundred percent. On my cue, you’re going to excuse yourself to go to the bathroom,” he began.
“If this whole fake date has gone to plan, which by the way has been lovely, then I do believe Munson won’t let you make it that far. Go now.”
As instructed, you excused yourself from the table and made your way towards the bathroom. Just as you got to the door you felt a hand close softly around your wrist.
“Hey, can we talk?” Eddie asked.
“Everything okay?”
“No, actually, it’s not,” he answered. Eddie glanced around before pulling you through a door labelled ‘staff only’.
“Eddie, wha-”
“You can’t date Steve.”
“I can date whoever I like Eddie,” you respond.
“Why him?” he asked, his hand still wrapped lightly around your wrist.
“Why not?”
“Because,” he began, pausing in thought. “Because he’s… he’s got a reputation. Surely you’ve heard all the rumours?”
“And we both know him well enough to know he’s not that person anymore,” you answer, your gaze locking with Eddie’s who, surprisingly, held it.
“You just can’t, please,” he pleaded.
“Give me a good enough reason as to why I shouldn’t go back out there and I won’t.”
Eddie stayed silent for a few moments, his big, brown eyes locked on yours. The small staff room became stuffy all of a sudden, the air so thick it felt like you could barely breathe. You held your ground, waiting for him to speak, but he didn’t. You stared back at Eddie, your eyes pleading with him to just say something. Anything.
You broke your gaze from Eddie’s and turned towards the door, ready to give up and go home. Eddie’s grip on your wrist tightened and he pulled you back towards him, using his free hand to cup your face as his lips met yours.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been there, Eddie kissing you, but it felt like forever. The tension in the air vanished, leaving you with a cozy feeling deep in your stomach, where the butterflies used to live. 
“You can do better than him. You deserve better than him. You deserve someone who knows that you take extra sugar in your coffee when you’re studying. Someone who knows that you’re a completely evil genius in the best way possible when it comes to D&D. Someone who knows you’d rather be in bed with a book at-” he glanced at his watch, “nine o’clock at night. Someone who apparently isn’t very good at making the first move.”
“You’re clueless, you know that?”
“I am?”
“Yeah,” you replied, leaning in to kiss him again.
If it wasn’t for Ruben who knows how long you would have stood there, entwined together, lost in the moment.
“Hey man, you heading home?” Eddie asked casually, placing a little distance between the two of you.
“I was, but turns out I’m staying late. Guy with the hair on table twelve tipped me a hundred bucks to finish your bar shift and fetch a fresh brownie out. Said you ‘owe him one’ and you can ‘square it up later’. Brownie will be out in five. Enjoy.”
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mika-no-sekai-blog · 1 year
With the last breath
Word count: 1577
Warnings: depression, suicide attempt
Part II
At first, I'm sorry for my English. It isn't my native language, so there are mistakes and maybe it wouldn't give sense. Writing this was a real challenge and it showed me my (language) limits😅
For the first actual fanfiction I post here I'd say it's quite dark. I wrote it after fight with husband as kind of distraction. Well, it served its purpose.
Declaration: I write just for fun✌️
One day you were on a way to deliver some documents to Rhysand. He sent a request to the library to look for certain information he urgently needed and when everything he asked for was collected, Clotho asked you to deliver it to him. As the only person who from time to time didn't mind to go out, you had a good relationship him and knew all of the members of the inner circle. You often worked with them and helped them as you knew the library so well as the back of your hand.
Entering the River House you headed to his office. Clotho had sent him a notice of your visit early in the morning, so you knew where to look for him. As you approached the office door you could hear his voice and the voices of two other males. He was there together with his brothers standing around the table with maps and papers on it and discussing something important. You didn't want to disturb them, so you silently walked through the open door and set the documents on a small table right next to the door. Spymaster's eyes met yours for a second as he was the only one facing the door and he noticed the movement. Finding out it's you, as usually, he lost interest and returned to whatever they were looking at together. Rhys noticed his eyes went up and he also turned to you with a big, kind smile.
„Is that the information I asked for?“
„Yeah, it should be all. I checked it several times to make sure,“ you whispered silently, but he heard you.
„Would you mind to stay for lunch since you've come this far? It would be just three of us, Feyre and Elain,“ Rhys invited you.
Your eyes hastily darted to Azriel. His jaw slightly tightened, but you didn't miss that small move. „I'm afraid I need to return back..“ you tried to smile little.
„Are you already going back? Don't you need escort?“ Cassian turned to you too, offering help.
He and Rhys were kind to you and seemed to be happy to see you whenever you met them. Rhys always asked you to join a meal with his family and sometimes you'd accept it. On the other hand, Spymaster has never bothered to treat you with more than a short look or few casual phrases at the best. Even though he didn't seem to be really fond of you, he tended to sit next to you on a sofa or hold a seat for you next to him at the table. But it was a long time ago. Maybe he noticed you eyeing him with interest and that was the reason his behaviour changed over the years from 'I can tolerate you' to 'such a nuisance'. He personally didn't do nor say anything bad to you. But you could feel it from him somehow. You hadn't much of magic in your blood, but you was able to read any subtle signs and understand how people around you feel. That's the reason you stopped accepting invitations and tried to cross his path as little as possible. In the moments like this it was impossible to avoid meeting him and he seemed to be fine with it, paying you minimum attention. But as soon as somebody asked you to join them for a meal or evening, you could feel a slight discomfort from him. You tried to brush it away, but still it hurt.
When you met him for the first time you were afraid of him. As you got to know inner circle better, you learnt there's actually nothing scary about him and that deep down he is a very kind person. His silent, calm and caring nature appealed to you and before you noticed you fell in love with him. You couldn't help it even though you knew you don't have any chance. Masking it as best as you could, you decided to suffer in silence. You knew about his feeling toward Mor and when Archeron sisters entered your lives you noticed his shift of interest to Elain too. You weren't ugly, but there was no way you could compete with such beauties as the two of them. And you were well aware of that. That's why you've never tried to approach him and talk to him properly and after feeling a kind of discomfort from him in your presence, you tried to keep your distance and avoid him.
You excused yourself as fast as you could and turned around to leave. When you were sure that Rhys and Cass turned back to the table, you allowed yourself a single glance to him over your shoulder. His features were relaxed. He was so painfully beautiful that tears welled up in your eyes and the painful hole in your chest got little bigger.
After meeting him you needed some time to calm down and bury those feelings back so deep that nobody could notice them. You were walking around the city till you were sure you regained your peace. And just then you decided to head back to the library.
When you were climbing up the stairs you heard some muffled voices. You've never spied on other people, but this time you couldn't resist it and peaked to the hall to see who could it be. And there you saw them. Azriel stood with his back against the wall, Elain standing on her tiptoes with arms around his neck leaning into him. They started to kiss, slowly at first, but soon enough their passion took over. You couldn't stand it. Tears stinging your eyes once again, you left as silently as possible. When you were far from them and they couldn't hear you anymore, you run to your room as fast as you could. Closing the door you slid down to the ground unable to stifle your sobs. Knowing he has a thing for somebody else wasn't as painful as to actually see them together. It utterly broke your heart leaving you unable to breathe properly. Your life was pretty simple, you didn't have much. Your love for that male and a little faith you held were basically all you had left and the scene you witnessed totally crushed it all.
