#also i can accept mk cast intro dialogues as canon but hard to do so with the guest characters because they aren't part of the universe
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cienie-isengardu · 11 months ago
Oops, I’m month late with my reply, sorry for that 😂
You make a good point about Bi-Han’s mindset that ends justify the means and the possibility of his hunger for power to grow with passing time.  However, as much as I can agree that at some point Bi-Han may turn his attention to weaponizing Tarkat illness, I’m still not convinced that at the current (post MK1) moment, he would be willing to do so. Right now his modus operandi seems to rely on stealth, secrecy, blackmail and working in shadows when it comes to Mileena’s regime - something that allows him to control and influence the situation without putting himself or his people in direct danger. His agents in Outworld infiltrated the capital city, he gained critical knowledge about his enemy (Mileena’s sickness, Tanya’s forbidden feelings for empress) yet despite the ongoing conflict with the Royal Family, he is not really set to conquer Outworld by killing everyone on his way. In all fairness, I’m not even sure if he is truly that interested in Outworld beside it being part of his alliance with other characters, because as much as Sub-Zero would like the change of authority to someone more friendly to him and his cause, he still suggested an alliance to Mileena  
Sub-Zero: We would both benefit from an alliance. Mileena: You expect trust after what you've done?
something she understandably turned down. 
Maybe it is just me, but the same as with Liu Kang, I feel Bi-Han is willing to agree to a truce with his current enemies, if Lin Kuei’s safety and independence will be guaranteed. Which is why I don’t see Sub-Zero invested into using Tarkat, because A) he wants overthrown Mileena’s regime but he isn’t interested in anarchy and chaos as was seen in intros with Havik and B) a biological weapon, once unleashed, is not something a person can control which is an opposite of his current modus operandi and C) there is always a chance such a weapon could be used against him and Lin Kuei. Like yes, right now Earthrealmers aren’t  susceptible to illness (though if cryomancers and their descendants are also safe from it or not is up to debate), however there are enough characters with magic, necromancy and science knowledge to mutate it and turn against Earthrealm to think twice if such bio-hazard is worth using. Sure, Bi-Han’s goal may change overtime and his favorite methods thrown away for the more damaging one but as was seen in Bi-Han’s ending, having a powerful weapon - current version of C.I. project - does not mean he plans to use it first and then making demands and more keep it as a tool of intimidation to be used only if people will oppose him.
We've invested much time in this endeavor, and we are beginning to see results. Once again proving the depths of Sektor's genius. When we are done, all of Earthrealm will honor our desires and heed our demands. If not, they will face the Lin Kuei's wrath." 
Which admittedly I feel his mindset is not yet fully of the conquer, the way old timeline Shao Kahn was for example. But then again, it all may change with passing time and having a biological weapon is enough of an intimidation tool even if a person doesn’t truly plan to use it. 
Though again, there is also a chance that Sub-Zero is actually eliminating the threat of such a weapon by trying to eliminate the source - a.k.a. Tarkat illness (sick people) to make sure Shang Tsung, Quan Chi or anyone else won’t weaponize it in the first place and thus gain advantage over Lin Kuei?
Also, a side note, isn’t it interesting that Lin Kuei seems to be more than just warriors (soldiers) doing Liu Kang’s bidding and could be as well his network spy through centuries, considering how Bi-Han and his brothers rely so much on stealth and operating in shadows and both of their fraction infiltrated Mileena’s capital city?
Kuai Liang is a liar
We need to talk about a Kuai Liang intro I've recently discovered that honestly left me flabbergasted. I have no idea how I didn't come across this intro earlier or why no one else ever talked about it, but the more you look into Kuai Liang's dialogues, the worse it gets. Blatant ableism towards Kenshi, arrogance and disrespect towards his own allies and now this...
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Baraka: I wouldn't wish Tarkat upon my worst enemy. Scorpion: Then help me stop Bi-Han from weaponizing it.
What is this? Just what on earth is he talking about here?
Bi-Han never intended to weaponize Tarkat. He wants it extinguished. Not once in the story mode does Bi-Han talk about or show any interest in Tarkat or the Tarkatans, it's not mentioned in his tower ending or any of his intro dialogues with other characters. What Bi-Han wants is an army similar to Shang Tsung's dragon army, so he can take control of a part of Earthrealm. To achieve this, he started the Cyber initiative.
What does any of that have to do with Tarkat? Bi-Han has no need for it. In fact, he made it very obvious what he thinks of those infected with Tarkat.
I looked at every line Bi-Han said in the game that mentions Tarkat as well as all his dialogues with Baraka and Mileena, the two characters that are infected with it.
Sub-Zero: Expect no compassion, freak. Baraka: Such a cold heart, Sub-Zero.
Sub-Zero: Your kind should be exterminated. Baraka: Disease does not make us disposable.
Sub-Zero: Your affliction is divine punishment. Baraka: Actually, it is fate's cruel joke.
Sub-Zero: If your subjects learn your secret -- Mileena: You dare threaten me, Bi-Han?!
What we learn from these dialogues is that Bi-Han wants Tarkat and Tarkatans gone. He thinks their affliction is some kind of punishment, he seems appalled by it, not interested in it. He tries to use Mileena's condition against her only as a method of extortion, but other than that, Bi-Han does not care about Tarkat in the slightest.
Kuai Liang is lying. He's lying to Baraka to turn him against Bi-Han.
How bad can the "bad guy" be if the supposed "good guy" has to lie to make him look worse?
Shang Tsung is the one trying to weaponize Tarkat and yes, Bi-Han was Shang Tsung's ally, but he stopped working with him and told Liu Kang he wasn't aware of Shang Tsung's experiments.
This isn't even the first time Kuai Liang was lying to one of his allies.
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Scorpion: Liu Kang's revelation has shaken my faith in him. Raiden: Understandable, given what he chose to hide. Reptile: Am I right to put faith in Liu Kang? Scorpion: He's always proven worthy of mine.
You might remember this dialogue from the second part of my character analysis for Kuai Liang, in which I already talked about how much of a two-faced character he is.
Truth is, Kuai Liang, just like Bi-Han, doesn't hesitate to lie to others when there's an advantage to gain for him. This yet again proves that Kuai Liang has no honor. I don't know how much lower this character can sink and that's not even including the story dlc events. Kuai Liang is a disgrace to the Scorpion mantle. Hanzo might have been a flawed character, but I don't recall him lying and manipulating others to get his way.
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