It took you hours until you calmed down enough to be able to stand up. You opened the door. You didn't know where to go, but you couldn't stand to be here anymore. Your legs took over the control, marching on their own. Suddenly you found yourself on one of the balconies heavily leaning on the railing. You slightly leaned over the edge looking down. The balcony was so high it made you nauseous. You pulled back to the safety. Spending most of the time in the library you've never gave much thoughts to heights at which you lived. You just occasionally had chance to stop and look out the window. Carefully you sat up on the railing back facing outwards. You tried to take deep breaths to calm down, to get through the pain and the shock. You tilted your head back watching floating clouds. As child you spent hours lying in the grass and watching clouds. It used to be so relaxing, but now you felt nothing, except emptiness. There was a bird flying high above you. You sighed. How beautiful it would be if you could fly. You'd took off flying far from this place, far from these people, far from him. What it must be like to feel so free and weightless. If you lean back little more, you could find out. It would be so nice to fly down, to never have to feel anything anymore. You knew you should be scared to even think about such things, but instead you felt numb.
 The bird was getting bigger as it flew closer. You closed eyes and leaned back more and more. Suddenly you felt so light, flying like that bird. Small smile formed on your lips and you stretched out arms like wings.
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Azriel was flying back to the House of Wind when he noticed somebody leaning dangerously on the edge of railing on one of the highest balconies. It was strange, but he was tired so at first he didn't pay much attention to it. He looked away just for a moment and the person disappeared. His throat tightened. He immediately plunged headlong down, but he wasn't fast enough. The person was only few meters away from a certain death. He had to winnow. Stepping into shadows he reappeared few foots bellow the person stretching out arms to catch... HER! There was no doubt. It was Y/N. What happened? Why would she do something so horrible? What if he tries to catch her, but she slips through his hands and dies? He'd never been so scared in his entire life. If something were to happen to her, he'd never forgive himself. All sounds of the world disappeared, he could hear only own heart racing in his chest. It took just mere seconds, but it seemed to take forever. The moment her body collided with his, the time had stopped. He squeezed his eyes, muscles tensing, wings spreading to stop their fall.
When he finally dared to open his eyes, there she was safe in his arms, pressed to his chest. He breathed a sigh of relief.
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thedevilssinner · 1 year
I had this little fantasy and I can't get it out of my head.
I'm not religious by any means, but for some reason I like the idea of some ancient god who can hear prayers and pleas of his worshippers.
And one day... he would catch a very interesting prayer 😏
Also, I'm imagining a god of primal urges or something like that but you can imagine whoever you want.
(It's gonna get naugty after the cut, so hear my warning.) 18+
The pleas he hears are usually selfish pleas for wealth, security, fame or love. He doesn't often hear pleas that involve someone else.
Fathers, mothers, children, kings and paupers... all want something for themselves and no one else. Until a special prayer and plea reaches his ears. A prayer that he as a god will never be forgotten. Prayers for him to always be well and always be satisfied. Pleading with him that, like their god, who does all good things for all, he to indulge in rest and the beauty of the world.
At first he is surprised, but then out of curiosity he finds that person who has such prayers. Finding the sweetest little thing he ever saw. Innocent and beautiful.
He also finds that she offer sacrifices to him in the form of the best wine, fruit and small ornaments that she make herself. He is really happy with this little worshipper and from that moment on he listens to her prayers every night.
But the longer he listens, the more her prayers begin to change to sometimes not so innocent. Praying for him to get any pleasure he seeks. Offering him her mouth and other holes to achieve his satisfaction as he pleases. Promising that if he gave her the opportunity, she would worship not only him as a god but also his body, his cock.
In the end, he can't take it anymore and shows himself to his little worshipper. Accepting her offerings and giving her the opportunity to worship him as she said she would.
She would feed him, pour him wine, and while he ate, she would slide to her knees, taking his cock into the warmth of her mouth, gently kissing it or mapping the veins with her tongue. Mumbling her praise for his cock, for his strong legs and thighs, which she gently massaged with her hands. Eagerly drinking his cum. Thanking him for such an honor.
Later he would fuck her, hard and rough, while listening to her moan his name. Thanking him for deciding to accept her offerings. Promising that her pussy is just for him to fuck because he deserves it like her god.
He would call her "Little worshipper" or "Little one"
Maybe even "My sweetest offering" or just "Darling"
I imagine that when he fucks, he grunts and makes a primal growls like an animal. Biting her and basically crushing her hips or legs in his hands when he's close to cumming.
So that's it, that's the idea. I don't know why, but there's something about the idea of an ancient god letting me worship him and then rewarding me by basically fucking my brains out 🤷🏻‍♀️😅
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catreginae · 6 months
Researching Games You Can't Access
I don't care if people don't actual want this or not, but I felt like putting down some sources so that people can experience or learn from games they do not own. I'm going to assume that you can't access games for whatever reason and you aren't just going to emulate it (no judgment either way from me).
Zelda Wiki
Bookmark this link right now! This my go-to when I need to brush up on some info, like who has what items, which enemies come from which era... spelling monster names because I never get lizalfos right on my first try ... I go here first! Go to the link provided because that wiki is not affiliated with Fandom, which makes easier to read because you'll have more article than ad. If you click on any of the titles in the main page, it brings you to the article about the game which gives you a pretty good synopsis and introduction to the characters.
I also like to go here for the galleries for character art.
I say click around and have fun!
If pictures aren't covering it and I need more information or a better idea of the landscape that the pictures are giving me, I go to Youtube and find a playthrough. You can watch somebody play the entire game, 100%, and if you desire, with absolutely no commentary from the uploader.
I needed to brush up on Faron Woods from Twilight Princess so I typed in 'twilight princess faron woods walkthrough' and looked through a few videos to find exactly what I needed. I even took some screenshots for the minimap to use for myself later. I haven't gotten everything I needed from Youtube just yet but I'm pretty happy with what I got so far.
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Zelda Dungeon
I think I'm kind of attached to this because I used it when I was young, but Zelda Dungeon has pretty good walkthroughs that can also provide more maps and pictures.
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loves0phelia · 4 months
Can you do a Matt Murdock metting reader and they hit it off instantly.
( Btw this is my first requesting something )
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Summery: the request
Words: 1.6k
Warnings: alcohol, grammar mistakes (always)
A/N: thank you for requesting I love matt so much and writing for him makes me so happy, also this is far from perfect so i hope you will like it anyway xxx
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After a long day at work all you wanted to do was crash, and curl in bed with cheap ramen from a cup, while watching one of your recent favorite shows. Unfortunately, that idea was forgotten when your best friend Celia invited you to a local bar called Josies claiming to need a girls night out.
At first you almost faked being sick or having a late night appointment but you realized it wouldn't be possible to deny your friend.
She knew you were not a going out kind of person, so any excuses would not convince her.
“Come on Y/n, just one drink and I swear if you don't like it we're leaving” she tried reassuring you, and you made a face of disagreement but still followed her in anyways after the breeze made a shiver travel your entire body. That made you realize you should've brought a jacket.
When you entered you immediately noticed the strong smell of beer and whiskey. It was almost overwhelming but the scent kinda matched the looks of the bar which made it feel homey.
“What are you two girls taking?” A lady behind the bar, who was previously wiping a dirty glass asked us.
“I think we'll both take a beer” Celia turned to confirm with you and you nodded.
“Good cause beer and whiskey’s all we got” she grumbled and picked up two bottled beers from underneath the counter where you assumed a fridge was.
Soft jazz music was playing in the background and you could hear the people chit chatting and clinking their bottles. Celia took a sip of her drink and after analyzing around the place she gasped loudly.
“Oh my God y/n It's Matt and Foggy!” she clapped her hands happily.
“Who?” you asked and looked behind you trying to map where her friends were.
“You know,  the guys from the law firm! I worked with them on a case with Marci” Realization became clear on your face after she reminded you.
A couple months ago her colleague Marci had needed help finding information about Wilson Fisk to help her boyfriend’s firm, Nelson and Murdock, and Celia had volunteered. Obviously she had told you all about the sexy blind lawyer who would be “perfect” for you.
”Come on! i'll present them to you” she jumped down her stool and began dragging you to them.
“Celia please no, they are probably trying to enjoy a night together let's not bother them” you tried tugging yourself back but she wouldn't allow it.
“You're too nice, you know that?” Celia replied and before you could beg again one of the two guys, who you assumed was foggy, raised from his chair by the pool table and screamed her name, inviting you over.
“Foggy, Matt, heyy” she said happily, hugging them while you stood awkwardly behind her.
You were always the more introverted one in the duo, but she always tried to bring you out of your comfort zone.
“This is y/n, you know my best friend I told you about” you lifted your hand giving them a small wave and immediately regretted it when you remembered one of them could not see it.
”Hi” your voice was barely above a whisper but you were ignorant to the fact that Matt could hear you loud and clear.
“You guys want a round of shots? Matt and I were just about to get some” the long haired friend suggested and Celia immediately agreed. The two of them left to go back by the bar leaving you and the handsome lawyer alone.
“Y/n right?” his voice surprised you. It was deep but angelic.
“Y-yes” your words caught in your throat now feeling more shy than ever.
“It’s a beautiful name, im Matt but i'm pretty sure you already knew that” he laughed and it was like you had never heard a prettier sound. You nodded your head, unable to utter any words.
“You just nodded didn't you?” your cheeks flushed instantly embarrassed, your eyes grow triple their size.
“I did, I am so sorry, I dont know whats wrong with me” you shake your head and slapped your forehead with your palm the sound echoing loudly in your ears.
“It's okay, it happens all the time” his smile never left his lips.
“That doesn't help” your face was red like a tomato.
“Dont worry about it” his hand laid itself on top of your naked thigh only the tip of his fingers came in contact with your silk dress, his soft touch warmed your skin.
“Silk?” he asked curiously, still running his digits over the fabric.
“Yea when Celia said we were going to the bar i didn't really know what to wear” you snorted now realizing silk was definitely too formal for a bar.
“It's very soft, i like it” once again a charming smile came onto his lips.
“thank you” you smiled back unaware he could feel the heat coming off your body at this very moment.
“We're back! sorry it took so long josie wouldn't let us have our best customer discount again” Foggy pout but put the tray of 6 shots down on the sticky table.
“Drink up guys!” Celia clinked her glass with Foggy’s and then yours and then Matt’s (which cause a small splash of the whiskey to escape down to the floor)
the second the strong liquid came in contact with your tongue, your eyes clenched in pain because of the burn. 
“How can people drink that? it's disgusting” you said and everyone at the table laughed at your sudden outburst.
“It takes a lot of getting used to and a best friend who forces you to drink it” Matt’s hand squeezed your knee while the other two were already getting ready for the second one.
“I guess…” you hesitantly picked up your last shot and on the count of three you repeated the suffering progress.
After hours of chatting and laughing it was already 3 am which meant the bar was closing.
“I'm going to take a cab home, anyone wants to share one?” Celia said while gathering her belongings.
“I think I'm going to walk, my apartment is not too far,” you replied forgetting about the freezing wind outside.
“Are you sure? you know it's supposed to rain also there are some weird people in the street at this hour” she said almost in a motherly way.
“Yes I'm sure, anyway daredevil might save me if I get attacked” you joked and hugged her tightly while she rolled her eyes at you.
“I wouldn't mind taking a cab actually, I need to go back to Marci’s” a drunk Foggy wiggled his eyebrows.
“What about you Matt? need a ride?” he added to his previous statement.
“No, I think I'll walk y/n home. if that's alright?” he gently grabbed your elbow as he unfolded his white cane.
“Of course,” you smiled.
The two drunks said their goodbyes and walked out the door to the yellow cab waiting for them outside as you and Matt started walking back to your house in a comfortable silence.
A shiver traveled your body for the second time during the night and Matt felt your goosebumps raise on your arm as he held it.
He stopped abruptly making you look at him confused as he started removing his suit jacket.
“Here put this on” he draped it over your shoulder and you accepted it wordlessly admiring his beauty and generosity.
He grabbed your elbow again and you both continued the path to your apartment.
After about 10 minutes you spoke up, now seeing your apartment building
“This is me”
“Am i the only one who's disappointed the walk was so short?” he asked while rubbing his thumb on your arm.
You giggled before replying that you were also sad it was cut so shortly.
“You could come upstairs if you want?” Hopefully, you wished he accepted the offer.
“I think it's better if i don't” he sighed and your heart dropped slightly.
“I want to, but tomorrow I have this case I need to work on, and I think that if I came upstairs I wouldn't be able to leave in the morning” his hands were now holding your waist as if he was having his own inner battle whether he should come up or not.
“It's okay I understand” you whispered and he leaned his forehead against yours as if he was wishing you would have asked him to come up anyway.
thunder roared above you.
“You should go before it starts raining” you said and he shaked his head in disagreement.
“Can I kiss you before I go?” His tone was so low.
“please” you pleaded before his plumped lips connected with yours.
His head tilted to the side to deepen the kiss and his hand went up to the back of your head.
Your lips parted allowing his tongue to make its way inside your mouth. Your hands traveled to his hair as well, earning a small growl from him, while you started to feel the cold rain drip down your back and hair.
you broke apart and smiled seeing his red tinted glasses crooked. Slowly you lifted them off his face to see his beautiful amber eyes that had a twinkle in them.
“I should probably give you this, back” you started removing the now drenched jacket but he stopped you.
“Keep it, I'll come get it tomorrow” he smiled and eagerly pressed another kiss to your lips.
“That's a promise?” you whispered against his mouth.
“It's a promise”
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buckys-metal-arm · 6 months
Tied Up
Bucky x GN! Reader
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Description: some Headcanons about you and Bucky using nonsexual bondage to help him destress and surrender control to someone in a safe environment
A/N: I was thinkin about Nonsexual bondage with Bucky and needed to share. Also the gif was the only one I could find of Seb on his knees so... It works
Warnings: Subby!Bucky but like not in a sex way?, Nonsexual bondage, Nonsexual submission, fluff, Author has never actually done bondage of any kind and is trying their best, gender neutral reader (only pronoun used is "you")
((18+ only below the cut please and thank you!))
So like I said I don't think of it as a sex thing ((because I'm sex repulsed ace)), its more of a trust thing
It had taken him a long time to become comfortable with surrendering control to somebody, even you
He knows you would never hurt or judge him, but so many others carved a road map of abuse along his body for so long, and it's hard to trust anyone in a vulnerable position, even you
But it was also something he wanted so badly
You two talked about it extensively before doing it the first time
But after that initial time he slowly starts to learn he can be vulnerable in that way with you
Now you can tell when he needs it
Bucky wants to be tied when he's struggling. When missions aren't going well, when his nightmares are back with a vengeance, when it feels like nothing is going his way and he doesn't feel like he's in control
He just wants to be taken care of, and you're more than happy to help him
You always put a pillow down for him
He kneels on it for you, and you help him out of his shirt, showering him with affection the entire time
"That's it, Baby, what a Good Boy."
Once he gives you permission you make the first knot, binding his hands
The ropes you bought are the absolute softest you can find
He could easily break free of them if he really wanted to
But obviously he doesn't
You ask permission before tying every knot, and pepper his back and chest with little kisses as you go, paying extra attention to his scars
Bucky is so self conscious about his body, so you do whatever you can to remind him that you love him just the way he is, and that he's beautiful
Once he's tied you'll sit on the couch and guide his head to lay down in your lap, and you'll comb your fingers through his hair or rub his back, leaning down to kiss his temple every so often, and showering him in praise
"You're doing so good Bucky. You always do so good for me, Sweetheart. You're such a a Good Boy."
Bucky made it VERY clear that he doesn't ever want to be gagged, but occasionally he'll ask for the blindfold to help him block out the world for a bit and only focus on the now
He's here, he's safe, the ropes are applying comforting pressure to his chest and back, and your hand is dragging along his back or massaging his scalp or stroking his stubble
Sometimes he'll want to talk, but usually he just stays quiet and placid against your leg
A lot of the times you hand feed him or get him to drink from a water bottle while he's down there
You know Bucky doesn't eat or drink nearly as much as he should, so when he's surrendered control to you like this you like to use it to care for him.
Usually you're the one to end it
Bucky would stay kneeling for you like this forever if you asked him to
But you can see he's getting sleepy and you don't want him falling asleep tied up
Once he's out of the ropes you always massage his wrists for a bit, even the metal one
You know that one can't get rope burn, but you also know how important physical affection is for him after a session
Sometimes you'll do some other form of care with him after a session, like a bath or a massage, but most times he's too tired for that
No matter what you two always end up curled up in bed, usually naked or close to it so it's all skin-on-skin contact, Bucky's head on on your chest, napping peacefully while you play with his hair.
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unetherian · 10 days
I recently discovered I'm a red fox therian!! I'm so happy but I don't know what I can do like day to day to express my identity minus yk like gear and quads and stuff
I'm so excited to be part of the community!!!
I'm so happy for you, it must be so euphoric to find your theriotype and join the community at the same time! [Unfortunately I didn't find mine TvT]
So, let’s get to the tips!
Making red fox art! It can be drawing, painting, but also music (by creating a soundtrack on the theme of your natural habitat or a song about foxes), writing, photography (photos of your habitat and/or your theriotype, if possible), some beings create by drawing shapes in the earth/sand, and adding stones, I find that very beautiful! You don't need to be a talented artist to create! Find a technique you like, then go for it!
Watch some red fox art! You don't have to make art to enjoy the wonders of this concept! You can also make art requests to beings who create drawings, moodboards, stimboards, and even poems! You can also read books and watch series/movies with foxes!
Collect things! I collect feathers that I usually find on the ground, and it gives me a kind of "predatory pleasure" to have a piece of prey as a trophy, even though I have never hunted birds for real. You can also collect objects from nature, like small stones, sticks, etc. ⚠️Be careful if you want to buy taxidermy or vulture culture, because it can come from cruel farms where the animals are unfortunately exploited in a horrible way...please do a lot of research.
“Claim” a territory! If you are territorial, this activity is for you! Select a place in your garden, in a park, in a forest, (your territory can be in a public place, but in this case don't forget that this place does not officially belong to you) You can draw a map of this place, and maybe build a den outside.
Make a scent marker! It's a small potion where there are natural elements mixed with your scent, you can use it to mark your territory. I highly recommend it! Thorn from "therian territory" on youtube made a tutorial for this!
Learn fox body language! This is something very interesting, it will surely help you connect with your species. Maybe you'll find that you use the same body language?
Create a therian/alterhuman/nonhuman journal ! It's a notebook, or a small notepad, where you write things related to your alter/nonhuman identity. You can write about your therian journey, the animal experiences you have, for example. To make it, I reused my old half-empty scrapbook, cut out the used pages and then rebuilt a cover page. (I didn't have an empty notebook)
Create a place dedicated to your theriantropy! Place elements that remind you of nature, place gears if you have any, images or drawings of your theriotype, etc. on a shelf, a piece of furniture, or elsewhere. You can make it aesthetic if you want :3.
Eat a snack that looks like a red fox's diet! Foxes eat a wide variety of things! Keep in mind that your body can't eat certain things that foxes can, so be careful, okay?
Make yourself some less common gears! Gears are not necessarily tails, masks and collars, a gear is anything that an alterhuman/nonhuman can connect to his alter/nonhumanity, there are many other things like bracelets, phone cases, arm/legwarmers, etc. You will certainly find inspiration while browsing tumblr.
Try to do some vocal exercises! I don't know if you classify this as a common way to express one's theriantropy, but hey, why not?¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
Connect with the community! Share your experiences, your feelings, your questions, your points of view in the online community (I advise you not to use Tiktok and YouTube shorts, unless your goal is to educate this part of the community). The Tumblr community is mostly welcoming and caring! [Do not share your personal information, stay safe].
There you go, I hope I helped you :3 I already posted a something where I gave some tips for young/new therians:
maybe it could be useful to you.
Have a good alter/nonhuman journey, take care of yourself(drink water!!!!), don't forget that you are valid, have a purrrrfect day!
Bye !
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nocturnalazure · 4 months
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
I've been kindly tagged by @anamoon63 (thank you, dear ❤️) for answering this questionnaire on Ralph!
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
People dying because of him. Either because he would cause their death, or because he wouldn't be able to protect them.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Littering and cruelty to animals. Cruelty to any living thing, actually.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A lot of mess because Ralph is a messy guy, a backpack with more mess inside that he carries around everywhere he goes, and a collection of maps (he loves them, he's never made the switch to technology).
What do they notice first in a person?
Their smell. Even as a human, that's what stands out the most. If he turns into his werewolf form, or if he knows the person quite well, he's able to deduct a person's state of mind just based on what they smell like.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
It's a 10 for Ralph. Werewolf transformation is incredibly painful. But once he's in that state, he barely registers pain.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight, it's not even an option. Under threat (or what his body identifies as such), he automatically turns into a werewolf.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
We don't know anything about Ralph's family. They're all long dead anyway. When we met him first, he was living by himself in Moonlight Falls. He's a loner, and has lived most of his life alone. Starting a family was never Ralph's objective. He would be afraid to pass on his curse. That being said, he also has a pack instinct and being alone for too long in the past made him depressed and aggressive. In the end, he needs to be part of a community. He deeply cares for those around him, so in that sense he'd make a good family head.
What animal represents them best?
What is a smell that they dislike?
Vinegar. And of course, that's what Bonehilda cleans the house with.
Have they broken any bones?
He broke his arm a long time ago when he was still working as a truck unloader (that was before his curse).
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Gruff and unsophisticated. :D But with kind eyes.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Both, actually. He likes getting up early but he can also stay up late. As a werewolf, he never feels the need to sleep.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
His tongue is very sensitive, so he doesn't like acidic and spicy foods. What he really can't get enough of is meat (particularly bbq).
Do they have any hobbies?
He's good with manual work, like tinkering and DIY. Not particularly a hobby but he likes the feeling of being useful. He also loves camping and hiking.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
The only person who'd throw him a party would be Pippa and she knows it would have to be a small group. Ralph would be a bit self-conscious, but happy. It'd be a good reminder that he's got friends now.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Technically, no. But he would if it meant something special to him.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's a tiny scrawl, totally illegible by anyone but himself. He applies a lot of pressure to the paper.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Loneliness/solitude: it can be a sort of harmony with the rest of the universe when he's alone and in nature, but it can also be very sad when he's forced to avoid people.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
What kind of accent do they have?
I'm very bad at accents. I imagine something close to Scottish?
Tagging @danjaley, @kimmiessimmies, @nekrophoria and @eljeebee!
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There's No One to Blame
part 3 of Arrogant Son of a Bitch
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summary: announcements are made, and a certain someone comes to visit you.
warning: indirect talk about sex, little angst? Harry bring an asshole, mention of a few facial features, mention of body measurements(i have not given exact measurements, but it is mentioned that they are taken by someone else)
word count: 2,248
minors DNI
part1 part2 part3 part4 part5 part6 part7 part8 part9
That night you couldn’t sleep well, all you could do was think about him, in a way an unmarried girl should not. You would constantly wake up from dreams so erotic, and the worst part was you had o idea what the feeling was going to be like. Yes, you had overheard conversations of princesses on many occasions, and they would describe his touches as sensual, and soft, like velvet, one of them had said he made her see stars. They said his kiss was like a feather, and his hands would roam your body like it were a map, he would make you feel beautiful.
And as you thought more about it, you became angrier, jealousy took over you, this was your husband, shouldn’t you know what he feels like before others do?
You woke up in the early hours of the morning and decided to go for a walk, to clear your head. No young princess should showcase such a tremendous amount of anger. Your walk was slow and it was getting you to calm down, as the light cool breeze hit your face. You reached the bench you were in yesterday with your now soon-to-be husband. You were crying that time. Now that you think of it, you might just be crying your entire life. All you knew was this man was easy on the eyes, he had been sleeping around with a bunch of princesses, he was currently pursuing a princess and you had no idea if she knew that you and he are now engaged and that he had made you cry, what was to say he wouldn’t make you cry again? You quickly shake that thought away, he is a good prince, he is a good prince, he is a good prince. You kept on repeating, he will never let you down, he will always take care of you, and he is not short of anything.
Well, these thoughts were not helping you in any way, so you decided to focus on the fact that your sisters were coming. You missed them so much, and all you wanted was for them to come and tell you it will all be okay.
“Y/n, king Y/f/n, is looking for you.” You heard someone say, but you didn’t look back, too caught up in your thoughts “Tell him I’ll be right there.” You say. You take your time reaching the common room, you were leaving, and it was his doing, he cannot do anything to you, all he can do is say the god awful things to you, and for how long? You'll be gone soon. As you enter the room, your father turns around and says” You will go with your sisters to the seamstress today, get a dress made, your sisters will assist you with it. You must also know that the announcements have been sent out for the wedding.”
Announcements were made. Everybody knew you were getting married. Everybody knew prince harry was the one marrying you. You nod at your father and leave for your chambers. As you enter your room you find all of your sisters there, with happy faces “Oh! Y/n/n! I cannot believe this, you are finally getting married!” said your oldest sister “Oh please Sarah! We always knew she would find someone, I just didn't think he would be this handsome!” said Betty, she was just a year older to you. “Can you two stop? We are really happy for you Y/n! I'm sure Prince Harry will keep you happy.” said Victoria. Your sister dynamic was not the usual, tho Victoria was not the oldest, she was the most mature and on the other hand, Sarah didn't know what exactly to say, she would often say things that could be misinterpreted. Betty was more like a friend to you, being so close to your age. “I missed you all” is all you could say, they all stood up and walked towards you for an embrace.
They all go out to give you time to change into something better. You had no idea what better was, so you took out a simple pastel blue dress, it had long translucent sleeves, with three layers of frill at the end of each, the corset was dark blue and the collar had beautiful embroidery of magenta flowers. Your hair is tied up in a sophisticated bun, with a few strands of your hair falling down the side in pretty curls. Your lips were a burgundy color, and your cheeks were stained pink. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror, you weren't extremely pleased with your look, but you thought it would do. As you exit your room, your sisters look at you like you are an angel, they circle you complimenting your do-over and your dress. They did make you feel pretty.
The carriage ride to the town wasn't that long, especially because your sister just kept talking about their married life. All three of them had successful marriages, they were always happy, and so were their spouses, every time you would meet them, they would look so in love with their wives, you could only imagine Harry seeing you like that. No matter how poorly he had treated you so far, you were slowly falling in love with the version of Harry you had created in your head, the picture of him painted by your mother, your sisters, and all those other princesses.
Suddenly you were reminded of the conversation you had with your mother. “Is it true that when you consummate the marriage…. It's not pleasurable?” you ask, averting your eyes, you were embarrassed, you had never asked such things before, you hadn't even thought of them and here you were asking your sisters such obscene things.
They all giggled a bit, “Mother had the ‘talk’ with you didn't she?” Victoria asks and you nod, keeping your head low. “Well I'll let you in on a little secret Y/n, she is wrong.” you look up, and they all had subtle smirks on their faces. “What do you mean she is wrong?” you ask innocently, “oh please Y/n, if you asked a question like that, you surely know what mother said was false, so ask the question you really want the answer to,” says Betty, she was always the bold one. You turn your whole body towards the carriage window, not wanting to face them as you ask this “What happens?” you ask in a low voice, “You have to be more clear with your question Y/n/n.” Sarah teases. “ I want to know how you consummate a marriage, and how it is pleasurable for the wife,” you say, still not looking at your sisters. “The act of consummating a marriage is the same as reproducing.” “But you didn't produce any child Betty, neither did these two!” you say shocked, “Did Mother not tell you about the amorous congress?” asks Sarah, what even is…that? Judging by the look on your face, Victoria speaks up “Y/n, you don't only perform the act to reproduce, if done right you can gain a lot of pleasure from it, but usually men don't care to please their wives that way, they don't think its important, I have heard it can hurt you severely if not done properly.” It was really sad, but you knew you wouldn't have to face this problem since you already knew what your husband would be like, or at least you had an idea. The rest of the ride you remained silent, partly sulking since you were reminded yet again that your husband had been around with quite a few princesses and partly thinking what your wedding would be like.
The carriage comes to a stop, and the door flies open, the coachman appears and assists each one of you, as climb down.
“We’ll only be here for a few hours, please stay nearby,” you tell him, he nods and takes the carriage away. You could see that all your sisters were extremely hysterical to go inside and get your dress made. As soon as you enter the shop, the owner comes running to you. She was quite old and frail, but she looked extremely enthusiastic. “Oh princess Y/n, I know why you seek me today, I will make the most beautiful dress for you, all of the princesses will envy your beauty!” You smiled at her, “I don't want a very frivolous dress seamstress, but I do have something in mind, take my measurements as I tell you my thoughts?” she smiled and led you to a private curtained area. “The prince will see you and he will drop to his knees princess, you will look marvelous!” at this point she seems more excited about your wedding than you did, you laughed at what she was saying “Oh seamstress! You must really be looking forward to this wedding, tell me your good name, I must recommend you to everyone for such flattery.” She gives you a shy smile “Martha, your honor.” “Well Martha, I trust you with the biggest dream of my wedding, this dress is what I have wanted ever since I was little, and I am hoping you can make my dream come to life.” “Of course your honor! You will be the prettiest princess, and the prettiest dress will adorn you! Martha gives you her word.” You give her a kind smile and proceed to tell her your design as she measures your body. Next, she took you to a collection of clothes she kept, “what white do you have in mind for your dream dress princess?” she asks, taking out large rolls of white silk, “I was thinking of a pearl color, would you have that by any chance?” Martha smiles at you “Only for you princess, I take out my special pearl white silk, for no one else.”
Martha had seemed to make a rough sketch of what you wanted, and as you bid your goodbye to her, you left five-pound sterling with her.
The ride back home was pleasantly silent, all four of you were very tired, and you were sure Sarah and Betty were asleep. After eons, you finally reached the castle, and as you were getting closer, you could see a silhouette of a man. The carriage stops right in front of this man and through the window, you see prince harry. Your heart skips a beat, he was standing here outside your castle, not inside, you figured he only wanted to see you. Only you. As you stare outside in awe of this man, your sisters all wake up and follow your gaze, “Ooooh, someone couldn't wait to see their bride-to-be.” Betty says, but you were too occupied by him to even respond. The four of you hurry out, as soon as you step out, he finds your eyes, locking his with yours, he had a hard expression on his face, he was so difficult to read, your sisters giggle as they greet him, and he only nods but he doesn't break eye contact with you. “He is so mesmerized by you Y/n!” Sarah whispers in your ears, and the three of them take off.
You move closer to him “prince harry, I didn't expect to see you so soon.” you say “Your father made the announcement.” is all he says “Why yes, I believe he did.” you try to give him a smile but just doesn't come across as one. “You know I thought you would be more sympathetic, once I told you I was in love with someone else, but you just didn't seem to care, did you?” you look at him confused and hurt, “i thought you’d deny it when my father welcomed you to the family, and when you didn't, I thought you’d do it later, in the confinement of your own home to your family, for my sake, but you didn't, you are such a selfish woman and you have ruined me!” you flinched at his words, tears already forming in your eyes, what had you done, “I didn't know you wanted me to deny your proposal-” “I told you didnt I before you so rudely cut me off!” he interrupts you, ��mark my words Y/n, you wrecked the home I so dearly dreamed of for as long as i could remember, and I will forever hate you for this, you might become my wife through legal ceremonies but you will never, never have my heart.” he was furious, by the time he finished speaking, while you were weeping. Before you could say anything back, he pushed past you and left in his own coach that was waiting. The princess. You remembered the princess Harry was courting, what if she had gotten to know because of the announcement? She will hate him forever, and she’ll hate you even more.
You had come in between two people. You were a sick person, and as you had this revelation, you started feeling disgusted with yourself, you didn't want to be in your own body anymore, you felt exposed, naked. You were like every other princess now, you stole from others. Damn your stupid mind to think it was a hoax to test you. Test you for what exactly? What could have the prince determined by the reaction you gave him to his story? You felt ashamed, you had failed your marriage before it even happened.
A/N: you guys asked for a longer parts, and i swear this is the best i can do 😭😭 i hope you like this one. also i love martha sm, her personality is based on my grandparents. thank you for your support.
stay safe ❤️❤️
@strwbrrydaydreams @remuslupinwifee @mypolicemanharryyy @sunshinemoonsposts @inlikea-coolway @stilesissaved @novalunosising
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mistahsaumi · 4 months
Cars AU idea
So i just had this idea pop in my head a few days and i need to get it out before it rots me any further
I was thinking about how despite knowing everyone in Radiator Springs for a few days, Lightning still grew really attached to everyone (Specially Mater, Doc and Sally) and afterwards they're basically his found family for the rest of the franchise, then i thought, what would have happened if he arrived to Radiator Springs earlier than 2006, what if a 13 yr old Montgomery McQueen- was raised by the RS Townies?
So one of my headcanons for Lightning is that his parents weren't the greatest, not abusive but more neglectful, dad was always traveling for work and while his mom was there, she never really gave him the love and care she was supposed to. It's also why i think he's so indulging in the fast life in the first movie is because the whole world loves him and everyone's eyes are on him, but he still desires love and friendships that are more personal rather than just distant admiration.
So one night, Monty just decides to drives away from home, and drives with no sense of direction, just anywhere, and then ends up in Radiator Springs almost the exact way he does in canon, getting chased by Sheriff, knocking everything in sight, he doesn't destroy the road, but he's much more panicked because he's in his adolescence and his flight instincts are so high, and he gets more hurt by the barbed wire because his body isn't as strong yet.
Then after, the townies realize that the car that tore thorough town was just a kid, and start to wonder what could have happened for him to end up here of all places, and they notice that he's hurt. While Sheriff does insist to put him in the impound, he eventually relents and brings the boy to Doc to check on him.
And then from there on, the familial bonding begins, it is a bit rocky at first cause let's be honest if an adult Lightning was a bit hard to connect to, then a growing pains one would probably be just as, if not more difficult, and he wouldn't be all that open initially, but they get to connect regardless. His relationships with the townies would be about the same as in canon, and Mater would have the role more akin to a crazy uncle or elder brother rather than a best friend, but their companionship is all the same, with the exception of Doc and Sally.
Doc wouldn't resent Monty at all because he isn't a racer yet, and would take on the role of a father figure for Monty much earlier, he does have some reservations about his dreams of becoming a PIston Cup racer due to his trauma, but he relents and teaches him after he spots the boy failing the turn at Willy's Butte. During one lesson, Monty lets it slip out about how his dream of racing was the only thing keeping him going and opens up about his past, and in turn Doc opens up about his past as the Fabulous Hudson Hornet as well, and they grow much closer as father and son after.
As for Sally, when they first meet, it'd kinda be how Stanley met Lizzie in Time Travel Mater (Monty sees Sally break down, he along with Mater help to bring her into town, and they form a bond.) initially the roles for both of them are reversed, Monty is kind of the one to show Sally what life outside of the fast lane is like. (It is unclear when Sally first arrived in Radiator Springs, but i'm going to assume she arrived in like 02 or 03,) They would also connect due to their similar pasts, running away from their previous life and ending up here, and eventually they would start dating. The entire town teases Monty for it and make jokes about how he's growing up so fast and how he'll be married eventually, he doesn't''t mind at all. Because he's truly happy
Then when the time comes for Monty to go to the Fast Track Racing Academy, he promises to everyone that when he goes big, he'll find a way to put the town back on the map. When he's at the acadmey, he makes sure to call his family when he can, and tells them all about what's happening. He does still get held back because of The Carl Incident but just like in canon he bounces back quick, and gets the Lightning nickname, and he does all the stuff he does as described in the Cars Origins book.
Halfway through the season after he gets the sponser of Rust-eze, Lightning gets in contact with Doc and he asks if he and his family could be his pit crew, Doc is a little hesistant at first to get back into the Piston Cup scene, but at this point he would do anything for his adopted son so he gets the entire gang minus Lizzie and Red for the races, and they kill it.
Think about it, Lightning without a crew chief and proper race training was still pretty damn skilled, but a Lightning who was trained by the Fabulous Hudson Hornet before he started racing and having him as his crew chief, let's just say the only people on that track that are genuine competition are The King and Chick Hicks. And in this universe, there's no need for a tiebreaker race in LA, because the Motor Speedway Of The South race is the finale as Lightning doesn't mess up by not taking tires, and almost truly becomes the first rookie to win a PIston Cup, if it weren't for Chick deciding to be a dick and crash The King. (Some things never change ig.) And just like in LA, Lightning sacrifices his win to help The King, giving the same It's Just an Empty Cup speech to him, which makes Doc smile all the same.
And from there, on out, the story starts to mold slightly back into what we know, albeit with changes here and there but that's a post for another time. Anyway thank you so much for reading my brainrot ideas if you're still here and i hope you guys enjoy what you read and want to see more, this is mistahsaumi, signing out.
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Hi! I am writing a story and planned the basic locations such as rooms it will be set, but I'm struggling with how to connect them. It will be set in a castle but I don't seem to be able to make a full map for the place, so I wanted to ask if you have any tip regarding this? For example how can I describe the scenery and scenes in a way people can imagine it, but don't have the problems when I say another newer information in connection to how something looks/placed which can destroy someones view completely that they'll need to reimagine it.
Fleshing Out Castle Layout
It sounds like you need to do some research on castle layouts. There are many castle layouts available online, but you may want to start with looking at real castles that match the type of castle you're imagining, then see if you can find a layout online for it. Knowing the proper names for different rooms and how they're usually laid out will help you tremendously.
Also, it's important not to get too bogged down with describing your location. Readers will never imagine exactly what you're imagining, no matter how much effort you put into the description. Your goal as a writer is to create a sense of place by giving them a few details that allow them to create their own interpretation of the setting in a way that works with what needs to happen. (See: The 3 Fundamental Truths of Description)
Happy writing!
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shadowqnights · 5 months
Do you have any like thoughts on or headcannons for MCD Travis?
its funny cause i haven't really gotten around to him in any rewrite stuff yet except for like. AUs where he's a part of the guardboys(tm). so this may be brief but here's my rewrite thoughts so Far on travis.
i feel like most people like sticking with the canon of travis being socially awkward because of his isolation. like yeah. i'm a big fan. social cues are lost on him and his more confident/flirting behaviours are from copying books (even the most extreme or fantastical ones). unspoken social rules are the devil to him. this boy was born to yap his head off.
[clashes most with katelyn and garroth at first because of this BUT finds common ground with them later thanks to his studies.]
speaking of his studies hoo boy hello my freak scientist. let him learn! loves getting his hands dirty and doing experiments. no qualms about going to hold bugs and rolling around in the dirt to try and Figure Shit Out. he's a cartographer, in his spare time he's trying to fully map out gal'ruk. he loooves to read, just you wait until he gets his hands on actual up-to-date books and becomes kenmur and emmalyn's bestie. that's kind of where his common ground with katelyn and garroth comes from because they're all fascinated with history to a degree and Can like . sustain a convo with Just pure infodumping. but garroth's a bit of an academic snob sometimes vs travis is a bit of a freak scientist so.. clash...
in a similar vein god travis journals like a teenage girl trying to get her life back together. he notes down everything. he's interested in biology and geology in particular. he will draw and write about everything he sees, and later begins noting down a Lot of human behaviour to understand it better. even to an invasive degree, since he's incredibly perceptive. what he lacks in social cue knowledge he makes up for in pure Vibe Checks and straightforwardness. he will just say exactly what he's feeling.
emotionally he gets along best with laurance and aph, then later katelyn. also kenmur. he and garroth still have some shit to work through. he and laur start off trying to kill each other a little bit and then become besties. i still have to work on his demon mode but it will happen . hoenstly even though he would tire aaron out, they would probably have a mad good chat about divine grudges and demons. younger dante and travis would probably relate a lot to each other.
he's a little bit odd in the way of like . you know the trope where a character is like. isolated alone in the wilderness and is just. having conversations with animals. that's travis. he's just chatting casually with the island critters a lot , if only to have Some company. but he does genuinely also have a really good bond with the wildlife on gal'ruk. i imagine him with a snake companion.
carries knives and a polearm of some sort as his weapons. despite being like a good fighter and like a core of his life on gal'ruk is literally 'guarding' by technicality, he's not really that big on fighting. he's capable , but similar to aaron he would NEVER think of himself as a guard figure. they're more like . freelancing out of necessity.
i think those are like the Main things ive thought about but again like barely scratching the surface cause i haven't really got to him in rewrite yet. but i will one day. sorry i have a funny way of typing casually in a janky way that my brain would say it irl happy to explain anything further if it doesn't make sense. tee hee
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hunieday · 5 months
Iori, Yuki, Touma 2024 Shuffle talk RabbiTV Episode 2
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Izumi Iori: This area in particular seems to have a lot of restaurants, especially on Yongkang Street. 
Inumaru Touma: It smells so delicious...!
Yuki: Oh, there's also a bubble tea shop.
Izumi Iori: That’s true. I heard that Re:vale called for a bubble tea wagon on location before.
Yuki: We sure did. Momo was really into the sticky texture.
Inumaru Touma: Wow! Tapioca as a gift sounds great! I’m sure Haru and Mina would be thrilled, Tora might even find it intriguing!
Yuki: It was a fun little party. I'll bring you one again when ŹOOĻ’s around next time.
Inumaru Touma: Really...!? Thank you so much! Everyone will be so happy!
Yuki: Wanna try the local authentic one for now?
Inumaru Touma: Oh... no, I think I'll wait to drink it with everyone...!
Yuki: Haha, got it. ...But I'm a little hungry. Since we're here, why don’t we grab something to eat while we ask around?
Izumi Iori: In that case, there's something perfect for us right now.
Inumaru Touma: Huh, really!? What is it?
Izumi Iori: Over there, chilled pineapple.
Inumaru Touma & Yuki: Chilled pineapple!
Yuki: I want some, I want some really bad. I just remembered that my body’s craving something cold.
Pineapple Vendor: Hey, big brothers over there! Cold, sweet and delicious pineapples, come eat, come eat!
Inumaru Touma: Wow, his Japanese is really good! The colors are vibrant and they look so juicy and tasty...!
Izumi Iori: This seems like the perfect snack to cool down with, considering Yuki-san's condition. 
Yuki: Excellent. Then please give us three, uncle.
Pineapple Vendor: My pleasure!
Inumaru Touma: Thanks, uncle! ...Sorry for letting you treat us, Yuki-san...!
Izumi Iori: Thank you very much, senpai.
Yuki: I can only feel like a real senpai when it’s stuff like this ...Alright, let's dig in.
Yuki: Wow, it’s delicious. It's partially frozen.
Izumi Iori: It's very sweet...!
Inumaru Touma: Oh man. I could easily eat three more.
Pineapple Vendor: Our pineapples are the best! And you guys are handsome and awesome!
Inumaru Touma: Haha! Thanks! We're Japanese idols!
Pineapple Vendor: Idols!? Amazing! Show me your idol side!
Yuki: Thanks for the amazing pineapple, uncle. *winks*
Pineapple Vendor: Oh! So handsome! I became your fan!
Yuki: Thank you. We're Re:vale. Please support us from Taipei.
Inumaru Touma: Wow, he gained a bunch of fans in a second...
Izumi Iori: As expected of Re:vale's Yuki-san...
Yuki: Don't you guys wanna gain fans in Taipei too?
Inumaru Touma: Y-Yeah...! I want ŹOOĻ fans too!
Inumaru Touma: Um... thank you for talking to us! We’ll never forget the taste of the pineapple! Bang!
Izumi Iori: ...We'll take your heart.
Izumi Iori: Uncle, please be as crazy about IDOLiSH7, the group I belong to, as I am about this pineapple. *Heart fingers*
Pineapple Vendor: Oh my! I'm already a fan of you guys!
Yuki: We're capturing the hearts of the locals. Seems like we've captured the fun of the trip too, we don’t have to do the mission now.
Inumaru Touma: W-we can’t do that...! Sir, do you know of any flower fields-… places with many flowers nearby!?
Izumi Iori: We heard that it's a popular tourist spot.
Pineapple Vendor: Flowers? There are hydrangeas over at Yángmíng shān (Yangming Mountains), it’s a popular tourist destination!
Izumi Iori: Hydrangeas... That's what they meant by flowers.
Pineapple Vendor: There's a pamphlet of the Yangming mountains over at the Taiwanese tea shop! It’s a store with a bear in its sign!
Yuki: They have a map.
Izumi Iori: Let's go to the shop with the bear sign!
Yuki: ...Ah, there it is. A shop with a huge bear sign.
Izumi Iori: I-I’m glad it's very easy to spot.
Inumaru Touma: Wow, smells really good here...! I'm curious about the pamphlet too, but I feel like buying something!
Yuki: Each of the tea packages has a picture of a bear on it.
Inumaru Touma: Haha! This sleeping bear is super chill! It even has a balloon sticking out of its nose!
Izumi Iori: How cu-
Izumi Iori: What an unusual design. This might be well received as a souvenir.
Inumaru Touma: For sure! As expected of you, Izumi. You already put it in your basket ready to buy it!
Izumi Iori: Well, our group has a lot of people so I need to buy more souvenirs.
Yuki: I think I’ll buy a few as well...Oh, this bear over here has hydrangeas.
Tea Shop Attendant: Welcome! That's sweet tea. Only available this time of year!
Yuki: Limited edition. I'll buy it.
Inumaru Touma: Impromptu decision!
Yuki: The fact that you can only get it now makes it more enticing, doesn't it?
Inumaru Touma: Now that you mention it... I want one...! I'll buy one too!
Tea Shop Attendant: Thank you!
Izumi Iori: ...We almost forgot the original purpose of our visit. We were told there's a pamphlet for Yángmíng shān here. May we have one?
Tea Shop Attendant: We do! Here you go!
Yuki: Wow, the cover is a field of hydrangeas. They look like a carpet.
Inumaru Touma: Then this must be the location for the mission...!?
Izumi Iori: The mode of transportation is... a bus.
Yuki: A bus? Yay.
Tea Shop Attendant: The hydrangeas are beautiful! Enjoy Yángmíng shān!
Inumaru Touma & Yuki & Izumi Iori: We're off!
End of Episode 2.
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haylijahtilldeath · 7 months
What are your top 5s in anything TVDU related? (Characters, ships, friendships, familial bonds, episodes, etc.)
Ooh, my first question. Thank you for asking!
Even though I've watched tvd first, but I prefer the originals to it. So, my answer is going to be mostly about them.
I'm going to do the characters separately.
First, characters from T.O
Elijah Mikaelson (because he was the calm before the storm, I don't know how to describe him, he was just so resilient and holding onto his brother when the entire world could only see a monster in him, and for all his complex layers.) and Hayley Marshall (because she was a BAMF, the best mother you could have) fighting for first place, but none of them can win.
Camille O'Connell because she was such a ray of sunshine. (Caroline stans do not come at me, this is about two characters who have literally never met.)
Freya Mikaelson was such a badass.
Klaus Mikaelson because he had the best retorts and sarcasm.
Gia because she was so down to earth about everything. (Putting her after Klaus feels so wrong lmao.)
Now, Tvd characters. I can't conjure any explanation for them.
Caroline Forbes
Enzo St. John
Stefan Salvatore
Rayna Cruz
Rose from S2
Haylijah, because have you seen them? The chemistry, the compatibility, the love and all the respect. (S5 never happened.)
Bonenzo because they were so good together, and Enzo actually loved Bonnie and didn't spend his time using her.
Klamille, because Camille could see beyond 'evil Klaus' and understood him like no one else ever did, and Klaus saw so much light in her, and he cared about her.
Steroline because they were also good together.
Gialijah because they had so much chemistry and there was just something about them
Caroline & Enzo, because he stepped up for her and they had something special about them.
Camille & Vincent, because they related to one another after all damage they got because of the Mikaelson family, and they made something good out of it.
Freya & Hayley because they spent years together raising Hope, and they bonded so well.
Stefan and Lexi because they do supportive besties better than anyone.
Bonnie and Damon because they have managed to go from sworn enemies to best friends.
Familial bonds.
Hayley and Hope. No one does mother and daughter better than them.
Elijah and Rebekah. We saw so many times how Elijah cared for her and how she looked up to him. I believe he was her favorite brother, even if the show wanted to make us believe it was Klaus.
Marcel & Davina. They're not family by blood, but the way he was her family more than her real family and tried to protect her meant so much.
Elijah and Hope. We did not get much of them, but they had so much potential. If the show didn't completely destroy Elijah to redeem Klaus, we might have seen him be the best uncle out there.
Freya/ Rebekah and Hope. These aunt/niece relationships were so good. Rebekah cared for her for months, and kept her safe, and Freya raised her with Hayley and taught her so much.
Finding episodes that I genuinely love from beginning to end is difficult.
TO S2E9: The Map of Moments. We had family, we had bickering and we had love.
TVD S3E14: Dangerous Liaisons. We had a ball straight out from a fantasy, do I need to say more?
TO S1E20: A Closer Walk with Thee. It was not a happy episode, but we had our first Haylijah kiss, and it's good enough to be in my top 5.
TO S5E8 : The Kindness of Strangers. As much as I hated S5, but this episode was so good. We saw the Mikaelson family reunited, and every time I watch Elijah break down after remembering Hayley's death, I can't help but cry.
TO S1E1: Always and Forever. This feels like such a basic answer, but I love this episode. It was the beginning of an epic tv show, and it's just so nostalgic.
These are the ones you mentioned, and I can't for the life of me think about anything else to rank. Anyway, I am awkward most of the time, and it includes this answer. So, don't judge me too harshly!
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van-yangyin · 6 months
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Black Box (Kingdom Hearts 2.8)
じゃあ、特別に君にだけ教えるから。この先絶対開けちゃ駄目だし、中身を他言するのもNGね。~ Ah, all right. I'll indulge you. But this secret stays between the two of us, and you have to promise never to open the box.
Kingdom Hearts 22nd anniversary is coming up soon in 8 days! And I'm going to share some gifts to celebrate it, which I showed in my Patreon (🔒) or my Ko-Fi (🔒). And this is the first one.
Download under keep reading ↓ 
If you download my CC it means your agree with my T.O.U (English/Español/日本語).
General Info:
1 Swatch (Original one)
Base game compatible
all LOD's
All Maps (Diffuse, Normal and Specular)
Category: Storage > Miscellaneous. Price: 500 【English Name: Master of Masters Black Box | Spanish Name: La caja negra del Maestro de Maestros】 Contain a description in English and Spanish, personalized by me and Lea (@lea-heartscxiv) [Although anyone can send me translations of text in their language so I can add it and reupload to more people can enjoy it in their own language.]
custom thumbnail
HQ compatible (4k)
LODs Info: LOD0: 34467 poly | LOD1: 6907 poly
‼️Important warning‼️ This object is directly extracted from game asset  and converted for The Sims 4 by me, polycounts and textures are from game itself (4k texture), please use it at your own risk taking polycount into account.
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